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tv   New Day  CNN  June 3, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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thank you, friday. it's true! the big headline from clinton's foreign policy speech. the headline -- you trump has thin skinned and a danger to the u.s. clinton did lay out ideas for several levels of strategy on foreign policy and donald trump doesn't even have a plan. trump responded saying clinton should be in jail because of ute of a private e-mail while secretary of state? >> and trump continued opinions about the judge overseeing the case regarding trump university. this as more violent protests erupt as a trump rally. we have 2016, the race, covered, as only cnn can. let's start with phil mattingly. h hi, phil. >> reporter: hillary clinton and donald trump spent the last couple weeks sizing each other up, testing new lines of attack. no more. thursday marked the reality this
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race will be defined by head-on attacks, es calates rhetoric an increase of violence. >> it was so sad to watch. >> reporter: donald trump coming back swinging. >> lyin', crooked hillary. >> reporter: after hillary clinton's scathing foreign policy speech eviscerating the republican nominee with her toughest lines yet. >> i will leave it to the psychiatrist to explain his affection for tyrants. >> reporter: trump calling for the secretary of state to be imprisoned over use of a private server. >> hillary clinton has to go to jail. okay? she's guilty as hell. >> reporter: the pair trading stinging one-liners. >> he says he has foreign policy experience, because he ran the miss universe pageant in russia. >> the tools donald trump brings to the table, bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets.
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>> reporter: to watch her is like sominex. ever watch som ninesominex? sleep all night. it's hard to stay a. >> it's not hard to see donald trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his thin skin. >> reporter: finger on the button, she's the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilized the entire middle east, okay? because that's what she did. >> reporter: and the questions temperament. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. >> he is not just unprepared. he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility. >> my temperament is so much tougher and better than her temperament, and, by the way, we need a tough temperament.
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>> reporter: outside trump's rally in san jose -- even more tense confrontations. >> [ bleep ]! [ chanting ] >> reporter: mostly peaceful protestors but some going fist cu acuffs throwing eggs, some waving the mexican flag. just hours early trump claimed district judge gonzalo is an absolute conflict presiding over the civil lawsuits over trump university. in an interview with the "wall street journal" trump saying the judge's mexican heritage is an an inherent conflict of interests because he's building a wall. >> the judge, which happens to be mexican which is great. >> reporter: curiel, an american citizen, born in indiana. son of mexican ingrants. >> the idea that is a judge simply because of his heritage simply has to recuse himself has
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never been part of the american system. i don't see any explanation for this, other than, i'm sorry to say, bigotry. >> reporter: and, guys, all of that coming the same day house speaker paul ryan, the once lone major holdout for supporting donald trump decided in his hometown paper to back donald trump. aides say there was no deal for his support, no concessions even from donald trump, just paul ryan getting more comfortable with the presumptive nominee after a series of conversations. mostly on the fact that he will be willing to help ryan move the house republican agenda forward. >> phil, appreciate it. so what exactly did we learn as result of this exchange? bring in presidential correspondent for the "new york times," maggie haberman and cnn politics executive editor mark preston. what is your headline, haberman? >> clinton unbound in a speech that actually wasn't about foreign policy. she gave a stakes framing speech yesterday, where she essentially
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said, didn't make a case for herself so much but the anti-case against trump. we haven't really heard her do that. criticized by democrats for not doing that and criticized for staying above the fray and relying on surge gits to do this for her saying i want to keep it on ideas. that's not possible. you are facing a completely, as she said, candidate in trump. the issue is her sustaining this. her aides laying oun a tick tock how this came to be and felt a bit victory lavish. you can't do this and move on. she has to do this basically every day for the next several months. >> it did feel like she'd been waiting for that moment and relishing it. finally sort of consolidating all of the different complaints, or insults she had about donald trump into one speech and delivering it with some zeal. >> she was, and to maggie's point, she's got to figure out a way how to sustain it.
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going bare knuckles, toe to toe with donald trump the next four months is going to be a losing strategy for her. gallup came out with a poll this morning. we are -- her biggest asset now in this election, we saw it on display yesterday. 2-1 voters think she is more experienced than donald trump, only 31% do. we saw in the speech yesterday she was trying to put forth the idea he is reckless, don't allow him to have any power over the nuclear codes, and look at me, i have the experience. that's a winning strategy to go bare knuckle, toe to toe, the next few months? total mistake. >> the second part is what she needs to do more of. maybe i'm just numb to it. i felt like it lowered her to be going at him and insulting him. i get there's some lefties who wanted to see her mettle. nobody tests her mettle. the clintons fight. she won't be a victim for long, but when she started talking why
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certain dynamics were in place in the middle east, why certain things were more complicated, why you needed to think about it, i thought that was her better angle. look at his response. didn't match policy points, said, she should be in jail. where's going to be the balance there? >> you're right. a tough line to walk and mark's point, too, there were points she did get sort of toe to toe insult with him. i do think she had to do some of that, because so much of what we saw him do with 16 people in the republican primary was essentially bully them. and scare them. and they all ignored him for the most part, for months and months and months. there is this idea out there that nothing sticks to trump, because look at all of these people who tried. they didn't really try. most didn't prosecute a case until was way too late and he was about to win the new hampshire primary. she's trying to avoid that, but you are correct, she can't look like she's doing an insult for
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insult fest. that doesn't work for her, won't work. >> not what she needs. >> what she felt athen theic on, her tapoint, trying to characterize it that way. >> and she talked about, said he has a bizarre fascination with dictators because he talked seamily favorably an putin and kim jong-un. go back, remind people what she was referring to. trump on kim jong-un. >> look at north korea. this guy, he's like a maniac, and you got to give him credit. how many young guys, he was like 26, 25 when his father died, take over these tough generals, and amazing when you think about it. how does he do that? even though it's a culture, a cull cheer thing. he takes over he's the boss. incredible. wiped out the uncle, this one,
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that one. this guy doesn't play games. >> okay. so, mark, says this guy's a maniac. always able to hang his hat, but then says, deserves a lot of credit, young when he started killing off people. >> take the political playbook and throw it out the window. saw it in the debates, in the town halls, see it in his speeches, he speaks off the cuff as if he doesn't think about what he's going to say and just says whatever's at the top of his mind. to the point we saw with hillary clinton yesterday and donald trump was so effective in the primary and has been trying to do this with hillary clinton, she's going to make sure she's not defined by donald trump during the dog days of summer right now. why she's so effective. maggie said at the top. why so effective yesterday, but she's got to do some kind of strategy that shows that she's the one who understands how to deal with this world leaders. >> and showing his words and -- >> that is effective. that is effective, but you cannot sustain that. you cannot go into a bar brawl
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with somebody who effectively fights in bars every night. like -- you just can't. >> not just that. i think part of that is that she made the case against him. she has not, i said it earlier, for herself. that's what year getting at. he's races are not defined between september and november. these races are defined basically between now and august and we saw it in 2012. we saw it in previous races, in 2004. that is what we are looking at right now. trump has -- i want to be clear, though. trump had a terrible last week. it is hard to overstate this. so the idea that, well, he constantly gets free media, has free attention, a lot of his attention is very, very negative. >> with all the trump university stuff. >> nots just that the -- >> only has himself to thank for that. you know, if you say, kim jong-un, got to give him credit, if you say, got to give it to putin. he's strong. if you say, interesting question, chris wallace. i guess nukes too. if you say things like that about japan, they're going to come back to haunt you. this is a new level of the game.
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>> why the point to maggie's point, one-offs on trump university as a one-off won't hurt trump. the idea if she continues to build up a case against him where she can prosecute it going into november that is going to be the most effective. >> we do need to talk about the jump in the trump university case and will do that shortly. stick around if you would. over to ana. breaking news following overnight. two more soldiers have been found dead after an army truck overturned in floodwaters at fort hood, texas bringing the death toll to five soldiers just in this one incident, four other soldiers still missing. get to cnn's ed lavandera live at fort hood this morning with the latest on the search. ed? >> reporter: good morning, ana. well, the search will continue this morning for the still missing soldiers. there's a group of about 12 soldiers riding in a tactical, large tactical vehicle resembling a pickup truck, open bed in the back.
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told that truck was passing through a low-lying area, an area hard-hit by heavy rains yesterday, flash flood waters intense, and that the truck overturned. those 12 soldiers spilling into the water. three of them were recovered, as you mentioned, five found dead, and the search will continue this morning for the remaining four. although more rain expected here in the area, which would obviously complicate search and rescue efforts as that process continues, but it has already been some time. this accident happened midday and weren't able to find all the bodies yesterday. that search will continue and complicated by the search efforts today, complicated by the fact probably more rain is expected to fall on this area. flash flooding, a major concern. chris? >> ed, not an easy situation. thank you for staying on it for us. appreciate it. we have new details and not good about the gunman who opened fire on ucla's campus killing a beloved professor in a murder/suicide. the police now say they found a
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kill list leading investigators to another victim in minnesota who was the gunman's wife. cnn stephly elam is following developments live in los angeles. stephanie? >> reporter: good morning, chris, yes, he left behind a cryptic note and suggested someone needed to check on his cat. this being the shooter in the story, and that led police to find out this strachty was even worse than previously thought. >> he had to semiautomatic pistols, one he used for the homicide and the other in his backpack. >> reporter: investigators discovering rounds of ammunition and a kill list spelling out the names of three people at ucla shooter mainak sarkar's home. >> adult female. >> reporter: wcco reports this woman was ashley hasty one of the names on the list. she was married to sarkar in
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2011. investigators finding her body in brooklyn park, minnesota. after killing her he drove nearly 2,000 mimes to los angeles descending on ucla's campus intending to follow through with the rest of his list. >> he went there to kill two faculty from ucla. he was only able to locate one. >> reporter: sarkar opened fire kills hi form are professor william klug then turned the gun on himself. the third was another ucla professor off-campus that day, escaping what police say was a revenge-fueled plot over intellectual property. >> he perceived he had been done wrong and just stewed on this several years. >> reporter: ucla denies any dispute between the school and sarkar. now, as far as sarkar's relationship to ucla it is worth noting that he graduated in 2013 with a ph.d. in engineering, he
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listed professor klug as hi advisers for his dissertation and part of klug's research group. from what we understand at this point, alisyn, no grudge understood to be there as far as ucla was concerned between the school and the student. >> oh, what a mystery and tragedy. stephanie thank you for that reporting. well, it's a delicate balance for democrats. how to support hillary clinton without alienating bernie sanders supporters. we'll tell you what's going on behind the scenes, next. little miss muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey. along came a burglar who broke into her home and ransacked the place making off with several valuable tuffets. fortunately geico had recently helped her with homeowners insurance. she got full replacement on her tuffets. the burglar was later captured when he was spotted with whey on his face. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance.
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donald trump continuing his attack against the judge presiding over two of the civil fraud lawsuits against trump university. trump says the judge's mexican heritage is an inherent conflict of interests. bring back mark preston and maggie haberman to discuss. maggie, he says because he announced he's going to build a wall wean the u.s. and mexico, that this judge is not qualified or has a conflict of interests to sit on the trump university case. have you ever seen anything like that? >> no. i have not. this judge was born in the united states bp he is an american citizen. he has mexican ancestry, but you could make this argument and i
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think we saw a clip from jeffrey toobin earlier saying he had nover seen something like this, this is a very overtly racial statement. he called the judge hispanic earlier. he's inject it, then say that's not a bad thing, we like that. this was a very different type of statement, and it had two strains to it. one, the racial component. the other is, and the "times" did a piece on this today, others as well, it represents an authoritarian streak we have seen with trump before where the judiciary is a separate branch. if you are the president you do have to respect that. where we're seeing the confluence of trump the businessman and trump the candidate is very hard to untangle. >> the problem also is that this is probably the first or maybe best example of where, what he does to stimulate the base may have really just hurt him with the people he want to impress most, which is the party right now. i can't tell you how many people
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have jokingly in that, in the republican world said to me, what can i give to you leave this alone? >> what did you accept? >> that's right. wait until you see what i drove here. the interesting part of it is, he goes after this judge, having an inherent conflict. has he moved to have him recused from the case? >> there are legal avenues. >> no. >> did the judge actually go along with him and may have saved his bacon by continuing these trials? maybe after the election? so if anything, you'd think he'd be liking this judge, but how dangerous is this for republicans on the fence right now when they hear he's just calling this judge a mexican and saying he's conflicted? >> before you answer that, let me play for you what senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has said, talking about sue az a martinez, new mexico governor and mcconnell thinks it is time to unify. stop doing these things. so listen to this. >> i do. and i think that the attacks that he's routinely engaged in,
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for example, going after susana martinez, the republican governor of new mexico, chairman of the republican governor's association, i think that's a big mistake, abo. >> he was saying she wasn't doing a good job, he's right to be worried about that. but this is ten times worse, isn't it? >> the fuel that has gotten donald trump the primary win, this harsh rhetoric, attack on the main streen media, we've seen from republicans and conservatives anyway but he amped it up this election. his attack on the media, on his own republicans, on the establishment, and really his attack on this judge because this judge's family came from mexico. not him. he was born in the united states. let me side track a second. my parents came from ireland. came over here. if you were to ask my father, you know, a very simple question, and i asked this when i was 10 years old, would you
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fight for ireland or the united states in a war? he said i would fight for the united states and the reason it gave my children everything in this country. i think you would hear that time and time again from immigrants, you know, who come over here to try to find a better life for their kids, but the rhetoric that donald trump is u.s.yao -- using right now, this is a two-part contest. going into the november election, dealing with independents and undecided voters, this rhetoric scares me. >> a lot of entry back channels from our own reporter, done reporting on this, it will be released today. there have been people, high senate democrats, including harry reid, who made phone calls to bernie sanders to figure out a graceful exit, and how after california, these democrats are pressing him to sort of exit stage left. but bernie sanders does not seem interested in doing that. >> so, bernie sanders and a supporter of his said this to me a long time ago, a version of
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what he's been saying 30 years. pretty consistent in what he thinks. we think never accused of being a flip-flopper. a couple specific issues criticized, but he basically has been talking about a revolution for a very long time and finally has tense of thousands of people listening to him and voting for him. that becomes a very compelling thing, to stick with, and very hard to walk away from. and he generuinely has influenc on the party right now. he is not a democrat, which is what you hear from clinton supporters and i think something you will hear from, you know, establishment democrats. harry reid and sanders have fought before. there are few credible democrats or he'll sanders would see as credible to negotiate at this point. i know chuck schumer's name was floated at one point. i don't know chuck schumer would be seen by sanders' supporters as the one they want. he is seen as very close to wall street. that's what sanders supporters are against. so it's not really clear yet what is going to take for
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sanders to get out. if he wins california on tuesday, we are in for a very, very long seven weeks on the democratic side. >> tell you what, that might wind up being what the democrats need. yes, the big names have been going to bernie. that's true. but a lot of people in the party going to the big names saying, if he leaves we're going it look like we co-opted the system. his people won't come with hillary and they have a real problem. i think they need him at the convention. >> guys, thank you. great to have you. have a great weekend. get to ana. so will the parents of a 3-year-old who fell into that gorilla enclosure be charged? and what's the cincinnati zoo now doing to prevent future tragic incidents like this? we have new developments and a live report, next. when it comes to quitting cigarettes,
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♪ "dinner!" "may i be excused?" get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. we could learn as early as today whether the parents of that young boy who fell into the gorilla enclosure at the cincinnati zoo will face any criminal charges. all this as officials are beefing up security around that exhibit. we get to cnn jessica schneider with the very latest. jessi
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jessica, what's going on? >> reporter: good morning, ana. gorilla world reopens tuesday. the reopening will spotlight a brand new barrier around that exhibit. if you can clolook at the side-by-side, on the right, the previous rail in place during saturday's incident. it's a simple metal railing about three-feet high. now, on the left, the zoo released images of the new one visitors will see on tuesday. officials say it's about 42 inches high, 6 inches taller than before, and perhaps crucially it will have a knotted rope netting that no one can get through. now, the zoo stresses that the previous barrier was secure, and it was accredited numerous times by the association of zoos and aquari aquariums, obviously what happened on saturday with the little boy getting through and getting into the gorilla enclosure, officials say they will put that new barrier in place spotlighted when it reopens tuesday. meantiming the prosecutor's
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office could announce as soon as this morning or today whether or not they will file criminal charges against any family members of that boy or the parents. police wrapped up the investigation yesterday, and then handed it over to the prosecutor for review. so we should get more information at some point today. alisyn? >> right. lots of people waiting to see what the prosecutor is going to do in this case. jessica, thank you for the update. we also have an update on prince. we now know he died from an accidental drug overdose of an incredibly powerful drug. what drug was it and why would he have it? we have answers from an addiction expert, next. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmm. incredible. looks tasty. you don't have heartburn. new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief.
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okawhoa!ady? [ explosion ]
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nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. we now know what killed music superstar prince. it was an accidental opioid overdose, but there's a lot more to it than that and, in fact, this isn't the end of the understanding. it's actually just the beginning. the medical examiner's report reveals that prince was on one of the most potent drugs on the market right now. it's called fentanyl. so what is fentanyl and how was prince able to hide this addiction if it was so potent and taxing on his life? let's discuss with someone who knows very well.
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addiction expert, founder and ceo of the hills treatment center howard sam yoouels. thank you for helpinging us out on this today. >> absolutely, chris. >> when we hear about high-powered drugs that require a lot of coordination of getting them and different doctors and there are so many different drugs found in his house, different opioids, benz benzo hover you say that, how was he able to do that without someone knowing? >> first of all, chris, that's impossible. i'm a recovering heroin addict myself and anybody close to an addict, you know, the moods, the need for the drug, the highs, the lows. there is no question that people that were close to prince had to know what was going on, and probably enabled the addiction.
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>> so we have that piece of accountability, and we do know that authorities are looking into which doctors, how did he get. then we get into this new realm of this problem i know people in your community are so worried about. these pills. the opioids, that they are easier to get, and this fentanyl is at the top of the food chain. why? why does this drug worry you more than others? >> well, first of all, fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, so much stronger than morphine. top of the list, extremely dangerous. you're seeing in america the heroin epidemic out of control, a lot of the drug dealers are putting a little fentanyl in the heroin packages and addicts are dying quickly and o.d.-ing because the drug is so powerful. >> why do that, though? don't they want their customers alive? >> well, they do, but they also
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want to get a reputation on the street about how good their particular heroin is. so it's that reputation. i mean, this may sound crazy, but when i was shooting heroin in new york, you know, if we heard a certain brand of heroin, people were o.d.-ing off the drug, we wanted that drug, because that meant it was powerful and really, really good. now, the key was, not to do enough to die, but do enough to get really, really high off it. >> and obviously, once you're compromised by taking the drug it's hard to make those calculations the right way and that may have contributed here as well, according to the medical examiner. self-administering nap then takes us to a big problem what do we do with this information? how does it affect the rest of us? i can't tell you how many parents i hear from who has kids who get into drugs who have said before, in the beginning i was okay with it, because at least it was just pills. so you know, it's not like i found him with a knife in his veins. they're misunderstanding the strength of the pills.
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what are you seeing in your work? >> well, first of all, it all starts and ends with the family. you know, the family is the closest to the addict there is. so it's about families truly being educated. i mean, we are in a drug epidemic throughout america. we're the biggest consumers of these drugs in the world. and it's the families that are on the front lines of being able to see the signs that their son or daughter or their husband or wife are going through. and that's where the education really has to occur, and where families have to get educated. they have to start to do boundaries. they have to do interventions. they've got help their loved ones before it's too late. >> part of the analysis with prince was, why would a doctor prescribe this. the truth is, you don't need a doctor to get this sfuf anymore. it's on the streets. get it in powder in patches's pt
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the prop blem is real and we ha to deal with it. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, chris. ana. just about two moss out from the olympics in rio. but is this crime-ridden city ready to play host to the world? we are taking you there. you won't believe the violence we discovered, and should athletes and tourists be worried? we'll answer that, when we come back. olay luminous
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golden state warriors powered by the bench. to coy wire with the "bleacher report." i have a feeling kim james isn't happy? >> not a good day for king james and the cavs. making a push in the second half and then the warriors needed a wake upcall. coach steve kerr gave them one. like a cold bucket of water trying to sleep.
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watch this moment right here. this was it. i mean, said his team was losing, careless passes, bad defense. needed to get their edge back, and guys like sean livingston got the message, coming off the bench scores 20 points. that's as many as steph curry and klay thompson combined. ig kuodal iguodala. and war jens win 104-89. game two sunday in oakland. nba commissioner adam silver says the idea of moving next year's all-star game from north carolina still a possibility. this is in the wake of the passage of the state's controversial lgbt law requiring everyone to use public bathrooms that correspond to their birth gender. here's commissioner silver talking about it. >> the discussions are ongoing. i was in north carolina about two and a half weeks ago, spoke to a lot of business leaders in charlotte, working behind the
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scenes. frankly, to craft some sort of compromise with the governmental leaders, both in the city and the state. i would say there is absolutely strong interest in trying to work something out. >> so in the past, silver said they would move the game if the law wasn't changed. chris, sounds like progress is being made. we'll see how it plays out. quickly, who's the better team? >> cavs. they're going to get it done. here they come, chris. >> craziest thing i've ever heard you say. you're too handsome to be that crazy. coy, have a good weekend. one of the biggest questions surrounding rio this summer and the olympics what do do with guns and violence. if you think athletes won't be affected, think again. here's cnn correspondent ivan watson with more of what's real in rio. >> reporter: gun battles in the olympic city. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: a clash between police and gangs in one of the
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impoverished favelas. urban warfare in denley populated communities where parents struggle to keep their children safe. this woman says two bullets flew into a children's recreation center. when armored personnel carriers and police special forces move in -- they trigger more gunfire. it's not exactly what you'd expect in the host city of the upcoming summer olympics. >> translator: today we live in the middle of a cross fire, caught in a war that is not our own. >> reporter: louisa is a well-respected community activist in one of rio's biggest favelas. she says the war between the police and the gangs is getting worse. she argues that the upcoming olympics won't make any impact on the violence here. the authorities in rio insist they have a plan for keeping the games safe by deploying some 85,000 police and soldiers across the city.
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but these days, even members of olympic teams are getting caught up in the violence. >> actually, i went to the gas station. just meters away and a gunfight started. so -- all of a sudden everybody started running at the gas station and hiding behind things. so i thought, well, may be time to lie flat in the motor boat and hide as well. >> reporter: part of the problem, there are effectively two systems of law and order in rio. police keep control in the of a flewistic parts of the city, but up in the mill tops, there's a very different group in charge. this young drug trafficker is trying to illustrate the complete different set of rules that exists up in the favelas. civilians call this the parallel state. there are communities where the gangs control the area, and where the police rarely go in without weapons. you don't want the olympics?
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it's not that i don't want it but i don't see any advantage to corrupt olympics. there's no investment. the rich people just use the games to steal from the brazilian people. a drug dealer's deep skepticism of the olympics, and a view that's also shared by many of the ordinary brazilians we've met here. and perhaps it's understandable. given the frightening conditions many residents face in this troubled city, sheer survival more important than bronze, silver and gold. ivan watson, cnn, rio de janeiro. okay. another story getting so much attention. the death of harambe the gorilla spark add national debate. should the parents face charges? that's next. shape. this... i can do easily. benefiber® healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle.
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county, ohio, prosecutor's office could decide whether or not to charge the parents. do you think they should? >> good morning, alisyn. under ohio law, they could do that. there's a possibility there. i think that there should be some accountability here, and while filing charges may not be exactly the appropriate avenue of relief, i think that we need to hold the parents accountable. >> how? christine, if -- if not charges, what do you mean by accountability? what does that look like, then? >> if you can file charges, then you can have some kind of a plea bargain whereby the mother could be on probation, whereby children in youth services could come in and monitoring the situation. clearly, something went wrong, and it wasn't the zoo's fault. because in 37 years at the cincinnati zoo, this didn't happen. three generations of kids were able to go to that exhibit or to
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be able to be at the zoo and not fall into the primate preserve. so the default position is, the mother did something wrong. >> mel, 500,000 people agree with cries toohristine. they want repercussions for the mother, or the parents map do you think? >> it's absolutely ridiculous. talk about accountability, we've pointed the internet unanimous rage machine and commentators at this family with a barrage of cruel accusations. on anderson cooper's show last night, an eyewitness to this event. to people understand what the quote negligence was of this mother? she turned to take a photograph of her other children. do we really want to live in a society where you could be held criminally negligent because you go to a zoo and you take a photo? i mean, this is absolutely absurd. this child climbed over a barrier, fell into the, you
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know, the exhibit, which we all know. it was a tragic accident. and accidents happen in this day and age, and i think we have to take a step back. it's very easy to click a button on the web and feel a sense of moral outrage and think that you're better than somebody else, but take a step back. understand what actually happened before you start to accuse people of negligence, and want to leverage our criminal justice system to go supervise a woman doing nothing wrong. >> okay. christine, your response? >> i completely disagree. doing nothing wrong here resulted in a child falling into the primate pit. as i said in 37 years, this has not happened. you know, i agree that there has been some very cruel kind of crucifixion of the mother in the cyberspace, and that's wrong. and a lot of people are motivated by a sense of anger that this magnificent gorilla was put down.
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but -- but, you have to look at the situation. in context. if a child runs into a canned food display at thrift way, that's one thing. when you sggo into a supermarke you expect this kind of thing to happen. eve an child darting across the street on a busy morning. that's acceptable. understandable. it's tragic. but when you go to a zoo -- >> interesting about your argument is -- >> let me finish. let me --- >> mel, hold on. give her one minute to finish her sentence. go ahead? >> if you take your child to the perimeter of an exhibit where there are wild animals below, you don't take your eye off of that child for one minute. you don't take pictures of the other children, unless you are sure that there is someone supervising that toddler. >> got it. christine, made your point. mel, your response? >> i think the interesting thing about christine's argument in a
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supermarket, foreseeable, you let go of your child's hand they might run into something. at a zoo in operation for 38 years and it's not a common foreseeable thing that children climb over the barriers, you actually have a, an expectation that you're in a safe environment and that it's okay to turn around for 10 seconds and take a photograph of your other children. >> guess what? in 38 years no children did that. in 38 years, no children did that. >> christine -- >> exactly. why i'm -- >> go ahead, mel. >> look, i think that your argument proves that because it hadn't happened in 38 years, it's not something that anybody think would happen. and it's not something you would assume -- >> but now she -- >> ladies -- >> christine, thank you. >> what are you going to do? thrower in jail? put a woman on probation that -- >> no. not throw her in jail but we have standards. >> ridiculous.
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absolute absolutely -- standards? how about -- >> not supposed to express blame. this apathetic wave of don't express blame. what are standards for? why do we have standards for good and bad? >> you both made a point, exactly how this half million people feel. they want some repercussions even if it doesn't rise to the level -- >> i think there has been. >> the social media, i hear you, onslaught they've been facing certainly does qualify as some repercussions. we'll see. we'll see today what the hamilton county prosecutor's office decide to do and whether or not they think this was a case of child endangerment. christine flowers, mel robins, thank you very much for that debate. following a lot of news including donald trump stepping up attacks on the trump university judge. let's get right to it. donald trump's got america all wrong. >> hillary clinton has to go to jail. >> he says he has foreign policy experience, because he ran the miss universe pageant in russia.
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>> we haven't been smart and strong for many, many decades. >> if you really believe america is weak, you certainly don't deserve to lead it. five soldiers found dead in floodwaters at fort hood, texas. >> the water up to the windows. >> seeing families and farms destroyed. >> this is a tremendous disaster. a former military commander accused of some of the worst atrocities. is living in the united states. >> how dare anyone call him a war criminal. >> he tortured people personally. he oversaw torture. she ho be in jail. this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day." ana cabrera with us again this morning. great to have you here, ana. all right, the political punches continue between hillary clinton and donald trump. trump contends hillary clinton should be in jail because of use of a private e-mail server. that coming in response to
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clinton's foreign policy speech belittling the presumptive gop nominee and dangerous and temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief. trump also once again targeting a judge overseeing lawsuits against trump university. saying that his mexican heritage presents a conflict of interests, because trump says he's building a wall. this as more violence erupts at a trump rally. we have complete coverage of the 2016 race starting with phil mattingly. phil? >> reporter: chris, much of the last couple weeks, if you looked at this like a heavyweight battle, it's like the first round. a couple jabs here or there, testing out attack lines. no more. thursday marked a noticeable shift in this campaign, full frontal attacks from here on out escalating rhetoric and the consistent, really, the consistent reality that violence and protests will be part of this picture going forward. >> i watched hillary today. it was pathetic. it was so sad to watch. >> reporter: donald trump coming
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back swinging. >>yin' crooked hillary. >> reporter: after hillary clinton's scathing speech eviscerating the republican nominee with her toughest lines yet. >> i will leave to do the psychiatrist to explain her affection for tyrants. >> reporter: calling for the former secretary of state to be imprisoned over the use of a private e-mail server. >> hillary clinton has to go to jail. okay? she has to go to jail. she's guilty as hell. >> reporter: the pair trading stinging one-liners. >> he says he has foreign policy experience, because he ran the miss universe pageant in russia. >> the tools donald trump brings to the table, bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. >> to watch her is lime sominex. ever hear of sominex. sleep all night. it's hard to stay awake. >> it's not hard to see donald
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trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his thin skin. >> crooked hillary said, oh, donald trump. his finger on the button. she's the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilized the entire middle east, okay? because that's what she did. >> reporter: and the question of temperament. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different. they are dangerously incoherent. >> he is not just unprepared. he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility. >> my temperament is so much tougher and so much better than her temperament. and, by the way, we need a tough temperament. >> reporter: outside a trump rally in san jose -- even more tense confrontations. >> [ bleep ]! [ chanting ] >> reporter: mostly peaceful protestors but some going fisticuffs with supporters
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throwing eggs, water and surrounding their cars as they exited. some anti-trump demonstrators waving the mexican flag. just hours earlier, trump claimed district judge gonzalo is an absolute conflict presiding over the civil lawsuits against trump university. in an interview with the "wall street journal" trump saying the judge the mexican heritage is an inherent conflict of interests because he's building a wall. >> the judge, which happens to be mexican which is great. >> reporter: curiel, an american citizen, born in indiana. the son of mexican immigrants. >> the idea that a judge simply because of his heritage simply has to recuse himself has never been part of the american system. i don't see any explanation for this, other than i'm sorry to say, bigotry. >> reporter: on top of that one other piece of news, paul ryan,
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highest ranking republican hoon had not endorsed donald trump now has coming out in his home town newspaper saying conversations with trump over the last couple weeks have gotten him for comfortable. no concessions or deals made according to ryan's aide for his endorsement but ryan saying he feels he is ready to help republicans move forward their agenda. >> talk more about trump's claim, judge curiel has an inherent conflict of interests because of his mexican heritage. joining us, president of the hispanic judge association and a trump supporter david chavez, thanks for being here. >> why does it bother you trump pointed out this judge's heritage? >> it's outrageous to criticize a judge simply for hispanic heritage. they're vetted by a senate, by a bipartisan senate, they're
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public servants, do their job. >> not exactly criticizing him, a conflict of interest because donald trump has been so public about wanting to build a wall between mexico and the u.s. and the judge seems to be so proud of his heritage, that's a conflict of interests. >> that's not conflict of interests. it's prejudice, making assumptions because of their heritage, presuming he is against donald trump stance on building a wall without facts. should not be tolerated. >> mr. chavez, you are a chutru supporter and hispanic. why aren't you bothered by what mr. trump just said? >> good morning, alisyn. first of all, any judge is not immune from critique. also, you don't want to have any appearance of improprietorship. >> but what has the judge done that is, has been some
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impropriety? >> i'm not saying he's done anything, but you don't want to have an appearance. so, again, every judge has the opportunity to recuse himself and if he had a certain dissent that may cause this to be raised as an issue, and you've got the presidential presumptive nominee involved in this lawsuit that's before him, i think you take a second look at him. my father was a district judge in new mexico, tried many, many cases. i've tried many, many cases to verdict. i've had issues come before the court as well. so that's a decision the court has to make. >> i just want to be clear on what you're saying. you're saying you and your father could never have tried a case that involved hispanics? >> oh, absolutely no. we tried them all the time. all the time. >> what's the difference between this judge of hispanic background and this case? why are you saying that's an inherent conflict of interest. >> no, no, no.
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it's not an inherent conflict of interests. number one, an issue, threshold, is there an appearance. that was raised through the release of these documents to the public. so when you have internal documents released to the public, that, then, becomes an issue. >> okay. let me be clear. you're saying that because he released those internal documents, that is the conflict of interests? he says he did it because there's national interest in all of this. you're saying because the judge released the documents, not because he's hispanic? >> no, no, no. not at all. i'm saying that when certain actions are taken by a judge, then his actions are scrutinized, and then he comes under critique by trump, and that's what's happening here. in other words, there was other ways this court could have handled the case. had a sequestered hearing on the documents, sealed these documents. >> okay. >> could have had an in-camera review of the documents.
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there's procedures that could have been in place that would have allowed this case to move forward in the sanctity of the courtroom and not for public opinion. that's the problem with the case. >> do you understand that argument? >> not at all. the crew technique on this judge a not based upon anything he's done in the courtroom, solely on his hispanic haseritage. the decision is what propels the racism. that's what's going on here and should not be tolerated. >> i want to ask you about the seeming squabble between mr. trump and the governor of new mexico. mr. trump criticized her nap got a lot of attention. yesterday susana martinez said why she is not endorsing donald trump yet. >> he needs to address his plans for us, and new mexico people deserve to get that answer. he's not addressed it yet. i will tell you i'm not going to
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be voting for hillary clinton. i am waiting to hear from him as to addressing the issues facing new mexico. once i hear that -- >> she says once i hear that, then we'll see what happens. and that prompted donald trump to put this out -- i like -- i'd like to have governor susana martinez' support. i respect her. i have always liked her. mr. chavez, a completely different tone than the one last week, he was critical of her, had not done a good job for your state and a complete litany against her. why the change? >> number one, i was at the event. the governor had the opportunity to appear. i know the governor. she's a very good friend of mine. i supported the governor, served with the governor. when i was in the legislature's she works very, very hard, is very good for new mexico. you also have to remember in new mexico we have a democratic-controlled senate so a lot of conflicts between the executive -- >> were you comfortable with mr.
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trump's -- given your long history with the governor, were you critical of what trump leveled against her. >> i have no problem with the comments made. >> that she hasn't didn't a good job for your state? >> those are his opinions. she's done very good for new mexico and had the opportunity to visit with trump and bill bridges and chose not to, and she'll make her decisions in due time. but she had an opportunity to, when he came to new mexico, to visit with him, talk to him, discuss their differences. and she'll do it on her own time and as she determines appropriate for new mexico. look, we look forward to having donald trump back to new mexico. in the near future. he said he was going to come back to new mexico so we look forward to welcoming him back in new mexico. >> got it. mr. maldonado, do any of these comments hurt him in the
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hispanic commute? >> absolutely. lack of trust, talk of hate that's offensive to the latino community. he needs to apologize to jump kuril jehl to tjudge curiel. >> mr. maldonado, mr. chavez, thank very much for being on "new day" with both perspectives. over to ana. thanks, alisyn. hillary clinton may be laser focused on donald trump now, but her party and supporters in particular, wrestling with what to do about bernie sanders. how do they nudge him out of the race without alienating supporters? joining us live in washington, we have details. manu? >> reporter: good morning. the last thing democrats want look like they're strong-arming bernie sanders out of the race they fear it will alienate sanders and supporters who they need in november. they want to make it clear he cannot win and his agenda better
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served railing behind hillary clinton. i'm told harry reid privately made that case to sanders in a phone call last month. you'll hear a lot more democrats make that case publicly after tuesday's primaries. now, several things the democrats are discussing about what they could offer sanders, that includes reforms over superdelegates, dumping the controversial head of the democratic national committee debber wasserman schultz gives sanders a primetime speaking slot at the july convention and pushing clinton to make a vice presidential make would satisfy sanders' issupporters increasingly, chatter about elizabeth warren as clinton's running mate, easy specially if elizabeth warren emerged as attacking donald trump and has same supporters at bernie sanders. i'm told clinton is open to the idea of warren as a vp and says warren and clinton camps talking much more as of late and democrats believe she could help
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unite this party postprimary. all discussions, chris, only bound to intensify starting wednesday, assuming clinton gets the nomination next week. >> manu raji getting his scoop on. appreciate it. also breaking overnight. two more soldiers found dead. an army truck overturned at the fort hood, texas, base bringing the death toll to five. four other soldiers still missing. cnn's ed lavandera is the live at fort hood with the latest. what do we know, my friend? >> reporter: good morning, chris. well a group of 12 soldiers riding in a large kind of pickup-style military vehicle, if you will, helping during the flood. 12 of those driving through a low-lying area prone to flash flooding and that is exactly what happened. the truck became stuck, overturned. 12 soldiers falling into the water. three recovered safely but the search is still on for several more, four in all. five of them, the bodies of five
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have been recovered so far. but search and rescue operations continue throughout much of the day yesterday and will resume here again this morning. inside of fort hood. obviously, this will be a very difficult situation later on in the day, chris. it's expected that perhaps more rain will be falling on this area, but those search and rescue teams back up here at work here now that the sun is coming up again, to continue the search for those four remaining missing soldiers. alisyn? >> what a tragedy, ed. thank you for that reporting. another tragedy to tell you about, the u.s. military mourning the loss of a blue angels pilot after her fighter jet crashed during practice for a weekend air show in tennessee. five colleagues in matching aircraft not injured. in colorado a pilot managed to safely eject from his thunderbird f-16 before it crashed near the u.s. air force academy. that flyover was part of a graduation exercise which president obama was attending. grabbing your coffee, come look at your television. got to see this next video.
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drama in a cleveland courtroom as the father of a murder victim tries to attack the man sentenced for the crime. watch. so that was a father of one of three women killed by michael madison. terry addressing the court when he suddenly lunges, jumps, right at his daughter's killer. he is eventually restrained by deputies. madison was sentenced to death for killing three women back in 2013. you don't see that every day. >> no, but i understand the tempations. surprising you don't see it every day. >> great job by the bailiffs, the court officers there, but you've got to understand. another story like this here in new york, where a man wound up going after the assailant who attacked his wife and wound up being arrested initially and then released. >> yes. i mean, those emotions -- >> so high. >> amazing you don't see that more auchk. different temperament in play in the election. who has the right temperament to be commander in chief. hillary clinton says not donald
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trump. no slight difference of opinions on this issue. very, very far apart. carl bernstein understands what this issue means in a president as well as anyone. he'll give us his reaction, next. you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork. month after month. year after year. then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. yeah... surprise... your insurance company tells you to pay up again. why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it? if you have liberty mutual deductible fund™,
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all right. it's ugly. it's inaccurate and just keeps getting worse. what's going on between clinton and trump, just unloading. the new ish i, something worth examining, temperament. temperament. here's something to listen to. >> my temperament is so much tougher and so much better than her temperament. and by the way, we need a tough temperament. all of these countries that are our allies, she talks about our allies. our allies think we're very stupid people. somebody said, do you have thick skin? and i said, i really do. when i do things wrong, and the press writes badly about me, i can handle that. in fact, i congratulate them. >> imagine if he had not just his twitter account at his disposal when angry, but america's entire arsenal. do we want him making those
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calls? now she's saying, donald trump, do you trust him with the nukes. let me tell you, my temperament is so much tougher and so much better than her temperament, and -- >> all right. >> i didn't know if he or we were repeating himself? >> so nice we'll play it twice. less discuss with "the life of hillary rodham clinton." carl, thanks for joining us this morning. temperament. a word i've heard you use before. what does it really mean in the context of being president? what mot matters in this analys? >> stability. knowing there are a majority of americans that need stability, firmness, and trump has demonstrated none of. shown himself to be a kind of wild man all over the lot. hillary clinton said incoherent. it's true. >> yesterday hillary clinton
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ticked off a litany of things that she said proves your point that he is incoherent and uncontradictable. do you think that what we saw yesterday particular hillary clinton signal aed a shift in h approach? >> it's a very wise, tactical maneuver to go after trump where he is weak, and where he is who he is, but i think we're seeing a much, much bigger question that now is raised. this election is about much more than republicans and democrats. it's about donald trump, who is a total break in american history. he is an authoritarian. in the "new york times" today a factual story about experts in all kinds 6 fielof fields acros country talking about how he doesn't believe in the amendment of the constitution. separation of powers. we are talk an aauthoritarian, nerve her anything like this in
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history and the question, are we going to elect a president of the united states who is a thug-ish maximum leader, who operates in total contradiction, disrespect and disdain for our history and our constitutional traditions? and many republicans have been the first to recognize this. >> but many republicans are also ignoring and mitigating these qualities you're pointing out as your opinion of donald trump because of what they believe about hillary clinton. and this inspector general report, while from the left, you'll say, well, the inspector general said the e-mails, nothing illegal. no laws broken. on the other side, a lot of people looking for an alternative to her say it shows everything they want. the idea she asked for permission for this is sketchy, at best. that the personal server made it different. you know than anything done before. >> let's cut to the chase. cut to the chase. she's lied about this. there's no question about it, whether you quote me, you quote
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chuck todd on msnbc or andrea mitchell. she has. and it's an awful thing, and at the same time, you got to ask about donald trump's lying. who is the bigger liar here? but the real question is about what kind of president -- do we have a president in the traditional constitution principles in this country which any of the democratic nominees, whether it's hillary clinton or bernie sanders, represent? there are independent candidates who represent that. but the question of donald trump is the underlying question in our history in this election, and that's what it's going to be decided on, i believe. >> but, carl, if you see he's picking fights with the press, yes. picking fights with a judge. yes the first amendment is in jeopardy, an authoritarian-type presidency we've never seen before.
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>> at the -- >> at the moment, fights by insulting people. >> it's not about picking fights and insulting people. it's about what he said what he's going to do to the press, he believes there ought to be lawsuits against the press. we ought to change the liable syst -- libel system and free speech at his own rallies. he is an authoritarian and i keep coming back to that word and we haven't had anything like this in our politics that's reached this level. you have to go back to the demagoguery of huey long. you have to look at sin claicla lewis in literature talking about it can't happen here a kind of creeping neofascism in america. that's not to say donald trump hasn't identified in a resonant way with voters about the fact our institutions in this country aren't working, but his solutions are those of the maximum leader. those of a juan peron, a latin-american kind of dictator.
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this is something that republicans are addressing. that's what you're hearing from the governor in new motion coe and the question for republican leaders, it's very interesting what ryan has done here, is he's saying, okay, i'll throw in my cards with this guy. does the republican party of the united states really want to throw in their cards with somebody who is antithetical to what lincoln, eisenhower stood for, reagan stood for. reagan was not an authoritarian. this is suey generous, one of a kind and dangerous. >> carl bernstein, thanks so much for being on "new day." let's get to ana. >> by the way, you can see donald trump today later defending himself on "the lead" with jake tapper, 4:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. to foreign policy. how hillary clinton and donald trump would handle tough issues abroad. who has better strategies? we'll break it down. a closer look at their world views for you, next. crowd sounds ]
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all right. there is new focus on both the clinton and trump foreign policy after a bitter back and forth on handling the most pressing international issues. so how do they stack up? we got to hear hillary clinton last night. let's look at a point-by-point comparison. carl higbee, spokesman for the pro-trump great american pac, a former navy s.e.a.l. and senior advisers to commanding general of the coalition military assistance training team in iraq. gentlemen, thank you both for being here this morning. let's play a little sound from both candidates and then we'll react. this is on the issue of how to deal with isis. >> we need to take out their strongholds in iraq and syria by intensifying the air campaign and stepping up our support for
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arab and kurdish forces on the ground. we need to keep pursuing diplomacy to end syria's civil war and close iraq's sectarian divide. >> their days are numbered. i won't tell them where and i won't tell them how. we must -- [ applause ] -- we must as a nation be more unpredictable. >> general what appeals to you and why? >> first, thank you very much for having me. rp to isis, we have to contain them. we've got to collapse the perimeter, and use american air power and surveillance reconnaissance, just erode theirs capacity to wage war. hillary clinton is spot-on on this and so is the president of the united states. >> the criticism is, general, that we seem less safe today than ever. everything seems worse than ever, and that happened, isis
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specifically, under the obama and for part of the time, clinton watch. >> chris, when you come to the vital national interests of the united states, we're okay. we have access to the common, the global commons, air, sea, cyber and space. our borders are secure. we have a problem in the middle east. it's remote. we're containing it. we're doing okay. we'll support europe, because they're at greater risk than we are. through nato. >> carl, the criticism on trump's policies that he doesn't state one nap he just said he's going to smash them, bomb them, it's going to be fast and i'm not going to tell you because i want to be unpredictable. that's not usually how it works. what do you see? >> i couldn't disagree with you more. our borders are not secure and additionally this air campaign, hillary clinton made a big point to say donald trump is rogue and going to bomb and kill incident civilians. keep in mind, air strikes under hillary clinton have killed 90%
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incident civilians as they call them, opposed to the people targeting. so an -- >> explain that number to us. >> yes. under hillary clinton and barack obama, the air strikes they've conducted through drone strikes, things like that, 90% of the people killed are not it the ones targeted. these air strikes, while sometimes effective, they are not the only thing. donald trump committed to putting boots on the ground to solve the problem. >> boots on the ground? very controversial, though, carl. you know americans don't want men and women like you on the ground and risking them in a battle they feel isn't even theirs? >> this threat is now coming to our shores. we pulled out, under hillary clinton's policies, we pulled out of iraq and the arab, the region, and what happened it left a power void so isis sources could fall back into iraq, create a stronghold, take fallujah and places like that and they've grown so strong they can attack us on our shores through the europe. of refugee crisis. we are not secure.
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>> trump said he doesn't want to put people in there, but pull back. also said, see what happens once i get in there. general, with what year hearing from carl higbee what do you want to push back on? >> well, first, chris, i hate the term "boots on the ground." my sons of soldiers, and it's soldiers. we're talking about the sons and daughters of the united states of america. so boots on the ground is a very bad term. let's talk about soldiers. we are doing fine in the middle east. we need strategic operational and tactical patience. this is a fight that's going to take time. it's an ideological fight. that's where the real money is going to be made. so we're containing these guys and will kill them slowly over time. so patience, my friends. >> patience is unsatisfying, though, to the american people, general, because they say patience means that the problem gets worse. patience means there's another san bernardino. patience means we're losing? >> patience as in, we contained
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saddam hussein over a decade. we did it very cheaply. we did it very well, and are we going to take some hits? yes. is it worth putting 100,000, 200,000 americans to the field? no. we're doing fine with our special operating forces. we're doing fine with our air power. and is there collateral damage? yes. it's a -- that's a fact of war, but we're doing far better today than isis is doing. we're winning. >> carl, one final point from you. within this context, not saying i disagree we your strategy, curious. it doesn't sound like donald trump's strategy. he doesn't say i want to go in more than ever. he's saying the iraq war was a mistake. he's always been against it, but i've never seen proof at the time the war was being debated donald trump was against it. i know he says that now, but do you hear him saying i'm going to go more all-in, more people on
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the ground? >> he said do what it takes. at times we've discussed the notion of putting boots on the ground. general, all due respect, your philosop philosophy, boots on the ground. who irkas what they're called? your outlook and view we are winning the war is the reason we are losing it. i don't think people like you should be commanding people in the war zone because we're losing this war now because we're unwilling to do what it takes. it that takes boots on the ground, massive air strikes and campaigns, fine. thematter were have to realize we have a problem. and we need to get the public's persona in this. we need to do that talking about this discussion now or taking exception to the fact the general was on the warfield leading people? >> i think leadership he's displayed, articulated here today is not conducive to winning a war, respectfully, sir. >> general, final word. >> well, obviously i disagree. i am a patient man, and i
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understand vital national interests. the fight with isis is not a vital national interest to the united states. it is a conditional interest, which means do you -- you go in with restraints and with the appropriate use of air power symbol jns and special forces. that's it. >> general, carl, always good to have you both. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you for the discussion, guys. alisyn? >> chris, thanks so much. there is a cnn investigation that is sending shock waves. a former somali military commander accused of horrific war crimes. you won't believe what we found him doing at a major u.s. airport. that's next. thisproof of less joint pain and clearer skin. this is my body of proof
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remain of ethnic clan members slaughtered in a vicious civil war in the 1980s. evidence of the brutality carried out by the government regime in somalia. now, cnn has learned a former military commander accused of some of the worst atrocities is living in the united states and working near our nation's capital. his name is yousef abdi ali, also known at colonel tuke. he and soldiers under his command are accused of terrorizing the esock people, tock chers them, burning their villages and carrying out mass executions. 1992, somali locals told a canadian documentary team what they experienced under colonel tuke. a reign of terror. >> translator: two men were caught, tied to a tree. oil was poured on them, and they
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were burned alive. >> translator: he caught my brother. he tied him to the vehicle and dragged him behind. that's how he died. >> reporter: did you see tuke do that with your own eyes? >> translator: yes, and many people around saw it. >> he oversaw some of the most incredible violence that you can imagine. >> reporter: kathy roberts is an attorney for the center for justice and accountability. a nonprofit dedicated to bringing war criminals to justice. she's out in representing an alleged torture victim in a lawsuit against ali in civil court. >> he tortured people personally. he oversaw torture. >> reporter: but now, yousseff abdi ali lives in the united states, and we found him working at one of the nation's largest airports. he is a security guard at dulles international.
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our camera captured him guarding a security exit. he even started a conversation with our producer. >> what's your name? >> ali. ali. ali. >> ali, yes. >> okay. yousseff ali. >> yes. >> where were you originally from? >> somalia. >> reporter: a couple weeks later we approached him as he left his apartment. >> mr. ali i'll kyra phillips with cnn wanted to ask a couple questions about your time in somali and commander of the 5th brigade. >> no comment right now, but -- we'll get together with my lawyer and then i will talk to you. let me have your card, business card. >> tell you the truth, baseless. >> reporter: all baseless and false? >> no comment. >> reporter: what about violating immigration law, mr. ali? and lying about your past, sir? did you murder any incident people in somalia, sir? if none of it is true, then tell me that none of this is true.
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>> we will talk with my lawyer. i told you, i call you. >> reporter: now while mr. ali said he would talk to us, his attorney said, no. insisting his client is innocent. >> how dare anyone call him a war criminal. those are just allegations. if he is indeed a war criminal, take him to the hague, or if he's a war criminal, take it up with the immigration authorities. my client deserves to live in the united states just as any other legal permanent resident deserves to live in the united states. >> reporter: but right now there is no criminal court in the world where ali can be tried for war crimes, because the international war crimes court didn't even exist during somalia's civil war. however, the u.s. government says its been aware of ali for years, based upon allegations that he had been involved in
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human rights violations, but wouldn't answer any of cnn's detailed questions. i think it's really hard for the average viewer to listen to this and the fact that he is working in an airport that we all fly through on a regular basis. it >> it's deeply disturbing because that is a position of trust. he abused that terribly in somalia. in my opinion, he should be in jail. >> reporter: ali ended up in the u.s. after being deported from canada because of his past. he got a u.s. visa through his wife, a somali woman who became a u.s. citizen. adding to the outrage, his wife was convicted of immigration fraud for lying. she claimed she was a refugee from the same somali clan ali is accused of torturing. when we tried to find out how ali was hired we just got passed
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from one group to the next. ali works for a private contractor, master security, and they said they didn't know about the accusations about ali since cnn contacted him and they placed him on administrative leave. the airport authority did confirm ali was checked out by the fbi and tsa. the tsa, however, said we should ask the department of homeland security, and homeland security said, it's the airport authority's responsibility. so no agency is willing to explain just how it happened. in atlanta, kyra phillips, cnn. >> great reporting by kyra there. so now the obvious questions -- how did this accused war criminal wind up, would go at a u.s. airport? we will have. stick around. you can worry about them.
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concern over who is working in our national's airports. a somali war criminal, yusuf abdi ali works as a security guard at dulles international apt. he was only placed on administrative leave at cnf's
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investigation. joining us, barbara comstock. she sits on the committee for transportation and infrastructure and dulles is in her district. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. great to be with you. >> how does this happen, is the obvious question. a man who has been in the u.s. for 20 years, escaping persecution in somalia, not only has been given a life here but he now works security at one of our country's busiest airports in our nation's capital. what wint through your mind when you learned this? >> first, i would like to thank cnn's investigative team because i think they did very good work and have highlighted multiple failures in multiple systems. first, we had a failure in airport security, and that needs to be look eed add very thoroughly. the house of representatives passed two bills last year about upgrading security and vetting who works there. the senate hasn't passed them yet. i hope they will quickly taking up the bills and pass them and
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the president will sign them, but we need to continue to look at in this particular case the failures. then secondly, there was a failure in the immigration system. we know we have a broken immigration system. why was this couple allowed in the country? first, mr. ali was kicked out of canada because of what was shown in the media in canada with these atrocities, alleged or otherwise, but certainly they're very disturbing. and then we need to know a lot more about that. then his wife was convicted of immigration fraud, as kyra pointed out in the report. that's your second failure. third, we have a failure of our office that's at the department of homeland security that's supposed to be investigating when war criminals or human rights violators have gotten into the country in some way. so we need to clean up all three of these failures in these systems. i think what we need to look at in this particular case is know every fact and what was going on and all of the people involved with looking at our airport
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workers need to be looking at basic media that's available. as kyra pointed out in the report, this was -- you could google this and find out all this information that you highlighted. you went a step further. yet we have multiple agencies pointed at each other saying they didn't know or if they did know, they couldn't do anything. iening think most of us if we googled somebody and saw they were an alleged war criminal, they wouldn't get an interview. you wouldn't have to worry about them working in any type of job because you wouldn't want an alleged war criminal in your aufsz, no matter what office you're in. >> this guy seems like low-hanging fruit. someone whose history is right there on line. chris cuomo did a story in the past with this guy, several years ago. we know his history has been put out front, but he passed a background check. that does not give a traveler a lot of confidence in the system. >> my understanding from the department of homeland security is the so-called checks they run
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are just the criminal background checks, the terrorist watch list, which we know is incredibly flawed and didn't include anything about war criminals, and then they have other systems that they put them through. he apparently wasn't in these systems, but he was in google. that doesn't cost the government anything. so dhs should be looking at google, the people who are hiring somebody should be looking at them so they don't even bring them into the system and clear them for being looked at in any way, and then the airport itself. i hope right now everybody is taking all the employees at dulles or any airport around the country, put them in a google search and see what you find, so if there's anything like this. i would also like to invite your lyoning public to contact our office, to contact the homeland security committee working on these two bills. >> i hear what you're saying. there is a lot of finger pointing going on. you have asked for an
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investigation. you have billed. but the bottom line is nothing is getting done and the broader and most important part of the question here is how safe are we really when people like this are slipping through the cracks? could there be other people who want to harm americans and travelers? we know the aviation system is vulnerable. could they, too, be slipping through the cracks? >> certainly. that's why the bills -- the homeland security committee put through, my colleague from new york, he has two bills on airport security, and he's been having a lot of hearings on that. >> when is the going to happen? when is something going to get done? >> we need to senate to get in gear and get the bills passed. we also need to immediately do more investigation, and i'm not happy with the response. i spent, and my staff did, all day yesterday trying to get more answers. we're in the same boat you are. everybody is pointing at everybody else. and we're not getting satisfactory answers. so that's why i'm going to the public, who also to ask them,
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provide us more information that you know about. we're going to have hearings. we're going to hold people accountable. if you see something out there you know about, if there's not action being taken, please let us know so we can do more to make sure that incidents like this don't happen and that terrorists, as you point out, who know they want to come, who know they still target airlines, we don't need to have these kind of slip-ups in the system and have everybody pointing at each other. we need a system with built-in redundancies that everybody is looking at something like google, everybody is double checking and rechecking and raising these kind of concerns that you have raised. >> congressman barbara comstock, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. we'll follow up with you to see how things are proceeding as the investigation and the bills work through congress. >> we're following a lot of news, talking to madeleine albright also this morning, so let's get to it. >> this isn't reality
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television. this is actual reality. >> lying, crooked hillary. >> he is temperamentally unfit. >> four more years of this stuff, we're not going to have a country left. >> it's not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into a war because somebody got under his very thin skin. >> he went there to kill two faculty from ucla. he was only able to locate one. a kill list leading investigators to another victim in minnesota. an adult female was found deceased. >> he had two semiautomatic pistols. >> an arm artruck overturned in floodwaters. >> we urge all citizens to take the evacuation notices seriously. >> cars floating down the street. >> this is new day with chris cuomo and allison cameroto. >> good morning. welcome to your new friday. it is friday, june 3rd.
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ana cabrera very happy about it. hillary clinton and donald trump exchanging fire on foreign policy. donald trump unloading on clinton after her speech warning of the perils of a trump presidency. he says, you know what, clinton should be in jail because of her e-mail server. she says, you know what, he's dangerous and temperamentally unfit to be in the white house. >> trump also wrapping up his rhetoric against the judge overseeing two lawsuits against trump university. trump says the judge's mexican heritage is a conflict of interest with trump's plan to build a wall. meanwhile, more violent protests, as you can see, at another trump rally. cnn's coverage begins with phil maddingly. >> well, hillary clinton's advia advisers made clear one of her goals was to delegitimize a trump candidacy. another one, get under his skin. based on donald trump's response, his counterattack in san jose, it became clear that
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probably worked. leading pretty much everybody to recognize that these next five months are only going to grow more intense, and as we look at the protesters, potentially more violent. >> i watched hillary today. it was pathetic. it was so sad to watch. >> donald trump coming back swinging. >> lying, crooked hillary. >> after hillary clinton's scathing foreign policy speech, eviscerating the presumptive republican nominee with her toughest lines yet. >> i will leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affection for tyrants. >> trump calling for the former secretary of state to be imprisoned over the use of a private e-mail server. >> hillary clinton has to go to jail. okay. she has to go to jail. >> she's guilty as hell. >> the pair trading stinging one-liners. >> he says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the miss universe pageant in russia. the tool s donald trump brings o the table, bragging, mocking,
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composing nasty tweet. >> to watch her is like somannex. have you ever hurt of that. sleep all night. it's hard to stay awake. >> over the issue of trust. >> it's not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin. >> crooked hillary said, oh, donald trump, his finger on the button. she's the one that stupidly raised her hand to go into iraq and destabilize the entire middle east. okay, because that's what she did. >> and the question of temperament. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different. they are dangerously incoherent. he is not just unprepared. he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility. >> my temperament is so much tougher and so much better than her temperament. and by the way, we need a tough
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temperament. >> outside trump's rally in san jo jose, even more tense confrontations. mostly peaceful protesters, but some going fisticuffs with supporters. throwing eggs, water, and surrounding their cars as they exited. some anti-trump demonstrators waving the mexican flag. just hours earlier, trump claimed district judge gun za zaulose curule has an absolute conflict presiding over the civil fraud lawsuits against trump university. in an interview with the "wall street journal," trump saying the judge's mexican heritage is an inherent conflict of interest because he's building a wall. >> the judge who happens to be, we believe, mexican, which is great. >> he is an american citizen, born in indiana, the son of mexican immigrants. >> the idea that a judge simply because of his heritage has to
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recuse himself has never been part of the american system. i don't see any explanation for this other than, i'm sorry to say, bigotry. >> and chris, the escalating battle between donald trump and this federal judge only underscoring the unease some republicans feel about how donald trump has been interacting or treating with hispanics. something that's also been proven out with his battle with the new mexico governor, susana martinez, many consider her to be the future of the party. now donald trump walking that back a little bit in an interview with a new mexico paper saying he would like her endorsement. he's always liked her. chris. >> probably would like to rethink a lot of this because by talking to the judge, he kept the university trial in the news. i'm sure that something he does not want. this should be about the policy. and let's get some deeper insight into what hillary clinton said about foreign poli policy, what trump's response should be and what hatters to
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you. we have madeleine albright, former secretary of state and ambassador to the u.n. she has endorsed hillary clinton. she's currently chair of the national democratic institute. always good to have you on new day. >> great to be with you, chris. thank you. >> so, let's leave all the name calling to the side that went on during this speech and in response to it and let's get to some of the basic arguments. the trump basic argument is the world is worse. obama as president has made it worse. hillary clinton was there with him. how can she argue that she knows the answers when she created the problem? your response. >> well, first of all, thealigation is wrong. the world is very complicated. it has come about as a result of actions that took place during the bush administration. if president obama is going to be blamed for everything, the
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bottom line is the situation was created then when america's reputation was damaged and democracy was militarized. but i think that what is important is to understand secretary clinton's record. she is the one that in fact was able to move on sanctions on iran. was able to rebalance our policy to understand that china is our most important relationship of the 21st century. was also able to work on a cease-fire between hamas and israel. and a whole series of issues that then also led to the recognition of cuba, a change in relationship with burma myanmar, and restored our relationship. i was listening earlier, and i think that what donald trump talks about that america is not liked by its allies is absolutely not true. they count on us. and in her speech yesterday, secretary clinton made very clear that our alliances and
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relationships with our allies are absolutely key to keeping america strong and to make sure that we are able to operate in this very difficult world. >> his point of pushback is that they may like us, but they abuse us. they like us because we're weak and temperamentally, he is strong. and you put a lot of emphasis on temperament and decision making, especially in foreign policy as well. you put out a tweet, trump-ish fashion, i might add, that said donald trump would flunk my class on decision making in foreign policy. the commander in chief test is even tougher. no way he can pass. why would trump fail your class? >> because he is erratic. he changes -- he says crazy things. i have traveled abroad an awful lot. and our allies don't think we're weak. they don't understand what he is saying and why he changes his mind, why he thinks that nato
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doesn't work, why he thinks that saudi arabia needs to have nuclear weapons, why he says the japanese need to be nuclearized. any number of things that absolutely don't make sense. that's what troubles me, because i have been, i worked in the carter administration and the clinton administration. i have been in the situation room. i know what the temperament is necessary, what you need to have, as somebody who doesn't think he knows everything but has people around that differ in their opinions, who is respectable of the people's opinions, who listens, who makes considered judgments and understands the unintended consequences of foreign policy decisions. donald trump does not exhibit any iota of any one of those qualities, and it makes me nervous. it really does. i am very concerned. >> the increasing negative analysis in this election, it often seems like you're picking the lesser of two potential
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problems. to those who are supporting trump or who are worried about clinton, they say her legacy policy wise is a russian reset that did not work, an iran deal that she participated in that gave one of the worst state actors in the world $100 million, and an e-mail scandal that showed she can't be trusted. >> well, first of all, the e-mail issue, she has said she made a mistake, and nobody is going to die as a result of anything that happened on e-mails. i am concerned about some of the statements that donald trump has made that are dangerous. on the issue of russia, the fact that donald trump admires putin is one of the reasons that i can't agree with a word he says because the reset takes two to reset. and putin is the one that has made very aggressive moves against ukraine and pushed europe around, which is why we need a strong nato. and the iran nuclear deal has made it clear that iran will not
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have a nuclear weapon. that is positive. so i think people -- these are very, very difficult and complicated issues that need to be explained. i thought secretary clinton's speech went a long way to laying out what was a rational national security policy. i would hope and i would be so happy to participate in this, is having really an in depth discussion of the issues that are out there so that america will be safe. and that's what we need to talk about instead of name calling, frankly. >> well, you can see what our emphasis is here today. let's take one step farther down the road of the iran deal analysis because with khomeini, the religious leader coming out and saying that the u.s. and britain are the biggest enemies of iran, it re-enforces the feeling that not only did you give him $100 million, but you seem to have given license to come after us again. >> no, i think the thing that we have done is established an
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international procedure for verifications. secretary clinton has said distrust but verify. we have a way to do that. and we have made the breakout of the possibility for iran to have a nuclear weapon, made that very clear that that is not going to happen for a very long time. reduced their centrifuges, their highly enriched uranium, and in fact have made a huge difference in terms making it safer in the region because iran will not have a nuclear weapon in the foreseeable future. >> madeleine albright, thank you for your perspective on "new day" as always. >> thanks for asking me, chris. >> always. >> donald trump wants to respond to what happened last night in this speech. and he wants to do it on cnn, of course. the lead with jake tapper at 4:00 p.m. eastern. you will hear from trump himself. let's get to breaking news. overnight, two more soldiers
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were found dead where an army truck overturned in floodwaters at ft. hood, texas. now the death toll has turned to five soldiers. four other soldiers are still missing. ed lavendera is live at ft. hood with the latest on the search there. ed. >> good morning. search teams are back at work already inside of the ft. hood military post here in central texas, resuming the searches for the four missing soldiers. there were 12 soldiers in all riding in this tactical vehicle which is like a large truck, almost like a big pickup truck style military vehicle, an open bed in the back. that truck was driving through a low-lying area. it rained heavily in this area, this part of tebs tex yesterday, causing a lot of flash flooding in the low-lying areas. the truck got stuck, overturned. all of the soldiers went spilling out into the water. three of them were rescued alive. as you mentioned, five s been found dead and the search continues here this morning for the four that are still missing. what could complicate matters
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here later in the day is that more rain possibly expected. that could trigger the floodwaters to come back up again. we'll see how that plays out throughout the day, but the search continues. >> all right, ed. another flooding story to tell people about. rain and flooding in paris causing the museum dorsy and the louvre to evacuate artwork to higher floors. the louvre removing 150,000 pieces. many of which were on display. both museums will remain closed until tuesday. >> we have new developments to tell you about in the ucla murder-suicide. investigators say the gunman who killed a professor on campus and then himself left a note in his backpack that led them to a kill list and then the discovery of his wife's body in minnesota. stephanie elam is following developments. >> yes, it looked like it was a murder-suicide that was isolated here to ucla, but that note sending police to minnesota and then discovering this was a way
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more tragic situation than previously thought. >> two semiautomatic pistols. one that he used for the homicide and the other was in his backpack. >> investigators discovering round of ammunition and a kill list, spelling out the names of three people at ucla shooter's minnesota home. >> they found an adult female found deceased from a gunshot won wound. >> this woman was ashley hasty, one of the names on sarcer's list. she was married to him in 2011. investigators finding her body in brooklyn park, minnesota. after killing her, he then drove nearly 2,000 miles to los angeles, descending on ucla's campus wednesday morning, intending to follow through with the rest of his list. >> he went there to kill two faculty from ucla. he was only able to locate one. >> he opened fire, killing his former professor, william klug,
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a father of two, then turned the gun on himself. the third name on the list was another ucla professor who was off campus that day. escaping what police say was a revenge fueled plot over intellectual property. >> he perceived he had been done wrong, and he stewed on this for several years. >> ucla denies any dispute between the school and sarcar. >> now, according to ucla, we can tell you that sarkar graduated with his ph.d. in 2013 in engineering. the dispute seems to be over intellectual property. as far as the school is concerned, they do not believe there was any sort of dispute big enough for any beef like this. they didn't think there was any throughout to professor klug or the other professor. >> a shame. thank you so much, stephanie elam reporting for us. >> after weeks of waiting, a medical examiner report now confirmed what killed prince. it reveals an accidental
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overdose of fentanyl. let's get to sara sidner live for us from paisley park, the late singer's compound. sara. >> good morning. we now know what killed prince. there are very stark details spelled out in black and white on this one-page report from the medical examiner's office. we wanted to highlight four different things we learned about his death. one, the manner of death. that they determined was an accident. two, they determined that it was self-administered fete na eed f actually killed prince. three, the fentanyl toxicity is what took his life. there's also a detail on there that may explain why he was using such a powerful, powerful painkiller. it is the most powerful painkiller on the market and it's opioid based. they talked about scars and amputation. he had a scar on his left hip and there's been a lot of talk
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about peninsula having hip pain. fentanyl is normally used for cancer patients or people coming to the end of their lives and using it to try to make them feel comfortable before they die. this is an extremely potent drug. and investigators are looking into exactly how he got it and whether he had an valid prescription for it. >> we do need to answer those questions. thanks so much for the reporting. well, donald trump continues to attack the judge overseeing lawsuits against trump u. what's behind that strategy? we'll debate it next. orld today could use a smile? at cricket wireless, we think so. that's why, prices for plans are all in, taxes and fees included. and we've got more 4g lte coverage nationwide than t-mobile or sprint. that's a whote lotta network for not a lot a dough. it's what makes cricket the happiest place in the whole wireless world.
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attack the judge presiding over the fraud lawsuits against trump university. in a "wall street journal" interview, trump says judge gonzalo curiel's mexican heritage is, quote, an inherent conflict of interest. joining us now, trump supporter kaley mca9y, and s.e. cupp. great to have you both in studio. the conventional wisdom has been for the past four years that whichever president will need hispanics to win. why is donald trump going after, making an issue of this judge's ethnicity? >> well, he's doing it to appeal to a certain segment of the population. that believes the reason anything is going wrong in their world is the fault of other people, others. and it's been working in a primary. i don't know that it's going to work in a general. i think this tactic is so
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revealing. it really is a slip-up for trump. because he has insisted that hispanics love him, that mexico will gladly pay for a wall, that he has not said anything disparaging about mescons. if that the case, why would this judge's mexican heritage be an inherent -- >> why should this judge's mexican heritage be a disqualifier? >> it's not. it's not relevant and he shouldn't have made that comment. it does make it harder to win the hispanic community. he is someone who is going to create jobs. he's speaking to a lot of issues they care about. donald trump i think brought up the heritage because he's concerned the judge is connected with a group in the san diego chapter of which the judge is a member. they gave a scholarship to an illegal immigrant. that's sending the signal we're
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okay with illegal immigrants in the country. >> what does that have to do with trump university? >> he feels that's antithetical to the positions he's taking in the campaign. i think that's a fair criticism, but he needs to focus on that portion, not the judge's heritage. >> we have heard that as well in the media, but cnn has not been able to independently confirm this judge had given -- been part of a panel to give a scholarship to an illegal immigrant. however, that is totally legal. that is, in california, that's part of their state's dream act. they believe, just for the record, that you don't invest 12 years of a free public education in some stellar students to only send them away. those are the ones you sort of want to keep here in the country. millions of people believe that. >> sure, and that's fair if people want to debate the efficacy of whether they should have done that or not, but i see coupled with the judge's actions declassifying or rather unsealing documents that he's now attempting to reseal because he didn't take out certain information or redact certain
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information. that's a questionable thing i think the judge did. >> as chris pointed out, the judge has also in trump's favor postponed the decision until after the election. he could have sped it up and made it happen sooner. you think there is a bias. >> i don't -- i'm not going to make a claim on that. i think trump has facts in his column that could lead him to believe that in a real way. >> here's other facts. this is the opinion of donald trump by hispanics. this is the latest polling from fox news. unfavorable, 74%. and it seems as though he's not that concerned about this, s.e. >> he's doubling down, really, on a lot of the rhetoric he's been using throughout the primary, even though he's now essentially in a general election. i think he thinks if he says it enough, hispanics love me, i'm going to win the hispanic vote, that it will come true. i think with hispanics, with women, a lot of the rhetoric and the policies he's suggested through the primary are going to come to reckoning in the
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general. they don't just poof go away because he says they love me and they're going to vote for me. >> one thing i want to bring up because this is new news, that this high-level rnc staffer, ruth gerrera, the head of hispanic media relations, at the rnc, she has left her position, apparently according to colleag colleagues, because she said she could no longer work to help elect donald trump. what message does that send? there that's a personal decision she makes. i know of many latino supporters of donald trump. i don't think it's impossible for him to win this community but it's going to mean not making comments like he made to the "wall street journal." >> i want to get back in time now and play a clip from 1994 where donald trump was talking about whether women should work outside of the home. let's listen to this. >> i think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. i mean, we'll do an educational program here. if you're in business for yourself, i really think it's a bad idea to put your wife
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working for you. i think it's a really bad idea. i think that was the greatest single cause of what happened to my marriage with evonna. i have days where i come home and, you know, i don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but if dinner isn't ready, i go through the roof. >> i'm sorry, 1954 and that was archie bunker. besides proving that in 1994, donald trump was a chauvinist, what does that moment reveal? >> i have to be honest, i'm no trump supporter. being a traditional guy, having a traditional view of the way of a marriage, this doesn't bother me. it's not a marriage i would want to be in because i like to work and i don't cook dinner, but the fact he wants a wife who's going to be home and cook dinner, that's his choice. i don't judge that. if he found a woman willing to participate in that agreement, that arrangement, that's his choice. >> fair enough. and he has found those women. >> apparently.
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>> i think it's the language that jumps out at me, putting a wife to work. i mean, you don't just send her out to the field. >> if we bring up donald trump's 1994 statement, we should bring up hillary clinton's 1992 statement where she says i could have stayed home and baked cookies and baked teas but instead i fulfilled my career. i find that offensive to women who chose to stay home. >> why is want that her personal view like this is donald trump's view. >> it can be her personalvu vie but it's going to ostracize millions of women who have stayed home. >> should we dispense with any looking back at 1992 and 1994. >> trump and clinton. we're living in the '90s again. >> it's juicy. we're time traveling. thank you very much for being here. donald trump will be on the lead with jake tapper at 4:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. tune in to that. >> it's a story we've all been talking about this week. haramby. will the parents of the 3-year-old who fell into gorilla
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enclosure be charged and what is the cincinnati zoo doing to prevent future tragic incidents? unique extended release h technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. what are you doingetting faster. huh? detecting threats faster, responding faster, recovering faster. when your security's built in not just bolted on, and you protect the data and not just the perimeter, you get faster. wow, speed kills. systems open to all, but closed to intruders. trusted by 8 of 10 of the world's largest banks.
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all right. we're waiting on the labor department to release the may jobs report. we're waiting on it right now. we have chief business correspondent christine romans. you have the number. i have given you the opportunity. what do you have? >> a really light number, a low number. 38,000. they're telling me, 38,000 net new jobs. that's a disappointment. we expected something more like 140,000, 150,000, 160,000, 159,000 was the estimate there. so 38,000 new jobs is a very, very small number. here's what i can tell you. i can tell you the unemployment rate is 4.7%, so it came down pretty sharply here. but why that jobs number? why that jobs number so weak? 36,000 verizon workers were striking for six weeks. we have seen in the past when there's a big strike like that, it can lower the number artificially and then it pops back up. so the important thing here is to think about the trend. the trend in the jobs numbers and what we have seen. so far, it's been about 215,000
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net new jobs every month for the past year. this is a setback, only 38,000 new jobs. but a decline in the jobless rate, that means there are enough people coming into the labor market to lower the jobless rate. and you probably see that verizon strike really distorting the numbers. no matter what on the campaign trail, you'll hear people arguing about nuances in the numbers. i say take the long view. 14.6 million jobs added by businesses over the past 74 months. >> great to get your context as always. thanks so much for that breaking news. >> could the parents of the boy who fell into the gorilla enclosure at the cincinnati zoo be charged? that decision is coming down possibly as early as today and what can we do to make sure this doesn't happen again. >> on sunday, parts unknown, anthony bourdain heads to germany to the city of cologne. he gets a lesson on how to drink beer and eat schnitzel.
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>> this is what i came here for, surfboard sized slabs of veal and pork filled with many wonderful things, dredged in bread crumbs and fried in magical, magical deep fat. now that's a carnival i can get behind. >> wow. that is unbelievable. >> supposedly, you can split your schnitzel in half, take the other half home, and it's really good for breakfast. it's like the german equivalent of pizza in the morning. >> right. which is a tradition i totally support. >> considering it's a beer drinking culture, at the end of the night, will there be two or three or five or ten people hanging out way past the point
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they should have gone home, or does everybody reach a sensible point of intoxication and say, i'll see you tomorrow? you're forcing beers on us. i didn't order a beer, yet another one keeps coming. >> do you know how to make it stop? >> face plant into my schnitzel. >> there's an easier way. do this. that means, like, i'm done. >> but nobody is doing that. >> not yet. >> i'm not doing that. i have asthma...
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today if prosecutors will charge the parents of that young boy who fell into the gorilla enclosure. this comes as zoo officials in cincinnati beef up security around that gorilla exhibit. jessica schneider is live in cincinnati for us. what's the latest there? >> the latest is that gorilla world will reopen on tuesday. when it does, visitors will see a brand-new barrier that surrounds the exhibit itself. if you take a look at the side-by-side, you can see the difference. on the right is inold rail that was up on saturday when the incident happened. zoo officials say the rail was about three feet high, but unfortunately, there was all that space in between the rail and the ground that that toddler slipped through. on the left, the new design that visitors willee on tuesday, zoo officials say it will be 42 inches high, about six inches taller than before, and perhaps crucially, it will have a knotted rope netting that no one can get through. the zoo stresses the previous
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barrier was secure and repeatedly accredited by the association of zoos and aquariums but they say they're putting in the new barrier because they think and know they need to take further precautions. in addition, right now, we're waiting for the prosecutor's review of the police investigation. the police investigation wrapped up yesterday. and the prosecutor says that they could have their findings about whether or not to file any criminal charges as soon as today. we will be on standby. >> thanks for the update. we know you'll be watching. >> for the women who have ended up on the streets caught in a vicious cycle of abuse and addiction, you can imagine how difficult it is to see a way out, but thanks to cnn hero becka stevens, those who need a help in nashville now have a place to heal. >> it's in every community. trafficking, abuse, addiction. what we created is a movement for women's healing. >> i was almost like a slave to
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it's a story everybody has been talking about, death of the gorilla harambe. what is it about animals that causes such outrage, especially when you consider the reaction to stories involving people? joining us, the host of united shades of america, and morgan spurlock. you guys have both kind of made a living pulling back the
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curtain on social issues, controversial issues of our time. what do you make, morgan, of this obsession with animals and in this case harambe the gorilla? >> i think it's not just animals, it's animals in captivity. i did an episode filming at the detroit zoo, and these are creatures that are similar to us, on the heels of blackfish, where you see a gorilla like this that is, again, something so similar to us, that we do like so much. that people love because it's like, look how sweet they are. these big crazy animals, but to see one get taken down in this way is tragic. you understand why the zoo did it and i still, i support the zoo's decision, but i think it's still tragic nonetheless. >> is it really just about the captivity, though? because if we did a story about a dog that's lost and the owner needs help getting it back home, the coffers will be full immediately. you do a story about people who need help, maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't.
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>> the weird thing, we love to personalize animals and depersonize people. even with the zoo, there's a sense of oh no, there's a poor gorilla. i'm always going to choose people over animals. that's how i roll. i eat meat, too. >> you don't eat people? >> i don't eat people. i'm always going to choose people first. that's how i roll. >> i mean, look, i think to be fair, we do see our viewers often reach out to help people as well. they do send money. however, just for context, 500,000 people have signed this online petition to somehow punish the little boy's parents or have there be some kind of repercussions because they feel there has been no justice for harambe. >> that kid is never allowed to go to a zoo ever again. >> not allowed to leave the house again. >> i think your kid falls into a gorilla cage, you have probably been punished enough. i get it, don't do that again. >> that's a great point, because just watching the video is so traumatic even for us and we're
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not the parents. those ten minutes of, like, blood curdling fear. >> ten minutes. i would be freaking out as a parent. and now i have a new baby. the idea of my small child getting sucked into a gorilla pen. but again, i don't understand how he got in. what were the parents do when this happened? >> there's that extra curiosity, the extra layer. >> you have kids, you look up, where did you go? >> kids are gone like that. >> it's part of being a parent. you get five of those moments and the sixth one, you're like, oh, he's in the gorilla pen. >> people can be highly empathetic and it's about helping those in need, but there is something about animals that often gets immediately elevated. for example, you hear about a fight and one man hurts another man, nobody really cares. when someone hits a dog, i did a story once where this guy got bitten by a dog reaching into a car arguing with someone, and
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this little dog hit him and he threw his arm like this, the dog went into traffic and got hit by a car and killed. they tracked this guy down like lee was a serial killer, found him and put him in jail because there was a dog involved. if he had done that with a human, sometimes it's not the same outrage. why? >> i hear you. there is that crazy paradaungs dox. >> they'll say because the animals were innocent. this was an innocent gorilla. >> the little boy, his dad had a criminal record because he probably deserved it. what are you talking about? >> what's the logic. >> let me throw this out to you because of some of what you have covered on united shades of gray, there was a blog -- >> united shades of america. >> that's next season. >> really tuning in. >> freudian slip. >> a little window into that. >> so we digress, very much so.
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took the train off the tracks. so, would somebody -- fife00,000 people sign the gorilla petition. you look at a situation like tamir rice in cleveland. there's a petition for justice for tamir rice. 120,000 people have signed that one in the past 18 months. why? >> well, a lot of that is also -- i mean, people like the black lives matter movement is working for justice for people like tamir rice. however, it's easy to sign a petition. it's hard to get the work done. there's a thing where an online petition goes around and people say, i'll sign that petition and i'm going to sign it again with different e-mail addresses. what is it doing exactly? a lot of things with tamir rice, you have to show up and do the work. i feel confident in that, but i feel people love to show their support for petitions. >> they have a gorilla ribbon yet? that's what i want.
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>> so morgan, your new season premiere is happening tonight. >> 10:00. >> what are we going to see? >> we dive into the world of gambling. i go to las vegas, i live as a high roller and show you both the amazing, exciting side and the dark side. >> do you do the full whale thing? >> i was in the high roller's suite. i was fully whaled up. at the palms in las vegas. >> how sweet was it? >> pretty sweet. but then you start to talk to the people who are very addicted to gambling and see the lives it can destroy around the way. what we get sold is this amazing colorful idea of this is your chance, you're going to hit big. it's going to change your life forever. that happens to such a small amount of people, but that's what everybody banks on. >> real fast, polar bears in alaska coming up on your show. >> also, nice segue, i ate whale in alaska. you've been there. so yeah, i got to hang out and
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sample some whale and whale blubber. >> sounds fascinating. >> they get you on the eskimo ice cream? they give you the whale fat with the horrible berries. >> gross. >> i want none of that. >> tune in tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern for the season premiere of morgan spurlock's inside man and you can watch united shades of america this sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. >> all right, about caring about others, how about this story? a man with a knife, a little girl in danger, and a police officer going beyond the call of duty. the story is next. inkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®.
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this story is about an oklahoma city police officer whose quick thinking and heroic actions saved a little girl's life. just honored with a medal of valor given to him by president obama. cnn's ed lavendera tells us how this hero cop definitely went beyond the call of duty. >> he's my superhero. >> oh, thank you, sweetheart. that's so sweet. >> why do you say that? >> because he saved me. and he saved the day. wow. >> david hasn't seen zoey in three years. >> thank you so much.
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>> the day they met was captured by surveillance cameras in this oklahoma grocery store. a man named sammy wallace had snatched 2-year-old zoey from her mom's shopping cart. >> i started screaming. somebody please help. this man has my baby. >> this is 911. how can i help you? >> we need police here immediately. >> there's someone with a knife holding a little girl hostage. >> within minutes, midwest city police officers calmly walk in to this frantic scene. >> he was in this manic state where he was basically just blurting out statements. >> huff and miller were trained hostage negotiators. the next 34 minutes and saving zoey would be the ultimate test. >> i said, sammy, look, she's not scared of you. she's not even crying. >> then wallace threatens to kill zoey and starts counting down from skith. >> the only way i know that zoey's not going to be in danger when the shot's fired is if the
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barrel of my gun is touching his head. he got down to five, and i ended up taking one large step and had to do it. >> wallace collapses. but watch huff's reaction. >> i was angry that he made me do it. and at that point, i thought that zoey had already been cut or stabbed and that i waited too long. they finally came around and said, she don't have a scratch on her. and that was the best part. >> my superhero. >> you're the sweetest thing. >> david huff is proof not every superhero wears alavendera, cnn city. >> oh, my god. what a story, to have the video and to watch how they -- how
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calmly hey had to do that terrible outcome. oh, my god. >> his reaction. >> great for the little girl, but horrible to watch. >> most men and women deal with the best and worst of humanity on a regular basis. he had to do this, which is the worst thing anyone wants to do. >> and you can see his reaction. >> and he also gets to be with the little girl who never would have been there if it wasn't for him. >> thanks for joining us. have a great weekend. time for newsroom with pamela brown, in for carol costello. >> i actually covered that story three years ago. incredible to see that reunion. thanks so much. yeah, have a great weekend, guys. >> you, too. good morning to you. i'm pamela brown, in for carol costello. thank you for being here with us on this friday. we have some breaking news out of texas. a press conference to begin any moment now at ft. hood. this is what we know right now. five soldiers


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