tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 3, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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>> thank you very much. i can't wait to see this. >> thank you. >> the season premier at 10:00. watch outfront anywhere on cnn go and see the full interview with the billionaire mohamed alabbar on my show this weekend. ac 360 starts now. good evening, thanks for joining us. tonight, donald trump taking attacks on the federal judge hearing the lawsuit against the operation known as trump university to new levels. an american judge, which should go without saying, saying that trump and spokesperson are insinuating otherwise, saying this judge's true loyalties lie elsewhere with mexico. in a "the wall street journal" interview last night, trump flat out said this judge and prosecutor born to mexican parents in indiana lived from threat from mexican drug cartel.
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paul ryan just endorsed donald trump. today speaking with cnn jake tappert. donald trump went further. the interview began with jake asking about his temperament. >> hillary clinton was giving a speech, she had some very tough things to say about you. one of the things she said. >> she wasn't giving, she was reading a speech written by other people, okay, but go ahead. sound bites. >> one of the things she said was this is not someone who should have the nuclear codes, it is not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into war because someone got under his very thin skin. what's your response to that. >> first of all, i don't have thin skin, i have strong, thick skin. when somebody is right about me, if you do a report and it is not necessarily positive but you're right, i never complain. i do complain when it is a lie or when it's wrong. but i have a strong temperament and it is a very good temperament and it is a very in control temperament or i wouldn't have built this unbelievable company, built all the things i have been able to do in life.
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i have been number one best sellers, one of the best selling books of all time, tremendous television success. wait a minute, jake. i've been in success in every business i have been in, real estate one of the most successful, television, the apprentice, nbc wanted to renew so badly, you have no idea. >> what does that have to do with temperament? >> you can't have that success without temperament. we need strong temperament in this country. we have been led by weak people, weak, ineffective people. countries have taken advantage of us, whether it is militarily or otherwise. we have been taken advantage of by everybody. we have people with weak temperament. i have a very strong temperament but i have a temperament that's totally under control and you know, she mentions that i'll bring us into war. she's the one that wanted to go into iraq. she raised her hand. she didn't know what the hell she was doing, she raised her hand. i said i don't want to go into
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iraq, it will destabilize the middle east and i was 100% right. >> you said the judge in the trump university case, you said it was conflict of interest because he is of mexican heritage, even though he is from indiana. hillary clinton said that that is a racist attack on a federal judge. >> she's so wonderful, i mean here's a woman should be put in jail what she did with her e-mails and commenting on this. let me just tell you. i have a case where thousands of people have taken this course and thousands and thousands of people said great reviews, great reviews. fortunately just about everybody that took courses signed a review, an evaluation they call it. and it's gotten tremendous marks. thousands, i don't mean two people, thousands of people. i have a situation where the woman that brought the case, brought the case, the plaintiff, she was deposed. she was found to be a disaster for them as a witness because she gave an evaluation that was
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the best evaluation you've ever heard. wait one second. and did a tape like from your camera saying the school was fantastic. it was fantastic. they went to the judge and said your honor, we don't want her any more to be our plaintiff. we said let's dismiss the case, that's okay. he said no, i won't dismiss the case, she doesn't have to be the plaintiff. i tell you what it has to do. i have had ruling after ruling after ruling that's been bad rulings, okay? i have been treated very unfairly. we had another judge, if that judge was there this would have been over two years ago. i had terrible rulings and treated unfairly from this judge. this judge is mexican heritage. i am building the wall. i am building the wall. >> so no judge that's mexican can be involved with a case with you? >> he is involved in a group that's pro-mexico, and that's fine. he should recuse himself. does he know the lawyer on the other side?
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does he know the lawyer? you know, lot of people say -- >> i am not talking about that. >> that's another problem. >> you're invoking his race whether or not he can do his job. >> jake, i'm building a wall, okay? i'm building a wall, trying to keep business out of mexico. mexico is fine. there's nothing -- >> he is not mexican, he is an american. >> he is mexican heritage, and he is proud of it. >> but he is an american. you keep talking about it is a conflict of interest because of mexico. >> jake, are you ready? i have a case that should have been dismissed already. i have thousands of people saying trump university is fantastic. a case that should have been dismissed. a judge that never, ever gives -- now we lose, he let's out the plaintiff, why isn't he cancelling the case. thought we won the case. >> you disagree with his rulings. >> i had lawyers come up to me and say you're being treated so unfairly, it is unbelievable. the plaintiffs in the case all said wonderful things about the school and they're suing. you know why they're suing? they want their money back.
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>> i don't want to litigate the case of trump university. >> you have to. if he was giving fair rulings, i wouldn't say that. jake, if he were giving fair rulings, i wouldn't be talking this way. he is giving me horrible rulings. >> i don't care if you criticize him, you can criticize every decision. what i am saying, if you invoke his race as a reason he can't do his job. >> that's why he is doing it. i think that's why he is doing it. >> when hillary clinton says it is a racist attack. >> hillary clinton is a stiff. >> paul ryan said today he didn't care for the way you were attacking this judge. >> look, i am telling you, paul ryan doesn't know the case. here's the story. i should have won this case on summary judgment. this is a case i should have won on summary judgment. the law firm paid hillary clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars to make speeches. >> i do. we reported it on my show, in fact. >> i am glad. you're the only one. >> wait a minute. >> the law firm paid hundreds of thousands to hillary clinton for speeches. >> before either of you were
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running for president but here's the fundamental question. >> they contributed tremendous amounts of money to her campaign? >> yes. >> do you know they contributed a lot to eric snyderman, new york attorney general. do you know that. >> i did not know that. >> do you know these people went to every attorney general practically in the country and the case was turned down by almost every attorney general from texas to florida to many of these states. >> is it not, when hillary clinton says this is a racist attack, and you reject that, if you say he can't do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism? >> i don't think so at all. no. he is proud of his heritage. i respect him for that. >> you said he can't do his job. >> i am building a wall. i am going to do well with hispanics because i am going to bring back jobs and they're going to get jobs now. they're going to get jobs. i think i am going to do well with hispanics but we're building a wall, he is a mexican. building a wall between here and
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mexico. the answer is he is giving us very unfair rulings, rulings that people can't even believe. this case should have ended years ago on summary judgment. the best lawyers, i have spoken to so many lawyers, they said this is not a case, this is a case that should have ended. this judge is giving us unfair rulings. now i say why. i am building a wall, okay, and it is a wall between mexico, not another country. >> he is not from mexico. he is from indiana. >> he is mexican heritage, and he is very proud of it. >> that's not all he said. the full interview and conversations with hillary clinton and bernie sanders sunday morning. donald trump set off a second storm in the california city of redding. jason carroll is there for us. jason? what happened? >> reporter: hello to you, anderson. let me sort of lay the ground work of what happened here. basically trump was trying to pay this man a compliment.
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he was trying to explain how he is going to win over african-american voters by creating more jobs. then what he did, anderson, he told the story of another african-american who attended a different rally. he said during that rally this african-american man stood up and had somehow convinced and forced white supremists out of the rally. he then looked at the man in redding, california, let's have trump say it in his own words. >> we had a case where we had an african-american guy who was a fan of mine, great fan, great guy. in fact, i want to find out what's going on with him. look at my african-american over here, look at him. are you the greatest? you know what i'm talking about? >> as you can imagine, created quite a fire storm not just on social media, their campaign
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spokeswoman weighing in on this saying there was no ill will intended. this was trump's attempt to once again try to compliment the man. she said use of the possessive my was not in any way racist. anderson? >> trump is also firing back at hillary clinton at the rally calling her pathetic and a thief. what else did he have to say. referenced that also in the jake tapper interview. >> right. what didn't he say. there were so many adjectives, he called her unfit, greedy, a thief. calling out her bad judgment, not just for using the personal e-mail server for government business when she was second but also bad judgment for supporting the war in iraq so once again really going after her on a number of issues and in fact, anderson, going after her on these issues more today than he did yesterday at his rally in san jose. also going after the issue of temperament. you heard jake tapper touch on
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it during that interview with trump. trump again mentioning it here at the rally, basically saying look, yes, i have a tough temperament but you need a tough temperament he told the crowd to run the country. >> jason, thanks very much. we will get reaction from the panel and later, hillary clinton telling jake tapper donald trump lowered the bar on civility. a lot more in the world of politics. everything you're good at now, you were once... pretty bad at. it's the same for credit. even if you're not good at it now, that's okay. because credit isn't just a score. it's a skill. experian. be better at credit.
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i think i'm going to do very well with hispanics but we're building a wall, he's a mexican. >> donald trump in his own words talking to jake tapper about the american born federal judge in the trump university case. then at a rally, he pointed out african-american support saying look at my african-american there. jason carroll mentioned his chief spokesperson said no ill will was intended. certainly something to discuss with the panel. democratic strategist, and "the new york times" correspondent jonathan mart en, political anchorer obviously lewis, antares, and kayleigh mcenany. how deeply are we in uncharted
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waters. >> pretty deep. a few issues. first the issue of racial politics. this is a country where race is the original sin, you have a candidate for president of the united states playing on dangerous ground talking about the racial heritage of a federal judge. >> this is not a one off comment. >> sure, this is now at least a week long. but this isn't the first time trump has dealt on racial terrain, talking rubio, cruz, talking about there's not a cubans or evangelicals going to salt lake city, questioning romney's faith, race is staple of the trump campaign. this is not new. the other issue is, you know, you have the presidency and the judiciary, and powers are separate. trump is talking about an issue where he is attacking a federal judge.
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if he is president, what does that mean. you go after somebody in the other branch of government. it is a huge deal. >> anderson, jonathan is right. we have been down this road before with mr. trump during the primary campaign. what makes this different is this is a sitting federal judge. this man was confirmed by the entire united states senate without objection. democrats and republicans. he took an oath. he took an oath to uphold the constitution and to do so without bias and we respect the federal judiciary. that doesn't mean everybody in federal judiciary is perfect, but we respect the institution of the judiciary. >> he is linking rulings to his race. look at the miriam webster definition of racism, belief that race is the primary determine nat and the idea that race is the determine at of human traits and capacities, that's what donald trump is saying, his mexican heritage,
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although trump continues to say he is mexican is -- >> i think everybody watching this understands exactly what the problem is. they don't need to point them to what's wrong here. on a human level it is even more distressing when you look up judge curiel before he became a judge was a prosecutor targeted by assassination by one of the mexican cartels, had to be put in a special protected status with marshalls following him over a year. put his life on the line for the united states at a troubled time in a very troubled part of the world and he's shown admirable restraint, doing what a judge should do, say nothing and try to judge the case on its merits. it is a blunder by candidate trump. >> kayleigh, as a trump supporter you talked about it yesterday saying it has no place in the discourse. trump is doubling down. he had 24 hours to think about it at the least and clearly he
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is just continuing. >> and he shouldn't, it is obvious to me it is irrational to think that because someone is mexican they would not be for you because you support a wall. there are many mexicans support the idea of building a wall. >> again, he is not mexican. >> shier, but the premise that if you're mexican you're biased toward trump because you don't like the idea of building the wall, and in fact many mexicans support the idea. that's the problem with the underlying logic. the bigger picture is donald trump is not a racist, you can call him that, he is not that. if he was that, we would have tons and tons of employees coming out, giving evidence of practices. >> but the notion, that racist, that race is determineate on whether a black judge can't rule on -- >> if he would have said the judge is hispanic and therefore he can't rule this way or is
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biased, that would be a racist idea. he is linking the idea that perhaps because he has, i don't believe in the idea, like i said, but in his head he says this guy is mexican heritage, i am for building a wall between this country and my country, therefore he might be biased given actions he has taken. i don't buy into the logic and i don't like it. does it mean he believes in it dehumanization or inferiority of another race, i don't think that's the case. if that was the case, you would have tons of employees making that case on national television. >> tara, to have him follow it up though and point to somebody in the audience, say my african-american, is that part of a pattern? >> sure. >> or verbal mistake. >> if it was a one off, and he said it just very inartfully, okay, maybe. but it's not. he has done this time and time
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again when he says whatever he is thinking comes out of his mouth, and on top of everything else, the context, it just doesn't sound good. look at my african-american, the fact that he felt the need to point someone else because they're black and support him is again the racial -- that we as conservatives fought against against democrats. there have been cases of racism against trump. in the '70s he was sued for housing discrimination, they wouldn't rent to black renters in his apartments in new york city. black dealers sued the trump organization for discrimination for workplace discrimination in atlantic city. >> do you believe he believes in inferiority of another race and believes he is superior to that race? >> i believe his words, action, history, the definition anderson
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just wrote makes it difficult to support the other side. >> to make a lot of hey out of it is foolish. he was going through a litany of african-american supporters. he was criticized for not having african-american supporters. he was reading through anecdotes about how many supporters he may have that happen to be african-american. he saw someone in the audience, used a stupid word. as far as the judge, i am objective. but me in the category of trump supporters that do essentially want change in the country, but you have to shake your head every time he says something that is a bit foolish. he has some points with critiquing the judge or conduct, saying because he is a mexican is not the right way to go. >> let me just ask you, if he becomes president, i mean, is this the kind of stuff you want the president to be talking about, about this lawsuit he is involved with, this judge, is this language that the president of the united states should be using targeting a judge because of a lawsuit that he happens to
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be involved with? >> i think he is getting questioned now because he is running a campaign for president. once he is president of the united states, the media will probably digress asking things about his personal life. we want someone to speak more free. compare it with hillary clinton who focus groups everything, won't release what she said to major companies. people at the end of the day are going to gravitate toward the person that speaks free. >> if hillary clinton had said to somebody in the audience there's my african-american and if hillary clinton was saying about the ethnicity of a sitting federal judge and that person was incapable of ruling fairly because of their ethnicity, you don't think people would be all over her? >> they would be. but we are very quick to call people racist. that's one of the most horrible accusations you can make. >> i agree. and it is something nearly impossible to defend against. >> i look at the scrutiny of
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hillary clinton over the super predator comment. i don't think that was racist in that moment. i think people were unduly critical when she was trying to pass a bill she believed in and they were unduly critical of the language. we are quick in this country to throw it around. >> i don't play the race card easily. comments about the mexican judge is inherently racist. when you say someone is incapable of being able to be a judge on a case, has nothing to do with race, has to do with a fraud case, that's inherently racist. substitute that with christian. does that mean christian judge can't preside over a muslim terrorist case, a black judge can't preside over white cases? >> if he said this guy is jewish, he can't rule on the case. >> doesn't make any sense. it is in defensible. i don't throw it around easily. this case, i'm sorry. there's more breaking news. hillary clinton firing off new attacks against donald trump saying he is partly to blame for
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more breaking news as we head to the final super tuesday of the season. 475 delegates at stake for the democrats, delegate count has frontrunner clinton 70 delegates away from clinching the democratic nomination. in san diego yesterday, secretary clinton gave a blistering critique of donald trump calling him temperamentally unfit to be president. in san jose last night donald trump held a rally and just outside things turned violent between protesters and supporters. today in an interview with jake tapper, clinton said trump deserves some of the blame for the violence breaking out. >> i condemn all violence in our political arena. i condemned it when donald trump was inciting it, congratulating those engaging in it. i condemn it, those taking violent protests to physical assault against donald trump. this has to end. he set a very bad example.
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he created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, encouraging his supporters. now we're seeing people against him respond in kind. it should all stop. it is not acceptable. >> jake's full interview with secretary clinton and conversations with donald trump and bernie sanders airs sunday on "state of the union." back with the panel. kayleigh, you hear hillary clinton say that, is she unfairly pointing the finger at donald trump or is there blame on both sides? >> i think she's unfairly pointing the finger. he made two statements early on, in the old days protesters used to be punched when they acted this way, on one he said maybe i will pay the guy's legal bills, once the violence started, he refrained from making these comments. every night he has a rally in inhospitable environments,
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jumping on cars, punching trump protesters, throwing eggs at people, to say he is responsible for this because of two probably at this point regrettable comments he made back then i think is a little reach. >> tara? >> i agree on that. i think hillary clinton should have come out unequivocally said under no circumstances is this ever okay and not qualify it but donald trump did, but that's the political answer. these are protesters. it was a mob riot going on. people however they feel about donald trump have a first amendment right to freedom of assembly and support whatever political candidate they want. this kind of rioting and violence is completely unacceptable and hillary clinton should be firm about that, but there's a certain political advantage on her side, a lot of bernie supporters think it is just wonderful and she wants to be able to bring them to her side. she will have trouble consolidating democrats, she's walking a fine line there, using it as opportunity to take a shot at trump. >> to see a supporter of any
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candidate punched in the back of the head as they walk away, having a shirt ripped off, the whole thing is insane. >> whether a bernie or hillary supporter, the left has to own this. it is beyond donald trump rallies. at trump rallies it is a real testament to how our democracy has faltered to just attend the rally for the presumptive republican nominee, you are assaulted, pelted with bottles, law enforcement is assaulted. it speaks to a bigger thing. you see even in california republican rallies, speakers can't get to the event without police he is courts. this is going on in the american left, maybe just in california, seemed to be further and broader. it is something that has -- you want to talk about donald trump being authoritarian, when people are being assaulted for attending political protest, that is. >> you have a candidate who early on was talking about i'd like to punch that guy in the
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head or sock that guy. >> i don't think there's any basis for what we heard. she condemned what's going on. anybody that knows anything about hillary clinton knows she doesn't support violence or political discourse, nor does anybody here. i think the point she's making is not that he is responsible but that he deserves, he is somewhat responsible for setting a tone and for the rhetoric he has put forward and it excites people. >> that's not what's causing, these are anti-trump in the video punching a guy in the back of the head. his tone is not causing those people to do that. >> i mean listen, who knows what's causing people to do that. that's crazy stuff. who would do that, why would you do it. i think they're clearly and ar
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kiss, don't support either party. to blame the left is ridiculous. there's no proof that these people are with the left or the right or anything other than an ar kiss. the point is we are in the political season where the rhetoric that's coming out for mr. trump is going to encourage a lot of people to really have very emotional reactions. >> my question is how does this, i mean, there's the horror of violence that is occurring, how does it play. in some cases does it make the democrats look bad, make trump look better because you have his supporters in this video, you have his supporters being attacked as they are leaving. >> for trump to have people out there physically assaulting his supporters, burning american flags, some cases waving mexican flags, it reinforces what trump
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is saying. people that are uneasy about trump, don't like the left, lean conservative, that puts them in trump's column pretty fast. >> i don't think anybody believes that. i don't think people in the middle, undecided believe for a second that the democrats are behind this or that hillary clinton supports this. people understand that this is part of the tone that donald trump has set. and i think that in past years, yes, you could see some stuff and say they're going to blame the protesters. these are not people who are protesting. >> they have similar signs. >> there's definitely some organized violence. this isn't just a rag tag group. >> who is it organized by? not organized by democrats. >> let's have an investigation. i think it doesn't work for donald trump. to the extent there might be sympathy for him, yeah, that's one thing. we all know how the power of
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image merges and melds and fades into your subconscious. if this continues by the end of the campaign, they think trump, associate with chaos and violence. that's not going to work for him. we have to take a quick break. three years ago, the republican national committee made a plan to reach out to women and minority voters, didn't factor in donald trump. has the presumptive nominee blown up those plans? more on that ahead.
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we have been talking about trump's latest attacks against the federal judge presiding over two lawsuits against trump university and trump claims gonzalo curiel is biased because of his mexican heritage. in an interview with cnn's jake tapper, trump defended those remarks, and at one point called him a mexican. that's not what they had in mind for building a bigger tent after the bruising defeat in 2012. the report issued detailing what they needed to do to win back the white house. fast forward to 2016 and the
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presumptive nominee seems to have maybe missed the memo. sara murray reports. >> reporter: rnc chair reince priebus unveiled the autopsy report after a bruising 2012 defeat. the bottom line, elevate women and embrace minorities. we need to campaign among hispanics, black, asian, gay americans, and demonstrate we care about them too, it said. it warned about tone, saying a poorly phrased argument, or out of context statement can spiral out of control and reflect poorly on the party as a whole. trump notched plenty primary victories giving little heed to those recommendations. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some i assume are good people. >> reporter: today he bragged clumsily about black supporters. >> look at my african-american here, look at him. >> reporter: he repeatedly attacked one of the rising
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stars, republican governor susana martinez. >> she has to do a better job. the governor has to do a better job. she's not doing the job. hey, maybe i'll run for governor of new mexico! >> reporter: sparking an avalanche of criticism from his own party. >> i think the attacks that he's routinely engaged in, for example, going after susana martinez, the republican governor the new mexico, chairman of the republican governors association i think was a big mistake. >> reporter: now trump says he wants her endorsement. then there's the saying mexican heritage is effecting the trump university case. >> the comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind. >> reporter: trump insists he loves hispanics. >> latinos, we're doing well
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with latinos, nobody knows about it yet. the hispanics, we love the hispanics. >> reporter: they take a dim view of him. 74% of latino voters viewed him unfavorably in a recent fox news poll compared to 23% who held a favorable view. in the face of daunting demographic challenges and unscripted candidate, priebus says he is far from panicked. >> i am not pouring bailey's in my cereal, trying to find the johnny walker, i mean, this is fun. >> reporter: even the cinco de mayo overture, leaving the chairman short of words. >> he is trying. honestly. he's trying. >> sara murray joins us. has susana martinez spoke about trump's latest comments about her and the idea of endorsing him? >> reporter: it appears that
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susana martinez is open to mending fences, maybe not going so far as to endorse him. her office put out a statement saying she looks forward to visiting with donald trump and discussing issues that effect new mexico. she said it has never been a battle about her, it is about issues facing the people of her state. we will see if they're able to repair the relationship. >> sara murray, thank you. his comments about judge curiel sparked intense back lash. the response is to dig in his heels. lots to discuss. reuben estrada, chairman of the national republican coalition. back with us tara setmayer, and in miami, cnn commentator ana navarro. the autopsy broadening the gop tent, where does it stand. trump says he has a lot of african-american and latino support. >> the autopsy needs an autopsy. let me tell you something, anderson. for the longest time i thought i would remain silent on trump's
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excesses thinking i can't hurt the party or the other candidates, but i have come to the conclusion today after all these things he said about the judge, after time and time and time again of donald trump picking on hispanics, making it his cause during the campaign that if we don't speak, if we hispanic republicans don't speak, if republicans don't speak, if hispanics don't speak, if we fall in line, fall silent, that's when the party is in danger of dying. we must save the party and let people know not all of us agree with donald trump, that he does not represent the republican party. things he is saying are disgusting, unacceptable. he wants to take us back 50 years to where we were before, to racial division, it is unacceptable. he needs to campaign on unity, on things that bring us together as americans. for him to say that that judge is mexican, that judge born of i am grant parents, not a daddy gave him a million dollars, a judge had to bust his chops to
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become a lawyer and then a judge, he is just as american as four of his children who were born to immigrant mothers, not three of his born to i vanna trump from czechs and melania trump of slovenia. how dare he call into question his citizenship. we are americans as much as donald trump is, he is hurting the party, hurting the country and it is enough already. no more silence. no mas. >> reuben, you're a veteran gop operative, boots on the ground, do you hear that anger that ana has? >> it is consistent. i, myself am pretty taken back by it. >> by the latest comments about the judge. >> absolutely. you are setting precedent of picking and choosing judicial system and that's not fair, that's not correct. i do think that the attitude he is taking with the latinos is
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discerning. impo am puerto rican because wee migrants. i go back to we talked about the tent then, we have to continue doing that. i am an operative. i believe in this party, the party of lincoln. party of lincoln is a party of inclusion and it is not working well. my efforts are kicking me back. once he speaks, kicks me back five years. >> i remember back in '96 i was doing pieces on republicans at the convention, walking around. big tent. they were talking about it. >> and i was there. i started my efforts in '72 when nixon, i was a page at the national convention. we had a great exposure with the latino community and support of the latino community.
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same when i ran the guilliani campaign in '93 for latinos and won. >> tara, you made this point earlier. if donald trump said about a jewish judge he can't rule on this or anything to do because he is jewish american or because he is jewish or african-american, i wonder if there would have been -- if more people that haven't spoken about what he said about mexican, judge with mexican heritage, if those people would still remain silent. >> i don't think so. i think because the emotions over illegal immigration have boiled over, i was at the '96 convention in san diego and i remember that, the big tent thing. that was something the republicans have been trying to recover from since barry goldwater. i spent 20 plus years as a minority in the republican party trying to fight for that level of inclusion and try to fight against the political
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vulcanization of women, of blacks, hispanics, all these things because we believe in individual freedoms and that we don't label people that way. what's going on here with donald trump is setting us back 50 years and this is so frustrating, and it is partially what motivates me to stand strong to make sure people understand this is not what conservatism is, not what the republican party is. >> reuben, you told producers you were going to vote for donald trump. is that still the case? if so, how do you explain that. >> the options are not there, there's no good options unfortunately. i believe in my party, in the true party. we have a bunch of -- she might agree with me, we have a bunch of custodians that come and go but don't necessarily always reflect the true republican party and we've got to do that, we have to change that around. yes, i will vote for trump. it's almost not a vote for trump but a vote against hillary. >> do you believe his comments
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are racist, his latest comments about the judge? >> his comments are racist. >> of course they're racist. >> i implore you to rethink that. every person that seems to make excuses for things they never would have made excuses for any other time, rethink, is this the time where party is going to trump principal, no pun intended. what do we have left. if you are sitting here, excusing this kind of behavior and supposed to represent our party, where does the standards go from here? this is the future of our country at stake. >> ana, you say no doubt what he said was racist? >> absolutely, anderson. when you are calling into question a person's ability to perform their profession because of their ethnicity, that's racism. not only racism, it is ignorance. what he is trying to do is distract from the fact and the allegations against his university, that they're fraud, that it was a scam.
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he is trying to distract by creating controversy around the judge. let me tell you, this is a judge who had to go into hiding at times because of prosecution against drug lords. go take a look at arlington cemetery, donald trump, take a look at the mexican names, hispanic names on tombs white you were dodging the draft, all of those mexican americans that bled and died for our freedom while you were dodging the draft, and i implore my party, i implore americans not to fall for a guy who preys on division, who preys on fear, who preys on negativism, who preys on nativism. we must unite as americans, we must stand for what america stands for, the greatest nation in this world. we will not be pitted one against the other. if this is his strategy, he needs to lose, he should lose. maybe the other gentleman will
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vote for him. hell no, i won't vote for him. i may be the last one on survivor island, i will not give my vote to a man that divides. >> thank you. great to have you on the program. be right back. more ahead. ♪ ♪ the captivating lexus rc, with available 306 horsepower. this is the pursuit of perfection. [man] hello,totten designs. sales department? yes...i can put you right through. ♪ sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold, please.
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if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. a lot more happening. randi kaye has the 360 bulletin. >> everyone wants to wish you
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happy 50th! >> thank you very much. i am not 50, by the way. i am not 50. >> i know. it happens to all of us. i know you want to believe that. but you're 50, right? everybody thinks you're 50. that's why we have the candles. >> 49. i know. all right. thank you, everybody. all right. thank you. >> i think there's a cake. we're celebrating your 50th, anderson. 5-0. >> thank you very much. >> it happens to all of us, just accept it, embrace it, enjoy it, celebrate it. >> i am 49, just for the record. >> i don't think so. >> the cake is real. >> quit denying it. we're all so convinced you're turning 50 today on your 50th birthday that a whole bunch of your colleagues put something special together to wish you happy 50th. watch this. >> happy birthday, anderson. i'm told you're going to be 50
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years old. wow, you don't look a day over 49. >> seriously, cooper, i have to do this happy birthday. he keeps pretending he is not getting older, but he is. stand by, we're going to do this taping now. here we go. happy 50th birthday, anderson. i can't believe you're only turning 50 years old. seems like just yesterday you were 49. >> look how beautiful it is. e quiet, nobody around. perfect place to spend your 50th birthday. happy half century. >> i can't imagine what that's like. let's celebrate. you come to atlanta, give me a call, my treat of the early bird special. >> go back to 2004, bush versus kerry, very close race. loved covering it on cnn. had the help of this guy, anderson cooper. take a look. looks a little younger, looks happy in that picture. fast forward, 2016. still 50 states, still right
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here with us, anderson cooper, helping us get to the election. looks more serious here, missing something, gained something. that's for you to figure out at home. awful. still looks great to me. anderson, trust me from a guy that beat you to the line, 50 is the new 30. >> i heard you turned 50 years ago. rumors get started, maybe it is just a hair. i don't know. but 50 really? lyndon johnson was president when you were born. that's incredible, man. you're old! >> my man, happy birthday. good luck for you, turning 50 ain't easy. i am ten years away from it. when it happens to me, i hope you look half as good as you do. you look great. the plugs are working! >> wow. thank you, randi. >> you are so welcome. >> happy 50th anderson. >> for the record, 49. just 49 years old. >> all right.
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