tv Inside Politics CNN June 5, 2016 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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serve as commander in chief. >> donald trump's ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. i don't understand on it tadona bizarre fascination with dictators and strong men who have no love for america. we all know the tools donald trump brings to the table -- bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. i'm willing to bet he's writing a few right now. >> campaigning in california on friday, mr. trump returned fire. >> hillary clinton is unfit to lead our country. hillary clinton is a weak person. hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief and hillary clinton should be in jail for what she did to our national security. she's always got problems. whitewater, itch peachment,
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lies. he didn't have sex with that woman. he's a liar. people, we don't, needs, folks, another four years of the clintons. >> that's why i invited them to my wedding. i think it's safe to say whatever happened then, this is now' then don't like each other, but to the question we were talking about a bit earlier, she did seem and remember the brief moments, there were brief moments in the republican campaign marco rubio got underneath trump's skin, knocked him off a couple of days. is this potentially you write that some republicans seem to be nerve bus this, is this potentially at least for a week an example of hillary clinton getting under his skin? >> yes, it was the if, sign she's willing to engage him at a level i think democrats had wanted her to for weeks if not months which is to elevate this, make this about fitness for
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office, being commander in chief, having access to the country's nuclear codes and she finally did that in a, really strong way for one day. the question is, can she sustain it? can she do this consistently undergirded by strong campaign against him for months? if she can't and trump continues to flail about going after various judges here or governors there of his own party i think it's going to be very problematic for him. john what is striking to me about trump's response he does the off-the-cuff, ought to be in jail, lying hillary. it was the sound of silence. nobody else in the party stood up that day or the next day saying hillary clinton is wrong on policy herself, x, y, z, about syria, about isis, korea, whatever. it's trump with his twitter feed, whatever he says off-the afternoon cuff on the stump. it's not good enough. >> the speaker of the house gave the weekly radio address and says not a word about the
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presidential agenda. trump has proven he's a pretty successful communications machine but to this point, a lot of critics even some democrats say there wasn't a lot about hillary clinton in that speech, that it was all about why not donald trump. it wasn't a lot of why hillary clinton so that will come in the campaign and democrats question she needs a better, stronger, consistent economic message but she was scathing in her criticism of mr. trump and also tried to work in humor, here's just a little bit more. >> imagine if he had not just his twitter account at his disposal when he's angry, but america's entire arsenal. do we want him making those calls? this is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes, because it's not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin. >> and again, we know this about mr. trump. he is a consummate consumer of
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this campaign and its news on the campaign trail in california, he says no, i have perfect temperament to be president. >> there's nobody with a better temperament than me. i have a temperament for winning. i really believe i have the greatest temperament there is and the temperament that this country needs at this time. my temperament is totally controlled so beautiful. i built an unbelievable company. i did so many great things. >> will we get to taxes and spending and social security and education or is this going to be, you know, she says he's awful and he says she's worse, and she says you may not like me but you should like him less? >> the clinton believes they finally discovered his weakness after months or at least waekz of bumbling around trying to find the right cutesy nickname. democrats have been nervous in general election polling and watching the clinton campaign struggling to find an effective message against donald trump. lot of democrats breathing a sigh of relief after this speech
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feeling she has finally found the focused message against him and a lot of these polls show that voters do think that trump would do a good job with the economy, even with national security. it is the temperament they have questions about. shes' zeroed in on what is perceived to be his weakness. >> great point, the state of michigan democrats va been campaigning for weeks to the clinton campaign you don't understand. we think donald trump is stronger than you thought and debbie dingell says it's clear she's getting on the way. >> and important effort to go after some of the republicans, too, who are also nervous about donald trump az commander in chief. you saw folks in the republican foreign policy establishment really are not quite sold that donald trump does have the temperament or the knowledge or can actually handle being in charge of the united states military, so that was also part of their strategy there, even if she did not talk anything about herself or give any new
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proposals. >> if you're looking for a hopeful message in this campaign we're going to be looking under rocks and whatnot. >> wait until 2020. >> to that point you mentioned hopeful message. mr. trump in firing back to hillary clinton you mentioned this earlier, you heard him there, brought up bill clinton and monica lewinsky and also on the trail this week said hillary clinton doesn't belong on the campaign trail, she belongs somewhere very different. >> hillary clinton is missing 30,000 e-mails, they've been deleted. 30,000. 30,000 e-mails. i will say this, hillary clinton has to go to jail, okay? she has to go to jail. it was a phony hack job. she's guilty as hell. >> tell me what he really thinks. >> these are two of the -- both candidates are historically unpopular nominees, so the question is going to be who is less popular, not who is going
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to be the one who is winning over the voters, it is someone who is less bad. >> each of them gets that so they're piling on opponent to get the other opponent down. up ahead the obama factor, the incumbent president has a history with donald trump and doing all he can to keep him from taking the keys to the white house. is it time for the president to endorse a candidate or should he wait until the democratic nomination is officially settled? you can vote at those new glasses? they are. do i look smarter? yeah, a little. you're making money now, are you investing? well, i've been doing some research. let me introduce you to our broker. how much does he charge? i don't know. okay. uh, do you get your fees back if you're not happy? (dad laughs) wow, you're laughing. that's not the way the world works. well, the world's changing. are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab.
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protests at donald trump rallies made headline this is past week but there was a different twist. often the focus is on trump protesters roughing up -- trump supporters roughing up protesters. outside a big rally with san jose this week trump supporters were attacked. you see some of the footage there. president obama reacted by saying there's no room for violence as the country airs its political differences. it's an ugly scene.
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both democratic candidates spoke out as well. >> i condemn all violence in our political arena. i condemned it when donald trump was inciting it, and condprat lating people who were engaging in it. >> violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable. i understand the anger, but we are not going to defeat trump, you know, by throwing eggs or getting involved in violence of any kind. >> in a tweet yesterday, trump said many of the thugs that attacked the peaceful trump supporters in san jose were illegals. they burned the american flag and laughed at police. i don't know where mr. trump gets his information that many of them were illegals but they did burn an american flag. they were waving mexican flags and i know there are some anti-trump latino organizations that are trying, these supporters aren't listening to tell these people don't burn american flags but don't show up with mexican flags because the
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groups think you're helping mr. trump if you do that. >> trump believes this is to his political advantage as well. when people see scenes of chaos and disorder, scenes of what seems to be un-american behavior that is what strikes fear in people's hearts and makes them want a strong man, someone who says he's going to protect you, somebody who says that he's going to quash these forces of scary disorder out there, and so there is a feeling that, even if these people are a small fringe or outliers or a small band of anarchists and troublemakers who don't represent the main stream of the opposition to donald trump, they could cause a lot of trouble. >> and does anyone assume this is not with us until the end? >> that's what worries republicans about the convention in cleveland, a scene we'll probably see play out every day and that's why a lot of republicans are staying away from the convention particularly ones in tough re-election races
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on capitol hill. they don't want to be associated with this. this is a sign of things to come. >> corporate money also not going to the republicans because the corporations don't want their name associated with this. >> i think in the short term it's helpful for trump because it sort of casts a not so flattering light on some of the trump opposition. i think in the long run, constant scenes of chaos and protests at his events a lot of moderate mainstream americans are going to say i don't know if i want to be close with that sort of scene. i have concerns over what that represents and what that could be for the country going forward. >> not only that. there were scenes inside where a reporter was removed for doing their job, taken out for sitting there typing and saying for no reason. even things like that. i know it's a little bit more insidery that is indicative of a larger problem within the trump campaign. >> that's the insight. this past week the trump
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supporters were attacked as well we should make clear. >> never okay. >> thank you, never okay and hopefully people will listen to their leaders. let's turn quickly to the obama factor. the president is making clear we might hear more from him on the campaign trail and might hear more about his preferences in the race this week. listen to the president this past week saying we're at a key moment in the campaign and -- >> i think that there's been a healthy debate in the democratic party, and it's almost over. i think we'll probably have a pretty good sense next week of who the nominee will end up being. >> he's ready. >> he's ready, and remember, if you talk to people close to the president, he's criticized trump quite a bit. the president of the united states remembers very well the atmosphere that led him to release his long form birth certificate and mr. trump was the chief cheerleader of the birther movement and he's
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itching to get outen the campaign trail. the question is wednesday or thursday this week if he says and things go as he believes it will go that hillary clinton is our nominee. last week he said debbie wasserman schultz has my back, we have to make sure he has her back. there's no mystery he prefers hillary clinton. >> i was like wait, he hasn't en, e endorsed yet? this is one who served in his administration, who has been hised aer have tear but on his team. i don't know if you all agree i don't think there was any confusion that that was going to happen. >> and again, for long memories bernie sanders was involved in 2012 finding a primary challenge per politicians remember the things. all politicians remember everything. >> so important for hillary clinton going forward is whether or not the president's approval ratings continue to improve as they have doing. she is effectively running for a third obama term and she has
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etennially said that during the primary in order to win over obama supporters so the better he does presumably the better she does. >> in her biggest potential problem in a general election is motivating the democratic base, getting that enthusiasm and motivating the obama coalition in particular. once he is out there on the stump in the general election he can be a powerful factor. >> even if she gets a similar percentage among african americans, if the number goes down in philadelphia, if the number depose down in north carolina, flip, flip, flip. >> it's the volume issue. >> and beyond this just being personal for the president, you talk about his personal, i think it's bigger than that. remember the state of the union address this year, all about combating the forces of tribalism and division. the president feels that his entire political philosophy is under attack by donald trump. everything that he has tried to build his entire message of his political career is sort of on the table here. >> both policy and philosophically. >> i think this is a bigger argument to him. >> excellent point. our reporters share from their
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notebooks yet including insights on a big meeting that test donald trump's evangelical support and test the move of some of his highest profile critics. we asked you if president obama should endorse sooner rather than later? the majority of you said no, but look that's very close. some cash back cards are,
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let's head around the "inside politics" table and ask reporters to share something from their notebooks. >> this week mitt romney has his annual summer summit in utah. gets big wigs together. last year a bunch of the presidential candidates went to try and woo some of romney's allies. this year expected to be a quieter affair but paul ryan is going to be there and of course mitt romney has said he will never endorse donald trump. paul ryan recently did just that so there could be a little bit of tension in the room full of big money guys. >> no mr. trump, surprise, shocking. jonath
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jonathan? >> the house and senate are back this week from recess. expect more prominent folks in the gop to bring up trump's talk about the federal judge who trump claimed is a mexican, he's actually not, but you've got three senate races, arizona, nevada and florida that are crucial with populations with large hispanic folks there, and that is going to be fascinating to watch, what do they say, incumbent is john mccain. the challengers are three parts of a puzzle huge. >> how fast and how far do they run for mr. trump. >> the big money is not going to miss donald trump but big money increasingly is going down to outside groups trying to fund senate races on the republican side. senate majority leader's super pack senate leadership fund is
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expected to get big money now that donors are not spending their money behind donald trump including the koch brothers as well, they are expected to spend more money in 2014 senate -- 2016 senate races than they did in the last cycle. sheldon adelson the casino executive signaled he's not spending as much money in senate races because he's paying a lot of money for donald trump instead. nevertheless the democrats that i've talked to are very worried that this big money will flow downstream and be problematic in senate races, something to look out for in the key battleground states. >> protecting that majority. jackie? >> the faith and freedom coalition has their big meeting in washington, d.c., at the end of this week including a lot of donald trump's biggest evangelical detractors. including ted cruz. lot were ted cruz supporters. i'll watch how ted cruz speaking at the event and a lot of his supporters deal with their new reality with donald trump at the head of their ticket.
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>> enthusiasm hold your nose, we'll watch that. and i'll close with a question of trust, whether republicans can trust what they're told by the trump campaign. there's complaining it is very hard if not impossible to be confident about convention planning and general election coordination because of constant mixed signals from team trump. aides tell republicans they get it. some of you will have to distance yourself from mr. trump. but when officials take the steps, trump himself has attacked them. the new attacks on the judge jonathan mentioned overseeing the trump university fraud case is another example and for some the last straw. trump repeatedly told party chairman reince priebus and others he understands republicans can't win with white voters alone and he'll make a more concerted and promises more polite effort to reach out to latinos and african-americans. "what they say and what he does are often very different things" a senior party official tells cnn, the official said most of us are past the point of
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thinking we can trust that things will change or trust what he tells us. great way to run a presidential campaign. that's it for "inside politics." thanks for sharing your sunday morning. big "state of the union" with jake tapper up next. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands.
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golden state warriors. it's crunch time here in california. >> california strong. >> with the final major contest just days away, the candidates are all here, and they are all talking to us. trump. >> hillary clinton is a stiff. >> clinton. >> on tuesday, i will have decisively won the popular vote. >> sanders. >> if the turnout is very, very large, i think we have a chance to win big. >> as violent protests continue. and racial tensions rise. >> she's a mexican. >> can california change the course of thisct
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