tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 8, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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woman from minnesota elected to congress. in 2016, carly fiorina's turn, former hewlett packard ceo, often sparred with opponent donald trump. >> ran up mountains of debt as well as losses. >> reporter: then candidate ted cruz named her as his running mate, but vice president wasn't in the cards for her either, nor for ferraro in 1984. even though she stood her ground against then vice president george h.w. bush. >> almost recent, vice president bush, your patronizing attitude. >> reporter: sarah palin's vice presidential run was memorable. but in the end palin went down in flames, in part because she couldn't answer a question about what newspaper she read. >> all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years. i have a vast variety of sources.
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where we get our news. # alaska isn't a foreign country. >> reporter: for so many before hillary clinton, the oval office was out of reach but as she predicted eight years ago, the path will be a little easier next time. >> reporter: this could be her year. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> much more ahead in the next hour, including more on the split of republican lawmakers whether to support the party presumptive nominee or how far to go supporting him. some insist he could change tone and style. house speaker change any minds in the closed door meeting? a look at that ahead. wanna drink more water? with sodastream you turn plain water into sparkling water in seconds.
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we begin with republicans supporting trump. others citing his speech as a reason to hang on. paul ryan having at best mixed feelings about donald trump is now on board. speaker ryan called what he said about judge curiel racism, his words. trying to build support for the man, some might say only in washington. manu raju is following the twists and turns.
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you have been talking to officials and donors. did events today change minds? >> not quite, but he is on shaky ground, anderson. several gop camps are forming, that republican leaders say the voters have spoken, donald trump would be better than hillary clinton, there are republicans in that never trump movement, lindsey graham, ben sass of nebraska, and congressman from wisconsin who told me trump is likely a racist. questioning whether judge curiel can rule fairly because of mexican descent. republicans are in tough re-election races. this is where you'll find the most distance. senator toomey said he will see how it plays out before he decides to support. to support but not endorse the nominee, trump could lose backing. last week i caught up with his biggest rival, ted cruz, who told me time will tell whether he would even back donald trump this year. >> what role did trump's speech
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play in anybody's thinking? >> i can tell you republicans, that speech went over well on capitol hill. john cornyn, number two senate republican told me he was happy trump stayed on script, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said something similar to aaron burnett earlier. in the closed door meeting, paul ryan who did criticize comments strongly, reiterated support for trump, expressing the importance of party unity. really, anderson, hoping that last night's speech wasn't just an anomaly. >> what are the biggest remaining concerns? >> they want him to communicate a clear vision for the party, talk about the republican issues that unite them as a party. many republicans like susan collins of maine are tired of all of the personal insults he leveled, even at fellow republicans.
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what republicans don't want to hear, anderson, is more commercial comments that force them to clean up after the nominee and distract from the effort to hang onto congress. >> thanks. here's a contrasting moment. >> this judge is mexican heritage, i'm building a wall. mexican heritage and he is very proud of it. i'm building a wall. i am trying to keep business out of mexico. he is proud of his heritage, okay? i am building a wall, i am building a wall. he is a mexican. building a wall between here and mexico. this judge is giving us unfair rulings. now i say why. well, i'm going to build a wall, okay, and it is a wall between mexico, not another country. >> that was not us repeating that, that's how many times he said it.
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now he is trying to reboot the campaign. phil mattingly has more on that. what are you hearing how yesterday's speech came together with the key players in trump's campaign? >> it is an amazing thing, anderson. you look at it, more than 24 hours prior, donald trump was on a private conference call with surrogates, urging them to go on offense. there's a good reason why. he believes he is in the right. he believes the rulings that have come from the judge have been unfair, that the only rational reason is the judge is biased, he believes he is right through the process. what we saw last night in the 700 plus word statement and the rather toned down remarks that you and manu talked about, he at the urging of family members, including his daughter, ivanka trump, rnc members, new jersey governor chris christie and most importantly chief strategist paul manafort willing to if not back down, ratchet back the rhetoric. anderson, worth noting that this
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isn't some major pivot, if you talk to advisers, they say major change is not in the ofg, but this is a shift, he is listening to advisers, telling him to change course, is something new. for a lot of them, this could be an important moment but they want to see what happens next. >> is this something trump himself wanted to do? >> anderson, one of the interesting things throughout the campaign you learn from closest advisers, donald trump doesn't do anything that donald trump doesn't want to do, but there are a core group of advisers he is starting to rely on a lot. throughout the process, reince priebus, republican national committee chairman and chris christie have been close sounding boards for him throughout the entire process. obviously paul manafort as well. worth noting that while this was a shift, you're not going to see donald trump come off course here. he is going to continue to do
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what he's been doing in his rallies. the reason why is this. it has gotten him this far. you talk to his advisers, hear him speak, he doesn't think the establishment republicans that have been opposed to what he is doing to this point have any grounds to stand on now, so there's not going to be a major wholesale shift, but it is interesting to note. chris christie, reince priebus, paul manafort, all individuals that have got good sway in the entire process, anderson. >> phil mattingly, appreciate the reporting. back with the panel. kayleigh, we talked last night on the air together about donald trump putting out a statement, saying i am done talking about this, time to talk about other things. yet i read an interview with him i am pretty sure was from today in which he was again talking
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about the details of this and that he didn't get good rulings on this, relitigating again this case. >> i would have to see the details of the interview. i haven't seen that one. people have been citing his interview last night which was prerecorded before the statement came out, that's what i have been told. if he is asked about it, i think he will respond, but i don't think he will fall for gotcha questions, won't bring it up, probably going to try to move to issues more and more like jobs, terrorism. is it going to come up during the course of the campaign? i am sure it will in some form probably be part of the debate question. i hope it is not. i hope moderators stick to what the american people care about. but it is not going to be a core issue. >> it does seem donald trump answers questions. you ask him a question, he answers. you can disagree with the answer, like it or not like it, but i am not sure assuming jake's questions were gotcha questions, getting him to repeat over and over again, building a wall with mexico. he is mexican.
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>> when a candidate says something that causes huge controversy, questions are going to come from the press right and left and repeatedly to try to get the candidate to clarify or take a stand, one thing or another. he has been going through what lots and lots of professional political leaders have gone through over the years, there's nothing new about that. i don't think he has been treated any more unfairly than others from other parties. i can tell you going back to clinton years, they thought they were hammered by mainstream press, didn't come from the right, came from the left, thought "new york times" was after them from the beginning. i don't think he had baptism by fire, i don't think he handled it particularly well. did last night represent a turn in tone of the campaign, of course he will have rallies, but will he change tone in the way paul ryan and others are urging him to do, and they're not convinced of that yet. they have been told on more than one occasion by him and others around him, he gets it, he is going to change, he's going to do it. even the advisers say he will change tonight, and boom, goes
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off and is his old self. there's skepticism with republicans. according to ben webber, long time republican leader in washington said flat out i don't believe it, i don't believe he will change. i think he is incapable of change. i think we will wait and see. if he does change, keeps rallies, i think he has a chance to regain footing. i would say parenthetically, he warned if he did he was boring. >> and rick -- >> there's a tension. >> rick, important point.
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because there are a lot of other candidates read off teleprompters on the gop side, had campaigns and knew policy papers and papers left, right, center and they're gone and donald trump beat them all. if you were donald trump, why wouldn't you stick with what brought you here. >> donald trump relishes controversy, it commands attention of the media. he wants to control the attention of the media desperately. problem is that wouldn't be bad if he talked about bad job support and contrast between a program that would lift jobs and incomes and grow the economy and what we have been seeing the last seven years under barack obama, he is driving controversy around religious litmus test for immigration, barring muslims from the country, saying a u.s. born indiana bred judge from mexican descent is not qualified to preside over a trial, and then said maybe if there were muslims or a woman he would feel the same way. he had a problem with the pope, does that mean every catholic judge wouldn't be qualified to
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hear the case? this is what makes elected republicans uneasy. it is what makes a lot of traditional long time lifelong republicans uneasy. this is not the kind of statement you would associate with the party of lincoln, roosevelt or ronald reagan. this is a different party that donald trump wants to preside over and it is not one embraced by many people like me. >> van, newt gingrich talked to cnn saying missteps from trump, are quote, the kind of mistakes amateurs make, yet newt gingrich wanted to stress that he is supporting donald trump. what about that. fact of the matter is trump has only been a politician a year now. are they simply mistakes he is making? >> first of all a year is a long time in politics. a lot of mistakes he's making
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are mistakes if you're a kinder garth ner, you would be worried. he is acting like a bad boyfriend. after the fourth, fifth, sixth date, still having these problems, you have to start being worried. obviously speaker gingrich is someone trying hard to help him and i applaud speaker gingrich for doing that. the reality is at this late date, imagine if you're one year into the presidency and having these kinds of problems. well, guess what, here comes the press conference tomorrow, the president will stop insulting the prime minister, stop insulting, don't worry, he is going to get better. you can't do this. i think that's where we are. for most people, we have already seen enough to know there's something desperately wrong with this candidacy and candidate. >> you point to his achilles heel, being unscripted. sometimes that can hurt him. it is also his greatest attribute. there's a contrast when you watch donald trump handle press questions where most of the time he answers directly for better
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or worse. versus hillary clinton, a professional dodger. i watched her interview with anderson cooper. you asked great questions but you had to ask her twice whether her husband would remove himself from the clinton foundation. >> she didn't answer. >> she didn't. hours earlier was asked twice why she said she would give an anyone to anyone that wanted to to speak with the inspector ed general. she was asked twice and didn't answer. they see authenticity from trump and dodging from hillary clinton. >> look, i said that from the beginning about donald trump, van, that you can see him in an interview, when john dickerson asked would a muslim judge be able to, i don't want to
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misquote, but be unable to judge you. clearly trump hadn't thought about it. you saw him go like hmm, yeah, i guess so. and think about it and answer. a practiced politician would not have answered that question or would have gotten away. and to his achilles' point, that's his achilles heel but also part of what attracted people in the first place. >> is that in some context endearing, captivating, make for interesting television, yes. here's the reality, doesn't make a great president of the united states whose word could crash a stock market or start a war. yes, it is refreshing but that doesn't mean that's what you need to get a country through where we are. >> let's take a quick break. we will dig deeper with the panel to the notion of trump 2.0. is there a reset, what he is promising when he makes his next formal speech monday. and later, president obama's endorsement of hillary clinton, when it could happen, how it might happen, whether it could persuade bernie sanders supporters to stay in the democratic camp.
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talking about donald trump, doing what his supporters are asking him to do, stop with name calling and pivot toward the general election. the speech differed from his usual. >> i am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the clintons. i think you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. hillary clinton turned the state department into her private hedge fund. the russians, the saudis, the chinese, all gave money to bill and hillary and got favorable treatment in return.
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it is a sad day in america when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens. >> back with the panel. the speech trump is going to give, seems like the argument will be that the clintons see government service as a means to an end for their own gains, he will raise up questions, some of which i asked secretary clinton about, about the clinton foundation and other issues. secretary clinton says look, this has all been gone over already, let him bring it on, there's nothing new here. shouldn't she be concerned? is she vulnerable on this? >> i think her speech against him, her, quote, foreign policy speech in which she assembled everything in the speech was known before, but still had a powerful effect, it was the cumulative quality of the speech that was very effective, and his answer was minimal.
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he didn't rebut it effectively at all. but now he has the opportunity to return the favor and go and bring all of this stuff together and go slug her. that's going to be the nature of the campaign unfortunately. but fair is fair, she went after him in that way, he has every right to go after her and see where the chips fall. >> kayleigh, you brought up a number of issues over the last several weeks about the clintons and i'm sure we're going to hear those echoed from donald trump. were you surprised that he didn't respond or that the campaign didn't respond more aggressively to the speech hillary clinton gave which is the litany of using his words against him? >> i wasn't really surprised because i think there are so many months going forward he has a chance to respond. he just laid out foreign policy which was revised after attack from hillary clinton. he has a lot of months to draw a stark contrast, it starts monday with this attack. some saying it is digging up old clinton past and won't have impact, i think it will. you get new news every day. associated press broke news that
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there's a chance hillary clinton e-mails could have exposed identities of cia operatives and chance that could have happened. they mentioned aides having to unplug the server when there was potentially hackers going into the state department. there are a lot of details breaking day to day. it is worth his time to tie it all together. >> van, what does it say about the election cycle that both candidates seem far more comfortable making the case against the rival on the other side of the aisle than they do making the case for themselves, or perhaps they pay more attention when they make that case against the rival. >> well, depressing and distressing for most people. obviously most people can't follow all of the twists and turns and allegations. what i will say is this, which i don't think people say enough, they're trying to make the clinton foundation be some big, terrible thing. frankly, if you're honest about it, it was one of the best
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things an ex-president has done. a lot of presidents have good post presidencies, jimmy carter probably a better ex-president than president, and he has done and continues to do a ton of great work around the world. nobody has done as much as the clintons have through their foundation. you have people that are walking around breathing with hiv medicine and water and stuff on planet earth because of the foundation. to me it is weird that you would take one great thing that nobody ordinarily argue about, but try to make it an ugly thing. # let's talk about the foundation, bring out thousands and thousands of people that benefitted. i don't know if it will be as bad a thing for the clintons to talk about the foundation. >> rick, what do you think? >> i think number one that donald trump is not going to have a hard sell to explain or persuade the american public that hillary clinton is not particularly trustworthy, that
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she has ethical issues. all of the polling shows a majority of americans don't trust hillary clinton. that's her achilles heel. that's the shame of where republicans find themselves with donald trump, they have a generic republican, they would be ahead five, six points now on the way to a win, solidifies majorities in the house and senate. i hope donald trump will focus on some things that are real for american people like the fact they have stagnant wages for almost 15 years. the last jobs report friday where you had almost 500,000 workers dropping out of the work force, another 500,000 americans in part-time jobs that want full-time jobs. that's where the real rubber hits the road. that's where hillary clinton and barack obama have vulnerability, seven years to build a stronger economy, it is the worst recovery since world war ii, post recession recovery, and donald trump ought to have a lot of ammunition and great plan to address it.
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he says he is the economy guy. americans want to believe he will do a better job fixing the economy, then get on it. >> want to thank the panel. just ahead, we will dig into a claim that surrogates make about judge curiel, involving a scholarship they say was given to undocumented immigrants. is that what really happened? what role did the judge play. we will take a look at that. bend me shape me, any way you want me
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donald trump may have softened his tone in last night's speech but he is not backing away from the fire storm in the party. he said his comments had been misconstrued and said concerns about judge curiel go beyond ethnicity and include reported associations with certainly professional organizations. a number of trump surrogates have cited curiel's member sip in la raza because of a scholarship the organization gave out. >> this judge part of la raza san diego lawyers did oversee giving the a scholarship to an illegal immigrant. >> he gave a scholarship to an
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illegal immigrant. >> gave a scholarship to an illegal immigrant. >> he gave a scholarship from this group to an undocumented immigrant. >> it does say something about what the judge thinks of illegal immigrants, they should be in this country and he rewarded with a scholarship. >> they are making the claims on the program. >> reporter: judge gonzalo curiel works out of this courthouse in san diego. across the street is where the president of the san diego la raza law association works. >> we focus on increasing diversity and equality among latinos in the community. >> reporter: the judge is a member, being accused by some critics of awarding scholarships to undocumented immigrants. the lawyer's association offers small scholarships ranging from 1,000 to $2500. >> do you have to be in law school?
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>> sure. you have to be in law school. we look at gpa, community service, and your commitment to the latino community. >> reporter: judge curiel was on an 11 member committee that selected which students got those in 2014. the lawyer association says all decisions were group decisions. >> was there ever a time where the judge or any individual would decide on someone getting a scholarship? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: these are names of people that got them two years ago, appears one was undocumented when brought here as an 11-year-old. we know it because he disclosed it on the la raza lawyers association news release. look, he wrote, a boy who did undocumented, graduated from law school and is an attorney. >> i would tell prospective students to -- >> this is a promotional video for thomas jefferson school of law in san diego where he attended.
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>> here you will be helped, guided, nurtured, and if you're put into work, you will succeed in whatever you want to do within school and outside. >> reporter: it is not clear if any on the application committee knew about his status. they allow undocumented children brought to the u.s., opportunities such as being admitted to the bar and practicing law. >> whether one is undocumented is not a question that we have asked of our applicants. >> if anyone thought judge undocumented immigrant to give a scholarship, that's not the case? >> it is misinformation used for political expediency. >> reporter: initially some truck surrogates and supporters said this lawyer group was part of a latino civil rights group known as national council of la raza, disliked from some conservatives but that's not true. >> it is a policy driven advocacy group we have no affiliation with.
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>> reporter: that's now recognized by critics. >> this judge is of mexican heritage, i'm building a wall. i will do well with the hispanics. >> reporter: donald trump is saying he was misconstrued, still saying the judge treated him unfairly, which makes him no different from countless other defendants in american courtrooms, complaining sometimes rightly and often quite wrongly that a judge has it out for them. >> as a judge, he handled himself with integrity and will continue to do so moving forward. >> do you know if any of the members of this lawyers association are trump supporters? >> first i should mention, anderson, that the members of the organization came out with a press release today supporting judge curiel, the president of the organization stressed to me that this is not an anti-trump organization. i asked him of the 300 members how many support donald trump, he says he doesn't know. he doesn't know how many support
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hillary clinton or bernie sanders but does say some members are liberal, some are conservative, some are democrats, some are republicans. anderson? >> all right, gary tuckman, thanks. up next, a question many are asking, when will president obama endorse hillary clinton. more when we continue. ♪ ♪ wannwith sodastreamter? you turn plain water into sparkling water in seconds. and because it's so delicious, you'll drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water.
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unity, that's what hillary clinton is calling for now that she's the presumptive democratic presidential nominee. bernie sanders isn't bowing out of the race just yet. secretary clinton predicts that day is nearing. here's what she told me earlier today. >> i'm looking forward to working with him to achieve our common goal which is to defeat donald trump. senator sanders has said he will work every day, every week to see that happen, so we're going to be working to make sure that we have a unified party going into our convention and coming out. i know senator sanders will be meeting with president obama tomorrow. >> let's get details, whether the president is endorsing hillary clinton soon. joining me, michelle kosinski. the meeting tomorrow between the
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president and sanders, do we know what they're going to discuss? >> reporter: the white house is being so careful about this, almost to the point it makes you say come on. at this point they're not even saying that hillary clinton is the presumptive nominee, for them it is all about respecting the process, respecting bernie sanders and his supporters who they ultimately want to see support hillary clinton. publicly the white house is saying the president tomorrow will congratulate sanders, he will talk about building on progress he made on the issues, how he can play some important role continuing to engage in the debate. behind the scenes, we know the president wants to hear sanders out, this is likely to be a long discussion, at least an hour, and they're going to hash out a plan moving forward. the white house wants to keep this as inclusive and as positive as possible, anderson. >> any idea when an endorsement of secretary clinton by the president might occur?
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>> reporter: this is one of the cases you can feel the delicate dance around this. you can feel that this is a work in progress for the white house and very much dependent how the discussion goes tomorrow. keep in mind, even if sanders wants to stay in the race longer, the white house doesn't necessarily see him staying in up to the convention. they've had three conversations with them already. don't expect the president to necessarily wait for him to fully leave the race. because they're concerned about being careful, you could see the white house do a roll out of an endorsement, maybe something softer, maybe something on social media before the president does one of the big events where he is standing side by side with hillary clinton. best we can say at this point, they're working on it, but nothing before tomorrow. we're almost at that point already. this is going to be in the morning tomorrow. but it could be very soon after that meeting, anderson. >> all right. we will be covering it.
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michelle kosinski. let's go back to the panel. david, we will start with you. we heard president obama expected to endorse hillary clinton. exactly when we don't know. how pivotal is that endorsement to her candidacy? >> well, i think his enthusiastic support, not only endorsement but in the campaign, along with very importantly bernie sanders' enthusiastic support if that were to come would be very helpful for mrs. clinton. what they need to do is rally young people in ways they haven't been rallied so far, president obama did that two elections in a row, did remarkably well with young
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people, if he can bring them back to the polls, get the minorities back, it is tough for trump to win. if they sit home, anything could be possible. i must tell you, i think the white house is playing this extremely well. joe biden coming out today, saying let's not rush in, give them a grace period here. i think the president will play peace maker. and on the other side, remarkable a figure as bernie sanders is, you have to give him credit for what he's done, i thought last night he was ungenerous in his response. he was well past ten minutes into his speech before he took note of the fact that last night was historic, that a woman nearly wrapped up the nomination of a party. seemed to me generosity would have been suggested to him to be kinder, start building bridges to mrs. clinton as well as to the white house. i think that's going to advance his movement better than anything else. >> jonathan, is there anything specific or what specifics could hillary clinton do to help bernie sanders come on board and sanders supporters? there's a lot of reporting that sanders doesn't like debbie wasserman schultz, her removal as dnc chair, people on the
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platform committee for the sanders committee clearly don't like. what specifically? >> there are a lot of people that don't like debbie wasserman schultz and not confined to sanders sources, i talked to many outside the sanders camp and they would like her gone for many reasons. one thing we're mistaking and getting too bound up about is the idea of unity, as if there's going to be a kumbaya moment singing "we are the world" embracing and loving each other, i don't think that's going to happen and i don't think that's necessarily an awful thing. part of the reason that's not happening, it is a very different ideological view about the future of the country and party and what we should stand for. to the point about the president's endorsement, let's face it, the issue of trade was
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brought up. that's going to be a very intense debate at the convention, and in some way will put our delegates, the sanders delegates in contradiction to where the president stands. but i do believe we will be able to come out of the convention with one point and unifying idea which is to defeat donald trump. >> so christine, does that hearten you or make you concerned saying kumbaya. >> nobody thought they were going to hug it out on the stage and we don't need them to be going to the movies together. what we need is for senator sanders to support which i have no doubt he will secretary clinton enthusiastically, to campaign for her. but they need to talk policy and that's a good thing in our part. >> so van, there's support, active support, campaigning support. >> yeah. first of all a couple of things, talked about obama earlier.
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in 2008, the idea was you would get mccain as far from george w. bush as possible, i'm not running for a third bush term. in this case republicans saying hillary clinton running for a third obama term, she goes yes, i am. that's an extraordinary statement about how popular this president is, at least with democrats and certainly that's remarkable. i think the clinton people are in for a rude awakening as they try to interact with sanders forces.
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10:53 pm
10:54 pm
we began tonight's program with my interview with hillary. what could be a general election like none we've seen before. in the meantime, secretary clinton has made history. here are some of the highlights of our conversation. today, trump's campaign is saying they will make a concerted effort to attract sanders supporters. according to a politico article, he is filled with rage and resentment towards you. how do you overcome that and overcome that with his supporters? >> well, anderson, i know how it feels to have waged a hard-fought campaign and to fall short. as i said last night, my supporters were passionate. senator sanders supporters were passionate. i respect their feelings. i called senator sanders last night to congratulate him on the really extraordinary campaign that he has run. and i'm looking forward to working with him to achieve our
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common goal, which is to defeat donald trump. and senator sanders has said he'll work every day, every week to see that happen. so we're going to be working to make sure we have a unified party going into our convention and coming out. >> do you have specifics of how to do that? >> well, i do intend to reach out to his supporters and a lot of his supporters and our supporters share the same goals. we want to raise the national minimum wage, we want to have universal health care coverage, we want to fight inequality and create more economic opportunity for hardworking people. we want to make college affordable so it doesn't bankrupt kids and their families. we have a lot of the same goals. >> yesterday nancy pelosi said it would be fabulous for two women to be on the ticket. do you think the country is ready for a two-female ticket
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and can you tell me the time period for picking your vp? >> i'm looking at the most qualified people and that includes women, of course, because i want to be sure whoever i pick could be president immediately if something were to happen. that's the most important qualification. >> hillary clinton earlier today. we'll be right back. the big hilton world sale is on honors members save up to 25% on brands like hampton, doubletree, hilton garden inn, and waldorf astoria so stop clicking around. book direct at now that's satisfaction. well, i told you to bring a warmer jacket. when? every day since you could walk! now i just say it with my eyes like... folks, park ranger mark. -sup, bro? -hey, forest cop.
10:57 pm
you're taking up a lot of space. i'm going to need you to move a vehicle. todd, load the four-wheeler into the truck. flo: that's like bundling! 'cause progressive can bundle your boat, atv, and rv with your truck to save you money. don't talk to her. she has rabies. rabies was created by the government. look it up. [ flames whoosh ] [ gasps ] who are you people? yay, grandpa's still alive. i don't want to buy any cookies, little girl.
11:00 pm
that does it for us. thanks for watching. "cnn tonight" with don lemon starts now. candidates, start your engines. it's the first day of the general, and if you think this campaign has been wild, you ain't seen nothing yet. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. thanks for joining us. presumptive nominee hillary clinton talking to our very own anderson cooper, blasting donald trump while sending a message to bernie sanders. >> i really believe a lot of senator sanders supporters will join us in making sure donald trump doesn't get anywhere near the white house. >> donald trump, of course, giving as good as he gets. >> i am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week, and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the clintons. >> meanwhile, bernie saer
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