tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 9, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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thank you for joining us. see you back here tomorrow night. don't forget, watch our show on cnn go. meantime, ac 360 with anderson cooper begins right now. good evening. thanks very much for joining us. we begin with breaking news. firing attacks on donald trump over attacks on a federal judge. vice president biden speaking now, we are listening in, we will bring you comments when he starts to talk about it. tale of two parties with the roles almost reversed, democrats are doing what republicans normally do at this point, falling in line behind the presumptive nominee and republicans are falling all over themselves dealing with donald trump, including clashing over campaign fundraising, some trying to launch new plans to stop him at the convention in cleveland. we will look at all of that tonight. as for the democrats, a different story today. bernie sanders met with president obama. the president endorsed secretary clinton, so is elizabeth warren who lashed out at trump,
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american constitution society national convention. let's listen. >> trump tells everyone who will listen that he is a great business man but let's be honest, but let's be honest, he is a guy that inherited a fortune and kept it rolling along by cheating people. now trump also whined that he is being treated unfairly because the judge happens to be, can you believe, mexican. and when he got called out, he doubled down by saying i'm building a wall, it is an inherent conflict of interest. he has personally, personally collected his army of campaign surrogates to step up their own public attacks on judge curiel. he's even condemned federal judges who are muslim on the disgusting theory that trump's
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own bigotry compromises the judge. trump is picking on someone that's ethically bound not to defend himself, exactly what you would expect from a thin skinned racist bully. no, donald, what you are doing is a total disgrace. race baiting a judge that spent years defending america from the terror of murderers and drug traffickers because long ago his family came to america from somewhere else, you, donald trump, are a total disgrace. donald trump is a loud, nasty, thin skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself. and that is just one of the many reasons he will never be
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president of the united states. >> massachusetts senator elizabeth warren moments ago. as we said, vice president biden will be speaking at the same event. we will bring you that when it happens. he hasn't begun to speak. more how the democrats in the space of a day got to this place. jeff zeleny has that. >> i want to congratulate. >> reporter: president obama offering endorsement of hillary clinton. >> i don't think there's been anyone so qualified to hold this office. i am fired up, i cannot wait to get out there and campaign for hillary. >> reporter: hillary clinton welcoming the news on twitter, honored to have you with me, potus. democrats falling in line quickly, uniting around the idea of stopping donald trump. the president's blessing coming hours after meeting with bernie
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sanders today in the oval office. the visit included a walk along the white house colony, a courtesy normally afforded to visiting heads of state. >> let me begin by thanking president obama and thanking vice president biden for the degree of impartiality they established during the course of this entire process. >> senator, welcome back. >> reporter: the senator returning to a place they want him, on capitol hill. meeting with harry reid and others. >> i don't think bernie sanders is holding out for anything. i think he's somebody that's interested in changing the direction of the country. >> reporter: it was a day long sign of respect and leverage for sanders after winning 22 states and aggressively challenging clinton. sanders didn't directly address plans to suspend his campaign but did signal he is ready to unite democrats against the presumptive republican nominee. >> needless to say, i am going
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to do everything in my power and i will work as hard as i can to make sure that donald trump does not become president of the united states. >> reporter: trump taking it in tweeting obama just endorsed crooked hillary. he wants four more years of obama, but nobody else does. clinton firing back delete your account. rivals for years, sanders and clinton will soon come together. >> i look forward to meeting with her in the near future. >> reporter: clinton wants and needs his help, firing up voters as he did across the country. >> i'm looking forward to working with him to achieve our common goal which is to defeat donald trump and senator sanders has said he will work every day, every week to see that happen. >> reporter: jeff zeleny, cnn, washington. >> about the tweets, especially the delete your account one from the hillary clinton campaign. if you wonder what that means, "the new york times" explains it for all of us older folks.
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quote, it translates roughly as your tweet or opinion is so bad you should be immediately disqualified from further participation in the platform. whether that's how trump took it, he came back with how long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up and where are your 33,000 e-mails you deleted? joining us, senior political commentator, david axelrod, host of cnn podcast the ax files. and senior adviser maria core donna, david gregory, host of david gregory podcast, and trump supporter kayleigh mcenany. so the endorsements from obama, from elizabeth warren, senator sanders not dropping out but says he looks forward to meeting with clinton how to defeat trump. not a bad day for the clinton campaign. >> to say the least. this was a great day for the clinton campaign. it really spoke to consolidation
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or beginning of consolidation of the democratic base after a long, spirited primary. the president's endorsement was expected but still i'm sure welcome an important. i think the most encouraging thing was senator sanders' rhetoric after he left the white house, the clinton campaign short of endorsement which nobody expected at this moment could not have scripted his remarks better, they sent a strong signal that he will be out there this fall working hard to elect her and defeat donald trump. it was a big day for her. >> maria, donald trump tweeted about the endorsement minutes after it happened, he and secretary clinton have been in a twitter war ever since. clearly they're going to use the endorsement to their benefit, in two different ways. >> yes, absolutely. i think what you're seeing is that the whole of the democratic party, what we call the democratic dream team is coming together because they know how
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serious a threat donald trump is. you have hillary, you have bill clinton, you have today the president of the united states, soon you'll have the vice president, you'll have the first lady, michelle obama, you'll have the second lady as well out there, nancy pelosi endorsed her earlier this week, harry reid will be on her side. you know, these are people who understand how serious it is, the threat of donald trump in the white house. they're coming together to make sure that we underscore how critical it is for americans to defend american values and what democrats represent versus what trump represents. this whole dream team to me is welcome to thunder dome, mr. trump. >> david gregory, do you think it is only a matter of time before bernie sanders either comes out and concedes and endorses secretary clinton, says he is pushing forward to the d.c. primary next week which is the final primary. any chance he will take it all the way to the convention?
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>> i don't think so. i think by the body language today, the tone he struck today, as david axelrod mentioned, that he is preparing to endorse. this was a picture of a democratic party firing all cylinders with elizabeth warren at the tip of the speer as you played it a couple minutes ago. i think bernie sanders is dealing with first of all, he wants maximum influence, he was given his due, for being head of the progressive wing of the democratic party, and he also has, this is important for hillary clinton, he wants to make sure he doesn't rush this on behalf of all his supporters who may not be as far along as he might be in getting on board. david axelrod said months ago it is important for the clinton campaign to build a bridge that allows sanders supporters to walk over. they need time to do that. and it is going to take more than him saying i met with everybody, i am prepared to do this, he has to respect those supporters. >> kayleigh, interesting none of the former republican presidents
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or presidential nominees are out there at this point campaigning for donald trump and secretary clinton has the last two sitting democratic presidents, president obama and her husband in her corner. do you think that's a problem for trump or does he prefer not having the support. >> in some ways probably prefers not having the support, he ran against the establishment and republican leadership and against washington. we saw every one of the exit polls, a large majority of the republican electorate was angry at their own party. donald trump ran against this idea, it is not surprising you don't see republican leaders rally around him. look at the last six nominees, the last six republican nominees, donald trump has the second highest support among republican voters at this point after clinching the nomination. only person with slightly larger coalition of republican voters at this point was mitt romney. donald trump is on pace where he needs to be with republican voters, that's what matters. you can see the democratic leaders come around hillary
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clinton at this point, but democratic leaders coming around clinton is different. polls show it is hard for her to coalesce democratic voters. >> david axelrod, do you agree, does it not matter that donald trump doesn't have the other republican candidates out there? >> here's the problem with kayleigh's analysis, mitt romney lost. he lost because the republican base wasn't large enough to win a general election. his challenge now is to go beyond the base and signal to voters who aren't sure that this is a safe place for them to be and the last week has been discouraging to them, he scared off a lot of republicans who originally showed some interest in supporting him, so as good a week as hillary clinton has had, this has been a bad week for donald trump. that doesn't mean there won't be twists and turns in the road, there will as sure as we're sitting here, we're going to be talking about ups and downs for both candidates, and this really
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won't settle in until much later, but as of now in this week, on this day this has been a good run for hillary clinton. >> the flip side of that is o george h.w. bush and george w. bush won, and he has voters coalesced around him than both those did a month after clinching the nomination. people talk about the never trump movement, dethroning him at the convention, it is not going to happen. voters coalesced around this candidate. >> the bushes won because they put together a coalition of nonwhite voters and there's no way at this point there's a path for donald trump to do that, especially with the kinds of comments we know he loves to make. >> i think there is a path forward. there's double digit unemployment for minorities. >> there is not double digit unemployment. >> yes, there is, there's real
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unemployment out there. >> we are going to take a break, we are waiting for vice president biden. he is talking to a group of constitutional lawyers. we will bring you that. and next, president obama's endorsement and what a change from their relationship eight years ago. we will be right back. men. 80% try to eat healthy, yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's gummies. complete with key nutrients plus b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. one a day. world saleilton is on honors members save up to 25% on brands like hampton, doubletree, hilton garden inn, and waldorf astoria so stop clicking around. book direct at now that's satisfaction.
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breaking news, fiery attack on donald trump from elizabeth warren and beginning of one from vice president biden. we will bring you the best of it in a moment. back with the panel. a toned down bernie sanders after meet white gold the president and we will show you his toughest critic and bitter rival. >> even after our own hard fought campaign in a testament to her character she agreed to serve our country as secretary of state. and from the decision we made in "the situation room" to get bin laden to our pursuit of diplomacy in capitals around the world, i have seen her judgment, i have seen her toughness, i have seen her commitment to our values up close. i've seen her determination to give every american a fair shot at opportunity, no matter how tough the fight was. that's what has always driven her and still does.
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so i want those of you with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know that i'm with her. >> back with the panel. david axelrod, you know as much as anyone on this subject how rough and tumble primary season can be, taking senator sanders into account, do you think we will see a unity moment? >> i do think you will. i think he is the trustee of a movement he helped create, he doesn't want to get too far in front of that movement. he is also clearly committed to the notion that democrats have to win this election in the fall. i expect at some point you'll see the two of them together as you saw obama and hillary clinton together in unity in 2008 but i have to tell you, anderson, what i am thinking about as i listened to that
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video is the day that senator obama, president elect obama told some of us that he wanted to make hillary clinton secretary of state. i have to confess, there was a say what moment and he explained he felt she was a friend before she was an opponent, she was smart, she was capable, she'd be loyal, and she would be someone that could land in foreign capitals and be taken seriously as he tended to the economy. >> david -- >> so it was a very big thing. >> david, let's listen to joe biden now, the vice president speaking. >> because he says judge ruled against him in light of his anti-mexican proposals. mr. trump is unique in
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attempting to effect the judiciary. other private citizens tried to pressure the judiciary from time to time. but not private citizens who are placed in close range of the white house by one of our great political parties. it is one thing for a private citizen to attempt to throw his economic or political weight around as an unelected official, to try to influence, help him demolish his adversary, and it is quite another for the presumptive candidate of a major party to do the same thing. they will say joe, and folks, i have not been out responding to in my capacity as vice president to anything that mr. trump has
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said, but it is my view that a presidential candidate that publicly attacks a sitting judge that ruled against his own interests cannot be trusted to appoint to the judiciary. i'm sure for those saying with good reason i think that's a harsh judgment, but there's no real connection here, let's look at what that presumptive nominee said. his own words. after calling the judge presiding over a fraud suit against him a total disgrace, mr. trump said, i quote, these are his act words, but we will
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come back in november. wouldn't that be wild if i'm president and i come back and do a civil case. he went on to say, i am quoting, wouldn't it be wild as president to come back in november to do a civil case. how can that be interpreted any other way than as a direct threat these are words of someone that sees the judiciary as a tool to manipulate to do what he calls deal with the laws of our country. these are words in my view of one who would defy the courts if they ruled against him as president.
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not just in a business case but a case challenging government abuse of power. raising the specter of, quote, coming back in november, quote, doing a civil case. the oval office is not so veiled a threat, it is a direct threat. to use the office of the presidency, were he to acquire it to intimidate and undermine an independent judiciary would be blatant unconstitutional abuse of power. either mr. trump which is possible doesn't understand, i mean that sincerely, he's a bright guy, i'm not saying that, not pretending, but he either doesn't understand because this is a realm in which he has never dealt before or he doesn't care,
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that it would border on an impeachable offense for a president to use the great powers of the office to attempt to undermine a federal judge by placing pressure on that judge in any case, especially one the president has in this case a personal financial stake. this kind of conduct is pre initial us, unprecedented. >> david gregory, we listen to vice president biden there, he is just one person that will be on the stump, elizabeth warren will be out there, i assume senator sanders, president obama, and others, not to mention whoever the vice presidential pick is, what do you think the campaign will look like on donald trump's side? do you think he is going to have -- obviously they have surrogates on television, he will continue to have large events but will there be the equivalent of elizabeth warren,
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of president obama, vice president biden out speaking for donald trump, doing events to be a force multiplier? >> i presume there will be, it is difficult to see how trump gets from where he is now to that point because even though he has consolidation in the republican party and republican voters who are voting for him and supporting him, the republican establishment is in turmoil over his racist remarks against judge curiel for one thing, for his disarray as a campaign, for lack of strategic direction. you heard one congressman today say there are people that might be endorsing donald trump that may not want to wear a t-shirt for him. so he doesn't have his act together. he has done a lot to consolidate the party but he has two full weeks where he wasted a political opportunity to define hillary clinton. and what does hillary clinton have? you saw the clip earlier with president obama. the president who was 50% in the
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approval ratings, can campaign for her, do a lot to deliver the coalition of young people and women brought him to a second term in 2012 and deliver that to hillary clinton. >> kayleigh, what do you think of that. how do you see the campaign on trump's side, by the convention the vice presidential pick will be out campaigning aggressively. do you think he has other people in his pocket lined up who will be out there? >> i do. i think you've seen chris christie be a powerful advocate, mike huckabee, jeff sessions. i think the convention will be a linchpin moment, it will be a grandiose event, much higher ratings than the last one. i think it will be a big moment of coming together. for that to happen i think it is important for mr. trump to make sure to focus on issues, to deliver some of the little more scripted speeches, not lose his
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off the cuff demeanor makes him popular. i think this will be a turning point and big moment of coming together for party leadership because voters are together but for leadership. >> we have to take a quick break. more from the panel coming up. donald trump's late start fundraising, colliding with more heat from top republicans. finance team met today in new york as new talk of convention coup is bubbling up. is there any truth or reality to that idea? more ahead. fact. there's an advil specially made for fast relief that goes to work in minutes. the only advil with a rapid release formula for rapid relief of tough pain. look for advil film-coated in the white box! relief doesn't get any faster than this. advil. ♪ [engine revs] ♪
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donald trump met today in new york with dozens of top fund-raisers. it was the first time there was a finance team brought together. typically these happen long before they declare. while he was meeting today with potential donors, some top republicans in washington continued criticism of his remarks about judge gonzalo curiel. there's talk of a coup of sorts at the convention in cleveland.
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some gop officials and never trump pundits are looking to change the rules on delegates to allow them to vote for whoever they choose. a lot to discuss. joining me, mindy carpenter. cnn delegate can analyst, former chief of staff mike shields, and speech writer and back with us trump supporter kayleigh mcenany. mike shields, all of the chatter from never trump movement about a coup at the convention, is that even possible to actually change convention rules so bound delegates don't have to vote for trump at the convention? >> possible, yes. it is possible. likely, no. it is possible, the delegates at the convention make their rules up for the convention and make all of the decisions about what will happen at the convention, certainly at the rules meeting at the convention they could unbind delegates and change the threshold for the nomination, they could do a lot of things.
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it would then have to go to the full convention floor, get 50% of delegates to vote for it. many delegates are not necessarily people that we heard before that are trump supporters, there are a lot of cruz delegates but they're looking to leadership and the party what to do for something like this. i think you would have to have people that previously supported trump come out against him, you would have to have 20 governors come out against him, 20 senators, something like that. he had a bad week, some people criticizing him. a lot are people that were already criticizing him. i don't think we are close to critical mass. it would be difficult to pull something like that off. it is in donald trump's hands whether that stays there. he's got to perform as a candidate and lead the party. i think every republican running on the ticket should be encouraged he is listening to reince priebus more, trying to focus more on hillary clinton. barack obama and hillary clinton did republicans a huge favor today by knocking everything
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else off the news, reminding republicans of one thing that will unify us up and down the ticket, stop a third term of barack obama and stop hillary clinton. as long as that's the message, republicans get unified and as long as the nominee doesn't have a week and two weeks like he had, he won't have to worry about it. is it technically possible, yes, but unlikely. >> amanda, no fan of trump's do you agree with the idea of a coup at the convention? it would cause outrage even if it was possible, would cause huge outrage among donald trump supporters. >> sure. but this is the kind of environment where something like this could happen. something significant did happen earlier today. new yorker ryan lizza told wolf blitzer on the air that female senator susan collins said she was open to voting for hillary clinton. that's a major development. when you have sitting u.s. senators saying they may vote for hillary clinton. that's not lost on elizabeth
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warren. if you saw her speech last hour, she made a point of tying donald trump around the neck of senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. she will sit in the senate, make his life miserable. and they're going to lose the senate they keep going this way. what i would like to see at the convention, i think it would be a fair way of doing this, a vote of no confidence. if more than 50% of delegates are not confident with donald trump as nominee, look at other options. you could reasonably limit to people that ran for president this cycle, let it be decided, if we are united as a party behind the nominee or not. donald trump may survive that, but get everyone on record to resolve this once and for all. >> little hard for elizabeth warren to link donald trump to mitch mcconnell who is just even today again been very critical of donald trump in his comments about the judge. >> he has been critical, but where i respect mitch mcconnell, he realizes that he is only in
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the position he is in, only majority leader because republican voters put him there. hat off to him for saying republican voters have spoken, they want donald trump as the nominee. i am going to in a sense bow to voters who put me here, say i am going to give your nominee a chance. that's what every leader should be doing and i respect him and others like bob dole and other leaders, rick perry, list goes on and on that recognize the voters are what make up the party. >> michael, where do you stand on this? obviously donald trump hasn't had a great week or two and the democrats have been able to capture a lot of momentum perhaps or at least the cohesion. but do you actually, it seems like to the point of mike, if donald trump basically starts to follow the rnc a little more, a lot of republicans, if he doesn't give them reason to get farther away, they're going to
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stick with him. >> if they haven't gagged after so much, i am not sure what it would take under these circumstances. republicans are treating this like it is a normal cycle, like you have to make compromises, hold your nose, get past this difficult period. it's not a normal period. the republican party is determining whether they will run with a nominee that's made as a central part of his message an appeal to racism. that's a defining choice on the part of the republican party. and right now republicans are finding that he owns them. they own his prejudice. it is impossible to lay low and escape the taint of trouble. that's not going to happen. so i haven't seen sign of critical mass mike talks about which i think is necessary, it would require, for example, paul ryan to go back on his decision. he would need to lead in this
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circumstance. i think that's very, very difficult. very unlikely. >> yeah. appreciate everybody. up next, barack obama, hillary clinton seem to really, really like each other now, certainly was not always so. the long and complicated path that led the president to endorsement of hillary clinton today. hot. i wake up and i just feel like sticky. have the windows open, the ac on- i'd close it in the middle of the night. he'd open it in the middle of the night. it was a nightmare. my new tempur-breeze stays cool to the touch. not cold but cool. it naturally adapts to your body and somehow creates the perfect temperature for you. i feel like this was made just for me- like they had me in mind. i don't know how they do that. (vo) sleep cooler, wake more refreshed. discover the new tempur-breeze. hmmmmm....... [ "dreams" by beck ]
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as we have been talking about, hillary clinton got a big endorsement today from president obama. it has not always been a love relationship. the relationship evolved over the years. not a stretch to say they've come full circle. randi kaye looks back. >> reporter: campaign 2008, the gloves officially came off. barack obama was a junior senator from illinois, a fresh face, the party's rising star. then senator hillary clinton was quick to knock his lack of experience, hitting him on foreign policy, using his early years in indonesia. >> with all due respect, i don't think living in a foreign country between the ages of six and ten is foreign policy
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experience. >> clinton lost iowa, won new hampshire. >> he is very likeable. i agree with that. i don't think i'm that bad. >> you're likeable enough, hillary, no doubt about it. >> i appreciate that. >> reporter: as the fight grew even more bitter, clinton accused her rival of plagiarism after he delivered parts of a speech previously given by then massachusetts governor duval patrick. >> lifting whole passages from someone else's speeches is not change you can believe in, it is change you can xerox. >> mr. obama admitted it was wrong, called clinton's charges desperate. obama went onto denounce clinton's vote in favor of the iraq war and days before the ohio primary the obama campaign attacked her on health care and nafta. >> shame on you, barack obama. it is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public. that's what i expect from you.
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meet me in ohio. >> reporter: clinton won the ohio primary in part because of this campaign ad questioning obama's readiness. >> it is 3:00 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep, but there's a phone in the white house and it's ringing. >> reporter: on guns, obama poked fun at clinton for suddenly championing the second amendment. >> shame on her, she knows better. she's running around talking about how this is an insult to sports men, how she values the second amendment. she's talking like she's and ee observing lee. >> he slammed her for friendship with bill ayres, accused of setting off bombs in the vietnam war. also went after him over his relationship with jeremiah wright who after 9/11 famously said america's chickens are coming home to roost. then in june, 2008 obama sealed the nomination, after a brief
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thaw, this show of unity from the former rivals in new hampshire. by the time they reached the convention, clinton was singing obama's praises. >> when barack obama is in the white house, he will revitalize our economy. >> reporter: the partnership continued with president obama making clinton his secretary of state. >> she possesses an extraordinary intelligence and remarkable work ethic. >> reporter: when she left that role, the two sat down for this "60 minutes" interview. >> how would you characterize your relationship now. >> i consider hillary a strong friend. >> reporter: a friend counting on the outgoing president's support. randi kaye, cnn, new york. up next, new global plan to fight hiv and aids. we will look at the aids crisis in the 1980s, deadly ignorance from some, raw terror, and deep compassion. a decade that sparks a movement. i will speak with a writer
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live with hiv and aids around the world. another 2.1 million become infected each you're. it is caused mostly because of lack of access to drugs, it made it a chronic condition. drugs we take for granted here. that's where we are today. it has been 35 years since first cases of a mysterious disease were reported in the u.s. at the top of the hour, see how far we have come in the cnn series "the eighties." here's a preview. >> scientists at the national centers for disease control in atlanta today released results of a study which shows that the life-style of some male homosexuals has triggered an epidemic. >> reporter: bobby cam pell of san francisco and billy walker in new york suffer from a newly discovered disease which effects mostly homosexual men. >> our best guess is that it is somehow related to gay life-style. >> i was in the fast lane at one
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time in terms of the way i lived my life, now i'm not. >> reporter: researchers know 413 people that contracted this in the past year, one-third died, none of them cured. >> all of us that saw patients in those days shared a sense of desperation as we saw more and more people become effected and there would be no hope once they became ill. >> recently i spoke with andrew sullivan, and author of love and notes and friendship and sex and survival. andrew, how difficult is it you think to explain what happened in the 1980s and also important to point out the 1990s as well to people who didn't live through it, who weren't bearing witness to the deaths of friends, lovers, and to fear, vitriol, injustice and uncertainty that defined that decade for so many gay americans and others.
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>> well, you know, it is hard for us who survived it to remember just how terrifying it was. i remember a time when i was diagnosed talking to my then boyfriend who had also just been diagnosed and telling each other whatever happens, if this does work out, if we do survive this, can we please never forget how terrified we are right now. it was a terrifying time. this was not just a single disease, it was a multiplicity of diseases, all of which were horrifying. a friend of mine woke up one morning, couldn't tie his shoe laces. had toks oh plas most is of the brain. another friend woke up and couldn't hold his food at all, starved in the next year or so. a small parasite in the water most people can tolerate, suddenly sores, can't breathe. anything could come at you.
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it was like being in the jungle, waiting for something to come out and snare you, and there was no cure, no treatment. so we were all just waiting to die. and it built and built each year, more and more of us were dying. i dated four people that died, my best friend was diagnosed roughly the same time as i was, died two years later, and i am still sitting here 23 years later, so there was also a lot of guilt of survival but also incredible solidarity among gay men and lesbians and our families, some of our families confronting what was an overwhelming, omni present threat. >> i was in high school in '81 to '85 in the early years, had just come out to friends, just sort of accepting myself, and i just remember the fear of not knowing how it is transmitted,
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the fear that kept one almost isolated physically from other people because you just didn't know what the root of transmission was. >> no, you didn't. you just knew also it was effecting primarily gay men, so it was really hard not to internalize it as some sort of something that we deserved. that is what we had been told our entire lives, that's what the culture was telling us. >> that message was being given out by thinkers of the day, folks on tv. >> patrick buchanon famously said the homosexuals declared war on nature, now nature declared war back on them. >> do you worry, now that it is thankfully a chronic condition but still life altering condition, do you fear people have forgotten, particularly young gay men, those who are most vulnerable in vulnerable communities. >> i have two feelings. one, i am thrilled like anybody that lived through that time
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would be thrilled that they don't have to worry the way we had to worry. it is not a diagnosis like it was in the '80s and '90s. at the same time, i am kind of staggered how there's almost no memory of this, complete amnesia about it. the younger generation aren't even interested. there are no memorials. >> that's stunning to me. you think about the quilt that was this incredible thing, that hasn't been displayed in decades, and there are no memorials or monuments to those, the generation of people who died. >> i can't tell you how discouraging to talk to young gay men, have them seem bored by the stories, wanting to move on. i understand how wonderful it is to live in an era in which this kind of horrifying disease is no longer the reality, but not to remember the hundreds of thousands of young men who died, not to remember their struggle,
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not to see them as integral to the current moment, to create the gay culture we live in today, so mainstream, so integrated. it seems to me a crying shame. i think many of us in the gay community want to revive that sense of memory and to do honor to people that died. i think things like this documentary will help bring to people a sense that it was so frightening, so devastating, so tragic for so many people, yet we pulled through. >> andrew sullivan, thank you. >> you bet. >> andrew and i talk more about what it was like and the importance of getting tested if you don't know your status and taking medication. if you know your status, watch the entire conversation at the "the eighties" starts at the top of the hour. be right back. eople... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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the cnn original series "the eighties" starts now. mysterious newly discovered disease. >> the most frightening medical mystery of our time. >> acquired immune deficiency syndrome. >> incidents double every six months. >> how many must die for this administration to wake up. >> when it comes to preventing aids, morality teach the same
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