tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 10, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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thank you so much for joining us. hope you have an excellent weekend. see you again monday night outfront. watch outfront any time, anywhere on cnn go and our show on cnn international worldwide this weekend. ac 360 with anderson starts now. good evening, john berman in for anderson. donald trump will be speaking very shortly at a rally in richmond, virginia. you're looking at live pictures of this rally right now. he is set to take the stage at any moment. notice there's no teleprompter on this stage so presumably donald trump will be speaking off the cuff and unscripted. this is his first rally since the final voting for republicans this past tuesday. also his first unscripted rally since the huge controversy surrounding his comments over a judge, gonzalo curiel. what will he say. we will watch and bring it to you when it happens. whatever does happen on the
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stage, it caps quite a day, whether it is more clinton e-mail revelations, more questions about trump university, new reporting on elizabeth warren's meeting with hillary clinton and her vice presidential possibilities and both candidates, donald trump and hillary clinton speaking out offering red meat to hungry base voters. it ended with attacks for mitt romney on donald trump as a threat. the last republican nominee weighing in for the first time since donald trump became the current presumptive nominee, so we begin with mitt romney sitting down with wolf blitzer. >> will you consider last ditch running? >> i don't think so, it is impossible for somebody to receive the 270 electoral votes
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or stop hillary clinton or trump from getting the 270. i think you're not going to find a credible candidate running as a third party contender. >> so there's no possibility. >> i'm not planning on doing that and have no intention to do that. i don't think the policies she promotes are right for the country, and mr. trump i think is too great a departure from the values of our country for me to sign up as a voter for him either, so i'll be writing in someone else's name, probably another republican. >> isn't that sort of -- you write in some other name that has no chance. isn't that copping out of your responsibility? >> my responsibility is to express to the american people what i believe is right about the potential nominee of the party, i did so plainly, clearly, and the people that made the choice decided to go a different direction. that's their right. but as an individual i simply can't put my name down as
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someone who voted for principles that suggest racism or xenophobia, misogyny, bigotry, who has been vulgar time and time again, the recent attack on judge curiel, a racist approach is one which i think says to me i can't be part of that. i will not sign up for that, i don't want to be associated with that in any way, shape or form. >> what do you say to people -- are you disappointed paul ryan has endorsed? >> i wish everyone in the republican party had chosen someone else. my choice is different than that of other people. i am not going to argue with them about their choice. their view is secretary clinton would so dramatically change the nature of the supreme court that that represents a threat to our future. i understand that perspective. but i find that compelling but also the donald trump failures also compelling. >> should paul ryan take back that endorsement?
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>> i wish every republican who supported mr. trump said i made a mistake, let's go a different direction, but that's not going to happen. the people have spoken. and we're going to have donald trump as the republican nominee. >> how can you square what you say racist comments, xenophobia, misogyny, and square that with voting in favor of that candidate. >> i can't. that's why i reached the decision i have. over the coming campaign, mr. trump will probably be able to adjust his rhetoric and follow the script of a written speech in such a way that he won't be quite as offensive on value issues as he has been in the past. but unfortunately what he said already demonstrates who he is and the nature of the character of the man, and for me that's something that will not be erased by rhetoric in the coming months. >> you don't believe he can change? >> i believe who he is has been revealed by his lifetime and by words in the campaign he has
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spoken to this point. >> because he did tone down rhetoric in that speech the other day, reince priebus, he may try to distance himself from that today, we know what he believes on what he said. he didn't say it once. it wasn't a slip of the tongue which he went back and apologized for. first of all, he has repeated it time and time again, and secondly has never apologized for it, so he obviously sticks by what he believes. >> what would he have to do to win your support? >> i don't think there's anything i am looking for from mr. trump to give him my support. he's demonstrated who he is and i decided that a person of that nature should not be the one who if you will becomes the example for coming generations or the example of americans of the
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world. i don't want to see trickle down racism. i don't want to see a president of the united states saying things which change the character of the generations of americans that are following. presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle down racism and bigotry, trickle down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of america, so i'm not looking for mr. trump to change a policy that more aligns with my own. this is not a matter of just policy, it is a matter of character and integrity. >> do you think he is racist? >> i think his comments time and again appeal to the racist tendency that exists in some people and i think that's dangerous. >> bottom line. who would be worse for the country as president of the united states. >> both have enormous drawbacks. i have expressed views about
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both of them. this is a critical time for our country and we are in an unfortunate condition. >> the former new mexico governor gary johnson, would you consider supporting him? >> i'm going to look at what he has to say. his running mate bill weld is someone i respect enormously. >> republican governor of massachusetts. >> exactly. he was a fine governor, fine friend, supporter of mine both in 2008 and 2012. if bill weld were at the top of the ticket, it would be very easy to vote for bill weld for president, so i'll get to know gary johnson better, see if he is someone i could end up voting for. that's something which i'll evaluate over the coming weeks and months. >> you're not necessarily ruling out that possibility? >> i'm not ruling that out. >> and changing the rules to have an open convention, you don't think that's realistic? >> i don't think that's realistic. i sympathize with people that say gosh, we would love to see a different nominee, he doesn't share our views on issues in
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many, many cases and doesn't have the personal qualities we think are appropriate for president. i happen to subscribe to that point of view but i think changing the rules and denying him the nomination at this point is not likely to happen. >> what does it say that almost half the republicans that voted in the primaries and caucuses supported donald trump. what does it say about your party? >> it says the people of america are angry and in some respects feel a good deal of resentment. i think they're angry washington has not gotten the job done and they don't know exactly where to point and who it is to blame, and i think in my own view president obama shares the -- has the lion's share of the blame for the fact we have not had leadership in washington necessary to actually accomplish great things that need to be done in our country. >> do you regret not throwing your hat in the ring? >> no, it was time for something new.
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i wish there had been somebody that stopped mr. trump, had i been in the race, i can assure you i would have taken him on. i am sure he believes he would have been able to be successful pushing me aside, like he did others in part because i would be seen as an establishment republican, but i don't spend a lot of time looking back, trying to rethink decisions that were made. >> he went after you including just a couple of weeks ago, what he said about you, blistering words. >> once a choker, always a choker. i was nasty about it. so now as retribution, donald trump shouldn't run. he walks like a penguin on the stage, ever see him, like a penguin. >> he called you a choker. when you hear those words from the man that's now the presumptive republican nominee, you think of your grandchildren, what do you say to them when they hear that? >> i don't know that they have any concern about what mr. trump is saying.
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reminds me of what was said in elementary school and i think that's one of the things people find -- some people find it refreshing, others find it to be quite troubling that someone would engage in elementary school theatrics to attack and characterize other people. >> you say there's a bombshell in his income tax returns, he is refusing to make those public, say he is being audited, can't do that now. what do you think he is trying to hide? >> well, i think he was in some respects correct when he said if i went on fifth avenue and shot someone, people would still support me, but i think he has calculated he could get support even if he shot someone, but if he released his taxes, he would lose support, so there's something in the taxes that's worse than shooting someone on fifth avenue. that suggests there could be all sorts of things that could be troubling there. >> like what? >> your imagination can run wild. doesn't pay taxes, doesn't have much income, receives income
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from unsavory sources, ownership in enterprises perhaps associated with unsavory enterprises or nations or groups. who knows what it can be. there's no question in my mind, he will never release his tax returns. he will follow one excuse after the other to say yes can't and will never release them because there's something in there that he feels is worse for him than shooting someone on fifth avenue. and i think the american people have every right to see what that is. >> wow. you can bet people are talking about this interview and so are we. we will bring in the political panel next. later, what clinton and trump are doing not to woo independents but to fire up the base. and remember, donald trump is speaking tonight in richmond, virginia, no teleprompter. can donald trump stay on message and away from more comments about the judge? we'll discuss that. later, remember the man who said he was the greatest, then spent the rest of his life in so many ways to so many people
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teleprompter, off the cup since tuesday and all of the controversy surrounding comments about the judge. before the break you heard mitt romney keep score on donald trump and you heard for all of the threat trump poses to the party and country, he is still, romney, refusing to do more than write in a name come november that is not romney or not clinton. he is not completely totally 100% ruling it out. makes for great conversation. joining us, political anchor errol lewis, patrick heely, correspondent for "the new york times," clinton supporter, new york democratic party executive director, and conservative trump critic tara setmayer, and co-chair of trump's new york campaign, city councilman, joseph barrel ee. errol, we have so and he is they tiesed this campaign, sometimes we lose sight of the extraordinary. what we saw with mitt romney,
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the last republican nominee just trashing donald trump, this is not normal. trickle down racism, trickle down misogyny. and not voting for him to boot. >> no, this is not normal by any means. somebody that was the nominee, somebody that had tens of millions of votes behind him a few years ago, presumably some of those tens of millions that voted for mitt romney are going to listen to what he had to say. this is new. we have been following this obsessively since the race began, the primary season began. let's keep in mind, something like 100 million people will tune in for the first time, people that didn't vote in the primaries but will vote in the general election. 140 million will vote, a lot of people are hearing it for the first time. i think what mitt romney said for that reason could be devastating depending where his pockets of support are, depending which local leaders
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believed in and believe in what mitt romney has to say. this is the fight for the soul of the republican party we've all known was coming. i don't know if we thought it would play out quite this way, thought it would play out in primary votes a few months ago, but here it is. this is a debate that clearly donald trump is not able to duck. >> the flip side, mitt romney tried this before, he tried this when republicans were still voting in primaries, and donald trump won more after mitt romney started this. is it possible it has no effect at all? possible that mitt romney has everything that donald trump has been fighting against? >> yeah. donald trump has felt for months he has been teflon, that these establishment guys never supported him, never liked him can come out and throw eggs at him sort of over and over and over again. nothing sticks to the guy. he has developed so much confidence against people like mitt romney, jeb bush, marco rubio, dismiss them fully. >> nothing sticks.
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even the charge of bigotry, which we are hearing from republicans and democrats again and again and again in the last week. >> it is extraordinary, john, two months ago hillary clinton's campaign, we did some reporting, they wanted to make the word bigotry stick. they weren't sure they could do it. they thought it was a loaded word. trump said people care enough about defending rights of muslims to see that he could be a bigot. now you have mitt romney using words that hillary clinton and elizabeth warren and other democrats tried to hang around trump's neck. mitt romney sounds like the leader of a different party, and in a lot of ways he is. saying nicer things about bill weld, pro-choice, pro-gay rights republican able to create that space to say great things about bill weld, but donald trump is so beyond the pale to this guy, you have to wonder to what extent he is reflecting still a lot of other establishment
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republican leaders who can't say these things so bluntly. >> all right, councilman, you're a donald trump supporter. last 24, mitt romney said those things, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said he doesn't think trump knows a lot about issues, paul ryan saying his comments on the judge were beyond the pale. my question to you, donald trump supporter, what's your message to the republican leaders at this point? >> look, republican leaders are eventually, none with the exception of mitt romney are going to stay behind donald trump, that said who listens to mitt romney? that really matters after this interview. the democrats certainly aren't listening, not deciding tomorrow to take advice of mitt romney on anything, and republican voters in the race already decided they're not listening to mitt romney and mitt romney types. these are people that lost the gop electorate, the elite. >> my question is are you okay saying to speaker ryan, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and paul ryan, keep it up, keep
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saying these things, at a certain point it has to hurt. >> he made comments people disagree with and they have a right to their opinion. end of the day, i think you'll see the republican party unite around trump, especially at the convention. all of the things romney put out, there will be a white knight candidate hasn't materialized, he failed even in that. >> tara, mitt romney says these things and says them strongly yet he is not running, says he is not going to try to cause some revolt at the convention with someone else, he is not going to vote for hillary clinton, he is going to write in someone else's name. if his goal is to stop donald trump, is that short of doing everything he can? >> yes. i happen to agree with mitt romney's assessment of what's going on here but it would have been nice then for him to throw your hat in the ring at this point, if you're going to talk all that smack, put your money where your mouth is. he is one that could at this point. he is the only one that has the name recognition, he had tens of
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millions that voted for him, he has the money. he has absolutely nothing to lose politically at this point, so why, i think maybe three times he already lost, doesn't want a fourth loss, but this is something that is at the heart of what the republican stands for. everyone keeps saying we have to back the nominee, you have to stand up for the nominee, but what are we standing up for? there are let's not forget more republicans voted against donald trump than for him in the primaries. 2 million against him. that's still rejection. there are that many people voted against him. >> he won't be able to say i told you so. >> hang on. >> but that's real. there are like myself millions of people out there, republicans and conservatives who are horrified at the hijacking of the party because donald trump doesn't represent what we fought for for years. >> i am sure you were more than
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happy and talk about the republican plight as a democrat, but what does hillary clinton do. does she try to split republicans apart and win support of those folks that might believe in what mitt romney is saying or does she try to group them all together, does she try to say donald trump is you and is the republican party? >> i think it is a much more nuanced approach. if you look at the fact that yesterday you had already joe biden, elizabeth warren, president obama coming out and saying we are with hillary. basically what hillary clinton has done is say look, if you're coming for me this is what you're going to get. and that's powerful. she has the democratic establishment behind her, ready and willing to push back. having said that i think there are some reasonable republicans that will support hillary clinton and going to errol's point earlier, it is for the democratic party. a minority of voters voted for donald trump in the primary
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election. now you have the larger republican party and independents, fact of the matter is i think it is more interesting to watch someone like mitch mcconnell, i don't know with respect to the soul of the party if he is in perfect ga tori and hell trying to defend trump and save the party. >> lucky for all of us, we have more time. everyone stick around. much more to discuss, including questions about how exactly a major clinton donor landed a spot on a key government intelligence pan he will and other revelations about clinton's e-mails. and politics and money the reason that florida's attorney general didn't file against trump university after multiple complaints were filed.
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need to confront together the threat of radical islam. we have to do it. [ applause ] now hillary clinton or as i call her crooked hillary clinton, as crooked as they come, refuses to even say the words radical islam. refuses to say the words. this alone makes her unfit to be president. >> secretary clinton used the same line about trump saying that he is temporarily unfit to be commander in chief. today speaking at a planned parenthood action fund event, his positions, she blasted his positions on women's issues. >> instead of working to continue the progress we've made, republicans led now by
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donald trump are working to reverse it back to a time when opportunity and dignity were reserved for some, not all. back to the days when abortion was illegal, women had far fewer options, and life for too many women and girls was limited. well, donald, those days are over. [ cheers and applause ] >> a lot much red meat served up by both candidates. back with the panel. errol, i am old enough to remember when they wrapped up nominations, they moved to the middle looking for independent voters. that's the opposite of what we saw today. both lock up the nomination, hillary clinton plays to the left, donald trump plays to the right. >> it is an attempt to get to the middle and score knockout punches, this person is completely unqualified. that's a message for centrists, for independents, for undecided
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voters. if you look at where the candidates are going, virginia for donald trump, wisconsin for hillary clinton, they're trying to find in the swing states those people who will completely disqualify the other candidate, come into your camp, then sort of got gold. you got money in the bank. >> she said in a speech today how could a man who so casually talked about punishing women for having abortions, how could that person be president. she has so many powerful lines to use against trump that came out of trump's own mouth. a lot of people, a lot of independent republican women, independents themselves are going to be uncomfortable with that. >> my point, the venue chosen to do that was a planned parenthood event in washington after meeting with elizabeth warren who represents the left of the party. this seemed to be a left ward tilt. >> i would say i think there's a unioniting -- uniting the party
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tilt. she's meeting with elizabeth warren, talking to planned parenthood, giving specific, clear answers about support for abortion rights. it is reminding voters that the democrats have a progressive democrat in charge while the republicans have a guy doesn't look like a typical republican. >> what's interesting about donald trump's event today, it was on the teleprompter, the speech earlier was on the teleprompter. some people saw a more subdued donald trump and he also dealt with protesters. let's watch. >> all right, a little freedom of speech, please, thank you. very rude but what are you going
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to do. thank you, darling, i appreciate it. very sad. very sad what's happening. very, very sad. >> he said it is very sad, that's a far cry from saying they should be punched in the nose. councilman, are you encouraged that donald trump is perhaps changing his tone a little bit? >> we'll get to that question in a second. let's just talk about how the media responds to this. this is a guy criticized for not being substantive in policy speeches. gives a speech today, talks about 10, 12 different things, ranging from security of israel to urban education, and now we are focused on the one jack you know what who gets up there. >> we carried the entire event. the point of the question, people are saying donald trump, including hillary clinton, temperamentally unfit to be president. what he did at the event was show restraint that he hasn't shown before when dealing with protesters. >> which is fine.
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i hope as this goes on, i think we continue to see actions like this with people in crowds in republican and democratic events as the democrats have to marry bernie people with clinton people. i think we will see it happen over and over again. i hope we can get to some policy. >> i don't think he can give donald trump a cookie because he acted like an adult presidential candidate today. gold star on the shoulder? it is ridiculous we should be giving credit to donald trump for behaving. look, when donald trump decides he wants to continually give more substance and policy speeches, perhaps we'll talk about that. but this was all, this whole thing with him being scripted on the teleprompter, it was to rein him in because he had an awful two weeks, terrible, instead of talking about the terrible jobs report, talking about hillary clinton and what's going on with the state department and her e-mails and all those revelations and hammering that home, he is talking about
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ethnicity of a judge who is not giving him what he wants in a fraud case, so he is completely off message, on prompter, back on message for now. we are about to see what he does off prompter at a rally coming up. >> talking about the e-mails, too, and i want to talk about elizabeth warren. hillary clinton meets with elizabeth warren behind closed doors, the democratic establishment is watching. word is she's a vice presidential possibility. for real you think or is this just a way for the clinton team to telegraph the progressive voters that we care about you? >> i think it is telegraphing. i think they have a good relationship and it is a value for them both to be out campaigning together, for elizabeth warren to be an extraordinary surrogate for her. i want to add being a vice presidential candidate on the ticket is not disqualifying because they're both women, which some alluded to. i think they would be a fantastic ticket, frankly, but i think look, even if she is not ready, she being hillary is not ready to meet with bernie
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sanders or vice versa, i think elizabeth warren needs to be out there. she needs to be out there to try to unite the party. she stayed out as long as she did for whatever reason, decided to do that, but she has an extraordinarily important role uniting the party. >> guys, stick around. thanks so much. we continue to watch the event in richmond, virginia. donald trump speaking to a crowd with no teleprompter. we will wait and see what he says, how he says it. next, how did a major clinton donor get on a vital government intelligence panel and what happened when he did. revelations from a new batch of clinton e-mails. 360 investigates. [ male announcer ] love drama? don't be a yes man.
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if you happen to be one of the world's leading experts on the nation's deepest secrets and deadly wepness, you might be on the security advisory board. it is a collection of the best and brightest in their fields, which is why the nanny of a campaign donor and ben factor raised eyebrows at the time and new e-mails documenting the
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moment are raising so many questions now. tonight, 360 investigates. drew griffin joins us now. >> john, two things are clear. rang fernando, chicago stockbroker appears to have limited qualifications for being on the state department international security advisory board, except for the fact he gave thousands to hillary clinton's campaigns and a million dollars or more to the clinton foundation and it also is clear the appointment was made by hillary clinton's chief of staff, long time adviser cheryl mills, it has taken no time for this to become a campaign issue, part of his crooked hillary for donald trump. >> she even appointed to national security board someone with no national security experience, instead he was a donor, a recent donor to hillary clinton's campaign. all of a sudden he's on this important and vital board. this position dealt with
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tactical nuclear weapons and had top secret clearance. and he knew nothing about it. >> drew, is that true? did the stockbroker as you say have no experience in international security? >> it doesn't appear he had any whatsoever. keep in mind, this board deals with arms control, international security and diplomacy, raj fernando had any of that, evidence comes from e-mails that show in august of 2011 there's some behind the scenes panic at the state department trying to explain fernando's appointment after questions from abc news, trying to find out why he was even on the board, internal e-mail from a staffer says the true answer is simply that cheryl mills added him. mills being clinton's long time aide and chief of staff, and the staffer goes on to say fernando was added at their insistence after a flurry of e-mails, an associate of cheryl mills says
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we need to hold off responding until at least tomorrow afternoon. 24 hours later, raj fernando suddenly resigned. we left messages with his office, asked the clinton campaign about this, and also asked the state department for more information on how a chicago stockbroker, clinton donor was placed on the board, why he suddenly resigned. state department referred us to fernando himself who hasn't called us back, john. >> the time line, once again abc news asked about his qualification, cheryl mills asked the state department to stall 24 hours, then the guy suddenly resigns. that time line again lines up with the scenario where he was, i don't know, pushed out to keep quiet. was there any other possible reason? >> the only reason we see is in his resignation letter to hillary clinton that literally comes two days after abc asked that question about him. fernando writes to secretary of state hillary clinton that he needs to resign because of, quote, the volatility in the
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international markets that's forcing him to focus on his company. suddenly, john, at this time. >> all right, drew griffin, thanks so much. that's not the only e-mail revelation and not the only one raising questions. evan perez joins us with that. what are you learning tonight. >> reporter: john talking about the e-mail investigation into her private server and e-mails date back to christmas time, 2011. the u.s. ambassador in islam bad, and other state department officials were discussing a planned cia drone strike in pakistan and they were using oblique terms. according to officials i talked to, it is clear they're discussing the cia drone program. the e-mails began in the state department unclassified e-mail system but some eventually were forwarded to hillary clinton's private e-mail server which is why they're being investigated. "the wall street journal" which first reported the story said this is the focus of the fbi
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investigation that's still on-going. i'm told it is one of several of the e-mails that are the center of the investigation, john. >> were the discussions about drones considered classified information? >> absolutely. the cia program is a covert program, it's classified, so government officials can only talk about this and other classified programs on classified e-mail system. here's the thing, it happens all the time. it is a common problem inside the government for classified information to so-called bleed over into unclassified e-mail system. what's not common, john, is for a cabinet secretary to set up a personal server to handle all official business. so the question for the justice department and the fbi is do you prosecute for this. in this case officials tell me they don't expect to bring any charges. >> what about hillary clinton herself, she has yet to be interviewed. what are you learning about when that might take place. >> still no scheduled date for that interview.
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look, some investigators i spoke to expected it to have happened by now but this is an unusual case and we expect that in the coming weeks they will do that with her. if it goes well, then expect a public announcement from the justice department and fbi to close the case. again, that's a very unusual situation but not every day a presidential candidate, presumptive nominee for one of the major parties is investigated by the fbi. >> indeed. evan perez, thank you so much. a lot more ahead, including this. did the attorney general back away from investigating trump university in exchange for a big political donation? 360 investigates next. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want,
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before the break, 360 investigated hillary clinton, now trump university. others have looked at trump university and given it a clean bill of health. texas uncovered plenty of troubling details but allowing them to pack up and leave. the allegation, money and politics played a part. tonight, florida. drew griffin is back. >> reporter: it's a simple question. did the attorney general of florida back off an investigation of donald trump and his now defunct real estate school in exchange for a $25,000 political donation? florida's attorney general pam bondi says absolutely not. but the circumstances
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surrounding why trump university never faced an investigation in florida is coming under scrutiny. >> it is my great honor to introduce to you the next president of the united states of america, donald trump. >> reporter: pam bondi is a big trump supporter, as florida's attorney general her office was also responsible for handling these, three complaints against trump university since she took office in 2011, plus more than 20 other complaints on file against an affiliate of trump university. so why didn't the state of florida do anything about the complaints? that's where the pesky issue of the timing of trump's donation to bondi comes into play. in august and september of 2013, pam bondi, the attorney general of florida, according to a former campaign consultant was seeking donation from donald trump. told cnn it was a weeks long process. around the same time, september
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11, 2013, this e-mail to an orlando sentinel reporter shows the attorney general's office was currently reviewing allegations against trump university in a class action lawsuit in new york. six days later, donald trump's foundation made a $25,000 donation to the florida attorney general's political action committee and florida attorney general's office never did pursue any action against trump. politics? no, says the attorney general spokesman. while there was never an investigation, the spokesman writes, staff doing due diligence reviewed the complaints and the new york litigation and made the proper determination the new york litigation would provide relief to aggrieved consumers nationwide. the decision not to pursue took place at the staff level, he told cnn. pam bondi, attorney general, didn't even know there were complaints against donald trump. what is clear, florida had complaints from at least two
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dozen unsatisfied trump university students from 2008 through 2014. apparently that was just not enough for the state of florida to take action. >> drew griffin is with us now. drew, if you were a dissatisfied trump university in florida, what were you supposed to do? >> you could individually sue donald trump or somehow try to join the new york case, but the ag in florida wasn't going to do anything. talked to a guy in boynton beach who was none too happy about it, he paid $26,000 to the school, did everything they said to do, says he didn't make a single penny, he was very upset not to get help from his attorney general in florida in getting the money back. >> were other states besides florida, other states at all looking into trump university? >> we found out in 2008 maryland sent trump university a cease and desist, saying they were violating maryland statutory and regulatory law advertising
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classes as a university that wasn't a university. trump university agreed to stop advertising in maryland, that's as far as it went there. we also know that massachusetts also sent a letter saying you're not a university. you need to stop using that name. >> drew griffin, thanks so much. >> thanks, john. just ahead, remembering muhammad ali. most of the show. (woman) and there's no way to restart it. (jon bon jovi) with directv there is. ♪ you see, we've got the power to turn back time ♪ ♪ so let's restart the show that started at nine ♪ ♪ and while we're at it, let's give you back your 'do ♪ ♪ and give her back the guy she liked before you ♪ ♪ hey, that's the power to turn back time. ♪ (vo) get the ultimate all-included bundle. call 1-800-directv. ♪ ♪ [engine revving] want to know what makes us, us?
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resin louisville in his hometown. tens of thousands lined the streets, chanting his name, tossing flowers as his funeral procession wound its way to the cemetery. ali's life was televised in a packed sports arena, a sendoff befitting a champ. >> before james brown said i'm black and i'm proud, muhammad ali said i'm black and i'm pretty. he dared to love black people at a time when black people had a problem loving themselves. >> ali forced us to take a look at ourselves, this brash young man who thrilled us, angered us, confused and challenged us ultimately became a silent messenger of peace who told us life is best when you build bridges between people, not
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walls. >> my enduring image of him is like the little reel in three shots, the boxer i thrilled to as a boy, the man i watched take the last steps to light the olympic flame when i was president, and i'll never forget it, i was sitting there in atlanta, by then we knew each other, by then i felt i had some sense of what he was living with, and i was still weeping like a baby seeing his hands shake and his legs shake and knowing by god he was going to make those last few steps no matter what it took, the flame would be lit, the fight would be won, the spirit would be affirmed. i knew it would happen.
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we should honor him by letting our gifts out in the world. god bless you, my friend, go in peace. >> ali, ali, ali, ali. >> the greatest. thanks for watching. cnn with don lemon starts now. a fiery donald trump on the campaign trail tonight as hillary clinton steps up her attacks. this is cnn tonight. i am don lemon. and it is on. donald trump and hillary clinton blasting each other in duelling rallies in washington today. >> hillary clinton or as i call her crooked hillary clinton, she's as crooked as they come. >> when donald trump says a distinguished judge born in indiana can't do
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