tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 14, 2016 9:00pm-1:01am PDT
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♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. good evening, we're live tonight. six patients are at another hospital in orlando. our thoughts are with all of the patients as well as with the 49 people and their families who are not going home to their
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loved ones and the countless people grap wlg that sad reality tonight. we will show you the victims and that's where we believe the focus belongs. pamela brown joins me and our senior investigate drew griffin have been working their sources since this began. what you are hearing? >> law enforcement sources tell us, anderson, that the wife knew her husband wanted to launch a jihadist attack. in fact, he expressed interest in doing that. she said his behavior became more and more violent. she claims, she's telling
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investigators that she didn't know about the specific plans to go to pulse nightclub and launch an attack. there she claims when she found out he wanted to launch an attack she dries to dissuade him from doing so and talk him out of it. >> but she never called any police. >> and that is key here. that is what investigators are focused on. that's a felony to know that someone wants to commit a crime and not go to federal authorities and tell them, conceal that knowledge. it's a felony. and so right now as we speak, doj investigators are trying to build a case to determine whether they can prove she had knowledge of the attack and didn't report it to authorities. it's one 1, 2, 3 inning to know it and even though she is saying she knew he was going to launch an attack. she is claim she is telling investigators she went to disney springs with him and pulse nightclub if early june. >> she claim she went to pulse nightcl nightclub. >> she went to pulse nightclub with him and went to disney
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springs. but it's unclear at this point whether she knew that the nightclub would be the target of a mass shooting. so they're trying to sort out the extent to which she knew of her husband's plans. >> drew, what you are learning about the family? >> the family very close. the father lives behind me in this house. one of his daughters lives down the street from here. the shooter and his wife live 20 minutes away. they saw each other constantly. maybe once a week, two, three times a week according to some members of this family. and that leads me to believe, when we hear from pamela brown that the wife knew something was up wlachlt did the family know was up? the father insists nothing. they knew
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he saw his was 3:00 in the afternoon on saturday and he described the visit as a friendly father/son visit as usual. obviously investigators are trying to find out what exactly these family members knew or didn't know but they are very, very close. >> pam, you spoke with the sheriff earlier. what did they say? >> reporter: the sheriff told me it was clear the gunman was scoping out several targets in the orlando area, but he made clear this gunman was very familiar with the night club, that it's clear he did preoperational surveillance there and perhaps went there for other reasons and he knew the ins and outs of this night club. what's unclear is why he settled on the nightclub for his target. when he was inside, we know he called 911 and was speaking arabic to the 911 operator and to the sheriff, talking about why he was launching this attack, doing it in the name of allah and so forth. >> one of the people performing
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at the club said they had seen the gunman there for over the course of three years on and off. have they confirmed that, do you know? >> reporter: the fbi is leading the investigation. the sheriff did say the extent to which it's clear he had knowledge and clear he had been there before but he couldn't elaborate on how many times. the patrons are the witnesses. >> if he'd been there for a three-year period, hard to imagine he would case the joint for three years. >> reporter: exactly. one source said this information certainly changes the perspective. >> they said that? >> reporter: mm-hmm. >> drew, the father had some sort of a television program or internet television program. i read at one point he'd expressed support for the
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taliban in afghanistan. is that confirmed? >> reporter: that is not true. that seemed to be a mistranslation. he is anti-pakistan. at one point he announced his candidacy for the president of afghanistan. he of course was born in afghanistan. his son was born here. but he is heavily involved, at least in his own mind, in the politics of afghanistan, but we didn't see anything from the father that -- on those tapes that showed he was pro-taliban and conversely anti-u.s. he seemed to be coming in from a perspective of a pro-afghan as a country. >> okay. and, pamela, a lot of reporting about -- a number of people have come forward and said that this gunman was on gay apps, on a variety of gay hookup apps. no direct commentary from any of the individuals who have come
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forward that he was there looking for sex or looking to actually hook up, but, you know, there have been a number of published reports that he was on these for an extended period of time. is law enforcement looking at that? >> fbi is looking into these claims, not only contacting these companies but talking to the people who claim he was on the site. now the question is they have to verify the profile, make sure it was actually him. there's a lot of vetting that goes into place. combine that with the information that he guarded this club for several years, it adds a different level of information that wasn't there. >> former assistant director of the u.s. marshal services art boderick. as someone who has interviewed jihadists, what stands out to you at this moment?
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>> i look at it as the worst mass shooting in the modern american history that took place at an intersection between a hate crime and terrorism. it is a hate crime because it happened at a venue that is very popular by the lgbt community and it happened at a time that is considered a month of pride for a community that has been discriminated against and persecuted for a long period of time. so if you have look at these two, the place and the time, it's definitely a hate crime. as for the terrorism, the only reason we're discussing terrorism is because allegedly this individual, when he made the call to 911, he pledged allegiance to isis and baghdadi. this is extremely important, it
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put the terrorism factor high on the list. however, it seems that this individual went through so many, you know, different and complicated -- he has a complicated personality. we have a lot of indications that, you know, he is mentally unstable, he is violent, he is a wife beater, and also at the same time, it appears that when it comes to terrorism, he's all over the map. at one point he claimed he is -- >> you are talking about al nusra and hezbollah. >> yeah. isis is totally different from hezbollah and al nusra. he claimed he knew the boston bombers, which is false. you know, he was all over the map. and a lot of the evidence as, you know, we heard pamela before, we really don't know exactly what's going on yet. i prefer to wait for the fbi investigation and for the law enforcement investigation to know exactly what his motive was. it's definitely a hate crime, it's a mass shooting. it is probably inspired
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terrorism. however, did isis control that? there is no indication of that. did isis order it? there is no indication of that. and i think we have to keep that in mind so far. >> i want to bring there art. we mentioned the killer's wife knew he wanted to commit some kind of jihadist act. can she be prosecuted for this? >> the federal conspiracy law is pretty broad. it's relatively easy to prove. when you're looking at conspiracy, if she knew he was going to be doing this act and verbally told her that and then she took him to buy ammunition or to purchase the weapons and got him around to different locations, that falls into the conspiracy, she could be charged. >> even if she didn't know a specific target? >> well, he claimed he was going to go out and kill somebody. even if it's not a specific target.
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he claimed he was going to commit some violent acts against person or persons. >> i was going to say just on an obvious way to look at this, if your husband is talking about committing radical jihadist acts in the united states and then he's taking you out to a gay night club, you put two and two together if you're the wife, i would assume. >> at this point she's talking to the fbi. this might be something that they're telling her she's going to do if she doesn't cooperate. i think that's what we're looking at right now to continue her cooperation, they're telling her they're going to charge her with this conspiracy. >> ali, do you buy the fact that it's possible she had no idea exactly what was going on? i mean, do families -- is there someone usually in a family who has some idea? >> i've seen a lot of cases
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where people in the family will have an idea, a brother, a sister, a wife, so it's not surprising. it's interesting i just saw on the screen down there that the fbi sources are saying they're not looking at her as co-conspirator. so there are a lot of information out there and i think i will prefer to wait to hear an official statement about that but i don't think it's surprising that someone in his family knew about what he wanted to do. >> art, the phone belongs to the gunman said to be now recovered from the club today. obviously if they can open it up and get information from it, that would be a huge source. >> it's always a huge source, any electronic communication device, i'm sure they took it all out of his house, gaming consoles, computer, whatever. >> i talked to one eyewitness who said he was outside the
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club, said he saw the killer walking around with his cell phone in his hand about an hour or so before the shooting began. >> exactly. plus we have the three 911 calls, the two he placed and the one the dispatcher placed back. that's going to be key information also. >> coming up, an incredible survivor story. jeff rodriguez sent text messages to his family from inside the club, telling them he'd been shot, saying he was dying. his family did not hear from him before more than 12 agonizing hours before they finally found out he was indeed alive. jeff's brother joins us to talk about that. and we continue to honor the victims, their names, their faces, their lives. faces, their lives. we will not forget.
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at 2:42, call mommy, tell her i love her. santos. jeff's brother did a google search and realized it did happen. his brother texted back apologizing and the family had to wait 12 hours to see if he survived and thankfully he did. his brother joining us right now. first of all, how is he doing? >> he's still in critical condition at the moment. they're very strict with the visit with him with the way he is right now. he's able to talk, able to move his hands and so forth but he's still -- he has a lot of excruciating pain. >> and he was shot two times? >> three times. one above the heart, one abdominal, and one in the legs. >> and are the bullets still inside? >> yes, the two from the neck in
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here and stomach area. this one landed by the lungs. didn't hit the lungs but it's right near it and the one here by the stomach area is by the lumbar. didn't hit the lumbar but right there. >> he was in one of the bathroom stalls, handicap stalls -- >> they were trapped in there. >> there were a lot of people in that stall and some of them never made it out. >> unfortunately, no, some did not make it out. but he did, a few friends did. there were a lot of injured. there have been a few casualties. i know thank good for his friend v. she's in the medical field. if it wasn't for her, i'm 100% positive my brother would have died. >> really? >> if it wasn't for her, she was just putting pressure on the wounds. >> she knew what to do? >> she's in the medical field. she knew what to do, what to tell them and so forth. she was waking up my brother, hey, wake up, wake up, they're
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coming, they're coming. he's like when are they coming, it's been forever? she said you have to wait, the bomb squad is searching the area. and he said i can't. she said wake up. his friend angel was trying to wake him up, come on, jeff, you have to wake up, wake up. >> it's so critical to not let somebody drift off. >> yeah, you don't want them drifting off at this moment. >> i can't imagine what this was like for you when you realize the text messages are real. >> my heart sank. i was like god forgive me, i didn't believe him. i keep telling myself i believe you now, i believe you now, i hope you can hear me. i was talking to myself i hope you believe me. i texted him put pressure on the wound, hopefully can you hear this, read this, put pressure on the wound and tie it up with a shirt if you have something and just sit tight. >> what's your brother like? >> he's like outgoing, funny,
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crazy, joking, loving person. always about family and friends. he loves 80's free style music. he loves dancing. dancing's his life. he's a huge fan of x-men. everything about him is all loveable. you can't go wrong with the guy. he meet people and they become friends and friends become family. that's the type of person he is. >> i know you and your dad both wanted to thank the hospital and all the folks who are working really hard. >> yes, we want to thank the hospital, the staff there, the police. we want to thank everyone around, cops, everything. like it's just all the stuff they put in, all the hours. and people bring in food, people that donated blood. my brother took a lot of blood. that helped a lot. helped him and helped a lot of people. >> please give your family our best and i know you're thinking about everyone. >> those folks who didn't make it, my heart goes out to those families.
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of course this terror attack struck orlando in the heat of a contentious presidential election and tonight the sparks continue to fly. here's what donald trump said a short time ago in greensboro, north carolina. >> and i watched president obama today, and he was more angry at me than he was at the shooter. and many people said that. [ crowd boos ] one of the folks on television said, boy, has trump gotten under his skin, but he was more angry, and a lot of people have said this, the level of anger, that's the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn't be here. [ applause ] >> donald trump was referring to president obama's fiery takedown today of donald trump, who has been slamming president obama's national security policies and
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criticizing him for not using the afraid radical islam. trump has also suggested president obama is somehow sympathetic to terrorists. here is how the commander-in-chief hit back. >> if the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world are working to defeat isil aren't taking the fight seriously, that would come as a surprise to those who spent these last seven and a half years dismantling al qaeda and the fatah. they know full well who the enemy is. so do the intelligence and law enforcement officers who spent countless hours disrupting plots and protecting all americans, including politicians who tweet. and appear on cable news shows. they know who the nature of the enemy is.
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so there's no magic to the phrase radical islam. it's a political talking point. it's not a strategy. >> president obama did not stop there. he had a lot more to say about donald trump without ever actually mentioning the candidate by name. dana bash tonight reports. >> we are now seeing how dangerous this kind of mindset and this kind of thinking can be. >> reporter: a rhetorical explosion rare for any president, especially one who prides himself on keeping calm. >> we now have proposals from the presumptive republican nominee for president of the united states to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. we hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence.
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where does this stop? >> reporter: tearing into donald trump with visible anger and disgust. >> that's not the america we want. it doesn't reflect our democratic ideals. it won't make us more safe. it will make us less safe. >> reporter: the power of his words amplified by the stage craft, a commander in chief, standing with his top military officer, a four-star general. >> we acted out of fear before and we came to regret it. we don't have religious tests here. our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. and if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect.
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>> reporter: and what really got him going, the gop refrain that he's weak on terrorism because he refuses to use the term radical islam. >> there has not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didn't use the label radical islam. not once has an adviser of mine said, man, if we really used that phrase, we're going to turn this whole thing around. not once. so someone seriously thinks that we don't know who we're fighting? >> reporter: all that as the candidate obama endorsed delivered a more measured approach to the same message. >> he is fixated on the words radical islam. i find this strange. is donald trump suggesting that there are magic words once
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uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us? >> reporter: hillary clinton continues to use trump's response to the orlando massacre to define him as too volatile for the white house. >> yesterday morning, just one day after the massacre, he went on tv and suggested that president obama is on the side of the terrorists. now just think about that for a second. even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president of the united states. >> dana bash joins me now look with cnn political analyst david gergen. how unprecedented is it for a president not up for reelection
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to be so engaged with the presumptive nominee of the republican party and where do we go from here? >> we've broken another precedent. after 9/11 there was unity for seven or eight weeks. our politicians weren't attacking each other, they were pulling together and trying to fight the enemy. here it's just the opposite. i think a lot of americans are dismayed by this. i think we are going to have a savage campaign. on the merits, i think president obama has the upper hand and enjoys the support of most americans as he oppose as ban on all muslims entering the country and very important the top leadership of the republican party and congress is again the ban. paul ryan has spoken out against it repeatedly.
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in that issue i think the president is in a strong position. on the issue of calling it radical islam, i think it runs the other way. a great number of americans feel -- our leadership is tiptoeing around by not calling what it is what it is. back in the early 1980s i was working for tried to decide whether he should call the enemy the evil empire. i didn't think he should and he did and i think it clarified. hillary clinton said if we want to use the phrase radical islam, that's okay with me. i think donald trump actually has a point, an argument on that, even though he does it excessively. >> right. i mean, i guess -- again, i'm not arguing one way or another, but to play devil's advocate, i guess what president obama is saying, it's not a question of calling isis or isil evil but
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it's linking it to islam. his point i guess is he doesn't believe or he doesn't want to paint it with the same brush as islam for strategic reasons i'm assuming. >> well, i can't tell why. he started saying we can't be against -- we can't declare war against islam. that's not a declaration against islam. it is to say that there are sick people -- and they're radicals. why are we tiptoeing around that? >> and the president explicitly said today, forgive me, that it is part of the strategy to not allow people to use that term to their benefit and to continue to foment and stoke the -- sort of the anti-american sentiment that is already out there. >> you know, dana, on another issue donald trump continues to say he's a much bigger supporter, a much better friend
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of the lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender community. he says publicly he doesn't support it, he said he disagrees with the supreme court. it's not just him. a number of politics that have strong positions against equal rights for gay citizens to marry who now seem to be very front and center talking about their concern for the well being of gay people under the thumb of islamic radicals. >> when donald trump gave the speech yesterday, there was so much in there that was, you know, intense and that was aggressive and that was of course much like the kind of tone and tenor he took during the campaign. the one thing that did really make me almost fall off my chair was for the first time to hear a republican candidate for president, never mind the
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potential -- the presumptive nominee, saying that people should love who they want to love and live how they want to live. it's just the rhetoric alone is new. but when it comes to the policy, you're dead right. it doesn't look like he is going to support any time soon policies that would be in line with allowing for gay rights, just the opposite. in terms of his personal life and his personal beliefs, as you said, he's attended gay weddings. he is known to have many gay friends. i think if you kind of gave him a lie detector test and said what do you really think about gay rights, he would probably say i think it's just fine but
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now he happens to be a republican running as a republican, a nominee for president so policy-wise he's not there. >> which is interesting, david. voters will have to make up their minds whether they want a politician who really does -- if they are opposed to equal rights for gays and lesbians and equal marriage, whether they want a politician who does secretly support a ban on gay weddings or a republican who does support it and really live what they said. >> donald trump also supported gays with regard to the transgender issue supporting bathroom issues and that sort of thing and that surprised a lot of people. there's no question, the lgbt community is very suspicious of donald trump. when he gets up and says i'm the friend of women here, women by 70% say, no, you're not, and hillary is. we shouldn't discourage him from embracing gay rights. >> he's also defied all thus far. i think we have to leave it there. we have breaking political news to tell you about. cnn will project that hillary
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clinton has won the washington d.c. primary. democratic voters casting their ballots in d.c. today. clinton is about to meet with bernie sanders this evening. my interview with florida attorney general pam bondi, i asked her how she says she supports the lgbt community when her record says otherwise. plus two young men planning on getting married, they died instead in the orlando shooting. we want to learn as much as we can about these two young men who died together.
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resort. police are holding a news conference, that should be going on any minute, we will take it live as soon as it happens. here are the details, they are just coming in. a two-year-old boy, we are told, by the orange county department, was taken, dragged, into a lagoon. these are picture says, over that resort. this apparently happened at the disney grand floridian, right next to walt disney world. supposed to be the happiest place in the world. people there are terrified what may have happened. family members must be horrified as well. it apparently happened at the seven seas lagoon. disney grand floridian.
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the search is on right now for this missing child, believed to be have dragged into the water by an alligator, and people along the shore there had been evacuated as a precaution. obviously, a shocking and terrifying situation right now. martin savage, from the scene. what is the latest on the search? >> reporter: we can still hear the helicopters up now. one up for almost an hour and a half. searching with a high powered spotlight. it is over the area of the seven seas lagoon, the intense focus, what is the search effort for trying to find the two-year-old child. the report is that the child may have been taken by an alligator. it may give us insight as to how it all happened. >> according to guests of the
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grand floridian, itsome as the name implies, the biggest. it was movie night, people lined up at the lagoon. the report is that the child may have gone taken by an alligator. you have fish and wildlife out there t authorities searching the shore line there as well. the guests were told to go back to their rooms, everybody can be account accounted for what is taking place right now. we are waiting for input to
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learn this was other how is something horrific as it sounds, known to be a place of family fun, entertainment, always has been. that is all changed tonight. >> give us more information, about the seven seas lagoon. is in a recreational area? i lived in florida, i know that alligators are plentiful. you can see them anywhere. is this a lagoon where alligators are known to roam around. >> anywhere in florida, if you have a small body of wash. it is better that you would usually not necessarily a
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approach. you have the walt disney world theme parks gathered around here. then you have the hotel, on proper holets. that is the case of the grand floriddian. they had "movie night." they do special events, something has been horribly the report is that the two-year-old boy was somehow take find out
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where the where the child is, how the child is. most of the areas around the lake, the lighting is limited. there is part of the aththetics. now they are bringing in helicopters and search lights, the effort is underway to locate this child. we are hoping to get an update in a short time. >> absolutely. again. we are waiting for a news conference to happen any minute. it is supposed to take place three minutes ago.
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>> it area is the staging area for the authorities, it is now a staging area for the media presence, the location of the seven seasons lagoon, and the active search area is about half a mile away from us. one of of the things that you quick quickly -- the environment is quickly controlled. it is controlled for the purposes of disney controls the security. disney will be on top of the information that comes out. if you are not allowed to get into the area where this is
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plift sxhurt this is a standard kind of regimen. a standard response for disney. they want to protect the environment for their guests, and they want to make sure that what comes out about disney world whether they leave it to the orange county sheriff's defendant. it is obviously, a desperate and unless, in some way, here in a
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few a child, missing and poeblg taken by an alligator. >> in the u.s. and around the world, it is summer time. june. which means that a lot of families head to disney the word is a two-year-old toddler may have been dragged into the water there, at the disney grand floridan grand resort and spa near the disney world resort. just a quick question to follow up, martin. have you had a chance to talk to the people on the ground? witnesses? i what well people saying about the atmosphere?
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we were turned away. the guests, people told us, tweeting out, and speaking out from the property, that they were all told to immediately go back to their room. keep in mind, everybody is aware of what disney world is. one of the largest entertainment complexes in the world. one of the largest employers in the state of florida. you are talking about what is probably peek season. schools in the united states
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just let out. for families, the first thing to do is pack up the car. many families plan and save for a trip like this it you can imagine the horror of something like this. a tragic turn of events. the authorities here are right now not focused on what it means for the resort. they are focused on the family and want to find that child. >> we appreciate your reporting. awaiting a news conference to take place. >> we have been following a horrific child, two-year-old toddler is missing, the boy may have been taken by an alligator that is what we are hering.
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it was movie night at the resort, at the disney resort and spa. this child ended up missing. of course, the official its vaulting everyone in and around the lagone. a many on the scene, including florida fish and wildwildlife. we will have more information on the other side. stay with us. stay with us. # nope, even easier than that. more like taking a left on that street where you usually take a right that wasn't so hard.
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and if finding that paint made you and your walls beam with pride, is it still paint? benjamin moore. paint like no other. find one of our 5,000 authorized retailers near you. we're here with bud light party super delegate michael pena to talk about diversity. america is a nation of immigrants. we're a schmorgasbord of cultures. a korean taco of togetherness. an everything bagel of unity, each one of us a different seed. that was beautiful, amy. i thought it was also nice, yeah. yeah. we're a poutine of harmony. a gumbo of coexistance. we're a never ending, bottomless, all inclusive, super... buffet of... i can't do any more metaphors. ya know, alright. cheers cheers. i'm full.
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>> welcome to the viewers in the u.s., and around the world. thank you for joining us, we are following breaking news out of florida. a two-year-old is missing, who may have been taken by an alligator. martin savage has more details. martin, takes through what we know happened. >> reporter: it began, three and a half hours ago, there was a report that came in the orange county sheriff's department that
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oversees disney world. the report is that a two-year-old has on the beach of the seven-seas lagoon. you have florida, you can see, they are probing down in the area where they are searching, and relates of gets who had been gathered, we are now told to evacuate. two, allow the authorities to take over the scene. these are the children hours to fry to determine exactly what happened. as to where the child was, was the child in the water? on land? we don't know.
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. >> we are following breaking news out of florida, the desperate search for a two-year-old child that may have been dragged into a lagoon by an alligator. this happen at disney's grand floridian resort and spa. now, live with all the details, we are awaiting a news conference, we don't have a lot of information, martin, what is can you tell us about what we do know? it looks like we are having audio problems with martin
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savage. we will recap what he told us moments ago. the reports are that is a search is under way, where martin savage is, at the disney grand floridian resort and spa, at the disney world resort. the report is that a 2-year-old child may have been taken by an alligator into a lagoon. it happened hours ago. the child was reported missing. martin, back to what we were talking about. what we do know about what happened, martin? >> reporter: we, i do. can you hear me now. >> please, go ahead. >> reporter: we are anticipating within the next, five, ten minutes, we will get an update from the orange county officials, the law enforcement for this part of disney world. there may be representatives for disney world, since this is the
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complex, all of this is playing out at this particular time. it was after 9:30 local time, three and a half hours ago. a report came in, a two-year-old had been taken and dragged into the lagoon. the grand floridian is a hotel property this is one. it is said to be movie night. they do things like this. project a movie out of doors, along the beach front, part of the lagoon. this is where it is said to have helped. beyond that, we don't any -- alligators are part of the natural landscape. we don't know if they rye to o
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just after 1:00 in the morning. it has been a tough week for orlando. on that, we bring the news to you as it happens. a law enforcement source said that gunman's wife may face charges for not telling authorities about his interest in a jihadi attack. she denied knows about his investigators believe he was scouting out possible targets, law enforcement they don't know
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if it was for performance. >> we heard a shot gun. we stopped what we were doing, then, it keeps going. we grabbed each other, started running. >> the gunman went into the bathroom, shooting the machine gun. we are screams at the top of our lungs. people are getting he is shooting everybody that is i was able to peek over, i at i look
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over he shoots the girl next to me. >> he said, are there any black people in here? >> i was tee afraid to answer. the gunman -- >> we want to interrupt you to take you out to the news conference. take a listen. >> regarding a 2-year-old child that had been attacked by an alligator. at that point, emergency services responded to the area. in conjunction with the sheriff
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office. we have two marine units on the lake, searching for the child to recover at this point. in addition, we will be working with the fish and wildlife comission, to continue these efforts for the next several hours. as a father, as a grandfather, we will hope for the best. we know we have challenging ahead of us. the morning, continuing the search, until we are able to have a peaceful, successful resolution, for the family.
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family. we are pulling officers from differents of the region and dropping the alligator. we have an al -- >> the name of the lake. >> i'm sorry. i don't that will be part of our investigation. we haven't checked in to see if we have any nuisance alligators. >> was the child alone? >> i am going to turn it over to jackie, she is with walt disney.
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a act -- >> the family was out, simply relaxing. they had another child in like a baby play pen that was in the area. they were relaxing in the area, waiting in the water, there, along the lake edge at the time the alligator attacked the child. >> did anyone jump in the water, i am told the mother may have entered the they are
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understanding that is the father, at some point, struggled to try to get his son. and was not successful. then, aall righted others. >> did it happen before? prnchlths we have no this is the seven-seasons lathe family is staying there again, on vacation, i believe from the there were no other people in the water at the same time.
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real. we have the dive attach on standby we brought out sonar equipment. that we we can continue to search the lake throughout. we will do that, even though it is dark. >> if not, the efforts will continue. >> the what did he say? >> i haven't spoken with the he alerted the life gashed to assist him, our investigators
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resilient in trying to assist this family. >> you are watching a live new conference, florida officials and wildlich fitches what the family must be needing right now the father tried to retrieve the boy from the alligator, as the alligator took it from it lagoon. martin savage. it is heart-breaking to hear, what the family saw before their eyes. you can happen, to help it this
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now, the search has been underway, it is about 1:something like this has never happened before. doesn they are searching, sonar equipment, two marine units on scene. i think they heart them say this is a desperate search. we do hope that this yes, a horrible situation. we will take a short break from here. and when we come back, we will turn next to orlando, the
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his boy. what transpired. >> reporter: like so many they were on vacation from nebraska. many families save up, it is often referred to as the trip of a lifetime. it is now desperate and tragic, a 2-year-old was taken by the shore line of the seven sea review. a lake, in front of of the grand floridian resort. the alligator came out of the water took the child, and the father went into the water, and the alligator took the child. a strong search to am find the child. helicopters up in the air,
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shining down. sonar, under the water, then you have 50 officers, coming from the sheriff's department, wild life department, and even alligator trappers on the shore line. they evacuated the rest of of the guests, no reports of other injuries, the focus is trying to find the child. you can only imagine the horrific scene, what the family is going through. the sheriff said in 35 years, he has never known anything to happen like that here. this is a place of fun, a place of joy, it is not that tonight the effort focussed to find that child. in the darkness. it is not going to be easy. he said, there are a lot of challenges ahead of them. the family is being looked after now, treated for injuries to the father suffered, and being cared for for the trauma.
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>> it is so heart-breaking, we will stay on top of this. bringing you more developments as they come in. thank you, martin. turning to the investigation of the mass shooting in early at the pulse nightclub, a law enforcement official says that gunman's wife may face charges for not telling authorities about his interest in a attack. she told investigators she noticed a violent change in his behavior, and denied knowing anything specific about president plan. she was with him when he visit ed pulse and disney world.
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the gunman visited gay chat rooms on line. thank you for your patience. the nightmare is continuing. >> the wife of the gunman, and the orlando shooting, we heard from her, telling the fbi that she knew that her husband had the intention of carrying out an attack. she denied knowledge of what would happen at the pulse night club. she thankfravels with him to th night club and the disney spring
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nightclub. do you think she will face charges? >> i think she will probably face charges. the department of justice has convined a grand jury. >> they don't usually do that unless you think you got something. some of the survivors were saying, as he was killing, he would be laughing in satisfaction. cased out the location, the father of the shooter said he saw his son 11 hours before the attacks. he seemed normal. what does it tell you about the shooter? >> this shooter is a dichotomy. his dad said he wasn't religious. he is supposedly a family guy,
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beats his kids and beats his wife. he beats his borderline schizop. living both lives in both worlds. >> being on a gay dating app, having frequented the club where he killed so many people. >> to turn it back. they are trying to write a biography. specifically, the last few weeks and months, they are going to be determining, try to determine whether each one of the visits were casing visits or part of his lifestyle. that will be tough. with all the conflicting information that we have. the wife, going with him to
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disney world. she could face charges, because she may have facilitated, knowingly, even if she didn't know what the attack was going to be, she facilitated. he went to get ammunition. she was with him. she knew he was not throwing a party. >> she knew of his intentions in general. didn't report t obviously. we will have to leave it there. we are running out of time. we appreciate you talking with us. >> we will take a short break. just ahead here, he never mentioned donald trump by name. president obama came out swinging at the white house contender. next. next. #
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donald trump is lashing out at president obama over his response to the orlando massacre. trump said that mr. obama can't deal effectively with terrorism if he can't utter the words, radical islam. >> president obama was more angry at me than he was at the shooter. many said that. the level of anger, that is the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and the killers that shouldn't be here. >> mr. obama is defending his choice of words and strategy for did he telling with terrorists. >> reporter: president obama, this time, confronting his
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critics, head on. >> that is the key until we call them radical islamists? what exactly calls a threat boy a different name does not make it go away. this is a pligz distraction. the president those who say he has not done enough to fight isis. >> there has been not a moment in my seven and a half years as president, where we cannot use a a -- not once has an advisor said, if we use that phrase, we will turn it around. not wonts. >> he lashed out at republican
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rhetoric, and the reason i am careful how i the -- if we imply we br at war with an entire religion we are doing the terrorist work for them. >> what appeared to be a one-two punch, hillary clinton was causing much of the same language. >> he is fixade on the role, radical islam. i will not demonize and declare war on an entire religion.
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>> the white house hasn't wanted to respond directly, saying it is important not to be distracted. even in a time of division. >> which should be done following the orlando shooting cas ker, a conversation with a member of what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips.
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them was his gun. >> the fbi twice questions him for ties to terrorism. he legally bought a gun that shoots 85 rounds a minute. >> nobody i have ever met in my life, should have access to a weapon, that can kill so many, so quickly. >> this pain is so familiar. symbolizing everything that is wonderful, culture, music,and in the theme park capital of the world. a club. >> if my kids are gay, what do i
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tell them? a lesson in tolerance, we have to tolerant each other differences. >> love gives us the courage to act. love gives us hope, love allows us to grow. >> we are with you every step of the way. >> lance bass, tweeting, i am sguting over the news in orlando. the tears won't stop it. my thoughts are with my gay brothers and sisters.
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>> we are learning about the people who were killed. survivor stories. >> it has been devastating. i woke up sunday morning to a lot of i used to live in orlando. have several friends who still live there it before i knew what happened. i was getting texts, i am so sorry about orlando. i just started balling. i felt it i was trying to figure out if i knew anyone that was hurt. >> you i have been to pulse. of course. it is one of the places that the community can go relax, have fun, not worry about something like this happening.
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>> this attack is terrorism, a hate crime. when it comes to the lgbt community, the fact that it has been the target of violence many times before? >> yes. this is nothing nuls. in recent years, people are accepting it as a whole. love is love. there is many layers into the situation right now. it is a i have to say that this is a hornet's nest that has been stirred up. the community is not going to
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get this happen. >> what kind of changes? >> fighting a lot. for common sense gun regulation right now. politicians, and lgbt, are using them to get elected, lining their pockets with pocket. who is getting paid by the nhr to make sure nobody needs an ar-15. look what happened it is not just not needed.
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>> gave appreciate your time. >> thanks for having me. >> before we leave you, we want to recap the breaking news in florida. police say an alligator dragged a two-year-old boy into a lagoon. the boy was playing in the water when he was taken. the boy's police say the alligator is one two two this, of course, has been a tragic few days for the orlando these are pictur
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x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello. i'm robyn curnow at the cnn center. we begin with breaking news out of florida. the search for a little boy dragged off by an alligator. it's been an unimaginable few days for orlando. first a popular singer from "the voice" is gunned down. she died a few hours later. then a terror attack which massacred 49 people at the pulse nightclub early sunday morning. dozens more were wounded. now police say an alligator, four to seven feet or more, grabbed this toddler and dragged
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him into a lagoon at disney's grand floridian resort and spa. the little boy was apparently playing in the water when the alligator attacked. >> there's a sandy beach area, and the family was out just simply relaxing. they had another child in like a baby playpen that was in the area, and they were just simply relaxing out in the area and wading just in the water there along the lake's edge at the time that the alligator attacked the child. >> how big do you think the alligator was? >> one at a time, please. >> did anyone jump in the water to help assist the child at this point? >> the father entered the water, and he tried to grab the child, was not successful in doing so.
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at some point i'm told that the mother also may have entered the water. so the parents diligently tried to get the child. they alerted a nearby lifeguard, who was there in the area as well. but they were unsuccessful in their efforts. >> martin savage joins us now live from florida with more details. and we heard there the sort of devastating description of a father, then a mother wrestling with an alligator, trying to get their toddler out of his jaws. >> reporter: it's almost beyond belief, robyn. i mean, you know, a nightmarish scene is probably just putting it mildly. it would be horrific, struggling with a creature like that, trying to rescue and pull the child away. it is -- it is an unimaginable struggle. and right now the effort is to try to locate that child, and every asset that can be brought
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to bear is being brought to bear. we're in the staging area. we're on the walt disney world resort property. it's a massive property. if anybody has ever been here, it is not just of court the entertainment part. it's also the resorts, and run of them is the grand floridian. that's where all of this played out. it was around 9:15, just coming up on almost five hours ago when the family was up at the water's edge, enjoying the late evening. and this is when the alligator came out of the water, took the child, and then you've already heard the horrific struggle that ensued. they had 50 officers that are either out in the water or are on the banks of this lake. it's a lake that is of some size. disney world has a number of lakes on its property. this is one of them. it's known as the seven seas lagoon. the hotel property backs onto it. a number of other disney hotel properties back onto this as well. there are signs, we're told, that warned people that there is no swimming. whether they are warned about the al gators and whether the
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alligator population on the lake is controlled, we don't know at this time. the authorities could not say. that will be part of the investigation that comes later. they also have had a helicopter up. we heard the helicopter just a short time ago. this is all happening about a half a mile away from this particular staging area. boats on the water, sonar being used. again, hampered by the lack of light. they are illuminating from the air. but it's a lot of territory to cover in the darkness. they evacuated the guests immediately from the shoreline. you want to make sure that no one else is harmed. now the effort is under way. we are told that a specialist and an alligator trapper is among those assisting here. the sheriff of 35 years says he's never known anything like it. alligators of course are part of the florida landscape. but interacting and carrying out such a tragic attack as has happened here at disney world is just unthinkable. robyn. >> indeed, what we're looking at
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is a luxury hotel in one of the world's most famous resorts. a family there just trying to enjoy their time. as you say, gators are common in florida. but this is very, very unusual. >> reporter: it is. i mean a particular attack like this, alligators are problematic. anytime you've got water, they can show up, whether it's a golf course, whether it's a hotel, whether it's an ornamental lake in your backyard. you're talking about walt disney world. everything here is carefully controlled for the safety and enjoyment of the guests. so how something like this happens, there are going to be a lot of people asking questions. how could it happen? why did they not control alligators, and why would there be one of such size? that is going to be looked at. but right now the effort to try to find this child is the most important thing. the family is being cared for. the father apparently was slightly injured in the effort to wrestle the child away from the alligator. that was unsuccessful.
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they've come from nebraska, and they have a mother and father and three children, and they initially -- a lifeguard heard the family screaming, and a call was put into the walt disney fire department. they have their own first responders. they initially responded, and then of course orange county, which oversees this, they've shown up. florida fish and wildlife have shown up. it just continues to grow. but there's only so much they can do in the darkness, and they realize these are the most desperate and most important hours. robyn. >> yeah, and we also heard from the authorities there that the family was receiving counseling as this desperate search is under way. martin savidge, thanks so much more bringing us up to date. we'll check in with you within the show. thanks so much. now, it has been a rough 48 hours for walt disney world. we've just learned that sunday's nightclub shooter scouted out disney ahead of his attack on the club. police say omar mateen visited the disney entertainment and shopping complex known as disney
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springs at the beginning of june during this year's gay days celebrations. and all this happening just as disney gets ready to open its highly anticipated shanghai location on thursday. and turning now to the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history and the information investigators are now gathering on how the gunman planned it. they believe he targeted possible targets including orlando's pulse nightclub and disney world. the gunman's wife is talking to authorities. a source says the fbi does not think she's a co-conspirator. but she could face charges for not telling authorities what she knew about his general plans. pamela brown has the latest developments in the investigation. >> reporter: tonight authorities now believe the gunman's wife,
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noor salman, visited a potential target with her husband in advance of the attack at pulse nightclub. they're trying to determine if she knew he was planning an attack. >> did you know your husband was going to do this? >> reporter: sources tell cnn she has been providing helpful insight to investigators. for the first time, we're seeing inside the couple's apartment. clothes and children's toys could be scattered on the ground. investigators have seized items in searches of this home and those of the shooter's relatives, including a dell computer, smartphone, digital camera and related media. sources tell cnn omar mateen was consuming large quantities of jihadi propaganda online, including isis beheading videos. >> the killer took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet. he appears to have been an angry, disturbed, unstable young man who became radicalized. >> reporter: one of the survivors today revealing what she heard the gunman tell 911
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dispatchers. >> the reason why he's doing this is because he wants america to stop bombing his country. and from that conversation, from 911, he pledged his allegiance to isis. >> he was simply making statements about who he pledged allegiance to and other statements that was in a language believed to have been arabic. >> reporter: as authorities piece together clues painting a picture of the shooter's life, cnn is learning more about his movements in the hours leading up to the attack. investigators say they used cell phone tower data to determine that he spent several hours the day before the shooting at disney springs, a shopping and entertainment center in the orlando area, before the attack at the pulse nightclub early sunday morning. law enforcement sources tell cnn he also visited disney springs and the pulse nightclub at the beginning of june. investigators believe the visits were intended to conduct surveillance of the locations. >> he came with a plan of
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action. he had multiple rounds of ammunition. he moved through the facility fairly fluidly. so everything that he did indicates that he had given forethought to what he was doing. >> reporter: a performer at pulse nightclub tells cnn mateen visited the clubs dozens of times, averaging a couple visits a month over three years. cnn has learned the fbi is now looking into claims mateen was on gay dating apps such as grinder. but it's unclear what his intentions were on those apps. >> well, the 49 victims ranged in age from 18 to 50. many of them were just starting their lives as young adults, making plans for their futures. that was certainly the case for akyra murray. she was just 18 and had graduated from high school in philadelphia and had gotten a full basketball scholarship for college. she was in orlando on a family vacation. akira was with her cousin and
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another friend at pulse when the shooting began. she sent text messages to her mom reading, please come get us now. please. they're shooting. her cousin, who survived the shooting, told cnn's don lemon that they hid in a bathroom and that akira pleaded with the gunman. >> at some point we started to like just give out. like our bodies just started giving in because we were hit. everybody was injured. my cousin was pleading with him, trying to bargain with him. he's like, you know, he wasn't responding right. >> what was he say something. >> so he didn't say anything, but my cousin was more like so -- >> which cousin? >> akira. >> what was she say something she was saying, please, we're hurt. we're hurt. please don't. please. just leave us. she was just begging and pleading with him. he didn't come back, though. my cousin, she was calling and texting her aunt -- my aunt. she was calling and we was on the phone with the kocops.
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at this point you could hear that i'm losing myself because i'm just -- i'm about to go, and i was more so settled with it because i didn't know what to do. there was nothing i could do. my cousin, she just like -- we had like a system that my aunt was talking about. you know the morris code thing? that's kind of what we was doing, tapping each other's legs. just kept tapping each other and every time we saw a hand go up, she scratch me or tap me back real fast or something like that. she was communicating with me. when the shooter finally came back in, like when he came, he came back into the bathroom because i don't know if he got -- but when he came back in, the cops -- that's when the cops got on the horn after they blew down the two doors. he came into the stall with us. he didn't shoot nobody just yet. but when the cops blew in the bathroom door, you heard him say, hey you? and whoever looked up at him on that side of the room, he shot three more shots.
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>> hard to listen to, isn't it? well, angel cullen is another survivor. he says at one point he just knew he was going to die on the nightclub floor. mateen shot him at least five times. our dr. sanjay gupta has his emotional story. >> we just grabbed each other. we started running. >> reporter: you're listening to 26-year-old angel colon describe the horrifying seconds before he is shot by the gunman sunday morning inside pulse nightclub in orlando. >> i was shot about three times in my leg. so i had fallen down. i tried to get back up, but everyone started running everywhere. i got trampled over, and i shattered and broke my bones on my left leg. >> reporter: unable to move, angel just lays there, waiting. >> all i could hear was the shotgun, one after another, and people screaming, people yelling
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for help. >> reporter: in a cold, calculating move, the gunman seemed to zero back in on the victims. >> i hear him come back, and he's shooting everyone that's already dead on the floor, making sure they're dead. >> reporter: he closes in on angel. >> i can hear the shotguns closer, and i look over, and he shoots the girl next to me. and i'm just there laying down. i'm thinking i'm next. i'm dead. so i don't know how, but by the glory of god, he shoots towards my head, but it hits my hand. and then he shoots me again, and it hits the side of my hip. i had no reaction. i was just prepared to just stay there, laying down, so he won't know that i'm alive. >> reporter: angel is finally rescued by a police officer, who drags him to safety and becomes just one of 22 survivors who are now recovering at orlando's regional medical center. today the doctors tending to those patients described how they were overwhelmed in the immediate aftermath of the massacre. >> this is not a drill.
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this is not a joke. we have 20-plus gunshot wounds coming in. >> reporter: 44 victims all needing different levels of care. doctors had to make quick decisions on who was to be seen first. tonight as the hospital tries to return to normal, doctors and staff are trying to come to grips with what happened. >> i was walking out of the hospital, and walking out i saw team members walking into work, crying. and i just -- i just couldn't express how -- it's hard to describe how you feel, but i know how they feel. >> reporter: and i could tell you they do a lot of drills and a lot of practices to try and be prepared for this sort of thing. but after hearing those real-life scenarios, we can understand why it's never going to be the same as what they experienced here. back to you. >> so much strength amid so much loss. now this nightclub massacre is
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dominating the u.s. presidential campaign and sparking a new argument between president obama and donald trump. mr. obama says his words won't defeat terrorists, but his actions will. >> the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of the aisle have made in the fight against isil is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase "radical islam." that's the key, they tell us. we can't beat isil unless we call them radical islamists. what exactly would using this label accomplish? what exactly would it change? would it make isil less committed to trying to kill americans? would it bring in more allies? is there a military strategy
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that is served by this? the answer is none of the above. >> republican leaders in congress were quick to respond. >> i think that is like beyond out of line. i have been all over president obama's failed policies when it comes to destroying, defeating, containing radical islam. i think his model of doing it is a complete failure, won't work. i've never doubted that he loves this country. >> i hope in the process over the next few months he realizes that in order to actually win this war, you're going to need people that he has already alienated. >> the what-ifs of people on both sides are talking about are really inappropriate. we should look as congress should always look at major failures and say, how did it happen? >> well, as you might imagine, donald trump has plenty to say about president obama's speech.
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we'll have that and hillary clinton's reaction in the next half an hour. but first russia gets a suspended disqualification from the euro 2016 tournament. we'll explain what that is and why authorities blame their fans. (vo) whatever your perfect temperature... you'll enjoy consistent comfort with the heating and air conditioning systems homeowners rank number one. american standard heating and air conditioning. a higher standard of comfort. every ingredient is the main ingredient. the new green goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato... and chicken. at panera. food as it should be.
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i'm robyn curnow. you're watching cnn. it's 21 minutes past the hour, and a recap of our breaking news out of disney world in florida. police say an alligator dragged a 2-year-old boy into a lagoon a few hours ago at disney's grand floridian resort and spa. the orange county sheriff says the toddler was playing in the water when he was taken. the boy's father jumped in and tried to grab his son from the gator, but he couldn't get a hold of him. police say the alligator is between one and two meters long, and this comes as disney shanghai is set to open on thursday. and of course this has been a horrific few days for the orlando area with the nightclub terror shooting early sunday morning there. to france now where an islamic extremist who killed a
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police commander and his partner also threatened the euro 2016 football championship. police say the killer made the threat in an online video he broadcast from the murder scene. french authorities say events like this and the orlando mass shooting call for increased vigilance. >> translator: the government has been fully mobilized for many months now in dealing with a threat which we have not stopped considering a high-level threat. it is high-level in france. it is high-level in europe. it is high-level in the west after we have witnessed the events that unfolded in the past 48 hours in the united states. >> our jim bittermann is in paris standing by with the latest. jim. >> reporter: robin, just like in the united states after the attack there, now the focus in the media this morning is on the victims themselves. the two police officers who were killed in their home, in and outside of their home,
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jean-baptiste salvaing and jessica schneider, they had been attacked as they were spending an evening off duty at their house in the suburbs about 25 miles west of paris. as for the assassin, he left that message, a very chilling video that you talked about. i saw it yesterday, and he makes specific threats against not only the euro 2016 but specific personalities in france including journalists and politicians, a rap singer, that sort of thing, and he said blood will flow. he also said, i have a thirst for blood. it was a really very chilling sort of thing, and it hasn't been made public yet. but i don't believe it probably will. but it does put everyone here on edge, and one of the things that the police have gotten out of this -- this is probably the
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only concrete thing that's come out of it -- is that they're now going to be allowed to carry their weapons when they're off-duty. this is something that did not exist in the past and had been talked about in the framework of the state of emergency that exists here. but in fact now they are going to be able to take their weapons home at night, and one can only wonder if the police commander had had his gun when he was attacked, if it would have turned out differently, robyn. >> jim bittermann in paris. let's not forget there was a 3-year-old boy in that hostage video who lost both of his parents as well. jim, thanks so much. well, to the northern french city of lille where authorities are bracing for more possible violence from football fans when russia takes on slovakia just hours from now. their fears stem from clashes that happened over the weekend between russian fans and english supporters. our matthew chance has more. >> reporter: this is a thug's eye view of the violence that's marred euro 2016.
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one russian hooligan actually filming his own rampage through the streets of marseilles. in one scene, he shows himself and his comrades vandalizing a cafe. in another, they're kicking an english fan as he cowers on the ground. it's this kind of appalling behavior that's seen uafr impose a suspended disqualification on russia. if it happens again -- do you still think it's okay for football fans to fight? yeah? it's a message even the most belligerent russian officials appear to be heeding, including the m.p., who tweeted support for the fighting. out of step with the kremlin, which condemned the violence, he's now changed his tone. >> translator: the softest punishment would have been a fine. the harshest one who r would have been a total disqualification.
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uefa's decision was something in between and we only have to be thankful for that. i support the decision of the chairman, who said we would not appeal the decision. >> reporter: back in france, the authorities are finally, perhaps belatedly, getting tough. riot police surrounding a russian fan bus suspected of carrying some of the hard-core hooligans french prosecutors say were behind the violence. russian social media postings say many on board have been told they'll be deported. the rest are being returned to mar marseille serks for questioning as police struggle to prevent the events of this past weekend being repeated in the games ahead. matthew chance, cnn, moscow. >> ahead here on "cnn newsroom," the latest on the search for a 2-year-old boy snatched away by an alligator at a disney resort. ♪
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. okay. i want to return to our martin savidge and the breaking news out of florida. the search for a child dragged away by an alligator at a disney world resort. hard to imagine i'm even saying those words. a devastating wrestle between a father and an alligator, and this child's still missing. >> reporter: robyn, this is supposed to be of course the happiest place on earth. that is how disney world is often described. tonight it's a different scene playing out. it's about a half mile away that this search effort is being conducted on the seven seas lagoon. this all transpired around five hours ago. a little after 9:00 in the evening local time, a family of five -- they had come from nebraska, were playing along the waterfront right beside the grand floridian hotel. it's an upscale, beautiful,
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large hotel, one of a number that are on the properties of d disney world. and while the 2-year-old, according to authorities, way playing near the water's edge, the alligator that was said to be anywhere from four to seven feet in length came up and grabbed the child. the father was nearby and immediately dove into the water and wrestled with the alligator and fought to try to retrieve his own child. but the alligator was able to get away, and the child went with it. right now there are at least 50 officers, sheriff's department, fish and wildlife, as well as, we're told, an alligator trapper. out on the water or searching on the edge of this lagoon. and it's quite a substantial body of water to try to locate the child. they're up against a number of problems. of course, one, a wild animal. they're up against the darkness and the underbrush along the shore. all of that making this extremely difficult. as more time goes by, sheriff's authorities will tell you the outcome is not projected to be
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good here. the family is being cared for, but they know that with every passing moment, the odds of finding their child alive are less and less. the sheriff of 35 years says he's never known or seen anything like it. alligators are common, but this sort of thing is definitely not, robyn. >> okay. martin savidge, thanks so much. and u.s. president barack obama has clearly had it with donald trump and his reaction to the orlando terror attack. he met with reporters on tuesday at the white house, and without mentioning his name, blasted trump over his ideas on immigration and terrorism. chief political correspondent dana bash filed this story. >> we are now seeing how dangerous this kind of mindset and this kind of thinking can be. >> reporter: a rhetorical explosion rare for any
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president, especially one who prides himself on keeping calm. >> we now have proposals from the presumptive republican nominee for president of the united states to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. we hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. where does this stop? >> reporter: tearing into donald trump with visible anger and disgust. >> that's not the america we want. it doesn't reflect our democratic ideals. it won't make us more safe. it will make us less safe. >> reporter: the power of his words amplified by the stagecraft. a commander-in-chief coming out of a counterterrorism briefing, standing with his top military officer, a four-star general. >> we've gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to
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regret it. we don't have religious tests here. our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. and if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect. >> reporter: and what really got him going, the gop refrain that he's weak on terrorism because he refuses to use the term "radical islam". >> there's not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didn't use the label "radical islam." not once has an adviser of mine said, man, if we really use that phrase, we're going to turn this whole thing around.
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not once. so someone seriously thinks that we don't know who we're fighting? >> reporter: all that as the candidate obama endorsed delivered a more measured version of the same message. >> he is fixated on the words "radical islam." now, i must say i find this strange. is donald trump suggesting that there are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us? >> reporter: hillary clinton continues to use trump's response to the orlando massacre to define him as too volatile for the white house. >> yesterday morning, just one day after the massacre, he went on tv and suggested that president obama is on the side of the terrorists. now, just think about that for a second.
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even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president of the united states. >> reporter: dana bash, cnn, washington. and donald trump is firing back at mr. obama. he says the president can't effectively deal with isis and terrorism if he can't even utter the words "radical islam." >> and i watched president obama today, and he was more angry at me than he was at the shooter, and many people said that. [ crowd booing ] one of the folks on television said, boy has trump gotten under his skin, but he was more angry, and a lot of people have said this. the level of anger, that's the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn't be here. >> well, the orlando terror
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attack is putting renewed focus on lgbt rights in florida. cnn's anderson cooper challenged the state's attorney general, pam bondi, on tuesday. take a listen to this. >> i want to ask you. i saw you the other day saying that anyone who attacks the lgbt community, our lgbt community, you said, will be gone after with the full extent of the law. >> that's exactly right. >> i talked to a lot of gay and lesbian people here yesterday who are not fans of yours and said they thought you were being a hypocrite. that you for years have fought -- you've basically gone after gay people, said in court that gay people simply by fighting for marriage equality, were trying to do harm to the people of florida, to induce public harm, i believe was the term you used in court. do you really think you're a champion of the gay community? >> let me tell you, when i was sworn in as attorney general, i put my hand on the bible and was sworn to uphold the constitution of the state of florida. that's not a law that was voted
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into our state constitution by the voters of florida. that's what i was defending. it had nothing to do -- i've never said i don't like gay people. >> but you did say -- but you worried about using language accusing gay people of trying to do harm to the people of florida when doesn't that send a message to some people who might have bad ideas in mind? >> anderson, i don't believe gay people could do harm to the state of florida. >> but you argued that in court. >> my lawyer argued a case defending what the supreme court allowed the voters to put in our state constitution. >> right. but you were arguing that gay marriage, if there was gay marriage, if there was same-sex marriage, that would do harm to the people of florida, to florida society. >> that it was constitutional to put that in the constitution. >> are you saying you do not believe it would do harm to florida? >> of course not. of course not. >> well, the state attorney general says more than 69% of florida voters decided the state's constitution should ban
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♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. you're watching cnn. i'm robyn curnow. i want to update you on our breaking news. the search for a little boy dragged away by an alligator at walt disney world. the sheriff now says it's unlikely they will find the child alive, but they will continue all night to search for him. now, the toddler was playing on the water's edge at the disney grand floridian resort and spa when the animal attacked him. his father jumped in and
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wrestled with the gator, but couldn't save his son. well, oscar pistorius will be back in court next hour in south africa for his sentencing hearing. tuesday reeva steenkamp's father made an emotional plea saying pistorius must be punished for killing his daughter. pistorius could face 13 years in prison for killing steenkamp in 2014. >> people say it takes you two years, three years, and you start feeling a little bit better about the whole thing. but every day of my life is the same. i talk to her, and little things that come up. if i see a feather or something like that, reeva is with me all the time, yes. ever since reeva's death, i,
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myself, have changed completely. i wouldn't say that i've become a recluse, but i can't really mix with people anymore. and i sit on that veranda at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning, which has become a habit, and i smoke my cigarettes and drink my coffee. i don't wish that on any human being. finding out what happened, it devastated us. i ended up having a stroke, and so many things since then have happened. we have gone to doctors and to surgeons, which i still have to go in for my heart and
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everything like that. i just don't wish that on anybody in this whole world. >> cnn's david mckenzie joins us now from south africa. you're outside the high court where the sentencing hearing will continue. david, that was very dramatic testimony. what are we expecting to hear today? >> reporter: robyn, yes, it was perhaps the most harrowing moments of this entire legal saga. barry steenkamp breaking down several times during that testimony. you know, he was asked after the main testimony whether he had forgiven oscar pistorius, the disgraced olympian. they said, well, they have foregiven him, but they want him to pay. that's what these sentences hearings in the court behind me are all about. the prosecution will look for a heavy sentence, at least 15 years. we expect them to bring another
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witness, an emotional witness as they called it, but we don't know exactly who in the coming hours. and we will get closing arguments, we believe, today. it could be the last stages of this saga that has gripped south africa and frankly the world. >> as we know, david, i reported from there exactly where you are for many years. i think it started in march, 2014, this trial. so what happens next? is ois car pistorius coming to the end of his legal options? >> reporter: he has come to the end of his legal options except for one small possibility. if the sentencing is way out of the norm according to the defense -- i mean if he gets a sentence that they feel is harsh and unusual, they might appeal that sentence. but frankly his legal options have run out because the prosecution took the case to the supreme court of appeal where they changed the conviction from culpable homicide to murder.
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the defense attempted to get the court -- the highest court in the land, the constitutional court, to hear their case on constitutional grounds, and they said no. so frankly his options have run out. so he's just here to see whether he will spend a long time in prison or a longer time. and throughout this proceedings, it's been quite extraordinary, robyn. as you say, you were here through the trial. oscar pistorius is a shell of his former self. he seems heavily medicated. his hands -- his head is in his hands a lot of time. he's yawning even in the breaks of proceedings, looking very dazed, sometimes confused. a defense source has told us he does seem to be a broken man, a very far cry from the olympic hero of some years ago. but this does seem to be finally winding to a close. the end result will be oscar pistorius heading back to a maximum security prison. robyn. >> david mckenzie, thanks so much. we're going to leave it at that.
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well, police in florida now say it is unlikely the boy dragged away by an alligator will be found alive. he was wading in water at a walt disney world resort several hours ago when the alligator snatched him. the 2-year-old's father tried to get his son back from the gator. his mother also jumped in to try and help, but they couldn't save him. officials say they will search all night for the boy. and cybersecurity experts say hackers linked to russian intelligence are behind a computer attack on the u.s. democratic national committee. the party contracted a firm last month called crowdstrike when it discovered the intrusion. they say there were two hackers, but they weren't working together. now the intruders apparently roamed around the network for about a year. in one case they allegedly stole
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opposition research on donald trump. the u.s. has now officially determined the hackers are connected to the russian government. the copy right infringement trial against led zeppelin is happening in los angeles. their hit, "stairway to heaven," is at the center of this case, and millions of dollars in potential royalties could be at stake. cnn's paul vercammen has the details. >> reporter: led zeppelin superstars robert plant and jimmy page walked into court dressed for business. black suits, long hair, neatly pulled back into ponytails. they intently listened as the copy right infringement suit got under way. in the opening statements, the lawyers for the estate of randy california wolfe. he is the late singer/song writer of the '60s band spirit. they basically assert led zeppelin took the first two minutes and 14 seconds of the rock anthem "stairway to heaven" from the spirit song "taurus." >> it's irrefutable. if you listen to the sound
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recording, the actual composition, it's the notes itself which are very distinct, unique, and they're the same. >> reporter: the lawyer for randy california wolfe pointing out that at one point led zeppelin actually opened for the band spirit. led zeppelin's attorney saying robert plant and jimmy page and no one else, period, wrote "stairway to heaven." he said the band was not even aware of the spirit song "taurus" until long after "stairway to heaven" had been written. they have impaneled, as they do in federal court here, a four-woman, four-man jury. so that's eight jurors. 9 trial was not without some moments of levity. while they were picking the juror, one prospective injure claimed his love for plant and page. another said he learned "stairway to heaven," his first song ever, on the guitar. both of them did not make the jury cut. reporting from federal court in los angeles, i'm paul vercammen. now back to you. >> thanks to paul. i'm robyn curnow, and i'll be
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm robyn curnow. thanks so much for joining me. and we're continuing our coverage of breaking news out of florida. police now say the little boy dragged off by an alligator at a disney resort is likely dead. it's been an unimaginable few days for the orlando area. first christina grimmie, a popular singer from the nbc talent show "the voice" is gunned down after her concert friday night. she died a few hours later. then a terrorist opened fire at the pulse nightclub early sunday morning, killing 49 people. he wounded 53 others. now police say an alligator grabbed a toddler and dragged him into a lagoon at disney's grand floridian resort and spa. the little boy was playing on the water's edge when the
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alligator pounced. our martin savidge has been near the scene for the past several hours. he joins us live with more. and, oh, martin, this is just devastating. the description of this father trying to wrestle with this gator to try and rescue his child but unsuccessful. >> reporter: right. it's really just beyond what you could possibly imagine. the search effort here has been ongoing for about six hours. this all happened a little after 9:00 in the evening local time here. authorities say that the family was staying at the grand floridian. it's a beautiful hotel, massive property, on the disney world resort. they were down by the water's edge. they come from nebraska, a family of five, husband and wife, three children. the 2-year-old was sort of playing near the water line. and according to authorities, the alligator, about four to seven feet in length, came out of the water and struck. we had a briefing from the
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orange county sheriff. here's some of what he described. >> the father entered the water and tried to grab the child, was not successful in doing so. at some point, i'm told that the mother also may have entered the water. so the parents diligently tried to get the child. they alerted a nearby lifeguard, who was there in the area as well, but they were unsuccessful in their efforts. >> reporter: this is just so difficult to believe in a place that is so focused on family, on children, on fun, on memories to last a lifetime. this is the last place any family expects any tragedy, let alone something as horrific as this. i am told by -- i just got on the phone actually with a witness who was over by the lake. it's about a half mile away from where we're standing now.
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and he said that there are still about maybe seven boats that are out on the water. some of them are the pontoon boats. some of them are security boats. the helicopter has moved off some distance. this body of water is larger than just some little on mental lake. it's a fairly significant size of water. that's part of the challenge. they have sonar that's actively being used out there as well as they try to locate this child. but as we've already said, every minute that goes by, the likelihood of finding this child alive is not good. alligators are part of landscape here. we're told that there are signs warning guests to stay away from the water. but that said, there's also a beach, and it's a beautiful setting. it's your holiday. wow nev you would never expect something like this. robyn. >> thanks for keeping us updated. if you have any more information, we will come back to you. thanks so much. it's also been a rough 48 hours for walt disney world. we've just learned that sunday's
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nightclub shooter scouted out disney ahead of his attack on the club. police say omar mateen visited the disney entertainment and shopping complex known as disney springs at the beginning of june during this year's gay days celebration. and all this happening just as disney gets ready to open its highly anticipated shanghai location half a world away on thursday. turning now to the mass shooting and the latest details of how the gunman planned. investigators believe he cased possible targets, including orlando's pulse nightclub and disney world as i've just said. his wife was with him on those trips. now, a source says the fbi does not think she's a co-conspirator, but she could face charges for not telling authorities about what she knew about his general plans. here's pam brown with more. >> reporter: tonight authorities
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now believe the gunman's wife, noor salman, visited a potential target with her husband in advance of the attack at pulse nightclub. they're trying to determine if she knew he was planning an attack. >> did you know your husband was going to do this? >> reporter: sources tell cnn she has been providing helpful insight to investigators. for the first time, we're seeing inside the couple's apartment. clothes and children's toys could be seen scattered on the ground. investigators have seized items in searches of this home and those of the shooter's relatives, including a dell computer, smartphone, digital camera, and related media. sources tell cnn omar mateen was consuming large quantities of jihadi propaganda online, including isis beheading videos. >> the killer took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet. he appears to have been an angry, disturbed, unstable young man who became radicalized. >> reporter: one of the survivors today revealing what
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she heard the gunman tell 911 dispatchers. >> the reason why he's doing this is because he wants america to stop bombing his country. and from that conversation from 911, he pledged his allegiance to isis. >> he was simply making statements about who he pledged allegiance to and other statements that was in a language believed to have been arabic. >> reporter: as authorities piece together clues painting a picture of the shooter's life, cnn is learning more about his movements in the hours leading up to the attack. investigators say they used cell phone tower data to determine that he spent several hours the day before the shooting at disney springs, a shopping and entertainment center in the orlando area, before the attack at the pulse nightclub early sunday morning. law enforcement sources tell cnn he also visited disney springs and the pulse nightclub at the beginning of june. investigators believe the visits were intended to conduct surveillance of the locations.
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>> he came with a plan of action. he had multiple rounds of ammunition. he moved through the facility fairly fluidly. so everything that he did indicates that he had given forethought to what he was doing. >> reporter: a performer at pulse nightclub tells cnn mateen visited the club dozens of times, averaging a couple visits a month over three years. cnn has learned the fbi is now looking into claims mateen was on gay dating apps such as grindr, but it's unclear what his intentions were on those apps. >> pamela brown reporting there. dozens killed. dozens more wounded. 28 victims are still in the hospital, and some of them are sharing their story of survival. angel colon was shot several times in the leg. he described the horrifying seconds before he was shot and how the gunman aimed at his head. take a listen. >> i was talking to the last
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girl. i was talking to her and out of nowhere we just hear a big shotgun. we just -- we stopped what we were doing, and then it just keeps going. that happened and we just grabbed each other. we started running, and unfortunately i was shot about three times in my leg. so i had fallen down. i tried to get back up, but everyone started running everywhere. i got trampled over, and i shattered and broke my bones on my left leg. so by this time, i couldn't walk at all. all i could do was just lay down there while everyone was just runni running on top of me, trying to get to where they had to be. and all i could hear was the shotgun, one after another, and people screaming, people yelling for help.
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by this time, this man, he goes into the other room, and i can just hear more shotguns going on. i thought i was a little safe at this time because, you know, it's giving everyone time to tackle him down or get him down. but unfortunately i hear him come back, and he's shooting everyone that's already dead on the floor, making sure they're dead. i was able to peek over, and i can just see him shooting at everyone. and i can hear the shotguns closer, and i look over, and he shoots the girl next to me. and i'm just there laying down. i'm thinking i'm next. i'm dead. so i don't know how, but by the glory of god, he shoots towards my head, but it hits my hand. and then he shoots me again, and it hits the side of my hip.
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i had no reaction. i was just prepared to just stay there, laying down, so he won't know that i'm alive. and he's just doing this for another five, ten minutes. he's just shooting all over the place. >> such terror. such bravery. now, some of the victims ran to the nearby orlando fire department during the shooting. cnn's brooke baldwin spoke exclusively to the fire lieutenant on duty that night. >> there was groups of people in front of the fire station, hiding behind the wall over there, crying and screaming. and as soon as we put the bay door up, we had our first person shoot through and through. >> what was that person say something. >> he wasn't saying anything. he was shot twice through the abdomen, through and through. so what happened when the bay door went up, we immediately helped and carried him in there and laid him down on the bay floor right next to the engine. and the medics went to work on him, and immediately began to stabilize and triage him.
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and then we had another victim come in with a shot through the wrist, another shot through the leg. so the walking wounded, we could bandage those up, you know, and stabilize them rather easily. but the man who was shot through the abdomen twice was a priority. so he was really patient number one for the orlando fire department's response. >> reporter: did he make it? >> i have no idea. i have no idea. i don't know who he was. i don't know other than the fact that when we got a rescue down here to transport him, we loaded him in the back, and it was a hot scene, and off he went to the hospital. >> thanks to brooke baldwin for that. one of the haunting images from inside the club came from amanda alvear. she had been recording the crowd dancing when the shots began. gary tuchman spoke weith her brother. >> reporter: brian alvear was the first of three children. he lost his younger brother, kne nelson, to cancer years ago.
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his sister amanda went to the pulse nightclub in orlando saturday night. >> if there's anyone on earth that i thought could take a couple shots and survive just to spite the person that shot them, it's my sister. >> reporter: but tragedily, amanda, a nursing student at the university of south florida, was one of the 49 people killed. >> my parents should never have to bury one child let alone two. i mean it's unfathomable that my mom has to go through this again. like it's just -- she's the sweetest woman, has never said a bad word about anybody. >> reporter: brian and his parents got a call on sunday morning that amanda had gone to the pulse with several friends. they frantically tried to reach her and immediately feared the worst when they got no answer. they then saw the snapchat videos, short videos amanda had posted from the club, showing people dancing and having fun. but there was one last video. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: in which the first gunshots are heard. amanda with a confused and concerned look on her face, and
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those were the last images of amanda's life that they'll ever see. so when you saw this snapchat video of your sister, tell me how it made you feel. >> i mean fear, like just afraid for my sister, like helpless. i wanted to jump through the tv and, you know, it's your little sister. she's in trouble. you want to be there for her, and you can't. >> reporter: one of the friends amanda was with at the club was the women on the right, mercedes flores, her best friend, who was also killed. amanda tried to save mercedes' life. brian and his parents were told that by another friend, a woman who survived the attack. >> the shooting started. she grabbed amanda's hands. they bolted towards the door. they almost got there, and amanda turned around and said mercedes was missing. she was going to go back to get mercedes, and the friend went, okay. i'm going to meet everybody outside. they split up and that's the last she saw her. >> you saw her those last seconds and you know from her friend that she did something so brave, that she went to look for
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her friend instead of leaving. and i'm wondering if that gives you comfort right now. >> it does. i mean that's what -- that's what anyone in our family would have done. that's how we are. that's how my parents raised us. i mean if i was there with my best friend, i'd like to think i'd do the same thing, and i think i would. and i'm glad that my sister did. >> reporter: gary tuchman, cnn, orlando. >> devastating. coming up, reeva steenkamp's father makes a tearful plea to a south african court as it decides the fate of his daughter's killer. >> i feel the same that oscar has to pay for what he did. if you have medicare
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we do want to update you on our breaking news here at cnn. the search for a little boy dragged away by an alligator at walt disney world. now, the sheriff says it's unlikely they will find the child alive, but they will continue to search all night for him. the toddler was playing on the water's edge at the disney grand floridian resort and spa when the animal attacked him. his father jumped in and wrestled with the gator but couldn't save his son.
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france is dealing with a horrific attack that the president calls an assassination by a terrorist. an islamic extremist, who was under investigation, killed a police commander and his partner in their home west of paris. but his shocking crime was not yet done. atika shubert tells us more. >> reporter: these images of the chilling moment larossi abba la broadcast live on facebook just after he had stabbed to death police officer jean-baptiste sal van and his partner in their suburban home, taking hostage their 3-year-old son. in the video, aba la swore allegiance to isis. >> translator: pled at one point, even gestured back at the child and said, i don't know what to do with him. by midnight, s.w.a.t. teams forced their way and shot abballa dead. in his car, police say they found a list of targets
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including police officers, journalists, musical artists and other public figures. the french prosecutor confirmed what was found. >>. >> translator: three knives were seized. in particular a knife covered with blood. in the vehicle, a quran was found as well with ref rnss to authentic belief. you know that a certain number of claims were made by the terrorist, including a posting at 8:22 p.m. on facebook with a 12-minute video claiming responsibility. >> reporter: the 25-year-old was known to police as a petty criminal convicted of terror recruitment in 2013. according to the prosecutor, he did serve time in prison but was also given early release. the prosecutor's office also say his phone was monitored, but there were no signs of an imminent attack. abballa operated a nighttime food delivery business in the same area as his victims. neighbors in this quiet town describe to cnn the night of attack. >> translator: we thought it was a war scene. we didn't think we were in magnanvil
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magnanville. we thought we were in a film, a bad film. >> reporter: in his facebook video, abballa said he was answering isis' call for attacks during the islamic holy month of ramadan. and he threatened to make the ongoing european football championship tiny a cemetery, putting france already on the highest state of alert even more on edge. >> well, let's go to our jim bittermann in paris for the latest. hi there, jim. we have a 3-year-old orphaned, threat on facebook there all amidst one of the most watched soccer competitions in the world. we appear to have lost our connection with jim bittermann. we'll try and get him back. in the meantime we're going to stay in france. in the city of lille a couple of hours north of paris, french authorities are bracing for more
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possible violence from football fans when russia takes on slovakia at euro 2016. that massive sports tournament, which is just hours from now, their fears stem from clashes over the weekend between russian fans and english supporters. matthew chance has more. >> reporter: this is a thug's eye view of the violence that's marred euro 2016. one russian hooligan actually filming his own rampage through the streets of marseille. in one scene, he shows himself and his comrades vandalizing a cafe. in another, they're kicking an english fan as he cowers on the ground. it's this kind of appalling behavior that's seen uefa impose a suspended disqualification on russia. if it happens again, uefa says, they're out. do you think it's okay for football fans to fight?
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yeah? it's a message even the most belligerent russian officials appear to be heeding. including the m.p., who tweeted support for the fighting. out of step with the kremlin which condemned the violence, he's now changed his tone. >> translator: the softest punishment would have been a fine. the harshest one would have been a total disqualification. uefa's decision was something in between, and we only have to be thankful for that. and i support the opinion of the russian football union chairman, who said we would not appeal the decision. >> reporter: back in france, the authorities are finally, perhaps belatedly, getting tough. riot police surrounding a russian fan bus suspected of carrying some of the hard-core hooligans french prosecutors say were behind the violence. russian social media postings say many on board have been told they'll be deported. the rest are being returned to marseille for questioning as french police struggle to
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prevent the events of this weekend being repeated in the games ahead. >> well, matthew chance joins us now live from moscow. hi there, matt. these images of this hooliganism rare affecting many people who are going to be attending these games. >> reporter: that's right. and the actual violence itself threatens to raise its head again as you said, later on today, when russia plays slovakia in lille in northern france. and of course close by to that in another town just a short distance away, england will be playing their second match in this euro 2016 championship as well. and so there's a possibility that the fans from both of those countries could meet yet again, and that's why there's additional security been put in place by the french police. alcohol bans have been imposed on the various tangs where these two teams are playing.
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and so, yeah, the french, as we're saying in that report, are finally getting as touch as they can, it seems, on the fans to police this tournament. >> and why is this so important? we've got security concerns about terror, but this is also, as i was saying, one of the most watched sports tournaments in the world after the olympics and the world cup. i mean russia, it seems, is also taking this very seriously. >> reporter: football is taken very seriously. it's something that ignites passions in russia and in england and in all the countries essentially around europe and of course across the world. i mean what makes this violence, i think, so important at the moment is because in just two years from now, it will be russia that hosts the biggest football championship of them all, the world cup in 2018. that's coming to moscow. and the fact that russian fans and the russian team is now being sanctioned by uefa for this violence, for smuggling fireworks and flares into the
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stands, for fighting and targeting fans from other countries, in this case, england, raises serious questions about the worthiness of russia to host that world cup championships in 2018. it's unlikely at this point that that competition is going to be taken off them, of course. but, you know, there could be further sanctions at this euro 2016 competition. as uefa has said, if the russian fans continue with this kind of behavior, the russian team will be kicked out of the championship altogether. >> thanks so much for bringing us that update from moscow. let's go back to our senior international correspondent, jim bittermann, in paris. authorities there on high alert after the murder of that police commander and his wife. hi there, jim. hopefully our connection has been sorted out. this is also very disturbing incident amidst very high security in france. >> reporter: absolutely, and there's a lot of calls for investigation into how this could have happened. on the other hand, a lot of people saying this morning this
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was a lone wolf attacker, acted on his own. he was under surveillance. at tacker, larossi abballa, 25 years old, gradually radicalized. but he had been in prison for two and a half years. coming out of prison, he was watched. he had to report to a parole officer. he did all the things he was supposed to do, and so the police kind of ignored him. and then early this year, they began tapping his phone, suspecting that he had become more and more radical. but, again, there was nothing in his phone conversations according to the prosecutor yesterday that indicated that he was getting as radical as he was getting. his ex-girlfriend was on government radio this morning, and she was saying she saw none of the signs of real radicalization. she said that he was getting more and more religious, but she didn't believe it was to the point where he was radicalized. and then about three days before the crime, he asked to get back in contact with her.
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she refused and then tried to reach him the day -- just a day ahead of the crime. and she was unable to get him on his cell phone. so at that point he was probably already moving into action and killed the two police officers in their home, in front of and in their home, in cold blood and in front of their 3-year-old child, who witnessed the whole thing but is safe now but an orphan. >> indeed. and also authorities finding a hit list which also is of great concern to the french security forces. thanks so much. jim bittermann there in paris. you're watching cnn. coming up, president obama on the offensive. we'll tell you about his blistering criticism of donald trump in the wake of the orlando massacre. stay with us.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. welcome back to viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm robyn curnow. i want to take you right now to south friafrica where the sentencing hearing for oscar pistorius is under way. he could face 15 years in prison for murdering his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. that is her cousin that has taken the stand in the sentencing hearing. let's listen in. >> they suffer very much because of this. >> has it changed your life? >> yes, it's changed my life completely.
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besides the obvious anxiety and depressi depression, as a family we'll never, ever be able to carry on life normal. just standing in the queue at a shopping center poses difficulty. you know, people recognize you and they start mentioning the trial or start mentioning oscar or reeva. you can never be prepared tore what might come up. i attended a workshop a couple weeks ago, a self-awareness workshop. and without the people realizing, the lecturer started speaking about oscar and his gun complex, and i just went cold. you know, it's never going to leave us. >> the broader family, how are they coping? >> my dad, for instance, is -- i
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saw my dad cry for the very first time when reeva died, and i saw him cry for the very second time with he heard that i had to testify again. it's -- it's very unfair what our family has been put through, you know. losing a family member that was such a big part of our lives in the way that we did, and then to have to be exposed to the media, to have to sometimes defend ourselves, it's -- it's very difficult. >> talking about medium, do you know anything of an interview that the accused gave to the media? >> the only thing that i do know is what i've heard on the radio and tv, that he's going to be doing what he's done, an interview, and that it's going to be viewed on the 24th of june. >> and how do you feel about that? >> i'm not happy about that at
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all. i just think it's very unfair to want to talk to the world about your version when you had the opportunity in court to do so. and it's just -- it's hurtful. i just don't understand why. i can't understand why. >> so as a family, you have christmases and birthdays. how does that affect the family of reeva's? >> it's terrible because we want to be there for each other. we want to be able to celebrate. and for my children, i can't let every special occasion be about
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reeva being murdered, about not saying anything. we have to celebrate. you know, my youngest daughter is 17 years old. she doesn't deserve to have every special occasion cut sh t short. as it is, valentine's day is the worst day for us. christmas, we all want to be together, but we also are scared to mention something. we're going to set somebody off. we want to honor reeva's memory by putting a candle out for her, but we don't want every occasion to become a funeral, you know? >> and your uncle barry, how is he coping? >> as far as i'm concerned, my
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uncle is a broken man. you know, he lives day to day on his phone, just watching the posts about reeva. the guilt, the father not being able to protect his daughter. it's very difficult for him. >> you've said during your consultations that you expected something from the start. what was that? >> i didn't hear your question. >> you explained that you had expected something from the accused from the start of the trial. what was that? >> all we've ever wanted is the truth, and people have said, but you got the truth. but we didn't. oscar's version changed so many times, and i never, ever heard him saying that, i apologize for
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shooting and murdering reeva behind that door. i don't feel there was an apology from him. i don't feel the true version came out. we just wanted the truth. that's what we wanted. >> thank you, my lady. nothing further. >> ms. martin, i was very, very careful when -- >> okay. we were just listening there to proceedings in the pretoria high court. i'm going to go to david mckenzie. he stands outside the courtroom. he was listening to that testimony. this has been a very long court case. oscar pistorius, the olympian, shot and killed his girlfriend on valentine's day 2013. and this is coming towards the end of the legal process.
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>> reporter: that's right, robyn. what you heard there is something crucial from kim martin, reeva steenkamp, the victim's cousin, was all the family wanted from their perspective is an apology from oscar pistorius, who shot reeva steenkamp four times through a bathroom door on valentine's day. she said that he has changed his testimony, his reasoning for shooting through that door several times and that they just wanted, quote, the truth from him. emotional testimony again from family members of the victim. you know, through this whole court proceedings, much of the focus has been on oscar pistorius. in the last few days we've seen that shift over to the victim as the family members, the father, her cousin all explain the pain they've gone through because of these series of events that unfolded after their family member was killed. she also said that valentine's
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day is the worst day for their family. that was the day, of course, reeva steenkamp was shot by oscar pistorius. the testimony continues, but we could see at the end of these proceedings, pistorius heading back to prison for a long time indeed. robyn. >> indeed. thanks so much. david mckenzie there. the lawyer there cross examining reeva steenkamps cousin. as you say, this will continue throughout the day, and we'll continue to check in with you. you're watching cnn. more news after the break. wanna drink more water?
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well, let's go back now to our breaking news from florida. the alligator attack at a disney resort. martin savidge is there live, keeping an eye on this story. devastating details about a father trying to wrestle a gator to try and save his toddler, but no real hope that the baby will be found alive.
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>> reporter: no. i'm afraid, you know, as each moment has passed, it is looking more and more grim. right now i've talked to people who have had their eyes on the search effort that's under way. clearly it's the middle of the night here. it's dark, and that area is a large body of water that is being looked upon. the helicopters and the boats have sort of moved away from the area of the grand floridian. this is the resort hotel where the family had been staying, where this attack took place. so, you know, it's clear they're spreading out, and they're looking further and further away to where this alligator may have gone. they've also brought in, in addition to the security boats that are out there, they now have pontoon boats that are out there, and the orange county sheriff's office has supplied them with what appears to be like a dive boat. what's significant is not necessarily that they have divers in the water because you might have to worry about that with alligators, but that they're using sonar to propose the depths there. anything that might lead them to
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the whereabouts of the child. any hope that they might find this child alive is what this is all about. the family is deeply, deeply shocked according to authorities, understandably so. right now the effort is let's find this child. let's bring this to some sort of resolution. robyn. >> thanks for that update. martin savidge there. appreciate it. well, the orlando terror attack is inflaming tensions between the u.s. president and the man would wants to replace him. barack obama says donald trump's response to the shooting and his proposed muslim ban are dangerous and unamerican. here's white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> reporter: president obama this time confronting his critics head-on. >> that's the key, they tell us. we can't beat isil unless we call them radical islamists. what exactly would using this
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label accomplish? what exactly would it change? calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. this is a political distraction. >> reporter: flank the by his national security council, including the non-partisan chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the president excoriated those who say he has not done enough to fight isis. >> has not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didn't use the label "radical islam." not once has an adviser of mine said, man, if we really used that phrase, we're going to turn this whole thing around. not once. >> reporter: the usually collected obama lashed out at republican rhetoric, and donald trump in particular. >> and the reason i am careful about how i describe this threat has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do
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with actually defeating extremism. and if we fall into the trap of painting all muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists' work for them. >> reporter: in what appeared to be a carefully choreographed one-two punch, hillary clinton was using much the same language during a speech in pittsburgh, calling out her republican presidential rival but his first name. >> he is fixated on the words "radical islam." so if donald suggests i won't call this threat what it is, he hasn't been listening. but i will not demonize and declare war on an entire religion. >> reporter: you know, on those highly controversial remarks that donald trump made, saying that president obama is either not smart, not tough, or has something else in mind, the white house hasn't really wanted to respond directly, saying only that it's important not to be distracted by things so small.
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but hillary clinton did respond, saying even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president of the united states. michelle kosinski, cnn, the white house. >> thanks michelle, for that. well, donald trump is firing back at mr. obama. he says the president can't effectively deal with isis and terrorism if he can't even utter the words "radical islam." >> and i watched president obama today, and he was more angry at me than he was at the shooter, and many people said that. one of the folks on television said, boy has trump gotten under his skin. but he was more angry, and a lot of people said this. the level of anger, that's the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn't be here. >> coming up, survivors of the
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orlando terror attack are dealing with so many emotions right now. just ahead, we'll hear from one young woman who is trying to cope through her poetry. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has
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i want to take you right back to our breaking news story from the orlando area. police there now say it's unlikely they will find a little boy alive after an alligator dragged him away. the 2-year-old was playing on the edge of a lagoon at the walt disney world resort tuesday night when the alligator grabbed him. his dad tried to wrestle the gator away. we know the mother tried too. authorities have been searching with helicopters, sonar, and marine units. it's been a rough week, hasn't it, in orlando? we know that people around the world are paying tribute to the orlando shooting victims. late-night comedians are weighing in as well, taking a more serious tone. >> the news out of orlando yesterday is still impossible to fathom. that so many people can lose their lives so quickly because of one person's demented rage
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will never make sense, and god help us if it ever does. >> what can we learn from this? what if my kids are gay? what do i tell them? maybe there's a lesson from all this, a lesson in tolerance. we need to support each other's differences and worry less about our own opinions. >> there have been outpourings of love throughout the country and around the world. love in response to hate. love does not despair. love makes us strong. love gives us the courage to act. lov love gives us hope that change is possible. >> powerful words there. well, patience carter was shot in the leg during the orlando terror attack, but one of her friends was among the 49 killed early sunday. she's in hospital recovering and is trying to deal with her grief through poetry. take a listen to this. >> the guilt of feeling grateful
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to be alive is heavy. wanting to smile about surviving but not sure if the people around you are ready. as the world mourns the victims killed and viciously slain, i feel guilty about screaming about my legs in pain because i could feel nothing like the other 49 who weren't so lucky to feel this pain of mine. i never thought in a million years that this could happen. i never thought in a million years that my eyes could witness something so tragic. looking at the souls leaving the bodies of individuals. looking at the killer's machine gun throughout my right peripheral. looking at the blood on everyone's facing. looking at the gunman's feet under the stall as he paces. the guilt of feeling lucky to be
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alive is heavy. it's like the weight of the ocean's walls crushing uncontrolled by levees. it's like being drug through the grass with a shattered leg and thrown on the back of a chevy. it's like being rushed to the hospital and told you're going to make it when you lay beside individuals whose lives were brutally taken. the guilt of being alive is heavy. >> such el consequence, bravery, such anguish. i'm robyn curnow. "early start" with christine romans and john berman is up next for viewers in the united states. for everyone else, stay tuned for more news with hannah vaughan jones in london.
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this is cnn breaking news. our breaking news right now, a 2-year-old child attacked and dragged in to the water by an alligator at a popular disney resort, a desperate search happening right now. what did the wife of the orlando club gunman know about his plan to attack? new information that she told the fbi. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans in new york. >> and
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