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tv   New Day  CNN  June 16, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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details about what the terrorist did during the attack as well as the conflicting stories his wife is telling. so in just hours president obama and vice president biden will travel to orlando to meet with victims' families and the first responders. he's begin with cnn's political reporter. tell us all about what happened last night. >> reporter: good morning. now, chris murphy is nearly 15-hour filli buster marks the longest in the history of the center. it was aimed at putting political pressure on the gop. republicans and democrats have squabbled for months on how to structure such a bill and whether murphy's bill actually changes anything is an open question. >> our leaders have to get tougher. this is too tough to do it alone but i think i'm going to be
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forced to. >> reporter: donald trump ready to turn his back on gop leaders, threatening to go it alone. >> i'm going to remain on this floor until we can get a path forward on addressing this epidemic. >> and there's a fundamental disconnect with the american people when these tragedies continue to occur and we just move forward with business as usual. >> reporter: democratic senator chris murphy ending his nearly 15-hour filli buster on the senate floor early this morning after saying he has a commitment from republican leaders to take on two proposed gun control measure. quote, i am proud to announce that at 14 plus hours on the floor we will have a vote on closing the terror gap and universal background checks. the dramatic scene comes just four days after the nornd terrorist attack at a gay nightclub that killed 49 people and injured 53 others.
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the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. dozens of democrats joining murphy on the senate floor. >> through all of the shouting we miss what should be obvious. it was a terrorist with a gun that killed all those people. >> enough. enough. enough. what we're seeking is common sense. >> reporter: and even some republican senators. >> there's an obvious opportunity here to work together and find a solution. >> reporter: murphy's voice amplified into the night as the hash tag filibuster was trending on twitter. a gunman shot and killed 20 first graders and six educators at sandy hook elementary school in his home state. evoking this heart felt plea. >> i can't tell you how hard it is to look eninto the eyes of t families of those little boys and girls who were killed in
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sandy hook and tell them that almost four years later, we've done nothing. nothing at all. >> now, yesterday there were negotiations happening behind the scenes led by republican senator john cornyn of texas to find a deal on how to prevent those suspected terrorists from buying fire arms while addressing republican concerns. actually those talks yesterday seemed to have stalled and despite murphy's comments the senate has actually not officially announced any deal on votes at this point. and even if there are votes it's very unlikely there will be any significant change to gun laws this year, something we have not seen in nearly a decade. >> all right. we will be speaking with senator chris murphy in our 8:00 hour and asking him all of those questions you've raised. donald trump breaking ranks
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with the gop in the gun control fight. he plans to meet with nra to talk about banning people on the terror watch list from buying fire arms. what have you learned phil? >> reporter: this is the moment the party is supposed to unify. this is the time when republicans are expected to coalesce we hind their presumptive nominee. but whether it's on his proposal to banning muslims into the united states or the accusations that president obama are in cahoots with isis, it seems like the fissures are only widening. >> our leaders have to get tougher. this is too tough to do it alone, but you know what? i think i'm going to be forced to. >> reporter: donald trump ready to turn his back on gop leaders threatening to go it alone if they fail to fall in line. >> we have to have our republicans either stick together or just let me do it by
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myself. i'll do very well. >> reporter: the response coming after days of backlash from republicans refusing to back trump's proposed muslim ban in the wake of the terror attack. >> don't talk. please be quiet. just be quiet to the leaders, because they have to be tougher, sharper, smarter. >> reporter: house speaker paul ryan continuing to rebuke trump's views. >> i think a muslim ban based on religion is counterproductive in our efforts to fight terrorism. >> reporter: trump touting that he can move the nra on restricting terror suspects from buying guns after this week easter error attack. >> i eel be talking to the nra about that. i want to really hear what they have to say. they're terrific people. >> reporter: the nra says it welcomes the meeting but maintains an opposition to an outright ban. trump going as far to say if more people were armed in the
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orlando nightclub, fewer people would have died. >> you would have had a situation that would have been always horrible but nothing like the carnage that we all as a people suffered. >> reporter: hillary clinton firing back, questioning trump's legitimacy as a candidate. >> not one of donald trump's reckless ideas would have saved a single life in orlando. it's just more evidence that he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be commander in chief. >> and despite republican leaders asking donald trump to ratchet back the rhetoric both in public and also aides tell me in private conversations, don't expect it to happen any too many soon. trump has a big rally in dallas tonight. at the same time president obama and vice have the biden will be traveling to and from orlando memorial services. he's only expected to ramp up his speeches against terrorism.
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>> all right, thank you very much for taking us up to speed. let's put the politics of who's worse to decide for a second and let's get a take on what might happen and what probably won't happen with guns in our congress. eat bring in david gregory, cnn political analyst. host of the david show pod cast. we also have our political kmen they or and anchor. let's deal with the political reality. chris murphy is trying to play to advantage here, trying to suggest the phfill buster worke. there is no deal. what do you think the political reality of what might happen is? >> yeah, what might happen, what
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might very well happen is that they'll go into summer break without this resolved and then find out that there was no deal or that they'll sort of make it a procedural vote that will be very hard to sort of follow how he gets to where chris murphy wants to go. you've got a million different ways that that can be either delayed, watered down or frankly quietly killed so we're going to hope, i guess, that what he says was a deal is a real deal and will in fact, be honored but then at the end of all of that we have to keep in mind that he could get an up and down vote perhaps in a narrow procedural way and then he could lose that vote so i mean, he was looking for the very lowest hanging fruit that you can imagine, meaning just an up or down vote on the question of whether people on a terrorist watch list should be able to buy weapons and he may not even get that. >> right. and here's the frustration on that level, david gregory, you would think that whatever they're going to do would be
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tailored to what this community, this country suffered through here in orlando, but the idea of no fly, no buy or what they're saying now which is more simplistic saying terrorists shouldn't have guns as if somebody was advocating terrorists should have guns. the fbi and their sources, our sources with them are saying we need something else, which is some of the thousands of people that we have in our databases that we've had contact with that then go to buy guns, we should be able to flag those applications. that that's even more remote. that's more distant from the current reality. how realistic that a change anything like that happens? >> i think it's very difficult because exactly that point is what's -- the core of the debate which is even if you're off the list, what senator from california is suggesting that five years you've been on a terror watch list you should be flagged or not able to buy a gun. the nra has said in the past
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they would support not only barring people from buying guns who have been on the list, but you'll have to make a case to deny the sale. so there's a blanket coverage that's being suggested which is going to be difficult to pull off. the x factor is donald trump. is the head of the republican party, is he going to buck the nra and try to ram something through and what impact that might have. >> that's exactly the right term. thank you very much. so trump says look, i know how to do deals, i'll talk to the nra. they don't even wait for the meeting. they put out a tweet immediately and then a statement saying yeah, we'll meet with anybody you want. our position will never change. we believe terrorists do not find weapons. like anybody thinks that's a strong position. that's how silly our dialog is on this issue and they say, we
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are aware, we are, so forget them. what does this mean for trump in terms of his dynamic in the state of play within the gop? he reaches out to the nra they say we're not going to change. >> what it indicates is that he's running a campaign that's going to mostly help him. to the extent that what we've seen many the past tearing up the play book, what we see in 2012, what we see in 2008, what we see almost every four years is a president trying to become both the president and the head of the government, head of state but also the head of his party and lead the party in a particular direction. trump is having a hard time fulfilling that last part of the job and what he is signaling is if his interests diverge of say speaker ryan or the republican leadership otherwise, he'd like to go it alone and that makes a certain amount of sense from the point of view of his own
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campaign but he guarantees there won't be a unity and a guarantees that there's going to be a lot of message confusion that i think is really going to hurt him with independents. it really sort of sets the stage for a big confusing fight between now and 145 days out. >> right. now, david, in terms of the politics of who's worse, let's look at the other side of the ball for a second. hillary clinton saying amen to the phil bufilibuster, that's g. you have to look at germany, what happened to them after a school shooting. the kind of changes they did is almost laughable in the political state of play. a gun registry, one year waiting period, psychological testing before you can get one. having to have a good reason to have a gun that's vetted by a panel and yet, hillary clinton, do you hear her suggesting those types of things at least to show principle on it? >> yeah, not at the moment.
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i mean, she's obviously supportive of this effort and i've talked to over the years, over the past five years or so, talking to democrats who want meaningful gun restrictions, who make the argument they've got to do it in smaller fashion, they can't do wholesale changes. they've got to do opportunities to get smaller legislation like this, and there's been other measures too that have had some level of success. so perhaps that will be her approach and again, i think if you're -- donald trump is taking on the nra this is what people may have looked at to say this is what he could do to surprise some people by coming out for a measure like this, but it's impossible what moves the needle on a political dialog that's totally kind of stopped dead in its tracks regardless of the kind of carnage we see playing out in events like this. >> as always, it's easy to dismiss what's being done with
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trump and on the other hand what is hillary clinton doing and how is she going to get it done? coming up we'll have the man in the middle. chris murphy. what does he think he achieved? what does he think is even possible? also, we're looking at new details that are emerging about this deranged killer here in orlando, what he was doing, how he was preparing, and who might have known. that last piece of most importance to the authorities at this time. so let's bring in cnn's chief national security correspondent with the latest. we're getting more and more meat on the bones of why we were being told in the hours and early days after this, slow down. this guy is a complicated picture. there's a lot going on with him that speaks to lots of different problems, not just his terroristic tendency. >> no question, i mean, enormous self-aber sorms. he was searching on facebook to
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see if people were talking about the shooting that he just committed here. that's one thing that we're just learning overnight. we're also learning new details about the wife's involvement in this incredible shooting in the hours and the days leading up to it. >> reporter: disturbing new evidence that the killer stopped to make a number of phone calls and look for posts on the internet. he posted before and during the attack. in a final post obtained by the homeland security chairman the killer threatening, in the next few days you will see attacks from the islamic state in the usa. the killer also calling a friend to say good-bye. and a local news station about 45 minutes into the pamassacre. he said i did it for the islamic
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state again and i didn't know what to say to him. i was just blown away. >> reporter: one of the survivors barricaded in the bathroom says he heard some of the gunman's conversations. >> the beginning he said i'm here at the club and it should be all over the news media and also that he was wearing a bomb vest and also that it was supposedly three snipers out there ready for the cops if they came. >> reporter: the killer's wife remains a focus of the investigation. two law enforcement sources tell cnn that she has given authorities conflicting authorities about what she knew about her husband's plans of attack. she now says she suspected him planning an attack. officials say he was talking about carrying at a jihadi attack for months and she tried to stop him. she'd initially denied knowing that he would do something like this. >> if there is evidence out there that someone helped him
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get this done and knew this was going to happen. that person could be guilty of 49 counts of first degree murder. >> reporter: this video surfaces from a 2012 documentary about the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico. the killer, captured on a hidden camera insulting the people working to clean up the mess. >> they want more disaster to happen because that's where their money making is. >> and we're learning new details now about the wife's involvement, what she knew before. she now tells investigators that she visited the pulse nightclub with him before the shooting. he also accompanied him for at least one trip to buy ammunition. she tells investigators she didn't know he was buying ammunition to kill people, but her story has changed a bit in terms of what she knew before and a lot of these answers, how satisfying are they to investigators. that's why they're going before a grand jury for possible charges. >> they could bring their own felony warrant but they are getting her to continue to talk
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and that's always a plus for investigators. thanks very much. the big question of course swirling around the wife is, got the grand jury now, will they charge her, if so, with what and if so, to what end? investigators say she's still cooperating. as long as she wants to talk i'm sure she'll keep probing but what are the possibilities going forward and how soon might we see some action? next. i'm betty white and i'm known for
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light on something we hear from you, the viewers. what are they trying to do that's taking so much time? let's bring in cnn law enforcement analyst, understands these negotiations very well. the big answer to that question, art, is this just isn't about what she knew, this little piece. this is reconstructing this man's life to figure out all the
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different tentacles that may have reached out to madness and the derangement that led him into that nightclub. is that the accurate answer? >> that is the accurate answer. we heard the fbi come out and ask for that type of assistance so they're trying to piece together this guy's life probably his whole adult life at this point and figure out who he was in contact with, talk to everybody that they can so they can close those gaps they have in that time line. >> and you know, sources have been telling you and me the same thing. what's the rush? if she wants to talk, i want to probe this as much as i can. people change over time. you've been reporting frequently that her answers have changed. that's why they keep talking. >> there you go. it's a threat that you're hanging over their head. it's almost picture the cops, you know, in the interrogation room, good cop, bad cop to some degree. you want to make it clear that there could be legal consequences but on the flip side, if you keep talking, you provide this, you don't say we're not going to charge her
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but you want to keep that spigot of information open. >> what do you make of these reports that disney reached out to authorities saying, these people are showing up here, confirmed, not confirmed by the government here? reports he went to another gun shop, wanted body armor, wanted a ton of ammo, was acting oddly according to the store owner, they didn't sell it to him. those types of incidents, do they frustrate you in terms of people misunderstanding their relevance? is it hindsight? what do you make of those reports? >> this whole thing frustrates me. we've got -- we can go back. how far do we want to go back to 2013, 2014, back when he was taking the training courses in '07 and '08. the whole process is like a red flag pops up at least half a dozen times through this whole thing. i'm assuming that probably with the reports coming from disney they must have some video. the gun store probably has some video, i mean they're all videoed up now days so that's
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going to be key to filling in these gaps. >> but people are so quick to blame, but here it's specific to the fbi. now they hear this new piece of nfr information. the gun shop owner came to you and said this guy -- they had some information about him and he wanted body armor and he was talking crazy and making weird outlandish statements so we didn't sell him anything. what's the truth about what the fbi could have done. >> they have a thousand investigations underway, and what the fbi tends to do, they focus less on the path to ideology because there are lots of people that say angry stuff and they focus on the path to violence. looking for the person that's going to turn this ideology into an attack. there are lots of people many this country that buy guns and
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ammunition, so these are difficult calls. fbi is looking at the calls that it made in previous months and years to see so they can learn from this to see what they do next. >> this gun shop owner had more power than the fbi to stop this guy from getting a gun. he can make the decision. i'm not selling to you and i'm not selling you for any reason they want. that made him more powerful than the fbi. they weren't able to have the authority because of the existing gun laws. so what do you think is going to happen with the wife? do you think they're going to put her on charges or no? >> when you're talking about the type of charges they're talking about, aiding and abetting, conspiracy. those are all types of charges you dangle over their head to make sure they continue to cooperate. >> they don't need a grand jury. what does that mean? >> well, the grand jury, as you know, once you take somebody before the grand jury, i'm sure this u.s. attorney has all the evidence he needs to get an indictment. very rarely does the u.s. attorney come out of the grand
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jury without an indictment. >> that's true. >> all right. thank you very much. appreciate it. and of course one of the reasons that there's so much attention here is the president is coming and he's coming to do the right thing which is to meet with the families of those who are lost here. the other big story this week was about the alligator snatching a kid right in front of his parents on vacation at disney world. the news, small measure of solace, look at that face on your screen. they found the two-year-old. they found him intact. they believe he was drowned by the alligator. what does this mean? was the warning right? was the action by the family right? is this just an ugly and tragic reality? we'll give you a closer look ahead. [ guitar playing ]
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now to the other awful story out of orlando. officials are waiting on autopsy results this morning for that 2-year-old boy who was snatched by an alligator at a lagoon in a disney world resort. one big question, were there enough signs up about alligators in the water?
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victor blackwell is live with the latest. what have you learned? >> reporter: well, we know that for a second morning now all beaches across disney world resorts are closed. say they after an abundance of caution after that boy was snatched into the lagoon, and this morning we are seeing that boy for the first tame. lane graves, the family on vacation. the orange county sheriff saying it's likely the boy drowned but of course the family will have to wait for the results of the autopsy to confirm the cause of death and as they wait, we've now learned that the ceo of the disney company has spoken with members of the graves family by phone. we know that the resort has shared their sympathies and condolences with the family and they are now reassessing their safety precautions to determine if their measures for example the no swimming sign that was posted at the lagoon is
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sufficient. we also know that florida fish and wild life, they will work to determine whether or not one of the five alligators they've trapped and euthanized is the one that killed that little boy. if not, they say they're continued to work to find that gator. >> thank you for that update. well, comedy taking a backseat on late night as jimmy fallon and all the other late night hosts weigh in on the orlando terror attacks. will they make an impact on this debate over gun control? >> i as a new father am thinking what do i tell my kids? what do i tell them about this? what can we learn from this? >> in new york state we believe tomorrow starts today. and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse,
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♪ "dinner!" "may i be excused?" get the new xfinity tv app and for the first time ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. in the wake of the orlando terror attack, late night hosts turned away from comedy to address a subject they say has become painfully all too familiar. watch this. >> whether the shooter was a -- >> he beat his ex-wife. he'd been reported multiple
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times to his employer and unhinged and the fbi had twice questioned him for ties to terrorism, but none of these things disqualified him from legally buying a gun that shoots 45 rounds a minute. >> nobody i know or have ever met in my entire life should have access to a weapon that can kill so many people so quickly. >> right now, this just hurts and the worst thing is this pain is so familiar in paris, last november terrorists seemed to target places that sim boiz lys everything that was so wonderful about france. >> joining us now to discuss this is senior media correspondent and host of reliable sources. and bill carter, author of the war for late night. great to see you both. how unusual is this? after a big national
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catastrophe, don't the late night hosts normally weigh in or is something different happening? >> they always do weigh in and it's in the form of lamenting what's happening. what's different here is a sense of rage and sort of an outrage that this has gone too far and it's not funny anymore. it's really -- a lot of the commentary was not meant to be jokes. it was meant to be really punches, you know, throwing big hay makers at this issue. >> is this a tipping point from what you've studied television for a long time, is there some sort of ground well of feeling and do these guys have influence? >> yeah. >> over the american public's opinion about this? >> they do and that's what i keep wondering. is this time different? that was asked after sandy hook. we know the answer was not. in 2012 it was not different. i wonder if it's more different because we've seen some hosts on fox news speak out and late night and last night with this so called filibuster, the
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passion, the hope, the optimism that i saw on twitter from liberals and democrats who want to see action and it felt different. >> the ban moves on. if you're on late night you have to comment on what's going on all the time and there will be another story and how focused will that by about this? i think one of the interesting things, they deal absurdity all the time and this has reached a point that this is absurd. what's going on with weapons is absurd. >> isn't it easier to dismiss it? >> that will be and the audience for a lot of these is already disposed to favor this issue. to support this issue. >> they're also parents and they're americans and that's what jimmy fallon was talking about last night, just sort of tapping into the humanity of this so let's listen to a moment of that. >> maybe there's a lesson from all this, a lesson in tolerance. we need to support each other's
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differences and worry less about our own opinions. get back to debate and away from believing or supporting the idea that if someone doesn't live the way you want them to leave you just buy a gun and kill them, bomb them up. that is not okay. we need to get back to being brave enough to accept that we have different opinions and that's okay because that's what america is built on. >> that was interesting. that was monday night. >> he sounds like a politician, doesn't he? he sounds like a national leader even though he's a comedian. >> that's traditional commentary saying we need to be unified. what's interesting here, conan o-brien is also a traditional guy. >> he called for legislation to be changed. >> and he said i've never forced my opinions on anybody. but this is absurd and it can't go on. that's a little bit different term. >> and maybe that's because of the t word. that has been described as terrorism.
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aerr aurora was not described that way. >> everybody is against terrorism. >> in some ways because this has been a confluence, a gun crime, a mass shooting, a terror act. in some ways they've been able to choose their own narrative but in some ways you all have a reason, whether you're lib cal, conservative, whatever you are, to be invested in this story. >> apparently the nra makes the argument you can't keep terrorists from having guns. it's hard to move the needle on this. >> i think that the point about late night is these guys have become cultural commentators. we see them as comedians but really they're cultural commentators. >> we're seeing more sophistication from these late night hosts. maybe they don't feel as much pressure to appeal to everybody. maybe in this niched world, they're able to express their opinions. >> i also think the daily show
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changed things in the last ten years. john stewart would take an issue and run with it. >> so they're all trying to be john stewart a little bit? >> he gave them permission to do that. thank you. great to get your perspective on all of this. next, more on that heart breaking tragedy at disney world. a toddler killed by an alligator at one of the resorts there. how rare is an alligator attack like this? we will talk about it with our animal expert next. playing ] ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmm. incredible. looks tasty. you don't have heartburn. new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries
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egyptian investigators say wreckage of egypt air flight 804 have been found in the mediterranean. crews will now try to retrieve those black box recorders hoping to figure out what caused the plane to crash last month on a flight from paris to cairo with 66 people on board. the defense in the latest freddie gray trial set to begin its case. the prosecution rested yesterday in the murder trial of cesar goodson. they could not say whether gray intentionally gave gray a rough ride in the van that led to a spinal injury. storms are in store for parts of the east coast today. let's get to meteorologist chad meyers with a look at the forecast. hi, chad. >> hi, alisyn.
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from ful phil to about pittsburgh down to charleston, d.c. and richmond. could see wind damage with these storms. there they are on radar. this is the future radar. storms arriving late tonight. if you're trying to get to bed early you will probably hear rumbles of thunder across the midwest. heat index across oklahoma, texas, will be almost 110 degrees today. and if you want to complain about your weather look what phoenix has in store for the rest of the weekend. 119 for highs over the weekend. that also includes not only phoenix, but las vegas and even down to palm springs, california who will be well over 110. kids and pets out of cars, please dangerous heat out there in the southwest. >> good reminder, chad. thank you for that, 119, oh, my gosh. it's also been very hot in orlando obviously where chris has been all week covering all of the tragic news down there.
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chris, good morning. officially to you, tell us what the latest is. >> reporter: hello, my friend and you've been right by my side all the way through and we did have a sad closure to what happened at walt disney world with that alligator and that two-year-old boy. his family given a small measure of solace that this face is back in their lives. they have their son's body. authorities say the alligator did what is obvious. took him and drowned him. what do you learn from this? what does it mean to parents out there? some answers you're going to want to hear, next.
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now, that's a small measure of solace for his family now that is just heart broken and have been waiting to get him back and officials say the obvious truth seems most likely, which is that this alligator killed him by drowning him. let's bring in host of abc's ocean mysteries. you know, there's a lot of talk, jeff, about should the kid have been there, what's the signage, some legitimate questions, some that seem needlessly critical in a time like this. when i look at the situation, my first instinct is there but for the grace of god there go my wife and me on vacation with kids and how we usually are. you too have a personal attachment to this story and perspective. tell us. >> well, i do. i was doing all this yesterday with you guys and my wife called me up and she said oh, my god, we were at that exact hotel. our kids were playing in that exact spot at the grand
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floridaian, just this time two years ago. and it all just kind of rang home. by the grace of god goes i and it reminds us really how precious and fleeting life can be, and for me, it was just really sobering reminder of just the fragility of all this stuff. it is such a tragedy and i cannot imagine what this family is going through. now, when my wife did say that, chris, i reminded her that in the 40 years history of this park, with hundreds of millions of visitors this has never happened before. >> right. i checked that yesterday when you said it and others were saying it and we don't have any record to contradict that. look, there are legit questions of is this sign that says no swimming enough? should it say alligators, beware, you know, and those questions are going to have to be answered. disney is not known for ignoring
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safety. you know, they're known as a management company when it comes to risks, but what do you say in a situation like this about things that people can learn from this about what to remember, what to think about, how to be in that safety state of mind going forward? >> well, i think whenever you have a tragedy like this in any situation especially when it involves the public and safety, there have to be lessons learned. and i think while we need to find a measure of caution, chris, we can't stop living our lives. every day people are out in the wilderness in florida and for the last 7 years, compare that to shark attack, lightning bolt strike, about two dozen people have ever been dispatched by alligators. with that said, of course there are things we need to think about. alligators are one of our
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country's most robust successful conservation stories. chris, just 40, 50 years ago this was a species on the brink of extinction. but today that's not the case. there are millions of alligators and a fresh water body in florida chances are there's an alligator in it. if you have children, if you have pets and you live in alligator country this always has to be in the back of your mind and this certainly will be in the back of my mind the next time i'm near a fresh body of water in florida with my kids. >> you know, and look, you'll hear people down here saying well, i would have done this, i would have done that because i'm from here. these people are from nebraska. they're on vacation. another thing, the father was able to -- you know, i don't know how he wasn't frozen in shock but he was able to get into the water and get hi hands on the alg gator.
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explain what this man was up against. how strong they are, what your chances are to being able to control the animal, muchless get something out of its grip. >> i think this father was trying to save his child. the truth was he was up against one of the most formidable rep tillian predators. these animals have lived on our planet practically unchanged for over 60 million years and the water is its world. it is a master when it comes to the aquatic realm. we are no match. with he guard to the power of its jaws, these animals have thousands of pounds of pressure per square inch. you couldn't pry it open if you want to. and when they're many the water and they're pursuing prey, i'm
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sure you've seen this in florida when you're out there fishing. they're practically invisible. you could easy see how you could be hanging out at the shoreline and one of these creatures can creep up. this is their strategy for taking their prey. they're ambush predators. they're completely concealed. camouflaged with the murk of the water around them. only their eyes are revealed. they strike with a lightning bolt speed as they embrace their prey with that vice like grip. that's the way they survive and that's the secret to their success. it would have taken more than just this one father and a lot of luck to turn the situation around. i have worked with alligators many time in the wild. i've worked with small medium sized alligators and they are very worthy and powerful adversary. >> you know, i guess at the end of the day you just have to look at the situation and say you tried and that's all you can do
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in a situation like that and our hearts go out to the families. unimaginable for anyone who's a parent or just anybody with a heart that's pumping to look at a situation like this and just calculate the loss they'll have to deal with every day going forward. thank you very much for the perspective on this. i wish we had something else to talk about that brought you on to the show, but i'll see you again. be well. >> thanks, chris. >> so as the story of what happened with little lane graves at diz thee world comings to an end we have new developments about a story that is far from over. the investigation and the survival of the people who were involved at the nightclub over our shoulder here in orlando. so let's get to it. >> enough, enough. >> if you're not allowed to buy you shouldn't be allowed to buy the gun. >> this congress is asleep at the wheel. >> most of the time around here a team player but i've had enough. >> be quiet. just please be quiet. >> donald trump ready to turn his back on gop leaders.
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>> i'm going to be talking to the nra and starting a real dialog. we have to have the republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. >> i think mr. trump is smart to see if we can sit down and find a way for it. >> he started saying i did it for isis. i did it for the islamic state. >> he was posting on facebook during the attack. the big question swirling around the wife is, will they charge her? >> we will leave no stone unturned. >> good morning and welcome to your "new day." i'm here in orlando, florida. alisyn is back in new york and we do have breaking news for you. this marathon filibuster on the senate floor seems to have come to an end after nearly 15 hours. the democratic senator leading it says he's got a deal that republicans have agreed to hold votes on two gun control measures, but we don't know how solid this deal is. of course it comes just four days after the deadliest terrorist gun attack in american history. >> and of course chris, we are
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learning new details this morning about what the orlando terrorist did during the attack as well as the conflicting stories that his wife is telling. so in just hours, president obama and vice president biden will travel to orlando to meet with the victims' families as well as the first responders and we have all the angles covered for you. let's begin with our plitd cal reporter. tell us everything. >> good morning. now chris murphy's nearly 15-hour filibuster marks the 9th longest in the history of the senate. it really was a dramatic moment aimed at putting political pressure on the gop. at issue is legislation that would deny suspected terrorists the right to obtain fire arms. but republicans and democrats have actually been squabbling for months over how to structure such a bill and each party's measures on this very issue have already been defeated this congress. so whether murphy's move has changed anything, is an open question. >> i've had enough.
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tragedies continue to occur and we just move forward with business as usual. >> democratic senator chris murphy ending his nearly 15-hour filibuster on the senate floor early this morning. after saying he has a commitment from republican leaders to take on two proposed gun control measures. quote, i am proud to announce that after 14 plus hours on the floor, we will have a vote on closing the terror gap and universal background checks. the dramatic scene comes just four days after the orlando terrorist attack at a gay nightclub that killed 49 people and injured 53 others. the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. dozens of democrats joining murphy on the senate floor. >> through all of the shouting we miss what should be obvious. it was a terrorist with a gun that killed all those people. >> enough.
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enough. enough. what we're seeking is common sense. >> reporter: and even some republican senators. >> there's an obvious opportunity here, guys, to work together and find the solution. >> reporter: murphy's voice amplified into the night. the connecticut senator had just been elected when a gunman shot and killed 20 first graders and six educators at sandy hook elementary school in his home state. evoking this heart felt plea. >> i can't tell you how hard it is to look into the eyes of the families of those little boys and girls who were killed in sandy hook and tell them that almost four years later, we've done nothing. nothing. >> now, yesterday there were negotiations happening behind the scenes led by republican senator john cornyn and
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democratic senator to try to prevent suspected terrorists from buying those fire arms. those talks yesterday seem to have stalled and despite murphy's comments the senate has not officially agreed or announced any deal on votes at this point. so even if there are votes it's very, very unlikely there will be any significant change to gun laws this year and that's something that we have not seen in nearly a decade. >> all right. let's try to get some answers now on all of that. we want to talk about the filibuster as well as whether anything will change on gun control so we want to bring in senator ben carden, thanks so much for being here. >> alisyn, it's good to be with you. this morning do you have a deal with republicans that you will at least move forward to a vote on these expanded background checks as well as keeping guns out of the hands of people on a terror watch list? >> well, we know the senate
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republicans are meeting in caucus this morning and i guess that's going to be part of what they talk about. clearly, as of yesterday, there was no effort being made by the republican leadership to change their position that we've seen, that they would not even allow a vote on any of the gun safety legislation and keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists should be very easy thing for us to get done. so but as i said before yesterday, we've got to take action. >> so senator, when senator murphy tweeted out overnight i'm proud to announce that after 14 plus hours on the floor we will have a vote on close the terror gap and universal background checks, was he getting ahead of himself? >> well, i think what has been said is the republicans are indicating we'll have some opportunity. i'm going to wait and see what they will allow us to vote on. it's got to make some difference so we have not seen any language yet, we know that what senator cornen was suggesting in the past would really be unworkable so we've got to make sure that
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in fact we have a proposal that can make a difference and really keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. today, that loophole exists. >> which of your colleagues do not support keeping guns out of the hands of people on terror watch lists? >> you would think that every senator would support that. the problem is that as you start to get into any legislation, there seems to be this pandering to the nra and other groups that have said, look, we don't want to open up this door. and quite frankly, yes, we need to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. the problem is we have a watch list and are we prepared to say that if a person is on this watch list that there will at least be a pause before that person can buy a handgun and that has been a problem. >> why is that such a big battle. >> it's not a problem for me, it's not a problem for the people i represent in maryland. to me it's common sense but
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we've tried to do this in the past and it's been rejected. what the republicans put up is an unworkable proposal that would require a burden of proof that you would have to go to court and prove the person has committed a terrorist act. that burden is beyond our ability to be able to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. so it's a matter of details, but the problem is, they're using the weeds to prevent any action from taking place. >> yes. >> and it's not just the terrorist watch list. it's the assault weapons, the background checks, it's these magazine high velocity clips. all these issues we have been dealing with. the american people have had enough on this. >> here's the maddening thing. in every recent poll americans say that they want the expanded background checks. they want background checks for people at gun shows as well as online. 92% in this cbs poll taken in october favor the expanded
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background checks on all potential gun buyers, so i know that you just said that the nra is a powerful lobby. aren't american voters more powerful than that? >> they absolutely are and that's why what chris murphy did yesterday could very well be a game changer on this. we've gone through this before. we've spoken out. we've used every method with can, but quite frankly, the republican leadership has denied even votes on this. i think if we get a vote we can win these issues. the american people are with us and they're common sense. they can at least help deal with this issue. >> i want to show you the boston globe cover today. they're taking a real stance on advocacy saying make it stop. they have been tweeting out the names individually of every victim of mass shootings and gun violence out this morning. senator, what do you think about donald trump's stance? i mean, donald trump has said something that most republicans are not willing to say and he has said yeah i don't think that
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people on terror watch lists should be able to buy guns and i'm going to sit down and meet with the nra about this. >> well, look, donald trump says one thing one day and something else the next day. i have a hard time fully understanding his positions. i do know that we -- we need a leader that will stand up and -- and help us deal with passing legislation that can provide some sense to the -- the -- to the ability of people who shouldn't have guns getting guns. >> yeah, but i mean, aren't you heartened that it sounds like he might be that leader? he's not just parroting the regular old line of hey, the second amendment needs to be protected at all costs? i mean, he's saying something different than we've heard from some republican leaders. >> donald trump surprises me he says and it doesn't give me a great deal of comfort the way that he handles issues generally. so i'm going to have a hard time warming up to him. >> please keep us posted on
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whether or not there is any progress in congress today on all of this. >> absolutely. we'll be working on it i can assure you of that. >> thank you. coming up, connecticut senator chris murphy, the one who did the filibuster is going to join us live about that marathon session and what he believes will come in this congressional fight. >> well, donald trump as weave been mentioning is front and center in the gun control fight now. he does say he will meet with the nra to discuss banning people on those watch lists from buying fire arms. we're joined live from the cnn center in atlanta. what is the latest, phil. >> well, with one tweet yesterday donald trump rattled republicans talking about that desire to meet with the nra, and now republicans are just not sure where to go from here and the question becomes what did donald trump mean? what will the meeting with the nra actually turn into, but there's a bigger issue here and i think this is one when you talk to republican leaders both
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privately and publicly that continues to come up. now is the moment where the republican party should be coalescing behind their presumptive nominee and yet they seem further apart than they ever have been and donald trump seems okay with that. >> our leaders have to get tougher. this is too tough to do it alone, but you know what, i think i'm going to be forced to. >> reporter: donald trump ready to turn his back on gop leaders threatening to go it alone if they fail to fall in line. >> we have to have our republicans, either stick together or let me just do it by myself. i'll do very well. >> reporter: the biting response coming after days of backlash from republicans refusing to back trump's proposed muslim ban in the wake of the terror attack. >> don't talk. please with quiet. just be quiet to the leaders because they have to get tou tougher. >> reporter: house speaker paul ryan continues to counter
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trump's views. >> we believe in first amendment which is freedom of religion. >> i'm going to be talking to the nra about that and starting a real dialog. i want to really hear what they've had to say. they're terrific people. >> reporter: the nra says it welcomes the meeting but maintains its opposition to an outright ban. trump going as far as to say that if more people were armed inside the orlando nightclub, fewer would have died. >> you would have had a situation, folks, which would have been always horrible, but nothing like the cornage that we all as a people suffered. >> reporter: hillary clinton firing back, questioning trump's legitimacy as a candidate. >> not one of donald trump's reckless ideas would have saved a single life in orlando. it's just more evidence that he
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is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be commander in chief. >> and chris, donald trump's escalating rhetoric just here in atlanta yesterday really underscoring one key point. he and his team believe they got to this point as the presumptive republican nominee doing their own thing, not relying on the gop establishment, not relying on gop leaders therefore why should they start relying on them now. one key issue to consider though as you look forward in the weeks ahead. hillary clinton, the democratic party is starting to unify behind her, no question about it. it's hillary clinton, it's president obama, it's top surrogates around the country. donald trump right now is alone. he and his team seem to think they can accomplish something just being like that but as we go forward that becomes more and more of a difficult proposition. >> but phil, as you've been pointing out so well in the last few weeks, what other choice does the gop leadership have?
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he's going to be their nominee. thank you for the reporting. back here in orlando, a really vexing question for investigators is whether or not there was any way to stop this isis inspired murderer before he carried out the deadliest shooting in u.s. history. fbi, the investigators are looking at the gunman's widow. they say her stories don't add up. we have the latest for you on whether she could face charges, next. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready.
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new details emerging about the deranged murderer who carried out this senseless attack here in orlando. weir also learning more about what he was doing during the attack. the conflicting stories that his wife is giving and the picture of who this man was. the big question is are they going to charge her? >> no question. we're learning new information about what she knew. we're also learning new information about what he was doing as the attack was underway and just moments after he killed dozens of people, taking time out, pausing the rampage to make a number of phone calls, but
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also to go on facebook to search facebook to see if people were talking and posting about this killing, but also we're learning to make new threats. disturbing new evidence revealing that the killer paused several times during his rampage to make a number of phone calls and post chilling messages on the internet. investigators say the killer searched for post orlando and posted before and during the attack, now taste the islamic state vengeance. in a final post, the killer threatening in the next few days you will see attacks from the islamic state in the usa. the killer also calling a friend to say good-bye. >> he said i'm the shooter. >> and a local news station about 45 minutes into the massacre. >> he started saying i did it for isis. i did it for the islamic state again and my -- i didn't know what to say to him. i was just blown away.
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>> reporter: one of the survivors barricaded in the nightclub bathroom says he heard some of the gunman's conversations. >> he said well i'm here at the club and it should be already all over the media, the news media and also that he was wearing a bomb vest and also that it was supposedly three snipers out there ready for the cops if they came. >> reporter: the killer's wife remains a focus of the investigation. two law enforcement sources tell cnn she has given conflicting stories about what she knew about his planned attack. officials say he was talking about carrying out a jihadist attack for months and on the day of the massacre, she tried to stop him. she initially had denied knowing he would do something like this. >> if there is evidence that somebody out there, you know, helped him get this done, knew it was going to happen, that person could be guilty of 49 counts of first degree murder.
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>> this as the first known video of the killer surfaces in a 2012 documentary about the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico. >> no one gives a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the killer captured on a hidden camera insulting the people working to clean up the mess. and now even more detail about what the wife knew and did with the killer before the attack at pulse nightclub. she went with him to the pulse nightclub at least once. we also know she went at least once with him to go buy ammunition. you add all that up including her saying that on the very day of the attack she thought he might be up to something and you can see why the fbi is interested in possible charges against her. >> they've got that grand jury impanelled for a reason. thank you. president obama and vice president biden are coming here to orlando. they're going to meet with the families and first responders. joining us now orlando city commissioner. this is part of the healing process.
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>> absolutely. >> i know from you and your behavior and who we're meeting and talking to here, you're going through a new phase of the recognition of how terrible this was for the community and for the victims that were in there and the recognition of being targeted for being gay. what are you hearing from people about what they need, what they want when the president and the vice president come today? >> i think a big part of this and what i've been part of is just, you know, informing people and giving them a chance to grieve and ask questions and process this, because this is horrible. and i think that the -- we went from crisis in that initial crisis phase of oh my god, what's going on to now people are angry and they want answers. >> they ask why, but that's the investigation. and that has a lot of different branches. and then there's the, you know, even harder question, which is what do we do? what do we do? how are you dealing with that. >> i have to tell you as an openly gay person for many years
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there's people in my community who have been less supportive of me, religious community and things like that. yesterday at orange county there was a large group with the mayor of orange county of religious leaders in this community and it's the first time i've ever heard them all get together and say you know, we need to heal and we need to embrace the gay community. never heard that before. >> so how do you balance progress, embracing that compassion, but also the resentment that it took this? >> i often say i don't care if someone does the right thing for the wrong reason as long as they do the right thing. that's just part of being a gay activist. sometimes we take two steps forward, one step back, but i'll take it. >> you won't know until the next situation. god forbid, not this. i'm saying the next rights fight, whatever the manifestation. >> we still have a lot to do here in florida.
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we don't have statewide protection for employment, we don't have hate crimes enhancements for gay people so there's a long way to go yet. >> i had a gay couple say to me yesterday, i get and it is human to lament that gay people were killed for being killed i'm not as taken with how they feel about our death as they do about how they feel about our lives. >> that's exactly right. and that's part of not having these young people v having died in vain because they were the next generation that shouldn't have had to suffer the discrimination i did and they didn't even get a chance to experience it. >> what do you say to the president and the vice president today? >> thank you for coming. i think it's very important for him to be here for our nation and for our community. >> does law, legal change matter? >> yes. it does. >> why? >> because you know, and this is getting into another argument but i don't think you should be able to buy a weapon that can
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mow down 100 people in minutes. i just don't. i think we have to change and i'm delighted to hear that there might be some reconsideration of these assault rifles. you know, like i say, i have a gun, if somebody had a gun they could kill maybe a half dozen people in that timeframe, but the fact that they were able to kill and harm so many people, he was able to do that so quickly, i mean, i think we need some changes. i really do. not just in gay rights but also in these weapons. i do. >> i've never seen anything like this before. we've had gays targeted and we have open cases where large numbers of gay people were killed. it seemed specific and hateful, but not like this. and yet i've been to over a dozen of these, the same pain, the same lamentation and the same political legality which is you have laws on the books from the supreme court. you have political dynamic where now you have people calling for a ban of muslims but they're also protecting the legal right of a man like the orlando
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murderer to get a weapon. not because they're bad people but because that's a consistency within our politics and law right now. does that change? >> well, you know, i mean, i think there will always be people who have a different mind set than i do. i can't expect everybody to have the same mind set because they haven't had the experience i've had. but i say hatred toward muslims is the same as hatred toward my gay community so i can't embrace that way of thinking. and i am a gun owner. a lot of people, you have a gun? >> yes, i do. but i don't have a semiautomatic rifle that can mow down dozens of people in seconds. if a deranged person could have a new clear war head and take out an entire city, should you be able to do that? >> having the right to do it is not the same as being right to do. that's a tough conversation to have. we're all living the same situation here. it feels so good to see people
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coming together, but it feels so wrong that it came out of something like this. as you know, i appreciate you being here to tell us what's going on. >> thank you very much. >> back to you, alisyn in new york. >> we'll be back with you shortly. but first donald trump says he's ready to go it alone. he' demanding the republican party line up behind him. next we talk to one of trump's top advisors about this. my belly pain and constipation?
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4:31 am
♪ no, you're not ♪ yogonna watch it! ♪tch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. donald trump defiant, issuing this directive to republican party leaders, get behind me or i will go it alone. take a listen.
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>> our leaders have to get a lot tougher. and be quiet, just please be quiet. please be quiet to the leaders, because they have to get tougher, they have to get smarter. we have to have our republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. i'll do very well. >> so let's bring in a senior advisor to mr. trump, sam clovis, the cochairman of the campaign. good to have you. was this a head in the hands moment for you? we both know how political leaders just love being told to be quiet and if you don't do it my way i'm going to go it alone. >> well, i don't think so, chris and first off i want to compliment you and alisyn on the work you're doing in orlando. i think you guys have done a tremendous job and i appreciate it. >> appreciate it, sam. >> i appreciate the empathy that you show to people and allowing
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people to speak their minds. i don't want to get off on that but i wanted to let you know i really appreciate that. >> i appreciate it. it's good of you. >> i think from our perspective from the campaign, many of us have the scars of going out and running campaigns where we've had to run against the tide. we've run against the establishment. we've had to fight the establishment, the establishment has come in and outspent us. the establishment has control of the media, a lot of these other issues and some of us have been successful, others not so much. i think for our case what we're saying is the republican party, the leadership of the republican party need to figure out what they want. either they want to get behind the presumptive nominee who will be the nominee of this party and make sure that we do everything we can to win in november or we're just asking them if they can't do that, then just shut the hell up. that's what we're asking them to do. >> yeah. but you know, you know what their response is, sam, stop
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making it so hard to get behind you. stop saying things that jeopardize the party's chance to win the the general. >> hard for whom? >> hard for people. hard pr people trying to unify. you know what the blowback was after the last election that you needed to be a broader tent. needed to be less damning of diversity and they feel that trump is part of the problem, not the solution on that score. >> well, i think you need to go to the rallies that are there and look at the people that come to those rallies. we have broadened. we've brought out millions more people to vote. people who have not ever been part of this so i'm really struggling with that argument to come out here. what i think is still going on and you and i talked about this many times is that there is a push that pushes mr. trump into a particular tem flat. let's get control of him. let's have control of our candidate and that's really what the republican establishment has always wanted of control of the nominees and the party. i talked to a young fellow
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yesterday running for office in a western state and i'm sitting there listening to what he had to say and i was struck by the fact that he is essentially not getting -- this is a guy who is the nominee for a major office in a western state and he's not getting any help and i'm sitting there asking, why isn't he? well, because he is a person who won a primary who is now running for office and the establishment of the party can't get behind him right now or doesn't seem to be able to get behind him because he doesn't comport to the exact mantra that we hear out of washington, d.c. this is troubling. and this is going on all over the country. >> but sam, you've got to look at the record though also. i mean, when you have a situation like this and i want to talk about trump reaching out to the nra because that's an interesting stand within the party. the nra is basically saying we are who we are, but when you have this situation here in orlando and trump comes out of
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the box saying hey, this is why we've got to ban muslims from countries where we have problems. it sends a message that is threatening to a lot of people in the country in a bad way. how is the party supposed to put their arms around that? >> you're asking about are the party and i think what you're asking about is the party leadership. the party is behind donald trump or he would not have -- he defeated a field of 17 people, chris. we've been through this for a year. today is one year that mr. trump announced -- >> you say you've got a new voters, sam, a lot of independents, a lot of new trump republicans so maybe you don't have the base ha you need. >> i don't believe that. i think the party is changing and i think what we see here is we seeing an evolution in the republican party. we're seeing an evolution in the addition of a populous movement to the establishment of conservative principles and i think we have right now leadership in the republican party and it pains me to say
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this. i've been a republican my whole life. but we have republicans -- leadership in the republican party right now who simply have shown great distaste for the tea party, they've shown great distaste for any of the populous movements we've seen in the last 20 years and they've shown great distaste for someone who is willing to reach out and do things in a quote unquote unorthodox manner and yet that person has won the nomination of this party. so it's either the leadership that's wrong or we're wrong. and it can't be both. and i think right now we're the ones that are winning. they're not. they haven't done anything to stop the expansion. let me finish this. they haven't done anything to stop the expansion of government. they haven't done anything to work toward the balancing of the budget. they have gutted the military and they've done nothing to protect the cultural values of this country. so i'm really tired of the republican establishment coming out and shooting their mouths
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off and talking about how we need to comport with them. that's not the way this works. we're the people, we're going to win this election. >> sam, that's a compelling case. it just happens to not be the case that trump is making. what he's doing is he's coming out with a lot of by gotted statements. this is how he depicts other slices of this country and the world. but we've had that discussion. it will continue. let's get to something that's central and focused right now coming out of orlando. trump says i'm going to the nra. i can cut a deal. they immediately say love to take the meeting, we're not changing who we are. our position is this. terrorists should not have guns. which is one of the most simplistic to the point of absurd positions i've ever heard. who have you ever heard say i think terrorists should have guns although functionally that's exactly where the law puts people like this orlando murderer right now. the fbi knows he's got stink on him but they don't have the
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authority to do anything and they can't flag his gun app. trump says i want to reach out with them. that's not where your party is. how does he get this done? >> and again, you're asking us to be orthodox in this thing and follow the orthodoxy of a party that is frankly -- i think that what mr. trump said yesterday what i said on your show on tuesday is exactly a consistent with the notion that due process works, probable cause works. if a person is on a terrorist watch list they should be flagged and they should not be allowed to buy a gun. it's simple. >> what if they're not on the list? >> well, how do you then know what the issues are, if we -- if they're under investigation, we have many state laws around the country that if you're under investigation for criminal investigation -- >> what if they're not under criminal investigation? >> they should be allowed to buy a gun. >> that's the orlando guy. >> so what are you asking? i'm not sure what you're asking.
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>> i'm asking, everybody says they're so upset about this, sam, and everybody's so upset about orlando, could never happen again, we've got ofigure it out. >> there's no simple solution. come on -- >> they had a case against him, people many the fbi disagree. they say that this -- this order to protect second amendment rights has overreached and you've bound their hands and the same people who are calling to have muslims kept out of the country because they're a threat are fighting to protect the right of this man to have a gun and there's an inconsistency there that has to have a political solution. >> i just read a report that said if we start to prohibit the sale of guns, many of these federal law enforcement agencies are saying that is in fact how they start to find out who some of these people are is in the fact that they apply for guns and they go through a background check. because then they're able to start connecting the dots so we can't have the story both ways,
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chris. and so i -- i just think that this is -- let's make sure that we -- there's no simple solution. you know this, i know this, and you and i -- and i love talking to you about these things, because you have a conscience about these issues that may not agree with mine, but at least we're having a civil conversation about it, chris. and this is exactly what we're asking. we're asking for a civil conversation. a conversation -- because this is not a simple problem where you go switch one or switch the other. there are other fundamental complicated issues that have to be addressed and i think we as a society owe it to ourselves to have this discussion in a quiet, sober and deliberate manner and that's all we're asking. we want to go to the nra and we want them to have a sober deliberate conversation about these issues. because we know where we are on it, we know where they are on it and we know where you are on it and so these things are not always in --
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>> i know i've been too to too many f otheof these things and something needs to change. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> thanks so much, chris and sam. the muslim view of the lgbt community is in the spotlight after that terror attack at the gay nightclub in nororlando. so we'll discuss those two communities and whether they can coexist.
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being gay and muslim and whether those two things can coexist. let's discuss. mr. ali, thank you so for being here and there is a lot of confusion about this and we're glad to have you here and have your expertise. is being gay incompatible with being muslim? >> i actually don't think it is. and the background i was raised as a muslim. i consider myself an interfaith practitioner but religious study is a big interest of mine. i've never read a sentence in the coran that prohibitively said that homosexuality is a sin. now it's attributed a lot to the story about lot where the angel grain r gabriel came and visited sodom and ga mora. when you read the koran, that
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town was destroyed because the people were rapists. angels were sent down, they wanted to rape them, that's what motivated the destruction. the destruction wasn't motivated by homosexuality. in a lot of the muslim countries and the cultures that predated islam, homosexuality was looked down upon and i think that's been inserted within the religion to try to say it's an anti homosexual religion. what i would say is the koran doesn't celebrate homosexuality. it does encourage men and women together for the purpose of procreation but i have never read a sentence that explicitly said homosexuality is a sin and you're going to go to hell for it. >> that is interesting to hear and to know, because obviously people have their own interpretations. in fact, the gunman's father was on our air and he seemed to suggest that the koran or the religion does forbid homosexualities for that very
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reason. so listen to this. >> anything any person does is between him and god, and god is the one to make a judgment, not a human being. we have no right to make a judgment about anybody. >>nd so do you think it's a sin? does it go against your religion? >> that's their own choosing way to live, so what -- in general rule of thumb, god created men for woman, woman for man, so as a teaching of religion, and that's that's what it is. >> okay. so you heard him. god created men for women and women for men. he is an older generation, but inside the muslim world, is that the thinking still? >> well, unfortunately, yes. it is the thinking amongst the majority. the answer i would give to that quite frankly, unfortunately, the massive amount of muslim economies are still based on
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futilism. they're working for food and shelter, not getting money, and because they're not paid with an income, you don't have any social mobility. so really, the way to change the muslim world, it is not going to be a pr campaign by dropping pamphlets and telling people okay, you need to re-read the koran. what needs to happen is we need to build economies. the muslim countries doing well, progressing with their countries, indonesia, the united merit emirates. you're going to be safe and nothing -- it is unlikely something bad will happen to you. once we have a good economy and people can open businesses and get educated and get a loan for those things, that's when literacy goes up, that's when people read the koran, that's when muslims being told by men try to manipulate it. they read it for themselves, literacy goes up and better education. it is a matter of fixing the
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muslim economic system. i think the banking system is really far behind, insurance deposits aren't surinsured. we have a lot of improvements to make on the muslim economy, and that will reduce terrorism, reduce antiwomen initiatives, but yes, it can happen. it will take sometime. countries like malaysia, in doan flee -- indonesia, it can happen. >> thanks so much for being on "new day." >> thank you so much. in light of the disneyworld tragedy we've been covering, we're going to hear from a woman who was attacked by a gator. she survived. what was going through her mind what was it like. we'll talk about all that of, next. but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us.
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we have someone who knows of dealing with the pain of an alligator all too well. she lost her arm swimming in florida, barely a year ago. her name is rachel lillianthal. what kind of name is that. >> german. it means little white flower. >> beautiful. you're coming out of your own situation. what was your reaction? >> at first, i was shocked a happened to such a small child. t parents must be experiencing such loss, and then i found out it happened on disney property, and it was all the more shocking, disney, you feel you're going to be protected. however, you're in florida, fresh water. any puddle could have an alligator in it. >> you go out of your way to protect the gaalligators.
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you've got a million of them here. they estimate, it's like 1 for every 20 people. so you are aware, but the reality is there is going to be a randomness. you're swimming in the water. what happened? >> i was swimming just outside of a popular swimming area by a bar on the river, and i was really just minding my business, and swimming along. an alligator left the bank, swam up to me and attacked me. >> you saw it coming? >> i did not see it coming. a witness from farther upstream saw it. and i struggled to get out of the situation, as best as i could. and i couldn't do it on my own. i hollered for help. >> by all accounts, you put up a hell of a fight and a fight many not have made. they say the alligator was eight to nine feet. >> yes. >> had a good enough grab on you that it was shaking you around by your arm. >> it rolled me around in the
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water. as it was rolling me around, i didn't fight. i just hoped i would be let up for air. each time i was. the first time i was rolled around under the water, i didn't know how long i would be there, should i hold my breath, so i punched it. that's the most struggle that i did. i punched it several times. every time i punched it, then it punished me. when the rescuers came, and a big strong guy hit it with a paddle, then it tossed me around even more, and eventually, thank god, did leave, with my arm unfortunately, but it did leave. >> how is the recovery for you, physically but also emotionally, psychologically? >> well, i do have some post flamt particular stress. i notice sometimes sometimes touches my back, my yoga teachers, for example, they'll touch gently, it is a lovely touch, actually, but the first reaction is a little bit of a shock. then it's like okay, it's just
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theresa or calvin, it's fine. certainly i had some nightmares nebeginning, but i'm thinking well now. physically, it continues to be a struggle, you know, a struggle to keep some mussels so i'm able to have a prosthetic and use the mussels to control the hand. i did heal well. i think my recovery was excellent, thank god. >> i know the -- statistics, but when you see what happened to this kid, does it make you think like wow, this was bad, but imagine what they're going through, imagine what else could have happened, imagine if the guy wasn't there. do you think about those realities? >> very much. i think that in my situation, you know, it is very unfortunate i was a talked. if that alligator was a menace and was going to attack someone,
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it is kind of good that it was me, very comfortable in the water, able to survive the attack, rather than a small child, who had no chance. >> what an amazing perspective that is. you say if it had to happen, better it was you? >> well, i'm not happy it happened, but i think that i was able to deal with it better, and i didn't -- i'm not somebody's mother. and you know, my life wasn't taken, where someone else's life probably would have been taken, because these are vicious, violent beasts. >> if you haven't learned already, i'm sure you are going to learn, what this is going to teach you, you're not the limitation of whatever was taken. you're going to wind up being a function of what it is that allows you to overcome it. >> sure, sure. and it is only an arm. it is not everything. >> that's what this family is dealing with right now. >> they lost their child. their love, yes. but hopefully they're able to
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get past the what ifs, and just move forward, and trust that their child is in a better place, and hopefully that they can find themselves in a place of peace. i know it will be a terrible challenge for the whole family. >> a long time, if ever. if there is nothing else you can share with them, if a gator is intent on doing something, there isn't much you can do. rachel, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> appreciate you being with us. we're following what's going on with the gator and that family. we're following developments about what's going on coming out of orlando, including the senate filibuster. they say the senator who started it, chris murphy, believes he has a deal. we've got him on the show coming up. let's get to it. >> we need more than another moment of silence. >> refusing to enact no fly no buy is political malpractice. >> convince the nra to move forward on this, god bless him.
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>> this is too tough to do it alone, but i'm going to be forced to. >> we'll be getting these votes. >> i yield the floor. >> cut me off and he said i'm the shooter. >> what the orlando shooter did during the attack. >> government hosted very disturbing messages. >> new details about the wife's involvement. >> we will leave no stone unturned. >> we recovered the remains of the 2-year-old from the water. >> the happiest place on either. >> we're going to make certain we have the alligator that was involved. good morning, welcome to your "new day." i'm here in orlando, florida. alisyn is back in new york, and we begin with breaking news for you. a marathon filibuster on the senate floor came to an end. took 15 hours. the senator who started it says he secured an agreement to hold votes on two gun control measures. is that true, or is it more optimism than reality?
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we know there is such a pained hope for change after the 49 lives that were taken here, alisyn, and the dozens more, some are still in the hospital fighting for their lives. >> people want to see action, particularly as we learn new details about what the orlando shooter did during the attack. as well as the conflicting stories that his wife is now telling. just hours, president obama and vice-president biden will travel to orlando to meet with the first responders and victims. let's begin with manu raju. manu. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. chris murphy's nearly 15 hour filibuster marks the ninth longest in the history of the senate. aimed at putting plit catapres you are on the gop. the main issue is legislation that would defly suspected terrorists the right to obtain firearms. republicans and democratic each have their own bills, and they
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scabled for months. each parties measures on this very issue have been defeated. the question is, did chris murphy actually accomplish anything? >> i've had enough. >> tragedies continue to occur, and we just move forward with business as usual. >> reporter: democratic senator, chris murphy, ending his nearly 15 hour filibuster on the senate floor, early this morning. after saying he has a commitment from republican leaders to take on two proposed gun control measure. quote, i am proud to announce that at 14-plus hours on the floor, we will have a vote on closing the terror gap and universal background checks. the dramatic scene, coming just four days orlando terror attack at a gay nightclub that killed 49 people and injured 53 others. the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. dozens of democrats joining murphy on the senate floor.
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>> through all of the shouting, we miss what should be obvious. it was a terrorist with a gun that killed all those people. >> enough. enough. enough. what we're seek something common sense. >> and even some republican senators. >> there is an obvious opportunity here, guys, to work together and find a solution. >> murphy's voice, amplified into the night, as t the #filibuster was trending. the connecticut senator had just been elected when a gunman shot and killed 20 first graders and 6 educators at sandy hook. >> i can't tell you how hard it is to look into the eyes the the families of those little boys and girls who were killed in sandy hook, and tell them that almost four years later, we've
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done nothing. nothing. >> reporter: now, yesterday there were negotiations happening behind the scenes led by the number two senate john cornyn and diane feinstein of california, to find a deal on how to prevent some of the suspected terrorists from buying firearms, while addressing the republican concerns that the democratic bill was far too broad and would actually sweep in a lot of people, americans innocent americans who should not be on the list. but those talks seemed to have stalled. despite murphy's comments, the senate has not officially announced any deals on votes at this point. there may be votes at some point, but very unlikely there will be any significant change to gun laws this year. that's something, chris, we have not seen in nearly a decade. >> well, and that's the cause for optimism here, because unfortunately, this feels familiar, where we are now. the country grieving, the anger, frustration.
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kind of encapsulated in this desire for change. what are the realities now. on the phone is the man who led the marathon filibuster, the senator from connecticut, chris murphy. senator, thank you for joining us. so why do you believe that you have more than optimism on your side this time, that you can actually get something done? if so, what? >> well, i think you have to be optimistic. i mean i've woken up everyday since that tragedy in newtown, believing that democracy doesn't allow for 90% of the american public to want us to common sense background checks or making sure that terrorists those on the watch list can't get guns. it doesn't allow for the american public and for congress to follow. so why i went down to the floor yesterday morning, and held it for 15 hours is because we were coming off the worst shooting in american history, and there was no scheduled debate on the floor of the senate to try to force some consensus on these issues.
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now, as manu said in his report, we believe that we have a commitment to bring these two votes before the senate, either this week or next week. diane feinstein has modified her proposal to address many of the republican concerns. maybe there will be a deal between her and senator cornyn. there was nothing that was going to happen in the united states senate, no debate, in the wake of the worst mass shooting in american history, until this filibuster began. that was deeply offensive to many of us, in the sense that we forced that debate. i think that's progress. not enough, but progress. >> how do you deal with the fact that even the proposals that are in right now in the air any way, would not address the orlando murderer? this was not a man on the watch list or a no-fly list. what does that mean to you that even the best case scenarios don't stop what happened here?
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>> well, first of all, i don't think you can get caught in that trap. that you are forced to design a piece of legislation that would have definitively stopped the latest mass tragedy. the fact of the matter is that background checks wouldn't have stopped the murders in sandy hook, but the families there are fighting hard for it, because they know that it would stop thousands of people from getting illegal guns in the streets of our country. i would say there is an open question as to whether the legislation that senator feinstein is proposing would have stopped this man from getting a weapon, because it actually gives some broader discretions to the fbi to put on the list of people who can't buy guns, individuals that they believe pose a risk to national security. so there is some broader discretion, allowed to the fbi, that might have put this guy on a list of those prohibited from purchasing guns. i think senator feinstein believes that but i don't think in general, we can get caught in a trap where by legislation is
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illegitimate. >> i hear you, i hear you. you also have to remember what you're leveraging here. you're leveraging the pain of this moment and the people relate to the victims here. if they care about this, what they care about is specific to what they just endured, and you have situation where the fbi didn't have the authority, the law does not seem as they it could be extended to give them that authority. so it is important for a leader like you to balance their expectations, to manage it. what is your message to those who care about who was lost here in orlando about why you can create change that will matter? >> well, i think you just looked at the families in sandy hook, those families in the end became a force for change in the gun laws that would have saved others' lives.
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i believe that will be one of the things out of orlando, if these families are going to fight to change gun laws, to make sure others around the country don't die because of our lack of firearms laws. i understand what you're saying, always a desire to find a solution to the last a tragedy. but you will find that the families coming out of orlando are going to be fighting for laws that will prevent a multitude of other gun tragedies around the country. there are 80 people dying every single day. there is the equivalent of an orlando everyday in this country. we can't accept that the only points we have are these mass shootings. that was the point of the filibuster yesterday, this is happening everyday, and we have to use moments like we had yesterday, to draw attention to this broader epidemic. >> but the other side says two main things. one, you guys love to quote chicago, the statistics coming out of chicago, so many of those homicides are done with illegally obtained guns, and any
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gun law only punishes or monitors or limits those who want to do it legally. the other argument is, for all of the fascination with the ar weapon, the tactical rifle that was used here, there are a lot of semi-automatic rifles, a lot. when you look at how many deaths this type of weapon is responsible for, it is not as big as these incidental tragedies make it to be. how do you address those two point as soon as. >> well, listen for people that make that argument, come to sandy hook and tell the families there that the impact of the ar-15 and those style weapons isn't meaningful. there are 20 dead kids in newtown and every single child that it hit. the second question, there are a lot illegal weapons, but they're first bought legally. they're bought legally in
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indiana in chicago, where background checks aren't necessary. they get trapped in the city, but they start as legal purchases, done around a background check system that holes as big as swiss cheese in it. we have to remember that every illegal gun start as as a legal transfer, and we can stop those transfers going to the hands of criminals, and make sure it applies to all gun sales, not just as gun stores. >> how do you balance the need to deal with the access to the weapon with the other huge ingredients, and why all of these mass shootings happen? three components, right, you have somebody who has attached themselves to an idea of hate and violence as a solution to what is in their head and their heart. you have system of mental health, that often has broken doi down. as clearly as this was a terrorist act, a hate crime, the
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more they learn about this, they see an instability that speaks to either illness, either recognized or unrecognized. thes two components are, why someone wants to pull the trigger of having the ability to pull the trigger? >> i think that's probably right. i think said over a dozen times yesterday that this isn't just an issue about gun laws. in orlando, it is an issue about gun laws, hate crime, the radicalization of an individual, and you've got to cover that entire gamut. what was offensive to us is that none of that was proposed to be discussed in the united states senate this week. let's talk about for a minute on mental illness. it is true, it is weaved into almost every story. we have a gun violence rate 20 times that of countries of similar wealth and population.
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it suggests there is something different about america, other than the rate of mental illness. we have the same rate, we spend as much money on it, and yet in this country, mental illness leads to violent gun crimes. that tells you that there is something about our gun laws, or access to guns that is different here. we should fix the broken mental health system, i frankly have the most likely bill to do that in the united states senate. but we should stick to mental health system because it is broken. not because we think that is going to be the panacea for gun crimes in this country. >> an unusual number of guns in an unusual pension for violence has left us in the situation right over my shoulder today. senator, thank you very much for coming on to make the case for change. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me. all right, so what about the investigation? you've got the killer's phone, it's huge. why haven't they gotten more information. there was a lot of water on the
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ground for different reasons and a biohazard involved with the phone as well, because of all the blood from the murder. sorry, but that's just the truth. where are they with getting what's inside the phone. they could believe it could be the most important clue, next. their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. the #1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours.
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so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at all right, we have new developments. we have new concerns. we have new questions. so let's discuss. we have cnn's chief national correspondent, jim sciutto with us again.
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we have juliette kaiem, and author of "security mom." we also have paul brinkman. he is a senior business reporter at the orlando sentinel. they've been doing great work on this story since jump. it is good to have you with us, paul. guys, as always. let's start with the developments. what is at the top of your list at what investigators are looking at now? >> let's talk about the wife. as she has talked to investigators, she clearly knew more before this happened. not specifically, but she knew or suspected he was going to do something violent, not just in general, but the very day of the attack when he left his house. we also know she traveled with him to the pulse nightclub, and at least once to buy ammunition. whether that adds up to pre-knowledge, we'll no more later. we know more about his activities, the phone calls he made from inside the club, facebook postings, to see if people were talking about it,
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but also threatening, saying there would be more attacks by islamic. >> paul, your reports yields that charjs ges is not just a threat. there will be charges. also, what jim was just talking about, this is ramadan, you would have never contemplated during something unholy during holy time. that's changed. >> so our team in fort pierce and spoke to authorities about the wife being charged, that they were told, you know, that that will happen, or that it is likely to happen. those were sources that they were quoting. >> sure. >> so -- >> and saying charges, misprison, she knew about a crime and did nothing about it. conspiracy, maybe in some of the preparatory actions.
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>> those are all the things they're looking at, right. >> and the idea of continuing threats through ramadan. >> we've talked to a few other bars in the area, they've definitely been told that they are -- they do have extra security on hand. a lot of businesses in orlando are looking at extra security now, and/or habit, concerned about it. they haven't told, at least through july 5th, the end of ramadan, that she should be on guard. >> the feds are giving them action reports also, some intelligence, so they understand the landscape. that's unusual, but a copycat threat is real as well. you were mentioning he was online during this. that is a point of concern for you, obviously. anybody using the internet for this type of end is a concern. but there is a letter from a senator to facebook to help with information from accounts. it bothers you. why. >> well, look, this is an ongoing investigation. we may think we know what we know. but there is going to be a lot
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more that's disclosed. essentially the fbi is crowdsourcing, asking for information, asking for others involved. so the head of the senate homeland security gets involved. he learns that there was facebook posts during the incident. and sends a letter to facebook, and says you know, what are you going to do about facebook live in terms of people posting nefarious or violent activity. >> what's wrong with that. >> we're in the middle of the largest terrorist having. not even in the middle. we're four days out, in which we're trying to figure out what, you know, what motivated him and also in a huge, if you didn't notice, gun debate. sending a -- it is atypical for a senator to send a letter to the platform that is the focus of an investigation, facebook in this case, or facebook live, to ask for information. just let the fbi deal with this. we're four days out, right.
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we're four days out. >> if they charge the wife, she then dummies up, right, she gets a lawyer and now only talking to the lawyer. what is the tactical situation there? >> that's the issue here. you know, you use this as a threat frankly to get her to speak more, right. to make sure you're telling us everything you know, right. you can imagine yourself in the integration roo int inter row gation room. >> what are you seeing in the orlando communities about the reality of compassion and the reality of this becoming tigh r tighter, an awareness of lgbts and their situation. what are you seeing? how real is it in. >> i actually spent two days after the attack the lgbt center on north mills, where it was a good place to be in terms of gathering information and getting the word out. first of all, about the hot lines and the go fund me pages
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that were legitimate. but there was a huge convergence of the gay community that were there, and immediately like forced to communicate with each other in ways they hadn't before possibly. they sort of acknowledged that. and you know, there is no way that anybody is saying that this, you know, was a good thing in any way, but a silver lining or good things coming out of it, trying to make something -- >> no way to mitigate it. no good, all bad. yet there are things that are happening now that didn't happen before it. how do you reconcile those two? >> i mean, i think it is the thing that is sort of difficult that people stumble over a little, where they're like, wow, this is great we're raising this money. well, but it's horrible that we have to. and but there are things happening in the community that people are getting support in ways they hadn't before. and you know, different groups that perhaps were somewhat
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fractured, especially for fundraising, coming together and talking about how it will be spent now, and how they're going to continue to work together. >> i being reminded that mia angela quote, never solved one and maybe if you have people coming together out of positivity, they can get something done that wasn't achievab achievable. alisyn, over to you. we're going to continue to talk about whether the worst mass shooting in u.s. history will force any change in gun laws, or will congress again offer prayers over actions. we're going to ask two of the congressman who walked out in protest during a moment of silence.
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having come through the experience of newton, i've had enough. it's been four years and nothing has been done. despite the fact that 90% of the american public wants us to act. >> that was democratic senator chris murphy, leading a nearly
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15-hour filibuster to enact gun legislation. did it work? joining us now, senator jim hines, congressmen, thank you so much for being here. >> congressman hines, let's start there. did the marathon filibuster work? will it change anything? >> well, i think it worked certainly in a small way. senator murphy secured a vote on amendments that would require universal background checks, closing the gun slow loop hole and a commitment for if you're on the terrorist watch list, you don't buy a gun. whether they pass the house, which is a more dubious prospect. this is an urgency that if we don't act here, more people will die next week. >> congressman, the heart break
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across the country, the little kids being killed, seemed like of course that would be a tipping point. now, the worst mass shooting in u.s. history is this the watershed moment? >> i don't know. frankly i don't know how many more innocent americans need to die before we in washington find the courage to take on this issue. i mean, right now, there is more debate about gun control on my twitter and facebook feeds than there is in the house of representatives. that's not doing our job. we need to debate these issues. we need to pass reasonable reforms that will prevent massacres like we saw in orlando. >> you both decided to walk out of the house chamber yesterday during a moment of silence for the victims. why did you do that? either of you? >> well, alisyn, on sunday night, coincidentally, after learning on sunday morning about the events in orlando, i bumped into one of the parents, a father of one of the children murdered at newtown.
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after talking to him after a while, and here is how the congress, the 535 people who are in a position to actually do something about this, without in any way damaging anybody's second amendment rights, the 535 people in a position to actually save lives are going to respond to this latest atrocity by stopping talking for ten seconds. put on our serious face, as we do every two weeks around these mass shootings. that's not honoring the victims. that borders on actually mocking the seriousness of what has happened to them and what we could do to prevent that from happening more. so i just said, i'm not going to do this again, and seth very quickly said i'm not either. >> let me clarify myself. that actually happened monday. it was last night that your colleague, speaker paul ryan, said that you two were basically grandstanding, you were doing that sort of to call attention to yourself, and he suggested it was disrespectful.
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congressman moulton, what is your response? >> he should go and tell that to the victims, the victims' families, to even refusing to have a debate is more disrespectful than forcing the issue. that's what we're trying to do. we're not trying to call attention to ourselves. we are a trying to do our job in washington and have a debate about reasonable gun reform. there are a lot of proposals out there that can be passed with bipartisan support, because i know there are a lot of reasonable republicans too, who understand that every amendment to the constitution has reasonable restrictions. the second amendment should be no different. we can respect the second amendment while preventing what happened in orlando. >> congressman himes, here is the inaction, 90% of the american public in all of the recent polls, some of the polls are 92%, some 86%, but generally, 90% of the american public want expanded background checks. they are fine with the online
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loop hole being closed, with the gun show loophole being closed. why would your colleagues not vote for that? >> that's the question. that's the question that we were trying to highlight when we suggested that the 435 people in the house of representatives, who was about a half day's work could pass those measures, which as you point out are supported by 90% of the american public. it exists for the sole purpose of doing the people's will. ten seconds of silence, you've got to be kidding me. so look, i think what speaker ryan was sort of petty and mean spirited to call us out, because in fact, he is right about one thing. american public should be focused on the congress of the united states, and asking the question if the vast majority of us, americans, if the vast majority of gun owners support some measures which we know would reduce the carnage, why in god's name are you not bringing either a debate or bill or doing something more than standing silent for ten seconds. >> i mean, just imagine, just
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imagine if the tsa rules were such that if you buy a airline ticket, you have to go through skrurty. but if you buy that ticket online, oh, don't worry about it, just walk right around. yet that's the way our gun laws are written today. it is absurd. most of america, the vast majority of america knows this, and want a change. >> congressmen, thank you both for taking time out of your busy day to talk to us this morning. we sure hope you have an update for us at the end of the day on what action will be taken. thanks for being here. >> thanks alisyn. >> thank you. there is horror at what is being billed of course, the happiest place on either. this 2-year-old boy, this beautiful little face killed by an alligator at disneyworld resort. of course, this is a rare event, but how did it happen, and what can change.
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time now for the five things to know for your new day. democratic senator chris murphy says he has agreement from republicans to hold a vote on gun control. this after he held a 15 hour filibuster on the senate floor. donald trump breaking ranks with the republican party by announcing he will meet with the nra, to discuss banning gun sales to anyone whose name appears on a it error watch list. the terrorists in the orlando massacre made phone calls and facebook during his killing spree warning after attack on the u.s. authorities are waiting for autopsy results on that 2-year-old boy who was killed by an alligator. they say his body was from tact, with only a few puncture wounds. one win way from a second title, cavaliers trying to force
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a game seven. on more five things to know, go to for the latest. let's go back to chris who has been in orlando, reporting for us all week, chris. all right, this second gut wrenching blow that this community had to take unfolded at the disney resort, with that deadly alligator attack. it's the first incident of its kind at the theme park in decades. of course, spotting alligators in florida is not new, and certainly not uncommon. deadly attacks are extremely rare, except with all of that, we just had one. cnn's victor blackwell is live with more. good morning, victor. >> reporter: chris, goods morning to you. i just spoke with disney officials, and they tell us the beaches across the disney resorts will remain closed for the rest of the day and remain closed until further notice. now family across this state are wondering how cautious they should be after this tragic
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attack. alligators are a common sight in florida. >> this is the peak time for alligator activity, right now. >> reporter: regularly seen on highways, golf courses and even inside swimming pools. after the tragic death of a 2-year-old boy at a disneyworld resort, more are asking should they be concerned. >> with the millions of people in the state of florida, the million alligators, the number of attacks is surprisingly low. >> reporter: according to the fish and wildlife commission, since 1948, the state has seen 257 attacks that require serious medical attention. of these attacks, 23 people have died, including eight children. the likely hod ihood of a resid being attacked, 1 in 2.4 million.
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>> they're react with stimulus, but not seek people out to try to eat them. it is not in their nature. it's not what they do zrchlts last year, they had their first one, when this 12 foot alligator killed a 61-year-old swimmer north of orlando. >> i'm floating around and i thought he was diving. when he got there, he totally disappeared. >> reporter: a 22-year-old man also killed, when fleeing a burglary. more recently, there have been multiple instances of alligators eating human remains. >> amazing, because i come in and out of here everyday. i see a gator, okay, it's a gator. it's the everglades. >> who could forget this, in the golf course. according to state fish and wildlife officials, disney managers are very proactive about wildlife here. they regularly remove gators from bodies of water on the walt
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pilkard disney resort property and they are a session the signs across properties near the bodies of water like the no swimming sign next to the seven seas lagoon, where the 2-year-old was drag nooed into the water. they believe he was drowned, but they have to wait for the autopsy to determine the cause of death, chris, alisyn. >> you know, the legal questions are pretty obvious, alisyn. you know that we've been discussing them all week, was the signage right, a foreseeable risk, what happened with the boy said against the years of this never happening before like this, said against them pulling five gators out of this thing now. they're legal questions and reasonable that we had out. i cannot get past the picture of this boy. i do not know what i would do if i was in these parents' situation. all of us are so desperate for a
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way to help them. to help them. >> yeah. >> and i do know this much. all these questions about the father and why didn't he -- i don't think i would have ever been able to do what he did. i think would have been frozen. i think most people would have been frozen. for him to have that will to bust down to the water like that and take on the alligator because his son was there, he tried, sometimes that's all you can do. >> i'm sure it was just the primal instinct. everybody is racked by this story. there is not a father i've heard from in the past 24 hours who isn't devastated about this, having to watch this and seeing this little boy's beautiful face. another question, why are these alligators happening more often. they're rare, but has something changed, where alligators are going after humans more. so, look, obviously the signage has to change. hopefully there can be some answers here. chris, we'll be back to you in a
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moment. we do need to talk about this political story. once donald trump becomes the official republican nominee at the convention, he will then get classified intelligence briefings, but could the obama administration withhold sensitive intel from him, because of how they feel about him. we'll ask the former chairman of the intelligence committee that question, next. command the roa. a sport mode to help you control the road... and a sport-tuned suspension to help you connect with the road. the lexus rx f sport. this is the rx, elevated. this is the pursuit of perfection. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent!
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donald trump renewing calls for muslim ban, as well as surveillance of mosques, and
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that puts him at odds with many republican leaders. trump, though, says maybe this means that he will go it alone. >> you know, the republicans, honestly, folks, aour leaders have to get tougher. this is too tough to do it alone, but i think i'm going to be forced to. >> joining us now to discuss this is cnn national security commentator, mike rogers. how are you doing. >> i'm well. how are you. >> let's talk about the rhetoric going back and forth on both sides. donald trump has renewed his call to ban muslims, as well as people from basically lots of countries that have ever had some sort of beef against the u.s. at the same time, he has also said he does not think president obama is strong enough, because he doesn't use the term radical islam to describe this attack. where are you with that? is it important to use that term? >> well, first of all, i think
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it's fairly radical if you're throwing homosexuals off of buildings in iraq or syria as apart of the isis control mechanism there, and if they survive, you throw rocks at them. they just burned a whole cage of women because they refused to be sex slaves. so my argument here is this. our problem, we're going to argue a lot here, this is a political season. they're going to engage in these differences right up to the end. our biggest problem here, alisyn, in raqqah, that's the headquarters, the command and control that's giving a permission slip for someone like mateen to slaughter innocent americans in florida. we are going to have to do something to take away that permission slip. i think a president of the united states engaging over the words and semantics is not very helpful to getting at the root cause of what just happened here in florida. >> it sounds like you're saying
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you're much more interested in action than in the words, but i am confused. do you think we need to label it radical islam and always say that? is it important to have that label? >> again, you can call it what you want to call it. i'm not as nearly as offended that the president doesn't do it. people who look at it from a national security standpoint, that's a system in raqqah. we ought not to not say it because we thinks it hurts someone's feeling. i've come down on that point, for sure. >> let's talk about as soon as hillary clinton and donald trump become officially their party's nominees, they then get access to sensitive intelligence briefings. given how president obama feels about donald trump, and how he has suggested that he thinks that donald trump is dangerous, how is that going to work? >> i've had conversations, they'll preparing the same book for both candidates.
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i don't think there will be any difference. their obligation is a legal one to do that. they're going to take that responsibility very seriously. have they expressed concerns because of the highly charged nature of this political campaign. i think they have. i am hopeful that people upds both candidates understand the severity and seriousness escaping and benefits our adversaries. so i think they're going to have discussions with them, walk them through how serious this information is. they're not going to get everything. they're not going to get the whole covert action plan for the united states. they won't see that, but they'll get sensitive information that if leaked could help our adversaries. >> mike, it has been so great for us at cnn to rely on your expertise for your years of studying this and now the american public is going to be able to see more of that with your new show, "declassified." it will be launching soon. let's take a look.
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it will premiere this sunday, so let's take a little look at that show. >> in 1975, i was trained in the hot summer of washington, d.c., and i took russian language. i learned how to spot surveillance on the street. i took covert pictures. >>. >> she was a natural. she had a real attitude for c n clandestine. >> if you love spy versus spy, you're going to love "declassified." this is them telling the stories themselves in really dramatic points in the spy cases. so this particular case, the one you showed, is the first episode coming up, the first woman cia officer to go to moscow to run a russian agent there and all the
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ups, downs, dangers and intrigue you could get out of james bond movie is in this, except told through the voices of the people who actually lived this case. if you -- again, if you like spy cases, you're going to love the "declassified" series. >> who doesn't love spy series. thanks for the preview. >> thanks for having me. all right, now we want to go back to orlando and to chris. my goodness, do we ever need some good stuff, chris. >> oh, for the love of all that is positive in the world. we should try to get something. we have certainly seen the worst of humanity play out here in orlando. but at the same time, we have also gotten a chance to see coming out of the massacre, some of the best. the group equality florida, in action. >> we launched this go fund me page with a modest goal of $100,000, and within hours, that goal was surpassed.
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>> surpassed? understatement of the week. it has raised millions. more than 100,000 people have donated $5 million. the funds going toward funeral arrangements, hospital bills, transportation of remains, overseas. just a remarkable accomplishment that has not gone unnoticed. >> we had a victim comment, thank you for doing this, the love that we've seen is incredible. and so really, this is not only a critical fund for the victims, survivors and families, but also part of the healing process. >> look, we all know money can't solve everything, but it is something. something positive. and that is a start that is sorely needed here. for alisyn and me, that's it for "new day." "newsroom" with carol costello picks up live from orlando, right after this. stay with cnn. [ guitar playing ]
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and good morning, i'm carol costello in orlando. thank you for joining me. the president and vice-president are expected in the coming hours. they're going to meet with survivors and also the family members of


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