tv Wolf CNN June 17, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- hello, i'm wolf blitzer thanks very much for swroining us. we start with new developments into the investigation into the orlando shooting including new questions about the fbi and what they may have known weeks before the attack. this newly released cell phone is from inside one of the bathrooms in the nightclub. the man who took this video was shot twice. a group of 20 people were huddled in there for several hours, sitle in puddles of
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blood. >> we kept saying we made it this far and there is a purpose for us. we're going to make it. we have to stay strong and we can't give up. the people who were hurt we tried to stop the bleeding and keep them calm and comfort them. we have to stick together as a community and be strong and move on. it's hard to fathom to how people and families are dealing with this with the loss of their loved ones, but, we have to be strong and we have to -- we must remain strong so we can continue to make a recovery. and it's a long road. but slowly but surely i believe we can all make it. >> we also have picture,s of president obama and vice president joe biden meeting with the victims in orlando yesterday. some of them are saying good-bye to their loved ones.
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he came to florida from puerto rico three years ago to pursue his dream of being a dancer and choreographer. he was just 25 years old. right now, there are nearly two dozen survivors in the hospital with six listed at critical condition. let's talk about the fbi and the investigation. our jessica schneider is on the scene in orlando and evan perez is in washington. we heard from a gun store owner who says he told the fbi about the shooter trying to buy body armor and a bulk amount of ammunition. what do we know about that? >> well, wolf, this is something that occurred five weeks or so ago. and this is a store owner in jensen beach which is a town right next to ft. pierce where the shooter lived. he says that he had some suspicions about this attempt to
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buy body armor but he didn't have a name. he didn't have information about who this person was. after the orlando shootings he recognized him as being the person in the store. the store called the fbi to report suspicions about another group of men they thought were middle easterners who had come to "n" to buy police gear. the fbi did come and investigate that and found those men were visiting law enforcement from a middle eastern country and they were able to find that there was nothing suspicious about that visit. it was in closing that investigation that the fbi was told about this other suspicions. again when they asked for it, there was no video, there was no vehicle descriptions. they were simply a report about a clean-cut man who had come in and sought to buy body armor and large amounts of ammunition. there was really not much the
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fbi could go on. and to be clear, the fbi gets a lot of these reports. they try to follow them up. they want people if they see something, they say something. one of these times it could turn into something. in this case they didn't have anything to go on. >> there was no video inside that store, was there? >> there was. but by the time the store was able to tell the fbi about this, there had been some days that had passed. there was no video they had saved to show what -- who this person was or what this person looked like. they simply had a description. they didn't have a vehicle or license plate. there was never a transaction. the store, it turns out, does not sell body armor. >> stand by. we heard about the text messages sent by the shooter's wife during the attack. what else is she now telling investigators? >> wolf, the fbi has been investigating and interviewing
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the wife since she left with investigators monday night into tuesday. she exchanged text messages with her husband during the time of the attack between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. we are learning of a text message at 4:00 a.m. where the gunman, omar mateen texted her saying have you seen the news. there were several text messages from her telling him that she loved him. she tried to call him several times and there was no anxious. a lot of communication between them as this was unfolding between 2:00 in the morning and 5:00 a.m. when he was in that bathroom, barricaded himself in. and when there was standoff with police. and this afternoon we are learning from the city of orlando between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 600 emergency calls came into dispatchers including 66 911 high priority calls.
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>> stand by. to help all of us get a better understanding of the sheer terror and panic during the orlando nightclub shooting as jessica just reported the exact number of calls that were coming to the police, 603 that is how many calls police and fire received. 166 of those calls went directly to 911. it's unclear at this time how many of those calls were specifically related to the nightclub shooting. to talk more about what the families and survivors are experiencing i want to bring in florida senator bill nelson. he is a democrat. you were with the president and vice president yesterday in orlando when they met with the families of the victims and when they met with survivors. what was it like? >> it was quite somber and emotional. the president and vice president met with one group with us present.
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but with all the rest of the families, they met separately. we went in with the president and vice president to see all of the law enforcement and the only two in uniform were the sheriff and the police chief. the rest of them were all in business suits and needless to say, these guys looked tough as nails. and i met the guy who his kevlar helmet saved him because the bullet hit him right there and the velocity of that bullet was such that it still gashed a 1-inch scar in his forehead. but he's alive and well. hallelujah. >> what do you know, senator, about the orlando fund for the victims? how and when will those funds be distributed? >> watch out for scams. i don't know any details. i'm going to visit a number of
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them this afternoon. but i don't have any details for you. but just be careful. this is where people come in and rip off folks. >> good advice, indeed. senator, as early as monday the senate is expected to vote on gun control measures. one would stop those individuals on the terror watch list from being able to purchase firearms. i assume you'll be in washington and voting. tell us how you'll vote. >> yes, and part of that measure is my bill as well. wolf, there is something new here. as a result of that 15-hour filibuster, which i was in the early part showing the bloody shoes of the trauma surgeon and reading what he posted which was quite emotional, something has happened here. and i think we're going to get some action on this for the first time.
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one thing is that you can't be on the terrorist watch list and go buy a gun. if you are on the terrorist watch list and you can't fly, well, should you be able to buy a gun? the other one is -- that wouldn't have caught mateen and that's what i filed and we got that lumped in there. and that is if you have been on a terrorist watch list, you get to the gun shop, you can buy the gun but the fbi has to be notified in case they want to call the person. that would have caught mateen. >> as you know, and you have been in the senate a long time. you need 60, not 51 but 60 to get this passed in the senate and move to the house. the republicans are in the majority. you need 15 republicans assuming all the democrats vote in favor
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of the legislation. will the votes be there? >> it's going to be close. it depends whose bill that we're working off of. but i have talked to lindsey graham. he's hitched up with susan collins and you add in a bunch of the republicans who are fighting for their lives in their re-election, you know, we might just get to 60 to cut off the filibuster. >> we'll see what happens. senator, thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. to find out how to help the shooting victims visit earlier this week, the fbi director james comey says he didn't see anything that the agency could have done better but would be looking at their role. he is in orlando today. with us right now is mike rodgers, the former chairman of the house intelligence committee and former fbi special agent.
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thanks for coming in. the owner of the gun store says he remembers this terrorist coming in weeks earlier asking about body armor and bulk ammunition. but the video is gone. he never reported the name to the fbi. what, if anything, could have been done differently that could have prevented this assault? >> that would be difficult. there is an agent assigned in every office to take those calls when they come in. they will get calls from there is a cat in my tree to serious matters like this. and they're going to have to take down that information and get it to an agent in the squad to do the work. if you get a tip that someone tried to come in, a clean-cut person tried to buy a bullet proof vest and bulk ammunition and that's all you have, that is a tough lead given you have some 10,000 of active cases on people that they do believe at least 1,000 of them are interested in
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committing an act of violence. it's all about resources. they will go through a triage of information is it worth trying to send five agents out trying to find out who this person is. i think the system can be better. so we can integrate lists which is not done very well electronically. and we can make sure that the gun owners know if you can get identifying information that helps the fbi. >> in hindsight everyone is a lot smarter. we could have done this or that. if you had received that call from the owner of that gun store and i don't have a name, he says but at the time they did have video. they had surveillance video inside would you have asked that owner, show us the picture of this guy? >> you eventually would have got there. the agent taking the call is not the agent that will likely do the investigation. they do their report and send it to the agent. that goes in a stack of other
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ones just like it. the agent has to do a triage. would it make sense to go out there? i bet they would have but it would have taken time to get out there. they should have said just hold the video. don't erase it. a lot of things -- >> if they would have seen the picture someone would have said we investigated this guy not once but twice. he was repeat there i interrogated and questions. they didn't have any evidence he was a terrorist. but it could have sparked someone's memory and forced a third investigation. >> it could have done. that it's tough to do even if that case. they would have had to get through all the other ones where i do have an identification. someone says that person "a" is in their garage late at night loading cases of ammunition. this was so nebrasulous.
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>> if someone goes into a store and says i need body armor and bulk ammunition, that could have triggered a serious investigation. >> if they had one more piece of information, if they would have got his license plate number and had that along with that report that would have triggered and sent off bells and whistles at the fbi. but they didn't have that. even the picture alone you would have had the agent doing the investigation look at that and make that determination. there is a lot of almosts in that investigation. >> and obviously we are all smarter in hindsight. fbi agents are questioning people at this mosque where he prayed. what questions are they asking? >> they are going to try to identify if there was someone who helped him along in this process.
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usually they are looking for permission to do this through their mosque, through their imam, through isis itself. so they're look for was there someone there that was encouraging him along this path? they are also looking for anyone else that might be in there. and remember, this mosque has had other trouble in the past including someone who went to syria and blew himself up in a suicide bombing. that is pretty -- not a lot -- i don't believe in consequence to that degree. that means something is happening in that mosque they need to investigate. >> to make sure no one else may have been radicalized there or online or wherever. you have an important documentary series, the cnn original series that starts sunday night, "declassified: untold stories of american spies" this is the first of eight one-hour documents. i've seen the first one. it is amazing.
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excellent work you have done. i recommend it highly. mike rogers. and remember, watch the documentary "unclassified" sunday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. coming up, senator john mccain backtracking after saying that president obama was directly responsible for the orlando terror attack. the fallout, what he's saying now. and the russian president, vladimir putin is renewing his praise for donald trump and trump's foreign policies. the details, that's ahead. ♪ sweet, sweet st. thomas nice. ♪ so nice, so nice ♪st. croix full of pure vibes. ♪ so nice, so nice. this summer, experience us virgin islands nice. book 4 nights at before july 16th to receive the fourth night free, plus 350 dollars in spending credits.
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welcome back. senator john mccain is walking back some of his comments he made to reporters where he blamed the president for the orlando terror attack. this is what he said originally. >> barack obama is directly responsible for it when he pulled everybody out of iraq, al qaeda went to syria and became isis and isis is what it is today thanks to barack obama's failures. utter failures. >> within an hour, senator mccain released this statement saying in part, i misspoke. i did not mean to imply that the
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president was personal responsible i was referring to national security decisions not the president himself. his decision to withdraw troops in 2011 led to the rise of isil. let's dig into all of this and much more. joining us senior political commentator ryan lidup and rebecca burg. what is the difference between blaming the president personally and blaming the president's policies. >> there is some distinction. it sounded as if he was blaming obama saying that obama inspired this person to do that. i think it is fair to have a policy debate about whether pulling troops out of iraq led to the rise of isis. where the argument falls down a little bit is this tenuous
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connection about the vacuum between the troops pulling out of iraq and isis and this specific attack. the links between this attack and isis are not that clear yet. mccain has been making this argument for a long time. this is nothing new. he argues that the president's policies contributed to the rise of isis. >> he says that the u.s. should not have withdrawn all u.s. troops in 2011. that was a major blunder. he also is in a tough re-election campaign right now. he is facing a republican challenger in a primary and then will have a general election issue as well going forward. he is fighting for his political life. >> he is and that's not an understatement. i was speaking with a republican member of congress who predicted on background that mccain could lose that race and trump could
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win arizona. so this is a state that usually is not in play for republicans, mitt romney won by ten points over barack obama. but trump is putting states in play that usually wouldn't be in aing intive w a negative way for republicans. and a lot of competitive races out there. >> david jolly, a republican wanted marco rubio's seat and he announces he is dropping out of that contest and that suggests that marco rubio might after all seek re-election. >> looks like all the dominos are lining up for the republican party getting this guy out of the race and convincing marco rubio he has to change his mind and run again, which you know, rubio has already lost florida once. he lost florida to trump in the republican primary. that's pretty tough thoiing to
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lose your home state in a primary. and looks like he is going to run for re-election in what will be a very, very tough year. marco rubio won in 2010. mid-term election, big conservative backlash against president obama. now he has to run in a presidential year where the democrats have an advantage in a state like florida. a lot of voters will be going to the polls for hillary clinton. and he has to deal with relying on the trump republicans who didn't like rubio in the primaries. >> it's going to be a tough re-election campaign which we will watch closely. what is the latest about the effort to get some of the pledged trump delegates upcoming in july unbound and have an open convention, if you will. there are republicans who are dreaming about that. >> if you look at the latest polling, trump nationally is
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struggling to break the 40% threshold. it is very low when you are talking about a two-candidate race for president. so republicans are think about the implications down the ballot and the fundraising problems he is having and how that affects campaign coffers across the country. they are morose looking at the state of affairs right now, looking at the state of the republican race. but at the same time you have to think about what the political implications would be if republicans did go to the convention in cleveland and unbind these delegates. they would be voiding the results of their primary telling the republican voters that millions of them made a mistake and they would still have trump to deal with in the general election. >> and structutrump reminds us got more votes than any other republican ever. there were millions and millions of trump supporters out there.
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if they came up with a rule to change it and open up the convention -- >> i don't think you can do it in this day and age. people expect that it is fully democratized. the expectation is that you can't do it. i think things have to get a lot worse for trump. >> or he could be pressured to quit, perhaps. >> as if he would do that. he's no jolly. >> that would be more likely than republicans unbinding their delegates. >> there are some that would like to see it. >> more every day. more than 50 u.s. state department's officials are criticizing the u.s. policy in syria. urging military strikes against bashar al assad. we have details of a leaked memo, that's next.
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an important statement on u.s. strategy as far as syria's concerned. that's what the secretary of state john kerry is calling an internal memo. aaron david miller is vice president of new initiatives, distinguished scholar at the woodrow wilson international center. how unusual is it that 51 state department, mostly career diplomats write this memo saying, mr. president you must start bombing syrian president's bashar al assad's positions otherwise more and more innocent civilians are going to be dead. >> it's unusual. disscent channel memos can be two or three individuals this is
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51 which required weeks if not months to organize. and someone willfully leaked the memo. they turned it into a station identification memo over deep frustration in the state department with the obama administration's policies toward syria. that is the take away. one other point, i don't think this is an issue for this administration. it's unlikely that the president is going to reconsider or essentially agree with what the diplomats are proposing. >> over this five-year civil war, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed. millions have been made homeless internally or externally and what these diplomats, these career professionals are saying, mr. president you have to do something to stop and most of those people they say were killed by bashar al assad's regime. >> 450,000 dead. let's say 40% of them are regime supporters which means this is
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essentially a civil war. if we want to degrade al assad's military in milita military capabilities, we could do that. but how do we lead to a sustainable set of political goals. we have seen what happens when we don't thifnk about the day o the decade after. >> if bashar al assad goes, isis could come in and take over the country. >> or any number of groups that have -- and you have the russians and iranians who are involved to make big sacrifices on the ground. in the end the question for this administration or the next is the russians and iranians and assad are prepared to die in defense of their vital interests. the question is are we. >> the peace accord has collapsed?
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>> that it can afford temporary suspensions to get humanitarian aid, fine. but the russians have one foot in the tent which is the political process and a lot of feet out where they continue their military activities. >> one reason the u.s. is not launching air strikes is the russians are deeply embedded there with the syrian regime. this could to telly lead to u.s.-russian confrontation. >> it could or alternative you could kill a lot of iranians and that clearly given the -- >> the revolutionary guard troops are there. >> and iraqi shias. so the question is, the administration has other equities it is trying to protect. whatever happens this is not going to go down well for the iran administration. a year from now, people are going to want to know could the administration have done more. >> aaron david miller, thanks for coming in. a very complicated and very
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deadly situation. let's go iraq right now. isis is losing ground in the bat for fallujah. the group has suffered a symbolic setback. the iraq police have recaptured the mayor's office and re-raised the flag over the building. isis snipers have taken up positions in the main hospital. isis has held fallujah sense january 2014. vladimir putin offering praise to donald trump and a word of warning to the united states. we have details. his exclusive interview with fareed zakaria is coming up. i taste - whaaaaaaaaaow. wha wha na na na na na na da ba da ba da ba daw! it's good. ugh. heartburn.g ] sorry ma'am. no burning here.
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. russian president vladimir putin is weighing in on the 2016 presidential election here in the united states and it's no surprise which candidate he is leaning toward. matthew chance is joining us from moscow. the russian president spoke at an international economic frum in st. petersburg, russian on a panel. this is a panel that was moderated by cnn's own fareed zakaria. update our viewers. what did he say? >> he talked about a range of issues, talking about how he wanted to build bridges back with the west. he said that russia doesn't hold a grudge against europe and called for the sanctions imposed on russia to be lifted. he also basically criticized the west for ignoring russia's interest saying that there is no reason that nato continued to expand after the breakup of the
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soviet union and the u.s.-led missile defense system posed a threat to russia. but he was asked about the endorsement he apparently gave to donald trump some time ago and he tried to clarify he was not endorsing trump for president but was just pointing out some of his qualities. >> why are you juggling with what i said? i only said he is a bright person. isn't he bright? he is. he is -- i did not say anything else ability him. -- about him. but there's one thing that i paid attention to and that i definitely welcome is that mr. trump said that he is ready to restore full-fledged russian-american relations. what can they be bad about it? don't you welcome it? >> so not a whole-hearted
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endorsement of the republican candidate but nevertheless, vladimir putin talking in positive terms about donald trump. >> interesting, matthew, on another subject there is news about the russian track and field athletes may not be able to compete in the 2016 olympic games this summer. update our viewers on the latest. >> the latest is that the iaaf which is the world governing body has issued a ruling that there will not be any russian track and field athletes going to the olympics. it's huge given that russia is one of the biggest sporting powers in the world. russia will not be competing in the key reechevents at the rio which starts in 50 days from now. that is an enormous blow to the russias. they are disappointed and angry
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about it. >> will the russians send athletes for the other competitions? >> well, the ban on the track and field athletes just looks at them. so they have the potential to send athletes two take part in other disciplines. but at the moment they are re g reeling from not going to the olympics themselves. they have not announced whether they send a team at all. i can see the russians backing out altogether. but we'll have to see what the sports ministry and kremlin has to say about that. >> we'll see what happens. thanks, matthew, in moscow for us. by the way, you can see more of fareed's discussion with the russian president, vladimir putin this sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. a special fareed zakaria "gps." britain is mourning after the
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murder of a member of parliament. the british prime minister, david cameron joined jeremy corbyn in a rare display of unity displaying their respects to cox at a memorial service. >> here we are today commemorating her life that's been lost. and of course the most profound thing that has happened is that two children have lost their mother, a husband has lost a loving wife and of course parliament has lost one of its most passionate and brilliant campaigners, someone who epitomized that politics is about serving others. today our nation is rightly shocked and i think it is a moment to stand back and think about some of the things that are so important about our country. >> cox was leaving a meeting with constituents when she was shot and stabbed by a man. she was campaigning for britain to stay in the european union. it's unclear if that played a
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part in her murder. richard quest is joining us right now. what have you learned about the man accused of this brutal crime? >> we know that he is 52 years old. we know his name is tommy mair. and according to police, he has been medically examined and he has been deemed fit to be in detention and fit to be questioned. because there had been suggestions that there was mental health issues in relation to mr. mair. but they have been put aside for one moment. one important point tonight, the west yorkshire police say we are also aware of the inference of the suspect, mair being linked to right-wing extremism which is a priority line of inquiry. what this comes about there have
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been numerous allegations and suggestions that mair was involved in links to u.s. organizations but those in the uk. he is believed to have shouted "britain first" when he launched the alleged attack. that is the name of up with of britain's right-wing extremist parties. but the party itself is denying any connection or any involvement. so, wolf, a very, very complex situation with still unknown and unverified political motivation for the murder. >> richard quest with the very latest. thank you very much. coming up, the emotional reunion between a survivor of the orlando nightclub shooting and the police officer who saved his life. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise,
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funerals have begun for the victims of the orlando shooting. one of the first happening today for anthony luis. family members and loved ones try to come to grips with what happened. for them right now simply waking up is a reminder that this is a no way a dream that 49 lives were brutally ended. that these people will never again laugh or dance like they did last saturday night, never hear them say i love you one last time or see their smile. perhaps only comfort right now is that the people they loved, adored, respected will live on
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>> always smiling. always, always there for you. like i said, he was everyone's best friend. ♪ >> our deepest condolences to their families, their loved ones. but amidst all of this grief, there's hope. cameras capturing a touching moment when a survivor was reunited with the officer that saved him, the officer omar delgado pulled colon to safety after he was critically injured.
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>> get out of harm's way, man. >> that's it for me. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." the news continues right after this. ckif you run everyday, or if you're young or old. no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin. my mmade a simple trip toonic the grocery storesis anything but simple. so i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. beginning with breaking news on the terror attack in orlando. two agents left a florida mosque where the killer wept to pray and cnn is told the agents questioned a mosque official about the relationship with other members and those in the local islamic community. we're also learning today that the gunman visited muslim who he sites in saudi arabia four years ago. many in that group were muslim officers with the new york police department and their
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