tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN June 20, 2016 10:00pm-1:01am PDT
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own ideals. i'm fareed zakaria. thank you for watching. this is cnn newsroom, live from los angeles. >> ahead this hour, you're fired. and donald trump sacks his campaign manager just four wee s s before the republican party convention. what the gunman told police during phone calls from inside the night club. and four measures rejected by the u.s. senate. hello and welcome everyone to our viewers in the united states and around the world. in for ishis ashay.
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>> cnn newsroom starts now. ♪ the trump campaign appears to be in crisis tonight. the campaign manager has been fired, his poll numbers are falling and he's at war with leaders of the republican party. >> and sources say trump's children were behind the move to fire lewandowski. here how it all unfolded. >> reporter: the uprising against donald trump's sharp elbowed campaign manager, lewandowski had been building for weeks. and then trump's daughter, ivanka, her husband and sons all pleading with trump to fire lewandows lewandowski. another said manifort said it's
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trump or me. >> reporter: lewandowski said he had no idea why he was fired but sources say the family was outraged over the a handling of michelle fields, the reporter he grabbed on video leading the charges that were later dropped. notably on a mexican-american judge over seeing the lawsuits. >> this judge is of mexican heritage. i'm building a wall. >> ding dong the witch is dead. liewandowski brushed it off. >> in all campaigns you have detractors and supporters. rits r been an honor and a priv privilege to be a part of this. >> reporter: sagging poll numbers weighed down by a series of unforced errors. the latest showing trump
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trailing hillary clinton by seven points. and while trump advisors are down playing lewandowski's departure. -- >> i think we're shifting to a new phase of the campaign. >> reporter: manifort is fully in charge. >> jared is a very successful real estate person. but i actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate. ivanka would say be more presidential and i started thinking and i said i can't. being presidential's easy. >> reporter: the question is whether the candidate will change as well or just continue to stir controversy like with his comments this weekend about the orlando shooting. >> if you had somebody with a gun strapped on to their hip, somebody with a gun strapped on
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to their ankle and you had bullets going in the opposite direction, right at this animal who did this, you would have had a very, very different result, believe me folks. >> jim acosta, cnn, washington. >> joining us now, a clinton supporter and former l.a. counselwoman and talk radio host and trump supporter. it's been a tough couple of days for you, john. >> punching bag. >> totally. so, should go up from here. the second lewandowski appears to have been engineered by his children, junior confirmed that. >> we we involved in talking about this? sure. but we left in a good way with cory. he's done something that's incredible. i wish all sep rasarations of t nature went that well. >> we were told your judgment
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was that a change was required and you made the recommendation that led him -- >> i think that's fair but in many respects he was coming to that on his own and we were there to think it through with him. >> trump had been loyal in a number of scandals. but what is not forgivable is losing -- clinton up by eight points. was lewandowski the reason or the scapegoat for all of the problems within the trump campaign? >> if you look at sports, there are certain coaches that there very good in rebuilding years and you have young players that respond well to yelling and screaming. but then when the team makes it to the next level, you bring in somebody else who's used to dealing with superstar players and the team goes to the next level. he was the right guy for the primary but now they're moving into the general election strategy, so it's time to move
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on to somebody else. >> well, let's talk about this new general election strategy. i want to show you sound from donald trump. he said after this, we're taking the campaign into the a new direction. >> he's a good guy. he's a friend of mine. but i think it's time now for a different kind of a campaign. we ran a small, beautiful well unified campaign. it worked very well in the primaries. i think i'm probably going to do some of that. as an example, i have 73 people. hillary clinton has almost 900 people and we're in the same position. so, you know, there's something nice about that. i said wait a minute i've spent much less money and the result so far is the same. >> i want you to chime in because trump is talking about a new campaign but so far we've only seen one version for quite
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a while. with a lot of republicans nervous, grimacing every time when he opens his mouth. what do you think we're talking about here? >> i think he's hemurging and he's trying to respond to that. the fact is he's not doing well across this country. he's not doing well with women. he's challenged in some of the battle ground states that are occurri occurring. people are saying you were funny but we're talking about the president of the united states. i think you're going to continue to see the numbers get much greater between he and hillary clinton. he has been spending more money than he has. he has no ground operation in these states. it's going to be tough for him going forward. i think he'ser realizing that and trying to scramble to respond. but he's seeing his numbers go down. >> the republican party believes trump has about -- this is a
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graphic. staff for hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and donald trump. right down the bottom there is the trump campaign staff. little itty bitty one at the bottom. but this goes to the point that this is a campaign that doesn't really have any organization right now. whatever donald trump says, he only has 70 or 30 staff, he doesn't have much of a ground game. >> i have a scottish father, so doing things on the cheap is a virtue in my house hold. >> there are certain things you to do to win an election and he's not doing them. >> he's done quite well. when he started out, he was polling in low single digits and everyone said he has no chance and he started doing better, and better. >> but he's falling behind now. >> he wron the primary and he's switching strategies. bernie sanders is still in the race. he hasn't conceded and the
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democratic primary may be an interesting place to be. >> don't try to deflect. >> you need money in u.s. politics. i'm going to show filings from the fcc. clinton's campaign had $42 million in the bank and you can see trump really behind, 1.3. he's just getting off the ground. aren't you concerned about that? that's a fundamental problem especially when you have gop voters hesitant to contribute. there's this concern over the infrastructure, the organization of the campaign. >> rubio had more money than trump, ted cruz had more money than trump and trump beat all of them. i think this is a nontraditional cycle, he lives on all the shows. he lives on "new day" here on cnn. the public knows what he has to say. >> what's this new campaign he's
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talking about? >> what does jerry brown say in california? the secret to winning the election is to paddle a little to the left in the primary and a little to the right in the general and you end up in the middle and win the general. >> usually when they get in trouble like this, the party comes to the rescue. who from the republican side wants to come over and be the chief of staff at this point? >> that's the biggest challenge. the money he has a lot of it he has loaned to the campaign and is owed back. the republican party or the democratic party play a key role in each of those states and if they're enot excited and it's clear from paul ryan on down that they're not clear, it's going to be difficult. because you need a ground game.
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and he just doesants han't have. >> now you have this new revived kind of stop-trump campaign in the washington post is talking about 400 republican delegates supporting this new stop-trump campaign where they want to change the delegate rules so they don't have to vote according to the elections, but with their conscience. that's quite concerning. are you not worried about that? >> anytime you have a nontraditional candidate, it's a little bit of a roller coaster ride because nontraditional candidates have had success. a mayor rearden won twice. jesse ventura did it in the state of minnesota. so it happens but it's certainly a different sort of dynamic. >> i admire your commitment.
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we heard again from democrat senator, elizabeth warren. she was talking about reports that donald trump was thinking of choosing scott brown as his vp and warren defeated brown for the senate in massachusetts. this is what she had to say. >> and i hear that donald trump is floating scott brown as a possible running mate. and i thought oh, so donald trump really does have a plan to help the unemployed. and let's face it, nobody knows more about losing to a girl than scott brown. think of it as the perfect reality tv show. celebrity apprentice meets the biggest loser. >> okay. this is all part of a long-running feud between donald trump and elizabeth warren. he has been calling her pocahontas as a reference to her native american heritage and he
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was asked tonight if he had any regrets about that. >> i think rits it's a tremendo insult to pocahontas. >> so, is this the new campaign that we're seeing from donald trump? this is a few hours ago. >> i recently found out that i'm part native american and i accept his apology. >> when he talked about going from a primary campaign to a general election campaign, what he's done is -- those from foreign countries who have become citizens of this consistentry to women, to others, to the american indian, it's going to be hard for him to say i've changed my stripes. i'm now somebody different. i think we've seen that his
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potential running mate has lost a few elections. >> thanks. we'll talk to you again next hour. thanks for coming in. the man arrested for grabbing a police officer's gun at trump rally admits he wanted to use it to kill the republican candidate. >> they arrested michael sanford after he tried to pull the weapon from the holster. he is charge would violating two federal laws and could face a decade in prison if convicted. >> the fbi has released a transcript of the orlando gunman's calls to police during his ram page. and four gun control measures failed. why senators say they're not surprised by the resultess, as well as the public. it's more than a network. it's how you stay connected. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading broadband network and cloud and hosting services. centurylink.
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your link to what's next. "are you okay?" "yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. that's how i know it"s working." "ah. you know you can go on and check it out there. it's completely free." "really?" "yeah" "oh, that didn't hurt at all." "yeah, completely painless." "credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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well, i told you to bring a warmer jacket. when? every day since you could walk! now i just say it with my eyes like... folks, park ranger mark. -sup, bro? -hey, forest cop. you're taking up a lot of space. i'm going to need you to move a vehicle. todd, load the four-wheeler into the truck. flo: that's like bundling! 'cause progressive can bundle your boat, atv, and rv with your truck to save you money. don't talk to her. she has rabies. rabies was created by the government. look it up. [ flames whoosh ] [ gasps ] who are you people? yay, grandpa's still alive. i don't want to buy any cookies, little girl. don'tlive in paris. when you airbnb, you have your own home. so, live there. even if it's just for a night.
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including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failu. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. welcome back it everyone. u.s. senators could not get enough bipartisan support. >> they included preventing gun sales to anyone on the government's terror watch list. >> reporter: just eight days after the deadliest mass
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shooting in american history, the senate rejected four measures aimed at tightening restrictions on guns. one to expand background checks, another to insure that suspected terrorists do not get firearms. democratss voted down the republican measures and republicans voted down the democrat measures. what we saw was no real movement in the united states senate, even though a clear majority of voters do support greater restrictions on guns, it has not translated to the united states senate where views are very, very locked in on this issue, very polarizing issue, particularly when it comes to expanding background checks. an important part of monday night's vote, a number of republicans breaking rank, like kirk in illinois, voting with
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democrats, also voting with republicans, insuring he's going to get hit from the left and the right. and a democratic leader from that very red state voting against the democratic background checks, even though he is the head of the democrat senate campaign committee. susan collins of may is spearheading the effort. right now leaders on both sides of the aisle are weary about that idea but that's one of the things going forward that moderate republicans and democrats are going to push. >> the fbi has released the full transcript of the 911 called made by the gunman in the orlando shootings. >> and it's shedding more light on the horrific ram page where 49 people were killed. here with the details. >> reporter: omar mateen makes
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his first call to 91133 minutes after the first reports of gun foo fire, telling the person in arabic, praise to god and prayers and peace be to god. >> we currently have no evidence that he was directed by a foreign terrorist group but was radicalized domestically. >> reporter: the gunman then spends around 28 minutes on the phone with hostage negotiators. at one point demanding that america stop bombing syria and iraq. he later states in the next few days you're going to see more of these kinds of actions going on. >> he did so in a chilling, calm and deliberate manner. >> reporter: and saying there's
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some vehicle outside that has some bombs, just so you know. i'm going to ignite it if they try to do anything stupid and later says he has a vest and describes it as the kind they quote used in france. an parent reference to the paris bombings in november and promises to put suicide vests on four victims. that ramped up the risk for both civilians and responders. >> we're all within a thousand feet and we're all going to be killed. >> reporter: no explosives were found. the partial police transcript show at 5:14 a.m., nearly three hours after the attack began shots were fired again. a minute later, the gunman was reported down. today, the officials defended their hand thofling of the threr ordeal. >> they engaged the suspects in gun fire. that engagement and that initial
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entry caused him to retreat, stop shooting and barricade himself in the bathroom with hostages. so, during that time our officers were intermittently in and out of that club, saving people, rescuing people from inside the club. >> reporter: initially this was only a partial transcript with the words isis omitted. because they didn't want to fuel terrorist propaganda but then there was fierce back lash, including from house speaker paul ryan who said it was preposterous to omit those words. so, they sent out the full transcript with those words. i'm told by official s at the department of justice they were surprised by the omissions. >> let's turn now to chris vaus, his new book is called "never
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split the difference." negotiating as if your life depended on it. let's talk about that last nugg nugget. it took a full out cry for the full 911 transcript. %-pe transparent from the beginning? >> it's not that they're hiding anything. it's the fact that terrorism is about publicity and he wants these names out there. he wants these oaths out there, otherwise he's a coward with a life that has no meaning. they wanted to lim thit the amo of publicity that he got. >> but james comey was out talking about it before the transcripts came out. >> that's probably the result of a compromise which is usually a bad decision anyway. >> they don't want to give publicity because there's 29
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minutes. there's no mention of the boston bombers, the suicide bomber that went off to syria. there is a lot of speculation out there that now they're covering something up. >> that's what everyone worries about when they're slow to release the information. they're trying to keep the investigation as clean as possible. i mean, they've got a massive murderer investigation to make and they got to make sure they cover all the bases. they're trying to be diligent about what they're doing. there's nothing nefarious about holding it back. >> this was a three-hour ordeal. when you understand some of the details that happened during this massacre, what can we learn from it in terms of helping minimize the number of people killed? >> i'm glad you brought that up because a colleague of mine
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actually pointed this out to me today. we have a publication that comes out next week about what the negotiators did and the usual 28 minute time frame when the negotiators were engaged, what's important is the activity in that time frame and the critical thing is he wasn't killing. that's what a negotiator 's job is to do is come to these scenes and stop the killing if they can and keep the subject distracted. one and this is the other distraction. this is why people get into accidents when they drive. if we can get him to pick up the phone and there was no killing going on in this time frame, it buys important time for the s.w.a.t. team to get a blueprint. this was a horrific place for an assault. >> when they say he was on the
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line negotiating, it comes to mind that maybe they were trying to negotiate an end to this? there was never going to be a peaceful end. >> for the hostage negotiators, they have understand is it my job to talk this guy out or talk him to a window for another reason or locate him specifically inside so i can help s.w.a.t. make an entry. >> it's no doubt a really tough pressure. i mean, jyou have to make decisions at the split second. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> we're going to take a short break. when we return, federal officials say the orlando gunman had multiple social media sites. and how brazil plans to catch cheaters at the rio olympics. ♪
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10:31 on the west coast. you're watching cnn newsroom live from los angeles. >> the headlines this hour, donald trump has fired controversial campaign manager, corey lewandowski just weeks before the national convention. sources say trump's children were the driving force. lewandowski added it was an honor to be part of the campaign. they have released the transcripts of the 911 call. it confirms that he called himself an islamic soldier while
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speaking to negotiators. he killed 49 people at a gay night club. the u.s. senate has rejected four gun control measures. the amendments would have prevented the sales of guns to people on terrorist watch lists. now to brazil, one person dead, two wounded at rio de janeiro's biggest hospital. >> he had been wounded in a shootout with police a week earlier. the hospital is one of five designated to treat tourists during the rio olympics. and we're hours away from a decision from the international olympic committee on whether or not russia's athletes can compete. and a new lab plans to keep cheaters out of the olympics.
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peyton walsh has this exclusive report. >> reporter: in the race for rio to be ready, few final tweaks matter more than in this one room. braz brazil's 24-hour antidoping laboratory for the olympics. testing 6,000 tiny samples, each able to crush a sportsman's dreams, where nations will be desperate for a clean slate after doping, russia says it needs to regain trust. here they're hoping to stay clear of controversy. >> may doping risks overwhelming the olympics. and corruption and essentially cheating at the heart of sports. here you're going to strip down
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to the core molecules these identify but it's before this stage that samples were allegedly tampered with in the sochi games. russia accused of using its new kgb to tamper with supposedly tamper' proof bottles, allegedly using this hole in the lab laboratory wall to change the samples. each having a random number on its seal, how do you do that? >> have those millions of different caps. open a bottle and close it with another. >> so you basically have to be the people making the bottle -- >> almost. or have a mirror factory of that to be able to fab rkt it. >> reporter: and countries are willing to do that kind of thing, that level ofk it's real
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reach that point because you need involve high-ranking officials in the country. from the laberato laberatory, from the technicians. >> reporter: this where the cold wearing of science collides with that underworld of breath taking deception. when we come back a solemn moment in british parliament as law makers honor a colleague that was murdered in the street. ♪but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no no,♪ ♪not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider,♪ ♪yeaaahh... ♪but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me nooo♪ ♪not gonna let 'em catch the midnight riiiiiiiideer!♪
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"w"well you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you?" "she says...bazang!" "ok, good one." "uh, how do i check my credit score?" "credit karma, it's free." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." [ boss ] it is a very smart plan. so we're all on board? [ paul ] no. this is a stupid plan. hate drama? go to research. price. find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. only helps you get the right car how does rock and roll work? it takes all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that's right for you is on the world's number-one job site. indeed. how the world works. ♪ [ tires screech ] flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo!
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areas. the jeep involved in the accident which killed star actor has been flagged. he died pinning him against a post. more than 100 crashes have been reported because of a problem with the gear selector that caused confusion about whether the vehicle was in gear or in park. british law makers returned from recess to pay tribute to a fallen law maker. she was killed last thursday in northern england. >> her death brought brexit campaigning to a halt for three days. >> reporter: jo's life was a
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demonstration against despair. and in her tragic death, we can come together to change our politics, to tolerate a little more and condemn a little less. we pay tribute to a loving, determined, passionate and progressive politician who epitmized the best of humanity and who proved so offen tten th power of politics to make our world a better place. >> so, it's unclear what effect her death may have on the referendum vote. joining us now from london. good to have you on the program. so, let's talk a little bit more about jo cox's death and what kind of impact that will have on the referendum results and it seems we're seeing the leave campaign lose momentum after her death. >> yes, i think the impact of her tragic death is limited
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though. the shift towards the remain campaign was visible in polls released after her death. the real reason you're seeing a shift is what you usually see and especially in the uk. her death has made the leave campaign go back on the back foot. they can't campaign on immigration because there's a suggestion that the person who killed her was encouraged by the unpleasant campaign we have at the moment. >> your job obviously is to remain neutral in this and you've done some analysis with your colleagues and arrived at the conclusion that the vote will likely be to remain in the eu. how did you come to that conclusion? >> well, through the momentum that wreerb seen over the past week and the week before when an unprecedented amount of people registered just before the
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deadline. even had to extend the deadline because the website crash. it suggests a high level of interest, which will translate to a high level of turnout. the voters who will vote more enthusiastic, so had the turnout been lower, you could expect a vote to leave and we think it's going to be close. >> you know one of the issues that's obviously foremost on the minds of the voters, especially those who are leaning towards a brexit is immigration and national security. we know that a brexit, the impact will likely curb immigration into the uk, but will it actually make britain safer? >> first of all, in immigration, no one really knows. that's the problem with this deba debate. people are saying that the economy will fall off the cliff,
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whereas on the leave side, they are making promises they can't keep. i think they will have to sign up to freedom of movement or something akin to it with the european union if they want a trade deal quickly. not sure if it will solve the so-called immigration problem and on security, i think they'll be safe in or out of the eu. good intelligence sharing. i think what people will want to work with the uk, even though the acramonious environment of a divorce might make that harder in the short term. >> and both sides guilty of exagerations and fear mongering. we've heard from the imf who's warning this would be disastrous when it comes to the economy. so, those comments over stated
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or more likely realistic? >> there will definitely be a short-term impact. i think even people on the leave side accept it will be a shock in the markets, the pound falling and perhaps a short recession. the bigger debate is on what en in the long term. leave said it would be difficult to get as good a deal with the eu for access to their single market and rather difficult to replace the deals that the eu has with third countries very quickly. the leave campaign suggests we can sign deals very quickly. i have my doubts how easy it will be to get the uk's interests listened to because we claimed -- the leave campaign claims we do very badly already. it certainly won't be a complete
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recession for too long. that's what the remain campaign claims. >> and of course a lot of questions about what's in store for prime minister david cameron's future after thursday. appreciate your time. well, after weeks of heated debate, fiery accusations, comedian, john oliver poboiled down the issues. >> immigration policy may not change. hysteria is a red herring. and the economic benefits of staying appear to out weigh the costs and yet polls suggest my homeland is on the edge of doing something absolutely insane and on some level, i actually kind of understand because there is an innate british desire to tell europe to go [ bleep] itself. >> 15 minutes. he really got into it.
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it's well worth finding it on the internet if you've not seen it already. it's very john oliver. >> we're going to take a short break. when we return, criminals are connecting on facebook. and we're going to hear about the illegal activity and why suspects are so hard to track down. but that is changing. at temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. everywhere where there's a phone, you have a bank. now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. the microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten million people in just two years. it's transforming our world.
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use gum® brand. soft-picks®. proxabrush® cleaners. flossers and dental floss. gum® brand. welcome back everyone. investigators are discovering a dark world of illegal activity on facebook. >> among the crimes, drugs being sold to teens by secret groups. >> reporter: so this is the group you guys shut down? >> right. >> reporter: mike harris investigates online. >> under this banner i start seeing all this. for example, 10 oxies, $10 a pop. >> fly society for 20, a facebook group now busted, but only after a teenager addicted to drugs got caught and admitted to buying them online. >> i identified 171 kids in
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middle school and high school. >> it was very, very easy and that was what was so alarming. >> reporter: claire asked us not to show her face. her daughter is the one who was busted. she worries about what else is happening with the secret facebook groups. >> she's actually been flagged for at risk from human trafficking because once these kids get into the drugs, they get addicted they're pretty desperate. they'll do whatever. >> reporter: the secret facebook groups cannot be found through a simple search. they're not just private, they're hidden. you are have to be invited to join or be a member. do you worry that these groups are going down other nefarious roesd roads? >> yeah, i'm not naive to think if this is going on with drugs, we could have sex trafficking, terrorism, because there's no
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one monitoring these groups. >> reporter: it's a sentiment echoed by officials following the orlando massacre. investigators say the shooter searched for jihadist propaganda online, including videos of beheadings. he was posting and checking facebook during the attack. >> can our law enforcement officials, can we figure out how to gain access to that, monitor it so we can prevent these trage tragedies. >> reporter: we asked facebook whether they monitor communication? they pointed out people often use secret groups to discuss sensitive issues like sexual orientation where privacy is a concern and they issued a statement that reads in part. we don't allow people to use facebook for criminal activity. our community of 1.6 billion people helps us to enforce our
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community standards and we make it easy to report to us. law enforcement officials say that's reactive, not proactive, making the issue of privacy versus security an ongoing battle. >> if i could find them, i'd definitely attack them, but the problem is attacking them because they are secret. and joining us now, dr. wendy walsh, an agjungt professor. just want to get your reaction to the story. because there are secret groups on facebook that you can't just find through a search. so, obviously a lot of parents are probably going to be concerned. how do i monitor my children? i guess sometimes you just can't. >> kids have been meeting secretly for all kinds of reasons, good, bad and identify
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formation since the beginning of time. now they're meeting in a different place. instead of at the mall, they're doing it online. i tink it's important that we teach our kids, start at a very young age being a friend, following them on facebook and twitter and snapchat, being in there in the village with them. to say a child's social media is their private place and you're feeling like you're going between the sheets and reading the diary is a crazy way to think about it. would you let your kid stand at the corner of 42nd and broadway with a mega phone and yell and you would go thats are e's thei private time. >> they have pakistan women's groups, there's vegans in australia, for instance.
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it is buy -- it is on social media and can lead to something else. >> sometimes these secret groups, if you will can be so helpful to identity formation. if they have a gender identity that may not match whatever their family of origin think sz norm. it can be a place they can find like minded people help them develop a healthy sense of self. i think the important thing is from the beginning be involved with your kids in all digital media and talk about where they're going, just like in the real world. >> but on social media your children could naively be on there not knowing the next turn could have a pedaphile and there is an app.
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>> there's an app i used called v-i-s-r. instead of reading all your children's texts and posts. what it does is sends me a ping if they think something's inappropriate and i can check on it and i can schedule her bedtime. so, i'll get a ping saying late night usage or possible nudity. my daughter happens to be a dancer so i'll click on it and go dancer, not nudity. >> good advice. thank you. >> well, you're watching newsroom l.a. >> we'll be back with another hour of news right after this. [ male announcer ] love drama? don't be a yes man.
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flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! ahh! this is probably more of a breakroom activity. ya think? ♪ just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit." sorry about that.
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this is "cnn newsroom" live from los angeles. >> ahead this hour, dumped by trump. campaign manager corey lewandowski fired apparently at the urging of donald trump's children. plus bracing for a bloody summer in chicago where 13 people were gunned down over father's day weekend alone. what people are trying to do to cut down the city's terrible death toll. a deadly shoot-out at a rio
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hospital earmarked for olympic duty. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm amara walker. >> great to have you with us. i'm john vause. our second hour of newsroom l.a. starts right now. donald trump's campaign is in crisis mode as it regroups from its biggest staff shake up yet. corey lewandowski was fired monday just weeks before the republican convention. >> the campaign has been struggling lately with sliding poll numbers and heated words with party leaders, but lewandowsky put a positive spin on the move in an interview with cnn's dana bash. >> reporter: from your perspective, what happened? why were you fired? >> i don't know. i don't -- i don't know the answer to that. but what i know is what we've been able to achieve in this election cycle has been historic. we had a candidate who in june
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of last year announced he was going to run for president with no elective office experience in a field of 16 other people in the race plus him, who has gone on to do something historic, which is get almost 14 million votes and fundamentally change the way people look at politics. and i'm proud to have been a small part of that. and, you know, running as the outsider of this campaign, which he has done, running against the corrupt washington, d.c. establishment and political correctness has been something i've been proud to be a part of. >> joining us once again, wendy greuel, former l.a. council woman and kabc talk radio host and trump support john phillips. thanks for coming back for another hour. so donald trump was on fox news tonight, and he came to praise lewandowsky, not bury him. >> with corey, i'm really proud of him. he did a great job. but we're going to go a little bit of a different route. >> so it's a different style, and you're bringing in -- >> a little different style, yeah. a little different style. a good guy.
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>> okay. but clearly there were problems in the campaign. it was so toxic one adviser tweeted this out. ding, dong the witch is dead when he heard about the news. that adviceor has since resign the. john, you don't have security escort your campaign manager from the building if everything sort of finishes on good terms. >> yeah, i guess corey lewandowski has something in common with half of 30 rock. he's been fired by donald trump. when you're a campaign manager, you not only have to know the x's and o's of politics. you have to be a psychologist. you have to be someone who can deliver a pep talk. he was a political consultant who left the field to become a police officer for many years and then went back to being a political consultant. when you're a political consulta consultant, you have to make friends, you have to build bridges. when you're a police officer, that doesn't naezly have to be the case. you say drop the gun, and you expect them to do it. and you can't have that attitude if you're a campaign manager. you can't have that attitude if
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you're running an operation by the trump campaign. and i think there were a lot of personality conflicts going on there. >> so do you think that the firing of corey lewandowski is, i guess, a step forward for the trump campaign? >> yeah, i think he's transitioning from a primary candidate to a general election candidate. so they're going to be adopting a different strategy, and sometimes that means you have to get a different coach. you have to get someone in there who is calling different plays because you're in a different race. >> yeah. >> okay. we well, that seemed to be confirmed during an interview with bloomberg. this is what donald jr. had to say. >> were we involved in talking with this about him? sure. i think we left it in a good way with cory. we had a great relationship with corey. he's done something that's incredible. i wish all separations of this nature went that well. >> what we've been told is you three were -- you weren't out to get corey, but your judgment was that a change was required and you made the recommendation to him, and that's what made him decide he needed to --
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>> i think that's fair. i think in many respects he was coming to that on his own. we were there to help augment that and really think it through with him. >> one of the problems for lewandowsky despite all the scandals, the problem he had now was trump's poll numbers are starting to come down. latest monmouth poll, clinton up by eight points. the situation i hear from wendy, if you look at clinton, she has a history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory if you like in the past. so she doesn't lead well. >> well, i think for hillary clinton, she's learned from some of the past mistakes, and any campaign as i talk about, you know, some things are -- you know, you're self-inflicted and others you can't control. i think hillary clinton has learned through all of her campaigns, as did bill clinton, where you can make changes to be effective, where you may not have done well that last time, and now you can win that election by focusing in on the ground game or the message that you have. and i think hillary clinton is a
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seasoned individual as far as being in public service, but most importantly, she is sending a message about trying to ensure that everyone in this country is able to rise up, not just a few. >> speaking of clinton, she's giving a speech on the economy tomorrow and of course the perception amongst at least the republicans is that the economy isn't doing as well as it should be. what do you think we're going to hear in this speech tomorrow, and do you think clinton needs to kind of distance herself from the obama administration's policy, especially when it comes to economics? >> well, i think, you know, you look at the fact that we have come out of the, you know, great recession or depression, whatever you want to say in 2008, and we have had in that time period a democratic president who has brought us to a point where a deficit has been reduced, unemployment has been reduced. i think what hillary clinton is going to focus in on is how do we korea mocreate more sustaina, that you're not having to have
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two jobs to be able to have that house or apartment or whatever it may be. i think she's going to focus on infrastructure, focus on technology, focus on the jobs of the future. >> let's look at the situation for the trump campaign. one of the criticisms of corey lewandowsky is he did not set up the proper ground game. washington post had this great graphic. bernie sanders, hillary clinton hillary clint and then the staff of donald trump. there's a tiny number currently working for donald trump. trump says he has about 70 staff. when you look at these sort of organizational issues, this potentially down the line, this is a huge problem for donald trump. you can be cheap only to a point, can't you? >> based on that graphic, he looked like the little engine that could. >> he does, very much so. >> he's changing the dynamic, and i think american politics have changed. i think before having a huge war chest actually meant something because you needed to buy the tv
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time. you needed to fill people's mailboxes with mailers. but now based on facebook and social networking, social media, free media, i think things have change and i think donald trump has proven in the republican primary by beating jeb bush and marco rubio and ted cruz and people with a lot more money than him -- >> but he's acknowledged that he can't go about it with self-funding alone. in the general election, he said i'm going 0 have to turn to donors and i need contributions coming from the outside. do you think there's a fundamental problem where you have some major donors that are extremely hesitant to contribute to his campaign not only because of the tone but as john was mentioning, the organizational and infrastructure issues that they're seeing play out. >> there's no question he's going to have to transition from being a primary candidate to a general election candidate, and i think that was the primary reason that corey went. >> let's look at the money factor here because the numbers we got through from the fec, clinton has $42 million on hand. trump has just $1.3 million.
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there's also a super pac which has got $50 million standing by. if you look at staff numbers, which is, you know, compared to clinton and trump, clinton is up by what, about seven, eight points. given the infrastructure she has, shouldn't she be aheadly light years at this point? >> as you may recall and when we talked here before, there are different phases of your campaign, and when you had both she and bernie sanders in the race, it was closer than once she was the presumptive nominee. same with donald trump. you know, the numbers changed as each candidate dropped out. i think we're confident that her numbers are going to continue to grow. you see that trump isn't mentioning his polling numbers anymore. what you're seeing is her investment is going to pay off in those states where they're going to be battleground states and that's a really important part of it, and it's going to be hard to catch up. >> when we talk about trump, it has been a rough past couple weeks for him, and after the firing of lewandowsky, he was on fox news talking about a new direction for his campaign.
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let's take a listen to what he had to say there first. >> i think it's time now for a different kind of a campaign. we ran a small, beautiful, well unified campaign. it worked very well in the primaries. i think i'm probably going to do some of that. i want to keep it a little bit very much in control. as an example, i have 73 people. hillary clinton has like almost 900 people, and we're in the same position. >> so new campaign. what is exactly going to be new? the tone? sounding more presidential? more staff? i mean -- >> more money? >> more money? take us through what we're talking about. >> does he reach into the back pocket? >> i think you start with different staff is what we're starting with today. >> clearly. >> and a different attitude going into it. but, look, i don't think he needs to change the dynamic that much because if you look at hillary clinton's past, she had all the money, all the endorsements. she was the huge favorite in the primary against bernie sanders, and she lost in a bunch of places that she had no business
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losing. she was ahead by 20 points in michigan just weeks before that primary against bernie sanders. bernie sanders ended up upsetting her. i think that she's got a lot of flaws, and donald trump will be able to exploit those if he is able to articulate that message in the general. >> very quickly, democrat elizabeth warren, the senator from massachusetts again mocking donald trump. this happened over the weekend after reports that donald trump was considering scott brown, who is the former massachusetts senator who elizabeth warren beat. he was considering brown to be his v.p. and elizabeth warren went on to mock both of them. >> and i hear that donald trump is floating scott brown as a possible running mate. and i thought, ah, so donald trump really does have a plan to help the unemployed. and let's face it. nobody knows more about losing to a girl than scott brown. think of it as the perfect
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reality tv show. celebrity apprentice meets the biggest loser. >> this is all part of the feud between elizabeth warren and donald trump. he has been calling her pocahontas, sort of mocking her claim to native american heritage. he was asked just a few hours ago if he regrets that. >> i do regret calling her pocahontas because i think it's a tremendous insult to pocahontas. so to pocahontas, i would like to apologize to you. >> not exactly -- the new campaign looks like the old campaign. >> elizabeth warren beat a republican in massachusetts, so way to bring them to their knees there, ace. >> wendy, last word. >> i think that we're going to see the divide between hillary clinton and donald trump grow even more. she's going to continue to go and win in november. and i think particularly she's going to be focusing on the issues. and the free media that donald trump has been getting is not going to the same he's been getting for this last year.
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he's going to be tougher. >> thanks for the lively discussion. appreciate it. >> a couple more months to go. can't wait. thanks guy. well the man arrested for grabbing a police officer's gun at a trump rally admits that he wanted to use it to kill the republican candidate. >> police arrested 19-year-old michael sanford at a trump event in las vegas on saturday. he's now charged with violating two federal laws and could face a decade in prison if he is convicted. u.s. senators could not get enough partisan support to pass four gun control measured introduced. the amendment included expanded background checks and preventing gun sales to anyone on the government's terror watch list. >> a fifth measure will be introduced on tuesday by moderate republican senator susan collins. >> it's nothing new that susan collins is trying to make a compromise, and it's a good thing. but the key question is not whether susan collins will step forward and try to author a
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compromise but whether 20 republicans will finally join her so we can get something done. that is the key question. >> the collins measure would block people on the government's no fly list from buying guns. the fbi has released full transcripts of the orlando gunman's phone calls with police during his rampage that killed 49 people. they released redacted versions earlier monday removing references to isis and its leader. >> but a public backlash prompted the fbi to disclose the entire transcripts. they insist the decision to initially redact the references was strategic. >> part of the redacting is meant to not give credence to individuals who have done terrorist acts in the past. we're not going to prop gate their rhetoric, their violent rhetoric, and we see no value in
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putting those individual's names back out there. we're trying to prevent future acts from happening again, and for cowards like this one, people like that influence them, so we're not going to continue to put their names out front. >> chris vause is with us now, his new book is called never split the difference. negotiating as if your life depended on it. chris, thanks for being with us. talk about the issue with the redacting the transcripts and then releasing them. this seems to be really badly handled by the fbi. >> well, i think the department of justice made the decision behind that. it looks like a committee decision and committee decisions are usually bad. i can think of a couple reasons why they might hesitate in putting the whole thing out. terrorism at the end of the day is about marketing and attention. and they're trying to limit the marketing and attention they can get for the groups of criminals. it doesn't take any courage to attack people who are unarmed, so they're trying to limit that. >> there are also chunks
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conversations missing in terms of it being released, what was being discussed between the negotiators and the terrorist himself. give us a sense of what was going on inside. i guess what's the negotiators' role, what are tre trying to do? >> the negotiator's job is to engage and distract. most people think the primary distraction is a flash bang, but the real primary distraction device is a telephone. they can get them on the phone and distract them. and an important thing that's happening when they're distracting them is no one is getting killed. for about 28 minutes, they slowed him down. they distracted him. they kept people from getting killed. they had a concern while there were people bleeding, there were also people that weren't shot yet. the first job was to keep more people from getting shot. >> one of the reasons putting this transcript out there was to sort of, as an answer to that criticism that they didn't do the right thing or the response was adequate. knowing what we know now, what's your assessment? >> well, first of all, the negotiators engaged in about 50
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minutes into the siege from the sound of the first shot being fired. that's actually fairly quick, as difficult as it is to get an entire team there. so they engaged and they began to distrablth him and began to gather information. everything that i s from this so far looks like law enforcement proceeded with what i'd like to call deliberate urgency, as fast as they possibly can without being recless. >> you don't think there's anything that could have been done to minimize the number of people killed, 49 people? y you don't think they could have moved in quicker while the terrorist was being distracted? >> one of the real problems is they have to make sure that they don't contribute to the problem, and police going in haphazardly, they get shot, and now the problem is exponentially worse. so they have to be very careful that when they go in, that they make sure it works. it's dangerous, and they do it in a calculated fashion. >> very quickly, why not release what was -- the 29 minutes that was the summary? why not release all of it. >> again, it looks like a committee decision to me. i probably wouldn't have done
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that myself, but i don't know the thinking that went behind it. i can see pro and con. they want to maintain integrity of the investigation. but you can see what happens when they don't let it all out at one time. >> people think there's a cover-up. >> transparency is always good, isn't it? >> chris, thanks for dropping by. >> thank you. >> a short break here. when we come back, brazil is grappling with a political and a health crisis and now security issues after a shoot-out at a rio hospital. also rio is looking for a financial life line as it prepares to host the summer olympic games. just ahead, the plea for help from the state's acting governor. bend me shape me, any way you want me
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brazil is struggling with the zika virus and political upheaval ahead of the summer olympics. >> now it's also facing concerns about safety in the host city, rio de janeiro, after a deadly hospital attack. >> joining us now is nick paton walsh in rio de janeiro with the very latest. so, nick, let's start with this attack that happened at rio de janeiro's largest public hospital. take us through what exactly happened. >> reporter: well, the most
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important thing you need to know about this hospital is it is one of five designated to deal with the potential half a million visitors they expect for the olympics here. susan aguillar is close to the football stadium where the opening ceremony of the olympic games will occur. now, sunday morning, there we saw apparently 20 masked men launch an attack on that hospital. their goal was to try to get hold of a man who is an alleged drug kingpin. now, pictures we've seen on local media suggest he was handcuffed to a stretcher there, arrested a week ago, being held there by police. he got treatment for what you could see in the pictures they showed were substantial wounds to his head. now, they were clearly successful in bringing him out of that hospital. witnesses describing explosions and tense gunfire in the hospital corridors themselves. and now brazilian media showing
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to many police surrounding that area. this is part of the life here in brazil that happens very often, but nobody really expected it would try and take over such a vital part of the health structure that is supposed to be assisting olympic visitors just weeks from now, amara. >> that is also shocking. as you say, nick, a lot of problems that brazil is dealing with right now, including this financial crisis, the state of public emergency when it comes to the financial administration. talk to us a little bit more about that because they need cash. the state of rio needs cash. will they get it, and, again, what services will be impacted when it comes to the olympics? >> reporter: well, everyone's known for a period of time that rio state, rio city are in financial trouble. that's been no secret. you can see it when you hear police talk of problems with their financing, when universities are on strike, when hospitals have severe visible issues. that came to the surface, though, in a very unprecedented,
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unexplained way late friday when the rio state acting governor came out with an official declaration declaring a state of emergency, saying we're in severe trouble. we're going to cut through the red tape here. we may need extra loans, and a plea for broader federal help from the higher levels of brazil's government. there was an emergency meeting this day in which the federal government was supposed to address that. the initial signals we got from that meeting because there are many different states across all of brazil competing for extra federal cash, not just rio here to have the added leverage of being the host of the olympic games just weeks from now. the initial signals we get there that meeting is they're going to institute a plan of delayed debt repayment. but there's no immediate sign that, according to local media reports, $850 million worth of immediate cash injection rio wanted is immediately forthcoming. that's a huge problem because in that warning put out friday, the local government were very clear
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that would impact health care, police services potentially, and i think more importantly, for those coming here for their holiday frankly to view the olympic games, that sort of backdrop of a welcome of security, of safety, of working hospitals that people really need to feel comfortable. so, amara, aside from this one hospital attack, we have a broadening climate here, i think, of pessimism about how well the government here is equipped to deal with this massive international event. >> a lot of worrying events popping up as the olympics are just a few weeks away in rio. nick paton walsh, good to have you with us. thanks for that in rio de janeiro. coming up next for our viewers in asia, state of the race with kate bolduan. >> and for viewers everywhere else, ahead a divided uk preparing to cast its vote. 9 final days of the brexit campaign and what the polls are showing. that's next. also, we'll show you how jo cox's colleagues in the british parliament paid tribute to her.
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man 1:man 2: i am. woman: ex-military? man 2: four tours. woman: you worked with computers? man 2: that's classified, ma'am. man 1: but you're job was network security? man 2: that's classified, sir. woman: let's cut to the chase, here... man 1: what's you're assessment of our security? man 2: [ gasps ] porous. woman: porous? man 2: the old solutions aren't working. man 2: the world has changed. man 1: meaning? man 2: it's not just security. it's defense. it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems.
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welcome, everyone. you are watching "cnn newsroom" live from los angeles. i'm amara walker. >> i'm john vause. 11:30 here. the jordanian military says a car bomb near the syrian border killed a number of soldiers in an apparent terror attack. this all happened early morning local time in an area directly across from a refugee camp hosting tens of thousands of syrian refugees who are not allowed to enter jordan. the u.s. senate has rejected four gun control amendments
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introduced after the gun massacre. senators could not get enough by partisan support for the measures. the fbi have released a full transcript of the 911 call made by the gunman in the orlando shootings. it confirms reports the shooter pledged allegiance to isis and called himself an islamic soldier while speaking to negotiators. the june 12th attack killed 49 people at a gay nightclub. british politicians return to parliament monday and gave a moving tribute to their slain colleague jo cox. roses marked the empty seat where cox usually sat in the house of commons. she was killed last thursday in the northern english village of birstall. >> it's unclear whether jo cox's murder will have an effect on the brexit referendum, but the tone of the debate is now more subdued. >> the vote is just two days away, and the final debate of the campaign will happen in front of a live audience tuesday night at wembley arena. london mayor sadiq kahn will argue to remain in the eu while
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his predecessor boris johnson will represent the leave sign. >> british newspapers are taking positions to telegraph urging readers to leave. lord roger little is the chair of the policy network and the author of the risk of brexit. he joins us now from london. >> hi there. >> thank you for being with us. is it right for a newspaper like the telegraph and the others to take such a firm stance for britain to leave the eu? is that a legitimate part of the debate? >> well, our media has very many biases, and i think the british press is very robust in its views on this subject. and i think that 80% of british newspaper readers read newspapers that are advocating coming out of europe. so it will be an interesting test of how influential the press is. >> well, the british foreign secretary made the point on
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monday to leave is forever. this is some of what he had to say. >> the message that we're trying to get across to the british people is that this is an irreversible decision. if britain decides to leave, there will be no going back. britain could never rejoin the european union at a later date except on terms that would be unacceptable to it. >> do you think that message is resonating with voters? do they realize that should this referendum favor the leave campaign and should britain decide to leave the uk, that there will be no turning back? >> well, there are signs as polling day approaches of a more realistic approach, as it were, on the part of the electorate. i think that emotionally a lot of people wanted to give europe a good kicking, and that meant that in the early phase of the campaign, the leave position took a lead. but the gap is now narrowing,
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and i think that's because people realize the importance of this decision for britain. that it is, as philip hammond says, an irreversible decision. that all our friends in the rest of the world want us to stay. that there are huge economic risks in leaving. so i think that there is a realistic mood, and the death of that -- the tragic death and murder of jo cox in yorkshire, i think, has helped bring about that more realistic mood. >> you talked about giving europe a good kicking. john oliver summed up the brexit debate like this. please listen. >> immigration policy may not change. hysteria over regulation is a red herring. the costs of member are reasonable and the economic benefits of staying appear to outweigh the costs, and yet polls suggest my homeland is on the edge of doing something
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absolutely insane. and on some level, i actually kind of understand because there is an innate british desire to tell europe to go [ bleep ] itself. >> i mean i guess the point here is essentially there are concerns within britain, but maybe those concerns aren't enough to drive an exit from the eu. >> well, i think that what we're seeing across your and in the united states is a great revolt against the elite, and this is, you know, a chance to give the elites a kicking. on the other hand, it has very, very profound consequences for the country. and i think that in the end, realism will prevail. >> lord liddle, thank you so much for getting up early and being with us. we appreciate it, sir. >> thank you. thank you. still to come here on "cnn newsroom," expectations of a bloody summer in chicago. dozens of shootings over father's day weekend alone. we'll tell you what's being done to try to stop the violence.
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don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. the heartland u.s. city of chicago is reporting 13 murders and 40 people wounded in 54 separate shootings over just last weekend. >> the victims include a 16-year-old boy killed in a drive-by shooting, a 3-year-old boy wounded in another drive-by. worse than that, the murder toll is not unusual. >> andrew holmes, a chicago community activist joining us now. you know, president obama has obviously spoken out a lot about more gun control measures, but he's also from chicago, the south side. he has a home there, and so the gun violence has hit close to
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president obama and the first lady's home. i want to play you some sound from last year where president obama talks about this persistent issue. take a listen. >> i live on the south side of chicago, so my house is pretty close to some places where shootings take place. because that's real, we've got to get on top of it before it becomes an accelerating trend. >> so is it an accelerating trend? i mean is it too late to stop it from becoming an accelerating trend, and what needs to change to stop the violence that we're seeing on the streets every day pretty much in chicago? >> well, this gun violence has been accelerating for years and years. it hasn't just started just because obama has been the president. this has been since the 70s and 80s, and it's constantly increasing. >> i just want to show our audience some statistics about
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the gun violence in chicago. this is coming from the chicago times. on average, two people are murdered every day in chicago. 311 homicides in this year, 2016. 1,771 people shot this year in chicago from the beginning of the year until june 20th, 2016. 2,988 people shot in 2015. you know, chicago still sees more gun violence than the rest of the country. you know, i got to bring the politics back in because we continually hear, you know, opponents of stricter gun laws say, well, look at chicago. they have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. yet you see these kinds of statistics. more violence than many major cities in the country. what do you say to that? >> well, it is worser, and they're absolutely right. but we got the toughest laws, to me n the united states.
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why keep making laws if our judicial system once those individuals are faced with their crime, quit slapping them on the wrists, quit putting them back out here on the streets. i mean let them sit. if they have to pay the consequences, they have to pay the consequences. why give them home monitoring when they're on home monitoring already and they're still out and they go out and commit another crime, maybe murder? so we need to be working all around, even with the judicial system. quit looking at this as a joke. these are people's lives being lost. you know, little kids, 6, 7. 2-year-old shot on the streets. it's an insult. >> andrew, i know that from living in chicago, you were always one of the first people there, you know, responding to yet another deadly shooting, gang violence, what have you, in chicago. and i understand just last year, your daughter was killed, caught in the crossfire not in chicago, but this is in the neighboring
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state in indiana, in indianapolis. how has your life changed since your daughter was killed, and how has that impacted your activism in the chicago community? >> well, it took a total change in my life. i want it to stop. i didn't want to work anymore. i didn't want to do anything anymore, because that was my first born. and it hurts like hell that i don't have my child anymore. but, you know, it never would be no comfort. but i wanted to end it all. i didn't want to help anybody anymore. i just gave up. but, you know, the spirit and the prayers, i had to get back out here and do what i was doing best. >> that's inspiring to see you channel that hurt into something good. andrew holmes, thank you for your time. >> yes, ma'am. well, up next, led zeppelin on trial accused of stealing the intro to their classic song
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"stairway to heaven." we'll have the very latest on the court hearing, and we'll also break down the songs chord by chord. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing they keep telling me "drink more water." "exercise more." i know that. "try laxatives..." i know. believe me. it's like i've. tried. everything!
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centurylink. your link to what's next. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. welcome back, everybody. a copyright infringement trial against rock group led zeppelin
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resumes tuesday in los angeles. their hit, "stairway to heaven" is at the center of the case and millions of dollars in potential royalties are at stake. the band spirit says zeppelin stole the iconic riff from their song, "taurus." thanks for coming in. >> of course. >> we're at the point now where the defense is asking for this all to be dismissed on a number of legal grounds, and the first one is that no one has actually proved copyright ownership of the song "taurus," which is the other song involved in all of this. >> exactly. so the plaintiff in this case is the trustee for a song writer from spirit who died in '97. the thing is, though, that "taurus" was written as a work for hire. in other words, he signed over the copy right renewal right to a music publishing company. so led zeppelin is basically saying the plaintiff doesn't have basis to sue because they don't actually own the rights to the composition. >> so the judge has to consider that. the other issue is what they
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call access. what does that mean? >> right. access basically means whether led zeppelin ever had the opportunity to hear "taurus," you know, before writing "stairway to heaven." led zeppelin did open for the band back in their early days, so this would have been like -- >> "taurus" opened for -- >> no. led zeppelin opened for "taurus" -- for spirit, which is an older band. so, you know, but they played only like a handful of shows together on the same venue on the same night. and none of the witnesses that the plaintiff brought to the trial were able to establish that they actually played "taurus" during those shows in which they overlapped. so there was no way to prove whether or not they actually ever heard the song. the other thing is that jimmy page, he actually owns the spiritual bum, you know. he went back through his collection and says, i do own the album that the song is on, but i have a collection of 10,000 albums, and there's no way to prove when i actually bought it. >> okay. so once the judge decides on these points, do we know how
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long he has for this and then what happened? >> so led zeppelin has made this motion today that they filed. they say they want the judge to just stop the trial before the jury has, you know, a chance to deliberate. if it continues to proceed, then they begin to debate issues of similarity in terms of the music itself. you know, which is interesting because the copyright claim is not over the song recordings. it's over, like, the literal sheet music that was filed at the u.s. copyright office. so during this case, the jury is not actually able to hear the actual led zeppelin recording of "stairway to heaven" or spirit's recording of "taurus." it's just, you know -- >> notes on a page. >> it's notes on a page, or they bring in experts to play the sheet music, which sounds very different from the final product. >> one thing which has come out already is just how much money led zeppelin has made over the years, but not specifically out of "stairway to heaven." >> that's right. so they brought in an expert to sort of -- sort of an economic expert to calculate the value of
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led zeppelin's total catalog was about just under $60 million for the past -- the three years under which the sort of statute is in place. now, how much of that can be -- you know, is attributed to "stairway to heaven" has yet to be determined if any even can determine such a thing. >> okay. millions of dollars are at stake one way or the other. thanks for breaking it down and explaining all of that. >> absolutely. >> this lawsuit has become a bit of fodder for late night television in. the late show with host stephen colbert plays samples. he had this prediction for led zeppelin. >> i've listened to both songs, and i'm not sure zep ripped them off, but i got to say it makes me wonder. ♪ really makes me wonder ♪ and the elves and the fairies ♪ >> judge for yourselves. here's "stairway to heaven."
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♪ >> and here's "taurus" by spirit. ♪ >> they're screw the. -- screwed. >> we should mention that stephen colbert is deaf in one ear. i spoke with guitarist about the similarities between "stairway to heaven" and "taurus." >> let me play the guitar package from "taurus" for you and then i'll explain it a bit more. so here we go. ♪ >> and then it repeats again.
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"stairway to heaven." ♪ >> okay. so this is the a minor cord with a descending bass. >> so what happens, both songs have the a minor chord. so it's -- ♪ >> now, the difference is, here's where they're alike. here's where they're different. "taurus" is just -- ♪ >> okay? all in the a minor chord. "stairway to heaven," however -- ♪ >> and then to a d seventh. to an f seventh. and then we pick up on a g and resolve on a minor. so it resolves whereas "taurus"
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hangs. >> okay. some critics have actually said that could be the big difference here because that changes the entire tone of this piece, of this riff completely. >> and i will be -- i will say there is one other thing that changes this riff as well. that is a valid point, that it does change it a bit. however, "taurus" does also, in its own way, resolve because it comes out of that -- ♪ >> then -- ♪ >> with a d over it. and then -- ♪ >> and then it does resolve because it comes back. so the argument could be made well it does resolve, but when it comes back to the next measure, it resolves there. in your ear, it resolves. the other thing is that with "stairway to heaven," you have both the descending baseline. ♪ >> but you also have a melody line that ascends before it comes back to f sharp, which is the -- ♪
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so you have that ascending melody as well, which is not in "taurus." >> it's the tone and the pace and the feel. >> yes, also one other thing i should mention is how the notes are metered in written notation, which is for the most part, there are some variations, but for the most part they are quarter notes, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one two, three, four. you know, they follow that similar pacing the way they're notated. so that's another similarity there. but i think you have to really listen -- before you make up your mind about this, you have to listen to the two recordings and hear them and judge them on how they feel and, you know, i think that's where you're going to really make up your mind. and before we go, some breaking news out of brussels. agents cite belgian media
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reporting police have arrested a man near a shopping center. a bomb threat response. the prime minister is meeting with the country's crisis response center. over this possible bomb threat. we'll have a live report next hour on cnn. i'm john vause. the news continues with rosemary church after a short break. ♪ it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the cla250 for $299 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and, of course, all around the world. i'm rosemary church. thanks for your company. some breaking news now out of brussels. the press cites belgian media reporting police have arrested a man near a shopping center who was acting suspiciously, which triggered a bomb threat response. now, it happened early tuesday morning in the center of the belgian capital. the prime minister is meeting with the country's crisis response center over the possible bomb threat. and cnn's erin mclaughlin joins us now on the phone from
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brussels. what more are you able to tell us about this? >> reporter: hi, rosemary. we're still reaching out to belgian authorities for our own confirmation, but belgian media is reporting that an anti-terror operation under way at a shopping mall right in the heart of brussels. one suspect has been arrests. the suspect, according to belgian media, possibly carrying explosives. that arrest took place at 5:30 this morning, and we're now hearing from eyewitnesses in the area that the area around the shopping mall itself, which was sealed off, is now back open. all of this having triggered a kries meeting with the belgian prime minister at the helm, which we understand is now under way. now, just to give you a little bit of context for all of this, it follows on a series of terror raids that took place friday into saturd into saturday. dozens of homes were searched by belgian police across 16
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municipalities in brussels. prosecutors at the time saying the results from an ongoing investigation necessitated what they characterized to be immediate intervention, and belgian state broadcaster rtbs was reporting that the overnight raids were made over a week after messages were intercepted indicating attacks having been planned. possible targets being placed where belgian football plans congregate to watch euro 2016. now, it's unclear if those raids which took place friday into saturday are in any way connected to the arrest made in the early hours of this morning. >> and, erin, i know it is early at this point trying to determine, trying to piece this together. one man arrested. when do you think we're likely to learn from authorities about what exactly is happening at this moment and more, perhaps on the man arrested? >> reporter: well, hopefully very shortly. as i mentioned, there is that
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crisis meeting taking place, and the belgian prosecutor at the moment, we are reaching out to for further comment. so hopefully we will get more details as to the exact nature of this man, of the suspect, what he was doing at the small hours of the morning at that shopping mall right in the heart of brussels. and we expect to get more information on that shortly. >> all right. our erin mclaughlin joining us on the line there from brussels. one suspect arrested in this possible brussels bomb threat, and we know this crisis meeting is under way. we hope to bring you more details. of course we'll stay right on top of this story. donald trump's presidential campaign is facing another setback. new filings show the billionaire is facing an historic cash crunch heading into the summer campaign. trump's camp has just over $1 million in the bank.
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that's tens of millions of dollars less than his democratic opponent. hillary clinton's campaign is at $42 million. a new monmouth university poll shows clinton leading trump by eight points among likely u.s. voters. now, meanwhile, trump fired his top campaign manager monday. you probably heard a lot about that. senior white house correspondent jim acosta has more details. >> reporter: the uprising against donald trump's sharp-elbowed campaign manager corey lewandowski has been building for weeks. then over the weekend, campaign sources tell cnn the mutiny began. with trump's daughter, ivanka, her husband and campaign adviser jared kushner, along with trump's sons and campaign manager paul manafort all pleading with trump to fire lewandowsky. as one source put it, the family was not happy. another adviser added manafort, a lewandowsky rival, told trump it's him or me. >> why were you fired? >> i don't know. i don't know the answer to that.
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>> reporter: lewandowsky told cnn's dana bash he had no idea why he was fired, but sources say the family was outraged over lewandowsky's handling of michelle fields, the reporter he grabbed on video leading to charges that were later dropped. other campaign sources accused luntd of egging on trump's more inflammatory remarks, notably on an mexican american judge overseeing the lawsuits against trump university. >> this skbruj is of mexican heritage. i'm building a wall. >> as one staffer tweeted, ding dong, the witch is dead. lewandowsky brushed that off. >> in all campaigns, you've got detractors and supporters. things change as the campaign evolves. it's been an honor and a privilege to be part of this. >> reporter: the campaign shake up comes after a brutal stretch for come, including sagging poll numbers weighed down by a series of unforced errors. the latest monmouth poll shows trump trailing hillary clinton by seven points in a general election match up. while trump advisers are down
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playing lewandowsky's departure -- >> i think we're shifting to a new phase of the campaign as we approach the convention. >> reporter: they're pointing to a new campaign structure that's now in place. manafort is now fully in charge of the campaign right under trump, while the roles of trump's daughter, ivanka, and her husband, jared kushner, are clearing growing inside the campaign. >> jared is a very successful real estate person, but i actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate. >> reporter: but trump hasn't always taken their advice. >> ivanka would say be more presidential. and i started thinking, and i said i can. you know, being presidential is easy. >> reporter: the question now for the trump campaign, gop sources say, is whether the candidate will change as well or just continue to stir controversy like with his comments this weekend about the orlando shooting. >> but if you had somebody with a gun strapped onto their hip, somebody with a gun strapped onto their ankle and you had bullets going in the opposite
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direction right at this animal who did this, you would have had a very, very different result. believe me, folks. >> reporter: jim acosta, cnn, washington. >> and the man arrested for grabbing a police officer's gun at a trump rally admits he wanted to kill the republican candidate. police arrested 19-year-old michael sanford after i tried to pull the officer's weapon from its holster saturday in las vegas. he is now charged with violating two federal laws and could face a decade in prison if convicted. the crucial vote on whether or not the uk will stay in the european union is still a few days away. it's too close to call, but the latest polls are easing some investors' fears by suggesting the leave campaign is losing momentum. the european markets just
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opened. let's look at those numbers. you can see the london footsie down half a percent there. it had been up about 3% the day before. in paris, down .36%. you can see there in too, in asia, the markets up. for the nikkei. but down in china with the shanghai composite. most asian markets are betting that they were looking at the brexit and they were betting on -- they're saying opinion polls suggesting that britain would perhaps stay in the european union, but we don't know at this point. now, the final debate of the campaign will happen in front of a live audience tuesday night at wembley arena. phil black joins us now from london with the details. so, phil, global markets reacting. they were reacting positively. today, not so sure, certainly as european markets open.
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but there was a suggestion that britain may vote to stay in the eu. but just how close is this, and how is this final debate likely to impact the outcome? >> reporter: rosemary, there has been talk of a shift in momentum back to the remain campaign, especially since the shooting death of the british mp jo cox last week, someone who was very firmly in favor of britain staying within the european union. but polling suggests it is still simply too close to call. so these final two days of campaigning are all about securing the undecided, the waverers, the people who are yet to commit one way or another. it's the reason why the remain camp is very much focusing at the moment on the whole permanence of what they say is the very long-term consequences of this vote, stressing the once in a generation nature of this big political question. and you're right. tonight this is all going to be
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thrashed out before an audience of 6,000 people at wembley ar a arena. around six panelists divided between the two campaigns. on one side you're going to have the recently elected mayor of london, sadiq kahn, very much in favor of britain staying with the european union, up against his predecessor as london mayor, but still a very prominent conservative politician, a leading figure in the brexit camp, and that is boris johnson. so it will be a big television event to be sure, and certainly they will be working very hard on both sides. we're going to be seeing this a lot over the next few days. both sides really going out, trying to get the people who are undecided to really lock down and confirm the view in the way they hope they will. >> yeah, they're the people they're after. of course billionaire george sor es is warning that a brexit vote will mean a huge drop in the pound. what impact is that likely to have on voting? >> reporter: well, there had been a lot of warnings about the
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financial impact, particularly from the remain camp, and that has been broadly labeled as project fear and somewhat dismissed by the people who are arguing that britain should leave the european union. today the very famous financial speculator writes in the guardian newspaper that he believes that because of that ready dismissal of the financial warnings, people are simply underestimating the true nature of the financial impact that a brexit vote will have. and of course he's an expert in currency matters, and so he makes the point -- he writes this. he says it would have at least one very clear and immediate effect that will touch every household. the value of the pound would decline precipitously. it would also have an immediate and dramatic impact on financial market investment prices and jobs. how much is he predicting it could decline? he's talking about a drop by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%. he thinks that becomes even more likely after the rally on the pound yesterday, which saw it secure its biggest one-day gains
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in about seven years or so. so it's a very serious warning from a financial figure with a great deal of credibility. he's warning that people simply are underestimating the effects, and he's warning about the possible impact over brexit. he's talking about the week could end with what he describes as a black friday, rosemary. >> yeah, and we'll see in just a matter of days whether his warning has any impact on the outcome of that vote. it is just after 8:00 in the morning there in london. talking to our phil black. many thanks to you for joining us. well, let's check some other news now. the jordanian military says a car bomb near the syrian border has killed several soldiers in an apparent terror attack. it happened early morning local time in an area called the berm. it's directly across from a refugee camp housing tens of thousands syrian refugees barred from entering jordan. jordan's deputy prime minister condemned the attack and called the soldiers heroes. mexico's president is
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calling for an investigation into violent teacher protests. officials say eight people were killed and dozens more wounded in clashes between teachers, police, and local residents sunday. teachers across mexico are protesting national education reforms that would change how they are evaluated. oakland, california, has named its fourth police chief in just over a week. the department has been rocked by a sex scandal and allegations of racist text messages. three police chiefs have been fired or resigned in the past nine days. the fbi has released a full transcript of the 911 calls made by the gunman in the orlando shootings. it's providing new light into the shooter's state of mind during the rampage that killed 49 people at a gay nightclub. ho our pamela brown has the details. >> reporter: omar mateen makes
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his first call to 911 33 minutes after the first reports of gunfire at pulse nightclub, telling the operator in arabic, praise be to god and prayer as well as peace be upon the prophet of god. he also pledges his allegiance to isis. >> we currently have no evidence that he was directed by a foreign terrorist group but was radicalized domestically. rsh the gunman then spends around 28 minutes on the phone with hostage negotiators, at one point demanding that america stop bombing syria and iraq. when the negotiator asks mateen what he had done, he responds, you already know what i did. he later states in the next few days, you're going to see more of this type of action going on. >> while the killer made these murderous statements, he did so in a chilling, calm, and deliberate manner. >> reporter: mateen also claims he has explosives, saying, there is some vehicle outside that has
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some bombs just to let you know. he says, i'm going to ignite it if they try to do anything stupid. later mateen tells a negotiator, he has a vest and described it as the kind they, quote, used in france. an apparent reference to the paris bombings in november, and he threatens to put suicide vests on four victims. the s.w.a.t. team commander told cnn that ramped up the risk for both civilians and first responders. >> we're way too close because if the explosives go off, we're all within a thousand feet, and we all could be killed. >> reporter: no explosives were found. the partial police transcripts show at 5:14 a.m., nearly three hours after the attack began, shots were fired again. a minute later, the gunman was reported down. today officials defended their handling the three-hour ordeal. >> our officers were within the club within minutes and engaged the suspect in gunfire. that's important because that engagement and that initial
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entry caused him to retreat, stop shooting, and barricade himself in the bathroom with hostages. so during that time, our officers were intermittently in and out of that club, saving people, rescuing people from inside the club. >> reporter: initially this was only a partial transcript with the words isis and al baghdadi, the leader of isis, omitted because department of justice officials didn't want to fuel terrorist propaganda. but then there was fierce backlash, including from the house speaker paul ryan, who said it was preposterous to omit those words. so after this backlash, the fbi and doj sent out the full transcript with those words. i'm told by officials in the department of justice, they were surprised by their reaction of those omissions. pamela brown, cnn, washington. the u.s. senate has failed to pass a series of gun amendments introduced in the wake of the orlando massacre. we will hear from both sides of
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. belgian media report police have arrested a man near a shopping center who was acting suspiciously and triggered a bomb threat response. it happened early tuesday morning in the center of the belgian capital. reuters reports that no explosives were found on the suspect. that's according to police. the message, "stand with orlando" was displayed outside the national rifle association headquarters in the u.s. last weekend's nightclub shooting has reignited a long-running debate over gun control in america. and in a sign of how divided the country and politicians are over the issue, the senate has failed to pass any of a series of gun control measures. one week after the most deadly mass shooting in modern u.s.
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history, the senate gathered monday to vote on four gun control measures. as most had predicted, a glaring partisan divide played out. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> after democrats pushed hard to secure a vote in the upper house, two measures were proposed by each side, and all of them failed to pass. had any been approved by the senate, their prospects seemed dim in the lower house. while congress stalls, what do americans think about gun policy. support for stronger firearm laws rose to 55% in the later cnn/orc poll, the highest number since just one month after the shootings in newtown, connecticut, in january 2013. >> i don't think democracy allows for this congress to be so out of step with the american public for very long. >> but a closer look at the party divide reveals a more nuanced picture.
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78% of democrats favor more restrictive laws while 68% of republicans oppose them. independents tilt in favor of stricter laws, 53% to 44%. there's no doubting the stark contrast between the u.s. and other developed nations when it comes to gun violence. there were 2.9 gun-related murders per 100,000 people in the u.s. in 2012. the number in the uk, where the sale of firearms is heavily restricted was 0.1 in 100,000 during the same year. the recent deadly shooting of politician jo cox and its potential impact on the upcoming referendum on eu membership has gripped britain, a nation where only 10% of murders are committed with guns. >> i was undecided, but it is possibly turning me more to voting in than out. >> back across the pond in the
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wake of the orlando terror attack, 85% of americans want to see gun ownership banned for those on u.s. government-maintained terror watch lists. but apart from mass shootings, isolated murders committed with guns also plague american life. perhaps nowhere is this more tragically apparent than in chicago, where shootings are both routine and grim. 13 were killed and a further 42 injured in shootings over the father's day weekend alone. [ gunfire ] >> the second amendment of the u.s. constitution, protecting the right to bear arms, has become the key bone of contention in the fight. and the 2016 presidential race is keeping with that trend. hillary clinton is urging greater restrictions, and donald trump has won the endorsement of the national rifle association, the most influential pro-tetect
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of gun rights. and while the politicians debate and orlando mourns, across the u.s., people are buying more guns, proving this issue is complicated way beyond rhetoric and poll numbers. we are going to hear from both sides of the u.s. gun debate now. we want to begin with andy parker in collinsville, virginia. his daughter is the tv reporter who was fatally shot during a live newscast last year, and he has since become a vocal advocate for gun control in virginia. thank you, sir, for being with us. and i am so sorry for your loss and, now, of course, you have to deal with this rejection by the u.s. senate of four gun control measures introduced as a result of the orlando shooting. what was your response when you heard the senate had rejected all four measures? >> rosemary, it makes my blood boil.
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unfortunately, it's not a surprise because every republican in the senate and one democrat, they value their check from the nra more than they value saving lives in this country. >> they are powerful words, and of course it is worth pointing out here that these measures would have strengthened background checks. they would have prevented the sale of guns to people on a government terror watch list. why do you think senators couldn't get enough bipartisan support for these measures despite pressure, so much pressure, to put measures in place? do you think it's simply that they want this from the gun lobby? >> unfortunately, that's exactly what it is, rosemary. and i wrote an op-ed piece for "the new york daily news" this week that essentially calls them traitors. i mean this is treason. when the definition of treason is aiding and abetting the enemy
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and when you allow terrorists that are on the -- or potential terrorists that are on the no-fly list, they can't get on an airplane, but by god, we want to protect their rights to buy weapons, what else can you call it? the vast majority of the american people want sensible gun legislation. they want background checks. we're not coming after everybody's guns. we just want to keep guns out of the wrong hands. and when these -- when these politicians reject the will of the american people, it undermines the government. it's treason. >> the thing is that this is clearly not the end of the matter. there is a lot of pressure, as you point out, from the public. they want to see some sort of measures in place. so what do you think needs to happen next? what needs to be the next step because this is clearly the initial step here. >> well, you know, at some
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point, you know, there is going to be a reckoning here, and the american people -- you know, there has been so much gun violence and so many people that have been affected by it that i think the american people are ready to say, you know, this is enough. and no matter what the gun lobby -- no matter how much money that they put into the pockets of the politicians, i think it's -- you know, it's like marriage equality. it's like slavery. i mean at some point, people are going to have enough. and i think that the fact that the -- you know, that this issue has come up in the presidential campaign, that it keeps gaining momentum, something's going to happen here because clearly these politicians on the republican side with the senator from minnesota being the lone exception on the democratic side, everybody else gets the message. but these guys don't. >> all right. andy parker, thank you so much
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for talking with us. we do appreciate it. >> thank you. and in just a moment, we will get the argument on the other side of this debate. but let's take a quick break. still to come, while uk voters try to make up their minds about the brexit, there is a plea from europe. we'll have that for you. stay with us.
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and a warm welcomeack to you all. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. i want to bring you up to date on the main stories we've been watching. belgian media report police have arrested a man near a shopping center who was acting suspiciously and triggered a bomb threat response. there's live pictures here.
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it happened early tuesday morning in the center of the belgian capital. reuters reports that no explosives were found on the suspect. that according to police. donald trump has fired controversial campaign manager corey lewandowsky just weeks before the republican convention. sources say trump's children were the driving force behind that decision. voting in the uk's pivotal referendum on eu mbship is just two days away. the final live debate is set for tuesday night in london's wembley arena. the vote is too close to call, but the latest poll suggests the leave side is losing momentum. we do want to go back now to the story we were talking about just a few minutes ago, in fact. the issue of gun control in the united states. now, we heard from an advocate in favor of restricting gun sales. for the other side of the debate, we spoke with john lott, president of the crime prevention research center and author of the forthcoming "the
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war on guns." he questions why the measures were introduced in the first place. >> none of those bills or amendments would have affected the orlando case. none of them would have stopped a single mass public shooting had they been in place during the entire obama administration or even, you know, decades before that. so i understand the desire for people to try to do something, but let's try to do something that actually is related to the attacks that we see happen. and the one thing that's common in these cases time after time is that they keep occurring in places where people aren't allowed to defend themselves. you know, whether it's the orlando case or san bernardino or others, and it just seems like that should be the issue that we talk about. >> so what are you proposing when you say that? >> well, what i'm proposing is rules that would get rid of a lot of these gun-free zones. you know, you have in orlando,
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florida is only one of ten states that ban people being able to go and take concealed handguns in areas that serve alcohol like that. >> but, sir, this is, as you say, it was a nightclub. you're not proposing that people within a nightclub where they're drinking, people get uptight even if they bump against each other, you're proposing that people in a situation like that, an environment like that, be armed? >> 40 states allow people to be armed in that situation, and yet with all the decades and all the states that we've had having those rules, you can't point to a single example that would illustrate the type of problem that you've just said. what you find is that the type of people who go through the process to get a concealed handgun permit tend to be extremely law-abiding. now, some of those states kind of treat people like designated drive drivers. if you go in there, you're not allowed to drink. others will make it a crime if you get drunk while you're
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carrying. but, you know, the question isn't what possibly might happen. let's look at the fact that 40 states allow what i was just talking about for florida, and you can't point to a single problem like the one you were worried about. >> the american people for the most part want to see some kind of gun control measures in place, though. and the proposed measured would have strengthened background checks and would have prevented the sale of guns to people on government terror watch lists. why do you have a problem with that? what is wrong with having more comprehensive background checks to make sure the person who has that gun is stable or doesn't have any intentions to create some form of terror as a result of having and owning that gun? >> right. well, there are two different types of laws. first of all i'd just point out that there's not one mass public shooting that you can point to that would have been stopped by those laws being in place. but the other thing is, is that we need to fix the problems with the current background check
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system before we go and expand it. i'll give you a simple exam. the late senator ted kennedy, there were five times when he was stopped from flying because he had a name similar to somebody that was on the no-fly list. would you count that as five times we stopped a terrorist from flying? presumably not. i mean it's one thing to stop somebody who is a felon from buying a gun. it's another thing to stop somebody who has a name similar to a felon from buying a gun. there's no reason why we should have virtually everybody who gets stopped being the wrong person. >> john lott, thank you so much for talking with us and sharing your viewpoint. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and amid the gun control debate in washington, a photo on facebook is catching many people's attention. a mother shared this picture of her daughter standing on top of a toilet, which appears innocent at first glance. but stacey said her daughter was
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practicing for a lockdown drill at her preschool. sta stacey feely joins us now via skype from michigan. thank you for being with us. stacey, we saw the picture of your lovely little girl. talk to us about why you took that picture and what you hope to accomplish with it. >> sure. thanks for having me. i took the picture initially because i thought she was doing something cute. and when i learned later that she was practicing for a lockdown drill, i was totally taken aback. you know, i spent lots of times signing petitions and doing things in regards to gun control, but i wanted -- you know, initially i just wanted my friends and family to really see some of the things that they do and how they're being affected or how my children were being affected by some of the things that are going on today and how
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society and what our children are doing at their schools and how it's changing and how different it is. >> it is certainly a powerful picture. we're looking at it there. i mean powerful and a message across america. but also for our global audience. a lot of people surprised to see such a young child going through a drill like that. what do you want to see happen in terms of gun control in america? >> i want them to know that this is my child. that their children, their grandchildren, their great grandchildren and future generations to come, and this is the society that they're growing up in. and as politicians, they single handedly have a hand in shaping and building that society that is setting the way for the way we go. and i just -- i can't imagine that they're okay with this picture. >> it is a powerful message in that one picture. stacey feeley, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> yeah, thank you.
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while the ref ref den rhetoric in britain has been a less toxic, there's a message of unity from europe. we need you. that is the plea from the president of the european council, donald tusk. early he urged the british people to stay with us. so richard branson has launched his own campaign to keep britain in the eu. virgin group employs around 50,000 people in britain, and branson says a brexit would be devastating for the uk. >> if we were to give it up, i think it would be pretty catastrophic for a long-term future of great britain, but also for europe. i think as far as great brirnt is concerned, it would be a financial disaster. you would see the pound collapsing and trade being stifled and a danger that things like the financial center of europe being in london could
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easily move to europe. >> and sir bill cash is a member of parliament who has been warning the european union is a corrupt superstate for 30 years now. he joins us from london. thank you, sir, for talking with us. now, of course, you want britain to leave the eu, but just days before that vote is held, new opinion polls suggest the leave campaign has lost momentum. now, it is too close to call, but many are suggesting the remain campaign could very well win. what is your reaction to that? >> well, i don't think you can go by it at all. those of us who are members of parliament are listening to people on the ground. opinion polls are extremely bad as far as the last general election were concerned. they got it all wrong. and frankly at the moment, i believe that the british people are poised to leave. but having said that, i do listen to what both donald tusk
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and richard branson have just said. as regards donald tusk, the reality is that they say they need us. but actually what's happening is our democracy and our sovereignty is being undermined. american viewers will understand this very well. they would never contemplate the idea of having majority voting, most of it done behind closed doors without proper open discussion in their parliament. and also, for example, the supreme court being overruled by another supreme court or america being governed by other countries. and that is the democratic question for which people fought and died, including, if i may say, americans in the last world war to maintain our democracy. and as far as richard branson is concerned, he's completely wrong. all these huge, great big businessmen, there are many, many of them making enormous noise at the moment. >> what about billionaire george
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soros. he is saying a brexit would have incredible impact on the pound. that's going to have some sort of influence on those undecided voters, isn't it? >> well, he made a complete killing the last time around if you remember when we were going into the single currency and all those sort of things and the erm. but really and truly, the bottom line on all this is this. the really big businesses are actually have got it wrong over and over and over again. they got it wrong over the erm, which caused catastrophe for business. they got it completely wrong over the euro. and can i say something about the single market. the fact is we have a deficit in goods and services, imports and exports with the other 27 member states of 67 billion pounds a year. and we have a global trade surplus in the same goods and services with the rest of the world of over 30 billion, which went up by 8 billion alone last year. so what i'm really saying is that we've got a democratic
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argument. we've got an economic argument. the democratic argument is absolutely crystal clear. people should govern themselves, and i know that american viewers will understand that very well. as respects the question of trade, actually we have got a fantastic opportunity with the rest of the world, and the fact is that the eu, which runs our trade policy, not ourselves, the eu runs it, the european commission actually has failed to engage in and to achieve five different trade deals. it just doesn't work. europe is dysfunctional. protests and riots all over europe, and more and more people are turning against it. and half the countries of europe now want referendums because they know it doesn't work. >> it is a divisive issue for sure, and of course the undecided voters there, the people you're trying to appeal to, it is too close to call at this point. but we will know come thursday when people across britain vote on this.
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many thanks to you, sir bill cash, for talking with us. appreciate it. for a closer look at the uk referendum including how much your vote could matter, if you're in britain, just head over to, and we'll take a quick break here. we'll be right back. stay with us. why are you still using credit karma? just wanna see if my score changed. why would our scores have changed? we haven't changed that, we haven't.
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the international olympic committee is hours away from deciding whether russia's track and field athletes can compete in the 2016 games. the world governing body for athletics banned the team after a report uncovered widespread doping. senior international correspondent matthew chance is live from russia with the very latest. so, matthew, obviously russia wanting to see an outcome here that sees their athletes competing. but what is the sense how this is likely to end? >> reporter: well, i think at first on friday, when the iaaf, the world governing athletics body made its decision it was
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going to keep the ban on russian track and field athletes in place, there was first of all anger. but there was also some hope expressed by the sports ministry here and by various athletes. there could be a reprieve from the international olympic committee. but that was always water poured on that by lord coe, the president saying it's them that decide whether athletes compete internationally or not. in the days since then, it's sort of emerged that the ioc are most likely going to back up the iaaf in that ban. they may even consider looking at banning all russian athletes, not today but later on this next month. banning all russian athletes from taking part in the olympics. so it's just going from bad to worse, it seems, for the russians. there was a big investigation, of course, as a result of various revelations and allegations and reports about the state of doping in this country. and although progress has been made according to the iaaf,
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there's still a deep-seated culture, their latest report says, in terms of the tolerance towards doping. so in terms of russian athletes, particularly track and field athletes going to rio when it starts at the end of next month, it's looking pretty bad, rosemary. >> all right. matthew chance bringing us the latest on the russian doping story. 10:49 in the morning in russia. many thanks to you, matthew. well, so far some new yorkers are not worried about a possible brexit. why financial experts say they should be. back with that in just a moment.
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we are just two days away from the uk's referendum on whether to leave the european union. the feelings about a brexit are not very strong for some new yorkers, but claire sebastian reports the financial experts say there's plenty to worry about. >> brexit? sounds like a store. >> reporter: in the business capital of the world, new york city -- >> i have no idea. >> reporter: there's some confusion around the word brexity. >> i thought it was like a breath mint or something. >> i don't know. a watch company? >> reporter: it's actually a
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british exit from the european union. >> okay. >> reporter: do you think that's something you should care about? >> no. >> reporter: the message on wall street, it's time to start carrying. >> it absolutely will have an impact on americans 401k's and their other investments. >> reporter: the threat of brexit is already having an impact. it's one the reasons for current market volatility. >> there's definitely fear. >> reporter: even a federate rise on hold. >> it was one of the factors. >> this is a tsunami. this is china melting down. this is lehman going out of business in my opinion. >> reporter: it's not the first dire warning. the u.s. president has said trade with the uk could suffer. last year that was worth $56 billion to u.s. businesses. >> our focus is in negotiating with a big bloc, the european union, to get a trade agreement done. and uk is going to be in the back of the queue. >> reporter: the more optimistic in new york's banking community say that is premature. >> we're not going to turn around to the uk and say you
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can't bring jaguars in. we're going to extend out any trade relationships until we figure out a new workout process. >> reporter: 3,500 miles from the uk, it is hard to imagine what brexit would feel like. one talk show host used an british export to explain it. >> look at it this way. when zayn left, one direction was okay. but if harry leaves, that's it. it's over. >> reporter: that warning still lost on some new yorkers. >> is it like a word scramble thing? >> reporter: a word scramble for sure. an economic scramble for the u.s., well, it depends who you ask. claire sebastian, cnn money, new york. >> and another thing to worry about. thanks for your company. i'm rosemary church. remember to connect with me at anytime on twitter. early start is next for those in the u.s. have a great day.
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1:00 am
a major shakeup in donald trump's campaign. trump telling his campaign manager you're fired. four gun control amendments failing. and the orlando gunman's own words. what he told police during the deadly terror attack. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm ryan nobles. it is tuesday, june 21st. 4:00 a.m. happening this morning, donald trump set to meet with top evangelical leaders.
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