tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 21, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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in a different direction. >> ♪ >> reporter: cnn, new york. thank you so much for joining us. you can watch out front any time anywhere any time. "ac 360" begins right now. good evening. tonight, breaking news with two presidential candidates trading shots over three things you're never supposed to discuss in polite company, religion, money and politics. donald trump questioning hillary clinton's faith and hillary clinton questioning his finances, trump defending his campaign down playing the fact that it barely has enough cash on hand to run a congressional race telling one interviewer he's willing to write a check to pay the bills and saying that secretary clinton is taking his words, blood money, from campaign donors unlike him even though both are holding
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fundraisers tonight. >> i don't want to devote the rest of my life to raising money from people. when she raises this money, every time she raises money she's making deals saying could i be the embassador to this or that. gi give me a break. all the money she's raising is blood money. she's getting tremendous amounts of money from wall street and she's going to take care of wall street. >> pretty strong stuff. we have new poll numbers that show a tighter race than hillary clinton might like but truly staggering levels of dissatisfaction among republicans with nearly 50% saying they would rather have a different nominee than donald trump. all that and more ahead this hour. we begin with jim acosta on the campaign money trail. >> reporter: despite a lifetime of cutting deals that made him billions of dollars donald trump is short of campaign cash and
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gop jaws are dropping. >> we had a big fundraising weekend. it's not revealed yet but we raised a lot of money. >> reporter: consider the numbers. according to federal campaign filings hillary clinton finished may with $42 million in the bank and trump had a fraction of that, $1.3 million. 17% of the campaign spending was dished out to trump related eptties like when the campaign rents space from a trump property for an event and something went to a company called draper sterling. trump released a statement on his fundraising noting his appeals to donors are just beginning adding if need be there could be unlimited cash on hand as i would put up my own money. earlier in the day he blamed republicans who haven't rallied behind his campaign. >> they don't want to come on.
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they will probably eventually come on. if they don't it's fine. >> reporter: nothing to see here added the r in. i appreciate the concern over the party. >> reporter: trump's campaign is blasting out e-mails and hitting social media to counter the latest attacks responding faster than it has before and trump advisors are honeyful it's a change for the better, the firing of campaign manager corey lewandowski westbou lewandowski, the candidate was out shorg up support from evangelical leaders in new york. >> christianity, i owe so much to it in so many ways through having incredible children and so many other things but i frankly standing here because the evangelical vote was mostly gotten by me. >> all right. jim joins us now. the trump campaign announcing it is adding staff tonight. what can you tell us? >> reporter: that's right.
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the trump campaign announced in an e-mail earlier this evening they're naming individuals to some key positions inside the campaign. at the top of the campaign handling political affairs as well digital engagement creating web sites and so forth and we saw a sign of that earlier this evening, the website launched crooked it's not working yet but it's a sneak preview of the coming attraction when donald trump is set to hold a speech in new york city and he is going to go after hillary clinton. it is a speech he was supposed to hold after the orlando shooting that occurred about a week ago but the bulk of that speech was postponed until tomorrow. i can tell you from talking to different campaign sources inside trump world that there is a hunger for almost a new
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communications overhaul inside this campaign. when i talked to a key advisor earlier today as to whether or not we're going to see new staffers added shortly an adviser told me god i hope so. there's a feeling inside the campaign they want that and they want that now. >> i've heard that a few times today. thanks so much. the new polling we mentioned showing a tight race. tom forman here to lay it out for us. >> here is the big headline. clinton is beating trump 47% to 42% with 22% of registered voters saying they still could change their minds and you could see that uncertainty reflected when we add in the lib tarren and green candidates. on the economy 51% would prefer his handling of it to clinton at 43%. move on to gun policy and he has
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an advantage of 53% and then you go down to terrorism 51%. she runs the board on everything aside from these really big ticket issues that people are worried about out there. if you look at immigration, foreign policy, supreme court, she has an advantage on all of those. 70% to 23% for trump down here. voters still do not trust each one of them very much. 37% think she is and 45% think he is. this may be the number that matters the most. who do you think is going to win? 55% think she's going to win. >> these are national numbers. as we know what really matters are the numbers in the battle ground states. what do they look like today.
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>> yes. there was a poll about that. here is florida. huge prize, many electoral votes as new york. clinton 47% and trump 39%. pennsylvania, 42% to 41%. then in ohio deadlocked at 40%. if you're wondering what happens if you add those third-party candidates, not a lot changes in the sum total here in that clinton continues to win in florida 42%, pennsylvania 39% and picks up ohio by 2 percentage points. that's where they zastabbed sta polls right now. >> thanks. in addition to the poll and money numbers, some people are talking about questions that donald trump raised about hillary clinton faith, also president obama's faith. join us to talk is hillary clinton's supporter and bill
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clinton advisor, trump supporter and conservative trump critic, new york trump delegate and former mitt romney senior staffer kevin madden. kevin first to get a question here. i want to take you down memory lane. four years ago mitt romney raised $23.4 million in may that's versus $3 million raised for donald trump. mitt romney had a lot more at this time. what does the money tell you right now? >> the other thing that's important to remember is that it takes money to raise money. the infrastructure that you need to build a small dollar program and the infrastructure that you need to canvass for large donors and have events state by state throughout the country to build up -- in order to build up the war chest that you're going to need to go through to the
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general election all of that costs a tremendous amount of money. with $1.2 million cash on hand, donald trump is going to have a very hard time just spending -- just building the infrastructure he needs to raise more. that advantage that hillary clinton has is not one to dismiss. when you look at those numbers that tom went through, places like pennsylvania and ohio that are deadlocked right now, the way to win deadlocked states is to have the money and the infrastructure that you need to turn persuadable voters into actual voters. hillary clinton -- many times you'll see this. campaigns will say that a good ground game is worth four points. that could be the difference in the electoral map in the general election. >> all right. donald trump put out his first fundraising e-mail today to supporters promising to match donations up to $2 million. a good sign i imagine you think
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but the question is could he have done this seven weeks ago? would this have been helpful after he wrapped up the nomination in indiana. >> sure, there's a good argument he should have started fundraising sooner. he's doing it now and i think he's going to be successful with this and today we hear that donald trump is breaking the political rules but he has broken the rules all the way to the nomination and with the most votes in the republican party history. his opponents outspent him. he spent half what they did. he had a leaner staff and he got to this point. so i trust his instincts and i think he's getting on the right page. >> he won the nomination doing it his way. >> right. he won the primary with the plurality and let it be known more republicans voted against donald trump than voted for him but donald trump -- you can say maybe he was lucky, it was people were like wow this is something new, we're going tore this guy, as opposed to okay
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that's fine, for seven weeks there was gross negligence if you're going to run a real presidential campaign what donald trump has done for these past weeks since he's been the presumptive nominee is negligence and is not what a serious candidate does. back in may -- may 2011 he told good morning america when he was still flirting with the idea of running that he would spend $600 million of his own money. he hasn't spent a fraction of that. he's putting a cap on how much money he'll match dollar for dollar. we've seen in the fcc reports he's been paying himself and his companies and his kids. one-fifth of the money made has gone to his companies. this is something that the american people need to know. is he serious about running for the presidency or is he serious about enriching himself. >> i wants to shift gears from money to religion because donald trump was speaking to evangelical leaders today and he
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questioned hillary clinton's faith, he said we don't know a lot about her faith and religion and he mentioned president obama. i want to play that clip for you. >> she's been in the public eye for years and years and yet there's no -- there's nothing out there. there's like nothing out there. it's going to be an extension of obama but it's going to be worse because with obama you had your guard up. with hillary you don't. >> what's he talking about? with obama you had your guard up and with hillary you don't. why did you have your guard up with obama in terms of religion? what's he saying there. >> i think one of the corner stone's of donald trump's popularity he is a family man, there's a breakdown of the american family and it's responsible for the breakdown of america and our positioning in the world. those are facts as far as i'm concerned. donald trump -- you see how he works with his family. >> he was talking about hillary clinton and barack obama.
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>> everything he said is correct. what do we know? nothing. >> i don't think -- >> a family man, is that really the line you guys are going to take with donald trump, married three times, cheated on two wives, embarrassed his first wife. you're from new york. and then bragged about sexual exploits. he didn't raise his children. >> i wish the parents in this country raised their children the way he did. >> what i want to do is you're talking about faith. you said you don't know about hillary clinton's faith. what are you talking about we don't know much. you've been to church with her. tell me about her faith. >> i don't know i can say anything about any of this. to suggest that donald trump is a person of strong moral values and code is laughable. he doesn't bill himself as
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someone like that. hillary during the primaries talked at the town halls about her faith and the role that faith has played in her decision making and issues like compassion and humanity and a lot of the reasons why she's formulated the policies she's had over the years for children and families and refugees. she spoke at town halls at least twice she spoke specifically about the role that her faith has played in her -- in the policies she's stood for throughout her life. i personally as someone who knows her and who has worked with her know that she's a person of exceptionally strong faith and when she was first lady we worshipped at the same church. when she went to church on sunday she did not make a big deal out of it.
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she did not bripgng a lot of prs coverage but she was there like everybody else. >> why is questioning somebody's faith fair in politics. >> donald trump says you have to bring the party together. here is donald trump speaking to religious people and he's bringing people together and he's talking about the difference between the republican party's perspective faith and the democrats perspective of faith. the individuals left there and said this was a very productive meeting, this was positive and what a great step in the right direction. >> the other amazing condition diction is that in the same week mr. trump went to the evangelicals and said trust me, i'm your guy and that was the same week where he was saying to gays and less beens trust me i'm your guy. this is a guy that will say anything to anyone to get elected. >> this is the same guy who held
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up a bible and said i read my bible every single day and doesn't know that it's not two corinne thee ans. he doesn't ask for forgiveness from god because he doesn't do anything he needs forgiveness for. he was pandering today. that's what he does. he says what he needs to do to get votes. >> the good thing is you are coming back. we can talk more about this in a second. there is more to talk about including the poll number we mentioned at the top 48% of republicans say they would rather have someone else as the nominee and hillary clinton going after donald trump right where the polling says that he is strongest, handling the economy. we'll talk about whether that will yield political dividends. the big hilton
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it's but because the delegates thought that they were bound and basically what our movement is saying is take the krypton night. you can activate it, just don't be bound. we have three supreme court cases that have backed that up. we have two historical precedents that give us that ability and that is what this movement is about. >> i want to talk to david about the rules but first i want to ask you we admit this is unlikely to be successful. you have a shot but it's unlikely to be successful. given that donald trump is still likely to be the nominee, isn't this going to damage him and do you care?
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>> no, the math is in our favor. it's not unlikely. i think it's likely to succeed. donors ask and big donors is what's your pathway to victory. donald trump is losing in every poll and losing significantly. he has no money and he's raising no money, he has no message, but he'll tell you about how 25% of republicans of which a big chunk were not republicans voted for him in the primary but half the republicans in the country don't want him to be the candidate. >> we asked that and 48% of the people we polled said at this point they would prefer someone else but david, even with that 14 million people voted for donald trump in the primary. even with the 14 million people there are rules and traditions in place for the convention which make it difficult. >> right. you said the case law in the past and it is true that there
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is case law thatt errs on the side of state law so the rules are they are bound. what would need to happen, what would need to happen is that the convention rules committee would have to allow for the unbinding and then that would have to go to the floor of the convention for a majority of all delegates to vote that way. so under the current rules they're not unbound. it would need a rule change. remember, i want to point out this is why i think the hill is so tough to climb for you guys is because remember even if there are a lot of ted cruz supporters who were willing to go with someone else on the second ballot even though there are a lot of delegates at this convention that are not trump die hards a majority are coming with the notion to support donald trump. >> i don't agree with you on that at all. >> i'm a member of the rules committee and that's the clause
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i'm sponsoring is yes it will have to pass through the rules but we can do a minority report and once it's passed to the floor, yes, of course it's up to the delegates to vote but there's still floor action that we can take and when the delegation chair submits the vote tally -- >> how many members do you have now? do you have 57 votes. >> not at this time. >> how many do you have. >> 12 and 4 soft. >> i've read 400 delegates. >> we have 400. but i will tell you this has momentum and it's picking up traction and we've tapped into the silent majority that's auou there. 60% in the primaries did not vote for donald trump and we're representing that 60% that want another option. >> those delegates at that convention represent the entire
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republican party and they have an obligation to pick the candidate that will defeat hillary clinton and uphold the republican party. that's not donald trump. those delegates will not let the republican party go over the cliff. forget a pathway to victory. the republican party is on a highway to hell. >> thanks for being with us. a big hill to climb. one promising note for us is it's not just the democrats and republicans, tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern we're going to host a libertarian town hall. they will sit down and answer questions from voters. do not miss that. breaking news in the orlando shooting investigation. the gunman went to the nightclub not once but twice the night of the massacre, plus what the shooter's wife has revealed about his state of mind that night and what he took with him when he left the house.
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now they say the shooter had been to the nightclub earlier the same day of the attack. he left and came back. pamela brown joins us with the latest. what are you learning here. >> reporter: we've learned that apparently he left his house in a fit of rage. he was angry when he left his house that saturday with a bag full of guns and i went in and got his wrist band and paid the entry fee so he was acting as a regular customer and then he left the nightclub and for two hours i'm being told was going around the city. there's no reason at this point to investigators in terms of what his movements were but then he went back to the club and as we know went on this three-hour rampage. what's unclear at this stage is what exactly set him off and when. if he went to the nightclub with the intention of going on a rampage, left and came back, or
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if something set him off at the club that night or in that two hour time period, that's what they're trying to piece together, but it's of interest to investigators what he was doing during that time. they've been able to piece some of it together through cell phone data and interviews. >> what about his wife, what is she saying? >> reporter: the wife is a focus of this investigation and she has told investigators according to sources that he was very angry when left the house and that she noticed that he had a bag full of guns and that she was very concerned and she apparently grabbed him by the arm begging him not to walk out of the house, but of course as we know she didn't call police. she is still claiming that she did not know of his specific plans, that he wanted to launch an attack. we know she has a lawyer at this point and the fbi wants to continue its discussions with her and no charges at this point
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against her. it could be some time if there are any charges against the wife. >> thanks so much. in the days since the massacre those whose loved ones were killed have been facing a challenge that can seem unbearable. 49 people were murdered with no warning. the violent nature of their deaths made worse because of the future's stolen from them. last week gary interviewed ay n amanda was buried today and the family invited gary to the funeral. >> reporter: she was 25 years old going to college to become a nurse, working two jobs, a very busy person, but having enough time to be the light of her father and mother and brother's life. >> my baby girl, she was an
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extraordinary human being. >> reporter: can you believe she's gone. >> not yet. i mean honestly, not yet. >> no. >> it's going to become very very real tomorrow. it's kind of like an overwhelming sense of dread, this has been building and building and building. >> reporter: tomorrow has now arrived. her funeral, hundreds of people standing as family and friends and some people who never met her paid respects to her family. the loss as the family expected has become real. >> i am numb.
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it's inside here. it doesn't want to come out yet. i have received a lot of strength from my family and a lot of prayers that are giving me the strength and i have the presence of god in me, that's all i can say. i just don't understand it. >> reporter: her parents have now lost two of their three children. their 12-year-old son died of cancer years ago. she says she has felt amanda's presence as she planned her funeral. >> there was a strong force that came into myself and she was like directing me what to do, what to put where. this is what i want. this is what to get from my room, like what she want to show off. it's like i felt her. it was amazing. it was the most amazing thing ever. >> reporter: she'll always be with you. >> we know. we know. >> it was amazing. >> reporter: at the funeral many
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mourners wore t shirts with the image of amanda with the phrase love not hate. her parents live by that and she refuse to be angry. >> we need to love each other and we need to learn how to forgive. >> she liked hugs. >> everything about her was hearts. >> reporter: so you're feeling of not being angry relates a lot dwrour daught your daughter who was the most loving person. >> totally. >> reporter: two days after she was killed her parents found something in her room. >> it was a gift for her dad. >> reporter: this is her father's day gift from your daughter. you don't want to open it. >> not yet. >> reporter: he says maybe he will open the gift in two or three months but he will take his time because he knows he will never get another gift from his only daughter. cnn, florida. >> our hearts go out to them.
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as the orlando victims are laid to rest many say the attack reminds them of the paris attack last fall. at the top of the hour a special report terror in paris. this is my family. being a part of helping people in need is who i am. working at brookdale for me is not just a job, it's a life for me. i love it. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. world saleilton is on
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a number of other locations were attacked across paris. we're going to bring you a special report terror in paris. >> 20 minutes after they first arrived at the convert hall there are two local police who got a call that something was going on, there was violence inside, they needed to go there as quickly as possible. >> armed only with handguns the two police officers enter the
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venue. >> when these police come in they engage in a fire fight with one of the hostage takers. they managed to kill him as he falls to the ground and rolls on the floor he blows himself up with his suicide vest. >> i remember the terrorist blowing himself up, the sound of the explosion and the ringing in your ears. >> you heard the guy explode his belt? >> yeah. >> the officers are forced to retreat and wait for help. the attackers move to a more secure position, deep inside the building. >> joining us with more now, the host of the special chris cuomo. it's an interesting time to be talking about what happened in paris. what did you learn about the people there. >> the troubling thing that you understand as you look at both
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situations in belgium and in between is that the same questions come up again and again and it doesn't really matter, the country, it doesn't matter the tactical force involved, you have similar problems each time. when we were standing next to each other in paris one of the small pieces of potential sol is was that in the u.s. it would be different. here they have the specially trained s.w.a.t. types, the police in paris had to wait. not here in the u.s., all the police are trained to be active. what happened in orlando, it's under review now, how the police dealt with the active shooter. it didn't go as easily as some wanted it to. >> one of the things that was palable last november was the fear. after those attacks people in paris and around france were scared more so than we saw in orlando and the reason is there
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was a manhunt, there were perpetrators on the lose and you focus on this. >> i do. there were concrete differences. there was an active manhunt and some would argue this still is. i think that you see something else. there's a unique resilience that they have had. you remember them saying to you we're going to live our culture and we're going to do it and living that life is not only a way to by definition defeat the terror but it's a way to keep the resolve of the people. >> different places dealing with somewhat similar situations on a different scale. thanks so much. terror in paris just minutes away. we'll be right back. ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. l-e-s (buzzer sound) your word is milk. m-i-l-k milk wins. ingredients you can spell. a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck.
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