tv Smerconish CNN June 25, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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23 people now dead after historic flooding hits west virginia. entire homes swept away by water. we're going to get a live report from one of the hardest hit areas. thank you for joining us. i'm suzanne malveaux. "smerconish" starts right now. bl i'm michael smerconish. by voting to leave the european union, has the uk just been made great again? was brexit a victory for the trump world view? and what impact will it have on our economy and our election? plus, a former secret service agent spills the beans on his time posted outside bill clinton's oval office. but doesn't that violate his job description? and this tv anchor fired for a controversial facebook post files a lawsuit claiming she was
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fired because she's white. does she have a case? and, there's a jury who's sure. that "stairway to heaven" lawsuit wasn't gold, but did they hear the whole story? because you will. but first, did donald trump just win his first election? not here, but across the pond. the world is, indeed, flat. elections don't happen in a vacuum from world events. and while brexit was motivated by anger over immigration policies, concern over trade, and a desire for autonomy, the parallels between what just occurred in the uk and the debate here in america are unmistakab unmistakable. and consider that the sentiments run so deep that voters were willing to disregard the so so-called experts, former prime ministers, academics, and institutions. and the demographic divide in the uk election sure does sound familiar to american voters. young versus old, college educated versus non-college educated.
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urban versus small town and rural. so mow might this play out here? joining me now, someone with unique insight, former british prime minister, tony blair. mr. prime minister, thank you so much for joining me. >> it's a pleasure, michael. >> were the forces of brexit include concerns over immigration, concerns over trade, concerns over central control, it sounds a great deal like our american election. >> yes, i think there are elements of this debate in the uk that are happening the world over, happening with you, happening in the rest of europe. and they're where people feel this power of globalization, changing the world around them. and those people who come forward with very tough and often simplistic populist solutions, yes, they gain traction on the political process. and this is what's happened to us, and we're now going to face the consequences of that decision. >> well, i find it interesting that you referenced simplistic solutions, because it seems as
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if this was a defeat for the intelligentsia, insofar as you had former prime ministers, academics, leaders of institutions all saying, don't do this, and a significant part of the electorate, nevertheless, wanted to move forward and exit. >> you know, one of the curious things about the course of the debate in the uk is that the word "expert" or those with experience, became terms of abuse. the reason why the four living people that occupied the post of british prime minister were united in our view that britain should stay was because we were genuinely worried on the basis of our experience as prime ministers, of the consequences of leading. >> another parallel that i see, mr. prime minister, are the demographics of this debate, and our american election. a divide between the young and the old, the educated and the less so. the rural and the urban. to what do you attribute those sharp lines of division?
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>> there are real problems in our societies, okay? now, there always have been, by the way. but there are particular problems, following the financial crisis, where people feel their incomes are flatlining, there are problems of people who feel marginalized. globalization is changing the world around us. and, therefore, people who step forward and play to the anger that surrounds by these situations, they can get a lot of political traction. and they can get it quickly. and we also have this other difference with today's political world, which is that the combination of a fragmented and quite polarized conventional media, combining with social media, means that these insurgent movements get scaled at speed. and this is a new phenomenon. but the real question is, what is the answer to the problem that globalization poses? because it poses problems in
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your country and my country and around europe. and in my opinion, respectfully, i would say, the answer is not to target immigrants. the answer is not isolate ourselves or shut down our borders. the answer is through education, through infrastructure, through creating the economy of the future, through trying to bring countries together, united in a common purpose, in which all people can have the chance to benefit, rather than divided so that people become against each other in a way that i think will ultimately corrode our society and probably not help our economy. >> your use of the word "globalization" reminds me of tom friedman from "the new york times," commenting that the world is flat. is it possible that some of the dialogue of our american election, donald trump in particular, influenced, in some small way, the outcome of the uk election? >> i'm not sure, but i think all our dialogue, in today world
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influences -- i mean, we all influence each other. there's a global debate going on. so, yes, obviously, some of the elements that are going on in your debate is the same on the debate on brexit. one thing, of course, that will happen, and this is something to watch very carefully in the united states, is that we have decided to engage in this big leap or experiment might be a better way of putting it. and over the days and weeks and months ahead, we will have some idea of what will actually happen as a result of this. >> prime minister tony blair, thank you so much, sir. >> thank you. donald trump landed in scotland on friday morning, on a previously planned trip to his golf course and he tweeted, "just arrived in scotland, place is going wild over the view. they took their country back just like we will take america back. no games!" here to discuss her candidate and recent events, trump spokesperson, katrina pearson.
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katrina, thank you so much for being here. i was surprised when he got off that helicopter on friday morning, with the whole world watching, and immediately, he began to talk about the resort and not brexit. wasn't that a mistake? a mixed opportunity to appear presidential? >> you know, not at all. mr. trump is not a politician, and doesn't take advantage of these types of situations. his soul purpose for being there was to support his son, his family. he did make remarks, regarding the brexit. in fact, he talked about it even prior to going to scotland. but his sole intention of being there was to support his family. >> but the optics seemed awfully unusual. that he was touting the virtue of that course -- look, i would love to go over there and vacation. >> it's beautiful. >> i just don't know if he advanced his cause in terms of getting people to support him for president at a critical moment in time. good planning on his part, the r eyes of the world were on him. >> well, of course he did. he did mention that it was a really good thing that people
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took their country back. i mean, they are -- you can only expect the workers, the taxpayers of a nation to foot the bill for so long, to their own personal detriment, before they decide enough is enough. this absolutely supported his cause. he's supporting the exact same thing here at home. >> one of the subjects that came up during the press availability was whether his assets should already be in a blind trust. i think we're unaccustomed to the notion that a candidate running for the presidency is still out there doing business. isn't that a good issue? shouldn't the assets already be beyond his reach? >> well, no, not at all. when he becomes president, he's already said, he's going to put them in a trust and his family will run the business. you know, we look at the clinton foundation, i think there's more questions to be asked about that money, where it's coming from and why it's going to hillary clinton and the number of amounts it's going to. we're talking about a golf
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course, not trade, not trades or agreements from other countries. this is simply a golf course. mr. trump is still president and ceo of the trump organization. he goes to scotland to support his family and the media would like to make a big deal out of it. but the fact of the matter is, the media also said that this was going to go all the way through the convention. we're not even there yet. mr. trump is just getting started. >> look, i know the subject to which you refer. i've read "clinton cash," i've hosted the author on this program on at least two occasions. but relative to your candidate, i guess what i'm saying is, it seems as if he's using the worldwide attention to sell product and still doing so. >> well, no, not at all. this is no different than a senator running for office and going back to washington, d.c. to cast a vote. it's their job. we wanted a businessman, many people want a businessman in the ring and we have one now. he's going to continue to run that business until he becomes president of the united states and his family will take over. >> brexit seemed like an issue
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that he was unfamiliar, as recently as wednesday. let me show you what he had to say. >> i'm right in the middle of it. i'll be over there since the decision is coming in. you know, i would -- i don't think anybody should listen to me, because i haven't really focused on it very much, but my inclination would be to get out, because, you know, just go it alone. it's a mess. >> so, which is it? on friday, he sounded like he was much more of an authority, as recently as wednesday, he was saying, nobody should listen to me with regard to what i have to say about brexit. >> well, it's mr. trump's instincts for a country to do what's best for its people. and the best people to make that decision is the people. not the ruling class, not the bought and paid for politicians that have made things so badly in the uk. which is exactly what he's talking about here in the united states. globalism is only good for those who can create mass wealth off of it. and that is the corporations. that's the lobbyists. those are the politicians. and mr. trump's instincts are to
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let the people decide. >> but i guess, katrina, i wonder how sophisticated his knowledge is on these issues. when he speaks superficially. let me give you another example. when he was asked about the declining value of the pound, he answered the question that i would, as a tourist, who maybe this is unseemly, but when i saw the whole brexit impact on the market, i thought, geez, maybe this is a good time to go to the uk, because my dollar will go much further. here's what candidate trump said. >> if the pound goes down, they're going to do more business. you know, when the pound goes down, more people are coming to turnberry, frankly. and the pound has gone down, and let's see what the impact of that is. but i think places like scotland and england and other places in great britain, i think you're going to see a lot of activity. >> these folks are worried about the wherewithal of their economy, and he's saying, my resort is going to be fine, because tourists will be able to come over here and have their dollar go much farther. >> well, that's not actually what he said, but what he did
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say was spoken like a true businessman. he looked at the silver lining. there are a lot of businesses that are going to benefit from more tourist activity. i think that's a good thing. the people of the uk decided, look, we know it's going to be a tough road. we're going to have to do all of these things, renegotiate our trade contracts, but we've cut out the middle man. it might be bumpy up front, but they've done the right thing for them. because at the end of the day, freedom and sovereignty to be removed from all of the restrictions they've had on their businesses is going to be a good thing for the people. >> katrina, your record remains in tact. you dwagave me not an inch. >> well, look, at the end of the day, this is about the people. and you see people all over the world who are tired of being told what to do, how to do it, how much money you can make, what you can and can't eat. enough is enough. and brexit is just the beginning. >> okay. thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. >> great to be here. thank you. lots to talk about with our
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political panel. democratic consultant bob beckel and national political correspondent for "the new york times," jonathan martin. the jonathan, we've talked already about donald trump's arrival in scotland and that which he discussed and that which he didn't discuss. let's talk about hillary. she issued a statement as soon as the brexit vote was tallied. and what i noted is that she said nothing about immigration, really didn't comment on that which is driving all of this angst. doesn't she need to pivot and address some of what's causing all of that discontent worldwide? >> i was struck, in that statement, and the conference call that her staff had, you know, they basically ignored the kind of populist angst that was driving this vote, that obviously has shaped american politics this past year with the rise of donald trump and to a lesser degree bernie sanders. i think the reason they're doing that, michael, is because they want to focus this election on which of these two candidates is a more stable, steady, reliable figure, who in uncertain
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economic times across the globe, can be a kind of steady hand at the tiller. i think that's why they're shying away from the immigration issue, but also because it's tough for her. a huge part of the democratic base is hispanic, and she needs those voters to win, like florida and colorado and nevada. but at the same time, you know, she's concerned about working class american voters, especially in the midwest. so it's a bit of a balancing act for her. >> bob beckel, do you think that the result from the uk sent shock waves through brooklyn? >> i think it probably did some. but, look, i hear this comparison all day today. let's keep in mind that the refugee immigration issue in europe and in england is far greater than it is here, number one. number two, if hillary clinton is not going to out-immigration donald trump. she's not going to build walls and she's not going to stop people from coming into the country. i think john's right. i think what she wants to do is, who can handle a crisis like this best. by the way, i think in that way,
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hillary clinton may have come out on top today a little bit, because when you look at the chaos that will be in britain over the next two or three months, i think people will say, it's probably better to have hillary clinton sitting on top of that donald trump. >> real fast, jonathan? >> sure. >> i was going to say, the last two weeks, you have seen two -- frankly, crises. first of all, you had the unexpected, the tragic massacre in orlando and now you had something that was more expected, which was the brexit. in both cases, you can see a scenario michael, where the politics, to be crass, played well for donald trump. in both cases, he bungled a golden opportunity to step forward and show presidential-style leadership. you know, claiming press yans and saying i don't want congratulations on orlando and claiming how the pound would be good for his golf course.
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it's stunning he would have those two consults in two weeks' time and give them away. >> there's something else about this that interests me, beckel. and that is -- and bill kristol actually tweeted on that which i'm about to raise. there's his tweet. polls consistently underestimates right-wing support, cameron and bibi, now brexit. if polls show clinton up five, could trump be even? it's not fashionable, bob, in some areas to tell a pollster who calls your house, yeah, i'm for donald trump. doesn't he have a point? >> no. he doesn't have a point, at all. because, look, the reality is the demographics of this country, this election, far different than what they were in britain. and in this case, donald trump, given the fact that now, probably 30% of the voters in 2016 will be non-white, and if that's the case, unless he does remarkable, huge numbers with white voters, he's toast. he's not going to make it. and i was going to say this today. there's no chance. >> you know, michael, i think you're right in the sense that,
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you know, there could be a so-called shy donald voter out there, you know, you have the shy tories last year in the british general election. and i think crystal's on to something that it's not socially acceptable to tell a pollster that you're for trump. and i think especially in places from pennsylvania to ohio to michigan to wisconsin. i think trump may outrun his polling. but to bob's point, the larger challenge that trump has is that there's more to this country than the rust belt. even if trump makes inroads in some of those states, it's still tough for him if he can't get back florida, colorado, nevada, virginia, and if he hands over his own over to the democrats. >> i know that if they call the beckel house, he's not going to admit to it. that's what i was trying to say. >> you can be absolutely sure of that. by the way, there's so much polling going on now, do you think every pollster got someone who said, yeah, i'm going to side with trump, so i'll side
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with hillary. that doesn't float with me. i've been through polls for 40 years, and there's a lot of them out there and they're good now, too. they're very good. and if you look at this thing and look at the negatives on trump, when you're running 78% negatives among latinos, higher than that among blacks, what are you going to do? >> bob beckel, jonathan martin, two pros. thank you, men, appreciate it. coming up, a new book from a former secret service officer who worked for hillary and bill clinton. it's already a best seller. but isn't he violating the part of his job title labeled "secret." and a tv anchor fired for her facebook post about a shooting is now suing the station saying she was discriminated against for being white. does she have a case?
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of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or if you develop any allergic symptoms including itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. now's the time for a better moment of proof. ask your doctor about victoza®. the secret service is supposed to be secret. it's right there in the name. and yet a book coming out next week by a secret service agent who worked in the clinton white house is hoping to sell copies by telling tales about hillary
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and bill clinton's off-camera behavior. in "crisis of character," former uniformed secret service agent gary burn claims that hillary rodham clinton exhibited a temperament that, quote, makes her unqualified to lead the nation as president. burn says that he was the guard at the door during the monica lewinsky scandal and was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury that investigated bill clinton's affair. this book is clearly being released to impact the election and preorders have made it currently number two on amazon's best-seller list, only behind "harry potter." does the publishing of this book threaten the future safety and privacy of all people protected by the secret service? the association of former agents of the u.s. secret service issued a statement about the book this week, saying, we strongly denounce any book written by former or current employees that attempts to discredit the trustworthiness of those charged with the protective mission of the secret service. the protection of the president,
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first lady, and first family is a matter that transcends all partisan politics. joining me now, another former agent, who protected both hillary clinton and president obama, jonathan wackrow, who is the executive director now of the risk advisory group, rain. jonathan, thank you so much for being here. i want to show you a photograph of you in service to the nation. that is you next to the beast, correct? awaiting the arrival of president obama? >> that is correct. >> i point this out, because you're a special agent. my understanding is that the gentleman writing the book is a uniformed agent. what's the difference? >> well, there's two parts to the secret service. the uniformed division is a uniform policing role. their mission is charged with protecting the facilities that house protectees. so those facilities are the white house, the vice president's residence, other locations that the secret service maintains. so they're really the external ring. they are providing that exterior
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protection. they're maintaining access control. so that's their -- they're an outer ring. the agents are more focused on the individual protectees. they are the close group of men and women that work next to the protectee, so if you think of it in two sides. the uniformed division protects the asset, the agents protect the individual. >> is it conceivable to you that a uniformed agent could have seen the sort of things that he alleges having seen? >> no. i mean, just from the pre-publication documents that are out, i can't comprehend how a uniformed division officer can ever find themselves in those situations, to, you know, view what he is saying that he saw. >> i'm not eager to give traction to any of the underlying allegations. but, there is a report that he stumbled into see something untoward in the map room. i've been in the map room. i know the layout of the map room. is it conceivable to you as a special agent that a uniformed
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officer could have walked in on the president in the map room? >> no. not by any means. and here's why. again, roles and responsibilities of uniform division officers and agents are different. we have different, you know, we have different functions. when the president walks into an environment where the uniformed division officer is, they are displaced by an agent. so inherently, even if he was standing in front of the map room door, he would be displaced by an agent. and the agent will now take control of that door. the map room has two doors. both of those are maintained and controlled by agents, again, because of the role of the agent is to protect the individual. the role of the officer is to protect the outer perimeter. >> i showed your photograph working. here's a photograph of this individual. i'm sure you're going to see it on fox all next week. doesn't that show something? i mean, there he is in front of the christmas tree with the clintons. >> absolutely. what this picture tells me is that, you know, there's
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something underlying here, the reason for him writing this book. ten years later, he decides to come out with a scandalous book and he is saying that, you know, how despicable hillary clinton is as a person, how there were all of these issues at the white house with the clintons while he was there. but here you g, you're looking at a picture of him smiling next to the clintons in front of the christmas tree like there's no disdain whatsoever. i think there's, you know, somewhat of a character issue here. >> and the point i would make is, i have three or four of those photographs with w. and i think seven with obama and it doesn't mean we're tight. >> exactly. the photo doesn't tell the whole story. but it tells enough here. i mean, he's saying that the premise of his book is he had so much disdain for hillary clinton that he had to write this book. and that disdain started when he was a uniform division officer. right there, if someone has that much disdain for one of our protectees, why would you take a picture? it just doesn't add up. >> jonathan wackrow, thank you so much for being here.
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was she fired because she's white? a racially charged comment on a facebook page cost a local emmy award-winning anchor in pittsburgh her job. and now the anchor, wendy bell, has filed a federal lawsuit saying she was only fired because she's white. after a notorious local shooting that killed six people, including a pregnant woman, bell posted on her facebook page, quote, you needn't been be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers who broke so many hearts. they were young black men, likely in their teens or early
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20s. they have multiple siblings from multiple fathers, and their mothers work multiple jobs. these boys have been in the system before. they've grown up there. they know the police. they've been arrested. they've made the circuit. and nothing has scared them enough. now they're lost. once you kill a neighbor's three children, two nieces, and her unborn grandson, there's no coming back. her termination coincided with a meeting between the station management and the pittsburgh black media federation. she was told her comments on facebook were, get, inconsistent with the company's ethics and journalistic standards. the federation said that at no time did it suggest or ask for miss bell to have been fired. should she have been fired? should she be reinstated? joining me now, civil rights attorney areva martin and carol swain. areva, does she have a point when she says, were i a person of color, they never would have fired me. >> i don't think she has a point at all, michael. i think her claim that she was
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fired because she is white is preposterous. she's fired a federal civil rights lawsuit. she has a couple of things she has to prove. she first has to establish that similarly-situated individuals would have been treated different or have been treated differently. she also has to establish that he performed her job in a satisfactorily fashion. i can't imagine this news station has allowed anyone working for it to post the kind of racial and insensitive comments that this woman posted on her facebook page and that they didn't discipline them. if she can come forth and produce some evidence that they have overlooked these kind of racially charged statements in the past, then god bless her. but i would be hard-pressed to think that she could establish that kind of case, and she's going to get very far with this lawsuit. >> carol swain, do you see it the same way? >> no, i don't see it the same way. i think that there is a ratio double standard. many people are concerned about black crime, and had it been a
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black journalist that posted a similar comment, we wouldn't be having this discussion. and what i find most unfortunate is that the discussion is about racially insensitive comments, rather than the black-on-black crime that motivated her to post something that seems to me was not meant to be racially insensitive. she was expressing, i suppose, on her own facebook page, her feelings after having been the reporter that covered the story. >> ariza, the crime is unsolved. what if it turns out that she's correct? what if the individual or individuals who are charged match her description? >> that has nothing to do with what she did. she's a journalist -- >> she expressed her opinion? >> i allowed you to finish your point, let me finish mine. she's held to a standard of reporting facts.
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she's supposed to do that in an unbias way. she had absolutely no facts a to the time she made that statement. the police don't know who committed this crime. and she didn't just call these african-american young men criminals. she talked about their mothers. she said they were promiscuous, that they had multiple affairs with multiple men, she talked about their job status. she played into every negative stereotype about african-american men possible. and we expect more, we demand more from journalists and i think this station has every right to expect that a journalist of her caliber, award-winning journalist, would know better and would do better. >> carol? >> it's laughable that areva is saying that journalists are unbiased. they have high standards. it's outlandish, what journalists do in america. it's my understanding that it was her facebook page, and she was venting, but 90% of the violent crimes are black-on-black crimes.
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and so her supposing that it would be a black perpetrator that wiped out a black family, it seems to me that that would be a pretty good guess. and there is one suspect that's been apprehended. and it's a young black man that is a suspect in that case. and there are other black men that have been questioned. so i think that we're having the wrong discussion. we should be talking about what's happening in chicago, we should be talking about the black on black crime that is devastating black communities across america, and get over this racial insensitivity. >> areva, there was a part ii to the facebook post. and it talks about how, shortly after this incident occurred, she went out to dinner with her husband and children. and she speaks admirably, maybe some would say, patronizingly, about a young african-american man who's working, i think, as a busboy or part of the wait staff. she goes so far as to applaud
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the management for having this young man in their employ. i know you've read it. i hope i'm summarizing it well. >> yes. >> that didn't go over so well, by some folks in the community who read it. can you speak to that issue? >> yeah, let me say this. first of all, all due respect to the professor, we can have a conversation about black-on-black crime, while at the same time calling out journalists like this woman who makes racial statements. they're not mutually incompatible. we can do both. i'm as concerned on black-on-black crime adds anyone in this country. but to that other statement, michael, it just shows the white privilege we're talking about, it shows the tone deaf that we're talking about. she made the statement that this black kid is working in this restaurant, and she could imagine that no one's ever given him any words of encouragement. and again, she sees an african-american boy and makes all of these assumptions. she doesn't have any facts on which to make any of these statements. they were patronizing statements, insensitive statements, and it's just wrong for someone in the media who
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holds themselves out as a truth teller, as a fact finder, to make these kind of negative statements and to play into the negative stereotypes that we know plague americans, particularly men. >> professor swain, you get the final word, but you've got to make it quick. >> i disagree. that young black man probably needed encouragement. we hear all the time that black teenagers don't want to work. they do want to work, and we should be doing more to get them employed. we're having the wrong discussion. the discussion should be about black crime. >> carol swain, areva martin, thank you so much for being here. we've all heard "stairway to heaven" a million times, but a los angeles jury had to listen to it and compare it to another song to see if led zeppelin was guilty of plagiarism. their decision surprised many, including stephen colbert. >> i've listened to both songs and i'm not sure zep ripped them off, but i've got to say, it makes me wonder. ♪ oh, really makes me wonder
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♪ >> wow. amazingly, that back-to-back comparison that you just heard, the jury never got to hear. when they wanted clarification, a guitarist went into the courtroom and played the songs live. was justice served? joining me now, the lawyer who filed the suit on behalf of the estate of spirit's late guitarist, randy wolf. he performed as randy california. francis malify. francis, why didn't the jury ever get to hear the recorded versions? >> you know, it's frustrating for us, because, you know, justice is always about the search for the truth, and in this instance, the sort of
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escaped plaintiff, we felt there were evidentiary rulings that prevented the jury from ever hearing what was really at issue. that's frustrating from a plaintiff's perspective, but it's also frustrating, because the jury never got to hear what jimmy pain and robert page had access to. we proved they had access to the spirit composition and they heard it not only live, but also because they had it in the record collection of jimmy paige. we were able to prove that point of access. we were able to prove that the trust on the copy right, but we were never able to allow the jury to hear the very music that jimmy paige and robert -- >> but what was the logic? there must have been some logic on the part of the federal judge, who said, i'm not going to allow the recording, itself, to be played in open court. >> well, we believe it's reversible error and that's a big issue in this case. clearly, there was evidentiary rulings that went against the plaintiff. it made it almost as if we had to try a case with both hands tied behind our back.
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we were never able to play for the jury the composition embodied in that sound recording. >> let me ask what i'm understanding. what you're telling me, you could essentially show the jury the sheet music, but you couldn't play for them the recording. that's the bottom line, right? >> the bottom line is that basically, i was comparing apples to oranges. i was showing -- comparing a piece of sheet music to a fully produced version of stairway to heaven, and it was very prejudiceab prejudiceable and we believe the evidentiary ruling came and heard us. and if they had heard the actual music at issue, i'm confident it would have been a different result. >> i like the way you filed the complaint. you did it in a very zeppelinesque font. did you grow up, like i grew up, with led zeppelin posters all over your bedroom. and if so, what was it like to take on the rock gods? >> i always believe in every cause i take, and i wouldn't get involved in the case if i didn't have a sincere interest and desire in seeing justice through.
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you know, my background is music, and i do have a lot of friends that are musicians and i often represent the creatives, yes, i think led zeppelin is an incredible band, but i think the fault is that they failed to give credit where credit is due. and it's not just in this case. it's in many cases. and it's a history that surrounds them. for them it was about their legacy. >> you cast this as a $60 million lawsuit. i was interested to see that the band's accountant came and said, since 2011, it's generated, this song, $615,000 for jimmy paige, $532,000 for robert plant. kind of a curious thing. i've always wondered, what's the value of a song? what's the value of "free bird"? you get the final word. >> i think everyone will have a different position on what the song is worth. for us, it was never about the money, only about credit. we said we would settle this kras for $1 in credit. and it's unfortunate how it all played out. different sides will have different economists coming to different values, but for us it
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was about credit and it still is about credit. and we're going to fight to see it through the to the end. it's not done. francis malofiy, thank you so much for being here. good luck. >> thank you, mr. smerconish. still to come, president obama's presidential order on immigration was negated by the supreme court, which will wreak havoc on many lives like this woman. married to an american with two american kids, who now runs the risk of being deported. and i will tell you why. every with a 161 pointowned inspection, 24/7 roadside assistance plan, 2-years or 20,000 miles of complimentary maintenance, an unlimited mileage warranty up to 6-years and the confidence of being awarded the best luxury certified pre-owned program. get 1.9% apr financing on rx, is & es l/certified models. exclusively at your lexus dealer.
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the supreme court thwarted president obama's immigration plan. that shielded undocumented immigrants from deportation. catherine was born in the philippines in 1979. when she was five her parents took jobs at a hospital in saudi arabia. she and her sister were left with their grandparents in manila. after several unhappy years her aunt that lived in the u. s.
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suggested they try their luck here. catherine's family came to the united states on a visa that expired after two years. when she was 13 her parents decided to stay never theless. as an adult catherine met brian. an american citizen. and in 2004 they married. and contrary to popular belief marriage alone does not confer citizenship. brian and catherine had two children that immediately receive birth right citizenship. they're now 6 and 11 years old. in this nuclear family only catherine is not a u.s. citizen. yet she has a social security card and a driver's license and they file a joint tax return. she had no brushes with the law and still she can't get right with the law. she fully acknowledges that her parents makes missteps but they're still trying to better the family's lives. catherine tried to protect her
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ownship championship from all of this. she told me i'm afraid that someone will knock on the door and take it away. a 37-year-old that's been here a quarter century may have to leave her american husband and her two american citizen children to return to the philippines to renew the visa that enabled her to come to the united states as a child. he's understandably afraid to leave her husband and children to november gate that process. worried that the bureaucracy might prevenn her return. president obama's 2014 executive action tried to give a path to immigrants like catherine that entered as children or who have children and are already citizens. but texas and 25 other states brought the challenge that the supreme court did not overturn. and liberal and conservative lines. she remains in limbo. what a shame. no same immigration policy should tear families apart
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separating children from their parents or deporting u.s. citizens to punish their parents. that's it for today's program. i'll see you here next week. don't tour paris.. and please, don't "do" paris. live in paris. airbnb a loft in south pigalle, or a flat in the fourth. read a book. make your bed. leave the kids with dad and go head to head with your host laura, she's good. eat way too much. wherever you go... ...don't go there. live there. even if it's just for a night. vo: it happens so often, you almost get used to it. i'd like to make a dep--
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here live in the cnn newsroom, britain's decision to ditch the european union triggering political and financial shockwaves. the world's most complicated divorce getting messier by the minute. the ground breaking split might be a major problem. the eu's president want the break up to happen immediately but britain signalled it will wait until october before even starting negotiations. german chancellor angela merkel says there's no need to hurry. there's certainly no rea
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