tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 27, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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they say it's a vote about freedom. about jobs. about borders. about taking back your country. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. that's what they said in the uk about the brexit vote and that's what donald trump is saying here. but a lot of those promises about brexit may not be true after all. will the fallout be a stumbling block for the trump campaign? plus chaos in california as white supremacists and counterprotesters do battle. is extremism on the rise? and are hate groups gravitating to trump's campaign? let's begin, though, tonight, with cnn's sunlen serfaty and she is the latest on the donald trump campaign. hello, sunlen. we are learning more information tonight about what donald trump is saying about his immigration plan and the temporary ban on muslims. what do you know? >> yeah, don, this is a big donald trump campaign. from the
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the ban, a complete and total ban on all muslims coming into the u.s. that was such a central part of his primary campaign. he announced it with great fanfare back in december when he was competing against his republican primary opponents. but sources now telling cnn that there is going to be a reworking, a retooling of that policy. campaign memo is being drawn up at this moment. we do know that trump will now back away from that complete ban on muslims coming into the u.s. and now it will just be a ban on immigrants coming from countries that have some link to known terrorism including equipping and training potential terror t terrorists. we do not know which countries this potential applies to. the trump campaign has not been specific in theerms of a list o countries this will involve potentially. they say there will be more details coming in the coming days. >> let's turn now to the clinton
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campaign. she and elizabeth warren held an event together in ohio. interesting location for their first appearance. could this be a clinton/warren ticket, you think? >> that photo op fuel add lot of extra scrutiny and extra speculation whether these two would team up for the vice presidential ticket. really did seem that clinton and warren really milked that photo op at some points staying on stage for two minutes during that campaign event. we do know from sources we should not rule out elizabeth warren being potentially chosen as clinton's vice presidential pick. we saw clinton have effusive praise for her up on stage calling her terrific, you know, noticing all she's accomplished since she's come into the senate. and it was interesting to see elizabeth warren not back down from her role she's been playing for quite some time now attacking donald trump directly. she really had a no holds barred attack on donald trump today and really was successful on baiting
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him in. he wasted no time responding to elizabeth warren. he called her pocahontas, typical nickname for her, a fraud, a sellout. this is one of the roles i think clinton sees her potentially becoming if she's chosen as vice presidential candidate. you could see hillary clinton praising her saying she knows how to get under donald trump's skin and adding she likes that. >> i want to bring in kabc talk show host, john phillips. patti solis doyle. and cnn political commentator. and bob beckel. they're back. hopefully you watched last hour. our new poll shows hillary clinton leading by seven points. are you worried he won't be able to bounce back from this at all? >> he's had three frankly fairly awful weeks. like you go on a cruise ship, come back, get your cholesterol
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level taken, you should be happy you're not dead. he needs to stop the unforced errors. don't talk about the mexican judge. don't talk about the sprinkler system at the golf course. get back on the issues. get back on the subjects. have these numbers rebound. the numbers are looking good in the swing states, in the margin of error in those. get back on track and stop getting in your own way. that's my advice. >> john brings up a good point, patti, seven points down, donald trump is a person that, a candidate that many people thought would never get this far. he's going to be out here and he kept going. does it concern the clinton campaign that he is only seven points behind? we should be saying that. >> look, first of all, it's still very early and, you know, john is right -- >> should it be concerning to them, i should say? >> national polls really don't matter at all. polls that matter are the statewide polls, the
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battleground state polls. what i think should be very concerning to the trump campaign is if you dig deep into the numbers and look at the, you know, constituencies and, you know, 2/3 of likely voters don't think that donald trump is qualified to be president. that's a really steep hurdle to overcome. hillary is beating donald trump with women by extremely wide margins, with hispanics by extremely wide margins. with african-americans by extremely wide margins. and the people that donald trump should be doing well with, white men, he's doing -- he's beating her but he's below what mitt romney was at this point in the campaign back in 2012. so i, you know, i would be very concerned if i were on the trump am pa campaign right now. >> bob, here is the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell dodging a question about donald trump. here it is. >> do you believe he's qualified and how do you convince all those voters who think he is? >> well, look, i think there's no question that he's made a
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number of mistakes over the last few weeks. i think they're beginning to right the ship. it's a long time until november. and the burden obviously will be on him to convince people that he can handle this job. >> i didn't hear you say whether you thought he was qualified. >> look, i'll leave that up to the american people to decide. >> i felt for george in that moment. bob, you know how i hate it when people don't answer my questions directly. both democrats and republicans. doesn't matter which campaign you're with. if you don't answer my questions, i'm going to go after you and ask the question again. i felt for george. he did a good job in following up there. it's three weeks until the convention. how damaging is it, bob, a top republican won't answer questions an trump's qualifications? >> i mean, it's terribly damaging. look what happened last week when hillary -- she finally got past sanders, you had barack obama coming out, you had elizabeth warren coming out, and hillary clinton, herself, taking on trump. they know the perception problems for trump and they are deep. it's the reason they're running
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advertising early in the battleground states because they want to solidify the negative feelings about trump that are out there before he has a chance to bounce back. you know, there's an old adage in politics, when you're digging a hole, give me, the campaign manager, the shovel. in trump's case, he doesn't want to seem to give it up. having said all that, in the end, i'm not sure trump's going to be the republican nominee. >> huh? >> you just heard it. ju you just heard it. >> you don't think he's going to be the republican nominee? >> on his own volition. >> how so? >> i think for a couple reasons. one, i don't think he ever thought he was going to get this far. i think the idea of being president of the united states, although it's a wonderful idea, it cramps his style. i think that his family doesn't like it at all, particularly his daughter who's got a lot of influence over him. you can see her influence coming out in the last few days pip just don't -- i don't think he wants to be seeing his brand getting crucified in november and taking the senate down with it.
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ask yourself a hard question, i mean, he's got an easy out. nobody wants to help him. so take it. but i don't -- i'm telling you, just keep your eye -- >> you think he'll quit? >> i think he will find a way to not be the republican nominee. >> i'm surprised that you said it, but i've heard a number of people say the same thing. anecdotally. >> that's not true, they had to be talking to me before they said that. >> john, do you think that's possible? >> well, look, if that happens that will be the most interesting thing that ever happened in kpleefcleveland take parade with lebron leading the nba championship. he's got the delegates, he's got the votes. if he leaves, it would certainly be a political earthquake. there's no reason to believe he's going anywhere anytime soon. >> patti? >> look, i'm not going to go out there and predict it, but look, right now donald trump is facing a humiliating loss and the thing he thinks is the worst thing in the world is to be a loser and right now he's facing being one of the biggest losers in
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electoral politics. >> yeah, you know, i was on a radio show last week and someone said that he doesn't like to lose. and right now, if it's looking like he's going to lose then he might back -- bob, you might be on to something. i don't know. >> well, remember lyndon johnson announced he wasn't going to run for re-election. you were probably a gleam in your daddy's eye at that point. nonetheless, it shocked the political world when he said that. the end of march, the presidential year, in 1968. i happen to think trump rises and falls on his brands. his brand is going to be tarnished as it is. a devastating tee fee ining def make it worse. >> if bob's right, i'm taking him to vegas with me. >> there you go. all right? >> trust me, you don't want to go to vegas with bob. he snores. so, listen -- >> how do you know? >> i don't know. don't ask me that. bob, listen, i was alive, but, you know, i don't remember the johnson thing, but i was alive.
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just so you know. bo both candidates had high unfavorability ratings. more people see trump in a negative light. would it help if he was finally embraced by the republican party? patti, do you think that would help him? >> if he was embraced by the republican party? it would be better than it is now for sure. today, hillary clinton was with elizabeth warren, she monopolized the coverage today. she's going to have more days like that with barack obama, with joe biden, with tim kaine. we -- in politico today, there are people -- people don't want to speak at the convention if donald trump is going to be the nominee. they don't want to show up, much less be his running mate. i think, you know, that would be helpful if he would have some sort of support within his own party. >> john, last final word. quickly if you can. that's a very good point. you saw mitch mcconnell didn't want to answer a direct question
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about him. i think patti makes a good point. >> yeah. part of the reasons he's dipped in the polls is because republicans are upset, going for gary johnson or thinking about staying home or maybe voting for the democrat, hillary clinton. however, in the abc news poll which was worse for trump, 57% of the respondents said they'd like the next president to take the country in a dimpbfferent direction than the direction president obama has taken us in. there's still opportunity for donald trump to grow. >> all right, everybody, stay with me. when we come back, elizabeth warren's fiery attacks on donald trump. >> what kind of a man roots for people to lose their jobs, to lose their homes, to lose their life savings? i'll tell you what kind of a man. a small, insecure money grubber who fights for no one but himself.
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what kind of a man? a nasty man who will never become president of the united states. with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations.
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speculation that warren might join clinton's ticket. the senator went after donald trump with both barrels. back with me now, john phillips, patti solis doyle, and bob beckel. by the way, bob, is that a suit? >> yes, it is. you know, you actually influenced me in so many ways. i want to grow up to be just like you so i thought i'd start with a suit. >> so many places to go with that. let's get back to business. >> i know there are. i just realized i delivered you a soft ball down the middle of the plate on that. >> elizabeth warren wasn't shy about attacking trump over and over again. here it is. >> donald trump says he'll make america great again. it's right there. no. it's stamped on the front of his goofy hat. you want to see goofy? look at him in that hat. when donald trump says great, i ask, great for who exactly? when donald trump says he'll make america great, he means make it even greater for rich
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guys just like donald trump. >> wow. so why do you say that she's the best attack dog against trump? >> well, listen to her. i mean, first of all, she's a woman who -- we know that trump doesn't deal well with women and she is not afraid to back down from him. and i think she'll go out in and do that kind of thing every day. it's going to drive him absolutely crazy. the other thing is, every day that brexit goes on, people said this is helpful to trump, give me a break. it's going to be chaos every day for the next three months. people are going to say, wait a minute, that kind of shift, imagine what happens if donald trump gets elected president. >> what do you say about that, john? >> i think bob beckel is right that e llizabeth warren will be working the lounge, not the showroom and not be the vice presidential nominee. the whole clinton campaign is going to be based on making this a referendum on donald trump and if you're going to make his personality and his candidacy the referendum, the last thing
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you want is another strong personality on the ticket. you want someone vanilla, someone who's inoffensive, someone who's milktose. if that's the kind of person you're looking for, tim kaine probably has the inside track. you don't need elizabeth warren to be a distraction. >> are you saying she stole hillary clinton's thunder today, you think? >> i think so. i think above all else, she just as a strong personality. if she and donald trump are trading insults and trading barbs and jabs, i think that puts the spotlight and focus on her personality which is not what hillary clinton wants to do in the general. >> okay, so patti, i have to say when i saw them together today despite the clothes -- they said hillary clinton was actually wearing purple and it looked blue on television. they were matching, right? they were matchy-matchy. is this what a woman ticket would look like? do you think that that is the
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ultimate dream team for democrats, those two is ? >> i think an all-women ticket would be fantastic thing for the country. i think elizabeth warren did a great thing today. she got under donald trump's skin. when someone gets under donald trump's skin, he says crazy, outlandish, you knows, bombastic things and makes mistakes. for democrats, that's a food thi good thing. i'm in favor of elizabeth warren going out on the campaign trail and lambasting donald trump day after day after day. >> trump immediately hit back calling her goofy elizabeth warren. i mean, are you worried she's getting under trump's skin, you think, john, because he always has to respond to her. always going tit for tat with her on twitter. >> we've seen this before. he got under marco rubio's skin so marco rubio decided during the debates he would try to take on donald trump and donald
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trump's sand box. we saw that with jeb bush. it didn't work out for either one of them. these politicians are comfortable playing in that realm. i don't necessarily think you want to get involved in this kind of fight with someone who's existed in the new york tabloids for decades. donald trump knows how to handle himself. >> i've been thinking about this. i've always been thinking about everyone calls donald trump mr. trump or donald trump and everyone is, like, hillary. is that because they're familiar with her or is that because, you know, why the difference? it's just that when people would just say, obama, or barack. some people would get upset. does it bother anyone that people just call hillary clinton hillary instead of secretary clinton or mrs. clinton rather than -- doesn't bother you? >> i till yell you, you shouldn stay up at night worrying about that one. >> just wondering. >> hillary, that's a brand. trump, you call him don trump, and call him a lot of other things. >> my other question is when he
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says goofy elizabeth warren or crooked hillary, i wonder if someone, you know, had an interesting conversation with donald rumsfeld just by happenstance. i was wondering if someone said, you know, called him on the campaign trail or like daffy donald. i mean, do people deserve, especially people who hold public office even when you're running against him, do they deserve a certain degree of respect that you don't really call them out of their name? does that seem petty and childish to do that? anybody. >> well, it's sophomoric to say the least and certainlyde f befitting of a presidential candidate. having said that, it worked for donald trump in the primary. he went after all of those men that he was running against. ironically or interestingly, at least, when he went after carly fiorina, a woman, it backfired on him big-time when he went after her personally. >> what do you say to that, john? >> i think it's effective.
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he defines them. he defined jeb bush very early on as low energy. that stuck and jeb bush could never shake it. so i guess the issue would be if you've been defined by donald trump, then you have to prove to voters that it's not true. jeb bush wasn't able to do that. ted cruz wasn't able to do that. marco rubio wasn't able to do that. >> yeah, but that was among republican primary and caucusgoers. we're talking about the whole electorate here. i've never heard -- i've been around politics a long time. it's probably very apparent. this is starting to sound like a third-world election. i've never heard the kinds of things that are said back and forth between candidates and between their surrogates. this is getting rough. if o'connell, whose job, the only job he's always loved his whole life, to be majority leader, is on the line because of donald trump, and he still won't say he's qualified, that will tell you pages. >> hey, let's talk about donald trump says he's going to give us a big economic policy speech tomorrow. how should he convince the americans he can run the economy
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better than hillary clinton? who wants to take that? no one? >> i'll take it. he has to come up with details. no plans is not going to work when it comes to people's jobs. the american people haven't gotten a raise in 20 years. he needs to give a detailed plan on how he's gong to raise the minimum wage, create jobs and how he's going to make the middle class' life better in this country. >> okay. >> as a backdrop, he's got four failed casinos in new jersey. who can lose money on casinos? i mean, if nothing else, is sell to the mafia, you could make some money. under water? i mean, come on. >> thanks, bob. >> you're welcome. >> hey, john, you still want to go to vegas with him? he's talking about the mob and casinos. i told you he's not the guy to go to vegas with. >> if he knows the mob and those people, then we'll be sitting in the front row. >> that's row. we'll get front-row tickets at everything, john. we'll be fine. >> thank you, guys. up next, the lug iest
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campaign in years. is it opening the door to fringe groups and hate speech? we'll be right back. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with
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a violent clash in california over the weekend. some are blaming politics for that and other recent violence. the story tonight from cnn national kcorrespondent, debora feyerick. >> reporter: this is what happens when white supremacists arrive at california's capitol building for a permit-approved demonstration. they encounter protesters seemingly looking for a fight. >> off our streets! >> reporter: about ten people injured, some of them stabbed as police on horses moved in. organizations which monitor rate crimes say white supremacists and extremist groups are energized for republican candidate donald trump who's spoken out aggressively against immigrants and muslims. >> i want surveillance of certain mosques, okay? >> reporter: and who some say was slow to denounce praise earlier this year by former ku klux klan grand wizard, david duke. >> i'm not saying donald trump is a racist or anti-semite but the racist and anti-semites have come out of the woodwork during
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this political season. >> reporter: jonathan greenblatt is with the anti-defamation league. is this normal of a presidential election to see this uptick? >> this is not normal so we have to go back to the 1960s when george wallace ran for president to have a similar example of racism being inserted into the public conversation in a presidential election. >> reporter: the adl reporting last week the number of ant anti-semetic hate crimes in america up last year. violent assault rose by 50% from this time last year. the trend is reflected in the united kingdom where a police-funded website says reports of hate crimes just in the last months were up 57%. s this is rhetoric heated up over the country's referendum of whether to pull out of the
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european union. most of that debate focused on the eu's open borders allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants to enter the country. elsewhere in europe, far right extremism has been growing steadily. in the last year and a half, far-right governments have been elected in hungry and poland and their popularity has surged in austria an france. the rally in sacramento organized by traditionalist workers' party chair and white supremacist, hinbach, accused of assaulting a woman at a trump campaign in louisville, kentucky. the spike has occurred in the intensity of the rhetoric. the hate speech. especially on social media. it is unclear whether all of these people actually identifies a trump supporters or whether, in fact, they're simply using his candidacy as a way to promote their agenda. >> that's a good distinction. i mean, but can you directly tie it, because, you know, we saw
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the gentleman there, he said i've never seen so many racists and anti-semites come out but you can't really directly tie it. is there direct evidence that ties it to the trump campaign? >> what it appears is that the campaign of donald trump has made hate speech okay. >> okay. >> that they can say these things because they're not saying anything different than what he, himself, is promoting. banning muslims. going after judges because of their heritage. so it's things like that and especially we saw with david duke who came out and essentially praised donald trump and his policies. donald trump didn't back away from him and that resonated with some of these groups, in fact, giving them the green light to go out and speak the way they were speaking so it's very -- it's tricky. >> yeah. when you have a platform like that, one must be careful of -- >> very careful. >> absolutely. thank you, deborah feyerick, fascinating piece. appreciate that. when we come right back, will the rise of extremism cause trouble for the trump campaign? we'll discuss.
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author of "a woman in charge: the life of hillary rodham clint clinton. "and a former communications strategist for dr. carson's campaign. good evening, gentlemen, thank you for coming on. you just heard white supremacist and extremist groups are being energized by donald trump. why do you think that is? >> well, first off, let me just say, you know, the white supremacy groups should not be out there advocating for donald trump and his policies. they're abhorrent to begin with. getting to your question about in terms of the rhetoric that's out there, i think what we're seeing is that, you know, this constant effort by folks that are used to traditional candidates wanting a candidate like donald trump to speak a certain way. and so when donald trump sits there and says that, you know, america is under attack, that we need to close our borders, that we need to actually take a look at the visa program that is
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getting us into trouble with having extremist terrorists coming over, that is the kind of language that you hear at the kitchen table. that you hear at the barbecue on the weekends. just because he doesn't put in politically correct terms doesn't mean he's necessarily -- >> jason, we have very limited time together. my question was white supremacists and extremist groups are being energized by donald trump. why do you think that is? >> i can't explain why those individual groups are identifying with dronald trump kp except to say that they're concerned about the direction this country is headed and we're concerned about people that are not from here, from america. doesn't matter what ethnicity they are, but people are that are coming in from outside this country that are seeming to go after the roots of our democracy and causing a lot of problems both in, you know, everywhere. orlando -- >> so what you're saying is that
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is an appealing message for racists and ex-freedomitremisex. it sounds like you're condoning that. >> no, i'm not. that's why i said at the beginning that i don't condone anything they say or do. i don't know -- i don't understand -- i don't know what motivates them. all i can say is what i'm hearing and i heard it with dr. carson's campaign and from the 16 other candidates that were out there is that when we had people coming up to us in iowa and new hampshire that are concerned about putting food on the table, they're concerned about their health care system, they're concerned -- >> i understand that. i understand that. with all due respect, i get -- don't do talking points with me. >> oh, i'm not. >> the thing is that -- is there something racist and extremist about the message then? >> you know, i think that's a very good question. i can't answer that for you because i'm not a white supremacist. i'm not one of those organizations. all i can say is that when you start talks about problems that are effecting our country right
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now, you're going to have groups that identify with the -- the other side, you have organizations out there with ref rap reverend white talking about the -- >> that's an unfair comparison. reverend white, that was a snippet from a sermon that was brought into the campaign from reverend wright. you didn't have reverend wright campaigning for barack obama -- >> that was only -- that was a choice by obama. >> as a matter of fact, obama broke ties with him saying th that -- >> there's nobody on the trump side doing the same equivalent of what reverend right hwright done. >> what do you make what i just said to jason? >> donald trump is putting out a
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racist, bigoted, nativist appeal as well as a neo fascist appeal but it applies and appeals to more than just racists and bigots. he's also really on to something in terms of understanding the disaffection and dislocation of millions of americans who have lost their jobs, who have seen their wages stagnant, who have been laid off and two things combined are what are propelling his candidacy, but yes, would his candidacy be where it is without a message of bigotry and racism and nativism and neofascism? no. it would not have taken off like this. but at the same time, we have to give him credit for understanding how disaffected people are in a way that many democrats, including hillary clinton, seem to be unaware of. >> okay. two go ahead, jason. >> how can you have the same message apply to both extremes? carl, i don't understand that concept of it.
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when you talk about neofascism, i understand you're saying this is a new type of fascism, but donald trump is not espousing the traditional fascism rule. to say he's appealing on one side to folks who have lost their jobs that are struggling to make ends meet, but at the same time appealing to the racist and bigot side, what language is he using that's doing that? just because he's not using the politically correct language you want him to use, doesn't mean he's espousing those beliefs. >> he's building a kecoalition, includes a lot of people who have been screwed in this economy and by both parties. and it's perfectly -- >> how is he building a coalition? >> let me just finish. and it's perfectly reasonable to look at a new kind of neofascism, not about naziism, not about genocide, not about making the trains run on time in
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mussolini's italy. it's about a strong man who donald trump pretends to be who is contemptuous of government, who is contemptuous of everything but his own strength. who is contemptuous of democratic institutions and says, oh, believe in me, i'm going to change everything by decree and we are going to disallow people coming into this country of a certain orientation who happen to be muslim. >> okay. >> mexicans, and on and on and on and on and on. so you do get a neofascist message. >> let him respond. >> a demagogic message. et cetera. >> yeah. >> you know, i have a distrust, and i think donald trump does as well and so do millions of other americans. not of government, but of the people that are in the government. you've never heard donald trump say that a democracy doesn't work here and that his presidency would be an authoritarian state. what you're hearing is that people are frustrated with washington. you've been around for a long time, carl, and you've seen kind of the different transitions
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that we've experienced here with congress, with the presidency. and so what donald trump and to a certain extent all the other 16 candidates that ran for the republican nomination were constantly talking about what is wrong with our country and it's our government. our government has run amok. we have a clear difference between the parties here. we have one party that says that the government is the answer to everything. whereas our party, the republican party, says, you know what, government needs to step back -- >> what does that have to do with racists and extremists? >> can i interject here? >> let him answer my question real quick, carl. what does that have to do with racists and extremists? >> i mean, i apologize. he said the comment about the fascism and going -- the government and distrust of government. so, but i think what you have is the root of a lot of problems here is that people don't trust our government in terms of how they're approaching our problems so you have both sides of the
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aisle that are spewing rhetoric out there that is not helpful to moving this country in the right direction. i don't believe that donald trump is actually igniting and putting together a coalition. in order -- to make a comment like that that he's putting together a coalition would be saying that he is actually physically making calls to people and saying, all right, i want you to be the white races for donald trump coalition leader. that's not what he's doing. he's talking to americans about what the problems are. >> go ahead, carl. >> one, he's made an appeal much like george wallace did do a group of people to get them out in as great numbers as they can to vote with their prejudices. in addition, i think you're selling donald trump short because he's not just identified frustration with government, he is right about identifying frustration with the so-called elites. with institutions all over america that are failing the people of the country. and that's what this ferment and foment is about.
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and it goes beyond donald trump, beyond government, but he is the beneficiary of it to this, so far, in this campaign. and unless the democrats can find a way to harness a message that says, look, we understand what's going on in this country, and it includes the disaffection of these people and we have to bring them back into the tent. the democrats can be in real trouble. >> okay. >> they are in trouble. >> all right. stay with me, gentlemen. when we come right back, what donald trump said to me about this subject, about racism. is on honors members save up to 25% on brands like hampton, doubletree, hilton garden inn, and waldorf astoria so stop clicking around. book direct at now that's satisfaction.
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back with a great conversation we're having. so carl, in one of my interviews with donald trump, i asked him if he was racist. watch. >> are you race snis >> i am the least racist person that you have ever met. i am the least racist person. >> are you bigoted in any way? >> i don't think so, no. >> islamaphobic? >> no. >> should voters take him at his
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word, carl? >> i think you have to look at what his message is, and i think it's very purposeful to appeal to racism. how he treats his next door neighbor, who might be black, is he a racist in that regard? i have no idea. what i do know is that the trump organization, donald trump and his father, were the subject of legal action for refusing to rent their apartments in queens, new york to black people. and i'm not totally sure of all the facts here, with some kind of agreement that let the case go eventually without prejudice. but certainly there were very credible allegations that they wouldn't rent to blacks. so i think you can say there is a history of flirting with racism with donald trump. if indeed it helps what he's after. >> jason? >> i don't know the facts of that case either, carl, but i do know that -- i believe it was back in the 1970s or even the
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'80s. so over the course of a 70-year-old man, so let's assume a 55-year career, that's the only instance where you can say he could be racist, i think is pulling at straws. >> i don't think he's saying that's the only one instance, he's saying that's one. >> but people keep bringing that up as an example. >> that's fair. go ahead, jason. >> the policies that donald trump is pushing out there, he's not using the language that traditional political consultants or reporters are used to hearing. so that bothers them. i get that. i understand that. but the policies he's putting forward is, less government, lower taxes, securing our boarders, and actually taking care of the problems facing us here in america, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, et cetera. >> so jason, i don't know, maybe
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politically correct is the new racism. does that just mean he's being racist and no one wants to admit it? but for him to win in november, he's going to win latinos, african-americans and other minorities to come out and support him. so if they see that these racist groups are supporting trump, won't that be a red flag for them? >> you know, i don't know how many times that we have to or donald trump has to condemn these groups and say they don't want their endorsement. i went to high school in new orleans, and i've been dealing with david duke issues now for almost 30 years. every election cycle, there's somebody that comes out and david duke endorses and you have to continually beat it down. we're focusing on the problems that are facing our country and that's what donald trump is trying to do. and these extremist groups do not represent the campaign. they don't talk to the campaign, and they certainly don't speak for donald trump. >> and i have to go.
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we're out of time. thank you very much. we'll be right back, everyone. this is my family. being a part of helping people in need is who i am. working at brookdale for me is not just a job, it's a life for me. i love it. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. it's good for you, but still somehow tastes amazing. it doesn't make sense. kind of like your echo having a cheeky british accent. hellooo! 'ello! you saucy tart! okay! fun's over. milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! aw. aw. ♪ thirsty? my friend said i had to earn my way to the cool table. oh, sweet jamie. you got to stick up for yourself,
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♪ this is my fight song >> reporter: arms around each other, hillary clinton and elizabeth warren were practically dancing together. ♪ they hugged off stage to say goodbye and they hugged on stain for the introduction. >> the next president. >> reporter: we haven't seen a political public display of affection since -- okay, well maybe hillary clinton and elizabeth warren didn't get that carried away. sure, there was a few awkward moments. that holds hands in victory is always hard to pull off, just ask ted cruz and carly fiorina. but ted and carly didn't get accused of coordinating their outfits. >> did you see the matching pantsuits? there they are. >> reporter: it's twins-day on the campaign trail read one tweet. but it only looked that way on tv. hillary was wearing purple, elizabeth blue. >> they're thelma and louise.
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at the end of the movie, they will drive the country off a cliff. >> reporter: or maybe senator warren would drive donald trump nuts. >> you want to see goofy? look at him in that hat. >> reporter: he was wearing it as he discussed his search for a vp. >> i'll tell you one thing, i'm going to vet a lot of people. >> reporter: elizabeth warren was like a cheerleader on steroids. let's give these two a hand, for all the times they gave each other a hand. >> i'm with her. yes, her! [ applause ] >> reporter: like the energizer bunny, right when you thought she was winding down, she sped up. is it possible to clap your way to the vice presidency? jeanne moos, cnn.
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>> that's it for us tonight. that's why i'm clapping. we'll see you tomorrow night. our live coverage continues with max foster in london. good night. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm max foster outside the british parliament here in london, where it's just turned 5:00 on tuesday morning. >> and i'm amara walker in los angeles where it's 9:00 monday night. and this is "cnn newsroom." ♪
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