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tv   New Day  CNN  July 5, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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donald trump weighing in on the issue. no apology from the presumptive nominee for offending jewish groups. we know who inside the campaign was apparently responsible for the tweet. >> reporter: donald trump firing back at critics who say the star shape in the tweet campaign posted evokes anti-semitic imagery, calling the attacks false and ridiculous. trump singling out hillary clinton's campaign, which called his tweet, blatantly anti-semitic and part of a pattern. in a statement trump says -- the former secretary of state is trying to divert attention from dishonest behavior of herself and her husband. but the clinton campaign is not alone in condemning the image. >> the trump campaign has invoked bigotry and anti-semitism, racism and now it's hard to call it anything other than a pattern. >> reporter: trump's former new york golf course caddy turned social media director for the campaign now says he selected the star, no t the jewish star
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of david but as he called it a sheriff's badge, explaining he found it under microsoft shapes. he said in a statement the image was lifted from an anti-hillary twitter user where countless images appear and not sourced from an anti-semitic site. but cnn through use of an internet archiving site found the same graphic tweeted by trump appeared ten days earlier on a message board filled with anti-semitic conspiracy theories and neo-nazi ideology. >> why is your fact-finding department focussing on fiction and how a major presidential campaign can be looking at racist websites or anti-semitic sections of other online sources and using it to find content to share with the american public? >> reporter: trump deleting the tweet on saturday, reposting the graphic, replacing the star in question with the circle. >> these means float around the internet not every six-sided
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star is a star of david. there's no anti-semitism in mr. trump's body, not one ounce, not one cell. >> as you heard there, trump supporters say trump is not intolerant or anti-semitic. they point out his son-in-law is jewish and that his daughter ivanka converted and that trump has been a vocal supporter of israel out on the campaign trail. john? >> interesting, though, the first explanation from the campaign about how they found that tweet. jason, thanks so much. on the democratic side, big moment for hillary clinton. her first joint campaign appearance with president obama. the two will head to north carolina aboard air force one, but this, has donald trump asking who is paying for the ride. we're live in charlotte with more. good morning. >> reporter: as long as hillary clinton has been campaigning, as many times as we have heard president obama deliver these vailed and not vailed slams against donald trump, this today will be the first time he's actually out on the campaign trail. hillary clinton will fly on air
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force one with him here to north carolina. this is where she delivered a speech just two weeks ago where her campaign has been opening a half dozen offices across the street. and where donald trump tonight will also be make an appearance but in raleigh. that should tell you how important north carolina is. it is a battleground state. it is a mix of urban and rural. it has seen growth in young, professional, educated people moving in who are also diverse but it's also a place where 2008 barack obama won the election but lost in 2012 to mitt romney. so, today he will make the point that he wants all the undecideds and independents to go with hillary clinton that she is the most qualified and that she represents the values that he does. john and alisyn. >> michelle, thank you for that. let's discuss both of these important stories. we'll bring in jackie and matt
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lewis. great to have both of you with us. let's start with trump. let's start with everything that transpired over the weekend. so to recap, trump's twitter account tweeted out this attack graphic of hillary clinton calling her the most corrupt politician ever and it included this jewish star, star of david. then they changed it to a round circle once there was some outcry about the star being used, but people saw this as an anti-semitic graphic. trump then tweeted at 9:42 a.m. yesterday, dishonest media is trying their absolute best to depict the star in the tweet as the star of david, rather than the sheriff's star or plain star. so, jackie, what do you hear here? he is not apologizing but he did want to respond and it's clearly it got under the campaign's skin. >> well, he is responding to it, which is notable. that said, it's a little bit
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hard to believe that they -- that this didn't come from the site -- that they didn't find the star on like this was an image made by a racist twitter user that twreee out anti-semitic and racist material. it just seems a little farfetched, not to mention this has happened before. donald trump has retweeted users that have things like swastikas in the imagery and other anti-se met you ctic things. why is he doing this? that's an open question. the facts aren't baring it out. >> thousands of people rushing to we got a description from the campaign itself, the man who runs social media sort of fell on his sword half way. it was he who bent and got the
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image. he said he found it from a twitter account that bashes hillary clinton regularly. we don't know what that account is. dan said it was him. >> yeah. >> had the trump campaign done this early on, had they owned up to it, had they given some kind of explanation three days ago, might this have crushed the whole controversy then? >> yeah. when you're wrong, you should get it out of the way instead of keeping it alive. this is really campaign 101, but it's part and parcel of the larger problem. obviously very clearly there are a group of anti-semitics who support donald trump. that is one issue. the other problem, though, is frankly campaign competence. why are you borrowing other people's graphics. why are you not creating your own? why are you not sensitive to the fact that the imagery you're using has historically been associated with anti-semitism. if you're a senior staffer, a
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top adviser for a presidential campaign, you ought to know and steer clear of this. then if you do make a mistake, you own up to it immediately, get it behind you. they're making all sorts of mistakes that are helping keep this story alive and ultimately overshadow hillary clinton's problems. >> and there you have it, jackie. that's the problem. hillary clinton, by all rights, she should have had a bad weekend. the entire news cycle should have been about how she was interviewed for three and a half hours by the fbi, but somehow this ended up eclipsing that in the coverage and that's an error that certainly donald trump didn't want. >> well, yeah. to matt's point, this is sort of campaign 101. when your opponent is hurting himself or herself, don't say anything. she was doing a great job last week. things weren't going great. and trump can't help but divert the attention, mostly negative recently, to himself. in a statement he said something that this was a distraction by hillary clinton supporters. this is a distraction by donald
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trump's campaign, pure, simple. they did this to themselves. >> and the first reaction weren't from democrats or people at all. eric ericson, haut lewis, both circuses move to north carolina. both campaigns going there. hillary clinton first goes with donald trump -- not with donald trump, she goes with president obama. the president's approval rating fairly high for a second term president, 52% right now. what effect do you think it will have for hillary clinton to be side by side with president obama in a state that he won in 2008? >> well, i just think it's crucial for hillary clinton. she is not popular. she is not charismatic, she is not likable, so the more that president obama can be on the stump with her on the trail with her, that's going to rub off a little bit. there will be some likability. he has the charisma and obviously the ability to turn
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out base democratic voters that hillary clinton may not be able to appeal to, african-americans, young people, a lot of cohorts that might not be as excited to go to the polls for hillary clinton, she's going to need barack obama, president obama out there a lot. this is just the beginning. >> jackie, donald trump is saying who is paying for this? why is president obama allowed to use air force one on the campaign trail with crooked hillary? she is flying with him tomorrow. who pays? what's the answer to that? >> it's a really good question. and the obama came out and said or the white house said that this is something that's paid for by the dnc and relevant campaign committees, but i have to say, it's up to us to make sure that's the case because this isn't -- this is an open question of how these things get paid for. it's worth following up on. >> this is something -- these are questions that are asked when an incumbent president runs for re-election, who pays for it? it's a combination of the dnc,
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taxpayers to pay some. if it's done regularly, it's the type of thing that some voters don't love. also maybe smart, matt lewis, what donald trump has done with the whole veep steaks situation. he made it very public. yesterday he started tweeting out names, publicly floating, tom cotton, joni ernst, bob corker today. he is doing this in a much more public way than i've ever seen. i'm not sure whether it's to generate excitement, divert attention from other things, but it is drawing attention. >> yeah. it's very smart. and in our american idol celebrity apprentice world, it fits perfectly in that the donald would sort of be floating trial. it works on a few levels. number one, i think obviously he likes to generate news cycles. the press -- we love the veep stakes speculation. the other thing frankly is floating trial balloons.
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you throw a name out there and stuff comes out sometimes. you can see what the reaction is going to be. if sarah palin -- i think they wanted to keep that pick a secret a surprise, they wanted to sort of preserve the surprise, but maybe had they floated the name they would have either gotten some push back and changed their mind or they would have gotten opinion leaders to sort of go public buying into on the idea and it would have been harder for them to walk away later. all around i think this is a smart move for trump. >> how great if there was a call-in feature where viewers could vote for the president. i'm just suggesting that. jackie, matt, thank you, guys, very much. >> thank you. >> tony -- >> we'll get back to you on that. shifting gears right now. the fight against terror, iraqi officials say that 215 people are dead, another 175 wounded in the worst terror attack in iraq
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in more than a decade now the saudis are investigating another suicide attack near a holy site that as ramadan comes to a close. we are live in baghdad with the latest with ben weedman. >> reporter: good morning, john. the latest here is that last night the iraqi authorities executed five members of isis. they weren't related to this massive truck bomb that went off on saturday night, as you said, killing more than 215 people and that is by no means the final death toll. we shot some drone footage at the site of the bombing yesterday. you can really get a clear idea of the extent of the damage. now, the damage was caused by a refrigerator truck packed full of explosives, but it wasn't just from the blast itself but rather the fires that started afterwards that led to so many deaths in that instance. now, iraq in addition to
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executing those five over night, that comes to 37 members of isis executed by the iraqi authorities in the last two months. there are a number more than 3,000 still on death row waiting to be executed. now, as far as saudi arabia goes, yes, those were three shock attacks in that kingdom where normally security is quite high, one in jeddah and one in the eastern part of the kingdom. now saudi authorities are on high alert. we're in the final days of the holy month of ramadan. of course, keep in mind, that isis vowed that this would be a bloody month. they've come true on that vow, john. >> ben, that video that you were just showing, it's just shocking what the damage caused by that bomb. ben, thank you for that reporting. we also have breaking news to tell you about right now. police in italy say they have
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arrested a homeless man in the connection with the murder of a american college student. he had just arrived for a study abroad program. he did not show up for orientation. authorities found his body in a river. police telling italian media the robbery is a motive. since solomon's phone and wallet were gone and thousands of dollars were charged on his credit card. fourth of july celebrations across the country, lighting up the night sky. there was some rain dampening it. thousands gathered in washington, d.c. for a spectacular show over the national mall. see the colors also lighting up the sky in new york city, 40th annual macy's fireworks show. >> that's beautiful. >> not all the shows, though, went off without a hitch. two barges set on fire in plymouth, massachusetts. police say there were malfunctions about 15 minutes into the show there. >> scary. it is show time for juno,
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the nasa space probe officially orbitting around jupiter. watch this. >> happy scientists. that's what happy scientists look like. >> those are some partying scientists. they're wearing party hats there in mission control, getting confirmation over night that nearly five-year, 1.8 billion mile journey to jupiter did end in success and now the real work begins, 20-month mission studying the planet. all goes well, juno will give nasa the best view ever of jupiter, which is the largest planet in our solar system. >> at the end of the whole thing, the spacecraft is going to crash into jupiter. they wanted to crash in, get more scientific readings there. yeah. that's a spectacular finish to a mission. >> i didn't know if you were -- >> it crashes into the planet. we should do that after every show. >> well, we sort of do.
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>> all right. will the terror attacks around the world finally subside? or will we see more bloodshed? again, these just stunning and terrifying pictures from baghdad show the scope of one of the latest attacks. more next. ♪but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no no,♪ ♪not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider,♪ ♪yeaaahh... ♪but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me nooo♪ ♪not gonna let 'em catch the midnight riiiiiiiideer!♪
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it is the end of ramadan and it could go on record as one of the deadliest in modern history. isis terrorists unleashing a series of attacks this month including the deadliest bombing in iraq in more than a decade. michael, you put up a map of the attacks that have taken place in the last month and you see the scope of what's gone on here. it's simply stunning. orlando. paris. istanbul. iraq. afghanistan, lebanon. saudi arabia yesterday. it's everywhere. >> yep. >> this is just over the last month. i suppose let's start at the end here. one day left of ramadan. how concerned are you that isis will try to do something today? >> they will. you know, this is a saturation method of terrorism.
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ramadan they escalate because, let's be honest, security services tend to be on the more sluggish end of the spectrum. everyone is fasting. things tend to slow down in muslim societies. i have to be honest, you know, the bombing in medina the worst sort of anti-muslim terror attack in saudi -- modern saudi arabian history. >> this is yesterday. >> the tomb of the profit. i've seen on social media, my muslim friends they are beyond anything else that's happened by isis, this is a step beyond. >> this just goes to show you, i keep mentioning this manual, their little red book if you like, the management of savagery, written about a decade ago, this is the play book that they are adhering to. >> explain, anti-muslim terror. we don't get. we don't understand it here. why is that your play book? >> you have to be muslim to get into medina. for them to do this, though,
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they claim to be the custodians of islam. they claim to be the upholders of the seventh century tradition. very liberalist doctrine of muslim. following up the tomb of the prophit, isis there is a ideology ushering the end times and all that, there is a very gio political strategy to this. they want to see the overthrow of these regimes and governments in the middle east and also around the world. they're trying to influence the american elections, french elections, british elections. this is a global phenomenon. it has a globalist ambitions that cannot be discounted. far worse than al qaeda. al qaeda i cannot see carrying out an attack like this in medina. that would be for them too horrific. >> does this give you a different view of isis, their
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capability and aims? we see what that bomb in baghdad did? that was just one attack. you look at the map and this has happened at about ten places over the last month. >> it doesn't give me a different view. i completely agree with michael. the saudi arabia and medina attack seems very different to me. not just the perspective that michael was describing about the religion itself. if you're going to pick any place in the middle east or the arab world that a u.s. counterterrorism official might have confidence in in terms of their security efforts, not democratic, a heavy handed royal family, it is in saudi arabia. so i had a jaw-dropping experience yesterday. i don't want to say i've become immune to the iraqs and istanbuls, those are a range of sophisticated attacks. some occurring by nationals,
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others as we isn't that true turkey likely people who have come through syria but maybe anticipated at this stage saudi arabia does seem different. i don't think tomorrow there's going to be sort of a white flag and, oh, ramadan is over and we're all happy. this was part of a strategic effort over the course of ramadan where we're entering election seasons in various countries. you look what happened in iraq, the prime minister got booed when he visited the bomb site. they like unrest and instability. they are using violence to breed it just east and west of syria. doesn't matter where you are at this stage. >> michael, what does this mean for the u.s.? is it harder for isis to plan those sorts of -- the kind that we just saw in baghdad with that explosive truck here in the u.s.? >> yeah. what happened in baghdad has been happening in iraq for a
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decade. using these vehicle truck bombs, 2009 they set off about three of these things in i think it was the finance ministry, the foreign ministry. you could see it left an enormous crater in the ground. look, in the u.s., the threat continues to be the so-called lone wolf or self radicalized isis-inspired actor. that said, i can tell you, you know, i've heard chatter from isis about an imminent plot in places like minnesota where they're trying to cultivate members somaliaens. they're the going concern. >> they're trying to recruit them with an attack? >> with an attack. not necessarily these guys will go over to syria. they don't have to. they have a capable network because they've been here for decades, the idea of pledge allegiance to baghdadi and you become -- >> thank you so much.
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obviously not just the united states but all countries on high alert other the next days and weeks. our thank you to you. the olympics coming up. balance beams, judo throws, no problem for most athletes, but hue la hoops? apparently a huge problem. olympic athletes facing just adversity of all kinds. that's ahead on "new day." [ ghost voice ] the name your price tool can save you money
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by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems.
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breaking overnight, french lawmakers urging a broad consolidation of the country's intelligence systems following several terror attacks there. officials recommend a centralized, national anti-terror agency, a special parliamentary report sites communication and logistical problems while dealing with several agencies in the face of the growing threat of attacks there. british parliament conservatives begin selecting a new prime minister this week. the lowest total will be eliminated with round two voting scheduled for thursday. energy minister andrea ledson picked up a key endorsement from former london mayor boris johnson who had to bow out of
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the race himself. theresa may considered a front-runner to replace david cameron who announced his resignation following the country's vote to leave the european union. some of the most skilled athletes in america, humbled by a hula hoop. they were challenged these team usa members with the cameras rolling. harder than it look. the rio summer olympics begin one month from today. finally an olympic sport i could participate in. >> i tell you the two divers look exactly alike jump off. >> that one is the hardest in all of the olympics. >> add hula hoops to that. >> that would be great. >> 31 minutes after the hour. "el chapo" back behind bars but not before escaping from prison twice. how did he pull off those brazen jailbreaks?
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"inside the chase for "el chapo."" that's next. ♪ cause sealy's support is perfect for you. ♪ only the sealy hybrid has posturepedic technology to support you where you need it most. sealy. proud supporter of you.
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one of the world's most
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notorious criminals tracked down after years of eluding authority. a cnn special report erin tonight "got shorty" inside the chase for "el chapo" hosted by our own chris cuomo and looks at how the drug lord escaped prison twice, including his first big break in 2001. ♪ >> it is december of 2000 and "el chapo" guzman has been living the high life behind bars, essentially running the joint with access to plenty of women and all the best foods. even though he still has 12 more years to serve, he decides he's been behind bars long enough. on january 19th, 2001, he escapes. the official story, a prison handyman rolls "el chapo" out in a laundry cart. then there's this version -- >> two very high level officials
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of the government, they open the door and said, sir, you can leave now. >> mexico's then president denies it. once again, there are two stories explaining one event involving "el chapo" guzman. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> translator: if he escaped using corruption, it could be a corrupt investigation. we do live in a country where you can alter government records from top to bottom, right? that is the truth. >> should be interesting to watch tonight. let's bring in former u.s. drug enforcement official at the pentagon and anna maria salazar. thank you so much for being here. >> how are you? >> great to have you. so that time and the one that chris just talked about in 2001, they may have just opened the doors and let him out after being paid off or whatever, but the one we know about, his most recent escape involved this
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elaborate system of tunnels underneath you'll remember his prison cell found in his shower and he went down into this elaborate system, it was well lighted. it was ventilated. there were tracks and a waiting motorcycle. explain how this underground world of "el chapo's" came to exist. >> well, you know, in the same way that chris was asking the question, what happened in 2001 -- the first time he escaped in the late -- in 2001. i mean, we also have a lot of questions as to how he escaped this last time through this very elaborate tunnel in part because there's still a lot of questions in regards to who may have participated or not. the way the investigation is taking place right now and i'm sure chris found out during his investigation is that supposedly
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there was just enormous negligence by at least 13 government low-level prison officials that allowed him to escape. of course, it really hasn't -- they are on trial. but there really hasn't been the question as to whether there was much more than that. so i'm looking forward to seeing this documentary because we still have a lot of questions as to what happened. >> as am i. and how confident are you, anna maria, the prison that he is in now, the high security, maximum security prison, can contain "el chapo"? >> i think it would be very hard to contain "el chapo" guzman in any prison in mexico right now in part because there's very -- there's a lot of changes taking in the mexican criminal justice system, although supposedly the prisons are not be affected. i do, however, have concerns
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that the legal system between the new justice reform and a lot of pressure from very, you know, very good lawyers that joaquin has, this could -- i'm not saying it could happen, but i'm sure there's a lot of concern that there are very interesting legal maneuvers that could take place that maybe he's not going to escape through an underground tunnel, but there's other ways he could walk out. >> what is the latest on when he will be extradited to the u.s.? >> oh, why are you asking me these questions this morning. i want to watch this documentary to see if we can find out. i mean, he was supposed to be extradited at the latest by august. now, there's a series of injunctions that temporary restraining orders that his lawyers have requested. it appears at least one, maybe two, may have been effective in
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the way that no one had expected. they are going to review the decision by which the mexican government is allowing him to be extradited to the united states. by the way, the mexican government already had given its okay. it's just these legal maneuvers are stopping this extradition. so everybody is still kind of holding their breath and seeing when this could happen. "el chapo's" lawyer, the latest comment he made it could take up to three years if he is extradited. the mexican government is hoepg it will happen before this year is over. >> anna marie salazar, thanks so much for being with us from mexico and remember to tune in tonight for a cnn special report "got shorty" inside the chase for "el chapo," 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. jorn? >> thanks. oc see ya later. durant taking his talent to south beach. a lot going on this tease.
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one of the biggest free agency decisions in nba history, kevin durant announced he's leaving the oklahoma city thunder to join the golden state warriors. andy, we live through that moment together. you are here now with more in the bleacher report. good morning, andy. >> good morning, john. this just rocked the entire nba world. it's amazing news if you're a golden state warriors fan. absolutely terrible news for the rest of the nba. durant decided to join the team that needed him the least. he made the announcement on the player's tribune yesterday writing it really pains me to know i will disappoint so many people with this choice, but i believe i'm doing what i feel is the right thing at this point in my life and my playing career. now, durant had played all nine seasons of his career with the thunder organization. fans in okc not happy with this
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decision. some burning his jersey. others blowing it up with fireworks. just sad fourth of july in oklahoma city. >> it's about championships. >> i'm upset that he left because i think he should have been more loyal to the oklahoma city thunder, like tim duncan is loyal to the spurs. loyalty says a lot about you. >> it was such a tragedy. when it hit me, i was just sitting at home. i didn't know what to do, how to react what to say. i looked to my friends looking for support and they're just like, well, got to move on somehow. >> all right. joey chestnut is back on top of the world after regaining his nathan's hot dog eating title. chestnut downing a nathan's record 70 hot dogs and buns, easily beating defending champ, matt "the megatoad" stony. this is his ninth world title. i have a hard time watching the
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hot dog eating contest. >> yeah. it is difficult to get your mind around it. it's also gift to watch the aftermath of the hot dog eating contest if you've ever stayed tuned for that part of the video. >> painful. >> very painful. >> thank you, andy. my heart goes out to megatoad. >> we want to talk about one of our top stories and that's the wave of terror attacks overseas. they're raising new concerns about the threat from isis here at home. we have deputy secretary of state tony blanken to join us live with what's next.
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deadly week around the world, deadly month. terror attacks killed hundreds in just a few days, all appear to be the work of isis. the question now, what can be done to keep us safe? here with us now tony blinken, deputy secretary of state. thanks for being with us. >> good to be here. >> you put up the map inspired by isis or linked to isis over the last month. it's staggering, orlando here in the united states, 49 dead, iraq, more than 200 killed over the weekend, jordan, saudi arabia, bangladesh, site after site, geographic diversity there. when you look at the map, how confident are you that the united states is doing anything right now to slow isis? >> i think what we're seeing is a product to some great extent
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we're having against isis. we're putting intense pressure at isis at its core. it's lashing out in other places, trying to get with other groups and other places. 50% of the territories held a year ago is now back with us and with the coalition. >> what does the territory matter if they're able to carry out attacks day after day, around the world with greater, you know, spread around the world, who needs the territory? >> territory matters a great deal. it's the pull of attraction. it's where they get their resources by exploiting people within the territory they control, oil, extortion, et cetera. it's also the pull of attraction for jihadists around the world, see isis succeeding, you take the caliphate away from them, the whole ed fas starts to crumble. >> if this is success, we hate to see failure. look at baghdad alone, 215 iraq says that 215 people were killed, including obviously all innocent including children.
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it seems as though they don't need territory in order to perpetrate these hideous acts. >> they're reverting back to a different model of terrorism. suicide bombers, ieds in cars, et cetera, it does terrific damage and terrorizes people, but the more you take this territory away from them, the more you take their story away from them, the less attractive they become to people around the world. we're seeing them cut their salaries in half to the people they're paying. we're seeing that attraction they had because they controlled territory start to erode. >> but not the story. the story is the ideology. >> it is. >> so taking the territory away doesn't take the ideology away. >> that's hurting, too. now for every positive message about isil on the internet, we're seeing six or seven against it. that's a c change from a year ago. the ideology is starting to erode, too. this takes time. if you're dealing with an adversary that's willing to basically explode itself to take
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other people out, it's very, very hard. it's challenging. the more you take the base, the core away, everything else that's built upon it starts to fall away. >> you take away the land, which you're doing now, how do you stop or what is being done to stop the attacks? >> there's an intense effort. since the president brought people together to get other countries -- you have to stop the flow of foreign fighters, we had 50 countries change their laws to make it tougher for foreign fighters to circulate. we had more than 50 countries feed information into interpoll. countries arrest people, bring them to justice, prosecute them, that's starting to take away the networks that isil developed. the core in iraq and syria, these networks of foreign fighters and propaganda and foreign financing and the affiliates, the groups in different countries like bangladesh waiving the isis flag because they think it's popular. we're trying to systematically cut it off, coalition of 66
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countries everyday working on this. >> since the attacks in benghazi, there's been renewed focus on diplomatic security. so what's happening in countries like saudi arabia? in turkey? in iraq? to protect any americans that are there. >> this is something that we're on every single day at the state department both protecting our american citizens and people who live and work and stay in the country are protected. the day starts with the report of every single official at state of any threats to our positions in different countries and american citizens there and working across the government to make sure we're defending our people. >> let me ask you about e-mails. the state department asked for a delay in releasing thousands of e-mails that we thought would come out this summer. the delay will take it to 2018, past the 2016 presidential election. do you feel the state department is being transparent? it leaves the appearance the state department is trying to
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run out the clock right now. >> we made extraordinary effort to provide all of the information that we have to provide as quickly as we can. but this goes to significant review process to make sure the information provided is appropriately cleared. there's a big effort under way. we provided a large amount of information and will continue to do that. >> shouldn't you release some or what you can before 2016? voters have a right to know what's been transpiring at the state department? >> it's not something i'm focussed on directly, but to my knowledge we released thousands, tens of thousands of pieces of information already. >> but what takes so long? why does it need two years? >> you have to have a clearance process. you have to make sure the information you're putting out in public isn't classified. it may not have some kind of implication with your relations to other countries. do something about that. all of that takes time and you have to have people review it. >> tony blinken, really appreciate it. thanks for being here. >> good to be here. we're following a lot of news, including donald trump's
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campaign involving a controversial tweet. >> the star is a star which is used sheriff's badges around the country. >> trump firing back at critics. >> the trump campaign has invoked bigotry, anti-semitism, racism. >> a tweet is a simple tweet. this is a simple star. >> big moment for hillary clinton, her first joint campaign appearance with president obama. >> the fires, massive and horrified. >> a massive truck bomb killing more than 215 people. >> it's the deadliest single attack in the country since the american invasion. >> they're trying to show that, hey, we're still a viable threat. >> 1.7 billion mile journey, tonight, through tones, juno sang to us and it was a song of perfection. >> to put a spacecraft in orbit around the most intense planet in the solar system, that's not easy. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and allison comrae rat to
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>> that is very cool. >> i'm a big fan of jupiter. i'm very pro-jupiter for the record. anything we learn about jupiter, i'm into. saturn, not so much. >> that is the planet i thought you were going with. welcome to your "new day." chris is off, john bermen joins me. donald trump pushing back over criticism about the deleted tweet with a graphic many felt were anti-semitic. trump slamming the dishonest media for a narrative he claims is false. >> donald trump and hillary clinton head to the battleground of north carolina today. hillary clinton has a special guest, president obama will be by her side. you know he is gearing up for a fight. cnn has complete coverage of the 2016 race. let's begin with twitter and jason carroll. good morning, jason. >> good morning to you, skron. donald trump weighing in on the controversial tweet. the presumptive nominee is not apologizing for what happened, but the campaign did offer up an explanation of who posted the image and exactly how it came to
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be. >> donald trump firing back at critics who say the star shape in the tweet campaign posted evokes anti-semitic imagery, calling the attacks false and ridiculous. trump singling out hillary clinton's campaign which called his tweet blatantly anti-semitic and part of a pattern. he says the former secretary of state is trying to divert attention to dishonest behavior of herself and her husband. but the clinton campaign is not alone in condemning the image. >> the trump campaign has invoked bigotry and anti-semitism, racism and now it's hard to call it anything other than a pattern. >> daniel trump's former new york golf course caddy turned social media director for the campaign now says he selected the star, not the jewish star of david but as he called it a sheriff's damage, explaining he found it under microsoft shapes. he said in a statement, the image was lifted from an
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anti-hillary twitter user where countless images appear and not sourced from an anti-semitic site. but cnn, through use of an internet archiving site, found that the same graphic, tweeted by trump, appeared ten days earlier on a message board filled with anti-semitic conspiracy theories and neo-nazi ideology. >> it's an interesting question to ask, why is your fact finding department focussing on fiction and how a major presidential campaign can be looking at racist websites or anti-semitic sections of other online sources and using it to find content to share with the american public? >> reporter: trump deleting the tweet on saturday, reposting the graphic, replacing the star in question with a circle. >> these memes float around the internet. there's no anti-semitism in mr. trump's body, not one ounce, not one cell. >> reporter: and trump's supporters point out that trump's son-in-law is jewish and
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that his daughter ivanka converted. trump's critics say there should have been more checks and balances. they say someone in the campaign should have known that a six-pointed star posted with money invokes anti-semitic imagery. john? >> thank you jason. hillary clinton will have her first joint appearance on the campaign trail with president obama of this 2016 race. the two will travel to north carolina aboard air force one which has donald trump asking -- who is payi ining for this ride? we're live in charlotte with more. big day for the clinton campaign, michelle. >> reporter: on the one hand, f hillary clinton who has been campaigning for a long and president obama who virtually every time he speaks now makes some reference, veiled or otherwise, slamming donald trump. i mean, we're curious to know if he will actually mention him by name here today. but he will fly with hillary clinton on air force one here. the campaign will have that image of her stepping off the
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plane with him. what could be a more ringing endorsement. then later on today, donald trump will also be making an appearance in north carolina in raleigh. so that tells you how important this battleground state is to both of them. donald trump raised that question, which has been raised many times when ever a president travels for a campaign who is picking up the bill? the answer is they both will. because air force one is very expensive to operate. it costs more than $200,000 an hour. so the way this has been done for decades is the white house, which means you, the taxpayer, will pay for what amounts to most of it, but the campaign will pay for a chunk of it, roughly what it would cost for the campaign to rent out a plane for that size for that amount of time and they will reimburse the white house for that. but the president will be you know, it's his first time on the campaign trail for hillary clinton. he'll want to energize the democrat cattic base, which has been growing here, but this is a state, remember, where he won in
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2008 but lost in 2012. alisyn? >> michelle, thank you for that preview. we'll talk about all that and cory lewandowski and christine quinn, the vice chair of the new york state democrat cattic party. great to have both of you here. >> morning. >> let's start first with this star of david tweet. corey, can you explain inside the campaign how this works with social media? this isn't the first time there was a controversial tweet. how did it work that this graphic that had appeared on a neo-nazi message board would make its way to donald trump's twitter feed? >> well, let me first say that director of social media for the trump campaign is a good friend of mine. he basically does this job by himself. you look at mr. trump's twitter feed, he put out over 30,000 tweets since he has started on twitter. what dan did and what he said he did is went to an anti-hillary
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twitter site and found this image of the star and copied that image and used it on a graphic which he designed holy on his own. >> that's not possible, corey. >> that's what he did. >> it's not possible the reason it's not possible is because that very same image first appeared on june 15th. so weeks ago, on this -- from this twitter user, fish bone head 1 who frequently posted islam phobic and racist memes. he had the image before his account was deleted then it appeared on this message board white supremacist neo-nazi website. he didn't create the image. >> he didn't say he created it. he took it off of a twitter site which is an anti-hillary twitter site and took that image. look, that very well could have happened. i know dan very well. he is a good man. he has two young children. he is not anti-semitic in any way, shape or form. he has been a very loyal person. for a fire storm to be created over an image that dan took off of someone's site is egregious.
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the real issue is that hillary clinton spent three and a half hours being investigated by the fbi. >> i understand that's what you want to talk about. we will get to hillary clinton. we have to finalize this how it happened. who you used to work with -- >> let me talk about michael. he was fired from a job as a volunteer. so michael has nothing -- >> over a tweet. >> over a tweet. >> should dan lose his job? >> absolutely not. no malice intent of what dan did. he took an image that he saw on the web and put it on a tweet and put it out. look, if dan thought this would be aintd semetic in any way, shape or form it never would have been approved. this isn't a 20-person social media campaign. you have one person who looked at it, made a good decision in the best of their ability and put out because it was so not so nonsensical he didn't think anything to it. >> let me say a couple things. first of all, it defies logic
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that an intelligent person who would be running social media for a presumptive nominee to be president of the united states would have no sense when you took that shaped star and put it on a pile of money and put the word corrupt and other words in it, it defies logic. >> he didn't know that connotation. he says he didn't know the anti-semitic -- >> first of all, i find that hard to believe. second, let's say that's the truth. you got the image off an anti-hillary website and then no vetting, no double checking, no running it by anybody, that's speaks to me of shooting at best shooting from the hip and sloppy. which is not what you want in an operation that could transition to white house. let's also be clear, this is not the first outrageous tweet by a
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long shot. after the supreme court decision arnold around the texas anti-choice laws, this didn't get much attention, but donald trump tweeted that the female members of the supreme court should have had to recuse themselves. so is he saying if a prostate case goes to the supreme court, all the men have to recuse themselves? it's going to be pretty hard to come up with cases if that's how we're going to run it. >> hillary clinton spends three and a half hours being investigated by the fbi. bill clinton sat down and met with the attorney general which is completely inappropriate. the mainstream media doesn't want to cover this unfortunately. >> we have covered this. >> that's not true. >> you're spending more time a star created by an individual who has jewish friends, close friends with ivanka trump, close friends with jared kushner, part of the trump family organization for over ten years and he is being accused of something which didn't happen. why don't you give him credit he simply took an image --
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>> do you know how ivanka felt about? >> i don't. >> no one did. donald trump has been a person going back 30 years in his corporation he hired senior executives that are jewish to be part of his organization. >> sure. there's nothing anti-semitic -- [ all speaking at once ] >> he was the first club in palm beach to allow jewish members to be part of it because the bath and tennis club wouldn't allow them at the time. he said this is discriminatory and we have to let people in of all races and -- >> hold on a second -- >> an image is put out and all of a sudden he is anti-semitic and egregious. 30 years of history have proven he isn't. >> is there a sloppiness and lack of sort of sensitivity in the campaign that would allow -- >> did a staff person take an image off of someone else's twitter feed? did donald trump have anything to do with it? absolutely not.
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you think every single tweet that goes off of hillary clinton's account she personally approves, that's egregious. >> of course not. that would be an absurd -- >> you have to be quiet. >> hold on -- >> no, that is sloppiness in his staff that wouldn't know there's that -- >> wait a minute, corey, you're bringing up every positive thing and he deserves credit for it. that's fine. that's irrelevant to what happened with this tweet. and the point -- hillary review every tweet? no. the point here is that donald trump has a campaign, has a campaign, that repeatedly sends out offensive tweets and tries to write them off in some monday morning quarterbacking with these creative stories around them. and it speaks to sloppiness. it speaks to not taking the job he's seeking seriously and it speaks really it stretches
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credibility that this happens over and over again, group after group after group. and the fact that he has jewish friends does not erase the possibility they could be anti-semitic. >> if he has a history of having done things -- >> i'm talking about the social media person. >> i don't think we can -- i don't think there's any malice. you should be careful about him. you don't know him. look at the history of donald trump whether it's a parade that he has led, whether it's putting a club together to make sure that jewish people in palm beach have a place to go, whether it's the senior executives of his private corporation, cfo or cto or chief legal counsel, he has a long and storied history. he has a 30-year history of supporting the people of israel. and this story about a meme or a picture which was placed on a tweet has been so blown up -- >> should he apologize?
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>> dan did apologize. he said he didn't do -- >> that's not an apology. >> i took it from here and put it up. because the guy didn't think about it he did it without thinking. >> very quickly. >> this list of qualified individuals who happen to be jewish that donald trump hired, we also have a long list of qualified women who donald trump hired to work in the company who had terrible stories of being treated badly, so the hiring record and how the company treats people is not the same. let's not forget his pledge to make all americans safe, merry christmas. not a particularly embracing statement. he said it repeatedly about our jewish brothers and sisters -- >> he is saying happy holidays is unfair to people who celebrate christmas. we're getting off the path. >> it speaks to whether you're embracing diversity or using it against. >> let's move on to hillary clinton. she will be for the first time barack obama will be on the campaign trail with hillary
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clinton. what can president obama do in terms of helping hillary clinton is seen as trustworthy. >> look, president obama is a president who has done a terrific job, has a 50% approval rating right now, which is very high number if you think about a president coming to the end of his second term. he is someone who has obviously is a historic president, has electrified and energized the base of the democratic party and independent voters. i think we're going to see that kind of enthusiasm and energy in psyching up the crowds come in this rally today. >> go ahead, corey. >> this will be the third term of the obama administration if hillary clinton is elected. everyone knows that. her husband is damaged goods in simply meeting with loretta lynch. she should be paying the full freight of the $200,000 an hour. >> they said the dnc. >> they'll pay a portion of it. >> their portion. >> they'll pay a portion. they should pay the whole freight. the taxpayers shouldn't be stuck with this.
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more over, hillary clinton will extend the same bad policies that the obama administration says no tax cut to the working families, increase national deficit, this president has done a terrible job of helping inner city find jobs. >> she won't do -- >> create jobs she never created a job in the private sector. >> barack obama wouldn't have done it. >> you need to be quiet. you tell everyone toels be quiet. be quiet. >> ever. ever. >> so while i'm speaking i'm going to -- my point is she wouldn't cut trillions of dollars for the super rich ever. that's what we'll see donald trump do. there will be a group hug. >> isn't there a danger of it becoming the third -- being seen as the third obama term for people who want a change and we know voters do. >> look, i think hillary clinton
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as the first woman president of the united states sals going to be an historic president. will she do things differently than barack obama? of course she will. she is a different person. let's be clear, i think secretary clinton and i and most democrats and most independents in america are incredibly proud of what barack obama has done for this country and she will not bring anti-immigrant, discriminatory policies to the white house. she will not cut trillions of dollars of taxes for the ultra rich in this country which is what donald trump has proposed and she will not put -- embrace international decisions like brexit because they help her golf club make more money. you won't see any of that. >> what hillary clinton will do is go to wall street and raise tens of millions of dollars which she has done and continues to do and be bought and paid for for those executives on wall street. she raised $40 million --
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>> donald trump won't be -- >> he has self funded his own campaign. >> what would his relationship be with wall street? >> if you look at his tax plan, he will get rid of the dividend loophole wall street takes advantage of. hillary clinton doesn't want to put any reforms on wall street. >> that is not true. >> bernie sanders and now elizabeth warren are pushing her to stay away from wall street. excuse me, it's my turn. >> you're right. >> the third term would be one where the country is in pearl. >> i want to talk about what's happened with hillary clinton's e-mail probe. you talked about the meeting on the tarmac between former president bill clinton and loretta lynch, she will take whatever the remss of the prosecutors in the justice department. >> what she also said she reserves the right as the attorney general to overrule that. she tried to play it both ways. which she has always done and been very fair and very equitable as a prosecutor.
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she said i will take the advice of career prosecutors. i will take that counsel. however she always reserved the right here in new york or attorney general to overrule rule that. >> she said i will accept what they've come up. >> the optics have been so bad, she never should have taken this meeting. >> she said it was a mistake. >> hillary clinton said it was a mistake with her e-mail server as well. you can't undo what you've done. she should have known better. the fact that bill clinton asked for a private meeting we'll have a cozy meeting inside with nobody there except the secret service detail is egregious. if that was the private person -- >> she could recuse herself right now unequivocally and said regardless of whatever the director of the fbi says, the justice department will prosecute if that recommendation comes from director comey. >> the attorney general was clear having president clinton come on her government plane was a mistake. she said it very clearly.
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she also said very clearly that she was not going to follow the traditional protocol which corey speaks of but that she was going to be briefed and accept the recommendation of career prosecutors because of the mistake with the meeting. she has recused herself and the statement corey just made is another example of the trump campaign changing the fact to fit the narrative they want. a few minutes ago, corey was getting all of the deference in the world to a staff member whom he says made a mistake. here is attorney general said she made a mistake but she is given no deference or -- >> it's funny how that works out. each side is willing to allow their own mistakes. >> attorney general of the united states meeting with the former president to discuss a case she is directly involved. with i recuse myself, i want nothing to do with this and i'll be happy. put it in writing. >> she made that statement.
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she has made that statement. >> give me a break. >> we have therapists standing by in the green room standing by and coffee in the green room. thank you very much. >> decalf i hope. >> you'll be back form you leave we'll see you guys tomorrow. john? >> all right. 19 minutes after the hour, baghdad reeling from the deadliest attack it has endured in years and took place as ramadan has come to a close. is the u.s. strategy against isis working? we'll speak to the former ambassador to both turkey and iraq. that's coming up.
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♪ baghdad rocked by the deadliest terror attack in iraq in more than a decade. more than 200 people dead according to iraqi officials. just one in a violent string of bombings and attacks by isis around the world. want to bring an dry rack and james jeffrey. ambassador, thank you so much for being with us. when you look at the map, sir of the attacks that have taken place in just the last month,
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orlando, bangladesh, baghdad, saudi arabia just yesterday, staggering in their scope and their breadth. just moments ago we had tony blinken in. he said in some ways this is a result of the success the u.s. has had in battling isis in syria and iraq. >> i think what we're seeing is a product to some great extent of the success we're having against isis because we're putting intense pressure on isis at its core in iraq and syria. what we're seeing is it lashing out in other places. they're reverting back to a different model of terrorism, suicide bombers, ieds in cars, et cetera. it does terrific damage. and it terrorizes people, but the more you take this territory away from them, the more you take their story away from them, the less attractive they become to people around the world. >> ambassador, do you agree with that assessment? is this what's successful? >> not entirely. isis still has the core of its
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territory and forces and still able to launch these awful attacks, which is not something new. it's been able to do this for years and we've known it. we haven't moved fast enough against this terrible force. >> you look what happened in iraq over the weekend, the attack in district in baghdad, an area where so much activity takes place, we're getting these aerial pictures of how much was damaged in that attack, more than 200 people killed, according to iraqi officials. how does that make you feel when you see that type of attack all these years after the invasion there? >> well, obviously terrible. i feel horrible about the deaths of the people. the same thing with istanbul. i know that airport well. but i worry as well aside from the horrific number of casualties the impact this has on the turkish and iraqi governments. isis is doing this deliberately to if not knock them out of the
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fight, divert them from the offensive operations that the u.s. government is putting so much stock in. this is not a bad isis strategy. it is having some success. we need to up our game. >> we need to up our game. so you're saying the united states not doing enough right now in the battle against isis in iraq specifically. >> we have 1% of our active duty army and marine forces in this fight. a slightly higher percent of their aircraft, of course, but still they're under certain limitations on their rules of engagement. we usually don't put troops close to the front line. we've been very, very cautious on launching special forces attacks. we've done a few and they're very effective. but the president should not turn this problem over to the next administration. >> is that what you think he's doing right now? >> i don't think he wants to do that. i think he's going to do that. >> you think he is going to do that. in other words, you do not think the administration right now is stepping up in this battle the way it needs to right now? >> that's right. >> what more should they do right now? >> well, i would recommend
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looser rules of engagement, more advisory teams on the front lines, probably a few elite u.s. combat units to lead the attack in places like syria where we've tried to cut off isis' flow of recruits and supplies but isis is fighting back hard. >> you want more troops, among other things. what do you think is holding the obama administration back from doing some of the things you would like to see? with the two things. the president is very reluctant to use troops and suffer casualties, that's understandable. particularly in the middle east. the second thing is people in washington understandly are very worried about well what will happen the day after? they're right to worry. i've seen the mess after we went into iraq in 2003. the point is, if you have a terrible mess right now. if you don't act, you're going to have that mess and sooner or later when isis goes you'll have that mess, too. we need to move as quickly as possible. >> by doing or not doing what you think the administration
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should do right now, do you think that's allowing isis to go stronger, in some ways allowing these attacks that we've seen over the last month to take place all around the world? >> the administration does everything as do our allies to stop these attacks. the point is isis known for these attacks is out there, operating, has this appeal to recruits around the middle east, it's going to continue doing this. and perhaps the government in iraq doesn't fall because of the attack, perhaps the government doesn't reduce its support for the fight against isis, but these things are all possibilities. that's why we're incuring huge risks by not doing as much as we k as rapidly as we can against isis. >> ambassador james jeffrey, thank you for being with us. i appreciate it. >> thank you, john. nasa is celebrating a huge milestone almost five years in the making. its spacecraft juno is now
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orbittingorbit i i jupiter. so what mysteries will this unlock?
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big space news this morning. nasa scientists are getting a closer look at jupiter. [ cheers and applause ]. >> we have the tone for cutoff on delta beach. juno, welcome to jupiter. >> after a five-year journey, spanning more than 1.8 billion miles, nasa's juno spacecraft is now orbitting the biggest planet in our solar system.
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what mysteries will this mission unlock? here to discuss are our guests. great to have both of you. doctor, let me start with you, what was all of that excitement? why was everyone so excited at this achievement? >> well, juno is finally in orbit around jupiter. we've been waiting for this for five years. it was a very tense moment because we really didn't know how well it was going to work. there were a lot of hazards there that we were concerned about, but the -- everything worked flawlessly and we're in orbit now arnold jupiter. >> miles, tell us the significance of this space achievement? >> it's a big deal on a lot of levels, alisyn. it's the farthest solar powered probe to go into the solar
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system. everything works well, it will maybe change the way future missions will be designed. but jupiter itself has intrigued us for a long time. there's a lot of mysteries beneath the surface there and juno is the first spacecraft designed to really work beneath the surface. gal lay owetaking pictures of the surface. we've seen a lot of the red spot, the big storm that's been going for at least 300 years. what's going on beneath it? is what juno is all about? >> so jupiter is as miles saying a very cool place, figuratively and literally. >> indeed. >> what mysteries might it unlock? >> well, it's going to tell us what's it made of inside. we don't know what the composition is of jupiter. we know it's mostly hiydro general and little bit of helium, how much of iron, the
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rock material and so on is inside? that's key in seeing how jupiter forms and our solar system formed. >> miles, is it true that where there's water there could be life? >> well, everywhere we look on this planet where we find liquid water, we do, in fact, find life. now, i don't know that -- many people on the team are -- have much expectation they'll find anything like that on this mission. but if you look nearby at the icy moons of jupiter, uropa being at the top of the list, there is an ice-covered ocean there, so understanding jupiter and its systems is all part of the bigger picture of understanding whether we are alone in the universe. >> it doesn't get any cooler than that. i mean, that is what we're all searching for. is this a search for life mission? is it possible? >> no. we're not looking for life on this mission. what we're looking for are the pieces that go into making life.
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so oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and so which we want to know how much there is inside of jupiter and that will tell us about solar system formation and tell us about origins as a planet, the solar system origins, the origins of earth and the other planets. and that will be key for understanding life, yes, in the long run. >> hm, miles this was a risky mission. what is so complicated about getting to jupiter? >> well, if the spacecraft traveled $1.8 billion miles because it had to kind of slingshot around earth to get a gravity boost to make it because it didn't have enough umph on its own. you can imagine the navigational problem to put it from the kennedy space center, cape canaveral to within 2,600 miles of the largest planet in our solar system and getting that right, threading that needle is a huge engineering accomplishment. you know, when you see those people explode in cheers, i
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always think of these guys as the river boat gamblers of scientists. they put all their chips on the table. they invest years and years in their career and then they just have to sit there and watch and hope the spacecraft does what they told it to do because it was all on auto pilot and went off within a hitch within one second. >> my co-host is very intrigued by the fact that it had to crash into the planet. why did it need a crash landing? >> well, in the end, we have to decide what to do with the spacecraft and we don't want it to hit uropa which is indeed we think there could well be life under the ice. it's much better to send it into the planet jupiter and for it to burn up at the end of the mission. but we want to get a lot of data before we do that. >> got it. it will crash land at the end of the mission which is february of 2018 and we hope to see some images during these next two years there. it's really exciting stuff. miles o'brien, dr. fran baginaw
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thank you for explaining it to us. >> thank you. >> very cool. anti-semitic or a tribute to sheriffs everywhere? could we be days away from a vice presidential pick? donald trump floats names of people he might choose. that's next. get ready for the rio olympic games
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♪but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no no,♪ ♪not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider,♪ ♪yeaaahh... ♪but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me nooo♪ ♪not gonna let 'em catch the midnight riiiiiiiideer!♪
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donald trump giving everyone some clues when it comes to his vice presidential choice. joining us now to talk about this and more is hillary clinton spo supporter hillary rosen and jeffrey lord. he is a donald trump supporter. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, ali and hillary. >> and john as well is playing here. >> and john. >> so donald trump has been tweeting out a storm of possible vp picks.
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i'll start with what he says in terms of who is interested. he tweeted this out, the only people who are not interested in being the vp pick are the people who have not been asked. he is suggesting that everyone he is asking is interested. let's start with joni ernst, okay, hillary. he says i look forward to meeting joni ernst, fourth of july in new jersey. she has done a great job as senator in iowa. wouldn't that be a crafty, pick, hillary? he would have a history making ticket if he were to win. >> we have to give trump a little credit here for this process that he seems to be running himself that he seems to be the one leaking all the names, deliberately at that. that's kind of unprecedented. i don't think it's entirely true, though, that everyone wants to do it. i think actually there's been a lot more attention paid to the people who have bowed out. having said that, you know, the fact that he's out there all the
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time talking about how he's considering this is interesting. senator ernst -- >> do you think joni ernst would be interested? >> i assume she would be interested because i think that senator ernst is just like donald trump in many ways. she is anti-choice, anti-pay equity. she is anti-immigrant. she's wants to take the country backwards on health care. so, there are a lot of things they have in common. it would be hard for her to explain to people like governor suzanne martinez why trump is so disrespectful to women so often, but that will be her burden. >> jeffrey, hillary touched on something i find fascinating in the in a period of half hour he started floating these names, joni ernst, tom cotton and meeting with mike pence. spent time with indiana governor mike pence and family yesterday. very impressed.
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great people. as hilary said, jeffrey, you're a student of history, this is unprecedented for candidate himself to sort of float names of vice presidential possibilities, these three, cotton, ernst, pence, bob corker appearing on the stump with donald trump. he is doing this very, very publicly. why? >> well, everything about the donald trump campaign is unprecedented, as i think we all realize now. he is putting these names out there for, if you will, public vetting to see what kind of reaction he gets from it that i'm sure he is thinking about himself as he sees that reaction. i have to say, personally i'm a newt gingrich guy on this issue. but i also have to say, i am not sure that these candidates for either party add or subtract. i mean, we've had candidates on both sides who added and subtracted and the ones you subtracted never helped or didn't hurt their nominees who won.
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if you think of dan quayle for republicans or the democrats who were given positive reviews like lloyd benson and edmund musky didn't help their tickets win. so i'm not sure. i think what you need is somebody who can actually do the job, who can have the president's competent, sit in the small study off the oval office and have watch and keep quiet and work the hill. >> let's look at the names that have come out on hillary clinton's side. some more high profile than others, tim cain, elizabeth warren has been mentioned, people are looking at cory booker. which direction dhung is going to go? >> i'll follow up on one point that jeffrey just made, the most important thing that the vp selection says is this presidential candidate making a decision based on who they think will best serve the country or are they making decision based on some political calculation?
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one will end up being more successful than the other. i think hillary clinton really wants a vice president who will be a good partner in the oval office, who can help her on key priorities and, you know, each one of those people brings something different to the ticket. >> yeah. >> so really it ends up being about very much about chemistry. there is probably nobody that a president has to have a franker, more important and private relationship than than their vice president. >> i want to move away from this area of agreement right now to talk about what's going on in twitter. jeffrey, you feel very strongly about this tweet that was removed by the trump campaign and came out saturday morning. it had images of what many people believe is the star of david over $100 bills calling hillary clinton the most corrupt politician ever. now, i read you. i'm an avid reader of your work. >> uh-oh. >> you say it harkens back to the famous 1950s, 1960s show
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"law man" and you say this is sort of a tribute to sheriffs everywhere. my question to you, jeffrey -- it references the sheriffs. if this was about sheriffs, jeffrey, why was this image previously on a twitter feed and also a website, this at wright website that traffics sometimes in racist information, anti-semitic information. i don't know that they traffic in pro sheriff or "lawman" type of message. >> john, number one the sheriff's image is out there everywhere. this has been around in america for well over a century. when i saw this tweet, that is exactly what i first thought of was that it was the sheriff's badge over money which meant she was corrupt, which is the crooked hillary, one of the themes of the campaign. you know, the whole -- all of this -- frankly i think some of this is a matter of culture. now, they took it down.
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i don't think they should have taken it down frankly. it just -- i mean, if we're going to talk about anti-semitism, we need to be talking about why we have people on the democratic platform committee right now -- >> yep. >> pushing anti-israel point of views who were put there by bernie sanders. >> jeffrey, hold on one second. >> that's serious stuff. >> fine. before we deflect -- hold on, hilary, just to be clear, this is different than the sheriff's star. while six-pointed has little circles on top -- >> no, ali, that's not true. some do and some do not. >> maybe we can pull it up. the most universal one that people wear on their -- the sheriff's wear at their badge have the little stars. that's what we all identify it as. >> here is the real problem, i think. there was an interesting debate earlier on your show with chris quinn and cory lewandowski. here is the issue, is that
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donald trump has exhibited so much prejudice and division over this campaign -- the course of this campaign that people actually believe this. that's why it matters, jeffrey. it's because it trump actually is a divider, not a uniter. that's why people make this be a big deal. that's why it's a problem that the trump campaign that trump himself has not said anything about this. because it makes him seem more unaccountable. like there's some dog whistle to people who hate. >> he has said something about it. there was a statement out there this morning which i read. one from the social media director, but one from donald trump himself. with all due respect, if we're going to talk about division, i am always gob smacked that democrats like to play this game when they have been the party of
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racial division. >> eric ericson, these were not democrats. just to be clear. most of the comments i saw earliest on in this were not from democrats. >> there's also this other bigger problem, which is this constant sort of policy by tweeting, this kind of let's know how donald trump feels because of how he's tweeting. this constant what feels like emotional outbursts. the key issue here is this lack of general accountability. that is not the kind of balanced thoughtful leadership you want in a presidential campaign or in a president. that's why this thing matters. jeffrey might be right that there's not an anti-semitic bone in donald trump's body. i know he loves his daughter and
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son-in-law. but he plays to hate, he plays to division. that's what doesn't work. that sort of eruption constantly from his campaign says something about the leader he will be. >> i just want to find the sheriff star we've been talking about which looks on the left more like the star of david and the sheriff's badge has the little circles on top of each of the points. go ahead. >> if we're going to get down to divisive politics, i've asked this question before and i'll ask it of hillary. is the democratic platform who has written six -- >> we've had president obama. we've had president clinton. >> you never apologized for inflicting slavery on the country.
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>> -- has consistently apologized for slavery and redprr regretted it and done everything possible to change social mores. >> guys, thank you. we will leave it there before it veers off into another segment. thank you very much. >> i'll send you a link to a badge. >> i will look at that. meanwhile the olympic security is of course under microscope in rio. how much of the show of force is just a show? to find a new way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called... the machine. it changed computing forever. and it's been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. everything? everything! this year, hewlett packard enterprise
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we're just one month away from the 2016 summer olympic games kicking off in rio de janeiro, this as the city's mayor says the state is doing a terrible job with security. >> reporter: good morning. part of those concerns and that terrible job already being felt, not just by residents but complaints from those who are meant to protect all of the olympic visitors as well. rio's police are marching straight to the international terminal to give not an olympic welcome but a warning. we won't be able to protect you. violence is on the rise here. and officers say they haven't been paid in months. the government says the claims are legitimate and is working towards normalizing the
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situation. but to the officers, it's hardly reassuring. these two men operate under a different set of orders. >> if i talk i can be punished or even arrested for this. >> reporter: they are with the military police, fighting what they call rio's hidden civil war. >> translator: we are numbers, nothing more. >> translator: you encounter a drug trafficker armed with lots of ammunition and you only have 20 bullets. it's absurd. >> reporter: they risk talking to us because they say they've watched their fellow officers die to preserve rio's image, not to protect its people. >> translator: we have a saying here in brazil, for the english to see. i believe the politicians are doing everything for the english to see. >> reporter: for the english to see, meaning put on a show for public consumption. they say the city's scant
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resources are used to patrol tourist hot spots instead of faveles. even in an event like this, we're constantly being stopped from filming. there's a lot of concerns about filming armed men. the government's own statistics show the number of people killed by police including civilians caught in the cross fire has nearly doubled in the last year. human rights groups say the police are not just poorly trained but trigger happy. >> translator: they don't care if there is a child in the middle, they shoot their target. >> reporter: state security officials tell cnn they have taken measures over the years to expel officers for inappropriate behavior and say they have decreased the use of heavy weapons. but residents say the rates are
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increasing and indiscriminate. >> translator: so they don't cause trouble in the city because the foreigners can't see that the city is chaotic. >> reporter: and they probably won't. over the next month the federal government plans to flood rio's tourist zones and olympic venues with troops. for rio's residents living in the shadow of the games, it's security they will never see. and the 85,000 extra security personnel expected to be arriving plus access in and out of the venues will be heavily guarded with those trying to get to the games going through x-ray machines and metal detectors. we're following a lot of news so let's get right to it. ♪ >> donald trump is not apologizing for the controversial tweet. >> the imagery evoking
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anti-semitic stereotypes. >> it's a pattern to us that is troubling and wrong. >> hillary clinton will appear on the campaign trail with president obama. >> can the president help her sliding poll numbers? >> the single deadliest terror attack in iraq since 2003. >> very bloody, deadly last few days of the holy month of ramadan. >> i think we're going to see unfortunately a lot more of this. >> it would be surprising to me if isil is not trying to hit us in our homeland. >> did they use old fireworks footage during a live broadcast? >> this is "new day." >> fireworkgate. pbsgate. >> we will tell you the controversy shortly in the
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program. so donald trump on the defense over a now deleted tweet with a graphic that originated on an anti-semitic website. trump blaming the dishonest media for this firestorm. >> donald trump and hillary clinton both head to north carolina today. this is a big day on the campaign trail. donald trump is bringing a potential running mate. hillary clinton's got her own special guest on stage later on today, president obama. this is their first joint appearance of the election season. cnn has complete coverage of the 2016 race, starting with the twitter battle. "star wars," if you will. >> donald trump lashed out at the media, then he pointed fingers at hillary clinton. now the campaign has also offered up an explanation of who posted the image and how that person apparently got it. >> donald trump firing back at critic who is say the star shape evokes anti-semitic imagery,
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calling the attacks false and ridiculous. trump singling out hillary clinton's campaign which called his tweet blatantly anti-semitic and part of a pattern. trump says the former secretary of state is trying to divert attention from dishonest behavior of herself and her husband. but the clinton campaign is not alone in condemning the image. >> the trump campaign has invoked binvoke ed budget bigotry and anti-semiti anti-semitism. >> he called it a sheriff's badge explaining he found it from microsoft shapes. cnn through use of an internet
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archiving site found that the same graphic tweeted by trump appears ten days earlier on a image board filled with anti-semitic conspiracy theories and neo nazi ideology. >> why is your fact finding department focusing on fiction and how a major presidential campaign can be looking at racist websites or anti-semitic sections of other online sources and using it to find content to share with the american public. >> donald trump deleting the tweet on saturday, reposting the graphic replacing the star in question with a circle. >> these memes float around the internet. there is no anti-semitism in mr. donald trump's body. >> still no apology from trump on the issue. donald trump's critics say someone in the campaign should have known that a six-pointed
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star with money evokes anti-semitism. on the democratic side, hillary clinton hitting the campaign trail for the first time with president obama. the two head to north carolina aboard aforir force one which h donald trump asking who is paying for that ride. >> reporter: the white house has been getting the question for months now. when is president obama finally going to get out on the campaign trail for hillary clinton. of course the answer is today, right here in charlotte. what picture could be better for the clinton campaign than to see them fly in together on air force one. one of the questions is how much will president obama hit donald trump? will he actually mention him by name? because he rarely does. and later on today donald trump will be in north carolina also but in a different city in
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raleigh. you mentioned it. he was the one who brought out the question and it often comes up whenever a president takes these trips for a campaign, who is paying for that obama/clinton trip. the answer is, you may have guessed, you the taxpayer pick up a big chunk of it. air force one is expensive. it costs more than $200,000 an hour to operate. but the campaign also needs to kick in. what they do is prorate it. so the campaign would pay roughly what it would cost to charter a plane of that size for that amount of time. this is the way it's been done for decades. you generally don't know the break down of those numbers until people start filing freedom of information requests. we may know those numbers later on. i want to discuss the battle for north carolina and this big day on the campaign trail. joining us, former trump campaign advisor michael caputo.
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this is a big day on the trail today. in some ways a day that's been a long time coming and later i think than maybe the clinton team wanted. barack obama side by side with hillary clinton on the trail. important? >> very important. the imagery today is going to be amazing, descending from the steps of air force one, standing shoulder to shoulder together. i'm excited. that's all anybody's talking about. north carolina is going to be a pivotal state. trump is playing defense here. this's no better attack dog, there's no better unifier. there's no better campaigner than barack obama. barack obama won the presidency of the united states not once but twice and he won in landslides both times with mandates from this country.
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>> bursting through the seam as always. let's talk about north carolina. this was a state that barack obama won in 2008. but mitt romney won in 2012. is it really a battleground this time around? is this a state that republicans fear losing? >> no, it's not actually. i think what we talked about, what we called it in the trump campaign is a must hold state, not a battleground state. it's one that if we do lose as republicans, it will be much harder to get the math together to elect donald trump president. it's a place where you'll see donald trump campaign. but it's not, let's say, nevada, new hampshire, colorado, florida, one of the true battleground states. >> he's there tonight, which says something. he didn't want to see today on the calendar to hillary clinton
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and president obama. i guess he's there with bob corker from tennessee. corker is a name that's been floated as a potential vice presidential pick. just moments ago donald trump went on twitter literally about three minutes ago and said it was great spending time with joni ernst, we'll see her again. we'll see her again. what does that mean? is he trying to float the notion that joni ernst is now a leading conte contender? >> what you're seeing here is a very interesting new kind of twist on the modern presidential campaign. it appears to me -- i don't know, but it appears to me that they have internally made the decision to announce the vice president before the convention. i was at the convention before i left the campaign. we were always planning on announcing the vice president at
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the convention. a very important plot point in a very important show for donald trump. but now it looks as if donald trump is teasing this out, bringing up the names himself on twitter, a very innovative way of marketing, of building the drum beat to this announcement, a way to also get republicans who are doubtful about the campaign to turn their heads and say, hmm, maybe this is something we can get behind. >> you were nodding your head. you think this trump version of veep stakes is successful right now? >> it's very successful. he's controlling the narrative. he's on offense. he's teasing the country. last week the conversation was whether or not it was going to be chris christie and newt gingrich. the fact of the matter is if you have newt gingrich on the ticket, that's six marriages on one ticket. donald trump realizes that. he realizes that you negate some of the ethical issues he wanted
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to throw against the clintons. some of these people come back and people can galvanize behind them. i'm not certain that anybody wants to tie their political future and destiny to donald trump. that is the question. but it's a hell of a strategy and it's working. >> michael, i want to talk about fw twitte eter again. we had a back and forth yesterday. some people thought the images were anti-semitic. last night the trump campaign finally offered an explanation of what happened. the man who runs social media for him says he found the image and copied and posted it and took it down when he realized it was offensive.
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there may be holes in that story. it doesn't explain if that anti-clinton twitter feed is also a twitter feed that includes anti-semitic material. the fact that it took them three days to offer an explanation, did they just cede three days of political real estate? >> this is much ado about nothing. we went through this yesterday. the controversy over the tweet is something clinton ordered up just to subsume the fact that she was being investigated. what i got upset about yesterday and what still bothers me is i shared an officer with dan. there's not a more decent, honest, forthright person on the planet. he's devoted to electing donald trump planet. misses his family every single day. for people to go out there and
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accuse dan scavino gleefully looking through these awful websites, that really bothers me. here's the thing. we know that hillary clinton cannot win this election unless she labels successfully donald trump as abigot, a misogynist. the media really tars good and decent people. that's infuriating. >> first of all, it was republicans who were out earliest and loudest who made the first stink about this tweet. hillary clinton didn't put out a statement, the campaign didn't until yesterday. if what you say was true, wouldn't the trump campaign benefit from an organization that maybe has some checks and balances before tweets like that
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go out? an organization to elect a president does indicate what organization a future president might have? >> you're right. there's no question about that. the trump campaign has been operating lean and mean for a year. and they've been looking to build out the digital department, the social media department. i've never seen a guy spend so much time on a campaign, devoted to it, up late at night than dan ever in my 30 years in politics. he could benefit from some more help. and he'll get it. as we approach the convention, he'll be working with a very strong digital team at the convention as well. as ramadan comes to an end, several countries are mourning the victims of violent attacks. in iraq, isis taking responsibility for that weekend truck bombing that killed at least 215 people. you can see the massive
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devastation that is left behind from this refrigerator truck bomb. this video just tells the terrible tale of the scope there. in saudi arabia an attack near one of the country's holiest sites in medina. isis has not said yet that it's responsible. police suspect the group is involved. >> officials in avon, ohio, are apologizing for the mistaken arrest of the man from the united arab emirates. officers charged him with guns drawn. turns out they responded to a false report about a man pledging a lee -- allegiance to isis. here's fireworks gate. the network admitted using a combination of the best fireworks from this year and
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previous years live in its broadcast last night. pbs saw nothing wrong with it. it tweeted it was the patriotic thing to do to use the best. viewers disagreed. >> another said i knew public broadcasting was powerful. until tonight, i didn't know it could clear cloudy skies and scaffolding. >> they just wanted to show the best fireworks. is that out of bounds? >> think of the money you could save. just use stock footage. >> many fireworks shows do happen to look alike. last night was raining. were they so wrong? >> i hope congress gets involved here. >> then we'd have action. >> let's hope. 16 minutes after the hour. even the cia director acknowledges the anti-isis
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strategy isn't limiting the reach now of the terror group. is it time for a change? we're going to speak to someone who has commanded the u.s. army in iraq. that's next.
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saudi arabia rocked by three suicide bombings in a 24-hour period. those attacks followed the deadliest terror attack in iraq in more than a decade. isis increasing attacks as it
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suffers defeats on the battleground in iraq and syria. good morning, general. let's talk about this, the horrible attack in baghdad and the reaction to it. the victims' families were so distraught and outraged that they not only blamed isis for the attack, they also blamed the prime minister. when he went to visit the scene, they rushed his car. they yelled insults and named at him. they have lost confidence that he is able to protect them, obviously. so what is the answer there in baghdad? >> yeah. that's tough. and the explosion in baghdad was one of the largest they've had since 2003. the challenge that mr. al abadi has is bringing his government
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together. the shia within baghdad itself are furious at him because he hasn't been able to provide security. as anyone knows who's been there, baghdad is continually rocked with car bombs. this is a situation where they thought they could get more action out of mr. al abadi, that he would stop the corruption, that the police would take firmer action against those who are making car bombs. and it hasn't happened to the degree they'd like. so it continues to be problematic for his government. that's part of the challenge that he faces, is not only conducting the military operations in the west and the north, but also bringing his own government together. >> look, it's obviously very complicated and nobody's gotten it right. iraq is a very, very complicated place. and now to see this heinous attack, i mean, children being
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slaughtered, it just seems as though we are not winning the fight against isis. let's talk about that. obviously there's been a debate. we just heard it again this morning. isis is decreasing in size, but this doesn't feel like winning. >> yeah. it doesn't, does it? truthfully in all my time in combat in iraq, i've never used the term winning. because you can't win. you can't put a final stake on it. you have to gain in this kind of insurgency. what's been happening -- in fact i've received several messages from iraqi security forces. they have told me that the army is coming back together and bishinbish i establishing security. that's a good thing. the army has good leadership. they're making gains. but then you have the
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unfortunate situation that you have to rebuild cities that have been destroyed like fallujah and at the same time the government has to come together. the government in baghdad is still challenged by different sects. people want action. >> let me be clear. tony blanken didn't say winning. he said successes. i'm saying show us which one is success out weighing what seems to be the failures of all of these attacks. let me just play for you what the cia director has said about isis. unfortunately despite all progress against isis on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the group's terrorism capability and global reach. that's why the question remains, is this success? >> part of the point was
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including the messaging of isis, the fact that other organizations throughout the world who have been conducting attacks on their own are now buying into the isis brand. so the criticality of defeating isis on the battlefield while continuing to conduct actions against their linked organizations in other places around the world is extremely important. but by doing that you have to eliminate not only the flow of fighters, the money that isis can spend and there has been successes in that category although they're still receiving quite a bit of funding from various sources. but you also have to establish good government. that's what's trying to occur in iraq. it's a long way from occurring in syria. there are other places like libya, yemen, bangladesh. when you have those governments that aren't taking care of their
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people completely, you're going to have that kind of space where isis breeds. and organizations connected to isis will continue to conduct these attacks. that's the problem and the challenge. donald trump and hillary clinton, both with record high unfavorable numbers. coming up, how the race could ultimately come down to who is disliked the least.
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a new poll shows the 2016 race is the battle of the unlikables. hillary clinton and donald trump have major issues with unfavorability and trust. so will this race come down to who voters dislike the at least? and what might the vice president selection have to do with that equation? let's bring in david axelrod. it is interesting. you look at the unfavorable
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numbers. hillary clinton is at 53% which is bad. what's worse is donald trump at 60%. you have those numbers, plus you have the weekend they had. hillary clinton sitting down with the fbi facing tough questions about the e-mails. donald trump coming off of this twitt eter controversy that a l of people think is anti-semitic. >> there's no doubt we're in uncharted waters. both these candidates have numbers that are higher than any nominees we've seen. it actual hi ply puts some atte on the vice president, but also the conventions which are the last big chance before the debates to command an audience and tell your story in an unfiltered way. both of them are going to try to use their conventions to tell a positive story. but i have to believe we're going to see a very negative campaign from now until november. >> the unfavorables coming to a
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theater near you this fall. david, when candidates are this high with unfavorables and considered unlikable, does this motivate people to go to the polls because they hate the other guy so much? >> that remains to be seen. i do think there will be motivation on both sides via the other candidate. in one of these recent polls there was more positive sentiment expressed about hillary clinton among her supporters than among trump supporter who eer supporters, who said they were going to vote against hillary clinton. but i think that one of the reasons the democratic party has come together rather quickly here and there's been some consolidation of the base is because of trump. and very strong feelings he generates among democrats. >> your guy is getting in the game today.
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president obama is going out on the trail with hillary clinton. it's happening in north carolina, which is interesting in and of itself. this is the state the obama campaign won in 2008. in 2012, mitt romney won. how much influence do you think the president can have at this stage of the game? >> we're talking about approval rates. his happen to be pretty good right now. his are in the 50s, which in a polarized country is quite high. more than anything else he can provide a testimonial for hillary clinton having been her opponent at one point and then working closely with her in her job as secretary of state. and he can describe the demands of the presidency in that way that under score the seriousness of the job. one of the problems that donald trump is having right now is that people may see him as an
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expressionof anger about the status quo but they're having a hard time picturing him sitting in that office. >> hillary clinton continues to struggle with her trustworthiness. so what specifically can president obama do to help her in that department? >> i think again he can provide a testimonial to her as a public official. they worked closely together. i was there during the campaign and i was there when he told us that he wanted to make her secretary of state, which was surprising given the long battle they had. but he said, look, i respect her, i trust her and i think she would be loyal and effective. and they ended up having a very close working relationship. so he can speak from that perspective. and he has -- he gets high character marks. so i think that's help fulful. the other thing is having a president of the united states
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out there is going to be helpful with the base of the democrat party with whom he's very very popular, minorities, young people. he's a force multiplier for her. donald trump is really the star of his show and the supporting cast. she will have people out there and the president chief among them who can really bring the case. this is unusual, by the way. in the past we haven't seen presidents who are leaving office playing an active role in the campaigns of the party's successor candidate. the fact that she's calling on him is a very unusual development. >> i want to ask you about the vice presidential selection process right now. donald trump is doing something very very interesting. you've been part of this process before. when you we donald trump tweeted moments ago that he loves spending time with
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joni ernst and looks forward to meeting her again. >> first of all, it's away of changing the story line from some more negative story lines. it's very important for donald trump. as i said before, the greatest hurdle he has is the credibility hurdle as a president of the united states. and the notion of interviewing vice presidential candidates is an elevating process. it's i think smart of him to do this in a more public way. i do think this choice is meaning full in temean ingful in terms of his candidacy. he does have to reassure people that he can govern. i think the guy he's campaigning with today, senator bob corker from tennessee, is somebody who could really help him if he were added to the ticket.
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notorious drug kingpin el chapo was hard to catch. coming up, a look at the hurnt o catch him. the earth needed to find a new waytury, to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called... the machine. it changed computing forever. and it's been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. everything? everything! this year, hewlett packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. see star trek beyond.
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this morning we're going inside the capture of a dangerous drug kingpin. this is all part of cnn's special report got shorty, inside the chase for el chapo. it's hosted by our own chris cuomo. take a look. >> around midnight on february 17th, 2014, el chapo guzman wants a snack and send a guard out to get it. mexican marines get lucky. >> he was grabbed. he was arrested. and he cooperated. >> this is the house where the guard says el chapo is hiding. when they got to the front door, they got unlucky. not only is this a steel door, but it's several inches thick of
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reinforced steel. so they had to try to bash it in. they were using a battering ram. ordinary naturally what happens is as you batter the door, the metal heats up and softens and you can gain entry. this door did not heat up. it took them almost ten minutes to get inside. that's all the time the king of tunnels needs. looks like a bathtub, right? check this out. a signature el chapo tunnel. >> very cool. let's bring in the man who was there when the dangerous drug kingpin was captured in 2014. you've described capturing el
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chapo as being like winning the super bowl. why was it so important to you personally? >> well, first of all, there's kids dying all over america. there's an epidemic going on right now across this country with fentanyl and heroin. as a law enforcement executive my number one priority was to protect people in america, keep kids and people safe. with the cartel's influence in america, it was very important to capture the head of the cartel. >> tell us more about that. from a drug enforcement perspective, did the capture of el chapo change anything in terms of what the cartel is capable of? >> this is a long-term struggle. you have to have a strategy. you need strong enforcement. you need prevention, education,
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training. we have to keep up the pressure. if you look at colombia which is a model for global law enforcement, our partnerships around the world with the dea and other agencies has been outstanding. you have to keep the pressure on. if you go to colombia today, you feel very safe in most areas. it's the same thing in mexico. mexico has a lot of violence. drugs corrupt people. there's tons of money available in this business. drugs are generating like $400 billion around the globe. there's obviously going to be a lot of violence associated with that. >> i know that you guys do god's work. you're on the front lines every day. but do you think the u.s. is winning or losing the war against illegal drugs? >> any time you can save a life of a young child, you're winning, because this is an epidemic and we need strong enforcement to continue going after these cartels. i mean, obviously it's a battle.
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it's like war. and it takes a long time. we have to be patient. we have to stay focused. we have to have good solid strategies. we have to have the experts in the country on education, law enforcement, prevention. and we have to develop the best sound strategies. that's it. it's that simple. we can't raise the white flag and give up. >> do you think el chapo is still pulling the strings from inside a prison cell? >> i would hope not. i don't know anything about the prison. it's near the border of the u.s. and mexico. hopefully after what happened in the maximum security prison, they'd be a lot more security and more focus on his 24/7 activities. >> this isn't the first time he escaped. he has this elaborate system of tunnels. he obviously has help from the outside. the sophisticated tunnels are well lighted, they're
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ventilated, they had a track for a motorcycle to get him out faster. are you confident that the mexico prison where he is can contain him or do you fear that he'll escape again? >> i have confidence now in the president. he has shown his willingness to extradite el chapo. i have confidence in the legal system at this point. i hope to see el chapo facing justice here in the u.s. and maybe even in my home down of new york. >> thank you very much for your perspective. great to talk to someone who was there. thanks for being here. remember to tune in tonight for cnn's special report got shorty, inside the chase for el chapo. the anticipation builds as donald trump fuels speculation that he could announce his pick for vice president soon. he's appearing with one person on the possible short list today. he just tweeted about another
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person on the possible short list. are we days away from a pick? that's next. the ford freedom sales event is on! and zero for 72 is back! on 2016 ford focus, fusion and escape. plus specially tagged vehicles get an extra $1000 smart bonus. that means freedom from interest... and freedom to choose... with ford, america's best selling brand. ♪ i'm free, baby! now get 0% financing for 72 months. plus, specially tagged vehicles get a $1000 smart bonus. only at the ford freedom sales event. ♪ feel free...
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donald trump is denying the tweet he posted and deleted on saturday was anty sme tanti-sem.
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he said he pulled it off on an anti-clinton twitter feed and took it down when he realized it was offensive. he tweeted this morning for the mainstream media to suggest that i am anti-semite is awful. the real issue is what's going on inside the trump campaign. >> now he just added 24 hours to this story all by himself. one of the questions we had
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about the donald trump campaign from the beginning is -- i mean you wouldn't run a campaign for city council this way. did they intentionally pull this image or just not know better? >> we're having a tough time with david's skype feed right now. he's saying this gets to the question of whether the trump organization is running on all cylinders right now. you're a relative newcomer to the campaign. does the campaign have its act together? >> yes, it does. it's growing. i think that we all, everybody, really needs to look at the measure of somebody beyond 140 characters in a single tweet.
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i'm very sorry if people were offended and i don't speak for the social media director or mr. trump. however, i'm going to side with dan scavino. we all know that mr. trump opened up his club in florida to jewish members for the first time. that's much more important in my view in measuring the way someone looks at people. >> i'm very sorry if people were offended is so much more than came from the campaign in the first three days of this controversy. had that come out on saturday instead of last night just the statement about how it got on there, that's more than i've heard from anyone in the campaign. >> well, they deleted it.
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there are many serious people who are involved at the highest echelons in this campaign. donald trump spent this weekend interviewing serious people whob h to be his running mate. >> donald trump himself has been on twitter over the last 24 hours mentioning tom cotton, mike pence, joni ernst. >> she's certainly on the list, evidenced by the fact that mr. trump met with her. the list is a really robust list. >> how many? >> it's not for me to say? >> more than five. >> this has been a very public process in the last few days, unusually public as opposed to
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hillary clinton's process where you see a couple of names floated. governor pence said i love my state, i love my country, but i'm going to do everything i can to help donald trump be the next president of the united states. how many republicans should really come forward and say that in support of their nominee? donald trump's done his job. he became the nominee of the party fairly and squarely. it's time for other people to come on board. and if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. >> are we going to get a pick this week? >> it's not for me to say. you'll certainly have a pick before the convention. that's very typical. let's watch hillary clinton try to come back from her rough weekend. it's a very personal decision. it's mr. trump's decision alone. >> are you surprised donald trump is so public in floating names for vice president?
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>> he's trying to change the story. >> both donald trump and hillary clinton will be in north carolina today, a swing state. so we will watch that very ka carefully.
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and good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me this morning. two candidates, one state. battle lines will be drawn in north carolina. hillary clinton and donald trump holding duelling events in this major swing state. hillary clinton tries to shake things up with a ride aboard air force one with president obama. donald trump will continue to fuel veep speculation. this time he's teaming up with rumored pick bob corker. michelle kosinski is in charlotte where clinton will be holding that big event with the president just hours from now. >> reporter: this is the kind of picture that every candidate would want, provided that the president is popular. and president obama is extremely


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