tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 5, 2016 10:00pm-1:01am PDT
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time now for "cnn tonight" with don lemon. >> on the day after the fourth of july weekend, the real fireworks are on the campaign trail. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. when you're the first woman with a shot at the white house, you know at least one thing is for sure, the men at the top are going to have a lot to say about you. first i want you to listen to james comey's blistering statement about hillary clinton's e-mail skandzle. . >> although we did not find evidence that they -- there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. for example, seven e-mail chains concerned matters that were classified at the top secret special access program at the time they were sent and received. those chains involve secretary
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clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails about those same matters. there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clinton's position or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. >> now donald trump says this in north carolina. >> and we've got hillary clinton, who's weak, who's ineffective, she'll never be able to do the job. her judgment is horrible. look at her judgment on e-mails. who would do it? look at her judgment. her judgment is horrible. when you hear what was said by the fbi director today and you listen -- you listen to what he said, and in the middle of it he was talking about so many different things. he talked about extremely careless, she was extremely careless. that's a tremendous word.
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you didn't have to be careless. you didn't even have to really know that what you were doing was wrong and you're guilty because we're talking about serious stuff. we're talking about the life blood of our country. we're talking about the safety of our people. the laws are very explicit. stupidity is not a reason that you're going to be innocent, okay? it's not a reason. [ applause ] and i don't happen to believe that it was stupidity, okay? but even stupidity is not a reason. and, boy, what they've done. and she should not be allowed to serve as president of the united states. we now know that she lied to the country when she said she did
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not send classified information on her server. she lied. >> and president obama with an entirely different view of the woman he once ran against and now supports. >> i saw how deeply she believes in the things she fights for. and i saw how you can count on her, how she won't waiver and she won't back down and she will not quit no matter how difficult the challenge and no matter how fierce the opposition. and if there's one thing i can tell you, charlotte, is those things matter. those things matter. i'm here to tell you that the truth is nobody fully understands the challenges of the job of president until you've actually sat at that desk. so you can't fully understand what it means to make life-and-death decisions until you've done it.
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that's the truth, but i can tell you this -- hillary clinton has been tested, she has seen up close what's involved in making those decisions. she has participated in the meetings in which those decisions have been made, she's seen the consequences of things working well and things not working well, and there has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than hillary clinton ever. [ cheers and applause ] and that's the truth. that's the truth. >> all: hillary, hillary,
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hillary, hillary. >> now listen to hillary clinton herself going after the gop's presumptive nominee with both barrels. >> the world hangs on every word our president says and donald trump is simply unqualified and temperamentally unfit to be our president and commander in chief. >> so here to discuss this is michael isikoff, the author of "uncovering clinto clinton," jeffrey toobin, and mark mukasey, a former supervisor prosecutor under james comey. he knows a lot. i'll turn to you first. hillary clinton interviewed voluntarily and comey says he's not going to recommend charges. take us behind the scenes of a decision like this because you've worked for him. you say he's not afraid to pull the trigger. >> he's not afraid to pull the trigger. and if you look at his track
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record, he prosecuted zacarias moussaoui which, the last hijacker of 9/11, he prosecuted martha stewart, a bunch of the communications scandals of the recall 2000s. the first thing james comey said to us when he became federal prosecutor was don't ever become a member of the chicken ship club -- >> chickenish as we call it. >> he said bring cases, try cases and don't be scared, which was really inspiring. now, with respect to the hillary clinton case, a 3 1/2-hour interview on a saturday in a case involving tens of thousands of documents, that's a quick interview. i think jim comey's integrity is unimpeachable and he's incorruptible. a 3 1/2-hour interview in a case
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like this interview is rocket fast. i've had cases way less than this where people have been interviewed for hours, days, weeks. >> so what are you saying? >> i think jim probably had a sense that this case was not winnable at trial. i don't really understand why. it's hard to convince 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt that the sky is blue. right? some people say the sky is gray and it's pink and it's black and it's whatever it is. >> especially if you're talking to a politician but go on. >> this is true. having the evidence to prosecute is different than having the evidence to convict. and in this case there's no question he had the evidence to prosecute, right? the definition of gross negligence is an extreme departure from the standard of care.
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jim said today that she was extremely careless. >> he never said gross negligence. >> he never said gross negligence. he said she was extremely careless. the definition of gross negligence which is necessary to convict under this statute is an extreme departure from the standard of care. so jim, i'm assuming, knew something that made this case not convictable at trial. >> he didn't think it was winnable. which was my next question that you already answered so i'm going to go to jeffrey now. he knew something, but, jeffrey, it just wasn't 3 1/2 hours or 3 hours or so because he interviewed lots of her staffers, some of them took the fifth. he didn't recommend any charges. is there still a chance that justice will recommend charges? because the head of justice has said i'm going to go with what the fbi said. >> basically zero. the fbi is not going to get overruled by the justice department. i mean, it has happened in
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history that fbi agents have said, don't prosecute and then the justice department says, no, we are going to prosecute, but in a case like this given these circumstances, given the credibility, given the stature of jim comey, i just think there is essentially no chance that this case now proceeds at a criminal level. >> michael isikoff, i have to ask you this. i have a three-word question based on what you've heard from james comey, a three-word question, did hillary lie? >> well, if you listen to director comey's statement, he certainly didn't say that, but he did undermine virtually every pillar of her public defense on this since the get-go. she had said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. comey said not so. the fbi found several thousand
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work-related e-mails that were not turned over. she said originally in her original press conference she did not send any classified information via e-mail. comey clearly said not so. they found e-mail chains going up to top secret classified access programs that were sent and received on the computer server. she had said that there was -- that she had been claiming as recently as last weekend this was a security review. comey made crystal clear that from the get-go, the fbi was focused on whether she violated a federal felony statute. this was a criminal investigation. so on everything that she has said publicly, comey undermined her. but that said, when it came to the point where he was discussing why the fbi was not recommending criminal charges, what he talked about was the law but then the precedent, and
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he said that the fbi looked at the precedent for cases that the justice department has brought for classified information, and he found no precedent that matched the details in this case. even general petraeus, which is the one that hillary clinton's critics have pointed to the most, involved a conclusion by the fbi that he had lied to them about disclosing classified information -- >> but that was my original question to you. did she lie? did she lie? >> you're right. he found no evidence that hillary clinton lied to the fbi. >> okay. because here's the crux of it -- >> people can reach other conclusions about how truthful she was in her public explanations about what happened. >> let me jump in here because i think this is to me the most important sentence and i want all of you to listen to this. this is from his transcript. he said separately it is important to say something about the marking of classified information. only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of
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classified information, but even if information is not marked and this is in quotes, classified, in an e-mail participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it. >> that's true. >> so, does that mean she lied? because she's saying nothing was classified. and what does that mean? >> i think she was clearly wrong. i mean, as the great michael isikoff pointed out, i mean, this is -- the fact that this -- these e-mails contained classified information. that is beyond dispute. >> but it didn't have a big stamp on it that said -- >> but it didn't have a stamp on it. she should have known it was classified. i think her statement's evolved. at first she said i didn't pass along any classified information. then she changed it and said i didn't pass along anything that was marked classified. >> got you. >> that i don't think has been refuted by what comey said. i mean, maybe michael heard differently, but i didn't hear comey say there
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was information marked classified. >> don, he said that -- >> i think it was -- >> hold on, michael. hold on, michael. mark, go on. >> sure. comey said any reasonable person would have known that the content of these e-mails should not have been passed along on a private server. that leads to only one of two conclusions -- hillary clinton is not a reasonable person who understood that, maybe she's not a reasonable person because she thinks she's above the law and she never understood that this can't be put on a private server because she thinks i can put anything on a private server because i'm hillary clinton, or there was no evidence that she understood that, and either way she's a loser. >> yeah. michael, i'll give you the first one on the other side of the break. we'll be right back. t is on! with our best offers of the year! ♪ i'm free to do what i want... and 0% financing is back!
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if he did not make a statement like this, the justice department would put out a very bland statement saying there had been no -- there's no recommendation from the fbi, no charges should be filed. he wanted to make a statement about just how serious the fbi viewed this. >> but that said, you have to go back to the analysis that who pointed to at the end of his statement saying there was no precedent in previous cases that would have formed the basis for bringing criminal charges and it would have been extraordinary to bring criminal charges or to recommend criminal charges against the presumptive democratic nominee.
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especially on the over of the convention. >> jeffrey, do you think there should have been charges? >> no, brother isikoff is right. this would have been an extreme departure from precedence and you don't come up with a novel legal theory with someone who is the candidate for president of the united states. >> i think charges could have been brought. >> are you surprised they weren't? >> i am. >> really? >> i am. i think the fact that she exercised extreme carelessness squares exactly with the gross negligence standard and the fact that there's no precedent for this, this is not like a judge who needs to follow precedent of his appellate courts. if you have the proof, if you have the law and you have the facts, you can bring a case, even though no one's ever done the exact same thing before. >> even with no precedent. >> absolutely. >> what about intent?
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>> this is not an intent crime according to the gross negligence standard. >> but it has always been prosecuted as an intent crime. >> and you do not have to always do what your predecessors have done. if the facts are there and the law is there, you can bring a case as a matter of law. >> why didn't he do it? you said he didn't think it was winnable or do you think it was political? >> i don't think it was political because i think jim's heart and head are in the right place. >> but you said he carefully -- do you believe he carefully avoided the term gross negligence. >> he didn't say the term gross negligence. >> this is reince priebus and then i'll get your answer. play that, please. >> he described gross negligence and then recommended no charge. now, if he would have come out and said the opposite of those things, in fact, there was no classified e-mail and the fact that she was telling the truth about all of these things and
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then said and, therefore, you know what, there was no intent, there's really not even kind of gross negligence here and therefore there is no charge. but he didn't do that. so no one can figure this out right now how you define gross negligence on one hand as a lawyer and then you don't recommend it while there are other folks that have been charged and are being charged for far less conduct without intent. some of these cases have no intent and they've been charged under the same -- for the conduct similar as hillary clinton. it doesn't make any sense. >> so he's saying that -- i heard the speaker of the house say on fox gross negligence though comey never used the term gross negligence. >> i agree with reince that the case jim made out today in his statement could have been prosecuted as a gross negligence violation. sometimes the hardest decisions for prosecutors are the cases
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not to bring and only jim knows. he's not a scared guy and he's not a kowtowing guy. he must have some reason why he thinks -- >> what do you mean he must have? he gave the reasons. he said it. >> that it was a winnable case. >> go ahead, jeffrey. >> he said it. and another factor that often comes up in white collar cases is the prosecutors look did the person cover up? did they lie about what they did? did they try to destroy documents? and in all of those areas, he said, no, there was no effort on her part to cover up what she had done. that she had been forthcoming about -- with the fbi interview and -- >> well, let's parse that a little bit. >> don -- >> hillary clinton -- >> don -- >> hillary clinton clearly has been lying to the public. whether or not hillary clinton told the truth in her 3 1/2-hour
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interview none of us know but she's clearly been lying to the public. >> don -- >> i'll give you the last word. >> the political fallout from this is far from over. this was hardly an exoneration of clinton, of secretary clinton, and it's worth noting that none of this -- none of the evidence was presented to a grand jury, which means it's not covered by grand jury secrecy. so already you are hearing from members of congress and certainly there's going to be foia requests to see the full investigative files on this to see what the various witnesses said. so that in and of itself will keep this going. beyond that there's issues about some of secretary clinton's top aides, jake sullivan, in particular, who is her top foreign policy adviser who sent and received some of the e-mails in question. comey said there could be in cases such as this security and administrative penalties. jake sullivan has been widely talked about as a future national security adviser for clinton. you know, will there be a cloud over that, over him because of
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this. and finally, the last thing worth pointing out, jim comey was nominated by president obama in 2013, he has a ten-year term. he is going to be serving through the next -- the full term of the next president of the united states. if that is president clinton, it is going to be very interesting to watch the relationship between a president clinton and an fbi director like jim comey, who has so publicly rebuked her. >> the best thing that could happen to hillary clinton is another fiasco investigation like the benghazi investigation where a bunch of incompetent publicity hounds chased secretary clinton around a desk. i mean, this is just the exact worst thing the republicans have. >> i said lost word to michael but, you know, jeffrey jumped in. he always has to get the last word. >> i apologize to you and to michael. >> no need to apologize. now he had the last word. thanks for coming in. the other guys are old hat to
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this and you're new to this. up next, donald trump and hillary clinton battle it out. what president obama says as he campaigns there today with his former secretary of state. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget.
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and for the first time president obama the campaigner in chief on the stump with hillary clinton. here to discuss, jennifer granholm the former governor of michigan and andre bower, supporting trump. governor granholm, it's south carolina and i'm getting my southern accent back just sitting here on the set speaking with andre bauer. you may end up with a twang at the end of the segment. >> bring it on. >> bring it on. president obama wasted no time taking swipes at trump. here he is. >> everybody can tweet but nobody actually know what it takes to do the job until you sat behind the desk. this is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether we're going to reach for the future. i know the other guy talks about making the america great again. this is not a reality show, this is reality. and now they picked a nominee
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whose only plan is to build a higher wall. you don't have the luxury of just saying whatever pops into your head. you've actually got to know what you're talking about. >> so, andre, i'm watching and saying that's the commander in chief. donald trump doesn't have a cavalry of that kind of person with that stature behind him. how does he counter that? >> i don't know that you get a whole lot right now with obama. i mean, his number's around 50% and, quite frankly, he hasn't taken any arrows lately. all the news has been the candidates. and so once he starts getting pounded on again, his numbers i think will actually go down. when you look at real clear politics, 67% of the country think we're going in the wrong direction, i'm not sure she gets a whole lot other than getting the troops fired up. the base will be excited that the president came out and helped her, but i'm not sure the swing voters, it really helps that much with them. >> does that help,
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even as he said to his point, governor granholm, that it gets the base fired up? it has been said that hillary clinton didn't have enough enthusiasm behind her. so even if you agree or don't agree with what andre bauer said here, does it help to have the commander in chief out campaigning for you? >> absolutely, absolutely. and this commander in chief, there's nobody who can campaign like him, there's nobody who can get people riled up and excited and enthused like him. and he also is really great at pressing two important points. one is that you've got a candidate on the republican side who continues to be utterly divisive, and barack obama talks about us all being in this together and we should be united in the country. even the tweet this past weekend with donald trump defending jewish americans. i mean, every single group that he has divided people and created division, that has been very unhealthy for america.
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and barack obama reminds us we're all in this together. and the second thing he did and he did it enthusiastically and he doesn't get a chance to do it very much as president to go out on the stump and say sh, hey, we were under 10.5% unemployment rate, it's been cut by half. we had a terrible deficit. that deficit has been cut by three-quarters. i mean, he can recite with great pride and great honesty how far we have come. and that's very helpful. >> lieutenant governor, it's interesting because he did mention all of those things today, and he does have -- he has record approval ratings, he's ready to pass the baton. but you're saying that doesn't matter because to you most of the country doesn't believe that? >> i do agree with governor granholm that he is a dynamic speaker, no question. he's got unbelievable skills when it comes to campaigning, but the record does speak for itself, and there a lot of people that are hurting, there are a lot of people that voted for him before. >> so contrary to what he said today about the unemployment rate, about bringing the country
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back from the brink of a recession and all of those things, contrary to what -- what is the country saying? do the numbers speak for themselves or -- >> depends on who's doing the number. there are a lot of unemployed people that are no longer being counted as unemployed because they're no longer applying for jobs. the number -- we know the numbers can be played with but you look at these battleground states, and there's a lot of folks that are concerned am i going to have a job. and they look at things is the coal business still going to be in if hillary clinton gets elected? and so she's got some problems to overcome. look, both candidates are scarred candidates but at the end of the day, who can actually change washington? i think donald trump has the leg up on that. >> there's i -- >> don. >> go ahead quickly, governor. >> just very quickly, this point about jobs is so important. the lieutenant governor is right that people are concerned about their jobs, and then they have to look at the plans of these two candidates. what is donald trump's plan? if you look at objective folks who have looked at it like
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moody's analytics saying with donald trump's plan we will lose 3.5 million jobs, he will add over $11 trillion to the deficit. they call it fantasy. on hillary clinton's side, she has very specific plans that she continues to roll out to make sure that people know that she cares about those who are unemployed, but she can also point to this democratic president who came out to campaign for her today. the numbers are the numbers from the bureau of labor statistics, that unemployment rate has been cut in half, 75 straight months of job creation, six years of job creation, you cannot deny that. >> i have to have you respond to that. >> i would say the only job hillary knows how to create is getting lawyers employed. at the end of the day she's never created any jobs. ? that's it. as simple as that? >> donald trump has created jobs, he knows how to create jobs. >> in mexico, in china, in india, where he has employed people. what about in the u.s. other than declaring bankruptcy for those casinos?
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he's talking about outsourcing and he's talking about trade today but he's the outsourcer in chief. >> you don't become a billionaire by having nothing but losing businesses. >> okay. thanks to both of you. we could go on and on and on. governor, good to see you again. thank you for having me. thank you for coming here, lieutenant governor. thank you for having my. it's good to have you here. another friend from the south. coming back, hillary clinton and donald trump have hit each other -- given each other plenty of speed bumps on the road to the white house. whatever, i'm not sure what i meant to say there. but whose judgment is worse and what do voters think? we'll be right back. esurance does insurance a smarter way, which saves money. like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces red tape, which saves money. when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does insurance a smarter way. they offer a single deductible, which means you don't pay twice when something like this happens, which saves money. esurance is built to save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world.
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just a little while ago donald trump told a rally in north carolina that hillary clinton was laughing at the, quote, rigged system after the fbi recommended no charges fooling its e-mail investigation but trump's dealing with plenty of controversy himself. here to discuss, kellyanne conway. senior adviser to the trump campaign. we'll talk about that margaret hoover and bakcarri sellers. kellyanne, now you're a senior contributor to the trump campaign after all those conversations that we had. i don't understand politics. what happened? >> oh, i support the republican nominee. i always come around and do what i can for the party. and i'm in great company. i'm in the company of chris
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christie and governor mike pence and senator joni ernst, tom cotton and we don't have enough time -- >> i love you, kellyanne, but we had such heated conversations with trump people and you were like, oh, my gosh, this is why he should never be president. >> i never said that. i would ask them why they always felt the need to apologize for everybody. >> let's talk about that. hillary clinton was interviewed for three hours but all anyone is talking about are the tweets with donald trump and they're talking about the star. so there is the star. they think it was the holocaust star and that there was some sort of anti-semitism and it was changed to the circle. so you're saying they always have to apologize. >> no, you were -- >> did you apologize for this? >> what the man who tweeted it has said is he is married to a jewish woman and that of course nobody intended any type of anti-semitic references and they changed it right away.
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but i do like what you said about how hillary clinton spent her weekend. three hours with the fbi and -- >> we're going to get to that, we're going to get to that. we're going to get to that. but this star that was changed to a circle so -- and they said it was a sheriff's star. it's not the sheriff's star. the sheriff's star has little circles on the end that looks like a sheriff's star, it's very obvious. this looks like the holocaust star, the jewish star. and to say that it's not the holocaust start is untrue. >> what they said and what people would say about mr. trump is to call him anti-semitic is too far and unfair. he was one of the first to allow jewish members to his club in florida, his daughter is a converted orthodox jewish woman. his son-in-law -- >> to that point, shouldn't they know better? they just said -- i just heard a quote from donald trump saying, basically saying you can't claim ignorance.
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that's not ignorance or stupidity to tweet that and all of a sudden claim that's not the star? it's the same thing. it's ignorance and it's stupid to tweet that, from which is a meme -- from an anti-jewish site, from a hate site. >> i only know what dan said. i do think what donald trump said is relevant, don, in that we're talking about an investigation that was not 140 characters long. it was about 140 weeks long. that's how long she had private servers, multiple devices. jim comey decided not to press charges today, however, he totally rebuked everything she said publicly. i asked to have the private server. he said, no, she didn't, had she asked, she would have been denied. i had one device. no, she had multiple devices. at least six falsities in what she had said. and he rebuked it today. >> and we've discussed that all night on the show and we're going to continue to discuss it
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for the next hour. we're going to be on two hours tonight and we're going to discuss that but right now i want to talk about this star. earlier today you said you were very sorry if anyone was offended by this tweet, trump nor his campaign has apologized during this campaign season for anything. remember when you were on the other side and you were saying all of these people have to come on and they have to apologize for something that donald trump says every single day and they should be sick of it. >> i didn't say that. >> well, a lot. and let's be honest. a lot of things come out of donald trump's mouth, the surrogates end up coming on and they end up having to apologize or to try to make it better. >> or they should disagree with it. i give you a great example. >> why does the campaign have to apologize? why do you have to come on and apologize? >> i didn't come on and apologize for it. you have to ask the campaign and that would campaign dan scovino. he's been the social media director from the beginning, he's done a phenomenal job. he alone has sent out thousands and thousands and thousands of
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tweets and this man beat 16 other people to become the republican nominee. >> kellyanne, this is a presidential campaign. you're running for the highest office of the land. >> and now the secretary of state and also a presidential campaign is lying about her e-mails and servers. >> i think it's fair for dan from his side of the story, he said "to suggest i am anti-semite is awful, i always celebrate holidays with my wife for the past 16 years. that's the best way to respond. >> i think that's relevant, don. it's not the best way to respond. that's who he is. >> listen, i dated jewish people, right? i have jewish friends, i would know better than to tweet that star. that's the whole point. if he has a jewish wife, shouldn't he know better than that? >> and they changed -- and he changed it. he changed it. >> go ahead. >> look, at very best this is what jim comey said of hillary clinton extremely careless. okay? this was extremely careless. this was not -- look, i'm not going to pretend to understand why trump was doing that, whether he thought about it, whether he just doesn't know, is it just ignorance but
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this is why there are a significant number of republicans who can't just fall in line behind the republican nominee. and it's not just this was a bad day for the home team. it was it's not just this tweet or the misogynist tweets or the racist tweets. this is but one more bad day in a long line of very, very bad days that represents the character of an individual, the knowledge of an individual and the preparedness of an individual to lead the free world. >> and the campaign. >> and so mike pence and joni ernst and dick cheney and the whole crew are wrong? >> you know what, there's about -- you and i both know there's at least another good third of solid republican party leaders and stalwarts like george w. bush and george h.w. bush and many other republican nominees and you're not going to have a single -- >> and a million consultants very upset that their candidate -- >> at the republican nomination for this candidate.
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so you can cut me off but the truth is you and i both know there are many, many republicans who will not and cannot get behind a man like this to be the president of the united states. >> listening to the speaker of the house on fox tonight saying, yes, i do support donald trump and i endorsed him but when he does something or says something silly, i'm going to speak my mind about it, and he thought the same thing about this star. go ahead, bakari. >> no, this is what i was going to say. i was going to piggyback on what margaret was saying and push back on kellyanne for a moment. this morning paul ryan had to go on radio, i believe a hometown radio station and had to disavow this tweet for being anti-semitic. he said donald trump has said something racist and now he's talking about how anti-semitic his candidate is. but this opening in north carolina, in raleigh, north carolina, donald trump after hillary clinton, i'm sure she was very, very relieved to get beyond this investigation, but now donald trump is on stage and he is praising saddam hussein.
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he literally came out of his mouth today and praised saddam hussein, one of the most ruthless dictators of the 20th century, someone who when israel was not even in the gulf war decided he was going to use scud missiles to bomb and kill many israelis and so paul ryan himself had to disavow that tonight as well. so i agree with margaret. it's not just the morning but sometimes midday and even in the evening, you never know what donald trump's going to say. donald trump is so unprepared to be president of the united states that it's not even laughable, it's scary. >> all right. i got to take a break. you'll get the first word when we come back, kellyanne. we'll be right back. ♪ he has a sharp wit. a winning smile. and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship.
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[ boss ] it is a very smart plan. so we're all on board? [ paul ] no. this is a stupid plan. hate drama? go to research. price. find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. we're talking about hillary clinton and the e-mail controversy and donald trump and this controversial tweet with the star and back with me is my panel. man, i wish that we could roll the cameras during the commercial break. what was your point during the break? >> about coverage. >> you said ask you some tough questions -- >> no, no, i'm saying that my stock and trade as voters and voters have a reasonable expectation that at some point
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this campaign will be a battle of ideas and we leave the content free cacophony of character and personality and we compare their health care plans -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> i think we have seen an absolute lack of substance -- >> but this is astounding that we're actually having this conversation, because we're talking about a confidence about issues and substance, when donald trump lacks that. i mean, donald trump hasn't put out a white paper on how he's going to repeal and replace obamacare. donald trump hasn't talked and our aging infrastructure system or how he's going to improve our schools. his immigration policy is to build a wall. >> if i surveyed americans right now and said hillary clinton's vision for education reform is,
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i'm going to get crickets in return. >> i agree, it should be more about substance and this is the major fallacy and problem and shame of this campaign, is that there is no respectable main stream republican alternative taking these debates and taking this to the american people. paul ryan is trying his damnest to do it. he's trying to focus on poverty, the debt, on immigration. but you know what? the problem is, every single day he's apologizing for donald trump. and the challenge is, we will now be branded -- the republican party will be brand eed and associated with the negative rhetoric. [ overlapping speakers ] >> you supported marco rubio or whomever. they had their chance.
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>> the person who has the chance -- >> can we get back to donald trump for one second? [ everyone speaking ] >> can we get back to donald trump for a second? let's talk about how troublesome and the lack of depth. donald trump has the foreign policy depth of a shallow bathtub. for example, today when he was out there praising saddam hussein, we literally have military people right now who are working alongside iraqis, iraqi military fighting back isis and isil. and he's praising the person who was butchering their families. that is how -- that is how -- that is how absurd his foreign policy and his quote unquote substance is. [ everyone speaking ] >> on the one hand, you're right. you haven't heard a lot of substance from donald trump about his foreign policy. on the other hand, because
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there's not a serious foreign policy hand on the right, there's no one to push back on hillary clinton's spotty record. she should answer for her russian reset policy, for her engagement of libya and for the policies of the obama administration. and you know what? she may be very well qualified, but there are judgments and questions that she caused when she was there -- >> i've got to get to a break. i'm sorry. but yes, they should answer for a lot of things. but when you're doing things that usurp the headlines, there's no room for it. when you're doing stupid things for like the star -- and that is the -- >> there was a perfect -- today was a perfect headline for that. instead -- >> and he killed it. donald trump killed it. >> it happens every time. i wish i could think of the
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number of examples that republicans come on this show and say my gosh, we had the perfect headline and all of a sudden this. that's all i'm saying. >> the headline for a year and a half was, he can never win. >> that wasn't a headline, not on this program. >> you said republican. but look, jim comey, what he said today in his press conference, was so brutal against hillary clinton, was such an indictment of everything she had said. you will see that in adds in the fall. >> i've got to go. thank you for all of you coming on. we'll be right back. "ow..." "are you okay?" "yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. that's how i know it"s working." "ah. you know you can go on and check it out there. it's completely free." "really?" "yeah" "oh, that didn't hurt at all." "yeah, completely painless." "credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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we've said it before. trump means never having to say you're sorry. this is "cnn tonight," i'm don lemon. with donald trump dodging the latest controversy, this statement is truer than ever, the candidate tweets a graphic slamming hillary clinton as the, quote, most corrupt candidate ever, along with a pile of cash and a six-pointed star. trump calling accusations of anti-semitism ridiculous. to be fair, his daughter is a convert to judaism, but there's no denying that donald trump has a lot of support among white supremacists. so is he trying to have it both ways? is this a case of dog whistle politics?
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trump facing that controversy as hillary clinton deals with the fallout from the fbi's decision not to recommend charges over her use of private e-mail service while secretary of state. cnn's senior political correspondent briana keilar is out on the campaign trail. good tving to you, from charlotte, north carolina. fbi director james comey said hillary clinton has been extremely careless but will not face criminal prosecution. tell us about the reaction to that decision. >> reporter: that was still a tough rebuke for hillary clinton and her aides, but the clinton campaign says they are pleased. certainly they are pleased that this has moved to this point and there aren't any charges. they're stressing that it was career officials who came to this conclusion. so they're trying to highlight a process that they say is not political. but republicans have a very different reaction. they're questioning the validity of this decision, questioning the objectivity of the obama administration, and donald trump
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is going even further than that, questioning the ethics of the attorney general loretta lynch. here's what he said today in north carolina. >> the attorney general sitting there saying if i can get hillary off the hook, i'm going to have four more years or eight more years. but if she loses, i'm out of a job. it's a bribe. it's a disgrace. she's laughing at the system, she's laughing and so is her husband, bill, laughing at what's going on and they've been there before. >> reporter: the clinton campaign today, don, saying they're happy this is resolved, but as you can see this is anything but for donald trump. >> brianna, today was a big day for the clinton campaign with president barack obama appearing with her just hours after the fbi announcement. what was that like?
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>> reporter: this was fascinating, don. because if you had not watched that press conference with director comey earlier in the day, if you were just watching this event here in charlotte, north carolina, with president obama and secretary clinton, you wouldn't have known what even happened this morning. there is no mention of it and yet this trust gap that hillary clinton has with voters that polls show in part because of her e-mail situation is a big reason that president obama was here today vouching for her character and also taking on donald trump. he didn't mention him by name but he certainly took aim at him. here's what he said. >> i know the other guy talks about making america great again. america's really great. this is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether we're going to reach for the future. this is about whether we have an
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america that works for everybody or just a few people. >> reporter: some really scathing words for donald trump here today in charlotte from president obama. it was also significant, don, just the full-throated endorsement that he gave hillary clinton. he said there has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than hillary clinton. you're seeing a bit of a symbiotic relationship here. obviously president obama wants his legacy to remain in tact. he finds it's essential for him that hillary clinton go to the white house and hillary clinton is hoping that some of president obama's popularity rubs off on to her because you look at their approval ratings and his are more than ten points higher than hers. >> he made a little joke to that end but i was watching today going wait a minute, who's running, him or her? because he was really comfortable and he seemed really happy to be up on that stage, right? >> reporter: yeah, he is running
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for her and he's also really giving her a push for himself. they're so tied together in this. their success is just inextricably linked at this point in time. >> his legacy depends on her. thank you very much, brianna keilar. appreciate that. i want to turn to donald trump and the controversy over a tweet some are calling anti-semitic. here to discuss is jeremy diamond, kailee and jonathan. good to have all of you on. jeremy, you first. donald trump has his own firestorm to contend with this weekend. it started with this tweet. walk us through this, jeremy. >> yeah, don. it all began early saturday morning when donald trump tweeted this graphic, a six-pointed star, a pile of cash and the words "most corrupt candidate ever." the backlash was pretty much immediate online with critics on both the right and the left firing off with accusations that this amounted to anti-semitism
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or at least evoked anti-semitic image try. less than two hours later, trump would retweet it with a circle instead of a six-pointed star. and then he would end up deleting that original tweet. >> for several days we heard nothing from the trump campaign. yesterday morning we heard from him. who did he blame? a staffer, correct? >> that's right. well, donald trump did not in his own words blame a staffer, but a staffer did take responsibility for posting the tweet on monday. his social media director, dan schavino, he said he realized it was offensive to some and he removed it but we didn't hear anything from the trump campaign over this entire weekend as this controversy was brewing over where this image appeared. on saturday, there was a report
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that emerged that this graphic had been posted ten days earlier to a message board that featured anti-semitic conspiracy theories. we confirmed that report at cnn on sunday. but the trump campaign refused to acknowledge if that image had been pulled from that website. they said it was pulled from an anti-hillary clinton account but some of the images that twitter account posted, if we were to believe it was the account that posted this image self-days before it appeared on the anti-semitic message board, that posted images that were both islamaphobic and racist. >> david duke even defended the tweet, correct? >> david duke today said there's no way that was a sheriff's badge. donald trump said this was a sheriff's badge or a simple
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star, in no way meant to invoke the jewish star of david. even the white supremacists that support trump, as duke does, was saying, no, this was something meant to evoke this anti-semitic imagery. that's something we're hearing from the white supremacist supporters of donald trump, as well as the critics who have accused donald trump of promulgating at least anti-semitic imagery. >> jonathan, let's put the tweet back up. david duke is an american, he's a free person, he can tweet whatever he wants, donald trump can't control whether he supports him or not but he can disavow him. when you looked at this, what did you think? >> i knew exactly what was it was, it's a star of david, on a backdrop of money, calling a candidate corrupt, it invokes anti-semitism. it was developed by white supremacists. so for all our years, we've been fighting anti-semitism.
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on this the adl and david duke agree. it was an anti-semitic image, it was offensive and we wish donald trump hadn't pushed it out. >> kayleigh, it was a sheriff's star they're saying? do you believe that? is that what the campaign is going with? >> i believe a staffer saw it, he didn't think what it could mean. >> let's put it up. this is the six-pointed star. this is a star. that's the one that was on the tweet on the left. the one in the middle is a holocaust. the one on the right is the sheriff's star. the sheriff's star has little circles on the end. how could anyone say it's a sheriff's star? >> is that what this campaign has come to? >> there's the proof right there. proof that what a sheriff's star looks like and what the holocaust star looks like. are they still going to go with the sheriff's star? >> i just had an image sent to me and the sheriff's star looks a lot like the one in the middle.
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>> wait, wait. put it back up, please. >> that is one image of a sheriff's star. what happened was is a staffer saw this and thought this is a funny image, sent it out. carelessly perhaps, and then had to change it. you look at the intent of this. donald trump is not -- let's get to the bottom of what we're saying here. >> i don't mean to cut you off. it's just one point at a time. so if it is an image and they thought it was a funny image or they thought it was cute, then why the excuse it's a sheriff's star. why not say i screwed up, i didn't realize it was an anti-semitic image, it was a -- a holocaust star. why come up with this whole thing -- >> the staffer did come out and said i sent out an image, i didn't mean to offend anyone, and changed the image. you said donald trump's intent was to be anti-semitic. his daughter is jewish, his
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grand children are jewish. the anti-defamation league praised donald trump 20 years ago for opening his resort for jewish individuals. >> are you saying donald trump is anti-semitic. donald trump did not tweet this, but it's from his account. i don't know if people are accusing donald trump are being anti-semitic, i think it's the campaign, although he has retweeted things from racist web sites. >> here's the thing. we throw out these accusations and focus in on these stories because the root of what we're trying to say is donald trump is x, y, z. for a while, it was this week he's racist, this week he's islamaphobic. he's none of those things. people need to start owning the accusations they put forward. >> kayleigh, there's no accusation. there's just the outcome. there's a reason why the kkk says the recruiting is up. there's a reason why david duke happily endorsed the tweet. there's a reason why reporters on the right and left have been slandered and viciously attacked
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with anti-semitic images online and off line. there's a reason why this is happening. and the dog whistles. don't take it from me. listen to what the kkk is saying. listen to them. he said let the white evangelicals hear his message on israel. we will listen to his signals. >> this sounds like 1980 when the same accusations were levied against one ronald reagan. esquire magazine said anyone who votes for ronald reagan is like a good german in hitler's germany. and that reagan raised the specter of white sheets because people from the kkk had endorsed him. they were saying the same things about reagan they are now saying about donald trump. it's time to not have revisionist history and repeat this all over again. >> was ronald reagan sending out antisemitic literature? there was no twitter at the time. was he sending out messaging -- >> it was a completely different time.
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it was a mistaken image sent out. donald trump is not anti-semitic. that's the bottom line. that's the end of the story. >> the better comparison is not ronald reagan. it's george wallace. we have to go back to the wallace campaign in the '60s to hear some anti-semitic and racist rhetoric. the bottom line is this. he should just admit the offense, apologize and say and i think this would satisfy all of the public on the right and the left, just say white supremacists, extreme right, you have no place in my campaign, hate has no place in the public square, you have nothing to do with making america great again. if donald trump would say that clearly, unequivocally -- >> he has. >> -- this issue would be over. >> he has. but the -- >> he has said that directly? >> yes, he has said that. >> after the whole interview with jake tapper, he came out a multiple number of times and said i do not want the support of anyone involved with the kkk or david duke. or any of this. it the people who want to
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we return to our extravagant private studio, where we turn gold into platinum. yes, i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. we're back talking about donald trump and hillary clinton and the tweet sent out with the star. people are asking me why i don't refer to it as the star of david. this is sort of a perverted representation of the star of david.
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you call it the, what, the nazi star? >> you can refer it to the star that the nazis used to identify the jews. that's why we're not technically calling it the star of david, that is a symbol of reverence, this is not used in that way. i said i would give you the first word on the other side. >> we track hate crimes at the adl. we saw last year the number of anti-semitic numbers were up a little bit and the assaults on jews doubled. the fbi said faith-based hate crimes, jews are the most targeted group. we have to understand why so many people their eyebrows are raised and they took offense at that tweet. the fact of the matter is donald trump has jewish grandchildren, donald trump did with his club in southern florida open it up to blacks and jews when he opened it in the '80s. donald trump has done those things. but what he has also done on this campaign is give winks and
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signals to white supremacists and allow their ideas to be main streamed. i only wish he would call them out like with the same energy he does the media, that he would criticize them with the same verve that he does the other candidates. >> you scroll through david duke's twitter feed, he praises white people, denouncing minorities, along with a love for donald trump. does it concern you that your candidate is attracting that and maybe people think there is not enough force and energy behind denouncing that sort of thing? >> no, because i've seen him repeatedly denounce those individuals. david duke is irrelevant. there's no place for his views in society. donald trump has made that clear. you can look back to ronald reagan when the kkk was endorsing him. and everyone said, this was a specter of white sheets coming back again, and it was not true. we can look at the fact that the kkk grand dragon in california endorsed hillary
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clinton. these are the actions of third party individuals who do not deserve to have a voice in society. donald trump has dismissed them. that's the big picture. it's the things he did do at mar-a-lago, opening his club to you jews and blacks when no one else did that. i look at the big picture and i see a mistaken tweet that was carelessly sent out by a staffer. >> hold on, hold on. this is -- you're running for leader of the free world. let just say kayleigh mcenany is running for the leader of the free world. someone puts out a tweet like this and you said the star represents what? on the money, you said what? >> jews and money as if jews were corrupting government, have control of candidates, it's invoking age-old stereotypes of jews and money. >> kayleigh mcenany is running for president and your daughter is pairied to a jewish person
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and has converted and you have a jewish grandchild, isn't the first thing you didn't when you woke up that morning say i don't know who the hell did this, i'm sorry that this happened. whoever did this is fired, we will not stand for this at all. wouldn't that be the first thing you did? >> i wouldn't fire the staffer. this was one misinformed tweet. >> why wouldn't you fire the staffer? you can't have the people around you making stupid mistakes like that. >> he's loyal to people -- >> he was loyal to corey lewandowski and now he's at cnn. where did that get him? >> corey did an excellent job on his campaign. he might not have won without him. he did an excellent job on that campaign. this tweet shouldn't have gone out. would this tweet have gone out on a george bush administration? probably not. this is what's so good about donald trump, 12 months ago he was a citizen running his business. he's not a washington politician, he doesn't have a
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well-oiled campaign machine that has everything under control. >> kayleigh, that's a great story -- >> it's the truth. >> but when you're running for president of the united states, you simply have to be buttoned up and you have to have people around you who know what they're doing and who are going to protect you and not have people having to come on television every single week to apologize and defend the indefensible sometimes. go ahead. >> look, i've run companies myself, i've worked in government and i i run the adl today and i would fire someone on my staff who sent out a message like that who so misrepresented my volumes. it's not right wing or left wing thing, not 5b89 about being a republican or democrat. the stuff about that between like so many other tweets he retweeted from websites or just dismissing this as corey lewandowski did as political correctness.
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look, we're still mourning elie weisel. and to dismiss that while we're mourning him is disgraceful. >> the staffer that did that, it -- he has a jewish family. >> the staffer that did that, it was ignorant. jared kushner, he released a statement saying "my father-in-law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who embraced my family and our judaism since i began dating my wife. i know that donald trump does not at all subscribe to any racist or any anti-semitic thinking. i've seen him embrace people of all racial and religious backgrounds. the suggestions he may be intolerant is not reflective of the donald trump i know. that's the perfect way to end it. when we come back, will
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donald trump's controversial tweet cost him votes in november? we'll be right back. & in a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing & another. only at&t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be... local & global. open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t.
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the fbi director calling hillary clinton extremely careless but saying he will not recommend charges against her for using private e-mail servers. here to talk about this is alan dershowitz. the noted defense attorney who is the author of "taking the stand, my life in the law." before we get to hillary clinton, you have some very poignant things about my last conversation we were talking about the star and the donald trump tweet. we'll put that up. it's dominating the conversation. when you look at this tweet, what do you think? >> well, clearly it's the star of david. if you have any doubt about it, just see what the source is. whoever put a sheriff's star in front of a lot of money? does anybody think that sheriffs make too much money or they're too corrupt? of course it was intended by the person who did it as anti-semitic. now, i don't blame donald trump personally for that. i don't think he knew that, but when i got interested in this case was when some people on his
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behalf was saying it's a sheriff's star. that's just an absurd, absurd statement. of course it's the star of david and was so intended by the anti-semite who put it in front of hundred dollar bills. i think he should have said it's a mistake, i didn't realize it, i apologize. i don't think he's ever heard the words i apologize but in this case it would seven his interest. >> do you think it will hurt him with jewish voters? >> yes, i've already heard from four or five jewish voters, republicans, who have said this crossed the line. i think it will hurt him. but it will help him with people on the extreme neonazi right. i think that he and bernie sanders, they're not bigots individually personally, but they don't want to lose the vote in this case of the hard, hard right and bernie sanders didn't want to lose the votes of the hard, hard anti-israel left. they both pandered and let things go.
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we're a centrist country and people win elections by appealing to the center. >> do you think the campaign used this as a dog whistle or was it a mistake? >> i think it was a mistake but not apologizing was some sort of a dog whistle. i want to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake. >> you said what the head of the fbi did today was unprecedented, why? >> heads of the fbi are not supposed to make judgment calls but leave it to the prosecutors to make the judgment calls. directors of the fbi are not supposed to issue statements about what they think of the evidence, about what the consequences might be for others. he suggested that hillary clinton's aides may be denied security clearance. he was very confusing. i still don't know and i looked at every single word he said. i don't know whether any single e-mail was stamped classified. i was sitting here --
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he used this ambiguous term, markings. >> i was sitting here with mark mukasey, who is a terrific guy, and jeffrey toobin. no one could figure out what he was saying. you're an attorney. tell me if you understand. separately it is important to say something about the marking of classified information. only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. but even if information is not marked classified in quotes in an e-mail participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it. i'm glad that's in big print so could i read it. >> what we have is exactly what the fbi should not be doing. >> what did that mean? >> the fbi should be giving us the facts, man, nothing but the facts. i want to know whether any of those e-mails had a stamp marked classified. i can't know that from this statement. what he gives us is his opinion
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that even if it's not marked classified, the person should be held responsible for not dealing with it. that's not the role of the fbi. i want to ask all your listeners one question. we all love comey. he's terrific, honorable. let's remember the name of the man is on the building that comey works in. j. edgar hoover. would we want another j. edgar hoover in the future to exercise the kind of power that comey exercised in this case? if the answer is no, which i'm sure it is, we have to make structural changes that don't allocate all of this power to the fbi. in this case, the fbi found the facts, applied the law, and exercised discretion and judgment. that's not the proper role of the fbi in a democratic society. >> do you think she should have been indicted? >> no. i don't think it's a close question. >> donald trump likes to liken secretary clinton's e-mail investigation to what happened with general petraeus.
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>> not even close. he knew he was disclosing classified information and he did it for personal reasons of a sexual or autobiographical nature. he knew. he did the hamlet soliloquy, to be or not to be a felon. he knew. he stepped over the line. he knew he was violating the rules of classification. hillary clinton never had that moment. she never said now i'm crossing a line. she didn't know that lines were being crossed. that's not the basis for criminal prosecution. >> donald trump said the system is rigged. general petraeus got in trouble for far less, very, very unfair as usual. bad judgment. was it far less? >> no, it wasn't far less. it was very different. what hillary clinton did involved many more pieces of e-mail so you may see it was more but when you look at the totality of the evidence, it was the right decision made by the wrong person.
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comey should not have been exercising the prosecutorial judgment and discretion whether or not carelessness constitutes gross negligence. that should be done by a prosecutor. >> will the justice department take his recommendation and not prosecute? >> absolutely. this case is over. >> but it not going away politically. >> it's not going away politically. the question everybody has to ask themselves. let's assume she showed bad judgment. compare that to the bad judgment we see from donald trump every single day, this is going to be an easy case to make a call about who has the worst judgment. unfortunately in this election for many people, it won't be who is the best candidate. it will be who is the least worst candidate. i think hillary clinton is a terrific candidate. i agree with president obama that it's hard to find anybody that's ever been more qualified. but for a lot of people, this will be a choice of the lesser evils. >> a pleasure to have you on. when we come back, a war on terror. a wave of deadly attacks around the world.
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isis may be losing territory in iraq, but they're spreading deadly terror attacks around the world. here to discuss, bob baer, former kri cia operative and author of "the perfect kill, 21 laws for assassins," julie kayyem and michael weiss. i have so many authors here. three of them. in may, isis issued a chilling call to step up attacks during ramadan. killing hundreds across ten countries during islam's holy month. michael, i'm going to start with you. is all of this a call for violence and designed to make it seem like isis has this far of a reach or influence? >> yes. and they're also trying to steal the media narrative away from their losses on the battlefield. they get booted out of fallujah and they set off a bunch of thing around the world and we're now talking about istanbul,
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orlando, bangladesh, et cetera. but this goes back to 2014. it's not a pivot of strategy, it's a reemphasis of the old strategy of isis, which is foreign operations, appropriate world wide. it's always the goal to conduct global jihad. they now have the resources, the manpower and finances to do that. >> so speaking to all of that, the coordination between all of these countries and locations, i mean, it's pretty -- >> i wouldn't say there was coordination necessarily. istanbul for sure. that came from raqqah, hq. orlando, no. bangladesh seems to be more of
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the inspirational mold than somebody being dispatched. again, it's what i call the invisible armies of the caliphate, people unknown to isis, unknown to al baghdadi, who are watching the youtube sermons, following the social media threads. seeing what they put out in their own propaganda. that is driving people to want to commit jihad under the black flag. >> will this affect the way security officials track the group? >> yes. obviously their concern is going to be immigration or people who have trained in syria getting into either europe or other countries. and so that is actually -- that was part of the debate of brexit. this is a global debate, part of the debate in the united states whether you can keep people out
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with a wall. this idea of trying to stem the flow of individuals who might attack in this homeland or other homelands is a key part of counterterrorism. it will fail. i'm just being blunt here. a world in which millions of people are in the air right now as i speak that you're going to be able to stop the one or two or three individuals from coming here or anywhere else is probably a bridge too far at this stage. so while immigration is a piece of it, we do have to recognize that this is the consequence of successes against isis in iraq and syria and also begin to build our defenses internally, have good response plans, all of them combined. immigration is not going to be the sole solution for the kind of challenges both as michael said, isis directed and also the isis inspired, which is not an immigration issue. they're already here. >> john bernan and other officials said as isis loses
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land, they increase their international violence. will this change the iraqi government strategy at all? >> don, i think we have to look at iraq as pretty much a failed state. this was a huge car bomb, killed 250 people. there's some reports that there was napalm in it, which is devastating, it killed mostly women and children that were out shopping. and the iraqis took fallujah using militias. i read their arabic press every day and these people are not focusing on fallujah, the fall of it, but rather the atrocities committed by the shi'a militia. they have a different way of looking at this and it's fueling isis and i agree with juliette, we just cannot stop these attacks. it is just going to come this way. because it didn't come on the fourth of july doesn't mean it's not coming. as long as these conflicts go on and as long as iraq is a failed
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state, violence will spread out, no matter how much land isis loses. >> what do you think the driving force is behind the increase in attacks, michael? >> if i can pick up on bob's point about baghdad, in a way this is the outlier. these attacks have been characteristic since the u.s. invasion and occupation of iraq. with respect to iraq, isis has a machiavellian strategy. it has been the case since 2004. iraq is a shia majority country. isis is the extremist outcopping of sunni jihadism. to get sunnis on side, what do they have to do? they have to attack the shi'a in a genocidal pathological fashion and brutalize and radicalize the shia, such that they join these shia militias, which then go in and conduct retaliatory violence against the sunnis, ethnic
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cleansing, burning the homes of sunnis, et cetera. that pushes the sunnis into the isis fold. fallujah right now is a popped moon scape, uninhabitable. it's not going to be habitable for a long time. isis says it's a tactical loss for us but in the long term this could be a gain in terms of morale because it's going to make sunnis want to rejoin the fold. one of the reasons iraqis put forward in going after fallujah and prioritizing it for the battle above mosul, fallujah is only 40 miles from baghdad. this bomb came from a different province, which is where isis has set the most intense sectarian battle is going to take place. >> everyone stay with me. when we come back, attacks on bangladesh and baghdad killed more than 270 people. what can we do to prevent the next attack, if anything?
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back with me now, bob, julia and michael. let's talk about the terror attack in bangladesh. 21 hovtages dead, two police officers. what do we know about these attackers? >> it seems like they were mostly isis inspired attackers. they were not operatives trained up and sent from syria and iraq. one of the trends that has been noted is they all came from very well to do upper middle class families, giving a lie to this notion that poverty breeds terrorism. in fact, most of these cases we've seen in paris, britain, belgium, they come from borgoise backgrounds. one bangladeshi official came out and said this was an israeli false flag, designed to pretend like all is hunky-dory and well. it does look like unfortunately the bangladeshi authorities ended up killing a few hostage
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thinking they were the terrorist themselves. this is not the most open of societies. we're still trying to get to the bottom of what happened. >> isis had direct interaction with their victims, terrorizing them for hours before brutally hacking many of them to death. what does that tell you about isis tactics now? >> i think it's all for media interest and it's all for recruitment at this stage. i think the name of the game is recruitment for isis right now. and so, you know, i don't really even like saying are we winning the war and they're winning the battles? they're mott winning the battles. this is all about can they still be the big bad guys in the world. and so the longer that, say, bangladesh happened, the more interest there was, the more focus there is and, you know, they get the attention that they want. and that's what this is about. right? it is about recruitment because they need bodies. they need land. they need land for money, they need land for training, they
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need land for oil, but they need bodies. so the more they're successful -- and i have to say one thing we haven't talked about. the jaw dropper for me was saudi arabia. whatever that was, it was supposed to be a lot worse than it was. saudi arabia, we talk about different counter terrorism, can we be tougher. saudi arabia is, you know, a harsh, you know, monarchy of which there's no rights and they're killing and beheading people they alleged to be terrorists every single day. and they still had what might have been very, very bad attacks had they not been stopped. >> bob, do you want to respond to saudi arabia? >>. >> it doesn't look good to me. three coordinated attacks. you had the saudi came out and said we are going to take this on.. there is a problem with radicalization. i always worry about the kingdom. the politics are i don't know what is happening. >> no one has claimed
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responsibility. >> a lot of times they don't. the islamic state does not want to declare jihad on saudi arabia. just as it didn't for jordan for a long time or even turkey. no one claimed responsibility for is at all tan bull. so it's not a hard and fast rule. >> could this hit reinforced unity between gulf countries and fighting back at isis, bob? >> yes. it already has. the saudis are predominant in the gulf, very good connections with the intelligence services there. they put a lot of money into it, they're very worried about it. they violated a lot of human rights, but they're scared and that's the reason they're doing it. i think at the end of the day, again, it's going to depend on syria and iraq, the way those conflicts go, if they continue to go very badly, and a lot of people die, it will affect saudi arabia sooner rather than later. >> i also want to talk about the attack in baghdad. this attack in baghdad on july 2nd killed 250, injured another 00 people.
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iraq's interior minister resigned. where can the country go from here making sure their citizens are secure? bob, you first. >> i think one thing, they have to get a government that really truly has sunni representation. they need to have a national army. these car bombs -- i mean, a truck this size with the sophistication, is it really a bad, bad sign? and there's no way to protect them. there are no detectors in the rest of it. so you really have to get a national government in iraq before you're going to solve this. but right now, i think the islamic state may be losing grouped, but it's picking up adherence, radicalized sunnis. >> same question to you, julia. >> oh, i think bob is exactly right in this regard. obviously, this is done also the prime minister is being booed, you're trying to sort of turn a -- you know, make a failed state even more failed if you're isis. but, you know, once again from the sort of defensive
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perspective, if you're at the stage that you cannot stop a truck, going into a crowded market in a country that is not, you know, has had its history of violence, there's been a lot of failures to get to that point. so what we have to do is, you know, support the kind of training and counterterrorism efforts that may not stop everything, but, boy, this was -- i mean, this was -- this was sort of old school. this was like the 1990s, the guys that brought trucks into lebanon and it sort of means that they knew iraq was unprepared to stop it. >> and final thoughts, michael. >> look, in addition to what bob said, this is one of the most corrupt places on the market. assuming a transparent investigation can be conducted in iraq, you'll find money
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the legal rangel is over. the political battle is just getting started. hillary clinton learns she won't face charges for contentious e-mail use, donald trump says the system is rigged. tens of thousands of deaths, 150 witnesses and a document more than 2 million words in length seven years in the making. we're expecting the release of the report on the uk's intervention in iraq. plus, the blade runner awaits his face. oscar pistorius is due the in court this hour as a judge decides his punishment for murder. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church.
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this is "cnn newsroom." well, just weeks before the u.s. democratic convention, the fbi has revealed the findings of a year-long investigation that has young over hillary clinton throughout her presidential campaign. fbi director james comey says there is no evidence the productive nominee broke the law when she used private e-mail servers as secretary of state. but he had some harsh criticism calling clinton and her aides extremely careless with national secrets. republican rival donald trump blasted the fbi's decision calling it a tragedy, but u.s. president barack obama was at clinton's side tuesday hitting the campaign trail with her for the first time. joe johns has all the details.
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the long awaited results of the investigation into hillary clinton's use of the private e-mail servers, no fbi recommendation of criminal charges to the justice department. >> we believe our investigation has been efficient to give us roent confidence there was no intentional misconduct. >> she got no free pass from the fbi. >> although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws, there is evidence that there were extremely caveless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. >> comey clamming clinton for failing to exercise good judgment in one of the most sensitive government jobs in the world. >> there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in secretary clinton's position or the position with those of whom she was corresponding about those
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matters should have known an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. >> commy's announcement coming just days after fbi investigators interviewed clinton this past weekend and less than a week after a political furor erupted after former president bill clinton met privately with attorney general loretta lynch. >> i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. >> 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. >> whether clinton's private e-mail was secure enough. >> well, the system we useds was set up for president clinton's office. and it had numerous safeguards.
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it was on property guarded by the secret service. >> she also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the united states, including sending or receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clinton's personal e-mail account. >> but ultimately concluded charges were not warpted. >> although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> with the announcement, the fbi director lifted a legal cloud that has hung over hillary clinton's campaign since she first entered the race, but the public rebuke that along with it was so harsh that it could follow the candidate all the way to november. joe johns, cnn, washington. donald trump responded on
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twitter saying the fbi's decision proves the system is rigz. the presumptive republican nominee went even further at a rally in north carolina tuesday and spent most of the attacking clinton. >> we now know that she lied to the country when she said she does not send classified information on her serve isser. she lied. she sent vast amounts of classified information, including information classified as top secret. like a criminal with a guilty conscious, clinton had her lawyers delete, destroy and wipe away forever -- except i still say there are geniuses that can fine them -- 30,000 -- think of this. 30,000 e-mails.
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this, again, disclaul phis her from service and just think of it. i mean, how can you have this? bill and hillary clinton raked in millions of dollars from foreign government, special interests and international corporation in exchange for favors, folk. she's crooked hillary. don't you understand that? this is one of the most cricket politicians in history. hillary clinton's policies have spread isis and made iran the dominant political power in the middle east. hillary clinton can't keep her e-mail safe, and you know what, folks? she sure as hell can't keep our country safe. and not a word of the fbi's decision was mentioned when barack obama joined hillary clinton on the campaign trail hours later. the president made a case as the democrat for the best person for
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the white house. >> i'm here today because i believe in hillary clinton. and i want you to help elect her to be the next president of the united states of america. that's where i'm here. she was a great secretary of state. and by the way, that's not just my opinion. that was the view of the american people and pundits throughout the time that she was serving as secretary of state. before the whole political machinery got moving. you remember that? it wasn't that long ago where i came on the scene in '08. everybody said, well, he's new. they don't say that now because i'm not. but sometimes we take somebody who has been in the trenches and fought the good fight and been steady for granded. sometimes we act as if never
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having done something and not knowing what you're doing is a virt virtue. we don't do that, by the way, for airline pilots. we don't do that for surgeons. but somehow we think president of the united states, yeah, let's just get -- i don't know. who is that guy? come on. >> this, my friends, is a president who knows how to keep us safe and strong. compare that to donald trump. can you imagine him sitting in the oval office the next time america faces a crisis? the world hangs on every word our president says and donald trump is simply unqualified and temple mentalally unfit to be our president and commander in chief. >> joining us now to digest all of this is cnn political analyst
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and washington post columnist josh rogen. thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> so good news for hillary clinton tuesday regarding her e-mail investigation. yes, she was sloppy. but the fbi is not recommending charges against her. so this is the ends of the matter legally. what about politically? >> yeah, it was the most insure press conference i've ever seen from an anybody director. in one fell swoop, fbi director james comey said he does not see in it any precedent to charge hillary clinton and then he proceeded to list at least seven different ways in which she mishandled classified information. so while hillary clinton has escaped a legal prosecution, there's no doubt what comey and the fbi found will create political problems for her going forward. there's just so many revelati
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revelations. >> yeah. you have to ask what does this whole e-mail saga say about clinton's judgment and what shez earlier about her handling of sensitive material. >> that's the first thing. the first thing is she admitted she made a mistake, but she's never owned up to the details of how she set up this personal server and transferred, either willingly or unwillingly tons of class fooit fied information on to it. comey said there were e-mails marked classified that were sent and received by hillary clinton, there were things she should have known contained classified information and her explanations did she tell match the reality. while it's really not a legal problem for her, it is a problem with her credibility. >> and donald trump isn't going to let this go, is he?
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he is saying the system is rig. is he right to a certain extent? >> i would say the system is situation dysfunctional. comey was appointed by president obama. he's not up for my had review or election. what we can say is that, you know, the facts don't always determine the outcome. so donald trump's theory of the case that this was somehow rigged in rally caparas's favor is not accurate. but what is accurate is the way it's set up provided for an outcome that was probably never going to lead to hillary clinton facing an actual criminal charge. >> and, of course, the poll numbers are going to tell the story, aren't they? what impact do you think this whole issue is going to have on poll numbers, particularly when it comes to measuring trustworthiness over clinton and trump? >> over the last few weeks,
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we've seen the poll numbers change a lot. and it's usually for whoever is not going through the scandal of the day. when the oral issue happened, donald trump's numbers went way down. now that the focus is back on hillary clinton, her numbers are going down, although she still leads him by six points according to the latest cnn poll. so the game here is to not be in the target range and not be the focus of whatever the media is focusing on that day. to the extent this puts the focus on hillary, it can only help hip. >> and, of course, clinton's appearance with president obama, clearly showing literally, figuratively, that he was embracing her, the clinton campaign want to see this moving forward and away from the spotlig spotlight. how likely is that? >> this is what happens when you have two huge machines, the
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clinton machine and the white house trying to figure out how to work together. and they have different interests here. so for the white house, in order to get behind hillary clinton, they wanted this cloud of suspicion, this spending indictment possibility to go away. so they got rid of that before he endorsed her. but by getting rid of that, they over-shadowed her own endorsement. for the white house, they needed to get past the threat of indictment in order for president obama to get on board. the irony, of course, is that he stepped on his own announcement and over-shadowed his announ announcement of hillary clinton today in north carolina. >> als a pleasure to speak with you. thanks so much. >> when donald trump took to the stage in north carolina tuesday, hillary clinton's e-mail wasn't the only recurring theme. the fight against islamic extremist came up repeatedly.
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>> we have a president who is out campaigning for crooked hillary clinton and he should be homeworking on isis where the threat is getting worse and worse. shd be working on trade. he should be working on the boarders. people are flowing into our country from lots of places. >> and no matter the threat offed radical islam to the soous, there's little denying that the eaches of recent days have highlighted the expandsing reach of isis and those inspired by the militant group. becky anderson says a look at how the holy month of ram dan became a period of horror for many around the world. >> a month of calamity for nonbelieve e nonbelievers. that is what isis wanted ram dan to be. just days before the start of the holy month of ramadan, a chilling warning and then terrorists struck across the muslim world. the first major attack, jordan.
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a suicide car bombing killed at least six local security offices. just a week later -- terrorists storms turkey's main airport, killing dozens. the agony, raw. everything pointing to isis. thousands of kilometers away, more grief. gunmen killed 22 at a cafe in the bangladeshi capital. and the deadliest of all, baghdad. a deadly blaze from a massive suicide bomb. more than 200 were massacred in a busy shopping area. men, women, children. preparing for eede. even one of islam's holiest sites wasn't spared. each a scene of bloody carnage on the global stage. in what was one of the most deadly ramadans in living memory, the majority of those killed were muslims themselves.
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what is meant to be a month of peace and reflect job turns into anger and grief across continents and the muslim world. a suicide bomber targets a police stay. and with lebanon and kuwait both reporting foiled major terror plots, it could have been a whole lot worse. becky annerson, cnn, abu dhabi. a bangladeshi politician has identified his son as one of the attackers who stormed the cafe in dhaka on friday. the father told india's indy tv he had to idea the 21-year-old was capable of such an act. >>. >> i saw the picture released by isis again and again before i confirmed it was my son. i was stunned to see it. i beg forgiveness.
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>> he says his son may have read jihady material on his cell phone. it shows there was a fire on on the plane before it went down and an attempt to put it out. investigators are trying to figure out what caused that fire. the plane crashed in the mediterranean sea in may killing all 66 peel on board. next, a long awaited report into britain's involvement in the iraq war is being released shortly. why it's so important for so many britains. and former olympian oscar pistorius is about to find out how much time he'll spend in prison. sentencing imminent for the murdering of his girlfriend.
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role of then prime minister tony blair who led his country into that conflict. nic robertson joins us from london with more on what's expected in the report and the possible fallout. and ben joins us from baghdad with more on the uk's legacy in the iraq conflict. thank you both for joining us. nic, let's go to you first. this report was supposed to take only a year to complete. instead, it took seven years. why the delay and what is expected out of this long-awaited report? >> the analysis has been for a long time that the report could have been presented much sooner, that political considerations kept it from being released not necessarily political considerations, about, you know, iraq. but political considerations here in britain. it is going to be presented now, 2.6 million words, 150,000 different government documents
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have been looked at, more than 50 people interviewed. and the analysis is going to look at the decisions that britain took in deciding to go to war, the quality and nature of the intelligences that was provided. it was said at the time that saddam hussein had weapons of mas destruction. so there will be an examination of that because, of course, none of those were found. and it will discuss whether or not british introops were prepared to go war. did they have enough bullets, were they given their armored -- bullet proof jackets? were the vehicles that they were using properly equipped to deal with the ieds in iraq. so john kilkot who is overseeing
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this report says this is a report that will, if it needs to and if he finds the evidence to essentially hold people to account, this is what he said. we haven't set out to criticize individuals with b however, i made clear from the start if we came across behavior, i wouldn't hesitate to do it. >> but what he also says he believes his report at the end of the day will make it harder, if you will, for a government to go to war, that there should be more scrutiny, more questions, and a deeper analysis of readiness and what's at stake. so that's perhaps the overaveraging outcome. but conclusions, executive summary is 150 pages in and of itself, a lot of detail in
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there, rosemary. >> and people watching to see if there any consequences in any way for former prime minister tony blair. we'll keep a close eye on that. i want to bring in ben widerman now. how has iraq changed, as well, in the seven years since this inquiry began? what would the people there want to see coming out of this? do they care? do they know about this report? >> actually, few people are aware of the report. the uk was by and large the junior parter of the united states led by president george w. bush in the lead up to the invasion, the invasion and the occupation of iraq. and, serm, if you look at the lead up, tony blair was the major supporter that men always
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by the side of george w. bush and the intelligence proved to be utterly worthless in the sense that there were no weapons of mass destruction here in iraq. and at the time, it certainly seems after the state of the country after years of u.n.-imposed sanctions that there was nothing to be had, that the threat simply didn't exist. but for ordinary iraqs, in a sense, it's immaterial. the damage has been done. after the 2003 invasion, we saw a largely botched occupation of iraq in which very little was done to rebuild the country. politically, it's more divided than ever. sectarianism, which under saddam hussein was there but not to the extend it is thou. and, therefore, iraqs are bitter about the entire experience. there were some iraqs who were
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happy to see saddam hue say go. let's not forget that he killed hundreds of thousands of people over the years using, for instance, poisoned gas against the kwurd. there was a bombing in baghdad, the death toll has now gone up to 250. 150 of the bodies are simply beyond recognition. diagnose didn't exist in the days of saddam hussein. so people look around them at a struggling country. and they're bitter about what the u.s. and the uk did here. would they like to see some sort of punishment against bush and blair? yes, i'm sure they would. but i don't think they're laboring under any illusions that the chill cut inquiry is going to lead to any actual
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punishment. >> ben, thank you so much for that. joining us live from baghdad, nic robertson there. many thanks to you both. do we sure and join us live this wednesday, 10:30 a.m. in london, 11:30 in berlin right here in cnn. former olympian oscar pistorius will soon learn his fate in a south african courtroom. we will tell you how much prison time he can serve for the murt of his -- china faces its worst flood in nearly 20 years.
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a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i am rosemary church here in atlanta. the fbi recommends no criminal charges against hillary clinton for her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. but the bureau's director, james comey, called clinton and her aides extremely careless with classified information. house speaker paul ryan told house republicans they'll want to here from comey. >> we're going to have hearings. he didn't answer any questions with the press and our judiciary committee has sent a lot of unanswered questions. there's a lot of questions that
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need answers to. >> the sentencing for former olympian oscar pistorius is about to begin in south africa. he could face a minimum 15-year sentence for the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. let's go to david mackenzy right now. he joins us from pretoria. david, oscar pistorius about to be sentenced very soon for reef ka steenkamp's murder. what are people saying about this and the sentence that he should receive? >> well, rosemary, he is due to be sentenced and the court session is under way. what we will here is the judge giving down that sentence. she was the original judge that sentenced him to culpable homicide, more like man
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slaughter, before his conviction was changed to murder. what we will hear is her arguments behind what she feels is an appropriate sentencing. you could see a minimum of 15 years. but she does have discretion to give less the time than that for mitigating circumstances, time served, and through the sente e sentencisentenc sentencing hearings, we did hear the defense say because he's a double amputee, because he shows remorse, in their words, and is willing to work for a charity, that he shouldn't get any time in prison at all. more experts say he could be sigh between 8 and 12 years, but this case has many twist and turns, but it could be the final act in this saga. rosemary. >> and, david, how has local media dealt with this and the lead up to the sentencing? >> well, the local media, this story is on the front pages.
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whenever this is a look on it, his experience rescuing his girlfriend and his cat has captured the -- people split often with those who say he deserves to go back to prison for a very long time and others saying because this was the intense media focus, it means that he has gone through more legal procedures than anyone else who might have gone through a trial where they took the steps to take this to the court of the appeal. they had that dramatic moment when he was brought out on his
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stump toes show his vulnerability. but all the time, the prosecution is saying that he acted in a way to murder whoever was behind that bathroom door and should get the maximum behind bars. rosemary. >> all right, our david mackenzy monitoring the situation there in pretoria. we will come back to you when we get more word on what is happening there. but i want to get some analysis now on the sentencing. we've joined by steven leblanch. as david mackenzy explained, the judge has some discretion here. there's talk of this being a minimum sentence of 15 years, but she could give less. she could given 7 to 12, it could be perhaps even less than that. talk to us about how she would work through the legalities of that and the defense talking in terms of mitigating circumstances. his flt and mental issues should reduce his sentence time.
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talk to us about those according to which must have had in order to deviate from that. in order to do that, one of the tests that the court can apply is what an opponent sentence have been had there not been a minimum sentences scheme. for that, she will have to take into every factor in this case. >> one of the most crucial findings she will have to make is on the seriousness of the crime. because there is some overlap between the negligent killing
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and -- to murder, it has to be the morning morus crime so she will have to take all the circumstances into account, but crucially will have to make a fining in whether think ns change in the blame worthiness because of the change of the offense. i should mention the fact that she can impose a less sentence opens her sentencing discretion completely. it doesn't have to involvement prison. and those experts that say he's pound to get 8 to 12 year, there's no real legal basis on which she can support that? is there any way.
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and there is room for him to appe appeal, isn't there? >> indeed. she may impose a sentence that only involves house arrest. she can impose another sentence ask back date it. and yes, both the state and the defense can appeal just as that opportunity was open to them originally. >> all right. stephan, thank you very much for talking with us and your mother. we do appreciate that as we await the story of oscar pistorius. china has been plagued with floods and is rains for weeks. could the worst still be come?
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. the sentencing for former paralympian oscar pistorius is about to happen in south africa. he could face a minimum of 15 years in prison, but his defense has argued he should serve less time because of his physical disability and mental stress. we are monitoring this. a sentence is not expected for about an hour, but it could, of course, come earlier than that. we'll keep an eye on this had. i want to move on to other developing news this hour. three men have been rescued after severe weather in southern china flooded a mine. they were among six miners who were trapped. rescuers found the bodies of the other three afterwards. it's just one of many disasters caused by catastrophic flooding in china. cnn's andrew stevens has more.
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>> a tore end of water slopes away cars and cascades as china faces its worst flooding since 1998. heavy rains are causing havoc across six different provinces in central and southern china, impacting 33 million people. that's according to china's flood control debate. the debate says at least 56,000 houses have collapsed and economic lasses are over$7 billion u.s. fire feeters are using everything to carry people to aif. china's meteorologist agency says this year's rainfall has been 21% higher than average. and the forecasters warn more
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heavy rain to come. on top of the flooding, eastern china is now bracing for a typhoon. the first of season, it is currently on track to make landfall by friday. cnn, hong kong. and as an rue mentioned, super typhoon nimetach is the next concern for michael. with that system -- >> the rain we've seen is among the worst for a rainey season since the 1990 season. if you recall the day before yesterday, we were looking at a tropical storm. it has strengthened into a super typhoon and that's a major concern over this year. let me state of ohhow you this.
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in fact, about a thousand kilometers away from taipei at this hour. but to give you a scale perspective, if you measure the storm system, it measures to 1.4 million kilometers. .that's the cloud field of the storm. that is roughly the size of the state of alaska or the country of mexico. that's how expansive a storm we're talking about. when your winds get up to above 152 kilometers per hour, they call this a catastrophic event. most areas impacted by such storms would be uninhabited for weeks if not months. right now, it's over open waits. it's going to strengthen a little more inside the next 24 hours. we think northern and central taiwan would be in the direct path of this storm system. at that point, this would by a 250 to 260 kilometer storm
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across that region. you see the population sensety? that's home to some of the highest density of hall mountains anywhere in the world. what that will do is shred this storm system apart. it is sparsely populated. people still live there. toy it approaches portions of eastern china, the rainfall is not going to disappear. it's going to still rain tremendously in this region. i want to show you the population density in had eastern china. the surrounding area. 154 million people live here based on my estimations as cross that region. 1.6 4/million people live in the country combined. it talks about the significant impact of this storm system. the areas indicated in pink,
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purple, orange, 200 to 250 millimeters. potentially, a quarter of an inch of rainfall could come down. the storm surge would be tremendous. taiwan would be protected because of its mountains as it works towards okinawa. the estimated wave right now, take a double decker bus, put a second one on top of it and a third one on top of it, that's how high the waves are right now in the open waters. as it nears lapped, it will lessen a lot bit. but some of these islands will be unindated with this. >> thanks so much for keeping us up to date. >> thank you. as americans celebrated their freedom over the fourth of july weekend, two of the company's national birds did the same. their story, next.
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"boo!" (laughs) "i'm making smoothies!" "well...i'm not changing." "so, how can i check my credit score?" "credit karma. don't worry, it's free." "hmmmm." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." you are looking at live pictures right now. oscar pistorius is being sentenced in south africa for the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the jump has been going tu his
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psychological history and a brief history of his former life. the former paralympian could face a minimum 15-year sentence. his attorneys argued for less time in jail because of his physical disability and emotional stress. we'll keep a very close eye on proceedings there. americans have just wrapped up their independence day celebrations pt from the stars and stripes to the love of lady liberty, it was full of symbols including the bald eeg.. as jeanne moos reports, they were front and center in incidents. >> this was a tale of two eagles separately seeking independence. it wasn't as if the los angeles zoo's trained eagles hadn't practiced. a maim male named shanook was released atop the festivities.
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you almost expected to hear these words as shanook headed for his handler. oh, no, he hadn't. the eagle flew by his handler and continued over the center field fence to the delight of fans. handlers gave pursuit. as one joker tweeted, like most at dodgers stadium, he wanted to beat the traffic. he soared into the parking lot. the l.a. zoo tweeted, although he missed his mark, shanook waited for the van by his trainer. then to an eagle that had to be freed by an eagle eyed army vet. for 2 1/2 days, an eagle dangled upside down from a tree. the bird's talon caught in a rope. that's when jason gallon put his sharpshooting skills to work. he had been a helicopter door
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gunner in afghanistan. >> it was weird shooting in the direction of a bald eagle. i was very nerve was. >> he had should shoot through the branchs to get to the rope. >> about an hour that have, 150 shots. >> the rope obliterated, the eagle flew into the brush and was taken to a raptor center where he's reported to be doing very well. we haven't seen this much eagle action since one named uncle sam ruffled donald trump's feathers. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. i want you to cast your mind back a couple of years to an olympic games that nobody said would work in a location defined by shoddy facilities, poor infrastructure and hostile locals. sound familiar? yes, not that long ago, the russian resort of sochi was the poster child for all that was might mayorish about the olympic dream. but the residents of rio de janeiro may be pleased to learn that the event has left a
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positive impression with an abundan of rave reviews. >> translator: now, there are more possibilities for tourists. sochi has become almost like tourists. it is far from perfect, but altogether, the money spent was worth it. every year as we come to sochi, it has become better and better. the the the beaches have.become much cleaner, more civilized. service has become better. >> who knows, barry manilow may be writing a song about sochi one day soon. i'm rosemary church. we will keep a very close eye on the courthouse in pretoria where the sentencing of oscar pistorius will begin any minute
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♪ donald trump attacking hillary clinton and the fbi, after no charges are recommended. with clinton's e-mail controversy. trump says the system is rigged and accuses the clintons. bribery. protest breaks out overnight. disturbing video capturing the moment two police officers pin down a man, then shoot and kill him. good morning, welcome to "early start" this morning, i'm christine romans. >> and i'm george howell. it is wednesday, july 6th, 4:0
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