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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 9, 2016 1:00am-3:01am PDT

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♪ and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. you're watching cnn live coverage. i'm natalie allen in atlanta. and i'm george howell live here in dallas, texas. and i want to give you a sense of the backdrop behind me here. you see this memorial set up. there are two police cars. there's another one for the d.a.r.t. police department. this for the dallas police department, representing officers killed. there are flowers, there are messages to these ever 0s,
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people honoring their lives, giving their lives, killed in an act that's being called domestic terrorism. a sniper ambushed these officers thursday, during a peaceful protest people are demanding answers after the police killing of two african-american men in two different cities this week. the dallas sniper also shot two civilians. officials say the gunman ceylon shooter. he is identified as a 25-year-old afghastan veteran. police said he told them he was upset after recent shootings. negotiations broke down that failed during a standoff during which he said he had a bomb, several bombs. meanwhile, protests in major cities continue to play out on friday. we watched it play out in phoenix, arizona. just a few hours ago. witnesses there say police used pepper spray there to clear the crowds. one man down seemingly after pepper spray was used.
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earlier, i talked with reporter derrick stall with cnn fill quit kpho slshgs ktvtv. listen. >> reporter: i was there, right in the middle of it all. they kind of gathered up in the middle of the hall. then there were protesters that showed up, people with signs that said "black lives matter." someone had a sign with a red line through that. people medley got up in their face. and there was sort of a standoff between protesterses and counterprotesters. that calmed down but as protesters were kind of marching around downtown phoenix, word got out that people were marching on the freeways. one freeway known as loop 202. the other one is the famous 1-10 freeway that stretches across
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the united states. people were speaking about going on the freeway. and then they basically fiermd human line on seventh street and philmore. >> busily night there in mean next, a prayer vigil was held for the slain officers. the crowd was cheering police chief david brown. four of the murdered officers were members of the dallas police department. the fifth was with the dallas area rapid transit also known as d.a.r.t. here in the city. during that vigil, chief brown said that even though the sniper is dead, his department is still making sure that co-responsible spear tours.
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>> during our investigation of the suspects, it was revealed to us this was a well-planned, well-thought out, evil by these suspects. and we won't rest until we bring everyone involved to justice. >> these five officers who lost their lives here in dallas, they made an impact on their loved ones, on their friends and many, many other people in the city. jean casarez shows us who these policemen are. >> we are reminded of the power of faith. >> reporter: an emotional prayer vigil in the city of dallas as the community mourns the loss of five police officers. among the victims 43-year-old brent thompson, a seven-year veteran of the dallas area rapid
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transit police. a father and grandfather from corsicana, texas. thompson traveled to bring justice those who didn't have it. according to his linkedin page thompson was chief operations for a private company in iraq from 2004 to 2008. >> he was a dedicated americaned for safety of americans around the world. >> reporter: 35-year-old, the dallas police officer was deploy to the middle east as part of the iraq war effort. just this week, he tweeted out his love for our country. his brother dustin tweeting, love you brother, couldn't be prouder. we'll see you again. 40-year-old michael krol always wanted to be a police officer. also killed dallas police
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officer lorne ahrens, a 14-year veteran to the dallas police department. and then michael smith. his sister spoke to affiliate kfdm. her family rushing to the hospital to be by her side. >> that she can come home tomorrow i'm just glad she's alive. >> reporter: alive but according to her father, requiring surgery. >> she was shot in the arm and a broken shoulder and shot in the abdomen. >> reporter: still, the mcbrides know they are the lucky one, hunter telling her mother. >> i love you and i'm glad you're here. >> reporter: jean casarez, cnn, new york. >> jean just mentioned one of the officers killed in dallas.
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haifa, he was a iraq veteran. his family is wonder writing his act of terrorism took away their loved one. earlier, we spoke to his father who had had this to say to us. >> well, first of all, my son patrick, he was very, very helpful young man. he was very giving. he would give you his last dollar if he had it in his pocket if he needed it. he'd bend over backwards to help anybody out. he was very patient. he would try to help anybody out the best he could. if you needed help, patrick would offer you help. even if he couldn't do nothing, he could offer it to you. my son, he was -- well, since day one, since he was born, he was a hero. he was my little hero. he'd be a hero now.
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yeah, he's -- he's going to be missed. >> you're incredible to share about your son. you know, you talk about him helping people and he served in iraq, served in kuwait. he cared deeply about his country. >> oh, yeah, he did. it -- it was mainly his sister, she was in the navy, too. she talked him into joining the navy. and he loved it. he loved the navy. that's why he liked being a police officer for the service. >> his life, certainly, is never forgotten. let's now bring in cnn civil rights attorney reva martin joining us live via skype in los
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angeles. reva, thank you for being with us. i want to ask you about something that struck me from a protester. he made this point, look, protesters can go and protest and still care for the individual officers out there that they are protesting. at the same time, police showing that they can still hold the line, do their jobs, but, you know, when lives are on the line, step into action and put their lives at risk. >> yeah. i think, george, we saw that before the horrific shooting took place at the dallas rally, we actually saw police officers and protesters talking and laughing together and taking pictures. posting on social media. and what we learned about the dallas police department in particular is this wasn't the first time. that there have been many protests in dallas, some of the same officers that unfortunately
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lost their lives have been a part of those rallies. they've will be really walking and marching hand in hand with the protesters. so, i think we've seen something that is important to note about this. which is, yes, there doesn't have to be a separation between police and protesters. that we can come together as the community and police through their jobs. and protesters do that which they believe is just to do which is standing up against police brutality. i think what i've been moved by the most, george, is just the outpouring of support. what happened to those officers, no police officer that puts their life on the line should everen threatened. and definitely not killed in the line of duty. so, my heart goes 0 out to those officers who gave their lives while protecting protesters. i think we're seeing and
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hopefully, something unique happening around this tragedy, and that is having this discussion about race. and about reforming the criminal justice system and really addressing the violence that's taken place over this entire week. >> you know, i remember you bringing this up just the other day. and we talked about this just a bit last hour. but when it comes to this discussion about race. you were talking when it comes to the black lives matter movement, not letting that movement get hijacked by the actions of this one deranged guy. you see that in many different groups. you talk about it in the political landscape. there are fringe groups, there are radical, democrats who will follow republicans. there are always those odd apples in the bunch. but that can't hijack or overshadow the big are movement. >> yeah. that's an excellent point, george. and i think we should note black lives matter was started by three women. one of those women, the
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co-founders came on today, one of the networks, and talked about what that movement was started to do. and how it's always been rooted in a nonviolent principle. you think about the civil rights movement of the 1960s, it was strictly about protests and race change and policy. and that was never rooted in violence and that movement, black lives matter, was never intended for actions like a lone actor like micah johnson. for us to take that hateful act is not anything anyone can do that, as we saw with the finest police department in the country, dallas. they were able to stop that kind of attack. but definitely the message of ending police brutality and standing up for racial quality in the criminal justice system should not be lost because of
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the shooting of the five police officers. we can mourn for those officers and continue to fight for justice in this country. >> areva martin joining us live in los angeles. pretty late there in the night in l.a. we appreciate you taking time to be with us. >> important topic. >> speaking on the black lives matter movement. >> i'm sorry, you were saying? >> i was saying this is such an important topic, and i've been with it all week. and just grateful to have an opportunity to weigh in on this. and hopefully, be a part of what's going to be some positive movement in a direction that brings our community and our police department together for meaningful dialogue that will end the kind of violence that we saw this week. >> sorry for clipping you there. that skype audio is a little
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tricky for me on this end. good to have you with its on cnn. talk about the black lives matter movement they're condemning the violence here in dallas. they're also calling for an end to police violence. details on that, next. the fastest delivery guy in chicago.
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welcome back to dallas, texas. i'm george howell. and we are learning more about the gunman who killed five police officers in the deadly ambush that played out just a little less than a mile away from where we are right now. authorities say that he was the lone shooter. but they also want to make sure that he had no accomplices. several officers and two civilians were also wounded in thursday's attack before police killed the gunman. he's been identified as 25-year-old micah xavier johnson. authorities say he told police negotiators that he was upset about recent police shootings of african-american men and that he wanted to kill white officers. following a shooting rampage, police found bomb making materials. they found ballistic vests and ammunition at the shooter's home. keep in mind, these protests
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began this week after two african-american men were killed by police officers in the states of louisiana and in minnesota. police in baton rouge, louisiana, shot alton sterling several times on tuesday after a homeless man called 911. the source case sterling kept asking sterling for money and sterling brandished his gun. a 37-year-old, he was a father and the father of one of his sons spoke to my colleague don le lemon. >> in inbearable pain, basically being a mother of a teenage son, what's the best thing to tell him besides i love you. and everything is going to be okay. we have to stay together and we have to pray together and honestly, that's what's going to be keeping me and cameron in focus. with the help of my family as
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well. >> and the fatal shooting of philadelphia lando castile, his fiancee captured the moments after that shooting on wednesday in a suburb in st. paul, minnesota. in a live facebook post that many people saw on social media. she said that a police officer shot castile after pulling him over for a broken taillight and he went to reach for his wallet after asking for identification. we heard from diamond reynolds on friday. here's what she had to say. >> it's about all of the families that have lost people. this thing that has happened in dallas is not because of something that transpired in minnesota today. this is bigger than philando. this is bigger than trayvon martin. this is bigger than sandra bland. this is bigger than all of us. so, today, i just want justice,
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for everyone, everyone around the world. >> cnn this day has also been following these protests, protesters who marched peacefully in various cities on friday one day art deadly police shooting that played out here. they chanted black lives matter but also condemn the attack that took the lives of five police officers here in dallas. randi kaye has more on the movement that began with a simple hash tag. >> black lives matter! black lives matter! >> reporter: what started with a hash tag has turned into a rallying cry. >> black lives matter! >> reporter: the goal, to shine a light on racial injustices. >> this is the generation that wants to dismantle structural ra racism. this is the generation that wants to get at the core of it, that wants to get at the system, the systemic problem. >> reporter: the black lives matter movement was born after
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the shooting death of trayvon martin. when his neighborhood watchman george zimmerman was cleared of any wrongdoing. >> we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. >> reporter: after trayvon, the deaths of african-americans at the hands of police gave rise for more protests. there was aieric garner. >> the people, the local people in ferguson were willing to call attention to the issues, right? they were willing to put their life on the line. >> reporter: then 12-year-old tamir rice who only had a pellet gun was killed by a police officer in cleveland. tony harrison, eric harris, walter exalt.
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fuelling the anger and amping up. there are now dozens of black lives matter chapters across the united states. and while some believe that the movement has actually incited violence, its founders disagree. >> the reality is this is a peaceful movement led by incredibly courageous black people. >> we'll have more from dallas, texas, after the break. for now, i go back to my colleague natalie allen following another story. thank you, george. north korea has launched a ballistic missile. u.s. strategic command say they as detected that presumed launch. they say it happened off the post of sinpo and eastern north
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korea. let's go to our matt rivers in seoul. the question is, matt, was it successful? >> the defense officials here in south korea say, no, this was not a successful test. it happened around 11:30 in the morning here local time. and while officials would not comment beyond saying that it wasn't a successful test, local media here in south korea is reporting that though the missile left the submarine it was launched from and made it about ten kilometers into the air, it only moved forward just about several kilometers before actually exploding midair, then, of course, making it a failed test. now, this is the second submarine-based launch test that has failed since the north koreans had a similar failure in april. that would be two failures this year. in april, that missile only traveled about 30 kilometers before failing.
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those two just a general swath of operations from north korea, of course, starting back in january when it conducted its most recent nuclear test. and also launching several other types of missile tests throughout the year. these tests this morning, just the latest, natalie, in what's been a very tumultuous and busy year for pyongyang. >> we certainly know how much the government wants to be able to have that technology to be more of a force. but have they had anything to say before the government has not always been current on whether their tests are successful or not. this is the second failure. >> yeah, that's through. it was back in april, actually -- well, for this particular test, it will take -- typically what happens is the north koreans will release some sort of article, or statement or something through state media, about 24 hours or so after a test is launched. but given that this is a failure, it's kind of up in the
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air in terms of what the north korean government will say. sometimes, they actually say that it was a success. even though you have south korean officials saying it wasn't, other times they just ignore it completely. in terms what north koreans will do in the coming days, in terms of acknowledging this particular test, really unsure. but we do know, if anything we can count on, the regime at pyongyang can be unpredictable. >> matt rivers in seoul. thank you. after the break, the investigation with the police ambush and new details about the man who was behind it.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world, i'm natalie allen, live at cnn center, atlanta. i'm george howell, live in dallas, texas, this hour. the united states certainly mourning the loss of five officers killed in the line of duty, killed in the deadliest assault on american law enforcement since 9/11. now, we're learning more about the suspect behind this terrible act of terrorism. police say that 26-year-old micah xavier johnson that he was the only shooter. police killed him with explosives. and when police searched his home they found bombmaking materials, ballistic vests and ammunition. detectives also found a personal journal about combat tactics. and the united states president barack obama, he is said to travel here to dallas early next week. the president is in europe right
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now for a nato meeting-l but will return on sunday, one day earlier than planned. our martin savidge ahas the very latest on the dallas investigation. >> dude, that's a cop down. >> there's four cops down. >> four? >> reporter: terror in dallas thursday night. >> officers shots fired. code 3, stay off the radio. officer down. >> we got a guy with a long rifle. >> all of a sudden, i saw or heard six to eight shots. it looked like two office went down. i was screaming run, run, active shooter. active shooter. >> in the initial chaos officers believe there was more than one gunman sources tell cnn there was only one. 25-year-old micah xavier johnson. his amateur video shows opening fire on officers.
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>> he's shooting right now. >> reporter: police cornered the gunman in a parking garage where they attempted to negotiate. after several hours, negotiations broke down. with officers in grave danger, police sent in a lethal robot. >> we sought a lot of options but used our robot and placed a device on its intention for it to detonate, where the suspect was. >> reporter: the shooter was killed in the explosion. in all, five officers were killed and seven ours wounds. two civilians were also hurt. d.a.r.t. officer brent thompson recently married to a fellow transit is officer. and dallas police officer patrick zamarripa a father of two and navy victim. misty mcbride, another d.a.r.t. officer was shot in the are but survived.
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>> i want to say i love you and i'm glad you're here. >> reporter: here in the dallas suburbs police cars surround the shooter's home in mesquite, texas. officials say he lived with his mothers and served in the army reserves as a carpentry and masonry specialist and had a short term in afghanistan. >> the suspect said he was upset about black lives matter. he said he was upset about the recent police shootings. the suspect said he was upset at white people. the suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white office. the suspect stated he was not affiliated with any groups. and he stated that he did this lone. >> he refused to not love our brothers and sisters. >> reporter: this afternoon, crowds gathered for a prayer vigil in dallas only a few blocks from where the ambush
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occurred, cheering for the police chief. >> we need citizens to show officers that they appreciate their sacrifice. >> reporter: in washington, the attorney general calling for peace, too. >> i urge to you remember, today and every day that we are one nation. we are one people, and we stand together. >> reporter: and president obama calling the ambush a calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement. >> anyone involved in these senseless murders will be held fully accountable. justice will be done. >> as that was my colleague martin savidge reporting for us. let's now bring in shareece santoro. she was a witness to the shootings that took place here in dallas. you were also there with a group of protesters. just talk to me about that. the fact that you were there with a group of protesters. everyone heard the shots ring out. people ran. officers pushed people out to
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safety. and now we are here, at this m memorable at police headquarters to remember these five office who were killed. >> it's still very difficult. i finally got some rest, and i woke up this morning and realized that it really happened. when we got there, it was amazing the outpouring of love that we had from everyone involved. there were people who were waiting at stop signs and stop lights to get through to get out of their cars and join the people who were marching. the officers there were hugging, taking photos, high-fives and there was really a lot of solidarity from what me and my family saw. it was literally a real live cokumbaya moment that you couldt believe unless you were there. >> and then the gunshots?
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>> and then the gunshots. the first shots we heard. those us towards the front and not directly in front of the group. we slowed down a bit. got a little quieter. then the second round of gunshots rang out we realized it was gunfire. immediately everyone began to clear the streets. there was a man coming down the street saying run, run, there's an active shooter. get out of the way. dallas police immediately began to rush towards the sounds. as soon as they cleared the roads, the dallas police, the vehicles that were in the area, came barreling down the streets. there was get out of the way, go for cover. they were pushing us to go one to two blocks away to take cover allowing to get everything under control. the protesters, all of us together, we were continuously say calm down, take cover, but don't run. you always have a few people
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that run. there were a few people that fell. they didn't get trampled, they got picked up and carried along with the rest of the group. it was -- it was nerve-racking. it was such a disappointment. people were angry and frustrated at that time. not only because of shots were fired, because we knew that people who weren't there, people who didn't feel what we were feeling, people who didn't see what we were seeing would immediately begin to jump and take sides and start blaming people and not understand whoever did this, it wasn't the feeling, it wasn't the purchase. >> we heard just a moment ago from the police chief saying that this guy, you know, that he was angry with the black lives movement. that he was angry with white people. he was just angry with many different things. and he did not associate himself with any particular group. but i want to ask you, given what he did, given the fact that
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now we're in this situation, where there are five police officers who are no longer with us, is the city coming together? what sort of conversations have you heard? >> personally, i've stayed away from the news. but from previous experience, here in dallas, we tend to band together. here in dallas -- >> but rather than the news, just people that you know, the conversations, have you heard people talking about -- >> i received a lot of messages saying that we're with you, what do you need? what's next? what do we do next? where do we go from here. so far, i just told them continue to pray. if you don't love, start. keep your ears open. when you hear that we're going to stand here, we're going to pray, we're going to shout, praise love, we're going to do things to show people that we're here, we don't know what to do but we're here, then join, don't
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just stand on the sidelines. >> sharay santora, thank you for taking time today. >> thank you. >> we'll go back to you guys in atlanta. >> thank you, george. nato leaders meeting in poland can announced additional troop deployment. why that will likely upset russia. we'll have a live report from poland. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at
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we'll be back to dallas live in just a moment. but right now, we want to take a look at other news we're following around the world. in poland, nato's 20 screen warsaw summit continues, this a day after alliance members pledged to deploy four battalions to poland and the baltic state. u.s. president barack obama announced a battalion of u.s. troops of roughly 1,000 personnel will be sent to poland on a rotational basis.
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leaders also discussed the recent brexit plan for the alliance. for more on the summit and the moves we've been seeing on nato and poland, our nic robertson joins us. hi, nic. >> reporter: hi there, natalie. the brexit issue was a very important one to president obama because the economic impact can be feld across the globe. president obama when he got here, his first meeting friday was with the presidents of the european council and the european commission. the reason, he wanted to understand the way they will do their negotiation with britain. he also met with british foreign minister david cameron on the margins of other meetings here. he wanted to get assurances that this will be done transparently, expeditiously, without rancor. that's what he wanted to hear. but, of course, a large part of the discussions here about what
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to do about the aggression, the forces building up. all the way from leningrad in the north where russia has installed air, sea and land missile missions in a way it hasn't done before. the same in st. petersburg and the ukraine just two years ago. and also seeing the same thing in syria, where russia has its forces, of course, on the border there, with nato-allied turkey. so, this a concern. so what we heard yesterday from the nato leaders was a commitment to send additional troops over and above the 40,000 here on the rotation that they committed to last year, send 4,000 additional troops to lithuania and poland. and as president obama announced those troops for that battalion
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will be coming here to poland to form that force. the design is not just to give european states reassurance that nato is behind them which was the key several years but to send a deterrent of nato to russia to the consideration that russia may decide to move into one of the smaller, or cross the border into one of the smaller nato nations here. natalie. >> yeah, and, nic, russia's response to all of this has been that the west is starting a new cold war. what's been their reaction? >> reporter: president medvedev said that back in the beginning of the year said that what nato was doing, what was agreed in wales, 40,000 troops prepositioning of military equipment in eastern europe. he found that to be threatening.
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and the kremlin spokesman just in the past couple of days said that russia will be watching very closely what happens in warsaw, and what nato decides. he said, you know, why aren't we using the political channels. and, of course, that is say message coming from here, coming from the nato leader, jens staltenburg, the chief of nato here. nato doesn't want and is not intending to slip towards a cold war. that's not the intent. that the doors to diplomacy are being kept open. the concern is that russia's actions are worrying nato's eastern alliance members and that something needs to be done and is being done on a military front to send a very clear message to russia because the message of nato is that's the feeling that russia understands.
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natalie. >> nic robertson, in rainy poland as you're following the meeting in spain. hope the meeting picks up there. thanks a lot, nic. a super typhoon has been downgraded to a tropical storm as it moved from taiwan to china. before it weakened, the typhoon killed at least three people and injured more than 140. but those storms battled eastern taiwan leaving a path of destruction. more than 16,000 people were forced to leave their homes. hopefully, they got out of those cars as well. ferocious winds, massive waves come with the storm. our meteorologist derek van dam is here to tell us what's next. >> it's in the path of the storm, china, but a much weaker storm. the worst of the storm is over. it's been downgraded to a tropical storm, as you mentioned. but i want to show you the moment when the storm struck. look at this gentleman, trying to hold glass windows from
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shattering. probably not the safest place to be. ferocious, probably the understatement of the year, i should say. wow, unbelievable. you can imagine how difficult it would be to be in conditions just like this. take a look at my graphics behind me. i mean, that wind resulted in taking motorcycles and vehicles and suvs and tossing them around like they're toys. unbelievable. look at the damage in ta itung city in southern taiwan. fortunately, this is a very resilient country in terms of typhoon construction. look at the visible satellite, as the storm made land fall early friday morning local time. 240-kilometer sustained winds. 150 miles per hour for our domestic viewers. but this is all that's left. the mountainous terrain of central taiwan eroded the storm very quickly. it's now making landfall in
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southeastern china. the main threat will be the potential of flooding and landslides across this particular region as it continues to dissipate. look at these rainfall totals, 522 meters, 22 inks of rain in a worry-hour period. a lot of rain in a short period of time. the good news is we talked about the flooding just west of shanghai, that area will not be impacted by the heavy rainfall going forward. that means the region just west of shanghai will be spared the worst of the flooding so, we look towards the province for the heaviest of the rain. we'll have more on the coverage of the dallas shootings. authorities say the gunman was the lone shooter but they are not sure if he had help planning his attack. we'll be back in just a moment. n after dinner, history.
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welcome back to cnn. we are live in dallas, texas, and learning more about this targeted attack on police officers that played out on city streets just less than a mile from where we're standing now.
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five police officers killed in the line of duty. the mayor of dallas says that the gunman 25-year-old micah xavier johnson, that he was the only shooter. but they don't know if he had accomplices and still investigating that. officials say that he was armed with at least two weapons when had he opened fire on police and as protesters marched peacefully on the streets. during the standoff, and that standoff lasted for hours, he told negotiators that he was infuriated at the deaths of african can american mens at the hands of police officers. police used a bomb by robot and killed him after negotiations failed. it is calm here on the streets of dallas this day but we have seen protests of marches united states the united states. thousands of people gathered in atlanta, georgia, where cnn is headquartered blocking areas throughout that area.
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polo sandoval reports on friday's peaceful protests there. >> reporter: peaceful yet tense is one way to describe what took place on the streets of atlanta friday evening. it all started as a peaceful march in the streets of downtown. however, authorities quickly sealed off the routes that protesters were taking. basically a human chain here, uniforms, shoulder to shoulder from keeping them from making their way on to the interstate. they don't want anybody to get hurt, whether police officer or protesters, or simply somebody out for the drive. that's why they said things escalate a little bit during the evening hours. that's when you basically have authorities, police officers, troopers, facing off with some of the demonstrators as well. what i have to say, there were actual conversations happening to police law enforcement and
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demonstrators as well ahead of the line. in fact there were individuals who would actually go up to these trooopers, shake their hand and say thank you for their office is. they do say they will be taking a more tactical approach for future demonstrations in light of what happened that dallas. back to you. >> yeah, george when i was coming to work a few hours ago, police had the intersections getting on to the interstate blocked. numerous police cars, quite difficult getting into town making sure the folks are safe. it's nice to see the support. i'm natalie allen at the cnn center in atlanta. thanks for joining. >> natalie, i'm george howell here in dallas. we'll continue our continuing coverage of the aftermath here after the short break. "why are you checking your credit score?"
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♪ welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen live in cnn center atlanta. and i'm george howell, following the aftermath of the targeted attacks on police officers here in dallas, texas. we're here dallas police headquarters, you see behind me this police car that is set up. there's another for the dallas area rapid transit, d.a.r.t., as it's known here in the city. behind me there are balloons, there are flowers, there are
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candles here this night here in dallas. and many of the messages honoring these officers who died in the line of duty. i also want to show you another image. we have another camera that's pointed towards the skyline. i want you to look at that image, because a building that's typically lit up in green, that's the tallest building here in dallas, the bank of america plaza, lit up in blue last night showing solidarity for the officers who were killed. several other officers were wounded when a sniper opened fire on a peaceful protest thursday night. civilians were also wounded. police believe the gunman,cah xn was a lone shooter. they say he kept a manifesto of exactly what he did during that horrific attack. we've also seen supports spread across the united states this day. officers in phoenix, arizona
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arrested three people. police threw pepper balls to break up the crowds. at least six of those protesters were injured. >> to get it out of control, it's something that they should not have pepper sprayed anybody. >> they pepper sprayed children. there were children with matter on the side because they were maced in the face. if you have to go as far as pepper spraying children, you're the problem. >> keep in mind, you have to remember that these protests were sparked by the dentals of two african-american men in louisiana and in the state of minnesota. protests that we've seen play out throughout the united states. the mass shooting in dallas, it was the deadliest day for u.s. law enforcement since the september 11th terror attacks in 2001. a memorial is growing for the slain officers. it's been growing for many, many hours now. ed lavandera has more now on the vigil held for them and some new
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information about the sniper. >> reporter: just outside the dallas police department headquarters, a vigil and emotional scene. this vigil has been growing steadily throughout the day. people coming, leaving flowers on the police cars and notes of condolences to the fallen officers, as well as those who were wounded. and the police force here in dallas that's essentially been shaken to its core. all of this while the investigative work continues. there have been officers there on the streets of downtown dallas piecing together it evidence. we also note that those officers have been trying to retrace the steps that the killer micah johnson followed that ends in the killing of five police officers here thursday night in dallas. we also know that investigators, including federal law enforcement investigators have been at the home of micah johnson will authorities tell us he lived with his mother. that's where detectives
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discovered bomb making material, as well as a journal that he wrote about combat tactics. detectives are poring through that general to get more. all of that as a reminder of a city of mourning. ed lavandera, cnn, dallas. >> ed, thank you. again that memorial, that we're seeing so many people coming hour after hour to bring remembrances to these offices. natalie, back to you. >> very, very touching backdrop you have there, george. thank you. u.s. president obama will visit dallas early next week to pay respects to the fallen officers. cnn's stephanie elam has more on how the terrifying events on thursday night unfolded. >> reporter: new details emerging on what is now the deadliest attack since 9/11. five dallas police officers killed. seven officers and two civilians wounded during a peaceful black lives matter protest. one of many occurring nationwide
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following the shooting deaths of black men in minnesota and louisiana. >> we've got a guy with a long rifle. we don't know where he is. >> it says officers shots fired. code three, stay off the radio. >> reporter: tonight, authorities have identified the shooter as 25-year-old micah xavier johnson. a carpet pree and masonry expert the chilling moments captured on cell phone video as the shooter engaged with police. >> this was a well-planned, well-thought out, evil tragedy by these suspects. >> reporter: police are now revealing what johnson told
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negotiators during the lengthy standoff. >> he said he was upset about the recent police shootings. the suspect said he was upset at white people. the suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white office. >> reporter: and explaining the decision to take johnson down, using a robot. >> we saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on -- on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was. other options would have exposed our officers to great danger. >> reporter: president obama addressing the shooting from poland. >> vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement. police in dallas were on duty doing their jobs. keeping people safe during
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peaceful protests. >> reporter: the protesters and others in the u.s. saying there is a police problem in many parts of the country. cnn alexander cedric joins us now. you have a masters degrees in psycholo psychology. you were here last night when we still didn't know who had done this. all day long, just been sharing beautiful outpouring of support in dallas. the people hugging them. it was a terrible thing that. whatted. we always come together it after these things. but there's another thing and another thing, it seems. so, where in the system is the issue? and where is the thing that might start to curtail the problem we have with trust in the black community and officers? >> well, historically, it's been
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a challenge between color and police in the united states. that's an historical fact. but we have to keep in mind, over the years there has also been incredible progress. and in that progress, sometimes, when you have events that take place like what we saw in baton rouge, what we saw in minnesota throws us back. and we get into this mind-set, here we go again. but quite frankly, we have to wait for those investigations to be completely conducted to really know when you put all of the pieces together what happened. but what we see on that video, it affects us. and it brings up old feelings. it creates, opens new wounds if you will. but the relationship between the police department and its community is something that's ongoing. there's no input into it. you're constantly nurturing that relationship. so when you do have events that take place in your community,
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you're in a much better place to be able to sit down, talk to it, work to it. and support icher because at the end of the day, regardless of what happened, no community cannot exist without public safety. and public safety cannot operate, function, be productive without of support. >> and you can't say enough about the community and the officers working together, because it cannot be an us versus them mind-set, in this world where now police officers have to deal with the fact they don't know who has guns, who doesn't, because it's legal. >> right. >> and that causes a lot of tension. i do want to point out something that barack obama said from europe. he said the culture is still stacked against african-americans. 30% more likely than whites to be pulled over. african-americans and hispanics three times more likely to be searched. 75% more likely to be charged with offenses carrying mandatory
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minimums, it's not just out on the street it's in the criminal justice system as well. >> well, we know in a much broader justice system there are things that need to be answered and challenged. and what has happened, police officers across this country are the first responders. we're the most visible. we're the ones that can reach out and touch you, whether the experience is good or bad, police at the end of the day, are always going to be in that position of being easable accessible, if you will, easy to target in regards to complaints but do we have a broader, larger criminal justice that has systemically created some disparities? that's what the president is speaking to. and those are the things that we have to look at and try to fix going forward. >> you talk about, yes, we have to investigate these two incidents. you know, a video of something as we all know, it does inflame people to see something
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happening. and everyone's got a video now. but as far as the relationship with the community and the black community, it's a situation you talk about the gain made, it seems like it's always two steps forward, one step back. >> that's constant. that is constant. we're dealing with human beings. we're dealing with people. we're dealing with a society, american culture, that is still working its way through a lot of its new issues and old issues, in this country. but here's the thing, we cannot give up, even though we make progress going forward. something happens, we feel like we get knocked down. as a community, as a nation, we got to get up, dust ourselves off and get back in the fight. because there's a lot of great communities, a lot of wonderful police departments that are doing great things but it does present unusual challenges. and sometimes things we can not
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predict or practice or rehearse for. what's critical here, we have the ability to assess, own what we need to do differently, both police and community, and then figure out how we move forward so we can advance public safety in the 21st century. so we can continue to create an environment not just ourselves, bus our children and children's children in which we can prosper and become even a greater nation than what we are today. >> because we are better than this. on some level, we are. we have a big issue. >> cedric alexander, thank you. the u.s. presidential candidates, hillary clinton and donald trump are reacting to the shooting in dallas. we'll tell what you they've been saying on the campaign trail. plus we'll bring you the latest headlines, including north korea's latest attempt to launch a ballistic missile from a submarine.
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here in dallas. the attack killed five officers and wounded seven others and two civilians are also injured. during that standoff that lasted for hours in downtown dallas. johnson told police negotiators that he was angry about police killings of african-americans in louisiana and minnesota. he was killed by a police explosive device after negotiations broke down. the mass shooting here in dallas, texas, and the killing of two african-american men by police that came before it has drawn responses from the u.s. presidential candidates. presumptive republican nominee donald trump tied the killings to the economy. listen. >> too many americans are living in terrible poverty and violence. we need jobs and we're going to produce those jobs. racial divisions have gotten worse not better. too many headlines flash across our screens every day about the
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rising crime and rising death toll in our city. now is the time for prayers. love, unity and leadership. >> on the democratic side the presumptive nominee hillary clinton called for new guidelines in the wake of the shooting. >> we must do more to have national guidelines about the use of force by police, especially deadly force. we need to do more to look into implicit bias. and we need to do more to respect and protect our police. look at what happened in dallas. those police officers were protecting a peaceful protest. a protest of authority. that is a hallmark of america. >> the presumptive u.s. democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton speaking to us there. so, certainly, natalie, we're starting to hear reaction from, you know, all of the candidates that are running for president. and certainly, this city
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continues to mourn the loss of these five officers. >> gentlemen, george. i'm certainly sure we're going to hear about it at the conventions, too, coming up, too, in just a few weeks, thank you. u.s. president obama will shorten the spanish end of his european trip and travel to dallas early next week. mr. obama is in poland right now for a nato meeting. the president was, quote, horrified at what he called a vicious, calculated and despicable act on law enforcement in dallas. north korea has launched a ballistic missile from a submarine. this coming from the south korean military. coming from the sinpo sea. and for more about what we know about this latest move by pyongyang, we go to our matt rivers there in seoul. this isn't the first time they've tried this. do we know if it was successful, matt?
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>> reporter: well, according to defense officials near south korea, this was not a successful test. this launch happened around 11:30 a.m. local time as you mentioned just off the coast of the eastern portion of north korea. and officials say that it didn't work. that it was an unsuccessful test. they wouldn't comment any further to us on that. but local media here in south korea is reporting that the missile while it left the submarine successfully and managed to keep about ten kilometers in into the air. while only going forward a few kilometers it actually exploded breaking up, making it, of course, an unsuccessful test. and this is the second unsuccessful test of a missile launched from a submarine this year. it was back in april when a dollar test was conducted. that missile only managed to go about 30 kilometers before it, too, failed. and those two tests are,
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frankly, part of a year that's seen provocation, after provocation after the testing of the nuclear device back in january. so a very busy year for pongi . pyongyang and a busy year for those who have to respond and of course, the united states. the news of the dallas shooting may have become the focus of mr. obama as we mentioned but at that nato summit in poland, leaders are talking topics like russia and the impact of brexit on the nato alliance. our nic robertson is covering it for us. he joins me now from warsaw. it's interesting to know what david cameron is saying about his country's allegiance to nato with the confusing time, to say the least, with the brexit, nic. >> reporter: yeah, well, britain is a large financial contribution towards nato.
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about a quarter of nato's financial commitment comes from britain. britain one of the first of the 28th of the nato alliance countries to contribute what's now require 2% gdp towards defense spending. 20% of that going on equipment, advanced kwimenequipment, if yo, rather than spending it all on beefing up troop numbers. so britain has a significant commitment. british prime minister david cameron has confirmed that commitment. there have been additional recommitments around the eu for britain to work together openly an transparently, as the brexit is negotiated. but as between nato and the european union to work more closely together on defense issues. and political issues as well. but as between the united states and the european union as well. you know, everyone here is trying to present a picture of
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unity and solidarity on a number of fronts. in the south, there's sort of the challenge of isis and isis trying to sort of infiltrate from the migrants who are coming across the mediterranean, either from the aegean or syria or north africa. so focused with nato and the european union on how to tackle that. but also on the focus on the eastern borders with russia. in the sense that russia is building up forces will and reinforcing military installations on that border. and also the annexation of crimea. nevertheless there is a disparity of views on how to best attack that russian aggression. you hear politics. some others, italians you may hear as well that express
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perhaps nato is being too, if you will -- you know, if you will, sort of presenting too much of a military front, its escalation, its training of forces this summer in the eastern europe. the exercises that it's performing perhaps not the right message to send to russia at this time. nonetheless, the dominant view it has to be a strong military view towards russia. and the baltic states that worry the most. >> yes, nic, and the other issue, of course, is the confusion of having russia in the mix there in the syrian war. this is certainly a new day. >> reporter: yeah. it changes the dynamic in a way. i mean, you have the tension, obviously, that escalated several months ago when turkey shot down a russian fighter jet as it approached and came into
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turkey's airspace. turkish officials said, which really put nato, all nato nations with russia and turkey is rebuilding and rekindling its relationship with russia. but what you're seeing or what nato sees russia doing, bolstering, the air, sea, land missile there the same way it is in the baltic states in the north. so that raises a specter of concern about russia even further, natalie. >> nic robertson for us in poland. we had a little video of david cameron and barack obama in a very close discussion there. maybe we can read their lips and figure out what they're talking about. we're going to turn to a storm that has been deadly, ferocious winds, massive waves from a typhoon as it struck
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taiwan early friday morning. derek van dam is here to tell us more about it. >> you know, natalie, the worst of the storm certainly over with, but not before leaving scenes like this. check out the moment the eye wall reached southern taiwan local time about 6:30. you see lawn ornaments and chairs and property being strewn around the landscape. a lot of flooded waterways, downed power lions. interrupting and cancelling international flights in and out of taiwan. now take a look at this image, the result of that, tossing motorcycles and vehicles like toys. thanks s ts to winds 150 miles hour. this is the satellite look how
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well fidefined that eye was as made landfall into southern sections of taiwan. remember, taiwan is an extremely mountainous area. it's got the highest condensed mountains, the most in the world, that took that storm, broke it apart. and this is what is left. a very unorganized air of circulation, from the typhoon warning center. nonetheless, the threat going forward will be heavy rainfall. and in southeastern china. rainfall totals in parts of taiwan, over 150 millimeters. that is 22 inches of rain in a very short period of time. that's why they saw flooding in that area. more rain in store. but the good news out of all of this, the rainfall we saw in the past ten days just to the west
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of shanghai that caused extreme flooding here. we've been covering that here in the cnn international world center. the good news is that rainfall from the dissipating typhoon will not move into that region exacerbating that area. by the way, natalie, we have had 19 category 4 or 5 typhoons reach taiwan within the past 75 years. a little tidbit. >> thank you. supporters of the black lives matter movement are condemning the deadly am beneficiary on police officers in dallas. they say it's a tragedy that affects the entire nation. we'll take a closer look at the movement and the impact, coming next here.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. our special coverage live in dallas, texas, of the started police shootings that played out on these streets, a day after it all happened. and we are learning more about this act of domestic terror that killed five police officers and wounded seven on thursday. the mayor of dallas saying that the gunman 25-year-old micah xavier johnson that he octobe d acted alone. officials say he was armed with two weapons when he opened fire on police as protesters marched through the streets. during a standoff that went on for hours, johnson told negotiators that he was infuriated at the deaths of african-american men at the hands of police officers. and that he wanted to kill white
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people, especially officers. and was detonated by a bomb in a robot. after the deaths of police officers in state of louisiana and minnesota. the fiancee of philando castile captured those moments after his shooting in a suburb in st. paul, minnesota. a live facebook posting that many people saw on social media. she said that a police officer shot castile after pulling him over for a broken taillight when he reached for his wallet asking for valid identification. his mother said she doesn't understand why this happened. >> i did everything right as a parent. i made sure my kids understood the difference in being law abide i abiding. and that the police were there to help. i never once in my life thought that my son would actually be
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killed by the person that was post to protect and serve him. >> police in baton rouge, louisiana, shot alton sterling several times on tuesday after a homeless man called 911. a source said that sterling kept asking for money and sterling brandished his gun. the 37-year-old was a father. the mother of one of his sons spoke with my colleague don lemon. >> it's unbearable pain. especially being a mother with a teenage son. and it's like, you know, what's the next thing that you tell him besides i love you. and everything is going to be okay. we have to stay together. we have to pray together. and honestly, that's what's going to be keeping cameron focused. with the help of my family as well.
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>> protesters have been chanting "black lives matter" but also condemning the attack that took the lives of five officers. our randi kaye has more on the moment that began with a simple hash tag. >> this is the generation that wanted to dismantle structural racism. this is the generation that wants to get at the core of it. that wants to get at the systemic problem. >> reporter: the black lives matter movement was born after the shooting death of florida teen travvoyvon martin when his kill george zimmerman was cleared of any wrongdoing.
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>> we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. >> reporter: after trayvon, the deaths of african-americans at the hands of police gave rise for more protests. there was eric garner. in new york. >> eric garner, michael brown, shut it down. shut it down. >> reporter: and michael brown, in ferguson. >> the people, the local people in ferguson were willing to call attention to the issues, right? they were willing to put their lives on the line for mike brown and for their own future. >> reporter: then 12-year-old tamir rice who only had a pellet gun was killed by police in cleveland. >> the young man pulled out a gun. >> reporter: activists say the list goes on. tony harrison, eric harris, walter scott. fuelling the anger and amping up the message. >> police are supposed to protect us and make sure they ensure that. >> reporter: there are now
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dozens of black lives matter chapters across the united states. and while some believe that the movement has actually incited violence and worsened race relations, the founders disagree. >> the reality is this is a peaceful movement led by incredibly courageous black people. i think when demanding justice and freedom for our people. >> also, the response on capitol hill, members of the black congressional caucus, they held a press conference on friday, reacting to the police shootings here in dallas. when u.s. house democrat mark bisi spoke he became emotional talking about his ten-year-old son. >> yesterday we had a press event to talk about what happened in louisiana and what happened in minnesota. i've got to tell you, i have a 10-year-old son.
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he seems more like his mom. he looks like both of us but he's more like his mom. and right now, he's a cute fifth grader -- he's going into the fifth grade. he's a cute fifth grader, but i worry about him when he gets older. when he gets into high school, what if he's out with some friends and he smarts off. >> a father concerned about his son, it's understandable. it is a real conversation that is being had in many homes in america. we'll be back live from dallas, texas in just a moment.
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welcome back. the united states represents certainly, throughout the dallas-ft. worth metroplex, all mourning the loss of five police officers, less than a mile from where we're standing here at the dallas police department headquarters in a memorial that continues to grow. authorities say the shooter, 27-year-old micah xavier johnson, they say he was the only shooter upset at the killings of african-americans at the hands of officers. brendon hester was at that protest thursday night and saw
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the first police officer being gunned down. he caught that scene on video that was obtained exclusively by cnn. we'll show you that image here. >> get down! get down! >> get down! >> no, get down! >> get down! oh my [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> he has a firearm. [ bleep ] . >> that obviously, a very tense situation. those officers putting their
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lives on the line in that. hester spoke earlier with cnn's don lemon with that. he says that he ran into a parking garage to take cover. and the shots just kept coming. >> what i seen is -- can never really justin taken out of my mind. i'll never forget that for the -- for the rest of my life. when the shots first like start coming, i seen like literally an officer fall. i guess -- i don't know if he was the first officer to fall. but he fell like right there. and that's when i ran and tried to take cover but i guess i ran the wrong way. nobody was moving where the shots were coming from when they first started coming. so -- i mean i just ran like anybody else would. by that time my friends had just ran every which way.
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and scattered. and i ended up running i guess to the wrong place. >> natalie, you and i were on set when this all played out in that very difficult moment when we learned that it was not four but five officers that died in the line of duty. but hearing witnesses say that they ran for their lives to try to get away as bullets flew. >> just listening it to last night on the air. i never heard gunfire like that, so rapidly. i can't imagine the people that were there right in front of it. my goodness. thank you, george. well, anger boils over in the u.s. over police shootings and race relations. we'll look back at a violent week of a divided nation. the united states struggles to unite. i have asthma...
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context about a week that has no doubt been a tough week here in the united states. the police-involved shootings of two african-american men led to protests. then there was this, the death of five police officers killed in the line of duty. my colleague victor blackwell on the week that was. we do warn you some of the images that you'll see in this report are graphic. >> reporter: three consecutive days of violence sending shock wave use the nation. tuesday morning, police are called to the mart in baton rouge for report of a man with a gun. officers tackled 37-year-old alton sterling to the ground. and after a brief scuffle, sterling is shot several times. graphic video of the incident caught on bystanders cell phone. >> get down. [ bleep ]. >> get on the ground!
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[ gunfire ] >> reporter: the video was shared widely across social media sparking local protests and drawing national attention. sterling's 15-year-old son openly weeping during a press conference the next day. sterling's family demanding justice. >> i say again, i we're not alone. just to sweep him in the dirt. until adequate punishment is served to all parties involved. >> reporter: the investigation now in the hands of the department of justice. wednesday night, 32-year-old philando castile is shot and killed during a traffic stop in falcon heights, minnesota.
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his girlfriend, diamond reynolds live streams the aftermath of the shooting on facebook. >> stay with me. we got pulled over for a busted taillight in the back. and the [ bleep ] police he's killed my. [ bleep ] he's licensed to carry. he was trying to get his i.d. out of his wallet, out of his pocket, and he let the officer know that he was -- he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm. >> get -- >> i will, sir. don't worry. he just shot his arms off. >> i told him to get his hands up. >> you told him to get his i.d., sir. his driver's license. oh, my god, please don't tell me he's dead. [ bleep ] please don't tell me my boyfriend just went like that. >> reporter: his family saying
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he was targeted because he's just black. >> i think he's just black and in the wrong place. >> we didn't do anything. we put our hands in the air. we knew our rights and we followed procedures. >> he's not a gang banger. he's very respectable. i know he didn't antagonize that officer in any way to make him feel his life is in danger. >> he fired not one shot, not two shots but five shots. >> reporter: even the state's governor is questioning whether this was racially motivated 3. >> would that have happened if the passenger was white? i don't think it would have. >> president obama addressing it as protests broke out nationwide. >> when incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if, box of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same.
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and that hurts. and that should trouble all of us. >> black lives matter! >> reporter: thursday as hundreds of people take to the streets to protest the violence, chaos erupts. a gunman begins firing into the crowd, targeting police officers. >> there's four cops down. >> four? >> yes. he shot five -- seven times. >> it's a dude? >> reporter: the chaos captured on police cam. >> officers. code three, we've got an officer down. >> we got a guy with a long rifle. we don't know where he's at. >> parking garage. >> i don't know where he's at. he's in that building right there. we're heading towards there. we've got to get right now. get them here! >> we're on our way. >> we believe he's in the el
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centro college building. >> inside the el centro building. >> reporter: in the end, 12 officers are shot. five of them are killed. it's the single deadliest day for law enforcement since 9/11. >> there are no words to describe the atrocity that occurred to our city. all i know is that this must stop. this divisiveness. between our police and our citizens. we don't feel much support most days. let's not make today most days. please, we need your support. >> reporter: police identify the gunman as 25-year-old mike scahe year johnson.
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the shooter telling police negotiators that he was upset is about the recent killings and that he wanted to kill officers, especially white office. president obama calling it a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement and ordered flags around the country flown at half-staff. >> this has been a week of profound and hotbreaking loss. >> reporter: attorney general loretta lynch urging americans to move forward. >> to all americans, i ask you, i implore you, do not let this week precipitate a new normal in this country. i ask you to turn to each other, not against each other, as we move forward. let us support one another. let us help heal one another. and i urge you to remember, toe and every day that we are one nation. we are one people and we stand together. >> reporter: victor blackwell, cnn, dallas.
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>> it is fair to say that, you know, for many americans, this week has been a week of heartbreak. that word really sums it up. you so, heartbreak seeing the video of these two african-american killed in a police-involved shootings. investigates under way there. and heartbreak for these officers. five police officers who went in to do their jobs, and, you know, didn't return home the next day. texas is home for me. and one good thing that i've seen is people are having conversations. sometimes, difficult conversations, seeing, you know, differently, but trying to see eye to eye, maybe that's at least the silver lining. >> george, that's the key, we've got to start talking. we've got to quit fearing and start talking. i was going to tell a story but we're out of time. i'm natalie allen in atlanta. for my colleague george howell, viewers in the u.s., victor blackwell picks it up in
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[ gunshot ] >> we got a guy with a long rifle. >> there's four cops down. >> there's no possible justification for these kinds of attacks. >> we're hurting. dallas officers are hurting. we are heartbroken. >> from day one he was a hero. >> let's come together as a country. >> black lives matter. >> oh, my god please don't


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