tv Smerconish CNN July 9, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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there's a soulfulness with older dogs. >> you can nominate someone you think deserves to be a 2016 cnn hero at i'm jim sciutto in washington. thank you for joiningis on this difficult day for our country. i'll be back with special coverage of the dallas shootings. thanks for watching. see you again soon. ♪ i'm michael smerconish. it's been a turbulent week, and we have exceptional guests ready to sort it out. two more killings of black men caught on video and a retaliatory sniper attack leaves five police officers dead. among my questions, what's the future of the black lives matter movement? plus, with the political
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conventions about to commence, the candidates strike different tones on this climate of violence. and as anchor gretchen carlson is shown the door at fox news, she lobs a molotov cocktail, a sexual harassment suit against its chairman, roger ailes. could it prove his down fall? also, is hillary's candidacy a landmark for women or just another example of tokenism in history? best-selling author turned podcaster, malcolm glad well, is here. but first, what are the implications of this week's shootings. initially black men by police, both in baton rouge and minneapolis and the sniper attack in dallas that left five police officers dead and another seven wounded. joining me now is charles ramsey, former commissioner of the philadelphia police department, former washington, d.c., police chief, and he was the co chair of president obama's task force on 21st century policing. chief, recently reread the
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recommendations of your task force. in those circumstances where law enforcement takes the live of an individual, did you go far enough in terms of what you recommended? >> well, in retrospect, i think we could have gone a bit further. i mean, i think the recommendations are good, solid recommendations. but we still have issues. we still have problems. and in looking at it now, and i have to have a bit of a disclaimer. what i'm about to say isn't coming from the task force. the only person i've discussed this with is lori robinson, my co chair in a task force. but i believe we could take this a step further. for an example. the investigation of officer-involved shootings that involve injury, death or any in custody death. i believe that one way of solving the problem would be for the attorney general to establish within each u.s. attorney's office, which, by the way, the u.s. attorney's offices cover the entire united states and its territories. a federal force investigation
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team within that u.s. attorney's office. now, that could be made up of retired fbi and other federal law enforcement officials. a member from the community that that particular u.s. attorney office covers. assistant u.s. attorneys. to look at every shooting that takes place by a police officer anywhere in this country and do an independent investigation. now, that's not a civil rights investigation. if we find during the course of the investigation that there was several rights violations that occurred, it could always be referred. but i think the building trust and legitimacy has gotten to a point now where there's just a lack of trust among the community that police agencies can conduct investigations of themselves, and quite frankly, even surrounding jurisdictions, looking at another police department i don't think goes far enough. so if we had it to do over again, that would be run one of
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the recommendations. >> as i look at recommendations, 2.22. 2.23. i think charles ramsey is making some news insofar as you are now saying that in every u.s. attorneys office, there ought to be a unit that would investigate each one of these shootings. >> listen, we have to face facts. i mean, i think about what direct director omi from the fbi said about a year ago, there are some hard truthses we have to face as a society. and this is one of them. we simply lack the credibility to be able to do this in a way that convinces the public that it's fair and impartial. and i think that's important. it doesn't mean that departments are incapable of doing it. but it's about trust and it's about perception. and i think we have to face that reality. and that is one recommendation. i think it's a concrete step that could be taken that would do a lot to move in the right direction. i also think that we have too many police departments in this united states. we have about 18,000 police departments.
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it's hard to have consistency in policy, training, procedures, all those kinds of things, when you have that many police departments. most departments in the united states have fewer than 50 police officers. there has to be a serious effort toward regionalization, merge a lot of these departments. i think a ought to be within ten years to cut the number of departments in half in the united states. again -- >> chief -- >> these are steps that are going to take some time, but we can do it. >> i want to ask you about the subject of disproportionality. here's what i hear. i hear some saying african-americans are disproportionately figured out. for example, the broken taillight in the minneapolis case. others respond and say, well, crime is committed disproportionately in the african-american community. you say what to that issue? >> i say everybody is right. i mean, listen, there's a lot of crime that takes place. again, it's another hard truth. we have to take a look at police, we have to look at ourselves, we have to look at how we go about enforcing laws,
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how we police in communities. but communities have to take a hard look at themselves, as well. there are approximately 13,000 homicides that take place in the united states every year. those aren't police shootings. these are people killing other people, and unfortunately, a large percentage of that occurs in many of our inner cities. we have got to face the fact that we've got issues there. there are drivers, societal issues that create an environment where that occurs. we've got extreme poverty, we've got dysfunctional educational systems, dysfunctional families. these things are long-term, but they've got to be addressed and fixed or we're not ever going to get out of this. we're going to simply go from viral video to viral video with the same talking heads that appear on network tv to talk about the same thing they talked about with the last shooting. at some point, we've got to sit down, have thoughtful discussion, followed by concrete action. if we're going to get out of this. >> one final subject, if i might. the use of the robot in dallas. do you have any due process concerns? >> well, i hadn't heard of that
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before. but i think under the situation and the circumstances, you had no other civilians around that could be injured. you already had a dozen police officers shot as a result of this individual. through phone conversations, he made it clear, he wasn't finished. i mean, it was a unique situation that requires some unique tactics in order to resolve it. i don't know any more than you know about how it was used. but i think that we have to take a look at that as an individual situation. dave brown is one of the best police chiefs in the united states. and i'm sure he made that decision with careful consideration and careful thought. but they had to bring that thing to an end. they could not afford to have more people killed by this guy. >> i appreciate and miss your sober analysis. thank you, chief ramsey. >> thanks, michael. in three terrible days of violence, a "new yorker piece" about the shootings. gentleman lanny cob, writes, the context of the conversation about police accountability has
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been irrevocably changed. black lives matter, but reports that those words were uttered by a gunman in dallas mean that any movement under that banner may well have met its end. so what does the future hold? joining me now, vanderbilt university law professor, carl swain, and civil rights attorney, areva martin. police officer swain, black lives matter, the movement, has become a political flashpoint. i saw a drudge headline which said, "black lives kill". is this the end of the black lives matter movement? >> i would hope so. because i believe it has been a very destructive force in america. and i urge all of your viewers to go to that website and look at what they are really about. it's a marxist organization, all about black liberation. it's not really addressing the real problems affecting african-americans. and so it's problematic. it's misleading black people. it needs to go. >> areva, your response. >> that is absolutely
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ridiculous. black lives matter has done more to move the needle on reforms in the criminal justice system than elected officials and community leaders all over this country. i live in los angeles. the los angeles police department, one of the largest police departments in the country, now is equipped with body cameras. that's true of other police departments all over this nation. primarily because young people primarily took to the streets, black lives matter, to raise the issue of the inequities in the criminal justice system. and just because one lone individual, criminal, who is not affiliated with the black lives matter group, does what happened in dallas, shoots those cops, you cannot equate what he did with that entire movement. it is a peaceful movement, a movement raising the issue of the criminal justice system, the disproportionality of racial bias in that system. and i think they ought to be credited. i think they're going to be
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empowered, i think they're going to continue to push the needle on this thing we're tackling in this country called justice. >> professor swain, i think i hear you say that you're not excoriating the movement just for the actions of this lone gunman, but rather you've looked at what the group purports to stand for itself, and you don't like what you see. >> no, i don't like what i see. it's pure marxism. it talks about state violence, genocide, all of those buzz words that are quite destructive. and, again, i urge your viewers to go to the black lives matter website, and read their own definition of what does black lives matter mean. and in the case of the two recent police shootings, videos don't tell the entire story. and if you look and dig further in the case of the shooting in louisiana, the guy was a convicted felon. he had an illegal gun. and he resisted arrest.
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and so we get part of the story. and in the case in minnesota, where you have the girlfriend that videotaped, were there other videotapes that she has on her facebook page she has live-streamed and in one of them, she and her boyfriend sitting in their car smoking reefer with the child in the background. so that video is out there, so we have to look at the credibility of the witnesses, we need to not rush to judgment. and i find the media -- they are putting too much focus on the videos before we have the facts. >> areva, respond to that. >> with all due respect, professor, you just suggested that the shooting of alton sterling is justified because he has a prior criminal record. at the time that the police arrive at the scene, after getting the call from a homeless man, they had no information about his record. simply because you have a criminal record doesn't mean your life is any less valuable
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in this system. police officers aren't empowered to shoot people because they have a criminal record. they had -- they didn't have that information -- >> they had information that he had a gun. they knew he had a gun. and it turned out to be an illegal gun. >> can i finish, please? i allowed you -- >> please, areva. professor, let her finish. >> yes. the issue is, where those officers in imminent danger, did they have the -- the need -- was there an opportunity to deescalate that situation, and what we see time and time again is when you have officer encounters with african-american men. there's never an effort -- and i don't want to overgeneralize. but generally, you don't see efforts to deescalate the situations. you see the situations go from zero to a hundred. and a level of force used that's not used when they're not african-american men involved. so for you to suggest that alton sterling's criminal record
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somehow justified those cops shooting him when he was unarmed, pinned to the ground, is just a ridiculous statement. and it really highlights the issue of race and how african-american men are treated differently by law enforcement in this country. >> professor swain, do you believe that the climate of racial tension in the united states today mirrors where we were in the 1960s? >> i think that conditions in america have worsened, and when we talk about criminal justice, we have to deal with the fact that blacks are 13% of the population, yet they do commit a disproportionate amount of crime, like 37% of the violent crimes. they're more than eight times more likely to be -- to commit homicides. and so when a police officer approaches a black person, i'm sure if it's in the inner city, they have that in the back of their minds. and i don't think people should be shot for routine police stops. but for a police officer, whenever they approach a car,
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and they don't know who is in the car, there is always danger. and one reason why more blacks die in these encounters is that they're more likely to resist arrest. and -- areva knows that and should be trying to educate the population. >> i want to keep it fair. you get the final word. go ahead. >> in the philando castillo case, the woman that did the facebook video, rather than being vilified by dr. swain, she should be applauded for her calm, for her composure, for allowing us to see how a routine traffic stop turned into a murder. a cop shoots into a car with a woman and a 4-year-old child, and rather than focus on that cop's actions, we are now blaming both the victim, philando castile, and the courageous woman that videotaped that. and that is what the issue is that we have to deal with in this country if we're ever going to get past this. blaming the victim. the victim shouldn't have resisted, the victim shouldn't have run. let's focus on the cop that has
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the badge and the gun and is acting under the cover of authority. that's where this issue will be resolved. >> a lot of disagreement. but respect. and i havi and i appreciate having dialogue here. thank you, ladies. >> thank you. tweet me at smerconish with your thoughts. still ahead, the shootings and protests are symptoms of the huge divide in america. we just saw that. that's long been threatening to implode. how can the presidential candidates hope to address these problems? and is trump more interested in winning the presidency than serving as president? he may have just been playing coy with the "new york times," but what if not? and after being let go, fox news anchor gretchen carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the powerful head of the network, roger ailes. is it sour grapes? or something that could bring him down?
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shot michael brown in ferguson, america seems a nation in crisis, hopelessly confide divided. and we're on the eve of an election. what will hillary clinton and donald trump do? what can they do? joining me now, betsy woodruff for "the daily beast," michelle bernard, and david french, staff writer for "the national review." you might remember that bill crystal touted mr. french as a potential candidate. betsy, let me begin with you. in the last conversation, i offered an analogy to the 1960s. politically speak, we know how that ended. in the 1968 election of a law enforcement candidate, richard nixon. any parallels that you see relative to hillary and donald? >> you know, i think it's possible. and one of the reasons that trump has been able to garner so much support from conservatives and folks who haven't been previously involved in the cycle, what he's saying sounds very different from a lot of the political consensuses we see in washington. the fact that he's been
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unequivocally pro police, hasn't floated any criticism that he's actually been more single mindedly supportive of the status quo in terms of how policing works and in terms of how the criminal justice system works, than hillary has, that makes him stand out. a lot of folks are reflexively pro police and don't want to hear questions shall don't want to have tough questions. trump is appealing to those voters and there might be more people of that mind-set than hillary may think. >> michelle, at the end of a turbulent week, hillary clinton said it's a time for more love and kindness. donald trump's first reaction, our country is under attack. which struck the tone that's more in keeping with where the country lies? >> hillary clinton's statement is absolutely more in keeping with what the country should be aspiring to be. you know, there comes a point in time -- i was listening to your interview earlier with the former police chief from washington, d.c., and philadelphia. and you know, one of the things
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he struck me was that we have to face reality and be honest about both sides of the equation. and there comes a time in the presidential campaign, and i think that time is right now. we are in a dangerous moment in the country. it is a crucible moment, i would say, where we have to face the reality that with these cameras, what black americans have been complaining about for many, many years, and have always known to be true is a reality and it has to be dealt with openly and honestly. and for donald trump to say that the nation is under attack is -- it's so incredibly irresponsible, particularly coming on the heels of what we saw happen in that is just yesterday. >> david french, is the nation under attack? >> no, the nation is not under attack. but the nation is heading in a terrible direction right now. we're not at 1968 yet. i mean, 1968 was worse than people remember. but we're headed in a 1968 direction. and that's -- you know, one of the things that donald trump feeds off of, is this sense that
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people have that things are spiralling out of control. and he's going to come in and he's going to make things right. he's going to set things right. unfortunately, he has no idea what he's talking about, about any policy issue that he ever addresses. which is -- which is a disadvantage for presidential candidate. but he is absolutely sensing that people are feeling things are heading in a downward spiral. and the fact of the matter is, when it comes to the levels of political violence in this country, when it comes to the levels of attacks on police officers, there's been 44% more deadly shootings of police this year so far than last year at this point. there have been more ambushes of police this year already than there were for the entirety of last year. so he is accurately identifying a terrible trend. but we're not at 1968 yet. i hope we never get there. >> david, do you put any stock in the reports that there is still a movement afoot among some on the rules committee to throw an 11th-hour monkey wrench
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into donald trump's nomination in cleveland? >> i put a lot of stock in those reports. i don't know if it will probably happen. i think it's a solid hope that it will happen. look, there are hundreds of delegates who have already come forward to say that they oppose trump. i saw a report yesterday that if there were actually a secret ballot there might be a majority of the delegates against trump. we'll have to see where we are in a couple weeks when the convention starts, because the fact of the matter is, donald trump is doing on a day-to-day basis, doing about the best that he possibly can to spoil republican chances to take the white house. he is somebody who is continually undermining the gop cause about every other day. it's really astonishing to watch. >> betsy, is newt gingrich the running mate? >> it looks like currently at this moment newt gingrich is the leader to be the running mate. that said, there are some really interesting hiccups in gingrich's background, making it awkward for him to be trump's
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president. not the least of fact that he was one of the key players in the house voting to pass nafta back in 1993. when gingrich appeared with trump earlier this week at a campaign rally, it was kind of funny. because trump in that event -- i believe it was thursday night -- if memory serves, said he thought nafta was one of the worst trade deals ever. incredibly destructive. and he said that after standing shoulder to shoulder with one of the key players in the passage of nafta. it's going to be really hard for trump to find any republican with establishment credentials or d.c. experience who hasn't been adamantly opposed to him on some of these key issues. because where he's at, particularly on trade, immigration, is really, really far outside where mainstream, moderate establishment long-time d.c. republicans with a few exceptions are. so picking gingrich could put him in a slightly awkward position. >> michelle, i spoke to frank, the co chair on presidential debates and this year's format, there will be a 15-minute time
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increment devoted to a particular subject matter. there's not much room to hide if you're given 15 full minutes on one subject. who does that benefit? >> i think it's going to absolutely benefit hillary clinton. she is -- she is phenomenal on the issues. she is so adept at speaking about policy, and quite frankly, given the tone and tenure of where we are in the campaign season and all that is happening in the country on the domestic front over the summer, i think this is going to be a fantastic opportunity for hillary clinton to show voters why she is the person to come out and vote for, because she's going to be able to give real policy solutions to the issues that are facing the nation. >> hey, david, i'm about to give my assessment of the e-mail issue. in 30 seconds or less, what's your net net as it relates to hillary? >> look, if i'm a former major in the united states army reserve. if i had had treated classified
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information the way we now know that she treated classified information, this single-most important goal in my life right now would be to negotiate a good plea bargain. she broke the law, she lied to the american people, and there should be, if the democrats cared about integrity and their public officials, there should be a dump hillary movement right now in the democratic party watt any there is a dump trump movement in the republican party. >> i appreciate all three of you being here. betsy, thank you so much, david, i appreciate it. michelle, nice to see you again. up next, the chairman of fox news facing a lawsuit of sexual harassment. could this be the end of roger ailes' reign? and we may never know for sure whether anybody hacked hillary clinton's e-mail serves and mobile devices. but we do know her actions i am pearl perilled the public's right to know. i would certainly not do that again. that is something that at the
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♪ the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails. >> thank you. me too, me too! >> you know? >> thank you, bernie! >> bernie, you blew it. by avoiding discussion of hillary's damn e-mails, sanders sacrificed a major point of criticizing his opponent, which in the aftermath of what we learned from fbi director james comey, should no longer be muddled by partisan division. we may never know whether hillary clinton's private e-mail serves were hacked by hostile actors. we do know that her actions i am pearled the public's right to know. despite her claim to the contrary, her communication choice was never a matter of simple convenience. it was about asserting control
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at the expense of transparency and possibly national security. clinton supplanted the role of freedom of information act officers within the state department whose job it is to facility the access to information. her use of private e-mail serves enabled the deletion of messages, and the avoidance of requests, and her representatives should never have been the sole arbiters of which among 60,000 e-mails should have entered the public domain. more than half those messages were destroyed without any chance for second-guessing. and her staff's determination that all those e-mails were either entirely public or private defies common sense. think about your workplace. how often do e-mails combine work and play? and yet in clinton's case, there was an all or nothing determination. that some e-mails could have discussed both yoga or chelsea's wedding and government business? it's only logical. compounding the situation is the equally disquieting sworn testimony of patrick kennedy,
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the state department's undersecretary for management. kenty claimed though he received 50 to 75 e-mails from clinton via her private servers, he did not recognize they were coming from @clinton.mail and not@ and no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. that came as no surprise to dan abrams, abc legal analyst. in february, he looked at the law and reached that same conclusion. dan joins me now. you nailed it. back in february, you said, look, let's stop and take a look at the statutes. >> i hate to say this, because i know how people are going to react. but this is isn't that hard a call legally. it's not that close, legally. based on the facts. my concern in writing this article for "law and news" when i did, maybe there is stuff out there we don't know about. okay. if there is stuff out there we don't know about, i don't know what the result is going to be. but based on what we know today, and comey did release additional
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information we didn't know about, additional problems for hillary clinton. but that still don't reach the level of criminality. we're not talking about wrong. we're not falling about should she have done it. we're not talking about did she violate state department rules. should there be ramifications. we're talking about is this criminal. and the answer to that is no. >> there were two statutes at play. i don't want people's eyes to glaze over. with regard to the misdemeanor statute, it has language, knowingly removes such documents. you don't think he could get home based on that language. >> right. that was the one more people initially expected him to be focusing on. misdemeanor, not the felony. the felony is under the he is uponage act, which sounds scary anyway. but the misdemeanor, knowingly removes such documents. or materials, without authority. and with the intent to retain them, et cetera. that's been a crime people have been convicted of or pled guilty to.
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we're basically copying documents, taking them home with them, et cetera. and many said, why is this any different? the reality is, and comey really focused on this, and i think appropriately. you don't just say, did someone knowingly set up the server. you ask the question, did they knowingly commit a crime. did they know what they were doing was wrong in this context. no one has been prosecuted. >> the felony says gross negligence, and he used the words "extreme carelessness" and people said aren't they synonymous. >> it's a fair question. and i think comey walked the line when he started using that kind of language. but this law has been interpreted by the u.s. supreme court, the felony law, to basically say, yes, it's gross negligence. of course we expect that someone will have had bad faith and intent before we prosecute someone under this law. so what people are doing is we
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now have a whole group of amateur legal analysts out there who are saying, look at the language, look at the language, this could fit into it. and some of them, by the way, professional legal analysts, and smart people who are saying, you know, you could define this, and you could charge her with a crime. you could. it would be the first time we had had ever used these laws in this way. i don't think you should. i don't think the goal here is to say, gotcha. the goal is to treat hillary clinton like anyone else would be treated. and that's where i give comey a lot of respect. which is, he's clearly no fan of what hillary clinton did. >> no doubt. and a straight shooter in the way he presented himself. let me ask about a different legal issue. the hottest legal at the end of the week. you're the founder of media-ite, the cable television business, you're our electronic bible, you're perfectly positioned to respond to dwregrechen carlson filing a sexual harassment
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lawsuit against roger ailes, the foundder of fox news. might it bring him down? >> it's a bombshell allegation. if all the allegations are true, and if there are other women as his -- as her lawyers are claiming are going to come forward and allege horrible conduct, sure. it could bring anyone down. but that's going to be the key question, right? which is what do they have? first of all, in her case. are there audiotapes? are there e-mails? are there contemporaneous notes? is what does she have to back up the all-important meeting she had with roger ailes where she claims he was saying if we had slept together -- >> i'd keep you. >> this would be better for both of us. and question two, who else comes forward. and exactly what are they going to say? and we don't know the answers to either of those questions right now. >> dan, even if they don't come forward -- i've been mentally thinking of the whole lineup, the female lineup at fox. and i've been thinking, i'll bet some of them are fearful of just having to go through a deposition, right, and having to provide sworn testimony as to all their sbarkss with roger
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ailes. there is a suggest in the lawsuit that there are women at fox news who slept with roger ailes who benefited from that. that's a bombshell allegation. which she sort of drops into the lawsuit. if she's going to start naming names of those people and trying to get those people to testify -- >> her lawyer says the phone has been ringing off the hook since this made the newspaper. >> you know, look. i don't know what that means. the bottom line is, in every high-profile case, a lawyer will tell you that their phone rehabilitatirings off the hook. >> sometimes it's true. >> cosby, it was true. >> sometimes it's true. i'm just saying, the fact that her lawyer is saying his phone is ringing off the hook doesn't persuade me. >> understood. >> let's wait to see what evidence -- if this case goes anywhere. the most interesting question, of course, is going to be does it settle. most of these cases tend to settle. but you would think this case would have settled earlier, because this is the last thing roger ailes wants, is just the
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allegations out there at all. >> no doubt. thanks so much for the analysis. >> my pleasure. >> appreciate it. coming up, if hillary clinton is elected the nation's first female president, will it mark the end of sexism in our politics? no. says best-selling author, now podcaster, malcolm gladwell. he thinks the treatment of the former secretary could actually get worse if she is elected president. and he's going to join me in a moment. and here's one of the tweets that has just come in, this about the discussion between professor carol swain, and attorney areva martin regarding black lives matter. by the way, i agree with the person who sent this. it proves that we can have the conversation and do it in a respectful manner, even when we don't agree. this is how you apply
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the first paint that kills bacteria. sherwin-williams paint shield continuously kills 99.9% of bacteria. totally breakthrough. surprisingly the same. and it's only avaiblble at sherwin-williams. igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. was he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to
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dog chow for 36 years now.d i've been making my dog girlfriend is 17 years old. she's been eating dog chow from her very first day and she can still chase squirrels. she can't catch them, but she can still chase them. after 17 years i'm still confident in feeding her dog chow because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. i'm very proud to make dog chow right here in edmond, oklahoma. malcolm gladwell is the author of five "new york times" best-seat be be best-sellers, now turning his attention to podcasting, a series entitled "revisionist history." i've listened. i think hillary clinton should listen to at least episode number one. thrilled to have you on the program. >> delighted to be here. >> "the lady vanishes," you tell an engrossing story in the first
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episode. oddly, about a 19th century british painting. and yet it has relevance to hillary clinton. at least i think so. explain to me the background. >> yes, so this is an episode about a painting called "roll call," which in the late 19th century england, is briefly the most famous painting in all of england and painted by a woman at a time when the artistic community in england is overwhelmingly male. and everyone thinks this is the -- the door is going to finally open for women to finally enter the profession of painting. and so she is thought of as this great sort of token. sorry, this great pioneer. and that's not what happens. what happens is, the minute she achieves even a little bit of success, the door just slams shut. and she is essentially pushed out of the mainstream of english painting and subjected to some pretty harsh treatment by the kind of male establishment. and that idea is that notion of a token, about someone who is an
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outsider who is let in only to have the door shut behind them. is what the show is about. is -- there's -- in psychology, a psychologist name dan ephron has come up with this phrase called moral licensing, which describes that. which is when a group -- when a majority group does something generous or good or open, they feel they have the license then to go back and to do something nasty or to close the door that they once opened. or to lash out at someone who they had once welcomed. and that's what happened to elizabeth thompson in the 19th century. and i feel like that has happened many times to outsiders who enter a closed world. and i sort of feel like that's what might happen to hillary clinton. that, you know -- in the show, i talk about the julia gilyard, prime minister of australia. first female prime minister of australia. so a parallel to what might happen with hillary clinton.
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the minute gilyard takes office, she gets subjected to a level of misogynistic abuse that was astonishing. and i interview her pore are for the podcast. that's the same phenomenon. the majority feels they have the freedom, the license, to lash out. and it's -- >> as you document in the podcast, this notion of moral licensing is something that you saw with regard to the painter. you saw with regard to jackie robinson and baseball. you even saw it with regard to those who cast ballots for barack obama. >> yeah. this is some of this psychologist dan ephron's research. he gets started with this when he starts to look at people who voted for barack obama. and he found that people who voted for obama then were more likely to take ill liberal positions, to take positions
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that might be considered racially insensitive or -- and what he was saying is, this is the same phenomenon. that when people can say to themselves, look, i'm the kind of person who voted a black man into the presidency of the united states. once they can say that about themselves, they feel they have the freedom then to go and indulge some of their base erin stinks. that -- that phenomenon -- i think explains so much about the persists of discrimination. >> and so to those who say, well, the nation might shatter the final glass ceiling with the election of the first female president of the united states, malcolm gladwell, now of revisionist history fame, says not so fast. this may get more challenging for clinton. >> when you look at other countries -- the end of the podcast, i simply go around the world and look at how many countries have had had one and only one female head of state. and it's an astonishingly long
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list. you know, same thing -- think about how many major cities in the united states have had one and only one black mayor. right? that this is a common phenomenon. that you open the door, you let one token in, and then you say, look, i can now shut it, because i proved my bona fides -- i voted for david dingens in new york city for mayor and now i don't have to vote for a black man again. or i voted for bradley in l.a. and now i don't have to vote for a black man ever again. that is a very real phenomenon. in american politics. >> i get it. i mean, the take-away is, you'll know when we've gotten past these prejudices when the nation has its second african-american president or its second female president. >> exactly. >> malcolm, i wish you all good things. i thoroughly enjoyed the podcast. >> thank you so much. keep the tweets comi coming @"smerconish."
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i always say, if you can follow me by spelling "smerconish," i welcome your sweets. let's see what came in during the course of the program. "sorry, smerconish, but objectively your ugly biased attitude today was to sabotage hillary clinton." normally the critiques that i have an ugly bias are that i am against donald trump.
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i believe this e-mail thing has been misinterpreted by many. it's about the thwarting of the public right to know under the freedom of information act. that's what i said. i challenge you to call me out on facts that i offered that were incorrect. tweet number 2 that came in today, interesting. "smerconish, why not use tear or sleep gas on dallas shooting suspect?" this is interesting. i have been critical of the use of the weaponry made for a battlefield in iraq or afghanistan that gets delivered to mayberry, usa. but not in this case. the guy killed five cops, shot seven more. i think that he forewent his due process rights. and i got a kick out of this one. "smerconish, i had to look closely at the tv. david french looks like you with a beard." let's take a look. there we are. bill kristol has not yet asked me to run for president against donald trump. that's how you know the difference between us. speaking of which, i will be in cleveland one week from today.
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officer, shots fired. officer down. [ gunshots ] >> is that a cop dead? that's a cop down. >> the suspect said he was upset about black lives matter. he said he was upset about the recent police shootings. we're hurting. our profession is hurting. dallas officers are hurting. >> we as a country must come together, lock arms, and heal the wounds that we all feel from time to time. >> and to all
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