tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 12, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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two americanswere sentenced to hard labor might be held longer than expected. >> brian todd, thanks for that report. that's it for me. thanks so much for watching. erin burnett "out front" starts right now. "out front" next, breaking news, three people under arrest and a man hunt for one more. another suspect in the alleged plot to kill police the reason as president obama gives a moving tribute to fallen officers saying the country isn't as divided as it seems. is he right? donald trump speaking live this hour. a source telling cnn his have r vp picks are down to two finalists and could it be a big surprise? let's go "out front." ♪ ♪ good evening. i'm erin burnett. "out front" tonight, the breaking news. an alleged plot to murder police. a man hunt tonight for a suspect
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who officials say may be conspireing to kill police. officials in baton rouge, louisiana, already arrested three people in connection to a possible plot. eight guns were stolen from a pawn shop over the weekend and one of the suspect, at least one of them told police they were going to use them to kill law enforcement officers. the baton rouge police department is on high alert tonight. >> we took this as a very viable threat. we have been questioned repeatedly over the last several days about our show of force and while we have the tactics that we have, well, this is the reason because we had credible threats against the lives of law enforcement in this city and as law enforcement officers that are charged with the protection of this community and in that community is our law enforcement officers. >> the arrest happening in a city already on edge. this is baton rouge where alton sterling was shot by police officers a week ago today. the shots were fired and now video everyone in this country has seen.
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boris is out front. this is pretty terrifying and at least three arrested and a man hunt on for another and what they say was a very specific plot, armed suspects getting ready to kill police. >> it is terrifying, erin, especially in light of dallas and everything that happened there today. we should tell you this all started with a burglary at a pawn shop in baton rouge. the cash america pawn shop where late friday night and early saturday morning police say that several suspects burglarized the place looking for guns. they say that during that burglary they were able to apprehend one suspect with two handguns. during the interrogation of that suspect he apparently told police, quote, they were doing it to get bullets for an attack against baton rouge police officers apparently in retaliation for the shooting of alton sterling. because of information gleaned from that interrogation, officers raided a home in south baton rouge where they arrested another two suspects. three in total, as you said. one of them was a 13-year-old
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juvenile. it's important to point out, as you did, that there's still one suspect that's on the loose. police believe they have his name and information. they're putting it out there to the public soon to try to have them come forward and hopefully put him behind bars. they're asking especially for him to turn himself in at this point. also important to point out, of the eight handguns that were taken from the pawn shop, only six of them have been recovered so some of them are still out there tonight and a worrying time for police officers, not only here in baton rouge, but around the country, erin. >> now the ceo of the national sheriff's association along with paul martin with me, criminal defense attorney who has represented police officers in shooting cases. paul, you're with me here. this is pretty terrifying. a specific threat, armed, multiple suspects. >> very concerned. i hope the police officers and the police department find these individuals as soon as possible. individuals who are basically thinking about doing violence against police officers are not helping the cause for black
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americans in this country. >> jonathan, you heard the baton rouge police chief saying we've been questioned over the past couple of days about the show of force, why we have the tactics that we have. this is the reason. >> well,ier i ieerin, what we'v so far is just a portion of the story. so let's all make sure we do exactly what you're doing that we take a step back and understand the totality of what happened. two crimes have been made, one to break into a pawn shop and two to steal firearms. if these crimes are true and these incidents are true, it is horrendous. it demonstrates once again that the delicacy and the danger rounds of law enforcement's job every single day. so i'm discouraged in that sense, but i'm encouraged because the people of baton rubling and the media, as well, are taking the step back that we talked about so much. take a look at ourselves and say what are we going to do? >> this is the question.
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what are we going to do? you had protests and a lot of the images have come out of baton rouge. you've had the woman in riot gear and that's gone so viral. they're saying an image like this is out there is because they were receiving threats. now you have a threat that could actually have happened? just imagine if something like this happened again? i don't want it to happen again. we need to take a step back, kill the rhetoric and let's sit down and have an open and honest conversation as the president stated earlier and really try to get to the issues that are facing race issues in america. >> jonathan, officers you're talking to, how worried are they? how afraid are they when they're honest with you about their safety? they're being asked to go out every day and patrol with the streets that someone could be out there to kill them. >> that's the role they play every single day when a deputy or an officer wakes up and they put that uniform on and they pin on that star or badge, they know that's the risk that they signed
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on for. are they afraid? i can't imagine they're not afraid, but here's -- and i think paul is absolutely right that we do have to have a discussion with ourselves. what kind of nation are we? and we are, as the president said yesterday to a small group of us and today he repeated it, we're a nation of laws. we live by the rule of law and we do need to take that to heart every single one of us. when something goes wrong, when an agency performs badly, we need to look at it, look hard at it. when a community performs badly whether it's protesters, drug dealers or anyone, when they perform badly, we have to look at them and we have to let the system of justice unfold. that's what this nation was founded on and that's what we all need to be calling for. >> paul? >> i agree. >> but on this issue, i mean, this goes to both sides, right? justice and laws for police and it goes to the other side to not jump to conclusions based on one
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video that shows one moment as opposed to the totality of police and law enforcement. >> absolutely. >> the problem with that is this, what happens is this situation has been going ongoing and ongoing and ongoing. we have so many african-american men who have died at the hands of police officers and they're unarmed. so this issue has to be addressed and the only way it's going to be addressed is from people to protest, protest in a way that's nonviolent and make their concerns known and that's the american way. >> all right. thank you both. quick final word, jonathan. >> in law enforcement, we have to have that discussion every single day when we're patrolling, whether we're walking a beat or we're in a school or in a community center and that's what law enforcement's doing and they're trying. they're working diligently every day and it's an incredibly dangerous world out there, but they, too, have an obligation and paul's right. the community has that obligation, as well. >> thank you both very much. that's sobering news of a plot
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in baton rouge to assassinate police officers, president obama and former president george w. bush appeared together at a memorial service for five slain officers in dallas. kyung lau is out front. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the interfaith service to honor the five police officers, lives lost too soon. >> like police officers across the country, these men and their families shared a commitment to something larger than themselves. >> reporter: then the nation's president acknowledged his own failings. >> i've seen how inadequate words can be in bringing about lasting change. i've seen how inadequate my own words have been. if we are to honor these five,
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outstanding officers who we lost then we will have to act on the truth that we know. >> among those truths, says the nation's first black president, there is bias in police shootings, bias in blaming all police for the actions of a few. >> so much of the tensions between police departments and minority communities that they serve is because we ask the police to do too much and we ask too little of ourselves. we flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book. [ applause ] and then we tell the police you're a social worker.
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you're the parent. you're the teacher. you're the drug counselor. we tell them to keep those neighborhoods in check at all costs and do so without causing any political blowback or inconvenience. don't make a mistake that might disturb our own peace of mind and then we feign surprise when periodically the tensions boil over. >> reporter: in a sign that pain is not partisan, republicans joined the president on stage, including the 43rd president who calls dallas home echoing the challenge of unit. >> we recognize that we are brothers and sisters sharing the same brief moment on earth and owing each other the loyalty of our shared humanity. at our best, we know we have one country, one future, one destiny. we do not want the unity of
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grief nor do we want the unity of fear. we want the unity of hope, affection and high purpose. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: president obama says the america he knows is better than this. he says if there is a way to honor these police officers it's to channel the rage and the sorrow into striving to be that better one america. erin? >> all right. kyung lah reporting live from dallas and the very movie series of speeches today. more breaking news, donald trump is about to rally supporters in indiana preparing to announce his vp pick and also talking about the officers in dallas. my guest ben carson on his pick. slamming him and now he is hitting back. did she cross the line? bernie sanders endorsing hillary clinton. is it enough to unite the democratic party?
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because indiana governor mike pence will be with him and he's one of the top contenders for trump's vp slot. in fact, we're hearing, look, it could be in the next day or two that you hear the announcement. perhaps he surprises everyone tonight. pence, of course, is in the top final couple of people according to cnn and what we're hearing for the vp spot. >> i'm supporting donald trump because we need change in the country. >> the chemistry has been tested. >> the final auditions are nearly finished for donald trump it's almost decision time to make his pick for running mate. one of the leading contenders, indiana governor mike pence. >> you have a really good governor here. you have a nice guy and he's a good governor. i have to tell you, mike. mike is a good guy. >> widely seen as a safe pick. pence is a former washington insider and an evangelical who can help trump appeal to social conservatives. >> i have the highest, highest
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regard for mike and he's a personal friend of ours and mine. >> reporter: his message of discipline. >> and i'm prepared to make that case anywhere across indiana that donald trump would want me to. >> reporter: pence hasn't always been on team trump, endorsing senator ted cruz in the primary. >> total and complete shutdown, and criticizing trump's controversial muslim ban and the ektis inity of an indiana-born federal judge overseen a lawsuit against trump university. >> i don't think it's ever good to question the impartiality of a judge based on their ethnic background. >> pence stepping into his own series of controversies, signing on into law the religious freedom measure that drew national scrutiny. another finalist, newt gingrich. >> i like that, too. we like newt! >> the former house speaker offering up significant time and experience in washington and
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publicly has been one of the most vocal and loyal trump advocates vying privately for the vp job behind the scenes. >> i said you need to modify and make america great again, to make america great again for all americans and now we have to mean it. >> reporter: but gingrich has been critical of trump during some of his most durable controversies, pushing him to clean it up. >> he is now the potential leader of the united states and he's got to move his game up to the level of being a potential leader. >> and has a similar brash style, and a checkered past including three marriages. sources tell cnn that trump appears to be down to focusing on gingrich and pence, but trump today also telling "the new york times" that his short list still has five candidates on it, plus two that are in his words, unknown to anybody, all of this underscoring how unpredict able donald trump is, erin and it is
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expected that he will announce his pick on friday. >> out front, dr. ben carson, donald trump supporter as we await this live appearance with governor pence and mr. trump. dr. carson, a source close to the vetting process says you heard sunlan saying likely the running mate will be revealed on monday. donald trump could surprise everybody and do it tonight, if he wanted. who knows? you've been involved in the selection process. what's your sense of the timing? >> well, my sense is that he's going to take the time that's necessary. he's really considering this thing very, very carefully, and you know, not only going through the normal vetting processes, but he also wants to have a sense of compatibility. he wants to see what the chemistry is like with the various people that he's considering because what he's planning to do is really going to fly in the face of traditional washington politics both democrats and republicans, and he needs somebody who is
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courageous and who is willing to stand and fight who is not going to wilt because it will be withering criticism. >> so is tonight the test for mike pence? >> i -- i think this is all part of the process. and it probably will not necessarily play out the way everybody thinks it will. >> so when you say that, let me ask you, you know, we're now reporting pence and gingrich are the final two. that's what cnn is reporting, but obviously there's been reports that there was a longer list including general flinn, jeff session, chris christie and then tw peopo people unknown to anyone, but donald trump and presumably people like you, dr. carson. do you think it's someone that is not on our screen right now? our screen is gingrich, christie, pence, sessions and flynn. >> one of the things you've seen throughout this whole process is donald trump is unpredictable
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and anybody who thinks that they actually know what he's going to do probably is not correct. so he's going to be careful. he's going to be very, very deliberate, but as i said before, the thing that is critical, because you can get political experience and advice from all kinds of people, it doesn't necessarily have to be a vice president, but you need somebody who can fight and who truly understands what the issues are. you know, you're looking at a nation that is on the brink of destruction from so many different areas and it's going to take real courage to go on the face of what's been going on for the last decades. >> when you say something that could surprise us. it would surprise someone if it were you. i know you've been vetting others and you've been involved in this process and your name hasn't been out there as one of the top vp picks. could it be you? >> no. no. i don't want it to be me, but i want it to be somebody as donald
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trump wants it to be somebody who truly understands the issues, and i can't emphasize enough both democrats and republicans for decades have been marching down the pathway of destruction, financial destruction and other types of destruction, destroying our moral base. all of these things are hurting us. this is not a democrat or republican issue. this is an american issue, and we've got to be able to face that. he wants somebody who truly understands that. >> so you know, there are some who are incredibly critical of donald trump who he may have to work with and let me just share with you, ruth bader ginsburg, she says she can't imagine what the country would be like if donald trump became president. today she called him a faker and has no consistency about i had. whatever comes into his head at the moment, he really has an ego. donald trump responded saying i think it's a disgrace to the court. i think she should apologize to
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the court. what do you think, dr. carson? should justice ginsburg be able to speak her mind? >> it is completely inappropriate for supreme court justices to inject themselves into the middle of a political campaign, whichever side they're on. that should be something that they should keep very closely guarded because we are already suspicious about, you know, the way the court is going. we turn to the supreme court which was a wonderful thing the way it was envisioned into a political arm. this is terrible, and we need to really think very seriously about this and what can be done to correct it. >> dr. carson, thank you very much for your time tonight, sir. and tonight, the top republican in washington, house speaker paul ryan joining cnn for a special town hall. that is tonight at 9:00 eastern. and next, we're standing by for donald trump, as i said, about to rally that big crowd in indiana. could there be a dig surprise tonight?
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breaking news. live pictures. this is westfield, indiana. donald trump about to hold a campaign rally with one of the top candidates to be his vp, the indiana governor mike pence. a source reporting to cnn that it appears to be down to newt gingrich and governor pence although you heard dr. carson say there could be a surprise in the works. another source telling cnn pence has been vetted and his record is completely clean. dana bash is out front at the trump rally and you had a chance to speak to governor pence today. you spoke with him when he was endorsing ted cruz and i remember him standing side by side by a lake as you were speaking to them. does it look like he wants to be trump's running mate now? >> very much so. >> he left virtually no question
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about the fact that if asked, he would proudly and happily serve as donald trump's runningmate which obviously as you said is a change considering he backed -- it was a little bit of a milk toast endorsement, but he did back donald trump's opponent during the primaries, ted cruz, but today when i asked him why when other prominent republicans have said no thanks to the idea of being donald trump's runningmate he has said yeah, i'll do it. this was his answer. >> i will tell you that we've been honored to spend some time with mr. and mrs. trump. we were very moved by how gracious and kind they were to our family, and i think -- i think he is going to be a great president. i think he is someone that has connected with everyday americans like no one since ronald reagan, and i think he has spoken to the frustration and the longings of the american people as no one since the 40th
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president, and i think we will continue to see him do that. >> reporter: erin, the minute somebody compares a republican to ronald reagan, you know that they mean business and they want in, and that is certainly what mike pence was trying to signal there. he's not a household name. the indiana governor does have experience, obviously, as a ceo of the state. he is right now, but he also has washington experience. he was a member of congress for a dozen years. he was in the house leadership. the republican leadership, so he has that combination of experience. not just that, erin, he is an evangelical. he very much connects to the conservative grassroots and the religious right, if you will. so it's that combination that a lot of people inside trump world who i speak to who are pushing for pence think would be good for him. somebody said to me, he is a take a deep breath guy which the people again, who are pushing for him think would be a nice contrast for a candidate who
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tends to shoot from the hip and that is donald trump. they are going to be appearing behind me pretty much any minute now and that is going to be a very, very key test for donald trump to see the kind of reaction pence gets from the crowd and how he works the crowd and of course, the chemistry that the two of them have together in public. >> thank you very much, dana. of course, there is always the possibility of a huge surprise. donald trump announces it because everyone is guessing and he keeps everyone on their toes and whether anything like that happens. we'll be going there live and right now, michael caputo, and former campaign adviser, the former communications director for senator ted cruz and basel smykal. you were there when pence came out. dana is right, it was a milk toast endorsement of cruz and nevertheless it was an endorsement of cruz and he was critical of him with the judge in the trump university case. why pick a guy who has
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previously endorsed cruz and a guy who criticized you. >> i was in the headquarters the day pence was supposed to endorse ted cruz. for all of us with experience that were working on the campaign, it was a concern to us and we were worried about it. in fact, we sent somebody to talk to him before he went on the radio, this talk radio show to voice his endorsement, and i think all of us breathed a sigh of relief when it came out kind of soft and in fact, he said some strong, positive things about donald trump. >> right. >> at that moment i knew that he was in the running for vice president. i'm not sure that donald trump knew it then, and i don't want to speak for donald trump, but he was readying himself for this kind of an offer. >> is that what you think? do you think -- he obviously worked for ted cruz and he came out and endorsed ted cruz that pence is the right pick? >> i don't. i do understand why mike pence is interested in appearing as a vice presidential candidate and he may be in a tough reelection campaign and i feel like trump
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is doing a big head fake. he's showing us a general to appease national security republicans and he's showing an evangelical to shore up people in that community. >> ultimately, it will come back to gingrich because he's the only true, combpatible match. a guy like pence is totally unlike trump. he is kind, considerable, reliable and conservative and i can't imagine how a conversation would go between those two men. >> so, basel, when you look at this from your point of view, trump-pence, trump-gingrich, and those were the list that we're reporting and trump-flynn, and trump-christie and i don't know what he thinks that he could shock everybody with. what's the ticket that you find the most daunting? >> i don't know if there's anything that's particularly daunting for democrats right now and i'll go back to mike pence for a second. number one, i think it's interesting, he is in a tough reelection campaign because he's
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socially conservative even though indiana is a fairly red state and barack obama won it in 2008 so i think democrats see an opportunity with evan bayh running for the senate, but to me, i think donald trump no matter who he picks, whether it's newt gingrich, pence or even chris christie. he loses the ability to tell democrats that they can come over and support him because with each of those candidates they remind democrats, oh, yeah, they're republican and they are socially conservative. they're not really for u particularly when you look at the democratic platform that was passed. >> although with someone like chris christie you get someone incredibly to the left in terms of gun control. >> mike, let me ask you on this crucial question, what is most important to donald trump? mike pence gets you the evangelical conservative voter base and he might have as many as he could get, and he was in the primary, does he need that or does he need to get people in the middle who maybe want
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someone who is more socially liberal or more palatable to the person in the middle than donald trump himself? >> i think donald trump has said himself that he's looking for someone with experience in washington and kind of an insider politician that can help him get his agenda in place in the house representatives. >> which all of these guys check out. >> not as much as -- certainly gingrich and pence do, but some of the others and the five don't, but at the same time, however, people don't vote for the vice president. they vote for the president. >> no. >> the party activists line up behind the vice president. i think this helps kind of ease the rest of the republicans and conservatives who really want to do something at the convention. >> that sort of speaks to donald trump's weak busineness at this of the campaign and he's having to worry about the grassroots and the base and the democrats are mounting a challenge to possibly oust him as the nominee. he is in a very bad position, so he has to go into the convention thinking about how do i make a pick that makes people in this room happy? he doesn't have the ability to
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run to the middle yet. >> but do you think he could pick someone like gingrich? because gingrich will challenge him, will do it publicly and will do it privately. will donald trump be good with someone who will do that? >> i think it's pence for that reason, as well. >> that person has to demure himself or herself with donald trump in the room because if you look at -- remember, the event with bob corker. i mean, senator corker looks so incredibly uncomfortable up there with him. >> took himself out of the running the next day. >> whoever says they're willing to be his vp is going have to stand there, in my opinion these cringe-worthy moments and there will be so many over the next couple of weeks so i don't know who that actually is, and i don't know if it is someone who feels they have a political career to hang their hat on. >> i think pence looks like he came right out of central casting. this is a guy who understands communication and communicates well. >> looks the part. >> absolutely.
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>> mike pence has always been the white knight for conservatives. people were begging him to run in 2012 and he didn't take the opportunity. he has had many chances to be great, and i like the guy. his people brought me into politics when i was a college student in muncey, indiana, but he's never truly risen to the occasion. we'll see when he does tonight. >> at any moment they'll come on to the stage and we'll take you there live, an important audition, if not something much more significant out tonight. in the meantime, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg doubling down on her criticism for donald trump. she is a supreme court justice. will it help trump? breaking news, authorities reporting now in just the past few minutes a second credible threat against baton rouge. that shocking story developed and we'll go back to louisiana live. words we at panera live by. because clean food is food as it should be. with no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. we think clean food tastes better,
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more breaking news and our top story tonight. an alleged plot to kill police officers in baton rouge. three people arrested and one more on the loose and they found eight guns. now officials say they are investigating another, a second credible threat against police. boris sanchez is live in louisiana. boris, what more can you tell us about this second threat that we're finding out in just one
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hour now, we're finding out about another threat. >> reporter: right. erin, it's critical to point out. officials tell us they've received dozens of these kinds of threats not only against law enforcement, but against protesters and the general public and these are the two they say are most critical and the ones they're devoting resources, too, not only the robbery or rather burglary at the cash america pawn shop that led to the raid yesterday, but the second incident where a police officer reported he was being followed by someone suspicious. we don't have very many details as to how that incident unfolded and whether or not it was a group of people and whether he was being followed in a car or on foot. what we do know is the officer felt that he was being followed, that it was suspicious and it was something that he reported to the police department, obviously, it's something they're taking very seriously, considering there were dozens of other threats and they're dedicating resores to this one. unfortunately, we don't have much more information at this time and we're hoping to get more as time passes. >> boris, you've been reporting
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there is a man hunt right now for someone involved in the other plot that we have learned about. three people have been arrested in that. obviously, they have, as we know, at least eight guns. what more information do you have on that plot? i know you've got some new information in the past few minutes here. >> right. just in the past few minutes, we got the identities of some of the people arrested in this plot. i want to show you their mug shots right now. one of them is antonio thomas. he's a 17-year-old and he's the one that was caught outside the pawn shop right after the burglary. he was caught with a handgun and an airsoft bb gun. he was also the one that told police that the burglary was to gather weapons and get bullets for an attack on baton rouge police. another person arrested was malik bridgewater, a 20-year-old. he was arrested inside a home with three of the firearms that were involved in the burglary. he is also being charged with burglary. the third person is trashone coats. we are not sure of the exact
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involvement in this plot. he's being charged with buying two firearms that were stolen illegally. the presumption being that he bought two of the firearms that were stolen in the robly of the cash america pawn shop. we should mention a then-year-old was apprehended during that raid yesterday and we're hoping to get more information again as we move forward. we don't expect to be getting the identity of the 13-year-old obviously as he's a juvenile, erin. >> we now have the mug shots and identities of three arrested in the plot to kill police in baton rouge. as we get more we'll bring it to you and the additional threat tonight that we are learning about. next, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg calling donald trump a faker wondering why he hasn't filed his tax returns. trump firing back and of course, we are waiting for him right now to come out on to the stage with indiana governor mike pence. they'll be coming on to the stage and we understand, he is en route and will be there any second. and the viral video that has
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breaking news, live pictures. donald trump rally in indiana. the presumptive republican presidential nominee is about to take the stage tonight. going to be talking perhaps about this, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg criticizing donald trump. she's told cnn he is a faker and has no consistency about him. i'm quoting her. he says whatever comes to his
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head at the moment and he has an ego. how does he get away with not turning over his tax returns? i just spoke to ben carson, trump supporter, and here's what he said about her. >> it is completely inappropriate for supreme court justices to inject themselves into the middle of a political campaign whichever side they're on. that should be something that they should keep very closely guarded because we're already suspicious about the way the court is going. >> phil mattingly is out front. phil, how is donald trump responding to ruth bader ginsburg? >> reporter: erin, this has been a very unpredictable campaign season, and you can feel if donald trump feels he's attacked he'll swing back. telling "the new york times," quote, i think it's highly inappropriate that the supreme court judge gets involved in a political campaign. i think it's a disgrace to the court and she should apologize to the court. i couldn't believe it when i saw
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it. we expected that donald trump would fire back on that, but some of the more interesting elements of this, erin, have been how other lawmakers and delegates in cleveland have responded and i talked to democrats that are fairly uneasy with what they heard from ruth bader ginsburg and i spoke to delegates inside the convention where they were debating the republican platform and even those against donald trump think that this might actually help him when he gets attacked by people in the left and when he gets attacked by mainstream institutions, donald trump seems to rise in the polls. we saw it with the pope and with the 2012 gop nominee and perhaps we may see it again with ruth bader ginsburg. if you talk to republicans they don't feel like this will hurt him at all, if anything, they feel it will help him. >> michael, will that make sense? he should be grateful with ruth bader ginsburg. >> i agree. i think donald trump will come out swinging and he should. completely inappropriate and she'll have to recuse herself if
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something comes down as a result of this election. we all know this is tight and i'll bet it's down to a recount in a state and maybe two. what happens? ruth bader ginsburg will have to recuse herself. no question in my mind and i think donald trump will talk about that tonight. >> thanks for putting this out there, with the speculation that it will be that close of an election. i don't think it will be that close and she will have not to recuse herself. i think what's only surprising here is the candor, but let's be clear, i think we've learned that the justice's political leanings for a long time. >> you're not surprised to hear this from her? >> i don't think anyone is surprised and if you hear a lot of the dissenting opinions on the conservative and liberal size you will hear a lot more on the political leanings. citizens united was a very political, in my mind -- >> but you're talking about political leanings. this was personal. >> i think her comments were certainly careless, but on one hand refreshing because all of these judges' opinions are
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incredibly political. they deal with political decisions all of the time and let's drop the pretense of the robe and get pquit pretending that these uj jes aren't political and heel be choosing a replacement judge as a way of shoring up people like me, people in the never trump camp that basically, that is the only reason to possibly vote for him if you can rely on him to pick a conservative judge and justice ginsburg handed him a huge gift. >> if not, you would have another vacancy. because will she continue? can you? i don't know. >> i think you're absolutely right. i think people just assume that these justices have incredibly strong political leanings. >> her e speshtly. >> number one, number two. >> what is she? 84 years old? let herr say whatever she wants to say. i think people have sort of accepted it right now. i don't know if she'll ever have to recuse herself from any case, but frankly, i think for a lot of people this is kind of refreshing. >> i do think it was somewhat
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beneath her, as well. it would have been much more interesting if she wanted to talk to a reporter about the constitutional challenges that she thinks a donald trump presidency would present and she dealt with the headlines and the tax returns and that should be beneath a judge. >> it doesn't demean the supreme court. we all know they have personal views and they're pretty clear from their opinions on the political side of things and yet, we do have these things called branches of government and they're supposed to don the robe literally and figuratively and only look at the law, and not a personal point of view. >> here, she's throwing out that maybe she'll move to new zealand. she sounds like she's on "the view" or something instead of the supreme court court. it's beneath her. i think absolutely, amanda is right and it doesn't bode well for the supreme court. i think it's good for donald trump and it shows that the establishment is out to get him once again. >> as governor pence and donald trump are approaching that stage, i just want everyone to know that they're coming from a fund-raiser and they'll be there any moment. they did have a private
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one-on-one meeting, and i know they've had others and a private one-on-one meeting at the fund raiser and does that say anything about what's going to happen tonight? >> i am on the record to say they'll announce it tonight. >> it's out there and on friday and that is one thing donald trump does not want to do. >> i'm way out there, though. i think after you heard his comments the last couple of days and it sounds more and more like friday. >> you are right, you are as out front as out front could be. thanks to all of you and next the video game topping the download charts and find out what everyone is playing with pokemon go.
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you know you need exercise when a video game that makes you walk leaves you sore. >> this is pokemon for slow pokes. >> really? they're called poke balls? >> yes. they're called poke balls. >> slow pokes who don't know a war turtle. >> [ bleep ]. that frankly, don't give a rat's -- well, you know. morning hosts pretend they know what they're talking about. >> he's sitting on top of a casket. >> and even hip, late-night comedians -- >> pokemon? >> i said pokemon now. >> developers have now done the
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impossible to design a game you can't play on the toilet. >> couch potatoes have to run outside hoping for pokemon to pop up for them to try to catch by flicking balls at them. >> i started playing two days ago and i've gotten more exercise than i have in the last month. >> it's revolutionized the way people get hit by cars staring at their phones. >> a guy in brooklyn's prospect park posted himself falling in a pond while playing pokemon. >> there's someone on the bridge? >> holy [ bleep ]. i did not realize that was water. >> as for driving pokemon. >> one father to-be admitted playing pokemon while waiting for his wife to become a mom and while this atlantic church welcomed gamer, this church is a
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poke stop, come on in. the holocaust museum is asking visitors to please stop catching pokemon here. meanwhile, adults on tv are having a ball acting like kids firing poke balls at the crew. >> there's pijy. >> pijy ought to move. >> i got him. >> cnn. got her right in the pokemon! >> new york. >> thanks so much for joining us. anderson starts now. and good evening. thanks for joining us. a very big night of breaking news and presidential politics and we're coming to you from the site of the cnn town hall presentation with house speaker paul ryan. jake tapper will be hosting that and it gets under way at the top of the next hour. speaker ryan will be questions from voters and the presidential race and his relationship with donald trump and paul ryan was mitt's running mate four years ago. tonight, major developments in the trump vice presidential search. he'll be speaking shortly in westfield, indiana. youee
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