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tv   Wolf  CNN  July 13, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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respect and dignity. surely that is something we can all unite behind. we need to acknowledge the five latinos who also lost their lives in police incidents last week. their stories didn't get national media coverage, but their families and communities are mourning, too. at the same time we need to listen to the dedicated principled police officers working hard every day to rebuild trust with the communities they serve and protect. our men and women in blue put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and keep our democracy strong. remember what michael krol, michael smith, lorne ahrens, patrick thompson and patrick
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were doing when they died. they were cloaked in authority, making sure their fellow citizens could exercise their right to protest authority. there is nothing more vital to our democracy than that. they gave their lives for that. david brown, police chief said when it comes to systemic problems in society, we ask too much of the police and too little of everyone else. i think he's absolutely right. this is our problem. we all need to work together to solve it. we also need to listen to the families crying out for relief from gun violence. president obama's trip to dallas
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yesterday was the 11th time he has spoken to a city in mourning after a mass shooting. the wrong people keeping getting their hands on guns. not just any guns, military weapons like the kind the dallas killer had, which allowed him to out gun the police. the vast majority of gun owners agree, we have to come together around common sense steps to prevent gun violence. if we're looking for common ground, this is common ground. and i hope that well, from washington to springfield to everywhere across america, come to agreement about that. now, i understand just saying these things together may upset some people. i'm talking about police reform
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just a few days after a horrific attack on police officers. i'm talking about the courageous, honorable police officers just a few days after officer-involved shootings in louisiana and minnesota. i'm bringing up guns in a country where just talking about comprehensive background checks and getting assault weapons off the streets gets you demonized. but all these things can be true at the same time. we do need criminal justice reform to save lives and make sure all americans are treated as equals in rights and did he go knit. we do need to support our police departments who are trying to get it right and honor the men and women who protect us every day.
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we do need to do more to stop gun violence. we may disagree about how to do these things, but surely we can all agree with those basic premises. and i hope and pray the past week has showed us how true they are. these are the issues on many of our minds right now. if we stop there, that would leave us with plenty of work to do. so i wish i could say that was everything that we must address. but these events are taking place against a much broader backdrop of fear and anxiety. so i think we have to face all of it. we do need to make sure our economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. the changes that have roiled our economy over the past few decades are not just numbers on
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a page that economists study, they are real forces that families are dealing with up close and personal every day. not long ago i met with factory workers here in illinois whose jobs are sent abroad and heard how painful the consequences have been for them and their families. i talked to workers who have seen good jobs lost to technology, who keep being told to get more training, even though that often doesn't lead to a good new job on the other end. these economic disruptions have stripped too many people of their sense of security and dignity and that can have devastating consequences. we have to ask our selves, why are drug addiction and suicide
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on the rise in parts of our country. that's not just about economics, it's about something deeper that is connected to economics. a sense of dislocation, even a pessimism about whether america still holds anything for them or cares about them at all. that's why i pledged in my first 100 days as president, we will make the biggest investment in new good paying jobs since world war ii. we need more jobs you can support a family on, especially in places that have been left out and left behind. from coal country to indian country to inner cities, to every place that's been hallowed out when a factory closed or a mine shut down, because everyone in america deserves that fair
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chance in the race of life that president lincoln described. i realize that our politics have contributed to the sense of division that many americans feel right now. as someone in the middle of a hotly fought political campaign, i cannot stand here and claim that my words and actions haven't sometimes fueled the partisanship that often stands in the way of progress. so i recognize i have to do better, too. i'm running for president with the belief that we need to face up to these challenges and fix them in order to become a stronger, fairer country. in times like these, we need a president who can help pull us
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together not split us apart. [ applause ] >> and that is why i believe donald trump is so dangerous. his campaign is as divisive as any we have seen in our lifetimes. it is built on stoking mistrust and pitting american against american. it's there in everything he says and everything he promising to
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do as president. it's there in how he wants to ban muslims from the united states and toyed with creating a database to track muslims in america. it's there in the way he demeans women. in his promotion of a image used by neo-nazis and tries to question the legitimacy of our president. last night in an interview he says he understands systemic bias against black people because, i quote, even against me the system is rigged, unquote. wen on to say i can relate to it very much myself. even this, the killing of people
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is somehow all about him. it's there in his proposals on immigration. he says he'll round up 11 million people and kick them out. he's actually described a special deportation force that would go around america pulling people out of their homes and workplaces, pulling children out of school. i got a letter from a mother the other day who said her adopted son asked her mother with a shaky voice if donald trump would send him back to ethiopia. when kids are scared by political candidates and policy debates, it's a sign that something has gone badly wrong. we see it in the violence donald
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trump encouraged toward protesters in his rallies, the strange things he said about the violence that will occur if we don't elect him. he says if he doesn't win in november we, and again i quote, won't even have a country anymore. america is not doing to continue to survive. i do not know what he's talking about. but i do know we don't need that kind of fear mongering. not now, not ever. he's gone even further than that. he has taken aim at some of our most cherished democratic values and institutions. he wants to revoke the citizenship of 4 million americans born in this country to immigrant parents and eliminate the bedrock principle
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enshrined in the 14th amendment that if you're born in america, you're a citizen of america. he said that a distinguished american born in indiana, a judge, can't be trusted to do his job because his parents were mexican. he called him a mexican judge over and over again. he knew the judge had been born in indiana. but it was as cynical calculated attempt to fan the flames of racial division and designed to undermine people's faith in our judicial system. why would someone running for president want to do that? even that's not all. he says as commander in chief he would order our troops to commit
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war crimes and insisted they would follow his orders even though that goes against decades of military training and the military code. he's banished members of the press who have criticized him. is there any doubt he would do the same as president? imagine if he had not just twitter and cable news to go after his critics and opponents but also the irs. or for that matter, our entire military. given what we have seen and heard, do any of us think he'd be restrained? he has shown contempt for and ignorance of our constitution. last week he met with house
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republicans in washington to try to assuage their serious concerns about him. one member asked whether he'd protect article 1, which define separation of powers between congress and the executive branch. here is the answer he reportedly gave. i want to protect article 1, article 2, article 12. well, here is the thing. there is no article 12. not even close. that was a serious question from an elected representative. he either didn't care enough to answer it seriously or he didn't know where to begin. even the most stalwart republicans were alarmed by that, and well they and we should be. the very first thing a new president does is take an oath
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to protect and defend the constitution. to do that with any meaning, you've got to know what's in it. and you have to respect what's in it. [ applause ] i do wish donald trump would listen to other people once in a while. he might actually learn something. but he's made it clear that's not his thing. as he said, he only listens to himself. this man is the nominee of the party of lincoln. we are watching it become the party of trump.
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that's not just a huge loss for our democracy, it is a threat to it. because donald trump's campaign adds up to an ugly, dangerous message to america. a message you should be afraid, afraid of people whose ethnicity is different or religious faith is different or who were born in a different country or hold different political beliefs. make no mistake, there are things to fear in this world, and we need to be clear eyed about them. but we are each other's countrymen and women. we share this miraculous country. this land and its heritage is
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yours, mine, and everyone's willing to pledge allegiance and understand the solemn responsibilities of american citizenship. that's what indivisible means, that big word that every grade school student knows, that we're in this together even if that's not always easy. so let's think better of each other. let's hold together in the face of our challenges, not turn on each other or tear each other down. let's put our selves in the shoes of police officers, kissing their kids and spouses good-bye every day and heading off to a dangerous job we need them to do. let's put our selves in the shoes of african-americans and latinos and try our best we can
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to imagine what it would be like if we had to have the talk with our kids about how carefully they need to act -- how carefully they need to act because the slightest wrong move could get them hurt or killed. yes, let's put our selves in the shoes of donald trump's supporters. we may disagree on the causes and solutions to the challenges we face but i believe like anyone else, they are trying to figure out their place in a fast changing america. they want to know how to make a good living and giving their kids better futures and
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opportunities. that's why we've got to reclaim the promise of america for all our people, no matter who they vote for. let's be more than allies to each other. let's take on each other's struggles as our own. my life's work is built on the conviction we are stronger together, not separated into factions or sides. not shouting over each other but together. our economy is stronger when everyone contributes to it and everyone can benefit from the work they do. our communities are stronger when we all pull together to solve our problems and restore our faith in each other and by doing so in the promise of america. our country is stronger when we work with friends and allies to
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promote peace, prosperity and security around the world. this is an idea that goes back to the founding of america, when 13 separate colonies found a way, despite their differences, to join together as one nation. they knew they were not stronger on their own and neither are we. i've had the great delight of seeing the musical "hamilton." i hope more people get a chance to listen to the score and hear the words. there is a great song by the character playing george washington who sings "history's eyes are on us." that was true then, and that's true today.
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if we do this right, and if we have the hard conversations we need to have, we will become stronger still, like steel tempered by fire. don't get me wrong. fierce debates are part of who we are. they started at my dinner table with my father and have continued every since. it is who we are. you're reminded of that when you read history, when you think about the lincoln-douglas debates. debate over the right way forward. sometimes we have to balance competing values like freedom and order, justice and security. these are complimentary values of american life. that isn't easy. previous generations have had to
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overcome terrible challenges. and no one more so than abraham lincoln. but in the end, if we do the work, we will cease to be divided. we, in fact, will be indivisible with liberty and justice for all, and we will remain, in president lincoln's words, the last best hope of earth. thank you all very much. >> the presumptive democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton wrapping up a half hour speech at the old state house in springfield, illinois. that's the site, by the way, where president abraham lincoln delivered his house divided speech about slavery. spoke about healing the country. david kbregry with us host of
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david gregory show podcast and cnn political reporter malika henderson. this was a double pronged speech about secretary of state, talking about race in america. right now said too much violence and hate in the country, america's long struggle with race is far from finished there's still a great division and we need honesty and courage to take a hard look at our attitude. that was part one of her speech. part two was a blistering attack against donald trump saying he's simply so dangerous to the future of the united states he must not, she said, be elected president. >> she talked about the evolution of the republican party from being party of lincoln to the party of trump. very really went down memory lane in terms of low lights from trump's campaign, some of the things he said about the judge, muslims. it was somber at times, a
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sobering reminder of a lot of the problems the country still has, that go back to slavery. i think notable she went back to lincoln. lincoln was also somebody obama talked about. he delivered his acceptance speech. it was also reflective. she said she her self had done well bridging the dui, had fueled partisanship and could do better. i think we're at this time, what does it mean to have a president to deal with race. what does it mean to have a white president deal with race. we have obama with all these expectations of race, we're in this post obama phase. some democrats believe that someone like hillary clinton would maybe be better in terms of race than president obama because she can talk directly to white people in a way president obama might not be able to. >> in her speech, you heard it,
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we need to listen to those who say black lives matter. >> that was particular matter, because black lives matter the movement has become divisive in a lot of quarters, the response to that is that's racist, all lives matter. i thought she contextualized it in an articulate way saying a for a lot of african-americans, they feel like their lives don't matter, they are disposable. i thought it was depth and thoughtful speech. depth she wants to wrap her self in the cloak of lincoln as unfiu unifi unifier. but saying party of lincoln is the party of trump, be afraid. she's trying to stay close to president obama, in the aftermath of dallas and other shootings is trying to have an inclusive conversation. in the political environment isn't easy, outside the
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political environment isn't easy, trying to plug into that. >> made that thinking about race and issues we've been focusing in on over the past week to donald trump. you pointed out nominee of party of lincoln becoming a party of trump. that is a threat, she said, to our democracy. >> she said he was dangerous and essentially sort of fomenting division, somebody who couldn't properly bring the country together. she did something else there, she was trying to encourage americans listening to police to put themselves in the police of police officers, african-americans and latinos who have issues and concerns about police officers. she also said put your selves in the shoes of trump supporters and some of the changing ways they are dealing with, make of the changing demographics. >> a little condescending. i've heard that. you may think they are all crazy but they are trying to find their way, too, let's try and
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understand them. in essence -- first of all rg i think this is a prelude to her convention speech. i think she's trying to be big. anybody who wants to be president needs to be big, presidential, transcend the political moment. she's trying to make donald trump look small and dangerous. we've heard the word dangerous from her every day on the campaign trail as i talk to not only the campaign folks but others in the super pack world supporting her. that's the impression, defining characteristic they want voters to be left with over the summer. hopefully in their view that will create a lead that will be insurmountable. >> a lot of the polls we're getting, still early. this is a neck and neck race. they have been running millions in ads in swing states, clinton campaign has. trump campaign not up in the air in any swing state. you look at the poll now, a dead heat. they want to frame donald trump early and often in this way david is talking about as a threat. >> key battle grounds, florida, pennsylvania, ohio, it is neck and neck according to that new
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quinnipiac university poll that was released today. guys, don't go too far away. david gregory, malika henderson. i want to discuss hillary clinton speech. donald trump's vice presidential decision. katrina for the campaign. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. >> let me get your reaction to part one of hillary clinton's speech. the words she said about race in america. she said america's long struggle with race is far from finished. there's too much violence and hate in our country. divisions still hold our country apart. you heard what she had to stay. i want to get your reaction, the reaction of the trump campaign. >> well, hillary clinton did point out a lot of symptoms that the black community in particular have been experiencing. unfortunately the part she leaves out is it's broadly a symptom of a greater problem, which is severe lack of leadership when it comes to
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policies that actually affect the black community's life, immigration that impacted black community very heavily, whether driving down wages, jobs, overcrowding the school system, health facilities, even church resources. that has a huge impact in the african-american community. not to mention we can go all the way back to education. a lot of these communities have very poor public education even though we have spent billions of dollars in failed public education system, mr. trump wants school choice. he wants to put education back into the hands of parents. a lot of federal policies trapped so many people in the communities without getting them out. mr. trump's policies are very different. you notice hillary clinton didn't name one policy that would help economic burden in the black community. >> she did say there had to be a much better dialogue. >> dialogue. >> people have to start listening to each other. also want to get your reaction
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to this, we need to listen to those that say black lives matter. your reaction. >> mr. trump has always listened to everyone. he's said that for a very long time. he does listen to everyone. he asks perspectives from people who aren't part of the campaign because he does want a better understanding. he mentioned you really can't understand what's going on inside the african-american community or even someone who is black unless you are black. so that is one thing i appreciate about mr. trump, he doesn't even try to pretend. he acknowledges the problems, which is why he's so adamant about illegal immigration and about tackling the problem we have with education because he wants prosperity for everyone. he doesn't want to put people into buckets. he wants to treat everyone the same. pitching the idea black lives matter is helping the situation, we have to remind everyone black lives matter started long before it was even rumored mr. trump was going to run for president
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and this happened under a black president's watch. they are chanting horrible things about police officers and the democrat party passed a resolution embracing them. even today they are calling to abolish the police all together. i've got to tell you, when the tea party wanted to babolish th irs, they were called anarchists. >> katrina, there may be some voices who say that. you can't lump in all the people who support black lives matter movement want toting rid of the police. >> we don't get to do that, wolf. i've been on cnn for quite sometime now. every time one person not even affiliated with the tea party did something, the entire organization was blanketed with it on every network. so we're not going to pick and choose which organization is or not. these are the people actually leading the moment that are saying these things. leaders, not just voices
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affiliated with it, actual leaders. >> we can disagree on that. let me get your latest thoughts on donald trump's effort to get a vice presidential running mate. we know he's in indiana, meeting with the governor there mike pence, former house speaker newt gingrich, spoken on the phone with new jersey governor chris christie. senator sessions now felony into indiana. walk us through where he stands right now in his selection process. >> well, right now he's getting down to making his final decision. it is very important to him that he spends as much time as possible with anyone that he's considering simply because it is going to be someone that he wants to be comfortable with. to move his policy positions forward. over the last few months a lot of people have realized mr. trump's policies would be good for america. he really wants to get that best messenger, that individual who can back him up and support the process to the end. he's very close to making that
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decision. >> when do you think we'll get the final word? >> well, i'm told we may have the final word tomorrow. it could be friday. >> you don't have to tell us who it is but do you know who it's going to be? >> i don't know who it's going to be for sure but i can tell you mr. trump is taking this decision very seriously. >> finally on the u.s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg, she said some very tough things about donald trump calling him a faker, made it clear she has no great respect for the republican presumptive nominee. early this morning he responded, donald trump, and we'll put it up on the screen saying justice ginsburg of the supreme court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about this. her mind is shot. she should resign. is that appropriate for a
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presidential candidate to resign. >> i think the question is is it appropriate for supreme court justice to weigh in politically and i have to say absolutely not. it's very appropriate to defend your self when you're being attacked will this is something unprecedented, i would say unethical at this point. this goes to show you that the left when they are losing, they will lash out against anyone, ethics or not. >> is he also calling into question her mental capacity right now in that tweet? she's been on the court for 23 years. >> absolutely not. what he's saying is, everyone was shocked by the statement. they are talking about i today and on twitter. this was outlandish, shouldn't have been said. it did embarrass all the supreme court justices. that's a seat people should take seriously. the fact she said it, the way she said it, multiple times, not just one interview. it did come into question, what was she thinking here.
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that was completely inappropriate. >> why did he say her mind is shot. she's 83 years old. why did he say her mind was shot. >> like i said, what was she thinking saying that. it was inappropriate, unethical and embarrasses the court. >> katrina pierson, thanks for joining us. >> good to be here wolf. >> see if he makes the decision tomorrow or friday. we'll have coverage all along the way. up next response from the hillary clinton campaign. her chief strategist joel is standing by. that's next.
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welcome back. a new poll out today show hillary clinton and donald trump running neck and neck in some key swing states. bernie sanders joined clinton. both suggest a tough fight in several balancing ground states. joel benenson, chief strategist from clinton campaign joining us from headquarters in brooklyn. joel, thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks for having me, wolf. >> you look at polls very closely. you're the chief strategist.
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take a look at quinnipiac university polls three swing states, quinnipiac university shows trump leading hillary clinton, look at this, 42 to 39% in florida. just a month ago clinton was ahead 47 to 39%. in ohio, clinton and trump tied at 41%. in this new poll in pennsylvania, 41 to 43% lead. if trump were to win all those states almost certainly he would be elected president of the united states. how worried are you about these numbers? >> well, wolf, since you've been on the air, another institution has put out there results that show close races but different results dramatically in pennsylvania, ohio very close. look, these are battleground states we expect to be close. as i said, you know, we expect a competitive race. we think what secretary clinton did today defines the race on clear terms about the need for a president who will bring this
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country together, who understands we're stronger together, that we need to lift each other up and not tear each other down. it's a clear difference in the race. that's what presidents want, someone who makes a difference in people's lives and brings the country together to do that. >> you must be surprised how close it is in florida, in pennsylvania. pennsylvania presumably as a democratic leaning state. you must be surprised by that. >> another poll by your competitors pennsylvania eight or nine point race. shows ohio, iowa close, we're in the lead in iowa. look, these states are battleground states for a reason, wolf. they will be hotly contested. pennsylvania has baseball tilting more democratic over the last six cycles. we think we're doing very well there. we think most of the polls show us doing well there. what we know about these states, we're going to compete in every one of them.
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we think the choice is clear we're on the right side of where the american people are right now. donald trump is on the wrong side. american people do not want a president dividing this country, mocking disabled people, tearing down people who are different from us, calling latino immigrants from mexico rapists and drug dooels dealers. that's not what they want in the president of the united states. we have challenges. to take on challenges we need a president steady enough to bring the country together, not erratic and reckless who would put everything at risk in terms of economy and national security. house speaker paul ryan has been called for hillary clinton to be denied security briefings that presidential nominees get always right after their respective conventions. he says -- points to the fallout overeem controversy. listen to what the speaker said during last night's town hall here on cnn. >> i believe that she has gotten
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preferential treatment throughout much of her career, she believes she's above the law. she holds her self above the law. when you come out of the convention you get the most classified secrets of our government, read into classified programs. it's a very serious responsibility, a very serious responsibility. i would say any other person that did something like this, a state department employee, somebody in the military, they would be held to the same standard, denied that kind of information. >> he knows about those briefings because he was vice presidential nominees four years ago. so what's your response when the speaker said hillary clinton holds her self above the law and should be held from classified briefings. >> i don't think there's any truth from that for the speaker. paul ryan once a temp republican, stood up with the progressive side of the trump party is turning into a trump republican pretty quickly.
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i think president obama, generals, former foreign policy expects made very clear they believe hillary clinton is the candidate who is not only qualified but best prepared and able to be our commander in chief and lead our country and so many of them have said donald trump is unfit, unqualified and unprepared. i think speaker ryan probably is going to talk to some of those people as well about which one of these candidates is really truly ready and able to be our commander in chief. i suspect he won't agree with them for partisan reasons. i think foreign policy and military leaders in this country made clear which one of these people most prepared to keep us safe, work with our allies and take on the difficult challenges around the world, first and foremost defeating and destroying isis. >> quickly, when are we going to hear from hillary clinton on vice presidential selection. >> quickly. we've got our convention in ten days from now. it's one of the most important decisions if not they most
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important decision presidential nominee makes. wolf, you've been through it. you should take as much time as you need for a candidate. you need a working partner to get things done, get the economy moving for a lot of people who feel it's not working for everyone yet, just those at the top. i think when you're pibbing this partner for the next four years, hopefully the next eight years, you want to take the time and get this decision exactly right the way you want it to be. >> joel benenson chief strategist for hillary clinton campaign. joel, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. david cameron leaving number 10 downing street as position of the united kingdom. up next, what we know about the successor. may, here she is, teresa may i should point out. she is bowing in front of queen elizabeth earlier today. what does her appointment mean for the united states? teresa may, the new prime
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minister of prettyan. britain. e. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. britain. nd energy to get back to doing... britain. ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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who do you talk to for military advice right now? i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. well, i watch the shows. i mean i really see a lot of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows... while donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, hillary clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. a reduction in nuclear weapons... took on vladimir putin... and stood up against the trafficking of human beings. a steady leader in an unsteady world.
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kingdom. in this case, it is the changing of the prime minister. the queen has accepted david cameron's resignation seen here leaving number 10 douwning stret just a few hours ago. shortly after, his successor, theresa may, met with queen elizabeth officially becoming the country's new prime minister. >> i have just been to buckingham palace where her majesty, the queen, has asked me to form a new government, and i accepted. as we leave the european union, we will forge a bold, new, positive role for ourselves in
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the world. and we will make britain a country that works not for a privileged few but for everyo oe of us. that will be the mission of the government i lead. >> our international diplomatic editor, nic robertson, is joining us now live from london. nic, theresa may, the second woman to hold the office of prime minister in great britain. tell us a little bit more about her. >> reporter: yeah, wolf, she's been the home secretary -- you might call that homeland security. she's been in that position for about six years. that is almost the longest anyone has held that position in britain for about 200 years. a very important position, a very key position in terms of britain's allies around the world, in terms of fighting terrorism. she's somebody who's known to work incredibly hard to stay up late, reading her notes, often be better read than some of her
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ministers. she's also known to play her cards close to her chest. she's not somebody who's known to have a strong rapport with the media like previous prime ministers, other ministers who tend to go out and perhaps more often on chat shows, they're more often engaged with journalists. she's very much kept herself to herself. 59 years old. she is really seen here as someone with a lot of experience who can bring unity to the party. she stood behind david cameron, wanted to keep britain in the european union. has now said that exit from the european union means exit from the european union, that this is what she will do, that she will trigger that article 50 and get on to the negotiations with britain at some suitable point in the future. we have yet to hear who she appoints as her cabinet but she's really seen this time when the conservative party has such a deep division has someone who can bring it back together and will provide that continuity moving on from david cameron,
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wolf. >> what does her leadership mean for u.s./british relations going forward? >> reporter: you know, i asked her permanent private second tar that very question. he said, look. continuity, continuity. 2003 she voted for the invasion in iraq. i interviewed her about five years ago. back then her opposite was janet napolitano. she told me she values that relationship with the united states. this is someone who the united states can count on as being a strong partner. >> nic robertson in london for us where there is a new prime minister, thank you very much, very much. coming up, we're gettings some new details about that african-american man killed during a routine traffic stop that was streamed online. did he have a permit to carry a concealed weapon? coming up. also the new legislation inspired by his death and other recent shootings.
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death of philando castile, the man shot and killed during a traffic stop in minnesota last week. a document provided to cnn by cass steel's family shows castile did have a concealed carry permit. the document seen her shows it was issued to castile in june of last year. castile's fiance who was in the car at the time of the shooting says castile was shot while reaching for his wallet after telling the officer about his permit. an attorney for the officer alleges the shooting was a reaction to the presence of a gun. we'll have more on this story coming up. but let's discuss a little bit more about what's going on as well as the alton sterling shooting in louisiana. i'm joined by congressman cedric richmond of louisiana. he represents that louisiana district where alton sterling was shot and killed last week, one day before philando castile. congressman, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me be with wo, wolf. >> you are introducing a bill,
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legislation after these shootings. i also want to draw your attention to the fact that philando castile did have a conceal carry permit. i know you've been critical of the national rifle association silence on this case. what's your reaction to these developments? >> i would say the same thing i said before, which is the nra is silent on this, although they advocate for conceal weapon permits and that everyone should carry a gun. but they are silent on the fact that police overreact and police officers are scared when a young african-american male says that "i have a concealed weapon permit," which is lawful. "i have a weapon." and then to overreact and shoot him as he reaches for his wallet i think is very problematic and for the nra to be quiet i think that it speaks volumes about the lives that they value and about their priorities. i've not been silent on it and i have been on the opposite side of the nra before on policy
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issues. but this is a statement of values. and to me, it shows that the nra absolutely just does not care about all of law abiding citizens that will avail themselves of can sealed weapon permits. >> the bill you are introducing in congress would help police get access to what's described as more lethal weapon options and help officers get training on deescalation techniques. what else do you hope to achieve, and is there any prospect that's going to pass? >> well, there are a couple of things we want to do. this one was one that we could introduce very quickly and i did it with my republican colleague who actually represents part of baton rouge, also. what it would do is put money out there for research and development to find alternatives to deadly force. but at the same time, put money out there to do training for deescalation and other things. and then, as you know, speaker ryan just appointed a working group to deal with police and
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community relations, dead i will force and all those sort of things which the speaker appointed me to. we're going to look at community policing, safe neighborhood grants and all of those things as we continue criminal justice reform and all of those other things i think that create the atmosphere that we have today. >> you're working with this republican. you think there can be this bipartisan support on these sensitive issues in the house of representatives? >> on community policing, i think that we can get there. dave reicher out of washington is a former sheriff. he's actually been advocating for more money for the cops program for training and for safe neighborhood grants for the last year or so. so i think that that is the direction that we're headed in. we're actually going to step out of the capitol in a bipartisan manner and go to communities and hear concerns. i think there is going to be very uncomfortable hearings for us and conversations. but we need to hear it and i think that it will give them a
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great sense of what young african-american males, and females, go through. and then it will give some of us a better insight of what our law enforcement, what they go through as well. and we have to be -- >> congressman, we got to wrap it up. we're out of time, unfortunately. but we'll continue these conversations. congressman cedric richmond of louisiana. that's it for me. the news continues next right here on cnn. hello, everyone. i'm john berman in for brooke baldwin. if you are going to indiana today, you could be the next vice president of the united states. donald trump engaging in a virtually unprecedented public vetting process to pick his running mate and doing it right now. jeff sessions, alabama senator, on his way to indiana. newt gingrich, he was already there. he had lunch with trump and