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tv   New Day  CNN  July 18, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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just about 5:00 a.m. local time here. 6:00 a.m. where alisyn camerota is in cleveland at the site of the republican national convention. of course, what happened here in baton rouge playing out in cleveland as well. we'll be with alisyn for that part of the story in just a moment. here, the headline is as terrible as it is simple. six officers were shot at by a murderer who took three police lives. the headline should be the names of those who lost their lives here, three officers. montrell jackson, 32 years old, matthew gerald, 41, and brad garafola. their lives are gone. their families will have to pay that price of loss. there are also three officers who were injured. one, the name has not been released. we understand his injuries are nonthreatening. two others, nicolas tullier, 41, critical condition. bruce simmons is the officer
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nonlife threatening. there's an unnamed officer who is in critical condition in a local hospital. he is continuing his fight. the situation here began at 8:40 a.m. local time with a 911 call alerting authorities to a man walking down the street with a long gun that turned out to be an ar semiautomatic rifle. he was in black and a mask and ready to do battle. that's why he was here. boris sanchez has the details of what brought these three officers down. boris? >> reporter: good morning, chris. to give our viewers an idea, we're just down street from you, about a mile away from baton rouge police headquarters. this convenience store behind me is where all of this unfolded yesterday, where it started really. police chased the suspect down through several businesses in this area, bravely going after them, even as he targeted them. you see all these cameras here, but the scene has really clear kd up. there's no indication that any
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of this happened less than 24 hours ago. we're told the investigation is still ongoing though. just yesterday officials interviewed two people for several hours in relation to this case. there were no charges filed. they were let go. that's in line with what sources are telling cnn. the suspect was here in baton rouge with more than one person, but it's unclear just how much the people that he was with knew about this plot that he had hatched, a plot that has rattled this community and shaken law enforcement across the country. [ gunfire ] >> officer down! shots fired! officer down! got a city offer down. >> reporter: three officers ambushed and gunned down in baton rouge sunday morning with three other officers wounded. at 8:40 a.m. officers spotting a man dressed in black wearing a mask and holding an ar-15 style semiautomatic rifle near a convenience store. a law enforcement source says
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the killer, 29-year-old gavin eugene long, a former marine, was intentionally trying to lure in police. >> i'm hit. left arm. >> reporter: two minutes later, gunshots rang out. the killer outgunning the officers at the scene. in the hail of bullets, three of them lost their lives. 41-year-old matthew gerald, 32-year-old montrell jackson, and 45-year-old matt garafala. >> we never thought this could have happened in baton rouge, but it has. >> reporter: the attack coming just ten days after five officers were killed in the dallas ambush by another former military veteran, 25-year-old micah johnson, gunning down officers protecting a peaceful protest to the police killings of alton sterling and philando
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ca castile. >> we want prayers from around the country. we're mourning just like dallas. my two brothers right here, i was in the hospital with them. i saw first hand the grief on their face as they were trying to talk to the families. this has got to stop. >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell cnn that the baton rouge killer rented a car from his hometown in kansas city, stopping in dallas, where he shot this video on his cell phone before carrying out the attack. the five-year veteran was discharged as a sergeant and spent about six months in iraq. he tweeted about the dallas killer, calling him, quote, one of us. and then a youtube video urging viewers -- >> you got to fight back. >> reporter: tensions high in baton rouge since alton sterling's death nearly two weeks ago. sterling's aunt pleading for peace. >> these people call these families, they tell them that their daddies and mama's not coming home no more. i know how they feel because i got the same phone call. stop this killing. stop this killing.
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>> reporter: one of the slain baton rouge officers posting this plea on facebook after the dallas ambush. quote, please don't let hate infect your heart. montrell jackson wrote. if you see me or need a hug or want to say a prayer, i got you. president obama yet again forced to address a mass killing. >> we need to temper our words and open our hearts, all of us. >> until we come together and this madness continues, we will surely perish as a people. >> reporter: chris, we're also getting an update on that deputy in critical condition. nicolas tullier, a 41-year-old, who spent 18 years serving for the baton rouge sheriff's office, we're told he's clinging to life. he's fighting for his life right now. officials yesterday asking the community to send their thoughts and prayers to his family and the families of all the officers affected in this attack, chris.
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>> absolutely. boris, thank you. we'll check back with you in a little bit. there's another officer, a third, who is in critical condition as well. we have not gotten his name yet. when we do, we'll release it to you as well. and i do direct you to that facebook entry from montrell jackson. such a contrast. as a police officer and african-american, he experienced these issues we're talking about in this country, but he came to such a different conclusion than the murderer. he saw all the problems, but he also saw something else in humanity, which is hope to be better. that is not the conclusion that the murderer came to, who is now dead as well. let's talk about what baton rouge means here in this community and around the country. we have representative garrett graves. he is the congressman in this district here. i want to bring back david clinger, former police officer and professor who studies these issues of policing and the author of "into the kill zone," which represents a lot of that reporting that you've done on it.
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gentlemen, thank you both. congressman, i haven't met you before, and i'm sorry that it's on this occasion. >> thank you. >> what is the message to the community about how you come together after something that's so divisive? >> look, we can't allow the alton sterling shooting or the shooting of the officers to pass without us extracting lessons learned here. to make sure that we do establish more robust dialogue among our community members, that we do talk about lessons learned, that we do talk about how to bridge the divide and address some of the underlying problems. i think the alton sterling shooting to a large degree served as a catalyst for some of these frustrations that were sort of under the radar to come out and manifest. importantly h the shooter in this case, it was very clear to us early on, this is not our community. this doesn't represent us. >> he's not even from here. >> no, and very early on yesterday when we found out about this, we began saying that. this guy is not from here. this is not homegrown. it ended up being he is from out of town. you saw a marked shift in the reaction of the community last weekend when folks began coming in from out of town and began
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trying to change the narrative. the protest went from over by the shooting miles away, they brought it here to the police, trying to force confrontation. it's just not the type of peaceful protest we were having prior. >> so you wind up having a situation where the president comes out and says killing of police officers is wrong, full stop. now, there is a difference in these two types of deaths. when a cop kills a citizen, use of force may be excessive, has to be investigated. you don't need that when you have cops murdered. there is no need for an investigation. it's an absolute wrong. except, people keep looking as if there's some kind of an equation between these two. >> there's absolutely not. >> so how do you deal with that? >> first of all, in terms of the investigation, there has to be a thorough investigation of the murder because there may be accomplices. >> true, other connections. we know that investigation is ongoing. but in terms of whether it was a rightful, justified use of force, there's no question when a cop is killed.
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>> absolutely. and it's very important that people understand when a police officer uses deadly force, that is investigated very thoroughly so that people have confidence. one of the things that we need to do better in american law enforcement is make sure that we give all the information that we can about an investigation as it proceeds. but as you noted, murder of a police officer has absolutely nothing to do with use of force. there should never be any tit-for-tat. there's a system in place in the united states for investigating the use of deadly force by the police. if a police officer, such as the gentleman -- and i use that term loosely -- in south carolina who gunned down that suspect who was jogging away, there needs to be an investigation. there needs to be a prosecution. he has his day in court. that's the way we do it in the united states. and if people think they can take the law into their own hands, we're in for a very, very rough ride. >> now, the murderer here of these police was not from here. he was from kansas city. the cops tracked him, taking a
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rental car to the site of dallas, making these videos, doing all the other things he did. but you do have issues in your community with policing that go far beyond what happened with alton sterling. obviously his death is something that is going to be a flash point. but there are issues. so where is the leadership perspective on this? what do you do to get better? >> look, there were two things that i think when you look at the alton sterling video you walk away with. number one, if he would have complied, this wouldn't have happened. number two, if the officers tasered, if they used nonlethal weapons to subdue the suspect, it wouldn't have happened. we got together with the democratic congressman who represents this areas, introduced legislation providing additional research and development funds for nonlethal weapons, giving them additional tools. if the taser had worked, i think this would have been a very different situation. the other thing that's important is what do we do to help provide better leadership in the community for simple compliance with the officers. what is the source of this
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distrust, this frustration among law enforcement and some members of our community that resulted in this noncompliance with the officer's direction. >> couple questions. after an incident like this, they're going to say they need more force. they need to have ar weapons. they can't be outgunned by one maniac every time. there's also going to be on the flipside saying you need different levels of accountability. where are the body cameras? where are the dashboard cameras? >> in this case, we have body cameras. we have dash cameras. so that's something we have adjusted to in this community. >> we know that's an open question in the case with alton sterling, about where the body cameras were and they didn't malfunction simultaneously right at the moment you needed them most. >> here's the thing. if you're in a physical altercation with someone, that body cam, wherever it is mounted, is going to get shifted. so my understanding is that that's what happened. the body cam basically didn't
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malfunction as much as it got moved away. but there's still going to be an audio reporting. if you listen very carefully to the audio recording that was on the one cell phone that basically was taken to where the shooting went down, you hear the officers giving orders. you hear the officer say he's going for a gun. so there's a lot of information that we have. there's more that we can have. one of the things that drove me nuts was someone immediately saying, multiple people, it's got to be a cover-up because the body cams aren't going to malfunction. they didn't malfunction, from my understanding. they simply got knocked askew. >> but you get the frustration. >> absolutely. >> one other quick i want you to take quickly. there is a call to have independent review of these cases when they come up. and not just by the attorney general of the state but by some outside entity so there's no issue of compromise of conflict. do you buy into that idea? >> in this case, absolutely. when you have a situation like this that draws as much emotion, absolutely. i think it's the right thing to
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do. i understand the baton rouge police department, like many of the area police departments, is working in agreement with the department of justice to do just that. >> my attitude is i want to have the best investigators investigate officer-involved shootings. if the best investigators are the detectives who work for a particular police agency, then they should go ahead and do it. but there are a variety of different mechanisms where you'll have teams come in from the outside to various smaller agencies to do the investigation. no problem with that as long as the people who are doing the investigations are true experts. >> representative graves, thank you very much. let us know how we can help this community heal. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. do we have alisyn camerota in cleveland? >> yes, you do. >> that is good news. >> i made it back. >> i see you. i hear you. it is good to have you -- >> despite the technical gremlins. >> i know. i knew you'd make it through. >> i plugged whatever was
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unplugged back in. chris, we'll be back with you. there's a lot of excitement here in cleveland. of course, there's anxiety as well as the republican national convention gets off to a start because of those police killings that chris has been covering. so the cleveland police union, they saw a situation that worried them. they asked the governor for a temporary suspension of ohio's open carry gun laws. but that's not what happened. cnn's ryan young is live in downtown cleveland along the protest route. tell us what has happened, ryan. >> reporter: well, good morning, alisyn. we're getting hit hard by rain at this point. behind us was a sign that showed basically the barricade where marchers could show up. this is where they can march toward downtown cleveland, about a mile away. you talk about that open carry. the governor here says he couldn't suspend it. that's not his powers as governor. so there was something he could not do in terms of suspending that open carry law. no officers are worried about it. two officers are behind us watching this route. we saw a protest just yesterday as people were marching up and
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down the street. you could understand with this current climate, officers are worried about the idea of people walking with guns, but that is the law here in this state, and they're going to have to deal with that. we saw officers surrounding these people yesterday. they talked about the idea of all the measures they put in place to keep people safe over the next few days. >> of course, there was some anxiety to make sure that the things we put in place were actually going to work the way we planned them. we always know with an operation this big, there are going to be some adjustments. our plan is made so that we can adjust on the fly. we've made some tweaks here and there. i'm sure throughout the week we'll make adjustments also. >> reporter: so there's always an adjustment, including weather. you have rain here. will protesters show up in force like we saw yesterday? will they show up today with the weather the way it is? you know the city of cleveland has been provided about $49 million to pay for overtime and all the extra officers that are coming this way. as someone who's covered not only a super bowl but ncaa
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basketball, i can tell you the increased security is something i've never seen before. when you're going through cleveland, all the fences, it's something that's quite different. they seem to be ready for whatever is coming next. alisyn? >> ryan, be careful out there. i'm going to get you an umbrella, even though it's a prohibited item. thanks so much for that reporting. well, the gop convention gets under way in just a few hours from now. there's a new cnn/orc poll. it reveals most republican voters believe the party will eventually unite behind donald trump. 16% say the party is united right now. 52% say it will happen. 28% say it will not happen. well, donald trump's wife melania will headline the first night of this convention in primetime tonight. cnn's phil mattingly is inside the quicken loans arena with a preview. hi, phil. >> reporter: hey, alisyn. well, you talk to republican officials in the leadup to this four-day gop experience, and there are a lot of goals.
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unity, as you just noted, is top on the list. showcasing donald trump and his brand new running mate mike pence. one of the key components of the next four days, especially today in cleveland, security and the need for it, both at home and abroad. >> our world is spinning out of control. our country's spinning out of control. that's what i think about. and i'll stop that. >> reporter: donald trump pledging strength ahead of the first day of the republican national convention. >> obama's weak. hillary's weak. and part of it is that, a big part of it. we need law and order. >> reporter: weeks of national and international turmoil heavily impacting today's events. coincidentally themed, make america safe again. trump slamming president obama's response to sunday's killing of three officers in baton rouge, saying the president doesn't have a clue. tweeting that the country is, quote a divided crime scene and it will only get worse.
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as all eyes are on the presumptive gop nominee to see if he's ready to pivot to a more presidential tone. >> it's not a change of -- a pivot. what it is is a showing of the rest of the person. that hasn't been done in this campaign. the donald trump that i see on a daily basis is more than just a donald trump sitting out there in campaign rallies. >> reporter: the campaign touting a different type of convention, one featuring fewer politicians and more voices with a personal connection to trump. >> oftentimes, other than the wife of the candidate, you don't see any glimpse into the personal life of the person being nominated for president. this convention is going to show donald trump from the view point of his children. >> reporter: trump bucking tradition, even expected to introduce his own wife melania before her primetime speech tonight. >> the next vice president of the united states, governor mike pence. >> reporter: indiana governor and trump vp pick mike pence
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expected to speak on wednesday. he and trump giving a preview of their chemistry, acknowledging their differences in an interview with "60 minutes." >> what about the negative side? he apologized for being a negative -- >> we're different people. i understand that. i'll give you an example. hillary clinton is a liar. hillary clinton -- that was just proven last week. >> that's negative. >> you better believe it. hillary clinton is a crook. >> that's negative. >> i call her crooked hillary. she's crooked hillary. i didn't ask him to do it, but i don't think he should do it because it's different for him. >> reporter: and alisyn, that dynamic between mike pence and donald trump, two very different individuals when it comes to how they carry themselves. something to keep a close eye on throughout this week. mike pence speaking wednesday night. but a lot of the republicans aren't speaking. hillary clinton's campaign wasting no time attacking them on just that, putting out their own schedule agenda over the course of the next four days with all of the top-tier republicans, including people
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like mitt romney and george w. bush, who are not speaking, with their names struck out. alisyn? >> okay, phil. our panel is looking forward to talking about that "60 minutes" interview you just played a clip of because donald trump and mike pence did sit down for their first big tv interview together ahead of this convention. how did it go? hour panel is going to weigh in on that next. ♪ 4 by 4 those who jump start the weekend. the ones who want to see it all... hear it all... and feel it all... all summer long. ♪ jeep renegade -- it's how we live 4 by 4 summer. ♪
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murder of police officers in dallas and baton rouge changing the tone of this convention here in cleveland. trump now casting himself as the law and order candidate. >> we need toughness. we need strength. obama's weak. hillary's weak. and part of it is that, a big part of it. we need law and order. we need strong borders. our world is spinning out of control. our country's spinning out of control. that's what i think about.
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and i'll stop that. >> okay. so how will what happened in baton rouge and dallas impact the convention? let's discuss it with our political panel. we want to bring back cnn political analyst david gregory. cnn political commentator and political anchor of time warner news errol louis, and mark preston. errol, how do you think the tragedy in baton rouge and dallas will change what we're going to see this week? >> there will be some fairly small, i think, acts of recognition. you know, moments of silence and that sort of thing. beyond that, though, you've already started to see it. when i got in last night, just kind of dining in the area and so forth, a row of cops came by. they sort of got an an ovation from people who were here drinking. i think there's a real feeling here, not even a partisan feeling so much, just as americans that people really
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respect law enforcement, that it's an institution, broadly speaking, that still has support from the public. more so here at this time than any other time, in fact, because of the tragedies that we've seen. >> but is it a moment of unity or division? donald trump describing america as a divided crime scene suggests he's going to use that personal characteristic of strength athat he's trying to project. he's going to become the country's strong man that can fix this and direct all that anger at institutions, weak leaders who can't seem to solve this problem. i think he hopes to benefit from some of those who look at what's happened in america and see all this violence and this tension and see a need for change. >> donald trump and hillary clinton, have either of them talked about specifics in terms of what they'd do to try to mend this rift? >> no. look, donald trump just says he's going to fix it, and we are to believe that in just a few words it will all be absolved when he becomes president and
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things will be great. hillary clinton, in many ways, hasn't given specifics either, other than talking about healing and unifying. what's going to be interesting over the next couple weeks, will we see specifics in some of these speeches? i suspect no. i think we'll have these broad themes and these declarations. but you will see two diametri diametrically opposed views about how to deal with the current situation. >> we also saw two contrasting views on different positions last night on "60 minutes." these guys do not agree on everything. some people described it as somewhat awkward. what did you take away from that interview, errol? >> to the extent the republicans want to try and portray both a yuan fid party and something resembling a place where people of different contrasting views can all be at home and all get behind the ticket, that's what they were sort of trying to
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portray. it was awkward because it is awkward. this is a bit of a shotgun marriage. this is unity at the last minute only because they've got to do that because we're closing in on a hundred days until the election. i think that's really what you saw. the awkwardness is real. it's not just personal. this is a party that's still trying to make up its mind >> it's really all about unity. he picked pence because he wants to unify the party. >> the conservative wing. >> the conservative wing of the party. and he also -- if pence is to have a kind of temporizing influence over donald trump, there's not a lot of personal chemistry that one can discern. that doesn't have to be the most important thing, but that can get worse the less time they spend together over time. it's quite clear that pence is not going to be a big influencer or big adviser to him on issues because we know trump relies on himself as a top adviser. >> let's look at a moment from
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last night. this is where the issue of the iraq war came up. donald trump said over and over i was always against the iraq war, it was a terrible vote, nobody should have voted for it. but mike pence voted for it. so watch this. >> that was a war that we shouldn't have entered because iraq did not knock down -- >> your running mate voted for it. >> i don't care. >> what do you mean you don't care that he voted? >> it's a long time ago. he voted that way. they were also misled. a lot of information was given to people. i was against the war in iraq from the beginning. >> but you've used that vote of hillary's that was the same at governor pence as the example of her bad judgment. >> frankly, i'm one of the few that was right on iraq. he's entitled to make a mistake every once in a while. >> but she's not? okay. >> no, she's not. >> got it. >> mark? >> awesome. flat-out awesome. here's the reason why. he's entitled to make a mistake,
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but hillary clinton's not entitled to make a mistake. what mike pence did on the iraq war was basically really towed the line or really talked about what republicans believed in when it comes to national defense and national security. donald trump is not one of those types of republicans. while mike pence is somebody who is very traditional in all his republican positions, donald trump is not. it really goes to show why he picked mike pence, to show there was a huge weakness, an acknowledgment in the trump campaign that he didn't have the support of conservatives that he needs heading into november. >> what's in it for mike pence? >> oh, well, a chance to become president. i think, what, 16 vice presidents have become president, even though a losing campaign sets him up nicely to be at the front of the line for 2020. so politically, it makes sense. i've also got to just point out, donald trump insists, insists, insists he was against the war. nobody has found any evidence of
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that. no audio recordings, no written statements. it really didn't happen. >> pence wanted to run for president this go around, couldn't get off the launching pad. this gives him a better shot. >> panel, thank you very much. coming up in our next hour, iowa senator joni ernst will be here live. she'll be one of the key speakers at the convention tonight. we'll get a preview from her. and "new day" will be live starting at 5:00 a.m. eastern all week here from the republican national convention. meanwhile, there are new arrests in the terror attack in the south of france as we learn about a third american killed there. we'll have a live report from nice next. she spent summer binge-watching.
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get your first two meals free can show you coverage options to fit your budget. oh -- ohhh! she slimed me. [ laughs ] you are watching "new day." we are in baton rouge, where officers were just killed. however, we do not forget what
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else is going on around the world, specifically what happened in nice. we want to go to senior foreign correspondent in nice. they just had a moment of silence. there's also new information about the investigation. what do you know? >> reporter: well, for the third time, chris, the nation has come to a standstill to commemorate the victims of terror. this is even as families are still searching for their loved ones. we have the name of a third american victim, nicolas leslie, a 20-year-old student from uc berkeley here on holiday. he joins the father and son who were killed here ahead of their birthday celebrations here in the south of france. the grief, though, is turning to anger and a search for questions. the french authorities under unbelievable pressure given that this is a nation reeling from terror attacks over the last year and a half. they say they have six people now in custody, three of whom have been sent to the anti-terror officers in paris to
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investigate further any potential links to a broader terror network. the worry here is that even though all initial indications were that this was a madman who latched on to a twisted ideology, that there could be others out there. and that's what they're trying to ascertain with their investigations in paris, chris. >> we will stay with you as you get any updates for us. thank you very much. we go from nice back here to baton rouge. a moment of silence in nice. stunned silence from the community here in baton rouge after the murder of three police officers, six shot by a murderer here who seemed to court disaster, drawing in the police. i want to the show you their faces once again. those who lost their lives in the line of duty. you see them there on your screen. montrell jackson, matthew gerald, brad garafola. they are gone. their families will have to deal with that situation as their
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country is shocked by what happened here. when we come back on "new day," you're going to hear from the governor of the state, and you're going to hear from the superintendent of state police about this situation and the investigation as well as the way forward. stay with cnn. ♪ hi daddy! gain the freedom to fumble with the new water and shatter-resistant samsung galaxy s7 active. buy one now and get the samsung gear s2 for free. exclusively at at&t.
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we have some news headlines for you right now. a milwaukee police officer is recovering after being shot in his squad car. police say the officer was attacked while other officers investigated a domestic disturbance call. the assistant police chief said the officer was hit several times, but he was saved by his bullet proof vest. investigators found the suspected shooter dead in a nearby yard. and a five-hour standoff between a rape suspect and police is now over. his four hostages including a 7-year-old girl all safe at this hour. the incident started as a police chase. the suspect then ran into the restaurant after crashing into a police car. police say it was the gunman's loved ones and relatives of the
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hostages who helped them end the standoff. > well, a small plane carrying britain's new foreign secretary forced to make an emergency landing. authorities say boris johnson's aircraft had some sort of technical issue. this as he was heading to brussels for our meeting with the eu foreign policy chief. he did make his way to brussel,s by quote, alternative means. okay. back to the latest in the baton rouge police ambush. three officers were killed, three others are in critical condition. the louisiana governor will join us live with the very latest next. for a vehicle that can drive itself? an autonomous-thinking automobile that protects those inside and outside. ready or not, the future is here. the all-new e-class. self-braking, self-correcting, self-parking.
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now you can watch nbc's coverage of the rio olympic games live at home or on the go. we are in baton rouge covering the murder of three officers, three others wounded. one in critical condition still. another with nonlife threatening injuries. another still in serious but fair condition. i want to show you the officers who lost their lives. montrell jackson, 32, just had a son himself not long ago.
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matthew gerald, 41, long-time veteran of the force here. brad garafola, 45, new to the baton rouge police less than a year. they were taken out by a murderer who had a plan to do exactly that. all this started with a 911 call of a man dressed in all black with a mask and a long rifle who was bent on death. he, too, is dead now. what does this mean for this community? how do they deal with this situation and moving forward? to discuss that, two big leaders in this community. we have the governor, john bell edwards, with us. and we have the superintendent of the louisiana state police, colonel michael edmondson. thank you for joining us this early. governor, i'm sorry it's under these circumstances. but leaders deal with what's in front of them. what is your message to the community here in baton rouge and around the state? >> well, first of all, the message is we're not going to be defined by this horrible
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tragedy. we are better than this, obviously, and i want people to understand that we're going resume our lives as normal here, but we obviously have a lot of work to do in terms of making sure that we protect the public. we have great law enforcement here in louisiana at the state and local level. we also have great partners in the federal agencies that are helping us here as well. i know that we're going get through this. i know it's hard to see it now, but i genuinely believe we're going to come through this, we're going to be stronger and better than ever, but it's extremely painful. the emotions are raw here in baton rouge. there's a lot of hurting people. we spent a lot of time at the hospital yesterday with families of the deceased officers and those injured. a very, very tough day. >> i was just in communication before you came on with a federal agent who volunteered to stay overnight to try to find connections between the murderer here and any other groups or people involved. colonel, what can you tell us about the investigation?
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you know who did this. the question becomes a more developed sense of why. >> we were able to forensically identify him. three officers died yesterday. one is fighting for his life. it's important, it's vital, it's critical we get it right. so just because information comes forward, we're going to make sure that we understand. my investigators last night just after 1:00 a.m. this morning, they were actually interviewing individuals that he was speaking to, he was visiting with while he was here in the baton rouge area. we want to know what brought him here, we want to know what kept him here, and we want to know why he killed those police officers. it was kind of chaotic yesterday because there was so much going on. there was an active shooter scenario in place. mr. long was indeed the individual that killed those police officers. so that much of it we do know. we're going to continue our investigation. a lot of moving points. our federal partners are working with us closely on this. it's just critically important
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we get it right, and we're going to. >> does it bother you that this guy was able to go from kansas city to dallas and then here and was talking in a very incendiary way? do you think that's something law enforcement should be able to pick up, or there's just too many voices out there? >> there's a lot of voices out there. but it's important because he killed an individual. he ambushed these police officers. they didn't know what was coming up ahead of them. gunshots were fired. he was targeting -- >> you're comfortable with that. you think he drew them to the scene. >> there's no doubt in my mind. he brought them to the scene or he was canvassing the scene around baton rouge, looking specifically for police officers. we know that from the videos and tapes we saw, that his prey was those police officers or any police officers in the area. >> difficult questions for the colonel. arguably even more difficult for you. we even heard from alton sterling's mother yesterday saying it has to stop. the killing has to stop. president obama went to great lengths to say when you kill police officers, full stop,
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wrong. it should not be done. use of force cases by the police, if they're excessive or not, have to be investigated. this is not something we have to figure out if it was justifiable or not. it's wrong. but the statement is so simple. it has to stop. but how? how do you think a community moves forward and deals with the issues that are in the air, if not related to what happened to the officers here? >> obviously it's very difficult. you have to be able to have a constructive conversation. people have to be allowed to talk without alienating one another at the outset. i will tell you, sandra sterling's voice has been consistent. all along she's called for nonviolence for any protests to be peaceful and that sort of thing. i will tell you, chris, it has to stop. we have to do better on every front. colonel edmondson and i spent four hours last week with the president and a group of people talking about all of this. we have to get better on every front. we've got to make sure that
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we're doing better from a law enforcement perspective. we have to figure out strategies to we can keep a better check on these individuals as they become known to us with their -- perhaps with what they say on social media and as they travel around the country. but we have to make sure that we don't move to a police state as well because i know that there's a balance that we have to strike. >> well, it's tricky because right now you're investigating a use of force case that resonated around the country. but now you have police officers who are going to be on edge, colonel. even when we came in here this morning, the sheriffs deputies had covers on, vests, and long guns themselves. what do you tell your men and women about how to do their job and not feel as though every situation they enter, they could be the target? >> well, i try to make it as simple as possible. i just tell them i support them. they are safe with me. while they're doing their job out there, which we train them to do, which we go to great lengths throughout their career, throughout a year where we do
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retraining, we talk about scenarios that happen around the country and put our people inside of it and say what would you do in that situation. they've got to know you support them. they have to know that you have their best interests. they'll trust you. if they can berealieve in you a see you're doing the right thing, they'll trust you. my men trust me. they know i'll support them. i ask them to be safe, remember their training, be aware of their surroundings. >> trust. trust is a big issue here. i know you met with president obama. have you asked him to come here? >> no, i did not ask him. we did speak yesterday. i did not ask him to come here. i want to the know what the individual services are going to be before we have that conversation. >> one of the big issues of trust that comes up surrounding policing makes a lot of politicians, leaders, and police leaders uncomfortable, which is independent review of the use of force. sometimes if that's come, they have a very limited scope of
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what they can charge independently. their oversight can be there, but it's noted a ju adjudicatin actual case. >> well f we're going to give serious consideration to that, i met with a group of legislators from louisiana yesterday and broached that topic. i know other states have done that over the last couple years. i met with a few governors, and they told me it's been largely successful. i will tell you the baton rouge police department is not investigating the death of alton sterling. we do have the federal government, u.s. department of justice, civil rights division did agree to come in very early on to do an investigation. because i think it's important that the agency that employs the officer that applies the lethal force not be the agency that investigates the officer when it's under circumstances like
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this that have aroused so much tension and anxiety in the community. >> and colonel, i know this is a point you've made as well. anywhere you go in the country, people who speak out about excessive use of force are often the police officers from that force. it doesn't help them to have any bad acts in their midst. governor, i know this is a difficult time, colonel, for you as well. sorry for your losses. >> thank you, chris. >> thank you for being with us. the situation here in baton rouge reverberating around the country and certainly will be felt in the message at the conventions. that's where alisyn is. alisyn's in cleveland. >> chris, obviously the turmoil there where you are is reverberating here, and it feels like it's just sort of gripping the country. then you add that to the turmoil internationally and everything we've seen in nice, france, as well as turkey. coming up, we're going to have
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an admiral here to talk about why we need to focus on what's happening in turkey. what is happening there, it's confusing. he's going to explain it to us and why we need to care about this. "new day" will be right back. intelligence...'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. you know what they used to do with guys like that when they were in a place like this? they'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? it's like incredible.
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when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy - ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like, "i don't remember!" our children and grandchildren will look back at this time... the choices we are about to make. the goals we will strive for. the principles we will live by. and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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the country is on edge following two shootings of police officers in just the past ten days. plus, all the turmoil around the world, including the terror attack in france and that failed coup attempt in turkey.
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here to help us make sense of all of it is the author of "the acti accidental admiral" and currently the dean of the fletcher school of law and diplomacy at tufts university. thank you so much for being here with us. >> great to see you, alisyn. >> soed a mirlt, we're so consumed with all of this terrible news that's coming out of baton rouge and dallas where these police officers were killed, but explain to us why americans do need to focus on what's going on in turkey and what this situation is there this morning. >> turkey is an enormous ally of the united states,ing a huge part of nato. when i was the supreme allied commander at nato, alisyn, turkey was involved in every operation. afghanistan, libya, the balkans, syria, piracy. so to see a nation that big, that important embedded in a critical region go through a
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major coup is a shocking, shocking development. we ought to be concerned back here because if turkey slips into a position of real instability, alisyn, it's going to be bar the door on thousands of refugees. we're not at that point. i don't predict that. the authorities seem to be in control. but there are knock-on impacts that are significant here. >> but admiral, authorities do seem to be back in control, but they're arresting scores and scores of people. what's happening there this morning? >> alisyn, they're not arresting scores of people. they're arresting thousands of people. i think the current number is 6,000 trending up, 3,000 jurists, judges, and about 3,000 military. put that on a population-adjusted basis, that's a day in the united states where 25,000 people have been rounded up. we ought to be very concerned about that from a human rights
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perspective because there are concerns that the erdogan administration will use this coup as an opportunity to cleanse the virus of frankly opposition to the erdogan administration. we need to encourage turkey to be rational, judicial, and judicious in how they approach this crisis. >> and admiral, what does this mean for the fight against isis? the u.s. had been relying on turkey. so now what? >> this is a very bad moment in the fight against isis, unfortunately. why? because a great deal of the military effort is moving out of bases in southern turkey. we do have other alternatives to continue the fight, but the freezing of cooperation along that border, i think, is a real possibility as our turkish colleagues sort through the challenges. secondly, alisyn, the turkish military itself will be consumed
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with informations, retribution, arrests. they will lose their effectiveness as a fighting force in this. so one of the real winners here, if there's any winner in a coup, is going to be the so-called islamic state. >> so admiral, you know, donald trump and mike pence have said that what's happened in turkey is a result, basically, of failed u.s. leadership. that the u.s. is not a super power that it once was and it's causing instability around the world. what do you think the u.s. could have done differently? >> i think the united states has been quite effective in its relationship with turkey. i think it's absurd to say that somehow a failed u.s. leadership has led to a coup in turkey. that's simply not the case. the coup is the result of long-simmering tensions between civil and military authorities in turkey, which has been really
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nonexistent for a century. the u.s. has been a very stabilizing part of the relationship between civil and military in turkey. i think this attempt to portray everything that goes wrong around the world as somehow the fault of the united states makes no sense whatsoever. >> admiral, we hear that you are being vetted as a possible running mate for hillary clinton. are you interested in the vice presidential job? >> alisyn, i think that with a name like stavridid, it's just going to be too hard to fit on a bumper sticker. i think the best thing to do is ask the clinton campaign that question, not me. >> as a camerota, i do not shy away from the multisyllabic last name, admiral. but thank you for that response. we will do just that. great to see you here on "new day." >> great seeing you, alisyn. we have a lot of news for you, including the latest on the baton rouge ambush. so let's get right to it all.
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to our viewers in the united states and around the world, you are watching "new day." it's monday, july 18th. i am in baton rouge. alisyn is in cleveland. obviously the site of the republican national convention. we're going to be getting to her in just a moment. we're here, of course, for the horrible murder of three police officers. we want to show you their faces right now. six were shot by a lone gunman who seemed determined to kill as many cops as he could. montrell jackson, 32, just had a child himself, a son. matthew gerald, long-time veteran, family man. brad garafola, 45, new to the force here. there were two other officers injured here. one is in critical condition and fighting for his life. the other is said to be in fair condition. a sixth officer that had nonlethal injuries. that is the human cost. but there is a lot reverberating
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here in this community right now and around the country. for the latest on the investigation and the situation, we have boris sanchez on scene. >> reporter: good morning, chris. this convenience store behind me is where all of this unfolded yesterday. people down the street on airline highway saw a man walking around with a long gun. this is where officers responded. and they chased him down several businesses here, even as he was targeting them, opening fire on them. they bravely went after him. right now if it wasn't for these cameras, you couldn't tell that all of this unfolded fewer than 24 hours ago. but we're told the investigation is still ongoing behind the scenes. we know last night investigators detained and interviewed two people for several hours, but no charges have been filed against them. that's congruent with what sources are telling cnn, that the shooter was here in baton rouge with other people.
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he wasn't alone. but it's unclear just how much the people he was with knew about this plot that he had hatched, this plot that has really reopened the wound of a community that was just starting to heal. [ gunfire ] >> officer down! shots fired! officer down! got a city offer down. >> reporter: three officers ambushed and gunned down in baton rouge sunday morning with three other officers wounded. at 8:40 a.m. officers spotting a man dressed in black wearing a mask and holding an ar-15 style semiautomatic rifle near a convenience store. a law enforcement source says the killer, 29-year-old gavin eugene long, a former marine, was intentionally trying to lure in police. >> i'm hit. left arm. >> reporter: two minutes later, gunshots rang out. the killer outgunning the
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officers at the scene. in the hail of bullets, three of them lost their lives. 41-year-old matthew gerald, 32-year-old montrell jackson, and 45-year-old brad garafola. >> we never thought this could have happened in baton rouge, but it has. >> reporter: the attack coming just ten days after five officers were killed in the dallas ambush by another former military veteran, 25-year-old micah johnson, gunning down officers protecting a peaceful protest to the police killings of alton sterling and philando castile. >> we want prayers from around the country. we're mourning just like dallas. my two brothers right here, i was in the hospital with them. i saw first hand the grief on their face as they were trying to talk to the families. this has got to stop. >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell cnn that the baton rouge killer rented a car from his hometown in kansas city,
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stopping in dallas, where he shot this video on his cell phone before carrying out the attack. the five-year veteran was discharged as a sergeant and spent about six months in iraq. he tweeted about the dallas killer, calling him, quote, one of us. and then a youtube video urging viewers -- >> you got to fight back. >> reporter: tensions high in baton rouge since alton sterling's death nearly two weeks ago. sterling's aunt pleading for peace. >> these people call these families, they tell them that their daddies and mama's not coming home no more. i know how they feel because i got the same phone call. stop this killing. stop this killing. >> reporter: one of the slain baton rouge officers posting this plea on facebook after the dallas ambush. quote, please don't let hate infect your heart. montrell jackson wrote. if you see me or need a hug or want to say a prayer, i got you. president obama yet again forced to address a mass killing.
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>> we need to temper our words and open our hearts, all of us. >> until we come together and this madness continues, we will surely perish as a people. >> reporter: we also got an update on that sheriff's deputy that was in critical condition, chris. nicholas tullier, 41-year-old who served 18 years on the baton rouge parish sheriff's office, we're told he's fighting for his life right now. yesterday officials put out the word in the community, asking for prayers and thoughts to be sent to his family, as well as the families of all people affected by the shooting, chris. >> all right, boris. we'll check back with you in a little bit. the local paper here, one of them, the headline says it all in a single word. sums up this situation as senseless. of course, there's also context here, context that is realized
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most beautifully by someone who lost their life in defense of the protection of this community. montrell jackson. you just heard boris outline a little bit of what he said after the dallas police shootings, the murders there on facebook. i want to put it back up. rarely do we see something that is so on and let alone by someone who wound up being victim to the problem. i'm tired physically and emotionally, montrell jackson said. remember, this is an african-american american and a police officer. he had unique perspective on this national conversation that's going on about policing in black communities. disappointed in some family friends and officers for some reckless comments, but hey, what's in your heart is in your heart. i still love you, all because hate takes too much energy, but i definitely won't be looking at you the same. thank you to everyone that has reached out to me or my wife. it was needed and much appreciated. he goes on, i swear to god, i love this city, but i wonder if
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this city loves me. in uniform, i get nasty, hateful looks. out of uniform, some consider me a threat. i've experienced so much in my short life and these last three days have tested me to the core. when people you know begin to question your integrity, you realize they don't really know you at all. look at my actions. they speak loud and clear. finally, i personally want to send prayers out to everyone affected by this tragedy. these are trying times. please don't let hate infect your heart. this city must and will get better. i'm working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family, or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer, i got you. he summed up the problem. he summed up the solution as well, just days before the problem took his life. montrell jackson, 32 years old. his family now is going to have to deal with his loss. so is his baby son. the question is, how does this
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community move on? how does the killing stop? let's bring in lamont cole and chief mitch bratton. lamont cole is councilman for district seven here in baton rouge. councilman, thank you. chief, to both of you, i'm sorry for your loss. i appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> whether it is the man who was killed by the police officers or it's the police officers themselves or it's the president or it's anybody with an open mind and heart, everybody says the same thing. it has to stop. but how? how do you believe that this society gets better? >> well, i think first and foremost my condolences to the families of the three officers. i think the first thing we have to do is begin to have some real conversations about some of the challenges we face in our communities, not just here in baton rouge but around the country. i think those are going to be some eye-opening conversations and perhaps hurtful, but i think we have to go through the hurt before we can get to the healing part. i think once we get there, we
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can start to have some conversations about perspectives we have, whether they're real or not, about police departments, about individuals in police departments, have some real conversation and work towards real solutions. >> you know, chief, a lot of police officers unfortunately, i've been to too many of these scenes around the country. it's hard for police and many in the community to accept the conversation about what police do wrong when they have just been wronged and murdered. it's a complex situation. what are you telling your officers about how they do the job and how the community respects that? >> let me start to the councilman, i want to express my condolences to the officers and the co-workers, their families and things from here. also, the video of alton sterling's aunt broke my heart. so my condolences to that family because regardless of the situation, they're experiencing a loss just like these other families are.
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as police officers, and i'll say it, we have a difficult time admitting when we're wrong, but i also see sometimes where the public has a hard time admitting when we're right. both sides are going to have to give. at this point, division and hate are causing us to be here today. i said it yesterday, and i'll say it again. i don't think we have a white and a black issue. i don't think we have a police versus nonpolice issue. i think we have a right and a wrong issue. until everybody that is on the side of right and on the side of these united states of america gets together, we're just going to continue seeing these things. it's going to take from all sides of the table. i'll tell you right off, there are bad cops. but they make up a small amount. and i don't want them to tarnish this badge that i wear, just as i would never judge anyone standing here by something that someone that looked like them had done. until we all get to that point,
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we're going to unfortunately keep meeting like this. >> the chief says there are bad cops. your eyebrows go up. >> well, i think -- >> why? >> i think this. i've been saying this for a while. rules without relationships lead to rebellion. i think oftentimes officers don't go into situations or don't join the police department with bad intentions. i think that there's a failure to create relationships in the community, and what happens when there's no relationship, there's rebellion on both sides as a lack of ideologies and thought processes that may not be correct. rules without relationships lead to rebellion. what we're seeing is a rebellion on both sides. i think we have to work really hard to establish positive relationships in the community that are hinged on respect for each other and how we treat each other. >> will that erase a notion of sides? in my head, i get it. again, i've been to a dozen of these where either you care about life and the respect of accountability for citizens and how they behave and police and
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how they behave when they're not wearing just their citizen happen but their officer hat, but it doesn't seem that way. even when people say there shouldn't be sides, they talk about this in terms of sides. so what should that bridge be in your opinion? >> well, i think the bridge has to talk about human life. we have to start talking about us as human beings and how we treat each other when we remove all the armor that we wear. i think even without the police uniform or the badge, we all wear a certain type of armor when we step out into the world. i think we have to remove that armor and just start talking to each other as people. when we start talking to each other as people, we'll learn we have a lot more in common than less in common and we'll start talking about real solutions about how we move forward as a community and how we work together. people say come together. doesn't necessarily mean you work together when you come together. we have to start working together to make sure that we keep not only the citizens safe, but we have to keep our officers safe. they're charged with keeping us safe. i know that sounds a little bit
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selfish, but the reality of the situation is, who am i going to call when i need help? who am i going to call when i want to be protected? i'm going to call the police. that's a fact of the matter. so we have to work better to keep them safe and change this conversation about departments and organizations and start talking about individuals who have bad intent or ill intent in their hearts. so i agree with the chief. this is about right and wrong and about people who do wrong. >> well, chief, councilman, it's good to have your voices here. i'm sorry this is the occasion, but this is the reality. hopefully something better can come out of it or at least less of the same. gentlemen, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, chris. >> of course, what's happening here in baton rouge is not just reverberating in this community, in this state, but all over the country and certainly into our presidential politics. that takes us to cleveland and the republican national convention. that's where alisyn is. alisyn? >> chris, we're talking about it a lot here because the republican convention begins in just a matter of hours. tonight's theme is making
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america safe again. so how will trump and the convention speakers tonight address the baton rouge killings, what's happened in dallas, among other things? cnn's phil mattingly is inside the quicken loans arena with more. do you have a preview of how it's going to go tonight, phil? >> reporter: yeah, alisyn. look, donald trump's advisers, they're honest. they know today marks the start of a very big moment in donald trump's candidacy. a moment perhaps to push for unity, a moment to showcase his new running mate mike pence. but also a moment to focus on what is becoming a prevailing theme of the trump campaign, security. both at home and abroad. >> our world is spinning out of control. our country's spinning out of control. that's what i think about. and i'll stop that. >> reporter: donald trump pledging strength ahead of the first day of the republican national convention. >> obama's weak. hillary's weak. and part of it is that, a big part of it.
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we need law and order. >> reporter: weeks of national and international turmoil heavily impacting today's events. coincidentally themed, make america safe again. trump slamming president obama's response to sunday's killing of three officers in baton rouge, saying the president doesn't have a clue. tweeting that the country is, quote a divided crime scene and it will only get worse. as all eyes are on the presumptive gop nominee to see if he's ready to pivot to a more presidential tone. >> it's not a change of -- a pivot. what it is is a showing of the rest of the person. that hasn't been done in this campaign. the donald trump that i see on a daily basis is more than just a donald trump sitting out there in campaign rallies. >> reporter: the campaign touting a different type of convention, one featuring fewer politicians and more voices with a personal connection to trump. >> oftentimes, other than the wife of the candidate, you don't see any glimpse into the personal life of the person being nominated for president.
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this convention is going to show donald trump from the view point of his children. >> reporter: trump bucking tradition, even expected to introduce his own wife melania before her primetime speech tonight. >> the next vice president of the united states, governor mike pence. >> reporter: indiana governor and trump vp pick mike pence expected to speak on wednesday. he and trump giving a preview of their chemistry, acknowledging their differences in an interview with "60 minutes." >> what about the negative side? he apologized for being a negative -- >> we're different people. i understand that. i'll give you an example. hillary clinton is a liar. hillary clinton -- that was just proven last week. >> that's negative. >> you better believe it. hillary clinton is a crook. >> that's negative. >> i call her crooked hillary. she's crooked hillary. i didn't ask him to do it, but i don't think he should do it because it's different for him. >> reporter: the buttoned-up
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conservative indiana governor, the bombastic new york billionaire. it's going to be an interesting dynamic to watch over the course of the next couple months. while this week is all about the republicans that, doesn't mean democrats aren't going to be paying close attention. hillary clinton's campaign looking to highlight the fact that a lot of top republicans still won't be here at all this week and certainly won't be speaking. the campaign putting out their own agenda, mock agenda of what this week would look like if top republicans were speaking. people like mitt romney, george w. bush. a strike through their names as they're not coming to cleveland. alisyn? >> should be very interesting to watch all of this unfold this week, phil. thank you very much. well, the naacp is hosting its own convention just a few hundred miles away from here in cincinnati, ohio. donald trump turned down an invitation to speak there, but hillary clinton accepted. she will address the civil rights group this morning. so cnn's senior washington correspondent joe johns is live
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in cincinnati. what is she expected to say, joe? >> reporter: among other things, alisyn, hillary clinton appearing here at the naacp convention is expected to talk about the killings of police officers in baton rouge and the need to stand against violence while at the same time standing up for criminal justice reform. as you said, donald trump has said he is not going to attend this convention, citing scheduling conflicts. this appearance in cincinnati is an attempt by the clinton campaign to capitalize on some of the free media in the southern part of this all-important battleground state, even as the donald trump republican convention continues in cleveland to the north of the buckeye state. we also know hillary clinton is expected to talk about a drive to bring 3 million voters into the roles by election day, focusing especially on african-americans as well as latinos. this, of course, a big push in a
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sweet spot for hillary clinton in the polls. after the speech here at the naacp, she's also expected to sort of capitalize on what is seen as an organizational advantage here in ohio by holding an organizational rally. back to you. >> thanks, joe. thanks so much for all of that. we want to go back to baton rouge. that's where chris has been reporting live for us after those police shootings. chris? >> all right, alisyn. thank you very much. whether you are following this story from the perspective of what happens when police use force in a situation and somebody dies, like just happened here in baton rouge last week, or you're watching this with fresh eyes after the murder of another group of police officers, the black lives matter movement comes up. are they a force for good? are they a force for bad? we're going to talk to one of the main organizers for them about what he thinks about what happened to the police here and
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what he wants next. osh atkins bt he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette.
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depending on whom you ask, it is a movement for better or for worse. black lives matter. i want to bring in one of the organizers for the movement. he's been all over the country at sites of where there are questions about use of force by police, especially on black individuals. he joins us right now. you came out and you condemned the killing of the police officers here in baton rouge. what do you want people to know? >> the reality is that the movement began as a call to end violence, and that call remains true today. we fight for a living, breathing justice, a justice that would have alton here and philando, and so many people. we know that a just world is a world where people don't experience a trauma in the first place. it's hard because what we've seen over the last 24 hours is people condemn the movement without knowing any facts. what we said yesterday was that there were more questions than answers. the movement has always been rooted in a call to end violence. like i said, that call remains
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the call today. >> well, you and i have been in the same location more than once. you know that part of the criticism comes out of the fact that it's impossible to keep message cohesive in any movement, but there's certainly be incidents where members who say they're members of the black lives matter movement have been very hostile towards police, who have made calls for violence, who have been antagonistic. whether understandable or not because of their perspective, is that something the movement should have to own as well? >> so we know that the rhetoric in these situations sometimes is charged, especially on the heels of an unarmed person being killed. we know that rhetoric does not match the violence that people in the streets are pushing back against. so yes, the movement can always grow in terms of its tactics and how it approaches the problems, but again, the rhetoric doesn't match the violence that people are facing that brought them into the street in the first place. like i said before, my heart goes out to the victims of all
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violence. we want to the live in a world where people don't die by gunfire. we want to live in a world where people, the police don't have militarized weapons, and where the public doesn't have access to these militarized weapons either. >> what do you -- what is your response to the idea that the hashtag shouldn't be black lives matter, it should be all lives matter? >> yeah, you know, it's an interesting thing where people are frustrated that black people are focusing on the issues that black people face. i would never go to a breast cancer rally and yell out colon cancer matters. we know the way blackness functions in this country is unique and we have to deal with that trauma in a different way. we also know in focusing on black people, that other people will also benefit when we get to
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equity and justice. so i think of all lives matter as a distraction technique that has probably been one of the most throughline distraction techniques of the moment, but it doesn't get us away from talking about the key issues at happened, which is police violence, and a world we want to live in, which is a world where police don't kill people. >> how do we do it better? the numbers of police officers being shot and killed are going up. there had been a trending down. this year is a bad year, remarkably so, 72% ahead of where we were just last year. for many, it won't be a coincidence we've had all this backlash after use of force cases that did or did not end up in officers being held accountable or responsible for excessive force, and yet we're seeing officers get attacked more. how do you feel that you bridge that? how do you feel you forward the black lives matter movement without increasing antagonism toward the police, whom as you
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know the black communities need as much as anybody? >> so here's the thing. the first is that people have to come to the table and really focus on solutions. i think about the last two meetings we had with president obama is that some of the police did come to the table, acknowledging the broken police culture and that change needs to happen, but i will say in the public space that i've not heard police unions and other police chiefs really come out and say they know change needs to happen. the second is that we have to think about things like a use of force standard that explicitly talks about the preservation of life. again, in so many cities, that's not the case. the third is that there must be accountability when police use undue force. when we think about the police not been convicted, the court is not saying that the officers were not involved in the killings. the court is saying that the involvement was not criminal. and that means that we need to rethink the way we hold police officers accountable. there has to be some procedural justice at the very least so people understand that the police do not operate outside of the law, which is how they
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currently do. >> all right. de ray, thank you for coming on. we just had a local police chief on here, chief bratton, who said there are bad cops, but there are many -- >> yeah, i heard him, and that's important. >> so there's acknowledgment out there. but the dialogue should couldn't. and it should do so peacefully. i know you believe that as well. thank you for being on the show. what's happening here in baton rouge, you're going to hear about it all week long, not just because of our reporting, but you're going to hear it from your politicians at the republican national convention. how they do it, how they emphasize it, that's what the coverage will be. alisyn is there in cleveland. >> so chris, iowa senator joni ernst is set to speak tonight. she's sort of headlining the first night of this rnc. her focus will be national security. so what will she say and how does it align with donald trump's vision? we'll ask her all of that. she joins us here live next. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying.
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donald trump calling himself the law and order candidate in the wake of those two police shootings. make america safe again is today's theme of the republican national convention. we have senator joni ernst here. she'll be speaking tonight. she represents iowa, of course. she's on the senate armed services committee. great to have you here, senator. >> great to be here. thanks, alisyn. >> this is your first republican national convention. >> this is. it is my first national convention, so i'm excited to be here. >> your very first one and you're speaking at it. >> yes. >> wow. you make a splash. so what will you be talking about in terms of how to make america safe? >> well, we will be talking about that theme, of course. we've got a lot going on of course in the homeland but also abroad. so my focus really will be about the global scene and what we have going on. the fact that we have an administration that's not leading but rather following from behind. >> in terms of what's happening
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in the homeland, let's start there. there is so much tension this week given the tragedies that we've seen in baton rouge and dallas. what do you think the answer is for the rift and the divide and the distrust that some in the local black communities feel for the police and sometimes vice versa? >> right, and what we see right now, too, is a lot of americans that are talking about the things that divide us and what we need to start doing is talk about what will unify us. that unifying message not only does it need to come from the very top, it needs to come from folks in the federal government. but it really needs to come from folks at the local level. those that live in the communities that know their communities inside and out, our church leaders, our community leaders. they need to start working on finding ways to unify these groups out there. i can't speak for a black movement. i can't speak for certain demographics. they know what's going on in
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their communities. we need to find ways to unify and support them. >> haven't they been doing that? i mean, respect church leaders always talking about unity? >> well, there is a lot of talk. there is a lot of talk. what we need to see now is that action. what are we actually doing on the ground? are we reaching out? are we holding those discussions and then following through with a plan of action? that's what our leaders need to do. a lot of talk out there, but we need folks that will actually get on the ground and start working with -- whether they're there in rural iowa or whether they're in baton rouge, whether they're in the inner city, we need to have those discussions. but follow on plans of action. >> i mean, donald trump has described it as a divide in a national crime scene. do you see where we are in this country in as stark terms as he does? >> well, i think we are divided, but i think we need to go beyond that. we have wonderful people in every community across the
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united states. there are people that really do care about this. they care about the issues in black communities. they care about the issues in poverty and rural america. we just need to take those people that care and put them into action. >> do the police need to do anything differently? >> you know, i think the police have a lot on their shoulders. i think that many of them are very caring about what's going on. they do care. they wouldn't be in a uniform if they didn't care. they're there to protect and serve. i think some folks are right, that we do ask a lot of our law enforcement officials. we need to rely more upon parents. we need to rely more upon community leaders. we need to rely more upon our churches. so everybody has a piece in this solution, and everybody needs to contribute. >> meaning that the police are doing too much, sort of
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maintenance, against mischief? >> i think so. they not only have the responsibility of making sure that laws are enforced, but they're also asked to do a lot of other activities, which is fine. many of them step up to that challenge, and we're so glad that they do, but there's a lot of other folks we need contributing in our communities. it's not -- like i said, it's not in one area or another, it's all across the united states. >> and do you think donald trump is the right voice to talk about what needs to happen in churches and at the community level? >> i think so. i think he really does care about this issue. i had the opportunity to sit down with him one on one not long ago, and he has a real passion for inner city youth. he has a real passion about our education system. and those are things that you may not hear him talking about out on the trail, but he spoke about those topics and wants to find solutions in those areas. so i think that is an opportunity for us as americans to find a way forward.
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>> does it make you nervous at all to be having such a high-profile event here in cleveland with all sorts of dignitaries and high-profile people set against the backdrop of this violence against police? >> well, we have to separate the issues. of course, always be vigilant. but the fact that we have people that are doing bad things out across the united states, it shouldn't stop us from moving on with our daily lives. we cannot live in fear. we know our law enforcement officials are going to do the right thing. we have many of them here protecting us. i thank them for that. i really do thank them for that. but we have to drive on, and we can't live our lives in fear. >> what are you looking forward to most this week? >> oh, my goodness. i think we've got a lot of really wonderful people that will be giving speeches. hope for america and communicating that out to every day americans, every day iowans as they're out and about doing their daily jobs and living their daily lives. we've got a lot of hard-working
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americans out there, and i know that they are anxious to hear that little bit of inspiration coming from the speakers here this week. >> you're going to be setting the tone tonight. so best of luck in your speech and thanks so much for taking the time. >> thanks so much. >> "new day" will be live starting at 5:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow and all week for the republican national convention here in cleveland. set your alarm clocks an extra hour early because we will be here. meanwhile, the deadly attacks on law enforcement, of course, is testing the leadership, as we've discussed, of the presidential candidates. next, a top hillary clinton adviser offers her take on the police killings. what she believes should be done and what she thinks of trump's tough talk. at the beginning of the 21st century, the earth needed to find a new way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? so, a bold group of researchers and computer scientists
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how do we identify the problem when it comes to the violence against police, when it comes to the violence against black communities? who understands the problem best? who knows how to fix it? those are the questions that are surrounding part of the presidential election right now. donald trump this morning tied what happened here in baton rouge to islamic terror, calling for people to turn in terrorist types. how does hillary clinton see the situation, and what will she do to make it better? let's discuss with one of her top advisers. karen finney joining us this morning. are you going to question my intro and say i have to identify you as coming from a specific part of the clinton organization? >> absolutely not, chris. i would never do that to you.
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>> all right, good. i want to get the title right. so we're coming out of a very bleak situation, and you have donald trump who's saying, we know what it is and our leaders helped create this problem. president obama, hillary clinton, things have gotten worse under their tenure and the divide is greater than ever. do you believe that hillary clinton should have ownership of what we're seeing here in baton rouge? >> no, but i think as a leader, she wants to try to do something to sort of heal this breach that we're seeing in our communities. she spoke out very forcefully yesterday and last week after the shootings in dallas. you know, this madness has to stop. violence doesn't make anyone safer. but i think we have to understand we have to stand by our law enforcement, no question, and she's made that very clear. but we also have to be willing to address some of the underlying issues that you were talking about earlier even this morning with some of the folks in baton rouge. i think trying -- what i hear
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donald trump doing, unfortunately, is sort of denying that there are these underlying issues that we need to come together and have a conversation about and figure out solutions to look at where these things are working and how do we, you know, solve these problems rather than creating more divisiveness. >> and trump's suggestion is that it's more clear cut than that. as you know, there are many who share his opinion, that the police should be supported, period. and that they are exposed at great risk because of the communities they police. among the number is poor, black communities where there's a disproportionate amount of crime, and that is how this situation should be viewed, not as if every time police go into a community there's something sinister afoot and that clinton is somehow equivocating on that absolute support of police. >> yeah, you know, i have to tell you when i hear donald trump say things like that, i find it not only divisive, but
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again it speaks to a lack of leadership ability and a lack of temperament to be president. i think, you know, president obama yesterday was very eloquent on this. again, i think secretary clinton was. she's going to actually be speaking to the naacp later today, and she'll be talking about some of these issues. again, i think, you know, the facebook post from one of the officers who was killed yesterday in baton rouge who happens to be black -- >> montrell jackson. >> he, i think, laid it out as beautifully and eloquently as anyone in terms of talking about the need to restore trust on both sides. i think we have to understand what police are going through when they're in communities, when they get out of a car and they, you know, don't know what they're about to face, but we also have to understand that there's a lot of fear in the black community of police. and we need to do better. we need to restore that trust to make our community safe. >> how? the criticism from your campaign
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of trump is that he just talks about that he's going to make things great. he doesn't say how. what would hillary clinton do and how will she do it that will make violence against police and excessive use of force less likely? >> well, she's laid out a pretty comprehensive plan on this. number one, when we talk about criminal justice reform, she's been talking about this for o every a year. things like body cameras, things like let's invest more in training so that officers have better training on de-escalating when we see violence happening or when you confront a situation. let's also do more to build community -- rebuild community policing and the ability for police officers to participate in the communities that they're serving so that people know each other, like it sort of used to be. so there are a whole host of things. also, we need to set, she believes, a national standard when it comes to use of force. we also need to do certain things to make sure that when
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there are officer-involved shootings, where there are -- sort of like what we saw in baton rouge, where there are suspicious circumstances, that perhaps that is something the department of justice ought to be able to look at in terms of the pattern and practice investigations. but i think what she talks about a lot is, you know, how do we rebuild trust on both sides, how do we make sure that police officers have the skills and the training that they need to do their jobs and still keep people safe because obviously that is the key part of their job. but then what do we do to help them understand the communities that they're serving a little better and help the communities they're serving feel safe with the police officers who are in their communities. >> karen finney, senior adviser and spokesperson for hillary for america. thank you for being on "new day" today. >> great to be with you. >> we are here in baton rouge. what happened here resonating around the country, certainly is going to be a topic among the
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politicians and those who would be your president. let's get to alisyn. she's in cleveland for the republican national convention. this will be a topic to be sure. >> it sure is. i mean, security is extremely tight here, chris. we had to go through so many different check points with different i.d. just to get to this location here in the heart of downtown. so what police in cleveland are asking for now and why the governor says they will not be getting their wish. that's next. the ford freedom sales event is on! with our best offers of the year! ♪ i'm free to do what i want... and 0% financing is back! on a huge selection of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus get an extra $1000 smart bonus on specially tagged vehicles. that's freedom from interest...
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welcome back to "new day." the republic national convention gets underway in just a few hours here in cleveland. this, of course, as the country deals with two back-to-back incidents of the murder of police officers. so what does this mean for security here, and around the country. joining us now is the president of the cleveland naacp, michael nelson and former sheriff, bob reid. thanks so much for being here. sheriff, i want to start with you. can you talk about the added concerns for police officers and sheriff deputies this week as they try to deal with this very high profile event against the backdrop of the violence against
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police that we've seen in baton rouge and dallas? >> sure, the police profession deals with stress everyday, but is it ramped up, sure. it is certainly higher right now. do they have the manpower to take care of every situation, i believe they do. the problem here is that where they're going to put two and three officers, now they're looking at putting four or five. >> how do they do that? >> secret service has done a nice job to recruit officers from all over the nation. we have over 3,000 officers here for 1.7 mile event venue, and i think that they're going to be able to do it. the issues of open carry is another situation that takes resources away from the police department. >> i'm glad you brought that up. how nervous are you about the idea that this is an open carry state, and that that means that people with firearms can be walking around the perimeter of this nucleus here where all the
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dignitaries are gathered. >> we're real nervous about it. every police officer looks at somebody in a hostile environment, especially what has happened over the last ten days, and the resources that officers, for example, yesterday, on the public square, an individual was carrying a rifle. four or five officers were assigned to watch him. now what happens if there is an accidental discharge or the individual brings their weapons down to a certain point and where the officer is threatened and a fire fight starts. >> should the governor have suspended the open carry law for this week? >> if he could have, he should have. the question is, why do we enact such an insane law. i mean, it is predictable. this was predictable. open carry in a state we're going to have a political convention with the tension that
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surrounding the political convention. just the normal tension that surrounds it, and you allow people to open carry guns. you encourage people. it is insanity in our legislation that let this take place. >> there is tension often between protesters and police, about you now this added tension between the black community and police, and both feel they're under attack. what's the answer to this? >> you know, cleveland is under a federal consent degree, because our police force engages in excess sieve force. this has to be resolved at the leadership level. where we get community policing again. that's one of the solutions. so police officers know the citizens they're patrolling. >> they're not doing that, you think? >> no community police anything cleveland. >> why. >> one of the prior mayors
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decided it was budget responsible to get rid of it. it is this climate of us against them and extreme tension between the police department and the community. >> is that how you see it, sheriff? >> yes, there has been budget cuts and community policing has been -- >> why is community policing expensive? isn't it police going into the community and introducing themselves to get to know the kids and grandmas? why is that expensive? >> cleveland police has calls backed up everyday. they don't have the manpower to respond to calls, let alone to look at a community policing environment. now what has happened not only in cleveland but in america, over the last ten days, police departments are going to start doubling up officer where is they had single man cars, now they're going to have double officer cars. and that taxes the budget of police departments and reduces response time. so community policing is
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important, as michael has said, but at the end of the day, all police departments are really looking at these issues in a budgetary way. >> i mean, you know, you can look at it a budget way, practical, but everybody says the community policing is the answer. it seems like we should be able to speak with one voice on that. thank you, both ygentlemen, we appreciate you being here on "new day." we're following a lot of news this morning, including the police shooting in baton rouge, so let's get to it. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day." it is monday, july 18th. it is just 7:00 or so here local time in the morning. 8:00 or so in cleveland. that's where alisyn camerota is. we're going to be talking about what is happening here in baton rouge. of course, what brings us here is tragedy of the worst kind.
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police officers murdered in the line of duty. literally drawn into what the police are calling an ambush situation by a man armed with a long rifle, a semi-automatic, and with military training. a 911 call started all of this. it ended in six officers being hit. three of them dying. i want to show you their faces right now so that you remember these men throughout the morning and their families. montrel jackson, you'll hear more about him because of something he wrote on facebook about what happened in dallas and how it affected him as an officer and as a black man. he just had a son recently, matthew gerald, 41 years old, a family man, wife and children. long time veteran. brad graarafola, and three othe officers hit. one had nonlife threatening injuries, one is still fighting for his life, and the third is set to be in fair condition.
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their names are on your screen as well. there is a lot to this investigation. the murderer here has a very complex picture to his background. but ultimately, it ended in a very simple and horrible result. his looking to kill as many police as possible. let's start our coverage with boris this morning, who is on scene right nearby, just a mile or so down the road from where this happened. boris, start us off. >> reporter: good morning, chris. yeah, to give our viewers an idea of where this happened, we're about a mile down the road at baton rouge police headquarters, that's where police initially got the call and then they chased the suspect down through several businesses, strips of businesses here until finally confronting him, chasing after him, even though he was targeting him. they bravely went after him. from what we hear from investigators this morning, they've been interviewing people that spoke to the gunman in the days before the attack.
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he was here in baton rouge. they tell us it is not clear the extent to which they knew of this plan that he had come up with to attack police, but as they wrapped up interviewing at 1:00 a.m. this morning, no charges have been filed against anyone in the case so far. this is a plan that has divided and opened up a wounded community, that was just beginning to heal. >> gunfire. shots fired. officers down. >> reporter: three officers ambushed and gunned down in baton rouge sunday morning, with three officers wounded. at 8:45 a.m., officers spotting a man dressed in black, wearing a mask and holding an ar-15 style rifle near a convenience store. a law enforcement force says 29-year-old gavin was trying to lure in police.
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two minutes later, gunshots rang out. the killer, out gunning the officers at the scene. the hail of bullets, three of them lost their life. 41-year-old matthew gerald, 32-year-old montrel jackson. >> don't think this can't happen in your city. we never thought this could happen in braton rouge, but it has. >> the dallas ambush by another military veteran, 25-year-old micah johnson, gunning down officers protecting a peaceful protest, the police killings of alton sterling and philando castile z castile. >> we're mourning just like dallas. was in the hospital with my brothers, i saw first hand the
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grief on their face as they were trying to talk to the families. this has got to stop. >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell us the baton rouge tell us he rented a car in kansas city, stopping in dallas, where he shot this video on his cell phone before carrying out the attack. the five year veteran was discharged as a sergeant and spent about six months in iraq. tweeted about the dallas killer calling him, quote, one of us. a uch ub video showing. >> you've got to fight back. >> reporter: tensions high since alton sterling's death nearly two weeks ago. sterling's aunt, pleading for peace. >> these people call these families, they tell them that their daddies and mama is not coming home no more. i know how they feel. because i got the same phone call. stop this killing. stop this killing. >> reporter: one of the slain officers posting this plea on facebook, after the dallas ambush, quote, please don't let hate infect your heart.
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montrel jackson wrote, if you see me or need a hug or want to say a prayer, i got you. president obama, yet again forced to address a mass killing. >> we need to temper our words and open our hearts, all of us. >> until we come together in this madness continues, we will surely perish as a people. >> reporter: chris, it is important to point out as you did, the human toll of this, this still isn't over. there is one deputy that is still fighting for his life. nicholas tullier, he served 18 years with the baton rouge sheriff's office. right now, we're told he is in critical conditions. officials pleaded with the community to send their prayers and thoughts to his family as well as all the officers involved in this heinous attack, chris. >> boris sanchez, well said. we'll check back with you reporting throughout the
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morning. appreciate it. one of the officers that boris mentioned, who lost his life, montrel jackson. african-american man and police officer. he had written about it on facebook. i'm going to talk to you more about how that is resonating through the community and has gone viral across the country in just a second. but there is an investigation going on here and there is concern about whether or not this murderer had additional contacts. we know the police interviewed two others yesterday. we have pamela brown at the site of the convention, but following this and is a source as anybody. what do we know now? >> we've learned, chris, from the law enforcement sources that the gunman was in baton rouge with other people. he drove from kansas city, rented a car, at one point stopped in dallas and drove to baton rouge after the shooting of the police officers in dallas. i'm told by my sources by the time he arrived in baton rouge
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and launched his attack against the police yesterday, he was with other people, associates. what is unclear if these people were involved in this plot in any way, shape or form. the fbi running a number of names through their system, trying to learn about them, and see what they knew if anything, or whether this gunman acted alone. the preliminary beliefs that he wanted to lure police and get in a shot out with them. the 911 call is being vetted, the question is whether the gunman called it in, walking around with a long rifle, wearing all black with a gun would have someone call 911. we were told very early on someone saw him sitting in a car near police headquarters. all of this is under investigation, but the question remains in terms of motive. chris. >> this guy as obvious as his motive was here, he presents a
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dizzi dizzying picture. lots of affiliations, lots of ugliness coming out of him. he wrote books. he expressed an interest in different type of anarchy group. what are they trying to figure out? >> yeah he posted a rambling youtube video where he claimed he wasn't affiliated with anything, but that he was a member of the nation of islam. the fbi is aware of this claim and hasn't authenticated it, but even if someone says they are a member of a group, it doesn't mean as one official said they've been sworn in and a power player in the group. as you say, he identified with a number of groups online, a bunch of conspiracy theories, government surveillance, police stalking blogs he would write on and he also changed his name in accordance with the block.
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so they found a card on him yesterday that indicated his membership with this black sovern citizen group. this gunman associated with these groups, but i'm told, chris, that the fbi has no indication whatsoever that any black separatist groups orat terrorists groups had him launch any attacks. >> his closest association with murder. pamela brown, thank you for the reporting. we'll check back with you later in cleveland. montrel jackson i talked to you about him before. he wrote something on facebook last week, after the shootings in dallas that captured, not just the tension and the problems, but also, the hope for where we need to go for a solution, as bluleautifully as
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we've seen. read it on your own time. here is an excerpt. it has been as i black man in uniform and some see him as a threat, and yet, as acutely as he saw the problems in uniform and out as a black man, he saw something better in humanity. he saw a hope. he told people not to let hate infect their hearts. if you need a hug and you're out here protesting, he has got you. he is here for you. think about that in contrast to the man who took his life, and what he had decided to believe about humanity. that's part of the contrast that makes this story so difficult for so many. let's bring in some people to offer perspective on montrel jackson and where we go from here. david clinger, professor who studies policing and wrote a book "into the kill zone."
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and kelly laduff. >> i'm sorry for your loss. >> thank you. >> it sounds like you had an amazing friend in montrel jackson. i only know him through his words and being here and putting his life on the line and he had a son and wife and a lot of friends like you. where was he coming from with what he wrote? >> you know, for me, i only know him as a cop, you know, i've never been with him with his family. after him being an officer for ten years, i would see him constantly. you know, for me is what people do, when you don't think people are looking at you. you know, it is easy to do the right thing when people are, and i've watched him at football games and parades, and just being out in the community. every time he does the right thing. i think his facebook post, i don't think, i know, it shows exactly what baton rouge is. you know, he addresses how he feels out of uniform, but he also expresses that, hey, i love my job. if anybody needs a hug, prayer, come and see me. i think it summed it all up.
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it is devine that he wrote this before his passing for the world to see. >> you were on the job, studied policing, the problems are obvious. the numbers are troubling. i don't know if we have time to put it up, but the number of police being targeted, shot at and killed, are way ahead of where they were last year. do you see that as an anomaly or a causal relationship between what's going on in the country and the backlash on police. >> i'm hoping that it is an anomaly, but i hope that my hope is not misplaced. what i mean by that is we've been here before as a nation, late 1960s into the 1970s, we saw a spike in the number of police officers murdered. it was in the mid 130s by the middle of 1970s in terms of officers being murdered per year. we have been able to knock it down to around 50 officers a year. there has been a couple of spikes over the last few years. 2011 was bad, 72 officers
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murdered, but if this continues in terms of warfare and it can't be called anything other than that, when police officers are targeted by people with ambush, let's hope these are two situations and it goes away. >> it is frightening because it is back-to-back, dallas, military trained guy, who seemed to have obvious delusions. this guy, you know, earlier in the investigation obviously, but again, military background, but then seemed to have some really perverse delusions about himself and society. does that give you comfort or does it mean that any crazy mind out there can use this as a cause? >> i don't know these two gentlemen, other than how they've been described. like your descriptions. they are cold-blooded murdered. unfortunately, we have in our society a lot of people who are unhinged for a variety of
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reasons. i just hope i'm wrong with my concerns that we're going see more of this. >> talk about baton rouge and the community. alton sterling, his aunt came out and said the killing has to stop. the case is being investigated, use of force is being investigated. >> there are too many walls. we have not seen this before. i've been here my whole life. we have not had this many walls. we have a political election in november and local politics are affected. i think we need a time out on some of the politics. we need to build bridges rather than walls. when you see the images that i saw at the emergency room, blood there, when you see the video that the nation saw where alton, blood there. i think that's the color we should be concerned with. the black, the white, the blue, it doesn't matter. dead is dead, hurt is hurt. alton's family is hurt. the officers involved in yesterday's shootings are hurt. the city is bent. i don't think it is broken. i think we can come back from
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this. >> it's worth mentioning, the murderer is not from baton rouge. >> not from this community. >> and you know, i don't know what your experience was, but david, you probably heard this, the police early on put out a call to the community, let us know what else you see, we don't know how many guys are out there, mixed reports. our sources here at the police say that they were flooded with information, and people who wanted to protect the people offering to come and protect you. this is an open carry state and take on the cause for the police. what does that mean to you? >> what we've always known about america, and the vast majority of people are good people. we have these fringe elements that think it is appropriate to take the law into their own hands. those voices into he had to be taken out of polite society and anybody that has an affiliation with any of that ilk needs to immediately notify law enforcement and tell those people knock this crap off. and i am what he just had to
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say, about the rallying cry that we are one people, and let's hope we can get back to that point. we have been a fractured country from the beginning. all sorts of things going on but a strong under current with the vast majority of people if we look history that want to do the right thing. >> david, kelly, i'm sorry for loss. thank you for joining us. all right, so that's what is going on here in baton rouge. obviously everything that happens here is going to have an impact on the national political scene. alisyn is in cleveland where the republic national convention is kicking off. just from a security perspective, you're dealing with it already. >> it already has had an impact. you're so right. security is extremely tight here at the gop convention. we've had to go through many different checkpoints. it takes a long time to get here to the center of the city. of course, this is after the killings in baton rouge and dallas. police are so concerned about security, they have asked the
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governor, john kasich, to suspend the open carry gun laws. how did he respond. we're along the protest route. tell us the history of this ryan. >> well, alisyn, first things first. the governor says he can't suspend that law. a lot of people were wondering if he could. that's against the constitution. if you look back in this direction, you can see the officers already ready for the parade route. they have it blocked off. there is a list of rules here, but one of the things it doesn't talk about is the open carry law. look in the distance. you can see the snowplow they're using to block the route to make sure no vehicles pass through. take a listen to the chief and all they've done to get ready for this day. >> of course, there is some aan to make sure, we know an operation this big there will be adjustments, and the plan is made so we can adjust on the fly.
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we've made tweaks here and there and i'm sure throughout the week we'll make adjustments also. >> reporter: that's all about making adjustments. look at number 11. no mace, pepper spray or chemical irritant. number eight, no drones or fireworks. that's all listed here. one of the things that's not listed, is the idea that someone could do the open carry and carry a weapon, and that's something that of course, officers are talking about. they're standing by just in case. there will be another protest today. we'll be wachling that closely. alisyn. >> okay, ryan, thank you for that reporting. the stage is set for donald trump to take center stage here in cleveland. the trump family will also be front and center beginning tonight with donald trump's wife melania. she will have a speech in primetime. phil mattingly joins us inside the quicken loans arena. what do we expect? >> that speech from melania is something everybody will keep a close eye on.
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it is not something we've heard from, but as you note, this is a key component of what we're going to see over the next four days. family members of donald trump. trying to emphasize a fuller picture of trump, the candidate, not necessarily just the bombastic trump you see on the campaign trail. there is another key aspect and it is going to be highlighted today when it comes to this convention. that's security. national security. security around the world. you look at what has been happening domestically, the attacks going on internationally. donald trump and his speakers, hoping to deal with that, engage in that, directly today. the actual theme of today, make america safe again. you look up and down the list, speakers from new york mayor, rudolph giuliani, michael flynn, a top intelligence official, on the short list for the vice-presidential nod that went to mike pence. all of these people will be talking about the crucial issue, an issue that trump campaign
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wants to make front and center. alisyn. >> all right, thanks so much for the preview, phil. tonight's theme, as phil mentioned, making america safe again. so what would donald trump do exactly to stop the violence? his national policy advisor, sam clovis is here, and he joins us next.
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donald trump this morning
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was on another morning show, and he seemed to link the baton rouge police killer to radical islamic terror. listen to this. >> you look at so many different fronts. it's, you know, radical islam and by the way, he seems to be a member of that group also. seems to be something going on there. but it's very sad what's happening. >> nation of islam. >> mr. trump -- >> he is bad, bad people. bad people. no question about it. really bad. >> all right, joining us now is trump national campaign co-chair and policy advisor, sam clovis. >> good to be back with you. >> nice to see you. >> i haven't been on set since new hampshire. this is good. >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> so donald trump seemed to confuse there radical islam and the nation of islam. >> right, right. >> shouldn't he know the difference between those two. >> well, right now, i think there is -- it's possible for
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people to con plaflate. we don't know what's going on with this particular individual. >> those are two separate motivations and separate everything. >> exactly, but i do think there are times when people, when they're up early in the morning making comments, on television, sometimes they conflate things. >> but donald trump says you have to call it what it is in order to fight it. >> do we know? do we know for sure? >> we from his web postings how he self-identified as a member of the nation of islam among other things. >> does he have sympathies through radical islam? >> not that we know. >> not yet. so i think until we have all the evidence, we shouldn't be so critical of comments. we'll just wait and see how it works out. >> donald trump is saying tonight, i mean, he is saying he is the law enforcement candidate. we need better law enforcement. what specifically would he do? >> i think there is a lot of the
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activity hears that we're -- we're really looking at. a lot of the things we haven't typically done in the republican party is worried about going out and building communities. thats had never seemed to have been in our strengths. this is one of the a areas that we've been working on in the campaign. how do we go out and create stronger communities, build stronger communities, build the institutions and communities. that's every community. that's the kind of community we're talking about is going into areas we can provide better educational opportunities. >> how would you get better education into empovrished. >> en occcourage the states to provide as many choice options for parents as possible. we know from evidence all over the country that school choice, particularly with under represented areas, they seem to do so much better when they have those options available to them.
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and i think this is one of those area we're looking at. the other is to create enterprise zones are people can create the businesses, provide more security so that the neighborhoods are safer, help them build the community institutions, going in and create the opportunity for extracurricular activities for their children. it is very human. i apologize. >> it really is in here. >> those are the kinds of things we're looking at. >> what about the tension between police and the -- >> this is really i think a dramatic, and it is the question of the day. and the country. because we have been so much strong supporters of law enforcement. we understand that. but we have to go in and figure out what is at the root cause of this tension. this is -- i've talked about this before. this is a community to community thing. this is not a national issue. it may be worth a national dialogue. >> what kind of president, if it
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is a community to community thing? >> this is where you have to go in and sit down with governors, i sit down with mayors, community leaders, you provide the pulpit, the impetus to bring people together to have discussions about these very issues. this has to come back to the community. it almost has to come back to the neighborhood to where you really sit down and talk about who is the beat cop, who is the person in the cruiser. how are they doing this, what kind of policing. >> he would have those dialogues. >> absolutely. will he tonight, we know he is introducing his wife, melania, will he be talking about baton rouge when he does that? >> i don't know. i haven't seen the speech. have on a train all night. i just got here. i'm at i loss. i haven't had a chance to clear my phone. >> we got you right on set, man. >> you got me right off the train. >> here are the themes. i happen to have it. this is all week. monday, make america safe again. that's tonight.
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tuesday, make america work again. wednesday, make america first again. thursday, make american one again. you guys are running with a slogan. melania, those are the themes all week, but back to the lineup, we have melania, we have senator joni ernst who we just spoke to, we have michael flynn, congressman from montana, so what is the -- what's the headline for you? we should be looking for tonight? >> well, i think the big thing is going to be -- still going to be a constant under theme about unity and the republican party, bring people together. the other thing is that let people know that the republican party is just, it is, this is not your dad's republican party. we have really seen an evolution. this is one of the reasons i've been involved in this from the beginning. because i saw something on the horizon i thought was important, and to bring more and more people into the fold and i think we've done that probably better
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than any candidate has perhaps going back to ronald reagan. >> sam, thanks so much. we are geoing to get you a cup f coffee. "new day" will be start agent 5:00 a.m. tomorrow and all week. set your alarms an hour ahead for that. also, the governor of louisiana once again dealing with his state being in mourning, a deranged gunman killing three police officers, injuring three others. we'll hear from governor john bel edwards, next. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette.
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even in a situation like this, there is a choice. for you and for leadership. what do you do now? what do you say? the governor here in louisiana, john bel edwards, the superintendent of state police, cornell edmundson. where do we go from here. >> first of all, the message is we're not going to be defined by this horrible tragedy. we are better than this, obviously. and i want people to understand that we're going to resume our
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lives as normal here. but we are obviously have a lot of work to do in tems of making sure we protect the public. we have great law enforcement here in louisiana at the state and local level. but we also have great partners in the federal agencies that are helping us here as well. i know that we're going to get through this. i know it is hard to see it now. i genuinely believe we're going to come through and be stronger and better than ever. s it is extremely painful and there is a lot of hurting people. we spent a lot of time at the hospital with family members of the deceased officers and those who were injured. it is just a very, very tough day. >> just in communication with a federal agent who volunteer today stay overnight to try to find connections between the murderer here and other groups involved. what can you tell us about the investigation? you know who did this. the question becomes why. >> gaff long long out of missouri, we were able to
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forensically identify. three officers died. one is fighting for his life. it is critical we get it right. just because information comes forward, we're going to make sure we understand. my investigators last night, just after 1:00 a.m. this morning, they were actually interviewing individuals that he was speaking to, he was visiting with while he was here in the baton rouge area. we want know what brought him here, what kept him here, why he killed those police officers yesterday. >> does it bother you that this guy was able to go from kansas city to dallas, and then here and was talking in a very . >> he killed an individual. he ambushed these police officers. i mean, they didn't know what was coming up ahead of them. gunshots were fired, he was targeting -- >> you think he drew them to the scene? >> no doubt in my mind. whether he brought them to the
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scene or canvassing the scene, looking specifically for police officers, we know that is active from the videos and tapes we saw, that his prey was those police officers or any police officers in the area. >> right now you're investigating the use of force case that resonated around the country but now you have police officers who will be on edge colonel, vests and long guns themselves, what do you tell your men and women about how to do their job and not feel as though every situation they enter, they could be the target? >> i try to make it as simple as possible. they are safe with me. while they're doing their job, we train them to do, we go through great lengths throughout their career, we talk about scenarios that happened around the country and we put out people inside and say what would you do in that situation, we make sure we talk about it, communicate. they have to know you support them. you have their best interest. they'll trust you. if they can believe in you and see you're doing the right
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thing, they will trust you. my men trust me. they know i'll support them and be there with them. i ask them to be safe. remember their training. be aware of their surroundings. >> trust, trust is a big issue here. i know you met with president obama. have you asked him to come here? >> no, i did not ask him. we did speak yesterday. i did not ask him to come here. i want to know what the arrangements will be in terms of individual services and that sort of thing before we that conversation. >> one of the big issues of trust comes up surrounding policing, makes a lot of politicians, leaders uncomfortable, which is independent review of the use of force. sometimes the feds come in. they have a very limited scope in terms of what they can charge. their oversight is there, but not adjudicating the actual case what do you think of the idea of when you have questionable use of force, it is independent. it is not done by the police agency, not done by the prosecutorial agency, done by either the a.g. or something
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else. >> we're going to give serious consideration to that. i met with a group of legislatures from louisiana yesterday, and broached that topic. i know other states have done that over the last couple of years. and i met with a few governors, and they've told me it has largely been successful. i will tell you the baton rouge police department is not investigating the death of alton sterling. we have the federal government, the u.s. department of justice, they agreed to come in very early on to do an investigation. it is important that the agency that employs the officer applies lethal force not be the agency that investigates the officer when it is under circumstances like this, so much tension an anxiety in the community. we are going to look at legislative changes. >> colonel, any where you go in the country, people who speak out about excessive force are often the police officers from that force. it doesn't help them to have any bad acts, and that's something
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people should understand. governor, colonel, we're sorry for your losses. >> okay that was chris interviewing the governor and superintendent of the police. chris is racing to the airport to fly here to cleveland for the republican national convention, and we will both be joining you super early tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. that's when "new day" starts tomorrow and the rest of the week. so given the attack in baton rouge, should civilians be able to walk around cleveland with guns. the city's police union does not think so. so next, we ask oklahoma governor, mary fallon, about the risks here this week. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twenty-four seven. call
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welcome back to "new day." there is a lot of excite here here in cleveland, as well as the republic national convention because of those police killings in dallas and louisiana. they've asked the ohio governor for the open carry gun laws, but that's not what happened.
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so joining me now is co-chair of the rnc platform committee, mary fallon. she has endorsed donald trump and will be speaking at the convention thursday night. governor, thanks so much for being here on "new day." >> thanks, alisyn. great to be here. >> what do you think of the open carry law here in cleveland? >> we have an open carry in oklahoma also, and it is something that our people support, and our states. something our large late ture has supported. i heard what you were talking about with the governor being asked to not have open carry during this week. you know, the governor can't just automatically do away with open carry. there is a constitution. there is statutes, there is laws. he has to obey with those. certainly it is a big concern. but how can we keep america safe again, and whether it is at home or whether abroad. certainly, as i talk to families, as i talk to citizens they're very concerned about what is happened around the world and the failed policies in
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the past that has led us to this place that we have terrorism whether it is america or abroad. >> everyone, this is a tense time. this month has seen just incredible violence this week has seen incredible violence. according to at least the police union, they felt that the governor of ohio could do some sort of executive order and just suspend the open carry just for this week, to put everybody at ease so that you didn't think that somebody right outside the perimeter here had a firearm. >> certainly, i take the police shootings very seriously. but the governor doesn't have, according to him, the executive power to do that? >> do you have the executive power? >> no, if it is the constitution or statutes, the governor can't just bypass those. the main thing is we should be diligent, all respect our law enforcement, and i think there is a sense of loss of respect for law enforcement and i have a chief of staff who has a husband that is a police officer. she was telling me just last night how worried she about her
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husband, how her son is worried about their dad, respect for law enforcement is critical. especially having good law enforcement. so we don't have chaos in america like some of the countries that we have abroad. >> look, it is easy to say we should respect law enforcement and of course that's the answer, but there are people in the black community who don't feel that law enforcement respects them what is the answer to this rift that we're seeing? >> i think one of the answers is that we need to sit down and listen to each other, you know. there are people in the nation, especially in the black community who feel like their voices aren't being heard. we need to have that discussion to make sure your voice is being heard. i remember back a long time ago, a famous oklahoma yan felt like blacks weren't being heard. she had a sit in at a restaurant. any community, men, women, black, asian, have the conversation, and to talk, i
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think it is very important, and for people to listen. especially people who make public policy. >> i know you are making public policy. you're in charge of spearheading the platform that you are announcing. what is the headline. >> we're exciting to roll out the headline. of course, the big thing, as mr. trump would say, make america great again, which we're thrilled to do and work on and to talk about the failed policies of the past. why don't we have a strong vibrant economy, terrorism threats at home or abroad, how can we protect our borders and make sure we know who is coming into the united states. how can we create a government that works for the people, no the people working for the government. and how can we work on our national debt, which is a huge concern, especially when you look toward the future in our children's future. >> your platform has gotten criticism, the tenants that have been released, critics say it doesn't go far enough for lgbt rights, and in fact, it seems to be antilgbt in terms of not sort
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of acknowledging gay marriage and bathroom laws and all of the other things we've heard about. >> right. i was on the platform committee as the co-chair man. listening to the discussion and we had 1,200 delegate as cross the nation, we received 150,000 e-mails into the website as discussion suggestions. what we talked about, how can we make america great and how can we believe and stand for the human rights of all people. not just one segment, one class, one race. >> right, so when you hear that gay people don't feel that they're included in the platform. >> there were gay people on the committee themselves. we respect that. we're an inclusive party. we are a big tent. there are many ideas. we think all human beings, no matter who you are, deserve respect, deserve equal treatment, and should be respected in all that we do. and be protected. >> governor, thank you so much. we appreciate you sharing the
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platform with us and being with us on "new day." we'll be watching this weeks. meanwhile, melania trump has not said much on the campaign trail, but she'll take center stage tonight. we'll discuss what she may have in store. that's next. ef so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums.
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all right let's talk about what will happen tonight. donald trump's wife, melania trump, will address the convention. in primetime. she has mostly of course been on
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the sidelines. what will she say tonight. let's discuss with julia raffe, columnist for foreign policy and editor for new york magazine, gabe sherman. great to both of you here. what are we expecting from melania? >> we haven't seen her in quite a while. the last time she spoke at a campaign event, it was in april in milwaukee. she basically just, it was very short. it was about a two and a half minute speech. it was a laundry list of her husband's attributes, great negotiator, big heart. and then she said a very strange thing. she was brought out because donald trump was not doing very well in the polls with women. he had suggested that women should get punished for getting abortions, and corey lewandowski, the former campaign manager, had been charged with battery. and she said, you know, you know by now that when donald trump is attacked, he punches back ten times as hard, when you're man or woman.
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he treats everyone equally. and then there was another kerfuffle. >> you thought that was strange, because that wasn't a counster punch? >> it was to address issues or questions regarding whether or not donald trump is sexist or, you know, how he talks about women. i think she kind of made it worst by saying, you know, he hits women too. >> figuratively, we hope. >> right. >> so in other words, tonight you expect it to be fairly scripted. >> yes. >> the biggest stage she has ever been on, and this is a big moment, because the trump campaign has said that a big theme of the convention will be the family, and now this is the first family member to be addressing the convention. the stakes are high. she needs to set the tone. as we know, english isn't her first language. this will be a big moment and a very scripted moment. they've been planning for it. >> this will be on teleprompter. there shouldn't be any
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surprises. >> well, we got the surprise with the punching. the thing is that she doesn't do very well with these kinds of things. she didn't sign up to be a political wife. she wasn't in favor of donald trump running for president. she got behind him because she is the supportive wife. but she was trying to make him think twice, three times, four times before he did it. she wanted to be comfortable, wealthy, and out of the spotlight. she doesn't like being in the spotlight. she tends to fumble these things as she did in a may interview when she said a certain journalist provoked anti-semitic attacks against her. >> donald trump is doing something unusual, breaking the mold, as per usual. he is intro doosiducing her. what do we expect? >> well, he is going to, you know, with trump, you can't really predict, but it will be a lot about him. we saw in the "60 minutes" interview with mike pence, he'll introduce melania, but i can't imagine he won't use the opportunity to talk about
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himself. >> the last time he introduced her, he said she is beautiful, a great mother to our son, baron, and she is vech -- the thing is, she is a model. she is very beautiful and glamorous, but she is a homebody. she has never been a party girl. she is very much about staying at home. she is a lot like her husband. >> will it be peculiar if he takes to the stage but doesn't address sort of the news of the day, and doesn't talk about the tension and doesn't talk about the terrible murders of police officers, and only just talks about himself or his wife? >> well, clearly, yes. it also, i think the risk is that he could dilute his speech on thursday. it builds to the nomination on thursday. the fact that's willing to go out there, i think, you know, risks over saturation. you want to save the candidate for the end. >> but this is his style, right. he is the nerve center. he is the neutron core of the campaign. you can't -- he can't spend all that trump energy.
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like it is not expendable. and all his speeches are pretty similar to one another. he'll probably say something similar on monday that he'll say on thursday. >> maybe he'll appear tuesday. >> and maybe wednesday. >> it will be a fascinating week, however it plays out julia, gabe, thank you for helping. we look forward to talking to you throughout the week as well. thanks to all of you for watching. ne ne newsroom with carol costello picks up after the break. for only $10. ack office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids
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good morning, i'm carol costello, live at the republican national convention in cleveland, ohio. thank you for joining me this morning. the republic national convention kicks off in cleveland as the nation faces another senseless act of violence. police across the country are on edge, after three officers were killed and three others wound the in baton rouge, louisiana. the theme at the convention today here in cleveland, make america safe again. we are on the ground, in louisiana, in ohio, we're covering all the angles for you this morning. but let's start in baton rouge. that's where fredricka whitfield is this morning. hi, fred. >> reporter: good morning, to you, carol. this is very complicated here in baton rouge. the community still reeling, the police community


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