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tv   New Day  CNN  July 19, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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no, he is just a man. >> i blame hillary clinton personally for the death of my son. >> lock her up. that's right. >> there's no black america. there is just america! >> i would like to make something very clear, blue lives matter in america. >> donald trump will make america great again. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo. >> welcome to our viewers of the united states and around the world, this is "new day." it is 6:00 a.m. in the east. we're live in cleveland at the republican national convention. through the smoke with "queen" playing "we are the champions". >> i know that's how you want to enter every "new day" and i like
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it. >> everyday. tough questions for donald trump's campaign this morning. this was supposed to be a home run, but now there does seem to be an error on the field. melania trump gave a speech that was well received but now two passages appear be plajerized from michelle obama's speech at the 2008 democratic convention. how big a deal will this be? >> trump's campaign releasing a statement not providing much insight into how this happened, but we have this angle covered from every side. let's begin live inside the quicken loans arena. good morning, phil. >> reporter: good morning. it was the premier event of the premiere night of donald trump, melania trump, in primetime, expected to paint a picture of a husband that's come passionate, deeply personal side of donald trump. instead, trump campaign officials were scrambling and are now facing a growing headache. the similarities are startling. >> you work hard for what you
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want in life. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. >> melania trump's big moment on the national stage overshadowed by an unexpected moment, trump delivering a speech with plajerized passages of michelle obama's speech from the 2008 democratic national convention. >> we want our children and all children in this nation to know -- >> because we want our children in this nation to know. >> that the only limits to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. >> that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> reporter: and that's not all. >> that you treat people with
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dignity and respect, even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them. >> that you treat people with respect -- >> reporter: under a fire storm of criticism online, the trump campaign issuing this statement over night saying, quote, melania's team of writers took notes on her life inspirations and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking, but the statement doesn't acknowledge the allegations of plagiarism, mentioned who helped mrs. trump write her speech or explain where those fragments came from. in an interview shot before her big speech, melania seems to take most of the credit for the content of her remarks. >> i wrote it with a little help as possible. >> reporter: donald trump's apprentice like entrance to introduce his wife on stage, yet another moment that has everyone talking about this
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unconventional convention. it's important to note in the arena behind me last night the speech was very well received, but it was different from what we expected. if you look back just four years ago, ann romney gave a power house speech of personal moments about her relationship with her husband then gop nominee mitt romney. last night's speech for melania trump didn't include a lot of that, very general statements, her spin really on donald trump's stump speech. add that to the fact that it appears she was plajerizing from michelle obama the wife of the president that is attacked so regularly on the campaign trail and there are a lot of questions heading into day two of the convention. >> all right, we'll get some of those answers this morning when trump campaign reps come on, phil. thank you. republicans uniting to try to take down hillary clinton, each of the speakers hitting the presumptive democratic nominee hard last night, some calling for her to be sent to jail.
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hi, manu. >> good morning. before melania trump's speech overshadowed everything in the campaign, there were significant developments that happened earlier in the day. there was an effort by never trump delegates to sort of disrupt those proceedings on the convention floor. now that failed. there was an effort of very aggressive one to go after a common gop enemy, hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton's experience is the basis for her campaign. hillary clinton's experience is exactly the reason she should not be president of the united states. >> reporter: the republican party uniting on day one of the cleveland convention behind one goal -- taking down hillary clinton. >> if i did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, i would be in jail today. so, crooked hillary clinton,
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leave this race now. >> reporter: at least three speakers explicitly calling for the presumptive democratic nominee to be jailed for using a private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. >> we all know she loves her pantsuits. but we should send her an e-mail and tell her that she deserves a bright orange jump suit. >> reporter: including the mother of sean smith, one of the americans killed in the benghazi attack. >> i blame hillary clinton personally for the death of my son. hillary for prison. she deserves to be in stripes. >> reporter: one after another painting clinton as someone who can't be trusted. >> clinton and the obama administration for political reasons lied about the purpose of the attacks, including hillary clinton lying directly to the families of the people who were killed right to their face. >> reporter: gop leaders, tv
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stars past and present and rising stars of the republican party jumped at the chance to discredit clinton. >> it would be nice to have a commander in chief who can be trusted to handle classified information. >> reporter: the opening night of the convention coming one day after a second deadly ambush on police in less than two weeks. >> i would like to make something very clear, blue lives matter in america. >> reporter: with the nation on edge, the divide between police and the black community playing out on the convention floor. >> when they come to save your life, they don't ask if you are black or white. they just come to save you! >> reporter: including former presidential candidate and new york city mayor rudy giuliani who delivered a fiery speech on behalf of his long-term friend, donald trump. >> what happened to there's no black america, there's no white america, there is just america!
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what happened to it! where did it go! how has it flown away? >> reporter: trump himself drawing attention away for his own convention by calling in for an interview on fox news blaming black lives matter for instigating the recent police killings. >> when you're calling death to police and kill the police essentially, which is what they said, that's a real problem, bill. that's a real big problem. >> reporter: now, later today expect more significant developments on the convention floor. there will actually be vote to nominate donald trump as the hillary clinton for president and those trump delegates may do something, some theatrical displays to force those objections, make them be publicly known and also some convention speakers tonight including folks who have not exactly embraced donald trump, including house speaker paul ryan and also one man who was
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passed over as vice president, chris christie, we'll see what he says about mike pence. >> manu, convention is about two things, process and perception. how will the roll call go today with the nomination? how big a bounce will trump get out of this convention? let's discuss cnn political analyst and senior editor at the atlantic, ron brownstein, political anchor of time warner cable news, arel lewis and host of the david gregory show pod cast, david gregory. okay. we got one question that must be dispensed with, melania trump, those lines, not an allegation, which means a suggestion without proof, it is the same language in several instances as michelle obama used. how big a deal -- let's play it again so you can decide at home. >> barack and i were raised with so many of the same values -- >> from a young age, my parents
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impressed on me the values -- >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond. that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond. and you do what you say and keep your promise. >> what do you say, david gregory? >> look, i don't know that this is a lasting story but it's lasting long enough. we're talking about it this morning. conventions are things that candidates can control. they can control what happens over these days when tens of millions of people are watching and here you have a mistake. she clearly took from michelle obama's speech. they can come out and admit that. paul manafort will be on this morning will have to answer for that. so it got in the way of their message last night. these are highly choreographed affairs. this is not what they intended. >> slight correction, i'm guessing she didn't crib in the
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michelle obama's speech. it's really a reminder that donald trump is trying to build a national campaign on the fly. i mean, this is something they're hiring their staff, building their organization, putting together their infrastructure at a point at which this is usually well in place for the party nominee and this is the kind of mistake that you get into when you are building something, when you're moving down the road at 60 miles an hour. >> jeffrey lord, ardent trump supporter, our contributor, you know him well, last night on the air he said this is a big deal. this is not benghazi but they should have to answer for this. but she is running for first lady, if there is such a thing, not president. so how big of a deal is that? >> that's fair enough from the prosecution. cuomo now for the prosecution. >> i changed. >> it does feed into this impression that the trump campaign, both because it's sort of maybe understaffed but also trump himself as a candidate, not quite where you want him to be for somebody who and
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something like 100 days will be asked to be made the most powerful person in the world. details like this are supposed to be taken care of. to the extent that hillary clinton spent million of dollars advertising that trump university was a scam, trump mortgage was a problem, this guy left vendors in the dust and left them high and dry and that he is not quite honest in his dealings, this kind of adds to that. to the extebt that the campaign doesn't just come out and just resolve it. they put out a word salad statement around midnight last night -- >> that was a problem. >> polls showing majority of voters think he is not qualified for the presidency. to ron's point, are they up for all of this when you see mistakes like this, it makes you wonder. >> the balancing factor on this will be it's just not that big a deal. she is the first lady. things in politics -- >> not benghazi. that's what the kids say. >> unfortunately very low bar. the idea that things are unique in politics when it comes to rhetoric is also pushing the point a little bit, but you're right. we are talking about it.
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it's something the campaign has to explain. didn't handle well in the first instance. clinton knows how to accuse somebody of plagiarism, did it to barack obama in 2008. he did handle it the right way. he said that he is a friend of mine. he sent me the language, i used it. i'm okay. >> before this, you have to rate the speech as a mixed success in that it was very well deliver and she did very well, but really as pointed out in the report by phil, it did not do what the speech about mitt romney did in 2008, 2012, there was not a lot of humanizing of donald trump. if the goal of this week is to fill him out as a person, i say that was more of a missed opportunity than a seized opportunity. >> so let's talk about some of the other speeches. calling for hillary clinton to go to jail when the fbi director had just come out and said, you know, no charges need to be pressed here. >> well, the easiest way to unit the party which is a huge goal this week is to say hillary
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clinton as often as possible she should go to prison, she lied, she did all of those things, it was a cheap way to achieve that last night. ron and i were talking before, there was so much grievance and resentment and a kind of cataloging of what's wrong with america, what you should be afraid of, what you should be angry about, what is being taken from you, but not quite as much maybe that donald trump gets it but not as much about what donald trump can actually do about it. and i think that's -- you got to come to these conventions and think about what questions do we have to answer for voters that are really concerns about your candidacy. >> you have to get them feeling the right way and thinking the right things. >> they may save that for night three and night four. >> this is a big night as well because they'll talk the economy. i just came from baton rouge. the country was rubbed raw. that was not clear last night in what came across in the convention. unless you think all that's happening in the country is that police officers are being victimized by citizens which is
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certainly true, certainly true in baton rouge, but there's more to the story that was ignored last night. strong move? >> well, look, you turn over a rock. that is what you see in baton rouge. the ptsd of the killer that was involved of the problems that were in that department that we saw this televised killing of a civilian just about a week ago. you look at all the stuff, there is a lot of pain out there. how you handle it -- one way to handle it is what we saw last night, rage, anger, blame. the democrats will have an opportunity to sort of recalibrate it. frankly, seeing the heart rendering scene of patricia smith, all allow a grieving mother to say what she wants, but for the campaign to put her up front and center to really sort of feed on those emotions a very difficult thing to do. democrats are doing something similar. they're going to have the mothers of movement they call it, mothers who have lost sons to police violence over years and that, too, is that raw nerve in america and you got to ask -- they've got to ask themselves,
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is this the right way to bring the country together? >> let's watch this moment from pat smith the mother of sean smith who was killed in benghazi. >> i blame hillary clinton personally for the death of my son. innen e-mail to her daughter shortly after the attack hillary clinton blamed it on terrorism. she lied to me and then called me a liar. if hillary clinton can't give us the truth, why should we give her the presidency? >> so ron, in the room people were crying. they took cut aways of the audience. >> look, i think a good micro koz m of the challenge. when it comes to security, it's not a hard thing to convince the white house is on fire. the harder task is convincing them that donald trump is the firearm not an arsonist. when you convince them that hillary clinton sun fit to be
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president or things aren't going well, the stronger you will be. but the core challenge they face is convincing people who are oriented toward change that donald trump is an acceptable form of change. david eluded to the numbers, 60% have consistently said that he is not qualified to be president. if that number doesn't improve this week, that is the number that has to improve. if it's the same at the end of the week no matter hillary clinton's negatives can be 110% and i say the week not met its real goal. >> republicans want to go in and invade every country where isis is, the real debate about benghazi was the policy in libya to decapitate a country there and have the country deinvolve into chaos. that's a debate that should be happening this red meat for clinton haters. >> mismanagement of the situation and that was clear on the floor last night. >> panel, thank you. >> thanks. so, we're going to have a good opportunity for you on the show coming up. we have trump's campaign chairman paul manafort. what was the plan last night? how does he feel it was
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executed? and how is he going to explain what happened with melania trump's speech coming up. republicans as you heard coming together over the common foe of hillary clinton, but will their relentless attacks on her help them in the polls? we'll discuss that as well after the break. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette.
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the target of republican attacks at the convention clearly hillary clinton. speaker after speaker criticizing hillary clinton's past decisions and policies. here is a sample. >> unfortunately hillary clinton cannot be trusted. her judgment and character are not suited to be sitting in the most powerful office in the world. >> no private servers in the basement -- >> and no lying. >> especially to the fbi. >> we all know she loves her pantsuits. yes, you know what's coming. but we should send her an e-mail
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and tell her that she deserves a bright orange jump suit. >> well, sometimes attacks work and sometimes they backfire. so let's discuss all of that with anita mcbride, the former chief of staff to former first lady laura bush and former director of white house personnel and margaret hoover, cnn political commentator and republican consultant. ladies, great to have you here. >> thank you. >> the rival candidate is always a target. nothing new on that. calling for hillary clinton to go to jail, many of the speakers called for that. was it over the top? >> well, i think let's remember just a week ago there was a controversy that swirled around the indictment or the indictment that many believed might have been coming. >> the lack of indictment. >> the lack of indictment, absolutely. and this is fair game for a convention, as you said. there's a real discomfort amongst this group that's here that justice was not carried
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out. >> margaret, you rooked for rudy giuliani and rudy was particularly fired up last night. >> yeah. more than i've ever seen him. >> for a second, just tell me what you thought of that last night. >> look, rudy is not in the public eye as much anymore and i think he's very eager to do his part. he is a very enthusiastic campaigner. he always has been. but what you saw last night was i think his first time on the stage in four years and i think he was just trying to do good job for the trump campaign. you saw a very enthusiastic at times what felt like a yelling presence. you know, it surprised me. it surprised me. >> you knew him to be more measured. >> he is very strong. he loves opera. he is a very dramatic person. >> he is italian. >> there were operatic moments. there was also this moment when he talked about benghazi. there was a lot of talk about benghazi last night. >> sure. >> and he represented what
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hillary clinton said in what many believe was a misrepresentation. let me play that moment for you. >> hillary clinton's answer to congress about the death of these four brave americans because of her gross failures as secretary of state was, quote, what difference at this point does it make? >> okay. she did not say what difference does their death make. that is not accurate. she did not say what difference does it make that they were killed. she was talking about whether or not you call it a mob, whether or not you call it a video, whether or not you call it terrorism, what difference does it make? let's talk about what happened and how to fix it. so was that off base? >> every single person has seen ads cut and seen that clip over and over and over again and they know that that clip -- politics is perception. that clip came off as a pretty uncaring moment in hillary clinton's testimony saying what difference does it make, regardless of how you split
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hairs about what she was referring to. i think the larger point here isn't -- is that hillary clinton is a very problematic candidate because over many, many years there have been many mischaracterizations by her of things that have passed before people. she did mischaracterize and that's generous, the reason that those individuals died in benghazi to their parents. i mean, that is a really hard thing for anyone american to stomach. you want your leaders to be honest. you want them to tell the truth. now, hillary clinton will be a far more vulnerable candidate if she weren't running against donald trump. that's the insanity of this convention here. you're seeing t-shirts of people saying hillary should go to prison, which i actually think is a little bit over the top and is kind of this heated rhetoric that we don't like to see especially against the backdrop of some of the violence we've seen nationally, but against what we see from the trump campaign, you know, it almost sort of -- it's almost everything is fair game now.
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>> it seems like it. >> well, the other point is and margaret touched on this that the lying to the families. that is something that has been portrayed and you saw it in the mother of one of the victims of benghazi. that was a very painful presentation and the audience, what i saw, scanned in the audience, too, people visibly, visibly moved. can't underscore the personal feeling of this campaign. >> absolutely. >> it is getting very personal and next week will be the same. >> absolutely. and we'll have you both back then, margaret and anita, thank you for being here. melania trump's big moment in the national spotlight overshadowed by a plagiarism plain. how will trump respond to that? we'll ask trump's manager paul manafort live next.
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did you see the big speech last night at the convention? no, oh, don't worry about it. we have all the big moments for you. none bigger than when melania trump took the stage.
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huge national audience, big test for her. went out there to make the case for her husband on the first night of the convention, but there's a but, there were good reviews of the speech but then there were charges of plagiarism that what melania said bore striking resemblance to what michelle obama said in 2008. listen for yourself. >> barack and i were raised with so many of the same values -- >> from a young age, my parents impressed on me the values -- >> you work hard for what you want in life -- >> that you work hard for what you want in life -- >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do -- >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. >> joining us now for his take on the first night of the convention and all that followed, paul manafort,
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chairman for the trump campaign, good to see you, mr. manafort. how do you feel the first night went? and was the smoke machine and the song from "queen" your idea? >> well, first of all i think the night went great. our goal last night was the theme -- talk about the theme make america safe again. i think the speakers that we used last night to make that message we communicated it very clearly and very well. the goal of the program last night was to show people who have been affected by the policies of the clinton/obama administration in ways that would show that -- what the difference failed leadership makes in ordinary americans and all american's lives. we achieved that last night. i thought mayor rudy giuliani was understated. secretary clinton was a failure as secretary of state, that the problems in the world today are more acute as a result of the failed leadership of obama and
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clinton and then i thought melania trump hit it out of the park when she talked about her love of family, the feeling of an immigrant that comes to this country and succeeds and i thought that the feeling she has towards her husband and her depiction of the real donald trump came through loud and clear. >> who takes the fall for cribbing michelle obama's speech in 2008? whose fault is that? >> there's no cribbing of michelle obama's speech. these are common words and values that she cares about her family, things like that. i mean, she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. this is once again an example of when a women threatens hillary clinton how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work.
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>> all i'm saying is the language is strikingly similar. i'm not making a big deal of it. i know everybody is talking about it this morning, but i don't think it's an allegation. it's not some suggestion without proof. i think it happened. i don't understand why the campaign doesn't just own it and say people borrow phrases. that's what happened and move on. that's what ironically obama did in 2008 when clinton said that he cribbed from patrick. yeah, you're right, i did it. >> he did do it. that's correct. but in this particular case -- >> but melania didn't -- >> there was a collaboration -- certainly there's no feeling on her part that she did it, that what she did was use words that are common words. to expect her to think that she would do something like that, knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is just really absurd. >> right but again that's assuming that it was melania. i'm sure there were writers
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involved. that's the way you want to explain it, that's up to you. let me ask you about something else, john kasich, he is popular here, this is his state, you're coming in on a high, you want this to be positive, why do after kasich? you did it personally, trump did it personally? why not leave it alone. >> the governor of the state whether the democratic convention or the republican convention should address the convention. that was the only point i made last night. >> you said that what he was doing was dumb and that he's doing it because he thinks it gives him a better chance to be president again. >> i didn't say any of those things. i said that it was em bare raising for the state that the governor would not address a national party coming to his state to talk about -- to bring their political convention. >> right, but you were quoted as saying f he thinks that not embracing donald trump helps him be president again that's dumb, helps him to be president in the future, that's dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.
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there may have been a fourth dumb. i'm just asking you why you went that way and why he is popular and you won. >> look, we did win. it's governor kasich that hasn't recognized that. it's up to the governor. it's truly his decision. we invited him to come. he chose not to. and we're disappointed, but that was his decision. >> another thing that happened last night that i wanted to ask you about is you had pat smith come out and she is so emotional. and it really seemed that that was the hub or that was the real pivot point of the night, that the galvanizing effect of the outrage at benghazi and obviously pat smith being the mother of sean smith, one of the four americans to die there, very powerful. how important is that theme and that argument for you and your campaign? >> well, look, benghazi was a
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tragedy. libya is a tragedy. what's going on in syria is a tragedy. the rise of isis as a result of obama and clinton making a decision to pull our troops out without preparing iraq is a ka la sal mistake. pat smith's tragedy is more personal as a result of these failed policies. last night we wanted to talk about the failed leadership and how it does impact people's lives. that particular segment of the problem dealt with the problems that are caused by failures in foreign policy. but we also spoke about failures in america in the united states as well and the impact that has resulted from failed leadership. so we think the whole program last night correctly depicted a key point that donald trump has been making and one of the reasons why americans want change and are demanding change and why hillary clinton who owns all these problems and been part of the establishment for 25 years is not going to be able to get away from it.
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>> well, you were certainly preaching to the converted on that point last night. i mean, i think i heard hillary clinton's name mentioned more actually than trump for most of the program last night and of course it was almost exclusively in the negative. one of the interesting things when pat smith was speaking, did you know that donald trump was going to call in to fox news and do an interview during her comments? i've never heard of that before. >> i did not know that, no. >> what do you think of that move? >> mr. trump felt it was important to do and so he did it. i mean, he was moved by her speech, too. >> what's your take on that? >> he was moved by her speech, too. last night was a very emotional night -- >> how was he moved by it when he was on tv at the same time he was giving it? >> he had the tv on and he was watching it. we were talking to american voters throughout the country,
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many of whom were listening in to understand some of the themes that we're going to be talking about in this election and they heard a very clear message. >> no, i meant on the floor. there's no questions that you had tens of millions watching last night, it was a huge night, huge stage for melania trump also and by all accounts she handled it very well. so you have to be happy with that. now the family is going to factor in largely in what you're doing and that makes sense. tonight you have donald jr. coming up. i think also tiffany trump coming on. what can you tell us about what to expect? >> well, i think you're going to see a continuation of the people who know donald trump the best talking about the donald trump they know. certainly the families is an integral part of it. in the campaign, you've seen the candidate donald trump but you haven't seen the man and what we're trying to do in this convention is to explore all facets of his personality and make sure the american people understand his compassion and understand his generosity and understand his success as a
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businessman and how he has done things in business that people said were possible and that's going to be the basis for our belief that we'll be able to communicate to the american people that he can do the same thing as president. >> as we all know in politics, there's no better case for the candidate than their family. so we'll see. look forward to that tonight. paul manafort, you were at the convention. many thought this moment would never happen. you were brought in to make it happen. i'm sure there's no small measure of satisfaction for you in what's been going on here and what is to come. thank you for being on "new day." see you today. >> thank you, chris. all right. so, covering events around the world, terrifying moments on a train, an axe wielding man goes on the attack. what we're learning about the attacker and a possible motive next.
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♪ all right. you're going to be hearing about this interview today, so let's give you the first cut at it. paul manafort is the trump campaign chairman. you know to give him his due,
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this convention was never supposed to happen. manafort was brought in to make sure trump could win, could get the party under control and they've done just that and here we are now in cleveland. but he just said some things that are going to raise a lot of eyebrows. let's bring in david gregory and, of course, brian stelt zer, hoegs of reliable sources with us here. now, did melania trump's speech echo, copy michelle obama, the answer is yes. paul manafort says the answer is no. common language is used in politics all the time. this is about when a strong woman goes against hillary clinton. that's his defense. does it work? >> oh, i don't think so. it's just too cute by half. obviously melania who took credit for writing this speech obviously got help from staff that either deliberately did this or i don't know or they looked at common things you want to say about family and lessons in life, but they had some recent first lady speeches to
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draw on. and michelle obama's from 2008 came up. again, i don't know that this is the kind of thing that has a lasting impact, but it speaks to a campaign that's moved very quickly, that's been organized really behind the eight ball. mistakes like this can happen. then you have a situation when they really wanted everyone to be focussed on the themes that melania spoke about about her husband, rounding out her husband donald trump. instead we're talking about this misstep by the campaign compounded by the fact that paul manafort takes it to the level that this is hillary clinton taking on someone who is challenging her? i mean, this was in the wilds of the internet as far as i could tell. maybe the allegation is that they tipped off this guy who was a fashion reporter or something started unearthing this, look, anything is possible. all i say is they don't want this conversation this morning and i don't think they're putting it to bed very easily. >> here is exactly what paul manafort said. >> there's no cribbing of michelle obama's speech. these were common words and values that she cares about her
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family, that things like that. i mean, she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. i mean, it's so -- this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work. >> so brian, he said it's crazy that anybody would think this speech was plagiarized. does this also speak to what the campaign does when caught in something that has been misrepresented or something that doesn't jive? they say no, nothing to see here. >> i was sitting across from the bar when chris was speaking with manafort. there's a criticism of the strump campaign that goes like this, when confronted by factual inaccuracies or mistakes or misstatements, the campaign goes on the defensive and denies reality. we've seen that from time to
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time. this feels like one of those moments. now, maybe conservative media bubbles will support the trump campaign. we'll try to paper over this story, but i think that video you all have shown all over twitter and facebook tells the story really effectively, showing michelle obama and melania trump side by side. people, you know, you can't deny that kind of video. and so i'm a little bit surprised that manafort would go to the basic stance of that's not the reality. >> i feel what's going to happen here. why do you keep making a big deal of what melania trump's speech is about. it's not. because it is not the crime, right, to use that word loosely, it's the cover up. if the campaign responds to something so insignificant as this this way, what happens when it is real? another example that got brian stelter at the bar at 6:30 attention's interview donald trump was on the phone with fox news last night during pat smith's speech. i'm not saying it was right or
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wrong, it was. >> one of the four who died in benghazi. manafort said trump loved the speech. how when he was on doing an interview? >> he was on the phone. >> those are the kinds of things where it makes you suspicious of answers when you don't need to be. >> it might make it harder when you are on the fence. when they hear time and time and time again about cases where it doesn't seem like the campaign is being truthful. we don't want to put it all at trump's feet. it is strange time and time and time again they'll go to unusual ve responses to stories and it doesn't ring true to a lot of folks who see the video. >> i was walking around the hall yesterday talking to republicans. what they worry about with trump is a lack of discipline, a lack of message discipline, calling into fox when you have one of your stars for the convention delivering that kind of message. they worried about him getting distracted, not just here but later on. here as i keep saying all
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morning, this is what the campaign can absolutely control. when you cannot control you're in a controlled environment, you get into the wilds of the campaign, anything can happen. that's what republicans most worry about. >> thank you, gentlemen. democrats gathering in cleveland. debby wasserman schultz is leading the pack. what does she think about everything that happened last night? we're talking to her live momentarily. get back to great. this week these 1-subject notebooks just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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♪ all right. did melania trump crib, take some of the words from michelle obama's 2008 speech about her husband? whether you care or not, you may care more about this. trump's campaign chairman says that is absolutely not what happened. there was no cribbing. but this is an example of what hillary clinton does when a strong woman comes up against her. we'll play through some of the sound of what the chairman said. >> there's no cribbing of
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michelle obama's speech. these were common words and values that she cares about her family, that things like that. i mean, she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. i mean, so this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work. >> a denial and an attack. the democratic national committee chair debbie wasserman schultz is leading the efforts for the democrats in cleveland. she joins us now. what are you doing in cleveland? >> i am here to make sure that americans understand that the rhetoric that they'll hear on the stage this week demonstrates over and over that we should never let donald trump anywhere near the white house. >> you're here to counter, and now you have a good situation. >> melania trump did a good job
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last night. this isn't what she does. it sounded good. she seemed authentic. now, you have this problem with michelle obama's speech. it seems like that language was borrowed. i don't think that's in dispute. paul manafort says, no, no, no, that's not what's going on here. you guys, the clinton people are going after melania trump because she is a strong woman and you are planting the attacks that she cribbed from michelle obama. did you have anything to do with this? >> certainly melania trump deserves credit for delivering a very nice speech and comported herself well in front of the american people last night. the trump organization is going to have to answer for the content of that speech and the side by side is pretty clear and, you know, the evidence, as you said, really isn't in dispute, so we'll leave it to them to answer for the similarities between other individuals who have delivered speeches in the past. >> did team clinton bring this
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to attention of the media? did you plant this story? >> as i said, you know, i praise her for giving a very nice speech -- >> what do you make of manafort's suggestion? this isn't about what me llania trump said. this was too good so the clinton people will attack her? >> the trump organization, paul manafort or anyone all the way up to donald trump himself, any time they are caught red handed, engaging in distortions, inaccuracies, a fact pattern that is clearly not accurate, they blame someone else. and so they should be prepared to be held accountable for the content of anything delivered from the stage of the republican national convention. >> odd twist, i'll give you that, certainly breathes a big dose of oxygen on to a very small flame because it was melania is not running for anything. what i'm sure you're more concerned about was you guys took a beating in that hall last
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night. several times different speakers and certainly echoed by the gop audience said that hillary clinton should be in jail. mother of one of those who lost their lives, murdered at benghazi, said clinton lied to her face. how do you rebut that? >> obviously you have a grieving mother who -- as a mother myself i certainly can understand the wrenching heart ache that a mother would experience from having lost a son -- but this has been evident throughout the entire process that the republicans have engaged in when investigating benghazi that their true intent is not to get to the bottom of what happened because at the end of the day their investigation revealed that there was no wrong -- insidious wrong doing, on the contrary. and that kevin mccarthy, the majority leader of the
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republican house made it very clear on national television that their true intention throughout was in creating the benghazi select committee was to drag down hillary clinton's poll numbers. they are completely disingenuous in their intent. there was a commission created by secretary clinton to make sure that the facts that led to what happened in benghazi could never be repeated and that has been -- the recommendations of that commission have been fully implemented and, again, there has been nothing that has pointed to in any investigation that's been done that points to hillary clinton's wrong doing or any insidious attempt to have this be the result. >> debbie wasserman schultz here for the democrats in cleveland to rebut what happened last night and you probably hear plenty more tonight. appreciate you being on the show. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. we'll have a lot more convention coverage ahead. who is on the ballot tonight -- not the ballot, who will be
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speaking for you tonight and what's the fallout now from what's going on with this speech controversy next.
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donald is an amazing leader. now he will go to work for you. >> it's time to make america one again, one america! >> if hillary clinton can't give us the truth, why should we give
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her the presidency? she deserves to be in stripes. >> oh, we're going to win. >> donald trump is not only my hero, he's my life savor. >> wake up, america. you cannot sit this one out. >> it's time to take back our country and make america safe again. >> announcer: this is "new day." >> good morning, everyone, welcome to your "new day." we are live here in cleveland at the republican national convention. so much excitement here and we'll get to all of that. melania trump left the stage last night to rave reviews, but this morning some people are asking how portions of her remarks were plagiarized from michelle obama's speech at the 2008 democratic convention. >> although i don't even think that's the story anymore. the story has changed and just like the last 15 minutes. trump campaign's manager paul
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manafort came on and said not only was there no cribbing of the speech from michelle obama, not an easy case to make, but that what's really going on is that hillary clinton is going after melania trump for being a strong woman. that's going to reverberate. we have all the angles covered. let's begin with cnn's phil mattingly live inside the q arena. phil? >> reporter: good morning, chris. you spoke to paul manafort. i spoke to paul manafort shortly before he talked to you. they're not backing down on this defense, but one of the interesting elements here, guys, is last night was supposed to be melania trump's moment. today was supposed to be the moment where all we talked about was melania trump's speech. well, that, that's true, just not necessarily in the way the trump campaign would like. the similarities are startling -- >> you work hard for what you want in life -- >> that you work hard for what you want in life -- >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do --
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>> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. >> reporter: melania trump's big moment on the national stage overshadowed by an unexpected moment, trump delivering a speech with plagiarized passages of michelle obama's speech from the 2008 democratic national convention. >> we want our children and all children in this nation to know -- >> because we want our children in this nation to know -- >> that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. >> that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> reporter: and that's not all. >> that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them. >> that you treat people with
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respect. >> reporter: under a fire storm of criticism online, the trump campaign issuing this statement overnight saying, quote, melania's team of writers took notes on her life's inspirations and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking, but the statement doesn't acknowledge the allegations of plazerrism, mention who helped mrs. trump write her speech or explain where those fragments came from. in an interview shot before her big speech, melania seems to make moos of the credit for the content of the remarks. >> i wrote it with a little help as possible. >> reporter: donald trump's apprentice like entrance to introduce his wife on stage -- yet another moment that has everyone talking about this unconventional convention. >> and guys, al alisyn pointed out, the speech itself was very
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well received inside the convention hall, a big moment for the trump campaign, a big moment for melania trump who certainly doesn't speak. but interesting e-mail i just got a few minutes ago as paul manafort's comments to you guys were starting to spread around, some republican official said this, look, if you're expecting them to apologize, you haven't been paying attention over the last year. that's not the campaign's m.o. that's not how they operate. they don't apologize. they attack. and guys, that's exactly what you saw firsthand from paul manafort just last hour. >> look, there's a difference, phil, between apologizing -- apologizing and acknowledging and he didn't want to do that. so phil, thank you very much and right now we do want to take a closer look because all this has come up with paul manafort. so we want to compare melania trump's speech to michelle obama's speech for you. and then we'll show you the reaction that trump's campaign manager paul manafort gave us here on "new day." watch this. >> barack and i were raised with
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so many of the same values -- >> from a young age, my parents impressed on me the values -- >> you work hard for what you want in life -- >> that you work hard for what you want in life -- >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do -- >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise -- >> there's no cribbing of michelle obama's speech. these were common words and values that she cares about her family, things like that. i mean, she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. i mean, so this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work. >> okay. joining us now to discuss this is wisconsin congressman sean
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duffy who spoke last night at the republican national convention as well and we'll show you a portion of that, too. congressman, thanks for being here. >> great to be here. thanks for having me. bacon and coffee, yes. >> that's why you're here. >> that's right. >> that was just a small sample of the things that seemed early similar to melania trump's speech and michelle obama's speech. it went on. the words -- it didn't seem like it could just be a coincidence, my word is my bond, this is what we instill in our children, my word is my bond what do you make of this? >> i think those are words and phrases. it's too common. it's important if you're the campaign, we know someone wrote that speech for them, right? they have speech writers who put it together. blame it on a speech writer. apologize and move on and talk about hillary clinton, talk about the economy, talk about isis, let's talk about what's happening to our cops, but if you don't acknowledge at least something is there, this ends up
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being not just a one hour story, it's a one day, two, day, convention story. that's the problem. >> look, we're living it right now. that's the weird thing about this business is you wind up commenting on your own creations. we're supposed to be talking to you about how ridiculously more appealing and really comporting themselves for political office your wife is -- >> exactly. >> what an amazing thing for you and your wife and for your kids to be able to see mom and dad do. that was an awesome night for you, duffy. now here is where you are because it is not the crime. melania -- who cares whether or not she cribbed from michelle obama. she did a good job. she is not running for anything. manafort comes out and denies it's cribbed when the evidence is the ore way. he then blames hillary clinton. he denies his comments about john kasich. we're laughing but that's where it's not so funny anymore if you were running against somebody doing this. so i just tell you that this is
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your quote and you say, no, i didn't say it. okay. i then say i ask you why was donald trump calling into a television show when pat smith was talking last night and he says well he loved the speech. how? how could he have seen it when he was on tv at the same time. this convention is supposed to be about the truth and wanting somebody who tells the truth and this is not hillary clinton according to the gop. how does this help about the case? >> it's important if we're going to talk about the crime, these were a few phrases we're talking about. it wasn't sentences and para graphs. it's not that big of a deal. we should move on and acknowledge there were a couple phrases that are similar. we'll go back and talk to the speech writer and see what happened and let's go beyond that. in regard to donald trump commenting on the speeches, listen, it's call tivo or i pause my tv all the time and continue watching shows. so i'm sure -- >> it was live at the same time pat smith was giving her speech. >> you pause it and replay it. >> and watch it later?
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>> there's new technology that does that, chris. >> i know, those are new facts you're injecting into the conversation. we don't know that he did that. >> we don't know that he didn't. do i think donald watched the speech. i'm sure he did. >> yes, but the point is without acknowledging it, what does that say about the campaign and their tactics? >> first of all, i don't think he should have called in during the speech. this is a big moment. it's an important story. and it would have been nice for the fox viewers at that point to have a chance to hear it instead of hearing from mr. trump. i don't think that was the best call to take the limelight away of from them off the stage, but that doesn't mean he didn't watch it, in my opinion. >> it's a pattern, though. melania is not a big deal but then you basically lie about it. okay? that's what it comes down to. this is the same set of phrases. you're right, it does happen a lot in politics. explain it that way. it's not what happened. john kasich, the trump campaign decided to go after the popular governor of ohio. i get what the beef is, but it's
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an odd play. so i ask about it. it's denied even though i read the quote to manafort about what he said. he said i didn't go after kasich. he says if he thinks not supporting trump to be president that's dumb, dumb, dumb, may have been a fourth dumb. that's the quote. why do things this way? it makes the story worse. >> i don't think it helps the campaign. i'm sitting on the side we have the google searches that people are looking up during the convention, in the end, we are going to move behind the phrase scandal between melania trump and mrs. clinton. or mrs. obama. >> look at you forwarding the narrative just like that, duffy. >> we are going to go to the issues of the campaign. look at the cop killings happening in america, people care about that. they care that hillary is a supporter of black lives matter and that's the movement that's inspiring some of this violence. they care about isis that's inspiring killers across the country. they care about the economy. and so, maybe this is your
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point, why in the hell are we talking about, you know, lifting language when we should be talking about that at the republican convention? i think there's a lesson that the campaign can learn. >> yes. >> you can engage with the media a little more effectively if there might be a little more honesty and you know truth telling. but donald trump has been successful throughout his campaign by actually pushing back and being a bulldog. frankly, americans want a bulldog in the white house to go fight for them. >> that will also tell us the truth, though. >> he could have pushed pause, chris. he could have still watched the show. come on. >> i'm holding out on that one. there are other instances, by the way. >> watch the moment with sean duffy -- >> sean duffy had a great night with his wife last night. here is a little taste. >> we have some pretty simple rules in our house. clean your room. >> no teenage boys in your bedroom.
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>> no waking mom and dad up on saturday mornings. >> no private servers in the basement. >> and no lying. >> especially to the fbi. >> so how long did you guys take to come up with your schtick? >> we wrote that speech. no one wrote that for us. we worked on it for a couple days. we wanted to have fun. it would be a heavier night with all the safety stuff, the isis, benghazi, some of the things happening with the law enforcement, we wanted to have fun with the crowd, talk about the aspirational part of america and take a few jabs at mrs. clinton, so we had fun and the crowd was great to engage with and you could tell my wife is very attractive and did a great job and we had a good time. i have to tell you -- we do have a 6 week old baby and 14-year-old son for an hour was downstairs taking care of the baby. he is a rock star. he did great. >> he is a good brother.
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>> he was a champ. so, he gets the rest of the convention off. >> that's great. >> congratulations on that. thanks so much for being here. >> that's 14 years. i'm 16 from my oldest, 13 years from andrew, my oldest sibling and it worked out great. >> you turned out well. >> they took care of you sort of. >> not because of their fault that's what i'm saying. great to have you congressman. >> thank you for having me on. >> so donald trump has a history of being unapologetic. congressman duffy making the same point. but was this the right time to push back and go on the attack over melania's speech? so, what does this mean about how the campaign handles crisis? we discuss next. and have a good♪ the ford freedom sales event is on! and zero for 72 is back! on 2016 ford focus, fusion and escape. plus specially tagged vehicles get an extra $1000 smart bonus. that means freedom from interest... and freedom to choose... with ford, america's best selling brand.
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we want to talk about what has just happened here on "new day" when trump campaign manager paul manafort, campaign chair manager paul manafort denied moments ago on our program portions of melania trump's speech last night were lifted
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from michelle obama's. it contained phrases strikingly similar to michelle obama's speech in 2008. listen to this -- >> there's no cribbing of michelle obama's speech. these were common words and values that she cares about her family, that things like that. i mean, she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think that she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. i mean, so this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work. >> all i'm saying is the language is strikingly similar. i'm not making a big deal of it. i know everybody is talking about it this morning, but i don't think it's an allegation. it's not some suggestion without proof. i think it happened. i don't understand why the campaign doesn't just own it and say people borrow phrases. that's what happened and move on. that's what ironically obama did in 2008 when clinton said that
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he cribbed from patrick. he said, yeah, you're right, i did it. >> no. he did do it. that's correct. but in this particular case there was -- >> but melania didn't? >> certainly there's no feeling by -- on her part that she did it. you know what she did was use words that are common words. to expect her to think that she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is just really absurd. >> all right. let's discuss this with our panel, cnn political commentator and talk radio host for kabc john phillips is a donald trump sporter. margaret hoover a republican consultant and cnn political analyst and host of the gregory gregory pod show pod cast david gregory. are you surprised by paul manafort's response? it seems as though there were
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verbatim repeats. >> as we scrutinize this as the morning wears on and digest it, couple things are true, nobody will believe that those portions were not lifted from michelle obama. that's not what she thought she was doing. i don't think anybody is laying this on melania even though she claimed to have written this speech. there's a staff in place helping her prepare to give a major address of tens of millions of people. but what do we learn about campaigns in these moments? that's the bigger issue here. when they're under stress, when they face scrutiny, how do they respond to launch to hillary clinton this is a sexist thing that they'll launch against her, this is what happens when a woman threatens hillary clinton. >> it's really the only issue. >> blame the media if you want. >> you're not blaming the media for this one. what happened with this speech happened. period. how you deal with it matters. and this isn't just about melania, you know, if we're going to be straight about it,
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let's be straight about it. he definitely didn't want to acknowledge what happened with the speech. okay. but how he did it was to go after clinton. that's style points. he definitely went after governor john kasich. i read him his own quote, he denied it. donald trump was definitely on television while pat smith was speaking last night, so he was not watching the speech at the same time. this was about how you handle it. if your campaign is about the truth and hillary clinton is a liar, don't you have to kind of tow the line and at least try to tell the truth? >> what donald trump do yes is play to his brand. he is the guy who fires people. find somebody, some head to roll and say, look, we all know what happened is that a staff member lifted parts of michelle obama's speech, put it in melania's speech and embarrassed her. donald trump was on the stage introducing her last night in this massively unprecedented move to come on the first day of the campaign. he needs to find who is responsible, make them
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responsible, say you're fired and move on. that would show ownership of a mistake. it should show he is on top of his campaign. it would play to his brand. everybody would accept it. nobody blames melania for this and it is embarrassing for her. >> they got rid of their social media guy for less. >> he tweeted making fun of corey lewandowski and got rid of him. >> are you surprised by paul manafort's response, nothing to see her. >> if i was him, look, part of the goal of this convention is to make donald trump and melania look presidential and she was just channelling her inner jill biden and move on from there. look, margaret is 100% right. >> running for vice president. he had his own plagiarism snafu. >> this is a campaign operated on a shoe string budget. now he is the nominee. you need to spend money on professional speech writers so mistakes like this don't happen.
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>> this is also about how qualified they are, how competent they are about a campaign and what that says about how they would govern. the fact that trump is in this position as the nominee, they put this together and at the end of this convention they may be in a better place than they've been up to now. but they have not put in places all the traditional pieces of a campaign, including their speech writers to avoid these kinds of mistakes. >> by the way, this is not just sort of tactics of a campaign, well maybe he is untraditional okay. lot of supporters would say that's fine. this is about running a country, running the largest country in the world. the reason it's important to have important and well qualified speech writers there is because words matter around the world. >> you don't need to be a pro to tell the truth. here is the case i heard on the floor last night after this will be decidedly more difficult place to walk around tonight but that's the job. she lies. she lied about the e-mail. she lied about benghazi. he may not be a politician. may not be polished or
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presidential but i believe him. okay. that's what this is. if john allen is talking to joel the functional equivalent of paul manafort within the clinton organization and he not just denies what was said in the speech but he then denies two other things that you know are absolutely true, how do you handle it as a little wink and a nod or do you think the campaign has a real problem that they need to clear up asap? >> look, nontraditional candidates have certain allowances from the elect rat that professional politicians don't have. we saw that in california with governor arnold schwarzenegger, he made a lot of mistakes and had many mistakes on the campaign trail. he comes from the private sector, comes from hollywood, not a professional politician, they don't hold them to the same standards. >> lying is not the same. >> what is the criticism of hillary clinton she is often too cute by half at the very least,
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if not outright being untruthful. in this case your looking how to get to a place where he can speak to think he is unqualified, whether he is a disciplined person, all of these things go to that. it's the people around him. >> this is the guy who only hires the smartest people, right? he is good because he can identify the right deputies. >> manafort saved his bacon with this convention. we are largely here today because paul manafort swinging things around for the trump campaign. i'm saying if lying and telling the truth will be the balance of power in this election, they need to clear this up and fast. >> on that point, there is an opportunity here for him to say, look, a mistake was made. we fired someone. the situation is resolved and then go back to attacking manafort. >> right now it's paulman fort. >> if he transitions and says,
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look, i'm going to fix this problem because this is unacceptable and goes after hillary's story line that she's the one the adult in the room, it could be effective. >> see, david, trump supporters think we work ourselves up in a lather about all this stuff that they just don't think is important. they will think plagiarizing, who cares. she lifted a couple of lines. he can fight isis. he says he is going to restore order between the police and communities. they just think that we talk about all this stuff and doesn't resonate with them in their heart. >> that's true, but both things can be true. people can believe that. there's other people will see this as more of a knock on him and something they want to be concerned about and maybe there's people that just kind of forget about it but it becomes part of the public opinion about him and more than anything else is the point i made earlier which is this is his convention. they have total control and they have totally botched this so far. on the first night, big
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primetime speech. it has emerged that part of the speech was cribbed from michelle obama. michelle obama of all people, not like they're here to celebrate the obamas. that part is just an error. >> look, by the way, there's nothing not to respect about the theme of what she was saying, the sentiments whether it's from michelle obama. >> this was a good night for your party, margaret. came out strong out of the box with what they believe the theory of the case is to win laid out most passionately by mayor rudy giuliani. but lying matters. if you lie small, you'll lie big in politics. look back in the iraq war that donald trump is such a big fan of, what happened with the yellow cake, it was about lying. weapons of mass destruction was about lying. banging on the e-mail situation not because classified information got sent, because it didn't in any real way and we all know that, but it's about lying. how is that not communicated by this situation? >> well, that doesn't square with the major allegation about
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hillary's credible and hillary's honesty, right? >> that's the big ax you were swing last night. she can't be believed. >> i want you to know and i want everybody to know that there are 52% of republicans are unsatisfied with donald trump as the nominee. i am one of them. we all know that this party is not unified. what concerns me is that all of the trump supporters who are here who are delegates in this convention hall will absolutely say this is unfortunate, melania was great and they'll move on. the challenge is the majority of republicans and the majority of voters who vote every four years in presidential elections and that's it are just beginning to turn on their televisions and hone on in who are the candidates and who am i going to vote for and this is the first story they hear. >> panel, thank you very much. great to have you here with us this morning. republican senator, susan colinings, she is making it clear that she is not very pleased with donald trump. will she vote for the
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presumptive gop nominee or would she go for hillary clinton? her thoughts in a one on one interview next. -watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. now get a swiss gear backpack for only $10. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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not all republicans are on board with donald trump, in fact, republican senator susan collins says she is still on the fence about the nominee, so will she vote for the still presumptive gop nominee or ultimately shun her party and cast a ballot for hillary clinton? let's bring in cnn special corespondent who joins us with her sit-down interview with senator collins. hi, jamie. >> good morning. we asked her to talk about his temperament and judgment which she has a lot of concerns about. we asked about whether she might really vote for hillary clinton and who she thinks is going to win, but we started by asking her just why she is so troubled with donald trump. >> i've been concerned about donald trump's comments on everyone from john mccain who is a true war hero, which was one
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of his first comments to his comments on the american judge of mexican heritage. and that was very troubling to me. so, there have been other comments as well that i felt have been demeaning of women, of people with disabilities and those have caused me to take a step back. >> is there a possibility you won't vote for him? >> i haven't decided what i'm going to do in the fall. unfortunately there's quite a bit of time left for me to decide. it will be interesting to see what donald trump says at this convention, whether he can be more inclusive, whether he can reach out to people and groups whom he has insulted. i hope that he can and that he will. there are some things that donald trump has said that i completely agree with, for example, his focus on jobs and
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relieving the stagnation of wages in this country. the fact that there have been some poorly negotiated trade agreements that have cost us good manufacturing jobs in my state and others. on those issues, i think he is on the right track. but there are other areas where i disagree with him. >> you were quoted in an interview saying that it was possible that you were leaving the door open that you might vote for hillary clinton. you then went on to say it's very unlikely, but is the door open that you would vote for hillary clinton? >> well, i have always supported the nominee of my party my entire life and it is extremely unlikely that i would vote for hillary clinton. >> but. >> but i'm not completely closing the door but it is extremely unlikely. it is more likely that i would decide to write in a candidate
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or choose another approach, but again, i haven't ruled out voting for donald trump. we still have a ways to go and i do believe in redemption and there is a chance that he will make amends, start acting more presidential and come up with a positive agenda for our country. >> we've had a series of incidents where african-american men have been killed by police, most recently in minnesota and baton rouge. now we've had police officers killed in dallas and this week baton rouge. what is your take on the state of race relations and the tension that we're all feeling right now? >> it seems like america is on edge. and this cycle of violence has to end. all of us have to unit toward that goal. there's never an excuse for
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attacking or killing law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line everyday, who leave their homes and their loved ones don't know whether they will return at night. i was also influenced by a speech that senator tim scott, one of two african-americans in the senate, gave on the senate floor. he is a conservative republican, and he talked about his experience of being stopped nine times by police in one year when he was driving. he described being given a hard time by the capital police as he tried to enter the chamber despite the fact that he was wearing his pin signifying that he was a member of congress. and it was such an eloquent and poignant speech and truly a call for action. >> so last question, forecast
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for me, give me a prediction who is going to win in november? >> the prediction i will make is that it will be very close. >> very interesting. >> she won't say donald trump. >> right. she is probably right in terms of her prediction that it will be very close. >> very close. >> but it was fascinating to listen to her. many republicans who may have had some misgivings were placated by the pick of mike pence as vice president. what does she think? >> she doesn't know mike pence very well. she said she had never worked with him. she is very respectful of him, but they are very different on a lot of issues. so mike pence is not an influence with her vote and i think what's most important is not -- she is not only an important part of the republican party as the senator for maine, but she represents a vote that donald trump has to get and that's moderate republican
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women. and so he has to win over her but in winning over her he has to win over a lot of voters like her. >> well, thanks so much, jamie, for sharing that interview. it was great to hear it. thanks so much for being here. another theme we've been talking a lot about this week is of course the racial divide. the country is on edge with the racial tension and this was before the shooting deaths of three officers in baton rouge. so up next we talk to the former police chief in baton rouge about what's being done to prevent another tragedy. for the adult and kid in all of us. ♪ kellogg's frosted mini-wheats® feed your inner kidult ♪ ♪
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investigators in baton rouge are searching for a more developed motive and any other people who could have been involved with the ambush that killed three baton rouge police officers and injured three others. one official says there is no doubt that police officers were targeted and assassinated. let's discuss with former baton rouge police chief jeff laduff. chief, i'm sorry to be
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discussing this issue. we're not suggesting there's any coordination between them other than what's in the air right now. what is your concern going forward? >> well, i think that we have to really concentrate on the fact that we don't know what all the data is yet. we have to really dig down into this and make sure there is no connection. i think that we want to know everything that we can about each one of those shootings, both dallas and baton rouge, because we have to prepare. it's just a new phenomenon in our country. it's just something that we're going to have to face and we have to get our officers ready for that. law enforcement works off of muscle memory, training, repetitive training. i don't think there's training for this right now. we have to start developing a new model. i think we have to know what everybody is thinking about and how this came about. we really do, chris.
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>> so we have to do the investigation. you also have to deal with the context of what's going on in the country right now. >> yes. >> i was down there in baton rouge. it's a good place. they are good people. i've been there many times. i've seen you come through hard times together, you're faced with them again. it was natural tragedy last time, man made this time and people were scared that their police were targeted. they didn't like it, but they also didn't want to forget what happened the week prior to one of its citizens. how do you balance the two? >> well, i think that every life is important, chris. and i was talking to some people yesterday. i understand death. i've seen everything that can die die in our city. and i'm tired of it. i think everyone is tired of it. and we have to have conversations, real wholistic conversations to make people understand that it's not about one death or two deaths, it's about all of the deaths. and what we can do as a community to make sure that
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moving forward that we're taking care of our people in a better way. >> i hear you. that was supposed to be a message here at the gop convention last night. several people tried to touch on it. i want to play part of sheriff clark last night of milwaukee, get your reaction. >> ladies and gentlemen, i would like to make something very clear, blue lives matter in america! what we witnessed in ferguson and baltimore and baton rouge was a collapse of the social order. so many of the actions of the occupy movement and black lives matter transcends peaceful protests and violates the code of conduct we rely on. i call it anarchy. >> do you believe that black lives matter is the problem here, that they are anarchists? >> you know, no.
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i don't think we have that. what we have here is somebody who came from outside of our community. we have somebody who came in, drove 800 miles, came into our community, not knowing any of us, and found a site where he saw a few officers congregated and he took his energy, his emotion, his drama, whatever it was in his life, he came here to hurt our people and he did that in an unprecedented way. so, this is not one of our people. this is not an energy that's born from within our community. i don't know if anybody in this community knew this man. i don't know if he spoke to anybody. i think you saw police cars, he saw opportunity and he put those together and took advantage of it. >> what do you think the hope is for getting to a better place? how do we do it? >> i think we get up the morning
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in baton rouge and we walk out of our house and we talk to somebody that we've never had a conversation with, that we've never seen before, that looks different than me. as an african-american man in this community, i need to walk up to somebody who is maybe white, that's younger and let's find out what our common ground is. i think we spend too much time in our communities looking at our dumpbss and what one has versus what one doesn't have, let's spend time concentrating on our similarities and then we build those blocks. we have to heal in our community. we've been through a lot. we survived katrina. we've surveyed gu staph. they were natural. this is man made. but we are a strong, resilient community. i love our people. and we, too, we're going to heal. i promise you, this city will
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heal. >> and we're going to watch because we need to see how communities come through situations like this, chief, thank you for the words and appreciate you being on "new day." >> thank you, chris. so we're going to take a break now. melania trump speech controversy is getting worse. it shouldn't be that big a deal. melania trump is not running for anything. she did a good job. it was a good night for the gop. but now we're going to talk with the senator who is speaking at the rnc tonight about how the campaign responded, refused to acknowledge what's obvious to everybody and then kind of compounded it. was what does it mean for tonight next? ♪
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the trump campaign denying any wrongdoing after melania trump's speech seems to have lifted parts from michelle obama's convention speech back in 2008. listen to the two speeches. >> barack and i were raised with so many of the same values. >> from my young age, my parents impressed on me the values -- >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond
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and do what you say and keep your promise. >> that you treat people with dignity and respect even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them. >> that you treat people with respect. >> barack and i set out to build lives guided by these values and to pass them onto the next generation. >> and we need to pass those lessons onto the many generations to follow. >> because we want our children and all children in this nation to know -- >> because we want our children in this nation to know -- >> that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams. >> that the only limit to your a achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.
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>> we want to bring in shelly moore capito. thanks so much for being here. >> good morning. >> great to have you. how do you think that happened. when you listen to that does it seem apparent to that some of the lines were lifted from michelle obama's speech? >> it raises a question. melania did a wonderful job. i don't think anybody can really appreciate how difficult that would be. her purpose was to bring her husband more human and family and her experience as an immigrant and i think she did that very well. if in fact the staff work in this was shoddy, i think it should be admitted and moved on. >> that's not what the campaign has done this morning. as you point out her speech was well received inside the hall. people thought she hit it out of the park. her delivery was great. they could have sloughed this
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off and said her speech writer made a mistake. paul manafort was on our program an hour ago and he denied it and he wouldn't even acknowledge that a speech writer might have made a mistake. let me play that moment for you. >> there's no cribbing of moe l michelle obama's speech. these were common words and values. she was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. she knew that. to think she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton, how she seeks to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work. >> he says the suggestion is crazy that that would have been lifted from michelle obama's speech and that this is really about a woman threatening hillary clinton. what do you think of that response? >> i think what you need to look
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at the crux -- she was talking about love and family. those are universal values. she probably wanted to express those. i don't know the details of how the speech was created. if there was a mistake there, i think we're better served and donald trump is better served to just admit it and move on. but we'll what happens. it's a shame this is now the story after she did such a beautiful job last night, talking from the heart. >> the story is bigger than this. and that is how the campaign responds to trouble. when there's trouble, when there's a suggestion of something being not quite right, they deny it and go after hillary clinton. is hillary clinton threatened by melania trump? that was his suggestion. >> i can't imagine that's really a part of what americans are thinking about today. i think they're thinking i know more about donald trump today because i've seen his wife express her journey into this country, how hard she's worked, how she values hard work, how
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she and donald have built a family. that should be what we're talking about today. >> tonight you will be speaking and speaking about work and hard work. explain to us why donald trump's message has so resonated with the people of your state west virginia. >> west virginia is made up of a lot of hard working men and women and we've been pretty much kicked to the curb our energy industry, our coal miners are out of work, our school systems are over budget, our teachers are losing their jobs, our state's having a terrible fiscal problem with no sense that the obama administration even cares. secretary clinton says she's going to continue this. she's going to continue the legacy of president obama and his economic policies. and to west virginians that is a major, major disappointment. >> what has donald trump said specifically about education? >> he says he understands. he says we're going to change it. we're going to do something
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different. and the way he says it and the fact that he comes from business and not a 25-year life of public service makes him a more credible candidate in the eyes of west virginians. he just blew through the primary and i think we expect him to do that in the general. >> what do you think specifically he will do for your state? >> i think he's going to create policies that get government out of the way. the regulatory burden on average americans is enormous. the regulation that is the obama administration has put forward has been partially the cause of why we see such massive unemployment and dissatisfaction and pessimism and despair across my state and across the country. he's created jobs himself. he's grown businesses. he's financed businesses. i think there's a lot of confidence in his ability to get
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people working again. >> thanks so much for being here. >> have a good new day. >> thank you. i like how you phrased that. well done. we have much more on the issues surrounding melania trump's speech as well as the response to it. so let's get to that. ♪ everyone wants change. donald is the only one that can deliver it. >> we're going to win. we're going to win so big. >> is donald trump a messiah? no he's just a man. >> i blame hillary clinton personally for the death of hi son. >> lock her up. that's right. >> there's no black america, there is just america! >> i would like to make something very clear, blue lives matter in america!
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>> donald trump will make america great again. this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. good morning. welcome to your new day. it is tuesday, july 19th, k in the -- 8:00 in the east. the trump campaign is having a tough morning. they had a great night. but now they're having to respond to fall out after it appears portions of melania trump's speech were plagiarized from mobile obaichelle obama's speech. >> trump's campaign chairman called those allegations absurd right here on "new day." he pointed the finger at hillary clinton for creating a stir. so we have every angle of this story covered starting with fill
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m -- phil mattingly. >> reporter: good morning. the trump campaign not apologizing. in fact, going on offense. this is play book for them, but it really underscores a problem that they have. melania trump was expected to be the headliner last night and the message throughout this morning, giving personal anecdotes about her husband, humanizing him. instead, the campaign has a major headache to deal with. >> the similarities are startling. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. >> melania trump's big moment on the national stage over shadowed by an unexpected moment, trump delivering a speech with plagiarized passages of michelle
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obama's speech from the 2008 democratic national convention. >> we want our children and all children in this nation to know -- >> because we want our children in this nation to know -- >> that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. >> that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> reporter: and that's not all. >> that you treat people with dignity and respect even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them. >> that you treat people with respect. >> under a firestorm of criticism online, the trump campaign issuing this statement overnight, saying, quote, melania's team of writers took notes on her life's inspirations and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own
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thinking. but the statement doesn't acknowledge the allegations of plagiarism, mention who helped mrs. trump write her speech or explain where those fragments came from. in an interview shot before her big speech, melania seems to take credit for most of the content of her remarks. >> i wrote it with as little help as possible. >> reporter: donald trump's apl apprenti apprentice-like entrance to introduce his wife on stage, yet another moment that has everyone talking about this unconventional convention. guys, it is important to point out melania trump's speech behind me last night was very well received among the convention's delegates. she rarely appears on the campaign trail and never really speaks. again, the problem the trump campaign faces this morning is they're not talking about melania trump's very personal speech. they're talking about the plagiarism issue. i ran into one gop official this
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morning and asked him how he was going. he responded, oh, just great, totally wanted to talk about plagiarism all day today. sarcasm, obviously. the campaign has made very clear they are not backing down on this issue any time soon. >> no question. we're driving the cycle of understanding on this. this is not about melania trump. she had a good night. she did something that was very difficult and did it very well and helped her husband in the process. those were the reviews on the floor where we were and online and everywhere else. the story now is what seems to be obvious cribbing was obviously and deceptively dealt with by the trump campaign. paul manafort largely responsible for the success of donald trump in getting to this point at this convention, says
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there was no cribbing and what's going on here is hillary clinton attacking a strong woman for standing up for herself. now, let's just deal with the speech part once and for all. here is what melania said and here's what michelle obama said. >> there's no cribbing of michelle obama's speech. these were common words and values, that she cares about her family. she was speaking in front of 5 million people last night. she knew that. to think she would be cribbing michelle obama's words is crazy. this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton, how she seeks to demean her and take her down. it's not going to work. >> all i'm saying is the language is strikingly similar. i'm not making a big deal of it. i know everybody's talking about it this morning. but i don't think it's an allegation. it's not some suggestion without
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proof. i think it happened. i don't understand why the campaign doesn't just own it and say people borrow phrases, that's what happened and move on. that's what obama did in 2008 when clinton said he cribbed. he said, yeah, you're right, i did it. >> no. he did do it. that is correct. but in this particular case there was a process certainly of collaborati collaboration. certainly there's no feeling on her part that she did it. you know, what she did was use words that are common words. to expect her to -- to think that she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is really absurd. >> barack and i were raised with so many of the same values. >> from a young age, my parents impressed on me the values -- >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond,
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that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. >> we have a lot to discuss with our panel. we have mark preston, david c l challion and david gregory. so where are we with this? it might not have been a big deal, what happened with the plagiarism of the speech but now paul manafort has strictly denied it, called anybody who thinks there was possible plagiarism crazy. >> that's not going to be the last response from the trump campaign, i can guarantee that. when you watch the tape side by side, you're not going to be able to main an thatain that po. it's not entirely fair to
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melania trump either. she gave a really good speech last night, good performance, went up there and did something she does not normally do, she attested to her husband all those things. she's going to want this campaign to clean it up as cleanly as possible so they can move on from this. >> dragged in, true. they put her in a bad position, whoever cribbed it and wrote it and did it. paul manafort saying she doesn't have any feelings that she did any plagiarizing. i'm sure she doesn't, because it was done for her. i'm surprised today if she doesn't come out herself. this is a very smart, very independent person who does not want to be framed the way the campaign may wind up framing her. >> is she allowed to do that? >> she's allowed to do whatever she wants. >> the candidate, i'm sure, is not very happy about what's happened here. the fact that manafort told you that she does not have a feeling that she plagiarized indicates
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they had a conversation about it. >> so he can't say i didn't know anything about it. >> so the pattern here is that the trump folks are denying the obvious or lying about the obvious even if it's not something that would ultimately be that consequential. this is now taking night one. everybody is talking about it and everybody is reading about a huge example of campaign malpractice in an otherwise good speech using, yes, common language. now you've got governor chris christie saying well 93% of the speech was actually her own words. it's kind of absurd. this is an area they can control. it's their message. she is a star of this campaign team as a potential first lady. >> unforced error. this is where the coverup is worse than the crime. in many way what is ss what she she delivered that speech was plagiarized feelings, not facts.
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what we saw here is denial, denial, denial. we saw this as 1:00 a.m. last night when the first statement came out where they denied it. we saw this morning a couple of hours later where they looked at you incredulously, paul manafort said, what are you talking about? >> this has happened throughout the campaign. we would have video of there being violence at a donald trump rally and donald trump would get up there and say, there's no violence whatsoever at my rallies. people would say you mocked a disabled reporter. he would say, i never mocked a disabled reporter, though we had video of it. does it change now that we're here at the convention and people are now paying attention? >> this is dealing with the spouse. this is not the candidate. this is a family member. these are the folks inside the campaign you really try to protect as best you can from the
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daily to and fro from the back and forth. because it involves melania, i think there's going to be an extra burden inside the campaign to get this as cleanly removed from their plate as quickly as possible. >> chris, you said you think melania trump will come out today. the spouse who might not publicly be out there privately is often tradriving the trains. she is a very smart woman and she's been tagged with this idea of plagiarism that really wasn't on her shoulders. >> this is not about melania trump. i think she gets an a-plus for effort last night. >> now it's not because of the denial. at first, it was like, huh, how did this happen, now it's moved on. >> there was a writer involved. i guarantee it. i don't mean that as a criticism. you denied it and manafort is a
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pro. s he's an entire conversation in terms of himself, his successes and also his negatives that he brought into the campaign. then he turns it into hillary clinton. that's tactics. good for you. i then brought up john kasich and said why did you go after the governor in his home state? he said i didn't do that. i read him his quote and he says i didn't do that. i then ask why would trump call into fox news during pat smith's emotional thing. that's odd. he loved the speech. >> he diplomdn't know the candi was calling in. >> manafort said i didn't know that trump was going to call in, not that he didn't know he did call in. he said he loved the speech. how do you love a speech that you're on television at the same time. >> you're hammering hillary clinton for being dishonest and untrustworthy and you're not telling the truth about even the small things.
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>> the majority of voters who don't think that trump is qualified to be president and now this is their convention, are people going to be more likely to think he's qualified or less likely? >> it was clinton can't be trusted, she lied about the e-mails, she lied about benghazi. >> they'll probably get that. but at some point if all of these things are problems, immigration, you know, isis, lying in office, a corrupt political system, trump has to be the answer at some point. and this is another example of him being anything but the solution. that's what he's got to be thinking about because he's also going to be judged by the people around him. how would he govern? when you're confronts by facts as president, are you going to send your press secretary out and say, what you just saw, that didn't happen. >> this should have been four days of them talking about how donald trump would be a great
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leader to lead the united states. now what are we doing? we're talking about them taking what, you know, is a screwup and just putting it into a major problem. >> so prediction this morning what's going to happen? is the speech writer going to be fired? and then will it go away? >> well, i don't know the answer to your question. >> i say the answer is yes. >> i would guess. >> chris knows it even without facts. >> i would guess the speech writer is going to be identified and there would probably be some repercussions for this. there's no doubt that we'll identify the speech writer and there will be repercussions. these two weeks, these are their cleanest shots at talking to the american people about their vision for the future why they should be elected. this is it. it's not muddied as much by what the opponent is saying and dealing with the incoming every day. this is it, a clean shot between
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now and november. they don't get an opportunity like this again. now that day one, 25% of the convention is done and we're talking about this, that is a problem. >> the silver lining -- you cannot exaggerate it. you can't underestimate the value to the gop case that clinton can't be trusted. i heard her name more than i heard his on the floor last night. is this the same thing as what they're going after clinton about? no. only in spirit. but it's something they didn't need to do and they need to quickly fix it. >> thank you so much. >> what's going to happen? will donald trump apologize for the speech controversy? apologize is not a word we have heard him use in the campaign to date. up next former mississippi governor and former rnc chair
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what a night, what a morning. melania trump gave a big speech last night. rave reviews. then came out the idea that parts of it were lifted from a speech that michelle obama gave in 2008. all right. not such a big deal. still a good speech. but then the trump campaign comes out and says that's not true. his campaign manager comes on
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and says, by the way, this is probably hillary clinton going after melania trump. what? this is a pattern of being unapologetic. what does it mean to the campaign going forward? let's discuss with a man who understands politics much better than any of you ever will, former mississippi governor and former rnc chairman haley barbour joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> this should have been easy, melania trump gave a good speech. parts of it came from michelle obama. you go after the writer. you say it's not a big deal and you move on. they didn't. they said it's not true. then they said what they said about john kasich was not true even though i read him a quote. then they said oh, donald trump loved the speech of pat smith which was very moving. but he was on the phone with fox news at the time. small mistakes but they're mistakes a campaign doesn't need to make when it's making the case against its opponent for being a liar. >> it's interesting to me. i have no idea how the speech
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was done, what was put in the speech. what was interesting to me is did the campaign intend for this, because everything that melania trump said that barack obama's wife had said are things that she's barack obama would do and he didn't do. you know, he was going a uniter. he was going to bring us together. he would always tell you the truth like you could keep your doctor if you like your doctor and if you could keep your health insurance if you like your health insurance. i have no idea what they're doing, but to me it's funny if people would recognize the things they both said, they hope trump would actually do it. >> maybe what michelle obama says about her husband is more true when melania trump says it about her husband. the sin here is not the crime. it's not the cribbing, to use another word. it's how you dealt with it as a campaign. if this had happened in your situation, you're governor,
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somebody gives a speech to you and parts of it were lifted. you would probably apologize, would you not? >> i probably would say it's a nothing murder and go on about it. >> you'd own it. i can put it side by side right now and nobody's going to say they're not the same phrases. >> i actually saw y'all run some of -- that's how i saw what mrs. obama said. turns out to be things that president obama didn't do. >> that's one way you could do it. >> i don't know what they were doing. they may have been smart in order to say obama said this, didn't do it. donald trump is going to actually perform that way. >> i get it. that's a case to make. >> we need some uniting in our country. the country is the most divided it's been in my lifetime. very harsh. and it's not good for the country. we need to work together more.
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here's a president that goes around congress in unprecedented ways. just unbelievably unprecedented ways. i hope donald trump will come out of here with people saying what melania trump said about him getting things done, telling the truth, you could count on him -- i hope that we'll look back a year from now and say, you know, she told us it straight. >> you're from mississippi. you know the politics of the south. you know the realities of the south. you know what's going on in louisiana. donald trump's response to it was to acknowledge the problem. he didn't give unifying language about it. he said this is really bad, it's gonna get worse, people are really angry, there's outrage, we're divided. is that what we need to hear from our next president? >> let's say, first of all, people are -- this whole election, unusual election, both parties. bernie sanders gets 40 something percent of the vote in the
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democrat primaries when this was supposed to be a cake walk, a coronation. in both parties we've seen the anger and candidly the fear of a lot of people coming out. we're in a place right now where people are voting in an election where the two most negatively perceived candidates in the history of polling and i would imagine in the history of american politics are the two nominees of the two parties. >> they're both upside down positive to negative rating. >> that's right. comey announced the fbi decision. and every poll, a that juvenile court -- majority of americans said hillary clinton ought to be indicted. i never dreamed we'd be having a presidential election -- >> you have to ask why did they
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think that? the fbi director doesn't think so. he came out and said no prosecutor would make this case. >> the point is you talk about how people are reacting to things. the american people are 2/3 of americans think the country's going to wrong way. i wish 65% of americans were republicans. they're not. it's less than 40%. >> your entire campaign, the whole primary season was the country's going the wrong way, everybody's terrible, foreign policy is terrible, the economy is terrible. it's not a surprise that people wi are going to have an echo effect on that. >> bernie sanders campaign was generally -- >> same exact thing. fair point. >> it's not right to say it's partisan. >> no, no. true. that was bernie's campaign as well and it was very effective. not as effective as donald trump
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because he's here at this convention and bernie sanders isn't going to be the nominee. but you're right about what the country needs, governor. we need to have our leaders help this country come back together again. i've been out there and there's some concerns. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, chris, for having me. it was one of the most rousing lines at the convention so far. it's a theme that's resonating around the country. blue lives matter. it came from a milwaukee sheriff taking a strong stand for police, a standing ovation after the most recent tragedy we've seen, three officers being gunned down in baton rouge. we're going to get a reaction next from a louisiana senator. what did those words mean? what needs to happen next? soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week these 1-subject notebooks just one cent each. office depot officemax.
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majority. so there's a big story developing this morning. the trump campaign was here on "new day" just a couple of hours ago and they were slamming the allegations of this portion of
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melania trump's speech last night at the convention and the thought that it was lifted from michelle obama's speech addressed at the democratic convention in 2008. so here to discuss this is cnn political commentator matt lewis and cnn political analyst and host of the david gregory show podcast, david gregory. last night melania gave a speech that was very well-received inside the hall and out. she exceeded expectations. her delivery was great. the content was great. and then this morning we wake up to find some of that content was lifted almost verbatim from michelle obama's 2008 speech to the democratic national convention. how should the campaign have handled it before we get to what has happened? >> look, i think that anybody who knows campaign 101, you cop to it. you probably fire somebody. that is what any normal campaign
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would do. that's exactly not what donald trump would do. s it's predictable. i do question the conventional wisdom. we work in a business where if you plagiarize it's a big deal, maybe career-ending. it's different in the donald trump world. and i think it's different to the average person. we may be over hyping it in terms of the impact. >> paul manafort comes on. he's a hero for trump. he made this convention possible in a lot of ways. he comes on here and says, there was no cribbing. this is a story that's coming from hillary clinton because melania is a strong woman. >> she threatens hillary. >> is threatened and therefore must destroy her. there's absolutely no substance to any of that that's verifiable because he's obviously making it up. he also denies other things that are obvious here regarding governor kasich and with trump call into fox during pat smith's
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speech. here's the response we're seeing so far. trump people say it doesn't matter because what clinton lies about matters more. does this just come to, you didn't capitalize on something you could have hit out of the park? >> i don't think so. there will be plenty of people who dismiss it as not a big deal. trump will double down on it. my prediction is they don't cop to it. paul manafort clearly talked to melania. he says to you this morning, she certainly doesn't feel that's what she did. nobody's going to believe this stuff wasn't cribbed at least in part in an otherwise good speech. they're going to deny the obvious. they're going to stand by her and trump is going to turn it on the media. manafort is already turning it on hillary clinton. there is a pattern to this, to fail to acknowledge the obvious. you have one goal when you're
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running a convention, which is you don't want to screw it up or get in your own way. >> if they as midmitted to it, not like we would be talking about something else. >> it's not donald trump cribbed part of his speech from barack obama. it's melania trump -- >> it's exactly the same words as michelle obama. >> you can say, gee, clearly these were common sentiments and it was a nod to a very good speech that michelle obama gave, inadvertently or with much too much flattery some of those sentiments got into this speech as well. >> it happens. we see it and it happens. i think you're wrong, m matt, i they had just come out and said oops -- paul manafort coming on
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"new day" is what gave it this added life. said no, this did not happen. >> what they do when they're questioned, pushed, under stress -- this is they, this is trump and the people he surrounds himself with, how do they respond? there are supporters. there are people who are supporters but who worry about trump. there's people on the fence. and there's people who don't think he's qualified. >> the media -- i'm one of us, but the media -- >> you criticized him for exactly this. >> the media doesn't wareally wt to get into the weeds on benghazi, okay, for a variety of reasons. we want to talk about horse race coverage. i write a lot about horse race coverage. a convention, you wanted it to be a little bit light. >> is it horse race to say here's something where they went wrong and now they're lying about it? >> all i'm saying is if they had
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come out and copped to it and said somebody plagiarized, that person is fired, we would be talking about scandal in the donald trump campaign. >> the reason these become issues is because the way you orchestrate a campaign is you say to voters, judge me on how i run things. this is the biggest enterprise trump has run. by the way, i would love to talk more in depth in the media and benghazi and talk about the real issue which is about the invasion and the aftermath of libya. that's what republicans don't want to talk about. >> thank you. gentlemen, we appreciate all the themes that you brought up. this is a line that brought the convention last night to its feet, blue lives matter, ref referring to police officers' lives. what does the senator from louisiana -- he represented baton rouge. what does he have to say after officers were gunned down in his state? homeowners insurance life insurance
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in this ongoing investigation, the most compelling piece of evidence is the video. it is the chilling and sheer brutality of the shooting. there is no doubt whatsoever that these officers were intentionally targeted and assassinated. it was a calculated act against those who work to protect this community every single day. >> law enforcement in baton rouge trying to figure out what happened. they want to know what motivated that cold-blooded killer to go after those brave officers. let's discuss this with republican senator from louisiana bill cassidy.
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senator, thanks so much for being here with us on "new day." i understand you were supposed to be here at the convention in cleveland today, but the issues have so consumed you down there in baton rouge that you captain be her -- can't be here. can you give us the latest on what's happening in that city? >> we have the police reports that you have. so i captain an't add to that. what i can say is the community is going through a period of examination. how do we support the police officers? how do we bridge the gap between some elements of the community and the law enforcement community? and how do we on a personal level help bridge that gap? lastly as a senator, i have to say what can i do and what can we all do on a bigger level to help each of those issues. >> this was a topic of discussion, as you know, last night at the convention. there were lots of fiery speeches, one of them from
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sheriff david clark from milwaukee county, wisconsin. he talked about what he thinks the solution is. let me play that for you and our listeners. >> ladies and gentlemen, i would like to make something very clear. blue lives matter in america! [ applause ] what we witnessed in ferguson and baltimore and baton rouge was a collapse of the social order so many actions of the occupying movement and black lives matter transsencend peaceful protest. i call it anarchy. >> he focused it on the protesters. he talked about the tactics of the protesters rather than the tactics of police. is that the right angle? >> let's face it. there are people who are going to be destabilized if there's
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inflammatory language. folks have a constitutional right to protest. but it can be a peaceful protest that is appropriate. i ran into peaceful protesters who were shaking hand with pl police officers, waving to them, bringing them drinks. that is appropriate. on the other hand, if there's inflammatory, incendiary language that can take someone who is unstable and tip them over, that is what we need to all avoid. now is not the time for that language, if there is ever any time for that language. >> absolutely. but do police also need to examine what they can do differently? and if so, what is your suggestion? >> i think we all need to examine. first, clearly it may not be involved with the baton rouge incident. it appears it was involved with the dallas incident. how do we address issues of mental health in which somebody is unstable and that
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inflammatory language tips them over? a big interest of mine is dyslexia, a major risk factor for disaffection from society and imprisonment is ill literac. i'm not a police officer or law enforcement. but that guardian role needs to be emphasized. matthew gerald, one of the officers shot, there's a woman in baton rouge, african-american who describes a week before his killing how he stopped -- she was in the middle of the road. he helped her and she posted on facebook what a wonderful man he is. as that is emphasized, hopefully those folks who are unstable come back to an understanding law enforcement is our friend. >> absolutely. and we do stories on "new day" all the time called the good stuff about all of the wonderful things that police do. they're angels in our community,
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but we have heard that community policing is also the answer, getting to know the community, getting the police back into the community instead of being alienated from it. and that will take money. very quickly, senator, is congress prepared to give more money for community policing? >> congress has always been very supportive for law enforcement and for law enforcement initiatives. and i think this set of episodes beginning with ferguson going all the way through baton rouge brings attention to the fact that there are policy decisions that need to be made, funding. i suspect congress will be very generous with that. >> thank you very much for all of your thoughts and best of luck there in baton rouge. meanwhile back here at the convention melania trump got rave reviews for her convention speech until it was discovered that some of her words were not hers as all. and now the campaign is denying
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any plagiarism allegations. how will this controversy affect her moment in the spotlight? we discuss that next. se renters. [organ grinder] la, la, la. [brad] you can find that freedom on! take a little look at that...i'll see you later. [man] what? [brad whistling] [brad] change your apartment, change the world! think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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donald trump's campaign denying the striking similarities between melania trump's speech last night and michelle obama's in2008. this controversy because of the denial now is threatening to overshadow what should have been
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a great night for the trump team come into the first night of the convention and certainly for melania trump. by all demifferent ways you loo at it, she had a good night until now. let's bring in gabriel sherman and brian stelter. good to see you both. i hope you learned from that to never disagree with me again and we move onto new territory. do you think today we hear from melania trump who comes out and says, here's what the writer did? >> trump's whole strategy is you double down. you don't cede an inch. it would be unprecedented for him to put his wife out there in that fashion. >> but this is unprecedented because as we know, why doesn't melania trump want to be out front? very smart, very confident. she didn't want her own image to be mishandled. now that has happened.
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how do we know she wouldn't want her best defense? >> some of us feel so sympathetic to her now for this reason. i wonder if we're going to see a you're fired moment by donald trump. we saw him on stage last night. we're going to see him by video tonight. it would make sense for him to make mlemonade out of lemons in this situation, but we'll see. >> crib language from a speech, so what? when a candidate does it, so what? you deny it. then you have a story. then you deny what you said about governor kasich when there's a quote in the paper of you saying it. you deny that trump was on tv with fox when pat smith, the mother of one of the four americans lost at benghazi, now you have something else, don't you? >> i think the damage was that this convention was supposed to show that donald trump was
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building a real campaign, an infrastructure. and once again we're plunged into chaos and controversy about these mistakes that seem so avoidable. you run a speech through google, you would have found these sentences were copied. there was no reason for this scandal to happen. donald trump doesn't have the staff and the infrastructure to really just do professional things that you could avoid. >> at the same time let's be honest, no one's going to change their vote in november based on the events this morning, right? isn't that the reality of this election? in some ways we're in a post truth election. i know it's depressing to say but it is true. many people do not register the reality of the situation because they've made their mind up and they're based on emotion. melania's speech was more positive and uplifting, yet that's been overshadowed. >> she gave a good speech. it was helpful.
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the response has to be somewhat hurtful. you say which is what we does, he doubles down. let's examine that for a second. i present you with a fact. you did this. >> yeah. >> we're saying, well, his strategy is to say, no, i didn't. that's an odd thing to have as a prominent trait when your campaign is, don't vote for clinton, she lies. >> of course, but look at the 60 minutes interview where lesli s leslie stahl confronted him. again, i just think his strategy is you don't back down. his supporters will think the media is biassed. >> journalists read this story different from others. most people don't have that experience, don't know what it's
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like and i don't think care as much as plagiarism as jump journalists do. >> it's lying about what happened. >> the liberals in hillary's camp have to tread carefully. because if they aggressively go after melania and trump on this issue, it will be seen as bullying. >> i don't think it's about melan melania. we'll have a little wager about whether or not she comes out to defend herself, because i think she's her best defense. you wrote about roger ailes and the reports of something to the effect of maybe we'll let him go. roger ailes in this with carlson. >> this is a huge story in media. roger ailes has been the dominant force at fox news for 20 years now. and the murdoch family has
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decided that he needs to go. >> you believe that? >> yes, i believe that 100%. >> she's a television legend an he was brought down by these sexual harassment allegations from carlson but also from other women who are coming forward anonymously who would like to speak to these investors. that would be a stunning development. i do think it's within the realm of possibility. clearly the murdochs are thinking about replacing him. >> they are now saying you have to go. we need to figure out a way to ease you aside. >> very damning to force him out or whatever phrase you want to come up with while these allegations are in the air. >> yeah. >> it tacitly gives substance to it. >> it raises the questions, though. it makes you wonder what else are they finding for the murdochs to move this quickly. >> and we don't know. >> thank you so much. "newsroom" with carol costello picks up right after the break. stay with cnn.
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this is cnn breaking news. good morning. i'm carol costello. i'm live at trepublican nationa convention in cleveland, ohio. were there striking similarities or was it straightup plagiarism? we're getting much more information about how this speech came to be. but melania trump's


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