tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 28, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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as bill clinton? it doesn't matter. voters heard the story. >> bakari, you just having spoken yourself, you understand what that high, an endorphin high almost. this is not her forte, but is the best thing tonight to do to forget out of those speeches and those rousing speeches and do what she does. >> this isn't hillary clinton's first time on this stage. she's been on this stage many, many times before. so although it's probably unfair to say she's going to come out and give a barack obama-type speech or a joe biden-type speech because as dan said she's in there working, fine-tuning and doing everything she has to do because yes, this is the most important speech of her life and more importantly, i think she doesn't want to let down chelsea and her two granddaughters. i think that's where she's going to go. whenever she gets nervous she will go to the fact that she has an amazing daughter that's introducing her. >> that is a crucial and emotional moment, chelsea
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clinton, i feel like my heart may burst when my mother accepts this. >> one of the themes we'll be hearing when we count down the speech from hillary clinton will be about immigration and the dreamers. in a moment we'll hear from lorella praeli, went to quinnipiac university and was undo you meaned at the time and ended up being sworn in by the president of the united states, a person she'd been very critical of in the past, but this is going to be a crucial theme. we will hear her story and we'll hear from congressman joaquin castro, twin brother of the brother who was on the v.p. short list. let's listen in right now. >> i want to thank someone very special who i'm sure will embarrass her, lorella praeli, born in peru and came to the united states for medical treatment. lorella excelled all of the way through school. when it came time for college she found out she was undocumented and she decided she didn't want to live in fear or
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secrecy. she was convinced that this was her country, so she came forward publicly as undocumented, and listen to this because this is really amazing. tomorrow president obama will swear her in as a citizen of the united states of america! ♪ ♪ >> what a remarkable journey all of you have made and as of today, your story is forever woven into the larger story of this nation. [ speaking spanish ] >> it's everything, right?
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it's first-time voting. it's voting for the candidate you believe in, so i feel an incredible privilege and a responsibility to continue to fight, and i hope that everyone who knows that they have the power to vote and that so many don't, but wish they could and so much is on the line that they remember that it's in us to also represent them. >> i decided to be a part of this campaign because i said it's too important, and i don't want to be on the sidelines. i want to continue to fight. i want to support everyone who is fighting, but i want to fight to make sure the next president of the united states is the absolute best person for our community. >> lorella's story, like so many other american stories, remind us of who we are as a people. we are a country where people of all background, all nations of origin, all languages, all religions, all races can make a home.
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>> where else would i want to be? i only want to be with the people who are fighting for this and hillary clinton's fighting for it. >> please welcome lorella praeli. >> good evening. my name is lorella praeli, and i am an american. as you saw in the video, i recently became a u.s. citizen, but for 14 years i was undocumented. at the age of 2 i was hit by a car and lost my leg. when i think about our american story i believe it was born in the hearts of my parents that night as they stood over my hospital bed because my parents
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were determined that i would reach my full potential and not be limited by my disability, and eventually, the only place that could contain such a vision was here in america. because -- because this is a country that was made for people with the courage to believe in their dreams. back in peru my mother chela was a psychologist, but here in america she worked cleaning houses for 17 years. from morning to night, carrying the american spirit in her heart, she, just like so many millions of parents across this country, worked so hard so that my sister and i could have a full life. she has taught me to never give up, to believe in my dreams, and
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to fight to achieve them. in short, it was my undocumented mother who taught me what it is to be an american. >> that's why i'm fighting for hillary clinton because she never gives up, because she believes in our dreams and because she will fight to achieve them. [ speaking spanish ] [ speaking spanish ] >> so let's go out, my friends, knock on doors, talk to our friends and family, register new voters and make sure that no
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one, no one stays home this november, and together let's make some history. [ speaking spanish ] thank you and god bless the united states of america. >> and applause there for lorella praeli. >> please welcome joaquin castro from texas. >> joaquin castro, a rising star in the democratic party. his twin brother is the secretary of housing and urban development. this is an important speech for representative castro, and let's listen in. >> in 1922 the only grandparent that i would ever know came to mexico, came to the united states from mexico. she wasn't a rapist or a murderer. she was a 6-year-old orphan. but as a girl, she walked past
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storefront signs that read no dogs or mexicans allowed. her life wasn't easy, and she didn't always feel welcome, but she never stopped believing in america's sacred promise that her sacrifices would be rewarded with opportunity for herself and her family. she kept up her part of that promise by working her whole life baby-sitting, cooking and cleaning houses and the fact that her grandson is standing here on this stage tonight is proof that america kept its promise, too. >> four years ago my brother julian stood on this stage in charlotte. he and i know that our story is not unique. this room is filled with many proud americans who can tell similar stories about their own families. great-grandchildren of irish immigrants who came to cities
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like new york and boston and saw signs that read no irish need apply and just worked harder. grandchildren of americans who suffered in world war ii internment camps, the same camps that donald trump has defended, and grew up to be business owners, war heros and public servants. children of immigrants who have contributed to our country as doctors, police officers and guess what? even impartial judges. >> their story is our story. it's america's story. and make no mistake, the hero of that story is never the one who sides with hate. the hero of that story will never be donald trump. americans know that the choices he offers are false ones. see, in america, prosperity is
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not a zero sum gain. we can create millions of new jobs and still raise the minimum wage. national security is not a zero-sum gain. we can keep america safe and still welcome the next generation of immigrants without a religious litmus test. and justice is not a zero-sum gain. we can back our brave men and women in blue and still believe that black lives matter. >> these aren't zero-sum gains. in fact, they aren't games at all. do you know how many plans donald trump has to accomplish these gains? zero. while donald trump is talking about building walls, hillary clinton is working to build an infrastructure of opportunity. a way for americans to get to where they want to go in life. great schools to prepare us for
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college and career, a strong health care system, and i don't care what donald trump or ted cruz or anybody else says, the affordable care act is here to stay because it saved millions of american lives. and an economy where no one who works full time and works hard lives in poverty. republicans would have you believe that creating opportunity means giving tax breaks to corporations and the super wealthy. well, i've met a lot of americans in my life and no one has ever told me that their ancestors came here looking for the lowest corporate tax rate. >> the promise of america, and there's room here for everyone. donald trump isn't going to keep that promise. he's not even going to try, but hillary clinton and tim kaine will.
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>> that's why i'm asking all of you to go to i will make sure you're registered to vote. make sure that the next chapter of our great american story is written by us. my grandmother believed that america was the greatest nation in the world, and i'm with hillary so that our grandkids will believe the same thing, too. >> the stakes for hillary clinton, she will formally accept her party's presidential nomination tonight and chelsea clinton is going to introduce her. obviously, that's reminiscent of what happened last week with the trumps and the bar set high by ivanka trump. we'll be right back with our special coverage from philadelphia.
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keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place
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david chalian, you have a sense of what is going to be in this speech. obviously, she has some very tough acts to follow, but she has very specific goals. >> she has two big goals is to make sure in front of this very large audience. a lot of folks are tuning in now for the first time and she wants to explain why she's running for president, and she wants to tell them what she's going to do as president. according to the campaign person, they want to draw a contrast from what they saw in cleveland last week because donald trump was about diagnosing the problem and identifying a big problem, but according to them he didn't offer a ton of solutions. i'm sure kelly would have another point of view to that. >> she will talk about what should we do as president, but one of the key challenges for hillary clinton and something the campaign seems keenly aware of is they don't want donald trump from now until november to be the person that owns the anger and frustration vote entirely. they want to be able to show that she gets that a little bit so expect her to talk through
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some of the economic and social forces, very powerful forces that are at play right now in our society. >> yeah. >> and how she would address those so that she can acknowledge that. >> in addition to trying to do that, donald trump has tapped into something a lot of people weren't aware of were there. >> she goes in there and she now has tim kaine, white male on her ticket and does this enable her to become a bigger threat to donald trump and that group? >> i don't think so because donald trump has very effectively put his finger on the pulse of the nation. he's spoken to american suffering in a potent way and the numbers out of the convention reflect that. a wall street journal poll came out and it showed that there are two really effective lines of attack against hillary clinton and one is trust and she is not an agent for change. the last three days we've heard a lot of character witnesses to say here's why you should vote for hillary clinton. when she embraced obama last night that was not just an
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embrace, a theme as i'm embracing his agenda as she's done throughout the entire campaign. we've heard continuity and not change. >> is that continuity a bet she'd get on some level? she knew she would get that picture on the front page. >> he beat romney on a large landslide. his approval rating was much higher than it was that day, so he does not need trump supporters. donald trump has put his finger on the pulse of 40% of the republican base, right? that is not who is going to decide this election, and so she is betting with a popular president on a different vision, and what's important tonight is understand that people aren't satisfied, but do not accept trump's premise that we are living in some sort of mad max-style utopia. that's not what this is. >> bakari, in order for her to win, some people don't like her and some people who currently think she's dishonest to vote for her, right?
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those numbers are close to 70% to both and she's better than donald trump. what did she do tonight to do that? >> she has to get those people who may not like her and trust her. those people aren't necessarily republicans. those people aren't necessarily necessarily independents. with 330 and 350 votes respectively. and if she hones that and if she brings up and turns up this base, and if she turns up tonight, it's a chance to be a magical night. this is a crucial night for her and chelsea clinton, as well. >> next, new york governor andrew cuomo will be speaking and of course, then hillary clinton's speech to many millions across this country and around the world who will be watching tonight. also this evening, a special performance by pop superstar and vocal clinton supporter, katy per perry. all of that coming up. we'll be right back "out front."
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clinton's big night. she's about to make history accepting her party's nomination and now a close clinton family friend, the governor of new york andrew cuomo, a part of a family political dynasty himself is getting ready for an important speech as we count down to her. here is governor cuomo of new york. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. good evening, democrats! is this a great convention or what? i would like to begin, with your permission, i would like to begin this evening by acknowledging my father who we lost last year. he was a 12-year governor of the great state of new york, mario cuomo.
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>> he gave a keynote speech at the 1984 democratic convention that for many people defined the values and the principles of the democratic party and instructed me on how to lead my professional life as an elected official, and he loved being a democrat. he spoke about the 1984 election. in the 1984 election was important because it was about two opposing philosophies, more than two people. even more profoundly at stake this november is not which person or party wins or loses. at stake in this election, my friend, is the very soul of
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america. now last week we heard the republicans lay out their strategy. unfortunately, it offered no new solutions, but it's clear that their plan is to fan the flames of fear and to offer a scapegoat for all our problems. the trump campaign -- the trump campaign is marketing a great distraction using people's fear and anxiety to drive his ratings. their message comes down to this. be afraid of people who are different. be afraid of different religions and different colors and different languages. stop immigration, and they believed the nation would automatically rise.
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it's not right. it's divisive. it's delusional, and we must expose the truth to the people of this nation. now republicans -- republicans are suffering from short-term memory loss. unless republicans are all native americans, then they are immigrants, too. if we listen to the republicans, they would cut this nation in half and turn one against the other. it would take our greatest strength which is our diversity, and it would make it a weakness, and we are not going to let that happen to our america! now, my friends, fear is a
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powerful weapon. it can excite and motivate, and it can get people to yell and to scream. fear can even bring you into power, but fear has never created a job and fear has never educated a child, and fear has never built a home, and fear has never built a community, and fear will never build a nation. >> and let them remember when they sell fear, fear is not strength. fear is weakness and no matter how loud you yell, our america is never weak. republicans -- republicans say they want to make america great again. they say they want to take us
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back to the old days, the good old days. i want to know what good old days do they want to take us back to? do they want to take us back before the civil rights act? do they want to take us back before minimum wage and worker protection laws? or do they want to take us back before roe v. wade? well, we have a different vision. we're not going back. we're going forward! >> they say -- they say they want to make america greater than ever before. we say you haven't seen anything yet. you watch what we're going to do with america! you think america is great now -- you think america is great now, imagine how great
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america can be when every child, rich and poor is fully educated to their god-given talents. let's be honest, right now in this country we have two education systems, not public and private, but rich and poor, and you go to a school on the rich side of town, and they will show you how in the first grade all the children are on laptop computers, and you go to a school on the poor side of town, and you will see the most sophisticated piece of electronic equipment is the metal detector that you walk through on the way to the classroom. that is not educating every child equally! you think -- you think america is strong. imagine how strong we will be
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when we truly heed martin luther king's wisdom and we judge people by content of character and not color of skin. imagine how strong we will be when we understand that the greatest feast is the one that is enjoyed by the most people at the table. imagine how strong we will be when our government has the strength to fight for freedom, but the intelligence to know that the strongest four-letter word is not hate, but love. now we know -- we know what the republicans will say. the republicans will say, well, those democrats, they're just
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dream e dreamers, that they can't make it happen. well, maybe we are dreamers, but we are also doers. fdr lifted a nation from depression. jfk launched our mission to the moon. lbj enacted voting rights for all americans, president obama delivered healthcare coverage for 20 million uninsured americans. >> and mario cuomo was a dreamer, too, but our progressive government is working in new york. we raised the minimum wage to $15, the highest in the nation because we insist on economic justice! we enacted paid family leave because all workers deserve dignity!
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we are rebuilding our middle class and we're working hand in hand with organized labor because the middle class is the backbone of this society! we are protecting the environment by banning frackiing because this is the only planet we have. we fought the nra and we won and we outlawed assault weapons to keep them from the hands of mad men who are killing innocents. and we passed marriage equal it agenda, and we did it not because the supreme court said we must legally, but because
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people believed we should morally. now these are not dreams. these are realities. progressive government works and we proved that progressive government works and we did it together without leaving anyone behind and without leaving anyone out because we believed that we are all interconnected, and we are all interrelated. we say somos uno, we are one. we say there is a cord that connects you to you to you to me and that cord weaves a fabric, and when one of us is raised we are all raised, and when one of us is lowered we are all lowered. the republicans say our vision of community can't work, but we know it can, and we know it will, and we've seen it happen.
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and we've seen it up close. 15 years ago on september 11th, we saw death and we saw destruction, and we saw unimaginable horror and cruelty, but we also saw something else, my friends. we saw this nation come together like it had never come together before. we were not texans or californians or new yorkers. we were americans. we weren't democrats, republicans and independents. we were americans. we weren't muslims and christians or jews, we were americans. we weren't black or white or brown. we were red and white and blue and those are the only colors that matter in the united states of america!
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>> and in that moment, in that moment we were one, and we achieved community, and we were there for each other, and we were there the way a family is there. we cried together. we mourned together, and then we got up and we rebuilt together and that was america at its best. today -- today the freedom tower stands taller than ever before, and it is a monument to the fact that when this country comes together, there is nothing we can't accomplish, and there is nothing that we can't do. we say e pluribus unum, it is
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our founding premise and it is our enduring promise and that is our goal for this nation and hillary clinton is the person to make that goal a reality! now i spent eight years in the clinton administration. i worked with hillary clinton every day. i've been all over the world with her. i've seen her in the trenches. i've seen her in the good days. i've seen her in the bad days. she stood on the world stage, and she declared that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights. she fought for health care for all americans. as secretary of state, she repaired america's reputation worldwide. and my friend, she won't just shatter the glass ceiling for my
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daughters and your daughters and provide a new role model for an entire new generation of women. she also has the vision and qualifications to be a transformative force for this nation. she will unify, not divide, and she will move us forward together as one. that's why we must make hillary clinton the next president of these united states of america! >> and last point, my friends. that was the essence of my father's message in 1984, and that message is timeless. my father was the keynote speaker for this nation's better
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angels, and he was beautiful. and tonight, pop, wherever you are, and i think i know where, at this time of fear, please help this country remember what truly makes it great that we are one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all! thank you and god bless you! thank you! >> and that was andrew cuomo, the governor of new york with a well-received speech here as we're getting ready for hillary clinton, the main event tonight. still ahead, republicans here to support hillary clinton. more on that as we count you down to hillary clinton taking the stage and perhaps a closely, almost as awaited event, chelsea clinton will introducing her.
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and so i put myself in their shoes. and i'm going to do all that i can to lower their bills and to help their situation. to choose the rate plan that works best for your family, visit together, we're building a better california. >> and we are back awaiting hillary clinton's big moment on this final night of the
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democratic convention here in philadelphia. can she electrify this crowd as she accepts the nomination and kicks off her general election battle with donald trump? it is going to be the most important speech and night of her life, and before she speaks, her daughter, chelsea clinton going to be introducing her. that crucial spot that ivanka trump held last week when she introduced her father to wide praise from people on both sides of the aisle when it came to ivanka trump's introduction. david chalian, that is a crucial role for chelsea clinton tonight. >> she introduced her mother at a previous democratic convention in 2008, but obviously now is going to speak as a daughter and as a new mother. both the personal and why she wants her mother to serve as president for everyone, not just for her own personal family reason, but it is a whole new spotlight for chelsea clinton, although she works for her mother's effort, there's no doubt that she's behind it,
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she's not been front and center in a big way and this is her biggest moment of the entire campaign. >> dan, what should we expect from her? one of the things that bill clinton did was talk about hillary clinton as a woman and as a wife. there were some who were frustrated by that because some said why can't he talk about her and her policy strength and why does he have to try to make her feminine, but chelsea clinton, her job as daughter seems to be that. talk about her as a mother. >> right. i think bill clinton in this case knew joe biden and barack obama would be here to play the other rel as a spouse. chelsea clinton will speak to what is so important to hillary clinton, her identity and her motivation for running as a mother and grandmother. it's very important and similar to the role that ivanka trump played in the last convention which i think people -- certainly many would believe was the highlight of that convention and we expect we'll see emotional, powerful moments from chelsea clinton tonight. >> because she may be very
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emotional. she herself has said she thought her heart would burst with pride, which is a heartwarming thing, to hear a child say that about her parent. >> i don't think she'll start off with the 1971 i met a girl, per se, because that is now a legendary line in talking about your family in political speeches, but i do think she has a different standard. the standard that eric trump, donald trump jr., and ivanka is the same standard chelsea clinton has. we don't hold them to the same standard as a barack obama or mitt romney or anyone else. they're opening up their heart to the world. it's like me being on tv saying i love my mom. i love my dad because i want to be like them when i grow up. when i'm sick, they're there and they baby sit the children. it will be a very emotional speech because you've heard hillary clinton say this for a long time and it's true. she is the most famous person in the world that no one knows. what they're trying to do is
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attempt to let people into that hillary bubble and one of the keys to doing that will be chelsea clinton. >> which would make her speech, if that is what she does what we heard from ivanka. it was more a speech to reach out to women and say why women should think about the republican party. it was not a personal plea about her father. >> there were two parts to it, and we heard the personal side playing under my father's desk and she heard him ripping out articles of newspapers and had them called. we heard that part. we heard the part about reaching out to women and the wage gap. we heard about having child care services for working women, so i wonder if chelsea clinton, not only will she personalize hillary, but will she touch on millennial issues and this is an area where hillary clinton struggles with millennials and i wonder if there will be a dabbling of policy like what we saw with ivanka. >> what do you think about the chances of that that she would
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go into policy at all. she's a woman of great intellect and ability and she is certainly able to do so if she chooses. >> her love for her mother is what we will expect her advocacy for her mother's conned as i to be and she will try to translate that to the country at large. >> dan, in terms of their relationship, what role do you think chelsy is then going to play? is this the beginning of a bigger role for her in the campaign trail? >> i think so. it was not front and center in 2007 and 2008, but she was very effective in talking to barack obama's base and making the case for her mother and she will be out there as much as her parent prefer her to do, as much as she's out there, she'll be great. i think to the question of policy, the big speeches take on the values and character of the politicians. so your policy will be in service about what her mother is fighting for. >> the big hurdle that hillary clinton has tonight, bakari is to have more people walk out of
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here thinking that she is an honest person and that they like her. her two biggest problems, right? the people think she's dishonest. chelsea clinton is uniquely positioned to tackle both of those things. >> if we try to discount chelsea clinton's policy then we're doing a disservice because she is the daughter of bill and hillary clinton, two policy wonks and they passed it on to their daughter. i don't think anyone would sit here and say this is easy and this is the biggest night of either one of their careers and i think they're strong enough to do it. i think you will see two strong woman come on stage and after katy perry, of course, show why they're running to be president of the united states. one of the things that hillary clinton has to say tonight, though, even as a hillary supporter is the reason why she's running. i feel like i know that, but oftentimes when i'm talking to the world and talking to other people, sometimes they don't know that. so i believe hillary clinton will come out and tell the world why she wants to do it because i still think that's a looming
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question for many americans. >> i love how she say katy perry. >> that's why i'm here for katy perry. >> you're so excited about katy perry. >> coming up, a tribute to the fallen police officers and we're just getting excerpts from hillary clinton's speech tonight. we will share them with you and we're starting to get a sense of what this crucial night may bring. we'll be right back. they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so (laughs). call now to find out how we can put our 30 years of understanding to work for your loved one today. toand care ♪ for the things we cherish
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philadelphia at the convention hall for the democratic national convention on this crucial night, the biggest night of hillary clinton's political life. we are now finding out a little bit about what is going to be in this all-important speech. jeff zeleny is with the clinton campaign. jeff, what are you learning about what we will hear tonight? >> erin, we are getting our first look at this speech tonight which is really going to be a defining choice here framing the choice in the election, and this is some of what she's going to say. she says the choice we face is just as stark when it comes to our national security. anyone reading the news can see the threats and turbulence we face from baghdad and kabul to nice, paris and brussels, from san bernardino to orlando, we are dealing with determined enemies that must be defeated. no wonder people are anxious and looking for reassurance and looking for steady leadership. every generation of americans has come together to make our country freer, fairer and stronger. none of us can do it alone. that's why we are stronger together. and erin, that is the theme of
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this speech, stronger together which we've been hearing all day, and i am right next to this aide as you can see here, and there is a group of chairs set up right below the stage. that's where the family is going to sit on either side. not in a skybox at the top of this arena, but right down on the floor as close as they can get to hillary clinton when she delivers the most important political speech of her career, erin? >> jeff, thank you very much. david, we'll talk about the excerpts, but first, the seating that jeff was laying out that they're not going to be sitting in that box as is traditional that they'll be right up as close as they physically can. what's the significance of that? >> i think that's giving her support in physical proximity and she can check it and look down at them as needed and she sees her peeps. these are the people she's taken her entire life journey with until now the biggest moment of her career. >> dan, that's an unusual thing to do. >> it's unusual, but it makes a
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lot of sense. when you're up there it's a sea of faces that you don't know and you can't make out and if she can look down and it gives her strength to see chelsea, president clinton and her friends and family i think it's great. whatever works for her is what they should do tonight. >> she will talk about a stark choice when it comes to national security. she will say my primary mission as president is to make good opportunities and good jobs with rising wages here in the united states. her primary mission making an economic case and an american case. >> i think that's where her weakness is. to make the economic case to voters in ohio, pennsylvania, michigan. that is where she has to target a good bit of it and in term was style just after listening to it, i think what hillary clinton will do is take a note from barack obama and michelle obama, and i feel she'll find a rhythmic cadence in her voice because this crowd in here is electric come if you can hit the note, if the crowd comes with you, you can take the country to another place.
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>> that's a very crucial point, kailey. if she can succeed in that there are millions of people watching tonight who are not in the democratic base who are giving her, a woman they have strong opinions of, a new look, a fresh look and this is a huge opportunity for her. >> it is, but i think americans are critical and last week they watched donald trump bring home a message of kind of anti-globalization or reassessing globalization and having jobs here at home essentially just what you read and you mentioned the isis points and that is just what donald trump said. so if she tries to mimic donald trump's populism, i'm not sure that will resonate with voters who looked at donald trump presenting those messages for the campaign. >> that's a line she has to walk. she has to appeal to some of the people who have been brought into this process by donald trump to find something appealing in this message or by bernie sanders and give them a different outcome. she's going to reach out, but then put them over here and that's hard to do. >> listen, i think you've seen all week long here at this
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convention and the idea of saying yes. here are some pockets of issues that we need to work on, but i think they were trying to present a less bloomy vision of it because let's build on successes that have already happened. in tone and tenor it's different than donald terrorism, and it's clear with donald trump's speech that they're both aware of what's resonating in the electorate. >> it is. a packed convince hall. everyone is here and with the unconventional moment when her family will be sitting right in front of her and let me hand it off now to "a.c. 360." ♪ ♪ in this arena tonight, hillary clinton will talk about her life's journey and share her vision for the future, a critical speech, no doubt about it, at a pivotal moment for her campaign and for the country. i'm anderson cooper. welcome to a special edition of
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"a.c. 360" as we head into the final hours of the democratic convention, immense pressure on hillary clinton as she prepares to accept her historic presidential nomination. she's facing the most important test yet of her ability to connect with voters and she has to follow powerful speeches by some of the most popular speakers of her own party. speaking as a daughter, as a mother herself, our political team is in place all across this hall right now. let's go to wolf blitzer who is on the convention floor. wolf? >> anderson, we expect some emotional tributes to fallen police officers, to veterans as well as an appeal by republicans, republicans who are supporting hillary clinton. another highlight tonight, a performance by music superstar and hillary clinton supporter katy perry. jake tapper is with us. what does hillary clinton need to accomplish tonight? >> let us just take a moment to contemplate the historic importance of this moment. this evening, a woman for the first time in american history
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will accept the nomination from a major party for the presidency of the united states. this has been a long time coming in this country. we saw a delegate, a 102-year-old delegate from arizona, born before women were given the right to vote in this country cast her vote, cast her support for hillary clinton. so let us first take a moment to acknowledge that. second of all, this is the most important speech in the life of hillary clinton, and i don't think that we can overstate that. this is the critical speech for her. all eyes will be on her, and she will have an opportunity to introduce herself to the country in a way she has not had -- not had ever before. there are two challenges that she has. one, she needs to convince the american people that they can trust her. this is an issue for her. she needs to rally support, yes, but she also needs to go to all of the skeptics out there and there are millions and say this is why you can trust me, this is why i
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