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tv   New Day  CNN  July 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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clinton accepting the nomination for president. the first woman to ever lead a major party ticket. she shared her personal history and presented a sharp contrast she chose to fill it with attacks on him. she called for americans to rebuke his i alone message and unite at what she called a moment of reckoning. what happened, what will be its impact, we have it covered for you completely. let's begin with cnn's joe johns live at the convention hall in philadelphia. joe? >> reporter: chris, you know when you look at a speech like this by hillary clinton or anybody else, you look at the setting, the goals, the words the candidate uses, the reception of the audience, of course. by all accounts, i think people can say hillary clinton accomplished what she set out to do with this speech. it was not soaring rhetoric, but it was reintroducing herself to an audience that has known her
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for decades. it was also about stressing the shared responsibilities and electing someone to highest office, and of course tearing into donald trump. >> it is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in america' promise that i accept your no, ma'am nation for president of the united states. >> reporter: hillary clinton drawing a sharp contrast with donald trump's vision for america. >> don't believe anyone who says i alone can fix it. those were actually donald trump's words in cleveland. and they should set off alarm bells for all of us. really? i alone can fix it? he's forgetting every last one of us. americans don't say i alone can
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fix it. we say we'll fix it together. >> reporter: repeatedly slamming trump. >> we heard donald trump's answer last week at his convention. he wants to divide us from the rest of the world and from each other. he's betting that the perils of today's world will blind us to its unlimited promise. he's taken the republican party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. >> reporter: questioning his judgment. >> imagine if you dare, imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> reporter: knocking trump's understanding of the issues. >> now, donald trump says, and this is a quote, i know more
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about isis than the generals do. no, donald, you don't. you didn't hear any of this, did you, from donald trump at his convention. he spoke for 70-odd minutes, and i do mean odd. [ cheers and applause ] and he offered zero solutions. but we already know he doesn't believe these things. no wonder he doesn't like talking about his plans. you might have noticed i love talking about mine. >> reporter: clinton also using her speech to praise bernie sanders and reach out to his supporters. >> i want you to know i've heard you. your cause is our cause. >> reporter: hoping to broaden
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her base with all voters. >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who don't. for all americans together. >> reporter: clinton's daughter chelsea introducing her mother. >> people ask me all the time, how does she do it? how does she keep going amid the sound and the fury of politics? here's how. it's because she never, ever forgets who she's fighting for. >> reporter: the nominee herself acknowledging the history of the moment. >> standing here as my mother's daughter and my daughter's mother, i'm so happy this day has come. i'm happy for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between.
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i'm happy for boys and men. because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. >> reporter: one thing hillary clinton did not address head on last night was the issue of voter trust, which dogged her throughout the primaries. though, she has said in some other places that there was one standard for her and another standard for everybody else. what she seemed to be saying last night was that there's a more important principle here at play, and that is the principle of competence and ready to serve in the highest office. chris and alisyn, back to you. >> character versus competence. that seems to be one of the setups here. joe johns, thank you so much. let's discuss what happens and what it means. we have cnn political ablist and host of the david gregory show podcast, david gregory.
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editor in chief of "the daily beast," john avalon. and juana summer. david, what did she need to do, and what did she get done? >> well, everyone was building this up as the most important political speech of her life. here she is making history. i think it was the culmination of a very well choreographed n conventi convention, which was about a stinging contrast to the republicans on a vision for america. this was a picture of the new america, an ascended coalition that's been a democratic coalition of the different faces of america. more minorities, young people. it was very inclusive, patriotic, an emphasis on the military veterans. it was really reminiscent of republican conventions of the recent past. for hillary clinton, i think she was also doubling down on another argument. you may not love me, you may not connect with me, you may not trust me, but do you have
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grudging respect for me that i can do the job and that i'm better than the other guy? that was a core message, and it's a bet that even though people may not trust her, that she can do the job more effectively, she can be a commander in chief. if there was a dissonant note, it was still what we've talked about this week. did she do a good enough job talking to all those people, not just bernie supporters, but trump supporters, who feel like the political system is rigged, the economy is rigged, and they feel totally left out. because she's status quo, for sure. >> to that point, one of the most important lines in the speech -- and the speech did have a couple good lines. in some ca she said, the economy is not working the way it should because our politics are not working the way they should. she's saying if you're angry about the economy, if you're frustrated with washington, it's because the division and dysfunction in washington and
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implicitly that's a republican problem. so she's trying to thak that energy and redirect it. >> let's talk about her personal story. she didn't say, i know some people think that i'm not trustworthy. what she did say is some people don't know what to make of me. she used that to launch into kind of her life story about her mother's childhood. she also talked about her marriage. it was an interesting contrast because her husband, bill clinton, had come on and talked about their courtship and when he first met her. so she went back to that moment of when they first met. let's play that for a second. >> and bill, that conversation we started in the law library 45 years ago -- [ cheers and applause ] it is still going strong.
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[ crowd chanting hillary ] you know, that conversation has lasted through good times that filled us with joy and hard times that tested us, and i've even gotten a few words in along the way. >> what did you think of that? i mean, the hard times that have tested us. what did you think of how she addressed those? >> i thought that was actually a very nice moment by hillary clinton. acknowledging the public struggles that many americans have watched her marriage endure in a way that most of us have the luxury of keeping behind closed doors and talking about it in a real way after being introduced by her daughter, who now has two young children, is a mother herself. i think that goes a long way to humanizing clinton, who many voters have trouble relating to. she's not necessarily a natural campaigner, not like her husband was in the way he connects with people on the stump. she doesn't have those qualities. it's just not in her arsenal. i think she connected as best
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she could and made it personal by talking about her mother, by being open about those struggles. if she's able to do that a little more, to bring out the human side, it could help with those numbers. in a recent cnn poll, we saw 68% don't see hillary clinton as honest and trustworthy. i think part of that's because they feel like there's this calculated veneer there. she's very political. she is constantly performing and out there doing the political schtick but not getting to know people one on one. i think she tried to get at that last night. >> it's interesting. there's a reservedness to her, which i thought she owned a little bit last night that does come from her mother saying we stand up to bullies. you know, there's no room in this house for anybody who -- >> cowards. >> no room in this house for cowards. but i have an interview on my podcast from an ap journalist who's covered clinton since the arkansas days. he describes a kind of scar tissue that builds up on hillary clinton very early on. she's never really been able to get over it. it creates a defensiveness to
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her, a bunker mentality to her, which has created a lot of the criticism toward her and impacted her public persona. >> and she's trying to turn that thick skin, that scar tissue into an asset against donald trump, who she's saying is too thin skinned. you can get him on a rant because she's reacting to a tweet. so it's an interesting tact. she's campaigning in prose because that's just simply who she is. >> her bet is personality versus performance. she's going to performance. he's going to the personality. he also has the benefit of momentum. he has people who are upset, who want things to be different. how did she do in taking down donald trump in a way that works to her benefit? as we've seen, just hitting donald trump is seen as disrespect by the people who say he supports them. >> i think the temperamental piece is what's most important. is he uniquely unqualified?
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we talked about this a couple days ago, which is that they are separating him from being a republican and saying he is a unique outlier who you cannot trust temperamentally who doesn't know the issues, who really is so unprepared. what's interesting, and you've talked about this, chris, is that there are a lot of his supporters, even soft supporters of him, who i think say, oh, yeah, all that outrageous stuff he does or says, he probably doesn't believe that. he'll shake things up. that's what she's up against, making an argument against a kind of archetype that may not be as effective otherwise. i think that disqualifying aspect, she did in a pretty cutting way with sharp lines last night. the twitter line. if you can be baited by twitter, you shouldn't have for yingefin on the codes. >> she also invoked jackie kennedy and arch enemies back then and tied it to donald trump. listen to this. >> i can't put it any better than jackie kennedy did after
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the cuban missile crisis. she said that what worried president kennedy during that very dangerous time was that a war might be started not by big men with self-control and restraint but by little men, the ones moved by fear and pride. >> what did you think of that reference? >> that was one from the history books, certainly. i think it works well in this case. what we've seen from the trump campaign thus far, frankly s a lack of self-control. donald trump at one moment does the reserve thing where he has the teleprompters, gives a stoic speech. the next day he can go online, get on twitter, and call elizabeth warren pocahontas. >> they call that spontaneity. his supporters like that spontaneity. they call that lack of political correctness. >> sure, they call that those things, but it's different being spontaneous when you're talking about speeches and rhetoric than when your talking about dealing with global crises and governing and sitting in the oval office, as president obama has said. you don't know what it's like to
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sit in the office until you're in the office. that's the contrast that hillary clinton has tried to show. i would argue she's done so effectively. it's temperament versus trust is really what this election is going to come down to. if she can push that, she could perhaps come out in front. >> temperament is the core of the argument they're making. >> doesn't temperament sounds a little like what they talk to your kids about? >> it's way too buttoned up. do you want a reality tv star who's basically an entertainer, or do you want somebody who's a combination of competence and confidence dealing with world affairs? it's a question of how serious you think the office is and the stakes in this election. >> panel, thank you very much. great to get your insights on pride and prejudice and temperament. coming up in our 8:00 hour, i'll talk exclusively with democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine so stick around for that. >> there was a big moment last night, and i'm not talking about the hillary clinton speech. some are saying this was the kind of pivotal moment, the kind
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of metaphor for what the democrats were trying to get done all week long. you're looking at it on your screen right now. this man lost his son -- this man and this woman lost their son in iraq. he's a muslim. wait until you hear what she said to donald trump. the ford freedom sales event is on! with our best offers of the year! ♪ i'm free to do what i want... and 0% financing is back! on a huge selection of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus get an extra $1000 smart bonus on specially tagged vehicles. that's freedom from interest... and freedom to choose with ford. america's best selling brand. ♪ i'm free, baby! now get 0% financing plus a $1000 smart bonus cash on specially tagged vehicles. only at the ford freedom sales event. ♪ feel free... when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast.
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all right. so this is the moment that you need to see in terms of the state of play between the democrats and the republicans. you saw what the gop wanted as a main message last week. we have to be concerned about the people who are coming into this country. very different message last night. look who delivered it and look what he said. >> let me ask you, have you even read the united states constitution? [ cheers and applause ] i will gladly lend you my copy. in this document, look for the
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words liberty and equal protection of law. have you ever been to arlington cemetery? go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending united states of america. you'll see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. you have sacrificed nothing and no one. >> parents who have lost their son, fighting for america in iraq, saying you have lost nothing and no one. the impact of this. let's discuss with democratic congressman seth molten of massachusetts and hakeem jeffries of new york. this took people by surprise, gentlemen. i think that's a fair submission as somebody who's monitoring the events. hakeem, let me start with you. what do you think this moment meant to the democratic movement? >> well, it was a very powerful
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moment. one, because both the father and the mother had lost a son who had sacrificed to help protect the liberties and all that is important to america. in the context of his muslim faith, someone who we shouldn't look at based on his religion, but who we should look at based on being an american. that's a different approach than what donald trump has taken. the constitutional reference, we understand that donald trump has conducted himself as fast and loose with the facts and shown no real understanding of the basic principles of american democracy and the things that are in the constitution that make us the country that we are today. for him to communicate that from the context of a father who lost a son sacrificing for us was particularly profound.
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>> congressman wilton, al lot of people say this represents the nut american image. he's the father of a fallen soldier. he's a muslim man. he carries a copy of the constitution in his pocket. what do you think that moment represented? >> well, it certainly showed the sharp contrast between what we saw in cleveland last week and what this week was all about. this is all about coming together. a stronger together, that's not just a campaign theme. that's something that is fundamental to what america is all about. it's what i experienced as a marine serving in iraq myself. i had marines in my platoon from all over this country. from massachusetts and vermont, but also alabama and texas, from a gated community outside of park city, utah, and inner city brooklyn, new york. we had remarkably different religious beliefs, different political beliefs. yet at the end of the day, we were able to set aside those differences to do what's best for america. that's what we're showing here in philadelphia. and that's quite a contrast to
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the division, the hatred, the outright racist comments that you heard in cleveland. >> seth, that's what you guys have been looking for against trump, right? you've been looking for somebody and some way to make him stop, in your opinion, disrespecting what the strength of america is, which is its diversity. do you think this was that man -- the right man and the right moment? when he pulled out that constitution, you know, being an american and a muslim at the same time, do you think this was the moment that may have struck at what you think needs to be said to donald trump? >> it was an incredibly powerful moment. it talked about what america really is fundamentally about and it contrasted that with a man who doesn't even read the constitution, who's never been to arlington cemetery, who has no idea what sacrifice is all about, has never sacrificed for anyone or anything besides himself. so i think this really crystallized things, not just for democrats, but for all
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americans. the stark choice that we have in this election. >> it really does remind you of the welch moment with mccarthy. david axelrod was talking about, have you no decency, that at a certain point you cross a line. >> if this is an iconic moment, what do the democrats do now to further it, to exploit that moment, for lack of a better word? >> i think what you saw throughout the entire convention was the great diversity of america on display and everyone from -- people from different races, socioeconomic backgrounds, different religions who believe in america as a melting pot of individuals from all over the world who come here to improve their lives and to make the lives of their children and grandchildren better in a way that is hopeful and optimistic, not hateful and looks to motivate the worst in
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individuals. what's been interesting throughout this entire week is that even when you compare donald trump to prior republican presidential candidates, ronald reagan of course talked about a shining city on the hill. george h.w. bush talked about a thousand points of light in a peaceful sky. george w. bush offered the country a compassionate conservatism. and donald trump views america as a divided crime scene. that's not the democratic view of this country. we believe in the power of american exceptionalism and what makes us the country that we are is the great diversity and people coming together, in some cases sacrificing, but coming together to improve the lot of this wonderful country. and that's really what this week was all about. >> but nobody really has dealt with that list of presidents that you put up there. seth, i'll direct this to you based on what hakeem jeffries just said. nobody has dealt with the
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real time threat from islamic extremists that america is right now. so the pushback, as powerful as it is, as sympathetic as those parents were last night, is that, yeah, well, they don't represent the people who are trying to kill us on a regular basis here, and we haven't been strong enough and america looks weak and isis is -- you know, they're going everywhere, there are going to be more of these attacks. that's a reality also for people. so how do you counter not just compassion but how do you show that you're strong enough and have a way to keep us safe? >> well, talk about strength, these are the parents of someone who was serving overseas in iraq. i mean, this is what america is all about, not only being strong with our allies but confronting our enemies. who better prepared to lead as commander in chief than someone who has served as secretary of state, who understands the fight against isis. now, contrast that with donald trump, who's out there praising saddam hussein, who's saying that the military is a disaster,
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who's praising dictators and telling russia to attack us, which is frankly treason. so there's a sharp contrast in this election. i know myself, speaking as a marine veteran, i want a commander in chief that i can trust. i want someone who's not going to be erratic. i don't want someone who's praising our enemies and debasing my service by castigating the military. secretary clinton is someone that we can trust to take the fight to isis, to defeat our enemies, and to stand by our allies. that's exactly what we need in a commander in chief. >> congressman moulton, congressman jeffrey, thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> amazing it wasn't a politician that had the biggest impact last night. all due respect to hillary clinton. but that was a powerful moment on a very human level. >> that happens a lot. when you hear from regular people, they can drive home the message better than politicians often. we'd love to hear what you think. find us on twitter. so there's two nominees, they have vastly different visions for america. and of course strategies for
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defeating isis. up next, we talk to a former general about the candidates' plan to battle terror. ce...'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. (vo) nutritional needs...og's all in one. purina one. healthy energy, all in one. strong muscles, all in one. highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. purina one smartblend is expertly blended... with 100% nutrition, 0% fillers, always real meat #1. lifelong smart nutrition.
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i've laid out my strategy for defeating isis. it won't be easy or quick, but make no mistake, we will prevail. donald trump said, and this is a quote, i know more about isis than the generals do. no, donald, you don't. >> hillary clinton making this race, if she can, about competence, about performance over personality. the speech she gave last night probably the biggest of her career. a major theme was who is more prepared to take on the fight against terror. let's ask retired lieutenant general mark hurtling and former commanding general for europe and the seventh army. general, always like to rely on you for your wisdom.
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we need it very much today. let's start off today with a very powerful image before we get into the competency and xs and os of war. the muslim parents. nobody cherishes the memory of fallen troops more than you. we know, as you've said before, you have a box of names on your desk that you use to remember all the men and women who fell during your command. what did you take from their pain last night and their message to donald trump about who they are as muslim-americans? >> it was one of the most powerful moments i had seen over the last two conventions, chris. extremely powerful. mr. khan and his wife spoke from the heart. they spoke about sacrifice. they spoke about their son's ultimate sacrifice and reminding people of the reasons we do things. when we join the military, we vow to take an oath to support and defend the constitution. you have to understand what that constitution is all about and what you're sacrificing for when
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you sign up. they reminded people about that. >> you know, we often talk about identifying the enemy, a big and strong talking point for the gop is the democrats don't like to name the enemy for what it is. this man and woman last night, these parents confused that notion for the voter because, well, who is the enemy? is it muslims? you then see, and as you know, so many muslims fight for this country country, die fighting for this country. what do you say to people when they say, general, you know they're the enemy, you know there's a problem with islam? what do you say to them? >> i say they're incorrect. it is a very small element of islamic extremism, chris. we all know that. very small. they do not represent the muslim religion, the muslim faith as a whole. and we have repeatedly talked about this, and many other
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people have made this a major issue of the campaign, but as was mentioned by several people last night, not just by mrs. clinton alone, we are a blended nation. our diversity sometimes can contribute to our extreme strength. seeing these people talk about who the enemy really is and what their son represented as he faithfully served the country and in fact paid the ultimate sacrifice, was extremely powerful. another powerful moment was the full-throated response by john allen. >> with 37 veterans behind him. >> yeah, with the veterans behind him. and one of those veterans in a turban and a beard, who is a very good friend of mine, who receive received special discipline to practice his faith. >> there were two other points
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made. you have whose reality is right, and then you have what's the right stuff to be commander in chief. the first one is a practicality. the gop says, look at the world. isis is all over the place. they're attacking everywhere they want, whenever they want, and the reason they are is because the obama administration got it wrong and is too soft and hillary clinton was there for it and is responsible. can you reject that view? >> i can't. and one of the reasons i admire what you do so much is you keep bringing it back to leadership. leadership is all about attributes and competencies. when you're a very good leader, you have empathy and humility. you understand that you can't solve complex problems on your own. i think that's the dichotomy between the two candidates right now. one understands that they have to take a whole lot of input from a whole lot of people to solve very complex and complicated problems. the other one things they can
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solve it all by themselves. that's challenging. so yes, you know, there have been some mistakes made by the obama administration. there has been some character issues with mrs. clinton. but all of those things together show that we're trying to get it right. it's very challenging. in fact, in these kind of complicated problems, there are no perfect 100% easy answers. you have to rely on a lot of people. >> as a general, do you feel with complete conviction that hillary clinton would be the better commander in chief, and do you really have concerns about the danger of donald trump as the danger of commander? chief? >> i do, and i've said that many times before, that i have very many concerns about his lack of an intellect to solve the very complicated problems. i also believe that between the two of them, mrs. clinton has the greater amount of intellect and ability to deal with competence with the world's problems, not only internationally but
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domestically. she understands it. but more importantly, i think more than anybody else, she realizes that in order to solve these problems, you have to form a team of the brightest minds. i keep getting the impression that mr. trump believes he has all the answers. so whereas there certainly is a dichotomy between the two candidates, i do believe he is very dangerous to our country, as many other military people have said, and she is probably the smartest choice right now given the challenges we face and her experience on the world stage and her ability to bring people together as opposed to be divisive. >> general, thank you for being on "new day" as always. appreciate it. >> thank you, chris. >> alisyn? >> we're following breaking news right now. a neighborhood is on lockdown, and there's a manhunt under way after these two san diego police officers were shot. so we have all the breaking details for you next.
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we have breaking news right now out of southern california. a police officer is shot during a traffic stop. this was in san diego. we've just learned this police officer has died.
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a second officer who was shot is in surgery. one suspect we're told is in custody. authorities are telling people to stay inside their homes as they search for other possible suspects. we'll bring you more details as soon as we have them. vice president joe biden and attorney general loretta lynch are joining louisiana's governor and hundreds of others to honor three baton rouge police officers who were killed in the line of duty in an ambush attack. biden reassuring the widows of matthew gerald, montrell jackson, and brad garafola. they will heal one day, he told them. blood donations are being asked to be suspended due to the zika virus. neighboring counties also being urged by the food and drug administration to stop collecting blood until all donations can be properly screened for zika. families dealing with
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medical issues for newborns have enough to worry about without the added stress of paying for parking at the hospital, which believe it or not k cost thousands of dollars. so this week's cnn heroes is taking steps to remove that headache. >> these babies are in the nicu for not days but months at a time. when your child's going to be in the hospital for a long-term stay, you think about all the medical expenses or, you know, things of that nature. but when you end up with the reality that this parking is going to cost you, you know, so much money, it's just not something that people expect. it's definitely, you know, significant burden on families, and there are a lot of babies who are alone a lot of the time. >> to see how she's helping families spend more time with their babies, you can go to while you're there, nominate someone you think should be our 2016 cnn hero. i had two little twins in the nicu for 32 days. i can totally relate. seeing those little pictures of them in their little isolette
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brings back what a vulnerable time that was. but they do get better. >> that's the hope, right. >> absolutely. all right. so speaking about hope, that was a big theme in the convention last night. but there was something else going on, the role of family. chelsea clinton may become the first daughter again. last night she was the opening act, introducing her mother at the democratic nomination, the national convention. we talk so much about how ivanka trump did. how did chelsea stand up? next.
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chelsea clinton introduced her mother at the democratic national convention last night, delivering a personal speech painting hillary clinton as a fighter and an inspiration. >> people ask me all the time, how does she do it? how does she keep going amid the sound and the fury of politics? here's how. it's because she never, ever forgets who she's fighting for. >> so how did she do? let's discuss it with former "people" magazine editor larry
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hackett, and editor in chief of "glamour" magazine. how was her performance, larry? >> i thought it was terrific. that never, ever tick she used about four or five times in the speech was very good. we were talking earlier on, it was very detailed. as magazine editors, you like details. the tgood night moon. the kind of things people said was not in ivanka's speech. and transitioning from the kind of mom to public policy was all very, very good. it was short. it was sweet. i thought she really hit it out of the park. >> that's interesting. those details lend the a authenticity. >> absolutely. and there's no way you don't listen to those stories and feel they didn't take place. you can see that family having real discussions around the dinner table. i think that's the purpose of telling stories like that. it's interesting. i think every working mom who listened to it was feeling for chelsea. here she is giving the most important speech of her life 5 1/2 weeks post partum, when
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most of us are really just struggling to get out of our pajamas. >> i didn't bother trying to get out of them, actually. >> exactly. too high a bar. but i think the other interesting thing about this speech, just from a speech-giving perspective, is she didn't shout. she was one of the few people in both conventions who was just speaking in sort of a normal person tone of voice. there was something sort of soothing about that. >> yes, and the crowd seemed to quiet down for her. so she dbtd have to shout in the way that some other people did. but it was a different delivery. her delivery was more subsued, you could say lower energy than some of the other people. >> you could, but the criticism of hillary clinton has always been, who is that, what is she like, who is she? that speech set out to do that. again, the level of detail from the very beginning, to the dinner table, backing things up with facts. it was all just very, very -- to paint a vivid picture of a real person, a real mother, who married -- raising a child with
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public policy. that's what people crave. that's why they were quiet. they wanted these details. they want to drink this stuff in. she delivered that. >> it is hard not to compare her to ivanka, but they're very similar. when you look at both these young women, there are real stark similarities. they both have newborns. they both pulled it together to be part of this incredible moment for their families. they both have these very high-profile dads. they both married jewish men. they both were friends. they have an interesting life, both of these young women. so what did you think when you compare and contrast their pregnancies? >> well, i think generationally, of course, they are the same. they speak to that young millennial woman who's working and who admires both of them probably for different things. chelsea is working in the nonprofit space. ivanka is an sbentrepreneur. they both very much have their own lives. something that young women admire about both of them is they both do seem to be genuinely close to their
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parents. of course, that's an asset that both teams can use as they try to court the young female vote, which is so important in this election. >> and they both were chaste wi -- tasked with humanizing their parents. let's listen to that moment. >> every day that i spend as charlotte and aiden's mother, i think about my own mother. my wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious mother. [ cheers and applause ] my earliest memory is my mom picking me up after i'd fallen down, giving me a big hug, and reading me "good night moon." from that moment to this one, every single memory i have of my mom is that regardless of what was happening in her life, she
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was always, always there for me. >> so she says regardless of what was happening in hillary clinton's life, she was always there for me. she also said, my thoughtful, hilarious mother. not many people think of hillary clinton as hilarious. >> i wrote that down last night. they were trying to contrast that. i think her job was to fuse the public and the private, or the private and the public. i think that's why you had that level of detail there. the idea is, who is this woman? we've known her for 25 years. it's always been in the public realm. that was kind of job one. that's why you heard details like hilarious and "good night moon" in the first two minutes. we'll see how sales of "chugga chugga choo choo" do. >> it's also interesting to note the themes of motherhood that went throughout this speech. sort of one of the unspoken characters in last night's event was chelsea's grandmother, hillary's mother, who both women talked about in their speeches. i thought one of the most
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touching and effective lines in chelsea's remarks last night was at the end when she said to her mother, grandma would have been so proud of you. i think there's probably not a person who doesn't connect with that in some way. but i think fundamentally under that, there is an election message there that this is about the future of our children. that's quite intentional. >> it is. and before that, of course, was the general and people like that. you had that overlapping of the public policy and the private. it really teed up the speech. >> and in terms of themes for presidential candidates, you don't often hear motherhood. we're in a new era. >> you'll hear it again. >> i bet we will. thanks so much. hillary clinton gave arguably the most important and historic speech of her life. did she deliver? we break it down next. find out i'm only 16% italian. o so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about.
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i accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> my mother will make us proud as our next president. >> this is the moment. >> donald trump, you have sacrificed nothing. >> a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> donald trump, have you even read the united states
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constitution? >> when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome to your new day. hillary clinton making history as the first woman to accept a major party's nomination. she gave a speech, arguably the most important of her life. the big question now is, did what she said make a difference in a tight election? >> hillary clinton, of course, took aim at donald trump during her nearly hour-long speech, criticizing him for saying he alone can fix the nation's problems. her message was we are stronger together. we have it all covered for you. let's begin with joe johns live inside the convention hall in philadelphia. give us the highlights, joe. >> reporter: alisyn, hillary clinton hit all the notes. she reintroduced herself, even though she's been in public life for 20 years. she touched on her motivations of running for office.
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she drew a line from her 1996 book "it takes a village" straight up to the campaign theme of stronger together, and she hit donald trump hard. >> it is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in america's promise that i accept your no, ma'am nation for president of the united states. >> reporter: hillary clinton drawing a sharp contrast with donald trump's vision for america. >> don't believe anyone who says i alone can fix it. those were actually donald trump's words in cleveland. and they should set off alarm bells for all of us. really? i alone can fix it? he's forgetting every last one of us. americans don't say i alone can
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fix it. we say we'll fix it together. >> reporter: repeatedly slamming trump. >> we heard donald trump's answer last week at his convention. he wants to divide us from the rest of the world and from each other. he's betting that the perils of today's world will blind us to its unlimited promise. he's taken the republican party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. >> reporter: questioning his judgment. >> imagine if you dare, imagine him in the oval office facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> reporter: knocking trump's understanding of the issues. >> now, donald trump says, and this is a quote, i know more
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about isis than the generals do. no, donald, you don't. you didn't hear any of this, did you, from donald trump at his convention. he spoke for 70-odd minutes, and i do mean odd. [ cheers and applause ] and he offered zero solutions. but we already know he doesn't believe these things. no wonder he doesn't like talking about his plans. you might have noticed i love talking about mine. >> reporter: clinton also using her speech to praise bernie sanders and reach out to his supporters. >> i want you to know i've heard you.
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your cause is our cause. >> reporter: hoping to broaden her base with all voters. >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who don't. for all americans together. >> reporter: clinton's daughter chelsea introducing her mother. >> people ask me all the time, how does she do it? how does she keep going amid the sound and the fury of politics? here's how. it's because she never, ever forgets who she's fighting for. >> reporter: the nominee herself acknowledging the history of the moment. >> standing here as my mother's daughter and my daughter's mother, i'm so happy this day has come. i'm happy for grandmothers and
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little girls and everyone in between. i'm happy for boys and men. because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. >> reporter: one thing hillary clinton did not address head on last night was the issue of voter trust, which dogged her throughout the primaries. though, she has said in some other places that there was one standard for her and another standard for everybody else. >> joe, thanks so much for laying that out for us. let's discuss now with hillary clinton's former press secretary. thanks to both of you for being here. mr. mayor, i'll start with you. what did we learn new about hillary clinton last night? >> i think a lot of things. i think mostly, you know, she explained to the folks out there who she is, why she's running for office, and of course she
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said, you know, when it comes to public service, she said, you know, i'm not so great at the public part. i'm really good at the service part. and i think that comes to the fact that secretary clinton, you know, she says i'm not a great candidate, i'm not maybe great in an interview, but i'm really going to be great at the job. i think the history of secretary clinton shows that once she's on the job, she does an amazing job. i think that's most important. >> so jen, the trade is performance over personality. then part of personality becomes trust, character. what do you believe voters heard last night that should make them think differently about the penumbra of scandals hanging over her head? >> well, i think what's important to focus on is that she is dedicated to the issues that so many americans care about, and she's a fighter. she has made that so clear time and time again, but especially last night. i think as part of this narrative that has been unfolding over the last several days and hopefully for those who
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have been paying attention, months, about what kind of a person she is, especially when it comes to fighting for what she believes in. i think what people get and are taking away from this is that she's extraordinarily talented. she's competent. she takes nothing for granted. and she gets right back up, and she keeps fighting for what she believes in, especially the people she represents. >> i don't know that many people know about her mother's challenging childhood. she talked about that last night. so let's play a moment of that and then we'll talk on the other side. >> my mother dorothy was abandoned by her parents as a young girl. she ended up on her own at 14 working as a house maid. she was saved by the kindness of others. her first grade teacher saw she had nothing to eat at lunch and brought extra food to share the
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entire year. the lesson she passed on to me years later stuck with me. no one gets through life alone. we have to look out for each other and lift each other up. >> mr. mayor, was that the moment where she sort of tried to telegraph to voters, yes, i may be very successful, i may have been first lady and secretary of state, but i can relate to your problems. >> there's no question about it. i think what else she telecast was that, you know, you can knock her down, you can push her over, but she will always come up. she will always fire for the people. that's kind of what she's demonstrated her entire life. you know, she said you don't do it alone. of course, donald trump said i alone can fix the problem, and secretary clinton made it very clear that no, donald, you can't. you know, it takes a village. it's all the americans working together. i think that was very much a part of her message. i always say she's like a timex
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watch. she takes a licking and keeps on ticking. that's secretary clinton. >> just in case people are wondering, the sounds behind the mayor are them breaking down the convention center. i know they sound scary. he's okay. >> party's over here. >> i know. they pack up quickly. part of the process. jen, is there a case to be made that the biggest moment of the night that helped hillary clinton didn't come out of her own mouth, it came out of the mouth of a father who lost his son in iraq, he and his wife muslim-americans, speaking directly to donald trump about them being americans, about the constitution, and their sacrifice. how big do you think that moment was? some are saying it was like the mccarthy moment of you have no decency, sir. >> well, i'm glad you pointed it out. there's no doubt that last night and the last several nights there was a real effort to unfold who this person is in terms of donald trump and what
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he stands for. and contrast that against not just hillary but the entire democratic party. their words were so powerful. i think in general the people who they had speaking at the convention yesterday and throughout the week really helped tell the story of what their america looks like, what their perspective is on this election and how important it is, and i think time and time again the same themes kept coming out. we have to come together. hate cannot win. love trumps hate, obviously something we heard over and over. but i think also, there were so many people who were touched directly by hillary over the years, and she's known for this because it's who she is. i mean, it's authentic to her. she cares deeply about people and how their lives are impacted, and she believes that she can help people. she believes we can all help each other as the mayor said. it's working together. it's not working individually.
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that's how she operates. and i think all of the speakers really kept going back to that and who she is and what she is as a leader. >> mr. mayor, you know, the dnc got off to a bumpy start on monday where it looked for a while there as though the bernie sanders supporters were not going to get on board, they were going to revolt, they were very loud. and last night she said to them, i want you to know, i've heard you. do you think that was enough of a message or an olive branch that they will now come on board? >> oh, i think it wasn't just last night. i think throughout the entire week a lot of those speakers made it very clear that we owe a big debt of gratitude to senator sanders. he's done so much for this entire campaign. you know, you heard it from president clinton, president obama, michelle obama. you heard it from all of them. they all said that senator sanders, you know, we owe you. you were able to better and make our platform that much more relevant to the american people. secretary clinton said it last
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night. you could feel president people coming together. you felt it in the arena. last night when she walked out on that stage, there wasn't a dry eye in this entire arena. people felt emotionally excited, charged. everyone felt a connection to secretary clinton. i think that was across america and probably donald trump had a tear in his eye because he knew we're coming for him. >> all right. thank you both for sharing your impressions. i'm sure we'll hear from donald trump on that very note. thank you. coming up in our next hour, i'll speak exclusively with democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine. >> big deal. he's still dealing with having gotten the nomination. he's coming out, facing the questions. it's going to be a good one. i think i'll stay awake. as we mentioned, what a moment happened here last night. these parents talking about their son, an iraq vet killed in action, holding up the
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constitution and asking donald trump to read it, asking donald trump to see them as muslim-americans. very powerful. we'll show it to you next. you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets, no accidents... that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no. your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect! for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twenty-four seven.
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donald trump obviously in the crosshairs for the democrats this week at their convention. however, you could say that the moment of the night, if not the week, came from not hillary, not some big-time politician, but from a regular person mourning the loss of their son and asking to be seen for who he is and who his wife is and who his son was, as americans. take a look and listen to these muslim parents talking about their son and speaking to donald trump. >> our son, in my own head, dreams too of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his
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fellow soldiers. [ applause ] hillary clinton was right when she called my son the best of america. if it was up to donald trump, he never would have been in america. donald trump consistently smears the character of muslims. he disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership.
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he vows to build walls and ban us from this country. donald trump, you're asking americans to trust you with their future. let me ask you, have you even read the united states constitution? [ cheers and applause ] i will gladly lend you my copy. [ cheers and applause ] in this document, look for the words -- lock for the words liberty and equal protection of
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law. have you ever been to arlington cemetery? go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending united states of america. you'll see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. you have sacrificed nothing and no one. >> well, let me tell you, it was a huge moment because of what they represent as human beings, right. parents who lost someone but also having the constitution as a muslim-american against his own breast, such a different image than what we often hear about muslim-americans in this country. let's discuss the impact of that. cnn political analyst and host of "the david gregory show" podcast, david gregory. josh rogen, columnist for "the
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washington post." and political anchor of time warner news, errol louis. let's put up the picture of who they were talking about, their son, a vet. died in iraq, posthumously, given two different medals of honor. he was walking toward a car that they believed was going to be an ied situation, and he kept walking toward it to slow it down and create a barrier between them and other innocents and wound up being detonated and killed. that's who they were talking about last night. but what was the impact? >> look, it's extraordinary. let me take a bit of a dissenting view at both the republican and democratic conventions. there were the parents of people who have been killed, whether they were service members, whether they were police officers, the mothers of the movement, these were people killed by police under controversial circumstances and so forth. i get a little uncomfortable with that, in part because i think we know and we know that there are political strategists who are scripting every word of that, who are scripting the
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image, telling them what to wear, what color to wear, how to say it, why to say it. >> it feels to exploitive? >> it feels extremely exploitive. the parents are just lost in grief. to me, if there was anybody who could be left out of the political scrum, i would hope that it would be parents like that. >> here's the thing. muslim-americans, not very well represented either in congress, in public life. they don't organize politically for some pretty obvious reasons. this is a rare opportunity to take a look at this community, and we all know that is patriotic, that does serve our country, that does die for our country. 3 million muslim-americans in the united states. by 2050, 8 million. do you think any of them are going to vote for republicans after what we've seen this cycle? this is not only a nod to those people who have been othered or demonized by donald trump, but also a recognition that they play a role in our society, an important role, and the reason that we don't have more terrorism from muslim-americans is because they haven't been disadvantaged in some of the ways they have around the world. >> and did it speak to something
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a little more subtle? i know as being the grandchild of immigrants to this country, there was such a pride in coming to america and becoming american. italian-american. they were so proud to say it. it's the same for muslims. these guys are pakistani, this family that came here. that's what i took from it, that they give their son to service. he gets killed, and now they have a -- have people looking at them like a problem. that's what i thought maded it akin to the have you no decency moment. >> i have a slightly different view. i, too, am sensitive to exploitation, but anybody going through that kind of grief does look for a way to elevate their loss. if it is through the political process, i would imagine they'd find that elevating. >> especially when they're being blamed as part of the problem that they surrendered what mattered most to them. they sacrificed their son. >> we're living at a time when the founding documents and our
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founding fathers are particularly celebrated, in no small part because of hamilton the musical. what is one of the great lines of that show is immigrants know how to get things done. this was really a celebration of immigrants. then on top of that, muslim-americans. but the zeal of new immigrants who love america, who are probably more familiar with our founding documents than most americans are, and to brandish that constitution is to say that i am in love with this country and i hold it dear, so much so that i would give the most important thing in my life to it. that's a powerful argument. >> i haven't seen the play "hamilton," but here's what this moment means to me. for the first time that i can remember, the republicans have yielded the national security high ground to the democrats. can we remember the last time that happened? you had donald trump talking about how we should be able to waterboard terrorists. at the same time, captain khan's father is telling the tragic
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story of his death. usually the democrats have to make up ground on national security. this year they own that ground. >> you're making an assumption there. i was very moved by this. i think a lot of people were. but there are just as many people moved by a need to be tougher, and the idea of being nice and sympathetic to the enemy isn't washing with people who support trump. they say you got to get tougher. you're getting your butt kicked all over the world because you're soft. >> close the borders, bomb whatever you have to bomb. >> to that point, we've been at war in this aggressive posture for 16 years. so that's why there's a lot of republicans who don't speak with one voice about what it means to be tough in the rest of the world. i think that's what's striking. it wasn't just national security. the notes around faith, veterans, love of country, love of the founding principles of america. a lot of themes you would not automatically associate with democrats in years past. >> we'll have to see if voters
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ultimately decide that torturing, murdering innocent families of people that might be terrorists, does that make us tough? or does it make us tough to uphold our morals and values in the face of these challenges. that's the difference. >> let me ask you another politically calculating question. a lot of people didn't tune into the convention. they got high ratings. not everybody, not all voters. should the campaign take that dad out on the campaign trail to expose more people and more voters to the values that we're talking about here? >> honestly, i think if it'll help them push -- pick up a few points in michigan, then that's exactly what they will do. now, should they do it? i don't know. the family -- i mean, david's point is well taken. if this is how they want to sort of redeem the sacrifice of their son, by going out and speaking about this principle, we have seen people come from greefz to political leadership. if that's what's going to happen, i hope it will happen organically and on their own steam for their own reasons, not because it's going to help somebody get a couple points.
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>> one critical note, whether it's libya, syria, there are foreign policy decisions that are going to have to be defended, and hillary clinton's going to have to own that. she's going to be criticized by a lot of people who think america is weak r during these obama years. >> panel, thank you very much for all of your points. hillary clinton is reaching out to bernie sanders supporters. she tried last night. she's trying to appeal to republican and independent voters as well. so did she move the needle? we'll talk to her campaign next. you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it.
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all the pomp and circumstance of both conventions is officially over, which means today is the first day of the rest of our lives. i mean, the rest of the campaign season. >> how many days? >> 101 days left. >> holy cow. >> i know you're crossing them off with xs on your calendar. hillary clinton told voters it takes a village, while trump said he alone could fix america's issues. two different messages. listen to this. >> i have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who
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cannot defend themselves. [ cheers and applause ] nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. >> he's forgetting every last one of us. americans don't say i alone can fix it. we say we'll fix it together. >> okay. which message resonates more? let's debate that with our cnn panel. we have political commentator and vice chair of the new york state democratic party, christine quinn. and cnn political commentator and kabc talk radio host john phil lip phillips. great to have both of you. john, better together, i alone.
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go. >> hillary clinton represents the party in power, and if you're the party in power, you talk in terms of we. donald trump is the insurgent. he's the guy going in there saying he's going to shake things up. he's doing it in a climate where 69% of the people don't like the direction the country is going in. people have lost faith in a lot of stoouginstitutions that matt. congress has a horrible approval rating, corporations, even some of the media. so donald trump is going out with the "rolling stones" scandal and that business. people look at them differently now than they used to. donald is saying, i'm the guy that can shake this up. >> you know, i don't think this is about sentence diagramming and picking pronouns. i think these different statements speak to a very distinct core vision of how this country should move forward. i mean, donald trump sees everything, in my opinion, about how it can benefit his pockbook a -- pocketbook and his bottom line. he says when she's speaking on
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the stump, we're going to make america great again. as we heard one of the speakers say last night, why doesn't he start by making things in america. all of his products are made elsewhere. the "i" for him isn't about who's in power or not. it's about how he sees the world something to kind of be manipulated and played with to make his pocketbook and his bank account bigger. beyond that, i think hillary has always seen what the best elected officials and best leaders see, that nobody knows everything, and the strongest skill somebody can have is to know what they don't know and bring in somebody who can help. >> but these two individuals are speaking to something that's certainly bigger than they are. the number that john cites, the 69% not happy, this is about the mood of the country. this is definitional, who we are. i wonder -- i want your take on this -- if the pakistani parents last night -- do we have a short bite of who they were last night and what they said? pakistani parents lost their
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son, war hero in iraq, speaking directly to trump, wanting to be seen as what they believe they are, americans who sacrificed for this country, not an enemy in waiting. watch this. oh, we don't have it. okay. they said what i just said. he takes from his breast the father, mr. khan, his constitution. he says to trump, have you read this? look for equal protection. look that we're all equal under this. he says, you have sacrificed nothing, we have sacrificed everything because we lost a son. that's what this election is about. i feel like that was a big moment. >> huge. >> very dramatic. >> how did you take it? >> it was very dramatic. this is going to be a nasty election. it's going to be an election where you see two very different worlds. those two very different worlds represented by each party have heroes and villains. at the republican convention, they spent a lot of time talking about law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. they talked about people killed by illegal immigrants. you go to the democratic party, you saw people killed by law enforcement, you saw this man who has certainly suffered in
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his family's contribution to keeping us safe and our libber it i. so those two different worlds are going to collide through this campaign. really, i think both conventions missed the opportunity to try to combine both of them and tie a neat bow on top. if they did that, there was certainly risk involved, but it would have paid off. >> you can't tie a bow around a muslim family who feels like donald trump would never have wanted them to be here, doesn't view their hero son as an american. there's no bow you can tie around that. in their time of greatest loss, they're hearing one of the nominees for president of the united states say they're not worthy to be americans, their son isn't worthy to be americans. whether donald trump wins or loses, and i hope he loses, forever those people on top of their grief will know that donald trump, the republican nominee, thinks they're less than. and he's never even met them. and never knew anything about their son.
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that's not what this country is about. and that man, think of how hard it is to talk after you've lost someone. andhe's standing there at the democratic national convention. he's fighting to be an american. don't we all want that man's strength as part of our movement forward? don't we want his pain and his experience to formulate, guide our principle? we do. >> john, when you watched the democratic national convention as somebody on the other side of the aisle, did you feel they were co-opting some of the themes? parents of fallen soldiers, hillary clinton chaommander in chief. what did you think about that message historically taken on by republicans? >> donald trump is critical of the american government. he thinks the government is no e working for the people. they tried to turn it around and
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say donald trump is critical of the country, which is not what he was saying. it's good politics for them, but it's not an accurate portrayal of reality. >> i think the question there really is more who are his people. when donald trump says the government isn't helping the people, who is he thinking about? he's not thinking about those muslims. he's not thinking about me as a lesbian american. he's not thinking about poor people. the real question there is, who is he trying to make america great again for? >> john, button it up. >> jameel shaw. his son was killed by an illegal alien gang member who should have been deported but wasn't. what policy change is hillary clinton proposing that would prevent future deaths like that? >> that's a big question. tweet us, give us your take. hillary clinton is certainly trying in her big moment last night to broaden her appeal. that was the job of that speech. the first obstacle for her is in house, sanders supporters. do the democrats think she made the case to them? we're going to ask her campaign next.
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well, i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who don't, for all americans together. >> so did hillary make the case to you, if you're in one of these groups? you're not just a diehard democrat. that she is the better candidate, she is the better president. let's discuss with somebody who's in the business of
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convincing you of exactly that. christina shockey, former aide to first lady michelle obama. always good to have you on the show. appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. a little tired but very happy to be here. >> oh, i feel your pain. please tell us why, if you're a sanders supporter, let's start there, hillary clinton should have won you over in this convention. >> you know she really spoke to sanders supporters last night. we are so grateful to senator sanders that he made such an enthusiastic endorsement of her. we had a few people in the crowd last night who were sanders supporters that aren't convinced yet, but the vast majority are. we've worked really hard with our two campaigns to bring our teams together, to bring our supporters together, and feel really confident we have. we agree on 99% of the issues. hillary really spoke to them last night out of respect for them and said, you know, together we wrote the boldest,
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most progressive platform, and together let's get out there and get it done. >> if you are at home right now watching and hear pops and bangs behind christina, they're taking down the convention center. that's what you hear. don't be alarmed. so christina, the big obstacle is status quo versus change. you have constant poll numbers that just about three out of four people think the country needs a new direction, it's going the wrong way. hillary clinton, for many of those people, is seen as the status quo. how does she get past that? >> well, first of all last night was a historic night. we had the first woman ever to be the nominee for president of the united states. that would be a change in and of itself. you know, all week, chris, we heard speaker after speaker talk about how hillary has been a change maker her entire life. president clinton made a really personal case for her on tuesday talking about how he met her in 1971, and she's the greatest change maker he has ever seen in
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his life. speaker after speaker got up there and talked about the fights of her life, that she's always fought on behalf of america's vulnerable children, and how she's always made change. when she was first lady, she led the fight for universal health care. she didn't succeed, and she came right back and kept fighting. 8 million american kids have health insurance today because of her leadership. >> a big message through this convention was also definitional in terms of who the country is. who are the ameri-cans and who are the ameri-can'ts. you had this group of parents n set of parents, the khan family. a mother and father talking about their captain son who was lost during the iraq war. they were speaking directly to donald trump. do we have sound of the family? good. let's play a little bit of them. it was arguably the heaviest moment and maybe the most powerful moment of the night. here it is. >> have you ever been to
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arlington cemetery? go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending united states of america. you'll see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. you have sacrificed nothing and no one. >> many are saying that was the moment that was the most damaging to donald trump's presidency, even more so than anything that came out of hillary clinton last night. why were these people so important for you guys to give them such a prominent place at the convention? >> you know, that was one of the most powerful, emotional moments of this entire convention. this family means a lot to hillary. she wanted them on the stage to talk about their experience. their son was an american hero who sacrificed his life for the other members, soldiers who were serving with him in his infantry unit. under donald trump's america,
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based on his proposals, they wouldn't even be allowed in this country. those are proud, hard-working immigrants who their son proudly served in the united states military. hillary thought it was really important for americans to hear their story. >> how do you think hillary clinton will deal with the perception that the country is weaker now because of the obama administration, whether it's libya, egypt, syria, what's going on in iraq, that the policies, many of which she was there to implement if not come up with as secretary of state, have made us weaker? how does she justify those calls? >> you know, she gave a really powerful, emotional, personal speech last night. really proud of her record serving as first lady, as senator from new york, as secretary of state. and she really laid out what she would do for this country, both to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, but really a strong america that stands by our allies. you know, she was so proud to
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have president obama speak for her on wednesday night. she believes that he hasn't gotten the credit he deserves for being an extraordinary american president. i mean, 20 million americans have health insurance now because of him. 15 million american jobs were created under him. she really believes that she just has an incredible legacy of leadership for this country. but she has her own plans and her own agenda for what she would do. you heard her last night. she is a proud policy wonk. she really believes when you run for president, you owe it to the american voters to talk about what you would really do as a president to make a real difference if their lives. you saw her do that last night, laying out her jobs agenda, talking about how to make college more affordable, and her real proposals of how to make sure that america stays safe, so how to defeat isis. she's actually the only candidate in this race with a real plan to defeat isis. trump has said over and over again, just believe me, i have a secret plan. and hillary really rejects that. you know, as she said last
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night, he wants us all to just believe, take him as his word, he alone can solve everything. she absolutely doesn't believe that and believes as americans we're always better when we stand together. we're stronger together. >> i get what she wanted to put out first last night, but what she will do is going to be a function for voters of what she has done. those decisions and the status quo will be something she's going to have to own and justify. we look forward to hearing that. christina, thank you very much for being on "new day." >> thank you. >> so hillary clinton, this is now -- it all begins for her and donald trump. 101 days. the clinton campaign is in full effect. hitting the air waves. now, what will you start to hear ad nauseam to the point of making you sick from these two campaigns? we'll discuss the message war next. lot. i do say that, you see... i study psychobiology. i'm a fine arts major. nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. i try to balance my studying with the typical college experience.
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only 101 days until election day. >> time is flying by. >> so for the next few months, you're going to see a lot of the people running for president. there will be a lot of ads like this one, released by the clinton campaign, which drove much of the convention narrative. take a look and a listen.
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>> you can tell them to go [ bleeping ] themselves. >> i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay. it's like incredible. when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. they're rapists. you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her where ever. you gotta see this guy, i don't know what i said. i don't remember. he is going i don't remember. >> all right, so that was a big ad for hillary clinton, and they have really banked on coming with ads against donald trump as a way to move the needle in the election. has it worked? how will he respond? let's bring in cnn senior media correspondent and host of "reliable sources" mr. brian stelter. and mr. bill carter. good to see you both, gentlemen. so ads, ads are everything. donald trump has bucked that
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trend and not spent like a big nickel on anything yet. it has been all super pac. how do you see the state of play? >> i think his strategy has been to use the media, his own appearances. that will run out. he has been limiting his appearances. only fox news that isn't going to work. he'll have to counter, and he'll see him use hillary stuff. comey's stuff will be in his ads. she may try to do positive stuff about her record and donald doesn't really have a record like that. i don't think you'll see him do an ad about what he has done for america. >> brian, we had the numbers up. so hillary clinton and the super pacs that support her, spent $60 million, and donald trump spent nearly nothing. why does he need to? they're tied in the polls. it is working without him having to spend any money? >> it has worked in the primaries. will it work in august, september, october. that's a giant, $100 million as the numbers show.
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we never see a gap like that between two campaigns in a general election. this morning, one of these trump pacs is releasing a new ad, it attacks clinton's record, acknowledging the speech, moves past it, brings up benghazi and other failures they say of her legacy. so we're starting to see some ads from trump allies, but they're so massively out spent right now, $60 million versus $7 million. if that lasts and that continues through the fall, it is going to be the ultimate test whether tv ads still matter. >> yeah, a theory they don't matter, and you can oversaturate people and people tune them out. that's a risk. but the other thing, is you don't have to buy ads as much. if you do an outrageous ad, it will be picked up, covered here, internet. might be able to avoid spending a lot of money. >> there is a political reality you can't ignore. the reason you do ads is not to impress the masses. it is not to impress the nation. this election, maybe more than
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any in our lifetime, will come down to several counties in a few states. and they are local targeting can make a difference, that shouldn't be under valued. >> no, i think that's right. you're going to see a lot of that targeting. i also think you're going to see particularly on the clinton side to see surrogates and flooding the areas with michelle obama and joe biden and trying to hit local news. that's effective too, without buying ads. >> the ad we showed in the intro, it is children watching donald trump's words. chris believes the clinton campaign is traumatizing children by forcing them to be in this commercial. >> that would be my response if i were trump. you stick all these kids in front of this harsh television. >> but do you think that's been effective? >> i think at this point, i know that song by heart.
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i've heard it so many times. they spent so much money to replay it again and again. because trump isn't spending the equal amounts of money on counter ads, it is sort of air -- it is a unilateral sort of air war right now. one directional. we don't see trump trying to combat it. >> really, that imitation of the disable reporter is so devastating. especially to me who knows the guy. he is a guy i've worked with. it is really awful and despicable that someone would mock a person's disability. that's an effective thing to show. >> and trump will keep saying he was never doing that, of course. the theme of the democratic crat particular convention, we've seen that, that's what they want it to be, all of america versus trump. whether they can say that in 30 second ads or not is -- >> i don't think the kids are compelling as the pakistan couple last night, they lost their son fighting for his country, because people know politics is harsh. they know you're going to say hard things and they forgive
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donald trump, a lot of what he says, because they're so angry at what hillary clinton represents. but those two parents last night saying we're americans first, and having the constitution in his breast pocket. >> fox news did not show that live, the way cnn did. >> hillary clinton is going on fox news after the convention, she is trying to reach out, to bring her over to her side. >> gentlemen, thank you. we have much more convention coverage ahead for you. in moment, we'll be speaking exclusively with the democratic vice-preside vice-president nominee, tim kaine. stick around for that. my mother, my hero, our next president. >> we have reached a milestone. i'm so happy this day has come.
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>> we will not build a wall. we will build an economy. we will not ban a religion. we will work to fight terrorism. >> have you ever been to arlington cemetery, donald trump. you have sacrificed nothing. and no one. >> america's destiny is ours to choose. let's be stronger together. >>announcer: this is "new day," with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. welcome, it is friday, july 29th, 8:00 in the east. chris and i are back in new york this morning, but it was an historic night in philadelphia. hillary clinton accepting the democratic nomination, the first woman to lead a major party ticket. she shared more of her personal story than many people heard and she created a sharp contrast.
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>> the clintons and kaines, the speech filled with stronger together symbolism and attacks on donald trump. her main angle was temperament, that he isn't fit to be president, to rebuke his i alone message and say this is a message of reckoning where we must come together. as alisyn said, we're going to talk to tim kaine, but let's begin our coverage with joe johns. he is still in the convention hall, in philadelphia, the site of a big night. joe. the. >> reporter: that's for sure, chris. she reintroduced herself. she retold her story. she drew a direct line between her life's work as well as her campaign theme. leaning on the history of the moment, and going out hard against donald trump. >> it is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in america's promise that i accept your nomination
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for president of the united states. >> reporter: hillary clinton, drawing a sharp contrast with donald trump's vision for america. >> don't believe anyone who says i alone can fix it. those were actually donald trump's words in cleveland. and they should set off alarm bells for all of us. really? i alone can fix it. he is for getting every last one of us. americans don't say i alone can fix it. we say we'll fix it together. >> reporter: repeatedly slamming trump. >> we heard donald trump's answer last week at his convention. he wants to divide us from the rest of the world, and from each other. he is betting that the perils of
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today's world will bind us to its unlimited promise. he has taken the republican party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. >> reporter: questioning his judgment. >> imagine if you dare, imagine, imagine him in the oval office, facing a real crisis. a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> reporter: knocking trump's understanding of the issues. >> now, donald trump, donald trump says and this is a quote, i know more about isis than the generals do. no, donald, you don't. you didn't hear any of this, did you, from donald trump at his convention? he spoke for 70 odd minutes, and i do mean odd.
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and he offered zero solutions. but we already know, he doesn't believe these things. no wonder he doesn't like talking about his plans. you might have noticed, i love talking about mine. >> reporter: clinton using her speech to praise bernie sanders and reach out to his supporters. >> reporter: your cause is our cause. >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who don't. for all americans together. >> reporter: clinton's daughter, chelsea, introducing her mother.
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>> people ask me all the time how does she do it. how does she keep going. amid the sound and fury of politics. here is how. it's because she never, ever forgets who she is fighting for. >> reporter: the nominee herself acknowledging the history of the moment. >> standing here as my mother's daughter and my daughter's mother, i'm so happy this day has come. i'm happy for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between. i'm happy for boys and men, because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit. >> reporter: one thing hillary clinton did not address head on was the issue of voters trust,
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which has dogged her throughout the primaries. but she seemed to be making the case for herself that what is more important at this stage is readiness for the job, and competence. ful alisyn and chris. >> joe, thank you. all right, we were just discussing what's going on with the show here. >> it's going well. >> very well. better than expected. let's bring in two men who want to make the case for clinton, delaware senator kuhns, and the other one, tammy -- >> it's going really well, like i said. >> senators, i know you're losing your voice, thank you for coming on the show any way. senator baldwin, i address the first question to you. what do you believe the main challenge is for hillary clinton in this election, and what do you believe she did to advance the ball on that last night? >> well, you know, i think the reintroduction of herself to the american people after
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excruciating attacks that seem baseless and unfair in many regards, but nevertheless, she has been enduring that for her whole career. and she had a refreshing speech last night that really helped america know her again. you know, when she exited as secretary of state, she was the most popular woman around the globe. and her leadership earned her that. we're going to see her now as the nominee. and she is going to continue to make that case. but it was remarkable speech on the part of secretary clinton last night. >> senator, what did voters learn that was new about hillary clinton? >> well, voters learned two things. first, they were remind of her remarkable lifetime of service. of all the peoples whose lives she has helped and touched, she is the most seasoned, capable, experienced candidate ever to
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accept the nomination of a major party. and we heard a full throated defense from general allen, from the father of a fallen muslim soldier, that reminded us that at this moment when the world is genuinely unstable and insecure, that she is the right leader to bring us forward. this was a remarkably powerful convention. >> tammy, the counter argument is yes, you're right. the world is unstable, dangerous and it is your fault. you were part of the obama administration. how does hillary clinton overcome that? >> you know, i just think nothing could be further from the truth and we're going to see that. her relationships with the leader of our allied nations, her detailed understanding of the conflicts around this globe. really make her such a strong candidate. in fact, as president obama
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himself has said in his full throated endorsement of hillary clinton, she is one of the best prepared, intelligent, you know, she is ready to be commander in chief. she is ready to lead this nation. >> senator coons, now that the convention is over, hillary clinton and tim kaine will have to explain more about exactly where they are on positions. particularly, the issues on where they appear to have changed positions. first, for instance, tpp. they seem to be for it, and then were against it. does the work of that begin today? >> well, part of the work of this convention was laying out their policy vision going forward. both about how to make us safer and stronger. i do think we have work to do. campaigning across the country, engaging with maerjamericans,
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anything we do in international trade, we do to grow jobs in america and we defend american workers. many of us are going out to campaign beginning today, inspired by this convention and inspired by what we saw about how we already are great because of our diversity and the strong policy platform that was adopted by this convention. >> senator baldwin, this is a definitional election. people are upset and afraid. you choose to put the muslim parents on television last night, who lost their son, who was awarded two different medals of honor for his service in stopping an explosion, an attack in saving other people while losing his own life. what do you want people to take from that? it was very powerful and painful. what is the message? >> you know, the message is that is america. our country is built on
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immigrants, waves of immigrants who have come to our nation because of the american dream. remember that america is at once a country and an idea. an idea that if you come here, you work really hard. you can get ahead. your children can see a better life. and generation after generation have seen that fulfilled. this family, so loyal to the united states, despite their incredible sacrifice, was so eloquent in sharing that story. and making us realize that that's who we are. and that we have to fight to protect the american dream. it is, you know, the perfect union and forming a more perfect union is a work in progress. and we always have to apply ourselves to that. >> senator coons, you said that you recognize that you have work to do, particularly bringing
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around the 69% of the country that don't think they're on the right track, they're not fulfilling their ambition or dream somehow. what do you say to them? >> we say to them that the sort of steady seasoned, passionate leadership that tim kaine and hillary clinton offer for the american people is just the kind of leadership that we need in this moment and that the sort of bullying, boasting, tweet-driven leadership that's being offered as the alternative by donald trump is exactly the wrong path for us it. part of the point of having mr. kahn on last night and speak to us about the sacrifice of his son was to remind us about how divisive donald trump's call for banning muslims from this country. how irresponsible and how unamerican it is. and part of the point of having those who have served with secretary clinton like general allen, saying how capable she is
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of being a strong leader, is to remind them these are the steady hands we need on the wheel at this difficult time. >> senator, thank you for being with us. coming up in just moments, we will speak exclusively with vice-presidential nominee, tim kaine. >> as we discussed many times this morning, because it warrants it this moment, these muslim american parents from pakistan. americans now, of course. the men and woman on your screen, they lost their son fighting for your rights in iraq. how big a moment was in? why did it make such an impact, next. are, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and work together in real time to help those that need it. the ability to collaborate
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what was the moment of the night. you're going to assume it was hillary clinton. she made history, taking the nomination from the democrat party as president of the united states. but maybe you're wrong. maybe the biggest moment of the night came from two parents who are mourning the loss of their son, who fought for yourpre dom in iraq and died doing just that. their name is kahn, father's name is khizir. we want to discuss this moment about their son, huma cam newkh. >> donald trump, you're asking americans to trust you with
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their future. let me ask you, have you even read the united states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. >> muslim americans speaking directly to donald trump, a copy of the u.s. constitution in the pocket above his heart. he then went on to say to donald trump, you don't know me. you have sacrificed nothing. you have lost nothing because of the sacrifice they obviously have made for this country. now, what is the impact of this moment? how might it shape what is to come? let's discuss with cnn political analyst and host of the "david gregory podcast", and errol louis, anchorle time warner news, and political analyst. good to have you both with us.
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first of all, am i getting it wrong. david, was this not such a powerful moment last night, something that happened to catch me? >> no, i think it resonated with a lot of people. conventions are defined by political theater. this was high political theater, because it resonated on so many different levels. here were parents who have sacrificed a son because of their commitment to the country and love of the country. they captured new immigrant experience, about our founding documents and founding story. as muslim americans, they speak loudly and proudly how many millions of muslims are part of our country and fabric out of the country. all of that is true, and it can be true that islam, particularly radical islam in parts of the world is a huge problem for the faith and because there are so many militant radical islamic terrorists. all these things, but they were speaking about such a sharp
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rebuke to a religious test that donald trump is talking about, anti-immigrant stance he has taking. it is the most compelling argument hillary clinton could make that. >> errol, an colter, she tweeted out last night during or right after, this that's what the democratic convention is about, angry muslims with a thick accent. >> i saw a response from a number of people to her as a matter of fact. it was an ugly sentiment that she intruded in, but this is partly why i think the democrats and really anybody have to be careful about using a family 's grief to make a political point. it invites counter attacks. if you want to play politics at the main stage at the convention, you'conventio convention, you're going to have to deal with some of the fire. >> you know why mr. kahn was there, they were looking side to side, teleprompter, not him.
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he was staring right into the camera for the majority of the time. these are his words, his feelings, that he is being blamed for a problem is not just unfair, but that he sacrificed what mattered most, his son he and his wife to fight this problem. >> there is also a different point. no question. and he represents a lot of americana and lifting up of immigrants. i was talking earlier about the great musical "hamilton, immigrants knows how to get things done." the other side of this is america does face significant threats from terrorism. there is a lot of americans, many of whom support donald trump who are incredibly anxious about this. hillary clinton does have to be accountable for her record that for the president that she served and she served as secretary of state, whether she has done enough. whether she will do enough and do so effectively to counter this threat. it is a national security problem, a question of her
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record and accomplishments or lack thereof and a fundamental challenge moving forward. >> mccarthy with welsh, looks at him, have you no decency, what do we use that moment for? the moment that mccarthy was collectively rebuked by the voice of one man. do you think this compares to that in. >> i think it is comparable. it goes down the same path. i think part of why both in the army hearings in the 1950s and this moment, what is important is that withere is no response. we've seen from trump over the last year to know that. neither he nor his campaign will apologize for anything at any time. they're not going to walk anything back. the muslim ban, they've sort of tried to shape it and tried to recast it. but it is still on the website that he wants to have a complete and total shut down on muslim immigration into the united states. >> she is also lifting up themes, whether it is care for the veteran or national security or immigration, and so much of this convention was an argument
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to republicans who are turned off by trump that you have place to go. you know, you may not like hillary clinton, you may not totally trust her, is she competent enough to be president, and is she speaking to you, a wavering republican in ways that you can identify. it wasn't just this couple last night, as powerful as they were. it was the attack on the judge in indiana, of mexican heritage, who trump said should be disqualified. those snack a lot of voters -- >> people forgive those if they support donald trump. one of the misconceptions is the media gives him a pass. that is not true. i'm blacklisted by donald trump and his whole campaign. they won't come on because of how we conduct our interviews. i get it, it is wrong, i wouldn't like it if were my brother. my country is screwed up, he gets it. she is the reason it is screwed up. i will forgive his imperfections
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because he represents -- >> or they don't believe what he says. we talk about politicians not being believed when they promise to do good things. donald trump benefits from something else. for a lot of people, they don't believe him when he says bad things. they don't believe he'll actually do that. >> isn't it because they want what he represents. they don't want to own his ideas, some of them, but they do want to own the mandate for change and that's what he is, as the presumptive and now chosen nominee of the party. >> anger, mandate for change, attack on the status quo, even blind fury that doesn't include a well-thought out planned for an alternative to the status quo, that's where a lot of people are. >> but the bar is a lot lower than it is for clinton because you have been there, when the problems were created. people believe that isis is unique. that it isn't an outgrowth in afghanistan, that obama did this. he went soft, tried to be everybody's friend and now look at it us, they're attacking us at home and everywhere else.
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she was there and has to own it. >> right and over simlistic version of what actually went on there. and if you cut -- look, if you cut down the facts too simply, then yes, the loudest voice will always win. angry will be the most reasonable guy, and the task that the democrats have tried to do in the last four days in particular is turn the conversation to add some fact, add nuances. >> she does have to own that. agree that that is overly simplistic. the breakdown of iraq was part of the rise of isis. i do think she has to own that as part of the record. this desire for change, the governor of mississippi, an establishment republican, said to me recently, look, i will take trump any day of the week over clinton. and he has got to be viewed as a little more moderate than others who believe that more strongly. >> well, sometime it is all comes together on a show. we're talking about how hillary clinton has to own these problems and move forward.
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we're going do that now. we've got her running mate, tim kaine coming up on the show. her number two, vice-presidential nominee, tim kaine, from virginia. joins you will, alisyn, we'll give him the questions of how this campaign can make it work. next. they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so (laughs). call now to find out how we can put our 30 years of understanding to work for your loved one today.
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keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california.
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tonight, we've reached a milestone in our nation's march toward a more perfect union. the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for president. after all, when there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit. >> that was democratic nominee, hillary clinton, making history, becoming the first woman to win a major party's nomination. the person sharing the stage with clinton last night was the democratic vice-presidential nominee and virginia senator, tim kaine. good morning, senator. >> hey, alisyn, how you doing? >> doing well. how are you feeling this morning? >> a little tired, but very excited about the next 101 days.
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it is a real honor to be asked by hillary clinton to be a running mate and we've got a lot of work do. >> i want to play that moment and you took center stage with her. it was historic, regardless of who you support. when she became the first female nominee of a major party, and you hug her here. what was that moment like? >> it was so emotional. it just made me think about all the strong women who supported me in my life from my mom to my wife, who is a great public servant, and everybody who has helped me in my campaigns. to see her take this nomination and to know we're battling together to win, sure. but then more importantly, we're going to be battling together to build a stronger economy, build our alliances and the beloved community of respect, rather than a divisive community. it was a very, very emotional moment, and then when my wife, ann, and the rest of my family came on stage too it, made it even better. >> i was trying to read your lips. what did you say to secretary
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clinton when you first came out and greeted her? >> you know what, what i said to her as i walked out and when we, you know, first clashed hands in front, i said it is a great country and you just made it a lot greater. those were the words i said to her. >> secretary clinton had to follow some impressive speakers and speeches. obviously president obama spoke, vice-president biden. michelle obama. how do you think her speech compared? >> you know, i thought the speech was really great, because not only did she have to follow a lot of tough speeches, but the thing i thought was great is it set such a contrast with what we saw in cleveland last week. the cleveland convention was dark and depressing, and she said it was kind of midnight in america. her speech was morning in america. it was about the everyday struggles that people have, but the fact that we don't have a single issue in this country, our people can't tackle, because we have the greatest pool of just human resources, human
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capital, human talent that any nation has ever had. so i felt it was fundamentally very upbeat, but not in gener generaliti generalities. career and technical training, debt free college, job investment, protecting and expanding health care. she went into those in detail. you know what she said. some people say i'm too focused on details, but if it is about your kid, it is not a detail. it is a big deal. that was one of the biggest applause lines, and that's true to her. >> how about the muslim dad of the fallen soldier who talked about his son and had the constitution in his pocket. do you plan to use that dad on the campaign trail? >> alisyn, you know what, as you asked me that question, i'm getting goose bumps on my arm. that was probably one of the most moving events of the entire four days, when he talked about his son. i got a boy in the marines, and so i hear somebody who sa
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sacrificed. it really grabs you. he addressed donald trump and said you have sacrificed nothing. remember, donald trump is a guy who calls the american military a disaster, and even makes fun of pows like john mccain. when he pulled out that constitution and held it out and said donald trump, i don't think you've read the american constitution, and if you want, i'll lend you my copy, that was just an absolutely electric moment in the building, and i suspect it was electric for everybody watching it on television. >> donald trump in his acceptance speech at the rnc painted what some have described as sort of a dark view of america. but he is not alone. a lot of americans feel anxious, and they do see the situation as dire, particularly when it comes to terror attacks. how do you see the state of america? >> you know, i am optimistic about it too, i am a senator, former mayor and i've seen the
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anxieties. i was governor when we went into the recession. a lot of people have gotten hurt and they haven't climbed back out yet. people lost values was their home, credit ratings got impaired. so economically, we've had to climb. thank goodness, under president obama, we've dramatically reduced the unemployment rate, 15 million private sector jobs, so we're climbing out. but there is an awful lot of repair work to be done. but the way you do that is by hiring -- by electing your hired president in hillary clinton rather than a fired president in donald trump. similarly, you said people are concerned about terrorism and they are. look, the challenges of terrorism today is that we're beating isil on the battle field with the right military plan, but what they are doing is trying to inspire acts of vviol all over the place. how do you stop it? intelligence sharing. hillary clinton was the nation's chief diplomat.
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she knows how to build allian s alliances. donald trump is talking about which alliance he wants to throw overboard and end. you cannot stop the terrorism of the 21st century if you build a mote and wall, turn inward and don't build strong bridges. >> senator, haven't we had strong alliances, haven't we been doing intelligence sharing, and we've seen these attacks in europe and at home. >> yeah, it is true. and we're -- look, but we're not going to stop them by not sharing intelligence. and you know, look at europe as an example, some of these major attacks there. hundreds of thousands of americans live in europe and tens of thousands of troops are there. the notion that donald trump has that what we want to do is just scrap nato, leave the eastern nato countries to the mercies of vladimir putin and russia, it is just the wrong direction for us to go.
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we can't wave a magic wand and make the world safe, especially other countries. we can't arrange their internal situations for them, but we can better protect americans if we understand that alliance and intelligence sharing is the way to do it. >> now that donald trump and hillary clinton are the nominees, they are set to begin getting the intelligence sharing that comes from all of our intelligence officials here in the country. senator harry reid said he doesn't believe donald trump should be privy to those. what do you think? >> well, look, donald trump did something that was just completely, you know, completely out of any historical precedent this week when he basically asked russia, hey, put your thumb on the scale of an american election. you know, when he said russia should help me try to figure out if i can get an edge or a drop on hillary clinton, it really was outrageous. i serve on the armed services and foreign relations committee, let me tell you something, alisyn, you know this, we have a
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dead, solid cold that russia does get in engaged in other countries elections, whether it is supporting countries pro russia or even using cyber attacks to create chaos on election day in nations in eastern europe. they've done that. and so when we know that they've done it, and when donald trump is basically trying to encourage them to do it with respect to u.s. election, i think an awful lot of people will see that and say that is temperamentally disqualification for the office. >> donald trump says he was being sarcastic about that. >> you know what, i don't have a sense of humor about cyber terrorism. i don't have a sense of humor about what russia is up to. he can say he is being sarcastic now. i think he was not being sarcastic. he was being ignorant. >> do you think that's your role as vp, will you be the attack dog of this partnership? >> i'm going to on tim kaine is what i am going to do. i don't think hillary clinton pick immediate to do be x, y or
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z. it is because of my civil rights work and i'm an optimistic person. if you wanted to pick the, you know, angry name caller, you would pick somebody else. i have never hesitated, beginning in my civil rights career to call out bad behavior, and to call out outrageous behavior when i see it. with respect to donald trump and the things that he is proposing, and the way he treats others, the vision he has for this country, it will be very easy for me to point that out, consistent with them laying out why we're so different, and why clinton administration is going to be one that is focusing on positive results for people. >> let's talk about that the challenges of optimism. two-thirds of the country say that they believe the country is going in the wrong direction, so how do you make the case, now is the time to be optimistic when people don't feel that way, and now is the time to continue the momentum of the obama administration that some people
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don't feel? >> alisyn, you put it right. the challenges of optimism. people have anxieties we discussed earlier. we're doing a bus tour today, and we're going to be in some communities that have faced some real challenges. there are communities in virginia like that. let me tell you something, go back to fdr, one of our great presidents, the soul of the democratic party. he came in at a tough time and said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. even in a time of challenge, and even in a time when people have anxiety, i don't think what they want is leaders who stoke the pessimism, who stoke, who can we blame for this. you've got to have leader whose can be practical and acknowledge there are problems, but who will remind us of the greatness of our country. you know, go to a naturalization service and see people who are deciding to become united states citizens and hear them describe
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why. quantico and you're going to see a lot of people that are optimistic and doing things exciting, and we need leaders who won't sugar goat tcoat the situation, because there are better days ahead. we've got to have leaders that speak to that. >> i want to ask you about a couple of issues in which you seem to have shifted positions. for instance, transpacific partnership, tpp. are you for it or against it? >> you know, alisyn, i really haven't shifted my position on that. i did vote a year ago for the what is called the fast track to give the president the power to negotiate the best trade deal he could. when i voted for it at the time. i said who things. i'm not declaring where i am on the tpp until it is done. remember, when we voted a year a ago, the negotiation wasn't done. secondly there is one issue connected with the tpp that i'm
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very worried about. which is the right of corporations to challenge unfair trade practices in private courts, without giving labor unions and environmental groups and others the same right. i put that on the table a year ago. i said as you're working out this deal, you've got to answer my concern, and it has been a year and nobody has given me a reason why we should embrace a trade deal that allows companies rights and secret courts. so once the deal was done, i've been meeting with folks and expressing that concern. nobody has answered my question. the deal is going to come up for a vote and i can't vote for it with these secret votes. >> just last week, you said about it, quote, i see much in it to like, and you called it an upgrade of environmental and labor standards. so has something changed from last week? >> no, those words were accurate. but to the reporter, i said it, i then went on to say but i also see a real fundamental problem with it, because if you upgrade
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labor and environmental standards in a treaty, but don't let labor groups enforce it, i did point out in the negotiation, there were things that i thought the team did pretty well. but at the end of the day, a treaty is supposed to be a promise that can be enforced, and if you don't allow the things that i really like to be enforced, then hey, sorry. you know, we just can't do it. >> one more issue, senator. the hide amendment that bans taxpayer funding for abortion. for or against it? >> i have been for the hide amendment. i haven't changed my position for that. >> you've still for the banning. >> i have not changed my position. i have not changed my position on that. >> thank you for that clarity. if secretary clinton is elected, what will be hers and your first priority on day one? >> first priority is going to be
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a significant investment to grow jobs in this country. i thought hillary did a great job last night of laying it out that in the first 100 days, we've got to go heavily after a major job investment. you know, i was a mayor and governor, if you want to do job investments, do it when interest rates are low, so for example, we can build road, airports, bridges, ports, i think a lot of people in the country understand that we need to upgreat our infrastructure, and when interest rates are lower, it is easier to do. it puts people to work. it is a double win. put people to work right now, but then raise your platform for economic success in the long-term. that will not be the only piece to this 100 day job push. secretary clinton talked about last night other components, you know, things like raising wages through an increase in the minimum wage, equal pay for equal work. investments in the skills. not just college. not just debt free college, but
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also, pathways to apprenticeships and trades, visiting great manufacturing companies in pennsylvania and ohio today and tomorrow. but the first 100 days will be about jobs and economy that wos for everybody. >> how do you convince bernie sanders supporter whose did not seem to want to go gently snoo the night that you are progressive enough for them? that's their question. >> you know, what i said to them the other night, i talked to bernie in my speech and i praisx-ray praised them. we all feel the bern and none of us want to get burned by trump. i think they understand after hillary's speech last night, the way she laid out what she'll do on jobs and a whole range of progressive views from immigration reform to you can't be a president, a pro public safety president, and be in the pocket of the gun lobby. she led a number of areas, climate, the need to tackle
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climate issues, building on the work that president obama has done, that are right in the core of what progressives believe. what bernie sanders supporters believe. look, i was chatting with a lot of bernie sanders supporters over the last few days. they had a favorite, but i feel like they're going to unify behind hillary clinton and we're going to do all we can to win in november. >> senator, did you see this meme that popped up on twitter that people were depicting you as the kindly dad down the street, and they were sending all of these funny tweets. let me read a couple. tim kaine for vp, of course he doesn't mind giving you a ride to the airport on monday. don't be silly. and then there was some more. tim kaine, wants you to wait an hour before you can go swims. tim kaine is your friend's dad who catching you smoking weed at a sleep over and doesn't rat you out but talks to you about brain development. senator, what did you think when you started seeing yourself
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being depicted like this? >> well, alisyn, this was -- there are a lot of surprises this week when we got back to the hotel. my wife and me, after my speech wednesday night, and we started -- one of my sons sent me these and we started to read them. we fell asleep at 2:30 in the morning just laughing hysterically. i mean, i guess i got to acknowledge, i have a slight she goofy quality. some find it endearing, and some find it annoying. i can't make myself do it or undo it. it is who i am. but any way, the others picked up on it and are ribbing me about it, yok it is all bad. you know, you're going to see a lot more from november 8th and beyond. >> did you bring your harmonica with you this morning? >> i have six harmonicas. we're going on a bus tour and i think there will be some music
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and long hours where there is entertainment needed. i have a feeling i will be inflicting some harmonica playing on the american public. >> never too early, senator. we just played some instagram video of you bringing down the house there with your harmonica. so america, be forewarned, you're hitting the road with your harmonica. senator tim kaine, thank you. >> just to tell the american people, if you have never played an instrument, the harmonica, it is okay to suck. that's how you make half the notes. >> okay, dad. thanks so much, senator. great to see you. we really appreciate you being on "new day." we look forward to talking to you again. we'll breakdown the tim kaine interview, next. stop... clicking around and start saving at book direct... and get the lowest price online
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clinton's vice-presidential partner joining us here on "new day," alisyn interviewed him. what did we learn, what are the open questions going ahead. let's talk to david gregory and errol louis. what did you make of it? >> the thing that comes through
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more than anything is how, you know, both of these campaigns of how to restore order in the country and world. i think the vision of clinton/kaine is steady leadership, steady hand. and this is why i think the pick of kaine is kind of boring, the goofy quality he talks about, reenforces the steady hand that hillary clinton is trying fro je protect. he has a lot of appeal. he works urban, suburban dad quality. david axelrod said about kaine and mike pensce, they're like te neighbor who mows your lawn without asking you. >> what did you learn, errol, if anything? >> i was struck by the fact that he referred to himself as a missionary. we know this about his back ground, but for him to put it front and center, and he used something if you are familiar with, a sort of buzzword, when he says beloved community. it is a religious term. so think we're going to hear more of that.
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i was surprised to hear that. it will be interesting to see how he does that. it might help the ticket make contact with some of the cultural conservatives. again, it is sort of coded. a lot will go past a lot of other people. >> the message to catholics who have been calling upon him to defend the heideman, catholic organizations for him to aggressively defend. it is still for it -- >> that's coded also, right? >> this is a problem for them. they're going to have to figure out how to negotiate it. they're running against a ticket that is way, way further down the road when it comes to this culture war than tim kaine is. whether it is abortion or other issues that trigger religious sympathies, you know, positively or negatively, whether it is the advance of gay rights, i mean, there is a lot going on that tim kaine will have to speak to. but when you asked him about the
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hyde amendment, he didn't change his position. he did not say i'm in favor of the hyde amendment, because i do not believe government money should if under abortions, because that would put him in big conflict with his party. how big a deal? >> i don't know if it is a big deal unless people want to make it a big deal. what we're seeing here is a liberal catholic that is all but he is sort of like a jfk catholic. his faith means something to him. it doesn't take him to the places that we normally see. like the hyde amendment -- >> he supports roe v. wade he says as the law of the land. >> he has a prayer breakfast he does every week, other senators goes to, he says it is very meaningful. it will be interesting to see how he talks about that. >> catholics count. they've picked the president in every election, except for eisenhower in modern history. >> you guys were asleep, don lemon is having more fun at any
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time of the show. this is his show. >> he looks different. >> that's wolf blitzer right there, but this is was during cnn tonight, and a party broke out during the show. this was at the end of the convention, obviously. wolf blitzer there, seems to be -- >> got a head bob going. the captain. >> this is at 1:00 in the morning. this is what don lemon's set looks like. >> is that breanna keilar. >> look at kevin, he doesn't know what to make of this situation. >> i believe in a blase callpla primetime team doing great work. >> good food, too. >> yeah. >> why don't we have a party at the end of every "new day." >> because it is 100 :00 in the morning. >> this is our party. this is it. >> come on, let's go.
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a lot of news. on that note, gentlemen, great to be with you, and all of you, have a great week. "newsroom" with carol costello picks up after this very short break. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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and good morning, i'm carol costello. thank you for joining me in philadelphia. the democratic national k convention wraps up and balloons
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rain down. ♪ hillary clinton, basking in the moment and celebrating a milestone, becoming the standard bearer, and for the first time, a woman is the democratic nominee. >> i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who don't. for all americans together. >> hillary clinton hoping for the same kind of bounce that propelled her husband to the white house nearly 25 years ago. let's get right to joe johns, inside the convention hall in philadelphia, pennsylvania. hi, joe. >> reporter: hi, carol. the cnn/orc overnight polling suggests the speech was


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