tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 31, 2016 1:00am-3:01am PDT
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amendment, they all now have majority support. so in a way our dreams were set free a little bit in the '70s, and for me it means you can be yourself as a unique individual. and what can be more important than that? disaster in the sky. a hot air balloon plunges to the ground in texas killing everyone on board. a political uproar. donald trump facing new criticism after his comments of a father and mother of a fallen muslim soldier. escaping aleppo. dozens of families flee the city as the syrian city announces more humanitarian help. to our viewers here and around the world, i'm george howell. "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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good day to you. in the u.s. state of texas an accident involving a hot air balloon appears to have taken 16 lives. federal authorities say there are no survivors. if investigators confirm those deaths, it will be the worst hot air balloon disaster in united states history. the balloon went down on saturday in caldwell county. that is between austin, texas, and san antonio. our ed lavandera tells us what may have been a major factor in that crash. >> reporter: it appears that investigators will be taking a very close look oo at the role that power lines in the area where this hot air balloon went down might have played in this tragedy. two sources tell us, one a law enforcement force, another a county official, believe the hot air balloon collided with the power lines. it essentially killed the 16
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people believed to be on board that hot air balloon. the exact cause is not clear. it's not clear what caused the hot air balloon to perhaps collide into these power lines, what exactly was going on on board when all of this happened. so that is something that investigators as they begin arriving on the scene and piecing together will be taking a very close look at. it could be some time before the national transportation safety board, which is the government agency here in the united states that examines these types of accidents, it usually takes them weeks if not months to come out with an official ruling to what caused the accident. a witness on the ground described what she saw as that hot air balloon went down to the ground. >> i don't think any of them realized what was going on. we heard popping sounds and i didn't look in time to see the balloon go down, but the way it went up, i don't think any of them even had any idea what was going on. >> reporter: one other interesting note, a debate that's been going on between the
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national transportation safety board and the federal aviation board here, the ntsb several years ago was calling for more regulation governing these hot air balloon companies. the faa pushed back. it's not clear if the regulations might have made a difference in texas. it is interesting to note that the debate about the regulations and the companies and how they're controlled and governed has been a topic of debate here in the united states. ed lavandera, cnn, dallas, texas. america's choice 2016. donald trump being slammed for his remarks against a father of a fallen muslim u.s. soldier who spoke at the democratic national convention. izia cann gave a powerful
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speech. he denounced the candidate for proposing a ban on muslims after his own son died defending the united states. kahn said trump had no idea of what sacrifice means. >> have you ever been to arlington cemetery? go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending united states of america. you'll see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. you have sacrificed nothing and no one -- >> saying that trump had sacrificed nothing and no one. trump responding to the searing criticism saying i'd like to hear his wife say something suggesting she might not be allowed. he defended himself to abc news
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with the sacrifices he's made. >> how would you answer that? what sacrifices have you made? >> i've worked very, very hard. i've created tens of thousands of jobs. >> those are sacrifices? >> sure. i think they're sacrifices. i think when i can employ thousands and thousands of people, take care of so many of them with their education. i was responsible for getting the vietnam veteran memorial built in downtown manhattan. i have raised millions of dollars in helping the vets. >> trump also released this statement and i read, quote, while i feel deeply for the loss of the son, mr. khan who has never met me has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim i have never read the constitution and say
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many other inaccurate things. trump's criticism has sparked widespread defense of the khan family. former u.s. president called khan's wife a gold star mother and democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton also slammed donald trump's remarks saying the republican has, quote, something missing. >> donald trump is not a normal presidential candidate. somebody who attacks everybody has something missing. he attacked the distinguished father of a soldier who sacrificed himself for his unit, captain khan. he's attacked immigrants and women. he's attacked people with
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disabilities. it's a long list, my friends. >> speaking to the washington post khan said trump's statements are typical of a person with no soul. a live interview at 9:00 a.m. eastern time, 2:00 p.m. london only here on cnn. on now to iraq. four people were killed after gunmen targeted a gas facility north of care cook. they planted several bombs before iraqi security forces took control. the attackers then fled. no one has claimed responsibility but isis has attached oil facilities in care cook. two nearby na shas overwhelmingly lost a vote of no confidence. only three voted in his favor. 27 lawmakers boycotted the vote.
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he's faced growing economic and security problems during his less than two years as prime minister there. we are watching the pope's final mass in poland. he's been spending the week in the european nation meeting with children who came from all around the globe for world youth day. a live report is straight ahead on newsroom plus reflections and prayers after a tragic event. we will take you to france where church services are resuming after last week's deadly attack on a priest. you are watching "cnn newsroom." you got any trophies, cowboy? ♪ whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." this just in here to the newsroom. we're following a situation in austin, texas. police say that there is an active shooter situation that is happening at this hour in the city's downtown area. there are reports of multiple people wounded. one person dead. a female in her 30s. authorities are urging people to stay away from downtown austin. to repeat that if you're watching this broadcast, stay away from downtown austin. we will bring you the very latest information as we get word from investigators here on
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cnn. moving on to russia. it says it will open four additional humanitarian corridors outside of aleppo. moscow says 169 people have used this existing corridor to leave the city under siege. many say they don't trust syrian officials to protect them if they leave. the opposition says the syrian government is using the corridors as a military strategy to empty that city. cnn is live following that story. ian lee joining us from beirut, lebanon. ian, great to have you with us. there are talks of more humanitarian corridors. what will that look like? >> reporter: well, that would mean a total of seven humanitarian corridors, george, coming out of aleppo for civilians to leave. any fighter who wants to be granted amnesty according to the syrian government, they have a three-month window to lay down their arms and surrender to the
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syrian government. as you said, 169 civilians have left as well as 69 fighters. russia also saying that they will have 14 tons of humanitarian cargo waiting there to assist them. while we can't verify the status of these corridors and how many people are leaving -- i say this because sources inside aleppo contradict this. they say the humanitarian corridors sent haven't been open. you have two conflicting narratives although we have seen on syrian state media people supposedly leaving from aleppo. >> the situation there, this humanitarian situation, how bad is it inside aleppo at this point? >> reporter: george, it grows
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more dire by the day talking to the sources inside the city. first they say that you just can't get any food. you go to the market, there's not any root vegetables or really any products there to buy and there also isn't any gasoline. one source says that ran out about five days ago. what makes this so crucial, too, is ambulances don't have any fuel to ferry people to hospita hospitals. also hearing of shortages of supplies. there is a fear also, these hospitals run on generators. the diesel fuel that runs those generators is also critically low. during the best of times it was difficult to get supplies into the city, but now since it's completely besieged, they say those supplies are dwindling and they are not getting anything new. the u.n. has called for a 48 hour cease-fire so they can get
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humanitarian assistance inside the city, as well as people who want to leave, get them out, although we haven't heard any word on that. >> ian lee following the story live in beirut. thank you for your reporting. we'll stay in touch with you. a live look now at southern poland. this is where the pope is holding mass in celebration of world youth day. this will wrap up his five-day visit there in poland largely centered around the international gathering of young catholics which happens every couple of years. delia gallagher live from krakow. what would you say has been the highlight of this trip? >> reporter: well, george, this has been a five-day visit packed with events. the pope as the pope does on all of his trips and one of the highlights i think certainly has to be the pope's message. it's been a message that despite evil, despite the fear of
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terrorism there is good in man and, in fact, it is precisely in times of difficulty, times of conflict that that good is called out of us. that was exemplified when he was in the concentration camp and he met with 25 polish folks. it was exemplified by the fact that 1.6 million people in the world scraped together their money, put on their backpacks and chose to come here to poland to pray with the pope, celebrate the simple acts of kindness. he's told us let's see if the greening out is good or even great acts of world corridor.
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so certainly that message has been the main one and the one that these kids are going home with, george. >> the thing that just really struck me and i spoke with you about this as well the other day, but just that image of the pope walking through the gate at auschwitz. just a very sobering image with all of the things happening around the world. how was that received? >> reporter: well, george, it was an interesting choice on the pope to go to the former german concentration camp and pray. prayer for the pope being even more important than rebuking sitting on an accident in an abt of humility in the face of one of the great evils of our history.
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and that was something that he specifically said he wanted to do to place himself there in silence. there's a new gesture. there are moments when silence is the most appropriate response. afterwards, george, he did speak about the cruelty that occurred in auschwitz. he said it continues today in torture and in war but he said it won't have the last word. there's a beautiful prayer vigil that they won't have the last word. a rousing kind of speech from pope francis for, as i say, 1.6 million kids the organizers are telling us to come here to
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poland. george? >> thank you so much for the reporting. live for us. thank you. church services will be held across france sunday for the first time since a terror attack on a catholic church tuesday. let's go live to alexandra field who joins us live in paris to tell us about the situation. alexandra, muslims, muslim leaders are all encouraged to attend the mass. how significant is that? >> reporter: george, this is a tremendously significant moment and morning in france. this has been the country that's been the repeated target of terror attacks back to january of 2015 when you saw the rash of attacks happen. an 86-year-old priest was killed in the name of isis. while you have investigators who
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are working to understand the people who are carrying out the attacks, government security is trying to beef up security, what you're seeing on the ground is an effort from people in religious roles. to make a demonstration of unity. we have seen in france this past week since the death of the pretekt police. it's to show the world the solidarity, brotherhood. you have the call from muslims to go to catholic masses to join in the religious services together and, conversely, you've also heard from catholic leaders who have said they will welcome muslim worshippers here. at notre dame it is an iconic
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cathedral in this country. leaders from both countries are hoping the masses will turn out, they will share in a service this morning and will help to strengthen ties between the two communities as the country continues to struggle and grapple and reel from this recent spate of attacks, george. >> what a show of solidarity that will be there right into the heart of the city there at notre dame. what more can you also tell us about the investigation into the alleged terror plot that was uncovered that was targeting brussels? >> reporter: right. this is a problem that countries across europe are confronting right now. we know that brussels has been the target of an attack. back in march the belgian authorities had been doing these ongoing counter terrorism opportunities actually since the area that was operating outside of brussels. just over the weekend we've had continued counter terrorism efforts. authorities said they raided
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eight different homes. no explosives were recovered, no weapons were arrested, initially they took two of the brothers on bail. another man who is still being heard, it is not clear what this man is suspected of having plotted. at this point authorities say there's no suggestion that whatever plans were in the works were connected in any way to the attacks a the the airport or the metro station that happened back in october. >> alexandra, no flavor. thanks for voting for us. authorities are concerned about four newly reported cases of the zika virus in that state, a popular holiday destination for many people. they are, rather, the first known cases of local transmission of the virus in the united states. health officials think the four people were infected by mosquito
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advice. it originated in a one square mile area. new mothers in brazil are dealing with an unexpected consequence of the zika virus. they are beingion ioshunned. arwa damon has this report for us. >> reporter: every day maria louisa plays her little princess, this song "of god's love he's sure" and every day she cries. >> translator: i get sad because of everything that has happened. i'm not sad because of her. i'm happy with her. she's winterful. >> reporter: her husband left her a month after the baby was born with microcephaly. one relative even asked why she didn't abort. her older sister, too young to really understand, sometimes calls her crazy.
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>> translator: my sister is not mad, she's a normal child like you. >> reporter: largely abandoned, the sister can support groups like this together. in the up person center the mothers of the so-called zika babies lean on each other. >> translator: when i had my child and knew she had microcephaly, i was like everybody mother. i thought i was the only one who was going through this. >> reporter: rosie's daughter turned 9 months and like most days it's going from one appointment to another. this bogs these mothers into an extended family. she feels her isolation most in public under the piercing stairs
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of strangers. >> people keep looking, whispering, look, that girl with the little head. >> she is constantly arguing back that her baby isn't diseased. she's special. most have experienced that same stigma. their love for their little ones is unwavering, but they can only hope and pray that society evolves to accept their children not reject them. arwa damon, brazil. >> arwa, thank you. for the first time a team made up of refugees will compete for olympic glory. how they'll arrive in rio de janeiro ahead of the games.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world, you are watching "cnn newsroom." it is good to have you with us. i'm george howell. with the headlines we are following at this hour, in austin, texas, police say there is no longer an active situation unfolding in that city's downtown area. we do understand there are reports of multiple people wounded from the shooting. one person dead, a female in her 30s. again, this is not an active situation. earlier police were saying to avoid downtown austin, texas. keep in mind that might be a good idea but investigators are on scene and both scenes are secure this according to austin police. we'll bring you the very latest as we learn more on cnn. also in the u.s. state of texas a hot air balloon is believed to have crashed carrying 16 people killing them saturday according to federal
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and local authorities. two sources tell cnn that that balloon may have hit power lines and caught fire before coming down near austin, texas. donald trump's criticism have caused outrage. trump responded to the searing criticism by saying, i'd like to hear his wife say something, suggesting that she wasn't allowed to there on stage. turkish officials have released 758 soldiers. they were detained after a failed military coupe. 231 soldiers are detained and 450 were detained earlier. a rally is going to take
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place in cologne. there was a recent coupe attempt that happened in the country. they're expected to hold counter terrorism. fred, where's the message? >> reporter: they're trying to show their support for turkish president erdogan. this demonstration is set to be one that's very long. if you look at the stage that's set up behind me, george, the message is yes to democracy, no to the couturier. they want to show their owe s support not just for having supported the coupe but for some of the measures that were taking place and purges which have received international
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criticism. the turkish community here, a lot of them feel that turkey isn't getting the support that they expect from the germans. the determine man government feels they should be less critical. in part this is simply a show of support for the turkish government for erdogan, but this is in some ways a criticism not just of germany but the european union and nato. turnings are saying they would have expected more support. one of the things we always need to point out is that erdogan and the turkish government have massive support here in germany. there's about 300 people who have shown up. about 60% of those by recent polls, all three tie the support for erdogan. they'll bring the support on the streets to have a massive demonstration which will take the better part of the day.
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german authorities are concerned about safety and security. there's a big police presence going on here as well, george. >> talk about that, fred. you say authorities are concerned. can you explain to the viewers around the world why they have those concerns. >> reporter: well, the reason is basically that erdogan, like at home. is quite a controversial support here. you have a lot of counter demonstrations. one of the things about could he loan is is it has a sizeable turkish population and there have been issues between these two groups in the past. it's not clear whether the kurds are going to come out. there are four other counter demonstrations going on here as well. one of them by a right wing group that his older brother protested from the beginning. then there's some lesser groups
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as well. there ace a big police presence. 8 water trucks. authorities are not going to allow us to get down. >> fred, thank you for your reporting. we'll stay in touch as you continue to monitor those demonstrations. the rio olympics start friday, and many russian athletes have already arrived in rio. those still not sure if they will be allowed to compete, this due to doping allegations. a three-person panel from the international olympic committee says i will have trumps made. >> this is reviewed for us. the review pa ral la sis will
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make sure on the decision they've taken. they've made the different decision levels and decision by the i cass arbitrator is also putting that forward. then it's up to the panel to see if they accept it for each individual athlete. >> they have the first full faith that suggest will support that, this is the problem in the lead up to the games. the recent "new york times" article has a warning for aquatic answers. health experts have a bit of advice for the people competing in rio de janeiro picture postcard water. next month, keep your mouth closed, he says. one american rower who's hoping up to dye owe and determined in
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advice. she told at this year there are issues with water quality. it is known that we are we are going to have to be smart. genec and take precautions. great. let's move on. the first ever olympic refugee team enjoyed one of the many sites in rio on saturday. they visited the world famous christ the redeemer statute that overlooks that city. athletes from syria. smoke attorney, congress will repeat. in the name of refugees everywhere, he is doing this for his family. >> translator: it's been many years since i have seen my family, my two brothers. i wouldn't even know what my younger brother would look like if i saw him here today. i wouldn't recognize his face. the older one i would recognize.
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i send many hundreds of thousands of kisses to him. >> i'm here participating in the olympics and i participate with my brother about that. striving to be together one day. >> brazilian officials have worked to make the game supreme and sober. many things could happen on the ground or in the water. we have more on that. for real, folks a language. we're heading out for a drill ahead of the olympic games. hire is a scenario. an athlete is in the water and an accident has occurred. a helicopter is dispatched and life guards on jet skis are going to offer this session.
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they say there are 1,000 life guards on the ready. >> the games, we have about 100 people and 37 boats. >> reporter: from the air the pilot says below booking for people in death. the first days of the drill a person is drowning and needs to be air lifted. two life guards drop from the helicopter near the victim. a net is dropped and the book is stayed in the debate. we don't go to there. first responders say the first thing they want to do is make sure the patient is breathing and the heart is stabilized.
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for part two of this drill, a person is drowning. a life guard jumps into the water and pulls them up and onto the rescue board on back of the jet ski. just like olympians train for the games. these firefighters train to save lives. >> rosa. thank you. with both nominees officially sent, many americans are trying to decide who they will vote for. we'll hear from undecided voters who will decide who they'll vote for while cnn continues. whatcha' doin?
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just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit." sorry about that.
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historically been a good indicator of who will win the white house. as randi kaye shows us, many voters are undecided. >> the choice is clear, my friends. >> reporter: for some voters, that may be true but in the swing state of florida the choice is anything but clear for this group of undecided video voters. >> i'm like disgusted with everyone. >> reporter: acknowledging hillary clinton's convention speech, all of them said clinton came off softer. >> i mute it human niezed her. >> reporter: who after watching this speech found hillary clinton more approachable? who after the speech found her more likeable? the biggest hangup for this is trust. >> i was looking for show us why we should trust you.
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that's what i was looking for. >> nothing? >> nothing she said makes me want to trust her, believe in her. >> why is she still avoiding and lying about so many issues? >> they were hoping the former secretary of state would address the mixed messages about the attack in benghazi and her various explanations of her private e-mail server. >> she's said nothing. she's had ample opportunity to present that to us. that's holding me back. this voter did like hear about clinton's mother struggled as time for time. taught her to be a fighter. >> hoip you're still not ready for her. >> clinton's attempt to have unit at this and folks. >> so you don't believe her? >> no. >> reporter: so didn't her laundry list of experience. >> when you talk about experience, she's got a lot of
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it but it's not been very successful. >> still, statements like this did have traction with some. >> we'll fix it together! >> i was drawn over to her because she says our. she always mentioned our. it wasn't i am or i'm going to, it was our, meaning we. >> making it -- making it three. can she do that? can she bring-mile-an-hour together? >> 13 million with three supporters don't herr. many of you after watching this decided to vote later. >> his vote for her is a vote against donald trump. >> she's won my vote tonight. it's more not what she said but it's what trump said yesterday. >> reporter: this voter decided after the speech to support trump after giving clinton one last chance. >> i really wanted her to admit
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her wrongdoings and she would have had my vote. >> reporter: three months to go until election day and here's the tally, two for trump, three for clinton with eight in our group still undecided and unhappy about their options. randi kaye, cnn, tampa, florida. nida may be a tropical storm. tropical storm strength over the philippines. next week it will threaten hong kong as a typhoon. carrie joins us at the weather center. >> yes, we have a few days to go. this is kind of the cone of where we anticipate it will be going. the computer models have been pretty spot on with this particular system as it goes across the northern portions of the philippines which needs slow
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know fall. monday evening into tuesday morning. we're looking at it increasing in intensity, a little better organized and perhaps as a minimal strength tie foot. maybe it will stay at tropical storm strength, maybe it will move on either side of hong kong but right now for the seven or eight million people who reside there in the very congested coastal area, it's better to be prepared and think ahead as we go towards the beginning of the work week and what you might do should this escalate into typhoon intensity. supporting winds of 100 -- right now it's increased rather dramatically happen. it really has increased rather substantially over the last 24
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hours. northwest fairly quickly about 24 kilometers per hour. looking a little more impressive even in the last few images of the inherent satellite imagery. the rainfall totals we've seen across the philippines, rather dramatic. neither was just kind of languishing across the philippines, we've seen 2 and 3al map. severe flooding. take a look at this, there were cars floating down the street. this one in what was essentially canal. there was quite a bit of damage. no reports of injuries but plenty of high water rescues as you can imagine about four inches of rain. some are saying about six. between 100 and 150 millimeters of rainfall. this doesn't have anything to do with a fire.
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the family got out safely. firefighters went to the rescue, this poor cat was resuscitated by the firefighter. this has gone viral on twitter as you can imagine. george. >> karen, thank you so much. new invention is causing quite a biz online and it's not even widely available yet. how a new carry on will actually carry you. that looks so cool. stay with us. otein in birds eye protein blends. ok. they're delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains.. ...and veggies! mmm good. my work here is dooooone! bird's eye protein blends. so veggie good.
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>> reporter: when kevin o'donnell let us test drive it we decided to carry on. there's a thumb throttle for the electric motor. >> it's very responsive. >> reporter: hand brakes like on a bike. >> let's get going right now. >> probably going 6 miles an hour. >> reporter: top speed, eight. it's state of the art lithium battery can go eight miles. takes an hour to fully charge it and you can charge your phone or tablet on it. >> i love it. i'm speechless. >> you have a got to be kidding me. this is what james bond looks like. >> as soon ased bad guys show up, he's gone. >> reporter: good-bye, 007. kevin created this with a friend who's a motorcycle engineer. >> have we got a suitcase for you. >> reporter: kevin joke tested his motorized bag wearing a
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gorilla suit. going april to have one, prepare to pay 1500 bucks. they'll start shipping in january though early birds buying now pay $995. the ride was a little bumpy on new york's craft sidewalks but -- >> the airports are like a moto bag, fa a&t sa compliant that remeans to be seen if the airports were to allow them were they to become popular. >> i did an illegal left turn. >> reporter: why lug around your carry on when it can carry you. see ya later. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> that makes being at the airport so much easier and that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. we'll have more news from around the world after the break.
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city under siege. syrian government forces encircle aleppo while a number of civilians cue up to flee that city. remembering a man of peace. a priest is killed by terrorists last week. and the tragedy of the zika virus now expands. we will bring you the story of mothers who have been abandoned by friends, by family as they attempt to raise babies affected by this virus. from cnn world headquarters here in atlanta.
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welcome to our viewers here and around the world, welcome. i'm george howell. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. welcome. in aleppo, syria, russians say 169 civilians have used new humanitarian corridors to leave a city under government siege. many others say they don't trust syrian officials to trust them if they leave. the opposition says they're using the corridors as a military strategy to empty the city. cnn is following the story with ian lee. ian, talk about the humanitarian corridors. there are talks for more. what will that look like? >> reporter: george, there have been three set up already. four more will make seven. these are humanitarian corridors
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for civilians and fighters who want to lay down their arms and be given amnesty. russian state media reporting that 169 civilians have already left, 69 fighters according to them have laid down their weapons. they have released a video showing people leaving this area. although we can't independently verify this account, and i say that because talking to sources inside the city of aleppo, they say they have been to these humanitarian corridors. they say they haven't been open. from what it appears like, there was no evidence that they had been open so you do have these two conflicting narratives. russia also saying that people who do leave the city, they have 14 tons of humanitarian supplies waiting for them.
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things that aleppo desperately needs. >> ian, just how bad is that humanitarian situation inside aleppo right now? >> sources are telling us, george, that when you go to a market, there's no food there. there's no fruits, no vegetables, nothing to buy. there's also no gas. that is crucial because not only can people drive around but ambulances can't drive around either. a doctor telling us they have no medical supplies or medical supplies are running low. medicine is running low. one-time use items are being sterilized and being used over and over again. diesel fuel to run the generators at the hospital are running dangerously low. at normal times before the siege began it was difficult to get the supplies in. now it's completely impossible. so the u.n. has said that they would like to see a 48 hour cease-fire from the fighting from both sides so that they can
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get this humanitarian assistance inside the city, also get people out if they want to get out. so far we haven't heard any word from either side about that cease fire. >> ian lee live for us. thanks for the reporting. we'll stay in touch with you. a 33-year-old is suspected of planning a terror attack and participating in a terrorist organization. his brother was released without charges. they were arrested after house searches on friday. church services will be held across france on sunday for the first time since a terror attack on a catholic church. two men murdered an elderly priest by slashing his throat.
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isis is behind this attack calling it, quote, cowardly assassination. both terror suspects were shot dead by police. following the story, cnn's alexandra field joins us live from the french capitol. muslim leaders are being encouraged to attend catholic mass. talk to us about the significance of that there with the back drop of notre dame behind you. >> reporter: right. that's happening all over the country, george. it's happening at notre dame cathedral, certainly one of the most significant, one of the most well known, one of the most recognizable cathedrals here in france. it is being transformed into a regular symbol of unity. parisian catholics would come here on a sunday morning. it's visited by long lines and big crowds of tourists who want to take in some of the
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symbolism. this morning catholic leaders and muslim leaders are coming together and they are encouraging them to turn up here together as well. it is a show of solidarity, unity. it's in line with unity marches you're seeing happen in france this week. not just a response to that attack in normandy where an 86-year-old priest was killed but also a response to this steady stream of attacks that this country has been subject to since january of 2015. so you do have these religious groups trying to protect a different issue and leading people in a different direction. as they struggle to make sense of what has bloggplagued this cy and city in recent months. >> alexandra, i'd like to ask you about this recent terror attack that was targeted in brussels? >> reporter: we know that eight different locations were
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searched. two brothers were initially taken into custody and he has decided to release one brother and charge the other with ties to a terrorist organization. we also don't know where exactly the attack or whatever is being planned was meant to take place just somewhere in belgium, but authorities have been very closely trying to watch and trying to find people who could be connected to terror networks throughout belgium and specifically in brussels. that's the result, of course, of the vicious and deadly attacks which unfolded in the city of brussels back in march when an airport was attacked and a metro station. they even perceived that attack, of course. we note that they accelerated after the attacks in paris where authorities were able to drive the back of my brussels came off. >> operations in that country
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continue with the france president, hollande. just this week even in germany you've got chancellor angela merkel saying she plans to boost security and counter terrorism efforts there as they are trying to recover. >> alexandra field, thank you for being with us and thank you for the reporting. america's choice 2016. donald trump now being slammed for his remarks against the father of a fallen muslim u.s. soldier who spoke at the democratic national convention. khazir khan gave a powerful speech. he denounced the republican candidate for proposing a ban on muslims after his own son died defending the united states.
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khan said to trump, had no idea of what sacrifice means. >> have you ever sbn to arlg fon cemetery. look at the graves of brave come patriots who died. you'll see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. you have sacrificed nothing and no one. >> trump responded by saying i'd like to hear his wife say something suggesting she wasn't allowed. he defended by listing the sacrifices he has made. >> how would you answer that, father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? >> i think i've made a lot of sacrifices. i worked very, very hard. i've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of
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thousands of jobs. i think -- >> knows are sacrifices? >> oh, sure. i think they're sacrifices. i think when i can employ thousands and thousands of people. take care of their energy. we got the vietnam memorial building built in downtown manhattan and i have raised millions of dollars for the vets. i'm helping the vets a lot. >> criticism of the khan family has sparked widespread outrage. john kasich tweeted this, there's only one way to talk about gold star parents, with honor and respect. hillary clinton lashed out at trump saying, someone who attacks everybody has something missing. khan's quote was typical. tune in for a live interview on
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cnn a.m. eastern time. 2:00 p.m. only in london here on cnn. hillary clinton and her running mate are on a bus tour in two important swing states. they spent saturday in pennsylvania and that is where they tried to sell their economic plan to working class americans at a stop in johnstown. clinton called on her republican rifle, donald trump, for failing to offer any solutions for fixing the country's economic problems. >> you know, at each of our conventions you get four days to tell the public what they're doing. at the republican conviction they spent more time on insults for me than jobs for you. >> donald trump spoke for p 5 minutes and ofrt zero solutions.
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i don't think that's good enough. i have this old-fashioned idea if you're going to ask somebody for their vote, we owe you a clear explanation of what you're going to get for it. >> relations between law enforcement and their communities, that was also a major focus of the recent political conventions in the united states. baton rouge, louisiana, endured violence on both sides and earlier this month an alto nf man watts traveled. he was shot and killed through your officers. cnn nicaragua lens yeah shows you an area that's trying to heal. >> reporter: in a city exhausted by violence, a tribute to the fallen. ♪ what so proudly we haled >> the move for the three slain
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baton rouge officers. president obama spoke directly to t -- vice president buy den spoke directly to the families. >> when you speak of your son, your husband, your father it will bring a smile to your face before it brings a tear to your eye. >> reporter: the killings of the police officers are personal. edwards comes from a long family line of law enforcement. his stomach sinks about all that has happened this month. >> it's easier said than done and it won't happen overnight, but at the end of the day we are to replace violence for peace and love. we can do it and we're going to do it here in baton rouge. >> our hearts are broken but our spirits are intact.
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>> reporter: since the shooting of alton, the community has been leaned on. i want to be part of that community. being a part of that community means that you grieve when they grieve and you heal together. baton rouge will heal together. they're strong, committed, dedicated. we'll hear together. >> there is no one that wants to see it more, the aubt who riced him, tears up, the officers involved. >> if we took baton rouge out, we don't have anything so we've got to protect what we have right now, whether it's good or bad. >> baton rouge be a place for revival. >> in a town where saund my be
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invaes sieve. nick thank you. we are monitoring live pictures of the pope's final mass in poland. he's been spending the week there meeting with children who came from all around the globe for world youth day. we'll have a live report as "cnn newsroom" continues live around the world at this hour. stay with us. hi daddy! gain the freedom to fumble with the new water and shatter-resistant samsung galaxy s7 active. buy one now and get the samsung gear s2 for free. exclusively at at&t. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not a blade. this is gillette shielding. with lubrication before and after the blades.
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in the u.s. state of texas a hot air balloon appears to have taken 16 lives. there are no survivors. here's what one eye witness says that she saw. >> i don't think any of them even realized what was going on because we heard the popping sounds and i didn't look in time to see the balloon go down but the way it went up, i don't think any of them had any idea what was going on. >> the balloon may have hit power lines. the national transportation safety board is on scene investigating. >> you have weather, you have coordination with a number of resources here, local, state and federal. you only get one chance at it. we have been able to start off on the right foot with that.
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>> investigation then continues and if investigators determine, confirm that the 16 deaths in fact happened, it would be the worst hot air balloon disaster in u.s. history. pope francis is holding mass in celebration of world youth day in southern poland wrapping up his five-day trip to that country. our vatican correspondent joins us from krakow, poland. delia, good to have you with us. what has been the highlight of this trip? >> reporter: george, there have been many important and moving moments for pope francis and for the 1.6 million kids that have come here to krakow from 187 countries around the world. one of them happened at the crowd vigil when a young girl from aleppo, syria, took to the stage and told people who are her age what her life was like
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in syria. let's take a listen to what we see as lives surrounded by this. we close our doors behind us each morning as we leave for work or school. if in that moment that we are gripped by fear that we will not return to find our homes and our families as we left them perhaps we will be killed that day or perhaps our families will. it's a hard and thankful feeling to know that we are surrounded by this and there's no way to help. >> reporter: george, the folks said that this is one of the
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reasons why they come to world youth day, so they can hear stories like this and realize that it is not just some anonymous person they hear about on the news, these are their brothers and sis interprets is break hood. this morning's mass's final chance, george, to offer a message to the young people, the pope said to believe in a new humanity that rejects between people, he said to be more powerful than evil by loving everyone, even your enemies. he has one more important announcement to make, george. that is where the next world youth day will be held in 2019. >> delia, thank you so much for your reporting there. hundreds of soldiers are now free after being detained in
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turkey's post coupe clampdown. many had surrendered after the failed military coupon later in the month. 758 soldiers were released on saturday on the recommendation of a judge. about 238 others remain in custody, more than 15,000 people have been detained since the coupon attempts. they are demanding that angela miracle mirac miracle merkel resign. as many as 30,000 people are set to take part in a rally in colon, germany, soon. the large turkish population is
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gathering to support president erdogan. they may hold counter protests. following this our fred pleitgen joins us in colon with this story. fred, what message are the protestors trying to convey? >> reporter: they're trying to show their support for president erdogan. he has a massive following. there's a about 3 million people who have passports here in germany. at least 60% support erdogan. if we look at the stage behind me where you said this protest is very slowly getting underway. i guessed to dim kra si, no to the cow. they want to show their support for the particular ush government. many turnings who live here feel that the turkish president isn't
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getting the support that he feels he should get. there was criticism by the german parliament and they feel that some of those went too far. they feel in education in the universities as well, they felt that that went too far. here the turnings say they want more support from germany. they don't feel they're getting enough. not only germany, it's the european union and nato that they're criticizing as well. right now they're coming down here, as you said, about 30,000 are expected here even though the weather is set to be quite bad. they're quite concerned about this as well. there's quite a contingent to make sure things don't get out of hand. >> you talk about the size abab organizing. authorities are concerned. >> reporter: well, because
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erdogan is quite a controversial figure in germany as well. one of the things to keep in mind, while the country has a large ethnic turkish population it has a large ethnic kurt hitch one. what there is going to be is there are going to be four demonstrations in criticism of this one right here by a right wing group set to march straight past this venue at some point in time. about 1,000 people said to take place in that. then there's some by groups of the german facility. they have between 2,000 to 3,000 officers. very also have eight people. there was president, they say if
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there's any sort of violence they will step in. >> so a sizeable force in place in germany. fred pointing out the political pressure on german chancellor angela merkel. fred, thank you so much for your reporting. we'll stay in touch. this is "cnn newsroom." still ahead, brazil is promising to make the olympic games safe. we'll show you how authorities are trying to prevent new issues. zika virus moms. they are fighting unexpected consequences that have them bonded together. stay with us. with active naturals® blackberry complex. younger looking skin can start today. new absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology
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for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. having acne... ...was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom." it is good to have you with us. i'm george howell. with the head lines we're following for you this hour. in syria, russia says that 169 civilians have new humanitarian corridors that they've used to leave the city of aleppo. moscow says 69 militants surrendered. two cnn sources inside aleppo are disputing those reports. the opposition says the syrian government is using the corridors as a military strategy to empty that city. church services will be held across france sunday. first since tuesday's terror attack on a catholic church in the northern part of that country. two men murdered an elderly priest slashing his throat. they were then killed by police. france's president says isis was
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behind this. >> they're asking for angela merkel to resign over her open door policy for refugees. more demonstrations are going to happen in colon. they're rallying behind president erdogan. president mass is wrapping up a five daze day trip. they make the trip every couple of years for the gathering. the international olympic committee will have the final say on russia's olympic roster. many of the countries athletes have arrived in rio not knowing if they will even be able to compete due to the suspensions over doping allegations. a three-person panel from the
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ioc will look at each and every banned athletes' case before coming to a decision. the games will begin on friday. while the ioc says it has full faith that brazil will host a successful bid, "the new york times" article has a warning about aquatic athletes. they say, quote, health experts in brazil have a word of advice for the sailors. keep your mouth closed. one-mile-an-hour rower, megan kelman, wants to move past that advice. she told the gaurian newspaper, quote, at this point there are issues with the water quality. it is known that athletes are going to be at risk for illness. it is known we are going to have to be smart, hygenic and take
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precautions. great, let's move on. authorities are preparing for different emergency statuses has that. rosa flores has more from rio. >> we're heading out with brazilian firefighters for a drill. there is an athlete in the water and an accident has occurred. a helicopter with several first responders is dispatched by air and life guards on jet skis are launched into the water. >> games time we are going to provide this service 24/7. >> they say they have 1,000 life guards on the ready. >> the games we're going to r
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run -- >> reporter: from the air pilots monitor the water looking for people in distress. their eyes in the water life guards in distress. this time i'm looking along. the first day a person is high lighted. a net is dropped and the victim is scooped into the net, lifted and transported to nearby medics who begin first aid immediately. once the patient is out of the water, they want to make sure that the patient is breathing and the heart is stabilized. for part two of this drill, a person is drowning and they take jet skis. they pull the victim up and onto the rescue board on the back of
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the jet ski. >> stand up. >> reporter: just like olympians train for the games, these firefighters train to save lives. rosa flores, cnn, rio de janeiro. >> thank you. the first ever refugee team enjoyed sights in rio de janeiro on saturday. they visited the christ the redeemer statute. ten people from syria, south sudan, ethiopia opened to maim in refugee goals. >> translator: it's been many years since i have seen my family, my two brothers. i wouldn't even know what my younger brother would look like if i saw him here today. i wouldn't recognize his face.
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the older one i would recognize. i send many hugs and kisses to him and all of them. i am here in brazil. i'm participating in the olympics and i thank god for that. if my brother can see me on tv, to know your brother is here in brazil, striving to maybe see him, ton together one day. >> some new mothers in brazil are dealing with an unexpected consequence of the zika virus. they're being shunned by family members and friends for giving birth to a baby with the zika virus. our arwa damon has the story. >> reporter: every day arwa damon plays this song for her children. >> translator: i get sad because of everything that has happened. i'm not sad with her, i'm happy with her, she is wonderful. >> reporter: maria's husband
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left her one month after the baby was born with microcephaly. the younger sister too young to understand sometimes calls her crazy. >> translator: i say your sister is not mad, she's a normal child like you. >> reporter: largely abandoned the girl is a no. the mothers of the zika babies lean on each other. >> translator: when i had my child i knew she had microcephaly. i was like every mother. i thought i was the only one going through this. >> reporter: rosie's daughter klara turned nine months today. like most days it's spent going from one appointment to another. the sheer commitment of raising a child with microcephaly bonds
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these mothers into an extended family. rosie fears her safety. they say, look, that girl with the little head. >> reporter: she is constantly arguing back that her baby isn't diseased. she's special. most experience that same stigma. their love for their little ones is unwavering. but they can only hope and pray that society evolves to accept their children, not reject them. arwa damon. a major eastern u.s. city brought to a halt because of flooding. the very latest on the conditions of the metro baltimore area which officials are calling life threatening. plus, protesters in aus
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stale yeah are concerned and it appears to show this next. (lionel) ♪it's peyton... ♪it's peyton on sunday mornings.♪ (peyton) you know with directv nfl sunday ticket you can watch your favorite team no matter where you live. like broncos or colts. (cashier) cool. (peyton) ah...18. the old number. ooh. i have got a coupon for that one. (vo) get nfl sunday ticket - only on directv. and watch live games anywhere.
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stripped naked, tear gassed and held in solitary confinement. mark santo martino with the affiliate sky news australia has more for us. >> reporter: emotions were running high. chanting, shut it down. many in this crowd were out for blood. the pain of seeing young boys brutalized in detention cells cuts just as deep on the other side of the country. >> putting them in small rooms with no running water for 24 hours a day in the middle of the northern territory and getting beat and stripped and tortured is certainly not the answer to any human being in this country. we should be ashamed and we all need to stand together whether you are aboriginal or not. >> reporter: these rallies one of several being held. the organizers want the governments to feel the full force. having stayed hidden for so
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long, they insist that what we've seen is just the tip of the iceberg. to many of the protesters, the problem is what comes next. how are we going to fix this issue. while they have been brought into the northern territory detention centers, many have little faith it will work. >>. >> they're wasting time looking for a quick political fix to respond to the outrage to keep them in detention. >> reporter: sky news, melbourne. australia's indigenous affairs minister has responded. he said in part, quote, i'm sorry i wasn't aware of the full circumstances that were exposed this week. every person in our justice system must be treated with humanity and respect at any time. there are never any excuses for
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the brutality to these same children. people in the state of maryland are being told to move to higher ground now, to go immediately because of flooding. rescue workers are being told to go. some streets are starting to cave in due to water. u.s. weather officials described the scene as extremely dangerous. we'll continue to monitor that, of course. from those scenes in baltimore, this looks pretty bad. >> it is terrible. this is really a developing story, although the people in maryland really knew all about this when the rain came down. it came down so swiftly it was shocking. we're starting to see some really very impressive pictures coming out of central maryland into baltimore, also to new
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jersey. these are just a few of the images. primarily it was baltimore city and probably even more extensive damage now coming out of elicott city. they declared a flood emergency. now estimates are about four inches, 100 millimeters of rainfall. could have been six inches, 150 millimeters of rainfall fell over a very short period of time and the -- because we have this essentially concrete and asphalt, it can't absorb into the grouped. it has been devastating across the region. we don't have any reports of any fatalities, nor reports of injuries. people have been out of their homes it has been such a desperate flood situation. the other possible storm is nida. we don't have confirmation on
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how that is pronounced. it is going to move into the northwest. increasing in intensity, 120 kilometer winds now. it is expected to make a little shift more towards the west so a city of 7 or 8 million people, hong kong, by about monday going into tuesday it looks like at least according to the computer models, that this could be at typhoon intensity and making landfall within this region. why? well, because as it's moving across the philippines it has really been the monumental rain maker. some areas reporting 2, 300 millimeters over the last couple of days but we're looking at such substantial flooding. it's not really so much the wind although that is problematic but the rain produces the mud and the landslides. it pushes out into the upper waters. probably regains some strength because of the interaction with land.
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it gets torn apart a little bit. very impressive looking on the satellite imagery here over the last 12 hours or so. moves over the open waters and becomes better organized. when it becomes better organized it's going to increase in intensity. we think for this region across southeastern china, specifically in the vicinity of hong kong, be prepared. now is the time. since it looks like this is going to be the target zone. either way, heavy surf, we're watching. back to you, george. >> karen, people in hong kong, obviously they need to pay attention to the storm's path. i'd like to ask you about the situation in baltimore again. people are being told to stay put at this point, right, until officials tell us you need to move on, find other areas. >> absolutely. you showed those images of the cars just streaming down the
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street after a certain amount of precipitation, cars will literally float. some of these roads were like rivers. i don't know if we can put that video back up again, but very impressive. this happening just outside the nation's capitol. this is in baltimore city, ellicott city. that's where i've seen the worst damage done to buildings, cars are reportedly safe. >> wow. thanks so much. following weather on different parts of the world. a lot happening. thank you. the passion for football is growing here in the united states. we'll tell you why some big stars and investors are not watching. this is shaving.
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it's only their second season in major league soccer, but they're backed by a lot of cash and some big names. our nick parker explains. >> there on the return run though -- >> legendary spanish striker david villard taking care of business, the new york city football club. built from scratch, the team only actually entered major league soccer last season and ambitions are high. >> there is a ton of money there and you're talking about an ownership group that is more than willing to spend. you have three designated players making over $17 million in aggregate. >> the new york team made a great move. their name is city football group. on their roster are players from manchester city. the influence from city is clear
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from the pale blue kit, the attack in playing style, the hope is that synergy in branding will translate into success in the mls at a time when u.s. consumer access to the english premier league is growing. >> i believe it's a complement. i'm firmly a believer in this. as they grow up they are going to want to consume more and more soccer all the time any way they can. right now there still isn't enough access to professional soccer. >> reporter: building support in the city is key for the new team. this event with star players and new york's mayor, they announce a partnership to build 50 football pitches for children for new fields. it can get better. >> reporter: the latest tv rights is worth $19 million a year, triple what it was two years ago but still a long way
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short of the multi- billion dollar price tag. >> the cross is turned in by frank lampard. >> reporter: big name signings will always get eye balls, but what's needed are home grown talent and more wages. it's certainly a long term play. the team is said to be in the redbud focused on building a profitable future. nick parker, cnn, new york. >> nick, thank you. party time for one giant panda who turned 4 on saturday. california's san diego zoo treated jao wii lu treated her to several items including this popsicle. wu is the sixth panda to be born at the zoo.
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he's grown quite a bit and now weighs the same as his father. wu is one of three giant pandas on loan from panda. thank you for being with us. i'm george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. for viewers in the u.s., "new day" is up. for other viewers, your headlines are up. my advice for looking younger longer? get your beauty sleep and use new aveeno® absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. younger looking skin can start today. new absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. having acne... ...was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment
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of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. you could pay as little as $15 for aczone gel. learn more at aczone. prescription treatment. proven results.
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