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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  July 31, 2016 3:00am-5:01am PDT

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we're so grateful for your company as always. >> your "new day" starts right now. ♪ he attacked the distinguished father of a soldier who sacrificed himself for his unit. >> disrespect is something that i think a lot of people are
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feeling. >> you know what we call a person like that in pittsburgh? a jaggoff. >> they believe the hot air balloon collided with these power lines. >> we heard the popping sounds. i don't think any of them had any idea what was going on. >> the water got up right about where we were standing here. it would have been waist high on me here. >> i'm happy i'm alive. again, so grateful to have you with us. we are 100 days now until this country elects the next president of the united states. buckle up for the sprint to the finish line. hillary clinton and tim kaine embarking on their third and final day of a bus tour through the rust belt. >> they look for a bounce in the
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polls. more on their message to voters in just a minute. first, this morning faking empathy. that's a new angry reaction from the muslim father of a u.s. soldier killed in combat. he's taking aim at donald trump. >> he slammed the republican nominee for proposing a ban on muslims. this was what started it all, kahn saying that trump had no idea what sacrifice means. >> you have sacrificed nothing and no one. >> yesterday donald trump defended himself in an interview with abc news. >> how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? >> i think i've made a lot of sacrifices. i work very, very hard. i've creates thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of th e thousands of jobs. >> those are sacrifices?
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>> when i can employ thousands of people and take care of their education -- even in the military i was responsible with a group of people for getting the vietnam memorial built in downtown manhattan. i have raised millions of dollars for the vets. i'm helping the vets a lot. >> those comments sparking a new wave of backlash. ohio governor john kasich tweeted, there's only one way to talk about gold star parents, with honor and respect. overnight donald trump issued a statement in response. he called the captain a hero. but he went onto say while i feel deeply for the loss of my son, mr. khan has no right to stand before me and claim i have never read the constitution, which was false and say many other inaccurate things.
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mr. khan told the "washington post," quote, what donald trump said originally, that defines him. people are upset with him. he realizes that his original statement was a stupid mistake. in that abc interview trump also said he wanted to hear khan's wife at that people. khan's response, quote, those word were typical of a person without a soul. >> let's bring in a donald trump supporter and a. scott boldin he is a hillary clinton supporter. where was the empathy, the sympathy for this family before this written statement? we didn't see any of that in the abc news interview. >> that's interesting, that you brought up didn't see. that is the point that we need to make here. this is not aired yet. all that we see are the clips that are being released from abc, george stephanopoulos a
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former advisor, director of communication under bill clinton. all we're seeing are the clips they're putting out to tease their segment. when this came out i actually said mr. donald trump is wrong. now that i've read the questions that the donald trump campaign and others have released, you can see what a setup this is, which is nothing but to trap mr. trump going forward. >> you mention the full release. i've got it here that was put out on the website, on donaldj. >> it says what would you say then? without taking a break he says, what sacrifice have you made for your country? >> that's inaccurate. i have it in my hand. >> it's the same thing. >> the they say what would you say to that father? trump says, well, i'd say we
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have a lot of problems with radical islamic terrorism. why not in that moment say, i'm sorry for this family's loss and we honor his service? >> because he said that earlier in the interview. what i'm talking about is farther on down the transcript. when stephanopoulos continues to push for an answer because it's obvious that his ulterior motive was to trap donald trump. right now the democrats have a major issue with the military vote as they were booed and harassed on the stage of the dnc this week. this is a hit job done on mr. trump. >> you say earlier in this interview that he expressed that gratitude and sympathy for the family. this is the transcript from the trump campaign. i don't see it there. >> let me say this, now mr.
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trump is a victim and my good frie friend, i'd love to see her and others become an apologist for the trapping of mr. trump who is a marketing and pr guru. it makes no sense. these were crude, inappropriate and crass statements in a situation where all mr. trump had to say was that we thank this young man, captain khan for his service, we honor those parents. remember this, these parents were not attacking donald trump. they attacked his idea of banning muslims. had muslims been banned, captain khan would not have been there protecting all of us as a soldier and defending our freedom and making us safer. now, that's donald trump's calls to make. if he wants to respond that way, but don't tell me somehow donald trump is a victim because his
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written statement later was in response to the criticisms that he drew for two grieving parents. and then to attack the mother for not being able to talk or not talking when she's stricken with grief and eventually did give an interview, it was highly inappropriate and consistent with donald trump's response to anyone that criticizes him. he goes on the personal attack. it's not the temperament or the compassion that we need. >> we share time here. >> hold on. >> both of you, hold on for a second. >> this is case in point. >> thank you scott. let me come back to you with that inference that the mother was not allowed to speak. why say that? >> let me correct two points that scott made real quick. that was a direct attack on donald trump. when you hold up the constitution and say, have you
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read this? >> that was a question. >> that was a direct attack on mr. trump. second of all, the policies mr. trump has proposed concerning nonu.s. citizen muslims would not have affected these parents. somebody has purposely frauded these parents to think they would be affected by mr. trump's policies. they would not have been affected by the temporary ban of muslims. >> answer the question specifically about why say this mother was not allowed to speak. >> unfortunately, that is -- there's different rules in different countries. i imagine that's what he's referencing. i don't know that would have been the course i would have taken with it. for some reason she didn't speak. >> she was emotionally unable to have that conversation about her son. >> then why is she on the stage before millions of people trying
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to make a point to slander -- >> what are you talking about? >> we need to take a break. we'll come back to this in just a moment. stay with us on "new day." we'll continue. i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems. . welcome back. continuing the conversation on this controversy over donald trump's response to those parents at the dnc. before we went to break, you asked why this mother would be on stage if she was so emotional. i want to read for you something her husband told the "washington post" just before midnight. emotionally and physically she
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just couldn't even stand there. when we left, as soon as we got off camera, she just broke down. the people inside, the staff were holding her, consoling here, just totally emotionally spent. only those parents who have lost their son or daughter could imagine the pain the memory causes especially when a tribute is being paid. that's the explanation from mr. khan. and you ask why was she even there? >> why was she? the policies that they came out against mr. trump was false. obviously every parent grieves. by the way, before this let me point out i am the wife of a former army captain. i'm a military captain. so my sympathies go for any parent who's ever lost a child. let's take that out of the situation. this is an obvious hit job. the interview had not even aired yet, but all this criticism.
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everybody's talking about it. the father is on a media tour. if you don't see this for what it is, it's all about spinning and trying to distract from the situation. at the rnc, you had the parents of the benghazi soldiers. you need to respect all mothers that have lost children. hillary clinton basically called pat smith a liar. that's how you can tell this is a spin job. it's using the victims. >> let's listen to donald trump at the vfw last week. let's watch that. >> the members of your organization have fought for the american flag and boy have you fought on distant battlefields all across the world.
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your members have shed their blood and poured out their hearts for this nation like nobody else. our debt to you is eternal. >> there seems to be, though -- and correct me if i'm wrong -- a difference between when there is a scripted speech and a press releaease and donald trump's rhetoric when he's asked in an unscripted moment about the service of veterans. >> if you think donald trump doesn't care about veterans, that's ridiculous. >> i'm saying there's a difference between the scripted speech and the press release. and when he's asked about this father, he goes immediately to radical islam. >> it doesn't show the entire full transcript. let me remind you that the shooter at ft. hood. why didn't he address it if he's
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going to use it? no. he used that stage to attack mr. trump, to sit there and call him out and say he didn't read the constitution, which was false. and now you've got him on a media tour. >> donald trump after the melania trump speech controversy suggested any press is good press. what he has done is stolen the headline from the bus tour in ohio and pennsylvania from clinton and kaine. >> the clinton/kaine campaign going to the rust belt and talking about the economy, they're getting it to the headlines because they're talking to the hard working, middle class americans and taking a message of hope. trump is attacking a muslim american family over the death of their son and his reaction in
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regard to how successful he's been in building businesses and making money. that is exactly what his response was. it wasn't part of something that was written. then we'll take that on balance, quite frankly, because that's a winning strategy. that's a winning time for us, even if it's the headline about donald trump. >> we will have this conversation again at the top of the hour. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. mr. khan is a guest on state of the union this morning right here on cnn. take a look at this. can you imagine being swept up in that? >> many folks are waking up this morning just trying to figure out how to clean up from this mess, but unfortunately more rain is on the way.
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heavy rain is triggering a flash flooding emergency in baltimore. wait until you see these pictures and imagine yourself in this position. roads are turned into rivers there. we're talking about 4,000 pound cars that are tossed down rapids like driftwood. look at this.
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>> thousands of people lost power as well. here's a look at what happened from wjztv. >> the damage intense. this dramatic video, one man had to be carried to safety. >> i literally came here. i thought we were going to have dinner with him. it was panic. and my friend was pulling someone out of there. i've never seen anything like it. >> cars were swept away. >> the water got up about to where we were standing here. it would have been about waste high -- waist high right here. >> reporter: come of these cars actually washed into others. take a look down here. you can see a car into this channel and even worse still, this car completely totalled.
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take a look at this road flooded. this video facing jones falls. >> all i can say is i'm happy i'm alive. >> the flash flooding warnings have expired in the baltimore area. but the folks who live there still need to stay alert for more flooding, i'm told. >> you look at those pictures. you hope that it's all over soon. >> it will be temporarily because the water that's there -- flash flooding goes away just as quickly as it comes in. but we're also expecting more rain. images like this are possible in other areas once we get additional showers and thunderstorms. no rain there right now. that will help aid in recovery and also into the cleanup. the estimated rainfall amounts, again, look at this, wide spread
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areas of about four inches of rain. going forward we expect even more showers and thunderstorms too. but we're also keeping a close eye on the tropics. this is our tropical invest, 97-l just a few miles away from the leeward islands. notice the track takes it all the way towards the gulf. this is important, because as of yesterday we officially broke a record, the record of the longest draught that long est drought that we've had in the gulf since 1886, meaning weathwe have had no hurricanes form or live in the gulf of mexico in about 1,050 days. last time we had a storm was 2013. that was ingrid. the ironic part is that new storm we just talked about will likely end up in the gulf in
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about the next five to seven days. certainly something to keep a close eye on. donald trump is frustrated over the fall presidential debate schedule. brian stelter is following that angle for us. >> normally presidential candidates meet three times on the debate stages in the fall. but this is not a normal election. and donald trump says the schedule is unacceptable. first, we want to help you watch your money. mortgage rates were down slightly this week. here's your look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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(mind-blowing sound) everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? (mind-blowing sound) mind blown. bird's eye flavor full. so veggie good. josh, don't you have fryeah, so? ng over? it stinks in here. you've got to wash this whole room are you kidding? wash it? let's wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use febreze... ...fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. walker inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze, with up to 4 times the freshness... one refill. pluggable febreze and fabric refresher... [inhale + exhale mnemonic] ...two more ways to breathe happy
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welcome to sunday. good to see you. i'm christi paul. >> our top political story, the fiery exchanges between donald trump and the parents of a fallen muslim american war hero. >> the father is lashing out at donald trump, accusing him of, quote, faking empathy, after a statement from the nominee attempted to clarify earlier comments that were made in an abc news interview when donald trump was asked about casukhazr
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khan. >> and say many other inaccurate things. in response to that mr. khan told the "washington post," what trump said originally, that defines him. in that interview, trump also said he wanted to hear khan's wife at that event. to that, khan said those are the words of a person who without a soul. donald trump is slamming the upcoming presidential debate schedule as well, calling the two debates scheduled to run against nfl games unacceptable. that's lead some to wonder if the nom flinee is trying to bac out of those debates. we're joined by brian stelter. so these debates were scheduled in 2015, september, if i remember correctly. >> right. >> the complaints come now,
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though. why? >> this might be a prelude to further negotiations with the commission that organizes the debates. two of the four debates also overlapped with football games. donald trump said it's a problem for him. here's what he told abc about that this weekend. >> well, i'll tell you what i don't like. it's against two nfl games. i got a letter from the nfl, saying this is ridiculous. i don't think we should be against the nfl. i don't know how the dates were picked. i don't know why those particular dates -- >> you don't like the dates that were out there. >> hillary clinton wants to be against nfl like she did with bernie sanders where they were on saturday nights when nobody's home. >> trump went onto say he's fine with the idea of three debates.
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if someone told him there was only one debate, he'd say i'd rather have three debates. he said he received a letter from the nfl objecting to the schedule. i asked the head of the nfl and within two minutes he said, no, we did not send a letter to mr. trump. the commission that organizes the debates has an incredibly hard job. that's why they do this a year ahead of the debates. they have to pick a number of days of the week that are fair, that are spread out, that don't conflict with other big events or religious holidays. they say they came up with the best possible schedule they would. i think this is the beginning of eight weeks or so of donald trump toying with the idea of attending or not attending the debates. remember he skipped a primary debate last january.
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it would be almost unprecedented for him to skip a general election debate. >> we understand that wikileaks says they could release more e-mails soon. you're speaking with julia julian assange later this morning. >> we'll be joining him via his computer camera, talking with him about more leaks from this dnc e-mail hack. he has said he has more information about hillary clinton, more information about the dnc. when is he planning on releasing that information and what is the source of that information? many believe it was from russia. that's been unconfirmed by u.s. officials. so i'll ask about that coming up at 11:00 a.m. today. >> be sure to watch brian stelter on reliable sources 11:00 a.m. eastern right here on
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cnn. it is a really horrific hot air balloon ride that happened over central texas yesterday. polo sandoval is there. >> reporter: that accident now leaving the families of 16 people grieving and asking questions. federal investigators will be at the field you see behind me later today. it's the deadliest accident of its kind in recent u.s. history. ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪
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38 minutes past the hour. it is the deadliest balloon
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crash in u.s. history. 16 people were killed yesterday when a hot air balloon on a sunrise tour appears to have crashed into power lines, burst into flames and fell from the sky. polo sandoval is live in caldwell, texas. i saw a picture of authorities. one woman putting her arm around, i think it was a sheriff's deputy. this has really affected the folks there. >> reporter: it certainly has. what we're looking at here is a very tough task for investigators as they return to the scene later today. it's very difficult to make out since it's not yet sunrise. that is where that balloon plummeted towards the ground nearly 24 historie hours ago. there were 16 people on board that balloon tour. sadly, we're told there were no survivors. details or names or identities
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of these individuals have not yet been released by the authorities who are handling this investigation which is the national transportation safety board. they also have to look closer and listen to some of the witnesses who reported hearing a loud pop. that suggests that this balloon may have actually hit some of these high tension power lines that you see not far from the train tracks that you see over my shoulder. one neighborhood heard a loud pop and looked outside. >> first i heard a whooshing sound and then a big ball of fire up. i don't think any of them even realized what was going on. we heard the popping sounds. i didn't look in time to see the balloon go down. but the way it went up, i don't think any of them even had any idea what was going on.
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>> reporter: so you have that witness statement. you also have information from at least two law enforcement sources here in texas telling us this is the predominant theory right now, this preliminary investigation suggesting this balloon may have clipped those power lines causing that fire and the deaths of these 16 individuals. the national transportation safety board will be the ones to confirm the cause. >> i've never taken a hot air balloon ride. that's why i'm asking this question. is there a communication system for the person piloting a hot air balloon to people on the ground? and is there any recording of such that might lend some sort of idea as to what happened? >> reporter: it is going to be something that investigators are going to consider. the people who were on that hot air balloon, all passed away.
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ultimately whatever these people on the ground have to say is going to be crucial for investigators to figure out what happened at what was supposed to be a joyful event for those 16 individuals. just a few days now, continuing the countdown to the olympic games in rio. now less than a week away. rosa florez is there with a preview. >> cnn gains exclusive access to an aquatic search and rescue mission. we have cameras by air and water capturing all of the dramatic events. but how do these intense trainings help firefighters prepare for the olympic games? we'll let you know after the break. hear me. i'm just in your head. (announcer vo) no matter how you use your data verizon's got your back. introducing the new verizon plan. now get 30% more data. no surprise overages. and keep the data you don't use. all on america's best network.
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ssoon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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officials confirmed four cases of local transmission. >> pregnant women are at greatest risk from zika as it can have devastating consequences for unborn babies. >> they hope they're overreacting. their worst fear they say would be to contract the zika virus, especially now. >> my biggest concern right now as far as the zika virus is having it spread through miami-dade county and possibly the country. >> the area inside the box, it started there like actually a little bit north of us and it runs all the way that way and
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then about a mile west. >> they live a block away from the site of what health officials say is the transmission zone. the fact is not lost on them, but especially not on her. >> i'd say she talks about it four or five times a week. for the last several months, yeah. we're seeking to make a baby together. >> we also have a lot of tourism in miami from south america. and ever since the news broke about brazil, that's why i've been concerned about it because it's easy, easy for it to transmit to come here. it was just a matter of time. >> even before knowing for certain, they changed some of their daily routines to take added precautions. >> i've been avoiding taking the dogs at night at certain hrs where the mosquitos are out and biting, also wearing bug repe
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repella repellant. that's pretty much all you can do. >> in recent days mosquito inspectors have gone door to door to test residents for zika. inspectors have also gone block by block to spray insecticides in the affected areas. it still doesn't make the sterns feel any better. the fact the virus is now in their back yard looms large for the anxious couple. it's almost all they can think about. >> got to be careful, especially women. well, women and men. >> yeah. i could transmit it to her. >> yeah. >> her nervous laugh speaks for them both. nick valencia, cnn, miami. meanwhile, five days to go before the start of the olympics. athletes are arriving in rio. first responders in the city are rehearsing for every emergency. here's rosa florez.
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>> reporter: we're heading out with brazil military firefighters for a drill ahead of the olympic games. here is the scenario. there is an athlete in the water and an accident has occurred. a helicopter with several first responders is dispatched by air. and lifeguards on jet skis are launched by water. >> in the games time we are going to provide these services 24/7. >> reporter: a fire brigade colonel is in charge and says he has a thousand lifeguards on the ready. >> 37 boats. >> reporter: from the air, he says, pilots monitor the water below looking for people in distre distress. their eyes in the water, lifeguards on jet skis. this time i'm riding along. in the drill, a person is
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drowning and needs to be air lifted. two lifeguards drop from the helicopter near the victim, a net is dropped and the victim is scooped into the net, lifted and transported by medics who begin first aid immediately. once the patient is out of the water, first responders say the first thing they want to do is make sure the patient is breathing and that the heart is stabilized. >> we have not good condition of the ocean. the tides are very high. >> reporter: for part two of this drill, a person is drowning and first responders on jet skis take action. >> that's the end of their mission. >> reporter: just like olympians train for the game, these firefighters train to save lives. >> and joining us now live from
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rio -- i've got to tell you. i just want to reiterate that that was a drill, because it look soed so real. how confident is everybody there that they will be prepared and ready? >> reporter: just like you saw in that drill, that was a confiscate dril safety drill. there's also a separate group that's in charge of security. they're running similar intense drills. but they're a little different. they're focused on security. so they're running drills that involve terrorist attacks of various kinds with chemical weapons, biological weapons. and they're running these intense trainings so they can learn and knowledge share among all of the agencies that will be working the olympic games. that's what you see and you will be seeing out on the street. there's 85,000 police officers, soldiers, firefighters are going
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to be present. spectators will be able to see them. what you won't be able to see is what is happening behind the scenes. intelligence officials tell us they will be intelligence gathering throughout. they are working with foreign governments. it's not just the brazilians. it's foreign governments. they're bringing all that intelligence together and acting on that intelligence. so far they've arrested 12 brazilian nationals with possible ties to terrorism. they say that it's working. every official that we talk to says they are prepared for the olympic games. >> we know the olympics panel is reviewing the case of those banned russian athletes. what do you know about that? >> reporter: the deadline is very, very tight right now. the pressure is on on the i.o.c. here's the background on this. the i.o.c. decided not to ban every russian athlete after the state doping scandal. so the i.o.c. decided to give
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the power to the individual federations for the individual federation to decide what athletes compete and don't complete. now the i.o.c. is coming back and saying we've created a three-person panel and now we are going to review all of those individual decision that is the federations made. here we are five days to the games and these russian athletes -- some of them are here in rio already and they still don't know if they will be competing. >> we appreciate you keeping us updated. thank you so much. did you see this? this really emotional start to the training camp for the dallas cowboys. >> day wasn't about football. it was about honoring the dallas police department and those who lost their lives in the line of duty. ♪
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by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems. this daredevil became the first person to jump from a height of 25,000 feet without a parachute. and look at that. right into a net. he's not new at this. he has 18,000 jumps under lihis belt. how does he control that he lands in the net? >> that was the question i had. >> he has no cape with an s on it is all i'm saying, although i
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guess he could after that stunt. >> i've got the one word question i think everybody at home is asking. >> why? >> yes. >> he's got some time on his hands. >> at least now we know luke eakins can do it. so a night of hard hitting action in the octagon ends with a new ufc champion. >> you know it's the year of the upset in the ufc. in the last seven months we've had seven new ufc champions crowned. the latest here in atlanta. rob bylawler against woodley. this was woodley's first fight in 18 months. golf's last major of the year will have a marathon ending
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if it even ends today. thunderstorms shut down the championship yesterday. players are hoping to tee it again again this morning but there is more rain in the forecast and it may actually push the final round to monday. in an amazing show of solidarity, the dallas cowboys walked onto the field for their first practice of training camp arm in arm with the mayor, the police chief and the families of four of the dallas officers killed by a sniper earlier this month. the mother of one said she'd never forget walking arm in arm with mayor rawlings and tony row know. michael jordan has been retired for 13 years but he's
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still michael jordan. clippers star chris paul bet if jordan missed three shots while going around the world, every kid at his camp would get a pair of jordans. jordan made every single one of the shots. >> you don't even miss on purpose. >> not mj. he always wants to show that i am in fact the greatest. >> thank you so much for starting your morning with us. >> next hour starts right now. he attacked the distinguished father of a soldier who sacrificed himself for his unit. >> disrespect is something that i think a lot of people are probably feeling. >> we call a person like that in pittsburgh a jagoff. >> they believe the hot air balloon collided with these power lines. >> we heard the popping sounds. i don't think any of them even
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had any idea what was going on. >> water got up to right about where we were standing here. it would have been about waste hi -- waist high on me right here. >> i'm just happy i'm alive. new this morning donald trump is faking empathy. that's the accusation from the muslim father of a u.s. soldier killed in combat taking aim at the republican nominee. >> the dnc khan slammed the republican nominee for proposing a ban on muslims. this is what started all of it, khan saying that trump had no idea what sacrifice means. take a look. >> you have sacrificed nothing. and no one. >> yesterday donald trump defended himself in an interview with abc news. >> how would you answer that
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father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? >> i think i've made a lot of sacrifices. i work very very hard. i've created thousands and thousands of jobs. tens of - >> those are sacrifices? >> sure, i think they're sacrifices. when i ask employ thousands of people, take care of their education. i was very responsible along with a group of people forgetting the vietnam memorial built in downtown manhattan. i have raised millions of dollars for the vets. i'm helping the vets a lot. >> those comments parking a new wave of backlash from democrats and respects. look at this from ohio governor john kasich tweeting, there's only one way to talk about gold star parents, with honor and respect. overnight donald trump issued a statement in response. he called captain khan a hero, but he went onto say, quote,
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while i feel deeply for the loss of his son, mr. khan, who has never met me, has no right to claim i have never read the constitution, which is false and say many other inaccurate things. in response to that, mr. khan told the "washington post," quote, what trump said originally, that defines him. people are upset with him, he realized. and his advisors feel the original statement was a stupid mistake. donald trump said he wanted to hear khan's wife speak. khan's response, quote, those words are typical of a person without a soul. >> right now let's bring in our cnn political commentators scott tee n-- scotty nel ty nel hughe.
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. >> the problem is donald trump flies off the handle, says insuri insulting things, because that's what's in his heart. he has either thin skin or a dark heart, take your pick. that's not what we want in a president. then they issued a at the same time at the same time oh no no we didn't mean it. it's just like what happened when he urged the russians to
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hack into hillary clinton's private e-mail system. this is not what we're looking for in a president. we're looking for thoughtful, strong leadership. >> this is the statement that the clinton campaign released. this is a time for all americans to stands with the khans and with all the families whose children have died in service to our country. and i understand from our last conversation that you believe that donald trump should have expressed some empathy, some gratitude. >> thank you for having me back on. which i think he did and he actually clarified it more. let's make it clear. the interview has not run yet. we only have bitds as and piece. when you read the transcript, you see this is an obvious trap. the clinton campaign is going to try to demonize trump.
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i have a problem with parcents right now. if you're going to speak on behalf of military parents, let's speak on behalf of all of them. they lost their son in 2004. i was in iraq in 2004 and read the tragic story of their son. my heart goes out to them. why were they not so angry at the commander in chief at the time, which was president bush. this is only coming out because of a religious belief. this has nothing to do with their son in the military. and mr. trump's ban has nothing to do with their son or their immediate family. just because they lost a son, they can criticize something that has nothing to do with the lost of their son. >> hillary? >> this is the important point. the reason they spoke out now is because donald trump has been demonizing muslims. what they're saying is we are
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proud american muslims and our son fought and died for his country. i'm tired of donald trump's constant do-overs. no, no, no, this is what i meant. you misunderstood what i said. in fact, we do understand. he is constantly separating and demonizing people despite their sacrifices, despite their patrioti patriotism. that is not a leader. >> i want to get to the democrats. let me turn to hillary clinton and tim kaine on the final leg of that bus tour in ohio. they were in pittsburgh yesterday. and they got the endorsement of mark cuban. this is what he said. >> the leadership is having a clear, positive vision, outlining a plan and telling people how they could apartme participate in that vision and how all of us can succeed together. it's not, i won't share my plans
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or details. that's a bluff, which is exactly what donald trump is doing. he's bluffing. >> now you have a self-made billionaire reality show star who's from pittsburgh in pennsylvania, which trump says he's going to take in november. what's the impact here? >> i'm confused by mark's endorsement here. i remember back in september being invoited into his home ino the maverick center and mr. trump going his first real megarally there in his home. obviously something has happened for him to go from being a friend and supporter to now. maybe he's bitter. this is just another political emplo ploy. i don't know how much it will
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resonate with folks if shark tank doesn't endorse mr. trump. >> the polls in ohio show that there is a very tight race in ohio and that in the primary three times as many democrats switched to registration of republican party as republicans who switched to democrats. how does hillary clinton get out from under this characterization from donald trump that she's responsible for the job losses in pennsylvania, ohio, michigan and so forth. >> well, first of all, there are -- hillary clinton is not responsible for job losses. she hasn't been president. and she has a plan to bring jobs back to invest in infrastructure, to invest in education, to adjust the corporate tax rates, to create different kinds of incentives. donald trump doesn't have plans.
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that's the point that mark cuban made yesterday. that's the point that michael bloomberg made. you have going to have people who are job creators who have businesses and correct oredibil there talking about how donald trump doesn't have a plan and he is not concerned about middle class jobs. his history shows all he's done is screw the little guy, not paying construction workers, letting people sue him instead of paying vendors. over and over again you have someone with no credibility and no history. and you have hillary clinton with good plans that are being endorsed by solid, thoughtful business leaders. >> those talking points are so six months ago. i mean, let's do some new ones here. it's real simple how they can justify it. tpp and nafta, hillary clinton supported and voted for and helped sign into it. that right there is why
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pennsylvania people don't necessarily believe she's there for the jobs. mr. trump has created more jobs than mark cuban has. >> thank you both. >> thank you. again, casukhazr khan is a t on state of the union right here on cnn. i want to show you some of the latest pictures we're getting in here. take a look at this. what a mess. can you imagine being in this flash flooding emergency? this is in the baltimore area. cars were swept away. we're going to see what's in store yet today. and a sunrise balloon tour ends in heart break. polo sandoval is in texas with more. >> reporter: good morning. federal investigators getting ready to head out to this empty
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field just south of austin to investigate. all her aches and pains. and i said "come to class, let's start walking together" and i said "and i bet you money you'll be able to do that senior walk". that day i said "ok it's me and you girl, me and you!" i said "if you need to stop, there's a bench we'll just hang out in the shade." she said "absolutely not! we are going to finish this race!" and we were the last ones in, but you know what? we finished the race. and she goes "desiree, i'll never quit walking. ever" you want to make your enamel sure to protect it, you want to have it for life. consumption of very acidic foods can wear away your enamel. your tooth is gonna look yellower, um more dull. nobody wants to have yellow looking teeth. i recommend pronamel toothpaste because it helps protect and strengthen your enamel. it's gonna make them more resistant to the acid erosion so that your teeth are not bothering you and you feel good about your smile. it's such a wonderful combination, it's pro enamel,
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what we do together changes how we live. what are you learning about what's going to happen there today? >> reporter: it's important to keep in mind it is still early in the investigation, still day two. ultimately the national would have to be the one to - conclude what took place. we are told by at least one witness and two law enforcement sources here in texas that the working theory is that this balloon likely clipped some high
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tension power lines. in the daytime, you'll be able to see some power lines that lead directly to the crash site itself. in a few hours investigators will be back on here on scene as they try to not only process the evidence that's left behind, but also hear from some of those witnesses, including the one you're about to hear from right now. >> first i heard a whooshing sound and then it just -- a big ball of fire up. >> i don't think any of them even realized what was going on, because we heard the popping sounds. i didn't look in time to see the balloon go down, but the way it went up, i don't think any of them even had any idea what was going on. >> reporter: we did some dig into the company that owns and operates this tour, the heart of texas hot air balloon rides, known to offer some of these
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scenic tours throughout central texas. $300 a person will get you a sunset or sunrise view. sadly this ending in tragedy now as investigators hope to find out what took place. last thing i should mention, we are still to confirm there were 16 people killed. understand this ultimately had a capacity of 16 individuals. we're also hearing from officials that nobody on board survived, but we are yet to hear from an investigative body that confirms that 16 people is the death count here in central texas, about 30 miles south of austin. >> if it is, it is the deadliest, no doubt about it. a flooding emergency hits baltimore as roads are washed out, thousands lose power. plus, confirmed cases of zika by florida mosquitos has
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just unbelievable there. several roads were destroyed. thousands lost power. >> i want to get a better look at what happened here. >> the damage intense, the aftermath of flash flooding all over the region in maryland. this dramatic video of water so high one man had to be carried to safety. >> i literally came here, i thought we were going to have dinner. within five minutes i was panicking and my friend was pulling someone out of there. >> it started coming through pretty heavy. the water got up to where we were standing here. it would have been waist high on me right here. >> reporter: to give you an idea of how intense the flood waters were, cars actually washes onto others. you can see a car actually into
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this channel. and even worse still, this car completely totalled. one viewer captured this video facing jones falls. tonight some are counting their blessings. >> i'm just happy i'm alive. >> true. just happy you're alive. the flash flooding warnings have expired in the baltimore area. but the folks that live there are being told just stay aler. . what is next? >> more rain is on the way. we take a look first at the system that rolled through last night. it is not raining there now as of this moment which is some good news because they've had so much rain. this is the radar estimated rainfall. there are some pretty big pockets of four inches of rain and several smaller pockets of six-plus inches of rain. here's the radar going forward
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through the day today. notice again right around washington, d.c. and even into baltimore, more showers are expected throughout the day. same thing for new york and new jersey. this isn't the only spot we've had flooding. take a look at some of this video coming to us out of china. they've had days off and on in portions of southwestern china, around the tibet area. this water has been rushing through some of these rivers and streams and on roads which just look like they're rivers because of the amount of water that has been flowing through some of these towns. here we look at the monsoon rainfall over the last 24 to 48 hours. you can see some of those storm systems that blew up over this region on saturday dumping a tremendous amount of rain. same thing for baltimore and d.c. we're expecting even more rain into this area. notice around tibet we're
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talking six inches on top of what they've already had. we've got the problems in china but also back here at home. for the folks in new jersey and new york, there is a flash flood watch out for that area through tonight for similar conditions to what we saw in washington and baltimore. >> thank you so much. well, donald trump is facing backlash from both sides of the aisle right now. >> yeah. this is after this back and fallen american muslim war hero. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax.
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while i feel deeply for the loss of his son plrmr. khan has right to stand in front of millions of people and claim i never read the constitution, which is false. >> what trump said originally, that defines him. in that abc interview trump also said he wanted to hear khan's
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wife at that speech. and to that, khan said, those are the words typical of a person without a soul. we want to get more on this from steven colinson. john kasich tweeted, there's only one way to talk about goad star parents, with honor and respected. captain khan is a hero. in defense of donald trump, we have not seen this entire interview from abc. what do you make of what may turn out to be a consequence from the rebukes toward donald trump? >> it's very interesting. throughout this campaign donald trump has said and done things which would in any normal campaign year end his campaign. that has not happened for donald trump. remember, way back he insulted john mccain's military service, saying that he prepared people
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who weren't captured as prisoners of war in vietnam. everyone in washington and the media thought that would end donald trump's political campaign and it didn't. one of the reasons why is that donald trump supporters are trust him, are so alienated from the political system, they want someone to blow up washington and the political system and the establishment. they're prepares to forgive him transgressions which would really hurt another candidate. that worked in the primary campaign. donald trump is now at a point where he's trying to expand his political base. he's got to get up to 50% of the country to vote for him. the rest of the american electorate prepared to be as fore bearing with some of these comments as the republican primary electorate proved to be. that's the big question, i think. and that's the question that will decide whether this is another event that sort of rages
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for a couple of days and goes away or if it's something that the clinton campaign can use to cast doubt on donald trump's ability to be president and commander in chief. >> let's talk about mike pence. he's long had a distaste for negative campaigning. how might he be able to jump into the fray here? can he do damage control, so to speak? or would he? >> we've not heard from mike pence yet on this issue. we haven't heard from any other real senior republican leaders. i think one of the reasons, if you look at the political strategy behind trump issuing that statement last night, obviously he wanted to stop this in its tracks. but he also called khan a hero. at least that gives a republican leader when he's forced to go on television to talk about this a way of saying donald trump did call him a hero. that's one way of trying to defend donald trump. you're right, it puts republican
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leaders like mike pence in a difficult position. it's one of the reasons a lot of senior republican leaders found it difficult to endorse donald trump. some of them have given tepid endorsements, and the reason is every time donald trump says the something controversial like this, they're forced to either defend him or walk away from him. they put themselves in a very difficult position. i don't think this is going to be the last time we're going to see this scenario unfold. it's going to be a difficult few months for republicans heading up to the election. and mr. khan is a guest on state of the union this morning. jim acosta is hosting today. jim, good to see you this morning. i want to start where steven left off, the difficulties for republican leaders. mr. khan has asked speaker ryan, majority leader mcconnell to denounce donald trump. and he's putting some pressure
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on other republican leaders to take a stand on the comments from trump. >> right. i think this is going to be a gut check moment for the republican party. as we saw with the controversy regarding judge curiel, the mexican-american judge. donald trump said he wasn't qualified to deal with the trump university case because of his mexican-american heritage. i suspect this will do the same. now, donald trump i think it is worth pointing out did release that late night statement calling khan a hero. but it just begs the question, why did he not do that from the beginning. we're be talking to khazr khan at about 9:00 this morning on state of the union. >> looking forward to it. jim acosta, thank you so much. >> you bet. hillary clinton's running
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mate tim kaine on state of the union 9:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. a former member of the bernie sanders team is speaking out about alleged racism she says she faced with venue staff while on the road campaigning for the senator. in an interview, sanders' national press secretary recalled instances where people didn't believe she was on the campaign because she was black. she says, my breaking point was a time when i had let the event staff know i was having trouble getting in places and asked them could you please let folks know that i'm coming and that i'm black? she said she told senator sanders about the incident and that he and his wife were both horrified. as the u.s. sees its first cases of zika transmitted by florida mosquitos, what
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21 minutes until the top of the hour. expectant parents in miami are worried about contracting the zika virus after florida officials confirmed four cases of local transmission. >> the fear really is for pregnant women. they can have devastating consequences on an unborn baby. here's nick valencia. >> they attack me on the feet usually. >> reporter: grant and christine stern hope they're over rea
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reacting. their worst fear they say would be to contract the zika virus, especially now. >> my biggest concern right now as far as the zika virus is having it spread through miami/dade county and possible the country. >> the area that's inside the box starts there, actually a little bit north of us, and it runs all the way that way and then about a mile west. >> reporter: they live a broolo away from the site from what health officials say is the transmission zone. >> i'd say she talks about it four or five times a week. >> we have a lot of -- >> we're seeking to make a baby together. >> we also have a lot of tourism in miami from south america. every since the news broke about brazil, that's why i've been
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concerned about it. it was just a matter of time. >> reporter: they changed some of their daily routines to take added precautions. >> i've been avoiding taking the dogs at night at certain hours where the mosquitos are really out and biting. also, wearing bug repellant. that's pretty much all you can do in south florida. >> yeah. >> reporter: the state government has been at work too. in recent days, mosquito inspectors have gone door to door in the sterns' neighborhood to test residents for zika. miami/mosquito inspectors have also gone block by block to spray insecticides. it still doesn't make the sterns feel any better. the fact the virus is now in their back yard looms large for the couple. it's almost all they can think about. >> got to be careful. especially women. well, women and men. >> i could transmit it to her.
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>> yeah. >> reporter: her nervous laugh speaks for them both. nick valencia, cnn, miami. >> take good care of each other there. the first-ever olympic refugee team arrives in brazil. rosa florez has more. hi, rosa. >> reporter: good morning. for the very first time in olympic history, refuges have their own team. hear this, they're not just here to break records, they're also here to connect families. stop... clicking around and start saving at book direct... and get the lowest price online when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums.
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do you believe there's just five days before the olympics ki kicks off? members of the refugee team are in brazil yesterday. they visited the iconic christ statute. rosa, what have you learned about this team? >> reporter: this is one of my favorite stories of the olympics, because it really touches to the core of humanity really. i mean, we cover so many stories of war, persecution, of how people around the world are being persecuted and having to leave their countries to another country, looking for a safe haven. here we are, this is the first year that the olympic games has a refugee team.
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those are people representing refugees all over the world. like you mentioned, they're here in rio. they're enjoying the sites and sounds of rio. they visited christ the redeemer. so we're learning a little more about these refugees. there's one in particular who's hoping to connect with his family. take a listen. >> translator: it's been many years since i have seen my family, my two brothers. i wouldn't even know what my younger brother would look like if i saw him here today. the older would i would recognize. i have send many hugs and kisesz to him and all of them. i am here participating in olympics. i thank god for that . if my brother can see me on tv, to know your brother is here in brazil, striving to maybe see him, to be together one day.
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>> reporter: when you see these athletes compete, this team of refugees, membremember they are representing refugees all over the world. >> that is really so profound when you really absorb what they're going through. liste listen, i wanted to ask you about the olympic panel reviewing the case of these banned russian athletes. we're five days out. do these russian athletes know if they're going to be able to compete? >> reporter: you know, they don't. of course you know that the i.o.c. decided not to ban all russian athletes from the olympic games. we know that about 100 are completely banned. so this new decision does not impact them. that includes about 67 athletic team members. however, all of the other athletes that are a bit in limbo is because the ioc decided they
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were not going to do a blanket ban. so they gave the power to the individual federations for them to decide which athletes are in and which athletes are out. and now with five days to the game the ioc has said, well, we're going to have a three-person panel that's going to review all of the decisions made by the individual federations. here you have athletes five days away, training, hoping to compete in the olympic games. they still don't know if they will be competing. >> that seems unheard of to me. it was a moving start to the training camp for the dallas cowboys. the team opened training camp in california, but the day wasn't about football. it was about honoring the dallas police department and those who lost their lives in the line of duty. you'll see more of this next. oh, don't worry it. they can't hear me. i'm just in your head. (announcer vo) no matter how you use your data verizon's got your back. introducing the new verizon plan. now get 30% more data.
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oh, it's a bird, it's a plane. no, it's's not. it's a sky diver without a parachute. >> look at this video, the first person to jump from a height of 20,000 feet. look closely. there's no parachute. >> no, no. >> he landed in a net. >> look how close he is. >> look how close he is to the edge. he's in but he's just in there. he's name is luke aikens, he's 42 years old. i still wonder why did he do this. >> he's an adventurer.
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my question is when he's up there hovering on his way down, is he really enjoying the view or is he going, got to get the net, got to get the net. and how do you drive yourself to the net? there's no steering wheel. >> yeah. good for you. >> all right. a night of hard-hitting action in the octagon ends with a new champion. >> it's the year of the upset in the ufc. you can't get over that. the net would have to be the size of texas and i still wouldn't do it. to another upset. we've had seven title belt changes in the last seven months. the latest came right here in atlanta late last. robbie lawler against tyrone woodly. it didn't take long for the
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challenger to end lawler's reign. this is woodly's first fight in 18 months so he definitely made the most of it. golf's last major of the year will have a marathon ending if it even ends today. thunderstorms shut down the pga yesterday for ten players. hoping to tee it up but there's more rain in the forecast. may push the final round to monday. in an amazing show of soul daughter, the dallas cowboys walked onto the field for their first practice in training camp yesterday arm in arm with dallas mayor mike rawlings and the families of four who were killed by a sniper earlier this month. the mother of one says she'll never forget it. chief brown coach to the cowboys players urging them to have a voice on issues such as race and
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the mayor said there will always be cowboys but this year play like they've never played before. michael jordan may have been retired for 13 years but he's still michael jordan. chris paul at one of m.j.'s camp bet if you miss three shots, every single camper in attendance, and there's lots of campers there, gets a free pair of jordans. what does jordan do? he made every single one of those shots. >> i would think he would miss it on purpose. >> not michael jordan. he's always there to rip some hearts out. >> maybe he'll send them anyway. >> that's what i was going to say. maybe he'll say, hey, i still had it but i'm going to give you shoes, too. >> he won the bet. >> if he does, we'll tell you about it. thank you, andy. if you played the right numbers, you could be waking up a half a billion dollars richer this morning. if you did, i'm thinking we're
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not telling you anything new. >> right, you know that. >> you know that by now. it is a lot more likely though if you bought your ticket in new hampshire. >> the winning combination told there. the numbers 11, 17, 21, 33, 32, powerball five. the winner beats the odds of matching those numbers one in 300 million. >> congratulations to whomever it was. after a couple of intense weeks at the political conventions -- take a breath, yes -- we thought it was a good time for a look at the lighter side of campaigning reporting. >> who do you turn to for that, jeanne moos. she's put together the good, the bad, the awkward and of course the balloon drops. watch. >> reporter: there's nothing that nails a grand entrance or exit like a pda political display of affection punctuated
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with a billion balloons. hillary and her posse were drowning in them. she was batting them, so was bill, even kicking them. but entrance and exits can be a hit or miss, like this miss of an air kiss. hillary's shattered glass ceiling was a hit and had the audience screaming at her image. sometimes a miss can be memorable. for instance, when baltimore's mayor was supposed to gavel the convention but forget to use the gavel. she walked off and came back 15 seconds later with a bang. it happened two more times -- >> where is it? >> reporter: someone yelled gavel to remind the chair to turn and swing that thing. taking a page out of hitchcock, donald trump's somewhat less portly silhouette made an entrance, so dramatic it was
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parodied by actress elizabeth banks at the democratic convention. the women on "the view" spoofed it. so did jimmy fallon with michael jackson moves. and stephen colbert made shadow puppe puppets, got in a fight, and met a girl. from dancing entrance to exits, check out how dnc chair donna brazile walked off stage. howard dean was a scream. >> michigan! pennsylvania! then we're going to the white house! >> reporter: he left off the actual scream from 2004. and sometimes there are things that cause you to make an exit. in this case a premature one. when a protester poured a bottle of water on geraldo rivera's head, his security guy hustled him away. child issue, yes, but at a
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convention, even potential and past presidents sometimes behave with all the delight of kids. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> hope that gave you a smile and hope you have an awesome day today. >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. on the bus looking for a bounce. >> we've got to go out and we've got to fight for our vision of the future. >> the democrats had the last convention. >> a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. >> but donald trump vows to get the last word. >> she lies like a dog. the e-mails, she showed great negligence. >> the balloons and


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