tv Reliable Sources CNN July 31, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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overall citizens of european countries have the current highest levels of well-being, while the united states ranks 19th in part due to high income inequality. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week, i will see you next week. hey, good morning, i'm brian stelter, and it's time for "reliable sources," this is our week of looking at the stories behind the stories. at this hour, wikileaks strikes again. some of them suggesting the committee was supporting clinton secretly hurting bernie sanders, i'll talk with wikileaks founder julian assange about the timing of this release. this weekend a new accuser is coming forward raising bigger questions about the corporate culture that allowed ailes to
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engage in sexual harassment. and dan rather is bag from the conventions here to talk about the good, the bad and the historic moments. but there are exactly 100 days until election day and political pros cannot believe what they are seeing, the conventions are over, the general election campaign is officially under way and donald trump is publicly challenging khizr khan. khan's son, a muslim american soldier was killed in iraq in 2004. in an interview on abc, trump rejected khan's assertion that trump sacrificed nothing in his life. he said he wondered if clinton's speechwriters wrote his speech. and khan's wife might not have been allowed to speak on stage. now both husband and wife are speaking out. and this morning mr. khan said
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on state of the union that trump has a black soul. trump is fighting back on twitter, which he obviously has the right to do but is it smart to do that? i have here the perfect person to ask, jason miller, the senior communications advisor for trump's campaign for president. i think what many political pros have wonders why has trump not responded to khan, instead of allowing khan to speak without being challenged nor to acknowledge more forthrightly the pain this family is going through. >> mr. trump has praised mr. khan and has praised corporal khan as a hero. in the abc interview, mr. trump
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praised mr. khan. >> he called mr. khan a nice guy. he praised mr. khan. let's get back to what's going on here, this is about radical islamic terrorism and what we have to do as a country to make sure that our borders are safe and make sure we screen who comes into this country. >> let me put on screen a statement from mr. trump last night. he seem to be trying to clean up the abc interview. he said that mr. khan has no right to speak the way he did on stage. let me get the exact quote, because i don't want to misquote mr. trump. let's see if we can put it on the screen here. he said that, mr. trump, while i feel deeply for the loss of his son, mr. khan who has never met me has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim that i have never read the constitution, which is false and say many other inaccurate things. why would mr. trump say he doesn't have that right.
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>> that's not what mr. trump is saying. >> what is he saying? >> he's saying mr. trumpb has a right to defend himself. this is about islamic terrorism, and to be criticized like that he didn't think was fair. >> let's put the statement back on screen, the statement on screen says mr. that khan has no right to say what he said. you and i jason both know we have the right to say whatever we want to say, right? >> this is about radical islamic terrorism, and the fact that the media doesn't want to pick up and cover these -- supporters and survivors who have been hurt or killed by illegal aliens in this country, what we're talking about here is radical islamic terrorism and that's what's important. >> you keep mentioning radical
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islamic terrorism when i mention mr. khan. >> the broader debate that we're having is the screening and the vetting that we're having for people that are coming into this country -- >> but that has nothing to do with this family, this muslim american family. >> no, this is what the whole broader debate is about right now. this is not about mr. trump and mr. khan, this is about mr. trump and hillary clinton. >> but mr. khan is making it about mr. trump, stating that he has a black soul, stating that he's infor rant. are you trying to change the subject or are you trying to link him to terrorism. >> that's not what i'm saying, this is about mr. donald trump and hillary clirp and that's who we're running against here. >> we're not here to debate. but mr. donald trump and hillary clinton are here to debate. this weekend mr. trump said the schedule for the debates is unacceptable. he put up a tweet and said the first debate. let's put it in perspective for
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people. the first debate is september 26, then there's one october 4, then there's one october 9. two of these debates do conflict with nfl games, this isn't a big surprise, since two nfl games also aired on the nights of debates back in 2012, but here's what your boss said on abc this week. >> i'll tell you what i don't like, it's against two informal games, i got a letter from the nfl saying, this is ridiculous why are the debates -- because the nfl doesn't want to go against the debates. >> the nfl refuted it, while we obviously want to have the debates on another night, we did not write a letter to trump. >> let me take a step back right now, our position on the debates is that we want as many people as many voters to be participants in and see the debates a possible. which is different from the clinton campaign. you see the first debate which is coming up head to head
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against "monday night football," a falcon football game, the second is a packers home game, that's on sunday night football, which usually has about 20 million viewers, wisconsin is a very important state, we want as many people to be involved in the presidential debate process as possible. the initial debates put out by the campaigns are negotiatable. our posture, we want debates, we want as many people seeing them as possible. going back to your initial point, mr. trump was notified by a source close to the league of these potential conflicts. the clinton campaign knows about these conflicts as well, but it's not a big deal to them. but we want as many people to be involved in the debate process as possible. >> did he write a letter to the nfl? >> why did he say he received a letter from the nfl?
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>> he wases no notified bid a s close to the nfl. >> i don't know why he told george stephanopoulus that he was sent a letter from the nfl? >> he was notified by a source close to the nfl and this is something that the clinton campaign because notified as well. >> the clinton campaign probably knew when the debates were scheduled and probably knew when the football games were scheduled. the football calendar was also set letter, but we all know games are on sundays and mondays, the commission said that they have to do different days of the week, they have to avoid religious holidays, are you saying you would like to see the debate dates changed? >> we would not like to be head to head with the nfl. >> will trump skip the debates if they are continued to be scheduled on football nights. >> brian, we want as many people to be watching the debates as possible.
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that's our spirit of it. the clinton camp would like these debates to be head to head with the nfl. >> mr. trump tweeted the follow, he said that clinton and the dems are trying to rig the debates, but that's not true, we know the commission on presidential debates chose these debates and they did not consult with the campaigns. why is he saying that clinton is trying to rig the debates? >> if you look back at the primaries, numerous times they had debates head to head against things that would be big conflicts and keep voters excluded. our focus, we want as many people involved as possible. >> i'm glad we have video on demand and youtube. i woke up the next morning and watched the debates on youtube. football is not the conflict that it was four or eight years ago. >> people are going to watch the debates live, and they're going to watch football live.
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it's a big issue to head into these debates to have as few conflicts as possible and have as many people involved as possible. >> so you have not started yet negotiations with the commission, but you're going to start negotiations with the commission, which are totally normal for campaigns and u're going to specifically ask them to move the debates? >> we want to have as many people be able to watch the debates as possible. >> we look forward to having fair and balanced moderators that are involved in the process. >> i heard fair and balanced how about megin kelly as a possible journalist? >> i think megyn kelly is a competent journalist. we want to have as many people participating as possible. >> the campaigns is try to hagel
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and try to push for different people but the commission does choose. since you're relatively new in the role, you've been with the trump campaign for another a month, you were formerly working for the cruz campaign, what is is difference with this campa n campaign? >> i'm having a blast with this campaign and as we talk about broader issues, we talk about how the media is covering this campaign, i think one of the things that the media is having a tough time with is how to cover a candidate like donald trump who has tapped into this feeling, this sentiment that people really want change. that's a huge difference with hillary clinton and tim kaine is they're running for this third term and the status quo, donald trump is on theside of people who want change. >> i agree with the journalists who are trying to cover this campaign. one of the issues i'm facing is now to challenge the
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misstatement of trump saying the nfl sent him a letter, you're making it a big deal that he found out from a phone call, not a letter from the league. do you think that the journalists are making too big of a fuss when it comes to fact checking statemes made? >> i would say last night when hillary clinton was in pennsylvania, i didn't see anything on tv, calling out clinton on tpp and her support for obama's economy. i mean that's something that should have been called out. if we're really going to call balls and strikes here, that's something the media should have been calling attention to. >> what if one candidate says a lot more misstatements than the other candidate. then we can't be fair about that if one candidate is saying more misstatements than other side. >> i think when you talk about media bias, the biggest aspect of media bias are things that aren't being covered.
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hillary's record on tpp, and how many cable channels do we turn on where it's four guests that are stacked on the clinton side and one maybe two who are stacked on the trump side. so when we talk about the broader issue with the campaign, that's really where i think it is that i don't think it's being called equally both ways. >> do you think that's true on cnn as well? last time i counted, we had seven paid commentators who specifically support trump. >> we pay attention to all networks and all networks hear about it if we think that networks are on one side and not balanced. >> a murdock paper, typically conservative, but the front page here, donald trump's wife, these are nude photos from the 1990s, which i guess the post has unearthed. >> these are photos that are 20 years old, before mrs. trump met
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mr. trump. they're a celebration of the human body as art. nothing to be embarrassed about with the photos, she's a beautiful woman. >> does he get furious when he sees something like that? does he lash out at the post? >> i think he's more concerned about the issues and what we need to do to get turned around. >> he must somewhere strong opinions about what he sees and reads. >> mr. trump is very passionate about the direction of the country, he wants to make america great again, specifically talking about making the country safe, talking about the economy, one thing i want to say it's been a real pleasure to be around the entire trump family, when we talk about meeting his kids and interacting with them and as america gets to see more about the trump family, you'll see this is a family that's ready to head into the white house and make some real changes in this country. >> one last question for you,
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there's been a lot of conversation about the so-called blacklist. this week mike pence suggested that's perhaps going to change. are you going to tell us if you're considering loosening these restrictions on "the washington post" and other news outlets. >> we are reviewing all of that and our events are open, and anybody can come into our events and that's the spirit that we have had with the campaign and that's the spirit we're going to have going forward. >> a reporter was actually frisked and not allowed into a trump rally. that seems to be against loosening the blacklist. >> that's not normal for our procedure, and that's something that shouldn't happen and we're reviewing that as we speak. >> you're considering giving press credentials back to "the washington post," politico and others? >> we want as many people participating in our events as possible. the incident with "the
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washington post" reporter, again, that's not something that should have happened and we're reviewing that now. >> i appreciate you being here this morning and taking the questions, nice talking with you. in a little less than an hour, you can see the interview with kaiser khan. we're going to talk about that choice and other choices. going to the skate park today? maybe... you can make it gr-r-reat! ♪ kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat!
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welcome back to "reliable sources," we are talking about khizer khan talking about his son being shot and killed while serving in the army. if you listen to the republican national committee, they would say that cnn and msnbc were biassed by covering more than democratic speeches than the republican speeches. the convention speak is at the
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dnc were 133. donald trump lost brought up bias on friday, he launched into a verbal tirade against cnn. >> i'm tell you, cnn is really, you know they call it the clinton news network, it's really a dishonest group of people. they are terrible. oh, their camera just went off. i see the red lights. i know all the camera men by now, hi, fellas. but i see the red lights. that red light just went off so fars. >> no sir, did not happen, we had your shot up the entire time, all the way through to the end. margaret sullivan, david zirowicz, and the author of the book, "the secretary, a journey with hillary clinton."
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is this fundamentally different than prior campaigns, prior elections and how difficult is it for the press to get its ar s s around what is a fundamentally different candidate. >> it's false often, and he has proved a difficult candidate to cover, very much so. >> you wrote recently about the challenge of fact checking donald trump, swra sjason mille campaign communications director was just on saying he just wanted it to be fair. >> i thought you did a masterful job of holding his feet to the fire and i thought it was terrific. you know, false equivalency, we have to look at as you pointed out, who is telling the truth most of the time and who isn't telling the truth most of the time. there's a real difference there. so to say, well, we have to treat them equally, sometimes the circumstances don't call for
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that. >> david, is the press rising to that challenge, rising to the occasion, or do you see a lot more improvement in the coming move months? >> the press has done a lot of good reporting so far. but there's a much higher challenge we have to rise to, and i'll just take one small piece of it. in terms of media reporting and media criticism about trump, he is, and i don't know how much of it is conscious, but he is one of the most complicated media confections, media creations that we have ever had. it's one thing to say he's the best tv candidate and he's the realty tv candidate and all this stuff we say, but he's done something far more profound, and again, i don't know if he's done it consciously. he has embedded himself in the
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media consciousness, in the media ecosystem as not just an agent of change, but an agent of transformation, we have all heard a million messags since birth from madison avenue in television, telling us buy this pill and it will end -- he's the candidate that says buy me and i will transform your life. that is profound and we have not explained how he's been doing it. we have to help the public understand what's going on in terms of his media persona. >> 100 days to do that. let me ask you about the democratic convention, you've been covering clinton for years, do you feel the press properly noted that historic moment, hillary clinton becomes the first female candidate in a major american party? >> i think that the complaints
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of the rnc had about the dnc getting more prime time air time is precisely because this was a historic moment that a lot of people were following, that a lot of people on the right and on the left commented as being historic and have been given commensurate attention. and for people around the world watching, it was a very historic moment and inspiring. and we have to note how quickly is media moves on to the next topic, and that was props mr. trump at that point. it is problematic to see that fox news did not cover the speech of khizer khan, the father of the fallen captain. i think that does a disservice to their followers as well. i think too much of what people are getting from watching
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television is siloed, you get information that confirms what you already believe, you get information that already confirms your world view and i think that is problematic, because it does end up putting people in the situation that if the candidate they don't support wins, they say i don't know anybody that voted for this person. as a reporter, i made sure that i always was in touch with a different parties in the country, whether it was hezbollah, whether it was hamas, whether it was the opposition, whether it was government official. so that when something broke, i was in touch with all of the country, all of those who represented the different strands of the country and i don't know if enough of that is done on television. >> since you're covering the clinton campaign, let me put you on the spot, do you think we're going the see a press conference from clinton any time soon, she
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has. given a press conference since last september, and that's frustrating for a lot of people. do you think we're going to see a press conference soon? >> they keep promising there will be one, i'm not in their head so i don't know if they will oblige to that. but as we move into this cycle of the election, the 100 days before election day, there will hopefully be some adjustment. the campaign says well we give plenty of interviews, but it's important to have this one-on-one interaction with the travel press corps. >> kim, thank you for being here, margaret, david, please take a round because when we come back, we're going to talk about the growing scandal about fox news, roger ailes has resigned, margaret interviewed gretchen carlson, the one suing ailes, she'll talk about her interview with gretchen carlson right after the break.
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welcome back. roger ails is gone, but the real fox news shake-up may just be starting. michael clemente left the network. but it may not have anything to do with roger ails. a new article by gabriel sherman raises questions about what other executives might have known. an ex-fox news staffer says she was psychologically tortured by ailes for over 20 years. ailes then wished her well. but the question is increasingly being asked, did fox news foster a culture of secreciry around ailes maybe even covering up these allegations of harassment. and what did roger murdock
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possibly know about this. "washington post" media columnist margaret sullivan. asking the murdocks reps for comment on these allegations, they are saying nothing new, they have no comment, what are you hear from the company about how far this could go, about who other claims could be out there? >> brian, what i'm understanding, not from direct contact with the company, because they haven't spoken to me directly, but what i believe is the case is that the investigation, the internal investigation is winding down now, and that troubles me because i think this goes beyond roger ailes and is pervasive at fox and i think that there needs to be a culture change there. i'm not sure that's going to happen. >> the closest thing i have is a source with knowledge of the murdocks view, saying they have no knowledge of these sexual harassment claims, but frankly i
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hear they were on the record. you got gretchen carlson -- what does he tell you about her feelings when ailes resigned? >> she said the whole thing has been a surreal experience, but when she saw his resignation, she felt a lot of emotions, first of all, she felt a sense of validation, she felt relief that she would be believed. and she felt anger that it had taken so long after what she knows to be many years or what she believes and says to be many years of sexual harassment inside fox, not only of her, but of many others. >> do you have any sense of what's next for her? >> i don't. i mean she seems to be busy with some sort of community kinds of activities and i think she's laying fairly low. she told me that she's trying very hard to insulate her two kids, she has an 11-year-old and
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a 13-year-old and she's trying to, you know, be a mom and deal with the fallout of this very high publicity event. >> let's go through what happened this week, we haven't heard from ailes, we haven't heard from the murdocks, we did hear from the gabrielle sherman story about a book about fox news, what more do we need to know, about what happened with ailes? >> i think we absolutely, brian, need to know who else in that chain of command knew about this and allowed it to happen. if you judge hst had knowledge . if you were a junior producer or a senior producer and you just had knowledge of this kind of vile predatory behavior that's alleged, you need to be out of there. i mean, listen, i've been doing this a long time. i cannot remember -- and i have sometimes very low opinions of
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people in this business. myself included. the way -- because we're so competitive. but this story has absolutely sickened me at what was going on there in terms of the misuse of power, over these people who, you know, you almost had to go along with it if you were a victim if you wanted to have any chance to survive in that organization. that's a horrible situation. you can't just walk away and say roger ailes is out and roger ailes by the way, denies everything, people say roger ailes did this bad stuff, he says he didn't, let's move on. that's not going to happen. sherman's been doing just fantastic work on this, i think all of us, there's a lot of other people involved, all of us have to stay on this case, and i think margaret's right, we can't just let it go away, we have to ask who knew in that culture
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that this was going on and stay with it. margaret and david, thank you very much for being with us this morning. coming up next here, wikileaks julian assange right after the break. find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing it's perfect. start your used car search at
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it's the durability...the's incredible. welcome back. this is "reliable sources." last weekdays before the opening of the democratic national convention, wikileaks leaked a hot trove of e-mails and voice messages, designed to assist hillary clinton's campaign. that was just the beginning of this story. u.s. government sources and private security concerns songly suspect that russian intelligence agents were behind the data leaks. wikileaks promises to release more clinton related documents in the months to come. let's ask julian assange about
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that. he's joining us from the london embassy where he's been under house arrest for years. >> we know that russian intelligence services, which are part of the russian government, which is under the firm control of vladimir putin hacked into the dnc and we know that they arranged for a lot of those e-mails to be released. and we know that donald trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up putin. >> so are you suggesting that putin would rather see him as president than you? >> i'm not going to jump to that conclusion, but i think laying out the facts raises serious issues about russian interference in our elections. >> mr. assange, is hillary clinton wrong to link this to russia? >> well, she's made several untrue statements. >> what were they? >> i'll get to them.
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it's not surprising, unfortunately, that hillary clinton makes untrue statements. just a few days ago, she made a statement that james comey did not say that she was sloppy in the handling of her e-mails when there's video everywhere of james comey, the head of the fbi, telling the congress just that. i'll get to the words that she's used. for wikileaks, we're in a very difficult position, we have a perfect ten-year record of always presenting accurate information to the public. that's the best in any media whatsoever. and we also have a perfect record of never exposing our sources. occasionally, alleged sources set forth themselves, but we have never revealed them. >> i understand you have source protection association, you're
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not willing to name your sources, but how can we claim transparency in politics without the back room operations, isn't it hypocritical to do that 134. >> we are a media organization and media organizations have obligations to protect their sources, that's 1 01. >> let's take hypothetically, russia gives you access to a troll of half stolen e-mails, would that hypothetically give you any pause, ethically would it be an issue for you? >> let's not talk about hypothetic hypotheticals, let's talk about the real case. hillary clinton is trying to draw attention away from the fact that she conspired with the debbie wasserman schultz who was head of the democratic party influencing an election in the united states. what is the result of this? the result is the free market of
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electoral candidates was -- abusing it's regulatory function to favor one candidate over another by pumping out a black media campaigns, trying to undermine bernie sanders in complicity with a lot of the media. >> that has been covered, but what about your role? >> what is the end result? the end result may well be is that the less competitive candidate in an open market competition which is what is coming up has managed to secure the nomination and the result of that could well be the election of donald trump. so corruption -- >> that news has been published, that news has been published on cnn why did you must publish voicemails of children, why publish that kind of material? doesn't it hurt your cause?
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>> wikileaks has contributed to literally hundreds of core cases, liberating hundreds of thousands from -- >> i was so inspired by wikileaks, but let me put up edward snowden's tweet. democratizing information has never been more vital, and wikileaks as helped. why public e-mails from children. >> we publish pristine information, one was used in the u cost case, which produced a $60 billion finding against russia in connection with procreation of oil assets which
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previously belonged to a russian oligark. it's extremely important to not tamper with the evidence, to have a pristine archive and that's what we do. if you want to talk about the reporting of personal details, it's false, there are not full credit card numbers, there are the last four digits of credit card numbers. >> julian, i appreciate you being here and answering the questions that i and others have. after the break, the one and the only dan rather talking about the republican nationdemo and the republican national convention in cleveland.
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welcome back. the rnc and dnc were full of firsts even for dan rather and he he has seen pretty much everything. he has covered 31 conventions dating back to 1956. he's seen it from riots on the floor to prosecute barack obama's breakout speech in 2004. dan, former cbs news anchor, thank you for being here this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> would you agree with the conventional wisdom that the republican convention was darker and the democratic convention was lighter, but some say it was media bias. >> i don't think it was a matter of bias. as a matter of fact, i think the republicans wanted their convention to deal with anger and fear, which is by nature darker. democrats wanted hope, future. they came out pretty much the way the parties planned it. now, each party owed much of the
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early work of the marx brothers and how they got off to the start of the convention. but donald trump's theme is, listen, folks, you need to be worried, you need to be very, very worried. and the democrats by nature of having the white house two successive terms have to say, look, things are not nearly that bad. i will say that the democrats for television as jim ruttenburg of the "new york times" and others have pointed out in television terms the democrats had the better convention. but that may not matter. trump had the better convention f f for twitter. but keeping in mind that rarery do the conventions really matter all that much. >> really? i want to show the ratings on screen. the first three nights the democrats had higher ratings. on the fourth night, though, trump outrated clinton in terms of thursday night speeches. you don't think that actually matters much? >> i don't think in the end it will matter much. in the end, there's still a long way to go. it will be a particularly nasty,
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dirty campaign as was suggestsed on this program, there is still a lot of, quote, dirt to come from the republican side. >> not from the democratic side? >> the democrats will counter, of course. we talked about the debates. we are three full debates to go. so long to go. i happen to think it's a dangerous time for the democrats in the support of hillary clint clinton. they came out of the convention feeling they had the best convention, whether one agrees that they did or not. and there's a tendency that i find in making my telephone calls and talking to people who think, well, we've finally climbed on top. in my book, hillary clinton is still a slight underdog to win. trump still dominates almost every news cycle. now, he wasn't able to did it every night of the democratic convention. he dominates almost every news cycle. he's back on the weekend already with what he did or didn't do about the kahn family which by the way i do think hurt him.
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the three things that have really hurt donald trump, number one, when he tried to intimidate the reporter by ridiculing the reporter's physical infirmities. really hurt him. what he said about john mccain was really hurtful, as it should have been and how he's handled this kahn family thing has been very hurtful. but we'll go forward. we'll see if the conventions matter. in 1968, both conventions mattered. 1992, bill clinton's nomination i think that convention mattered. we'll see whether these conventions matter. but my bottom line is, don't get too excited about them. long way to go. they may not matter very much. >> the polls for the democrats will start coming out tomorrow. we'll see what the bounce was. dan, great to see you. >> great to see you. >> we'll be right back in just a moment. with the xfinity tv app,
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we're out of time on tv, but our coverage keeps going all the time online sign up for our nightly newsletter with all the weekend's media news. also, sweet me or look me up on facebook. "state of the union" starts right now. from the heart. the grieving father who stole the show at the democratic convention. >> donald trump, have you seen read the united states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. >> now trump's lashing out at him. >> his wife was standing there. she had nothing to say. probably maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. you tell me. >> he'll respond live in moments. plus, hitting the road. after the star-studded convention, clinton and kaine aim for a victory lap with a
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