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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 3, 2016 11:00pm-1:01am PDT

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panic in the gop. pop republicans hoping against hope they contain trump.
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but is it too late for them to reverse the hostile takeover. welcome to the bizarre world of politics, where up is down, black is white and the trump campaign is doing really well. >> the campaign is doing really well. it's never been so well united. we started on june 16th. i would say right now, it's the best in terms of being united that it's been since we began. we're doing incredibly well. >> that has anger grows in the gop for trump's refusal to endorse paul ryan or john mccain. hillary clinton says this. >> there's no doubt in my mind, that donald trump is unqualified to be president and unfit to be commander in chief. >> i want everyone to watch this. i want to turn, now, to the trump campaign. it's like nothing we've ever seen. and a key part of it is the
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unprecedented of level among some trump supporters. anger, which they're not afraid to express openly. three "new york times" reporters put together an extraordinary video, capturing some of what goes on in the crowd of trump rallies. we've bleeped the worse profanity. but what remains is racial, ethnic slurs. we think you should hear it to have an accurate image of what trump supporters are saying. >> you know the safest place in the world to be is at a trump rally. >> build a ball. build a wall. [ bleep ] those dirty beaners.
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>> i am. you're making me leave. >> [ bleep ] islam. [ bleep ]. god bless donald trump. >> thank you for not taking the shirt off. >> what's your problem with trump? >> muslim is not a religion, partner. it's an ideology. >> you're not here to support america if you're behind muslims. >> good for you. >> vote for donald trump. >> i will go to the polls and vote. >> our president has decided this country so bad. >> yes. yes. [ bleep ]. >> there's a group. just throw him the hell out. >> [ bleep ]. >> get out.
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>> get out of here, you tag. >> get out of here. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ] you. >> build a wall. >> i'm sure that paperworks comes in spanish. >> hillary clinton needs to get her ass spanked. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> hang the [ bleep ]. >> kill her. >> everybody gets offended by
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that stuff. i mean, grow up. not a lot of women put these shirts on and come out in public. and this is how i feel, you know? >> i feel he is the last chance we have to establish law and order and preserve the culture i grew up in. >> so far, we're doing well, right? have i been a good messenger? this is a movement like people have never seen before. >> so, uh want to thank -- that was from "new york times" reporters, ashley parker, nick coanina and erica barenstien. i thought it was smart of them to show what happens there, beyond the roped-off area where the media is allowed to go. here to discuss this is andre
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bower, trump sup parter, and bob cusack. that is strong stuff. you've been watching trump's campaign from the very start and discussing it here on cnn with me an with others. i want to hear from each of you about what you saw when you watched that. what you thought. i'm going to start with you, bob. >> i think the violence and the epithets, they are very concerning. and there's a lot of anger, on both sides. and the country is divided. and you watch that video. and you think, wow, the country is so divided. and i do think that trump -- there have been a few times, far and few between, the crowd was chanting lock her up. and hillary clinton said, let's calm down with his hand motion. i think he needs to do more of that, like john mccain in 2008, where he said, no. obama is not a muslim. that video was very brave because, clearly, the crowd was fired up. that's fine for political
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rallies. if you like his policies on immigration, if you like the wall, that's fine. but some of the name-calling there -- and particularly the violence, pretty troubling. >> when you hear and you see that video, and you see people, what they're doing, is this what you think he meant when he coined the slogan, make america great again? >> i don't think so. it's not what i think about. and frankly, it's not the image, as a person that has affiliated with trump or the republican party. i may differ with you on political views. but i always want a civil discussion when we have that debate. >> we had cnn reporters. had other reporters, producers, people say this is what happens at trump rallies. and then, people say, oh, no, that doesn't exist. it does not happen. then, you're looking at -- what are we not supposed to believe our lying eyes when that happens? that's happening at a rally.
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you cannot deny those things are happening. it may not be as john mccain said, that he doesn't represent the republican party. but this is what is being -- the republican party is being portrayed as. >> you're going to find extreme things happen from time-to-time. i went to one rally in myrtle beach. this was a daytime event. i didn't see anybody getting out of line. it was a peaceful event. but i admit, the only one i have been to was the one in myrtle beach. >> john mccain would say we don't want that at our rallies. is that what people say -- is that why people say he needs to be careful because he is appealing to the lowest common denominator, i mean racists, bigots, and misogynists. >> i think he's well aware of what he's done and what he is doing.
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donald trump is not only playing to those folks, pandering to the folks' worst fears. the fact that one of the men on the video said, he's preserving the culture i grew up in. that's not a culture that is inclusive, if i'm to guess his age. i would say it's a little less inclusive than it is now. >> those demographics in the country no longer exist. >> you are dealing with folks whether or not they speak spanish. we're leaving the dnc where spanish is not only welcomed but encouraged. the number of people that showed up. "f" islam. that dangerous hate speech needs to be checked. and donald trump, whether john mccain wants to acknowledge it's part of the republican party or not, he is the leader of the republican party as their nominee. and he has every responsibility to check, not only the commentary. but he has a responsibility to
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check his moral compass. where is your moral compass. why didn't you disavow the kkk and david duke? why didn't you call out the folks who were beating up the black lives matter protester. why would you pay someone's bail for a guy that was at one of the rallies. >> he did disavow david duke? >> he -- >> it was a tacit like, okay. off the cuff, fine. which turned, quite frankly, there were a lot of african-americans -- i shouldn't say a lot. there were a number of african-americans who said they would consider voting for him, up to that moment. anything to do with the kkk -- i's not just about liking the black people. they don't like jewish people. all sorts of things. that's where yu say, no. i don't want your vote, if you are that kind of person. but clinton certainly said that.
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she has her other problems. she has issues. but she says, i don't want that kind of a person. so sh so, it's interesting, when people say what you're saying, by playing the video, that that is racist itself, to bring up people who are racist and misogynistic. you heard that. >> i think what -- >> like an alternate universe. >> exactly. what's astonishing to me, who say you are playing the race card. or you're race-baiting. that is not what this is. we are acknowledging this is a problem for his campaign and the candidate. at some point you have to acknowledge, that this type of behavior is not acceptable and does not belong at a presidential rally or anywhere in this country. he ought to be ashamed of himself. not just rebuke it but shut it down at future rallies town hall
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meetings, he has a problem on his hands. >> in defense of some of this, some of these, dating back early, i remember, people that were paid to be there. or people that came that weren't republicans. i can't quantify everything we just saw on the tape. i'm not trying to. there was some argument that some of this didn't come from within his own supporters. but in fact -- >> it was a problem, too, with protesters provoking some of the trump people. and you have to take your responsibility for in a. that's not right, either. >> nobody told that woman to say, you know, that some of the forms are in spanish, if you're not contributing to the economy -- nobody is provoking them to do that. >> or "f" you beaners. >> or trump that "b." they were selling t-shirts. nobody can control that. >> trump can't control every person that comes to his rallies. and they're free to believe what they want to believe, say what they want to say. no matter how offensive it might be. this goes further than not being
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politically correct. wouldn't you agree? >> yeah. i definitely agree. and also, it highlights the fact of what trump is trying to do in the general election. is that, if were to come out and disavow some of the controversial statements or disavow the supporters or the t-shirts, it actually would get him more votes. and the trump supporters would not abandon him. we talk about the autopsy report after the 2012 election. the reason the rnc put that together is because they saw why they lost in 2012. and trump is not following the script. you can't win just 10% of the latino vote or 15% of the latino vote. you need to get close to 40%. and more than 1% of the black vote. it highlights the strategy faults of the trump campaign right now. >> i think it's interesting, also, as we were discussing today, discussing the kahn family. and banning muslims and what
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have you. the irony in this if the kahn family is the one thing that pushed people over the edge. from polling, it may well be. i think the trump campaign and the trump supporters were counting on an america like that man said, to take them back to what -- that america -- that america no longer exists. >> it doesn't. >> we have people of all different ethnicities, religions and backgrounds, who are legitimate americans. americans are just not white people anymore. >> and they deserve respect. i think the thing they did being a tipping point, is you saw two people, one that didn't speak on the stage. when you heard her speak, she was articulate. you see this man, who is a lawyer. they're proud of their son. he gave his life in the military, serving and protecting us. you start realizing this could have been your next door neighbor. and all of a sudden, it's not just a blind concept you can't
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apply to real life. >> i do think that the loss, we need to open our tent and have a bigger tent. since then, i don't know what's happened. i'll give you the last word as the republican and the trump supporter. >> clearly, atwater talked about broadening the tent. i tried to do it in south carolina. we have to appeal to more folks. and the democratic party has done an excellent job of doing that. they almost -- i thought they went overboard on pandering to so many groups. but the republicans have got to do a better jb. donald trump has to do a better job. he has a great chance of being the next president of the united states. but he has to do all he can to welcome new folks into the fold. >> are you embarrassed by that when you see that? it embarrasses me. that i can't believe that my fellow americans act that way. >> absolutely. you think about the president. he was doing his patriotic duty. >> i with have go. we're going to talk about other things. be right back.
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donald trump, stepping up his attacks on hillary clinton tonight. will it be enough to calm the turmoil in his own party? back with you now. trump had a town hall in florida where he had this to say about hillary clinton. >> we let isis take this position. it was hillary clinton that -- she should get an award from them as the mounder of isis. that's what it was. that's what it was. her weakness. her weak policies. america has been -- again, it's been humiliated in so many different ways. wouldn't that be embarrassing to lose to crooked hillary clinton? that would be toshl.
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>> if you're campaigning, wouldn't it have made sense to focus on attacking hillary, instead of drama. and denials of paul ryan and john mccain. wouldn't you say focus on attacking hillary clinton? >> yes. those in particular, being the founder of isis, are e ekt fif. they get the crowd fired up. campaign is a roller coaster. you go up. you go down. there's a long way to go. he needs to totally focus on hillary clinton, talk about isis. he enjoys polling advantages on combatting terrorism. he is neck and neck with her on the economy. he's got to get the numbers even better. over all, you're right. a lot of people didn't see that speech. he gave it more air time by attacking them. and that was a pivotal one-on-one big mistake. you don't do in politics.
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and it backfired. >> he says, you know, saying that hillary clinton is a founder of isis works. you think that works? >> it might work. but it's not true. the challenge with politics, period, if you're going to attack someone, it should be rooted in some kind of fact. this is the same thing of him saying she wants to abolish the second amendment. if you repeat something enough times, that it becomes true. i've decided that he's not really campaigning for president. he's campaigning to replace rush limbaugh. that has to be it. he wants to be a right wing talk show host. >> there's a lot of people on this campaign, on both sides, that are repeating things that are not necessarily true. and if they repeat them enough times. i love doing fact checks. >> yes. >> there's a couple i will send out after this show. trump seemed to be speaking to his public and not to his peers. he said, there's great unity in
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my campaign. perhaps greater than ever before. i want to thank everyone for your tremendous support. beat crooked hillary. people inside the campaign are frustrated. and hillary gets a major endorsement while republicans are turning their back on him. do you think voters care about that? turmoil inside the campaign? >> i don't think they care. endorsements do help. people will vote. i like chris christie. and because of chris christie. i'm going to support donald trump. endorsements do help. you want all of the endorsements you can get. we saw that. >> go ahead.
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finish your statement. >> you want to pick up every endorsement within reason. do i think the republican party are lightning rods? no. you would still like to have them. they're not the ones when you think of the core republicans who have made the party what it is. you still like to have them. you mean, like the bush family? >> now can he have this not even allied with a party lead centerly? think it's a big question for both campaigns. how will they get washington to work again? trump is about the art of the deal. and he used to be a democrat. hillary clinton, i think, has an issue here of working with republicans. if she were elected, there would
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be republicans, i'm not going to work with her on a lot of stuff. both have a major problem. this is going to come up in the debates. how can you get the other side -- we're looking at divided government, one way or another. the senate could flip. the house will likely be republican. no team -- they have to work with the other side to get anything done in the first 100 days and beyond. >> thank you very much. we have some new details to tell you about this. the knife attack in central london. that killed one person and injured five others. police say mental health is a major factor in this case. they have not yet ruled out terrorism. the 19-year-old suspect was arrested within minutes. is in custody in a hospital. up next, 97 days until election day. can donald trump turn his campaign around?
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the trump campaign pushing back on reports that staff members are frustrated with the gop candidate. the head of the republican party is upset with trump for appearing to go offmessage in the past two days. john fredericks is a trump supporter. and dennis frager, from an online learning site. dennis, you first. is the trump campaign and the gop at a breaking point right now? >> no. but there's frustration and it's completely understandable.
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his was my 17th choice of 17 people. i don't want him. but if he is nominated, my only alternative is 4 more years of the left and 40 more years of a left supreme court. between the two, i will vote for him. i am afraid of what the left has tone on our campuses. i'm afraid of what it has done to our economy. this is the only president in american history who has not had a greater than 3% gdp growth in anyier of his term as president. these are the things he should be stressing. he's not stressing it, i don't know why. >> speaking of the polls are showing he should be tressing it. hillary clinton has a ten-point lead over donald trump, 49% and 39%. the same poll showed 69% of voters thought the response was
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out of bounds. do you think he can start focusing on some of the issues and hitting his opponent rather than doing self-injury? absolutely. when donald trump focuses on the issues that middle-class folks are concerned about, he's going to do very well. he goes up every time he focuses on the issues. jobs. getting out of the wars. closing the southern border of the united states, so we have some kind of meaningful immigration. these are the things that matter to people. right now, this is a lot of political science and narrative. >> we probably had a similar conversation. why isn't he doing these things? people have been telling him, he needs to be doing this for months now. his own daughter and wife. and he's not doing it.
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you said he's not doing it. >> what you saw was a wake-up call for mr. trump. he understands the what the stakes are now and what his roll is. he's not a politician. going forward -- >> i have to stop you there. you can't keep saying he's not a politician. he's running as president of the united states. he's been running for a year. he's the definition of a politician. you can't use that as an excuse. >> i'm not saying whether it's an excuse or not. it's a reality. he has to change that. i'm confident that he is and he will. you're not going to win this on personal insults, either way. you're not going to win this on e-mails or money or anything else. you have have to win on the
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issues. there's a raging battle going on internally in the gop right now. >> you don't think that 400 million of money he should be hitting that. he should have been focusing on that money and try to tie it with hillary clinton. and her as secretary of state and foreign policy. and he's not doing it. you don't think that should be his course of action? >> you had a $400 million secret payment to the iranian government, paying something that goes from 19ment. that's a long time. they had 13,000 days to pay that back. that money comes on the same day that the hostages are released. that's a 13,000/1 coincidence. i don't buy it. the american people don't buy it. >> okay. >> it is the issues, don. it's the issues that are going to win this campaign for jump.
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here's an example where i think it is fair to say, that the press really does want a democrat to win it. it doesn't matter who the republican is. mitt romney was one of the most honorable men in america and they pilloried him four years ago. it doesn't matter. his folksman said it was coincidence that on the same day that $400 million is sent to tehran, that four hostages are released. tell me what donald trump has said that's more absurd than that. >> to your point, then, dennis? i'm going to allow you some leeway with that because i just said, shouldn't donald trump be hammering that point home? the headline tonight -- donald trump relitigating history. donald trump hit hillary clinton and the obama administration hard on iran money. >> you're right. that's what he should be doing.
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i want it to be fair, though. you showed this "new york times" series of clips. did the nshg nshgt or did cnn, for what i have tremendous respect, show the israeli flag burned by bernie sanders supporters in philadelphia? >> we did. but not tonight. but we've shown it. >> then, to your great credit, did "the new york times"? i don't know. but if it got the same amount of attention, then, bravo. i just doubt it. >> let's talk about this. you were saying there's great turmoil in the gop and i cut you off. what did you mean by that? >> there's a raging battle inside the gop. it's a battle that should happen, is happening, and will continue to happen. basically, trump is transcending the entire republican party in this movement that nobody seems
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to grasp. everybody is looking at these mistakes he's making. they don't understand what he has established. and what continues to happen. he has stood up for working class americans, telling them he's going to bring the jobs back and get them out of these wars. it's a rejection of the former party elites in washington, who have done nothing for the working class. nothing for middle america. a failed policy of wars, body bags, wounded soldiers. you have paul ryan in there. the only thing he is showing is a bailout for his wall street friends. this battle is going to continue
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to rage because this is a movement, don, that transcends one individual. >> thank you, don. thank you, dennis. i'll see you soon. ahead, art of the deal. donald trump says his business record qualifies him to be president. but is that record as good as he said? americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you
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♪olympics 2016, let me get you on my level. ♪ so you never miss a moment, ♪ ♪miss a minute, miss a medal. ♪ ♪ why settle when you can have it all? ♪ ♪soccer to wrestling. track and field to basketball. ♪ fencing to cycling. diving to balance beam. ♪ ♪all you have to sa♪ ♪ is, "show me," and boom it's on the screen♪ ♪ from the bottom of the mat, ♪ ♪ to the couch where you at? ♪ ♪ show me the latest medal count♪ ♪xfinity's where it's at. ♪ welcome to it all. comcast nbcuniversal is proud to bring you coverage of the rio olympic games. from the first days of his campaign, donald trump has insisted his record as a business man gives him the experience he needs to run the country. but is his record as good as he says. let's discuss with the senior writer for "newsweek," and
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contributing editor at "vanity fair." even today within -- he's having tough days, donald trump was on the campaign trail, talking about, you know, he's still winning. you have a cover for jump's business failures. he is talking about how he is still winning. in your estimation, from doing this research for the magazine, is donald trump a billionaire? >> i seriously doubt it. he went to deutsche bank a few years back and submitted his financials. and said i'm worth $3.5 billion. and deutsche bank looked at the same numbers and said you're worth $700 million. trump has a habit, when it comes to numbers, of just lying. if you think he's going to lie
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in a submission for a loan, if he's going to misrepresent his numbers and say this, shows i'm worth $3.5 billion, what's he going to do when he stands up in front of the american people or on a reality tv show? it its not a guy that's built for the truth. >> i was speaking to a guy that was in real estate. he said that's what people in real estate do. they do what they have to do to get done. is that fair to say about donald trump? >> it's not. the first statement you have is correct. they do oversell. i started dealing with donald trump in the 1980s. i was dealing with all of the real estate guys. they are big talkers. trump is very different. trump is someone who is selling himself. and selling himself as perfection.
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he would tell me, i never sleep. i'm always so busy. he would tell me on the phone, i never talk to reporters because i don't have time because i'm so busy. everything he started was going to be the best, the greatest. there's never been anything like it. and all of it, all of it, went bust except for the stuff that was backed up by his dad. >> you said trump is rich because he was born rich. and without his father bailing him out, he would have likely filed for bankruptcy before he was 35. and then, now, you just brought up, specifically, you talked about his atlantic city casinos. his bankruptcies. and hillary clinton used those casinos, the defunct trump plaza casino sign as a background to slam trump on the economy. why is it such a good example of
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trump's business failures? >> it ooh esperfect. trump was getting some traction in real estate success in new york. and he suddenly decides, i'm going into casinos. very impulsive decision. he has no background in casinos. he gets one with harrah's. they're partners. they hate him. they get rid of him. or they pay him to go away. he then opens another one. he borrows lots of money. he can't pay off the money he borrows. so, his dad gives him an illegal $3.5 million by passing cash over the craps table. literally, that's what happened. then, he opens the taj mahal, the biggest casino ever. he's going to do it with bank loans. no bank will give him money. he gets it all in junk bonds. his casinos are bankrupt in two years. the guy is a big talker. he does the same thing in
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politics that he's doing in business. i'll fix everything. i'll be the best. and in business, he just went to bankruptcy court. i don't know what he'll do when he's president. >> you don't think he delivered in business as much as he says? >> absolutely not. >> you write about what happened when trump took over day-to-day operations of his casinos. what happened? >> his three top casinos -- he is not a manager. his three top casino guys died in a terrible helicopter krashl. so, trump had to take over operations. and the result of that was -- just an exdoes of senior executives. people who thought he was impossible to work with. people who thought he was, you know, back in those days, they used euphemisms like eccentric. the people who thought he
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couldn't plan, he couldn't do anything. and so, people either walked out or were fired. and it wasn't long after that that the banks started coming in and saying, we are going to manage you, donald trump because he wasn't able to manage the casinos himself. >> there is something about a baccarat table? >> i was thinking it was a craps table. that was when trump couldn't make an interest payment, his father cut a $3.5 million check, gave it to his lawyer, who went town to the casino, gave a baccarat $3.5 million checks. and took it in chips an threw them all into a suitcase and left. this was an -- this was illegal. >> this was -- >> that was the story that you were telling earlier, at the
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baccarat table. still, he is still afloat. he's flying around on helicopters and airplanes. he lives in a beautiful building. >> give me $200 million and i'll be able to make it into something. i will stick it into a bank account. that's the thing. >> he's had some success. >> he did successfully build some buildings, with his dad's backing and co-signing loans. his single-biggest project he ever did, which was successful, the grand hyatt in new york, couldn't have been done without his dad signing loans and co-signing money. he said he only got $1 million. that's a total lie. if you take all his deals, his dad is there all the time. and the reality is, don, if you or i were given the money donald trump was given and in 1972,
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stuck it in a stocks index fund, we'd be richer than donald trump is now. that's not the sign of a great business man. >> thank you, sir. >> thanks for having me. >> when we come right back, how a couple of savvy guys are cashing in on donald trump. i a with fans clamoring for our next hit album, we return to our extravagant private studio, where we turn gold into platinum. yes, i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. we've got two new ways to "steak heaven".k because now every sirloin is a tender, juicy, center cut sirloin. and when you join our new dine rewards™ program, after three visits, your 4th outback meal,
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an anti-trump has a teenager seeing dollar signs. cnn's jeanne moos reports. >> reporter: a couple of street savvy guys are cashing in on donald trump. >> i'm just a regular black guy, getting money off this guy. >> reporter: a sort of bemusing black male, give me $1 or i'm voting trump. a 19-year-old from ohio, who would only give his first name, josh, got the sign idea off the internet. >> i've made around $12,000. >> $12 grand, tax free. >> reporter: self-described tall back guy, who does most of the talking, met josh shortly after the teen arrived in new york. we stumbled on him in the shadow of the trump international hotel in columbus circle, which has become a bit of a magnet for
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protests like this trump hair hut. two ad agency guys dreamed this up to protest wealth and equality, matching dog not included. >> go inside, hang out and think about what would happen if that man came to power. >> reporter: the hair hut, made out of mexican straw, is meant to make a point, not a profit. while the sign guys can make as much as $225 a day. who would pay to pose in front of it? maybe someone who felt insulted by the donald. >> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. >> reporter: the people posing were tourists from mexico. >> no good for mexico. >> reporter: but he's good for these guys. entrepreneurs who didn't even attend trump university. >> at trump university, we teach success. >> we don't want money. >> yes, we do. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> trump hair hut. we'll be right back.
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that's it for us tonight. i'll see you back here tomorrow night at 10:00. our coverage continues with rosemary church at the cnn center in atlanta. a knife attack in central london leaves one woman dead and several injured. we will bring you the latest from the scene and tell you how the city's police force is responding. donald trump insists his presidential campaign is united, but a growing number of republican detractors say otherwise. plus, just one day now before rio hosts the olympic opening ceremony. and that may not be enough time to solve a host of problems facing the host city. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and of course, all around the world.
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i'm rosemary church, and this is "cnn newsroom." ♪ lonltdon is waking up to an increased police presence on the streets following a deadly knife attack. one woman died at the scene, two other women and three men were wounded. a 19-year-old man is under arrest. isa suarez joins us live. authorities say mental health was major factor in this attack, but haven't ruled out terrorism, have they? what more can you tell us about this attack and the investigation? >> reporter: good morning to you. you're spot on. they said mental health played a significant factor here, but they said, and i want to quote here, they're keeping an open mind regarding motive and
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terrorism remains one line of inquiry to be explored. today and in the last few hours, they'll be looking closely at this 19-year-old who was tasered in the early hours of wednesday night. police got to the scene and responded within six minutes. on the scene, they found a woman being described to be in her 60s, who was dead, you can see over my right shoulder the tent behind me that. is a tent where her body lay in the early hours of this morning. forensic teams were already working the scene. but the body has been removed. we saw an ambulance, private ambulance come here to pick the body and remove it. but this remains an area that is cordoned off. one section of the cordoned has been slightly lifted. police presence still here, but now we're waiting to hear more
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from authorities regarding this 19-year-old. who is he? what were his motives? at the moment, all we are hearing is that he suffered perhaps mental health issues. this comes, rosy, one day before police here pretty much announce a 600 strong force of armed police officers in the streets of london. we've heard today also from the mayor of london asking for people to be calm but also be vigilant. >> we'll certainly have more on this increased police presence a little later this hour. isa joining us there from london. many thanks to you. in the u.s. presidential race, republican donald trump is having what many say could be one of the worst weeks of his candidacy. sources say party leaders are
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frustrated by his comments and behavior. every day it seems another republican is dropping their support for trump. democrat hillary clinton is staying out of trump's seemingly self-destructive path. a new poll gives her the widest lead of the general election so far. trump, however, says everything is great and his campaign has never been better or more unified. jim acosta has more. >> reporter: setting off alarm bells inside the gop on almost a daily basis, donald trump's campaign is swirling in an august hurricane of his own making. >> so i just want to tell you the campaign is doing really well. it's never been so well united. we started on june 16th. i would say right now it's the best in terms of being united that it's been since we began. we're doing incredibly well. >> reporter: one day after trump told "the washington post" he wasn't ready to endorse paul
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ryan, trump's vp pick mike pence announced he fully supports the house speaker. >> i strongly support paul ryan. he's a long-time friend, a strong, conservative leader. >> reporter: trump's battle with ryan, which comes on the heels of a fallen muslim american soldier, slamming the gop nominee, has the republican party on its heels. reince priebus is said to be t outraged over trump's comments on ryan. and campaign manager paul manafort is leading a staff sources say is growing increasingly candidate. >> the candidate is in control. >> reporter: he's pushing back on reports that some of the top surrogates are scrambling to get trump back on message. >> the campaign is focused and moving forward. the only need for an intervention is for media types
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who keep saying things that aren't true. >> reporter: but newt gingrich tells "the washington post," the current race is which of these two is the more unacceptable. because right now neither of them is accept about. trump is helping her to win by proving he's more unacceptable than she is. but ben carson predicted that trump and ryan will patch things up, creating unity in the party. >> he's very pro unity in the party. you know, he will be, obviously, on board with paul ryan. >> reporter: ryan's gop opponent next week in wisconsin is milking the tension in the hope that trump will endorse him. >> i formally declare donald trump -->> reporter: gop insiders are cringing over that, especially after ryan endorsed trump and took on a prominent role at the dnc.
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>> reince's efforts to undermine the nominee is the two-faced, dishonest politics that represent what's wrong with washington today. >> reporter: trump tried to do damage control in florida. he said he met with six gold star families to express his appreciation for the sacrifices he's made. that's as close as trump has made to an apology after his confrontation with a family of a fallen muslim soldier. meanwhile, hillary clinton is going after trump on his business practices. she stopped by a tie manufacturer in colorado with one question -- why aren't trump ties made in america? joe johns was there. >> reporter: the democratic ticket barn storming swing states today, blasting trump on the economy. >> if he wants to make america great again, he should make things in america. >> reporter: stepping up efforts
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also to encourage disaffected republicans to renounce donald trump. the biggest prize so far, meg whitman, hewlett packard's ceo and former gubernatorial candidate. she's the late nest in a list o growing republicans to support clinton. tim kaine shot down trump's record with small businesses in north carolina. >> hillary clinton will be a you're hired president, donald trump will be a you're fired president. he has a track record with small businesses. >> reporter: the campaign is out with a new ad using a trump appearance on david letterman to slam him on outsourcing his clothing line. >> where are the shirts made? >> bangladesh. they have to work too. >> the ties are made where?
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>> china. >> reporter: it's something she consistently hits him for on the campaign trail. >> i would really like him to explain why he paid chinese workers to make trump ties. this is one of them. it's got his name on it, of course. and instead of deciding to make those ties right here in colorado. >> reporter: clinton held a fund-raiser in colorado last night as the campaign touted a record month in donations, raking in $90 million in july, with $9 million from the 24 hours after she accepted the nomination last week. joe johns, cnn, commerce city, colorado. joining me now from washington is jonathan swan, national political reporter for the hill. great to talk with you again. so the latest polls show hillary clinton widening her lead over donald trump. what's behind that increased
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support and how significant and how sustainable is it, do you think? >> well, conventions always produce bounces. historically, they used to be a lot larger than they have been. but they tend to produce five to seven point percentages. donald trump had a bounce out of cleveland about three percentage points but people got very excited and it put him level with hillary clinton in the polls. that was a small bounce, and she's had a larger bounce after the democratic convention, which has basically put her back where she always was, which is about five points ahead of donald trump. so this is a pretty sustainable position if -- unless some circumstance changes things dramatically. >> we'll watch and see. of course, trump appeared to stay on message wednesday, but reports suggest that prominent
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republicans, newt gingrich, rudy giuliani are considering a trump intervention to get him back on track, as reports persist of disarray within the trump camp. where is this all going, do you think? >> this is a real dumpster fire in the trump campaign. it's hard to actually overstate how bad things are. i've spent the day on the phone to top trump fund-raisers, people who are big donors and they are -- they can't understand why he persists in prolonging this fight with a gold star parents of a muslim soldier, american soldier who was killed in iraq. they can't understand why he's picking fights with the house speaker, paul ryan. he's refusing to endorse him. and people are just tearing their hair out. no one thinks they can control him. his children are even apparently distraught about this, so is his
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campaign chairman paul manafort. trump privately tells them, everything is fine. he's going to be more disciplined. and then the next provocation comes along and he reacts to it. >> yeah. and a lot of republicans saying this is only going to help elect hillary clinton, speaking of which clinton was out on the campaign trail wednesday, driving home the message that trump manufacturers his goods overseas rather than in the united states. and she already has a campaign ad out on that very same issue. given what's going on right now, is that the strategy -- is that strategy going to work for her going forward? >> it's part of their strategy. i actually was given a speech written down that was left in the ritz carlton hotel in philadelphia by one of hillary's top allies, and i don't think he meant to leave the speech behind, but it gave me a very good insight into some of their
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super pac strategy. it's really to paint donald trump to be unfit for office. that contains a lot of different elements. part of it is the fact that he manufacturers his products overseas, but the larger part of it is temperament. they're trying to push home the message that you can't trust this guy with nuclear weapons. >> of course, we are seeing a number of high profile republicans going public with their decision to vote for clinton instead of trump. can we expect to see more of this? >> i think it's certain we'll see more republicans follow suit. particularly when you get in the territory -- it's hard to find anyone that will defend trump attacking the parents of a war hero killed in iraq. when these things happen -- it's
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a test. we're seeing jeb bush, sally bradshaw, one of chris christie's top staffers, i think it's inevitable we'll see more of them. if it continues like this, i just hesitate to predict what's going to happen, because it's a very tense point at this moment. and if you talk to republicans close to the campaign, they are very, very anxious about what could happen in the next couple of weeks. >> yeah, even rudy giuliani's former press secretary. interesting as people are coming forward on this very topic. jonathan, always a pleasure to chat with you. thanks so much. donald trump did little to endear himself to war vets or the muslim community at a campaign event at briarwoods high school in virginia on tuesday. this is where he collected a purple heart you recall from a supporter. it's the same honor bestowed on captain khan, the fallen muslim
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american army captain, whose parents criticized trump at the democratic convention. coincidentally, this year's valedictorian of that school is a muslim. and in her acceptance speech earlier this year, she said, and i'm quoting here, i am quite relieved to be up here before trump becomes president, because if he were right now, i would be giving this speech from a raft somewhere in the middle of the atlantic. needless to say, she was not impressed with trump's appearance this week. joining me now, via skype, the valedictorian at briarwoods high school in ashburn, virginia. thank you so much for joining us and congratulations on your impressive accomplishment. so let's talk about the silent protest that you organized when donald trump held a rally at your school, why did you decide to do this? and what was the reaction? >> first of all, thank you for having me.
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as far as the protest goes, i was always taught growing up to stand up against any kind of injustice is the thing to do. so a couple of neighbors and fellow classmates of mine, we decided to get a face group going and it kind of branched off and we got a lot of support through the group. while i didn't get to go inside the rally, my friends did. you know, we had our shirts on. we linked arms and turned our backs and silently tried to send a message, because silence, in my opinion, speaks volumes. >> and you felt targeted after this demonstration. describe to us what happened and how you were targeted. >> well, for the first time in my life, this is a very diverse community, so i've never felt targeted at school or anywhere, because there is a lot of minorities in this area. we rarely get a second look.
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but when i walked into my school, my sister and i received thumbs down, boos and things like that. but i don't want to generalize all the trump supporters and i want to say there were some of them we talked to, and i felt like it was very important to talk to the trump supporters, and talk about our differences and agree to disagree. because that's the only way thing also get down, to speak out in a very civilized manner. and that's very important, especially with the polarizing view points on the politics of today. >> i do want to get your reaction to comments trump has made about muslims, more specifically what is your reaction to his feud with the khan family? >> as someone who is running for a very high office, the president of the united states, the rhetoric that's being spewed
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from his mouth to not just muslims but let's not forget other minority groups such as mexicans or latinas, african-americans, women, even babies now, that kind of rhetoric won't be something that will be viewed as a compassionate and empathetic message. as for the khan family, mr. khzir khan is such a patriotic man. he has a copy of our constitution in his pocket. so that speaks for itself. the fact that he has to prove to mr. trump that he is a patriotic american says something. obviously, we all know that he has given an unparalleled sacrifice with his fallen soldiers son. as a virginian, i can say i am proud that we have people in our country who love america, who support american values of
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equality and compassion and who are willing to do the most by sacrificing their life for our country. >> what would you say to donald trump if you had the opportunity to speak with him? and how concerned are you about the prospect of a trump presidency? >> well, i would first ask him what he has to say about my being felt targeted at my own school and being afraid almost at my own school? i walked to the protest, so i would ask him about that. and also i would just obviously be very polite, because he is a presidential candidate and i do respect that. and everyone is entitled to their own opinions. but i don't think everyone is entitled to being targeted by hate, because hate is not the answer to anything. and i would just ask mr. trump, you know, more about his policy
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because i'm not getting a lot of that from his rhetoric. and ask him simply why attack a muslim family that has a son who has sacrificed his life, which is something i cannot comprehend myself, which i imagine is something very, very intense. >> it has been a pleasure to speak with you. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. a new u.s. poll shows libertarian presidential nominee gary johnson drawing votes in a three-way race. hear more from this candidate, from his cnn town hall event. that's straight ahead. plus, the world is watching as rio prepares for the opening ceremony of the olympics on friday. big questions remain about how prepared that city is. more in a live report still to come.
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it's exciting. less than 40 hours from now, athletes will be marching,
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waving flags, and weeping with joy at the olympics opening ceremony in rhio de janeiro. but the games started on wednesday actually with six women's football matches. right now, everyone is waiting to hear the fate of the russian national team. more than 100 russian athletes are banned in the wake of the doping scandal. olympic officials will issue their final ruling by friday. cnn world sports christina mcfarland joins us now live from rio. hi there, christina. of course, as the russian athletes await this critical decision on whether they stay or whether they go, olympic organizers are tackling another big problem, protests involving heavy handed responses by riot police. what exactly happened? and can we expect to see more of these types of protests? >> reporter: yeah, that's absolutely right.
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i think it's no secret for many brazilian people they're not happy about the fact that the games have arrived in rio. on wednesday, we saw evidence of that. there was a peaceful protest planned, but it quickly extend sbo ed into violence. these are average people on the street, health care workers, teachers, all protesting about the lack of infrastructure in the city. but as the torch passed among them, it quickly turned violent. the police there turned on the peaceful protesters. they fired rubber bullets, tear gas and batons and it's the first time we've seen riot police accompanying the torch on this journey. they're set now to continue that all the way to the opening stadium on friday. the torch is due to pick up in 3 1/2 hours from now at the athlete's village and will
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travel through till midnight. we still have some 400 torch bearers to go. so i think the organizers very much hoping that we won't be seeing scenes like this. but you just can't tell what will happen. >> christine, u.s. swimmer michael phelps will carry his country's flag and he's understand my thrilled about that. but it's what he had to say about doping that caught everyone's attention. >> we all want clean sports. that's all we want. we want everybody to be on the same playing field. for me, i am the only one that can control myself and that's all i focus on. i don't know if i've ever competed in a clean sport. >> his comments come in the context of the russian doping
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controver controversy. but he's suggesting this has been a problem for quite some time. >> reporter: this is a profound statement from arguably the greatest olympian of all-time, 22 olympic medals. in that press conference, he was backed up by his teammates and coach, bob bowman, who went one step further and said that the system was broken and it needed to be fixed. his for cli, phelps has taken anti-doping extremely seriously. in the 2008 beijing games, he opted and offered to undergo additional testing to that of the world anti-doping agency to prove that he was clean. what was quite reeling in that press conference is the emotion in his voice and the anger. it tells us what the athletes are feeling with the backdrop of this russian doping scandal, which is still under folding. >> indeed. of course, we should hear more on that on friday.
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christina mcfarland, many thanks to you. terrifying moments. the latest in the investigation and a live report later this hour. police say the london knife attack could be linked to terrorism. coming up, a closer look at the city's terror strategy. stay with us.
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a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and of course, all around the world. i'm rosemary church. we want to update you on the main stories we're following. the brazilian government is
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launching a counterattack. dozens were killed after russia carried out air strikes in aleppo on wednesday. the rebels are trying to break the government's siege on the city. donald trump spent part of wednesday telling supporters his campaign has never been more unified. it's a different story from republican sources who say trump is frustrating party leaders. a new national poll shows him trailing democrat hillary clinton in the u.s. presidential race. the u.n. says more than 60,000 people have recently fled the ongoing conflict in south sudan. and more funding is needed to prevent a humanitarian disaster there. a peace deal brokered in july has not stopped fighting between forces backing the country's president and those supporting the former vice president. police say terrorism is a possibility, but mental health is a major factor in a deadly knife attack in central london.
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one woman is dead and five other people are wounded and a 19-year-old suspect is under arrest. as a precautionary measure, we are seeing increased police presence in the area. our max foster joins us now with some perspective on london's terror strategy. so max, in fact, plans were already in place, weren't they, to increase police presence, but not on the basis of any specific intel. in the wake of this attack, we're see thing new terror strategy. how long can londoners expect to see this? >> reporter: well, something we're not used to is armed police on patrol through london, but 600 extra firearm carrying police in london, and they will be deployed to sites of interest around the capital and a more visible presence. it's also being ramped up today because of this knife attack. ky tell you, rosemary, that the 19-year-old who was arrested is
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in hospital and he's under police protection, as it were. and he'll be questioned as soon as he's released from hospital. he's probably being faced with questions there, as well. he was tasered, which is why he was in the hospital. two others injured remain in the hospital. three others have been discharged. but the challenge they're facing right now is a reflection of what's happened across europe in recent weeks. when you can have what can best be described as a lone wolf attacker who has mental health problems and becomes radicalized. that's what we saw in nice and in germany, as well. so when something like this happens, it does set off alarm bells within the police. and they did deploy their top terrorism officer to oversee this. although it is still a homicide investigation. there's no signs really, official signs that this is terror related. although terror police are involved in the investigation. so it's a case of when do they
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categorize something as being terror related, in which case it ramps up and involves so many more resources. on this occasion, they're holding back until they know more about the motivation. >> all right. max foster bringing us more on this from london. many thanks to you. a new poll says hillary clinton has widened her lead over donald trump to ten points. clinton leads trump 49% to 39% in a head-to-head fox news survey, released on wednesday. and if you ad lib -- libertarian gary johnson, clinton leads by 44% to 35%. more's what they had to say
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about donald trump, hillary clinton and the major issues. >> what do you you need to gain momentum? >> this interview here is going to push us over 17%, i'm sure. ♪ i just pose the question if either trump or clinton are elected, things will be more polarized than ever. >> the thing that comes to my mind is a screw loose. i say this almost with affection for donald trump. maybe he should consider some other line of work, anything other than president of the united states. >> this is not a coincidence that bill clinton and hillary both are making huge amounts of money with these speaking fees. if we're going to continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, that's still evil. we defeated al qaeda.
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we should have gotten out with the caveat that we'll come back if osama bin laden raises his head. marijuana products compete directly with legal prescription drugs that statistically kill 100,000 people a year, and there are no documented deaths due to marijuana. i think we've all had our heads in the sand. let's wake up. this discrimination does exist. it has existed. and for me personally, slap, slap, wake up. >> all right. so no one is saying this is going to happen, but what if all these controversies forced trump to drop out of the race? a republican source says there's no real movement yet, but there are rules just in case. here's tom foreman. >> reporter: donald trump received more than 14 million votes during the republican primary. that translated to 1,725 delegates at the convention.
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but if the republican party, for any long stretch reason needed a new nominee, that decision could come down to just 168 people. how could that be? well, the key lies in rule number nine of the republican national committee. it says the republican national committee is here by authorized and empowered to fill any and all vacancies which may occur by reason of death, deckly nation or otherwise of the republican candidate for president of the united states. the rule goes on to say the committee can call everyone back together for a second convention. but the committee can also make the pick on its own, and that committee is just 168 people. so the rules do not seem designed really to push a nominee aside. but they're also vague, so it's not inconceivable they could be used that way under certain
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circumstances. the committee is comprised of three people from each state and u.s. territory who were chosen by republicans back home, and they vote with all the original power of their state's delegation. for example, nebraska had 36 delegates. the three committee members would have 36 votes in effect. california had 172 delegates. their three committee members would have that same clout, 172 votes. in the end, the vote of the committee is just like the convention, if anyone gets a simple majority, more than 50%, that person would be the nominee. whether or not he or she was even in the race prior to this time. turning to weather now. we are tracking hurricane earl, which is causing concern in the western caribbean. within the last couple of hours, the storm made landfall in
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belize. and our meteorologist joins us now to give us more information on this. just how bad might this be? >> the storm came ashore as it was strengthening. you think about this storm, a category 1, had this had seven, ten more hours over water, it could have been a cat 3 or 4. but it made landfall right across belize, and when you think about this city, tourism, 25% of this country's gdp is based on tourism. right now the international airport is shut down. government offices are closed for the next day. so this will impact people with the flooding concern in place. we'll show you what we have in store. you take a look at these images, across northern portions of the yucatan peninsula in mexico, some of the outer bands of this storm system in belize as well, the clouds were darkening up, comes in at 80 miles per hour.
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so not a menacing storm when it comes to is sheer wind speed, but often times, storms that are smaller produce tremendous rainfall and become a big problem across an area. so as we're watch thing move over the mountainous area of ecuador, we know the immediate coastline, very flat. the storm surge that could be two to thee meters could be impacted. so we have hurricane warnings in place, and quickly it moves over portions of the yucatan. eventually working into the state of veracruz, which could see landfall saturday night across this region. so the storm system will not be done just yet. so how much rainfall are we talking? some model estimations put as much as 18 inches of rainfall over the next two days across this region. that's upwards of 400 millimeters of rainfall that will come down.
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that becomes the main concern. again, small countries, we know the construction not build to other standards around the world. so you get this much water, it will cause some landslides and flooding, as well. >> many thanks. appreciate it. smoke and screams are for plane crash lands in dubai. how passengers were able to evacuate so quickly and what officials are looking into as a possible cause. back in a moment with that. wiback like it could used to?
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300 people on board a flight were all able to escape after their plane made a hard landing and burst into flames at dubai airport. a firefighter was killed responding to that accident. cnn's john jenson joins us live from the airport in dubai.
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so john, what are airport authorities saying about the likely cause of this plane crash landing in dubai, and what about these suggestions that the landing gear was not properly deployed? >> reporter: rosemary, they're not saying a whole lot right now. last night, the chairman of emirates at a press conference urging patience, as they analyze to find out why this plane went down. the investigation, of course, is going to be led by authorities here in the uae, backed by some five members of the national transportation safety board from the united states. they're going to be looking at all possibilities. of course, the landing gear will be one. we've seen the images of this plane coming to its final resting point in dubai, sitting on its belly. no undercarriage in sight. so was the landing gear down as it made its attempted approach
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or did it collapse on landing? we still don't know. they'll be looking at the flight data recorders to check the telemetry on its final approach. >> oh, dear, have we lost him completely there? any chance of going back? all right. let's bring up some video, though, and we'll wait and see whether we can get that communication back up and running. look at this. this shows passengers evacuating the plane. the concern here, if you look very closely, is that people are not evacuating immediately. some are trying to get hold of their luggage. and the concern here is that in just moments after that evacuation, that plane exploded into flames. so that is certainly something that aviation authorities are going to want to take a close look at. so looking at that video taken by a passenger inside the plane.
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in the entrepreneurial spirit, the buck stops here. ahead, how a couple of guys turned the presidential campaign into a money maker. more on that when we come back. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp.
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whatever you do, don't look down. brave tourists in southwest china can now walk around a mountainside thanks to a high altitude glass bottom walkway. it opened this week. the 1 1/2 meter ide bridge overlooks a mountain road with 99 turns. its name means "avenue to the sky." the anti-trump fervor among some people in the u.s. has unspawned an unlikely entrepreneur. some homemade posters, a sense of issue and a dash of spite are adding up to a lot of dollar signs. jeanne moos explains. >> reporter: a couple of street savvy guys are cashing in on donald trump. >> i'm just a regular black guy, getting money off this guy.
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>> reporter: a sort of bemusing black male, give me $1 or i'm voting trump. a 19-year-old named josh from ohio got the idea off the internet. >> i've made $12 grand, tax tree. >> reporter: he met josh shortly after the teen arrived in new york. we stumbled on them in the shadow of the trump international hotel in columbus circle, which has become a bit of a magnet for protests like this trump hair hut. two ad agency guys dreamed this up to protest wealth and inequality. matching dog not included. >> go inside, hang out and think about what would happen if that man came to power. >> reporter: the hair hut, made out of mexican straw, is meant to make a point, not a profit. while the sign guys can make as
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much as $225 a day. who would pay to pose in front of it? >> thumbs down, everybody. >> reporter: maybe who felt insulted by the donald. >> they're bringing drugs, they're dringing crime. >> reporter: the people posing were tourists from mexico. >> he's no good for mexico. >> reporter: but he's good for these guys, entrepreneurs that can't even attend trump university. >> we don't want money. >> yes, we do. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. when tony bennett crooned "the good life," he could have been singing about himself. he was with lady gaga in new york near where he was born to celebrate his 90th birthday. they it will a replica of the empire state building in the italian colors in honor of his heritage. >> there's plenty, but i'll tell you, this is a day i'll never
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forget as long as i live. to be treated this way, at 90 years old, i feel like i'm 19 years old. it's a wonderful treat. and it's one of the very special days in my whole life. >> happy birthday. he has won 19 grammys and new, younger listeners. frank sinatra called him the greatest saloon singer in the world. thanks for your company. remember to connect with me any time on twitter. "early start" is next for our viewers here in the united states. for everyone else, stay tuned for more news with max foster in london. have a great day. . .
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the gop reaching a new level of panic over donald trump. upset their party's nominee tends to get off message far too often. trump's reaction to the criticism and the new advice he's been given. hillary clinton campaigning through key swing states blasting donald trump over his foreign-made products. a man with a knife stabbing people in a popular


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