tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 10, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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thanks to my panel and thanks for watching. ac360 starts right now. good evening. john berman here in for anderson. it was about the only thing missing in this campaign, a man with suction cups climbing a building. about 20 stories up trump tower. that's about how far this guy got, suction cups and all before members of the nypd's elite emergency services unit grabbed him as stunned people on the street looked on. this climbing standoff just one of several campaign stories any
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one one of which could lead the newscast and we'll get to all of it and first authorities briefed on what went down and who went up. listen to the officer who pulled the climber in. >> i was waiting for the perfect time to present itself. when i felt it was safe for him and myself and my crew so when that time came and i did talk to my crew and said listen, he's at a level where i am able to grab him safely and bring him in. when it presented itself, i reached out, i took hold of his hand and i said sir, you need to come with me. >> what he was just talking about right there. the man several hours on this building was climbing up and officers opened up a window and pulled out the glass near him and then pulled him in very suddenly there and in some ways it was unexpected and there had been some word from the police that they were not going to pull him off the building, but they did. they did so very quickly and
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they did so safely, and now this man is in custody, remarkable work from the new york police department there. let's get more from the scene right there and i want to get more from brynn gingras outside trump tower. what are you learning about the climber right now? >> well, john, what we do know is he is a 20-year-old man. he is from virginia and he came here to new york yesterday and stayed in a hotel and he had this plan all set and ready to put in motion today. what we are told by police is that he told officers that he posted a youtube video and his purpose of climbing this building was to get donald trump's attention. he says he's an independent researcher and this was the only way that he was actually going to get trump's attention. so again, he had this all planned out and he was going to do this. that echoes what he was telling the people and the officers who were communicating with him as he continued to ascend this building. we do know that they were able to make contact with him on the
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16th floor of trump tower and then again as he was climbing up to the 21st floor where the officers were in that window as you just saw and a three-hour filled event and take a listen to how it all unfolded. >> at 3:30 this afternoon a man started his ascent to the top of trump tower in midtown new york and he used an elaborate suction cup system with foot straps and a harness to inch his way higher. the fdny and nypd and the hostage negotiators attempted to reach him by breaking a window of the 58-story tower. by 5:00 p.m. he was on the 16th floor. they also attempted to lower a window washing system. at each attempt, he changed his course. at about 5:45 p.m. nypd said they would not cut out glass.
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it fell the last time and was dangerous. no one was injured. they had two air bags one on the 56th street near fifth avenue. he continued to climb while dropping items from his backpack. at 6:20, two windows were removed from the 21 of the floor at trump tower and an nypd emergency service unit attempted to talk the climber in. ten minutes after, two officers grabbed him by the arms and backpack. they hauled him into the window opening. an enormous crowd on the ground cheered the officer's efforts. the climber was arrested and taken to a local hospital for evaluations. again, the motive here we're learning from police is that this man wanted to talk to donald trump. he did tell police he did not intend to heart anybody and police will probably learn more after the hospital evaluation and when he is in a police precinct. >> brynn gingras, excellent reporting. joining us now shimon prokupecz, cnn analyst,
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paul callen and christine quinn who is here in a nonpartisan capacity as a city council speaker and on the phone, nypd chief department philip banks. you've been working your sources all day during this event and after. what's the latest that police sources are learning? what do they still want to find out? >> i mean, they really just want to make sure perhaps he didn't want to harm mr. trump, make sure he didn't want to cause any harm to any of his family and to make sure he wasn't up to anything. we now know he didn't have anything else on him. there was nothing in his bag that sort of would have caused any kind of harm. they did find a bunch of i.d.s and some military i.d.s and other identification in the bag. so they're trying to figure out all these other names that he may be going by or gone by so they're working on that. so now it's an intelligence kind ever gathering and reaching out to his family in virginia to find out what they know about him. so, i mean, i don't think anyone rid now thinks he was going to
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hurt mr. trump or do anything bad and really, the question now is did he have some kind of psychiatric issue which sort of led to this. >> they have to take this very, very seriously even though he said he was a trump supporter and all he wanted to do was meet donald trump and he is the republican presidential nominee and they want to make sure that his safety wasn't compromised and shimon, give us a sense of what security procedures and precautions are right now at trump tower between the new york police department and the secret service. >> so really, the secret service have some presence outside, but the nypd is in charge of securing that building. the problem with this building is that there are retail stores, right? so people can come in and leave as they want. there's atriums. there is an outdoor area so people can come into that building without being checked. you don't need to go through a metal detector. there's really no sort of -- there's no tight security and the nypd certainly remains a heavy, heavy presence outside
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the building with long guns and their critical response team aez and the hercules teams and the long gun, but really, they can't stop anyone from entering the building because there are shops and tourist goes in there to shop and there is a restaurant in there and there is a starbucks. it's like a little bit of a shopping mall. so that's sort of what the security is. they're outside and they're there 24 hours a day and certainly secret service is there, as well, but nypd watches. they watch everybody that comes into that building. >> paul callen, we know this man in bellevue hospital under psychiatric evaluation and monitoring. what kind of legal trouble could he be in? >> this is not such an uncommon event, unfortunately in new york city. we have climbers here all of the time, the world trade center, brooklyn bridge and new york times building and i was doing an arbitration in the new york times building, as a matter of fact, at about the 30th floor and the guy came walking right by the window with the suction cups. it happens, but this is
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different because you have a presidential candidate living in this building and frankly, it's getting out of hand, and i think you'll see a felony charge probably dropped on him. he can be charged with criminal trespass on a misdemeanor level or they can escalate it to reckless endangerment claiming that he could have hurt people on the ground had something dropped and you also have to consider the enormous expense of shutting down fifth avenue in this area, the police force involved, the danger to the officers who had to pull him in. so it's something that really warrants a punishment if, you know, he's not found to be insane which is also a possibility. >> christine quinn, i want you to follow up on that point. as a longtime new yorker, someone who has seen a lot of things in this city, there were moments where there was a circuslike atmosphere, but this is very serious. people could have been hurt on the street. he could have been hurt. it tied up huge amounts of law enforcement resources and windows were taken out of that building. i wonder if you could speak to that and also the ingenuity of
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the new york police department. >> i mean, really, the press conference that happened earlier with the p.d., the list of units that were there, they're the elite, elite nypd member, the hostage negotiator, the emergency services and the critical response. and we have the best members of the nypd there and on top of that you had to have a tremendous numbers of officers to close all of those streets if and then to blow up two of the bags if he fell or jumped. i mean, really, we're talking about potentially hundreds of hundreds of thousands of dollars spent in those hours. and any of those officers, if you look at that, when they're pulling him in the window, one bad move and any of those officers could have been hurt by the glass or even, god forbid something more serious since they're on a high floor out a window. you also have to think about the impact on fifth avenue merchants and stores. this is the summer holidays. a lot of tourists are going up
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and down fifth avenue and they were closed. so some folks think, it's easy to say only in new york and make a joke about it, but this is very, very serious and we are really luck they we have such a terrific nypd who were able to handle this professionally, quickly and without injury to the climber to themselves and to anybody in the street. the new york police department train for every possibility. they trained for this? i was watching this unfold and they were pulling the windows out. on top of where he and was then to the side of where he was. they cornered him, to an extent right there. is that something you train for? >> absolutely. the emergency service trains for almost any type of incident that could happen. the intel that we get from other cities, we train even if it hasn't happened in new york city. they come up with a very coordinated detailed plan. the officers who were with the officer who grabbed him, they knew exactly when he was going to grab him and what they needed to do at that second.
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>> and they did a great job and my hat's off to them. >> one more question to philip banks, if i can. >> the difficult decision was the decision not to let him keep climbing and at one point they thought he might get tired out, but the decision to grab him, chief, what do you think went into that? >> there is a lot that went into that and at some point when they're talking to him, and that could gauge whether or not they see an opening whether this person now was going to comply, whether he is going to give up. they probably after speaking to him and taking everything he said to them and his body movements and how he was avoiding them and this could go on for another hour or two or three and not only him. one thing as the former speaker said, there were a lot of resources that are taken out and put here and other places in the city. not only the impact in manhattan and resources are flowing in and all of that is taken into consideration and at what point
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do we make a decision that we have to take this particular person and rescue him? >> i think the nypd was also really smart by reaching out to the glaciers. those are the folks who put the glass in, right? the construction workers who assemble glass buildings and in the press conference we heard the p.d. reaching out to talk to the glaciers and having glaciers on site, if you put both the suction cups on that little window it's going to crack. you wouldn't know that unless you were a glacier. so i applaud the nypd for knowing and training and knowing what to do as we saw and knowing what they didn't know and knowing there was a new yorker who would know. >> and looking at it also, what's going to happen to this guy? i'm looking at cases that have gone down here in the city and there have been a huge number of them. a lot of them wind up with community service, sometimes a
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small fine, but always a very short jail sentence. it's not likely that something very serious will happen unless he was deliberately threatening donald trump. >> right. chief banks, simone, thanks so much. just ahead, new fallout for donald trump after his remarks about second amendment people, those were his words, second amendment people stopping hillary clinton. later secretary clinton and allegations of big donors to the clinton foundation paying for state department access and yes, newly released e-mails. ♪
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about what he called second amend am people stopping hillary clinton. cnn's sara murray is traveling with the campaign and she joins us from sunrise, florida. has the trump campaign commented on the trump tower climber so far? >> reporter: well, john, we don't have an official statement from the trump campaign on this and they are not commenting, but we have heard from michael cohen who is a special adviser to donald trump and with the trump organization calling this a ridiculous and dangerous stunt saying i'm 100% certain the nypd had better things to do and the trump organization is not particularly happy with the fact that they had to deal with someone scaling the outside of their building as well as broken windows today, john. >> they pulled out a lot of glass of that building. i'm sure they're not happen. as for the second amendment comments he said yesterday. is he addressing them at all? >> we're sit waiting for donald trump to take the stage and he's running a bit late and we're waiting to see if he will talk about those tonight and we have
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seen him take to twitter and we have seen his campaign put out a statement and they want to make certain people know that he was not trying to incite violence and he was talking about consolidating -- as you are, donald trump should be taking the stage here any moment and we'll see if he addresses this controversy further. >> we will see if he addresses the second amendment and if the trump tower climber. sara murray, thank you very much. hillary clinton spoke for the first time about the second amendment issue addressing a crowd in des moines and she called it the latest in a long series of remarks that she says crossed the line. >> let me say something about what i think is a critical difference between my opponent and myself. words matter, my friends.
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and if you are running to be president or you are president of the united states, words can have tremendous consequences. >> those consequences apparently include some kind of conversation with the secret service. cnn's jim sciutto has been working his sources on that and joins us now. the united states secret service and you've been speaking with sources that say yes, there has been a conversation with the trump campaign about everything that he said yesterday. donald trump has been tweeting that, no, no such conversation happened. what are you learning right now? >> well, all i can say is that an official with the u.s. secret service tells me that the secret service had conversations with trump campaign staff regarding donald trump's comments on the second amendment. that there was more than one conversation on that topic. i can also say that this official, again, with the united states secret service, tells me that the trump campaign staff's response was similar to the public comments that he did not
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intend to incite violence. i've spoken to this official with the u.s. secret service several times today including since donald trump's denial, but the source stands by the story and i stand by the reporting as we have it. >> of course, former secret service officials tell you that standard operating procedure were to have some kind of contact and you've been speaking to former agents as well. what are they saying? >> exactly right. >> first of all, when this happens that this is part of the secret service's job. i spoke to several former secret service agents that when something like this is said they at least have a sit down and if you or i had said something like that they would have had a conversation. because donald trump is a public figure with a large following that there is greater potential, at least danger to those comments because more people are listening and because he has a following and people listen to what he says so that there would
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be a greater concern about the potential impact, whatever the intention, whatever the intended meaning, the concern being that someone who was misguided would take the meaning differently and might act on it. that would be the concern and several former agents have told me exactly that. >> and if this conversation did take place with the secret service would it end there and everyone moves on? >> there would be no legal consequences to this. no one has said to me either current or former member that there was a law broken by those public comments. this is the duty of care. secret service agents have a job to protect the people they protect and that includes the two candidates for president and it is part of their duty of care when they hear something or when they see something or receive a statement and that's something they have to explore further. that's their job. it doesn't mean that you take it to a legal course, but to perform that duty of care, they have to chase all these things down and that's why i'm told by
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this official with the u.s. secret service that they had those conversations with the trump campaign staff. >> jim sciutto, thank you very much for your reporting. >> thank you. >> i want to bring in former south carolina governor andre bower and philip bump and also trump supporter katie mcmainy and clinton supporter richard socarides and a former senior adviser to bill clinton and andre, lieutenant governor, i want to start with you and donald trump says he certainly wasn't implying for any kind of violation violence, that his comments were misconstrued, however, would it be worth at a minimum saying, you know what if if people took this the wrong way, i'm sorry. or i hope people didn't take this the wrong way or none of my supporters should take this the wrong way. no one should, just in case there's any doubt, don't take this the wrong way. >> it would be helpful, but i go
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back to when she said similar comments about barack obama when she was in a primary with him that we all know what's happened before in a california primary referring to robert kennedy, much the same way and actually even more, and i took it as i'm trying to -- the most powerful group of voters are probably nra members and they work, and i appreciate how hard they'll work in the trenches, and i think he was trying to motivate him and that's why he was having the rally and when you look that hillary clinton said something much worse than this and he wants to criticize him it's amazing to me the hypocrisy. >> when she did say it she was severely criticized in the media and all over the political world, as well and ultimately she apologized to the kennedys because she was referring to the assassination of rfk there. this was something that she did and she was criticized for and she dealt with.
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donald trump hasn't gone that final step yet. >> he did, at 3:30 p.m. he made the comment. at 3:57 p.m., i have an e-mail in their inbox. >> an explanation is not an apology. >> what i meant was second amendment folks would use electoral power and political power he did explain it. the same didn't apply to barack obama, if they bring a knife to the fight we'll bring a gun because folks in philly like to a good brawl. when i hear that, i think violence and the only person who used the term of assassination is exactly what you were referring to, andre when hillary clinton was referring to kennedy. in a way that was suggestive in a similar event. >> that is such a ridiculous comparison, i cannot believe that you can even make that statement without laughing about it. i mean, hillary clinton was making a historical reference to something that happened in history in the context of -- no,
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she was saying i'm not getting out. >> within a primary campaign. donald trump was suggesting people take action after an election against a candidate. >> what hillary clinton said in 2008 was she made an inopportune historical reference for which she immediately apologized and was not suggesting any violence. barack obama was not suggesting any violence. that is ridiculous. >> folks in philly like to have a good brawl. >> everybody knows what mr. trump was suggesting and it is ridiculous now that we're having a debate for a second night in a row now about what he was suggesting. >> the double standard here, hillary said something which i agree with richard, it was a historical statement, but should she have even said that? no. >> how is it historical? >> hang on, governor, nobody interrupted you, at least not me yet. >> yes, ma'am. >> i love that. such a gentleman. >> whatever whether you think of it being historical or not, she realized she was wrong and she
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apologized for it, and the difference is donald trump spun and he tried to say he made a statement urging gun rights supporters to vote, but in pack, what he said if you watch the tape, if hillary wins there will be nothing you can do. she'll pick the judges and you're out of luck. nothing you can do except maybe for you second amendment folks. so he wasn't talking about voting. he was talking about a scenario if he and will a pray to god, lose the election. so donald trump spun, explained, re-wrote history. hillary realized she made a mistake and apologized and part of being a leader is knowing you're a human being and you will make mistakes and owning them. >> he doesn't need to apologize to you for misinterpreting his words. >> you're spinning them. >> there are things that people can do that the nra can do if in fact, hillary appoints liberal judges?
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have you heard of amicus briefs and there are nra the most powerful lob ney this country can do -- you jump to assassination and he does not have to apologize to you for your misinterpretation. >> he doesn't have to apologize to me for nothing ever. i wouldn't accept it. he has to apologize to america. >> one of the axioms is if you're explaining you're losing, that's number one. number two, donald trump had a double entendre going on there with a wink and a nod as david gergen used the term dog whistle implying something that he knew, uh-oh, i better walk that back a little bit because if you listen to what he said two seconds after he said that, oh, and that would be a horrible day. why would he have to say that if he didn't mean uh-oh, that could be taken in a way that was not exactly above board. thirdly, in all of those other instances the secret service was not involved. i'm sorry, unless you're claiming the secret service are a bunch of morons they
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interpreted it in a way to get involved so stop insulting our intelligence that we're all a bunch of crazies that it could have been interpreted in a another way and the head of the cia interpreted it that way and a lot of other people in positions that are way more involved in these kinds of things. >> -- >> hang on! what we'll do is this -- >> the fact that you can interpret it that way -- >> maybe you don't think it's a horrible day when liberal justices are appointed. >> we will take a break. we will take a break. we will take a break and we're going to hydrate and philip bump will figure out if he wants or if he wants to be a part of this conversation and anderson will discuss if he wants to come back from vacation including hillary clinton is trying to turn a red state blue, perhaps? is that an actual possibility? is georgia genuinely, for real in play? that's next.
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campaign new swing states. let's bring back the panel. philip bump of "the washington post" right now, we hear that the clinton campaign will devote money, time, resources, humans to georgia and arizona especially georgia. georgia is a state that voted for bill clinton once and otherwise has been pretty red. is this for real? >> think it is more for real than we might have expected six months ago and we'll point out that georgia has been trending more democratic and they've been shifting in the state over the course of the last couple of decades and we're seeing after the conventions at least three polls and one of them showing a tie and two of them with the lead in the state which i think is believable and we were talking about donald trump and donald trump's campaign and hillary clinton is running a very strong campaign and part of this is them trying to get resources into georgia, but trying to do them to put resources into georgia to spend time there and the poll
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suggests she could actually win it. >> at least the one i'm keyed in on, and speaking of the executive director of the democratic party and i asked her is hillary clinton coming to georgia? we'd love her. is she coming? we'd love to have her. is she coming? is she on the schedule? call me when hillary clinton is going to georgia. >> totally fair. but again, to the extent that the clinton campaign particularly in this moment and she's trying to get republicans on her team and to the extent that she could make it seem more likely that donald trump is going to lose by reinforcing that georgia is a close race, that could get more republicans onboard with her team saying this trump guy is a lost cause because she's doing things like spending money in georgia it's a smart move, but there are polls that back it up. >> you live nearby. >> i'm encouraging for them to do the same in south carolina. please come spend a bunch of money on helping her. >> do you think it's for real?
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>> in south carolina her supporters could meet in a phone booth. >> is there anywhere where donald trump is playing offense right now on the electoral map? because georgia and arizona, even north carolina is a state that hillary clinton doesn't need, but she's playing in right now. does donald trump have any state like that? >> he's got these states that in the last free elections republicans have never been able to win and hopefully those are the ones where he gets the nuggets he needs to get to the vote count. >> i would throw a pennsylvania into that category and pennsylvania is showing trump down by ten points and he has been focusing there and it has been a blue state and it looks like it will stay blue. >> on the georgia decision, is it a headfake or not? i don't know. we'll see that in time and one is very, very clever and whatever side of this race you're on, hillary's campaign manager is known for being really good at the numbers and understanding them and understanding trends. so if they're spending money in georgia and they don't spend money willy-nilly and i think
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there's more to that than a head fake because robby doesn't mess around. >> where tim kaine is from where hillary is pulling out in that state. that state is always a very competitive state and a state where democrats and republicans have to spend money to win virginia they can go to the other states and win georgia and that's why i've worked on a number of these campaigns and i've worked on both president clinton's races and they're like chess games. you know, one state is in play and you move money around here and move money around there and then if trump is forced to compete, like a state like georgia, he cannot win and certainly the presidency like a state like georgia and if he's forced to compete and put resources in florida and he's not running that kind of campaign. he's not running -- >> not yet, but i do know that trump is spending money on data analytics that he made fun of before and they now they feel
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they have to invest in that and they'll look to microtarget certain places and he's down by six in virginia and he's down by four in iowa and down by 15 in wisconsin and down by 11 in pennsylvania. with those kinds of numbers and you have to compete in traditionally red states like georgia and arizona. it doesn't look good. they need to get a ground game going. they brag about having the money and they're not spending any of it. nearly 300 pages of e-mails released calling into question whether the clinton foundation and the state department led to political favoritism? donald trump with harsher phrasing of what's in the e-mails and drew griffin investigates next. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid.
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>> if the scandal of hillary clinton just can't seem to put in the deleted file once and for all. a conservative watchdog group is 236 pages of e-mails raising questions between the clinton foundation and the state department while hillary clinton served as secretary of state. donald trump is already pouncing on this at a campaign stop in virginia. he called it very serious stuff
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and pay for play. the clinton campaign has a different take on the latest release. cnn senior investigative correspondent drew griffin reports. >> reporter: there are nearly 300 pages of e-mails and some of them show just how easy it was for clinton donors to get clinton favors. case in point, gilbert shigori, a nigerian lebanese billionaire seen here with bill clinton at the opening ceremonies for the shigori brother's waterfront development in nigeria. the project done under the umbrella of the clinton global initiative to reclaim nigeria's coastline. the shaguris and bill clinton go way back. he is listed as donating $5 million to the clinton family foundation and in this new batch of e-mails it shows gilbert could use his connections to open doors. in 2009, he wanted to connect with a top u.s. official about
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lebanon. doug band who was heading the clinton foundation at the time stepped in to help. he e-mailed hillary clinton's top aides at the u.s. state department, cheryl mills and huma abedin. asking that gilbert shaguri be placed in touch with the substance person on lebanon. ban who once interned for mills reminds both hillary clinton aides that he's a guy there and to us, and jeffrey feltman, the former u.s. ambassador to lebanon so the clinton donor and the ambassador can connect. reached by cnn, former ambassador feldman said i have never met nor spoken to mr. chagoury and i was not aware of the proposal to speak to me until this e-mail was released. in the e-mail there are requests for a favor of finding someone a job, paying attention to someone whose ambassadorship was turned down and intermingling of e-mails between state, the clinton foundation and others
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given the overall effect that it's hard to tell where any lines are drawn. and scott amy on the government over l sight says even if no legal lines are crossed optics matter. >> they're supposed to avoid actual conflicts of interest, but they're also supposed to avoid appearances of conflicts of interest. >> reporter: the clinton campaign said of judicial watch no matter how this group tries to mischaracterize these documents and the fact remains that hillary clinton never took action as secretary of state because of of donations to the clinton foundation. drew griffin is with us. the campaign says hillary clinton didn't do any state department favors, but do we know any more about why mr. chagoury, the billionaire wanted to be in touch with the state department? >> we want to give credit to judicial watch for getting the e-mails released and they sued
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and that was part of the whole campaign here and the campaign says this is a right-wing group out to get hillary clinton, now according to the campaign, gilbert chagoury wanted to give the state department his insights on an upcoming lebanese election. that's what the clinton campaign is giving us tonight and they're saying it didn't involve any requests for a favor, john. >> drew griffin, a lot more to talk about ahead including this. plus donald trump, as well, is he the most misunderstood presidential candidate in u.s. history in whether it looks like he's making fun of of a disabled reporter or an american-born judge can't do his job because of his mexican heritage, he says time and time again that isn't what he said. we'll take a look next. "why are you checking your credit score?"
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that can camp out in between our teeth, if we'll let it. use gum® brand. soft-picks®. proxabrush® cleaners. flossers and dental floss. gum® brand. hillary clinton today called donald trump's second amendment remarks part of a pattern that crossed the line. trump is saying they're merely being misunderstood. one thing is pretty clear that trump does provide a lot of material before we bring you the greatest hits, as it were, it's worth taking another look at the latest one so you can decide for yourself if you haven't already what you think he meant.
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>> hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the second amendment. by the way, and if she gets to pick -- if she gets to pick her judges nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people maybe there is, i don't know, but -- >> now what that means is open to dispute. what's indisputable, it is neither the first time for donald trump nor the first time he's claimed that we don't understand. >> you have to see this guy. i don't know what i said. i don't remember! he's going, i don't remember. maybe that's what i said. >> donald trump appearing to imitate the reporter serge koval he isky who has a disability. critics called him out. >> all of a sudden, i get reports that i was imitating a reporter that was handicapped.
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i would never do that. i would never do that. >> trump vowed he had never met kovale $ski even though report he said he had closely covered trump for many years and was on a first name basis. trump called it a coincidence. >> i didn't know what he looked like. i didn't know that he was disabled. i didn't know it. i didn't know it at all. trump also took heat for saying this against megyn kelly. of fox news following the debate. >> she starts asking me questions. you can see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her wherever. >> critics charged he was referring to menstruation. trump insisted it was a big misunderstanding. >> i was going to say nose and eyes or ears. that is a common statement. it's a statement showing anger. >> after this comment on abortion -- >> do you believe in punishment for abortion? yes or no. as a principle. >> there has to be some form of
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punishment. >> for the woman. >> yes. >> trump said he believes the doctor, not the woman, should be held legally responsible. he told "the new york times" that he misspoke. saying i'm asked hundreds of questions a today and every once in a while, if you misspeak, i was very focused on the topic of the catholic church. >> did trump misspeak when he suggested the judge should step down? the judge was born in indiana to mexican immigrants and trump is against immigration. he said i'm building a wall. it is an inherent conflict of interest. critics smelled racism. trump said his words were misunderstood. it is unfortunate that my comments have been misunderstood as a categorical attack against people of mexican heritage. trump backtracked again after calling on russia to hack hillary clinton's e-mails.
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suggesting perhaps that russian hackers could recover some of her e-mails. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. >> such a suggestion is illegal and violates u.s. law. not to mention security risks involved. trump later explained, it was all just a joke. >> were you being sarcastic? >> just another misunderstanding. cnn, new york. >> thanks to randi. back with our panel. donald trump is someone who likes to say he speaks clearly if a plain spoken english. for someone who speaks plainly, he seem to be misunderstood or misconstrued a lot. >> i think he speaks his mind. he is not used to having tightly tested words like hillary clinton, we can't believe anything comes out of her mouth. take for instance ten days ago. she told chris wallace on fox news sunday that she had no
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connection between the state department and the clinton foundation. that's not true. the 44 e-mails she turned over, we get 44 new e-mails today. she didn't turn them over. they reveal the head of the clinton foundation was asking for favors for billionaire donors. i am more concerned when trump speaks from the heart, i am more concerned with the outright highs we're seeing on a daily basis. >> i'm concerned about the highs from trump also. hillary clinton is a liar and so is donald trump which are why so many are dismayed by the two choices. you look at the polling across the board. and you have 50, 60% of people don't think she is truthful and they don't think donald trump is either. this is a problem. i think this going back ask forth. just because, it doesn't excuse trump's, this, just because hillary clinton does it too. there are so many more than just that package where donald trump
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doesn't tell truthful he speaks out of both sides of his mouth depending on his audience. this is problematic. instead of making excuses, he needs to call them out and admit when you're wrong and stop misrespecting things. that is the insulting part about this. >> never, never. >> thank you, thank you. >> i am kind of worried that what donald trump says is what he thinks. people say, that's how he -- i kind of think the folks who say this campaign is run by donald trump, he is a straight shooter. he says what he means. i fear that's true. that argument, he didn't say nra folks, go out and do this. as far as the american people are concerned.
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as far as the american people are concerned. trust and honesty are a campaign. 64% of the american voters here, you can see it right there. as if to prove what i'm saying is true. 64% do not find either candidate honest or trustworthy. that is almost beyond belief. it reinforces the idea that there are the least popular candidates running for president in american history. which is true. it is why most trump voters say they're voting for trump because they oppose hillary clinton. one of the bright spots is that she now has most of her supporters saying they like her. i think it is important to remember that part of trump's problem is that he is his campaign. there is no other campaign besides donald trump and what he says. he hates talking point and he tries to be endwajing and
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interesting. there's no ads running anywhere. there's no networks across the country. it is him. he is the campaign. and everything that he says, then has to be defended and he is unwilling to admit when he makes a mistake. >> both give us a lot to talk about. it is good we have another hour more just ahead on "360" including the potentially controversial donald trump, this time about president obama including our breaking news. a man scales trump tower in new york with suction cups. really just an amazing moment. what police did to stop him. that's coming up. calling all go-getters. all providers. drive with uber and make more than $300 a week by driving a few hours a day. calling all nine-to-fivers and night owls. with uber - a little drive goes a long way. start earning this week. go to
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