tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 11, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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>> that does it for us tonight. i'm don lemon. good evening. john berman in for anderson. we have as big of a night as you can have without a guy using giant suction cups to climb trump tower. donald trump wrapping up a rally tonight in florida repeating the claim that president obama or as he likes to say now, barack hussein obama is the co-founder of isis along with hillary clinton, and secretary clinton, cnn has uncovered new evidence that a top state department staffer for hillary clinton was doing work while at state on behalf of the clinton foundation. that and new details on the tiff between the fbi and the justice department over launching a investigation into secretary clinton. somewhere the makers of tums are smiling. campaign heartburn all around. we begin with donald trump's case of it given one opportunity
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to walk back his isis remarks, he simply is not doing it. >> last night you said the president was the founder of isis. i know what you meant. you meant he created the vacuum and lost the peace. >> no. he's the founder of isis. i do. he's the most valuable player. i give him the most valuable player award, i give her, too. >> he's not sympathetic to them. he hates them. he is trying to kill them. >> i don't care. he was the founder. the way he got out of iraq, that was the founding of isis. >> they screwed everything up. you don't get any argument by me by using the term founder, and by hitting the term founder they're hitting on you again. mistake? >> no. it's not a mistake. i think they're liking it and i give them the most valuable player award and i give it to him and i give the co-found tore hillary. >> donald trump is speaking in kissimmee, florida. cnn's jim acosta is there. he said it again tonight, didn't he? >> reporter: he did. you might say, john, he's quadrupling down and this is the
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fourth event in 24 hours during which donald trump did say that president obama is the founder of isis and he is the founder of isis in a true sense which, of course, is not the case and that is not the case. president obama is not the founder of isis and donald trump went on to say why he feels this way, if only the president had left a small force in iraq that perhaps things might be different and keep in mind, that runs contrary to what donald trump said to cnn in march of 2007. he told wolf blitzer in march 2007 that the u.s. should declare victory and leave. he said nothing at that time about leaving a residual force. there are people on both sides of this debate and that president obama should never have used jv when referring to isis and should have left a
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small, residual force. and they pushed back on all of those argument, but donald trump isn't using those arguments out here. he's basically saying something that is false which is that the president is the founder of isis and something we know it's not true. >> and the reason he keeps saying it, and the reason i say it is he said it to hugh hewitt. he thinks everyone likes it. is that the case in the crowd there? >> reporter: oh, absolutely. keep in mind, national security, law and order, those are the operative terms inside this campaign. they believe those two issues are what are going to propel them to victory come november, at the same time what donald trump has a problem with is the independent middle of the road, moderate voters and the question is are those arguments persuasive when just from a factual standpoint it's not true and what he's been telling crowds over the last 24 hours is that the president and hillary clinton are responsible for the rise of isis and with these different terrorist attacks happening all over the world, his belief is is that people are going to find that argument to win the day even if
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he may not be factually correct in what he's saying. >> no sign, jim, and no sign that he's going to back off on those statements any time soon? >> reporter: no, not at all. and as a matter of fact, they think that this argument is working. i would expect donald trump to continue talking about this. as a matter of fact, he said at one point during this rally that he's resisting the advice of his advisers when it comes to talking about the nasty tv ads that are playing down in florida against him. even if his advisors are saying don't talk about this, he is resisting the advice of his own advisors. >> before the rally, i was watching the monitor, and i saw a confederate flag hanging up on the crowd with the words -- there it is right there, trump 2016. was that taken down? >> reporter: it was eventually taken down, john, and it took about 15 minutes and having covered a lot of these rallies and i know you as well.
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previous campaigns would have told those guys you either take the flag down or you leave. it just goes to show you that there are times with this campaign and they have a lot of great people working with them behind the scenes and so forth that sometimes there is a lack of experience with dealing with these sorts of things. the flag was taken down at one point and then the flag who were flying this flag took it down and it took local law enforcement officials and volunteers to persuade these men to take down the flag and it took a good 15 or 20 minutes as donald trump might say in one of his tweet, it was sad. >> jim acosta in kissimmee, florida. thank you so much. the criticism leveled by many that the president left a power vacuum in iraq by withdrawing u.s. troop, a power vacuum that isis filled. however, here is the moment jim acosta mentioned from 2007, donald trump -- donald trump pushed to take out all u.s. forces from iraq even while fully aware of the chaos that might follow.
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>> how does the united states get out of this situation? is there -- >> how do they get out? you know how they get out? they get out. declare victory and leave because i'll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. they're in a civil war over there, wolf. there's nothing that we will be able to do with a civil war. they are in a major civil war and it's going to iran, and it's going to go to other countries and they are in the midst of a major civil war, and there's nothing -- and by the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway it's all going to blow up. >> let's bring the panel in. trump supporters andre power and cnn political analyst and presidential campaign correspondent, maggie haberman and margaret hoover and david brock founder of media matters and the pro super pac correct the record and the 2008 senior campaign adviser maria cardona. you heard hugh hewitt throwing donald trump a lifeline.
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more than throwing a lifeline, he provided a road map to explain the president obama founded isis comments and donald trump didn't want anything to do with it, he just wanted to say president obama founded isis. >> that was very kind of hewitt to do that and he knew the storm that was going to be continue if mr. trump did not take it, but obviously mr. trump feels this message is resonating with his folks. from a conservative standpoint, let me just say, are we going to get a signing of a charter or cutting of a red tape of someone of the founding of isis? absolutely not. many conservatives think it was the irresponsible of pulling out of troops that led to the creation of isis and left this void that was filled and that is what we're dealing with right now and we have yet to find hillary clinton or president obama say that they were happy with how they did this, that they actually said -- if they would do anything different. as of now they're sticking with their plans and they've not disavowed and we're dealing with
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a jv squad. >> any comment on what he would have done the same thing or earlier than president obama did. >> that's the joy of words and coming back to bite you hopefully mr. trump wered that and we have learned he wasn't running for office and he didn't have the security clearances and he doesn't have anything going on that he knows right now. >> so he was wrong then? >> we are putting a lot of blood and a lot of our troops and money in there and at this point let's just cut and get out. nobody predicted that isis was going to go in there and we were going to create this new islamic terrorist group that was going to be as large and as dangerous and unpredictable. this was not -- this is not like al qaeda. >> you're saying no one knew. >> no one predicted that we would -- no one predicted that we would have a terrorist group and it doesn't follow the same rule of order that other terrorist groups have done, believe it or not. these are folks going out here into the western communities to
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infiltrate us. >> if no one predicted it then it's fair to say that the president and secretary of state didn't found it. >> no one didn't have any security clearance. i think all of us in the general population didn't realize what we were dealing with and we would expect our president and our administration to have more knowledge than us on the ground. >> margaret hoover, there's been a discussion about when u.s. troops were pulled out of iraq and that is a legitimate discussion to have about the security of the entire middle east and you know, and foreign policy. does saying president obama founding isis led itself to having a constructive discussion about that subject? >> obviously, it does not, john. all of us know this. i mate that i'm in a position that pulling out that hillary clinton is correct and words matter. >> the thing is responsible individuals who care about our country can acknowledge that this is highly irresponsible rhetoric. what is most concerning, though, isn't what it reveals about his
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lack of detail to policy. what it reveals to me, specially against the context of what was happening in iraq and remember an incredibly unpopular decision that was made was to double down troops and what you need to do as president is to make highly politically, unpopular decisions when faced with full information and facts and stand by them. not only can donald trump not make a decision and stand by it, he can't pick a line of argument. >> he made that comment to at the same time of the surge. >> let me ask you about the use of the full name of barack hussein obama? why do you think he's doing that? >> i think he's trying to show what he believes are tieing to some of the terrorist groups. >> i'm sorry, what are the ties to the terrorist groups? >> i'm not here to connect those dots and i think he's trying to
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go back to the thought that he thinks that he is sympathetic to the cause. i mean, letting the syrian refugees in. it's demonstrating what he thinks is a lapse in judgment in being -- let me just serve the role of hugh hewitt and give you a lifeline. >> i'll take all of them i can get. >> you're not saying that you think president obama is sympathetic to the cause of isis. >> no, but i'm saying that i think donald trump is trying to show a connection with somebody that doesn't have the best interest of the united states government at heart. >> he's deliberately using that as some people call it a dog whistle. a dog whistle is silent and he's using it to send the message that president obama has some kind of nefarious intent. >> i don't know. i haven't talked to donald trump about it, but clearly he has a rub with the president and he's decided to address him by his proper name. >> do you see it like that, maria? >> it is not a dog whistle. it's a freakin' megaphone what
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he's using and yes, he's doing it because he knows that this is crack. this is political crack for his supporters because he knows that his supporters, frankly, believe something that he has put out there ever since he started the birther movement that somehow our president is not american, was not born here, is muslim and sympathetic to the terrorists. i can't find another word, john, another adjective to underscore how outrageous this is, how jaw-dropping this is and how irresponsible this is and how completely and totally unfit this underscores the fact that this man cannot be our commander in chief and we're not only seeing outrage from the democrats or independents and you have day after day, you have let's use an olympic image here, a relay race of republicans who are passing the baton coming out every single day and every single hour defecting from supporting donald trump and
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frankly, many of them are supporting hillary clinton because they're so outraged and so concerned. >> i'm not going to ask you about that because i think you agree. what i'll ask you is the stories out today and drew griffin will have a story on sharon mills who apparently was doing work for the clinton foundation while at the state department. there's that and then the story that cnn's been reporting all day that the justice department and some fbi field offices disagreed on whether to investigate the clinton foundation. do you think there is cause for an investigation here? do you think this reflects some kind of muddled sense of how the operation should have run? >> i think the decision not to investigate was correct. i don't think the e-mails that have come out in the past couple of days show anything wrong. certainly not anything that would approach the violation of the law. >> violation of the law is one thing and violation of public trust and the idea that there
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should be a complete separation is another. >> these e-mails were innocuous. >> asking for a favor? >> it comes up on her own dime and on her own time for a job interview and someone who has been with the clintons for 20 years and that's just perfunctory in my view. >> let me ask you, again, it may not be illegal. it was investigated and we don't know if it will be deemed illegal, but it does present the image of at least confusion or muddled interest when someone at the state department does interviews for the clinton foundation. >> the conflict of interest is very much about the appearance of a conflict of interest and so this goes to the appearance of a conflict of interest and while there have been explanations offered and they're the ones that david offered and the ones you heard from the campaign and in one instance a donor who was involved and a meeting being set up and those all make sense, but it does speak to a con fluence
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and it feeds a narrative that has existed with the clintons of either a long time that the rules don't apply to them. >> is it not believing that people would perceive it that way or not caring? >> i can't speak to what's in their heads and what has come out from their allies is a sense of they believe that they are dealing sort of more harm than good. we will hear the clinton's point to do all of the good work that this foundation does. it's a charity, period. it's not a charity, period. it does charitable work and it's interwoven with bill clinton's post-presidency. in a very specific way. >> we have more on this and many other things and we have much more time to discuss including the occasions that donald trump has gone after president obama with dubious claims and margaret mentioned the birther charge and there are plenty of other examples as well and later tonight, drew griffin reported and we were just talking about the clinton foundation's relationship with the state
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department and secretary of state hillary clinton. what is freedom? yes, it's riding a horse across fields and stuff. but it's mostly getting to watch your directv with unlimited data from at&t. we're setting families free. so they can stream away - and not squabble over who's using how much. so go, family. watch. freedom. ha! seize the data! get our best unlimited plan ever so you can stream and surf all you want...with unlimited data from at&t
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wasn't born in the united states and even when there's proof that he's wrong donald trump doesn't seem dissuaded. >> barack hussein obama. >> reporter: three little words with a big message. he is not one of us. donald trump's way of raising questions about president obama. >> barack hussein obama. >> trump used the president's full name this week when suggesting obama was the founder of isis. >> reporter: it is a long line of accusations by trump questioning his religion and citizenship. he suggested barack obama was not a u.s. citizen and therefore could not legally serve as president. >> people have birth certificates. he doesn't have a birth certificate. there is something on that birth -- maybe it's religion or he's a muslim. i don't know. >> trump often repeated his mistakes. >> i want him to show his birth certificate.
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>> there is something on that birth certificate. >> at the white house correspondents dinner the president used humor to turn the tables on trump who didn't seem to find anything funny about the joke. >> tonight, for the first time, i am releasing my official birth video. >> he followed that up with a clip from the lion king since trump had suggested obama was actually born in kenya. ♪ ♪ >> throughout the 2016 campaign, trump has breathed new life into the notion that president obama is a muslim, even though the president is a christian and was born in hawaii. remember this? >> the problem in this country, it's called muslims. we know our current president is one. you know he's not even an american. >> after trump took heat for not setting the record straight.
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>> like the iran deal, who would make this deal. >> what did you say? i didn't hear it. >> okay. i didn't say it. i didn't say it! >> trump has also criticized the president numerous times for not using the term radical islam. >> nobody knows what's going on. nobody knows why he doesn't have more anger. look at what's going on. look at what's happening? this orlando attack is horrendous and he doesn't use the word radical islamic terror. >> trump used radical islam to suggest once again that his sympathies may lie elsewhere. the shooter claimed allegiance to isis. trump took aim at obama practically floating the idea that the president of the united states had ties to the terror group. >> we are led by a man that either is not tough, not smart
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or he's got something else in mind. there's something going on. it's inconceivable. >> reporter: an aspiring president taking aim at the president every chance he gets. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> cnn chief political analyst gloria borger now, and maggie haberman. we were speaking with andre bower and former lieutenant governor of south carolina former trump supporter and he says he thinks what donald trump is doing by saying barack hussein obama is clearly trying to create links between president obama at least mental links with his supporters and it's a dog whistle or a dog whistle plus. >> you know, it's not really it's a dog whistle. it's just a whistle. i mean, you can hear it very clearly. in randi kaye's piece just before when trump said after the orlando terror attack there's
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something going on with the president, and you have to sort of scratch your head and say what was he implying by that using the name over and over again using the name barack hussein obama and what he's trying to do here politically is to appeal to his base of support that he's got to consolidate right now and remind his supporters how much they dislike this president and then link hillary clinton to president obama. i mean, mitt romney who lost the presidency had 92% of republicans supporting him. donald trump right now has about 83% of republicans supporting him. a lot of them are running away from this rhetoric, i might add, but he's trying to consolidate those people who like him and mobilize them and say okay, if you like me, this is why it's important to vote and remind them how angry they are at the president and at this administration. >> maggie, this is not loose talk. this isn't some kind of verbal
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slip. this is deliberate and no mistake. donald trump said it was no mistake and saying this stuff on purpose. why? >> because he believes it and he's gone days going from one pre-announced pivot to another and he's been saying it all day and he is very clear this is me, and this is who i am in one of his many interviews. it is, as gloria said, it is just a whistle and it is designed to do what we did, is to leave impressions so people can say it different ways and hugh hewitt in the interview did try to offer him some way surely you meant it and he said no, i didn't. standpoint is that he's tried very hard throughout this campaign not to talk about birtherism anymore. he has said over and over again, that he's gotten asked about it and using the president's middle name in particular is sort of a creeping way of getting back into that, but it is a way to
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mobilize his base. >> he's never pronounced birtherism and he just said he doesn't want to talk about it, right? >> the president is an interesting target because the president's favorables are 20 points higher than donald trump right now and it may not be the smartest target for him. >> no, well, look, the prime beneficiary of this campaign has been the president. you know, his popularity has gone up substantially and hillary clinton benefits from that. i think the problem that donald trump has right now is that according to a bloomberg poll this week he's gone down seven points with independent voters and the times pointed out, of course, that he's losing ground rapidly with republican women, and this is why the republican national committee is so concerned and so upset, and one of the reasons, because their candidates are saying, look, we can't run alongside him because our constituents, a lot of our constituents don't like this and
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it's going to be each man for himself heading into the -- heading into the general election. so there's a lot of consternation about it and if donald trump wants to win with or without the republican party alongside him. i think he's made that very clear. >> and that's the republican side and i was doing dial testing and independents, they actually found a lot to like in donald trump's speech and it was when he was talking about the economy and when he was talking about the issues. any time he veered into anything that was close to an attack, those dials went way down. independents just didn't like it one bit, and i can't imagine that they like this type of stuff either. >> it may turn out that everything we have known about elections over the last several decades will prove wrong this time, but historically speaking, take away not just the attacks and the sort of the racial undertones, voters want to hear about what will impact their lives. they don't want to actually hear candidates talk about themselves over and over again at a certain
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point and we are now in a general election window and when trump does the attacks he actually often does it in the form of saying and this was done to me. someone did something to me. i would like to point out that part of what he's doing with this obama swing is he's trying to punch back at -- remember, hillary clinton was in there, too, on this. he believes that he is sort of mirroring the democrats' attacks on him as unfit for office. the problem is that the democrats' attacks have been validated or at least supported by prominent republicans, and prominent people in the party and out of the party who don't, you know, look for a job and don't have a need for it and are fine going along with that and saying this isn't real. trump is not being that with that kind of support and it overshoots. one of the other things with trump is that there was a consistent sort of need to understand either does he really mean this? does he really believe this and does he really think this? it doesn't actually matter and what matters is what he's saying. >> right. >> it's incumbent on us to take him at his word that he means
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it. >> whether he does or doesn't, when you're the president of the united states and running to be that words matter. >> maggie, gloria, thanks so much. just how frustrated with the trump campaign is the republican party? we were just talking about it and we have new reporting on it and we'll give you that information when "360" continues.
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headline you want to see as a presidential candidate. party chief voices concerns about campaign direction. your party chief, your campaign. that's exactly where donald trump and rnc chair reince priebus find themselves. the headline alone is a headache. joining us with the details of the story behind the headline, chief political correspondent dana bash. you have new details about how this all started and a call between reince priebus and trump that began the chapter in this strange relationship. >> it is strange, but remember last week, john, when donald trump declined to endorse house speaker paul ryan in his gop primary contest and we reported then that the rnc chair reince priebus who was a close friend was furious.
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at the time i was told he was initially so upset he didn't want to talk to trump and he eventually did and sources familiar with that call tell me that priebus told trump he needs to understand that politics is not about fairness. it's not personal and that if republicans criticize him like ryan and other controversial comments like gold-star parents the khan they have to for their own political viability and prospects in some cases they believe it's just the right thing to do, but i am told to reince priebus explained to top that's okay if it happens and as the guy at the top of the ticket told him it's not personal. it's the tough love that priebus has played for the better part of a year and one that seems to be getting tougher. >> it sounds like the godfather. it's just business. you have a copy that cell phone signed by 75 staffers on up.
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what do these say? >> these are mostly all never trump republicans and some former congressmen and former gop campaign officials and hill staffers asking reince preeb us to shift party resources to save the republican majorities on capitol hill and i'll read you part of the letter. it says we believe that donald trump's divisiveness, recklessness and record breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a democratic landslide and that only the immediate shift of all available rnc resources to vulnerable senate and house races will prevent the gop from drowning with the trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck. i can tell you sources who i'm talking to, john, who are familiar with the rnc plan say that priebus is not considering that yet. for one, he doesn't think it will work and one of those reasons is as you know many vulnerable senate republicans are in presidential battleground states. their races might be inextricably tied no matter what
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the public officials try to say to voters to change that. >> what does the campaign say about this? >> donald trump was asked on fox news tonight. let's listen. >> he just put out a press release and he just put out a tweet saying it's untrue, and i mean, if it is true, that's okay, too because all i have to do is stop funding the republican party. i'm the one raising money for them and right now i'm in orlando and i'm going to the fund-raiser for the republican party so if they want to do that they can save me a lot of time and a lot of energy. >> not sure what press release he's talking about, but at the bottom line is there was a little bit of a threat, but donald trump does have a point and it actually speaks to some of the practical problems that the rnc would have if, and this is a big if, hypothetically they would try to dump trump and move away and that is the way the party is working especially this
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year. the rnc and donald trump are raising money together for a victory fund and so it's all tied together and when i say "it" i'm talking about the money. >> all right, dana bash. thanks so much. donald trump's response there was really interesting to hear. it's not true, but if it is true, i don't need them. >> i don't need them anyway. on the fund-raising bit, there is a huge amount of money, huge, because we can't help, but channel donald trump these days of money that is on the sidelines and is not getting ridden and if the rnc even took a small gesture aside to demonstrate that they'll separate themselves from donald trump would immediately pour in to help ballot races because it's going to independent expenditures to help the down ballot competitive senate races. one other thing, the rnc and the senate candidates who are in tough seats, rob portman, kelly ayotte, toomey in pennsylvania and mark kirk, everybody needs to go back and study 1972.
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in 1972 nixon won a historic landslide in every single state and democrats picked up south dakota and kentucky. you cannot figure out how to run a split ballot race and that's what they need to do if they have a prayer because this is headed to a historic landslide. >> scotty hughes, 75 people signing a message there. >> i'm glad we have a list of rhinos. it makes me very upset. as a trump supporters, the biggest torpedos are not coming from the democrats. it's coming from our own party and they've set up the course of disaster an have lost the last two presidential elections and it is $84 million that donald trump has brought and sent here to the party to get you elected and as history has shown so far, those that ran against donald trump like the hills camp, they lost. the people when you look at these rally ands you have the largest numbers, 10, 12, 15,000 people show up and there's something you've never seen in republican politics that are engaged in states like new
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hampshire and maine, virginia, pennsylvania and these senators want to come against that man? it's not only risking donald trump, but it's risking all of the folks right now that have been engaged because of him. this is a dangerous road and you know what? in the fall if mr. trump isn't elected when hillary clinton does support and puts liberal judges that support pro-choice and she decides to put people into war action that we don't agree with and the blood is on their hands and it's not on ours. >> andre, donald trump supporter and anyone who is not supporting donald trump and anyone expressing their concerns and they're not real republicans at this point? >> i voted for republicans that quite frankly i wasn't very happy with because i was a team player and this was an unorthodox campaign and it has driven people out that weren't normally in the republican party and there is a temperament of people that are so fed up with washington and they're fed up with it within their own party and they're just -- it's get the bums out year and they've had enough up to here and so they
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may unelect some of their own party members because they want substantive change in washington. they want to see him rein the budget in and they want us to continue to be the world peace keepers and there say lot of change in washington and it hasn't happened under either leadership and there is a frustration that is not tapped into yet that the washington crowd hasn't. >> know you're only too happy to sit here and watch the discussion among republicans who may not be supporting donald trump and the discussion and this just goes to show how bad things go for donald trump, right? >> if you think things are so bad for donald trump, why then aren't in some instances the polls numbers worse? a new poll out of iowa, they voted twice for president barack obama and donald trump's winning in iowa or at least tied there up by a point in iowa in a new suffolk university poll there, if things are so bad how come it's not worse? >> well, because -- and i say this all the time, the worst thing that democrats can do is go into a state of complacency because that is how donald trump
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wins regardless of how awful donald trump is as a candidate and how many republicans are saying that they even believe that he's unfit for the highest office in the land, we live in a very divided country. we live in a very polarized country. so that is something that will always be reflected in these polls which is why democrats and hillary clinton campaign are not taking anything for granted. i've said this over and and over again, hillary clinton needs to wake up every morning and pretend these ten points behind and one of the things that i think donald trump is creating are hillary clinton republicans the way reagan created democrats. >> democrats, where they really belong. >> they weren't democrats before. >> they've done a lot of damage to our party. >> they were called on on sorry. they were called reagan democrats and for a long time your party certainly welcomed them. >> hang on one second, guys. what we'll do here is take a break and we'll talk much more about a lot of this.
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hillary clinton calls out her opponent for what she calls the trump loophole in his economic plan which she says will let him pay lower tax rate than millions of middle-class americans and we'll have the latest on her economic speech next. justice is spelled b-o-x.hero, say hello to a powerful tool that gives you options to fit your budget. ♪ oh, i'm tied to this chair! ♪ dun-dun-daaaa!
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hillary clinton was at war in michigan giving a speech that attacked donald trump's economic plan in a way to make rich people like himself even richer. jeff zeleny reports. >> let's go out and build a future. >> reporter: hillary clinton offering an upbeat view of the economy. >> want you all to work with me, to build the kind of progress that america deserves to see! >> it's a starkly different picture than the one donald trump painted earlier this week in detroit. >> he talked only of failure, poverty and crime. he is missing so much about what makes michigan great! >> the economy is at the heart of a bruising tug-of-war between clinton and trump. she made clear she feels the pain of working-class voters. >> how can you not be frustrated
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and even angry when you see nothing getting done? and a lot of people feel no one is on their side and no one has their back. >> even while bluntly admitting trade deals she supported have hurt american workers. >> it is true that too often past trade deals have been sold to the american people with rosy scenarios that did not pan out. >> reporter: trade is the popular argument against electing hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton has supported trade deal stripping this country of jobs and its wealth. >> reporter: she rejected trump's isolationist solutions. >> mr. trump may talk a big game on trade, but his approach is based on fear, not strength. >> she also coined a new phrase to use against trump and his plan to lower corporate taxes. he called for a new tax loophole. let's call it the trump loophole
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because it would allow him to pay less than half the current tax rate on income from many of his companies. >> reporter: they are fighting over some of the same terrain. that's why clinton made her pitch in a factory in mccomb county, home of the fabled reagan democrats. >> i want to ask those of you people called reagan democrats to join with me and come home with me today. ♪ >> reporter: trump believes those voters offer his best shot for winning the rust belt and the presidency. we talked to former michigan governor james blanchard today who said that times and candidates are different. >> there are still a lot of people with fond memories of ronald reagan, but he was measured, optimistic, positive. that's a stark contrast to what we've got now with a sad, sad, deranged spectacle, really. >> reporter: above all, clinton is hammering home to voters
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increasingly including republicans the election is a choice. >> there is a myth out there that he will stick it to the rich and powerful because somehow he's really on the side of the little guy. don't believe it. >> all right. jeff zeleny joins us now. i understand hillary clinton is poised to release her 2015 tax returns. what's the plan here? >> reporter: she is, john. i am told by people close to her campaign that those tax returns could come out as early as tomorrow. now that will make the 38th year of tax returns over the course of their long political life that bill and hillary clinton have released tax returns. tim kaine also is set to release ten years' of returns. this isn't about their returns as much at all. it's about donald trump's refusal to release his tax returns. so far hee would be the first presidential nominee since
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richard now, the question is, do voters care about this. his supporters, maybe not. but right here in michigan, so many undecided voters, so many working class undecided voters, john, when she said that today at this factory floor talking about the economy, there was applause from people in the room when she asked if he's hiding anything, so you get the sense among some working class voters at least this could resonate with them, which is probably why they're bringing it up at all. >> jeff zeleny, thanks so much. tonight officials admit the dnc computer hack is worse than first thought. next, see how far beyond the clinton campaign it went or far beyond the dnc it went and why one leading democrat is calling it the electronic watergate. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all.
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when you cook with incredible thingredients...ato. you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipies, delivered to your door for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery democratic party officials confirm the cyber attack on their e-mail system is even worse than first reported. remember, last month wikileaks posted many of the controversial e-mails that revealed a bias toward hillary clinton. this of course infuriated bernie sanders supporters and sparked a convention wildfire that political vaporized the party's chairwoman. now the new dnc leadership says more systems may have been hacked including ones handling private e-mails.
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cnn national security correspondent jim sciutto reports. >> reporter: tonight, the hack of democratic party e-mails now includes the private e-mail accounts of some democratic party and clinton campaign officials. the hackers, one law enforcement told cnn, are quote, going after everything they can, to the point that both parties have been warned to assume all e-mail correspondence could have been compromised. now for the first time, the alleged culprit publicly identified by a top ranking democrat. >> this is an electronic watergate. this is a break-in. >> reporter: house minority leader nancy pelosi, who received classified briefings on the hack, pointing the finger directly at moscow. >> i know for sure it is the russians. the russians broke in. who did they give the information to, i don't know. who dumped it, i don't know. >> reporter: so far, the white house is not directly blamed the russian government for the hack of the dnc or other earlier
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cyber attacks suspected of russian involvement. however, intelligence and law enforcement officials have told cnn it is the most likely suspect. as first reported by the "new york times" the cyber intrusions targeting democratic party organizations included a breach of private e-mail accounts of several democratic party officials. some with direct ties to the clinton campaign. according to a u.s. official familiar with the investigation. tonight we are learning that the interim head of the dnc, donna brazile, has written all dnc staff to say that they will be informed next week if their e-mails have been compromised. she wrote, quote, we understand that this incident is alarming to all who may be affected and i share your anger at those who committed and abetted this act. john, keep in mind nancy pelosi saying this is the first time anyone in the u.s. government has publicly fingered russia for the dnc hack. john? >> jim sciutto, thanks so much. just ahead, a cnn
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investigation raising new questions about an off-site meeting, one of hillary clinton's top aides had back when hillary clinton was secretary of state. this meeting on behalf of the clinton foundation. did it cross an ethical line? new evidence next. this summer, t-mobile's throwing a galaxy free for all. get a free samsung galaxy for everyone in the family. that's right, free and get 4 lines for just 30 bucks a line. don't miss the galaxy free for all. that i was ion the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized...
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