tv Smerconish CNN August 13, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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he's holding a rally 4 hours after he said he could be cheated out of a win in pennsylvania because of voter fraud. what will he see tonight in connecticut? will he double down? by the way, he's in a state tonight that has not gone red since 1988. we will bring you his remarks, live. before that, "smerconish" begins right now. ♪ i'm michael smerconish, live from philly, as all election eyes are again on pennsylvania. donald trump said last night that the only way he would lose this state is if the election is stolen from him. no, mr. trump. if you lose here, it will be due to my suburban neighbors and i'll explain. the candidate seems caught in an endless loop of disturbing statements, back pedaling and
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blaming it on the media. meanwhile, hillary clinton's campaign also takes a hit from those damn e-mails. raising new questions about the cozy relationship between the clinton foundation and her state department. to my mind, the only candidate who had a good week was libertarian, gary johnson, who continues to climb in the polls. but with every poll now trending huge in clinton's favor, a new gop pac fund-raising letter says it's time to panic. this is a disaster. and some are still seeking to dump trump. but first, donald trump said last night that the only way that he will lose pennsylvania is if the election is stolen from him. >> the only way we can lose, in my opinion -- i really mean this, pennsylvania. is if cheating goes on. the only way they can beat it, in my opinion, and i mean this 100%. if in certain sections of the state they cheat. >> no, mr. trump.
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i'm a lifelong pennsylvanian. the way you will lose the keystone state is by failing to carry where he was born, raised and still live. the philadelphia suburbs. and right now, you're getting trounced. i predict that when asked to back up his accusations of cheating, hill criteria a widely misreported incident from the 2008 presidential election. you'll remember, it happened at a philadelphia public housing development known as the richard allen homes. two members of the new black panther party stationed themselves in front of a polling place. i have no doubt that they were up to no good. but was it their intention to intimidate and suppress john mccain reporters? i seriously doubt it. it seemed more like a stunt to get a reality tv show. consider these two men chose a voting division in which only 84 of the 1,535 registered voters were republicans. not exactly a locale where an african-american running for president would seem to need their help. now, the lead story of today's
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"new york times" has a "dateline" from doylestown, pennsylvania, my hometown. and the story says this. to carry the state, pollsters say mr. trump would need to beat mrs. clinton here in the philadelphia suburbs where president obama defeated mitt romney in 2012 by about 9 percentage points. mr. obama carried the state by about 5 points. yet mrs. clinton holds a wide lead in those suburbs, 52% to 26%, according to an nbc news "wall street journal" marist poll published on wednesday. look, bush 41 was the last republican to win pennsylvania in a presidential election. we really aren't the purple state we're made out to be by the pundit class. we have been consistently blue every four years since 1988. might i suggest, mr. trump, as the campaign unfolds, you employ, a montgomery county litmus test. ask yourself whether your statements, your positions will
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play in this community and not just with your base. because when you win a general in suburban montgomery county, you'll win the white house. but go too far in placating your base, you may as well not run. in 2004, george w. bush lost montgomery county to john kerry 44% to 56%. and lost the state. in 2008, 60% of the county's voters went for barack obama and he won pennsylvania. he held the state four years later when he took 39% of the county. you have to resist the temptation to apiece the loudest voices. what excites your base won't work here, even if it draws crowds. the week before their elections, both romney and george w. bush played to big crowds in suburban bucks county, but both lost the state. yard signs don't vote, suburban philadelphia does. and we pick presses. joining me now, mitch stuart, director for obama for america, in 2012 and former georgia
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congressman, jack kingston, a trump supporter. congressman, i'll give you the first word. they say all politics are local. and i just described in detail what's going on in my backyard. in your home state of georgia, which ought to be in donald trump's category, he is struggling. why? >> reporter: >> well, i don't really believe he is struggling. i'll tell you why, michael. and you've just run down how well you know the keystone state. i know a lot about the peach state and i can tell you this, from the governor to the lieutenant governor, to all of the statewide elected officials, two senators and so forth, the majority of our congressional delegation, the state house and the state senate, overwhelmingly republican, the statewide candidates never even had serious opposition. but that same poll from the "atlantic constitution" said michelle nun is going to beat at your due for senate. said carter would beat diehl for the governorship and it did not happen. we hear this -- georgia is turning purple, but if you look
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at the political reality, it isn't. i have said many times to someone active in the georgia republican politics, i'm -- the finance chairman -- i hope hillary clinton spends money in georgia, because that will mean she has less to spend in pennsylvania and ohio and florida. so, you know, i welcome her campaign. >> even donald trump acknowledged on the stump this week he's got problems in utah. he's got issues in arizona. he's got issues in georgia. and i guess my point, congressman, is that if he can't chalk up if his red state category those areas that ought to be his, there's just not a path for him to get to 270. >> well, i don't think george washington could have survived the ten days of bad press that donald trump has had. and some of it has been self inflicted. but the majority still has been a media feeding frenzy, piling on. i think as long as we talk about the economy, and foreign policy and the corruption of the clinton foundation, we're going to win. i mean, the reality is, you still have 94 million americans
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who are out of work, 43 million on food stamps. medium household income, which has fallen in 18 years from $57,000 to $53,000. this is serious stuff. and the people out there and in the keystone state as well, michael, as you know, particularly in the heartland, they're suffering right now. and if they want a third term of barack obama, they need to vote for hillary clinton. if they want change, if it they want somebody who is going to deregula deregulate businesses they need to vote for donald trump. i believe with this 67% of the people of america who are -- say we're on the wrong track, that donald trump's message is being listened to. and i think that what -- >> i just have to note, i've studied the internals of those polls and many people believe we're on twrong track because o republican obstructionism of the agenda. mitch, democrats not ought to count all their chickens before
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their hatched. let me roll a piece of sound from 1988, utley talking about one michael dukakis. watch this. >> michael dukakis got the boost he wanted from last week's democratic national convention. a new nbc news "wall street journal" poll conducted right after the convention shows dukakis leading george bush by 50 to 32%. an 18-point margin. >> 18 points. we're not at labor day yet and we're a bunch of political junkies. we love this stuff. i guess we need to keep mind, it doesn't matter until we get beyond the milestone. >> one thing i'll say, if it was one outlier poll in georgia that had it as a toss up, you would probably disqualify that. there is another data point more compelling that does prove that georgia and arizona are our battleground states this year. that is the national head-to-head. barack obama won the election in 2008 by about 6 percentage points. and georgia was a targeted state until about 60 days before the
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election. i was the virginia obama state director in 2008 and we had hundreds of staff -- in georgia doing massive amounts of voter registration. and the president came up two or three points short in georgia in 2008. so if you add three or four percentage points, where secretary clbt is right now versus trump, georgia does become a toss up. she's winning by eight to ten points nationally. of course, georgia is a tossup. of course, arizona is a tossup. and secretary cl clinton in her campaign is opposed to the 270. one thing for all of us, if we want to take a step back -- >> mitch. >> yeah. >> maybe there is something your over looking. let me say something on jack's behalf and donald trump's behalf. passion. in the end it comes down to turnout. if i can put something on the screen relative to social media engagement, i think it will make my point. because when one looks -- there it is. facebook, instagram, reddit,
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twitter. by any of those measures, he dwarfs her. i mean, look at facebook. he doubles the number of likes. look at twitter, whereby more than 2 million, he exceeds her number of followers. in the end, isn't there something to be said for donald trump's passion and ability it to get newcomers to the polls? >> no. >> michael -- >> no. if you look at the american population right now, in 2008, about 26% of the population was nonwhite. in 2012, 28% of the population was nonwhite. in 2016, it's going to be 30 or 31% nonwhite. we're becoming more diverse. younger. and those voters are rejecting trump. >> and those are the people who want jobs. those are the people who have seen the fall in house hold income. >> and donald trump is not the right answer. >> they do not want a third year of barack obama. >> yes, they do. look at the polling. they actually do want a third term of -- for president obama. >> one at a time, one at a time. jack, you go ahead.
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>> failed economic policies, which hillary clinton has given a huge bear hug to, and given barack obama an a-plus. but again, 94 million americans who are underemployed or unemployed. 43 million americans on food stamps. the slowest economic recovery in 50 years. the lowest household income -- or excuse me, household ownership in 50 years. and income has dropped from 57,000 to 53,000. why in the world would anybody, regardless of race, want that kind of economic picture in america? they don't. they want jobs. they want opportunities. and the excitement factor, hillary clinton is very dull. i mean, you know, her speeches are so -- >> mitch, can i ask -- mitch, may i ask, are you nevertheless worried as a democrat about the enthusiasm gap? here's another measure. and this is a trump tweet that pertains to rally size. i mean, the guy has a point, does he not, when he talks about how he's been able to engender
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passion, unlike any candidate we have seen in the modern era. look at those photographs. >> no. the very last event that president obama had in 2008, virginia, 100,000 people showed up for. and if crowd size actually related to electoral success, senator sanders would be our nominee and not secretary clinton. so i think it's an apples to oranges comparison. one thing i will say as a democrat, michael, i'm always worried. no one is complacent on our side of the aisle. we're going to work hard until election day. >> mitch, jack, thank you both so much for being here. i appreciate your time and wish we had more. tweet me your thoughts at "smerconish." coming up, hillary clinton's damn e-mails are back in the news, raise new questions about conflict of interest when she was secretary of state. here's an early tweet. smerconish, wtf. can i say that out loud? are you on the trump payroll? are you telling him how to win?
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shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. proshield from gillette. hillary clinton's e-mail stream surged again this week. newly released e-mails from her tenure as secretary of state raised questions about the relationship between the clinton foundation and the state department. the conservative watchdog group, judicial watch, released 296 pages of e-mails that it obtained through the freedom of information act, including 44 that it says were not previously handed over to the state department by clinton. in one of those e-mails, clinton foundation official doug band lobbied hillary aides, saying it was important to take care of the person. hillary aide huma abedin responded, quote, personnel has been sending options. in another e-mail, band drekds her aides to put lebanese billionaire and clinton
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foundation donor in contact with the state department's, quote, substance person on lebanon, calling him, quote, a key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon, very imp, important. abedin gave the name, feltman. he says he was never contacted. the trump says these e-mails are evidence of clinton being co corrupt. a cnn investigation has found that cheryl mills, a top state department aide to hillary clinton, interviewed job candidates for a top job at the clinton foundation. so who is right? joining me now, lanny davis, special counsel to president bill clinton from 1996 through 1998. and peter schweitzer, author of "clinton cash: how businesses helped make bill and hillary
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rich" which came out in graphic novel form. isn't this all do damn confusing to permeate the consciousness of voters? this is not watergate, which was a break-in. we all get that. this is more white water, which was much more confusing. >> yeah. i mean, complexity is a problem here. but in very simple terms, this is the way that i think people need to think about it. we all know that in politics, a guy on wall street raises money for a candidate, sometimes because they want access, and they want favors. but federal law prevents foreign nationals from doing that. if you're a guy like gilbert shegoori, we don't want foreign entities getting access and influencing our policy makers. the clinton foundation and bill clinton speaking fees are a way around that. that's why you have guys like frank schuster and others sending large checks. so we now have influencing our policies and getting favors and
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access foreign oligarchs, not just american businesses and citizens. >> in the case of shegory, what's wrong with someone who has lebanese expertise wanting to be a contributor to our state department on the surface? is that not a good thing? >> well, i don't think he is being suggested because of his lebanese expertise. he's being suggested because he's a major clinton foundation donor. by the way, he is somebody with a criminal record, convicted in switzerland for aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise and money laundering, because he had this slight problem. he helped the nigerian dictator smuggle billions of collars out of dollars out of the country and controversial in lebanon. he does not represent a mainstream view of lebanese opinion. so, you know, let's be honest. he is being forwarded by doug band from the clinton foundation to huma abedin, because he's
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giving the clintons money. anybody who suggests otherwise is being naive or not honest. >> i think you're referring to that part of the doug band e-mail, which says with regard to gilbert shegory, he's key guy from there and to us. what's meant in your mind when he uses the words that he's a key guy to us? >> well, i think he's talking about the clintons and the clinton foundation. barack obama in his wisdom insisted on a couple key things as a condition for hillary clinton to become secretary of state. and it was spelled out in a memorandum of understanding. number one, they were to disclose all contributions on an annual basis from the clinton foundation. we know they didn't do that. there's more than 1,000 foreign donors, we don't know their names, we don't know how much they have given to the clintons. part of the agreement, number two, that there would be no overlapping of the clinton foundation and the state department.
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i'm huma abedin was also on the payroll of the clinton foundation at the same time. so us refers to the clinton apparatus, and what you saw was a melding of the clinton foundation with the state department. >> but peter, in this instance, you've got doug band at the clinton foundation -- i'm trying to keep it very simple for viewers who might not have gotten into the weeds thus far. band is saying to the state department, hey, give this guy access. this guy meaning gilbert shegory. but shegory never got a meeting so what's the big deal? >> well, here is what i say. there's going to be more e-mails coming out. i've seen some of them. and look, you know, call me skeptical, but team clinton does not have a great track record of telling the truth on the e-mails. all you need to do is look at the fbi director's testimony of the repeated deceptions and lies. so u know, count me skeptical when they come up and say, oh, there wasn't a meeting or this
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never happened. this is precisely why we need to have an independent investigation into this. as i have taught my kids and i'm sure other people did too, if you tell your kids when you're young if you lie repeatedly, people are not going to believe what you're saying later on. and that's part of the problem that hillary clinton has right now. >> final question for you. you just told me that you have -- i think you just said you've seen some e-mails that have not yet been released. do tell. >> i can't. these were obtained by a citizens united and judicial watch. they did the heavy lifting. they relate to the clinton foundation and it's going to be further evidence of this overlap. i'm not trying to tease you, michael. they did the work for it and they are the ones that should release it and get the attention. >> sounds like more to come. peter schweitzer, thank you. now let me turn to lanny davis, former white house counsel to president bill clinton. first of all, i'll give you the chance to respond to what you heard from peter schweitzer.
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>> mr. schweitzer does speculation. i do facts. so lets go back to the facts about these two e-mails and the three individuals you just mentioned on national television. e-mail one involved a young person who is a volunteer in haiti, and doug band forwarded his name to two friends from the clinton white house days and from friendships relating to their work for the clintons. one, huma abedin, and another, i believe -- it was just humana in this case, saying take a look at this kid. he's done work in haiti. and that's all that i know. and there's never been the slightest suggestion of any quid pro quo or wrongdoing involving that e-mail by doug band. secondly, there was an e-mail referring mr. shegory to the state department, because he had information to impart to the state department. that e-mail sent by doug band was send over to the state department. i believe it went to cheryl mills, as well as huma abedin,
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two close aides to the secretary. and all that mr. shegory wanted was to impart, not to obtain information. that's a fact. the meeting never happened. all the rest of what you just heard from mr. schweitzer is what he does in his book. he lines up two facts, and he then speculates that there's a causal relationship between those two facts. as in the sun rises after the rooster crows. therefore, the rooster causes the sun to rise. when i asked mr. schweitzer, when i was on fox news sunday, has there been any instance that you criteria cite in your book where you have evidence, facts, that show secretary clinton was influenced or changed her policies because of donations to the foundation. of the answer was no. so he speculates, he is skeptical. i allow him to draw his own conclusions from my facts. but he can't disagree with my
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facts. >> but lanny, when doug band, who is an aide to bill clinton sends an e-mail to the state department and says this guy, shegory, is important, imp, important to us, is that in and of itself not a violation of the agreement that secretary clinton made, that the clintons made there would be a wall erected between all things foundation and all things state department? >> the answer -- you're asking me to draw a conclusion from the fact of doug band's e-mail. my conclusion from the fact of the e-mail asking a young person who is a volunteer in haiti to be looked at by the state department does not -- repeat, my conclusion -- does not violate anything between the state department, white house and secretary clinton, nor has there been one word uttered by the white house or the state department to support the conclusion there was a violation. in my opinion, my opinion is right based on the fact that,
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they're recommending somebody be looked at in the state department doesn't violate anything and is perfectly appropriate. >> wait, you didn't answer -- i know you went to the yale law school and you've got a couple notches on me intellectually. but my example, the example of recommending that shegory be given a seat at the table to impart his advice or otherwise. >> i was about to get to shegory. only two e-mails -- the whole story is about two e-mails. that was the first one. by the way, my wife carolyn is listening and she wants me to tell you, she's a fan of yours more than she is of me. so i just want you to know that she's listening and she's agreeing more with you than me. on the shegory example. no, it doesn't violate anything, because recommending that somebody impart information, not ask for a favor, not have a conflict of interest, not a quid pro quo, but impart information. not even seek information. has no violation, by anybody's
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standard at the state department, the white house or myself. if you think it's a violation, i respect your opinion the way my wife does. but i just disagree with that. >> i have a final question for you. fbi director, james comey, said, and i'm paraphrasing, that we can't know whether secretary clinton's prif e-mail servers were hacked. but he said, we do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts with people whom secretary clinton was in regular contact. do you know whether your communications with secretary clinton were hacked by any hostile actors? >> i don't know that. and i don't speculate. i only do facts. what's really interesting is that the inspector general said, after his investigation, there's no evidence whatsoever that secretary clinton's server was hacked. the fbi director, after engaging the forensic experts that were available to the fbi, which you
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have to assume are one of the best, who examined the server, who looked for evidence of hacking, who thought there might be hacking from some of her aides, found no evidence of the hillary clinton server being hacked. and the third fact, which is indisputable, is that the state department address that everybody says hillary clinton should have used,, we know definitively, factually, has been hacked repeatedly by the russians and the chinese. so as between the state department server and hillary clinton server, we can certainly say factually the state department server everyone wanted her to use was less secure. >> okay. are you saying that she was actually more secure going with private servers than relying on the government? >> i can't say more secure, because i don't have enough facts. i know that as of now, we have no evidence of her being hacked. i also know the secretary has said she made a mistake in using a private server, and not having
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two devices, one personal, one official. and that mistake she has acknowledged many times. i wish that her republican opponent just once would say, i made a mistake in saying the president of the united states was a founder of isis. or that the secretary was a founder. he repeated it three times and then he said he was sarcastic. i had to get one shot in at donald trump. sorry about that. >> that's fine. and on that, you and i can agree. thank you, lanny davis. i appreciate you being here as always. >> thank you. still to come, some people say the media helped trump vanquish his rivals, but some say the media is his enemy. here's another of your tweets. let me take a look. she's for trump, but one thing we agree on. we are so over the e-mails. just a distraction tactic from true issues. i don't agree with that. i think this story has yet to see its final conclusion. and i'm going to stay on it. if you have a typical airline credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline.
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for all of donald trump's unpredictability, his campaign has taken on a distinct pattern, make an egregious statement, claim to be misunderstood and rail against the media for either misquoting him or not realizing he was just being sarcastic. last night in pennsylvania, trump doubled down on his tack attack on the media. here's what he said. >> did i say that? i say it all of the time. so they knew i was being sarcastic. but now they're analyzing. did i really mean that? how could i say that? these people are the lowest form of life. i'm telling you. [ cheers and applause ] the lowest. they are the lowest form of
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humanity! >> he's also still battling his own party over funding, with some gop leaders still lobbying to replace him. joining me, kelly ann conway, senior adviser and pollster and tom coleman from the great state of missouri, who signed an anti trump letter. congressman, let me begin with you and show the audience some of the letter of which you affixed your signature. he attacked gold star families, allowed russia to intervene in the election. repudiated our nato obligations. has interest in it preemptive use of nuclear weapons. and there's nor to it. ignorance of basic foreign policy, you allege. admiration for violent foreign autocrats. refusal to disclose taxes, vicious and jevengeful attacks republicans. is it all not too little and too
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late? what's the outcome you're looking for? >> well, thank you, michael, for having me on. i think the bottom line is that donald trump is emotionally and mentally unfit to be president. and that obviously comes through every day in his statements you just referenced some of them. you have referenced them before on the media. he is a troubled person, individual, and he's running a troubled campaign. and what we see is he's going to have significant, destructiveness on down ballot candidates. people who are running for the house, the senate. the state legislature. the governors. it could be an enormous wipeout. we have asked the republican national committee to pull back any funding, discretionary funding they were going to give to that presidential candidate and instead spend it on people who are running for senate, be running for the house and other important positions.
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>> are you seeking to have him removed? you want rule 9 invoked, and are you seeking to change at the top of the ticket? >> the letter does not express that. i have my own personal feelings. if you are a flawed candidate like this, and you're emotionally and mentally unfit to be president, i think people should consider replacing him. but that's not what this letter is about. it's not about somebody else coming on. it is about trying to change giving money to a losing candidate to somebody who is going down the drain and taking the republican party with him. a person who has never been a republican until he announced for president. who has given money to his opponent. and contributions through the years. it just is unreal. >> kelly ann conway, by all means, respond. >> oh, yes. where would i begin? first of all, congressman, i know most ex congressman become lobbyists, but apparently someone like you becomes an armchair psychologist.
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you're actually calling someone emotionally unfit. i think you're unqualified to do so. and let me add, your republican party helped to create the candidacy of donald trump. where were you on immigration form when people were looking at it through an economic lens. where was this party in pushing back on president obama's agenda for seven and a half years, letting him do basically whatever he wanted. anything he can claim is a success he did with the exception of the first two years with the republican congress and the last half with the republican senate. i know a lot of people are sanctimoniously riding on their high horses. the fact is that you should support the republican nominee, or you should do what all of our grandmothers said to do, which is go -- be quiet. and you know why, sir? because this specious attack, you can help. you want to remake the united states supreme court and the likeness of hillary clinton? i'm not willing to live with that for my four children. it's very simple. the next president of the united
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states adds to the four obama and bill clinton appointees of the united states supreme court and i don't want it to be hillary clinton. and just one last thing, michael, since he raised it please, thank you. this idea that donald trump is going to drag down these other down ballot candidates, i hope republicans run the table. please go back -- >> i've got to let the congressman respond. >> he talked about dragging down the ticket. these people are in trouble a year ago. their numbers -- look at the real clear politics from 2015. >> michael, thank you for letting me stop that. >> please, go ahead. >> nonsense. but it's not just me saying that. i'm sorry, what was that? >> what a gentleman. >> go ahead, sir. the floor is years. whoa, whoa, whoa. stop, kelly ann. i want him to respond. i gave you your chance. now give him his. of go ahead. >> there are plenty of opinion writers in the united states, major newspapers of this country, who have said that donald trump is emotionally and mentally not fit to be president. it's not just me.
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there's a lot of people who do have this feeling. 60% -- over 60% of the american people by national polls fear a donald trump presidency. everything that i said you have not refuted. you start talking about obama and other things that are completely irrelevant to his candidacy. you cannot -- you cannot defend all the things that he has said and done. i think a fourth grader would not conduct themselves like this. >> sir -- >> let alone a person running for president. >> do you know what chairman reince priebus' response was to your letter? >> i'm not thrilled about reince priebus. >> yesterday they flew to erie, pennsylvania. >> great. taking the party down with him. >> you have no evidence of that. >> kelly ann, i have a specific question that's in your wheelhouse. and it concerns polling and you just made reference to pennsylvania. so here's the front page story of today's "new york times,"
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interestingly it has a date line doylestown pennsylvania, which is the town in which i was born and raised and my parents still reside. in the philadelphia suburbs, donald trump is getting shell lacked, 52-26, according to the latest survey. would you have to concede to me if that's the ultimate margin in the philly bushes, he has no prospect of winning pennsylvania and no prospect of winning the white house. >> michael, i'm glad that it's august and not october and the fact is, we're going to campaign really hard. we've got a lot to do between now and november 8th. and pennsylvania is very much of in our sights. earlier polls showed him very competitive with secretary clinton in pennsylvania. and we expect to get back to those margins, as well. the preconvention margins. but that's how you earn people's votes. and i would just point out that with all the never trump, never happy people on the republican party, with all of i think many people doing hillary clinton's bidding by shrouding her and propping her up, why is this woman only at 52%?
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lifelong eagles fan? >> i'm not propping her up. i just -- >> no, you're not at all. you're fair. >> i did a whole segment on the e-mails. i'm all over everybody. >> i would just like to say -- you're an equal opportunity journalist. that's for sure. i would like to say to your audience how much i appreciate your show today. because you have absolutely covered both sides from the moment your show started and i just want to commend you for that. because we don't always see that in the trump campaign. but look, we're going to earn those votes. >> congressman, guys, i'm out of guys. congressman, thank you so much for your time. kelly ann, i appreciate your being here. still to come, what i was up to last week, a visit to the new cuba, which turns out to be more gary johnson-ish than bernie sanders. here's another of your tweets about the candidates' popularity on twitter. smerconish, i follow both of them. i'm definitely voting for one. and following another for entertainment. you know, i think i know which is which. what makes wendy's baconator different? while the other guys use frozen beef from far away.
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wendy's only serves fresh beef from ranches close by. so we don't have to freeze it. add six strips of thick, applewood smoked bacon. and wendy's baconator isn't just different, it's deliciously different. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not a blade. this is gillette shielding. with lubrication before and after the blade. shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. proshield from gillette.
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igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. was he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush.
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today today is cuba president fidel castro's 90th birthday. you'll pardon me if i don't extend any greetings. coincidentally, when i was off last week with my family, i traveled to cuba and i found many surprises where i expected to see bernie sanders socialism. i instead found gary johnson's entrepreneurship, an odd word to associate with cuba, but it seems increasingly apt. from the tobacco fields to the restaurants, one can find the seedlings of capitalism and businesses built for profit sprouting everywhere. cuba remains a nation of great disappointment and contradiction. friendly people live amid spectacular scenery but are
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trapped in a socialist system that never delivered on its promise. and yet amid the decay, there are remarkable signs of initiative and optimism. people who represent hope and the prospect of freedom to come. take tobacco. for 30 years i nursed a cigar a day habit that made me keen to visit the farms that generate the world's finest smoking tobacco. today hiroshi oversees the family farm. imagine my surprise when he greeted me at his home by handing me a cigar with a label bearing his initials, but made not in cuba. in nicaragua. the 40-year-old heir to his family's dynasty told me his
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chief priority is the future he can provide for his four daughters. so when 90% of what he grows on his farm automatically goes to the cuban government for the constituen state-run cigar monopoly branded with his family name, he's eager to promote his cigars that are made in nicaragua and more profitable than him. no one was more knowledgeable about the changes on the island than christopher p. baker, a swashbuckling journalist who has authored six books on cuba alone. he told me the pace of change is astonishing. he told me he's seen more change in the past two or three years in cuba than in the past 20. he said cuba is ready to take off. yet prior to departing havana, my eldest son dropped into what
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was billed as the cybercafe. the logo on the glass was a computer mouse. the clerk seemed befuddled as to why my son expected to find an internet connection. whatever the outcome, the ride is going to be bumpy. that's the only cuban guarantee. still to come, your best and worst tweets like this one. love your show, says joanie d'agostino, you lowest form of humanity, you. i guess that's what mr. trump would say. west is best, she must be a classmate of mine. one of my fondest memories of khloe is the day we got her. i knew right there she was gonna be a great dog. khloe's a big influence on the family. she loved lincoln from the start. she's his little protector. i trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high quality ingredients that go into it. the standards that we follow are top notch. i trust dog chow enough to feed it to my dog every single day.
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to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around. hey, remember, you can tweet me @smerconish. smerconish, act like a professional, you are clearly a trump surrogate -- hey, learn how to spell "surrogate" -- and an obama hater. why, because i told donald trump he's losing the philadelphia suburbs? how about this one from
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two men shot and killed in broad daylight today, one of them the leader of a muslim house of worship. this happened this afternoon in queens. both men shot in the head. their killer, according to police, are still at large. our sara ganim is live with more. are police describing any motive right now? >> reporter: poppy, at this moment police are not going there. they're saying they're continuing to investigate. you can see them
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