tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 22, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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that's it for us tonight, i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. "ac360" starts right now. breaking news tonight, donald trump renewing his appeal to latino voters and calling for a special prosecutor to investigate the clinton e-mail foundation. meanwhile, nearly 15,000 e-mails coming to light tonight, many of them not previously disclosed. there is that plus the unfounded suggestion that others are making foundations that hillary clinton is ill. a busy night ahead, starting with donald trump in akron, ohio, calling for a special prosecutor in his statement that african-american voters have nothing to lose by supporting him, here he is in his own
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words. >> no issue better illustrates how corrupt my opponent is than her pay for play scandals as secretary of state. as the evidence has become public over the last several months, i've become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of hillary clinton's criminalities. her actions corrupted and disgraced one of the most important departments of government. indeed, one of only four established by the united states constitution itself. the amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor. some former prosecutors have even suggested that the coordination between the pay for play state department and the clinton foundation constitute a clear example of ricoh
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racketeering, corrupt enterprises. corrupt organization enterprise. the justice department is required to appoint an independent special prosecutor because it has proven itself to be, really, sadly, a political arm of the white house. we are also going to reject the bigotry of hillary clinton, who sees people of color only as votes and not as human beings worthy of a better future. our government has totally failed our african-american friends, our hispanic friends and the people of our country, period. i ask you this. crime. all of the problems, to the african-americans, who i employ
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so many, so many people. to the hispanics, tremendous people. what the hell do you have to lose? give me a chance. i'll straighten it out. it is a disaster the way african-americans are living in many cases and in many cases the way hispanics are living. and i say it with such a deep-felt feeling. what do you have to lose? i will straighten it out. i'll bring jobs back. we'll bring spirit back. we'll get rid of the crime. you'll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. right now, you walk down the street, you get shot. look at the statistics. we'll straighten it out. >> cnn sara murray is traveling with the trump campaign and joins us now. what is did trump have to say
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tonight? the two major headlines are calling for a special prosecutor on the clinton foundation and also his continual pitch, i guess, to african-americans of what the hell do you have to lose. >> reporter: well, this is really the first time we've heard donald trump suggest this special prosecutor, building off hillary clinton's e-mail controversy and saying it's time to delve deeper into those connections between the state department and the clinton foundation and simply saying trump no longer trusts the justice department to investigate these matters and that's why he's suggesting a special prosecutor. and anderson, it's worthy -- worth noting that as trump was talking about this, this arena broke into cheers of, lock her up, talking about hillary clinton. not only is this line of messaging red meat for the republican base but it's also something that the trump campaign feels like they can use to bring independent voters into the fold, voters who have questions about how honest and trustworthy hillary clinton is, voters who feel like the clintons do play by their own rules and they've been using today to sort of go after hillary clinton. >> was there any talk about building a wall, immigration and
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what to do with the 11 million undocumented workers here? the speech we were expecting trump to give on immigration this thursday, that's now, we're told, being postponed after all the sort of drama this weekend about suggestions that trump may be reversing himself on a deportation force. >> reporter: this was supposed to be an entire week focused on immigration before the campaign redirected and decided they would rather train their fire directly on hillary clinton as we saw earlier. there was no sign of donald trump watering down his message. he came out here in akron, ohio, talked about wanting to build a wall, reiterated the phrase "extreme vetting" for immigrants who want to come into the united states. there is speculation that he may be thinking about softening his tone, meeting with his hispanic advisory council. we saw kellyanne conway over the weekend saying this deportation force was tbd. later this week in colorado,
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this event where he's giving this immigration speech is supposed to be canceled we heard. this is a campaign that's known to change its schedule very frequently and at the last minute. of course, this is notable because immigration has been a cornerstone of trump's campaign. it helped to ignite the party's base during the republican primary. any changes he makes to his approach will be very closely watched. >> sara, thanks for the update. i want to bring in our panel, maria cardona, and executive black caucus executive director angel joining us. new cnn political analyst, kirsten powell, official in president clinton's administration. we're happy she's making her debut with us tonight. >> great to be here. >> and conservative trump critic, and former trump campaign manager. and former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski.
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this whole what the hell do you have to lose message donald trump has for african-americans and latinos now as well, there was a fair amount of criticism for it the first time he started using it. he's clearly -- >> doubling down. >> i guess he thinks this is a good message. problem is what do you have to lose is not really a compelling message generally. i don't think it's how anyone would sell a product, for example, what do you have to lose? and then a lot of the statistics he is using is not really accurate. he's talking in a way most people wouldn't recognize, as though they live in crime-ridden neighborhoods. he talks about them basically all living in poverty. you have a surrogate having come out and saying i guess we should have done our announcement in front of a burning car. fundamental misunderstanding of african-american community. and he is talking about -- we were just watching, you have to worry about getting shot.
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well, actually most african-americans walking down the street are not worrying about getting shot. this is probably not something that's going to resonate with african-americans. >> continuing to milwaukee these remarks in front of overwhelmingly white crowds. it's not as if he's in an african-american church or to a group -- if you're speaking about one of the cnn anchors were saying if you speak about women, you might do it to a group of women. it seems -- does it seem odd to you? >> here is the thing, anderson. take note. this is probably the first time and the last time on tonight's program i'm going to say something positive about donald trump. he went to akron today. this is a place in the country that has a 31% demographic of african-americans. so i think that some of that criticism was heard. k kayleigh and corey, congratulations on that point. i think it's immensely troubling that the audience is not reflective of what america looks like and that goes toward what
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donald trump is saying more than anything else. he can go to baltimore. he can go to, you know, the heart of brooklyn. he can go to cleveland. he can go to all of these places, but the crowd is still not going to reflect what america looks like because he's not talking about american values. >> kayleigh, does it surprise you that he continues to use this, what the hell do you have to lose? you're walking down the street, you're going to get shot. >> it doesn't. in the whole hour of his speech probably 20 minutes of it were devoted to giving solutions. you have naacp against charter schools. that hurts african-american students who want to get out of some of the failing schools we've seen in these inner cities. we've heard improper school choice. we've heard him suggest we need to bring more money here. 24% of franchise business owners are african-americans and he wants to bring money here to help revitalize these businesses. he has put forth solutions. immigration, we had had a u.s.
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civil rights commissioner saying that illegal immigration just hurts the african-american community. that is the civil rights community, not just donald trump. >> tara, do you hear the solutions? >> he puts a couple of nuggets of things in there. he had an opportunity to do this in front of the urban league, which focuses on business and entrepreneurship. that would have been a natural location for trump to do this months ago, not when he -- when the polls came out, showing him at 1% or 2% and the other polls coming out, showing him getting blown out in critical states and knowing that he cannot win the presidency with just the angry white vote. so, it seems really disingenuous to me. i'm sorry. i don't know. maybe i missed the meetings were -- where donald trump was advocating for school choice right here in new york city when the charter movement was going on here and there were thousands of black teams that were marching here in new york city, keep those success academies
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open. i missed donald trump's involvement in that. i missed donald trump's involvement in inner city scholarships. now all of a sudden he cares so much about blacks in schools and what's going on. i missed all that and his entrepreneurship programs he could have possibly set up as a billionaire businessman who is so successful and likes to brag about it, where is his charity in those areas? on top of donald trump has a history of problems with the black that, community going back to the civil rights cases against him in housing that were really -- i encourage people to read them. >> yes. >> i read the case and i'm sorry but when you walk in to try to rent from somewhere and the manager put a c and the department of justice goes you're not supposed to rent to colored people, that's what you're doing? that's a problem. and donald trump had to settle for 100-plus million over that. that is a problem. take out full page ads against the central five exonerated here in new york city and claim they should have gotten the death penalty and you never apologized for it. people remember these thing the.
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when you are fined $200,000 for being black workers being discriminated against in your organization -- in your casinos and workplace discrimination. >> why don't we just talk about the facts in the african-american community since barack obama has been elected president of the united states. we'll go through the facts. 9.5% increase in lack of home ownership amongst the african-american community since barack obama has taken over. 7.4 million were on food stamps when he took over, 11 million are on food stamps today. what has he done as the first african-american president to say i'm going to make your life better? donald trump for the first time is reaching out and saying if you're not happy with those statistics -- they're not my statistics. they're the labor of department statistics. if you're not happy with the way your life is i'm offering you a different solution, an
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opportunity. >> let's talk about that, cory, because this has been talked about over and over. what seems to be missing from this argument is that people seem to forget that when barack obama took over, he took over the greatest economic recession since the great depression. and guess what happens under great recessions? who suffers the most? african-american community and the latino community. yes, we haven't gotten to where the african-american community and latino community are, but we have made great strides and because of this president, despite the obstruction from republicans, who have actually done zero to help him continue to put jobs in these communities. to make sure that there's no discrimination. >> and the murder rate in baltimore is up 60% in a year. what are the great strides? 4 million more people are on food stamps, african-americans. since barack obama took office. what are the great strides we're making? >> yes, there are. you're being disingenuous when you say that. >> does it surprise you that donald trump has not gone to an african-american church?
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that he has not -- >> well, i think he should. but i'm not surprised by it. he's probably a little worried about what kind of reaction he's going to get. i'm not sure he's ready for people possibly boo'ing him or not being as receptive to his message as he would like them to be. look, i think that the issues you just raised are important issues and i think there's nothing wrong -- there's nothing good about donald trump raising those issues if he wants to raise those issues. the problem is the way he's talking about them. >> yes. >> that's what's problematic. >> tone matters. >> and so kudos to him to saying we need to focus on african-american community and help them. but actually, i think you were more articulate right there than he has been at any point frankly in talking about this. >> the other problem you have is with cory being a former campaign manager, talking about all of these things that are barack obama's fault, despite the fact that maryland has a republican governor, despite the fact that there are other people whose hands have touched
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policies and lives, state and local elected officials, you're talking about the guy who was the spokesperson for the birther movement, slightly offensive to black people who are so excited to having elected the first black president in this country, not just alone, but with white people, brown people and native americans. that's kind of offensive. not only is it disingenuous, it really smacks of disrespect. because you're saying, oh, this guy, who is not a citizen, who didn't really go to harvard. maybe he did. kenyan socialist muslim, who is not american, created all these problems. it's feeding right into that breitbart theme you have going. with the new campaign chairman. >> i'm saying these are the statistics by this government and this administration. not my statistics. >> no, but you -- >> but you understand her point about the fact that donald trump was behind the birther, so much of the -- >> what does that have to do with the statistics that 4 million more people in the african-american -- >> it has to do with trust in the african-american. the community about whether or not he is actually the right person.
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>> your messenger is inherently flawed. >> 2.6% of the african-american community today lives in poverty. >> what was the number when -- >> you're identifying the problem. >> talking about a solution. >> what is the solution, telling black people they won't get shot? >> you're identifying the problem. we're talking about the solution. so you could say there's this problem in the community. but is donald trump the person to solve it? is he putting forward ideas to solve it? is he the right messenger, to her point? is he the person people are going to listen to? >> we'll continue this conversation. it's an important one. we'll look specifically right after this break as to how african-americans see it in a neighborhood a few miles away from where donald trump spoke tonight. and then more with our panel. ut tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever.
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we catch flo, the progressive girl," at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] welcome back. donald trump asked african-american voters what the hell do you have to lose. by voting for him, he said it to
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a largely white audience in akron. he has yet to say it to a large group of african-american voters. 2% of african-american voters support him, consistent with other polls, most which put the number in the low digits. tonight, our gary tuchman in akron, talking to some of the 2% who say they are supporting donald trump. watch. >> reporter: ten-minute drive from donald trump's most recent rally takes you to not the kind of places trump holds rallies even as he increasingly talks about african-americans. >> i'm going to go for hillary. >> clinton all the way. >> clinton. president clinton. >> reporter: this neighborhood in west akron is not friendly territory for trump but less friendly now after he said this about african-americans to an
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almost all-white audience a few days ago. >> what do you have to lose by trying something new like trump? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. have you no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? what do you think of that statement? >> i think it's stupid. >> reporter: that opinion what is widely seen as racial stereotyping is one of the milder one. >> very insulting and kind of racist. >> he don't care about blacks. he don't. he's an idiot, personally. >> reporter: keisha anderson just opened up her own boutique here in akron. she is only 22 years old. she said when she heard trump make that statement and continue to talk about african-americans, she felt -- >> you have the audacity to say that. but that's just how he does anything. he kind of says anything. >> reporter: kimberly wilson is a principal at an akron grade school with 90% african-american students. recently built school building, a new school year is about to
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begin. donald trump saying your schools are no good saddens her. >> we have parents and teachers and staff that are dedicated to our students. >> reporter: it surprises nobody we talked to here that trump doesn't hold rallies in black neighborhoods. do you think he's afraid to come to the black community? >> i do. i feel he's afraid. >> reporter: why do you think he is afraid? >> because we'll tell him the truth. and the truth is far from him. >> reporter: there are similar sentiments among african-americans in more racially mixed higher-income parts of akron. noralyn is a second year law student. >> it's insulting and it surprises me that someone could think to say something like that, especially generalizing in such a way that he doesn't know any individual people. >> reporter: but then we met kenny wells. >> if i had to vote today it would probably be trump. >> reporter: he believes trump is speaking some hard truths. >> he is probably right. what do we have to lose? >> reporter: you don't find that
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insulting and generalizing? >> no. i'm sure sooner or later, democrats are going to insult me some kind of way, too. in fact, they have insulted me. >> reporter: kenny wells is a minority in a minority community. of the 20 people we interviewed, he is the only one supporting donald trump. wendy white is one of the other 19. >> i'm black, okay? i haven't been through all what he thinks in his mind. i'm okay with me. i'm okay with what i do. i'm okay where i come from. i'm proud of me. i'm proud to be black, okay? that's how i feel about it. >> gary joins us now. what kind of support has trump at his rally tonight >> the capacity of this arena, from the african-american community? anderson, is about 5,500 and it was full, but mostly white faces. very few african-americans here, as we're used to seeing at trump rallies. african-americans we talked to who liked trump are very loyal. i talked to three african-american women who said he's speaking the truth. and i spoke to an african-american couple, and i read to them one of donald
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trump's quotes tonight. he was referring to the inner city when he said right now when you walk down the street you get shot. and they said, that is what happens. anderson? >> gary, thank you very much. one of the other things he said is you're safer off in some war zones overseas than you are in some communities in the united states. do you know what he's talking about? what war zones are safer than communities here in the united states? >> i can tell you this. in chicago where we've had more than 2,000 homicides this year, you aren't safe walking down that street. it's a shame. it's sad. we need to bring law and order back. i assume that's what he's talking about. "new york times" reported roughly a dozen cities across the country that the homicide rates have gone up. law and order is not in our community. >> when donald trump talks about law and order, though, what exactly does that mean? some folks hear law and order and think that's tougher sentencing, lock more people up. and other people make the argument that doesn't help law and order if we have mass incarceration, this pipeline of people going in and out of prison.
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>> i think one of the main things is bringing economic stability to our inner cities, which have been largely ignored. over the last eight years, the numbers have gotten worse as corey so articulately cited. an historically black church endorsed donald trump. pastor came on this network, black pastor. he was asked why are you supporting donald trump? he said because we cannot take more of the same. let's be honest here. republicans and democrats have failed many people in our inner cities. they've been ignored, given their vote, a lot of people in inner cities, to democrats. they've been failed by democrats and by my party. donald trump is outside the party system and is trying to make a change saying i'm not going to be the same washington politician that makes promises that don't materialize. >> why doesn't it resonate with more african-americans? >> i think it's the messenger. i think there's a threshold you have to reach with voters in terms of them trusting you. if you have a background of, for example, saying the president
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wasn't born in the united states and i need to see his birth certificate, right now you haven't met your basic threshold of trust, just starting out. like i said, the way that he talks about a community, he talks about african-americans as if they are all living in the inner city. there are no middle class, no upper class. they're not educated. it's a much broader community than that. i think he needs to be clearer about what he's talking about. it's not just about protecting people from getting shot walking down the street. it's about talking about the same issues that matter to everybody, quite frankly. >> it does seem, angela, like the kind of words coming from a person who has not spent much time in those communities. >> he is talking about african-american people, as if we are monolithic. that's because his thoughts about us are monolithic stereotypes. he's talking about things he sees on the news. he us talk -- he is talking
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about the streets not being safe. well, laquan mcdonald wasn't safe and that was from the gun of a prosecutor. cook county prosecutor lost her seat because of that. we have to be careful in relating what people are going through. you heard the woman say i'm proud of my blackness, who i am, where i came from. a lot of us feel that way. on the contrary, you have donald trump going to what they're saying is an historical ly african-american church, took an historically african-american church and changed the name. that pastor has been a conservative for some time. when donald trump goes to north carolina, he is talking about voter suppression instead of protecting voting rights, something central to who we are as a people, civil rights act of 1964, fair housing act of 1968. voting rights act of 1965. he constantly is touting talking points. >> as a campaign manager, wouldn't you want your candidate
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saying some of these things directly to the people he's supposedly addressing? >> what's amazing to me is that no one remembers that donald trump went to have a rally in chicago at the university. and do you remember what happened? it was so chaotic and out of control that secret service and chicago police department told him you could not get in and out of that facility safely and that rally was canceled. we showed the footage m agage - times. trump had had that rally booked. >> what does that mean? >> that is a black community, heart of chicago to give a speech to the university of chicago in a campus, predominantly african-american to make that argument. the campus was overrun. and it was not a safe environment. smoo -- >> cory and kayleigh, would you acknowledge that black communities all over the country are not monolithic? if he tried to do that somewhere else it wouldn't necessarily happen? >> he wasn't allowed to make a speech in chicago. >> so go to dallas. go to los angeles.
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>> 31% african-american. you know what you're talking about? you're not talking about the details of where he is talking about, you're talking about where he is giving the presentation, which is completely egregious. not the details of what you're talking about, but where he's giving the presentation. >> it matters. >> when he tries to go to give it -- >> i just tried to tell you it's not monolithic. >> so whose fault was it that -- >> it's not all black people's fault. >> i didn't say it was. >> honest about the venue at the university of chicago, it was not good to go -- it was not to go there to speak to an audience of black folks there, but a mainly white audience like before. >> the audience was not white. >> yes, it was. >> it was open to everybody. >> everything is open to everybody -- >> there were no african-americans inside that event? >> it was not catered to them. that is a complete excuse for blaming it on the venue what happened in chicago, that's number one. number two, the point that was made, it's a very simple one. you want to speak to women or to a group of single mothers you're not going to go speak to white business executives about an issue that affects single mothers. tone matters.
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the venue absolutely does matter. >> so he goes to chicago with the highest rate in the country, the highest rate of african-american murders, and that's not good enough. >> it's not good enough. urban league where there's black business owners -- >> tara -- >> explain that to me. >> let me ask this. corey, what are his policy prescriptions for solving the murder rate in chicago? because i haven't heard them. >> he met with the chicago police department. empower us to go do our jobs. give us the tools to make sure we can have more people on the street, endorse what is necessary to go and make sure we're stopping crimes. we know where the criminals are. what has barack obama done to make the city of chicago safer? what has hillary clinton -- >> wait. my question, because this is my issue, it only -- people only start caring about black lives when it's for political fodder -- i've not heard donald trump before. he has called people that look
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like me, thugs, trayvon martin and michael douglas thugs. we're lifting up mothers who are heroes to us, pillars of strength. >> he opened up a club to allow blacks and -- jews -- >> that was after the housing discrimination, corey. that was to make up for the housing discrimination. >> what has hillary clinton done? what has hillary clinton done? >> you really want to go down this road? >> she doesn't have a club, corey. >> you are off on so many different tangents, you would lose a debate combination. >> wait, wait, wait. >> talking point. >> i'm really sick and tired of this mar-a-largo thing as a talking point. he was trying to make changes at that club and palm beach community wasn't happy with him because he was new money there and they found him obnoxious. he used the black and jewish thing at that club as leverage to get what he wanted in that community. it was not out of the goodness
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of his own heart. >> a federal judge ruled -- >> for his own purposes, for a selfish reason. >> let corey respond and we'll take a break. >> absolutely -- african-americans and jews should be allowed into this club -- >> he sued to allow them to get into the club. >> after he -- he needed to get what he wanted. what else has donald trump done? that's the only thing you can point to? >> sided with donald trump. >> what else can you point to? >> we're going to take a break and be right back and continue this discussion. short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day women's gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need... it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies.
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talking about donald trump's recent comments about african-americans and what the hell do you have to lose? he repeated it tonight, and extended it to latinos. some believe even if donald trump doesn't believe he can make inroads with african-americans, but by talking about issues of african-americans it sends a message to independent voters, others who may be on the fence that he is open-minded and is trying to reach out. >> i think that's part of it. i think he likes sticking it to hillary clinton, calling her a bigot, suggesting she doesn't care about african-americans, an
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opportunity to attack barack obama as well. but i think we talked a lot about how he talks about the african-american community. and i think there are just so many issues in the way he addresses them that if he could figure out a way so for example, saying to them, what do you have to lose? saying to them, what do you have to lose, kind of -- it's somewhat condescending. i notice conservatives do this a lot. that somehow black americans aren't thinking about who they're voting for. they're just voting for democrats because that's what they do. and it's not that they actually have rational reasons for making these decisions and so it's not just oh, what do we have to lose? we're just going to go with the other party. he could be more sensitive. again, i give him credit of talking about the issues. i just think if he could be more sensitive in the way he is talking about it. he may get more results. >> it isn't just the messenger, it's part of the message? >> the trump campaign loves talking about how their message of law and order will resonate
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in african-american and latino communities. the reason it won't is because you cannot go to these communities and talk about half of the problem. he has never acknowledged that there is actually discrimination going on, that while the majority of cops are honorable and great and focused on keeping us safe, there are cops out there that are biased, that do engage in discrimination and should not be on the street. if you don't acknowledge that, you're not going to be given the credibility. you talked about threshold. this is a huge issue with african-americans and latinos. it's the reason why republicans have had such a problem in making inroads into these communities. it's called threshold issues. if you don't talk to us with credibility about issues of criminal justice, law and order, immigration, which is very emotional and personal, we're not going to listen to you on anything else, regardless of the economics going on. >> he has done that and said in many speeches that there are cops who are bad. rudy giuliani, sheriff clarke said that at the rnc, that there are issues that need to be dealt
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with, criminal justice issues. do they need to proffer a bigger plan for exactly how they'll tackle it? yes. but they have put forward a vision and a rising tide lifts all boats. when you end things like the tpp that clinton was the architect of, and called it the gold standard of trade deals, that helps the african-american, hispanic community. >> that was tried under reagan, both bushes and democrats had to clean up behind them both those administrations and it has been a fact within the last three decades, it has been democrats that have put forward the policies that have raised the employment and raised economics. >> democrats insult me by thinking i'll automatically vote for them. >> that is an issue that democrats need to think about. not just for african-americans but for latinos. can i just tell you, when george w. bush was in office it was a challenge talking to latinos about making sure that they voted for democrats.
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why? why? because george w. bush actually cared and understood the hispanic community, went into these communities, really understood what was underneath and talked about comprehensive immigration reform. talked about a real solution. >> kayleigh, and then we have to go. >> african-american individual is $11,000 for a white individual it's $142,000. that is horrifying. >> absolutely. >> what has barack obama done and will hillary clinton do to remedy that gap? >> first of all, he took great pains against republican obstructionism to keep us from going into another great depression. and, yes, that mattered because at the height of the great recession, unemployment for african-americans was double digits. it has now been half that. we have to go further but barack obama has done a lot. >> we'll have the latest on hillary clinton's e-mails, and trump call be for an investigation. james carville joins us when 360 continues. ionel) ♪it's peyt. ♪it's peyton on sunday mornings.♪ (peyton) you know with directv nfl sunday ticket
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subpoenaed three technology companies involved in running clinton's home e-mail server. federal district court judge ordered the state department to give a timetable for releasing nearly 50,000 documents, some of them new e-mails uncovered by the fbi investigation of her private e-mail server. just to be clear, those documents were not among the 30,000 e-mails that clinton's lawyers handed over last year. jeff zeleny joins us now. do we know what's contained in these documents? >> we haven't seen them. they are not part of this big trove of e-mails that the clinton campaign released last year, simply fueling more speculations about why they weren't released in the first place. now, the fbi found them during its year-long investigation. they have been reviewed and they were part of the fbi director's decision to say she was careless but not engaging in criminal wrongdoing here. the public won't know exactly what's in them until at least a month from now, or longer, which, of course, is part of the whole issue here because the election is just about two months away.
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>> there was a separate batch of e-mails released that brings about questions with the clinton foundation. >> that's right. a lot of these questions are being fueled by this new batch of e-mails released by the conservative watchdog group. the judicial watch. this group has been filing suit for many of these e-mails, including conversations between hillary clinton's top aide, huma abedin and doug ban. in one of we saw today, he is trying to schedule a meeting between the crown prince of bahrain and secretary clinton. he ended up getting that meeting, which he was unable to get through proper channels. clinton campaign is dismissing all of this, saying she never gave any special treatment to people who donated to the foundation. the whole reason this is an issue at all, her unprecedented decision in january of '09 to use a private e-mail server in the first place. that continues to haunt her tonight. anderson? >> jeff zeleny, thanks. hillary clinton is responding to all of this with silence.
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for the past couple of weeks she has really been staying out of the spotlight. few people know more about clinton campaign strategists than james carville who joins me. "we're still right:they're still wrong." that is his new would come. great to have you. >> thank you, anderson. >> the title is not exactly reaching out in a bipartisan way to independents. >> it really isn't. i wrote a book in 1990 that came out in 1996 and i talked about things that i said to performance of the country under democratic presidents as opposed to republican presidents. we've had two successful democratic presidents and we've a disastrous republican presidency. i went back and revisited a lot of the things we talked about and many democrats just don't understand how superior performance in office is under democratic president or republican presidents. if anybody picks it up and reads i start the book about a climate skeptic at berkeley who did all the research and said you know what? it's right.
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so i don't really expect a lot of people in the middle to pick it up. if you do, be can careful. you might get converted. >> i have to ask you. first of all, jeff zeleny just reported on this story. i can see you sort of chomping at the bit as he is talking about it. you probably think it's much to to about nothing. but there is this drip, drip, drip. >> did anybody look at bahrain? probably the most significant u.s. ally in the gulf. and the idea that the crown prince of bahrain -- who had requested a meeting with me -- >> but it sounded like he had to do it through the clinton foundation. >> sometimes there's follow-up. sometimes there's follow-up. but the idea that the secretary of state is meeting with the crown prince of a critical ally -- you know what? >> hollywood executive -- >> hang on. hang on. 92 years old, given hundreds of millions of dollars to the cause
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of middle east peace. i mean -- >> another wasserman who wants a visa interview for a guy who had a criminal record. >> again, then maybe danny has given how much money to how many charities to the democratic party? it has nothing to do with him. if somebody says, well, they -- or as they pointed out a lot of times they just didn't take any action. but sometimes in washington, a donor, congressman calls on behalf of somebody. and this stuff is all -- like what is unusual about the crowned prince of a critical ally in the gulf getting a meeting with the secretary of state? it's -- everybody is all out of breath, oh, god, what are we going to do? somebody made a phone call. >> we're going to take a break and talk with more about james about this and other things, including whether it's a good strategy for secretary clinton to be staying quiet throughout a lot of this. we'll be right back.
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i won this 55 inch tv for less than $30 on visit for great deals. and start bidding today! talking about the latest turn hillary clinton's e-mail saga. donald trump tonight in akron turned up the heat. >> the amounts involved, the favors done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited
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investigation by a special prosecutor, some former prosecutors have even suggested that the coordination between the pay for play state department and the clinton foundation constitute a clear example of rico racketeering influence, corrupt organization enterprise. >> democratic strategist long-time clinton supporter james carville is back with me. his new book is "we're still right, they're still wrong." trump talking about a special prosecutor -- >> maybe we just should go for the inquisition. here's a guy who doesn't release his tax returns, talking about something -- the fbi investigated the e-mail stuff ad nauseam. >> the clinton foundation, if as president she says she's not -- they're not going to accept foreign donations, why was it okay for her as secretary of state to have the foundation? >> first of all, the clintons never took a nickel out of the foundation.
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in fact, they gave $1 million. not a penny. the second thing is i'm sorry, but the foundation negotiated prices to lower malaria drugs. they have a five star charity. you can't get a higher rating. so the clinton foundation was, a, taking no money for the clintons, raising money from rich people and giving it to poor people. and all of a sudden, the press has decided that we're going to go after this and shut it down. know what, you are probably going to be successful. there will be people that are going to die because of this. everything that i have been associated with bill clinton, the three things i'm most proud of, first, he stopped the genocide in bosnia. second, the human genome project of which my kids and grandkids will forever thank him for. third is the clinton foundation. the number of lives that they have --
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>> more than a million people have cost to low cost hiv drugs -- >> i think it's like ten million people. >> why don't you hear hillary clinton and others, more democrats making that argument? >> again, when george w. bush was president his daddy was raising money for the bush library. i thought that was fine. i didn't care. when bob dole was majority leader, elizabeth dole was the president of american red cross. i didn't say anything. the idea that there's something in here that the crown prince of bahrain, if he wanted to, he could have -- hire the president to give a speech as opposed to give it to a foundation which he makes no money from, which he donates all of his time, which he actually gives money out of his own pocket for. i mean, somebody that's shutting this down and they will shut it down and people are going to die. all of the people that helped shut it down will say gee, we did -- some people, a million people had to die but we had to prove a point. okay. go ahead. you have your point. wow. what a great idea.
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>> when you look at the polls, when you look at where the race is now, how confident are you in secretary clinton? >> well, you know, i have always thought this is very difficult for a democrat to lose a presidential election in this day and age but i'm confident but let me tell you, there's 325 million people in the united states. two have a chance to be the next president. one of them is named donald trump. so that motivates me every day. but honestly, if you said to me james, would you rather be on your side, the other side right now, i like our side right now. i think we are doing all right. but you got to stay motivated, you got to stay out there. >> the book is "we're still right, they're still wrong." always a pleasure to have you. >> thank you. appreciate it. much more ahead on "360" including trump's speech in akron, ohio. his remarks directed to african-americans once more telling them what do you have to lose. we'll be right back. this kiester. uldn't belin a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester,
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