tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN August 23, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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brian brianna? >> certainly does. michelle kosinski, thank you so much for that report. i'm brianna keilar. thank you so much for watching. erin burnett out front starts right now. >> out front next, breaking news, donald trump about to rally supporters in texas doubling down on his charge that hillary clinton traded favors as secretary of state. plus trump backing down on his promise to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. will the shift cost him with his loyal base? and hillary clinton's longtime aide front and center in the e-mail controversy. who is huma abedin? let's go o"out front." good evening. i'm pamela brown in for erin burnett and "out front" tonight, breaking news, donald trump about to rally thousands of supporters in austin, texas and
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tonight the trump campaign ramping up attacks on hillary clinton pouncing on an associated press report that more than half of the private individuals with whom she met with as secretary of state donated to the clinton foundation. trump's running mate mike pence issued a statement calling that evidence a pay for play and saying, quote, no one is above the law. the clinton foundation must be immediately shut down and an independent special prosecutor be appointed to determine if access to hillary clinton was for sale. the clinton camp responding moments ago charging the a.p. report relies on, quote, utterly flawed data. jason carroll is out front tonight at the trump rally in austin, texas. jason, what do we expect to hear from trump tonight? >> reporter: well, a couple of things. first and foremost, expect donald trump to go after hillary clinton on the issue of her e-mails and the 15,000 e-mails that the fbi found that had not been turned over and expect him to hit hard on that point tonight.
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also, expect him to talk more about the clinton foundation. we've heard him do this before, allegations from the trump campaign that this was basically a pay for play type of foundation. anyone who wanted access to the state department got their access according to trump so long as they made a donation. expect him to hit home on those issues, as well. one of the big questions that we're wondering about tonight, pamela, since we're here in texas, a border state, what will trump have to say about the issue of illegal immigration. his position in some ways seems to have changed over time. you remember initially he said that he wanted to deport some 11 million illegal immigrants living here in the united states and then he said he just wanted to get the bad ones out and then most recently saying that he would do much of what the president is already doing except he would do it with more energy. so the question is what will he say about that tonight? well, he is expected to address that issue tonight, pamela. not expected to make any sort of
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policy speech about that tonight. that will come later. the trump campaign basically saying that what he is doing at this point is taking advice and talking to people about his proposals and his ideas and how to move forward from there. pamela? >> jason carroll, thanks so much for that. in light of this breaking news about who hillary clinton reportedly met with as secretary of state, it does not look like the trump campaign is going to stop with this line of attack any time soon. phil mattingly is out front. hillary clinton has totally forgotten the first rule of public service. the job of an elected official is to serve the citizens of the united states. that's what the job is. >> tonight, hillary clinton facing a series of sustained attacks from donald trump on the clinton foundation and the lingering controversy over her e-mails. donald trump's running mate, mike pence citing an associated
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press report on clinton foundation donor access to the state department launching this salvo on the campaign trail. >> this just in, the associated press is reporting today that 85 of the 154 meetings and calls of individual meetings that the secretary of state gave while she was in office were to individuals who contributed up to $156 million to the clinton foundation. >> reporter: all in the wake of trump's call for a special prosecutor to investigate the former secretary of state. >> after the fbi and the department of justice whitewashed hillary clinton's e-mail crimes they certainly cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate hillary clinton's new crime which is happen all the time. >> reporter: clinton allies are firing back defending the foundation's charitable work as far more important than the political fires it has been engulfed in. none more strongly than the
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former top adviser to clinton's husband, james carville. >> somebody that is shutting this down and they're going to shut it down then people are going to die. >> clinton herself preparing to go back on offense. aides saying later this week sheila, tack trump's new campaign team, specifically ceo's bannon, and described as a divisi divisive dystoppian view of america which should concern all americans. >> on monday talking about her preparations about the debates with the gop nominee. >> i am drawing on my experience in elementary school. >> the guy who pulled your ponytail. >> and pam, you know that the clinton campaign is pushing back on that associated press report and pushing back indeed and national press secretary just releasing a little bit ago a
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233rd-word statement that reads in part, it's cherry picked and a limited subset of secretary clinton's schedule to give a portrayal of how often she crossed paths to individuals connected through charitable donations and the data does not account for more than half of her tenure as secretary of state. obviously, the clinton campaign has a real problem with the story and they recognize that the story is a real problem. you saw mike pence on the campaign trail and the trump campaign has sent out statements like this from top surrogate rudy giuliani. they're also fund-raising off of it already. >> very strong language from the clinton camp. thanks so much, phil mattingly. out front now, former campaign manager for donald trump and corey lewandowski and hillary clinton supporters basil smiekel and maria cardona. maria's firm currently works for a pro-clinton super pac. basil, i want to start with you because we just heard phil talk about this sort of scathing statement coming trt clinton camp about this a.p. report
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basically saying the information was, you know, was cherry picked, but at the same time it seems as though this was pretty straightforward. it says these are only non-government officials and the meetings only cover a specific period of time. so is it still not valid? >> think it's valid. i think it does omit and undercount what secretary clinton did during her course as tenure as secretary of state. 1700, at least on that order. so it omits a lot of them, but it also miscategorizes meetings that she took with melinda gates who is world known philanthropist and a nobel prize winner. i think it is erroneous and one more way that donald trump was going to use it and it's just one more attack to miscategorize her time as secretary of state and she is within her own right
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as is her husband. >> what do you think, cory? is it not problematic considering it is a slice of the people that she met with secretary of state. >> i don't think the a.p. is an alt-right organization. what they're reporting is straightforward. 85 of 156 individuals that they looked at contributed at least $156 million. 40 of those at least gave $100,000. and what the a.p. did 16 foreign governments gave as much as $170 million to the clinton foundation and they excluded those from these numbers, but they said those were in the course of a typical diplomatic e viernment and so when they excruise $170 million from individuals from foreign govern ams and they include the other, 85 of 154 meetings totaling $156 million, this is clearly pay for play. >> the state department has come out and said, look, this happens routinely that individuals including those who have donated to political campaigns, non-profits or foundations
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including the clinton foundation made contact or had meetings with officials in the administration, in light of what you had the state department saying. >> that's precisely why it is so wrong and this is typical washington behavior and it's the government for the people and you see the state department doing what washington ordinarily does where big donors get access and the voters do not. so you have a prince from bahrain who comes in and can't get in access to the state department and instead he suggested it goes through the clinton foundation after a $20 million donation and he gets in. international security advisory board. a man with no experience handling sensitive, nuclear issues is put there simply because he was a clinton foundation donor. we can go on and on, and there is a lebanese billionaire and it's to dilute yourself from the truth. >> hillary clinton signed this pledge when she began cutting her ties with the foundation. she has said over and over again that there was no sort of combination of the two at the time and yet these e-mails come
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out and we hear about these meetings. how problematic is this for hillary clinton and the optics of it? >> sure. let me say this. this is something clearly that the trump campaign and the republicans who oppose hillary clinton will continue to hammer at it like a dead horse because they have nothing else. now the appearance of it, sure, to people who don't understand how these things work it could be problematic. that's where you have to look at the packs and i understand that trump has never met a fact that he has liked or that he has used, so that's understandable, but facts do matter to the american people and when you look at the clinton foundation that it has done and the amazing work they've done around the world and 11 million people with access to hiv-aids drugs and literally saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and for donald trump and his campaign to just off handedly say the clinton foundation should be shut down is using -- is literally -- no, no, no. hang on! let me finish.
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>> he has said that. >> the huffington post, it's the boston globe and major media outlets. >> they are wrong, too. >> everybody's wrong -- >> let me finish. >> i will give you your turn. >> yes, i completely agree that they are also wrong because nothing has come out that has been able to make any real connection. >> so then on that note -- >> between an action and a meeting. >> so let me ask. i want to ask kayleigh because you went to law school and donald trump insinuated something criminal has been going on here. have you seen any evidence of something criminal happening here from what we've seen so far. >> certainly if there were special favors being gained there is a credible argument under the rico statute that rudy giuliani has proffered. >> the supreme court came out and said just having meetings and that kind of thing is politics as usual. that happens. >> you have no proof. >> you have to prove intent and that's very true and that's very hard to prove and it's donald
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trump's call for a special prosecutor and you appoint a prosecutor when there is an appearance of improp righty. >> bill clinton meeting with loretta lynch just before she clears her of charges is improp righty and the fbi saying the clinton foundation is being investigated. >> there was a disagreement about it because they didn't feel that there was sufficient evidence. they looked at everything, but i will say is clearly, this is creating an issue. >> you heard the statement and that is an indication and the clinton campaign does not want this out. these every day these news stories coming out. >> let me ask you this. let me ask you this, basil, because now we're hearing that, of course, the clintons are going to stop taking foreign done eggs and that bill clinton will sever his ties if hillary clinton is president and that raises a question if there is cause to do it now, why wasn't there cause to do it when she was secretary of state?
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>> well, because contrary to what was said before, there is no pay for play and no quid pro quo. if you look at the e-mail exchanges, everyone that asked for a meeting is told they should go through or had already gone through official channels. that's an important -- that's an important point to make because essentially folks are saying no, no, no. i'm not going to do this. if you want to go through the meeting, go through the official channels. having said that. look, bill clinton is an insanely popular former president who retired or was retired very young relatively speaking and so he had a tremendous amount of good to do in this world and the foundation, as you said, is is doing and has been doing incredible work so to say shut it down means it impacts real people's lives around the world and that will be unfortunate. >> millionaires get access and the american people do not. >> guess what? i will tell you what, you're all coming back. i learned my lesson last night.
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we have you for three blocks in this show. corey, i will let you weigh in after this break, as well. be sure to stick with us. "out front" up next as we stand by for a donald trump rally, the candidate softening his position on immigration. could this shift hurt him? plus, a possible isis-inspired attack in virginia. tonight, the fbi now investigating the motive behind a brutal knife attack and newly released e-mails reveal a top clinton aide huma abedin handling requests for state department access. we have a special report. we'll be right back.
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these days when donald trump talks about deporting undocumented immigrants, he likens his plans to the last two presidents. >> obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country, bush, the same thing. lots of people were brought out of the country with the existing laws. well, i'm going to do the same thing. >> a far different tone from when he was vying for the gop nomination. >> you're going to have a deportation force and you're going to do it humanely, but more important than trump's immigration rhetoric is his policy which his new campaign manager says is now a work in progress. >> will that plan include a deportation force, the kind that he just -- you just heard in that sound bite and that he talked about during the republican primaries? >> to be determined. >> for many, it's hard to imagine trump even considering backing away from deporting all undocumented immigrants. the core of his campaign since the start. >> we have to get them out, the
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good ones -- >> when you say get people out are you talking about a mass deportation? >> we don't even know who these people are. >> how will you find them? >> we're going to find them. >> and then trump's call to temporarily ban muslims from entering the u.s. which he has now modified to only certain countries. >> from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the united states. >> reporter: trump is hardly the first candidate to think about shifting as he moves from appealing to primary voters to the broader general electorate. in 2012, mitt romney was slammed after his spokesman was candid about it. >> he hit a reset button for the fall campaign. everything changes. it's almost like an etch a sketch. >> historically, candidates are pilloring for any change in position. in 2004, a big part of george w. bush's campaign against john kerry was flip-flopping on iraq war funding, but trump won the gop primary despite the mother
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of all flip-flops. he donated to hillary clinton and supported universal health care and abortion rights. >> i'm very pro-choice. >> trump's gop opponents tried and failed to hit him on his 180s. >> he can change his views on anything. and trump famously said this about his supporters. >> i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? >> the question now is whether that would still be true if trump abandons any hard core immigration plans and whether new voters trump needs would even buy the change. >> trump is clearly preparing to try. trump's spokeswoman confirmed to him that tonight in a taping with fox news and the host sean hannity asked trump if he would be willing to accommodate undocumented immigrants who would contribute to society and trump replied that there certainly can be some softening because he said they're not looking to hurt people. pamela? >> dana bash, thanks so much and our panel is back with us, as
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promised, and i want to start with corey. is there a real difference between softening and flip-flopping? >> sure. here's what donald trump has said from day one, number one and most importantly, he'll build a wall which means he'll secure our boards so he knows who is coming into the country. the second problem we have is customs and border protection and immigration and natural service, they want to enforce the laws on the board that currently exist in our constitution, but they can't do that because they're stuck by the washington bureaucrats and you see people coming across the border and killing u.s. citizens. if you're a convicted felon, gone. no question. right out. the other thing is we'll do it humanely and we're not looking to split up families and we don't know, right now, the government can't tell us to the millionth of a person, are there 11 million? are there 30 million? >> they can't, actually. >> the 30 million undocumented immigrants or illegals as trump
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likes to call them is an outright talking point and comes from ann coulter very clearly and it has been debunked millions of times. that's number one. number two, we'll see what he actually says and i'll be interested to see what softening means because up until now the only thing americans have heard and within those americans and the majority of immigrants from the day he burst on to the scene calling mexican immigrants rapists and criminals and the fact that he will build a wall. last night there were people chanting, build a wall, deport them all? has he changed? i don't know. ee has talked abouty a deportation force and an eisenhower-like operation called operation wetback. if he is going to flip-flop to latino voters that will flop. >> we heard in dana's report that he has flip-flopped in his life time on hillary clinton, abortion, universal health care. so could this only help him with
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those independents and moderate republicans pulling them in, widening his base which he needs to do to win this election? >> i don't think so because people pretty much know where he stands because he's made it very clear. look. what corey said earlier, this is what's key about your comments, when you talk about people coming across the border and killing our citizens and that sort of characterization right there is where i think folks find these comments galling because, look, we talk about the 11-plus million who are undocumented, but let's talk about 81 million and that's the number of immigrants that live in this country and their u.s.-born children and 78 days away from this election you don't have a policy on dealing with those 81 million people who are here? your policy is quote, unquote, to be determined. that, to me, i think is what's problematic. you're the leader of a national party. >> you have to defund cities. >> i want to have -- i want to have kayleigh weigh in.
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your reaction to that. is it too late? >> agree with corey that the policy is clear and not too late and donald trump is pro-immigrant and he wants immigrants to be here and he doesn't want the wrong immigrants loose in society and i think it's irresponsible to look at the fact that president obama released 19,700 illegal immigrants with criminal records and 200 of which were convicted of murder and 800 of which were convicted of sexual offenses and kate steinle lost her life at the hands of an immigrant in a sanctuary city. not a single american should lose their life because of an immigrant given sanctuary in a sanctuary city. >> killing is wrong, yes, but when you say the wrong type of people. what does that mean and who gets to decide that? that's my concern. >> i'll let corey weigh in, because -- >> the sanctuary cities is a major component of a trump administration and he's talked about that and this particular killer had been arrested on multiple occasions and had been
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deported on multiple occasions and because we don't have anything preventing people from coming across the border -- and we see this all of the time. a person is deported on multiple occasions and they come back and a major crime is committed -- look, i've met with these families in california. i understand the pain that they have gone through and the loved ones they have lost. it's inexcusable. >> guess who else agrees with you? >> president obama whose policy it is to first and foremost deport criminal undocumented immigrants that are here. that is his plan. here's the problem with how donald trump talks about it when he talks about immigrants coming here to kill americans, it is a slap on all immigrants and secondly, it is actually not true and it makes it sound like the majority of murders and violent crimes are committed by immigrants and that's not true. the majority are committed by u.s. americans and u.s. citizens. >> we hope to hear more specifics from donald trump in the coming days. thank you all and stick around because you will be back right after this break.
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out front up next donald trump about to take the stage in a rally in austin, texas, plus a brutal knife attack in virginia and now the fbi is looking at possible links to isis and she's been in hillary clinton's side for two decades. now huma abedin is at the center of the latest e-mail controversy. we take a closer look at clinton's top aide. hi, i'm dominique wilkins.
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breaking news. a trump campaign leveling a new attack tonight against hillary clinton accusing her of running a pay to play operation during her tenure at the state department. these accusations based off an associated press analysis that included a majority of people outside the government who met with clinton were donors to the clinton foundation. the clinton campaign just released a blistering statement saying that the story relies on utterly flawed data. either way, the person who may have helped facilitate those meetings, clinton's closest aide huma abedin. sunlen serfaty has more on who she is and has been close for two decades. >> huma abedin, clinton's
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longest-serving aide is finding herself thrust into the center of her boss' most durable controversies. >> with that, i'll be making no further comments. thank you. >> a flood of new e-mails during her time as secretary of state revealed this week in and are raising new questions about the state department's relationship with the clinton foundation. enter abedin, e-mails obtained by judicial watch, a conservative watchdog group show abedin e-mailing with a top clinton foundation official arranging a meeting with the crown prince of bahrain, a foundation donor who was unable to get a meeting through official channels. >> doug band writing to abedin, quote, asking to see her. good friend of ours. >> none of these exchanges appear to offer direct quid pro quo, but has opened the door for criticism. >> no issue better illustrates how corrupt my opponent is than for pay for play scandals as secretary of state. >> huma abedin has been by
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clinton's side for two decades, first working for first lady clinton as an intern in the white house, being with her through her senate run and her 2008 campaign, in the state department. >> unconfirmed. yeah. unconfirmed. >> rising now to vice chairwoman of the clinton campaign. >> she's on the road a lot, and i just, you know, i'm there to help keep it all together and help people be at their best including my boss. >> their relationship is close. so close clinton has known to refer to her as a second daughter. >> good afternoon, my name is anthony weiner. >> and it was clinton who helped huma through the public fall of her husband, former congressman anthony weiner over her sex scandal. >> i love him. i have forgiven him. i believe in him, and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> abedin is a muslim, born in michigan, raised in saudi arabia, her father, from india and her mother from pakistan. her background and family ties the subject of speculation and
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scrutiny by clinton critics. rupert hurd be onning's paper bringing up allegations this week about her association with this academic journal founded by her father that looks at issues related to muslims living in western societies to which huma is listed at one point as an assistant editor. >> and cnn spoke to many people who than publication and know the region and they describe it as a non-partisan, strictly academic journal that does not raise flags in its contents, but the clinton campaign has had to respond to these allegations over huma's role in the journal, a clinton campaign spokesman telling cnn that she was not paid and did, quote, little to no work. pam? >> sunlen serfaty, thank you so much. i want to bring in our panel for a third time to talk about this. if people wanted to get access to hillary clinton as secretary of state they had to go through huma abedin. in light of that, if these
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accusations of pay to play continue to dog clinton at what what point does it become a liability? >> i think people need to look at the facts and what we have seen so far is that you have seen e-mails that describe huma actually telling people who want access to hillary clinton or who wanted access to hillary clinton that they need to go through official channels. as someone who has been in a top position for three positions, i can't tell you how many times people called me or e-mailed me, they go way back. they're really good friends and he's been there for this, that and the other and guess what? what you do is say i will put it through official channels or you say let me take it up the ranks and then you do nothing. so people need to understand. >> in all of the e-mails that we have seen there's nothing to indicate that she did not do that. >> it's murky, and there are
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more e-mails to come out. >> it's very clear. i encourage viewers to look it up. the prince of bahrain went through official channels and went through doug band in the clinton foundation and was given access within 48 hours and that is very clear and cut and dry and huma abedin was the revolving door for foreign billionaires getting into the clinton foundation. it's wrong and not public service. >> when this person went through official channels and it was close to resolution, that's what it said. her presence there was not the catalyst for it happening, number one, number two, and i do have to say this, i have been in this business for 20 years, and i know huma abedin. you could not find a better and more dedicated public servant. >> totally agree with that. >> to me, if you're not going to get hillary, you're going get the person next to her. >> that is what my concern is. >> let me ask corey, because you were donald trump's number two during the campaign. >> or number one for a while.
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is it fair to pin responsibility on her adviser like huma abedin rather than the candidate? >> this falls scarily on clinton and doug band requested a meeting from the crown prince when the crown prince tried to go through official channels and was denied that meeting and he sends an e-mail and it was very clear and we just reported on it that said he's our friend and he would like to meet with her tomorrow and guess what happened? he gave $16 million as a friend and the meeting took place within 24 hours. the crown prince is entitled to meet with the secretary of state. no question about it and the proper channel should have been taken and what happened when the proper channels were taken the meeting was denied. i went to my friend over here and i gave you $16 million and it's a pay for play scam. that's exactly what i just said. >> it's also rich, that the person who is calling for special prosecutor is the person who has not released his taxes and guess what? are there negotiations -- >> what does taxes have to do with this? [ indiscernible ]
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>>. >> it's transparency. >> while the optics may not be good, there is no concrete evidence of any criminal quid pro quo, but there are all these e-mails that we expect to come out leading up to election day. not a good thing for hillary clinton and nothing showing criminal activity. at this stage -- >> at this stage. thanks so much, guys. we really do appreciate it and out front up next we are standing by for a trump rally starting any minute in texas, plus a possible isis-inspired attack in virginia, why the suspect in a violent stabbing was already on the fbi's radar and an exclusive look at the fight against isis and we are live in iraq with the latest in the battle to defeat the terror group. (lionel) ♪it's peyton... ♪it's peyton on sunday mornings.♪ (peyton) you know with directv nfl sunday ticket you can watch your favorite team no matter where you live. like broncos or colts. (cashier) cool. (peyton) ah...18. the old number.
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into a possible isis-inspired attack in virginia. according to officials the suspect stabbed a man and a woman with a knife as they were entering an apartment building. brian todd is out front. >> reporter: a vicious and apparently random stabbing attack at this apartment complex has investigators looking
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tonight into a possible terrorist attack. police in roanoke county, virginia, nearly 250 miles south of washington say a man and woman were attacked as they entered the pines apartment complex on saturday night. >> injuries. one with a necklace raising and the other with a leg laceration. >> the male was eventually able to fight off the attacker who fled, but in the meantime, both the man and the woman had been severely wounded. >> reporter: police say while they were at a local hospital with the victims a man now identified as the suspect came into the e.r. with injuries of his own. he is 20-year-old wasil farooqui. tonight a u.s. law enforcement official tells cnn witnesses said farooqui shouted allahu akbar meaning god is great during the attack. they don't believe farooqui knew either victim. >> there is a real possibility that he could have been inspired
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by isis. the fact that he screamed out allahu akbar and he picked random victims and he was known to authorities in advance certainly raises that question. >> reporter: farooqui was previously known to the fbi because of his possible radicalization and of possible mental health issues and now the fbi is trying to determine farooqui's motive. >> if it is linked to isis then one of the things that it shows is that they're able to carry out attacks in the most random cases and places that you'd never think of being hit by an attack. >> now what's not clear tonight is whether the suspect wasil farooqui was actually communicating with xhn from oversea with any operatives from isis or another terror group or if he was not and radicalized or inspired on his own he would symbolize what has become a massive challenge for u.s. law enforcement and fbi director james comey said the bureau has a thousand investigations ongoing into homegrown, violent
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extremists, most of them isis related. pamela in. >> brian todd, thanks so much. >> bob berry, former cia operative. >> given the current isis threat, do you expect more attacks like this? these unsophisticated attacks to happen in the united states? >> pam, absolutely. these people identify with the conflicts in the middle east, with iraq where a lot of sunni muslims have been killed recently in fallujah, for instance, hundreds and hundreds of them and they're with a common cause and they don't need to go to syria or iraq to be indoctrinated. they do it online. the fbi can't arrest them just because they're looking at sites so they are really in a tough spot to identify these people and whether they're going to turn to violence. >> well, if there are all these individuals and the fbi has 900-plus cases open, isis-related cases. so if there are all these people in the u.s. like this suspect in the virginia attack, how much of a concern is it that they could find each other and link up a
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foreign terror cell and cause more harm than one individual can do? >> pam, i'm worried about this attack itself. if this was a terrorist attack, this person could have beheaded one of those victims and it would have sent panic throughout the united states or we have the nice problem of driving a car through a crowded area. any of those weapons are completely lethal and it is so difficult to predict them, but the fbi is monitoring the best they can, but they just can't predict who will turn to violence, as i said. >> just in a nutshell, what are the challenges in tracking these people that are on the fbi's radar, but then go on and launch an attack? >> you almost can't do it. you can go interview them and they'll tell the fbi agent, no, i'm not thinking about it, yes, i was thinking at sites and they have to walk away until they take one over with whatever that may be. >> bob bahher, thank you for that and we do appreciate it. out front tonight, we are
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standing by for donald trump about to rally supporters in austin, texas and exclusive reporting from the front lines in the fight against isis. we are live in iraq and hillary clinton and her healthy twist on a pickle jar. >> oh! oh! ♪ ♪ a week. eating better, keeping healthy. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! you're welcome! hey listen. whatever you do, don't marry dan! hey babe, i'm dan. hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for... thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria.
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confirming that a member of the u.s. military was killed in an explosion in afghanistan and another service member was also wounded as they were training and advising afghan forces there and this all comes as iraqi security forces and potentially americans as well, braced for a major battle to regain control of mosul from isis. arwa damon is out front. >> reporter: under apocalyptic skies blackened by thick smoke is gayera, the next target for iraqi forces. isis used to move 100 oil tankers of oil a day out of these feels now set aflame by isis fighters to decrease visibility from above. we are some 65 kilometers or 40 miles south of mosul, lands iraqi forces have not stepped in since isis took over more than two years ago. their corpses left to rot in the sun and the commander tells us that isis appears to be weakening. >> before isis i told you the
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majority of fighters attacking us with foreign fighters and now they put some foreign fighters. now i think they have lack of the foreign fighters. >> on display they found in residential homes, among them homemade mortar tubes and mortars larger than anything the iraqis have at their disposal. another significant gain in this area, the gayera air base, the third largest in iraq much of it destroyed by isis fighters as they withdrew, leaving, we are told, explosives under piles of dirt on the runways that need to be cleared. this will be a vital forward base for the iraqis and potentially u.s. forces. >> families wearily haul what they can, stumbling away from the fighting. >> translator: they took half of
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our men and they forced them to fight for them. they killed my father. >> tears for all that they lost. loved ones gone in a war that few can fully comprehend. the lives they knew and loved disintegrated years ago. >> to the southeast of mosul, the kurdish peshmerga have pushed their front line forward, as well. the peshmerga defensive snakes its way along the east and north. the village is controlled by isis visible in the distance. here, too, they have noticed isis weakening, showing us how isis moves within nondescript buildings like this. the peshmerga fighters did initially drop down and take a few steps into what appear to be some sort of tunnel, but rather than take their chances, they decided to then withdraw and seal off the entrance. >> the choke hold around mosul is tightening and the government's pledge to liberate the city by the end of the year is still the goal. the battle there with over a
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million civilians will potentially be starkly different from the ones out here, but success will be defined and land gained and not lives destroyed or lost. >> and arwa joins us now from iraq. arwa, how are the people trapped inside imbeing pacting iraqis' y to move forward here. >> pamela, it makes it unspeakably phenomenally difficult and what we have historically seen is isis not only using the civilian population that remains trapped inside these areas, villages and towns as human shields, but in fact, gathering families and forcing them into buildings that isis then uses as their own fighting positions and this is the top concern for the iraqi commander on the ground in the province. if you look at what's happening in the fighting in the town of gayera, for example, there the
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officers believe there are 10,000 families that remain trapped inside. children who potentially isis is using in the most horrific way possible and this is especially a concern, of course, as they advance on the city of mosul where the civilian population there is believed to be anywhere between 1 to 1.5 million and what we are seeing in gayera in terms of the challenges facing the iraqis militarily and we are told this the toll it is going to have on the population as they advance on the second largest city, pamela. arwa damon, thank you for bringing us important reporting from iraq. out front next, you're looking at live pictures of a big crowd in texas awaiting the start of of a donald trump rally. and up next, jeanne moos on the nation's leading comedians giving hillary clinton a clean bill of health. we'll be right back.
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at 68 hillary clinton still has a pulse in case you were wondering and that's not all. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: you know who is making fun of hillary clinton's supposed health issues? hillary. >> take my pulse while i'm talking to you. >> okay. >> so -- make sure i'm alive. >> jimmy kimmel even put hillary to the test. >> can you open this jar of pickles? this has not been tampered with.
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>> oh! >> pickle jar aside, some jokes are more jarring. >> donald trump has been saying that hillary clinton looks unwell. trump then admitted he thinks any woman over 35 looks like she's dying. >> reporter: but some of the funniest comments about hillary's health aren't jokes. they're actual theories. >> for instance -- >> the time hillary acted startled by reporters' questions. >> it almost seems seizuresque to me. >> what was seizuresque was how critics seized on it. >> we have seizures, psychotic facial ticks. >> putting it to music. ♪ >> even if the reporter, some described some described as looking scared said she wasn't and hillary wasn't having a seizure. >> doctors weren't buying in? >> i can't say that's a seizure. >> pillowgate and photos
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propping up hillary and the anti-seizure injector pen and the secret service agent is clutching something. is it an emergency seizure syringe? actually, it seems to be a flashlight. watch the agent point it at the floor as hillary moves to a darker area. next thing you know, they'll be saying she's growing a tail. wait! a few have already said this is evidence she's possessed by the devil. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> thank you so much and thank you for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us tonight. would donald trump keep backing away trt immigration hard line he rode all of the way to the republican nomination? is he backing away? he'll be speaking shortly tonight in austin, texas. we'll listen to that, and just this afternoon talking about the millions living here illegally he mapped out what could sound like president obama's current deportation policy. we'll see if he
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