tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 23, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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good evening. thanks for joining us. looking at the donald trump rally in austin, texas. jeff sessions is at the podium, himself. the candidate, himself, running behind schedule. he's expected to make news making what appears on the face of it to be a distinct change in his policy on the people in this country illegally, what he, himself, this afternoon called a softening. our jason carroll is in austin, he joins us with the latest. we talked to kellyanne conway about this softening. what are you hearing about it? >> reporter: first of all let me tell you, you were just mentioning senator jeff sessions. i spoke to him and asked him this question about something donald trump said earlier today where he talked about possibly softening his position on illegal immigration and let me give you the proper context.
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he was asked a question specifically about these illegal immigrants living here in the united states, contributing to society, possibly with kids, and he was asked would you deport those people as well or could there be a softening in terms of his position? he said yes. when i asked senator jeff sessions about that, he really struggled to deal with this particular issue. i said, is that something that you support? do you support a softening of the position and he said, look, donald trump is, quote, not softening this position on the legality of illegal immigration. he was really parsing his words, anderson. when he was pushed further, even senator jeff sessions said this is something that, quote, donald trump is still wrestling with. so very clearly, this is an issue that donald trump is going to have to deal with, the campaign is going to have to deal with. they're going to have to come out with some specifics in terms of exactly what his position is. as you know, it's evolved over time. in the twinni ibeginning it was
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i'm going to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants living in the country, then it devolved to i'm just going to tee port the bad ones then it came dune to, well, i'm going to do much of what president obama is already doing. we expect him to traaddress tha issue tonight. not going to give an immigration policy speech tonight. he is here in texas. this is a border state. he's expected to address that issue at some point when he takes the stage tonight. anderson? >> even last night on bill o'reilly's program he he talked about president obama deporting large numbers of people under existing laws in a favorable way. so it was actually interesting to hear him saying something positive about president obama which is not something you hear very often. from donald trump. >> reporter: right. something you do not hear very often but what that shows you is that this is a position that the candidate is still evolving on. when you talk to the campaign, what they will tell you is that what donald trump is doing at this point is talking to people, getting advice in terms of how to proceed with his ideas and
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his proposals. looks like donald trump is about to take the stage right now, anderson. so we'll hear him possibly in just a few minutes if we can get some specifics in terms of how his policy has evolved. anderson? >> jason carroll, thanks very much. donald trump is starting to come to the stage. before he starts talking, we should also just point out the trump campaign got some good news today in hillary clinton, the "ap" reporting hillary clinton used the state department clinton foundation charity as a kind of -- these are trump's words, i should say, pay-to-play scheme. the clinton foundation disputes that. we've more about this dispute. there's certainly more we learned about this dispute. both sides reacting to a new "ap" report, percentage of private individuals who did these things, gave to the foundation and met with secretary clinton. we'll see if donald trump talks about this. it fits into a trump campaign
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theme focusing on the clinton foundation. let's listen in to donald trump tonight in austin, texas. ♪ god bless the usa >> thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you. [ crowd chanting "trump" ] >> thank you, everybody. i am so happy to be back in the great state of texas. thank you. thank you. the people of texas are proud. they're independent and they are free. there is no better place to deliver the message i have to
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deliver tonight than right here, right in the middle of freedom. thank you. tonight's message is about re-declaring our independence as a country. on november 8th, a very, very important date, we are going to declare our independence from special interests, corrupt politicians and i might add very corrupt politicians. and from a rigged system that benefits only the insiders. we're going to bring our jobs back. we're bringing them back to our country and we're going to create millions of new jobs.
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we are going to declare our independence from politicians who don't listen to us and media executives that don't care about us, and by the way, who never report our massive and very, very friendly crowds. that's for sure. we are going to declare our independence from rising crime, soaring poverty rates and crushing, crushing debt. >> we're going to continue to monitor this. we're really particularly looking for his comments on immigration tonight. that's really one of the main headlines of this evening. we'll bring those to you. i want to bring in jeff zeleny who is joining us now reporting on the clinton foundation and reporting by the "associated press." what did they find, jeff? >> anderson, in a nutshell this "associated press" report says more than half of the people who met with hillary clinton as
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secretary of state contributed to the clinton foundation. the clinton campaign is pushing back hard on this report tonight. in a statement spokesman brian fallon says this. he says "this story relies on utterly flawed data. it cherry picked a limited subset of secretary clinton's schedule to give a distorted portrayal of how often she crossed paths with individuals that gave to the clinton noun dags." the data, he says, "does not account for more than half of her tenure as secretary of state." anderson. >> donald trump, how has he been reacting to this ap report about the clinton foundation because it comes at a good time for the trump campaign. this is something they've been focusing on for the last several days. >> it does, indeed. he and mike pence have been calling for the clinton foundation to be shut down. tonight they're using this story to fire up supporters as another example to suggest the clintons are corrupt.
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trump says this is evidence of pay for play. important to point out, we have no evidence of that in our own reporting here after going over thousands of e-mails and of course there are some more e-mails still to come here. there's no question, it creates at least the appearance of conflicts and for the clinton campaign, that's another headache here in this congoing controversy. a state department spokesman told cnn that donors to the foundation do request meetings, they're interested in global affairs and humanitarian affairs. they say there's nothing impossible about this. but this gives fresh meat to the trump campaign and i suspect he will use it tonight. >> i guess one of the questions to be determined is did they get these meetings because they're donating to the foundation or did they get these meetings as people do with the state department, are they requesting these meetings specifically through the clinton foundation who then the clinton doug band guy who works for the foundation contacts huma abedin and gets the ball rolling that way. still a lot to be learned.
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joined by "washington post" political reporter phillip bump. how important is this? it plays into the narrative that donald trump and mike pence have been hitting hard. >> one of the things that hillary clinton didn't want to have happen is the tone of the campaign shift. we saw before the convention that the fbi came out and was talking about her e-mails and her numbers sank as a result of that. she doesn't want to see that happen again. i will say, though, in terms of how bad things could be for hillary clinton this is a fresh story, i think this is probably not that bad over the long run simply because it's the clinton foundation. there's a lot of -- there are really a lot of gaps in the "ap" story in terms of who she met with and what the relationship was. donald trump would be in a great relationship if he, himself, hadn't started taking contributions. it shows how sausage is made in d.c. it's an ugly processes, always been an ugly process. donald trump would be much stronger on this if he could say i'm not taking money -- >> also, phillip -- i mean, sorry, paul. you guys look so much alike. i said this to kellyanne conway.
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donald trump gave by the foundation reports more than $100,000 to the clinton foundation. if it was pay to play, seems like was that part of why he was giving money? >> kellyanne told you his motives were pure and others weren't. i read the "ap" story, i'll let the campaign fight with the "ap" over the methodology, that's not -- 12 of the 40 paragraphs were devoted to hillary meeting with humis. i know about him because he was friends with bill clinton when he was governor of arkansas. he won the congressional gold medal. by the way, bill clinton promoted him -- >> the clinton campaign has come forward and said -- >> it's 12 out of the 40 paragraphs in the story. i'm not cherry picking, anderson. it's the plurality of the analysis of "ap." this is a man who has done more to alleviate poverty than anybody alive today. >> meeting had a visa problem. >> what's wrong with that? so what? >> that's for voters to decide. >> people have visa problems.
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what the hell? >> let me make a broader point. this is a new thing. this is why clinton people get angry. and say there's a double standard. when i was helping run bill clinton's campaign against george bush sr., george bush sr. started the point of life promotion. every single day he named a point of life promoting that townation. we thought it was great. we didn't research it, we didn't attack it. journalists didn't look through it, either. when bob dole was running the senate his wife was running the red cross, a wonderful foundation. she did a good job. the bushes and doles are good people. the clints, they're scum, the cli clinton always get the presumption of criminality and it makes me angry. it's unfair. >> who are the kind of people who give to the clinton foundation? international and national philanthropists concerned about the state of affairs, health, hiv, malaria, earthquakes of folks around the world. who meets with the secretary of state, those same kind of folks. >> there's a social component to
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the clinton global initiative it's rubbing elbows with hillary clinton and bill clinton. >> and doing good -- >> yes, there's plenty of organizations who can do that and not -- >> few as effective as the clinton foundation in their short period. they've always been rated in the top levels of the non-profit ratings. again, the people -- and paul's right, the campaign is right on the "ap" validity and the way they did the reporting which is flawed. i'm not surprised a secretary of state met with international philanthropists. it makes sense to me as the kind of people who are secretary of state should be talking. >> the essence of the problem here is her judgment and i just find it remarkable after all of the controversies she has had and president clinton has had throughout their entire career she gets a clean slate as secretary of state and four years later, she's embroiled in e-mail controversies and controversies about the clinton foundation. that is because she has poor
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judgment whether it's a server in her basement or whether it's the mix between the clinton foundation and the state department. that's a bad thing to do. on its surface you should say we've got to have some sort of separation here or we can't be doing it, shouldn't be putting servers in the basement. that's a judgment question. that's what voters are going to be looking at. >> james carville was on the program last night and said, look, people are making a big deal about this. apparent conflict of interest. and people are going to die because of this, because of the, you know, 9 million people or so get low cost hiv drugs or free hiv drugs because of the work of the clinton foundation and others. what do you say to him? >> i think that's hyperbole. people are going to die. that's typical democrat lefty talking points. it's always somebody's going to die. look, the clinton foundation, they have partnerships with ngos and all kinds of other charities all over the world. i'm sure someone could pick up the slack. i don't think all the partners they work with are not going to
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pick up the slack to make up for the clinton foundation no longer being in existence because like ed rendell, former democrat governor of pennsylvania said, only a week ago, that it would need to shut down because it has an appearance of impropriety and he had to walk that back. the campaign didn't like that because you can't square how come it didn't look like there was an appearance of conflict of interest when she was secretary of state but will be if she's president? he had to walk it back and say she has to keep her distance from it. the clinton foundation, as the "national review" said, it's ethically insufficient. the lines that were blurred in between the clinton foundation, the clinton global initiative and the state department and every week now we're seeing more and more people who have that incestuous relationship with the clinton foundation and official business at the state department and what everybody think is pay to play in washington, this is a perfect example of it. >> we have to take a quick break. we'll have more with the panel about this and donald trump's shifting immigration policy. how his staunchest reporters may react to the changes in the
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works. we'll continue to watch the event tonight with an eye out for any remarks he makes about immigration or any other headlines. >> published data confirming what i've been saying about the devastating economic -- where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here.
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well, i told you to bring a warmer jacket. when? every day since you could walk! now i just say it with my eyes like... folks, park ranger mark. -sup, bro? -hey, forest cop. you're taking up a lot of space. i'm going to need you to move a vehicle. todd, load the four-wheeler into the truck. flo: that's like bundling! 'cause progressive can bundle your boat, atv, and rv with your truck to save you money. don't talk to her. she has rabies. rabies was created by the government. look it up. [ flames whoosh ] [ gasps ] who are you people? yay, grandpa's still alive. i don't want to buy any cookies, little girl. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people
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with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems.
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we will fix it. >> we will continue to monitor donald trump, what he, himself, called a softening on his immigration policy. the last hour you heard his campaign manager whether it constitutes an effect, a 180 from the plan he pushed all the way to the nomination and beyond. >> we have a law, right? you're supposed to come in legally. i would get people out and i would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal. they're illegal immigrants. they got to go out. >> how do you do it in a practical way? you really think you can round up 11 million people? >> at some point we're going to try getting them back, the good ones. you're going to have a deportation force and going to do it humanely. >> are you going to be sending in officers, a force of people into people's homes to get them out? >> we're going to be sending people in a very nice way. we're going to be giving notice. we're going to be saying you have to go. we have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. they will go out. they will come back, some will come back, the best, through a
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process. they have to come back legally. >> back with us is jeffry lord, trump supporter, joining us also clinton supporter maria. and ana navarro. do you think this is a change in policy because it certainly sounds like it. he's no longer talking about all 11 million have to leave and the good ones to come back. what about hispanics? he has 26% to hillary clinton's 50%. do you think this can help him? >> i don't know what it is we're hearing because frankly we've heard very little from him on the issue. he was supposed to give a policy speech on thursday. he's now pushed it back to a be determined date. i think what you're watching is a temperature of the water. they're putting in one little toe at a time. what you are seeing is a very positive influence from kellyanne conway who knows this issue, knows the way he has handled this issue is a political loser not only for donald trump but also for the republican party. and she has been doing her very good job of baby-sitting this bull in the china shop that she
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inherited. but i have a very hard time reacting to donald trump's policy when we haven't heard him articulate it. what we have are heard, you know, i think trial balloons being thrown by kellyanne and other members. when we hear him say it we can react to it. i'll also tell you, anderson, it's been 15 months and this isn't like the movie "men in black" where they have the little doohickey thing where you erase the memory, you press it and erase the memory. latinos remember, immigrants remember, all of america remembers and this man has based his campaign on bashing immigrants. >> is this a trial balloon. >> i don't know. i don't think that he's changing the direction of his policy. i think my friend, ana -- >> he's not saying 11 million
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have to leave anymore. that's a big change. he's still, in your opinion, tough on immigration, still talking about building a wall, mexicans are going to pay for it. >> but he still wants to have a tough immigration policy. >> 11 million people which is a huge number of people no longer going to have a deportation force. >> we'll see what me says on this. that's a change, then that's a change. i don't think it's a change of the ultimate policy objective. >> okay. maria, who do you think this is aimed at? >> it's certainly not aimed at latino voters because latino voters and i think most common sense sensible americans who agree with comprehensive immigration reform and some sort of pathway to citizenship or legalization, they're not going to unsigh or unhear the last 428 days especially the first day when he came out and announced his presidential campaign calling mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. followed that by a deportation force which he said several times and deporting families, whole families that needed to go back to their home countries and some of them perhaps be brought back. who knows how.
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in a humane way. you know, he also talked about judge curiel. that was also seen as a very racist, bigoted comment toward latinos. so definitely i don't think it will be geared toward latinos. i think he's given up on latinos. he's not going to get the threshold of the 44% that any republican candidate will need in order to win. i think it's geared toward these independent more republican-leaning suburban college educated white voters which he's now losing to hillary clinton, and if he doesn't gain ground with them, mitt romney won them and still lost the election in 201. >> donald trump has the failed policies of president obama. last night on o'reilly i want to play what he said about immigration but also a reference to -- we don't have the sound bite. he said that what people don't know is that obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country, bush the same thing. a lot of people were brought out of the country with the existing laws.
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i'm going to do the same thing. it's interesting to hear him now saying actually president obama did get a lot of people out of the country and he's essentially going to follow in his footsteps. >> yeah, i mean -- >> you weren't advising him on that i suppose. >> no. he didn't take my call for that one. >> he didn't take your call, okay. >> i just think, again, that he -- as all food politicigood do, the ones who win keep the ultimate objective in mind. it's like sailing, having come back from vacation. go this way, go this way, tack one way or another. ultimate objective is to get here. >> but it's weird not -- what i never understand is why can't a politician say this is a change because i've evolved on the issue, i've learned something. i've been listening. i've been -- >> right. correspondingly, i know this sort of media storm that's fwoeng going to come around this, this is the kind of thing that drives people out there in the countryside crazy because they think the media picks on
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some morsel and goes nuts with it all the time. i had -- >> this isn't a morsel. this is kind of the whole hunk of cheese. >> the whole enchilada. >> i was going to say that then i thought, you know what, i'm not going to say that. you can say that, ana, if you want to. please do not address your e-mails to me. >> the entire hispanic outreach -- >> what's your twitter address, ana? >>. >> i had somebody stop me in a store in pennsylvania yesterday and say to me, quote/unquote, if donald trump sneezed, cnn would spend four days saying he's damaged the environment. now that -- that's the kind of perception out there. not just about cnn but the media at large. that's where i see this kind of situation going. >> but you know what i think is also another huge pickle for donald trump and his campaign and why people like jeffrey lord and kellyanne who i think wants him to go one way and donald trump, himself has not gone
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there, so we'll see, the majority of republican voters during the primary season who voted for him, voted for him primarily because of his draconian stance on immigration reform. because he was talking about deporting them all. because he was talking about building the wall. >> there were a bunch of other republicans on that stage not going that far. >> yes, absolutely. >> in fact -- >> you know what's absolutely striking, look, since day one, this immigration issue, the theme of build a wall has been the pillar on which he has built his campaign. we are now 2 1/2 months out from election day. we are about a month and a half out from absentee ballots going out in a state with a lot of latinos like florida, and it is up to now that he's going to issue an immigration policy speech and he can't even issue it because he's not even quite sure what he's going to say. you know what i get the sense of when i hear kellyanne conway who i have great respect for and like very much, it's like she's
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got this imaginary candidate in her head, right? she says we're going to talk about issues. we're not going to talk about personalities. it's been donald trump who's made it a personality contest. she says we're going to talk about issues, we're not going to hurl personal insults. it's been donald trump who's hurled personal insults at absolutely everybody. i have a hard time reconciling what kellyanne is saying and her imagination candidate and the donald trump we have seen for the last 16 months. >> we got to leave it there. we are monitoring this donald trump rally tonight. we should point out he did just talk about building a wall. again, we're listening for any more clarification or what he says actually about those 11 million undocumented workers. more with the panel as well as we continue. om's rewards program is simple. for every 10 nights i stay, i get one free. this however, will not be simple. you gotta ride the belt, captain obvious. i have liquids in my body!
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great grains cereals are made fromreal fruit,clusters, wholesome nuts and crunchy flakes. good things come together to make one great thing. great grains. why be good when you can be great? i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto...
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a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical
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or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids.
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donald trump has questioned hillary clinton's mental and physical stamina and there are unfounded claims about her health floating around. particularly on the internet. clinton responded to those claims with a big dose of humor on "jimmy kimmel live." >> are you in good health? >> well, this is has become one of their themes.
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here, take my pulse while i'm talking to you. >> okay. >> so make sure i'm alive. >> oh my god, there's nothing there. >> there's nothing there. i don't know why they are saying this. i think on the one hand it's part of the whacky strategy, say all these crazy things and maybe you can get some people to believe you and on the other hand it absolutely makes no sense. >> as you may know, donald trump is actually two years older than secretary clinton, so what do we know about his own health? not a lot, actually. what we do know is it's sort of unusual. donald trump released a letter from his doctor last year a grandiose few paragraphs from the most hyperbolic gastrointrologyst. it opportunity sound like a medical document. i'm certainly no doctor. let's check if with our own doctor, dr. sanjay gupta. thanks for joining us.
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trump would be, quote, the healthiest individual elected to the presidency. what evidence did the doctor give to support the claim? >> there was no evidence and i think it's probably one of those things that unknowable. i was really struck by that as well. you mentioned that doesn't sound like a medical document. nobody writes like that when you look at the medical notes in the charts. usually it's much more factual. much more objective. supported by test results. wro you know, i don't know what to make of that. we know his age and a few minor facts from that letter but not much more. >> the total medical information we do have about donald trump's health this four-paragraph letter. what else jumps out from it? >> i think, you know, a lot of it really had to do with the language and how a little in terms of actually data. let me give you a couple of examples. i wrote this down. first of all, at some point the doctor says there's only positive results that donald trump has exhibited. only positive results. you probe know, anderson, most people do, if a test is
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positive, that's not a good thing. that means you found something you don't want to find. >> there's a lot of tests you would not want to be declared positive for. >> right. positive result. that's one of those things in medicine, so you think a doctor who would write this wouldn't sort of refer to something as having positive results. also he uses the term astonishingly excellent. again, the hyperbole is really remarkable. usually, again, we try and support that with some sort of objective data. there is some data. look at the normal blood pressure, talk about the fact he takes a daily aspirin. no point do we know his cholesterol or the risk of heart disease. those are real questions that should have answers. there's hints of things without objective data. >> what about the doctor himself, what do you know about him? >> you know, it's interesting. we've done a little bit of digging into it. again, this letter, as you point out, is quite something to look at. it's filled with errors, typos. even with his title he refers to
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himself as a fellow of the american college of gastrointroology. he talks about the fact he's a member of the division of gi at this particular hospital, lennox hill. he's not listed as a member there. he does have admitting privileges at this hospital. but he is not actually a member of the division he says he's a member of. again, i don't quite know what to make of that. certainly you know a letter like this about a presidential candidate is going to get scrutinized quite a bit. why there are these lapses, why there are frank inaccuracies in a letter, just don't know. what i can tell you as a doctor going back to your original question,s you want more information whether you're a doctor or journalist. there's not that much here. >> all right. sanjay, thanks very much. >> thank you. coming up, we'll be taking a look more at donald trump's speech tonight. speaking right now in austin, texas. also gary tuchman talking to voters in austin asking them
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well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. "are you okay?" "yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. that's how i know it"s working." "ah. you know you can go on and check it out there. it's completely free." "really?" "yeah" "oh, that didn't hurt at all." "yeah, completely painless." "credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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donald trump has been reaching out to african-american voters. he's got a long way to go in terms of polling. recent polls show him with about 2% of support in that demographic nationally. tonight he continues to appeal just, woe quote, give donald trump a chance. take a look. >> i say this to the african-american community, give donald trump a chance. we will turn it around. we will make your streets safe. so when you walk down the street, you don't get shot, which is what's happening now. >> gary tuchman is in austin with african-american voters who've been watching trump's speech together tonight. he joins me now. gary? >> reporter: anderson, we're about 30 minutes away from the venue of where the speech is. we're with 20 african-americans here. in the austin, texas, area. professionals, actors, teachers,
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lawyers, mothers, fathers, volunteers. nine of them democrats, six registered republicans. nine independents. i want to ask you how many of you are supporting donald trump for president? we've got two people are definitely supporting. how many are not supporting donald trump for president? moef most of the people here are not. question i want to ask you. he said a short time ago, quote, i say this to the african-american community, give donald trump a chance. you are willing to give donald trump a chance. what is your name? >> marilyn jackson. >> reporter: a registered republican? >> i am. >> reporter: what do you think of the speech so far? >> i'm trying to hear it, it's kind of hard to hear with a lot of people. so far sounds like a traditional politician but i'm still listening to it, some of the points he's saying. >> reporter: he said i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. believe me. to you believe him? >> i put my trust thein god but we'll have to see. i believe we can bring it about but we'll have to see. >> reporter: you like what he's saying about the african-american community, he's talked about it but he hasn't
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gone to the inner city to talk to the african-americans yet. >> he hasn't. he's brought up points that are valid regarding african-americans, crime and death rates and things like that. he does say he will make it better. we'll have to see. all politicians say the same thing and we still have to see. >> reporter: this gentleman right here, i've seen you chuckling a couple times at some of the things he said. sorry. there's a table here. my photographer almost tripped on it. are you okay? how come you've been chuckling so much? >> because he'll make a good point and take it way too far. that's the biggest issue we have in politics right now. you have people feel like they have to play to an extreme. i think most the people in this room, you talk about these e issues, we agree with the issues but when you go too far left or right, it's absurd. >> reporter: when he talks about african-americans being shot in their neighborhoods when they walk down the sidewalks, is that insulting? >> absolutely. i realize that's something happening in our communities but i think it's insulting because he's using it for political
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points. he's trying to score points with african-american voters, he's made no outreach to african-american voters. he's been running since june 2016. >> reporter: have you been shot? >> no, sir. >> reporter: has anyone here been shot? anyone here at all? we have 20 people. you're a republican supporting donald trump. have you been shot? >> no. >> reporter: does it insult you that he says that? i take it he hasn't said if it's literal. it doesn't insult you? >> no, it doesn't insult me. i haven't been shot. my father was shot when i was 16. >> reporter: that's probably the point he's trying to make. >> one of the things that disturbs me about the speech. >> reporter: you're a trump supporter. >> i am impressed he actually mentioned education which is important and dear to all of us which i haven't heard any other candidate mention at all. >> reporter: are you still planning to vote for donald trump? >> i sure am. >> reporter: thank you for talking to us. 20 people all from the same area in austin, texas, but with different opinions. anderson, back to you.
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>> thank you very much and thank them all for sticking around to talk to us. back to our panel for quick reaction. you've been tough on donald trump in terms of the way he has gone about this and some of the words he's used. it's interesting tonight to hear him say give donald trump a chance although i find it fascinating when politicians talk about themselves in the third person. like when does a human decide, you know what, let me talk about anderson cooper, but anderson cooper wants to ask you what do you think -- you know, i didn't hear him tonight say what do you got to lose? is there a difference? >> i think that he's, again, this is the influence of the new regime on the campaign where they realize it was a mistake, the language he used last week. it was terribly condescending. still he has yet to announce when he's actually going to go in front of a black audience and speak about these things. he needs to do that. now, it's being reported that they're planning a trip to detroit possibly with ben carson
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he's going to give him a tour of detroit, maybe go to a school or something like that. they have to do this because the rhetoric thus far has been so insulting. you saw the visceral reaction by people of color. honestly, since last week when he made those comments, the campaign has been basically whitesplainin fwr whitesplaining away donald trump's appeal to african-americans. where is his african-american outreach director? where's amarosa? isn't that what she's paid to do? they're depending on the rnc for field operations. this is not typical. >> do you want to see donald trump talking to an african-american church, to any group? >> absolutely. we're in an ever-evolving world. just tonight i got word the state of south carolina democratic party is going to do away with the jefferson/jackson dinner because they both owned slaves. been going on since 1830. the party decided today they're going to do away with it.
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we're always trying to change and evolve and donald trump is. clearly he's done things in the past that made him a better person. he was on the cutting edge of letting people in mar-a-lago. >> that's not true. >> he's worked with people of color for years. >> that's a horrible talking point. i disputed this last night. the reason why, stop using mar-a- mar-a-lago as all of a sudden donald trump is martin luther king now. the reason he sued the palm beach area for that, he was trying to make changes in the club and people in palm beach looked at him as new money and he looked down upon the things he was doing there. he used the black and jewish membership issue as leverage to get what he wanted. he didn't do that out of the goodness of his heart. stop using that as a talking point. >> can he make inroads with african-americans? >> i don't believe he can because whether you say something slightly nicer, the facts go back to everything he has said in a completely
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condescending way and the facts are this was a man who was sued for housing discrimination and -- >> which was settled without him -- >> nonetheless -- >> i'm just stating a fact. >> lived in segregated neighborhood in 1974. think how far back you're talking. >> the doj case was one issue. you have a man here who has defaulted on small businessowners, many people of color. you have a plan that offers nothing significant to the african-american community and donald trump saying i want to limit violence, i don't want people to be shot when he's been endorsed by the nra and won't support any sane gun measures that would help get guns after our streets. >> we got every democrat talking point out there. the guy is reaching out trying to say he -- >> he's making an effort. >> it hasn't been working the way under the last leadership and he's -- >> you don't believe he's reaching out? >> i don't believe he's stupid enough to think that he's going to get any african-american votes. he's a smart man. he's trying to reassure and reach out to moderate whites to say i'm not a racist.
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the problem is he's got a lot more votes in the david duke crowd than in the african-american community. that's bothering -- >> we got to take a quick break. from the presidential campaign to the front lines to fighting against isis, iraqi forces inching closer to the next big battleground in iraq, mosul. they made big gains in recent months. arwa damon takes us there. when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and work together in real time to help those that need it. the ability to collaborate changes how we work. what we do together changes how we live.
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isis has been a big focus in the presidential group and how to keep americans safe from terrorism. the iraqi army is a big part of the fight and the city of mosul is the next battle ground. right now, they are inching closer and arwa damon reports on the gains made in recent days. >> reporter: under apocalyptic skies blackened by thick smoke is the next target for iraqi forces. isis used to move around 100 oil tankers of crude a day out of these flames, now set aflame by isis fighters to decrease visibility from above. we are 40 miles south of mosul.
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iraqi forces have not been here since isis took over two years ago, their corpses left to rot in the sun. and the commander tells us that isis appears to be weakening. >> before as i told you, the majority of fighters attack us are foreign fighters. now they brought some foreign fighters, now they -- i think they have lack on the foreign fighters. >> reporter: on display, weapons troops found in residential homes. among them, homemade mortars, larger than anything the iraqis have at their disposal. another significant game, the air base, the third larger in iraq. much of it destroyed by isis fighters as they screw, leaving explosives under piles of dirt on the runways that sleed to be
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cleared. this will be a vital forward base for the iraqis and potentially u.s. forces. families wearily haul what they can, stumbling away from the fighting. >> translator: they took half of our men and forced them to fight for them. they killed my father. >> reporter: tears for all that they lost. loved ones gone in a war that few can fully comprehend. the lives they knew and loved disintegrated years ago. to the southeast, the kurdish peshmerga have pushed their front line forward, as well. the defensive berm snakes its way along the east and north. the village is controlled by isis in the distance. here too they have noticed isis weakening, showing us how isis moves within nondescript buildings like this. the peshmerga fugtsers did drop down and take a few steps into what appeared to be some sort of a tunnel.
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but rather than take their chances, they decided to withdraw and seal off the entrance. the chokehold around mosul is tightening. the battle there, with over a million civilians, will potentially be starkly different from the ones out here. but success will be defined in land gained, not lives destroyed or lost. >> arwa, what is the latest you're seeing on the ground? >> reporter: we just left the town a few hours ago and the iraqi security forces have moved in and captured, according to some army commanders, the oil refinery, so they are making gains within the city. but what remains the biggest concern is according to the army commander, these 10,000 families that they believed are stuck inside. we do know that isis has a history of using civilians as
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human shields. what we're seeing on the ground there is a fraction of the challenges the army is going to be facing, as it moves into mosul. and also the potential devastating flight of the population that remains trapped inside mosul. the population there, anderson, is estimated to be from 1 million to 1.5 million people. >> just incredible. arwa, thank you so much. more news ahead. we'll be right back.
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that does it for us. thanks for watching. "cnn tonight" with don lemon starts now. see you tomorrow. this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, everyone. i want to welcome our viewers in the united states around around the world. i'm isha sesay. our breaking news this hour. a deadly earthquake in central italy in the middle of the night. the u.s. geological survey says a 6.2 quake hit. our affiliate reports at least six people were killed, but a regional police officer reports that many people are dead. people felt the tremors in rome, 160 kilometers away. let's bring in our cnn contributor joining us from italy. bobby, we are working together to get
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