tv Wolf CNN August 24, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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hello, i'm brianna keelener for wolf blitzer. from wherever you are watching from around the world, thank you for watching us. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> and we start with breaking news right now from the american university in kabul, afghanistan. there has been an attack with at least one explosion. gunfire reported on campus. we are now hearing that as many as five people were injured. police and ambulances are on scene right now but it is unknown if any attacker or attackers have been found. meanwhile the state department is telling americans to be cautious and avoid movement in the area for now. joining me with more on this breaking story is cnn senior
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international correspondent from london. and cnn's senior correspondent and host of the cnn's reliable sources. nima, what are you hearing? >> we finally have confirmation that although the situation is ongoing security forces have finally managed to penetrate into the campus itself. the attack, the standoff, is still happening but police officers are through the campus and on the scene. undertaking the search for attackers as we speak, brianna. and throughout the -- well throughout the duration of this attack we have just been seeing the most extraordinary tweets. we've been hearing the most extraordinary reports from those trapped inside the building it sounded absolutely horrifying. they have been waiting now for over an hour for help to come to them and help has still not yet arrived. it is unclear yet as to the identity of the assailants but
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given the symbolism this this is of course the american university of afghanistan, leading security source us down some pretty clear paths to the known terror groups that have anti-american sentiment, brianna. >> yeah, and it has been a target before, nima. >> it has. earlier this month an american professor and his american colleague were picked up from right joud site the campus. security was supposed to be reinforced and reopened quite quickly, just two or three days after the attack. the issue is this is such a prestigious organization and in order to keep that prestige they today bring in faculty from around the world. from u.s., europe, australia. but that also raised its profile as a target. in addition to the fact that this was supposed to be one of the lasting legacies of america's involvement in afghanistan, brianna. >> brian, so much of what we have learned here has to do with what we're hearing from social
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media. i know that you've been hearing from some journalists on the ground there. >> yes. i'm sure in coming hours we will hear other accounts from afghan locals who are on the campus also from student but we have hear from one journalist who was able to post in english language right away when he heard explosions and shots, hasani is a pullitier prize winner. he won for his work in and around kabul. he posted a harrowing tweet about would hours ago. help we are stuck inside the camp campus. we heard shooting followed by an explosion. you see at end, this may be my last tweet. he posted that to social media. to twitter and facebook. the press is confirming he is okay. he was injured but he is okay. according to the ap, he heard an explosion, went to the window, looked out and saw man he describes nobody normal clothes and began shooting into the
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classroom. gunfire shattered the glass. he slipped on the glass and cut his hand as a result. he said the students barricaded themselves into the classroom, pushing chairs and desks up against the door. he and nine other students were able to escape through a northern gate of the campus and took shelter in a residential home. he is now seeking medical attention for the cuts on his hand. his story, just the first of unfortunately many stories will hear, i think, from witnesses to this attack. >> such a story and chaotic situation we can tell from his situation. thank you to bonith of you. switching to europe. italy is trying to recover from a 6.2 magnitude earthquake. this shook as people slept. they awoke as walls came crashing down around them. when it stopped, towns were reduced to rubble. this actually happened in a mountainous rural region, about a hundred miles northeast of the
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capitol. rome. one of the hardest hit areas is amatrice. after surveying damage, people are saying, quote, this town is no more. at least 73 people have died. that is a none we should tell that you is expected to rise. at least a hundred people injured. more than a thousand people displaced. rescuers are desperately searching for survivors. some using their bare hands to dig through the rubble and dramatic moment when a rescuers tried to comfort a woman trapped inside of the rubble. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> so calm as he is explaining to her, trying to impart calm to her as she must be panicking.
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ambassador, thank you so much for being with us. we are so story that it is under these circumstances and obviously our hearts are with your country as you go through this. you heard the death toll there, that is incredibly high when you're talking about a developed nation and yet it is expected to rise. what can you tell us about the situation? >> brianna, it is true. this kind of event time is absolutely crucial. that's why first responders and search teams are there on the spot. trying to assess the situation. these three towns in central italy are scattered and in small parts. so it is not -- not easy to reach all the different areas, different houses hit. but i think we are doing what we can. >> were they at all prepared for something like this? >> you know, it might sound as pair dough being italy, such an old nation and country, but from a geological point of view,ity slay young land.
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so this part of italy, quite often struck by quakes, maybe you remember in 2009, this great city if central italy was hit by a major earthquake. so it is important that we always be ready to and prepare for certain situations. >> if the death toll is at 73 and injured at 100, that is expected to rise. is there a sense of how many people are missing? have people on the ground been able to tabulate and see people not accounted for? >> it is summer so holiday season. so many, many people were uniting there. so we don't have a picture. >> you mean people were visiting in the area? >> people were visiting. were visiting their families. so there is a possibility that numbers might increase but it is too soon for that number. >> does italy need help from other countries? >> you know, since this morning
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all our major partners and allies have come up and given their support. first and foremost, president obama called this morning. secretary kerry had a very warm phone call. traditionally because of this situation in italy we have a protection team so we have people, expertise, but as always, help might be useful. >> you stay is about timing. these places may be rural and difficult to get to but are you confident resources are deployed from bigger cities? are there any situations where have you in these hamlets where there just are not the resources to try to get the rubble off of these people who are trapped and still alive? >> when this happens, what is striking is generosity and
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solidarity. so we see people and teams pouring into the local region from different part of italy providing their expertise, teams, equipment. so for the time being it is important to assess the situation and before the night comes, having all the teams on the ground. >> you mentioned that earthquake in 2 it 009, looking at this one we can see in the pictures just these buildings that have collapsed. we talked about the mayor who said this town is no more. entire walls just sheared off and buildings that have come down. there seems to have been a lack of certainly build willing preparation. is that standard when you're talking about these older buildings and how rare is it for something this severe? >> it is important that these towns that might be struck by quakes be prepareed.
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what we are talking about here, three local towns, very old. so most of the buildings date back several decades. if not hundreds of years. so this important but also when it comes to rebuilding and reconstructing the city it is important that local communities remain there because there is a sense of attachment, a sense of strong bones, and connecting local people, local public relation to their regions. >> the pope is sending assistance. that's what we have heard. what can you tell us about that? >> it is important. the pope has come up very early in the morning with his words and i think that this will encourage local populations very much. >> ambassador, thank you so much for joining us. we are keeping you and all italians on our mind as you go through this. >> thank you very much. thank you to you and to all the american people. we are receiving so many calls
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at embassy and this once against proves how close our relations are. >> we are all friend. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, we are standing by for a donald trump rally set to get under way any time now. he is meeting with young african-americans and hispanics at trump towers tomorrow. we will get ben carson to weigh in live next. hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance.
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to politics now. just under 76 days until the election. right now you are looking at live pictures from tampa, florida. this is where donald trump, rally is currently under way for him. trump is expected to keep the heat up on hillary clinton and the clinton foundation and he may elaborate on his immigration policy and whether it could be changing. we will bring that to you shortly. we will be monitoring that event. joining us with insight on what we expect to hear from donald trump is one of his advisors, dr. ben carson. of course he is also a 2016 republican presidential candidate. dr. carson, i want to talk about a number ever things including donald trump's outreach to african-american voters. you have told me a few days ago
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this was going to happen without details i think now we understand the details of this. i want to talk about that. but first i want to talk to you about the possibility of donald trump softening his plan to deal with illegal immigration. can you give us any details or information about how he plans to do that? >> yeah. well basically he wants to talk about something you really haven't tried with several administrations both democrat and republican. that is actually enforcing the laws that are on the books. now most people think that just because of the things that have happened within the last few years that imbrags policy is within the purview of the president. if you look at the policy it follows on the purview of congress. they are the ones who make the immigration laws. the president's job is to enforce them. so we need to get back to, you know, the way things were originally intended. but let's see what happens if we
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actually enforce the laws that are on the book. and if that is not adequate then you move on to do more than that. >> so which laws? which laws do you enforce better? >> you enforce all of them. we have not been enforcing the laws. >> but he says look, there's a grap here. this is something that is just being ignored. is there specifically an area because we are just trying to get to the bottom of what he may do.instances -- sorry, good on. >> specifically we. enforce all of them. that's very specific. that's what we need do. we have not been doing it. and again, i'm not blaming one party or the other.
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>> can you give an exam example? donald trump said he likes -- he said would he do it with more energy but he looked at president obama and his deportation answe deportations and commended him at times and criticized him saying he lacked compassion in it. >> we need to be consistent. >> i'm not hearing a sense from you of what he will do versus what is being done now. >> we want to improve in consistency and treating everybody exactly the same way. now i don't think that it is useful to pull out all the laws and go chapter and verse which ones are we going to enforce and which ones are we not going to enforce. >> what do you mean treating everyone the same way. he seems to indicate that he will deal with what he sees as bad guys first and there might be a different obviously that would be a different priority. you're saying treating everyone
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the same way. >> when you talk about bad guys, you talk about all the bad guys, all the criminals. certain ones don't get advantage because they live in san francisco, versus carmel, california. that's what i'm talking about. >> and i hear you saying you think it isn't helpful to pull out the specifics. i disagree with you on that. i would like to understand this more. i think a lot of people would. i would like it move on and talk about donald trump and how he is reaching out to african-american voters. something getting a lot of attention. some people have questioned how genuine he is about this. you can speak it that as well. charles blow, new york times columnist is saying look he is doing this do appeal to white voters who want to see more inclusivity. here is what charles said. >> this is the most horrible
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kind of bigotry and the fact that people keep asking the same question particularly to black commentators, like me, is he reaching out to black people. he is not reaching out to black people. there is nothing about this appeal that any residence with anyone black that i can find. i even looked at the largest black web sites that i could find just to see if anybody was taking this seriously. not a single person that i could find was taking this seriously. only people taking there serious sli white people. >> okay dr. carson, i'm sure you have a reaction to that. >> well, you know, i really don't have much of a reaction to it because you know, that's what i would expect from certain people. but you know, here is the real issue. the issue is that our cities, many of our inner cities are suffering and they've been suffering for several decades now. donald trump recognizes that in order to make america great we have to make our inner cities great too. and we can't continue with this
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same kind of policies that have led to decreased income, higher drop-out rates, more incarceration, and in the african-american community 73% of babies born out of wedlock. these are not things that need strengthening of the community, these are not things that empower people. these are things that make people dependent. those are are things we don't want. he fully recognizes he probably won't get majority of african-american vote, because of tradition. however after you enact the right policies and people see things that actually work, i think people will be more interested in who is providing things that work than they are in a party. i think that will be an exciting time in america when that happens. >> you will be instrumental in talking to him about your experience personally. you started very humbly and have become a very, very accomplished
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neuro surgeon. i know you will give donald trump a bit of a tour. you talked to him about this. what are his curiosities about trying to understand some of the challenges that are facing the african-american community as he looks to talk more to them. he will meet tomorrow with african-american and hispanic fellows with the rnc. >> well he gets very animated when we talk about this. from the very beginning. this is something that is very, very important to him that we do this. and that we create success. not just for african-americans. not any one specific demographic, but putting together the right topics. one of the things he want to do is meet with african-americans from different areas of the country and to hear from people what are the things you're concerned about and what are the things that you have seen that have worked.
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give me some data. give me some actual numbers. and let's make some policies based on that. one of the things that we know from sociological stud sees that when you break homes apart, and you raise children in that situation, they don't do as well. so let's look at policies that tend to push families together rather than tear them apart. like many of the welfare policies that go on today. >> and i have to ask you about this health ib u. both donald trump and hillary clinton, it is so rare that i talk about this in a political context and i get to say you are a doctor. so please let's discuss this. you actually said that both of them and this is your word you said that they are both elderly. and you said that they should release this information. they should release new medical records. why? >> because as people age, as you
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get older, it becomes critical that have you at least an annual examination. because a lot of things begin to happen. and this is a job that is very stressful. this is a 24/7 job. and you're going to have to have a lot of stamina and the ability to process a lot of information quickly. and we want to make sure that both candidate meet those qualifications. >> dr. ben carson, really appreciate you being on today. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> you were looking now at live pictures we are bringing foup this is a donald trump rally about to get under way in tampa florida. we will bring that to you when he starts speaking. plus bernie sanders is trying to keep his political revolution going. more on the new venture that he is starting right after the break. i wodon't know where i'd be without itre so when i heard about con-artists committing medicare fraud... it made me so mad i wanted to give them the old one-two one, never give your medicare number to get a free offer or gift
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two, always check your medicare statements for errors these crooks think we're clueless, they don't have a clue it's your medicare, protect it see more ways to fight fraud at hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one.
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more news from the hillary clinton campaign. a briefing is scheduled for saturday morning at the fbi offices in white planes new york. that's near clinton's home. and it is a briefing that's been scheduled for an earl year date but was changed to accommodate clinton's schedule. we have not heard a whole lot from bernie sanders lately. that will change tonight. sanders steps back on the political stage to launch a new group called our revolution. taking off, starting off kind of where he left off, the goal is to build on the progressive agenda he promoted during his campaign. former campaign manager, president of our revolution, and explain this to us.
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what is this group, jeff? and how is he going to take what he sort of started during the campaign and really move it in an effective way towards doing something? we are familiar with for example obama for america. and this concept again, that you take something, that you created in a campaign. channel it into something else. we've never seen it really successfully take off. >> i don't know that that is necessarily true. >> i just mean being if he want to be real sort of power broker in a way or allow his supporters to be, and how do they really -- how do they do that? >> right. look, what we will do is build up what happened in the campaign. this is an organization designed to carry on the legacy of bernd' presidential campaign. he will not be involved in the day-to-day operation of this nonprofit, obviously. he is a u.s. senator and he has a lot of things on his plate right now. but millions and millions of people involved in the political process for the first time who want to stay involved and help
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realize the progressive vision that bernie sanders articulated. so we will work with groups that formed during the course of the campaign. but people didn't have a lot of experience in politics. we will help support those groups at grass roots level and help support candidates for office including candidates to create a progressive bench going forward and involve people in reaching out on ballot initiatives around the country as well. >> so it is to people who did not really feel like they were part of the political process before are you essentially giving them like a primer on how to get involved, how to make a difference and promote candidate who might have been for instance more liberal than candidates that say the democratic party might be recruiting on a local level. >> what we find is that every year, every two years we elect congress people, every two years we elect senators. we need a progressive bench. we need people to experience local office and state office around the country so we have candidates who are prepared to run for congress and the u.s. senate who have experience, who
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have a relationship with voters in their communities. that's one of the things we will certainly be doing. >> let me preface this by saying this is not a judgment statement. i'm just asking if this is something that will happen. we have seen something happen more to republicans that we have seen happen to democrats which is they start to worry about getting primary heed on the right. do you think this will create a situation where democrats now start to worry about essentially the same thing being primaried on the left. >> i think what we found during the last election year is rank and file and democratic party moved in a much more progressive direction. many people thought and is part of the success of bernie sanders presidential campaign. i think we saw it even with hillary clinton supporters and people are much more progressive than people thought they were. the party has to respond to that and run candidates that reflect the base of the party which is like i said, moving in a much more progressive direction.
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donna brazile was here at cnn and moved over to the dnc and moving that party in a more democratic direction and having a 50-state strategy to build up the ranks of candidates. >> do you think there will be boys boisterousness. do you feel that is the new state of politics on the left that you would like to see? >> i think it was a great example of what could be accomplished. there was obviously very boisterous in the beginning but everybody came together in the end. i think the result was the progressive plat farm that democratic party created with the sanders campaign and clinton campaign and most progressive party platform in the history of democratic party and our job is to make sure that that document becomes a reality. that's part of what our goal is. >> actually, i want to ask you something about hillary clinton because she is under fire over questions about her family's foundation possible conflicts with her work. obviously you've had many opinions of hillary clinton over the course of the primary campaign and about some of the
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issues that she has face they'd felt were serious weaknesses. here is what senator sanders said about this issue during the campaign back in june. >> if you ask me about the clinton foundation, do i have a problem when a sitting secretary of state and foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from far end governments, governments which are dictatorships. you don't have a lot of civil liberties of democratic rights in saudi arabia. you don't have a lot of respect there for opposition point of you for gay rights for women's rights. do i have a problem with that? yeah, i do. >> you think it creates conflict of interest? >> i do. >> donald trump agrees with bernie sanders on this issue. what do you make of the foundation becoming again a bit of a liability and criticism point for hillary clinton? >> well, certain think is a
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criticism point. i think for many people. let me say this. we have a choice in this election. the choice is between hillary clinton and donald trump. when you look at issues that affect real people out in the real world and have you this one clip and bernd ran a campaign focused as you know and famous, i don't care about your damn e-mail line. he ran a campaign focused on issues that affect people's lives. are you going to have a job? are you going to have a job that pays well? are your kids going to college? do we have climate issues. these should be central to the general campaign. when you make that between hillary clinton and donald trump who want it give tax breaks to the rich, hates immigrant, thinks climate is a hoax. >> you're not taking a whack at hillary clinton on this. note that. thank you, jeff weaver. moments ago donald trump made an unexpected stop to tour a voter registration bus in tampa. reporters got in a question,
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take a look here. >> i had to come over here. come on. let's go inside. >> mr. trump, will you talk about minority outreach? mr. trump, what are you doing to reach out to minority voters? what are you doing to reach out to minority voters? you have been talking a lot about hispanics and african-americans. are you doing anything to reach out to them? [ inaudible ] >> and coming up, we are standing by for that trump rally starting any moment now in tampa. will he make another pitch to woo african-american and latino voters. live pictures here. we will go here next. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of, this is where my ancestors came from.
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donald trump is expected to take the live stage any moment. these are live pictures from the sunshine state. we will take you there when it gets going and trump is expected to keep the heat over hillary clinton over a press report about access to clinton when she was secretary of state from donors to the clinton foundation. the donors had an easier time getting the secretary's attention and time. >> it is impossible to figure out where the clinton foundation ends and the state department begins. it is now abundantly clear that the clintons set up a business to profit from public office. they sold access and specific actions by and really for, i guess, the making of large
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amounts of money. >> this is a woman who met with over 17,000 world leaders, countless other government officials. public fiofficials in the unite states. they looked at 185 meetings and tried to draw a conclusion to that. i think is one of the most massive representations you can see from the data. they are trying to ma line and implicate there is something nefarious going on when there wasn't. >> none of this is illegal. it is just that implication and the fact that it is being paid and that it is unstated. look, if you don't pay for that access, you don't get the access. >> here with me now, juana summers. as of today a new fellow at georgetown university institute of politics and public service. molly ball, political writer for the atlantic. and ryan lizza a washington correspondent for the new yorker. so let's try to get to the bottom of this when it comes to
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the foundation. you listen to donald trump and he says the clinton foundation is the most corrupt charity of all time, basically. then have you hillary clinton supporters, ryan, saying this is a charity that helps combat hiv aids and that without it people would die. where is the truth in here? >> yeah, look. and that has gotten lost in this. no doubt. and you just look at the independent charity watch dogs and what they say about the clinton foundation. and it is generally prized for its work. it has done great work all off the world. and it is surprising that the clinton foundation and clinton campaign hasn't done much of a job explaining that. on the other hand, when hillary clinton was first being looked at for secretary of the state, everyone that looked that new relationship between the obama administration and the clinton foundation said wait a second. there is a potential for the at least the appearance of a conflict of interest. and back then in 2009 the
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decision was okay make donations can h were previously private, make them public. and the foundation and obama administration had an understanding that laid that out. other people at the time were saying, that's not enough. she should disassociate herself completely. bill clinton should not be part of it. if you are a foreign entity, government or citizen that want it inflew enthe clinton state department, of course you will give money to the clinton foundation. so it's these two things. a foundation that did great things but also used by people to buy access to her. i think what is not proven yet is what trump said of that. that not only did they get access, which all politicians grant to their donors, but favors. >> and what it does is highlights something part of it is what happens on a daily basis, molly. like ryan said, donors get access to candidates. it is not illegal. it might be a little stinky.
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but it is on such a grand scale when you talk about something the size of the clinton foundation and of the clintons, right? just creating this kind of like, this doesn't smell quite right. >> yeah. it's gross. no secret that bill and hillary clinton both run in these circles of sort of the global financial and diplomatic elite. even if she weren't secretary of state, that the case. with her being former president and her former senator. but it is a conflict of interest on its face when her interest aught to be advancing our foreign policy in the world and donors off the interests are whatever their interests are and they can advance their interest in their perception by going to, as ryan said, the clinton foundation, which has its own interest. whether those interests are a very pure agenda of reducing poverty or whether there is something else going on as donald trump alleges. i don't think there is any efd the clintons were personally profiting in the way he alleges off of the charity that they were running. but it is a conflict of interest
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on its face. the obama administration knew that when hillary took the job app and i don't think enough was done to separate those two, or if it was even possible. >> how much is it a losing issue at this point for hillary clinton? sometimes, like ryan said, it doesn't seem that there is as much of a sponsor maybe it hasn't been robust enough initially to for her supporters to say look this charity does good work. that is obviously the message they want out there. to what -- how much has this been damaging, do you think, even to the foundation in this legalcy? >> sure. one thing is, if i were to go outside on the street and ask the average voter, what is the clinton foundation and what does it do, i would guess the average person doesn't know. we report on these issues from a day-to-day basis. so for a candidate that is historically low after favorables wz as does trump, and whether people see her as honest
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and trust worthiness, is the unknown. that could make it particularly damaging for donald trump and whether there was any impropriety. whether she has done anything actually wrong is less after question than what it looks like by the average voter who doesn't know the ifs and outs of this. >> what about speeches? some paid speeches. if donald trump is trying to make the case there is this tremendous personal gape and you don't see that in the foub dags, is he looking in the wrong place? what do you think, molly? >> i think the speeches are a big issue. i'm surprised it has taken this mo long for the clinton foundation to be an issue. i think part of that is that the trump campaign hasn't been particularly focused on prosecuting a case against hillary clinton in an organized and systematic way. the fact that this has become such an issue may be evidence that his new campaign team is doing a bet he job at driving messages about hillary clinton's untrust worthiness and about the
various involvements that she and her husband have had in various financial things. >> and politically the clinton campaign figures anything that is a sensitive subject will just go away in a couple of news cycles because donald trump won't be able to talk about something. he will say something outrageous and everyone will move on. if it sticks she will have to give a speech, defend it, defend the foundation's work and what it did. >> that's gamble. donald trump will steal the show but maybe not in this case, right? >> absolutely. we still have about 70-some-odd days until election day. anything could happen. i think to the point that ryan made earlier, it would make a response, and let people know of the good things and not just this contending. >> thank you so much. coming up, we are standing by for donald trump set to take the stage at rally in florida. you see there mayor rudy giuliani, live pictures ahead of donald trump. we will bring you this event
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in kabul, afghanistan. multiple injuries have been reported with at least one explosion and gunfire heard on campus. i want to bring in freelance journalist balal sarwari. sir, i want to let you and our viewers know we have about a four-second delay with you. we are up here against the ends of our show. this is such an important story and i want to get your update. but if i cut you off or it sounds like that, that is why. i'm not trying to be rude. we certainly want to get this information in. what have you been learning about what's happening in afghanistan? >> well, i've been able to speak to very close relative and many of my friends who are there and heard a very huge explosion when they were inside their classrooms followed by gunfire. in the last 20 minutes or so one of my relatives confirmed the attackers were tossing hand
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grenades. they had red balls. had he are definitely trying to carry this attack for the long haul. one of the attacker had maps of the university campus. in the last hour or so, at least 132 students and some members of the faculty have managed to escape from the american university. some of them jumping on the walls, going to people's homes. this is still an ongoing situation. members of the afghan special forces from the crisis response unit, a special forces unit that's trained to find attacks like this is on the ground, and as we speak, it's still an ongoing situation. but this is an attack on afghanistan's future. this is an attack on a symbol of american/afghan relationship since the fall of taliban, the united states of america have opened this university that is educating a future generation of afghan leaders. we're really seeing senior government officials, young men
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and women studying at the american university, but they're also running key government offices. i can also confirm that you to at least two american citizens have managed to escape from that attack and as you can imagine, most of the families are still worried. no one really believed that their sons and daughters could be at risk, especially when they are inside their classrooms. you can imagine how much panic there could be for the families of those who have traveled thousands of miles away to help the future generation of this country. >> balal sarwari there in afghanistan, describing to a terrifying scene, speaking to people inside there who say that the attackers have food, they have dates, they have red bulls, they appear to be in this for the long haul. thank you so much. that was a lot of information that we had not learned before. that is it for me. i'm back at 5:00 eastern on "the
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situation room" with more on that story. with our north american viewers, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts after this. be a veteran. i served in iraq in tikrit in 2009. when i took the ancestry dna test, i mean a few results came up that were really shocking. 11% of me comes from the part where i had served. we all come from such different backgrounds that you never know. get the deeper story of you at ancestry. get started for free at (vo) nutritional needs...og's all in one. purina one. healthy energy, all in one. strong muscles, all in one. highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. purina one smartblend is expertly blended... with 100% nutrition, 0% fillers,
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11:00 am
hi there, i'm brooke baldwin. you are watching cnn. let's get straight to the breaking news here out of afghanistan where we are watching these reports here of explosions and gunfire out of american university there in the capital city of kabul. at least five people have been injured. a police operation is set to launch very shortly searching this campus for any suspected attackers, gunmen. this is the very same university where just a couple weeks ago two lecturers were kidnapped at gunpoint right from their car. in fact, one of them was an american. so let's begin our coverage with
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