tv Wolf CNN August 25, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> he wants to go to college. the school is not confirming. >> you and i will continue this at another date. we are watching this live event, donald trump, we have to make sure we don't miss when he comes out. we are awaiting a lot of important comments from donald trump on immigration. making big, big news this week. he's also reaching out to african-americans and hispanics. what will he say from this live podium as it happens. brianna keilar stepping in for wolf. she's picking up the coverage. i'm brianna keilar in for wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. in washington. thank you for joining us. up first donald trump ratchets up the rhetoric against hillary clinton when it comes to minority voters. with less than 75 days and counting until election day. >> hillary clinton is a bigot
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who sees people of color, only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future. >> hillary clinton fired back in a phone interview with cnn's anderson cooper. >> donald trump has shown us who he is, and we ought to believe him. he is taking a hate movement mainstream. he's brought it into his campaign. he's bringing it to our communities and our country. >> donald trump will speak this hour at a rally in manchester, new hampshire. we will bring those remarks to you live. right now cnn's jason carroll is there. hillary clinton will give a speech today in reno, nevada. that's where our maeve reston is. jason, on immigration, this pressing issue that dram is going to be addressing what soon. he's now suggesting he would let some undocumented immigrants stay in the country after saying for months they had to go. what is the campaign saying, and are we likely to hear more about
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that today? >> reporter: we are likely to hear about it here. we heard about it in mississippi and before that in austin as well. there has been -- some call it a shift, some call it a change, a softening of his position, initially calling for some 11 million undocumented workers to be deported. now that may not necessarily be the case. his campaign chairwoman speaking out about this earlier today trying to define exactly what trump's position. >> nothing has changed in terms of the policies. i also think we should all give him credit for saying that when it comes to the 11 million, a, enforce the laws. you wouldn't believe, chris, how much of a change, quickly, if you actually enforce the laws that are not being enforced. number two, he wants to find a u quote, his words, fair and humane way of dealing with them and, quote, he doesn't want to cause people harm. that's leadership.
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that's presidential. >> reporter: what's interesting about this, brianna, we've been listening to people in the crowd talk about this. one man is a first generation from italy said that if donald trump softens his position in any way, he feels he's going lose votes. another man came up and overheard that and said i believe donald trump needs some wiggle room here in order to be able to really deal with this particular issue. as you know, we're expecting to hear from donald trump next week on this very same issue when he delivers that policy speech later next week. brianna. >> is he going to continue to focus more now on minority voters and outreach to african-american and hispanic voters? >> reporter: the campaign has made it very clear that the trump campaign is going to continue to reach out to communities of color. critics have questioned that in terms of the language that he's used and the places where he's chosen to make these statements
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whenever he gets these speeches in predominantly white communities. critics have targeted trump on that. the campaign says, look, this is a man who is trying to reach out to these communities. he deserves credit for that when other members of the gop have failed to do so. >> maeve, we know hillary clinton in her speech today -- this is all about the alt white, talking about white nationalism, white supreme sichl, trying to link donald trump with this. she gave a bit of a preview in her conversation with anderson cooper. >> someone who has questioned the citizenship of the first african-american president, courted white supremacist, who has been sued for housing discrimination against communities of color, who attacked a judge for his mexican hair raj and promised a mass deportation force is someone who is very much peddling bigotry,
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prejudice and paranoia. >> maeve, she is trying to make sure that voters associate donald trump with his most extreme supporters. >> reporter: absolutely. what she's trying to do is reframe the conversation this week back on to donald trump. she wants this election to be a referendum on donald trump. obviously there's been a lot of attention this week to the clinton foundation and their donors. here in reno she's going to be talking about the alt right movement. she had an opening because steve bannon, the chairman of breitbart news came in as trump's ceo in the recent campaign shakeup. she's going to make the case here that he's really embracing these fringe elements of the conservative movement. she put out a web video just a short time ago showing clan members praising donald trump. she's going to talk a lot about
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how his ideas and over time from the birther controversy onward, have really been out of step with mainstream republican values. clearly this is part of her outreach to those more moderate voters who are alarmed by donald trump's rhetoric, and she'll try to reframe that conversation here today. >> she's also trying to reach out to black and hispanic voters. donald trump has recently been making a pitch for this, but she's going to be doing this, right? >> reporter: she certainly is. donald trump has had some flubbed attempts over the last couple weeks reaching out to african-american and hispanic voters. hillary clinton is going to make the case here today that a lot of the rhetoric surrounding his campaign is -- has racist overtones, white nationalist overtones. so she's going to be trying to lock down that base and make sure that none of that support
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goes to donald trump. >> maeve reston, jason carroll, thanks to both of you. let's talk more about today's objectives for the campaigns and the other big issues they're battling over. joining me cnn political director david chalian, amy stoddard, associate editor from realclearpoliti realclearpolitics, and david cat niece, senior whiter for "u.s. news and world report." let's start with donald trump's latest attack on hillary clinton. a lot of folks may not have seen this speech. the one thing they've taken away from it is donald trump called hillary clinton a bigot. how is that playing for donald trump at this point? >> i think this is part of the overall struggle we've seen in tone. donald trump himself had a conversation with "the new york times" about tone and changing the tone and how to deal with that and being more scripted or not. this is not a new line of attack. he has been saying for weeks that hillary clinton engages in
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bigotry. now he made the word bigot. >> stronger now. >> i don't think the attack is new, but yes, it's a stronger use of language. i think donald trump is going to constantly balance himself as we go forward in trying to sort of stick to a fundamental attack on hillary clinton day in and day out and trying not to get distracted by these kinds of things. sometimes he will slip up. listen, he's made no indication that he regrets the use of that word or wants to take it weigh back. >> what is he trying to do? >> he's trying to be donald trump and he likes being outrageous. he thinks being presidential is really dull. at the same time he's using a teleprompter every time he makes a public appearance, using a script and better written speeches every time he's in public, he likes to do these off-the-cuff remarks. anyone who learned about this comment on the internet knows the woman behind him to the
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left, her eyes almost popped out of her head. while he's doing this outreach to african-americans and latino voters, supposed to calm down the white women who voted for mitt romney, he's probably risking losing them by calling her a bigot at the same time. >> he's becoming a more conventional candidate in this respect. he's being pulled in two directions because he's losing. i think he's not sure what to do. you have this new campaign leadership in with kellyanne conway who i think is trying to soften him, although in "the new york times" interview he says, i still like my old rallies where they didn't have me on script. you've got him saying hillary clinton is a bigot. i don't think that's an argument anyone believes. he's talking to the people in the room, 40% of the people with him. you can say she's untrustworthy, lax integrity. i think it's hard to convince people that hillary clinton is a bigot. i think that makes it an ineffective attack, an attack just playing to his base. >> his softer message has been
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how has she served you african-american voters, hispanic voters. >> a fine point to make. >> that's not what he said in this very strong word he used. you have hillary clinton questioning donald trump on immigration. he was supposed to give a speech this week. it's now this week. it's very clear he has some big changes. his campaign, they're saying, no, there's no changes which is basically washington code for, yeah, there's big changes there. so hillary clinton has been questioning this softening on immigration. she spoke with anderson keerp about it. >> donald trump is indicating he would allow some illegal immigrants to remain in the country. early on he talked about 11 million undocumented immigrants, they have to get out. the good ones can come back in, in his words. he's told fox news he would work with people if they paid backtaxes. he said that's not amnesty, they wouldn't get a path to citizenship. what do you make of this shift
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if this is his policy moving forward? >> my understanding is the comment you just referred to is the third different position he took yesterday on immigration. somebody told him, i guess the latest people he's consulting, how damaging his statements have been, how terrible his deportation plan is, how offensive his views on immigrants have been from the very first day of his campaign. he's trying to do kind of a shuffle here. but i think we need to look at the entire concept. do we need to believe him when he bullies and threatens to throw out every immigrant in the country. certainly when he changes his position three times in one day, it sends a message that it's just a desperate effort to try to land somewhere that isn't as devastating to his campaign as
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his comments and position haves been up until now. >> donald trump saying no amnesty, but we'll work with him. this is different, starkly different from "they've got to go." >> no amnesty as such, i think is what the terminology was. listen, this has been the debate over this issue inside the conservative movement for quite some time. what defines amnesty? legal status or citizenship? in many peep's minds, ted cruz's included, others in the conservative movement, what donald trump is describing is amnesty. so he's still going to need to explain why it isn't, if he's not going to call it that because legal status is precisely the position jep bush had, that john kasich had, that donald trump was arguing against. so this is a really big shift that will require more education. >> it does seem that a lot of
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conservatives believe, if you stay in the country in some way, if you're undocumented, you're allowed to say even if you're, quote, unquote, processed in some way, accounted for, that is amnesty. i talked to a republican congressman who is a supporter of donald trump and he was describing in his district how it's essential to have undocumented immigrants who account for a lot of the agricultural labor. he was talking about a rhetorical deportation of people coming in and being processed. i said, i don't think that's what donald trump has been talking about. >> this was the problem for marco rubio after he was involved in an immigration bill that passed the senate and couldn't go through the house. it was a huge problem for him in the primary campaign for president among conservatives who think that any permission to stay, and donald trump is talking about pay to stay. you're going to pay some fees and we'll work with you. >> backtaxes. >> anything is a reward for breaking the law. that's the way it's seen.
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they don't care how many taxes you'll pay. the minute you get to stay, you're being rewarded for breaking the law. >> what happens to his support, david, if he is seen as flip-flopping on this? does anything happen to the support he has from folks who are diehard donald trump supporters? >> i'm not sure we can say it would affect that like it did marco rubio and it would have jeb bush if he would have done this. this is an obvious flip-flop. let's call it what it is. he has flip-flopped on this. i think we as reporters have underestimated donald trump's support tied to personality more than issues. if you go to his rallies, people say, well, he says crazy things, he won't implement that, he won't go that far, even after the muslim ban. they like the theatrics and like he's willing to push boundaries, and i think donald trump's rise to the candidacy is more a tribute to his personality and willing to shun and shatter
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political correctness than tied to any one position. so i don't know if he would pay a price for this. he hasn't flipped, by the way, completely. he said he's still weighing this and will have more on it. >> i think you might be right. i do think his hard core supporters certainly have this appeal, this cult of personality. no doubt about that. but this also was, and i don't know if we'll see support peel away. this was the fundamental issue, this was the underpinning of his candidacy. this is what created space for him through his cult of personality to actually drive through the republican nomination process. if he had this position on june -- in june of 2015 when he launched his candidacy, even with the personality it was, i think it would have been much, much harder for him to get where he got. >> where do his supporters go to this point? he's hamering hillary clinton more and more, trying to make it a referendum about her more than anything. where the those people go?
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do they stay home? i don't think so. i think they're pretty loyal to trump and the brand and they'll stay with him. >> i want you to listen to something donald trump just said. he is in this meeting where he's concentrating on african-american and hispanic voter outreach, he just said this. >> a very important focal point to the speeches themselves, talking about the little work that's been done by the democrats for african-americas.s they've been very disrespectful, as far as i'm concerned, to the african-american population in this country. we're making it a very important part of our speeches and our process -- >> the crux of what he is saying, the important part is where he says dem craocrats hav been disrespectful to african-americans. you're hearing this from donald trump, from his surrogates. they're saying, look, you have cities like baltimore, like
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detroit that are run by democrats and how has it served the people of those cities. where does that take him? does that broaden his support? >> that's a great argument. if he had started with it, he would be somewhere now with that argument. talking to white crowds ten weeks before the election about how people who are not in the room and whose neighborhoods he's never visited on the campaign should just throw their support for democrats and support him because their lives are so ghastly, they literally, quote, have nothing left to lose. that's how he describes their life, they can't walk down the street without being shot. it would have been a strong message. it's a case republicans should have been making for a long time, what has it gotten you, the democratic policies. this is mott the hour and this is not the way. >> a.b., david, david, thank you so much. donald trump will join anderson cooper tonight on a.c. 360. you can look for it at 8:00 p.m.
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eastern on cnn. at any moment donald trump is going to be speaking at a rally in manchester, new hampshire, this is a day after he's called hillary clinton a bigot. hillary clinton's press secretary will join me next to respond. before taking his team to state for the first time... gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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we have breaking news, an incident between the u.s. navy and the iranian navy, a close call with warning shots fired. cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr is at the pentagon. tell us the latest. we're just getting this information in, barbara. >> we're just getting this in. u.s. officials are telling cnn there was a very serious incident with the iranian army yesterday. this is one day after the video everyone saw of a different incident. but yesterday in the northern end of the arabian gulf there was an iranian fast attack craft that came out into the water and began harassing two u.s. navy ships and a kuwaiti navy ship. the iranians we're told were circling the navy ships, were coming close, they would not leave. at one point they came within 200 yards of one of the u.s.
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navy patrol craft. the navy, following standard maritime procedure, tried to call the iranian ship. they got no answer initially, they fired flares. they did then have, a u.s. official says, a brief radio-to radio conversation with the iranians. still the iranians did not leave. at that point we are told this u.s. navy patrol craft, the u.s.s. squall, then made the decision and fired three warning shots into the water to warn the iranian to pay attention and to back off. this is standard maritime procedure for the u.s. navy. it rarely happens. it has happened in the past. but this is standard procedure when a u.s. navy ship feels threatened and that threat does not back off. that is really the last resort before you take lethal action. you fire warning shots into the water. so just yesterday three warning
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shots fired at the iranians. this comes one day after that video that we all saw that four iranian ships, again, revolutionary guard corps ships came out and harassed another u.s. navy ship. perhaps the bottom line here is to note that the u.s. believes these iranian boats belong to the iranian revolutionary guard corps. this is one of the most militant arms of the military service in eye rain. this is not the regular navy. there's always concern that these maritime forces of iran that are doing this are not under the central control of the government and there's always concern that things can get out of hand. the u.s. navy yesterday taking the action to fire warning shots and tell them to back off. >> really taking it to the brink. we know you'll continue to look into details. barbara starr at the pentagon, thank you for that report. now turning back to
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politics. you are looking now at live pictures of the donald trump rally in manchester, new hampshire. he is a little overdo. we're expecting donald trump to take the stage any moment. hillary clinton will be speaking from reno late they are afternoon. we will also bring that to you when that happens. during clinton's speech in reno, she is expected to attack donald trump. she will specifically call him out for his support that he's getting from the so-called alt right. that is shorthand for extremist right wing political philosophies, things like white supremacy, white nationalism. brian fallon is the press secretary at the hillary for america headquarters in brooklyn. tell us about this speech, brian, and how she's going to be linking trump to the alt right. >> well, brianna, from his earliest days in business donald trump in the 1970s was someone
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actually sued by the justice department for refusing to rent apartments to african-americans in new york city, and in the years since we've seen a troubling pattern of donald trump when it came to, for instance, questioning the legitimacy of the first african-american president, by engaging in the theory of birtherism. in this campaign he's responded with a wink and a nod to support from white supremacist groups. yesterday on david duke's radio show he and his guests were talking about how donald trump's candidacy represents the takeover by white nationalists of the republican party. this is extremely troubling. with the elevation of steve bannon from breitbart to the top of donald trump's campaign, it represents the fact that donald trump is putting this hate movement front and center in his campaign. it is dangerous for this to be happening in 2016. she's going to call it out today in nevada. >> do you worry, though, she could turn off some people who think she is basically saying to
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them, hey, if you support donald trump you're a racist, you're with white supremacist when they may have reasonable call s about supporting her? >> i think, brianna, you're actually seeing a movement amid republicans and independents who are rejecting donald trump for this reason. is someone who began his campaign by calling mexican american rapists, just a few weeks ago questioned the integrity of a federal judge based on his mexican american heritage. >> you don't worry about people feeling lumped in with white supremacists just because they don't want to vote for hillary clinton? >> i think there's a very clear solution here. donald trump should renounce the white supremacist elements that are supporting his campaign. then he could make it very clear that his campaign doesn't abide that, it doesn't condone it. instead, he is consistently very reluctantly, only after being pressed several times did he suggest he might not vote for
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david duke if he was on the ballot running for office, and in multiple other occasions he's coyly responded to when he's confronted about the fact on the support he receives from white nationalists. just the other day in "the washington post," a racialist, another euphemistic term. >> reporter: responded favorably to the ad the trump campaign has run. there's been a lot of talk in the last couple days about a softening in the approach donald trump might take on immigration. look at the ad he's running in five different states. it is donald trump at his most hate-filled in terms of demonizing immigrants and muslims. latino voters in florida, that's the ad they're seeing. >> i want to talk to you about her e-mails, something she talked to anderson cooper last night. here is what she said. >> i've been asked many, many questions in the past year about e-mails. and what i've learned is when i try to explain what happened, it
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can sound like i'm trying to excuse what i did. and there are no excuses. i want people to know that the decision to have a single e-mail account was mine. i take responsibility for it. i've apologized for it. i would certainly do differently if i could. >> brian, this may have been her most succinct attempt at responding to the e-mail. but a lot of people got to this point where they're listening to it saying, oh, she should have said this before. this is all right. then she gets to the point where she says my decision to have a single e-mail account, and they go what? why did you put it that way? it's not just about a single e-mail account. it's about a private server housed in her basement, a very different situation that any other secretary of state has d had. >> brianna, wouldn't parse it that finally. i think she meant to refer to all of it. she meant the decision to use a
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single account for both work and personal e-mails, she means the server arrangement in her home. she means all of it. yes, i do think last night in the words that she used she conveyed an unmitigated expression of regretted for all of this. i think this is what she's been trying to convey all along. i've been in this position, too, of answering questions from you and others. when we try to provide facts or try to explain her state of mind as to what was going on in 2009 when she made this decision, it can sound like we're trying to excuse it. what she wanted to convey to anderson cooper last night and what i want to convey today, she takes responsibility for it, considers it a huge mistake and would never do it again. >> but why doesn't she say those words. i heard you say server. why doesn't she say that? >> i think that's completely what she meant to convey. if anderson would have asked the follow up if she meant the server, too, she would have said yes. >> this is a different topic. you have come up by name with
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donald trump's campaign manager kellyanne conway. here is what she said. >> i'm glad we're back in her head that. is goal number one. i'm glad we're there. her spokesman, brian fallon said, hey, if you don't like her, don't vote for her. wow, he basically told the majority of americans that say they don't like her and don't trust her, they don't have to vote for her. he basically did my job by 8:00 this morning. your response, brian. >> this is another lie from the trump campaign. they've twisted my words. what i said was given all the facts of the questions being asked about the foundation and whether the foundation should continue if hillary clinton wins the presidency, my point was, if anyone is so bothered by the foundation's continued work on issues like providing hiv/aids drugs throughout the developing world, if they think those programs continuing is a hin rans to them voting for her, we understand that and can deal with that and accept that. we think that's important work that should continue.
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>> i don't think anyone is really taking issue with that work, brian. that is good work. you're talking about half of the people in the world receiving aids hiv -- i mean adults receiving aids hiv medication get it through this. three-quarters of the kids who need it get it. i don't think anybody is quibbling with that. i wonder why you put it that way. more importantly i wonder, these adjustments are being made should she win the white house. this is a reflection that the campaign is well aware that there is a perception problem. but they've known that -- those close to hillary clinton have known it for years. so why is it only this point? isn't that a little irresponsible to not have done it sooner knowing that this was going to be an issue, especially with some of this work that is done that is, as you outlined, important? >> brianna, just to take your first point first, the reason why i'm making that point is, sure, everyone can say, of course, we support the work of providing hiv/aids drugs to
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people, and then they move on to continue to criticize the foundation. well, these things are all -- >> criticizing the foundation is not saying you don't want people or raising questions about the foundation is not saying you don't want people to get aids medication. >> actually these things are interconnected. let me explain what i mean. in 2009 when hillary clinton became the secretary of state, they imposed unprecedented, rigorous limitations on the foundation's work, including the sources of funding that the foundation would accept going forward. that absolutely constrained the work of providing hiv/aids drugs throughout the developing world. those sources of funding were contributing to that very cause. so when the foundation ju unilaterally decides that going forward they will constrict the sources of funding that they can rely on in terms of donations that flow into foundation, it absolutely affects the work of providing hiv/aids drugs. these decisions aren't made in a vacuum. they actually do have a consequence. yet, despite that fact they took very rigorous steps in 2009, and
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when she declared she was running for president, they went further. now they're voluntarily submitting to a bunch of new restrictions if she wins the presidency in november. all of this is going to have side effects and consequences in terms of the work that goes on. what we're trying to do is strike the right balance, trying to allow the work to continue to the maximum extent possible while also guarding against the appearance of any conflict of interest. we are committed to allowing a certain amount of that activity to continue because we think it's so important. the people that say that the foundation should shut down or completely spin off, that will have consequences if it happens. all we're pointing to is the fact that this is not -- these things are not being made in a vacuum, these decisions. you have to deal with the unintended consequences of the people that won't be held if certain aspects of the foundation's work did not continue. >> brian fallon with the clinton campaign. thanks so much forgiving us your time. open invitation to come on any time, and i mean that.
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roundtable with young african-americans and latinos training to become republican leaders. he told the group and reporters his efforts to reach out to minority communities is working. >> we were just talking about the fact that we had great relationships and the numbers are going up with the african-american community rapid rapidly. i've always had great relationships with the african-american community. and now i've made it such a focal point. >> joining us to talk about donald trump's minority outreach is paris denard, a republican political commentator and donald trump supporter. we have marc lamont hill, cnn political commentator and professor at morehouse college. paris, you have critics of donald trump, and they're saying this appeal to african-american voters and hispanic voters, that it's not about that, that it's about making, for instance, white voters, people having a hard time deciding who they want to vote for and maybe they're
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not keen on either candidate, it's about making them feel that donald trump is a little more inclusive. what do you say to that? >> brianna, with all due respect, the only time i hear that narrative comes from the media. i don't hear anybody in the community, i don't hear people really intent on voting for mr. trump or have an open mind about voting for mr. trump have this conversation. just today i was speaking the a young woman, a millennial african-american, card-carrying independent. she says i'm listening to mr. trump, if he gives me more policy, i could vote for him because i don't trust hillary clinton. this outreach effort is significant, real and it's working. >> marc, what do you say to that? is it significant, real and working? >> well, working would be measured by poll numbers. when you look in cities where literally zero percent or 1% of black people are voting for donald trump -- >> 3% in north carolina. >> 3% is a heck of a number. if you're in a southern state,
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traditionally a red state and you can only get 3% of black voters when people like george bush have gotten 6, 8. >> 11. >> you raising the number only enhances my point. george bush who most black folk don't view as a racially sensitive president -- >> that's false. >> i didn't interrupt you. let me finish. if bush got 11% and trump is getting 3%, if you're getting quadrupled by george w. bush, that's not a good sign. the more substantive question, is there a policy agenda that actually speaks to the needs of african-american people. so far the people i've spoken to on the ground as well as my actual analysis to his policy to the extent he's offered it, suggests there's nothing there that speaks to black or brown people. i agree with what many republicans say, that black people shouldn't feel indebted to the democratic party. we can't just vote against democrats. we need something to vote for. >> you also hear this point,
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marc, over and over again where you have, rerecently, from donald trump, but i have talked to some analysts who say it's a wonder that donald trump didn't make this point sooner, looking at cities like baltimore and detroit and saying, okay, look, you have elected officials who are democrats and that's not going very well for you. donald trump takes that a step further and says what the hell do you have to lose. but just to the point of how democrats in these cities are serving their constituents, what do you say to that, marc? >> when you look at urban centers, whether it's ferguson, baltimore, philadelphia, we could point to failures and certainly say democratic machine and democratic machine politics have dominated those cities for decades. i think democrats have not done us favors. i'm saying democrats should shoulder a big weight of the blame. but there's also federal policy, top-down policy, policy that's not leftist at all.
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while we meade to hold democrats accountable, we can't assume replacing democrats with republicans will solve the problem. we can't assume replacing barack obama with donald trump will yield better policy where donald trump's world view and vision for america is incompatible with the prosperity of block and brown people. >> paris, why does donald trump address black voters in front of basically only white voters? >> i don't work for the campaign, so i can't tell you why they choose what venues they choose to go to. >> then let me rephrase that. should he do it that way or not? >> i think, if i were in the campaign, i would advise him to go to a black organization or a black event or organize one hymn self. >> like naacp. >> i don't know if the naacp is the right one. he could go to the thurgo marshl college fund or what he did
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today. what's more important is he has a message. the venue doesn't matter to me. what matters is the message, what matters is what he's saying. he q go to a television audience and have a broader reach than going to a small church. the point is, he's been meeting with african-americans -- >> let me challenge you on that. he's had event where you have a lot of black pastors supporting him. so why not go to a black church. i know you're saying a broader reach. the point that trump supporters make over and over that whatever he does ends up on television so his reach is very broad. i'm thinking, if he goes to a black church and there's 40 people there, how is that not a broad reach in showing a good faith effort at outreach? >> i think the narrative that is out there that mr. trump has not done black events or events in the community is false. he's met several times with african-american pastors. just recently auxiliary groups like the national coalition for
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trump and women for trump just had an event in virginia, i believe, or north carolina at a black church. they're having events all over the country. >> that he attended? >> that surrogates attended. >> exactly. here is the problem -- >> no, no, let me finish. mr. trump has met repeatedly with african-american leaders for a series of meetings over the years. he's done that. >> over the years, he wasn't running for president. he's only been the no, ma'am nae for a matter of months. >> had a meeting this morning at 10:00 arm. meeting this morning at 10:00 a.m. with african-american and hispanic leaders. >> let me finish the point. you said he doesn't need to meet with naacp. when he wanted to shows support, he went with apac. he's going to talk to the nra crowd, go to big audiences to shore up his base. for some reason, when he wants to talk to black people, he
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sends surrogates, sends the 13 or 14 people in his diversity council for him. >> it isn't 13 or 14. >> i'm big hyperbolic. part of his strategy is to not be seen around black people. >> he was with black people today. he was with black people today. he's with diverse people today. this narrative that mr. trump is anti black or anti minority is false. >> that's not what i just said. you're saying the talking point before i make the argument. what i'm saying is part of donald trump's strategy is to play to a base that is hostile to black audiences, to organizations like the ncaa, to organizations like the coming black caucus. part of why donald trump doesn't want to meet with the congressional black caucus or the naacp, wouldn't sit down with an interview with b.e.t. which i've invited him to do many times is because he doesn't want to be seen in those audiences because that plays to
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his base. that's what he's trying to do here. speaking the a couple of black people here and there, meeting with his diversity council with the 12 or 15 or 100 black veeter who decided the trump line was shorter o -- >> that's just offensive. >> gentlemen, i have to leave it there for time. i would love to continue this conversation. paris denard, mark lemont hill, thank you so much. "ac 360" tonight, donald trump interviewed by anderson cooper. i keep saying this, we really mean this. he's about to take the stage in new hampshire. should happen in new hampshire. we're awaiting this after he suggested he would let some undocumented immigrants stay in the u.s. what's he going to say about that? we'll bring you his speech live. the girl who beat the odds. a young child found alive beneath the rubble of a powerful earthquake in italy. we have a remarkable story and
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the rescue efforts under way as aftershocks rock the region. du. and aunt susan was a a world champion. i inherited their can-do spirit. and their double chin. now, i'm going to do something about it. kybella® is the first of its kind injectable treatment that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. kybella® is an fda-approved non-surgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness... or a bit more. don't receive kybella® if you have an infection in the treatment area. kybella® can cause nerve injury in the jaw resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness, and trouble swallowing. tell your doctor about all medical conditions, including if you: have had or plan to have surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; have had or have medical conditions in or near your neck or have bleeding problems. tell your doctor about all medicines you take. the most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness
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turning now to central italy where there is a race against time. rescue crews are combing through rubble searching for survivors of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake, and it is scenes like this that are giving them hope. [ shouts and applause ] >> that is a 10-year-old girl being pulled out alive to rousing cheers. she is, of course, one of the lucky ones. this earthquake has claimed the lives of at least 250 people so far.
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senior international correspondent frederik pleitgen is in one of the hardest hit areas, talking about amatrice, italy. fred, you have experienced these aftershocks. i know that these are severe. >> reporter: yeah, they certainly are absolutely severe. it is one of the things about this region that the people here know that it is on the faultline, that it is very prone to earthquakes. when you have a big earthquake like the one two days ago, that you are going to have severe aftershocks. we certainly felt that today. one tremor was just very, very intense. we all almost fell to the ground. buildings here started shaking. in fact, one building here in the town of amatrice that had already been damaged by the earthquake then completely collapsed. needless to say, search and rescue workers are very much at work in many of these places still searching for those survivors. all of them in fear as well. they then had to get out of that area as fast as possible. it is one of the things that really hampers rescue efforts.
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we later found out that that aftershock in itself was magnitude 4.1. that's a big problem that the search and rescue crews here have right now. but they are by no means giving up. you are right, seems like that rescue of that 10-year-old girl is certainly something that boosts morale here, especially in amatrice. this town alone has seen two-thirds of the deaths from this earthquake. nevertheless, rescue crews here have worked overnight all night last night. i think you can see behind me that we are sort of losing daylight here now in europe. they are going to do another overnight shift as well and they say they still have hope they may find some people underneath the rubble that may still be alive. of course, they know that that hope is dwindling with every single minute that goes by. it is those first 72 hours that are key. they believe that people who may be stuck in some crevice or gap in the rubble may be able to survive longer than 72 hours. but chances are certainly
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dwindling as they are running, racing against the clock. >> thank you for that report, fred pleitken from amatrice, italy. and that is it for me. we are standing by for a donald trump rally. he landed in new hampshire a short time ago. you can see here on these live pictures the stage is set. we'll bring that to you live. a programming note -- donald trump will be anderson cooper's guest tonight on "ac 360." tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. news continues after a quick break. i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you.
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11:00 am
hi there, i'm brooke baldwin and you are watching cnn on this thursday. thank you so much for being with me. we have a lot to talk about in the next two hours, specifically two very important people we are going to be listening to live, two very different stories here on both the left and right hand sides of your screen. we are watching and waiting for donald trump. he will be first to take the podium on the left side in manchester, new hampshire any moment now. just a little while later, his democratic rival, hillary clinton will speak to the crowd theren
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