tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 30, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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time, anywhere on cnn go and i'll see you back tomorrow night. "a.c. 360" starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us and believe it or not some possible signs of a very intelligent, very advanced civilization elsewhere in the universe is part of the program tonight. we begin, however, with politics here at home. donald trump get being ready to mack a big speech laying out his immigration policy with so many people asking okay, what was that thing you've been camp calling on now for more than a ye year. donald trump jr. says there's no change and no softening, all undo you meaned immigrants have to go it was breaking news and revelations about how his dad is preparing for the presidential debates. jorge ramos is also here. the clinton e-mail story, the fbi about to make public the details of what led them to recommend against criminal charges in the case. it's a big primary race tonight for very big names and arizona senator john mccain in florida and marco rubio who also made
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news by declining to say whether he'd finish his term if elected and the poll his close in florida and cnn's manu raju is there. what's at stake and we don't have results just yet. >> florida has become ground zero for the battle for control of the senate which is why republican leaders urged lobbied marco rubio to run for the senate seat and he ultimately did. what rubio wants to see tonight say large margin of victory and that will be critical for him tonight and he wants to see a 20-point loss that he suffered from donald trump in the presidential primary and said that he has got the republicans behind him and now he can take the case to moderate voters and independent voters here in the state. two other races to keep watch for tonight, anderson. one, debbie wasserman schultz, the former dnc chairwoman who has come under criticism for her handling that race by bernie sanders and his supporters that she was tilting the scales to help hillary clinton. she's facing a spirited challenge from a man named tim
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canoba backed by bernie sanders for his florida house seat and a member of congress and democrats are trying to find the candidate to go after carlos carbello. he's one of the most vulnerable house ep reps and the question is whether or not democrats get their candidate to face them in november and a lot on the line in florida. >> manu, in the last couple of weeks we've seen rubio and mccain embrace donald trump. >> that will be the key question going forward particularly for john mccain. remember, he needs hispanic voters assuming he wins his primary tonight and he needs hispanic voters that have been put off by donald trump's rhetoric. at the same time he needs donald trump's supporters in his state. arizona is another state that donald trump won rather handily. marco rubio and john mccain navigating the crosscurrents between folks who don't like donald trump and the donald
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trump supporters who may be skeptical of republican senators running for reelection. >> we'll obviously bring you the latest results from arizona and florida as we get them tonight. donald trump gearing up for tomorrow night's immigration speech preparing as we hear for the first debate and dealing with the backlash from another campaign surrogate said as well as language from his campaign ceo. we'll talk about all of that tonight. cnn's jim acosta has the latest on his speech and joins us now with that. what can we expect to hear? >> anderson, it sounds like you will hear a hardening of donald trump's softening position on immigration that he talked about last week when you talk to top aides and i have on this. the emphasis on this speech will be on the wall that donald trump has promised on the u.s.-mexico border. the senior adviser stressed trump is serious about building an actual wall and not a virtual wall as some surrogates were suggesting earlier this week and the campaign manager kellyanne conway was asked on a program what's more important? the wall or what to do with the 11 million or so undocumented?
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the she said the wall. also, anderson, there is a component in this point that we haven't talked about very much for ending sanctuary cities that provide protection of unauthorized immigrants and we'll hear a lot of contrast for hillary clinton's immigration plan. clinton is being challenged by kellyanne conway and others to defend her immigration proposals at a news conference and that is something that hillary clinton has not done for nine months now, anderson? >> do we know how large a role donald trump has had in writing this speech? >> yes. he is absolutely involved and trump's approximately see team, i am told, is working on this speech and there's been influence from trump himself. conway said as much today. after all, anderson, this is donald trump's signature issue and he has to be careful about this. he has to try to attract suburban middle-class voters and perhaps even latinos that manu was talking about that have been turned off by this rhetoric that donald trump has been using
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while not losing his base and these are high stakes for donald trump tonight. >> jorge ramos will join us shortly and he has strong opinions on whether or not donald trump can court larger numbers of latinos in the united states. again, listening to trump surrogate spokespeople it has been hard to get a clear picture of just what donald trump would do as president when it comes to the signature issue of his campaign. the founding issue, and we know about the wall and what about those 11 million undocumented workers? the candidate had a hint at softening and we've heard him deny it and campaign officials deny it and is there a campaign reassessment at all? tomorrow we'll learn what the bottom line is and tonight we got hints of it from donald trump jr. >> tomorrow, your dad is giving a big speech on immigration. a, have you seen the speech? do you know what it is? have you talked to him about it? if so, is there going to be more clarity on what his policy is? >> it is going to be more clear and they're finalizing aspects of it now and they'll continue to lay out things in the coming
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weeks and months as that expands. you will see more detail and you will see the fundamental principles and we have to secure our border. we have to start implementing an e-ve e-verify system and we have to let i.c.e. do their jobs some of this isn't rocket science and they are laws that have been in the books for years and these guys are basically told they can't do that. we have to have baby steps first. we have to let i.c.e. do their jobs and we have to do this for the benefit of the american people. >> your dad was very clear during the primaries about his policy. obviously, build a wall, have mexico pay for it, go after the criminals and the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are here. they've got to go. good ones can come back and it will be done humanely and there will be a deportation force. he's trying to focus more on build a wall the e-verify and go after the criminals and now we're hearing from someone from the campaign just the other day, on the 11 million, we'll figure
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that out down the road. is there going to be more clarity on that tomorrow? >> the 11 million is one thing, but when you take out, again, the criminals, when you take out the people that have committed felonies and send them back home. that's actually millions of people and that's a big portion of that group and without doing that, everything else is irrelevant. you have to take those steps first. >> jeb bush's policy and there were other republican policies and your father has acknowledged that under obama they've been deporting an awful lot of people. i guess what people -- and you know this better than anyone, what has concerned particularly republicans particularly in the last week or so is some of your dad's statements about softening -- >> anderson, i was there because you're referring to the hannity thing. i was there with him and i did the segment for the next day five minutes after that. he wasn't softening on anything. he didn't change his stance on anything and what he did and what he's done all along is he's speaking with the people and he's not lecturing like most of the politicians and he basically surveyed the room and asked what
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are your thoughts and i want to take into account what the people think unlike our opponent who contribute millions and millions to her campaign. he's having a conversation with the people of this country and he's giving them a voice. he asked an opinion. he didn't say my policy has now changed. the media will run with it however they want and that's not what happened and i was in the room. >> it did seem to some viewers who we talked to that it seemed like he's polling the room. he's not quite sure what has policy is. >> he was asked for an opinion. his policy has been the same for the last -- >> he still says deport. they've all got to go. >> wow have to start with baby steps and let i.c.e. do their job and you have to eliminate sanctuary cities and you have to get rid of the criminals and secure the border. >> these are common sense things, and soerson and things t every other country around the world has done. perhaps europe is the best example of that right now. >> baby steps.
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plenty to talk about with the panel. that is next. later, new insight into how donald trump is getting ready for the debates and why the process isn't like anything we've come to expect and we'll talk to two men, david axelrod and steve owns their advice for both clinton and trump. the dna test through ancestry e and my results ended up being african, european and asian. it was great because it confirmed what i knew in my gut with a little surprise. ancestry helped give me a sense of identity. someone's hacked all our technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico.
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for a limited time, get some of our best offers of the year at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. get up to $5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. ends september 5th. see your lexus dealer. >> quick update for you in tonight's breaking news in florida. we can now call two of the races. let's go back to manu raju.
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>> cnn is projected that marco rubio will win his primary challenge against businessman carlos baroof. he did not drop out of this race when marco rubio decided to run. he spent millions of dollars of his own money and did not stand a chance, rubio winning what looks to be a pretty healthy margin. on the democratic side, patrick murphy will win his primary against progressive fire grand allen grayson in one of the nastiest primaries in the count country. this race between rubio and murphy will be one of the premiepre premier races in the country to watch. there are both sides making arguments toward each other and they will try to paint patrick murphy as a card carrying liberal and someone who will do whatever is on hillary clinton's agenda. he actually said to me, patrick
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murphy did, that he completely trusts hillary clinton so watch that to be a line of argument going forward. on the other side, patrick murphy said rube yol say or do anything to be leched. he will not commit to fulfilling his full six years as senator if he gets elected and this will be one of the nastiest senate races in the country and one of the most significant and will be impacted by what happens on the presidential level here. >> we continue to watch debbie wasserman schultz to see if she wins her primary fight in florida and also john mccain and the more news on donald trump. before the break you heard donald trump jr. saying his dad would not be budging on his immigration policy and not even his promise to deport each person who is in this country illeg illegally. he did frame the deport everyone aspect more as a long-term goal rather than an immediate plan. >> you have to let i.c.e. do
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their job and you have to eliminate sanctuary cities and you have to secure the border. these are common-sense thing, anderson. these are things that every other country in the world have done and those that have gotten lackadaisical about it look at what's going on. >> jorge ramos looks at it with his take on that. clinton supporter and and corinne jean pierre and angela rye and senior political columnist and kayleigh mcmainy and scotty l. hughes. are you clear on where donald trump is on this? because donald trump jr. is saying the policy hasn't changed, but baby steps. the focus is on the wall and is on e-verify is on getting criminals on you and the then it sounds like the priority is not the 11 million undo you meaned undo you meaned immigrants. >> donald trump wants to go to the safest ground to his base which is no amnesty and build
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the wall, but anderson, can you imagine during all of those primary campaign rallies if donald trump went up there and said, you know what? on immigration, it's going to be baby steps. baby steps. no way. you know, he got up there in part and won the primary in part because he said we're going to deport these group of people that a lot of you feel like are making this country in secure, changing it from what it once was and now you're hearing the sort of language that it's not corresponding to the packs and in terms of deporting violent criminals and these people are $180,000 or so of the 11 million immigrants and it's 2% of that group. so when donald trump jr.s it's millions of people and we're making a real dent and that's just not the case. >> kayleigh, if donald trump had stood up there and said baby steps on 11 million as opposed to they've got to go. they've got to go. good ones can come back. would he have won? >> i think he would have, and i
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think he's still being consistent and he's indicating to the american public that one, he's listening to voters which is a good thing, but two, he's signaling priorities and you're not going to get anything done in any given area and what he's saying is i want the violent criminals out and contrast that to president obama who just last year according to i.c.e. let 20,000 criminal immigrants back on the streets and barack obama -- >> the obama policy is focusing is trying to focus resources on those who have been convicted of a crime. >> i would argue that point. >> i spent last winter, woing at a legal non-profit providing my services and i've spoken to people who have had their homes raided and children deported from the country and i find 20,000 criminal immigrants are back out on the streets so i would argue that barack obama's priority has, in fact, been that. i heard a much different story when i worked at the non-profit, but the real question is hillary clinton. the new york times editorial board wrote, mrs. clinton has shown an unfortunate tendency on
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harshness, and the real questions on the realm of immigration are on hillary clinton. >> really quick, a couple of things. i think it is really important for us to be careful with the words that we choose to describe who was let out, so to speak. first and foremost, immigration is a civil matter. in and of itself it's not criminal. when we talk about the criminals being let out on the streets it's important to know that these are people who had criminal convictions who served their time and now in one way or another either they're out on bail or they're out on parole. they served their time criminally and again, immigration is a civil matter. so i think it's important since we're being humane whether we're talking about donald trump or hillary clinton or somewhere in between it's really important that the words we use are clear. >> if you murder someone in this country and you're a non-citizen. you leave this country. it's pretty simple. kate steinle's parents, i'm sure -- >> one at a time. i swear, no one listens when you talk over each other. >> and you are on message there,
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anderson. you tell us that all of the time and i hear you. i think the point that i'm raising is and i again, like so many others of us that have said this. i feel horribly for what happened to her family. that is a terrible situation, but for us to make it seem like there are 30,000 plus immigrants here, undocumented people here who murdered people is a gross misrepresentation of the truth. there are about 196 people who have committed homicides who have been let out after they serve. >> one is too many. >> i agree with you, kayleigh, but we can't misrepresent the number. >> ask kate steinle's parents. >> 10 million, 10.5 million people who donald trump is bavenlgly now saying ten weeks before the election, we'll deal with them at some point, trust me. we'll deal with them. >> as trump supporters are all trying to focus the wall and on things which donald trump is clear about, do you not admit that the whole issue of 11 million undocumented immigrants who are here, most of whom have
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not committed crimes and again the exact number not known according to donald trump, but that their status seems somewhat in flux to donald trump? >> that's the issue. we don't know. we don't know how many are here and we don't know -- >> that's not the issue. no matter how many is here what is donald trump's position on that? do you know 100%? >> absolutely. you will have it more clarified tomorrow. it's abide by the laws and they are here illegally. >> they've got to go? >> criminals first. baby steps. >> and they can come back legally. what i find to be interesting, kayleigh brought it up. why are we sitting here focusing on donald trump's claim -- we've got more specifics on donald trump's claim, yet we have nothing on hillary clinton. the woman who has flip-flopped who is the queen of pandering to the hispanic community. she was the one saying she was all about taking children and sending them back home. >> i remember her answer ago on. >> back in 2016. it was on her website. >> i do remember her answering questions during the debate with jorge ramos about that and
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donald trump argued -- donald trump argues that she's to the left of barack obama. is she to the left of barack obama? >> believe so, but look, the reason we're talking about this is because donald trump turned this into a story. this was supposed to happen last week. he canceled it and now it's happening tomorrow, right? >> the story right now is because -- the only reason it's a story right now is because donald trump -- guys, guys, the only reason this has been a story right now is because donald trump who has been very clear on his position up until a week and a half ago suddenly started talking about a softening and started polling audience -- a tv audience at hannity about what his position should be. that's why it's a story right now. >> unlike the other side that just sits there and goes back and forth and panders to what crowd she's speaking to. >> she wants the future president of the united states to be polling the audience? >> no. i want them to work with congress to what will pass and what will work. >> all of these grandiose ideas and unless you can get them passed through congress -- >> can i just say, i want to get
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in here. so, look, from just looking at your interview with donald trump jr., i think what this proves is that there is no difference from the donald trump that launched his campaign calling mexicans rapists, you know, making immigrant bashing the hallmark of his campaign to the trump of today. that's absolutely right. so saying that you're taking baby steps, how can you say that when you spent the last 14 months saying hey, i'm going to build a wall. mexico's going to pay for it and we're going to deport 11 million undocumented workers. and so softening or no softening, this is riddled with hypocrisy and it's just insulting. >> that's a problem. >> this is risky political space. donald trump had a good week after kellyanne conway came on. there was consistency, sort of staying on message and now there have been different signals that have been coming out on immigration and the problem there is think back to four years ago where mitt romney just
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two months or so before that election was still trying to explain and get around self-deportation and what exactly he wanted to do on the economy. eight years ago, john mccain was trying to sort of be clear about what he was going to do on the recession and what he would do to get the american economy back in line. you don't want to be having these kind of, like, fuzzy to clear, trying to get to clear conversations. >> we have to take a quick break and we'll have more to talk about shortly. believe it or not it was a year ago that univision jorge ramos was thrown out when he was trying to ask donald trump. >> what's changed in his eyes since then? jorge ramos joins us next.
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ramos was kicked out of a press conference after he was trying to ask about his immigration proposals and we'll hear from jorge ramos in just a moment. first, let's take a look at what happened at that iowa press event a year ago. >> okay, who's next? yeah. please. >> excuse me, sit down. you weren't called. sit down. sit down. sit down. go ahead. >> i have the right to ask a question. >> no, you don't. you haven't been called. go back to univision. >> you cannot deport 11 million -- >> go,a head. >> you cannot deport 11 million people. >> go ahead. >> you cannot -- deny citizenship. >> sit down, please. >> you weren't called. >> i'm a reporter and -- >> go. >> univision news anchor jorge ramos joins us and he's the anchor of "fusions america" with rorjy ramos. >> after he let you back into the news conference you told him the immigration policy was full
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of empty promises and here we are more than a year later, do you still think that's the case that the immigration policy that he seems to be wrestling with or whatever the policy may be is still full of empty promises? >> absolutely because back then i told him, point-blank, that he couldn't deport 11 million undo you meaned undocumented immigrants and now we see him shifting and backtracking on his flip-flop and he can't deport 11 million immigrants. can you imagine, anderson, that would be the largest massive deportation in history. he would have to deport 400,000 every single month and 15,000 people every single day and that's filling up 37 747s every day and that's why you see his campaign now shifting and just trying to consider other options and the fact is that he promised that. he simply cannot do that. it's an empty promise. >> as you know, i talked to donald trump jr. today to clear up and get a sense of what his
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father's immigration policy is actually when it comes to the 11 million undocumented immigrants here in the u.s. he said there's absolutely no softening of his father's position. do you sense any actual shift in the position? because it certainly seems that at the very least the campaign is trying to emphasize the wall and de-emphasize the whole idea of a deportation force? >> i'm noticing a change definitely because we have to remember what donald trump said. he said that he was going to deport 11 million in two years. that's exactly what he said, and now they're saying, well, they need baby steps. they don't know exactly what's going to happen. the fact is that they simply cannot do that. we have to weigh what donald trump will be saying tomorrow and i think donald trump is in panic mode when it comes to latinos and it doesn't matter what it says tomorrow. he already lost the latino vote. he lost it on june 16, 2015, when he said that mexican immigrants were criminals and drug traffickers and rapists. when he said that he lost the
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latino vote. i checked the latest univision poll and he has 19%, and romney lost with 27% and with 19% he's going to lose florida, he's going to lose arizona and he's going to lose nevada and he can't win the white house without latinos. >> it is interesting because he's now saying he will start to deporting undocumented immigrants who are criminals and when you ask how they are going to do this and they can't specifically say how they'll do that. he's been praising president obama saying president obama deports a lot of people. is there any chance, any mechanism by which this could actually work? >> well, what is so interesting is that donald trump right now seems to be following exactly the same proposals as jeb bush and marco rubio. >> right. >> or even president barack obama. we have to remember president barack obama, that's why some people called him the deporter in chief. he has deported 2.5 million immigrants since he got into the
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white house. so it seems that now donald trump seems to be following exactly the same idea. >> you know, the other obvious aspect of the immigration policy that he has is he still is talking about building a wall and ending birthright citizenship and defunding so-called sanctuary cities and are these positions non-starters for many hispanic voters in 2016? >> absolutely. remember, mitt romney lost the latino vote because he was proposing self-deportation. >> right. >> now you have a candidate who has insulted latino immigrants and mexican immigrants who is comparing women to animals who wants to build a wall and who does not understand that it doesn't matter how high the wall could be almost 40% of all undocumented immigrants either come by plane or with a visa. the 1900-mile wall when they'll be coming by plane. >> i want to ask you about an op ed you wrote for time mrag maga.
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you wrote, regardless of what donald trump says, did you support him or did you sit ideally aside to let others decide the future of the united states. because you will be asked. >> for journalists, it is to question those who are in power and when we're confronted with racism, discrimination, corruption, public lies, dictatorships and violations of human rights i think we have to take a stand. cronkite did it and he confronted donald trump on david duke and judge gonzalo curiel. yes, i think it will be judgment day. it happened to us already after the iraq war. we realized too late that there were no weapons of mass destruction and the opposition and journalists were not strong enough in front of president
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george w. bush. i think it's exactly the same thing that will happen now with donald trump on november 9th. >> do you make the same argument with hillary clinton not giving press conferences that it's important to be confrontational about that, as well? >> i agree with you completely. i think i've been tough, very tough also on hillary clinton. i asked her about that e-mails in benghazi during the democratic debate. last sunday i asked tim kaine, her running mate, on the possible conflict of interest with the -- with the clinton foundation, and i've been very tough on president barack obama because of his deportation policies. so the fact that i'm suggesting that we should be really tough on donald trump because of his racist remark and his sexist remark does not prevent me from being tough with hillary clinton and tim kaine and president barack obama. i think we have to be as tough with both of them. >> jorge ramos, always good to talk to you, thanks. >> thanks, anderson. >> coming up, more with donald trump jr. on how his father is
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getting ready to debate hillary clinton and what preparations he's making and how clinton is preparing and also breaking news. we will soon know more about the fbi's decision not to charge her on the investigation of her e-mails. ♪ [engine revs] ♪ [cheering] ♪ the highly advanced audi a4. ♪ try align probiotic. looking for balance in your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness,
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the first presidential debate is set for the end of september and we'll hear about what donald trump said how he'll go lead to head with the debate stage. spoiler alert, clinton is doing much more in the way of traditional preparation. we have more breaking news on the clinton camp, as well. jeff zeleny joins me with all of that. first, we're expecting the fbi to release a report detailing their investigation releasing clinton's e-mails and when it will be released? ? this report could be released as early as tomorrow and it essentially is the work product of the fbi agents who interviewed hillary clinton earlier this summer that voluntary interview that she had to talk about that private e-mail server. it's pretty rare for this internal fbi work product to be released, but there are freedom of information act filed by cnn and others and the fbi is, in account fa, preparing to release it. all of this is coming as the clinton campaign is trying to
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move beyond the distractions to prepare for the marquee event of the fall campaign, the first debate with donald trump. >> hillary clinton is spending the final days of summer watching the donald trump highlight reel. >> let me talk. >> more energy tonight, i like that. >> she's got a beautiful face, and i think she's a beautiful woman. >> she's preparing for her first debate with trump now less than a month away. >> when i go toe to toe with donald trump which i'm looking forward to doing. >> perhaps no presidential candidate in modern history has logged as much time as clinton on the debate stage. at least 40 in all, producing a textbook worth of teachable moments from her senate debate with rick lazio. >> to her run-ins with barack obama. >> you're likable enough, hillary. >> thank you. >> trump is a rival all his own and planning is urgently under way. clinton is taking these steps, seeking tips from writers who have watched trump for years
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including tony schwartz, co-author of "art of the deal," consulting on the three ps, his approximately see, personality and politics. and studying moments from gop debates that agitated trumps particularly exchanges like this with cruz. >> you're having a lot of fun up here tonight, i have to tell you. thank you for the book. >> donald, relax. >> joel benenson, the campaign's chief strategist told cnn's chris cuomo clinton is preparing for a raucous debate. >> i think we'll see a lot of the same kind of hyper, over the top rhetoric from him that we've seen. that's who he is. i don't think he can control himself. >> all this as trump tries to keep alive another sideshow. hillary clinton's close aide huma abedin separating from her husband former congressman anthony weiner after another sexting episode. >> in the case of anthony weiner, she is married to a guy who is uncontrolled and uncontrollable. he's a sick person. >> trump seizing on a new york
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times editorial that urged clinton to cut ties now with her family's charitable foundation, not after she's elected. the paper calling it an ethical imperative. trump said it was a devastating rebuke of hillary clinton's poor judgment and broken, ethical compass. >> hillary clinton is preparing herself on the debate stage. do we have any idea what she's expecting when she faces trump? >> like the new york times editorial, for example, it is something that donald trump immediately sent out a statement on, so they're literally collecting binders of information that were used against each other and she's not sure of which donald trump will show up to the debate. she's mentioned that at one of the fund raisers out at the hamptons and wondering aloud if he would be more presidential, wondering which donald trump will show up and she's preparing for all of this emand the employ qaa camp is still looking for the perfect person to play
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donald trump once they start holding mock debates in the weeks ahead. >> jeff zeal me, thank so much. hillary clinton is getting ready for the first presidential debate and donald trump seems to be going another way and i asked his son, donald trump jr., about that when we spoke earlier today. >> i want to talk about the debates. how much is your dad prepping for debates? i know there have been reportis that think on sunday he was meeting at one of his country clubs going over stuff. do we know how he's prepping? how do you want him to prep? >> his major prepping is speaking to the people. he's not going to do the typical, someone will play hillary clinton and -- >> that's not his thing. hillary clinton will sit there and she will have someone who is much wittier than her write every possible line, to every possible conceivable scenario and she'll memorize it and she's regurgitate that. he's always going to be himself. he will prep, obviously, and spend the time and his prep has
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been speaking to the people of this country for the last 18 months and it's been reaching out to those people and hearing what they want to have happen. >> what does prep actually mean for your dad in terms of, are there binders of information? not mock debates. >> he'll have some of that, but he's not going to do the typical republican or democratic debate prep where they'll memorize a bunch of one-liners. >> does that worry you at all? >> no. i like him when he's, you know, himself. when he's not pre-rehearsed and when he's able to go up there and be himself and speak to the people. >> it worked for him during the primaries, but there were a lot of folks on that stage. >> it will work for him here especially when you're going up against a candidate who is as robotic as hillary clinton. >> i want to hear what was in the times today about the clinton debate prep and i want to tell you what they had to say and have you respond. >> the campaign has apparently contacted tony schwartz who co-wrote "the art of the deal" with your dad for some advice, trump has severe tension
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problems and hooproblem s and he'll be unable to prepare for the debates and he'll repeat himself several times and he won't say anything of sub stance. >> i'm not worried about that at all. i haven't seen tony schwartz in 30-something years and he's trying to become relevant based on the fact that he helped write a book a long time ago with my father. he'll do great against people who have debated for their entire careers. >> when there's more time. >> fewer people. i understand that, and i think without question he'll be ready. that's what he is. he's always prepared and he always understands these things and you know, i think anyone who underestimates my father will be sadly disappointed. >> to that point, and you were talking about the clinton campaign according to the times they're doing a quote, forensic-style analysis of your father's performance and gop debates and cataloging
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weaknesses as well as trigger points that caused him to lash out in presidential ways. >> i'm sure that's what they're doing because again, they -- she will have to memorize every possible scenario to do that because there's no spontaneity. she's not good on her feet that way. every time she does do a one-on-one and every time she gets with the press there is a technical glitch or something and it's why she hides from the press and why she hasn't given a press conference, in what? 285 days? she's not good that way on her feet and i welcome a one-on-one because again, there's no amount of preparation she can do unless she memorized every conceivable scenario that her writers are coming up for her right now. >> donald trump jr., clearly believes his dad has a winning strategy for these debates. just ahead, i'll ask two pros what they think, david axelrod and stewart stephens who prepped president obama and mitt romney for their debates years ago. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour, prescription strength relief from sneezing,
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presidential campaign strategist. david axelrod is a cnn political commentator. you heard donald trump jr. say his dad probably isn't going to do mock debates or pore over binders. he will prepare the same way he prepared for the primary debates. do you think that's wise? if it ain't broke, don't fix it model? >> i think primary debates with a lot of candidates and one-on-one debates are very different creatures. that said, it's been my experience that good candidates know how to prepare their own way. when i did debate prep for then governor bush and cheney in 2000 they had very different styles. dick cheney liked lots of mock debates, governor bush didn't. they both did well in debates. but these are very very different creatures. >> david, for secretary clinton, i don't know that she's ever lined up psychology experts to figure out how to get under an
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opponent's skin before but she has certainly never debated somebody like donald trump before. what else would you advise her to do to prepare? >> i think the most important thing is to find yourself a debate partner in your prep sessions who can simulate the kind of style that donald trump will bring to these debates, because the goal of prep is to make sure that your candidate is prepared for anything that might come on that stage. in 2008, when sarah palin was chosen as the vice presidential nominee by john mccain, and i was working for the obama/biden ticket, we asked jennifer granholm, then governor of michigan, to play sarah palin in the debates. she spent hours poring through tapes and completely inhabited the character in ways that we thought were ludicrous at the time but it was very predictive of what biden was going to see and made him a much better candidate when he stepped on that stage. >> stuart, i heard you say the most you can hope for in any debate is achieving three goals. what are the goals?
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>> well, i think first of all, the most important thing is to have those goals and to really have a strategy session where you define those goals, debate those goals and write them down. >> to know what you want going into a debate. >> and how to execute them. know what you want and how you can execute that. if you do that, if you just think about it, there's a limit to how much any debate won't be a success, if you have got serious goals that resonate with the campaign and you get them done. i think if you just look at donald trump, i think his tendency will be to try to go after hillary clinton. i think his major opportunity here is to come across as more likeable, to pass a threshold that people can envision him as president of the united states. in 2000, governor bush didn't pass that threshold with a lot of voters until the first debate. third, i think he has to show that he has real policy knowledge. you can get through primary campaign debates with a lot of
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candidates kind of based on your attitude. you really can't do that in these long one-on-one debates. >> because there's just more time to answer and just pings back and forth between two candidates as opposed to 16 candidates. >> you have to have much more depth in a general election debate. i would argue that donald trump faces the toughest test that i have seen a candidate face in a very long time, maybe back to ronald reagan. i'm not sure it was as tough for him back in 1980. the thing that's holding trump back right now are two things. temperament and command of facts. people don't see him as fit right now to be president of the united states. these debates are his last chance to allay their concerns, to prove to people that he has both the command and the temperament to be president. reagan did that in that 1980 debate and he ended the race right there. to get back into this race, donald trump has to show something in these debates that he hasn't shown to this date.
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>> stuart, how important is it to have people around you who essentially can challenge you, who can say look, you have got to do this, you have to read these books, you have to do a mock debate or whatever it is? >> well, and to get in your face. i think it's very important. one of the characteristic problems that presidents have, incumbent presidents in the first debate is they're not used to people getting in their face. that happened certainly with incumbent president bush with his first debate with john kerry and it probably happened, david could speak better to it, with president obama. >> absolutely. >> when you are president, you walk into a room, people usually applaud. same with donald trump. he has a culture that is all about trump and you really need someone to get in there and get in his face and get him used to it. it's why they have full pad
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scrimmages in college football and the pros, and you need that one way or the other. you don't have to have a full-on mock but somebody has to be in there throwing the kind of punches that hillary clinton will. >> thank you both so much. much more ahead when "360" continues. including more of my interview with donald trump jr. we talked about his father's new efforts to reach out to african-americans, the campaign's recent shakeup. all that coming up. it's the phillips' lady!
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good evening. this time tomorrow night we are told donald trump will be laying out his immigration policy which is either softening or not, will or won't provide a path to legalization, is or isn't different from what he has been saying since the beginning of his campaign. we have been getting mixed signals for weeks. tonight we got a clear signal from the candidate's son, no softening, no change. perhaps however a step by step implementation of his plan to deport every person who is in the country illegally. donald trump jr. also talks about his father's outreach to the african-american community. that's coming up. we begin with factors complicating that outreach. >> reporter: he's not quite seeking forgiveness but pastor mark burns apologized in an interview on cnn after tweeting this cartoon of hillary clinton in blackface. an image
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