tv New Day CNN September 6, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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>> ben, final point. >> when you say his idea is well thought out. would you say that about him saying that hillary clinton is in jail, would you say that when he wore a fidel castro shirt claiming that african-americans are oppressed in this country. would you say he is well informed about his socks -- >> is this rhetorical? >> no. >> i would say that. i thought it was a question. >> the president should not come out and back someone that has been in this way because when you lend your voice or somehow imply that this is okay, everybody knows you have a right to do it, but when you're the president you don't help advocate for an individual like this that has said things that are this extreme all over the place you don't comment on it. the president can say i don't comment. i don't know. >> all right. let's leave the debate there for now. it will be nice to see what colin kaepernick does to advance his beliefs about this issue. let's see what else he does to try to make a positive difference. gentlemen, thank you very much for having the debate. appreciate it. >> thanks. there's a lot of news.
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we have a new national poll that will give you the state of the presidential race in this post-labor day push. let's get to it. >> i'm going to fix it. why wouldn't they vote for me? >> can't even go to a foreign country without getting into a public feud with the president. >> to become citizen, you're going to have to go out and come back in. if your going out so fast your head will spin. >> hope we don't pay attention to what he's been saying for 14, 15 months? >> i just known her for years. many of the attorney generals turned that down. >> this is like watergate only now in cyber time. >> whatever the cause, whatever our intentions, war inflicts a terrible toll. >> the president makes an historic trip as tensions grow with world leaders. >> we've had problems with cyber intrusions from yaush in the past. >> who is he? i am a president of a sovereign state. >> i have seen some of those colorful statements in the past.
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clearly he is a colorful guy. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to your "new day." we begin with breaking news for you this morning. donald trump and hillary clinton are locked in a stattist kal dead heat in the new cnn national poll. this is going into the final stretch of the campaign. >> so these numbers come just 63 days before the election. that's why there's big numbers on your screen. the first votes will be cast in 17 days when early voting begins in some states. two nominees will face off in 20 days. let's begin with david chalian live in washington. what did we learn in this poll? >> well, let's start with the horse race and see where we are. take a look in the four-way race, chris, you have 45% for trump edging out hillary clinton by two points, gary johnson by 7% and the green candidate jill
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stine at 2%. this is a margin of error race. let's look at independent voters, key. 20-point lead for donald trump. 49% to 29% to 16% to 6%. 20 points. mitt romney won independents by 5 points, still lost the election. but this walloping of 20 points, hillary clinton needs to fix. take a look at women voters and look at this. how do women split between single women and married women? overwhelming 17-point margin donald trump wins married women. single women go for hillary clinton by 53 points. now, remember, hillary clinton's winning women overall by about 15 points and this is traditional to see this divide between the republican and the democrat, but not this large on either side. so it's a widening gap between single and married women. now let's take a look at the key factor of enthusiasm because that helps tell folks who will come out to vote. are folks ready to come out to vote. look at this compared to other
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years. right now only 46% say that they are very or extremely enthusiastic about voting compared to 57% in 2012, 60% in '08, 64% in '04. look how it divides between the candidates. there is an enthusiasm gap. 58% of trump voters say they're enthusiastic about votering. only 46% of clinton voters say that. that's a key number the clinton folks want to bump up to get the kind of turnout their looking for. then of course the issues. the top issue driving the election economy. donald trump is winning by 15 points. on terrorism, he is winning by six points. on immigration it's a draw here. hillary clinton at 49%, 47 for donald trump. and on foreign policy, that is hillary clinton's strong suit, she is beating donald trump by 16 points on who would handle foreign policy better. >> david, inside those numbers we see why there's such an
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urgency to get those electorate rich states. both the clinton and trump campaigns are trying to get voters especially in ohio. trump shifting once again on immigration to try to expand his base. clinton answering questions from reporters. phil mattingly joining us now with more. we're really seeing how each of these guys knows what they have to do to win. question is who does it better. >> that's exactly right. the sprint is on. the sprint means there will be a lot of focus on states just like ohio, ground zero. look at the trump campaign, look at their pathway, it's to the 270 electoral votes needed to win in november, they don't get there without ohio. that's something trump and the clinton campaign know and that's exactly why they were on the ground there on monday. >> welcome to our big plane. >> hillary clinton, donald trump inviting the press to travel with them for the first time on their campaign planes. >> it's nice everyone is here.
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>> both planes just a few hundred feet apart on the same tarmac in cleveland, inside trump's boeing 757, the billionaire modelling his stance on immigration again. >> we're going to make that decision into the future. okay? good question. i'm glad you asked me. that decision will be made. >> reporter: the gop nominee now saying he'll decide later on whether undocumented immigrants could apply for legal status under his administration. >> to become a citizen, you're going to have to go out and come back in. >> reporter: a question ruled out less than a week ago. >> for those here illegally today seeking legal status, they will have one rout and one rout only -- >> reporter: trump spending labor day looking and acting more like a traditional politician. at ohio's largest county fair, courting voters at a diner with his running mate. hillary clinton barn storming
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ohio with her top supporters and deploying her former rival to new hampshire the former secretary of state battling a coughing fit at a rally. >> every time i think about trump i get allergic. >> answering questions from reporters about her health after months of criticism for avoiding the press. >> i'm not concerned about the conspiracy theories. there are so many of them i've lost track of them. >> reporter: slamming trump for cozying up to vladimir putin. >> i think it's quite intriguing that this activity has happened around the time trump became the nominee. >> reporter: as investigations continue into whether russia hacked the democratic national committee. >> he very early on allied himself with putin's policies. >> reporter: while trump is dismissing allegations of impropryty about a donation three years ago. >> i never spoke to her about it. >> in 2013, florida attorney general pam was considering
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opening a fraud investigation against trump university. around the same time, the irs says the trump foundation improperly donated $25,000 to a group supporting her re-election. trump insisting he never discussed the investigation with bondi. >> first of all, she is beyond reproach, a fine person. never spoke to her about it. >> bondi ultimately deciding not to proceed with the investigation. >> there are so many things that are questionable about that and the irs certainly thought so. and said it was illegal and fined -- >> and alisyn, this is something you'll hear repeatedly from the clinton campaign in the days ahead, they are saying rite now when you talk to their advisers, they've been attacked for just the allegations of pay to play with the clinton foundation, what this shes down in florida with trump university is actually pay to play. at least according to the clinton team, hillary clinton in florida today. pretty good chance she brings that up. donald trump in swing states in
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virginia and north carolina. >> we'll talk about all that right now. phil, thanks for laying that out for us. joining us now is the trump's campaign national spokesperson, katrina pearson. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with immigration. let's try to nail down once and for all where mr. trump is on what would happen to the undocumented immigrants who are here. because it sounded as if yesterday he was suggesting that he is open to amnesty for them. is he open to a legal path to citizenship for those 11 million? >> well, what mr. trump says is that when it comes down to the end of his ten-point plan he'll make a further decision. but first he wants to make a commitment to americans to fulfill everything that previously administrations failed to do, which is to secure the border and control the flow of immigration. >> but katrina, this is different -- i'm sorry. >> mr. trump's governing
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principle is -- >> immigration is not shown to be a top priority for americans in this election cycle. >> yes, but he has made it a big deal of his campaign and he had said that every single one of them had to leave. now it sounds as if he is open to amnesty. >> no. alisyn, his governing principle is if you are in this country illegally, you need to leave and return legally. that's been his governing principle. he laid out these primary initiatives one through ten on his website to let americans know his priorities are not to go after families. his priorities are to go after the criminal aliens after they build the wall, after they catch and release, and essentially eliminate all the magnets that draw illegals into this country. for the most part -- >> that is different that be what he said yesterday. >> one through ten -- >> on his campaign plane, yesterday he said -- >> alisyn, when you get through one through ten -- >> yes. katrina, hold on a second. >> when you get through one through ten --
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>> i want to play for you what he said so you can address it. >> sure. >> he now says he sounds as though he is open to making them legal here amnesty, in other words. listen to this. >> for those here illegally today who are seeking legal status, they will have one route and one route only, to return home and apply for re-entry like everybody else. >> can you rule out that one possibility in that determination is -- >> i'm not ruling out anything. no, no, no we'll make that decision into the future. good question. i'm glad you asked it. >> katrina, for legal status, he had previously said one week ago, one route only, they must leave. yesterday he said i'm not ruling anything out. he's open to the amnesty. explain that. >> well, again, he has said from
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the beginning of this campaign all the way back to the primary that he was going to be a negotiator in congress. his governing policy has not changed if you're in this country illegally, you should return to your home country and enter legally. he put out a primary initiative so that voters understand he's going to secure the border, build the wall and get control of the tracking and issuances of visas. once we get -- >> will he make you leave? >> we have to consider, alisyn, after that we are continuously hearing there's not 11 million people there could be 20, 30 million people. mr. trump wants to put together -- >> hold on, this is important. you asked me the question. let me answer it. this is important because mr. trump can't promise to deport every single illegal alien in the country if there's 30 million. there's not enough time. in his presidency to do that which is why he laid out his priorities. >> his initial promises of every single one must leave. yes, there will be a deportation force. he realized that that is
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impractical and undoable. >> well, if there's 30 million he can't do them all in one presidential term. >> if there's 11 million k he? >> the idea that he put forth the initiative to start with criminal aliens and put together a force to identify those in the country illegally. >> those are not the most hardened criminals. >> there will be people who hide out, alisyn. we have to come up with something at a later date to take care of that issue. >> let's move on to the controversial $25,000 trump foundation made to pam bondi. why did mr. trump make that contribution that the irs considers illegal? >> well, mr. trump donates to several politicians of the state of florida. he has a home there, so i think that's obvious. secondly, mrs. bondi said that she was not participating in any
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investigation with mr. trump. >> she decided not to. >> once that clerical error was found, it was taken care of. >> mr. trump had to pay a fine, 10% to the irs. >> like millions of americans do everyday. >> that's fair. it was misrepresented on the irs forms and to the irs. the trump organization said that it was a different organization that they had made it to, not the pam bondi political group. but i guess the question is, katrina, how is this different than what mr. trump is accusing hillary clinton of with the clinton foundation? >> well, first of all, there is no classified or confidential information that's been passed around. >> not the e-mails. i'm talking about the -- not the classified, different subject. >> there was no sale of uranium that went to a hostile nation either. we could talk about the clinton foundation and the pay to play allegations. watch the movie called clinton
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cash and get up to date. this was a clerical error, it was identified and corrected. millions of americans have to deal with this every single year with the irs and it's completely different because here we are talking about mr. trump and a clerical error but we're not talking about hillary clinton and a number of hostile foreign countries who suppress women, who suppress all kinds of people all over the world that gave tens of millions -- >> there was no effort to try to influence. >> clinton foundation, not 25,000 and clerical error. >> just a clerical error, not trying to influence the investigation? that's what you're maintaining, katrina? >> i believe katrina is giving me the silent treatment. no just kidding the satellite froze. we thank katrina pearson for being here. let's get over to chris. >> you're lucky you didn't get a says who right there. >> president obama canceling a face to face meeting with the president of the philippines. he is the new president there
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and this happened because he made a very vulgar comment aimed at the president of the united states. he is now expressing regret, but the filipino government says the comment was aimed at a journalist, not the president. that makes it okay. cnn white house correspondent michelle kaczynski has more from laos. official? >> right, how do you overstate how unusual really shocking this is. the new president of the philippines on the eve of what would have been his first meeting with president obama, a treaty ally, calling him a son of a whore to reporters and threatening to curse him further if president obama so much as brought up the vigilante style killings of thousands of people in the philippines over the last couple f o months during the drug war there. listen to president duterte and then president obama who responded to all of this in a press conference yesterday. >> who is he? i do not have any master except the filipino people.
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nobody but nobody. >> i just heard about some of this, but i have seen some of those colorful statements in the past. and so clearly he is a colorful guy. >> those comments were enough today for the white house to say, you know, there was no way that this was going to be a constructive meeting. went a step further, saying it would have been a disservice to the filipino people to have this meeting now. duterte has now apologized, saying he regrets that his words were taken as a personal attack on president obama. today, though, in laos, president obama wants to focus on this relationship starting with a commitment to remove some 80 million unexploded bombs of the more than 270 million cluster bombs that the u.s. dropped on laos during nine years of vietnam war. those bombs continue to cause casualties to this day and, in fact, tomorrow president obama will meet with some of the victims. back to you guys. >> michelle, thanks so much. well, our new cnn poll
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numbers are out and they show hillary clinton's post convention bounce evaporating and donald trump picking up steam. next we'll talk to a top clinton supporter. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization.
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look, i've been saying for months he's unqualified, he is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander in chief. >> hillary clinton answering questions from the press after months of criticism for not holding formal news conference. she may be regretting her choice not to speak earlier as a new cnn poll shows her post-convention bump gone. she's now locked in a dead heat with donald trump polling two points behind him in the four-way race. let's talk about this more with u.s. congressman seth molten from massachusetts. what is the poll? is it confirm what you suspect or does it give you nor concern? >> no. look, polls change over time. there's no question that we have an important decision for the united states between someone who has the experience to be commander in chief on day one and someone donald trump, who is literally out there aiding and
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abetting enemies of the united states. we've seen that play out with russia over the past weeks. the choice is clear we need secretary clinton to be our next president. >> let's look at why that choice isn't being viewed by everybody the way you view it. let's look at the independent voters. that's one of the big popouts of this poll. this number, while bigger than we've seen in the past, there's a lot of historical context for how important this number has been in the past, we haven't seen it this big, 49/29. what is the clinton campaign message to independents to improve on this number? >> well, we just need to start talking about the issues more. and explain to people where secretary clinton stands on the facts. look, the summer is a sleepy season and a lot of people aren't paying attention to politics. maybe people missed the fact that donald trump has been out there praising vladimir putin, encouraging him to undermine our democratic process through our elections. that's never happened in the history of nominees running for
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the president of the united states. it is literally aiding and abetting our enemy. it is frankly should be investigated by the department of justice for treesen. i mean, that's what we're talking about here. that's how serious a problem we have with someone like donald trump running for president. so what secretary clinton needs to do is just get out there and talk more about the facts. talk about where she stands on the issues. talk about her economic plan that will bring jobs to this country. talk about how failed and devicive donald trump's immigration policies are. talk about the things that he's doing to say that he'll discriminate against muslims, ban them from the united states. religious discrimination is prohibited by the u.s. constitution. those things are aiding isis in their recruitment efforts. it's very clear when you get down to the facts, people support secretary clinton. you don't need to just hear it from me, over 50 republican national security officials have come out and said that donald trump would be a dangerous,
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reckless commander in chief and that's why we need to elect secretary clinton. >> yet she is getting all she can handle from donald trump in polls and yes a lot are within the margin of error, it's indisputable it's close and one pullout number may tell the story of why, the trust number. seems to be the big thing that despite everything you just said, more people find donald trump trustworthy and honest than hillary clinton in the numbers and it's not even close. >> well, that's why i'm talking about it. we need to talk about the facts. because the facts are that donald trump lies every single day, supports our enemies, praises people like sa dam hoe sane and vladimir putin who are trying to kill americans. once people understand the facts, they realize that this republican effort to undermine the credibility of secretary clinton, which i admit has been effective. that's what the polls show. this republican slander effort against clinton has been effective. but once we get down to the
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facts, when we actually look at the issues, when we look at who is standing up for the united states of america, i think the choice will be very clear. and people will vote for secretary clinton. >> congressman, i think we're both aware at this point, this is a mood election, right? that's what's going on here. hillary clinton suspeisn't just running against donald trump, johnson and stine, she is running against the mood of a country and it's obvious and disgust for the status quo. for a lot of those voters, she checks a lot of the boxes. the clinton foundation and the questions about what happens there are real questions. there's no proof of illegality. the server, there was questions about whether it was wrong. it still matters. >> we absolutely should ask those questions. that's like why donald trump should disclose his tax returns, for example. at least clinton is out there being honest. she's admitting her mistakes. she's willing to have -- she has the courage to stand up and say, these are things i've done wrong in the past and i'm going to correct them. but at the end of the day, we're
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talking about the clinton foundation, a charity which has saved thousands of lives across the globe. the idea that you would compare allegations of impropryties of the clinton foundation, a well-meaning charity, excuse me, with donald trump who is out there encouraging russia, an enemy of the united states to attack our e-mail servers is just ridiculous. i mean, donald trump is supporting state enemies of the united states and we're worried about allegations that the clinton's foundation, which has saved thousands of lives, might have some -- might have some improprities. it's an absurd comparison. that's what we need to realize. once we get past the rhetoric, once we understand that donald trump knows how to tap into fears. he is a reality tv star. but he's not fit to be our commander in chief. this isn't an audition to run a tv program. this is an audition to command our troops across the globe. and i think that once we understand that the choice will be very clear. >> congressman seth molten,
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democrat from massachusetts, thank you for joining us to make the case for hillary clinton on "new day." >> thanks, chris. >> all right. alisyn? >> as you know, chris, the election barely two months away. both candidates still dealing with baggage from their past. coming up, we'll look at the biggest controversies facing each campaign right now and how they could affect the next weeks. ♪ (crickets chirping) ♪ (jet engine) ♪ (heart beat) ♪ (water splashing) (rain drops) (engine revving) (tires on wet road) ♪
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"you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you?" "well...i'm not changing." "how do i check my credit score?" "credit karma. don't worry, it's free." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them.
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♪ she is a fine person. never spoke to her about it. never. many of the attorney generals turned that case down because i'll win that case in court. >> donald trump gave $25,000 to florida attorney general pam bondi during her race back in 2013. that is a fact. why he gave it to her and how he got the money to her, those are
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tough questions for his campaign. now, this is just one of the many controversies dogging both candidates. so what's real and what's bunk? i love that word. >> i know. >> let's discuss. here to walk us through and the latest we have national political reporter for the washington post, phillip rucker and senior cnn washington correspondent jeff zeleny. let's start off with trump. we have three of the main things. i know we'll get a lot of heat. you could list, eight, nine, ten different things if you want to call them controversies, but these are main ones. we have the first one with the money with pam bondi. this wound up being about timing, right? and about the mechanism. it went through a charity that wasn't supposed to give political donation miss ch the irs found out about it, fine them. there's a question about disclosure there. the other question is about why he gave her the money. she said she was going to look at trump university. shortly after she said that, she got the money. shortly after that, she decided not to investigate trump university. what's the deal? >> right. so it doesn't look very good.
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and this is one of several examples of attorney generals across the country that were on the verge of looking into something and then stopped. but "the washington post" first reported this and donald trump has been saying, look, i didn't talk to her. i didn't know anything about this. but we heard a lot of pay for play allegations about the clinton foundation. this is actually an example of there was a contribution and the irs actually fined him. so this, if we're ranking things, there actually was an action here. donald trump said he wasn't involved in it. didn't know about it. but i think there's a little bit more smoke here than on many of the other controversies going on. >> the trump foundation misrepresented this to the irs. they said it was a different organization, nonpolitical and the irs figured out it was to pam gobondi. katrina pearson said it was a clerical error and they had to pay a fine. >> it's more smoke here than on
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many of the other controversies, again, do any voters care about this? not necessarily. but this is one where "the washington post" reported this. this is one i think there actually is an issue there. it does not look good and there is a bit of a trail there. >> by the way, bondi is not the only one. in texas, a state regulator says he was ordered in 2010 to drop a fraud investigation into trump university for political reasons. you can go online and look at that. >> there was a $35,000 to the now governor of texas that may sbrn connected to that. >> donations came after the suggestion. so connecting the two may be difficult, but again it's there. and that's what trump university -- how do we get rid of this. >> i'm so glad you're driving. i sometimes -- >> it will never leave. it will always dog him. so trump university, the school shut down in 2010. it's not a school. it shouldn't be called a school. it should never be identified as a school. it's not a school. on going litigation in new york and california. how real is this if these lawsuits for fraud continue?
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phillip rucker? >> well, you know, this has been an issue dogging donald trump's campaign for a few months now, the trump university case. you're right, it's not a school. it's basically a for-profit business that takes advantage of trump's name and brand to try to entice people to pay a lot of money to get a so-called degree. you know, this is a problem. what you have in these lawsuits are a lot of people who feel they were duped, who say they didn't get any benefit out of attending trump university and it feeds a broader narrative about trump that he's sort of an untrustworthy businessman who takes advantage of poorer people. >> phil, going forward, before we get to the taxes, with the trump university, is that going to dog him for the next eight weeks? >> it might. you know, this was a big issue in the primaries. it's something that trump's opponents, jeb bush, ted cruz tried to make a lot out of. we have not heard a lot since then. i expect the clinton campaign may try to revive. may come up in the debates starting later this month. >> the one thing with this
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they're real victims. that's one thing clinton tried to do is put victims forward in advertisements. that's what we'll see coming up. >> this tax return thing also we asked them all the time, he's not going to release the taxes. why? that's up for every individual to decide for themselves. is this going to actually matter? it doesn't seem like it's killing them in the polls? >> as of now it is not. it's compiled with many other things. i think voters if they question donald trump they're probably not voting for him any way. among his supporters, they don't care about this. it's odd that mike pence is releasing his this week. it highlights the difference here. >> clinton, everybody can identify these now. if you're going to know anything about controversies, this e-mail and the foundation will pop up to the top of the people's lists. just the punch point. no criminal charges. was it wrong? yes, she's admitted it was wrong. was it illegal, no. extremely careless is what the language that the fbi director
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used. then there's this one, this last one i think is the one that's having the most resonance. 15,000 additional e-mails released. the idea that she tried to hide what she had. fair? >> it is fair in some respect, but we do not yet know exactly how many of these, a, are e-mails and how many are other documents and how many we haven't seen or have seen. but these all came up during the fbi's investigation. they said they turned everything over. now we know that she was not even involved in this sorting process. her lawyers were doing it, but she was not involved in this. so if you talk to democrats, one of their biggest frustrations is that they still have not resolved all of this. this could have been something that they dealt with and it still is existing in the final 63 days here. so, all of those will come out later this month before the election. so we still don't know if anything in that batch of e-mails is going to hurt her. >> fiphil, let's talk about the clinton foundation. that continues to dog her in terms of whether or not there was impropryty between the
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clinton foundation and the state department. bill clinton has said he will resign his post from cgi if she wins. does that put this issue to bed or will there be lingering questions about the clinton foundation for the next eight weeks? >> i think there will be questions for a when i will here. this is an issue that's been hurting her campaign the entire time. the issue with the clinton foundation is that there's nothing criminally wrong right now, but it just feeds the perception that there are so many people, hundreds of people, thousands of people, to whom the clintons owe favors when she gets into the white house. there's a sense that people gave money to this foundation in order to ingratiate themselves with the former president and with the current secretary of state and future president. and so it just feeds this sense of corruption around the clintons that they really are having a hard time addressing directly. >> the irony that you have one candidate going after the other about the foundation, his own charity sent this illegal
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contribution to a politician who was reviewing him at the same time. you can't make it up. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. moving on, does the president of turkey still think the u.s. played a role in the recent attempt to overthrow him. we'll discuss that next. ♪ [cheering] ♪ the highly advanced audi a4. ♪
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the united states and russia failed to reach a cease fire agreement for syria. president obama and russian president putin vowed to continue to talks at the g20 summit. but with syria just torn up by a brutal five-year civil war and many countries involved in the war against isis, turkey looms large as a main player and a potential solution to keeping people safe. but it is a very difficult situation. let's discuss with turkey's deputy prime minister. it's a pleasure, sir. >> thank you. it's my pleasure. >> it's heavy concerns that bring you to this councountry. at the top of the list, the belief that there was a coup attempt in your country in july and you believe that it's roots
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may have found its way here to the united states. how so? >> well, we just believe -- it is very clear, we have very clear evidences that the intent on 15th of july has strong links with gulen, who is here in pennsylvania and a group of people in the military service they intended to make a military coup. but because of the courage of people, people showed their resistance against the coup and people managed to save the turkish democracy. so we have so many evidences that those people who are inside the group of the group inside the military services, they have strong links with fethullah ginobilien. >> ginobilien. >> turkey doesn't believe the united states government had
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anything to do with the coup attempt, does it? >> no. it is just fethullah. our expectation of the united states government is to extradite him or contain him until the case ends. >> you want the u.s. government -- >> we don't see any linkage between the united states government officials with coup attempt, but our intentions major intention, major expectation from the u.s. government to extradite him -- >> to extradite him, detain him so he can stand trial in turkey. what are you hearing from u.s. officials on that? >> actually we have good improvements. we have, as you know, we have commission bilateral commission between turkey and the u.s. officials, judicial officials. so they are working on the files. we have sent so many evidences to the u.s. officials. so it is now in the hands of the u.s. judicial system.
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i know it will take some time, but our major intention is not the duration of time. it is actually the problem of intention. so, the united states must show their intention that they are -- they don't have any prejudice against gulen or the attempt. >> so we will continue to follow that. we covered it when it happened. >> okay. >> we'll stay on that story. another thing that brings you here is that it is surprising for people to learn in this process as we learn more about that part of the world, turkey has the largest standing army in the area of conflict that we're dealing with right now in the world. and the question is turkey doing enough to help fight isis in syria. it's a very simple question, but from the turkish perspective it's a complicated answer. how so? >> well, as you know, turkey is the number one country to fight
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against daesh. >> daesh which is what isis -- >> whatever it is. so we have so many different terrorist organizations. they aim to disturb turkey. daesh, pkk, the branch of pkk, pyd in the northern part of syria and also some of the extremists marxist organizations inside turkey and also starting from last year july, three major organizations attempted simultaneously to fight against turkey. so, they have disturbed us so many suicide bombs or car bombings and whatever they use. they use everything against turkey. they also make some kind of threats to the border of turkey. now, turkey has intended to completely secure the border of turkey from all other terrorist organizations, including daesh and we are fighting daesh in
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syria. actually we are giving syrian army which is one of the moderate groups in syria because of why the shields of the operation. >> let me ask you one question we're struggling with here in america. there have been so many refugees who have flooded into turkey trying to save their lives and you are dealing with how to have these people come in assimilate them into turkish culture or how to get them back home. in america there's a big push to not have syrian refugees in this country because we can't definitively know who is a good person and who might be a terrorist. what do you say to americans who are worried about welcoming these people into this country? >> well, actually it is very tough situation for turkey during the last five years, starting from the march of 2011, we are are under the pressure of the refugees from syria. we have accepted already more than 3 million refugees, which
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is probably equivalent of the total refugees the united states accepted during the last 50 years. >> but it is because of our ties with the syrian people, we accepted them. we provide them safety in the land of turkey. we already spent more than 15 billion u.s. dollars for the refugees. it is really very important problem, but without having a solution for syrian peace, we cannot stop the refugees coming to turkey, coming to european continent and also refugee crisis became a kind of global crisis for all of the nations. so it is really very tough to select refugees, but we don't have to make a kind of selection. but we have proper evaluation processes for the refugees. so we have refugee camps and
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also we have some kind of procedures to accept them. we have more than 3 million. >> until there's a solution to syrian peace, the problem will continue. thank you so much for taking the time here on your trip to the united states. donald trump pivoting again, first say nothing amnesty for undocumented immigrants, now saying he's not ruling out amnesty. he'll decide later. next a hispanic leader who jumped off the trump train after trump's immigration speech.
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"credit karma. give yourself some credit." for those here illegally today who are seeking legal status, they will have one route and one route only. to return home and apply for reentry like everybody else. there will be no amnesty. >> well, that was the moment that prompted our next guest to step down from donald trump's national hispanic advisory council. but now that trump says he's not ruling out legal status or amnesty for the millions of undocumented immigrants, how does our next guest feel? joining us is alfonzo aguilar.
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>> i was never a member of donald trump's advisory board for hispanic affairs. i'm just a latino who supported trump. but you know like many latino leaders who had contact with the campaign and advisors to mr. trump, we really thought he was going to embrace some form of legalization. he said he wanted to deal with undocumented immigrants in a compassionate and humane way. then he gives his speech and we just saw him basically say that if you're here illegally, you're going to have to leave. that's your only option. and we're going to make life here very difficult. you're basically going to self-deport. there's no guarantee that you're going to be able to reenter.
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initially he said the good people would leave and reenter quickly. now even that is off the table. you have to leave and there's simply no guarantee that you're going to come back. good, hard-working people who have been here for many many years, their children are citizens, would have to leave and we don't know if they can come back? >> not exactly. it sounds as though yesterday he changed his position on this. he was on his campaign plane. he was asked again by a reporter for clarification, asked about if he would ever be open to legal status or amnesty. here was mr. trump's response yesterday. >> can you rule out that one possibility in that determination -- >> i'm not ruling out anything. we're going to make that decision into the future, okay? good question. i'm glad you asked it. >> okay. i'm not ruling out anything, donald trump says. we're going to make that determination in the future. what do you make of that? >> that kind of spin doesn't work anymore.
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before the speech when his statements were kind of ambiguous. there was room for spin. but now we have a speech. we have a speech you can read. it's in black and white. there's no room for that. he has said that after those ten steps are implemented, then he'll figure out what to do with those people that are remaining. but mind you, what those steps are intended to do is to encourage self-deportation. after those ten steps are implemented he's expecting the undocumented community to be very very small. then he says we'll figure out what to do. but that's after the ten steps. the majority have to leave and there's just no guarantee they will reenter. when he says that, frankly it seems that he's trying to confuse or manipulate. and that's, you know, just not fair. >> how duo you know that he's trying to confuse and he isn't
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just within himself trying to work out what the best policy is? what if it turned out that he really did just want to deport the sort of worst criminals and that he was open to amnesty for the rest, would that make you become a trump supporter again? >> well, that would be wonderful. you know, i head mayor giuliani make that case this weekend. but again we have to go to the speech. and that speech was a nativist speech. i'm sure it was written by people close to senator sessions. and that's not what the speech said. now, if he's willing to somehow renounce that speech and say let's start all over again, then perhaps. but it would be a major flip-flop. again, i think the speech was a defining moment, because it articulated in very clear terms what his policy is. and maybe at the end of the road, some would be allowed to
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stay. but just a few, because the majority, as he clearly said, have to leave. and things are going to be made so difficult for you, that you won't be able to stay here. >> thank you for your perspecti perspective. >> thank you so much. we're following a lot of news, including this new cnn national poll. so let's get right to it. >> just don't think she's presidential. >> the best i can tell is donald trump is for building a big wall. >> stop the drugs, get rid of the bad ones. >> i'm confident she is doing it by the book. >> making a political contribution to the florida attorney general, there are so many things that are questionable about that. >> i think i'm going to do great with the african-american people. people can't walk down the street without getting shot. i'll stop that. >> if you can't meet the
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