tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN September 8, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." "erin burnett out front" starts right now. donald trump taking aim at america's generals. hillary clinton says no more troops in iraq as polls show trump's lead shrinks. plus the putin obsession is, is it a smart political move or is trump being played? what is aleppo? the three words haunting gary johnson tonight. let's go "out front." good evening, i'm erin burnett. bitter battle, hillary clinton, donald trump in the biggest clash of the campaign so far launching nasty personal attacks on who is fit to lead america at war. tonight clinton slamming trump saying he's scary and dangerous. >> it's hard to forget what trump did last night. it was a test and he failed it.
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he trash talked about america's generals saying that they have been, quote, reduced to rubble. he suggested he would fire them all and hand pick his own generals, since he knows so much about what it takes to be a general. >> trump firing back citing clinton's use of her private e-mail server saying she put the nation at risk. >> this is yet more evidence that clinton is unfit to be your commander-in-chief. by the way, the whole kocountry saw how unfit she was at the town hall last night where she refused to take accountability for her failed policies in the middle east. >> now this battle coming as a new poll shows trump and clinton tied in a two-way race in florida and ohio. the stakes could not be higher. right now clinton is peeking at the national baptist convention
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talking about her faith. and what she says is the importance of humility. jeff cel nebraskany is on the trail in missouri. tonight is about faith, but today was about anything but. >> reporter: perhaps not as consequential or grave as this discussion over national security. there was far less talk about their qualifications than heated rhetoric about why their rival is not. >> as your commander-in-chief, i will not trash our country's most cherished values. i will defend them. >> this is yet more evidence that clinton is unfit to be your commander-in-chief. >> the commander-in-chief audition now at the heart of hillary clinton and donald trump's escalating clash. trump says the fight against isis has failed blaming clinton along with president obama. >> under the leadership of barack obama and hillary
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clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. >> reporter: today in north carolina, she accused trump of trash talking u.s. military leaders. >> what would ronald reagan say about a republican nominee who attacks america's generals and one thing you didn't hear from him was any plan to take on isis, one of the biggest threats facing our country. he says his plan is still a secret. well, the truth is he doesn't have a plan. >> trump insists he does. but says he will ask his generals for their plan 30 days after taking office. on iraq, clinton was blunt last night at a military forp um on nbc. >> we are not putting ground troops into iraq ever again. >> we asked her today whether that was a promise she could keep if elected president. >> isn't that ignoring ground forces there, and boxing yourself in should your military commanders if elected, advise
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that you, in fact, need to do that? >> i think putting a big contingent of american ground troops in the ground in iraq and syria would not be in the best interest in the fight against isis and other terrorist groups. i support the air campaign. i support special forces. i support enablers. >> she's acknowledged her support for the iraq war was a mistake. he has not. he supported the ground invasion at the time. >> are you for invading iraq? >> yeah, i guess so. i wish the first time it was done correct lu. >> reporter: even though now he says otherwise. >> i opposed going in. and i did oppose it. >> reporter: above all, the clash on national security is a fight over judgment. trump is asking voters thirsty for change to trust him. clinton, at every turn, tries to highlight his thin resume. >> if we would have taken the oil, you wouldn't have isis. >> we don't send our brave men and women around the world to
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steal oil. >> reporter: it is that debate over judgment that also is at the heart of this. the clinton campaign believes the best way to make donald trump unacceptable in the minds of voters is to question his judgment on matters like national security. donald trump's objective is to make voters feel comfortable with him, the man who could have his hand on the nuclear codes. erin? >> jeff zeleny, thank you. out front tonight, retired general jerry boykin and admiral jamie barnett. thank you to both of you. let me start with you. you heard donald trump say the generals have been reduced to rubble that the point that it's embarrassing for the united states. as a retired three star general, do words like that ompbd you? >> it doesn't ompbd me. my interpretation is that the advice of our generals has been relatively ignored. probably up until the last three to six months when it appears he's starting to listen to them. so i don't think that the
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generals advocated for pullout of iraq in 2011. i think that's what trump was saying. >> hillary clinton says donald trump is trash talking the generals. you just heard the general saying he disagrees. what do you say? >> i think this is a long line of things where donald trump has disrespected our serving military, our current veterans and military families. in this way, it's outrageous. i served with some of the people he's talking about right now. these are the people that are executing and taking away the state from the islamic state. it just is another example why he's not fit temperamentally or otherwise and hillary clinton last night clearly demonstrate ed she's got the command of the fact, the issues, she has the judgment and the knowledge to go forward. and one of the things that came out last night is he doesn't have a plan for defeat iing isi. she does. >> so let me ask you about that. last night she said there would
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be no more ground troops in iraq ever again. those were her words. today you heard her. there wasn't be a big contingent of ground troops. you're criticizing donald trump for not having a plan, but hers appears to be changing hour by hour as well. >> she's always said that. the fact of the matter is she's recognized we have enablers there to do the airstrikes, trainers, special forces. she's always acknowledged that. she's talking about having all these people in combat in harm's way. she's talking about large contingent of combat troops. we don't want to put an iraq force like we did in in 2003. what we want to happen is for the people in the middle east to put the boots on the ground so that they can do it over the long haul. that's what she's talking about. >> no troops is different than a big contingent. when you talk about people being in harm's way, that's what people see as troops on the ground. >> there are no change. she's acknowledged that we have troops there. what i would say is we need to
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enable the people in -- the kurds, syrian freedom forces to go and take back this from isis. she's got a three-point plan. defeat isis where they have these strongholds in the middle east. that's happening. we need to continue to execute that. disrupt the terrorist network worldwide. make sure we're safe at home by increasing our intelligence, sharing information, working with our allies. we have heard nothing from donald trump on anything. he even revealed he doesn't have a plan when he said when i come up with a plan. that's an equal quote from last night. >> what do you say, general? >> well, to begin with, erin, nobody has won a war by telling the enemy how you're going to fight them. it's a a terrible mistake and this is endemic of the obama administration as well that has told the enemy what we're going to do. we are making a foolish mistake by doing that.
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secondly, it does not recognize the admiral calls them enablers. he probably should call them combat troops. . they are special forces that are in combat. so don't tell them they are not combat forces. but the final thing is one of the things that i believe is that donald trump has signalled his willingness and eagerness to restore military readiness. our military is in sad shape right now from a a readiness perspective. that's one of the reasons i'm supporting donald trump is because he will make an all-out effort to listen to his generals, take their recommendations and then apply those in restoring our military readiness. that's what america has to have. >> when it comes to the war on isis, general, today hillary clinton stood by her comments that donald trump is a recruiting tool for isis. she was speaking in an interview with israeli television. here's how she answered the
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question. >> trump has made islam and muslims part of his campaign. basically, argues that the jihadists see this as a great gift. they are saying, oh, please, allah, make trump president of america. >> the former director of the national counterterrorism center. you said in a radio interview, islam is not a religion and does not deserve first amendment protection. do you think comments like yours and donald trump supporting a ban on muslims coming to america help isis recruit? >> if you believe that isis is influenced by the comments by donald trump or by me, you don't know anything about what the jihadists are up against. the muslim brotherhood in america and the jihadi network globally are going to attack us because it's theological. they are going to attack us
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because we are a western democracy and because we are infidels. if you don't understand that and you can honestly say that we are increase iing their recruiting,u know absolutely nothing about why these people do what they do and that's the problem. our president has never faced up to why they motivated to do what they do against us. >> admiral? >> i have to totally disagree. i mean the things that donald trump says are used in the recruiting. he shows up in recruiting video. it's not just that he's helping isis and terrorist organizations like that, he's also damaging our alliances and our partners in the middle east. muslim countries all over the world who listen to this and wonder what america is about. we need them. those are the people we want on the ground. these are the people we need to work with to defeat isis. and to go off on rants about islam and that somehow islam is against america when millions
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and millions of people are peaceful muslims and will work with us. >> thank you both very much. i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you. out front next, hillary clinton in one of her most e vealing interviews on why she's perceived cold and aloof. and gary johnson with a stunning gaffe. >> what is aleppo? >> you're kidding. >> no. >> will it torpedo his campaign? should a u.s. presidential candidate be saying this? >> he is really very much of a leader. you can say isn't that a tshl thing. the man has very strong control over our country. if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies...
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tonight hillary clinton slamming donald trump for praising vladimir putin. trump says he prefers putin to president obama. >> that is not just unpatriotic and insulting to the people of our country as well as to our commander-in-chief, it is scary. because it suggests he will let putin do whatever putin wantsed to. and then make excuses for him. >> trump's running mate mike pence is coming to his defense saying it's inarguable that poout season a a stronger leader than obama. barbara starr is out front. >> donald trump doubling down on his praise of russian president
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vladimir putin. >> he does have an 82% approval rating according to the different pollsters. >> insisting that russia's harassment of the u.s. military will stop under his presidency. like this one from april and another one wednesday over the black sea that caught donald trump's attention. >> take a look at what happened with their fighter jets circling one of our aircraft in it a very dangerous manner. somebody said less than ten feet away. this is hostility. >> yet that hostility from russia isn't stopping trump from extolling what he sees as putin's virtues. >> it's a very different system. i don't happen to like the system, but certainly in that system he's been a leader. far more than our president has been a leader. >> trump says he'd have a a better relationship with putin and russia than president obama. >> the beautiful part of getting along russia wants to defeat isis as badly as we do. >> but u.s. officials say that
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isn't the case. that russia is propping up assad, not hitting isis. >> russia with its support for the assad regime has made the situation more dangerous, more prolonged, more violent. >> trump and the obama administration at odds over allegations of russia's involvement with the alleged hack of the democratic national committee in an attempt to disrupt u.s. elections. >> nobody knows that for a fact. you want me to start naming some of the things that president obama does? >> secretary of defense ash carter appears to have little doubt issuing a stern warning to moscow. >> make no mistake. we will defend our allies, we will counter attempts to undermine our collective security and not ignore attempts to interfere with our democratic processes. >> it's not exactly anything new for russia and the u.s. to be at logger heads, but this time around, the critical question, does vladimir putin think he might get a better deal if
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donald trump is the next president? >> barbara, thank you very much. out front now, chief political analyst gloria borger. we hear this from donald trump last night. it is not the first time. he's been criticized again and again for this. but he repeatedly praises vladimir putin. let me just play for everyone so they can understand how much he's dug in on this. >> i think i get along very well with vladimir putin. >> putin is a nicer person than i am. >> i would get along with russia and putin. he's not going to make us look bad anymore. >> when people call you brilliant, it's always good. >> today bob corker who has said all kinds of positive things about trump warned him about that kind of flattery. do you think there's a strategy behind donald trump praising vladimir putin? is it possible that american voters buy into this? that putin is strong? >> american voters don't like
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putin. if you look at polling over the past few years, he has negative ratings. i think we have to take trump at his word that he admires putin and sees strength as a good thing. and this is mind boggling. not just to democrats but to republicans. mitt romney four years ago who had a a fight with president obama at the time. russia and putin were the greatest strategic threat or interest of united states. and president obama said, no, that's not the right way to rank it. now the republican establishment is saying their candidate plays foots footsie. he bullies his neighbors, is not serious about helping the united states when it comes to interest in the middle east. this is a mind boggling one to the republican establishment. not only chairman borcorker, bu speaker ryan spoke out. neither one of them wanted to directly criticize trump. but they think this is just to use a tough word, they think it's a stupid embrace.
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>> and does he think even though americans don't like vladimir putin they do want strength and admire that about him? >> here's what i think it is. i think donald trump is returning a compliment. so putin has said, okay, i think you're brilliant. i think you're a smart guy. i think donald trump is turning around and saying, you know what, he thinks i'm a smart guy. he's a smart guy too. but i don't think it's a strategy. i don't think it's anything someone would suggest to donald trump. hey, why don't you embrace putin. i think republicans remember cain kr ukraine not too long ago. particularly those who worship a at the shrine of ronald reagan. i know today that the vice presidential candidate mike pence told dana bash that he agreed with trump that putin is a stronger leader than president obama, but in another era, this would be considered treasonous
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to say something like that. if a democrat had said that, i think he would be in a lot of trouble. >> and yet secretary kerry is talking with the foreign minister of russia to work together. yet this administration is working with russia, trying to. to your point about a compliment, trump defended putin last night and brought up that exact point. if i'm complimented, i will compliment back. let me play it for you. >> he's also a guy who annexed crim crimea, invaded ukraine, supports assad, supports iran, is trying to undermine our influence in key regions of the world. and probably is the main suspect for the hacking of the dnc computers. >> nobody knows that for a fact. you want me to start naming some of the things that president obama does? >> do you want to be compliments by that former kgb officer?
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>> when he calls me brilliant, i will take the compliment. >> is he being played by putin? >> a lot of intelligence analysts would say yes. they say it's just nooif naive. number two, it's not what a potential head of state should be saying about vladimir putin. a man if donald trump is elected in 60 days, he's going to have to sit across the table from and do business with on a number of very difficult issues, which at the moment, the evidence is indisputable vladimir putin has american interests. he acts in a a way that are contrary to western values. those are facts. and donald trump says these nice things. essentially when a a leader does this, what signal is donald trump senting to his voters? he's sending what putin does is okay. it's okay. and the current president of the united states, but a lot of republicans too, this is an issue on which just about everybody in the foreign policy and intelligence establish m, people that experience is say listen to donald trump and shake
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their heads because they don't get it. >> isn't that the whole point that he thumbs his nose at the establishment? >> he thumbs his nose and if you look at paul ryan as an example, he spoke out about vladimir putin today. but he didn't take on donald trump. i think they are at a point in the campaign where they are stuck. they can't take on donald trump anymore or take on water for their own republican party in the down-ballot. so paul ryan was kind of twisting himself in a press cel today trying to distance himself from donald trump's embrace of vladimir putin and yet not taking on trump. and it's a tough position for them to be in right now with 60 plus days left before the election. >> 61, but who is counting? everyone on screen right now. thank you both. next, the republican party
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chairman calling hillary clinton out for not smiling. is that sexist or not. and gary johnson shs the three words he wishes he could take back. >> what is aleppo? >> you're kidding. >> no. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. get back to great. all computers on sale like this dell laptop. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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breaking news. live pictures out of missouri. hillary clinton speaking at this moment at the baptist convention in kansas city. moments ago opening up about her faith and family. it comes as she gave an extremely candid interview with humans of new york and in part, i know that i can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional, but i had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. that's a a hard path to walk. because you need to protect yourself. you need to keep steady. but at the same time, you don't want to seem, e quote, walled off. clinton also said but if that sometimes is the perception i create then i can't blame people
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for thinking that. brianna keilar is out front. this is hillary clinton as open as we have ever seen her. >> that's right. i don't recall her talking about this before or really in this way where she's talking about how she's learned to control her emotions and also she feels there's a double standard for men and women that something that may be acceptable for men will seem shrill for women. she talks a lot about that as well as one particular anecdote where she e talks about being at harvard and doing a test and young men actually getting mad at her and other women taking the test and that she thought i have to keep my head down. i have to focus on this test. it's something that has carryie her through her life. but you'll recall also something that i thought was interesting as i read this. when she choked up in new hampshire in 2008 and show ed some e emotion, she completely turned that race around.
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there have been times where she's not been able to control her emotions and it's been to her benefit. >> and there's also this tweet last night. she's now down playing it but it came from reince priebus. hillary clinton was angry and defensive the entire time. no smile and uncomfortable. upset she was caught wrongly sending our secrets. clinton says i don't take anything from the rnc seriously, but what's the reaction from people inside the clinton campaign that talks about how she was not smiling and uncomfortable? >> i talked to one of her top aids who said it was ridiculous, laughable. you wouldn't haask a man to smi. that was certainly the feeling there. and also from a lot of people who locked at that and don't think it's anything that's going to hurt her. it's not something that irritated her. donald trump has a problem in the polls with women. and this certainly isn't going to help with that and that's something that plays to hillary clinton's favor. but i think this is something
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that they look at and roll their eyes at. because there is an overtone of sexism. it comes on the heels of donald trump saying that hillary clinton doesn't have the presidential look, which was a remark that a lot of people took to be sexist in nature. she's a woman who so it doesn't seem she would be president. it was something he said about carly fiorina as well. >> thank you. donald trump supporter and senior adviser to the trump campaign. reince priebus coming out and say iing she wasn't smiling. you just heard clinton campaign saying they see that as sexist. this isn't something you'd say to a man. he wasn't smiling. by the way, it isn't something you'd say to a man. should reince priebus apologize. >> absolutely not. this is what clinton does against everyone she runs
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against. i don't think women like to be painted as victims. i don't. m i'm a strong woman. reince priebus was making a point that she was uncomfortable answering questions about how she was caught mishandling classified information. she looked irritated. i heard many non-partisan folks say that today. this was not sexism. >> this was the definition of sexism. it really wraps everything into a narrative that's going to start to help her. the humans of "new york post," as you said, as personal as you have ever seen her. she talked about why she's looked at in a very different lens. and women who are in the workplace of every age do understand that. you have to be pretty, but not too pretty. you have to be firm, but not too firm. so she understands that.
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the way she said that i think is really relevant to so many people and then the tweet just underscores just how sexist. >> it's not sexist. and donald trump is absolutely not sexist. >> he's the definition of sexism. >> let's ratchet all this down. >> he doesn't do well with women in the polls overall. 53% o of married women he's doing better than half. >> 20% lead over hillary clinton in married women. now let's go back. the tweet was by reince priebus and not donald trump. she was unquestionably testy with matt lauer last night.
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if i had done what you did, i would be in prison. that's the truth. she became upset and stayed upset. she kept interrupting matt lauer. much more presidential and much more in his own element. >> to your point, the last thing i would expect would be a smile. >> first of all, let me go back. let's go back to last night. she is at the forum to talk about foreign policy insecurity. a commander-in-chief forum. you expect her or the head of the rnc expect her to be smiling and grinning the entire time? let me finish.
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so the fact of the matter is she's there talking about very serious issues. she's not testy. she's forthright and strong. she talked about in this interview how -- >> hold on. >> she's gotten to the point where she can be a steadfast hand as a leader, particularly in areas of foreign policy. >> let me ask a question. on this b issue of smile, do you find -- i want to get to the bottom of it. do you find it strange that anyone would say why would someone be smiling? >> no, because men can smile too. if donald trump was angry the way hillary clinton was there would be a lot of scrutiny of him. i wonder if. either of you think bernie sanders is sexist because when she was on the debate stage with him and he said you're screaming. she goes, maybe men interpret that when i speak loud i'm screaming because i'm a woman.
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she did this against bernie sanders too. >> hold on. do you think bernie sanders was sexist when that happened? >> i think that a lot of men actually have that attitude towards women. i'm saying it's either subconscious or conscious. the fact of the matter that there is that double standard. and we all know it. for people to deny it means that they don't understand the situation. >> so let me ask you about about what she said a bt this issue. not about last night. if you want to run for the senate or the presidency, most of your role models are going to be men. what works for them won't work for you. it's not bad, it's just a fact. >> plenty of women all over the world, margaret thatcher who have been unbelievably successful and won very close elections and haven't had to
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break and this is trying to take attention away from her real issues. and everything that came before them. >> pause for a moment. i want to play that. she gave in defense, she has given a lot of different excuses or explanations, whatever word you'd like to use for what happened with the e e-mails. let me just play. >> i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. i did not send or receive any e-mails marked classified a at the time. >> there was never any material marked classified that was sent or received by me. >> classified material has a
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header, which says top secret, secret, confidential. none of the e e-mails sent or received by me had such a header. >> there were differences there. i didn't send anything marked at the time. now it didn't have a header. it does seem to change. >> i don't think it changes. the director has said this himself that anyone looking at those e-mails would reasonable conclude they were not classified. he has actually said that. and her responses have been consistent. that she did not send e-mail that she saw was classified. she handed led the classified information appropriately. >> there's been proof. >> she told her aids to make secure e-mails nonsecure. e she instructed her aids to strip the headers of those
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e-mails. >> the bottom line is james comey said himself that nobody could have reasonably said that she knew this was classified because of those. >> that's not what he said. >> and classification itself is the problem here. i'm not lying to the american people. you are trying to lie to the american people. >> she never sent or received material that was marked classified and that's why the fbi never went forward because there was no intention. >> he couldn't prove intention. all right. pause. we'll see. when it comes to charges, you are right. the case is closed. next, nbc executives thought matt lauer's performance was a disaster. was that fair or sellering him
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out? and jeanne moos on what is aleppo. >> one of those animals? >> it's not an animal. if you're searching other travel sites to find a better price... ...stop clicking around... the lowest prices on our hotels are always at so pay less and get more only at but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. it's the big steak and crab bash... you get half a pound of sweet, snow crab legs...
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breaking news, brand new swing state poll showing a surge for presidential candidate gary johnson in two must-win states. north carolina, 15% support. and he has 14% in ohio. pretty incredible numbers. the only problem for yon son is that the pl polls are coming out hours after this embarrassing exchange. >> what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? >> about? >> aleppo. >> what is aleppo? >> you're kidding. >> no. >> aleppo is in syria. it's the ep center of the refugee crisis. >> okay, got it. well, with regard to syria, i do think that it's a mess. >> the executive editor mark preston is out front.
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gary johnson actually put a a hash tag on twitter. what is aleppo. he's saying he's going to do his research. he was trying to do damage control on "the view" today. >> i know what aleppo was and i should not be any smarter than you because you're running for president. having said that, i'm sure trump did you want know what aleppo is either. i think it's a disqualifying statement. >> fair enough. >> so mark, lots of times we have heard game over for donald trump. voters don't care about things you think they might care about. could gary johnson survive this? >> it all depends what your definition of survival means. at this point gary johnson an incredibly uphill battle. he needs to get into the commission on presidential debates. he does not qualify. he needs to get 15% across five polls. he comes nowhere close to that. the highest we have seen is 10%. he wasn't going to get into the
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debates. what we have seen is become a spoiler. could he -- does he take away from donald trump or hillary clinton? and in the polls that you just showed, gary johnson takes away from donald trump in three of those states. florida, north carolina and in pennsylvania. in ohio he takes away from hillary clinton. so he could be a spoiler to both of them should his campaign continue to move on. >> and those polls that you mentioned where he's at 15%, 14%, are those voters voting for him or are they voting as a protest vote against trump and clinton? >> one of his biggest problems is he wanted to be a magnet for anti-trumpers. a a lot of these folks are looking elsewhere. some of that support are republicans who do not want to vote for donald trump, but there is a solid core of libertarians in the united states. maybe it's 5% who are going to support gary johnson.
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so just take his number at 10% let's say and take half of that off, half for trump and half for libertarians. >> mark preston, thank you. going to be crucial what happens here given that he could be the defining person in so many crucial states. out front next, everyone on the staej at the forum was criticized for their performance. what went wrong? and the toughest question of the day. >> what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? >> what is aleppo? >> you're kidding. >> no. st awarded car company two years in a row? oh wow. i'm surprised! chevy's coming out with some nice stuff. the design is great. i love it. number one in my book. and chevy is going to give you 0% financing for 72 months. that's 6 years of no interest. that's awesome. i know, right? if you only had 72 hours to get a great deal on this car, what would you do? can we sign with you? the chevy 72 hour sale is here. this labor day, get 0% financing for 72 months on all your favorite 2016 chevy models. hurry, the clock is ticking, get yours now.
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and always working to be better. tonight, the countdown is on to the presidential debates. a new poll just into cnn 53% say hillary clinton will do a better job, 43% betting on trump. last night's forum with the two candidates show the stakes at this debate could not be higher. brian steltser is out front. >> reporter: matt lauer heavily criticized for his handling of the commander in chief forum. even some of his colleagues now saying it was this appointing. with 15 million watching and just 25 minutes to interview each candidate, "today" show co-host repeat dpedly interrupt hillary clinton. >> let me go -- >> he refuses to take responsibility for his support. >> let me go to another question. >> that is a judgment issue. >> reporter: lauer spent ten minutes on clinton's e-mails then had to rush her along. >> you think you're going cheat. >> this is an important issue.
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i know woer on tv, with we don't have a lot of time. >> i want to get to a lot of questions. >> reporter: donald trump got more open-ended questions. >> what kind of research are you doing now? what kind of homework are you doing? >> reporter: raising questions of whether lauer went too easy on the gop nominee. most egregiously, lauer failed to fact check this. >> i was totally against the war in iraq from -- you can look at "esqui "esquire" magazine from '04, look at before that. >> reporter: this claim is easy to debunk. >> are you for invading iraq? >> yeah, i guess so. you know, i wish it was -- i wish the first time it was done correctly. >> reporter: trump did not publicly oppose the war until well after the invasion. the forum was a preview to a highly anticipated debate and a glimpse of what to expect from both candidates. trump's critics slamming him for being short on specifics. >> i may love what the generals come back with. i will -- >> you have your own plan. >> i have a plan, but i want to be -- i don't want -- look, i have a very substantial chance of winning.
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make america great again. >> reporter: some hitting clinton for her defensive demeanor. >> there is no evidence my system was hacked. >> reporter: even some audience members saying they were disappointed. moderating trump is a unique challenge. add clinton and it's even harder. now all eyes on the presidential debate just 2 1/2 weeks away where the stakes are even higher. >> now, brian, you had today hillary clinton using this to raise money. >> that's right. putting on a fund-raising letter saying even matt lauer won't fact check trump so we have to do it ourselves, support us. what we're seeing in this campaign is the very purpose of journalism. the very purpose of interviewing is up for debate. trump is such a unique figure. clinton also a challenge, but journalists have to be forceful with both candidates. that's what our viewers want. >> absolutely. brian stelter, thank you very much. of course, all eyes going to be on that first debate as we said just 2 1/2 weeks away. all right. next, jeanne moos on how a long hard-fought political campaign can crumble in just the blink of
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gary johnson's stumble heard around the world, but he's far from the only gaffe-prone candidate for president. here's jeanne moos. >> reporter: we dare you to try and look away even if you've seen it ten times already. >> what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? >> and what is aleppo? >> you're kidding? >> no. >> reporter: the exchange instantly gave birth t to #whatisaleppo.
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granted, 11 out of 14 people we asked on the street -- >> what's aleppo? i wouldn't know. >> reporter: -- couldn't identify the syrian city at the epicenter of the refugee crisis. >> what is aleppo? >> i have no idea. >> i don't know. i know the libertarian candidate got it wrong and i don't know it, either. >> one of those animals? >> not an animal. >> reporter: speaking of animals, someone tweeted "donald trump probably wouldn't know the difference between aleppo and ee alpo." wean you're criticizing someone for screwing up, be sure you don't screw up, yourself. a former u.s. ambassador to iraq called libertarian johnson aleppo johnson, then proceeded to mischaracterize aleppo. >> the capital of isis. >> reporter: actually, the isis capital is raqqah, not aleppo. "the new york times" made the same mistake and printed a correction, then a correction to the correction. candidates hate what they consider to be gotcha questions. though then-governor bush gave as good as he gotcha. >> can you name the president of
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chechnya? >> no, can you? >> reporter: what happened to johnson wasn't a gotcha. it was more like what happened to sarah palin. >> do you agree with the bush doctrine? >> in what respect, charlie? >> reporter: and when herman cain was asked if he agreed with president obama on libya -- >> okay. libya. >> reporter: the silence was deafening. >> got all the stuff twirling around in my head. >> reporter: what wasn't twirling in rick perry's head was the third department he would eliminate. >> what's the third one there? let's see. >> reporter: gary johnson said he first thought aleppo was an acronym. "i blanked. trying to guess could be worse." >> could it be a disease? >> reporter: one tweet framed his gaffe as if it were "jeopardy," a three-word sentence meaning end of campaign. johnson, what is aleppo? trebek sighing, that is correct, guerre ary.
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>> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> thank you so much as always for joining us. don't forget, watch "outfront" anytime, anywhere on cnn go. "a.c. 360" begins right now. bre tonight. a new batch of battleground state polls shows a tight race getting tighter in key states. the presidential election now exactly two months away and the first debate in less tan three weeks. the two candidates about as different as two people can be. we got a taste of that and what the debates may bring last night at a commander in chief forum. and the reaction especially to the claims made by donald trump has been reverberating now for almost 24 hours. both candidates spent the day on the campaign trail clarifying some of their positions, doubling down on others and most definitely taking aim at each other. our senioe senior political correspondent, brianna keilar, joins us with the latest. clinton spending today defending what she said last night. what did she focus on? >> that's right. what she said last night, a promise, she's clearly sensitive
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