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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  September 10, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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through the same stuff. the they can't paddle on the first day. the last day they were paddling through whitewater. >> to see how their journey unfolds on a river in montana, watch cnnher that's it for us. i'll see you right back here on monday night. thanks for watching. finally, a plan for some kind of peace. officials come to an agreement for a cease-fire in syria but they urge caution in its execution. frustration in south korea after the north claims its fifth successful nuclear weapons test. >> plus, she could shoot someone and get away with it. another extreme characterization from donald trump against his opponent in the u.s. presidential race. hello and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm hannah vaughan jones here in london. this is cnn "newsroom".
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there's new hope. the bombs and the gunfire in syria will stop at sundown on monday. the u.s. and russia have announced a cease-fire deal. our nic robertson has the details now on the peace plan. >> reporter: so key to the association of hostility is working. secretary kerry said for the united states to put pressure on the opposition to keep good on their obligations and for russia for their part to keep assad good on his obligations. he said the united states's assessment was that was what russia would do. this is how he put it. >> today the united states and russia are announcing a plan which we hope will reduce violence, ease suffering, and resume movement towards a negotiated peace and a political transition in syria. the obama administration, the
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united states is going the extra mile here because we believe that russia and my colleague have the capability to press the assad regime to stop this conflict and to come to the table and make peace. >> reporter: another key point of this peace agreement not just the cessation but humanitarian access. secretary kerry laying out in specific detail how that would take effect in aleppo to give 300,000 people living in besieged rebel-controlled areas humanitarian access. and the barrel bombing helicopters and that the united states would work together against al nusra. sergei lavrov saying that the seven-day test period would
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allow, and he said this was important, would allow and must happen after seven days, a separation of terrorist opposition elements and nonterrorist op elements. this is how he put it. >> translator: after the regime is fully functional for seven continuous day we, as john just said, ought to create a joint implementation center where the military men from russia and the u.s. will be engaged in solving practical matters and separation of terrorists from the moderate opposition. >> reporter: and that has been a key issue for russia in the past. a bone of contention with the united states going on for months. the united states are saying who was a terrorist and who wasn't a terrorist. who should be targeted and who shouldn't be targeted. a lot of mistrust. lavrov laying out how he he had
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told the assad regime of his responsibilities. secretary kerry thanking him for that. but of coursed peace talks in the past when the political transition part comes up somewhere down the road, that's when the expectation is that russia will tell bashar al assad, he will need to step aside. that hasn't happened in the past. at this stage it's not clear how this will come going forward. nic robertson, cnn, geneva. >> south korea says its nuclear capabilities of its northern neighbor has grown to a dangerous level. the world needs to impose tougher sanctions on north korea. friday's test is the most powerful yet, nearly twice the size of the last one in january. north korea conducted five nuclear test explosions in all.
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they are calling the latest blast another provocation. the latest test is a clear threat to international peace and security. paula hancocks looks at the world's reaction. >> reporter: well, north korea is celebrating even if the rest of the world hasn't. they have successfully tested a nuclear warhead and claiming now they can mount it on a ballistic mice ill. it is is impossible for the rest of the world to verify that claim. we have consistently heard it would be very dangerous not to take north korea at its word. we have heard from state-run media saying from now on they will be conducting their relations, their foreign relations as befits an independent state and a nuclear weapons state. u.s. president barack obama said that will simply not happen. washington will never accept pyongyang as a nuclear state.
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he said to be clear the u.s. does not and never will accept north korea as a nuclear state. that is a sentiment that is also held by politicians in tokyo, in south korea and certainly many other countries. the u.n. secretary is general ban ki-moon says we must urgently break this spiral of escalation. that is the overwhelming feeling at this point. that this is an accelerating problem the united nations saying they will do something about it. >> the members of the security council also recalled they had previously suppressed their determination to take further significant measures in the event of another nuclear test by the democratic peoples republic of korea. in line with this commitment and the gravity of this violation, the members of the security council will will begin to work immediately on appropriate
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measures and article 41 in a security council resolution. >> intelligence officials briefing lawmakers here in seoul said they have concerns that north korea appears to be progressing far quicker previously estimated. that is certainly a sentiment being felt around the region, around the world. that is why we are seeing condemnation from the world leaders and experts starting to question, what more can the rest of the world do beyond just sanctions? hannah. >> paula hancocks there, thank you. joining us is head of the asian pacific desk at a global information and analysis company. allison, thanks very often for coming in. let's talk about the international response to this. ban ki-moon already condemned this. does his voice carry any weight anymore or is pyongyang just
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laughing at the rest of the world. >> i think his name does carry weight to condemn this action. but from north korea's perspective it makes sense to keep carrying out these tests. as your correspondent says, it shows a clear progress in north korea's technical development. and we have seen that with the nuclear tests today -- sorry, yesterday and in january but also with missiles test, the most recent of which was on monday. >> in terms of north korea's nuclear capability, can it, as far as we know, put a nuclear warhead on a missile. who is it pointing it to, japan or the south? >> so north korea does have nuclear weapons and it can put them on a shorter range missiles. what it is working toward is being able to put them on intercontinental ballistic
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missiles to the united states. it doesn't yet have capability. it might be two years. we didn't see a successful reentry of the satellite. that is what north korea is looking for to be able to deliver the warhead on an int intercontinental ballistic missile. >> they don't seem to carry any weight as far as stopping kim jong-un from stopping. how is china in terms of the resolution? i think china is essential. unfortunately what we have seen since the test in january is that china has sort of been pulled in two directions. so it agreed to u.n. resolution 2270 in march with a much
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broader range. but after that south korea and the u.s. agreed to deploy the anti-missile defense system there and china did not want. so that is a reason for them not to enforce the new sanctions as strongly. >> this is between the u.s. and south korea, right? >> yes. china's argument is although nominally that is aimed at north korea, it would allow the u.s. to scan china and defend against any missiles that might come from china. >> so many of us are fascinated by this closed communist state in north korea. when we see the pictures released from pyongyang of kim jong-un looking proud and jubilant, we wonder how much of a grip he has on the country. we have heard there have been several defections from the north to the south. do tests like this reinforce his grip on the state, or is he starting to lose some power?
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>> yes, i think these do show the people of north korea, especially on a day like yesterday, the national foundation day, that the military is strong and that the country is developing its capabilities, both nuclear weapons capabilities and missile capabilities and since kim jong-un came to power, we have seen different purges and changes in the top leadership that show that it probably is the case that kim jong-un is consolidating power and bringing the party stronger relative to the military and decision making in north korea. >> there were reports that there was an earthquake in north korea as well. it does seem i respective of the loss of life or the impact they might have on north koreans, they will do whatever it takes to keep their leader content. >> yes, i think so. the earthquake was one of the devices that had happened.
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there have been reports of flooding in north korea that have killed hundreds of thousands of people. i think the important thing is that because north koreans mainly, if not exclusively get their information from north korea media and government messages, it is quite important for them to know that their country is strong and safe because that's what's keeping their system alive. >> it is fascinating. we'll no doubt be talking about it more in the months to come. thank you for coming in and talk to go us. >> thank you. u.s. officials are concerned that a russian cyber attacks could affect public confidence in the american election process. sources tell cnn the obama administration is debating how to respond to the attacks. putin said it is a public
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service but denies being involved in the attacks. officials aren't afraid the hacks will actually impact the vote count on election day, but they are concerned about possible tampering of voter registrations. meanwhile, russia is vetting its military muscle in crimea. that makes some people wondering if friday's war games was stirring up trouble or if there is trouble head. >> moscow putting on a huge show of force. war games from land, air, and sea. in crimea, the territory russia annexed from ukraine a little over two years ago. >> the russians are sending a very clear message with these complex military drills. their forces are in crimea and they are ready to fight any time. they take place not only in crimea, but in russia's entire southern military district right
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on the border with ukraine. the involve more than 12,000 soldiers, dozens of fighter jets strike aircraft, hitting ground and sea targets and land forces in an amphibious assault. still, the defense ministry spokesman said it is is not a provocation this is not at all a provocation, he says. this is a planned event. we announced these drills last november. the troops have been preparing for a long time. but they come at a time of heightened tensions with the u.s. and nato over the annexation of crimea. they intercepted a plane just as the drills were getting under way. and russia accused ukraine of trying to smuggle in operatives.
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russia's military chief of staff is says the initial assessment is the tests went smoothly. >> translator: we need to fully analyze everything, he says. but these drills were beneficial to the district and the troops from other districts as well. with russia and the west at odds overseer ya and ukraine, moscow is continuing to advance and refine its armed forces for all the world see. fred pleitgen in crimea. donald trump famously said he could shoot someone and not lose voters. what if hillary clinton shot someone. find out after this break trump's answer.
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welcome back. scary moments for residents of illinois on friday as multiple tornados touched down in the region. meteorologist derek van dam joins us now. derek, bring us up to speed with the picture. >> reporter: it was a scary day
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friday across central united states. we're talking about a time of the year when we typically don't see as many tornados as let's say april or may when of course the peak season in the central and midwest of the united states. what i have done is taken an image and enlarged the moment when a twister blew through a small town you just outside champaign, illinois, in south central illinois. look at the debris flying around the base of the tornado. you can enlarge this so you can see the entire length of the tornado. if we cut to the video, you'll see how ominous the skies were overhead across central illinois. take a look at the video. you'll be able to notice it was scary indeed. staff members from the national weather service will go this
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morning to conduct a survey to see just how intense these tornados were. we have a scale that identifies the intensity of tornados. it references an ef-0, which is the least amount of damage to an ef-5, which would be the most intense tornado with winds over 200 miles per hour. certainly something that we are going to have to monitor going forward across this area. because there's notthis threat tornados. friday, five reports of tornados in the united states. typically we would see about 74 in september. you can see april and may really are the peak of the u.s. tornado season i want to bring you up to speed on a potential of a typhoon developing of the western pacific. because this needs to be in your radar if you are living in taipei or anywhere across the southern japanese islands.
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we are talking three to five days where this could strengthen into super typhoon statutes. that is an ominous sign as we go forward the next several days. the storm has the potential to create some serious damage. >> derek, appreciate it. thanks very much indeed. >> you're welcome. and the race for the white house, donald trump again slamming hillary clinton over her e-mails and using north korea's latest nuclear test to attack her record at the state department. the republican presidential candidate called the blast "just one more massive failure from a failed secretary of state." at a rally on friday, he characterized clinton in a way he once used to describe his own impugnity. >> she is so protected she could walk into this arena right now
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and shoot someone with 20,000 people watching right smack in the heart and wouldn't be prosecuted. that is what's happened. that is what's happened to our country. >> he has done what the billionaire refused to do, release his tax return. pence and his wife had a little more than a $113,000. they released 10 years of returns in all. critics have pressured trump to release his tax returns. but he says he won't until a federal audit is completed. tax lawyers say trump could release those concerns at any time. hillary clinton is trying to send a message to voters that she has what it takes to be the next commander in chief. during the press conference on friday, clinton touted her achievements while painting trump as in competent. here's our senior washington correspondent joe johns. hillary clinton is offering
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a full throated condemnation of north korea's latest nuclear weapons test. >> we are not going to let anyone who is a treaty alley and partner of ours be threatened. we are not going to let north korea pursue a nuclear weapon with the missile ballistic capacity to deliver it to the united states territory. that is absolutely a bottom line. >> clinton's comments come as she meets with national security leaders, including top members of former george w. bush's administration looking to emphasize her commander in chief as global fronts are put front and center in the presidential campaign. >> we won't always see eye on eye. when it comes to questions of war, peace, and the safety of our country, we can't let party affiliation stand between us. we need to put partisanship aside and work together for the good of all of us. >> reporter: as the trump campaign blames clinton for the
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growth of north korea's nuclear capabilities during her tenure as secretary of state. >> one more massive failure from a secretary of state. >> donald trump said maybe more nations saudi arabia, japan, maybe more should get nuclear weapons. that would be a disaster for the world. we're going to control nukes, not let them proliferate. >> i now have more endorsements from retired officers that any democrat, other than incumbent president, has ever had. >> reporter: and the clinton campaign releasing a new television ad. >> we've got to bring people together. that's how you solve problems. >> reporter: airing in seven battle ground states saying clinton is a unifier.
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but as clinton continues to paint trump in the worst possible light, newly released photos adding trying into the nature of the relationship between the clintons and the trumps over the years. these released by the clinton presidential library in response to a freedom of information act request showing them socializing in new york in 2000 appearing to have a great time. >> cnn washington correspondent joe johns reporting for us. isis is claiming responsibility for two deadly bombings that targeted a busy shopping center in iraq. why the terror group is modifying its attack strategy. plus, it's been a mystery for 400 years. what cough the great plague of london that killed thousands of people? scientists say they have finally figured it out.
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this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again.
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hello. welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm hannah vaughan jones. the headlines this history. a cessation of hostilities due to take effect in syria on monday. u.s. secretary of state john kerry and is sergei lavrov announced the deals following talks in geneva on friday. kerry said the pact calls on the syrian government and opposition rebels to will respect the cease-fire. >> the u.n. security council is strongly condemning north korea's latest nuclear test. it may have been the nation's most powerful test yet. it was twice as large as their
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last one in january. and donald trump makes an unexpected claim about his presidential rival. hillary clinton could, quote, shoot somebody with 20,000 people watching and avoid constitution. u.s. officials are concerned with possible tampering of voter registrations after hacking on election sites. the obama administration is debating how to respond to the attacks. the russian president has denied his country's's involvement in political hacking. >> at least 21 people are dead in bangladesh after a boiler exploded in the capital. it happened 6 a.m. local time. officers tell us they sent is around 50 workers to various
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hospitals. they are investigating what caused the boiler to explode. reuters news agency says syrian government forces have retaken a very important road to the city of aleppo. that road is in the southwest of the city at the lower left of this map on screen. it is the same general area that rebels captured in august to end a month-long regime siege. but government forces have now effectively surrounded rebel-held areas and that prevents them from using a key supply route. you'll know that cessation of hostilities should be in force including aleppo from monday. to the iraq now. isis is claiming responsibility for an attack that killed at least 11 people. two bombings targeted a shopping center in baghdad on friday. almost 30 people. the terror group has been losing
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territory across iraq. militants are relying on attacking areas that are not under isis control. french officials say three women arrested on thursday were part of an isis terror cell. the arrests followed the discovery of a car near notre dame cathedral packed with gas cylinders authorities found a letter pledging allegiance to isis. president hollande said a major terror attack has likely been averted. millions of muslims from around the world have traveled to saudi arabia for the hajj. it is a pillar of islam. here's a look at the centuries old ritual.
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the hajj pilgrimage taking place this weekend. an excursion turned into quite an ordeal with 40 cable passengers trapped in mont
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blanc. ben wedeman is in france. >> visibly relieved to be back on the ground. it was supposed to be a beautiful day on the highest peak. but it turned into a nightmare. 33 people stuck overnight in cable cars in the french alps, suspended at over 12,000 feet. they were among 110 initially trapped after wires carrying the cars tangled in high winds. the experience left many shaken. >> translator: you try to clear your mind as much as you can, but it's very difficult, very difficult. i had to close my eyes during a good amount of to try to think about something else. >> reporter: rescuers raced against nightfall to evacuate as many as possible. when fog rolled in, they used rope to lower some to the ground. >> they tried to take us with a helicopter, but the fog came in. so the two rescuers stayed with
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us. and then we did a blay after we decided there was no way else to get down. >> water and cereal bars were found in each cabin. 33 people were freed after first responders managed to restart the car. now heading back, relieved it's over and no one was hurt. french officials have begun an investigation into this incident perhaps with an eye to make sure it never happens again. for those who were stuck all night in the freezing cable cars, however, they probably never wanted to step foot in one again. ben wedeman, cnn, france. scientists say they finally know for certain what caused the great plague of london in 1665. it killed more than 75,000 people in the space of just one
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year. scientists have been examining skeletons in a mass burial site discovered last year in london. dna confirms the victims died of the bubonic plague. the same bacteria called the black death which killed millions of people during the 14th century. the united states and the world will mark 15 years since the 9/11 attacks on sunday. now we're getting a look inside the twin towers that came down during the assault. it is part of 9/11, the award-winning documentary, which cnn recently acquired. we want to warn you you may find some of the images that follow disturbing. >> under the awning of 1 trade center. i remember asking can i come in with you? i want to come in with you. and she said yeah, come in with me.
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i go. and i hear screams. and right to my right there were two people on fire burning. i just didn't want to film it. it was like no one, no one should see. >> cnn film presents 9/11 15 years later. 2,977 people were killed in the terror attacks. most of them died at the world trade center in new york. at least 77 countries lost citizens in the attacks. 19 highjackers were involved. 15 of them from saudi arabia. coming up, a u.s. military veteran blinded is going for olympic gold. and american football
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players are defending a controversial protest meant to highlight racial injustice. what an entire team could do on sunday, september 11th.
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this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again.
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one swimmer has a pretty big challenge ahead in the pool at the paralympic games in rio depos deposit. he's blind. >> he had been a competitive swimmer all his life. at the naval academy he had been captain of the swim team. the water was familiar territory for him. but how different would it be without his vision? >> when i go then i found this real cool sense of freedom,
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liberation from the burden of this new reality. >> was there a point you realized i'm pretty good at this and maybe i can go to the paralympics. >> people were saying the world record is in reach. i said, guys, you don't understand. this is not -- you can't just happen into this. it takes years and years and years of dedication and hard work and mastering these different techniques that i am only just now learning. it would be impossible for this to happen. >> well, this man here, bradley schneider, dominated the morning heat. >> against the odds, brad did qualify for the olympic games in summer 2012. he was scheduled to swim the finals in the 400 meter freestyle september 7th, 2012, just a year after his injury. brad touched the wall far ahead of his competition.
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he had done it, won gold exactly one year to the day after losing his eyesight in afghanistan. >> he had the race of his life. >> i don't even believe it sometimes. it seems very surreal. and the memories seem like something put into a movie or something like that. >> brad left london with two gold medals and a silver. since that time, his life has been a whirlwind. he's focusing full time on training for this year's games in rio. and the athletic brand, underarmor, signed him to a sponsorship deal last year. watching brad do this, you would never know he's blind. typically blind swimmers are tapped with a pole by their coaches, indicating its time to make a turn at the wall. in practice, brad doesn't use a tapper. under gizzy's watchful eye, he
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1/2 gates by the reasons and counts his strokes. the way he approaches it, swimming is a lot like life. it is what you do after you crash into the wall that matters. amazing story. the u.s. national football league season kicks off this weekend. is and some players are defending their controversial protest of refusing to stand during the u.s. national anthem before games. andy scholes has more. >> reporter: as the nfl returns to the spotlight, colin kaepernick has sparked conversation. >> players aren't comfortable speaking what's really on their mind and what's right because they are afraid of consequences that come along wit. that's not an ideal environment for anybody. and i think that also speaks to the oppression and culture that
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we have here where if you don't fall in line, then we're going to get you out. >> others are joining in on the protest reed, marshall, and lane have all refrained from standing during the anthem. this sunday on 9/11, before their game with the miami dolphins, the entire seahawks team is planning. >> it is to get people to think. . it is very ironic september 11th is one of the most devastating times in u.s. history. and after that day probably the most unified we have ever been today you struggle to see the unity. it is ironic to me this date is coming up. it will be special day, a very significant day. >> reporter: not everyone agrees
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with his movement. he was booed during the 49ers's final season game. >> i think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about. >> reporter: agree or disagree with his method, good is coming out. he pledged to donate the first million dollar to groups that deal with social in equality. 49ers and green bay packers will all donate we. kaepernick is giving a portion of the sale of his jersey. >> the jersey sales jumped because people believe there can be change. they believed i was someone who could help the change.
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a u.s. navy sailor could face punishment after she posted this video online and it went viral. it shows her sitting down during the national anthem at a military base in florida. she said she is protesting racial injustices. the navy requires all to stand when the national anthem. they have identified the sailor and appropriate administrative actions are pending. a recent gaffe by presidential candidate gary johnson got us thinking about other slip-ups by american politicians. # is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade.
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ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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. u.s. safety officials and samsung are urging people who own a samsung galaxy note 7 to stop using it. they issued a worldwide recall of the latest smartphone over battery problems. some reported their note 7s caught fire. here's samuel burke.
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>> reporter: samsungs they have 35 case. now they are taking the steps of recalling 2.5 million units. the company says it is specifically a problem with the battery. the batteries come from two different suppliers. only one of them has the problem. but they're not saying which of the suppliers it is. >> on thursday, u.s. aviation authorities warned airline passengers to not use or charge their note 7s in flight and not to stowe their phones in their checked luggage. >> u.s. libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson made a gaffe when he was asked about aleppo, as in the war-torn city of aleppo. >> reporter: we dare you to try to look away even if you have seen it 10 times already. >> what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? >> and what is aleppo?
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>> kidding? >> no. >> it instantly gave birth to #what is aleppo. 14 people we asked in the street. >> what is aleppo? i wouldn't know. >> couldn't identify the sorry city in the refugee crisis. >> i have no idea. >> the libertarian got it wrong. i don't know it either. >> one of those animals? >> someone tweeted donald trump probably wouldn't know the difference between aleppo and alpo. when you criticize someone for screwing up, you better be sure you don't screw up yourself. a former ambassador to called him aleppo johnson and then characterized aleppo. >> the cap cal of isis. >> it is raqqa, not aleppo. the new york time printed a correction and then a correction
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to the correction. governor bush gave as good as he he got you. >> can you name the president of check nia? >> no. can you? >> do you agree with the bush doctrine? >> in what respect, charlie? >> and when herman cain was asked if he agreed with president obama on libya, the silence was deafening. >> i have all of this stuff twirling around in my head. >> what wasn't twirling was the third department he would eliminate. >> gary johnson said he he first thought aleppo was an acronym. i blanked. but trying to get could be worse. >> would it be a disease? >> one framed it as a sentence.
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the three word sentence citing the end of a campaign. what is aleppo? >> so uncomfortable to watch over and over again. thank you so much for joining us. i'm hannah vaughan jones in london.
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this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again.
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deplorable. they've reached a deal. diplomats unveil a cease-fire plan that could ease the suffering in syria. condemn nation for north korea and its leader after the latest nuclear test. the u.n. security council weighs in. and reaction in the u.s. sanctions, threats, and action situation of blame from the presidential candidate. welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm hannah va


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