tv New Day CNN September 13, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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responsibility does he feel to helping the world. he's obviously a very rich man, at least he says he's a very rich man. what responsibility does he feel to use that money for good. what we have found is he doesn't seem to have spent his own money to charity and in fact went to great lengths to get other people's money that he could give away so he could appear of being charitable without having the sacrifice of giving anything himself. >> thank you for joining us on "new day." >> thank you. there's a lot of news going on. this call for transparency. what do you deserve to know? we have the latest. let's get to it. obviously i should have gotten some rest sooner. i thought i could keep going forward and power through it. >> she's doing thyme. just got dehydrated. >> compare everything you know about me with my opponent. the information is out there. you can't say the same thing about donald trump. >> my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable. >> it wasn't a gach.
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she said it before. >> she talks about people like they're objects, not human beings. >> david duke is doing robo calls saying vote for donald trump, we do need to call it out. >> donald trump has denounced david duke repeatedly. we don't want his support. >> you called him a deplorable. >> no, i'm not in the name-calling business. >> this is "new day" with chris comeau and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome to your "new day." cnn exclusive. hillary clinton speaking out the first time about her pneumonia saying she didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. transparency is the issue for both campaigns. what do you have the right to know about these two people? meanwhile, donald trump seizing on the clinton statement about basket of deplorables. we are only 13 days to the first debate. we have the high stakes race covered for you. let's begin with jeff zeleny.
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>> reporter: good morning, alisyn. she could return tomorrow at a speech in philadelphia. now she's acknowledging she could have been more forthcoming to avoid suggestions she was hiding something about her health. few people knew she had pneumonia which made it difficult to react but now they are reacting. she bluntly told cnn last night the american people deserve to know what trump is up to and what he's hiding. >> i'm feeling so much better and obviously i should have gotten some rest sooner. >> reporter: hillary clinton speaking to cnn from her home. after days of trying to recover from pneumonia. >> i just thought i could keep going forward and power through it. >> reporter: the democratic nominee responding to critics who have slammed her campaign for not giving her diagnosis sooner. >> i didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal. >> reporter: she's trying to turn the transparency spot light on donald trump who's trying to get him to release his tax
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returns and medical records. >> compare everything you know about me with my opponent. i think it's time he met the same level of disclosure that i have for years. >> reporter: clinton pledging to return to the campaign trail this week texting her supporters that she's feeling fine and getting better. and calling in to the san francisco fund-raiser she was forced to miss. >> i wish so much i could be there. >> reporter: clinton tells cnn she never lost consciousness when she lost her balance when leaving sunday's 9/11 memorial service. >> i felt overheated. i decided that i did need to leave and as soon as i got into the air conditioned van i cooled off, i got some water and very quickly i felt better. >> reporter: her husband, bill clinton, says this isn't the first time she's had such an incident. >> rarely but on more than one occasion over the last many, many years the same sort of things happen to her. >> i think really only twice.
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that has occurred a few times over the course of my life. back in 2012 clinton fainted at her home suffering a concussion which her husband said took her six months to recover from. at the time the state department downplayed it as a stomach virus and dehydration. trump on the campaign trail unusually quiet about clinton's health as both candidates vow to release more medical information this week. >> i'll be releasing very, very specific numbers. >> we'll have more information, but i've already released information about my health in this campaign as well as nearly 40 years of tax returns. we've already met a high standard of transparency, and we know the least about donald trump of any candidate in recent american history. >> reporter: now this morning the clip ton campaign is trying to go back on the offensive and turn the page and talk about what trump has not released.
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his tax returns or his medical records. the clinton campaign is also out with a new ad. you can see it right here showing how they believe trump has insulted and demeaned some americans. once again, they're trying to use trump's own words against him. you can see it right there, and they're trying to use really the whole campaign, everything he said, play it back for him and that ad is playing in a battle grouped state near you. >> okay. jeff, thanks so much for all of that. well, let's get more now of anderson cooper's exclusive with hillary clinton. the former secretary of state speaking out for the first time since falling ill with pneumonia. listen. >> there's a lot of folks who are very worried about you. how are you feeling? >> oh, thank you, anderson. i'm feeling so much better, and obviously i should have gotten some rest sooner. i probably would have been better off if i had just pulled down my schedule on friday, but like a lot of people, i just thought i could keep going forward and power through it, and obviously that didn't work
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out so well. i got to the memorial. i saw my friend and former colleague, chuck schumer, and the first thing he said to me is, i've had pneumonia and i've been resting for five days. i looked at him, i said, you know, that's so funny, i've just been told i have pneumonia. apparently there's something to this that's going around. >> david axlerod was very critical of the way that you and your campaign handled sharing your diagnosis with the public. he tweeted antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. what's the cure for an unhealthy penchant that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems? >> why didn't you say i have pneumonia, folks. i'm going to power through it. why keep it a secret? >> well, i just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. you know, i know chuck said today he didn't tell anybody. it's just the kind of thing that if it happens to you and you're a busy, active person, you keep moving forward. >> but doesn't your handling of this in your campaigns, the
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refusal to acknowledge what happened until after that video was circulated confirm suspicion to some voters that you're not transparent or trustworthy? >> oh, my goodness, anderson. you know, compare everything you know about me with my opponent. i think it's time he met the same level of disclosure that i have for years. you know, you've got a medical report on me that meets the same standard as mitt romney and barack obama. donald trump's doctors said he'd be the healthiest president in history. that's just not even serious. and i've released nearly 40 years of tax returns. he hasn't released one. this is a man with unknown numbers, of partners and investors who says he's doing 120 foreign deals. the american people deserve to know what he's up to and what he is hiding so if we weren't -- if we weren't fast enough, i've talked to my staff. we -- we, you know, take responsibility for that, but the
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information is out there. you can't say the same thing about donald trump. >> donald trump for his part is trying to capitalize on clinton's, quote, basket of deplorables comment. he is claiming that she has contempt for everyday americans. his running mate, mike pence, is making headlines of his own for refusing to call former kkk leader david duke deplorable. cnn's sunday land serfaty has that for us. >> good morning. they are trying to keep the spotlight very focused on hillary clinton's gaffe. trump highlighted this where he called up a group of supporters onto the stage to give something of pence testimonials as to why they think they're not deplorables. >> after months of hiding from the press hillary clinton came out and finally told the world how she feels about the people of this country. she said tens of millions of
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patriotic americans are a basket of deplorables. how can you be president -- how can you be president for so many people? she talks about people like they're objects, not human beings. >> reporter: and as the trump campaign tries to keep up the offense on this, his running mate, mike pence is causing them to play some defense. pence getting some heat for his interview on cnn when he was asked about some of the support they have attracted from white nationalists, including from david duke. pence disavowed his support but he refused to call him deplorable. here's what he told wolf blitzer. >> i'm not sure why the media keeps dropping david duke's name. we don't want his support or the people who -- >> you would call him a deplorable? >> no. i'm not in the name-calling business, wolf. you know me better than that. >> reporter: and the clinton campaign, they have pounced right on that tweeting out,
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quote, if you won't say the kkk is deplorable, you have no business running the country. and a trump campaign official tells me trump will keep up the attacks on hillary clinton over all of this today at his event in iowa. later we will see his daughter, ivanka trump, return to the campaign trail in pennsylvania. this will be one of the first big appearances since her convention speech. >> sunday lanlesunlen, thank yo that. >> who's been more transparent about their health, hillary clinton or donald trump? >> as we know from this past weekend, clearly donald trump. we saw hillary clinton with her own two eyes struggling the other day. we certainly hope and mr. trump and our entire campaign hope she is well. >> she has said she was suffering from pneumonia. she got the diagnosis. this is all mr. trump has released about his health. four paragraphs as you know from his gastroenterologist who says his health is a stostonishingly
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irrelevant. all of his test results were positive. >> wow, you can laugh all you want at the medical report, but as far as i can see, there are two major party candidates running for president and only one of them has pneumonia and lied about it, especially to the press because she always treats you all like second class citizens. she pretends to have press avail. going to be uplifting and aspirational. then goes on to attack tens of millions of americans the very next day. >> but about health. this is not a medical report. >> alisyn, this is what i expect from the clinton campaign. i don't expect it from journalists. we're talking about hillary clinton and her pneumonia and what happened on 9/11 which we all saw with our own two eyes and it takes us about ten words to get to donald trump. he had a physical last week. >> yes. and will you be leasing the results of that? >> yes. he said he'll release them this week or whenever the doctor has
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the report prepared. >> what exactly will he be releasing? his entire medical history or just the results of the last checkup? >> i don't know but i'll tell you what he won't be releasing? he won't be releasing the fact that he didn't -- >> lied or didn't disclose? >> i guess lying and didn't disclose is so different, right? it's always parsing the words. excuse me, respectfully, one person is off the campaign trail right now. we wish her well. we're glad she told anderson cooper last night that she's feeling better, that she plans to rejoin the campaign trail. the idea shifting immediately to the person keeping the most punishing schedule of any candidate. he'll be in seven or eight swing states. five rallies. today he's on his way to iowa and then pennsylvania. tomorrow is ohio and another state. so, in other words, ohio, michigan tomorrow. in other words, we can talk about that but let's talk about
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stamina and energy. the idea that she hasn't had the worst 48 hours of her campaign that people would cover up, i think is astonishing. >> you're her campaign manager. we have people on from the clinton camp and they asked about her. >> they talk about donald trump. >> look, for stamina. they both keep up a punishing -- >> no, talking about his. no, no, i'm sorry. look at their public schedule. that is not true. she attends many fundraisers. in fact, that's why she was going to california. the minute donald trump dares to step in a state, alisyn, that's either overly red or 0e6r8ly blue, the media cnn says why is he in a nonswing state? she goes to california to hollywood to raise money. did it twice, supposed to be there now. did it a couple of weeks ago, then she went to hamptons, martha's vineyard, none of which is are swing states. that's okay. where are her rallies?
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pensacola, florida, 12,500 people, 8, 10,000 people waiting outside to get in. >> let's talk about donald trump's tax records. when can we expect to see them? >> when his lawyers and his accountants tell them he should release them when he's no longer under audit. he's very clear. >> has donald trump or will he release anything from the irs, proving that he's under audit? >> i'm sorry? >> will donald trump release anything from the irs proving that he's under audit? >> are you calling him a liar? we're taking her word that she was overheated, didn't have pneumonia. she's going to start talking to the press again. seriously, we're running against a clinton and we're going to challenge someone's voracity. >> the leader of linked-in is going to give veterans $5 million if donald trump releases his tax returns. that's a cause close to mr. trump's heart.
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will this be an impetus for him despite we know what his lawyers have said. the irs said he can release it. tey will not punish him. lots of tax attorneys said they can. will he release it now given this motivation? >> no. i hope that that man thinks so much of the veterans that he would give them $5 million whether or not mr. trump defies the advice of his lawyer and his accountant and releases his taxes. i also would love to tell you, i've looked at cnn polling, everybody's polling, our own polling i can't find where this is a burning issue to most of the americans. it goes back to what hillary clinton said. to be so dismissive of tens of millions of americans also means that people -- people around here and elsewhere think that somehow the issues that are vexing americans are not economy, jobs, terrorism, health care, immigration, education. exactly what we tell the cnn pollsters. why don't we have a discussion about that? we want to talk about taxes? what will our tax burden be under president donald trump? he has given a 4 or 5 point
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middle class tax relief plan. we'll talk more about tax reform in pennsylvania. actually, a very exciting aspect of it. then he'll be at the economic -- >> the issue goes to transparency. the issue goes to transparency and if voters can bank on what they are voting on and knowing your candidate. for instance, mike pence, vp nominee, said yesterday that donald trump has given away tens of millions of dollars to charity, but investigations can't find his personal money that has -- is in the tens of millions. do you stand by the tens of millions number? >> donald trump has been incredibly generous over the course of his own life? >> with his own money which is his money. >> no, the foundation's money are other people's. >> okay. he's been incredibly generous. >> are we going to actually question hillary clinton and her husband made almost a quarter of a billion and we're supposed to just question -- and that's
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okay. it's okay that -- >> but why isn't he a billionaire. donald trump has tauted it too. why is that a short coming? >> excuse me? it's not a short coming. i'm a capitalist. i wish she would respect the hard working men and women who she thinks are uneducated rudes coming down from the hills. they need to be schooled by this precious woman in new york at tiprianni who are laughing at americans. do we really want a president of the united states who laughs at americans? i don't. i find it disgraceful. i grew up around labor bore lists. i think her insulting tens of millions of americans just because they don't have a yale law degree like she does, just because their husband doesn't make a half million to give a speech 45 minutes somewhere, just because they can't give mineral rights to their friends in far away countries when they are secretary of state and the other part of her comment was also offensive. let's talk about the other half of the half, alisyn saying people are desperate for change. boy, do i agree with her.
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very desperate for change. who's been in charge of the economy for the last eight years. >> part of why people are calling for him to release his taxes so we do know how much he himself has given to charity. will you or the campaign release exactly what that number is? and the reason i ask -- >> i doubt it. >> why would you doubt it? >> i doubt it. this is like badgering. i don't see it as journalism, i see it as badgering. we've had this conversation so many different times on so many different networks yet we're not having conversation about what the middle class tax relief would mean for people's wage stagnation. >> we do have that conversation at other times but how is it badgering to ask for the evidence of a claim? if mike pence is saying tens of millions of dollars from donald trump, shouldn't we see the evidence? >> did anybody ask hillary clinton for evidence that she was over heated and dehydrated? is anybody asking her for evidence of why she thinks she's so precious and special that she would have the secret service break protocol at ground zero on sunday, alisyn, and take her to
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her daughter's apartment rather than a hospital? who are these people. this network and other networks where presumptively protecting her -- >> that's not fair, kellyanne. anderson cooper got the exclusive. i don't buy that. we ask a lot of questions of the clinton campaign but when you're here representing the trump campaign we ask these questions. you can't make claims and expect everyone to accept it. so the idea that -- >> i think donald trump's a very generous man. >> yes, and what's the evidence? >> to have employed tens of thousands of people from many different countries, both genders certainly, from all walks of life. over the years. >> sure, but that's not charity. employment is not charity. >> it's pretty darn impressive and it isn't the political resume that his opponent has. i would respectfully play. we love to play a parlor game at trump towers. it takes the average clinton
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surrogate or campaign staffer ten seconds or ten words to talk about donald trump when you ask them a question about hillary clinton and i can't blame them. if she were my candidate, i wouldn't want to talk much about her either. >> but you are talking a lot about her. >> you're darn right. so at least we hear about her today. transparency and trustworthiness are her two pillar problems and she did nothing the whole last week. i think she had a terrible week. she certainly had a terrible weekend. not because she's sick. let me repeat. we're glad she said she's feeling better. we hope she's fully recovering and comes back to the campaign trail. why the concealment? what's the big deal just to say, i have pneumonia and i'm on antibiotics. why didn't she tell her running mate. what an embarrassment for him to come out. tuesday i read on the hill, she doecht need to apologize for her comment. it's so odd they can't let the running mate know what's going on. why is that? >> should donald trump's running
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mate mike pence have said that david duke is deplorable? >> he should -- sure. so that -- so that he doesn't get headlines saying mike pence will not say donald trump is deplorable and people can get satisfied? can people play the entire clip. thank you for playing that entire clip. we don't want to support. we don't like what he stands for or people stand for in the kkk. he has another poibl. theres a certain obsession about constantly raising issues and raising people that are not part of our campaign that we have said and reince priebus, the chairman of the republican national committee has said, we don't want his support. we don't want people like that. it's unbelievable. will hillary clinton disavow -- does she think kermit gosselin is deplorable? killing black babies in philadelphia. does she think people calling cops pigs in a blanket and asking for their death deplorable? i should do. we can go name after name. i'll sit here between now and election day. we won't get to the tens of millions of people hillary
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clinton was referring to by calling them deplorable. she was referring to hard working men and women. it wasn't a gaffe. please, print journalists, stop calling it a gaffe. she was reading it from prepared remarks as she always does. >> kellyanne are you satisfied about the level of transparency from your candidate? >> i am really satisfied with it. i am satisfied that he is out there with voters every day. they expect him. they deserve it. i travel with him. the county fair he and governor pence were together in ohio. it was astonishing to see people eight and ten deep at a county fair to say, you know what, they don't say may i have your autograph, they say i love you, will you save my country. they say thank you so much for making the sacrifice of running. you know what i appreciate, i appreciate that i'm running for a presidential candidate who's not a politician, who did not need to do this. people in politics run for fame, fortune, status, he had all of that. he has all of that. it's a tremendous sacrifice for he and his family to do that.
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that's one of the untold stories. who thinks they've earned it, deserf it, it's their turn. darn it, you better get behind me. i'm qualified. you know what else is a qualification? integrity and transparency. >> yes, we are talking about transparency, a lot this morning, and demanding it from both candidates. >> thank you. >> thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> let's get the other side. joining us now is clinton supporter and former nato supreme allied commander general wesley cork. always a pleasure. i do want to talk about the military specifically. the campaign, we were trying to get them on to counter what's out there right now in the state of play and we got you so i've got to put two hats on you this morning. is that okay? >> fine. i'm not working with the campaign on these issues. >> right. >> but i'm a very active supporter of hillary clinton. i've known her for years. i think she has high integrity. i think she'll be a great president. we have to get her into office. >> kellyanne conway used an
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interesting word, furtive. do you think that applies to hillary clinton? >> absolutely not. every person when you get up in the morning, is this going to be a good day, a bad day, how do you feel? when you're in a political campaign you're usually tired. maybe donald trump isn't tired because he's coming back to new york and taking it easy every night. that's what we hear. but hillary clinton's worked her rear end off for the last year and a half on this campaign and i know i did this for five months. i know how tired i was and i know she's tired. and so she's not going to get up every morning, gee, today i feel 86% tired. yesterday i was 84% tired. and she's not going to say those things. so of course she tried to power through this. >> you've maintained military discipline. you're in great shape. don't you think these candidates should be more forthcoming about their medical history given that they're going to be the most powerful person in the world?
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>> she'll release her medical records, but i think mr. trump really ought to be more forthcoming about his tax returns and i'll tell you why. this is the biggest issue. because when you're president of the united states the american people want you to have one overriding interest and priority and that's the good of the country. and when i ran for office i had to give up all my boards, all my paid engagements, everything. so there was absolutely no perception, no chance of a conflict of interest. trump's still in business. we know from riding the records a lot of those businesses have had russian money in them apparently. and maybe the russians have loaned him money. if it's a lot of money, maybe it stays up to mr. putin. we don't know what his connections are with russia. as someone who served in the military since the 1960s and was there during the cold war, i was the nato commander turned out we had a lot of problems with russia during the operation to
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stop ethnic cleansing in kosovo. what is the connection? where are mr. trump's loyalties and if he wants to clear those up, he needs to release his tax returns. >> his campaign says he has the biggest advantage in being president versus hillary clinton when it comes to integrity. do you accept that given the things that you're talking about right now and about putin being a better leader than obama. do you believe that's him being a truth teller? do you believe that gives him the advantage of integrity? >> let's look at mr. putin first, the facts. this is a guy who jails his opponents, keeps them out of congress. people get killed. maybe he's worth $200 billion. how do you make $200 billion if you're the leader of a country? so what kind of integrity is that on the part of mr. putin. then if you're the presidential candidate, he's a great leader but he's certainly not the kind of leader america wants. you believe he's got 82% -- if i were in russia i'd say putin was a great leader, too, because i
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wouldn't know any better and i'd be afraid. it's about integrity. it's also about judgment and it's about hidden motives. that's fine coming back to the tax issue. you won't release your tax returns, chris, the american people have no way of knowing what are the other polls on you? he should be out of his business. mr. trump should be saying, look, i want to be the president of the united states. here's my tax returns. look at them. >> and the criticism of clinton on the same level of transparency is we only know things when congress investigates, otherwise the campaign or hillary clinton herself or the clintons together won't let you know things that do speak to the integrity of what they're doing in leadership, i.e.,, an example of what we saw with the foundation. >> wait a minute wait a minute. i've been with the clinton foundation and the clinton global initiative since it started. i've been to everyone of these meetings, i've met all of these people. it's a wonderful gathering of people who want to do things
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together to change the world and it's put tens of millions of dollars into things like health care and children's education. >> and treatment for 2/3 who receive it. >> bill clinton gets nothing from tnchts there are different arms to it. if you were secretary of state would you have had that kind of connection accepting money from foreign actors the way it was with clintons. >> hillary clinton was secretary of state, bill clinton was running the foundation. she didn't have anything to do with the foundation other than coming there at the clinton global initiative once or twice or giving a speech. >> you wound up having the same people in both places, right? >> those people were nobel prize winners and they weren't doing business with the state department. a lot of people come in and talk to people in the state department. that ap story you're referring to, chris, everybody who's looked at that story said the headlines were -- >> they over reached. >> they pulled it back. >> absolutely. it doesn't mean the questions don't exist, that's why i'm asking you, general.
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also, the idea of -- >> i think the answer to those questions have been out there. they've been set aside. i mean, it's time to move past those questions. i want to get back to the real issues of the campaign. as an american i want to know what the future of the country looks like and what we've had from mr. trump is not a real coherent view of foreign policy and the economic program, they just don't make sense. he talks about tax cuts. let's talk about tax cuts. when kennedy cut taxes in 19 -- in the early 1960s, the top marginal tax rate was 91%. he cut it to 70. that's a lot different than we are today. we're already running a budget deficit. we've got our military that the money is see questered in there. the military needs more funds. you can't keep cutting taxes, don't worry, it's magic. the economy will grow. why is mr. trump repeating the
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same old tired formula that we've disproved time and again. it doesn't work. when you take these big tax cuts like president george w bush did in 2003 and say, this is your money, i'm giving it back to you, don't worry, your economy will out grow it. you'll get more tax returns. nice theory. doesn't work. disproved by all the facts. let's move forward, ask the candidates their real plans. i think hillary has a real plan. the investment and infrastructure is what this country really needs. >> both candidates have plans for that, the question is which one can get it done. that is a certainly legitimate basis of appraisal. character counts, general clark, thank you for making the campaign for the clinton campaign this morning. appreciate it. former president bill clinton making his rounds. melania trump has laid low since the republican convention. what impact do the political spouses have on the race? we discuss that next.
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so what role will these political spouses play in the final weeks of the campaign? let's discuss it with cnn political analyst and usa today analyst, kirsten and greg ferguson. very hard to compare bill clinton, the titan of the democratic party, to melania trump who is a political n neophyte. kirsten, bill clinton was out. he gave an hour long interview yesterday and he's the person who sort of explained a little bit more about hillary clinton's health. he said that she has in the past been severely dehydrated, felt faint. that's a little bit more insight. what do you think about the role that he's playing? >> well, i think they have a balance that they have to
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strike. obviously he has been sort of over powering presence being a former president and having his own sort of constituency. they don't want him to over shadow her. they've been using her a lot more for behind the scenes type of stuff. he's been doing fundraising and organizing things, things that aren't as high profile. we want to use him because he is really popular among the democratic base and he can really help turn people out and excite them but at the same time she's the one running for president and you really want to be focused more on her. >> the damage control. with this issue of transparency. it is a fine line because bill clinton is an awesome individual that can over shadow hillary clinton. he does a better job with the crowd than hillary clinton. when he comes in the room you
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can see him at the convention. democratic voters light up around bill clinton. right now he is going to be a massive asset for the next week. he's going to be able to help her with this to get people to look past it. they have to be on message. hillary clinton when she called in to anderson cooper show said something pretty different than what bill clinton was saying about her health. >> what do you mean? what did she say? what do you think it was then? >> well, i think he was trying to say, look, this is something that's kind of been ongoing. this is a nonissue. i'm totally fine. those are two different stories. the other one is this is nothing new. i was just trying to have a great day and it didn't turn out great. >> kirsten, melania trump, should she be playing more of a role on the campaign trail in
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these next eight weeks? >> i don't think so because she's not somebody who really wants to be out in the limelight. she's a mother, she wants to stay at home and take care of her son. she's obviously not an overly political person. i don't think she really wants to do it. if she doesn't want to do it, she's not comfortable, it's not really going to help him. the other thing you have to remember, donald trump doesn't use a lot of surrogates as the main event. she hasn't really done events of her own. she's made it clear she doesn't want to do it. you know, i don't think it's going to make any difference one way or the other whether melania is on -- is out campaigning for him or not. >> what about that then? other former prospective first ladies, laura bush, hillary clinton at the time did make -- did have an impact, ann romney on the campaign trail. is it okay for melania trump to sit it out?
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>> obviously any time you can have a spouse that's out there that's able to do speeches on their own and do events on their own and fund raise on their own, it is an asset for your campaign, however, if you look at laura bush back in 2000, she was not near as involved as she was in 2004. it was something she really grew into. whereas, if you look at her mother-in-law, barbara bush, she was always out in front. she had eight years of practice beforehand when he was vice president and time when he was an ambassador. you have to look at your family and make sure you put them in a role they are comfortable with. campaigning is unique and can be hard. i don't think it is going to have an impact here especially because donald trump has said to his children, if you want to help me, they obviously have, you can go out and do events. you can go out and do media. you can do these fundraisers. his kids i think are where you're going to see them be his biggest asset in this campaign. he is a one man show. this has been an untraditional campaign from the start. i'll not surprised he's the
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show. his kids are there. she'll be by his side but i don't expect her to take major role. >> unconventional campaign, truer words never spoken. ben, kirsten, thank you very much. chris? in today's "new day," new you, child playing soccer? i do. here's something that we both need to be aware of. a study published in the journal of pediatrics found the annual rate of injury jumped 111% from 1990 to 2014. more than 70% of those injuries, including fractures and sprains, occurred more in older kids. we're talking about the ages of 12 to 17. concussions accounted for a little more than 7%. so why? researchers say the spike in injuries coincides with a boom in the sports' popularity. also, there's better reporting of injuries now and that may also be relevant. chris, ryan lochte making his debut on "dancing with the stars," but the biggest moment happened when the music stopped. who joined lochte on the dance
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here are the five big things you need to know for your "new day." cnn exclusive, hillary clinton didn't think her pneumonia, quote, would be a big deal. also deflecting her own transparency by pointing to donald trump's refusal to release his tax returns. donald trump calling for clinton to apologize over her, quote, basket of deplorables remark. his running mate, mike pence, making headlines for denouncing but refusing to call david duke deplorable. german police arrested three suspected terrorists. they say their fake passports could tie them to the attacks in paris. colin kaepernick continues his protests against racial injustice kneeling during the
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national anthem monday. he was joined by a teammate while players from the other team raised fists in support. two men tackled by body guards and arrested after rushing the stage during ryan lochte's debut on abc's dancing with the star. go to for the latest. >> will hillary clinton's basket of deplorables comment become a defining moment? we will compare that comment to others that created shock waves in past presidential races. first, we want to show you a picture that we talked about yesterday. this horrible image of a kid trapped in a car, his parents over dosed in the front seat. this is not the only example of this you will find. communities all across the country are in a big battle against heroin. what can you do.
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of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. basket of deplorables comment is creating a lot of controversy. trump calls it the biggest political mistake of the season.
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is it? they're having fun with that. host of the contenders. car loss watson is here and cnn political analyst and author of the memoir "how's your faith" david gregory. ozy is ozy? >> no, it's ozy. >> what do you think of the allegation? is saying a basket of deplorables the biggest mistake of the political season as trump suggests? >> definitely not, but i do think it will impact her. whether it will be one or two points or whether it will be five to seven a little bit like
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the palin interview with katie couric, a little bit like 2000 bush's drunk driving was revealed in the 11th hour. he went to five to six points and gore ended up winning in the popular vote. i think it will be a 1 to 2 percentage point swing. i think if she doubles down and says something similar again, then she has real trouble. >> david, let's talk about this. whether or not you call it a controversy, is it a defining moment? just like carlos was referring to. there are some defining moments in the campaign and you don't know until you see them happen that they are going to sort of change the tone because they reveal something about a candidate maybe that we previously didn't know. so how do you characterize the basket of deplorables? >> well, certainly ill advised politically. we'll talk about the politics of it because there may be polling that she was or was not referring to indicating the percentage of trump supporters who expressed certain views,
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whether it's anti-black, anti-gay, anti-islam that may fall into that category as a separate matter from how she expressed it and whether it's politically advisable. the notion of it being a defining moment means it defines the candidate, it reinforces a view of the candidate. i frankly think that elitism, which this speaks to, is not her biggest problem. that may have been a bigger problem for then candidate obama back in 2008 when he made a similar comment about conservatives, about republicans who cling to guns and religion. in this case i think the bigger problem for her is her penchant for secrecy, for deception. so i think the pneumonia diagnosis, not releasing that to the press, i think that more reinforces what people don't like about hillary clinton than something like this. >> it shows a big strength and weakness. this comment by clinton is an opportunity. >> it is an opportunity for
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donald trump to get on a box and a high horse and say how dare she talk about people like this, such contempt. she can't be president this way. him of all people. we could put on tv right now at least ten things he has said that were equally or greater in terms of their offensiveness so what's his play on this? >> you know, i think this play is difficult for him. you've seen some of the polls that have said 44% of americans including 40% plus of independents describe trump as racist. some 60% think that he's biased against women and minorities. so i think you're right. it's not only been the comments but it's been a larger perception that's been harder for him. making news and he's been quiet on the health issue. i wonder if this will last for long. if this doesn't make enough ground this will pivot. >> david, i'm interested in your definition of defining moments because i think that is a little bit of a different take on it. sarah palin when she couldn't answer katie couric's question
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about what news sources do you use, barack obama when he said when people feel desperate they cling to their guns and to religion. so in that given that prism do you think that the video of hillary clinton fainting or certainly -- or stumbling or needing to be helped into the van is more of a defining moment that fits into what you're talking about that shows secrecy? >> yes, i do think that is because i think it's -- it's this idea that, look, i'm not going to share this information because my critics will do the wrong thing with it. they'll blow it out of proportion. so, yes, i have pneumonia, but i'm going to keep going. i'm going to stay on the campaign trail. i'm going to power through this. let's keep it in a close circle of aides and tell me campaign team and not disclose it publicly. then you create a backlash. they've felt they're too
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deceptive, secretive. that's the knock against them less so than she's an elitist. >> the one that you didn't mention is trump wants to tie this to mitt romney with the 47%. we'll see if it has that. 16 for 16. what is this pbs show that we're going to watch? >> really interesting series about the most important, most interesting, most unexpected presidential campaigns from shirley chism, barry goldwater. a lot of things that happened in the last eight weeks of the campaign. >> your favorite? >> shirley chism. a lot of people don't remember, you probably do as a new yorker. she was the first black congresswoman from queens. four years after getting elected decides to make a bold bid for the presidency. expects a ton of support from allies, women, african-american leaders. got not much of either. ended up losing. broke ground that was important later on for jesse jackson and barack obama. 8:00 p.m. eastern time. >> tuesday night. >> fantastic, carlos, david.
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janice atkins and her friends take plastic bags, cut them up and crochet them to mats for people to sleep on. they have been sending these mats to families in louisiana that lost their homes in flooding. is that the good stuff or not? >> that is the good stuff. >> of course it is. >> excellent. >> time now for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> hi, carol -- hi, alisyn. i was reading something and not paying attention to you. i caught myself. bye, alisyn and chris. have a great day. "newsroom" starts right now. happening now in the "newsroom," hillary clinton takes on the political frenzy over her health. >> i just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. >> cue the heavy hitters. presidents barack obama and bill clinton on the trail. and donald trump on the attack. >> hillary clinton has been running a hate-filled and negative campaign. >> will this one stick?
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