tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 14, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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and the kids are hugging each other even if dawson is too young to know you are supposed to close your eyes when you kiss. >> such a sweet story. ac 360 start s right now. john burman here in for andersonable. donald trump wrapped up a the event in ohio, relatively uneventful compared to the rest of his day. he did take a shot of hillary clinton but it pals in comparison to something that happened earlier. mr. trump e veeld what he claimed were the results of a recent physical before a studio audience on the dr. oz show. complete with talk show looks and shock of audience participations. later a clip of what you have to see for yourself and try to remember this is not a reality show but a real life presidential election. when it comes to accepted norms of transparency in presidential elections, it is fair to say we
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are in the in kansas anymore. oz pun intended. not in kansas but in several key states today there are polls showing trump leading and a new national poll showing clear trumpward trends. but we begin with other numbers. triglycerides and such that hillary clinton's campaign is just released. there's been questions about clinton's health after what looked like a near collapse and after what we learned she was diagnosed with pneumonia. and a campaign put out more of her medical records just a short time ago. dr. sanjay gupta will join us with more on what the records show. first more from jeff zeleny. these medical records out today. why is she releasing them now? >> the whole pneumonia episode up ended her entire schedule this week. she intended to give a series of speeches and has stead been at home in chappaqua. they were trying to change the subject to show that she is in fact not as sick as her
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contractors would like. they wanted to get ahead of those because her health has suddenly become front and center in this campaign. they wanted to reassure supporters she's physical up for the job and b just move on so she can get on the plane tomorrow to fly to north carolina to a key battleground state here. and hopefully this w this behind her. we'll see. >> after donald trump taped the dr. oz show but before we get the full trump release if there is one zl they wanted to seize on that moment. they meaning the clinton campaign in brooklyn. they have had an uneasy week. i would say the most unusual week of this entire campaign. and they were eager to show that she's being more transplant than him. we can measure this campaign in metrics but this week it seems to be the war of who's being more transplant. it is a low bar but the clinton campaign definitely wins that score tonight because they have
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put out more fgs. now, it is not as much as in some years past particularly given the ages of these candidates. she's 68, to be 69 next month. he's 70 years old. that they are trying to show they are more transplant. i'm told by a top advisor that tomorrow she's going press that case as well. they are saying she's put out now 24 different things than he has. she's going to push the transparency argument tomorrow. we'll see if voters actually see her though as the most transplant candidate. it is one of her challenges. >> stick around. i want to bring in dr. gupta. i know you got off the phone with dr. oz about the donald trump records. hold on to that thought. let's stick with hillary clinton. the new releases, what did we learn. >> we got more details about the pneumonia diagnosis. that was the most pressing concern. on friday she got a cat scan of
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her lungs in order to make the diagnosis. she was started on antibiotic. and other details. the second two page letter. there was one this time last year in july. she was having ear problems in the beginning of the year. she had to have a operation to put o tube this her ears for example near the beginning of 20 2016. also had a cat scan of her brain, of her lungs and of her heart this year for various reasons and all those scans except for the one that showed pneumonia seemed to look okay. those are the big outlines. >> the episode on sunday at the september 11th memorial when she appeared to patsds outlss out o over. any details on that. >> we found out two days after the fact she had been diagnosed with that. so e w e understood she had been having a fever for some time and she did get this cat scan again
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of her lungs and started on antibiotic for ten days. she was told to rest and take it easy. obviously that was not information or advice she followed. but that is the general gist of it. they also think she's going respond well to the antibiotics. >> and specifically on sunday stick to the story she overheated given the preexisting condition of pneumonia it was ever heating that caused her to duet light headed and nearly fall over. what about the overall picture? kid we learn anything much deep sner what didn't they provide that you want to see? >>ing the we. part of reason you ask for medical records is because sometimes you don't know what you don't know. what we have here is a summary of someone's interpretation of all these medical records and medical tests who also happens to have somewhat of a cleejal relationship in this case with the candidate. we didn't really see anything
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more about the incident in 2012 which is probably the most significant incident. that is where she fainted and hit her head and had this blood clot in a blood vessel around the brain. we did hear she's had a cat scan of her brain since then and that looked normal. those are the big things. there was not a -- it was not a full release by any means. >> sanjay, stick around. i want to bring in the rest of our panel right now. joining us cnn political analyst and "new york times" correspondent patrick healey. and gloria borger and jeff zeleny and alex burns. also here cnn political commenter and senior writer for federalist, mary katherine --. we're going resist the urge to talk about donald trump on the dr. oz show. we'll talk that that after the break. let's stick to hillary clinton for the moment. what do you think impact of what she released. even that it was in the end
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another two page letter like the one we already had. >> i think we don't know a lot more than we knew. and i think that for those who believe in conspiracy theories, they are still going to believe in conspiracy theories about hillary clinton's health. and for those who say she's healthy, she's healthy. i don't think -- we didn't go back to 2012, learn more about what actually happened to her when she had the big incident in the fall and the blood clot. it will evolve to who's more transplant and hillary clinton will make the case that she is because she has so far not only on health but also on tax returns. and in will quickly move to the argument over what have you got to hide? if you have nothing to hide don't hide it on your taxes. >> as of now that two page letter is in fact more than we know. >> as the mitt romney, barack
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obama standard that we saw. which was getting a letter and telling you i'm in good health and good shape. it is not the john mccain -- >> -- bob zole standard -- >> exactly -- >> -- both of which these candidates are. i want to bring you in here and play you a clip of donald trump just a few minutes ago. is it a rally in canton, ohio and up until now he sort of resisted the urge to talk about hillary clinton and her health since the episode on sunday. at least talk about it on the stump of. but listen to what he said a few moments ago. >> you think this is easy? oh you think this is so easy. in this beautiful room that's 122 degrees. it is hot. and it is always hot. when i perform. because the crowds are so big. i don't know folks. do you think hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? i don't know. i don't think so.
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>> so is the sort of moratorium over. we heard trump official campaigns would get fired -- >> no and this is extraordinarily risky territory for him. and the campaign seemed to understand that up to this point. talking to to trump campaign officials the last couple days. and briefing the campaign surrogates they were adamant that they are not going touch this. but there is one guy who has never demonstrated that kind of impulse control for more than a couple of hours at a time is their actual candidate and there is real risk here particularly right before hillary clinton comes back out on the campaign trail tomorrow of looking like really ungracious and taunting a person who has been diagnosed with an actual illness and he has been wanting to make the case for a while and he has made the case for a while that he's the person of superior physical vigor but there is really a fine line between that and denigrating a opponent physically -- >> -- medical risks here.
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shint going back to the trail norm. two events in north carolina and washington d.c. tomorrow tonight. >> the doctor has provided this note now. i think you have to take the doctor at her word. she seems to say that she's find. she's fine now and she's fine to be president. that was the message that came from this note. seen her issues out over the labor day weekend she was coughing uncontrollably. we also learninged something else today. she visited the doctor the friday before that. i'm guessing her staff is going
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to have some hot tea at the ready so she doesn't have a coughing spell tomorrow. that of course would be a horrible image here. but there really -- you know, i wouldn't call tomorrow's schedule terribly aggressive. she has two events but still for someone who's been off the road, it is, you know, certainly a challenge for her. but that is, you know, kind of looming large here. i've talked to a lot of advisors over the past couple days. one person told me today the top priority of the clinton campaign is her health because the debate 12 kays away from tonight. >> patrick, do you think on the issue of transparency. jeff was talking about about the time line. i guess the specs but le we have ever known that hillary clinton had pneumonia had that episode not been on video on sunday. >> yeah. in our reporting. my colleague and i over the last 48 hours there was no plan to put this out. there was the expectation that she was going to hunker down and sort of in her words power through it. she saw this, the letter that was released today.
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backed up that this was a mild form of pneumonia. that this was something that she could handle. and as jeff noted she had had an exam a week earlier. and had been told get some rest. but she still went out and kept on, you know, a schedule. not just campaigning but also getting ready for the debates. so i don't think there was any sort of plan around that. i think what the clinton campaign is also believing, and i think we're seeing this to be correct. is that voters aren't crying out right now for more medical records. let's be honest about it. it is really kind of media story right now. i in talking to voters, my colleagues and talking to voters there's not been like a large cry saying we need to know xy and z before we make our decision if we are an undecided voter about these candidates. i think the debates are a lot more important. think that is where the danger offer illness and the distraction as been. the concern among clinton allies
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is that she's not prepping enough the way she needs to be which is not reading briefing books but getting comfortable. >> voters being told they are not seeing what they are seeing. and the clintons problem is two fold. one she's had some public or publicly known incidents that are fairly serious. people know about these things and the clintons have the tendency to act like clintons and look like they are hiding something. frankly they could not be hiding something. but they look like they are and that is their impulse so that is a two fold problem. and trump on the other hand, even though he has not been super forthcoming doesn't have those same two problems on this issue. so i think that is part of the problem. >> this letter. this new two page letter you do not think mary katherine this issue as it is will be enough to quiet the chatter. >> i think it will help a bit. i think she's really on the hot seat at the point at any public event which is problematic because any sort of flinch at
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all is going to be seen as the bigger thing. and i think the clinton tendency will once again tend to be secretive about it. >> much more to talk about ahead. next stop oz and more breaking news. new details from san yea on the medical information that crump shared today with dr. oz in front of a studio audience. pretty unorthodox first in campaign history. and breaking news in the race itself. new polling tonight that shows donald trump making gains and then some in key states. john king joins us to brake it down by the numbers what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil.
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dr. oz is sharing new details on his take of donald trump's health. and the outrageous can start to seem ordinary. so let's be clear. donald trump's latest stunt to use the dr. oz show an alleged transplant window into his health is anything but ordinary. it was a reality show spectacle. trump taped the show today. it airs tomorrow and as if the show crypt script was being arid itself the episode routine as trump is springing a surprise on oz. >> i have no problem in doing
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it. i have it right here. should i do it? i don't care. it is two letters. one is the report and the other is from lennoxville hospital. >> may i see them. >> yeah sure. >> those are the reports. >> all the test. they were just done last week. >> unclear why dr. oz seemed so surprise. it's been reported for days trump would reveal some of his information. it was only the hours just before taping that there was any doubt. why? the trump campaign itself told reporters he would not release any information. but then surprise. so either it was a sham or they were unknowingly pedaling long information. we can't tell from the clip what information is in the two letters. the spokesman described one as the one page summary of trump's physical exam. tonight we are getting some more details from dr. oz about the letters. this is what he told nbc nightly news in an interview that just arid. >> i was surprised i looked at
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them and tried to process it pretty quickly. and i got to say as a doctor if he was my patient, they are good for a man of his age. >> like what? >> details from a colonoscopy a few years back. a calcium scan of his heart that looked good. he had results from chest x-raies and ekgs and the laboratory results from last week. >> there will be blowback because he did this on a television show. you are a doctor on tv. not his personal physician. you didn't grill him. it wasn't your role you say you are not a journalist. what will you say to critics. >> i'm a doctor. i host a television show that talks about health. i did not run the test myself but it was a comprehensive view of person that would be knowingly revealed from one doctor to another. >> trump's answer for calls for transparency about his medical history is go on the dr. oz and reveal a summary of the physical performed by the same doctor who
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previously said trump would be the healthiest president in history and the only analysis we have on said medical history is interest fr a doctor who's been called to testify before congress to talk about unproven weight loss products on his show. >> you just got off the phone with dr. oz who told you what he was shown by donald trump. what do we know? >> dr. oz is a cardio thoracic surgeon. a heart surgeon. that is probably the biggest con for most people is heart health. he had a coronary calcium scan. ekgs. also an echocardiogram of his heart talking about donald trump of course. and i asked -- again, prefacing it by saying he's getting results from another doctor who's interpreting those results who happens to also be friends with donald trump. talking about dr. bornstein. so you have to take it with that grain of salt. but he said looking at those test result he was not concerned.
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he thought they looked find for someone of his age and also his numbers, cholesterol numbers and all that. he's on a statin drug but in summary there wasn't a concern that dr. oz seemed to have about mr. trump's heart. >> the amount of information dr. oz told you was provided. compare that to the amount of information hillary clinton has -- >> it is a good point. neither are enough probably. but with secretary clinton's report you did get a more detailed accounting not only of specific health concerns but the results of tests, ct scan of the brain, the heart, the lungs, the various medications she's been on and even things like she's on this blood thinner looking at how they are establishing what blood thinner she should be on and the result os of those tests. so you did get a more complete picture. of course we'll see the there is more on the show tomorrow. but certainly right now there is more information about secretary clinton than mr. trump. >> and let's be clear. the trump campaign could release even more information. they have speculate order said
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that they might do that. but about this dr. oz spectacle. and again for people who weren't watching all day. it wasn't just he went on. it was we heard from people in the audience and only people in the audience that were being told donald trump's weight and what drugs he was taking. >> he wants to -- >> it's just unusual. >> unusual? >> the question is unusual? or unacceptable? >> we have lived through this campaign where the unacceptable has become acceptable. this campaign is different from anything any of us have ever seen. this is very trumpian. to do this. donald trump was the host of a reality tv show. and going on a reality tv show and reaching a wide audience that he wanted to reach. women viewers in particular, if you want to cut down the demographics of the audience, is not a dumb thing for donald trump to do if he wants to talk to women. and say, okay, i just happen to
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have any health numbers here. why don't you look at them dr. oz and tell us all what you think. i think from my perspective as a political journalist who's been around like this is the strangest thing i've ever seen. but, but in this campaign and with this candidate, somehow it all seems to be part of his mosaic. >> -- been a tradition at least at the "new york times" in which a medical doctor on our staff going back to the president reagan interviewing candidates and writing, you know, stories that are 2,000, 2500 words long, in-depth stories talking to the dd and to his doctor, you know, trying to get at that. donald trump the classic showman. the reality tv entertainer who is all about -- you know, very much about crowd work and knowing his audience and how to spin it. he goes on to dr. oz. a doctor. and he does this sort of faint, well should i show it?
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do you want to see snit it is classic trump but at the end of the kay he is talking to a doctor about his health. hint has yet to do that in terms of a doctor report. we'll see if she does. and we'll see tomorrow in terms of what details he gave. >> as the fair point. i saw proposals on "extra" tonight. i've seen it everywhere. i got a real problem with how they jerked around the press. and clearly he went in there with it in his pocket. is trump winning the media game today? >> i think he is. i stipulate they would like both to go full mccain and give us a bunch of information. but on the scale of ridiculous things to be upset about in 2016 this is very low down. i think the obama had gone down and given a guest spot on --. i think he's reaching a new audience. there are fewer questions about his health issues than there are about clinton so he has less risk in ha area. i think if he turns mean on her
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that is where the risk becomes bigger for him. but i think this is frankly a win for him. and the jerking around of the press was also an issue with hillary when they invaded the press when they had this incident. >> they evaded the press and escaped the press pool of which donald trump doesn't have one. >> that's how e evades that. >> given the -- do we expect him to release tax returns on fox business sometime soon? >> i was trying to think what would be the equivalent financial planning show and bill mayes is no longer with us. >> jim cramer maybe. >> -- as a reporter we're in a difficult position here with the two candidates. because you have one candidate who's been sort of partially and grudgingly forth coming with information people want and another candidate who's been basically not forthcoming at all. >> no taxes. >> no taxes. a as of right now the only information about his health is this secondhand description from members of a studio audience on
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the dr. oz show. we may have very likely will get some more information tomorrow but this stacks up in a series of pledges that trump has made to release information and not carried through with them. and i do think it is just a challenge to figure out how can you be equally tough on two candidates when you have such different sets of information to work with or no information at all. >> and jeff t clinton campaign really wants to be in a transparency battle with donald trump? they think this is safe territory for them? you said they are going to press this point? >> i think they are going to press it i'm told. and at least on taxes they believe they are winning this war and they are accurately speaking here. but i think what this has shown us over the past week is one of these two people is going to be president of the united states. this offers a window, a look into the type of presidency they would offer. and i think that for the clinton side we learned she's still as insular as she ever has been and relies on the advice of a couple of people and again most of her
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staff new nothing to this. the trump side. who knows how he would conduct foreign policy and what shows he would pick it. and this shows a window how they would govern -- >> -- on tv. >> we're going the take a quick break. we have lots more to talk about. including the latest polling that shows trump gaining ground national and in some key battleground states leapfrogging hillary clinton in some cases. john king crunches the numbers next. also ahead. someone else's e-mails are in the news for a change. former secretary state colin powell got hacked. in the e-mails he calls trump a national disgrace. that is just the beginning. what else he said about trump and also about hillary clinton when 360 continues. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a dad... "or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something"
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johnson with 13 and stein with 4. this is a national poll. perhaps more importantly there is other new polls that show movement in battleground states. cnn's inside politics anchor john king joins us to breakdown the numbers. and a lot of good news for donald trump here. >> without a doubt. let's take look. no republican wins without ohio. look at our brand new cnn orc poll in ohio. donald trump up four points among likely voters. in a critical battleground state. close in 2012 but won twice by president obama. then florida t biggest battleground prize. 29 electoral votes still on the map and again this is within the margin of error. so you can call it a statistical tie but clear momentum for trump. 77 for 34. also a new poll in nevada showing trump up two. statistic clay tie but clearly in some key battleground states little bit of wind at trump's back. >> there is a movement. a trend if you will.
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do we know exactly what's driving it? >> number one, donald trump is doing better among independents. something else, what've seen in the past we've talked about in pennsylvania, north carolina. hillary clinton has been doing something rare for a democrat. winning among white college graduates. but in florida donald trump back in the lead. also trouncing with white non college graduates. this is significant. a trump lead among white college graduates. florida and ohio. two of the more conservative battleground states. very close in 2012. the president is under water in both states. the president is above 50, hillary clinton does better. when he's below 50 she struggles more. that is one factor. i also want to take you to ohio where we have the same trouble with the college education gap. look at this. donald trump winning among white college gad gras, again we've not been seeing that in pennsylvania and north carolina. and trouncing hillary clinton again with the white working class by thirty points and this
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bun jumped out at me. again ohio a relatively conservative state by the battlegrounds. donald trump winning by a big margin among men. but look at this in ohio among women. 44 for clinton. 42 for trump. the third party candidate a two point gap among women for clinton in ohio, that's a problem. >> and how does this all effect if race to 270 in the electoral votes? >> let's switch maps and look. on one hand you could say not at all. because cnn projects right now if the election were today that hillary clinton would win tw 273 electoral votes meaning all the states on the map here. let's say donald trump went on a roll. our polling today shows him leading in florida and in ohio. that gets him in the game even if he won the other toss ups. north carolina and iowa.
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265, 273. so clearly donald trump has momentum in the battleground states but to win he's got turn one of these blues. pennsylvania pennsylvania, virginia. wisconsin. new hampshire wouldn't be enough. he's got turn one of these blues to red. so what are we looking for? look at the gender gap. look at independents and look at th that. we got a race. >> more or less one state away as we sit here tonight. john king thanks so much. joining me now on the panel. christine gwynn who supports hillary clinton. and former bernie sanders supporter who now supports hillary clinton. and --. gloria, this is what momentum looks like. this is what a trend looks like in polling right now. >> it is. and it seems to be slowly moving in donald trump's direction. i was looking at some of our
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internals on these battleground polls in florida and ohio. what struck me is hillary clinton's problem with younger voters. you know all about the younger voters from bernie sanders who supported him. and i went back and looked at how president obama did in florida and ohio. in florida hillary clinton has 46% of voters under 45. barack obama had 59% of those voters. in ohio she's got 41% of those younger voters. now she still beats donald trump. but what did barack obama have in ohio? 57%? so she still hasn't sort of coalesced young voters around her. it is not they love donald trump. but she needs more of them to go in her direction. and that is part of her problem this these battleground states. >> so we're asking not only because you are a younger voter but also you are a bernie sanders -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> -- what's missing here.
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why isn't hillary clinton connecting? what can she do to reach them? >> well i think she is connecting with voters generally. and i think slight disagreement, it is a little bit of a margin, i agree with that. but most young voters i think and i think the majority of the voters in general have made the decision that donald trump is not fit to be president of the united states and i think that is true certainly among young voters. and i just want to go to what john king said. which i think is critical. to me this race is over. this is not a question of who's going win the presidency. it is whether hillary clinton is going to win by a small margin or whether we're going to essentially annihilate donald trump and make it clear that misogyny and the things he's promoting and racism are not acceptable. look at the 19 states that are clearly democratic. and then take the four other states. minnesota, colorado, michigan and wisconsin. those give as john correctly said 273 electoral votes. everyone if hillary lost.
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nevada, florida and ohio, we would still win. >> but the problem, you know, and i'll let you jump in dawbece you are a student of history. when things start trending they don't necessarily stop. and just the things on this board in new hampshire could go and -- >> -- strong leads that have not changed in the polling on all those states. >> there are trends here. correct? >> there are trends here. you know richard nixon used to have a theory of how to win elections which he called peeking. that you don't peek too soon. that you build slowly. you get your momentum and then you peek the day of the election. and i think it is reasonable at this point to wonder if that is what we're not beginning to see here. we don't know yet but one of the ways you can tell, the concern with democrats to match up to john king's report is where was president obama yesterday or the day before when he was out for hillary clinton? he was in philadelphia. i can tell you philadelphia is a
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heavily democrat city. she's not going lose philadelphia. but the reason you send him there and the reason they send liz warren there the week before is to increase the enthusiasm with the base to get them to really come out and that is her problem. >> -- senate race in pennsylvania. when the president goes out and gives stump speech he's got a national audience. he's not -- >> hanigan o. we got a lot more to talk about. next up how does one get donald trump to stop saying whatever he wants to whenever he wants to? a --
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sort of an awkward moment for donald trump today in a church in flint, michigan and started to attack hillary clinton in his speech. watch this. hillary failed hillary. >> just like she failed on the foreign economy. >> mr. trump i invited you hear to thank us for -- >> oh okay. >> not to give a political speech. >> okay. that's good. and i'm going to --
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[ applause ] >> okay. flint's pain is a result of so many different failures and i must say that. >> -- the pas sortor said i inv you here to thank us for what we've done in flint and not to gave political speech. that was pretty interesting. i don't know if donald trump was told he wasn't supposed to talk on politics. >> this woman was also touting on facebook that today was the day she was going to show donald trump. donald trump did stay on message. he's stayed on message consistently. why he's leading in the polls. in ohio by two poll bis four points. he's within five points in pennsylvania and michigan. this is momentum that could develop into a landslide. she's not just tightening the race. he's epiing up gaps now. and i know -- >> >> a landslide?
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>> -- double digits in florida. [inaudible] -- two point gender gap in florida. millennials. getting half of what barack obama got. this is great news for trump. we are very excited and i suppose you are very worried despite finding one good piece of evidence for hillary clinton in the polls. >> first the woman was a pastor. i think we should speak of her with respect when she went up to see mr. trump to sell him that wasn't what he was there. i didn't see anything on facebook but she was very respectful i think and dig need and. >> reporter: a >> and he was respectful back. >> i yee. and i don't think there is any reason to criticize him or her. >> -- obama. >> i don't think president obama would have given a speech there attacking hillary clinton so it's a moot point but it doesn't seem so news worth that florida and ohio are going back and forth and going up and down.
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what seems more news worthy are the hot swing states. we're going to be having conversation each way. not really news. what i think is also significant in these numbers is look at places like georgia and arizona. where secretary clinton really shouldn't even been in the hunt and we're seeing real potential for her there. but she shouldn't even be on the board. >> -- [inaudible]. >> because after the convention she was up. she was up and most of these swing states. and now it is leveling off. and the thing about swing states is they tend to rise -- >> -- >> hang on. i noted. i was here with you before talking about polls and they weren't so good for trump and you were oh they really aren't saying where the election is going to go and now you are telling me. >> things close and swing states by definition swing around -- >> -- talking about nevada, which is so close and i predict we're going win that because of
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the latino turnout. which i don't think the polls are measuring. the fact you talk about florida which is so close where hillary clinton has fifty office, 500 people on the ground and donald trump has no operation and in a state that is that close turnout is really important. >> and ground game. >> i want to get a duo gloria here. we're talking about the polls. the fact it is close. i think everyone can agree it is close right now. the fact that it is close. the fact that hillary clinton hasn't been on the trail the last few days, does this just make the stakes for the first debate on september 26th astronomically high? >> yes. these debates the stakes are always astronomically high. as you know. but for this particular debate, given the fact that they are completely different kinds of people, comparing in completely different ways with amazing -- you know, with different kinds of campaigns. and this is going to be box office. that is all i can say. >> and gloria you get the last
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question here. the one thing we can all agree on in this election is someone's going to lose. and in tonight in just a few minutes you have a whole special on candidate whose lose. >> what a good segue. yes i interviewed a handful of people who have made it to the nomination but didn't win. people like mitt romney, john mccain. walter mondale. michael dukakis. and i talk to them about what it's like to lose in this great public failure. i can't think of anything much like it in our life is failing on this kind of a public stage and how they dealt with it and how they came back with it and what it was like going through the campaign and losing. >> -- >> -- by the way is they all like the polls is show them doing well and -- >> right. >> -- at the agony of defeat. up next for us. colin powell unplugged.
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his e-mail is hacked and true feelings about both hillary clinton and donald trump are truly revealed. what i love most about tempur-pedic mattresses is that they contour to your body. it keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. (vo) soft, firm, or hybrid... our three collections pair up to create the perfect bed for two. there's more than one tempur-pedic. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at
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privately, former secretary of state colin powell is not holding back about the candidates. in e-mails hacked from his account and posted to the site d.c. leaks, he describes donald trump as a, quote, national disgrace and international pariah. an aide to powell confirmed to cnn that the e-mails are real. the retired four star general and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff slams what he calls a racist crusade by trump over president obama's birth certificate, lampooning this prediction. >> at the end of four years, i guarantee you that i will get over 95% of the african-american vote. i promise you. >> a schizo fantasy saying trump takes us for idiots. but powell is also luke warm about hillary clinton writing a friend in 2015, everythinger hillary rodham clinton touches, she screws up with hubris. i would rather not have to vote for her. although she's a friend i respect, criticizing her
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unbridled ambition and calling her greedy is that not trans formational. he added an offcolor insult about her marriage to bill clinton. powell also resenltd being dragged into the e-mail scandal after citing his advice as justification for her private server. he told a friend three times not to friday gambit ask then through what he called a mini tantrum at a hampton party to get their attention. in an interview last month, clinton was on damage control. >> he was incredibly gracious and helpful after i was nominated and before i took job. >> but powell dismissed it as a stupid witch hunt. though he didn't absolve her or ambassador chris stevens who was killed in the attack. he writes, basic fault fuels a courageous ambassador, adding blame also rests on his leaders
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in washington and yes, hrc. rice responded, completely agree. >> these leaks came from d.c. leaks on the same day hacker released more information from the democratic national committee. experts appointed says those behind the leaks but no word yet on any ties to the hacking of powell's account. john? >> all right. thank you so much. we'll be right back. i overpack...
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