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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  September 17, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. let's see what happens there. >> he has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black president. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. i finished it. >> he's lied and he's divided this country enough. >> that does not give anybody the right to violate. >> nearly 1 in 4 female students will experience some form of unwanted sexual contact. >> it's kind of like people
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don't talk about it. i chose this school because i thought honestly we were better than this. >> the woman on the phone keeps her voice quiet as her laecht captain tour sleeps next to her. >> is there any way to get out of the building? >> not without waking him. i'm scared. >> take a nice deep breath for the weekend. we're so grateful to have you with us, i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to be with you on this "new day." donald trump starting another controversy on the campaign trail. the republican nominee went off script at a rally in miami telling the crowd that hillary clinton wants to take away the second amendment rights, she doesn't is. and he wondered aloud what would happen to clinton if her secret office detail were disarmed. >> and the political spotlight,
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he said yesterday, that he has finished it now. but she's still not apologize for his five years saying that obama wasn't born in the u.s. >> and robert gates waging into the campaign raising pretty hard questions about both candidates. he wrote this a "wall street journal" op-ed saying clinton has no new ideas with dealing with the middle east but he also twliets trump is beyond repair and uninformed. >> and continuing to blame nominee hillary clinton for starting the birther movement. here's cnn's jim acosta. >> reporter: trump "endeavour" wants the leader of this nation's birther movement finally came out and said he accepted the truth that president obama was born in the u.s. but in doing so, he told more whoppers. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started a
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debirther controversy. i finished it. i finished it. you know what i mean. president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> reporter: trump's claim that hillary clinton is responsible for one of the nation's worst political smears is false. same goes for a statement that he ended the birther controversy. that's not remotely true, as trump was considering a run for president five years ago, he brought it up. >> why doesn't he show his birth certificate? >> reporter: time and again. >> i've been told very recently, anderson, that the birth certificate is missing. >> reporter: even after president obama released his birth certificate to the country in 2011. >> a lot of people didn't think it was an authentic certificate. >> reporter: no surprise to reaction to the news that trump was acknowledging the reality, the president was not impressed. >> i was pretty confident about where i was born. i think most people were as
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well. >> reporter: as for clinton, she clammed trump's attempts to blame her as a disagree. saying isn't a series of tweets trump has spent year padding a racist conspiracy armed at undermining the first african-american president. >> donald trump owes him and the american people an apology. >> reporter: trump's birther reversal comes as he's trying to reach out to african-american voters a key voting bloc that overwhelmingly supports clinton. it was a surreal scene. trump spent more time boasting his glitzy hotel where he staid. including one retired general who also questioned mr. obama's citizenship, thomas mcinerney. >> thank you, don. it's very simple, we are all warriors here. >> reporter: and trump never questioned why he's changing it now, ducking out as reporters
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were shouting for answers. we should point out a former clinton campaign manager for the 2008 campaign acknowledges that a former volunteer for the campaign, during that election cycle, was spreading false rumors about president obama's background and that that staffer was fired. in the meantime we should also point out that fact-checking organizations including cnn, have all determined that hillary clinton was never responsible for presidenting rumors about president obama's background. that has been rated false. >> jim acosta, thank you for that. of course, we're going to have a deeper controversy throughout the morning about both the birther claim and what we heard from donald trump yesterday. and this new statement about disarming hillary clinton's secret service detail. so, stay with us all morning on that. on another front, america picks out another key isis member. we'll tell you the cutting ed technology that special ops are
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using on the battlefield to gain any advantage possible. is there any way you get out of the building? >> no, not without waking him, i'm scared. >> this is the most chilling 911 call i think i have heard. we'll play for from that, from this woman, as police race to save her from an alleged kidnapper who is sleeping right next to her. en that lets you write on the screen if you try to write, on a plain old mac the difference can be seen (it doesn't work) get the surface pro (the keyboard detaches from the screen) get the surface pro (i like the blue!) remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. who's with me? i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. ♪ ♪
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well said, ann. i've always admired how you just say what's in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you're living proof that looks aren't everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what's that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce. did you know people can save over $500 when they switch to progressive? did you brush your hair today? yes, mom. why? hmm. no reason. we've got a lot of political headlines to talk about this morning. joining me now to talk about it trump supporter former lieutenant governor of new york betsy mccoy. lieutenant governor, good to have you this morning. >> glad to join you. >> so, the latest controversy
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came from donald trump last night speaking about hillary clinton, the second amendment and her secret service detail. but, first, listen to what he said, and then we'll talk about it. >> i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. they should disarm. right? i think they should disarm, immediately, what do you think? yes? yeah. yeah. take their guns away. she doesn't want guns. let's see what happens to her. >> then he goes on to say it will be very dangerous, take the guns away, let's see what happens to her. the clinton campaign saying that this is a reference to potential violence against the candidate. how do you receive what donald trump just said? >> well, i think he's making a very good point and that is, hillary clinton has made herself an enemy of the second amendment. she's put a big bull's-eye on the second amendment. she's made it very clear that she wants to take people's gun rights away.
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>> hillary clinton has not said or intended to that she wants to, as donald trump take away the second amendment rights. >> excuse me, you're incorrect. >> explain how i'm incorrect, and i'll explain the facts. >> she has proposed legislation that will whittle away at people's second amendment right so it's a mere words on paper. when you restrict second amendment rights so much that they're meaningless, especially in places like inner cities where people have no alternatives but to protect themselves from the criminals who always get guns, no matter what the law says. >> okay. let's take this in two different steps here. first, you say in inner cities people should, i'm paraphrasing, correct me if i'm wrong, we can do this in realtime, that the only way they can protect themselves is with these guns you're discovering. >> that's true because the criminals always get the guns, no matter what the laws. >> and many of these major
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cities, washington, d.c., chicago, these are already cities where there are no guns allowed to be sold because then gun-free zones. that law, as implemented locally is already in place. as donald trump has said -- >> let me point out also in chicago which has very strict gun rules. the fact is violence in chicago is note tour yushgs gun violence, the number of homicides, it's gone way up, 30% this year, cincinnati, los angeles. >> i hear you but -- >> many of these cities have very strict gun regulations, gun regulations, despite what mrs. clinton says is not the answer. >> but you're arguing two sides of the same coin. before and at the beginning of this interview, you said this is the only way people can protect themselves. and now, you've said that these are gun-free zones and it's not stopping anything. >> well, that's right. obviously people are unable to protect themselves. the criminals are getting the guns and shooting wildly in those cities. >> let's get back to donald trump and the claim that hillary
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clinton is trying to do away with of the second amendment. or get rid of people's second amendment rights. harrisburg clinton has suggest issed not allowing people who are on the no-fly zone to buy weapons, gun control, but not to get rid of the second amendment. >> of course, she hasn't specifically get rid of the second amendment, but as i pointed out a moment earlier, when you so whittle away the second amendment by imposing restriction that's make it virtually impossible to have a gun with you, that is for all intents and purposes getting rid of the second amendment. >> okay. let's talk about what donald trump said yesterday. why is he referencing this disarming of secret service agents, and then questions, as you is he, let's see what happens to her? why is he saying that? why make that reference? >> he's pointing out mrs. clinton's well-known hypocrisy. what's good for her is not good for the relevant of us. she wants the rest of america not to be protected by having
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their own guns but she wants to make sure she is well protected. it's a matter of hypocrisy. >> well, you know, of course, that every presidential candidate within 120 days of the election, with some criteria, get secret service protection. >> you're quite right. >> and that's been tradition. and the reason that it happened because in 1968, rfk, robert f. kennedy was shot and killed. and that's why they have it. >> well, and certainly, no one would ever want that that to happen to any candidate but remember, mrs. clinton has had bodyguards and protection for most of her recent adult life. because as a former first lady and secretary of state, she's quite accustomed to being protected by armed bodyguards. but the rest of us are not. but i feel for the families especially in places like chicago and los angeles, where gun violence so high, homicides
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have soared by double digits. and the very people who need a gun to protect themselves. they go to work early in the morning. they work in a small convenience store. they have some other kind of dangerous place to work, and they can't carry a gun. >> that's a fair point. but let's talk about, you brought up the term "hypocrisy." donald trump said that hillary clinton's secret service should be disarmed because of the rest of the country doesn't have that protection. donald trump back in may it was, when he first alluded to the disarming of secret service said this in front of the nra as he accepted their endorsement. he was saying that in front of a crowd that had been required to leave their guns outside of that room. if donald trump is so supportive of gun rights and the right to carry, then should he then allow people to bring guns to his events? because the secret service doesn't allow that. >> i'm not familiar with the rules for that particular event.
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>> it's every event. the secret service does not allow people to bring guns into the closed places. >> well, if that's the rule, it's probably a good rule. >> which is also the reason why they carry guns at clinton's events and his. >> at real issue here, and i'm glad he's raising it, one of the presidential candidates donald trump is raising the importance of protecting the second amendment. as you know, president obama mocked americans for clinging to their religion and their guns. both of those rights are definitely underattack. and i'm glad that donald trump is standing up for our second amendment rights. >> we have just a couple minutes left. and i want to turn to the controversy of midday friday which was birtherism. and donald trump in 32 words saying that,s sellerly, president obama, was board in the united states, period. finishing that. i wonder, did the campaign or does the campaign believe that this 32-word treatment of a
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five-year lie is enough that it ends it? >> it's probably overdoing it. box the real birther issue -- >> you mean that the 32 words was too much? >> rem say -- yeah. the real birther issue in this country is that under barack obama, business startups have failed. fewer businesses have been born than have died. the business failure rate for -- >> how is that a birthism issue? >> because an economy should be able to give birth to new businesses all the time. >> i understand the term that you're using. we're not going to shift away from the topic -- >> well, i want to shift to this extent. let me just point out the voters don't care about the birther issue. >> lieutenant governor -- >> they say the economy is the number one issue. >> i feel what you're saying, but donald trump has for years pushed this lie saying that president obama was not born in the united states. then he comes out and in 32 words blames it on hillary clinton. and then says the president is
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born here. he finished it with he didn't finish it. with 32 words is that enough? >> yes, it is enough. and let me say this, the voters want you to talk it about the economy. that's their number one concern. but the media elite are drowning americans in one story after another. about birthism, because they don't want the american public to hear about donald trump economic plan to promote real growth in this country. and hillary clinton's economic plan which will drive us into a recession and lower wages. that contrast is so clear. tax cuts and growth from donald trump. tax hikes and pay cuts from hillary clinton. >> we've got an economist coming up later this morning, we'll talk about those economic plans including the child care proposals. but i will point out that donald trump is the one who inses sently talked about the president, being born outside of the u.s. and in 32 words attempted to clear up five years. >> even barack obama said enough
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with the birther issue. enough with this issue. >> lieutenant governor betsy mccoy thanks so much. >> thank you. and get ready for the first big debate between hillary clinton and donald trump monday september 26th. coverage right here on cnn. christi. >> i want you to think if there's a possibility of putting yourself in the place of this woman. let's listen to the 911. >> is there any way you can get out of the building? >> i don't know without waking him and i'm scared. >> she's whispering for help to the operator as her alleged abductor is laying asleep beside her. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®.
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i don't thing i've ever heard a 911 call like this. you hear this, you think what on earth. there's this kidnapped woman in ohio is rescued by police after making this desperate call to 911. she called authorities as her alleged abductor was sleeping right next to her. >> yeah, police would later find the remains of three other women. cnn's jean casarez has the 911 audio. >> 911 what is the address of your emergency? >> right across from the 4 strooth lot tro mat. >> what's the problem? >> i've been abducted. >> reporter: chilling 911 call whispering. >> who about ducked you? >> shawn grate. >> reporter: she made the call as she is in an abandoned home in ashland, ohio.
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>> where he's at now? >> asleep. >> where's he's sleeping at? >> in the bedroom. >> reporter: the woman on the phone keeps her voice quiet. >> does he have a weapon? >> he's got a taser. >> are you injured? >> a little. >> reporter: being held since sunday the woman police she was forced to commit sexual acts by her captor. >> is there any way to get out of the building? >> i'm scared. >> reporter: the woman is afraid to move. >> his bedroom is closed he made it so it would make noise. >> if you you had to go to the bathroom would he do something to you? >> because he has me tided. you. >> are you tied up now? >> well i am, i kind of freed myself. >> reporter: the woman keeps the police on the phone while police make their way to the abandoned home. >> are you on the way? >> yes, we have officers come. >> please send -- oh, i woke him
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up. >> okay, just set the phone down. >> reporter: the dispatcher checks if the woman is still there. >> are you still there? >> reporter: another minute passes? >> are you still there? >> how much longer? >> reporter: she finally responds trembling. >> do you hear any officers outside? >> okay they're in the area. >> can you get out of the bedroom? >> i can't the door doesn't have a nobody. >> you can hear anybody right now? >> reporter: after 20 tense minutes. >> come out, come out, hurry up, hurry up. where is he? >> still sleeping? >> okay, they have her. >> shawn grate has been charged with two counts of murder, and one count of kidnapping. there will be another hearing on monday, more on the complaint. there will also be a competency hearing to see if he is of sound mind to be able to assist his attorney in understanding the
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charges. >> christi, victor. >> she didn't even know there's a body there. can you imagine what this woman is going through today realizing, i would have been dead. >> it took 20 minutes to find her. miraculously, they did. can you imagine, 20 minutes they're there on the phone. let's turn to the race for the white house and a reluctant campaigner to one of the most popular stars of the democratic party. the first lady goes solo to stump for hillary clinton. a selfie, photos of the kids, social media, guess what, she's suing her parents over what they posted. could whatever happens in this case affect the rest of us? we'll talk about it.
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6:30, that's early for a saturday morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. donald trump tried to but the controversy of birther behind him but he may have stumbled into another one. >> last night in florida, he argued he's a staunch defender of the second amendment and that hillary clinton wants to take away the right to bear arms. wondering aloud to his supporters about clinton's security detail. list ton this. >> i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. they should disarm. right? right?
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i think they should disarm. immediately. what do you think? yes? yeah. yeah. take their guns away. she doesn't want guns. take their -- let's see what happens to her. >> hmm. first lady michelle obama officially on the campaign trail going to bat for hillary clinton solo. the first lady wooed voters in the battleground state of virginia. >> and she blasted donald trump without even mentioning him by name. our michelle kosinski has more on mrs. obama's case for a clinton presidency. ♪ >> reporter: it is a first in this campaign season. michelle obama solo on the trail. >> this time is really bittersweet for me. it's a time of real transition for me and barack and our girls. my husband is going to need a new job. >> reporter: her message in the battleground state of virginia,
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recapping her husband's accomplishments, hillary clinton qualifications and repeatedly slamming donald trump. >> in a candidate is erratic and threatening, if a candidate traffics prejudice, fears and lies on the trail, let me tell you, that is who they are. >> reporter: but the first lady has long been a reluctant campaigner. even when her husband was running. she quickly learned every word draws scrutiny. >> for the first time in my adult lifetime i'm really proud of my country. >> reporter: makes headlines, even cartoons. but today, the confident first spouse seems more than willing to be herself. >> turn up for what? >> reporter: dancing on ellen, poking fun at percent. >> you are the president and i am your -- >> reporter: speaking her mind. >> i want to go to target again. >> reporter: it's worked. her approval rating over 60%. by far, the most popular person
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in her party, beating out both candidate, her husband and bill clinton. >> i wake up every morning in a house that was builtly slaves. >> reporter: history has proven first ladies can make a big difference. 1964, lady bird johnson took a train through the south where the civil rights movement was deeply unpopular. johnson won it. in 2004, laura bush was seen as george w.'s secret weapon, humanizing him and making a personal case for protecting america. michelle obama could inject the energy and enthusiasm needed for hillary clinton. so why hasn't she been out there far more? certainly, they would want her to do it a lot more. but she's got to do what comes natural to her and where she feels authentic. yes, we can expect to see more of michelle obama out on the trail as well as the president. his schedule hasn't really allowed him to get out on the trail in earnest. but now we're hearing more from
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white house sources who tell us expect him next month to be out on the trail one to two days a week. and he's going to focus on the states where his help is needed the most. political aplaces like hillary clinton, pennsylvania, ohio, florida, possibly, iowa and new hampshire. we can expect him to make a strong case that democrats can't take it for granted that hillary clinton is going to win. that they actually have to get out there and cast that vote. victor and christi. >> all right, michelle, thanks so much. we'll get back to politics a little bit later. but now, let's turn to the university of north carolina which says it takes sexual assault allegations seriously. but one student is fighting back, saying the school and police failed her. >> we're breaking down the university's response and the potential fallout. also, an 18-year-old suing her parents for posting photos of her as a child on facebook. she said they did that without her consent. judge glenda hatchet is weighing
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well, a host of high school football players have been now joining the san francisco 49ers colin kaepernick by kneeling during the national anthem before their own games. >> now for others, an nfl quarterback hometown hero turned pariah. cnn's sara sidner travelled to a town of california. >> reporter: political football has a whole new meaning.
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what began in the nfl with the 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick is now showing up under the glare of friday night lights. from the land of lincoln, across the country to the golden state. where an entire high school football team protested racial injustices. >> we do things by the consequences that happened after the game, i wouldn't get boos and negative energy and stuff like that. it really doesn't matter. if it's right, it's right. >> reporter: while the protest is catching on at some high schools across the country that is not what happened at colin kaepernick's high school. the national anthem played, hands were over hearts and every player stood stick straight. but their hometown football standout protests has sparked controversy and conversation in california. i think it was really disrespectful. and i think he's an idiot. >> reporter: at pain street
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footers the once popular kaepernick was stricken from the menu. >> one of the great things about our country, you get to make choices. but we didn't want it to be a political football. we could already see it was going to develop that way. >> reporter: down the street, kaepernick's jersey was proudly displayed. >> your own brother said, all right. let's take it down, it's not good for business. we want to satisfy our customers. and you yourself took a stand. why? >> here, loyalty is a lot. the community is very loyal and going to stay loyal to our hometown. >> reporter: she said she's supporting their hometown guy, not the way he's decided to protest.
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have you had cushions who have decided i can't be in here? >> yes. >> reporter: is this protest creating friction in this town? >> yes, yes. there are locals that support him. and there are locals that don't support him. >> reporter: like navy veteran veronica morrow. she hasn't abandoned her hometown pizza parlor, but she can't stomach kaepernick's protests. what were your emotions the first time you saw this happen? >> i was very disgusted and disappointed. it hurt. it hurt like i say, i believe in the flag. >> reporter: ultimately, the hometown of turnclock, california is the protest, kaepernick's protests making some people comfortable and others proud. >> it's generated discussion. i think that's what we wanted. in that essence, i think he's brought what he's going for. >> alrighty. thanks so much.
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sara sidner there for us. now, the university of north carolina they say they've taken sexual assault allegations very serious there on campus. one student, however, contend, the school and police failed her. judge glenda hatchett talking about that next. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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in north carolina, we're hearing that there's tough new ways on how they handle sexual assault indications. hearing from leaders that they took every allegation seriously. the chancellor made a statement,
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as chancellor, nothing matters to me more than our safety and well-being of our campus community and how our university responds to these issues and your concerns. we are committed to assuring every step of our policy and procedures is correctly followed. sometimes, to get it right that takes longer than anticipated. but in the event, a respectful reliable and equitable investigation must be the result. end quote. julia robinson said unc failed her as a student. in fact, here's what she told cnn about her interaction with police after she reported the incident. >> i was treated like a suspect. i was asked what were you wearing? what were you drinking? how much were you drinking? do you often have one-night stands? do you say no? how many men have you slept with? what's your sexual history, questions along those lines. >> let's bring in judge glenda
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hatchett. judge hatchett, good to see you. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> when you hear the questions she was asked, are those fair questions? >> it just seems to me that they're overbearing. it seems that they are the fact that she may have had sexual relationships, it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter. what matters is this particular incident, that particular evening, where she alleged that she was raped. and to ask her about her sexual history, what she was wearing is really inappropriate. to see it is, and it shouldn't have not have happened to her. it should not have happened. >> part of the chancellor statement says this, the comprehensive changes that were made in 2014 included multiple defining consent, streamlining and better publicizing reporting options, adding confidential resources, changing the
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adjudication procedures. added reors for those to provide compassion mitt care and accommodations for those who need support. when you hear that do they line up, in your opinion, with how delanie said she was treated? >> well, they don't. they don't. what she is saying, christi, is that this has gone on since february. that she complied with every step, according to her. she did have a rape kit done at the hospital. her attorney said there is evidence of blunt force trauma in the situation. she has complied with all of the requirements of the university, according to her. and the section title 9, and actually, as i understand it, the local prosecutor has said there's not enough evidence to go through with it. and therefore she did file misdemeanor charges. the thing in this situation, it
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is sad she has to come forward to be publicly identified for the chancellor to come out with the statement that she came out with yesterday. but having said that, i think that was an appropriate step in the right direction. these are serious matters, but let me just stress, these are allegations. and they need to be taken seriously. and they need to be investigated. that is not to say conclusively that she was raped. one thing that bothers me a lot about this case, christi, is that someone said to her a blackout drunk situation is not rape. and she has admitted that she was under age and drinking. but that, of course, does not give someone the license to sexually assault someone. and that's a very important thing. >> being drunk does not give someone the right to commit a crime against him? >> no, it does not. >> i want to get your sense, real quickly. title 9 allows victims to hear
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reported conversations between the investigators and the suspect. here's what delean said she had heard. >> my rapist was asked if he received my phone number that night. he said no, but he managed to get other girls' phone numbers, and the dps investigator replied. rock on. that was infuriating to hear. that was the night of the rape they were talking about, that was really disgusting. >> rock on. and he said something about being a football player, didn't he? according to you? >> yeah, he said, don't sweat it. move on with your life and keep on playing football. >> surely, that record will go confirm what truly was said. but if it's true, if she heard everything right, what is your reaction to how this was handled behind the scenes there? >> absolutely disgusting. >> and any liability with the university? >> absolutely.
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if there is an official at the university and it is true then that what she said is exactly what happened and she listened to that tape and that's an accurate account, there is certainly the liability, i think, is open, for the university to be liable in that situation. and to say rock on and to basically say, you get a pass in so many words, go on with your life, because you're an athlete, is just absolutely outrageous. >> it is. >> if that's true. >> we'll talk about this more in a little bit. but i want to get to one other topic here. the facebook situation. >> yes, yes. >> i think a lot of parents are interested in this. there's an 18-year-old woman suing her parents for posting pictures of her on facebook. she said the photos were embarrassing. they were posted without permission. these were pictures of when she was a baby, we should point out. there's no precedent for
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anything like this. what is the potential here that what happened there to affect so many other people? >> yes, i couldn't find anything like this in this country. let me just say two things quickly. i know we're in a time crunch, christi, first of all, she's 18 now. and so, she, i would hope, i would just hope, that a parent and a child, or an adult child says, look, these are embarrassing, take them down. literally, there is no such action under defamation. there may have been action in this country under your expectation, or your right to privacy. not your expectation. but your right to privacy. you know what, those pictures were taken when she was an infants. she was a minor. the parents i would say, would argue that they had the right to do that because they took the pictures. >> yes. that's the argument. >> and so, i think that, you know, this is the kind of stuff that really clogs the court
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systems and really ought to be worked out among family members. but if that case hits the country, i would think that there is a right to privacy and perhaps someone could prevail on this. >> all right. we need to be careful about what we publish. to be on the safe side. always good to see you. >> always wonderful, thank you. if you think the court system is gummed up now, if people are allowed to sue their parents for posting embarrassing pictures? >> and let me say something, the girl said, here's pat of this, she said i'm tired of not being taken seriously by my parents. so that would indicate, i think, that there are other issues perhaps percolating under the surface. there has to be a real rift in the family if you're going to take your parents to court. >> sounds like something that every 18-year-old can do. my parents had a picture of me in green underpants. >> we're going to get that next
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>> and not all weapons systems are as advanced as the f-35s. >> yes, aspirational forces have found, sometimes a simple gadget will work. here's cnn's barbara tarr. >> christi, victor, agency the fight against isis picks up, u.s. operation forces are looking for any advantage they can. >> reporter: more special operations forces may head to iraq and syria to advise local forces in europe coming battling to retake mosul and raqqah, cnn has learned. as troops move closer to the front line dangers, they need every advantage. to get that advantage, students, professors and military personnel are working in this very nontraditional, military lab on cutting-edge gadgets that could mean the difference between life and death. >> we found, i think a go antenna which is an antenna you can slip to your cell phone and turn into a radio so if you lose
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a cell tower you can still communicate. >> reporter: at this converted tattoo parlor, of all places in tampa, the special operations center is running an operations more like a startup than part of the u.s. military. >> what we wanted to create is an inviting place somewhere you'd like to come to work if you're a 19-year-old and got a great idea, you're happy to come here. >> reporter: it's not just winning the fight but surviving it. >> this is a pellet that expands 25 times up its size when it reaches fluids. you inject this into a wound, all of these pellets expand, rapidly clot the wound and quickly shut off the bleeding. so, previously, they would have been packing pieces of gauze into that wound. >> so what we also do here is rapidly prototype things. talk to operators. get the ideas flowing try to get it from cocktail napkin to
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here's an actual thing we're thinking about. >> reporter: 3d printed droughns so promise. that's by getting a part you need by printing it right on the battlefield. >> when something breaks, they can repair it themselves and not have to come back to us. >> reporter: with a 3d printer and yes, play-doh, a standard issue weapon can be modified. >> can you do that and imbed buttons and switches so that i can control all of the things i need without taking my hands off the weapon. and my eyes off of what i'm looking at in the weapon. >> reporter: even in a converted tattoo parlor, the u.s. military is looking for a different way of doing business. christi, victor. >> barbara, thank you so much. oh, my goodness, a lot to talk about this morning. next hour here of "new day" starts right now.


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