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tv   New Day  CNN  September 30, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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we are covering it from every angle with cnn's chris frates from washington. >> reporter: alisyn, after a week of fallout from the debate on monday, the campaign is preparing for the next face-off with hillary clinton with some suggesting that chris christie take the lead and bring brutal honesty to the process. meanwhile, trump's preparing new lines of attack. >> the clintons are the sordid past. we will be the very bright and clean future. >> the presidential race is the next time he faces off with hillary cltd inton on the debat stage. >> i was going to do it and i saw chelsea out in the audience. >> reporter: scrutiny of his own
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history. >> i have a very good history. i guess, we have a situation where we have a president who was a disaster and ultimately impeached over it in a sense for lying. so, we'll see whether or not we discuss it. >> reporter: the plan, an attempt to fight back against trump's own controversial comments about women encouraging trump's surrogates to drop names like monica lewinsky. >> presumably want more women and feel any obligation if trump brings up your husband's past to speak out against a spouse's indiscretion being brought into a campaign like this. >> look, he can say whatever he wants to say as we well know. we have seen it in real time over the last many months and i'm going to keep running my
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campaign. >> reporter: trump is running by his claim that he did a service to the country by leading the birther movement. >> i am the one who got him to produce the birth certificate and i think i did a good job. >> reporter: he's proud of his effort while reiterating clinton questioned his birth certificate when she ran against him in 2008. >> she tried and she was unable to do it and i tried and i was able to do it. i'm very proud of that. >> reporter: all this as trump's foundation faces renewed scrutiny saying "washington post" reporting that the charity never obtained a certification that new york requires before charities can solicit money from the public. the trump campaign has not responded to the paper's request for comment. cnn has also reached out to the trump campaign and has gotten no response yet. also this morning "usa today" has an editorial out calling trump unfit for the presidency. the first time in the paper's
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34-year history it has taken sides in the presidential race. but the paper noted it wasn't endorsing clinton either. an op-ed by mike pence where the vp made the case for his running mate. chris? hillary clinton hitting another key battleground today. clinton is fighting on two fronts and continuing to take on trump personally while trying to court a key group, millennials. >> good morning. donald trump continues to try to bait hillary clinton, clinton is now back on the road and mocking trump for his debate performance, using his own words about being smart about not paying income taxes. clinton is going after trump's tax plan, character, as well as his business practices. she is in florida today and making two campaign stops and she's pushing to court the millennials whose polls show being drawn to the third party
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millennials, particularly gary johnson. johnson could become a spoiler and clinton was pressed with that question on her plane. take a listen. >> i think either donald trump or i will be president of the united states. people have to look carefully in making their decision about who to vote for because it will be either him or me and i am going to do everything i can to make sure it's me. >> a new poll out of michigan giving us a first glimpse here now of clinton's post-debate bounce. it shows clinton now with a seven-point lead over trump in both a head-ta-head matchup, as well as a four-way contest with the libertarian and green party candidates particularly revealing here is the 21-point lead she has among women. and, also, another poll out of new hampshire showing clinton is ahead of trump 42 to 35%. and it should come as no surprise that today trump is campaigning in michigan.
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that, of course, where he is behind in this new poll. alisyn, chris. >> thanks so much for had of that background. let's talk about everything we just raised. joining us now mark preston. we have cnn political analyst and bureau chief of "daily beast" jackie kosinich. so we will get to that in a moment.
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known right now -- >> but let me just say that that is probably where we're going pause that is why he would address this at this point. why it's important for us to address it, specifically, is because then it comes into the issue of politics and strategy. this is a stupid strategy by donald trump. it wasn't hillary clinton that was cheating on her husband, it was her husband cheating and all he's doing is creating her as being the victim, again. we have seen when that happens her popularity goes sky high. >> jackie, we know how this usually plays out because of what mark just said. i think this is also a story of how trump handles the negativity. i mean, his twitter feed is on fire, even by his standards about this. he can't let the miss universe
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thing go. he just keeps pummeling this woman writing that hillary, you know, you didn't know about this and he's terrible about that. what does it say about the ability to control him if he were ever in office and he got upset about something. you know, people don't know about that. and these people who are in the office listen. would he? >> no, it doesn't seem like it. donald trump said long ago that he keeps his own council and he is his best adviser and whether or not that is true, that is what he it continues to do. this does go to temperament. why is he still talking about miss universe and dredging up all this negativity on how he has treated women in the past. which is why he is trying to talk about hillary clinton and bill clinton's past. it shines back on him. being how he treated his exwives
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and female subordinants in the past. it's not a pretty picture. stupid strategy. doesn't make any sense. >> that is why it is so confusing, david. is because donald trump and bill clinton exhibited much of these same behavior in at least through the '90s. maybe beyond. so, the hypocrisy. there is an error of hypocrisy of going after bill clinton's philandering and maybe worse when donald trump is accused of the same things. so, how does it work? >> you're right. i think what trump may not realize, as well, he thought at the time his marital problems got a lot of publicity. they didn't get near, probably they know a lot less about donald trump's and about to be reminded. trump has not thought this through. he also consums a lot of right-wing media where this is
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taken for granted and he may not have thought about it in the context of a general election. >> also, some of that influence is his own backyard, right, mark? he has an amazing job at citizens united and bannon and this is often their terrain. >> this is what we call the right wing media. that is the two folks who are running his campaign right now who have really made a career, specifically david bosse trying tatake down the clintons. talk about hypocrisy. donald trump did an interview on cnn back around 2008, 2009. he said it was stupe frud the house of representatives to impeach bill clinton. >> not a big deal. small potatoes. they were judging him falsely. >> now he is out attacking him and attacking him very hard. literally he has gone to a knife fight and donald trump decided to take a canon to it. stupid strategically because what we're doing right now the
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spotlight will shine back on to donald trump and does he want his personal life thrown out into the spotlight. if i were him, i probably wouldn't want that. >> let's move on and talk about the trump foundation because you have new reporting where you've found out that the trump foundation which operates as a charity did not get the proper certification to be a charity. why is that important? >> well, it's important because what they didn't get was permission from new york state where the trump foundation is based to raise money from other people and that matters because the trump foundation has raised all of its money from other people since 2008. they didn't file the right paperwork. more than just a paperwork and more than not paying the 25 bucks extra each year to get the right certification. by not doing this, trump avoided a requirement that he submitted to an annual audit. looked into his foundation and found some of the violations of law that we seemed to have found along the way this year. by not registering he not only
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prevented himself, but protected himself from outside scrutiny. >> jackie, to kind of end this on a note that is somewhat worthy, this situation isn't so much about, hey, did you hear about this woman? did you hear about this woman? what will donald trump do when faced with something he doesn't like? is he going to make this campaign about what he says, which let's talk about jobs and trade or do you think he'll be unable to resist the urge to defend himself, as he sees it, and just goes down this road to the end? >> the next debate, at least, he will be constrained because it is a town hall debate. questions asked of him not by moderators but by everyday people. so, that might change the dynamic a little bit. but he hasn't really shown the capacity to stay on message for any more than a couple of days. earlier in this campaign we kept on talking about is there a pivot here or pivot there. pivots have been canceled for a very long time. this is what we are left with.
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this is donald trump. he's not going to start listening to his advisoradvisor. whether he gets it in his head you can't keep going on these -- >> what bill clinton did was terrible and awful and no way that anybody in the media right now is justifying what he did. we're talking about the plain politics of where we are right now and whether donald trump is making a strategic decision. your point, chris, if this is getting under his skin for this, what if he becomes president for this. >> panel, stick around. >> and he's doing well because he was talking about these other things. that's what makes it so odd. federal investigators are trying to determine the cause of that deadly commuter train crash in hoboken, new jersey, one person lost their lives and 114 injured. what we do know is that the train was traveling at a high rate of speed when it slam under
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to a terminal wall at the height of thursday's morning rush. the big question is, why was it going that fast? could it have been avoided. brynn gingras. comes back to one thing. positive train control. would have controlled the train no matter what the engineer was doing. >> a lot of questions about that. federal lawmakers coming out saying it should have had that. the ntsb will see if that would have played a factor with this particular crash. this is the first full day that the ntsb is on the scene investigating and so far they have been able to collect some evidence from the back of the train and that is an event recorder which registers the speed and braking of this particular train. they haven't yet been able to access the front of the train where the engineer sit. the engineer pulled unconscious from the train yesterday. the reason investigators can't get there because you saw all that video. the structural damage caused by this crash made it impossible
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and just simply dangerous for investigators to get to it and they want to pull video recordings from that area and they think, they hope they will get in there later this afternoon. that will tell them more answers to the questions that you posed, chris. some answers hopefully coming soon from the engineer. identified as thomas gallagher. 29 years he worked and an experienced engineer at this point, but a crash that really is offering a lot of questions. injured 114 people who went to the hospital and, of course, killed that 34-year-old woman. certainly a sad story here. as we work into the morning commute on this friday, this, of course, is a train station where thousands of people commute through. new jersey transit is shut down. there will be snarls. >> thanks for that reporting. this morning, president obama is in israel bidding a final farewell to shimon peres.
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the president among dozens of leaders and a nobel laureate and one of israel's founding fathers. in a 20-minute eulogy he said peres' legacy will live on. >> he knew better than the senate that if you look out over the ark of history, human beings should be filled not with fear, but with help. >> shimon peres died wednesday two weeks after suffering a major stroke. he was 93 years old. >> you saw just in the representation of the world of people who came there to see him just what he meant. it will be interesting to see who replaces that influence in israel. >> it's not easy to find a replacement for someone like that who touched so many lives through so many generations. >> one of a kind. 70 years of service. donald trump still fending off controversies from the first
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debate days later. what is he saying now about the birther issue. he brought it up. why? next. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. ♪ ♪ two, please. (man) it was his turn to buy the next round. it just happened to be during... (crowd cheers)
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you're not a firefighter, if you don't fight fires. or a coach, if you don't coach.
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and you can't be our leader, if you don't lead. our next president needs to take action on social security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year. we're working hard, what about you? hey candidates, do your jobs. keep social security strong. "it's just an alert from credit karma. they help me with this whole--being an adult thing." "credit karma seriously helped you feel like an adult?" "yeah." "free credit monitoring?" "i feel like it's working all ready." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." it is the controversy that
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will not go away, mainly because donald trump keeps talking about it. birtherism. once again, here it is. >> i'm the one that got him taput up his birth certificate. hillary clinton was unable to get there. i will tell you, she tried. you look at her campaign and everybody knows it happened and i would say that pretty much everybody agrees with me. but she tried. and she was unable to do it and i tried and i was able to do it. so i'm very proud of that. >> to the extent that the truth still matters. let's bring back our panel. good tahave you both. hillary started it i finished it. no it's not true. >> this is donald trump saying something and because i said it, you need to believe me. this has been fact checked over and over and over and over. it is not true. >> wait. it's not true that hillary
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clinton started it. but it is true that he, donald trump, as a private citizen, had the power and influence because he talked about it so much. this is what he's proud of. he's not proud that he pedaled a crazy conspiracy theory. he is proud that he had the power as a private citizen to get the president to release his birth certificate when other people had called for it. >> which, by the way, that's not true either. >> how is that not true? donald trump kept it in the headlines long enough that the white house was compelled to release the birth certificate. >> listen. the fact that donald trump is trying to take credit right now for proving that barack obama is a u.s. citizen is absurd. it is absolutely absurd. >> he is trying to take fact for the credit that the president had to release his birth certificate. didn't he play a major role in trying to get the president to release his birth certificate. >> it's still not true that barack obama is going to bow to donald trump. >> well, of course.
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look, that part is true. jackie, my point is that donald trump sees this as a feather in his cap. he sees this as having been powerful and is there some argument to be made from donald trump that he did something that others could not? >> so, as david said earlier, david trump likes to surround himself by conservative media. and in that world, that is a very powerful point that he's making. unfortunately, in the real world and also as a symbol, particularly to black voters of a racist crusade. one of the other reasons top of mind for donald trump. michelle obama has attacked him on the campaign trail this week. this is another issue that he can't let it go. he needs to be right, even when he's wrong. >> that's also interesting. even a line of questioning. you know, is there an argument to be made that he had input. even if that argument could be made, that's a terrible argument for him. that's why i don't understand.
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there's no satisfaction in that. >> there's a little bit of satisfaction for me because trying to get into donald trump's mind is a valuable exercise and he's talking about his power. he dismisses that it was false. >> he continues to lie. but it shouldn't be secondary to us. what i'm saying is the guy's effectiveness is irrelevant. the fact that he did it when it was inherently racist to do this. trying to depict obama as another. why would you brag about being good at that? >> when we talk about why is he bringing it up and still talking about it? he associates it with power. >> i'm not a psychologist. i'm thinking people are telling him it was a good thing. at the time, mark preston, he was trying to be b come politically relevant and he embraced the right movement which then was called extreme right and he became popular with them. that's why he did it. >> relevance he proved. >> and he has continued to lie throughout. he talked about how he sent investigators to hawaii and he
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had found things and never came out. >> never came out. and then he said he ended it in 2011. but on our network here, he talked about it -- exactly, exactly. just one big lie. to your point, alisyn. he used it to try to gain power and it certainly helped him get enough backing from the real far, far, far extremes of the republican party. >> that was my point. her point some kind of psychological thing in there. >> but, jackie, i mean, but let's take it one step further. he used it to get power and relevance and then he ran for president and became the nominee. i mean, they're all connected. >> well, among donald trump's fans, in particular. donald trump hasn't worried that much about expanding his base despite what he said publicly. his actions really don't reveal that he cares a lot about expand beyond the people who got him here. this is one of those issues that the people who love donald trump the most, they don't want to see
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him back down. they want to see him talk about it because they do think that that is a sign to your point that he is powerful and he gets stuff done even when that stuff is questionable. >> even that's not true. >> how so? >> the people into the birther movement are not who got donald trump here. >> they're part of it. >> you had ted cruz who was much more their person in terms of those hard line ideological conservative. these people are dirty what is going on with the democrats is dirty. those are his people. he created a mass movement here around disinfection. wanting better jobs and feeling forgotten. a lot of those people are not all right people and he's abandoning them now, jackie, by going down the road of things they don't care about. this isn't them. >> remember, ted cruz didn't exactly get out there and say that barack obama was born in this country when he was asked. i think he played that game. we'll take him at his word and sort of try to get out of
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directly answering the questions. so, to say that ted cruz and some others didn't sort of pander to those people, i don't think is right. >> right. i'm just saying that is not why trump is here. trump is here because people feel disinfected and he is a great entertainer and they believe his promise on giving him more jobs and tougher on our enemies and none of that is going to be satisfied by talking aboutthe clinton sex life or this crazy tweet parade he's on about a former miss universe. >> how about this. let me bridge everyone together. we come back. >> the healer. >> what jackie's saying and i think we can all agree is there was a baseline of support that donald trump was able to establish. wasn't great, but it was a solid baseline of support. to your point, though, what donald trump did once that base was established, he went out and did reach out to his blue collar folks and these white folks. specifically throughout the midwest who feel that they're frustrated and that they're being left behind and also he
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was able to capitalize on the rift in the republican party right now because the republican party was having the internal struggles of what the direction was. donald trump came in and he was very loud and a showman and, quite frankly, all the other republicans that were running against him, they were not strong enough to take him on. they all backed off. and i have, i cannot tell you who they were, but many conversations back in the beginning of this campaign where the operatives will tell me, we'll come out front. you know what happened, donald trump came out front. >> mark, jackie, thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> thank you. the headliner for the half-time show at super bowl li has been confirmed. and let's just say the choice will have some fans dancing in their seats. details ahead.
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time for five things to know for your new day. number one. donald trump on an early morning tweet storm attacking a former miss universe who now supports hillary clinton. meanwhile, clinton is reaching out to millennials and continuing to slam trump over his taxes and business dealings. federal investigators trying to determine the cause of yesterday's, thursday's deadly train crash in hoboken, new jersey. the train never slowed down before plowing through a barrier. president obama among dozens of world leaders attending funeral services for former
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prime minister and president shimon peres. wells fargo ceo hammered, again, on capitol hill. the bank agreeing to paying a $24 million for allegedly mistreating the military, includi including ilegally repossessing their cars. and lady gaga will be the half-time headliner at super bowl li in february. >> why are they showing us? >> nobody loves gaga like we do. she performed the national anthem at super bowl 50 and killed it. are you a gaga? what do they call her fans? little monsteres. are you a little monster? >> a big monster. >> for more on the five things to know go to for the latest. was that train crash preventable? there was technology that could have stopped the train.
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that technology exists. why was it not installed? cnn digs deeper, next. upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at ""you don't want to ride the 13l checkiforever, do you?"ore?" "credit karma huh?" "yeah, it's free." "credit karma. give youself some credit."
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one dead, more than 100 others injured after a commuter train plowed through a busy hoboken train station during the morning's rush hour. this is even more tragic when you think in all likelihood it could have been avoided. there is something that has been mandated by congress, pushed by the ntsb for 40 years to be installed on all transit trains and it hasn't happened in most places. let's discuss. cnn aviation analyst and former inspector general of united states transportation of transportation and railroad and former locomotive engineer. mary, as always. we know it's early. we know they don't have the black boxes or video cameras yet. they haven't had a chance to fully interview the engineer. he was injured, also. no matter what they find, mr. beal, isn't it true that if there were ptt, positive track or train control, this would not have happened? >> that's the way it's supposed
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to work. exactly. it's supposed to be able to take over from the engineer, if he doesn't function the way he's supposed to operating the train. >> mary, new jersey will say, well, we have atc. automatic train or track control. but what that does is my understanding and, please, correct it, that system just alerts the engineer to excessive speed. so, it still winds up putting it on the engineer. is that true? >> that's correct. and then their secondary, their backup system is a form of a dead man's switch. if the engineer doesn't have any input to the controls. doesn't fall or do anything with the control, then the train will stop, as well. but, again, it goes back on the engineer and there's a time to stop the train. trains don't stop on a dime. it can take, you know, if it's a heavy train, it could take a mile to stop a train. >> why is there no ptt in place in new jersey, mary?
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>> because the congress has continued to give them extensions. both the rail industry and others have lobbied who have additional time because of the expense. it's very expensive. a lot of times the railroads that operate over the track don't also own the track and, of course, to make it work, both the track and the trains have to be fitted with positive train control. and, so, there's been an issue in coordination between the rail operators and the owners of the track, as well. but the real bottom line is congress keeps giving them more time. >> so, comes down to money. when you look at the past, i understand that rail safety is going in the right direction. that the rate of injury is actually improving, not decreasing. yet, april 2016, you have two killed, february 2015, six ki killed. four more in 2013. seems like a tradeoff of lives for money. >> well, in some ways it is.
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in other ways it isn't. they're getting better all the time. what they don't say is the fact that they have taken the second %-p. the assistant engineer. >> why is that important? >> because it's money, again. no matter what happens whether there was a medical event with this engineer or whether he had blackout. whether he fell asleep. if there's a second set of eyes up in the cab, like airport cockpits, you know, this prevents this. it prevents a lot of the other ones, as well. that comes down to money. >> was that raised at the time that the second person was being taken out. this is a safety issue? >> yes. unions went crazy about it. they still are. this only proves it will continue to happen until such time they can put train control in place. >> mary, you know, we have had this conversation before. you and i. about, you know, this is supposed to be done by 2015 and
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now extended to 2018. money, money, money. what will change this? >> well, really, it's going to take the will of congress and federal regulation. if there is a hard deadline to meet and if it's enforced, unfortunately, people don't like the way the forenforcement will come about. if you do not put it in place by the deadline, you will not be able to operate. no one has the will to do that. it will take full and the effect of the law and enforcing the law. unfortunately, the only thaw that can't be broken is the law of physics and that's what applied here. the train wasn't slowed and it jumped the track and it was a pushing train so the weight was in the back of the train, which is why it became airborne. but it will really take enforcing the law and requiring this deadline to be met. he's right about the second person in the cab. i mean, this has been debated. this was debated back when i was in the d.o.t. and even before and that coupled with cameras in the cab, which is a huge issue.
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they don't want it. but that would help in instances where the engineer might be doing something that shouldn't be done. not saying that happened here at all. >> 40 years the ntsb has been causing for positive track control. when you heard that this happened, what went through your mind? >> here we go, again. same thing. we went through it may a year ago in philadelphia where the train left the track. same situation. had there been a second set of eyes in the cab of that locomotive to prevent whatever took place, i can almost guarantee you it wouldn't have happened. >> you have the guy in new york who had some kind of medical disorder and he fell asleep and you had another person there and positive train control, maybe those people end up going home that day. thank you for making the points. appreciate it. alisyn. a fan heckles golfers at the ryder cup and the golfers call
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him out from the sidelines to see if he can make it himself. how did that go? we'll show you, next. an important message for americans
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wow. did you see thursday night football last night. don't worry about it. i'll tell you what the headline is. aj green is awesome, but nearly outgained the entire dolphins team by himself. feeling good for the dolphins, even though i'm a jets fan because i love the hot orange uniforms. >> most people did not love them so much, chris. i tell you what, a.j. green put on a show last night, but i tell you what, dolphins, they're struggling this year. don't look like a very good football team. to me, they played as good as their color uniforms looked last night. the owne73 yards receiving on 1 catches. by comparison, all of miami receivers combined they only had 189 yards. bengals would win this one easily. 22-7. college football pumped up for
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their game against uconn last night. check out the ball boy and the coach before kickoff. bonner right here may have had the catch of the year and grabbed this one with one hand in the corner of the end zone and that was one of houston quarterback three touchdown passes. he added two more on the ground as they ran away with this one. final 42-14. finally, this may be the best golf moment of the year. a fan named david johnson was heckling rose and stetson pulled the fan out of the crowd and said, you know what, you come out here and make the putt. rose upped the ante slapping $100 bill on the grass. amazingly johnson sinks the putt. he is now a hero to hecklers everywhere, guys. you know what they say, if you're going to talk the walk, you have to walk the walk. he certainly did that. >> you have to putt the putt. wow r wow, that was a highlight in his life, i bet. >> what a moment. he knew it was going in. i wonder if he's like a teaching
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pro somewhere. >> he was so confident. even making fun the putter that it was too small and he still made it. >> we need to know that guy's back story. >> it will be somewhere soon. >> andy, thank you. that was great. so, both candidates marital issues making headlines. our own favorite married couple will be here next with their strong thoughts on this. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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donald trump tweeting up a storm this morning taking on the former miss universe that was brought up by hillary clinton on the debate stage earlier this week. oh, we're still talking about sex scandals from the 1990s. let's bring in our sex scandal expert. cnn political analyst and "daily beast" along with cnn political
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commentator former george w. bush white house staffer and margaret hoover. great tahave you guys. >> let's start with the tweets. donald trump has been tweeting up a storm this morning at 5:14 a.m. he sent out one basically saying that hillary clinton was do duped. she was used by my worse miss universe and without checking her past which is terrible. we know from reporting and from having donald trump's surrogates on that his advisors don't want him to continue talking about this. they think that this should not -- why is he still talking about it, john? >> he doesn't have impulse control the way normal presidential candidates seem to. let's be honest about this. he has been tweeting overnight at regular intervals overnight. largely but not exclusively tripling down on the controversy around his former miss universe
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and tweeting out conspiracy theories about a beauty pageant queen. that's not something presidential candidates do. not something most normal adults do yet alone people who are asking for privilege. this is not a hinged human being and let's be honest about it. does his base of support like his feistiness that he is a fighter? that's what they'll usually use as an excuse. you attack him and he attacks back. does that negate any need to be right about anything or decent about anything? >> well, sure, you frame the question, chris, by saying do his supporters. dot, dot, dot. sure they like it. but this is no longer about his supporters because just his supporters aren't enough to get elected. he's got to win independent women. he's got to win republican women. by the way, he's only winning in august. before any of this happened, he was winning 70% of republican women to mitt romney's 93% and john mccain's 89% republican women. this isn't going to make this
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number tighten up. this softens it. >> you're not trying to win a national election. you're trying to win something different. >> he brought in these people. in truth, the answer winds up being in the question. he brought in heavyweight guys. citizens united is a real outfit. however, they love this stuff. so, there's a conflict. you brought in the heavyweights to help you do this the right way and they love this stuff that is arguably the wrong way. >> what makes them heavyweights. >> citizens united is no joke within your party's organization. >> was a real legal challenge, a constitutional question that was resolved by the highest court in the land. that makes it serious. >> a huge fund-raiser and huge power broker within your party. >> he is one of many fund-raisers and one of many power brokers. this party and this political system has become highly, highly decentralized because of citizens united. >> yeah, that makes him more
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powerful, not less. >> everything is fragment ed right now and you get the groups to take over your campaign, that's not a sign of health if the mission is winning a general election, which is about reaching out beyond your base and not tweeting in the middle of the night determined to do the very opposite. you can launch troll armies and very good for ratings in some post-election scenario but not a general election where your job is to reach out and win beyond your base. >> let's talk about this because the '90s have come back with vengeance. >> my hair hasn't. bill clinton and donald trump both had their share of sex scandals in the 1990s. so, who does this argument work for? >> look, so, there's this question of like is it fair to bring up sex scandals from the past? and i think the question isn't is it fair? the question is, how do you win
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an election? if you're donald trump, you have to win, independent women, left leaning women. i'm doing a lot of polling right now with my organization and we're in the field and senate races and house races. directing our focus to independent women and what their sensibilities are. they're stretched out because the economy. they want specific policies from their candidates on national security and the economy. and they want candidates who understand them empthetically. how much mostly working women are juggling between having their families and they want their politician to be empthe t empathetic. if you go after a woman and you highlight these affairs and especially hillary clinton, she didn't participate. her husband had the affair. >> she stood by her men to the detriment -- >> i think there are a lot of women out in america whose husbands have cheated on them. this is not going to help republicans. it never does. hillary clinton if you are going, just look at how that
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worked out for republicans in the '90s, all right. >> both these candidates are living in glass houses. if donald trump, you know, who is, we had divorced presidents before. thrice married is something new. so, you know, the scars in the country and certainly on the marriage with regard to monica lewinsky and impeachment are real and donald trump is basically trying to get the point of referencing it without doing it -- >> he was one of the voices who said it was ridiculous when it happened and bill clinton should not have been impeached that monica lewinsky wasn't a big deal. >> this didn't offend him before he was running for president, it is now. more politically, it runs the risk of majorly backfiring. whatever things they want to raise. not only is donald trump not the best messenger for this particular message, it also makes hillary clinton. whatever role she played in the
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administration. she was a victim of infidelity. that is something different to most people emotionally and differently than being a perpetrator of. >> i applaud your marriage. on that note -- >> not going to cause my own problems. >> thank you for weighing in. we're following a lot of news this morning, including new questions about donald trump's foundation. let's get to it. the american people have had it with decades of clinton corruption and scandal. >> he spends all of his time dumping on america. everything about america is in bad shape. >> i'm the one that got him taput up his birth certificates. i'm very proud of that. >> i have no idea what he's going to say the next time. i will spend some time preparing for it. >> we have a president who is a disaster and he was ultimately impeached, in a sense, for lying. >> i will do everything i can to make sure it is me.


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