tv New Day Saturday CNN October 1, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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good north on this saturday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> your "new day" start the rye now. >> i do cherish -- i love women. >> who gets up at 5:3:00 a.m. i the morning to answer a twitter. >> a man who is near ta tweet should be nowhere near nuclear codes. >> new this morning. trump ramping up the attacking aens hillary clinton telling "the new york times," quote, she's nasty, but i can be
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nastier. >> bringing up questions about her husband's infidelities while sidestepping his own infideli infidelities. >> bad news as the poll numbers dip after the first presidential debate. take a look at the latest debate. fox news poll, trailing by three points, you see johnson, 8%, stein at 4%. just yesterday, trump went on a rampage attacking alicia machado. and trump supporter newt gingrich had this advice for the republican. >> i think what trump has got to understand, he's got to say i've got to be me or a new song, i've got to be president. they're not the same song.
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he's got to become much more disciplined pop for a while there i thought he turned the corner. this last week has been frankly a lost week, a week which has hurt him which has shaken his supporters. and you can't tweet at 3:00 in the morning. >> cnn contributor errol louis. i come to you and i think we're going to have something substantial. some policy to talk about. then we wake up to all of this. so, let's just get right down to it. trump telling "the new york times" he can be nastier than hillary clinton. out incendiary do you think it could get? because it's been pretty nasty thus far. >> well, i don't think it's going to get so bad. i say that not just as a citizen who doesn't want to see this kind of garbage dominate a discussion, but because hillary clinton is going to encourage this. the hillary clinton team could not have hoped for better than this.
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at this point, christi, frankly, the calendar is not donald trump's friend. you've got 38 days, you're behind in the polls in swing states. you've got to do something to turn it around. one thing that will not work is what he's doing about talking what he's doing. he needs women on their sides. he needs more and more norts, capable of being president, as being qualified for the job. we're not going elect, insult or cheat. that might be how you win a debate. that might be how you rein a republican primary. that is not at all how you're going to win the general election. >> is there anybody, errol, behind the scenes who can get him to shift his tactics. or is it too late? >> it's fascinating by all indications, christian teen, what you've just seen newt gingrich do is how members of his inner circle communicate with the candidate which is through the media. that he doesn't have the kind of cabinet-style meetings where he
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takes a lot of input and goes into a back room and makes up his mind. that's not at all how it's done. even up aedz have told me and other reporters that he's not coachable. he's not somebody who is going to be taking a lot of advice, at least not in the sit-down, face-to-face way that people are used to normally giving advice. so i think we've got a history making unprecedented candidacy. it's one thing to dismiss it as quirky if we're talking about february, march, april. but again, you know, we're closing in on a month until it's done. one thing to keep in mind, christi. people are voting right now, there's early voting in about a third of the states. and more and more coming in. people are voting right now in iowa. people are voting right now in florida. people are voting. >> and another sign of how unconventional is this, this new video making a cameo appearance
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in a dult video. i want to make it clear, he's not involved in any lewd behavior. he's fully clothed. he's pouring champagne in a car but it in in a "playboy" video. clinton supporters say there's a lot of text tapes. and in a strange turn of event, only one adult film has emerge and its star is donald trump. that comes from nick merrill. he's referring to the whole d'back many with alicia machado, the former miss universe winner. when you talk about how clinton is responding and exacerbating it so to speak, that it's working for her in that regard. is it not unfair to, in some regard, make a headline out of oh, he was in a "playboy" video. it's not what we think it is. >> well, it's not what we think
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it is, nor is this so-called sex tape by alicia machado. nor, frankly, the scandal of the past, the bill clinton scandal of the 1990s relevant or interesting or anything that anybody wants to hear about right now. so, donald trump brings it up. hillary clinton says, okay, i'll see your foolishness, and i'll raise you more foolishness. i think the disgust to the voters will be obvious in pretty short order. but this is just sort of some harmless sparring. again, i see the clinton team trying to grind down donald trump by putting more and more money into ads, by field operations. and letting him get distracted with all kinds of things that works exactly against things that he needs, christi, when you look at the polls, the voters that he needs the most don't think that he's qualified to be the president. and so, you have to do something
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to turn that impression around and whatever else this all does, it's not going to change that. >> errol louis, always appreciate having your voice on this. thank you. >> thank you. also this morning, donald trump on tape and under oath. it's the deposition the trump camp does not want you to see. it's a recording that's part of a lawsuit between trump and restaurant owner who backed out of a deal after he called some mexican immigrants rapists. here's cnnle with the tapes. >> good morning. the transcript has been released so the contents were somewhat known but the video element is what makes it so striking. box they worked so hard against the release of this video. they didn't want it spliced up into political aads so close to election day. >> reporter: newly released video of donald trump testifying under oath.
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>> unbelievable! >> reporter: the normally animated bombastic gop nominee taking a more somber tone. it's part of a deposition made in june in his lawsuit against celebrity chef jeffrey vakarin. the restauranteur that backed out of a deal after trump said this in his presidential announcement. >> they're bringing drug, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some, i assume are good people. >> reporter: did you write the statement in advance? was it written? >> no. >> reporter: and did you plan in advance what you were going to say? >> yes. >> reporter: did you talk to other people about it? >> no. >> reporter: but it's that statement that he says caused him to reconsider his arrangement with trump and backed out of the deal. trump admits his decision hurt
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his business. >> a lot of bad publicity because of how they handled it. they grandstanded it. >> how does that harm you? >> just a bad day of press. a bad few days of press. i don't know how we can quantify it, i think we were hurt by the how they do it. >> reporter: still, trump's campaign said it justified what he said. >> it's not like i said anything that was so bad because if i said something that was so bad they wouldn't have had me go through all of these people and win all of these primary races. >> reporter: donald trump's lawyers did not want this video released arguing it could potentially be used politically like popping up in campaign ads saying, quote, videotapes are subject to abuse. after cnn and other outlets filed a motion to release the tapes, the d.c. judge sided
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against team trump. despite up opposition from the trump campaign. it certainly serves as a reminder of one of the most controversial moments of donald trump's campaign. one that the trump campaign doesn't likely want to revisit and fresh in the minds of voters on election day. >> three days away from the vice presidential debate. we're breaking down what's at stake here and the strategies that the candidates are taking. we have a panel on that. also, millennials matter for hillary clinton. cnn goes out to see why young voters are saying clinton is not for them. how clinton is trying to win them over. happening overseas, two sisters found dead.
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all right. just three days left until the vice presidential debate and already tim kaine and mike pence are gearing up for this big fight. both will have the tough task of defending the candidates. let's bring in betsy mccoy, former governor of new york. and a. scott bolden. good morning to both of you. >> nice to be with you, victor. >> nice to have both of you, lieutenant governor, i want to speak with you, inexplicably immigration didn't come up. but let's watch. >> what about the law abiding majority? >> sure. now, we have people who came in illegally and they're called illegal immigrants they're here
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illegally. they're going to have to go and come back legally. >> so if you haven't committed a crime, you've been here 15 years, you have a family here, a job here, will you be deported? >> we'll see what happens once we strengthen our border. >> for those who are legally here who are seeking legal status, they will have one route and one route only. to return home and apply for re-entry like everybody else. >> a lot of republican plans have talked about letting people have legal status. if you work here. like the people who have lived here for a long time and contribute to society. >> we're going to make that -- we're going to make that decision. >> so mike pence has been on the ticket for about 2 1/2 months now. some of the most contentious moments in interviews have been after his claims that trump has been consistent on this issue. it shows there has been a shift in his policy, has it not?
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>> well it appears as if, when donald trump is asked for the specifics, he has talked with members of congress. he's talked with advocacy groups and he's trying to bring out all of the nuances of this. let's make it clear. donald trump stands for the rule of law. he regrekts the immigrants who came here legally, who played by the rules and waited their turn. there are two candidate, one believes in the rule of law. and the other epitomizes lawlessness. she even destroyed her own records as her time as secretary of state. she's disregarded the law and thinks that's the way americans want to believe. when in fact most americans believe let's all play by the rules. >> let me put the question to you, scott. the same question i asked the lieutenant governor, she's going to have to come up, mike pence, with a clearer answer than donald trump has been consistent here because we just played that donald trump has not been
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consistent here. >> he's certainly not consistent. he's been all over the place. 11 million or 5 million or 6. look at his ten-point plan. number eight or nine says he's going to make it more difficult for them to come back and more difficult to get jobs. and then look at the next point on the immigration plan. he says he's going to put policies in place to return immigration to historical norms. historical norms when america is not as brown as it is today. historical norms of northern european decent. and that's in his written plan. having said that, pence has to defend not only the inconsistencies, but he's also got to defend that ten-point plan of his and it's indefensible because it's not clear whether it can even be implemented box you got to go to congress. >> let me just respond to this very quickly, victor. >> quickly.
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>> this is not about race and ethnicity. >> it's exactly about that. >> let me finish. >> it's not about race and ethnicity. trump and most americans believe everyone should be welcome in who culls legally. we should give preference to those who come with skills, with the ability to support their families, with education. that's the way canada and other countries to it. >> but you have 11 million immigrants, illegal and otherwise -- >> but i was responding -- >> hold on, scott. we got to get to another point here. i want to talk about the maergts of ran of race and matters of ethnicity. let's play the it wasn't kaine bite when he talked about david duke values and kkk values. watch this. >> yesterday, hillary clinton gave a speech in reno, nevada, calling out donald trump on a
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lot of things on this equality idea. calling him out on things like he has david duke connected with the ku klux klan going around saying donald trump is their candidate because donald trump is pushing their values. ku klux klan values, david duke values, donald trump values are not america's values. >> i went back and watched. tim kaine debate with george allen for a senate seat. and george allen used a racial epith epithet. do you think we'll hear him bring up this david duke values, this kkk values line? >> well, i think it's going to be part of the debate, i don't know if he'll bring it up or not it depends on the circumstances because he's a skilled debater. it won't be surprising, because 60% of americans believe that donald trump peddles in racism,
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bigotry, xenophobia and sexism. that's a fact. it's baked in the numbers. it's driven by donald trump's own words in affiliation in other -- >> he has no affiliations with those groups. let me point this out. this is just dirty politics. it's an effort by the clinton team to distract voters from what voters themselves say is the main issue. the economy. donald trump has a plan to bring jobs back to this country to give everyone in america a hefty tax break. hillary clinton is going to raise their taxes. so, of course, clinton wants to divert it with unsubstantiated and false charges of racism. >> lieutenant governor, scott bolden, i thank you both. if we're talking about diversions, donald trump for of the last 24 to 36 hours has not been talking about the economy. has not been talking about jobs. he's been talking a lot about
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alicia machado. >> exactly. >> thank you both. be sure to watch the vice presidential debate at 6:00 p.m. pregame starts at 4:00 p.m. the hurricane is barreling, hurricane matthew downgraded it has been a category 5. it's packing winds of 150 miles per hour. allison chinchar is in the weather center. what are you seeing? >> even though it's down to a cat 4 it's only off by 2 miles per hour. we'll take a look at the strength and the track it could have for the u.s., coming up. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it.
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well, the good news is, it's no longer a category 5, but hurricane matthew still has quite a punch to it. the national weather service this morning did downgrade it, but only to a category 4. and wind speeds are still 155 miles per hour. so the potential for 25 inches of rain in parts of the caribbean is there. >> this threat, of course, following from over the hurricane now moving closer and closer to jamaica and cuba and haiti. let's get to alice ssolison chi. i wonder if florida is next? >> well, winds 155 miles per hour. i want to emphasize, it's a category 4 but if that were 157 miles per hour it would be a category 5, so we're not talking very far off. while it has been downgraded
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don't count this storm out completely. it's still very strong and has an ability to cause devastation. moving out of the west at 7 miles per hour. that is expected to change in the next 24 hours as it moves to a more northerly track. category 4, that's what we talked about, but it's the track. that's what everybody wants to know. that's where we're going to have big impact. here's a look at the actual storm. notice the track takes it up towards jamaica. first major hurricane to hit jamaica since 1988. then as it gets closer, we're talking tuesday, wednesday, thursday of next week, that's when there's the potential. if it waits a little too long before it shifts to the north it could end up making an impact over miami and then sliding up the atlantic coast. again, guys, that's going to be something we're going to have to keep a close eye on. it all depends how quickly it turns north sometime today. then we'll be able to get a more
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to win over millennials. they are crucial to keep together that coalition she needs to win. the democratic nominee is struggling to get support from those younger voters as i said fueled president obama's path to the white house. >> lately, hillary clinton has been dispatching high-powered surrogates trying to make inroads for those younger voters. it's been a challenge, though, now, this election, are her efforts paying off, cnn's chief correspondent dana bash hit the road to find out. >> i'm going to volunteer for hillary. >> reporter: at field offices and 280 college campuses, millennials work the phone for hillary clinton. >> i was wondering if you'd like to come out and do voter registration or phone banks? >> reporter: he got 60% of 18 to 29-year-olds in 2012. a demo that was nearly 20% of the vote.
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now it could be growing. >> young people could represent 25% of the vote. >> reporter: team clinton is putting such a premium on millenni millennials. saying social media is key. >> you really can't necessarily knock on every door. so, it's having those kinds of conversations through our text lists or through twitter. >> reporter: still, polls show clinton is underperforming with millennials, so the campaign is deploying high-profile surrogates. bernie sanders is lobbying his army of young supporters. >> it is imperative that we elect hillary clinton as our next president. >> reporter: chelsea clinton is hop scotching college towns. why is it so hard for your mom to do that, to get people your age. >> thank you, dana for including me in the millennial demographic, i'm just at the older end. if we think about the younger
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millennials, 18 to 25% of millennials were actually registered to vote. we just need do our job in this election. >> reporter: at east carolina university in north carolina, we heard why it's been so hard. what is your experience in getting your friends on the hillary clinton train? >> well, it's been pretty difficult, especially because of a lot of young people, especially adc, work for bernie sanders. >> reporter: one sanders support challenged chelsea directly saying the campaign was rigged for hillary clinton? >> what moral ground has hillary clinton continue to it stand on? >> i would hope that someone who is a passionate support of senator sanders that you'll listen to him directly and not rely on me to make the case. >> he really came to protest and walked out holding a sign for green party candidate jill
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stein. >> reporter: you don't really think jill stein can win, do you? >> i think we're going to establish the party by doing what we're doing. >> reporter: it's a dire concern for clinton. >> if you vote for someone other than hillary or if you don't vote at all, then you are helping to elect hillary's opponent. >> reporter: for some that is working. he was a sanders delegate who told us clinton's affordability plan convinced him. >> leveling out the cuts in colleges and states and making the federal government match it. >> reporter: but stroll through campus, it's clear clinton has work to do. >> who are you going to vote for? >> jill stein. >> hillary clinton. >> i'm undecided. >> reporter: dana bash, cnn, greenville, north carolina. >> now, a support of hillary clinton simone, thank you for being here. >> glad to be here. >> excellent. we want to talk about real
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quickly about why young voters matter so much. at the end of the day, they can swing states. young voters made up 19% of the vote in pennsylvania. 16% in florida. 16% in north carolina. 19% in virginia. 19% in new hampshire. one poll, there it is, more recent poll, shows that between august and september, hillary clinton went from 48% support of young voters to 31%. we're talking about a 17% decrease in one month's time. what is happening? >> well, one, i don't think folks should be too alarmed by that one poll and here's why. we're professional politico as i like to say they've been changing direction for well over a year. lots of millennials, the folks 18 to 34, sometimes, 35, are just now tuning in. what you saw in the polls are initial reactions of young people who are just now dialing
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into this election. i think young voters care about the issues. and secretary clinton has to continue to go out there and make her case on the issues. what you saw her doing with senator sanders this week is having a panel discussion about some issues that kids care about. free college. and what we saw her dealing with this week is a national service plan, a plan that's going to give loan forgiveness, actually, to people who participate. she's got an entrepreneurship plan. but we've only got 38 days or nine days. we've got to kick it up. >> we saw that piece from dana, one student saying, i'm a hillary clinton fan but i'm having a tough time getting my friends, bernie sanders supporters on board. you had that other gentleman who left the rally with chelsea clinton saying, i'm going to vote third party because my point is to better establish the
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importance of that party. how do you convince them because she needs these numbers? >> what i say to young voters when i'm not traveling i say there's not a viable third party option in this election. i know some folks want an option fun look at the libertarian platform and the green party and compare it to the democratic platform, there's night and day between the three plat forms. the democratic platform prevails. the other thing i want to note is, in 2012, president obama did win young voters. he won on the strength of the young african american supports and latino supporters. there are young people who have families. you won't find them on a college campus. so they can join some of these millennial happy hours, reaching out to some of those folks. i think those are going to be
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effective, and the next debate which is a town hall format is going to help the numbers. >> you know, chelsea clinton said to that gentleman, i hope you that can listen to bernie sanders' directive to vote for hillary clinton. this is has not been a good few weeks for gary johnson when we're talking about who can influence here. even his running mate bill weld said this about hillary clinton earlier. take a listen. >> i'm not sure anybody's more qualified than hillary clinton to be president of the united states. >> well, he gets a point. >> right. i just want to know how open are benef bernie sanders supporters able to shift away on the day of the election? >> i think they're very open. folks got behind sanders in the primary campaign because they believed what bernie was saying. he had a platform and let you
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know it. the way that secretary clinton wins young voters not talking about her rich history and family and children which is great, but we don't have enough people to move them on their hearts and minds, but we can move them on the issues, that's what the hillary clinton campaign has to do. >> clock is definitely ticking. simone sanders, thank you. up next, this mystery in paradise? have you heard about this? two sisters found dead in a luxury resort in seychelles. bizarrely, there were no visible signs of injury. we have details that have investigators finding this even more bizarre. first kid you ready? by their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. new luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies snug & dry, to help stop leaks - even overnight.
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well, new information into cnn on the death of two american sisters who were vacationing in africa. autopsies reveal robin and anna korkki both died of excess fluid in their lungs. >> the woman were found dead in a hotel room in seychelles, cough the coast of africa. rosa flores has the story. >> reporter: loving sisters, best friends, wanted to experience life to the fullest. that's how annie and robin korkki are being described. two women who died under unusual circumstances while in the seychelles. police say hotel workers at the maya resort found the two minnesota natives unresponsive in their luxury village on september 22nd.
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robin, 42, a commodities trade are and annie, 37. arrived to seychelles after sightseeing in kenya and tanzania. locals say the two appeared to be so intoxicated the night before they died that hotel staff had to assist the pair to their villa. it would be the last time they were seen alive. a preliminary autopsy report revealed both women's death to be fluid in their lungs. known to be pulmonary edema. fluid in the brain, cerebral edema as a contributing factor to her death. toxicology is ongoing. serenity described by anny korkki as the best place ever.
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family members face the task of bringing their loved ones on their final journey home. rosa flores, cnn, chicago. we are just hours away from kickoff of the biggest college football weekend of the season. andy scholes is a busy man this time of year. >> weekend started early for a pair of top-ten teams, and it turned out to be one long night for one of them. great-grandfather horatio went west during the gold rush. and aunt susan was a a world champion. i inherited their can-do spirit. and their double chin. now, i'm going to do something about it. kybella® is the first of its kind injectable treatment that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. kybella® is an fda-approved non-surgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness... or a bit more. don't receive kybella® if you have an infection in the treatment area. kybella® can cause nerve injury in the jaw resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness,
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>> yes, we are there. >> all right. >> and this weekend's college football games could have a huge impact on who is going to make the finals in january. andy. >> yes. is this one of those saturdays, you just hang out and watch football. this weekend, we have not one, not two, but three matchups with top teams. stanford traveling to seattle to face washington. the huskies scored the first 30 points. went on to crush the cardinal 34-6. other big game, number 8 wisconsin is going to go to the big house in ann arbor to face michigan. 3:30 eastern. then the night cap at 8:00, it's a case of heisman hopeful lamar jackson and number 3 louisville
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going to take on deshaun watson and the clemson tigers. i'll tell you what, the san francisco giants, not in the mood to mess around. a fan ran on to the field during the fourth inning. he's offering the players an object. he's having none of it, he slams the fan and holds him down until security gets there to escort him off the field and pagan said, it's kind of scary when a fan runs on the field. check it out. he kind of fooled him. okay, i'll take it, boom, took him down. >> the fan was close. you know, we have seen where they haven't been. that could be dicey. >> would he still have body slammed him? >> i don't know. >> just saying. and happy saturday morning to you. as we have that conversation. andy, thank you so much. >> all right. a new season and a new trump
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for "saturday night live." a look at the new set of laughs in late night tv. that's coming up. some fans see an 18 point deficit with 37 seconds left and think defeat. but these aren't just some fans. we go in. onside kick. recovery. we go in again. two-point conversion. thank you. onside kick. field goal. tie. overtime. 37 seconds. plenty of time we've done it before. almost too much. yup that's what i was thinkin. improbable? maybe. but much like these mile high magic twins, courtyard is all about the game. ah, ok great that's a fumble. ok, here's the new math. a john deere 1 family tractor there nevwith quik-parkt?
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lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love, so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer., and my sweethearts handsome,gone sayonara.rance... this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings.
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well, late night host, getting a lot of good material thanks to the 2016 campaign. and now gary johnson is donating again, finding himself the target of some jokes after another awkward moment on tv. >> i just get -- i get so embarrassed for people. the libertarian candidate was at an msnbc town hall. he stumbled over a question about world leaders. this is what happened. >> who's your favorite foreign leader. >> who's my favorite --
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>> anywhere in the continents, any country. name one foreign leader you that respect and look up to, anybody. >> shimon peres. >> i'm talking about living. go ahead. you deputy give this. anywhere, any continent, canada, mexico, europe, asia, south america, africa, name a foreign leader that you respect. >> i guess i'm having an aleppo moment in the former president of mexico. >> but i'm giving you the whole world. >> so tv host conan o'brien took that moment and ran it straight from the johnson camp to the donald trump camp. >> yesterday, libertarian candidate gary johnson was giving a television interview and was unable to name a single foreign leader. couldn't name one. sounds like someone wants to be donald trump's secretary of state. >> oh it's just -- i don't know what it is. there's a new trump, though in late night tv, we should point
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out. >> alec baldwin, he's no stranger to late night stage or "snl." he'll play trump through election day. >> reporter: expect alec baldwin to come down with case of the sniffles saturday night as he begins his gig opposite kate mackinnon as "snl's" new donald trump even if he's no fan of the donald -- >> we don't really want a president who looks like he's been dipped in movie popcorn butter. [ laughter ] >> the tangerine tornado -- >> reporter: baldwin follows impersonators like phil harmon. >> love my neighbor as thy self and like a good neighbor, state farm is there. >> reporter: he's never played trump. we've seen him do everything from to a guy named pete
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schwetty selling treats. >> no one can resist my schwetty -- >> donald trump you mean the one that's like, oh, you're all losers. >> reporter: but donldz himself is no strierng "snl." dancing with chickens. ♪ >> reporter: advertising trump's house of wings in 2004 and the hotline bling last year. ♪ call me on the cell phone >> reporter: this isn't the first time "snl" hired someone to play a politician during an election year. >> you can actually see russia from land in alaska and i can see russia from high house. >> reporter: who said i can see russia from my house? >> sarah palin. >> who was that? >> sarah palin. >> sarah palin.
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>> tina fey, actually. >> reporter: and the donald -- >> i aye aye. >> it's going to be tough to beat darryl hammonds. >> i like his tony bennett. we've got so much news to till about this hour. >> your next hour of "new day" starts right now. and good saturday morning to you. we've been waiting for you. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to be with you. >> this morning, donald trump not giving in, in a new interview with "the new york times." >> he's vowing to bring up bill clinton's infidelities while sidestepping questions about his
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extramarital affairs. let's bring in chris frates. what else have we learned from "the new york times" interview, pretty revealing? >> yeah, it's pretty reveal. he had a lackluster debate performance. he had allegations that he called a former miss universe miss piggy. and trump's been dogged by the bad headlines and essentially on the defensive. yesterday in the interview with "the new york times" trump tried to get back on offense calling hillary clinton nasty but adding he can be even nastier. he also indicated he was rethinking supporting clinton if she does win the white house. on the debate on monday he said he would absolutely support her. now saying we're going to have absolutely see. let's pull up this quote, he said this to "the new york times." hillary clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics. hillary was an enabler and she
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