tv Smerconish CNN October 1, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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watch it all tonight. 8:00 p.m. eastern right here. i'm poppy harlow in new york. i'll see you in an hour when donald trump is set to speak live in pennsylvania. we have a preview of what he's going to say. stay with us. smerconish is now. >> i'm michael smerconish. this is where things stand. she got the bump. hillary clinton pulls ahead nationally and in swing states florida, michigan, and new hampshire but her margin of victory is still smaller than that of the libertarian vote. speaking of which, without being on the debate stage, picks up endorsements from major newspapers in chicago and detroit. i'll talk to vp nominee bill weld. clinton is also getting
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surprising endorsements from newspapers that have backed gop candidates for decades and decades leading many trump fans to protest to cancel their subscriptions. there was even a death threat. plus, trump's problems with women continue as he taunts the former miss universe about her weight and brings up bill clinton's affairs. i'm going to talk to a reporter he once called the "c" word and circle december 19 on your calendar. that's the real election day when the electoral college votes and i'll explain. but first, here's the big picture of where things stand. in politics, what bush 41 called the big moe, momentum, can turn on a dime. donald trump had it but i think he lost it this week. trump had the big mo going into the debate on advice from his new management team, trump had been exhibiting discipline. he stayed on message. he avoided unscripted remarks and long interviews, and e-mail
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controversy continued to simmer as her health faltered. just in time for their first face to face confrontation. trump started out okay. but all clinton had to do was push a few of his buttons and watch as he unravelled. he lost focus and missed several opportunities to accentuate her negatives including the e-mail issue. can he do anything to regain the big mo or was the debate loss a tipping point? perhaps reagan had a poor first debate and so too obama in 2012. donald trump can turn it around. we won't know for sure until they face each other again on october 9. unfortunately, for trump, many are already voting. so every day matters. to state the obvious, the man needs to practice. published reports say staffers could not get his attention when seeking to stage mock debates. meanwhile, clinton bragged about her preparedness but no amount will save trump if he doesn't
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first understand his audience. primary season is over, mr. trump. referring to bill clinton's infidelities or engaging in a twitter campaign about the weight of a former miss universe, that might please your base but won't win you new trends. donald trump has 38 days until election day to try and grow the tent. and there was absolutely nothing that he offered in the first debate to move that needle. in fact, he moved it in the other direction. unless trump realizes that that which brought him thus far now impedes his growth, the race will be over. now largely because of donald trump, everything about this election has been unusual as in, never before in our lifetime unusual and that's definitely the case with newspaper editorials endorsing candidates. now it's not news if the "new york times or" or "washington post" endorses hillary clinton but many newspapers around the country are breaking ranks after a century of supporting republicans. and readers have been expressing
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anger in subscription cancellations and even a death threat. several long time conservative gop friendly papers have recommended hillary clinton. some of them didn't even endorse fdr in the midst of world war i ii. six papers endorsed the libertarian. including chicago tribune and manchester union leader. more endorsements than trump and "usa today" which never endorsed a candidate took the unprecedented. by unanimous consensus, donald trump is unfit for presidency but with trust in the media at an all-time low, might the opposition of the news media and editorial pages play to donald trump's benefit? joining me now, editor mike willson of the dallas morning news that endorsed hillary clinton for president. broke a 75 year no democrat
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streak. of the arizona republic, endorsed a democrat for the first time since its founding in 1890 leading to many cancellations and a death threat and nolan findley of the detroit news for the first time in its 143 years didn't endorse a republican, instead, chose the libertarians. why did your newspaper do what it did and what was the reaction? >> well, we did what we did because this is such an unusual election. i don't think it's an accident that we're breaking with our history in a year that none of us ever have seen in our lifetime. so reckless and so obnoxious and so frightening, frankly, a threat to the republic, we think. so we thought it was important to really make a stand against him and to endorse the only person who can defeat him and
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that is hillary clinton. >> with what kind of a reaction from your subscribers? >> we got a torrent of reaction. we got a lot of angry callers, but we have gotten a surprising amount of support. not just in arizona, but from around the country. it's been pouring in. one of the big surprises of this is to have people from all over the country taking up subscriptions to the arizona republic to counter some of the trump people who are cancelling theirs. >> are you willing to quantify how many did you lose in arizona? >> we're not talking about those, but, you know, we understood going into this, we had a pretty good sense for how many we would lose and really wasn't a consideration. we thought that there were issues and values here that were far more important, considerations that were. >> mr. wilson, in dallas, i saw
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from your twitter feed, you actually went out and had a conversation with some of those who showed up to protest. tell us about that. >> some donald trump supporters demonstrated outside of the "dallas morning news" offices and they held signs and said, boycott the "dallas morning news" and pro trump signs. the street is outside of my window. i see people there who see have a problem with what we did. i introduced myself and listened to what they had to say. at first, there was a bit of shouting. sort of, like they wanted to press their point extremely hard and i said, listen. i'm here to talk to you. give me a chance to talk back to you a little bit. we talked it out and ultimately, what i said was, we want people to participate in democracy. our recommendation is just a recommendation. we recommended the person we think is best qualified to serve
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ad as president. the most important thing is that people get informed and make a vote on election day and we let the conversation, i thought, on pretty good terms and glad i'd done it. >> i scrutinized all editorials and something "the dallas morning news" had in common with "the arizona republic" each of you noted the vee menahemence o attacks against her. will you speak to that issue? >> our editorial speaks for itself so i encourage people to go to dallasmorningnews and they can see what it said exactly but one of the things the editorial board noted is that there is an intensity of opposition to hillary clinton, some of which based on stuff that hasn't been confirmed by anybody. we cannot journalistically report as fact. we try to separate the qualifications from what they're accused of.
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the other day, you had howard dean saying something about donald trump was using cocaine during the debate. we're not interested in speculation. that's the kind of nonsense that comes and goes in a political debate. we look at people's records on the things they said and did and based our recommendation on that. >> i thought dean tweet was apaliapa appalling, by the way. you thought we're not going for the republican. we're going libertarian. why did you do that? >> we handled this process the same way we always do. looked at the candidates and picked the one who best reflected our values as a newspaper and one of our -- why didn't you endorse clinton like the other conservative papers did? well, truth is a core value of the newspaper and we weren't comfortable putting our name behind someone who has shown so little disregard or so little regard for the truth. so we looked at this hard and a
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year ago, you told me you're going to be endorsing a libertarian for president, i would have said you're nuts but this is an extraordinary election year and neither one of these candidates met our qualifications. >> mr. findley, you call this an endorsement of conscience. and in "the detroit news" you address head on the criticism of those who say if you vote for a third party candidate, you're wasting your vote. speak to that issue please. >> i don't think a voter should be expected to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils and if you look at the polling, 55% to 65% say they're voting against a candidate rather than for a candidate and over half say they wish there were another choice. we felt there was a viable third choice and we recommended that candidate. >> gentlemen, gallup said i think the number is only a third on average have high regard for the news media and i want to show you a donald trump tweet that applies to all of you where
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he said, essentially, the people get it. the people get it is what he said. quickly, i want to hear from each of you and i'll begin in arizona. has it occurred to you that you might be helping donald trump by voicing your opposition to him because he continues to beat up the media? mr. boaz, quickly speak to that. >> i don't believe it. when you have a newspaper that hasn't endorsed a democrat in 126 years, that raises eyebrows and we have seen international attention to this because it is so extraordinary. we have been backing republicans forever. i'm an editorial page editor who is a lifelong republican and what i have seen from this candidate, from republican, is so disturbing, the authoritarian strains and i think is a danger and i think republicans need to stand up and call him out. >> mr. wilson, are you helping donald trump in dallas? >> there's this idea out there
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that, you know, we should have thought about the consequences before we made an editorial. what will readers or donald trump think? you make an editorial recommendation on principle. and you make it according to how you see the candidates lining up with your newspaper's long held values. there's a lot of principled people saying to me, why didn't you bend your principle to meet some business imperative? i don't understand why they ask that. a principle is a principle. you do it because you think it's right. >> mr. findley, a twist on your question. are you helping hillary because you now benefitted the libertarians, perhaps pulling votes away she desperately needs? >> i don't think there's a lot of clinton voters voting libertarian. i think our appeal was to those republicans, those conservatives like ourselves who look at the republican candidate and say, i can't vote for him, and aren't comfortable voting for clinton. i think if our endorsement hurts
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anyone, it takes votes away from donald trump. >> i'm very appreciative. thank you, gentlemen, for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so what do you think? tweet me. i'll put up later in the program and then the detroit news endorsed libertarian ticket. the libertarian percentage of the vote right now could be the difference on election day. bill weld is not invited to the vice presidential debate this tuesday but was invited here this morning. he said he's been pressured to drop out of the race and suspect that comes from the clinton camp. i'll ask him about that. and here's an early tweet. aha. sean spicer, the communications director for the rnc. you are an advocate of third parties. when was the last time you had dr. jill stein on? the answer is the greens can't match the executive experience of the libertarians. and i do give platform to the
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the libertarians may have been denied the debate stage thus far but have gotten endorsements from major newspapers. some criticized them for playing the role of spoilers. michelle obama made a pointed attack on anyone who doesn't vote for one of the two major party candidates. take a listen. >> because here's the truth. either hillary clinton or her opponent will be elected president this year. and if you vote for someone other than hillary or if you don't vote at all, you are helping to elect her opponent. and let me just say this. the stakes are far too high to take that chance. >> libertarian vice presidential candidate governor bill weld said rumors have been planted by he suspects the clinton campaign he might drop out of the race
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and endorse clinton. i wanted him here to discuss that. good to see you. first of all, discuss what you heard from the first lady. >> well, with deepest efforts to the first lady who i have the highest regard, i think both parties in washington are trying to brainwash the american public into thinking that it's written in stone somewhere that everybody has to vote r or d and both are whining to vote for anybody except them will elect their opponent and we know how much they hate each other so you can see why hethey're doing it. but that doesn't make it true. >> assess the rumor mill that said bill weld will be leaned on to get out of the race. are you in this thing to the end come hell or high water? >> it's just a non-starter. it's by my friend carl bernstein and then went into rumor and now i'm inundated with callers and letters saying you're going to personally plunge the united states into ruin unless you
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abdicate your candidacy right now. that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. why would i jump off a platform i love? i'm having the time of my life with gary johnson and it's just wishful thinking on the part of well wishers from washington. >> i guess where it comes from, intuitively if you said, would johnson/weld, two who governed democratic satates, i thought from the republicans, but when you look at the polling data, if it's a four-way race, hillary's up by three nationally and if they remove you and the green party candidate, all of the sudden, her margin declines to 2, hence the conversation that people say these libertarians cut into the democratic base. >> that's not good analysis because you know every single one of jill stein's 4% is coming right out of hillary clinton. so we're like neutral at worst for her and give me 6 or 7 more weeks to chew on mr. trump's leg
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and my goal is to get him in third place by the time of the third debate. i'm not kidding. i think we can do it. he is not a republican. he's a liberal new york city democrat. sort of admitted it at the beginning of the campaign and said, no. wait a minute, i'm not pro choice. i'm anti-abortion. and he just, you know, he doesn't think anything about doing a 180 and he's running 180 degrees against everything the party elders of the republican party decided, we republicans should do after the 2012 election. we've got to emphasize free trade, much more outreach to latinos, a lot more for women, a embrace all communities of color and ethnic communities. does that sound like donald trump? he is not a republican. and i can't imagine why any self-respecting republican would vote for him. >> i've noted this in the past your criticism is more directed at him than it is at her. as a matter of fact, you said this week that she's the most
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qualified candidate running for president. it sounds like some kind of a th tacit endorsement from hillary. >> i have made no secret i think more highly of mrs. clinton and her background than mr. trump. i think mr. trump's background in business is terrible. a terrible reputation in the business community in new york and his behavior during the campaign suggests to me, at least, i'm not a psychiatrist but this guy does not look stable. he looks like somebody who gets at 3:00 in the morning and said, i hate this woman and that woman. i have a grudge, a grievance. it's not even light and i'm venting, talking about my grievances and grudges. that's not a stable person. that's not a happy camper. >> governor johnson had another brain freeze. why is it not a disqualifier when he couldn't name a world
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leader who you admire? >> that's a tough one. i think of angela merkel and then another one, and aung san suu kyi is another one i admire. i'm sort of very much taken with china and doesn't mean i necessarily admire him but i think it's an interesting fellow and after that, the list of foreign leaders who we really think are doing a great job and they're aligning with the united states and helping us, it's not a long list. anyway, the pop quiz approach to politics is not what a president lives with day in and day out. people don't say, can you identify this town. you know. >> governor, i know -- some immediately, i noted that some immediately tried to seize the moment and say, well, what are they doing in the race? they ought to get out of the
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race, but it didn't dissuade "the chicago tribune" or "the detroit news" from doing something unprecedented to endorse a libertarian ticket. >> a lot of people would like to have us out of this race because they understand that a ticket consisting of two two-term republican governors who governed in democratic states successfully and reelected by wide margins of doing fiscally conservative things, that's a dangerous ticket because that ticket has a lot of experience doing the things that have to be done in washington. you know, it's too bad we're not in these debates. i would have a good time on tuesday with governor pence and former governor tim kaine. there's a real brotherhood and sister hood of former governors. it's probably going to be a better debate than the presidential debate because they know something about governing. in the libertarian ticket, you've got two two-term
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governors so i think people are probably right to head us off at the pass before we get in there. if we get to 20 or 25% in the month of october, we may well do, we'll be dangerous going into the final election at that point. people will be looking at our ticket. >> final two cents from me. sean spicer interestingly tweeted at me during the course of this program because he wonders why i give you this platform. i think that any objective observer looking at resumes would have to say there's more executive leadership experience on your ticket than any of the tickets. two former two-term governors. and that's why i afford you this opportunity. thank you, i appreciate you being here. >> you're a great one, smerconish. bye-bye. >> thank you. still to come, an enormous gender divide in this election and trump trails with women. nevertheless, he spent the week trashing a former miss universe and telling his staff to discuss how hillary treated bill's
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it's been a rocky week for relationship with female voters. berated him for calling women pigs and belittling a miss universe winner for gaining weight and doubled downgoi, goi to war on twitter. accused of alicia machado for making a sex tape and said a shocking story about her dealings with mr. trump. jennifer lin was a reporter for the philadelphia inquirer for 31 years and back in 1988 was the new york city based financial reporter when she wrote about trump's activities in atlantic city. wait until you hear what happened next. this is jennifer lin. you wrote something he didn't like. then what happened? >> michael, was working in the
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inquirer and mr. trump began to yell at me. he told me i had [ bleep ] for brains and told me i worked for [ bleep ] newspaper and what sort of [ bleep ] i was writing and called my boss and to the same sort of rants but then he added that he referred to me as the c word, a word i will not use, it's the worst word in the english language to refer to a woman but he complained to my boss, called me the c-word and said if there was any problem with the story, would run a correction. what was wrong with the story, mr. trump? and said he had not read the story but only read the headlines. >> wow. >> said to call him back if there were any problems and never called back. >> why now? why are you telling this story today in the context of the presidential race? >> because of the debate,
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michael. the day after the debate, i went out to dinner with my friends from where i live in suburban philadelphia. we call ourselves the doyles town dance moms and horrified. rosie o'donnell. and remember when he called me the c word and said i had [ bleep ] for brains? and one of my friends on facebook who runs a web site called billy pen said would you mind what happened and the story, so that's why i wrote about it. >> have you been telling the story for three decades? >> when he says you have [ bleep ] for brains, you remember it. i've been telling it for my friends and family, my sisters, i've been telling it to my
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daughter and her friends and my nieces. i've been telling it a lot. yes, i had not forgotten that donald trump told me i had [ bleep ] for brains and he called me a c word and i have been repeating this story for 28 years. so i'm offended when the trump campaign tells me. >> i was just going to say, the trump campaign and i know this because it was appended to your own blog and you publicized it. david urban, haven't spoken to this about this issue but the accusation is categorically false. i find it incredibly coincidental it just happens to coincides with mr. trump's surge in pennsylvania. there is nothing more an avowed liberal reporter who is trying to exploit mr. trump's reputation as click bait for her tabloid stories. you can have the final word to that. >> thank you, michael. i have been telling this story
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for 28 years. my former editor can support my version of the story and he will also support the the fact mr. trump called me a c word and as for being a tabloid journalist, i left the newspaper business two years ago to write a book about christianity in china. i am not a tabloid reporter. this is not click bait. he bullied me. and i'm offended now at the fact that the trump campaign is trying to discredit me. this is a true story. it happened to me. there are plenty of people who could support this and corroborate my story. so thank you for giving me it there. >> the book for my program, krin nah is a straight shooter and spoke to craig stock yesterday and confirmed your account and he remembers it exactly the way that you told it. jennifer lin, thank you for being here. >> thank you, michael.
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>> so how will any of this impact the election, if at all and what does it have to do with running the country? two women with strong opinions on this. areva martin and carroll swain, the university law professor. swain, you get the first word. i find that to be quite a story. >> i think that what we have seen in the debate and what we see now is an effort by the clinton team to change the topic instead of talking about what happened 30 years ago when we were a different nation, when there were different standards and people were not hypersensitive and politically correct. we should be talking about the corruption that's associated with the clintons, the issues of our nation facing and all to take people off of what is truly important. we should also be talking about bill clinton and his record as a super predator when it comes to
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women. >> i might agree with you, but for the fact that trump himself seems to put these issues in play. waking up at 3:00 in the morning and tweeting a former miss universe and challenging her still about her weight. i mean. >> you don't know. >> this wouldn't be his behavior. >> you don't know if he woke up at 3:00 a.m. or if he never went to bed. it's my understanding he doesn't need a lot of sleep. but it was poor judgment in my mind. i would like to see him focus on our nation, focus on the corruption that surrounds the clintons and not, you know, fall prey to the traps they set. i think it's troubling that the democrats are known whenever there's a republican surging, some woman emerges from the background with a tale of woe of something that happened years ago. i think we need to get to the real issues facing the nation. we're wasting our time on this.
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this is not important. >> areva, i use all the words but two. the "n" word and the "c" word. all the others hang out with me and unfortunately, you'll hear them. it rings credible when he called me the "c" word and that's something i could never forget. >> i just spent some time with jennifer in the green room in los angeles. she is extremely credible and let me just say, what carol swain has said is indicative of what the trump advocates or surrogates do. they contradict themselves. it's not important that we're talking about issues that impact 51% of the population. but on the other hand, brings up bill clinton and his alleged predatory. >> criminal behaviors. he's a criminal. >> the reality is -- >> not the same. >> let someone else talk, please. the reality is women do matter
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and we matter a great deal in this election and will decide the election. suburban white women are the targeted demographic he needs in order to even have any chance at winning the white house and he is failing miserably with that demographic because of this constant attack and insult against women. and he is the one that has made this a five-day story. not hillary clinton. she brought it up in a debate one time and he went on television the next day, continuing this assault on this former miss universe contestant and has continued to talk about women in the most disparaging ways possible and we are listening and the numbers show we are responding and we are going to reject a president that does not value and respect women in this country. >> professor swain, may i ask you a follow-up. i'm a political junkie, you're a law professor at vanderbilt,
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fabulous school. i just don't get this. to the extent that there are 8% to 10% of the american people who are out there and undecided, who among them is going to hear trump talk about bill's infidelities and decide, aha, i'm going for donald trump. how can that issue move the needle and with whom? it just seems like it's political malpractice. >> he shouldn't be talking about. he should be talking about benghazi, the e-mail scandal, the clinton foundation and all of the corruption. the fact that in america, the rule of law no longer matters. he should be talking about things we care about. immigration, national security, jobs, and the supreme court. and so, you know, mr. trump is out there watching me, then i hope he can get back on message and he has not trashed women. in fact, hillary clinton and her operatives have trashed women and made this a five-day story
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and as far as the miss universe and his advising her to lose weight, she was the employee. could have fired her. he didn't. and seems like he was giving her good advice, that she needed to lose weight. >> you better hope he doesn't take carol's advice because she is exactly correct and that was the whole point of my opening commentary. he had been on message, but gets so easily diverted. go ahead, areva. >> my point is just amazing to me this alternative universe that trump and his surrogates live in. carol swain just said that trump does not trash women. we have decades and decades of evidence, radio interviews with howard stern, videotape displaying comments that donald trump has made and he doesn't try to walk them back. his surrogates attempt to say he doesn't say this. he proudly supports the statements. he said during the debate that
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he made those statements against rosie o'donnell and would make them again and that we all agreed with him. so there is no debating in this entire election that donald trump has a disdain for women. he has shown it over and over again. american women are smarter than what carol swain gives us credit for being, and we are listening to these comments and we are responding. >> professor swain gets the final word. >> i think the american people care about the allegations of rape and the fact that hillary clinton got rapist off a 12-year-old girl and the video out there and people that care about america need to vote for donald trump. he is the better candidate. we need to save america. we need to save it from the democrats. >> areva and carol, to be continued. thank you, ladies. i appreciate it. still to come. why december 19 is a more important day to pick the president than election day
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quick housekeeping. professor swain said there was a rape video hillary clinton laughed at. cnn has no evidence of such a video. i don't know anything about that story. no doubt you've already said november 8 is circled on your calendar but also highlight december 19. that's the day when members of the electoral college gather in their respective states and select the president. you might be surprised to learn that the electors are not necessarily bound to follow the result of the popular vote. the two results have never been at odds but this election is like none we've seen before. jack is a historian, author,
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professor at stanford university and a recipient of the pulitzer prize. electoral college for dummies. i am the dummy. why is the electoral college not bound to the electorate? >> good morning. so there are a number of occasions in the past where individual electors have in effect thrown away their vote. i mean, one elector did it in 1820 during the year of good feelings was reelected. the most recent example i think came in 2000 when a washington, dc elector who was pro gore threw away her protest to giving sta statehood to the district of columbia. so they exercise their right and no one's really cared much about it because there was never any consequence to it. if there were to be real consequences to it, if somehow,
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some kind of crisis arose where some group of electors felt they had to act independently and exercise what they thought was perhaps really was their constitutional authority under article two of the constitution, we'd be in a truly interesting situation and i think it's very difficult to predict what would happen at that point. >> alexander hamilton explained that the purpose was of the electors to ensure that the office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who was not in eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. without picking favorites, you know some will say, that is this election. >> i started based on that pa passa passage. he says it's a moral certainty about as strong language that the electoral college will work in the ideal way he's imagined and i think by and large, hamilton was right.
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this really is the first election that will call hamilton's proposition which tr frees a lot of confidence of the electoral college laws into question but hamilton, when he wrote that in 1788 was speaking with a lot more confidence than the situation probably merited. the reason i say that is of all institutions the framers created, the presidency was the most novel one of them all and none when they left philadelphia in september 1787, none really knew or anticipated how the electoral college was going to work. in the sense, that was a great leap in the dark. there was no president available in 18th century history or any any history for trying to imagine how you could create a national republican executive and the early history of the electoral college from 1796 into the 1820s shows there was a lot of manipulation of rules at the
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state level, that states often switched their rules from election to election. mostly for reasons of partisan advantage, so hamilton when he said that is, it's a bold statement, but didn't have all that much evidence for it. >> final question. do you think there's a prospect that on december 19th, a significant number of the electors do differently than the votes that were cast in their states? absolutely not. i think the only thing is, number one, the democratic electors are not going to abandon hillary. if trump is in the minority, it's possible a few republicans will get a conscience and throw their electoral votes away. what happens if trump wins and the republican electorates have to decide do we want this guy in the white house or not? but you can imagine that
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happening. a that point, if you don't get a majority and the election goes into the house. but, you know, the chances of it happening are -- i'll swear on a stack of bibles, it's in a slim to none range. >> thank you so much for your time, professor rakove. >> still to come. some of you're best and worst tweets. stop giving trump advice on how he can get better. let him imthose. well, if i love to give analysis. if she were lagging, i would be giving it to her, too.
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♪ top of the hour. 7:00 p.m. eastern. i'm poppy harlow in new york. at any moment donald trump will take the stage in pennsylvania. cnn has confirmed that trump will unleash a new and different attack on his rival hillary clinton tonight. this time over clinton's comments about millennial's and the citizens amid some of the voters feel toward the government. a conservative washington released audio said is of clinton speaking to supporters at a private fund-raiser in february. they say they obtained the
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