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tv   New Day  CNN  October 6, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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volusia counties. we see businesses boarded up. our hotel is boarded up and sand bags are outside. the biggest area of concern is we're talking about 125 mile per hour plus they should prepare for a direct hit just about anywhere. we are starting to feel the storm surge as sand and water gets picked up and starts hitting us here in daytona beach. we'll keep you updated, chris. >> all right, boris, i'll see you seen. florida's governor is heeding the calls to evacuate. long lines at gas stations as hurricane matthews bears down on the state.
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the first effects of the storm are going to be felt tonight in parts of southern florida. it's tomorrow morning when we have to see what the situation is. we find cnn nick valencia live in west palm beach. nick? >> good morning, chris. already an eerie feeling. this community which has been bracing for potential devastation for the last several days it seems now more than ever it is eminent. as we got here yesterday, one of the local wall marts in this community was empty of the bare essentials. no bread, no water. a lot of nervous families going through the aisles trying to get their hands on essentials that were left behind. out on the streets, more eerie signs. we saw a gas station closed without gas. florida's governor rick scott said there is enough to get through this hurricane. this community where we are at under mandatory evacuations and some residents who have decided to stay behind. this morning we spoke to the police. they say those that do stay behind will be on their own.
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alisyn? >> thanks so much for that update. airlines have canceled more than 1,500 flights ahead of hurricane matthew. that number will go up as the storm heads towards florida. amtrak is suspending service urging customers to check their train's status and also review refund information before heading out. the ominous question is what do the next 24 hours hold? we have cnn meteorologist chad myers tracking the storm for us. chad, what do we need to know? >> the storm gains stre s stren overnight. it is up to 125. when it makes a run for ft. pierce, it is going to be 145. we have not seen that type of intensity at the space coast in recent memory. nobody on the space coast that can think of, oh, my gosh, i'm going to see 145. we had jean, charlie and francis all in one year. this is not going to be a one storm or one city event. that right there, category 4.
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124 hugging the coast doing damage the entire time it's up the coast. up to jacksonville and finally dying off to 110. i can't stress enough if you live in these areas, it's time to go now before the roads are jammed. get to the west. you need to get out of there. this will be a major hurricane impact here tomorrow morning, even like about 2:00 a.m. will be the landfall, if there is such a thing. even if we don't get the middle of the eye, the eye wall will be on shore. that's the most important part, the most damaging part. don't focus on the center of the line but what the eye wall will be. how much damage a category 4. 1 145-mile-per-hour storm will do to that coastline. eventually it turns out to the sea and moves away. something else, very heavy rainfall. the winds will pick up, again. gusts in this storm of about 150 to 155. no one there can imagine what it feels like. no one experienced that.
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>> they're all good points. because we haven't had one hit florida and hit this region and hit the space coast in recent memory, as you say. just put some substance to the numbers of what this storm can do to what it touches. >> you know, i saw what charlie did to punta gorda and all the mobile homes that are parked there. beautiful little places on canals. many mobile homes on these outer islands. on these barrier islands and they will not take 1 145-mile-per-hour wind. absolutely, you cannot stay there. people need to leave the coast and go to the west or northwest and away. there are so many structures that have never felt this. landowners that haven't boarded up because they don't live there. only a partial time community. there are parts of the beach that are gone and homes that are gone and condos with significant wind damage. windows blown out. storm surge of nine feet. if your house is less than nine feet above sea level, you're
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going to have water in it and these waves are almost 20 feet high on top of that, chris. >> chad, i'll take it. thanks so much. we'll check back with you, obviously, throughout the program. one of the counties, the florida county under evacuation is florida's space coast. joining us is the public information officer for the brevard county office for emergency management. good morning, tom. >> good morning, alisyn. >> what's happening at this hour? >> we are the eoc priorities are to support the evacuation orders that are in effect to help our special needs people that are on the special needs registry to get to the shelters and to make sure that all the shelters are operating correctly. >> tom, we see here your most recent update, 400 people are in shelters. that doesn't sound like enough. are there still people who are thinking they can ride it out at home? >> we hope not.
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we do still have plenty of room in the shelters. so, if people have not evacuated yet, we are encouraging them to do so. and we would like everybody to be evacuated by 5:00 p.m. this afternoon. >> governor rick scott says that florida could be facing its biggest evacuation ever. tom, i mean, this is, it's hard to put this into context because we're all so used to thinking that florida knows how to handle hurricanes and you guys are no strangers to hurricanes. why is this one in a different category? >> because it is so harnlarge a it's been so long since we had a storm event like this. a lot of new residents that come into the state and come into our county. people have not experienced it. they are not exactly sure what to do. so, we're trying to educate them to do the right thing and to evacuate and make sure that they're safe. >> yeah. that is why you're trying to get the word out here on our program. so, how will you have a sense of if whether or not people are still in their homes?
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>> i am not sure. i don't know the answer to that question. >> we just had chad myers on the program and he said that he's looking at, you know, obviously, this could make landfall where it's a category 4 and the wind are up to 140 miles per hour. what would that look like in brevard county. tell us the landscape there and what would be so dangerous? >> well, we have -- it's not a very high county. we're not very high sea level wise. so, i am sure we will have extensive damage if the eye even comes close to us. of course, we're the home of the kennedy space center and port canaveral. the port has been evacuated and kennedy space center are evacuated. there are no tours at the kennedy space center complex for the next couple of days. it could be very extensive and very bad for us. >> yeah. there's a lot of cruise ships,
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also, around in that area and, of course, mobile homes and, tom, last we were just seeing the lines of traffic of people trying to evacuate. how is the evacuation going? >> as far as i know, it's under way. i haven't heard anything about road conditions locally. i have heard that yesterday and last evening it was very busy heading west on 528 and 520. the main roads over to the orlando areas. i'm not sure what conditions are like right now. >> tom, best of luck. >> thank you. >> we are thinking of you and we will check back with you. thanks so much for being on "new day." >> thank you. we're going to stay on hurricane matthew throughout the morning. we will be giving live updates from the national hurricane center. we're also going to be following the 016 race, of course. you have donald trump's campaign calling bill clinton one of their best surrogates. why would they say this? tell you what, there could be a
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headache coming from hillary clinton. my belly pain and constipation?
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you never know what's going to happen in this election. you have clinton and trump testing the waters for different attack lines that they may use in this next big debate on sunday, right? well, donald trump just got a gift from the clinton campaign. they have a new great surrogate, as they're calling him. you know who it is? former president bill clinton. why? we're going to tell you. good to have you both here. let's play what former president bill clinton said about obama care out. >> he's got this crazy system where all of a sudden 125 million people have health care and sometimes people are busting it sometimes 60 hours a week end up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.
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it's the craziest thing in the world. >> i strongly supported that bill and given people more insurance and there are problems with it. there are problems with it. and everybody knows it. >> now, the phones lit up from clinton people after the sound went out there from the president, which is not that unusual. they're saying he supports the bill. it's not perfect. they always said it's not perfect. but for him to detail that it is flawed and the group that it is squeezing is really the group in play in this election right now. people working, but kind of on the margins, you know. not poor, not wealthy enough where the costs don't matter. how big a deal is this? >> i think we'll see over the course of time how big a deal it is. it is partly a problem simply because obama care is something that the republican party has been focused on and donald trump has been focused on and having bill clinton come out and say, hey, i think he meant that it was, everything was broken and
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terrible. i think he was simply using his colorful language in the very bill clinton speaking off the cuff kind of way. i don't know if this is going to move a lot of opinions because, in part, opinions are so polarized. half the country likes obama care half the country hates obama care. >> he said it is the craziest thing in the world, abbie. this is way off message. why would bill clinton insert this into one of his stump speeches? >> i think the second version of what he said is closer to what the campaign might have wanted him to go for. but the clintons have been saying for a long time, we got to fix it, we got to fix it. they don't always get the specific and kind of the talking points around it. talking about who are busting it, working 60 hours a week. that really plays into republican hands. but at the same time, the good news for hillary clinton is that of all people, bernie sanders helped her get to a place where she can be critical. a little bit more critical of this law, which makes it easier
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for her to offer solutions to this problem. i don't actually necessarily think that what the plan she's put forward actually deals with this issue of cost, which is huge around obama care. but it, but she has an open window to do that at this point. >> look, the main problem is, obama care. the aca is very complicated. it took me 2 1/2 weeks to get through all the documents of it just so i had a basic understanding of it. the president is right, bill clinton, about what he is saying the problem is. another story line that we have to see if the clintons try to play to advantage with their campaign. which is the reason that this group is still struggling finding its place is because there's no accommodation by the gop in congress. they won't work on any fixes to the system. they've tried, what, 47 times just to throw out obama care. failed every time. but they won't fix it. does that matter, as well? >> i think it does matter from the standpoint of when you're looking at the policy and the
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positive and negative effects of the matter. it took you 15 seconds to just art articulate that. you're absolutely right. what the actual problem is and the politics that are driving it. i think republicans are trying to low out obama care and i don't think people understand why obama care is struggling the way it is struggling and it takes too long to explain that to have it be coming up in the next month. >> people don't love obama care but they do have president obama. we have the new approval ratings. this just out. he's at 55% approval. 44% disapprove and just for some context, we can look at where our other presidents were at this point in their term. president oobama 55%. president bush 27%. clinton 58% and reagan 54. what does this mean for the election? >> almost as if president oooba ooobalm approval rating is
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moving in two different directions. he will probably be the most important surrogate for hillary clinton this fall. he is already incredibly important. turnout for african-americans and millennials really riding on his back going into this election cycle. but a popular president obama is good for hillary clinton. she is running as his successor. she's running as the fulfillment of his legacy. he has to remain popular in order for her to have the best case for herself especially given how people feel negative about her going into november. >> we had two terms of this and supposed to switch unless clinton can pull a george bush from 1998 and be the extension of it. but if he's positive, easier for her to make the cases. why is more of what we've been doing necessarily a bad thing? >> that's exactly right. there is a direct correlation between the popularity for president and how his or her party does in november. there is a direct correlation there. and it's important to remember, it has been a long time since
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we've seen a president out on the stump for the potential successor. we didn't see it in 2000 because bill clinton and al gore had problems for a variety of reasons. it will be interesting to see how this plays. but this is absolutely good news and part of the reason he's popular, quite frankly, is all the fire is directed at hillary clinton. he's not taking as much incoming fire as he normally does. >> a big hurricane like hurricane matthew is human catastrophe and political football. the politics of the storm. the president is convening a big meeting with fema, et cetera, on how to move forward. donald trump has tweeted about it. what do the candidates need to do in this moment? >> we know the clinton campaign has been thinking about going to florida in the next week or so for campaigning. that might get pushed back or it might present itself as an opportunity for her to go down there sort of offer the kind of comforter in chief image that sometimes candidates -- >> as trump did with louisiana and other places.
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>> that's really, really tricky. if the damage is bad, you don't want to be there. you're pulling resources out s. al gore is coming out on the campaign trail. climate change, climate change, climate change. they want to talk about it around this time. >> trump put out in a tweet early this morning, maybe last night, i hope it dissipates, but if not, i hope everybody is okay. you don't want to give anybody any reason to believe this hurricane is not going to be as bad as it possibly can be. we'll see you again in a little bit. also have a treat for you this morning, vice presidential candidates, both of them here on "new day" talking tayou. virginia senator tim kaine joins us in our next hour. and at 8:00, indiana governor, mike pence. hurricane matthew is gaining strength and barreling towards the united states. millions of people are now in harm's way. much more of our storm coverage straight ahead. incredible bladder protection in a pad this thin, i didn't...
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breaking this morning hurricane matthew is gaining
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strength as it heads towards florida. if you are on this east coast of florida or you're in the regions that could be affected, please, pay attention. millions of you have been told to evacuate. 26 million are under watches and warnings in the southeast. this hurricane could be the most powerful storm to hit the southeast in more than a decade. we have people all over the place. cnn's boris sanchez is live in daytona beach with the latest. boris. >> hey, good morning, chris. more than 2 million people are under evacuation orders this morning. it could be the largest evacuation mandatory evacuation since hurricane sandy in 2012. right now where we're standing in daytona beach. there is a very strong wind coming off the shore and that is the concern. the storm surge as it picks up water with winds of more than 125 miles an hour and slams it into the coast all along florida's coast we're seeing evacuation orders from north of us in flagler county and brevard
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and st. lucy counties. 1,500 national guard members have been deployed and all across daytona we saw businesses boarding up their windows. here at the hotel, they're doing the same. some windows are boarded up and they set up sandbags. again, the concern is that strong storm surge once it comes off the coast and inland and the flooding that comes with it, as well. as we continue watching this situation, the wind has gotten significantly stronger and we've already had bands of rain starting to hit us. it will continue to get worse as the day progresses, alisyn. >> it sure is, boris. what will happen over the next 24 hours. chad myers is tracking the storm for us. chad, what are you seeing? >> if you don't believe it, on satellite, you can now believe it on radar. yes, miami radar is picking up the eye of the storm. there it is, right there. nassau, the bahamas. wouldn't want to be on a cruise ship and there's florida. so, that's what we're dealing
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with. we're dealing with a storm that we can already see. we are dealing with a storm that will make impact in florida. we are dealing with a storm that is forecast to be 145 miles per hour. not all that far north of ft. lauderdale to ft. pierce all the way up to cape canaveral and this is 145-mile-per-hour storm. i can't really stress what that means. this is the same power that hit haiti. we've seen the pictures out of haiti. we don't need those kind of damages, that kind of devastation in florida but it appears that may be very much the case. the eyewall will make landfall somewhere north of ft. lauderdale and run right along the coast. this is 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. still 130, it hasn't lost that much power. what will happen to that area? it will be devastated. we'll keep watching, you guys. >> we can't control what the storm does but we can control what we do. chad, thanks for getting the
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information out. we'll keep covering the hurricane. we're also going to stay on the election. you have a big night coming your way on sunday. this may be the last chance for donald trump to win this election. what happens on sunday night matters. is he preparing differently? hillary clinton, does she have a strategy? we have news, ahead.
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donald trump will hold a town hall tonight in new hampshire. this is considered a dress rehearsal for the next presidential debate on sunday where undecided rotors will ask the candidates questions. both campaigns say this upcoming town hall format showcases their candidates' best side. >> we prepare constantly and he has gotten really excited about the format. the town hall format is a sweet spot for him because he's the one out there with voters every single day. >> she's used to the format and likes answering questions from individual citizens that, you know, she listens hard and relates to people. and that's a format that donald
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trump isn't as used to and, so, we'll see. i think it's a natural format for her. >> okay. so, let's bring back our panel. we have philip bump and abbie philip. both sides like this town hall format. donald trump is doing this dry run tonight. he's taking it seriously and using governor chris christie whamade that one of the hal m k halmarks. >> i think you're right. especially compared to the stand at the lectern, this definitely does play more to donald trump's strengths. part of the reaction that we saw at the vice presidential debate, why can't he be like mike pence? mike pence has been doing this for a decade and he was on radio before that. you can't change donald trump's personality which is the big personality hanging over this thing. will he be pressed on policy issues but that said this is
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still a better format for him. >> bump just said two different things here, abbie. let's see if we can get a division. he's not pence because he hasn't been doing this a long time. i don't give trump that excuse. okay, he has been in the public and at the level of media exposure that mike pence could only dream of for decades he's been doing it. this is about how he is and how he wants to communicate with people. the town hall is tricky. you aren't talking to me and ducking my question. which is easy and people expect it. you are talking about a person who is living a real issue. if you slip it and you say it in a crass way, it plays differently to the audience. that's nottioning y something y prepare for? >> donald trump is not mike pence because he's not mike peps. >> giving trump the pass. no pass for anyone on this show. >> i also think that donald trump has also demonstrated that he has a little bit of trouble with empathy. think about the way that he operates on social media, which
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is where we see him at his sort of most unfiltered. he doesn't usually go for sympathy first and then makes a point about why he's right or why he deserves congratulations. so, in a town hall setting, you have to empathize with the person. is he practicing? maybe so. if he is, he might have a good chance. i think hillary clinton has had a lot more practice. she's done a lot more of these, one just this week. she has her own pitfalls but more familiar. >> both sides practicing empathy. it sounds like something from the onion. this is where we are. having seen them in this setting before, they both do well when they're actually connecting, when they're able to connect more with the audience. however, town halls are, there are some awkward moments that are possible in a town hall
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setting. cast your memory back to 2000 and al gore and george w. bush. watch this. >> that's what the question in this campaign is about. it's not only what your philosophy and what's your position on issues, but can you get things done? and i believe i can. >> what a great moment that was. >> framing up. gore was trying to frame up on bush. stand tall and get into his space and i thought, you know, he would be president there wound up playing it very well. please. when candidates are loose on the stage. it doesn't work. we don't know what the staging will be for sunday night. but possible spontaneous things happen. >> no matter what the different variables are at play, things happen.
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and that wasn't hype. not just in polls, but in perceptions. this is his last chance to show i know how to do this job. that's the bar for him. i think it's harder in a town hall. people think it is going to be easier because it is real people. i don't know where this confidence comes from. he has this magic touch with real people. do you believe the stakes are this high. >> people are already voting. it will start in more states very shortly. the second is the concerns that people have about donald trump, if he's qualified and that question stems from his temperament. this is absolutely the quintessential moment to show that he has the temperament to be president by answering questions and having policy background and so on and so forth. this is going to be a big show case with millions of people watching. adding point when he needs people to change their minds. >> thank you very much for all of this insight. you can join us sunday night for
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hillary clinton and donald trump. their second presidential debate and co-moderated by anderson cooper. hurricane matthew. that is the big story. that is the big reality. it is gaining strength. millions have been told to leave their homes. we have the latest on the powerful storm that will hit florida, next. mom's got this cold.
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all right. there's no getting around it, the new york mets are done. they have giants pitcher madison b bambardner. >> unbelievable, chris. maybe the greatest post-season pitcher of all time and he's only 27 years old. just dominated the mets last night pitching a complete game shutout in this one and, get this, the only pitcher in baseball history to throw multiple shutouts in winner take all post-season game. just incredible. this game did go all the way to the ninth inning tied at 0-0.
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that's when conner gillespie crushing this three-run home run to seal the win. san francisco beats new york 3-0 in the n.l. wildcard game. the giants move on to face the cubs on friday. today the decision series get going and blue jays at the rangers and red sox at the indians and watch both of those games on our sister network, tbs. rob gronkowski and he knows fantasy owners aren't happy with him right now. >> man y know. i can't even go to the grocery store without getting yelled at. i am like, why did you draft me then, baby. >> i think his production will pick up this weekend. tom brady back in the lineup for the patriots as they take on the browns. >> all right, good. my fantasy football team is safe, andy. thanks so much for all of that.
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stay at over 1000 americas and canadas best value inns stay at over 1000 americas and canadas best value inns room discounts instant rewards and a home town touch an nsa contractor is in federal custody for allegedly stealing highly classified files from the agency. the arrest is drawing strong comparisons to the edward snowden case. what do you know, evan? >> good morning, alisyn. for years investigators believe herald martin has been illegally taking home some of the nation's most sensitive secrets. when he was arrested fbi agents were stunned to find thousands of pages of classified information and hard drives and thumb drives and enough computer service to operate his own cloud. he's facing charges now of theft
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of government property and unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials. now among the documents that he is accused of stealing, sophisticated computer code that the nsa developed to hack into foreign computer networks. now, martin worked as a contractor for the big national security contracting company that also employed edward snowden. the big question hanging all over all of this is why. fbi and prosecutors at the justice department, they're still trying to figure out what his motivation was. investigators so far don't believe that he was selling secrets to foreign governments or that he had political motives. a statement from his attorneys says in part, there is no evidence that how martin betrayed his country, what we do know is that mr. martin loves his family and america. he served his nation honorably in the u.s. navy as a lieutenant and devoted his entire career to making america safe. chris, the government has spent millions of dollars on new efforts to try to prevent just
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this, another snowden and that appears to have failed here. >> all right, evan, thank you very much. appreciate it. let's discuss how this happened and what it means. columnist with foreign policy magazine and author of "shadow factory." the ultrasecret and also here robert ford. a senior fellow at the middle east institute at washington and the yale university jackson institute. a former u.s. ambassador to syria. so, when we look at this situation on its basis, they did catch the person. right. so, there shouldn't be -- professor, let's start with you. nay did catch the person and they were able to detect something and what does this reveal about security at the highest level? either one of you. you with the yale background, that's why i called you professor.
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it's my alma mater. >> if he removed classified documents, there is a problem of physical security. and then, second, if, in fact, he turned these documents over to unauthorized users outside, that's even more serious. so, we'll have to see what the investigation comes up with. >> well, they're trying, they're struggling, bob, with what the motivation might have been. but as a follow up to that question. it is that it happened, right? that's what snowden was. why he did it was going to be secondary. that he was able to do it. what is your take on that? >> talking to me? >> mr. ford, what is your take on it? >> yeah, okay, so if he's able to remove documents like that, it suggests that there is not careful screening of employees as they come in and out of the building and, in particular, it suggests, also, that there are very few controls internally in
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terms of who is accessing documents and why they are accessing them. >> all right. now, james, you've been looking at this very deeply for a long time and you know what people are going to say. they're going to say, it's not safe. people just keep stealing things. this is what happens. we don't know how to keep things safe. is that fair criticism? >> sure it is. how many millions of documents have we lost in the last few years. again, this is an agency that is keeping track of everybody's telephone number. you know, they were keeping track of everybody's e-mail for a long time. for everybody's telephone number and everybody's communications. if people can walk out the door with millions of documents, it's very, very serious. the problem here, what makes this very different is the fact that they're now alleging just that there were documents released, but that he took actual code, code that's used to penetrate computer systems. and that's very dangerous.
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if somebody takes that as basically like taking the key to yahoo! or to apple or to whatever communication system is out there. it gives you the key to open those doors to do whatever you want. and that's one of the differences here. it's the same thing that the shadow brokers, that group last august, was trying to sell. these basically cyberweapons. the weapons you can use to break into other networks that can do a lot of damage. >> robert, is it just the case that you can't keep digital things 100% safe like you might be able to with something physical like a brick of gold. you know, you're always hearing about china or russia or somebody being able to hack the united states and who knows what the united states is doing on its own terms. is this just a different reality that we have to get comfortable with? >> well, it certainly is a new kind of technological challenge to keep digital information
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safe, but also safeguards that you can take. you can always monitor who's accessing data and how long they're accessing it and you should be able, through manageme management's controls to have a good idea of who needs access to particular information. and when they need it. but that requires a set of management and internal controls. >> robert, let's switch topics. i want to stay with you, though. this reporting that russia has moved an anti-missile system into syria. it smacks of a cold war build up situation. we know the talks have broken down. what do you make of this move? >> well, it comes within a context of declining, deteriorating u.s./russian relations. the reason the russians moved those anti-aircraft systems to syria is they want to deter any potential u.s. military air
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strike against either their facilities or against syrian air force facilities. >> so, james, in terms of what the u.s. is supposed to do in this situation, you have someone who's supposed to be a neutral to negative, right. we thought it might be more of a neutral with russia. maybe some common aims we would work with. they're now building up in a way that they could only use these system on the u.s. and coalition forces. what does this do in terms of the avenues of response for the u.s.? >> it didn't help the fact that we bombed, just recently bombed a syrian army unit killing 60 people. that gives them an excellent excuse to bring in anti-aircraft, anti-missile weapons. so, this is just deterrierat ad from the day we entered the
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conflict. time to look to start helping these people instead of just bombing them. we have to start helping the refugees in jordan and turkey and bringing more refugees home. i mean, continuing this war fare is senseless. all we're doing, obviously, the russians are not going to go away. this is their client's state. i don't know why somebody hasn't realized that yet. but this is not going to end well in the united states if we keep on dropping bombs. >> the concern of helping on the ground is that you can't create safe zones because of where the russians are bombing. so, the military component is an essential facet of being able to make it safe on the ground, james. how do you handle that part? >> you reach an agreement where you're not going to be bombing them. you're going to send planes in that will air drop food and supplies. these people need food and they need supplies and they need places to live in a tent and so forth. so, these things can be air dropped in on planes that are
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not warplanes. >> right. they can be. well, can you? that's the question. now, let's end on that, robert. the idea of what james is saying. you can reach an agreement with russia to stop military missions and just make humanitarian missions. do you agree with that? >> that's exactly what john kerry had been trying to do. john kerry was unsuccesful. the russians are backing the syrian government. the syrian government has said it will attack planes that are bringing supplies, humanitarian supplies. of course, there was an aid convoy which syrian and/or russian aircraft struck two weeks ago killing 20 aide workers. their whole point is, they will not allow humanitarian aide. they want to starve the opposition into surrender. >> james banford, robert ford, thank you for helping us understand this situation this morning. we're following a lot of news. we have the latest on hurricane matthew. let's get right to it.
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this is cnn breaking news. good morning. welcome to your "new day." we do begin with breaking news. hurricane matthew is the real deal. gaining strength this morning. heading for a direct hit on florida's east coast. millions have been told to evacuate ahead of this powerful storm. more than 26 million people are now under watches and warnings in florida, georgia and south carolina. matthew could be the worst hurricane to ever hit florida's central coast. many residents are rushing to stores. they're finding store shelves empty and picked over. hurricane matthew is slamming the bahamas at this hour, as you can see on your screen. it has already killed 15 people in the caribbean. so, let's begin our team coverage with boris sanchez live in daytona beach. what is the situation there, boris? >> hey, good morning, alisyn. the wind is starting to pick up. it gets stronger and stronger as
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we see the storm surge nearing the coast of florida. it is picking up water and sand and bringing it in to where we're standing right now. evacuation orders all along the coast. about 2 million people have orders to evacuate. the largest mandatory evacuation since hurricane sandy back in 2012. as we've been driving around town, we've been seeing businesses that are boarded up. our hotel is boarded up right now and sandbags outside. i spoke to a gentleman who moved here from cleveland three days ago and he's heeding the warning and about to take off from the path of the storm. like him, so many trying to get out of the way of the powerful storm. 1,500 national guard forces have been deployed to help people get out of here. as you can imagine, more than 25 counties have shut down their operations for the day. schools are closed all across the state. the idea here is to be ready. this is a crucial time that florida governor rick scott was
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talking about yesterday to get out of the way of the storm. even if there isn't a direct hit where you are, it's best to be prepared for one and be out of the way before it's too late. chris? >> all right, boris, thank you very much. you have this urgency to move, if you are told ta. then, where do you go? many floridians heading inland. long lines for gas and empty store shelves. cnn nick valencia live in west palm beach. nick, what are you seeing there? >> good morning, chris. ominous warning signs aurlgd over the course of the last hour. the winds have significantly started to pick up, much like where boris is. this is a community over the course of the last three days have prepared for this moment bracing for potential devastation. when our news crew got here yesterday, we immediately went to go stock up water was gone and


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