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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  October 9, 2016 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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weakening. it is still churning up the east coast but it's leaving behind record flooding and major power outages. take a look at what's going on in north carolina. that's a road, not a lake, a road. cars have been abandoned as you see there. in savannah, georgia, people are waitid wading through streets in knee high water. thank you so much for starting your morning with us. your next hour of "new day" starts right now. tumultuous 24 hours for the donald trump campaign. a ton of republicans have pulled their support. >> there is a bit of an elephant in the room, and it is a troubling situation. >> there are growing calls for trump to step down. >> governor, should mr. trump withdraw? will you be staying on the ticket? >> the media and establishment want me out of the race so
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badly. i will never drop out of the race. i will never let my supporters down. >> there is nothing that is going to cause his dropping out. >> are you staying in the race? >> 100%. 7:01 on a sunday morning, and always so happy to have you with us. keeping us company. i'm christi paul. victor blackwell in st. louis, missouri. victor, because, of course, big day. >> yes. yes. it is a very big day. i'm at washington university, the site of tonight's second presidential debate, and as the final preparations are made, the republican party finds itself in a state of chaos facing political catastrophe unlike anything in modern times. in just a few hours here at washington university donald trump will take the stainige to fight for his political life. top leaders of trump's own party are banning together in this
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continued drum beat ending their support for the candidate. look at the gallery on your screen. this comes after a stunning video revealed trump in 2005 casually talking about sexual assault. now trump has apologized, but trump's own running mate refuses to defend him. senator john mccain says he will write in a candidate for president. former republican secretary of state condoleezza rice says enough. donald trump should not be president. he should withdraw. that's easier said than done. meantime, hillary clinton is planning her attack on donald trump. more than 80 million people are expected to tune in tonight. debate number two capping off one of the most extraordinary weekends in american political history. as his party spirals, donald trump is refusing to back down. joining me now here outside tonight's debate venue is cnn national correspondent sunlen serfaty. sunlen, what we saw from donald
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trump yesterday was fist pumping defiance. he's not going anywhere. >> that's right. he is not. this is unchartered territory we're entering. we have a republican nominee 30 days out who is facing some serious head winds here. republicans within his own party are revoking their endorsement. many are calling for him to drop out. donald trump is going into tonight's debate one of the most critical nights of his political life with his back against the wall. a defiant and fist pumping donald trump emerging from trump tower to chants of support. despite the chaos of the republican party, trump says he's not going anywhere. >> are you staying in the race? >> 100%. >> trump tweeting this, quote, the media and establishment want me out of the race so badly. i will never drop out of the race. will never let my supporters down. >> when you're a star, they let
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you do it. do anything you want. grab them by the [ bleep ]. do anything. >> after a 2005 video of donald trump making lewd and sexually predatory comments about women trump was forced to make an unprecedented apology before s dismissing the controversy as a distraction. >> i said it, i was wrong. i apologize. washington is broken. hillary clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. >> reporter: this morning the gop is in meltdown as lawmakers rescind their endorsements of trump. they say the top of the gop including house speaker paul ryan wish trump would step aside. >> there is a bit of an elephant in the room. and it is a troubling situation. >> reporter: some republicans now saying trump's running mate, mike pence, should leave the ticket. in an extraordinary move, governor pence said he was offended by trump's remarks before canceling plans to represent him at a political
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event saturday. >> governor, should mr. trump withdraw? >> reporter: meantime, one of trump's closest advisors, mayor rudy giuliani said trump's campaign against washington insiders will go on. >> most of the people who turned on him are members of the establishment. i would see this as if you want change in washington, you vote for donald trump. if you want to keep things the same, you vote for hillary clinton. >> reporter: and while all eyes are most certainly on donald trump tonight for the debate and how he handles all of this fallout, this sets up a potentially really important moment for hillary clinton, too. according to people close to her, clinton is prepared to bring this up early, potentially often up there on stage. this will be the first time, victor, that we hear her publicly comment on this scandal. >> sunlen serfaty, thank you very much. let's talk about it with cnn politics executive editor mark preston. mark, we have seen just a continued drum beat of
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republicans declaring that they will not be voting for donald trump. we just saw here on twitter, if we have it, we can put it up. if not, i'll put it up. from former california governor arnold schwarzenegger, for the first time i've become a citizen i will not vote for the republican candidate. he was a kasich supporter. it reinforces this continued drum beat some calling it a mass exodus from the trump campaign. >> it's not a drip, drip, drip, it's a continuing draw of the water out of the faucet right now. i think we're going to see it tonight. tomorrow morning you could see a lot of people start abandoning donald trump. here's the problem for republicans. you have house republicans, everyone of them on the ballot. you have several republican senators in peril right now and connecting themselves to donald trump right now could be disastrous. they could be dragged down and lose in november. >> where is the defense? we have not seen nor heard from
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the campaign manager, kellyanne conway. >> right. >> she's not tweeted since the video was released. we have not seen her. there's no strategic phone calls, nothing. >> well, let's go back to when the story broke on friday. if you go back to friday and you look at how long it took for them to actually respond to this. they put out a statement. it was -- there was no bones to that statement. that person that put out the video statement six hours later. that was not him apologizing. that was him saying i'm going after bill clinton. then we saw the statement from melania trump that didn't come out until midday on saturday. what they should have done is is melania's statement should have come out immediately. they knew this was coming. they should have been prepared for it. you'll see rudy giuliani, one solo voice on speaking for the trump campaign. i do think -- look, when we place blame on this, the blame goes solely on donald trump. it doesn't go on his staff. donald trump is the ceo, this is his campaign, he's the one who needs to answer for it.
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>> one voice for the campaign. however, you're going to have surrogates in the spin room. >> right. >> you're going to have a dozen or so people answering questions, they've got to be there tonight, right? we have to see kellyanne conway at some point today. we have to see chris christie. we've got to see rudy giuliani here. do they have their singular voice, their singular message yet? >> certainly the singular message is, a, those who were leaving with us were never with us, right? as you pointed out, arnold schwarzenegger was a biggon kasich fan, not a donald trump fan. they're going to have to be on message no matter what happens. they're going to have to try to promote his candidacy because, again, if things go badly tonight, there's going to be a lot more bleeding. >> what we've heard from his supporters was that he has to be contrite in the first five minutes or so. >> right. >> he's got to apologize and then shift to the issues. >> right. >> but we're not seeing that from donald trump? what is he tweeting about?
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he's retweeting ojuanita juanita broaderick. >> the fact of the matter, too, is he also put out a tweet that said been an interesting 24 hours. well, that's saying something, isn't it? of course it's been an interesting 24 hours. your point about juanit juanita broderick, that's another sign that tonight will turn very personal very quick. >> thank you very much. we, of course, will get to some of the questions from those undecided voters at tonight's town hall because they will have a major role in this debate rooted in curiosity, possibly, but what will it lead to? what will be the moment this year from these town hall debates? how personal and how sharp might the line of attacks be in this year's debate? our guests break it down for us. that's coming up next. what powers the digital world? communication.
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that just tastes better. with more vitamins. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. live at washington universi university. the site of tonight's second presidential debate. tonight donald trump may have just 90 minutes to save his campaign for president as he faces off with hillary clinton. now after the first presidential debate trump hinted he could have used more personal attacks. >> anything that you wish you did differently? >> no, i'm very happy that i was able to hold back on the indiscretions with respect to bill clinton because i have a lot of respect for chelsea
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clinton and i just didn't want to say what i was going to say. >> which is? >> which is i'll tell you maybe at the next debate. we'll see. >> well, now with seemingly nothing left to lose, will that be his strategy for tonight? we've already seen his retweeting of tweets from one neat at that broderick who accused bill clinton of sexual assault. we're joined by senior editor from the atlantic. ron, you've never seen so many senators defect from a republican nominee. >> no one has ever seen anything like yesterday in at least 100 years. the previous 24 hour period where as many republican leaders abandoned their party's presidential nominee, you'd have to go back to the day in june, 1912, when theodore roosevelt walked out of the party. we're now up to 1/3 of
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republican senators saying they're not going to vote for their party's nominee. that's unpress departmented even going back to 1912. the closest moderate equivalent would be barry goldwater. even then it was a handful, five or six republican senators clustered in the northeast. the former president, dwight eisenhower, cut an ad for him. richard nixon cut an ad for him. the party was a paragon of unity. i think this is really -- since the roosevelt/taft schism over a century ago, this would be the biggest fissure in the republican party. >> we've put up a gallery of those from the house and senate who said they will not support donald trump, but let's go to the two individuals. >> right. >> look at this. >> yes. >> let's go to the two individuals. we have up there arnold schwarzenegger who wasn't a trump supporter from the beginning. mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. >> yes. >> respectively majority leader and speaker of the house. people are waiting for them to
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take a side here, to definitively say i'm still with trump or i can no longer support him. >> especially agonizing for paul ryan because trump is against his vision for the party. ryan says this is taking conservative vision. he's worrying party is defining the party as a party of white racial backlash. in june with the decision over the judge, he is engaged in the textbook definition of racism. the problem they have is they fear if trump totally collapses, that republican turnout will collapse and cost them the majority in the house and be senate. they agree with trump on a certain set of core economic issues, taxes, regulation, appealing obamacare. they are in a horrible place but it is hard to imagine that paul ryan can get all the way to the election in particular without more distance from donald trump whose vision for the party in addition to the personal issues,
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his vision for the party he fundamentally rejects. >> donald trump would have gone into this debate with some significant retorqual ammunition at least with the release from wikileaks, the hacking of john podesta. the claim against trade after what we heard from bernie sanders. >> trade was the most uncomfortable moment for hillary clinton. she was caught in a no man's land where donald trump was slamming and a half at that, was slamming the tpp and she department want to defend them and she didn't completely, you know, renounce them. the big revelation from those was that she was talking about the possibility of the hemisphere wide free trade zone some day. >> open borders, open trade. >> open borders, open trade going through all north and south america. bill clinton talked about that as well in 1994. the beginning of the tpp was bill clinton talking about a free trade zone in asia, a hem
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mi dch hemispheric free trade zone. hillary clinton has been caught out on a limb on a policy i'm not sure she fully believes in and it's at odds for people voting for democrats. >> does that resonate at all tonight? >> no. >> can you make that stick? >> no. it's going to be secondary. the town hall debates are a little more diffuse, they're interesting, they're a little bit of fireworks that go off all over the place. it's traditionally harder to level the personal attacks at the town hall debates. voters get up and want to know what you're going to do to make your lives better. i think it will be somewhat relevant. we have an extraordinary back drop. it's hard tow believe that what paul ryan called the elwill he fapt in the room is not going to land in the middle of the stage. >> always good to have you. >> thank you. the big debate at 9:00 p.m. eastern. anderson cooper will co-moderate. you can watch pre-debate coverage starting at 4:00 p.m. eastern. big show still just a half a
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day away. christi, i'm going to send it back to you in atlanta. >> thanks, victor, so much. i want to tell but this community in southern california. it's a tough wakeup for them today. two police officers were fatally shot in the line of duty overnight. what happened that a response to a 911 call ended in this? ♪ ♪ jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. with chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology for whatever you're trying to master.
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22 minutes past the hour. hurricane matthew has killed 10 people collectively in north carolina, in georgia, in florida and hundreds in the caribbean. and in its wake, record
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flooding, major power outages. north carolina is water logged. look at these pictures coming in to us. you see cars abandoned, which is a good thing because they didn't try to get through the water. savannah, georgia, we have people wading through streets. here's how a man described the storm as it hit his home. >> as night fall came the winds increased and it was constant, constant wind. all of my windows immediately got blown out. i lost power. the fencing around my house just went down like match sticks. >> the national weather service has downgraded matthew to a post tropical cyclone. it said hurricane winds could hit north carolina's outer banks today so it's not over yet. police in palm springs, california, have identified now the man accused of killing two police officers who were responding to a domestic disturbance call. investigators say those officers were met by gunfire from
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26-year-old john felix. a 35 year veteran of the force and a new mom were the two shot and killed. a third colleague was wounded and is being treated at the hospital. now the police chief battling his own emotions here and he described the confrontation that they encountered at that front door. >> the officers, from my understanding, were near the front door trying to negotiate with the suspect to just comply. it was a simple family disturbance, and he elected to open fire on a few of the guardians of the city. >> police eventually brought that shooter into custody after an overnightstandoff. the thoughts are with the community there. donald trump is looking to push past his latest controversy with the republican party in turmoil, it seems. so what exactly does all of this mean for tonight's town hall debate where voters get to ask a lot of those questions? stay close.
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28 minutes past the hour right now. i'm christi paul and my colleague, victor blackwell, is in st. louis, missouri, where about 80 million eyes -- pair of eyes will be tonight. victor? >> yes. good morning to you. i'm live at washington universi university, the site of tonight's second presidential debate. the question this morning, can donald trump right the ship after this weekend of chaos in his campaign. amid the revolt within the republican party. and how will hillary clinton respond to trump's 2005 audio bombshell? one thing that's clear despite the flurry of calls to drop out, donald trump says he's not going
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anywhere. >> are you staying in the race? >> 100%. >> saturday trump emerged from trump towers to fist pumps. he has apologized and still a tidal wave of lawmakers rescinding their endorsements of donald trump. that started on saturday and sources tell cnn those at the top of the gop, including house speaker paul ryan and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, would prefer donald trump to step aside. all of this is racheting up. the clinton camp has been relatively quiet in the responses. aides tell cnn expect hillary clinton will bring it up early on in tonight's debate. let's talk with cnn politics
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kmeb tators tara setmeyer and jeffrey lord. good morning to both of you. >> we are friends. but we are friends. >> yes, you are friends. >> we are. >> jeffrey, let me start with you because what we've heard from each of the trump supporters is that he needs to be contrite tonight. he needs to apologize and then shift to the issues. that's what they want to hear. donald trump is not doing that, at least on twitter. what he's retweeting, tweets from juanita broderick. if that's what he needs to do, why isn't he doing that? >> well, i think he will do the first that you're suggesting, but i personally think the other is necessary. look, these are the folks who are making a big deal about sex. i mean, the democratic party, these are the folks who do this. hillary clinton -- >> the democrats are making a big deal about sex. i don't know if i have enough time right now to dissect and analyze that but go ahead. >> these are the folks. they're all upset about this
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sort of thing. this is a political party that rallied to bill clinton. >> go ahead. >> let me finish. that rallied to bill clinton when -- and interestingly the american people rallied to bill clinton because they did not think issues like this were important. they stuck with him. and i would submit to you that the american people out there that are supporting donald trump don't think this stuff is important either. it's the party elites. it's people -- the consultant class and all of that sort of thing who have a problem with this. but average rank and file voters that i talk to, that come up and talk to me because they recognize me from cnn, these folks are passionate about this. they're not going anywhere. >> what i'm seeing is a difference, tara, i'll bring you in on this, the difference between -- and i think you're talking about the lewinsky episode, is that what you're discussing? >> yes. >> and juanita broadderick. >> that was in 1999. lewinsky was consensual.
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donald trump said i don't have to wait, i jump on her like a -- i'm not going to use because of the hour. that is essentially sexual assault. tara, from your perspective? >> yeah. i think the dismissing of the -- of what donald trump said is just oh, these are just words. i think that is really missing the point here. no, they're not words. if you listen to how he's talking about women in this one clip, we've heard several others but this one speaks as though he's already done it. he says, oh, they'll let you do anything, like grab them in the blank and all the things that -- oh, yeah, i tried to f her. he's obviously done this before and it was successful. it's kind of concerning. i would disagree that americans don't care about this. i would say that women who have been in situations where they felt uncomfortable, where they've been in situations where they're sexually harassed, where -- sexual assault victims. i've had people reach out to me
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thanking me for standing up, i've had men say i've nursed my wife or girlfriend through the horrific events of sexual assault. this is very real for them. i think as republicans and as conservatives particularly, those who went after bill clinton, and deservedly so for what he did in the 1990s, who are trying to brush this off as if it's some kind of random act and it's inconsequential i think are hip critz. this is consequential. we're talking about the president of the united states and his character. it's not okay to be a sexual predator. i don't know when republicans all of a sudden decided that was something that was okay. it's not okay and donald trump needs to be held accountable for it. >> of course it's not okay to be a sexual predator. >> jeffrey, you're saying that people don't care. >> tara -- tara, we are talking about an accusation of rape, of rape, for heaven's sakes, and
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hillary clinton was an enabler. she bullied the woman who was accusing her husband of rape. >> okay. does that excuse donald trump? >> and threatened her. now that is a big deal. that is a big deal. >> but here's the other -- >> but every minute you spend speaking about that you don't go back to what all of donald trump's surrogates and supporters say are his winning issues are the issues of the economy and jobs and trade. the other thing is, bill clinton is not on the ballot. donald trump is. >> no, but it's the issue -- it's the issue of can you do this stuff and get away with it? this is what tara is saying is he, donald trump, shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. if it applies to donald trump, it applies to hillary clinton because she was the enabler here. >> let me bring up something else. let me bring the statement up. melania trump. let's put it on the screen, guys. melania trump, obviously donald trump's wife, released a statement through the campaign, the words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me. this does not represent the man i know. he has the heart and mind of a
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leader. she goes on to stay here, i hope people will accept his apology as i have and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world. >> right. >> jeffrey, every time you're on you've got a reagan story. i don't remember nancy reagan ever having to put a statement out condemning the words of ronald regan. >> nancy reagan had to defend ronald regan. i was in the white house -- >> she didn't have to say i'm offended by what my husband said through the campaign. >> different personalities. >> right. ronald regan had class. >> when i -- when i say that they're alike, i'm talking about politically and the kinds of folks that they appeal to. that's what i'm talking about. and the kind of enemies they have. ronald regan's biggest enemy was the republican establishment. they couldn't stand him. now they pretend how great he was and all of this kind of stuff. they -- i mean, i was there. they hated his guts. >> for different reasons.
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>> tara, we're getting this statement from melania trump, from mike pence as well. through the campaign the principals are condemning the words of donald trump. >> of his own vice president condemns him. this is unprecedented. jeffrey knows, we go back and forth about this all the time, that i feel that trying to compare ronald regan and donald trump is a disgrace to ronald regan's legacy. ronald ragan was a class act, convicted conservative. he actually was -- believed in the -- that the presidency was bigger than himself. donald trump is a narcissist and egomaniac and apparently a sexual pervert who has -- disrespects women, who has a love affair with authoritarians and who is just taking the republican party along for this disaster of a ride in his campaign and unfortunately leading a lot of the people who support him astray.
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it's about his ego trip and not the actual future of the country. for us to sit here and say that it's just elites and people that are condemning donald trump, that's not necessarily true. people who -- people from his own -- even in his own circle cannot defend this because they see that what donald trump is doing is not only is he destroying the party but this is bringing such disrespect to the office of the presidency that it's untenable and we need to protect our republicans down ballot and rebuild moving forward because otherwise the republican party's not going to survive. >> tara, jeffrey, thank you both. you all will be on air all day so i know jeffrey wanted to jump in there. he'll have many opportunities up until debate time. let's turn now to cnn politics executive editor mark preston. i wanted to pick up on one note there that we had an exchange with jeffrey about was every minute spent speaking about bill clinton and juanita broadderick and the lewinsky affair takes
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them away from what they say is their strongest point. >> it is their strongest point. if you go back to the first debate, hillary clinton was certainly back on her heels when it came to the issue of trade and jobs. the first 20 minutes of the debate was largely forgotten because the rest of the debate basically consumed it. you know, i think that donald trump is going to have a very difficult time if he comes out tonight on to that stage and hillary clinton brings up the subject of this videotape that we saw with billy bush. if that happens, donald trump is not going to be able to contain himself. we have seen that. if you throw one punch at donald trump, he's going to try to throw ten at you. when that happens, it's not very good politics and not very good strategy. >> we have to know if that's something he wants to do because by the retweeting from juanita broadderick, it doesn't seem that he wants to. we heard from jeffrey lord, in the comparison with reagan, jeffrey is sitting next to me outside the camera shot, they
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have similar enemies including the republican establishment. do you expect to see the return of donald trump at the end of the primary? he wrapped it up. everyone expected him to turn to hillary clinton and he was still attacking the gop. now that we're seeing this exodus, are we going to see in the last 30 days donald trump attack his own party? >> he will be fighting two fronts. the first front is with the democratic party, the second front is with the republican party. it's a war that's been ongoing since the first day as jeffrey is nodding his head off camera, which is true. the first day he announced his candidacy. he didn't like the idea that the republican party did not embrace him. he got frustrated by that. he department understand it. to your point, victor, he won the nomination and tipped to fight that front. to win in november, you have to have your party behind you. right now donald trump is, as we've been talking this morning, is bleeding that now. >> let's look at this from the other side. put into context the quandary that the rnc finds itself in. >> right.
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>> with some even calling for if trump or if the rnc cannot get trump to step aside, then reince priebus, the chair of the rnc, should step down. they put their mailers on hold because they don't know in which direction to go. where are they? >> right. it's a little simplistic to say reince priebus should force donald trump to step out. the rnc is made up of 168 members. they would have to collectively come together. donald trump is not beholden to the rnc. he didn't win the nomination because of the rnc, he won it based on the support he got. the rnc is in a quandary. they are political insiders. they are the establishment. there's not much they can do at this point. >> all right. mark preston, thanks so much. i still have my coordinator over here, jeffrey lord, who's agreeing with what they hear from mark over here. the debate tonight, show time, 9:00 p.m. cnn's anderson cooper will be
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co-moderating along with abc's martha raddich. who else is watching it? we know the folks at "saturday night live" wasting no time taking all of this in and getting some laughs out of a rough few days in politics. are you not entertained? rewm for every 10 nights you stay, you get one free. which is great for families. finally! whatever captain obvious. great for families. mom! and for sore losers! a john deere 1 family tractor there nevwith quik-parkt? lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love, so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look.
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so the roller coaster of politics make for a lot of material for one particular cast.
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"saturday night live." and, victor, they came out swinging, let's say. >> they certainly did, right from the jump in that cold open. alec baldwin taking on donald trump's latest controversies during the open of the show. that first sketch. here's part of it. >> donald trump loves women. he respects women. he's never said a single bad thing about women. i dare you to show me a single shred of evidence that proves otherwise. >> this is cnn breaking news alert. >> well, looks like donald trump finally got what he wanted, a working microphone. newly leaked audio shows donald trump and billy bush making lewd comments about women on an "access hollywood" bus in 2005. here to address this breaking zanld is donald trump himself. >> i would like to take this time to formally apologize. >> what? what are you saying? >> i deeply apologize.
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>> are you trying to say apologize? >> no, i would never do that. what i am doing is apologizing to all the people who are offended by my statements, but more importantly, to the people who were turned on by them. i hear it's really 50-50. >> let's bring in cnn senior media correspondent brian stelter. what i'm always impressed with is that was on saturday morning. >> the writers had to rewrite a lot of the show. if you were a trump fan, you probably cringed. if you were a clinton fan, you probably loved it. clinton, the character of clinton reacting to all of these trump stories. >> it is a very, very sad day for our country and for all women, minus one.
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>> now since mr. trump's comments were so bad -- >> so -- >> do you think he should drop out? >> oh, no, no, no, no, give him a shot. he deserves that. i would like to address all of the women out there who heard trump's comments and are still voting for him. my babies, ya brain broke. >> okay. there, kate mckinnon really living up to the interesting challenge of playing clinton. she won the emmy last year partly for this. i think she's going to be in the running for it next year. >> we know that these candidates, especially these two, pay attention to this show and how they're perceived on air. >> they have to. i'm sure clinton, trump will have a cameo later on snl. first we have to get to the debate tonight. >> brian stelter, always good to have you. >> thanks. >> thanks so much. >> christi? >> yes. you can catch "reliable sources"
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this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern on cnn. voters looking for any untold signs that they may want to visit a moment from the face to face with the vice presidential hopeful. >> reporter: you could say tim kaine brow beat his opponents. >> slobs. >> reporter: with his eyebrows. >> jeanne moos shows us one key to keeping a poker face for him. or keeping a hotel's guests connected. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood,
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that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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so many things going on during the vice presidential debate. some people watching tuesday night couldn't take their eyes off tim kaine's eyebrows. cnn's jeanne moos reports on the up and downs of the brows. >> reporter: you could say tim kaine brow beat his kpaent with his eyebrows. it was best summed by by the grinch. >> it's a wonderful night for the eyebrows. >> from the first word tim kaine uttered, his eyebrows rose to the occasion. his left brow in particular. >> twitter war with miss universe. >> reporter: in the political universe, kaine is famous for his lev tating brows. >> tim kaine is the people's eyebrow. >> the brow's first came to national attention back in 2006 -- >> my fellow americans -- >> as kaine gave the democratic response to the state of the
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union. state of his brows was up. >> when we work together. >> though the left brow seemed to work separately. >> we must -- >> reporter: tim kaine's eyebrow must have its own twitter account, clear eyes, brows can't lose by the time he was nominated for vp, tim seemed to have tamed his brows a bit. they were no longer the furry caterpillars from a decade ago. the more buttoned down brows of tuesday's debate launched tweets speculation that kaine prepped for the debate by lifting weights with his eyebrows. can we all be honest and admit this vp debate is really about vie brows versus no eyebrows. fun fact, mike pence doesn't have eyebrows read another tweet. they don't think they are low brow, they flaunt them on t-shirts, the pumpkin with an arched brow last halloween.
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>> i have an uncontrollable left eyebrow. >> he once gave john stewart a button, eyebrow raising debate may be a distraction. how bad can it be compared to -- jeanne moos hard work, cn-n. >> there's a better way. >> reporter: new york. >> all righty. snl, as you know, went full force last night on all of the politics we've seen in the last 24 to 48 hours. take a look here. >> now, mr. trump, many republicans have stood by you through a rot of other scan dams but are now pulling their support, people like senator john mccain. >> coward. >> car lee fiorina. >> she's a four. >> and idaho senator -- >> more like crap-o. >> okay. but you must admit, this is bad for you. >> the only person i need is my running mate mike pence. i love mike pence.
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i respect pence. i'll always have pence. >> well, actually today he said he can't condone your remarks and then he cancelled his campaign events. >> mike pence is a loser. i hate his guts. i call him puny pence. >> they never miss a beat do they? already. thank you so much for starting your morning with us. listen, remind you, 9:00 p.m., anderson cooper will co-moderate the big debate tonight. hillary clinton is planning to address donald trump's comments over the last few days and in that video, she will do so early in the debate possibly even in her opening statement. we'll be watching for that. do stay close. "inside politics" can john king starts right after the break.
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5:00 am
on debate day, this is the biggest question -- is it too late for republicans to dump trump? >> i do wish that mike pence was at the top of the ticket. it is tragic the way it is right now. >> caught on tape, bragging about repeatedly groping women -- >> when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> i never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that i'm not. >> his late night apology only adds to the outrage. >> this is nothing more than an distraction from the important issues we are facing today. >> four weeks left, the race already moving hillary clinton's way and now at crunch


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