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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  October 16, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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the election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing completely false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect her president. >> house speaker paul ryan is rejecting that assertion, that the race is fixed. >> there is no evidence that the electoral process is rigged against anybody. >> i think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. because i don't know what's going on with her. >> this just in. wikileaks releasing what it says are more hacked e-mails from the clinton campaign. >> now, the clinton camp is not saying whether or not the e-mails released by wikileaks are authentic. >> frankly almost every day in
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these final weeks of the election. good sunday morning to you. it's 6:00 a.m. bright and early. i'm rhys ti paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good to be with you. and this morning a new "washington post"/nbc news poll has hillary clinton up four points over donald trump. but let me say here that the margin of error is four points. so essentially tied. now, this is coming as another woman says donald trump kissed her without consent nearly 20 years ago. her name is kathy heller. she's the ninth trump accuser. but the trump campaign says there is no way her account is true. >> in the meantime donald trump is not backing down from his claims the election is being rigged, as you heard there. he's also now suggesting hillary clinton's using some sort of drugs. take a listen. >> we should take a drug test prior -- because i don't know what's going on with her.
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but at the beginning of her last debate she was all pumped up at the beginning and at the end it was like, oh, take me down. she could barely reach her car. anyway, i'm willing to do it. >> in the meantime, hillary clinton still haunted this morning by wikileaks after more hacked e-mails are released, including what appears to be transcripts of three paid speeches to goldman sachs. cnn has not independently verified the authenticity of those e-mails. both candidates getting ready for the next showdown, preparing for the final presidential debate, three days away now on wednesday. cnn's phil mattingly is following that story for us and more. phil? >> reporter: hey, victor and christi. for donald trump there's no question about it. his campaign at this point, is donald trump trying to play defense more or less, but in a very trumpian-type fashion, and that means going on offense, believe it or not, even though as many as nine women have now made allegations of sexual
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misconduct related to donald trump. donald trump is not pulling back. he's not trying to put it behind him. he's not even focused on some of the issues that his advisers have told him are necessary to win swing states like ohio or colorado or virginia. he is attacking. attacking the women, attacking their stories, even attacking their appearances. take a listen. >> we're going to stop it. we're not going to back down. and remember this, it's a rigged election because you have phony people coming up with phony allegations, with no witnesses whatsoever, ending up from 20 years ago, 30 years ago. how about this crazy woman on the airplane? okay? i mean, can anybody believe that one? how about this? after 15 minutes -- we don't know each other. after 15 minutes she said, well, that was too much. 15 minutes? with the ladies in this place it would be one second and it would
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be smack. >> reporter: and guys, it's worth noting that donald trump isn't just focused on the women who have made these allegations, he's also really focused rally after rally on the last couple days on something else. this idea that the election, that the vote on november 8th will be rigged. now, the idea of rigged is something that donald trump as we all know has talked about pretty repeatedly over the course of his 16-month campaign. but he has really come into focus on this idea that the electoral process itself is rigged against him, that the combination of the media, hillary clinton, even the republican party leaders who have gone against him over the course of the last couple weekends, it's all part of a grand conspiracy to ensure that he doesn't win on november 8th. now, it's worth noting tlds no evidence that the electoral process is rigged against anybody right now. but it is also worth noting that when you talk to donald trump supporters, we talked to a number of them here in maine, they believe everything he's saying. and i can tell you that that is an unsettling prospect not just for hillary clinton's campaign or for democrats but also for republicans. paul ryan's spokesperson putting out a statement saying that he
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has every faith and confidence that the election will go according to plan and more or less, to paraphrase, is not rigged. but that is not what donald trump has been pushing. it's something raising a lot of questions and concerns. three weeks left in the campaign, donald trump has clearly settled on this issue as one he wants to push going forward. it's something to keep a very close eye on, guys, as we all watch what happens over the course of these days and weeks. victor and christi? >> thank you so much. we want to bring in cnn politics reporter eugene scott. eugene, good to see you this morning. so donald trump constantly saying that this election is rigged as he's talking about. paul ryan says it is fair. i want to put up his exact verbiage here. "our democracy relies on confidence in election results. and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity." here's the question. do you get a sense that donald trump is trying to initially say listen, it's rigged because if,
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for instance, in the end it doesn't go in his favor he is -- he's paving the way for that, for that excuse to be the reason? >> absolutely. i think donald trump in using the language of it being rigged, it's not just attacking his rival and the democratic party but also the republican party as well. and so when he uses that type of language he's mustering up frustration from his supporters to be lodged at paul ryan and all those other lawmakers who have backed away from trump and hoping that they can somehow move forward with taking the momentum that they've built into an area that leads to some type of changes in the process. >> let's talk about this "washington post"/abc poll, the newest. since the tape came out last week of donald trump on the bus with "access hollywood." overall, clinton has a four-point lead, it shows, but let's be honest. as victor said earlier, there's a four-point margin of error
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here. so they are essentially tied. is that going to surprise some people as we sit in the aftermath of everything that has happened since that "access hollywood" tape was shown last week? >> i don't think it surprises that many people who are very aware of the amount of people who are never clinton. i think a lot of people at trump's support -- at his rallies, his supporters, his base, are under the belief that these are just allegations, they have not been proven to be true. and they still support many of the ideas that he proposes or at least believe that they are better than those that hillary clinton has proposed. it'll be interesting to see what happens at this debate, if we will be able to go back to the issues and talk about the topics that matter most to americans or if much of the time will be spent on these personal accusations. >> and it seems that hot mike reporting on the bus didn't have a lot of effect on his support. 84% of republicans and 60% of independents say it's not even
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going to make a difference to them and how they vote. is that because of the anti-clinton sentiment that's out there? >> it's because of that as well as the fact that there are many people who really do believe that donald trump will make america great again "uss a better candidate than hillary clinton. i think a demographic to pay closer attention to is women voters. how have they moved? the republican party really does need to make some improvements, some strides in the amount of women backing donald trump. and based off the most recent magic wraul i've seen with john king there has been a shift amongst some women voters, even republican women, since that recording. >> there's an article in the "times" this morning talking about hillary clinton and says "though hillary clinton has stood at the center of feminist debates for more than two decades, she has at times been an imperfect messenger for the cause. that has never been more apparent than now as her old missteps and her husband's history have effectively paralyzed her during a moment of widespread outrage." in other words, they're saying she does not have the credence
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or the clout to counter some of what donald trump is saying and to attack him when it comes to how he views women. what do you say to that? >> well, that's absolutely true. to people who don't support her, her track record of handling these situations is questionable. but even more important than that, the women vote is a very diverse voting bloc. it's nowhere near as monolithic as people talk about. so the reality is different women see different issues differently, and therefore respond and vote accordingly. not every woman would look at how donald trump and how he has responded to the situation and find it problematic. and that's what we're seeing the polls suggest. >> and this poll in the "washington post" too shows 68%, rather, 68% of women polled do think that donald trump made unwanted sexual advances. but again, it does not seem to be taking a hit in his overall numbers. we appreciate it so much, eugene scott. thanks for being with us. >> thanks, christi. >> let's remember, this poll was
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taken between the 10th and the 13th, after the release of the video but before we started to see this pileup of accusers. and now there's more potential fallout for donald trump. another woman has come forward. she is the ninth accuser. but the question is are these allegations going to hurt him at the polls? we'll dig deeper into these numbers in just a moment. and wikileaks releasing new hacked e-mails apparently from the clinton campaign. this time talking about her wall street speeches. with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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well, the sexual assault scandal surrounding donald trump still has wheels in motion here. a ninth woman has come forward now accusing the republican
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candidate of grabbing and then kissing her without her permission. she says this was an incident that happened nearly 20 years ago. here's our jessica schneider. >> reporter: victor and christi, 63-year-old cathy heller is now the ninth woman to speak out, claiming that donald trump kissed her without consent in the middle of a mar-a-lago brunch in the late 1990s. cathy heller first shared her story with the "guardian" newspaper. and cnn is working to further corroborate her story. but i did speak with cathy heller on the phone as well as her friend susan klein, who she shared her story with a year and a half ago, when donald trump was rising in political prominence. now, heller tells me she was at mar-a-lago on mother's day with her extended family since her in-laws were members of that private club. heller says when she was introduced to trump he allegedly pulled her toward him and then kissed her. heller says she was startled and pulled back. she tells me her husband saw it happen as did other members of her family and they just considered it a family joke.
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but she says once that "access hollywood" tape came out it became a real issue in this presidential campaign. she realized it was no longer a laughing matter. and cathy heller says she became compelled to speak out along with those eight other women. now, the trump campaign vigorously denying all of these allegations. the trump team issuing the latest statement about cathy heller's claims, saying this, saying "the media has gone too far in making this false accusation. there is no way something like this would have happened in a public place on mother's day at mr. trump's resort. it would have been the talk of palm beach for the past two decades. the reality is this. for the media to wheel out a politically motivated democratic activist with a legal dispute against the same resort owned by mr. trump does a disservice to the public, and anyone covering this story should be embarrassed for elevating this bogus claim." now, i did talk to cathy heller. she admits that she is a hillary
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supporter and she also says that she did have a legal dispute with mar-a-lago. but still, she became compelled to speak out. victor and christi in. >> jessica, thank you so much. now, with only a few weeks until election day a new "washington post"/abc news poll shows trump is just four points behind hillary clinton, virtually nothing. or at least very little has changed. most voters say the leaked video of trump bragging about groping women does not affect their vote. here are the numbers. clinton ahead of trump 47 to 43 among likely voters. compare that to the same poll conducted in july, when clinton was up eight points. let's discuss now with scott folden, former chairman of the washington, d.c. democratic party, hillary clinton supporter. also stacy washington, a republican talk show host and donald trump supporter. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, victor. >> so let me start here. we talked about the poll in late july from abc news and the "washington post." let's go to the one right before the convention. this morning the numbers are 47-43 clinton.
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before the conventions began 47-43 clinton. the same in this poll. now, we know that fox has clinton up seven. nbc news and the "wall street journal" have her up nine. so we'll find out if this is a trend or an outlier. let's put up on the screen what's happened since july. there have been so many events. they've got two conventions, two debates. we have the wikileaks that targeted the dnc and targeted hillary clinton. the video of clinton stumbling into that van. we have the allegation that's have come out, the "access hollywood," and still the numbers are the same. let me find you from you, scott, first. for all the people saying this is hofer, this is evidence it's just as tight as it has ever been. >> well, we've always said, the clinton campaign has always said that the polls are going to fluctuate. so whether it's over or not, i think when we talk about it being over, the political pundits, we're looking at the real polls in the battleground states and the polling about women supporters. trum can't win without women suburban educated voters and
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he's not winning that. she's up by 20 points. he's battling her in ohio. but in the other battleground states she's well ahead by either five to ten points on average. they're fighting it out in florida. but the other key piece on the polling is that she's up and making him work and defend and fight in red states now on a competitive basis like georgia. so we know the national polls are going to fluctuate but it's all about the road to 270 and he can't get there. >> yeah, stacy, we have here at cnn reported extensively about how that path is narrowing when you go through florida, pennsylvania, through ohio, north carolina as well. what do you think this sends, the message it sends potentially to speaker paul ryan, who saw some backlash maybe he didn't expect a couple of days ago and many of those members of congress who've walked away and we've seen some return to the trump campaign. >> yeah. i think it's so interesting that you brought up paul ryan in light of the fact that he
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himself was primaried by a very interesting person paul nailon and it didn't go anymore but it was a statement from his own voters in his own state of how dissatisfied they were with his performance on behalf of washington. and now we have him basically turning tail and running at the first sign of trouble with donald trump. it's been an interesting campaign season, and i think after the presidential election is when paul ryan is going to really meet up with the reality of his actions during this campaign. i honestly can't believe he would take this time out to talk about his feelings on an issue that hasn't been substantiated instead of supporting the nominee, which is what we did when he was running with mitt romney. >> so i know that there are some people who are watching and take issue with your characterization that this is the first sign of trouble with donald trump considering some of the statements he made during the primary. but let me get to paul ryan because do we have the sound of donald trump talking about the rigged election? do we have that ready? let's listen to it.
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>> the election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect hillary clinton president. but we are going to stop it. we are not going to back down. >> now, we have this statement out from a spokeswoman for paul ryan's office. "our democracy relies on confidence in election results and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity. i know you, stacy, have some issues with the speaker. but this is what you'd expect someone in his position to do because there is no evidence that this election is rigged. right? >> actually, we have the video that just came out last week with the democratic leader in new york city of the election commission admitting on a live camera, a hidden camera, that voters are bused around certain
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precincts to vote multiple times and that he even is concerned about the integrity of his vote being diluted by people who are voting multiple times. you have the college student -- >> so you believe the election is rigged? >> no, i don't believe it's rigged. but i think there's a concern about election fraud. and i don't think it's being covered adequately in the media. >> all right. scott, you say to that what? >> i say to that that the idea the system is rigged is ridiculous because the states run the voting process in every state and you would have a vast right-wing -- right-wing or left-wing conspiracy in order to say it's a massive rigging. and so that's really ridiculous. with speaker ryan i don't think he has much choice because donald trump is threatening to undermine the integrity of the whole election process that is the core piece of law and order and how we have transitioned to power in this country. so he's got to come out and say that because it's true. we know every report and every document or research that's done on voter fraud that it's minimal
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state to state. that these whole ideas of voter fraud have really escalated to unreasonable levels. so that's my response. the bottom line is this. every vote counts. we've got systems to defend against the russians trying to hack into those voter systems. we haven't been able to fight them with the wikileaks piece. and donald trump ought to be denouncing that as well as supporting the integrity of the voting process. this is still america and he's being very un-american when he says -- >> that's absolutely an unfounded statement. he's not being un-american. there's nothing un-american talking about voter fraud and things -- >> he's not. he's talking -- >> there's a difference between talking about specific cases of voter fraud and we know that that is on a very small scale, and saying that there is a grand conspiracy that this system and this election is already rigged. but we've got more time to talk about that. we do want to include a lighter moment. try to give some balance here. if you weren't up and because
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you're watching television at this hour maybe you didn't see it. "snl" last night, their take on the second presidential debate. let's watch. >> good evening. my question is for hillary. tonight donald trump said you should be in jail. he said you have hate in your heart. and he followed you around the stage like a shark. so my question is what do you like about him? [ laughter ] >> well, this one's actually easy. donald trump and i disagree on almost everything. but i do like how generous he is. just last friday he handed me this election. [ laughter ] >> scott, thoughts? >> well, i think most voters, democratic voters believe he has done that with these nine allegations. i think "snl's" hilarious. i'd like to be in the audience on some of this before we vote on november 8th. i think him doubling down on the women and attacking their appearance, we know sexual groping and assault is about power, not appearance.
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and i think the more he talks about it, the more he's going to drive a wedge between women voters where he's behind by about 20% already. so i think it's a problem for him to continue to talk about this. >> stacy, last word goes to you. >> you know what? the polls show that it's not a problem. the polls show that people are more concerned about jobs and the economy and whether or not hillary clinton has ceded control of her offices in the past to foreign entities like george soros surrogates. sought the wikileaks are an issue. we should talk about that a little bit more. and we should ask hillary clinton if she believes all victims, meaning juanita broaddrick and some of the others who have accused her husband of rape or is donald trump innocent until proven guilty? which of those are the concepts that are most american? >> were are -- >> we've got to wran wrap it there. but those two concepts are not mutually exclusive for either of the men we're talking about. scott bolden and stacy washington, we'll have you back and we're talking wikileaks in the next half hour. clinton versus trump. you've got to watch wednesday.
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the final presidential debate. it's right here on cnn. live coverage starts at 4:00. and another story we are following closely this morning. at any moment the battle for mosul, iraq will begin. why iraq's largest city is a crucial target in this war on isis. the right things working together can give you an advantage. like trubiotics with immune support advantage. its unique formula supports immune health in two ways. with probiotics that work in your gut. and antioxidants that work throughout your body. trubiotics from one a day. ♪ sing girl, come on. ♪[ singing ]♪ sorry, ariana you gotta go. seriously? verizon limits me and i gotta get home. you're gonna choose navigation over me? maps get up here. umm... that way. girl! you better get on t-mobile! why pay more for data limits? introducing t-mobile one, unlimited data for everyone. get four lines just $35 a month.
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well, now the invasion is imminent. at any moment now iraqi forces will start moving into the country's second largest city, mosul. >> yeah, mosul's been held by isis forces for more than two years now. and the iraqi air force today, well, actually has been dropping
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leaflets, we should point out, warning civilians of the coming fight. some isis fighters, we know, are already on the run. cnn's senior international correspondent ben wedeman has covered this extensively. he's joining us live from iraq. ben, is there any indication that iraqi fighters have a good gauge of how many isis fighters or militants may still be holed up in mosul and ready to fight them in. >> reporter: it's not clear at this point, christi, but what we understand from diplomats in baghdad is they think there's somewhere between 3,000 and 4,500 isis fighters in mosul. what we do know from speaking to people inside mosul is it appears many of the isis fighters, especially the foreigners, are being moved. moved perhaps to syria for a final last stand. we understand there are some foreign fighters left.
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we're told basically pakistanis and chechens. but certainly it does appear that mosul is bracing for this imminent offensive which will involve tens of thousands of members of the iraqi armed forces, paramilitary groups, as well as kurdish fighters, and there are somewhere around 5,000 u.s. military personnel also on the ground and will be providing support. in addition to the u.s.-led coalition which has been striking isis targets in and around mosul steadily now for quite some time. the situation in the city, however, is tense. we understand that isis has closed shut many of its offices in anticipation of this battle. they've also, for instance, released prisoners, people who are being held for such offenses as smoking cigarettes, shaving their beards, and wearing the wrong kind of clothing. these people have been forced to
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go out and dig a network of trenches and tunnels for the defense of the city. but many of the residents of mosul, which we don't know the precise number, somewhere between 700,000 to a million, apparently are waiting desperately to be freed from the control of isis. isis has been in control of mosul since june of 2014. christi, victor? >> it's hard to overestimate the symbolic and strategic value of retaking that city after so long, especially as it relates to isis there in iraq. ben wedeman, thanks so much. >> thank you, ben. well, wikileaks seems to be living up to its promise to hack the clinton campaign. more hacked e-mails have been released including what appears to be transcripts of three paid speeches to goldman sachs. , the search for relief often leads... here... here... or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy.
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welcome back. so glad to have you with us. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. always good to be with you. >> well, let's talk about this new poll this morning showing hillary clinton and donald trump statistically in a tie right now. the brand new "washington post"/abc news poll does have clinton ahead of trump by just four points, but that is within
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the margin of error. >> the poll is released as another woman now comes forward to say that donald trump kissed her without consent. this was nearly 20 years ago. the woman's name, cathy heller. she is the ninth trump accuser. but the trump campaign says there is no way her account is true. meanwhile, trump is not backing down from his claims that this election is rigged. he's also now suggesting that hillary clinton is on drugs. >> we should take a drug test prior -- because i don't know what's going on with her. >> in the meantime, hillary clinton's campaign may have some new questions to answer about her e-mail scandal. wicky leaks released more of her campaign's e-mails including what appears to be a transcript of three speeches to goldman sachs. it's important to note cnn has not independently verified the authenticity of these e-mails. but let's talk to a. scott bolden former chairman of the wash v washington, d.c. democratic party and clinton supporter and stacy washington a
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republican talk show host and donald trump supporter. thank you both for sticking around. we appreciate it. >> good morning, christi. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i want to get to one of these elements that was released by wikileaks. in october 2013 there was an implication that action was necessary to curb wall street abuses for, quote, political reasons. i want to read to you what part of this shows. in one of her speeches hillary clinton allegedly said, "there was also a need to do something because for political reasons if you were an elected member of congress and people in your constituency were losing jobs and shutting businesses and everybody in the press is saying it's all the fault of wall street you can't sit idly by and do nothing." so scott, is the implication here that wall street wasn't necessarily doing anything wrong but for political reasons you needed to make some changes? >> only the republicans would say that. let's be real clear. i condemn and all of us including donald trump and his supporters ought to condemn
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these wikileaks that we have tied -- the government has tied to russia. so we can't confirm it in any event. but let me be real clear. for political reasons in congress and in this country, absolutely. constituents are hurting. they vote for their elected representatives. and something had to be done. the other part is the art of it. substantive housing crisis and people like donald trump betting on the housing crisis in order to generate more money and to create new products on wall street that harm the middle class and the working class and home ownership. absolutely. that's part of the political process. but that's also an important economic deal that needed to be fixed. and it certainly was. >> stacy, what's your reaction? >> it's an admission that she has two policy positions, one when she's with her friends on wall street, who are huge donors to her campaign, and she's been paid millions of dollars in fees to come and speak to them privately. she didn't want this stuff
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released. she was asked for the transcripts of these speeches. she didn't let them out. now we have wikileaks coming out with these. the idea that somehow trump is connected to it is a deflection. hillary clinton should come out and talk about the substance of these speeches and she should apologize. if you have two positions, one in private and one in public, it means you're a liar. it's duplicity. and i think she should address it on television. >> but christi, there's nothing lying going on between hillary clinton and her speeches. in fact, a cnn report i just read said by and large her public position is consistent with what she said to wall street. the danger is these leaks give you but one focus or one angle on many things that she said publicly versus privately and they by and large are the same. and by the way, why hasn't wikileaks hacked into donald trump's campaign and released those? because wikileaks wants him to win and we know, we've leaked wikileaks to the russian hackers and putin.
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now, that is a problem, and that's something that donald trump and his supporters ought to condemn much like many democrats have. we're not going to confirm it. but the good thing is when you look into the clinton deliberation process it is completely consistent with her public process and what her private positions have gun. they're one and the same. and you can't deny that. >> stacy? >> it's consistent because she's lied to the american public before about her e-mails -- >> oh, my goodness. >> -- while she was secretary of state. >> and she's apologized about that. it's a dead horse. >> you can talk all you want while i'm talking but it's actually rude to do that. you don't respect me and you don't think i deserve time here on cnn to express my opinions. >> that's certainly not the case. i was just correcting you. >> look, the point isn't that you can correct me here. the point is that now that the sunlight has been shined on what hillary clinton believes, on her private conversations with wall street, that she didn't want anybody to know about. now you're deflecting to donald trump, the russians and talking about how these things may or may not be substantiated.
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they're substantiated beyond the fact they're hacked information. the american people have the right to know what the next president of the united states according to you feels about wall street and all of these other topics that she spoke on while she was paid by these same organizations. so you can talk about the russians. you can talk about hacked this, hacked that. you can blame donald trump. but the american people deserve answers. >> well, christi -- >> and it's not republican this. it's not the fault of the republicans she made these speeches. republicans didn't write these speeches for her. she wrote them along with her speech writers. these are her words. she should talk about them. >> scott, you have the last word here. >> real quick, the bottom line is this. is there any inconsistency whatsoever between what she said in her speeches -- >> yes. >> -- if they're accurate and what she said publicly? and everyone who looks at this is looking for the big bombshell. there isn't. they were completely consistent. and you can say it over and over again, stacy, but that doesn't make it true. you sound like donald trump. and he's inaccurate and most of
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the time in his pronouncements. >> i'm sorry -- >> you interrupted me as well. you don't respect me now? >> we're out of time. and i always appreciate the passionate conversation, though. thank you both. scott bolden -- >> thanks for having me on. >> appreciate your time. thank you. and remember, it is clinton versus trump this wednesday. the final presidential debate showdown. live coverage begins right here on cnn at 4:00 p.m. eastern. a domestic terror plot stopped in kansas. why investigators say three men planned to load trucks full of explosives, and who investigators say they intended to target. farm fresh ingredients, step-by-step recipes, delivered to your door for less than $9 a meal.
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the plan, allegedly, to pack four vehicles full of explosives and park them at four corners of an apartment complex in garden city, kansas. the target, they say, 120 somali immigrants living in that apartment complex. one of the units in the building is used as a mosque. >> now three men who are part of a militia group called the crusaders, they're in jail. they're charged with domestic terrorism. the department of justice said they had a very detailed plan. listen. >> it's alleged the defendants conducted surveillance to size up potential targets. they stockpiled firearms, ammunition, and explosive components. they even prepared a manifesto describing their beliefs to be published after the bombing. one of them said the bombing would "wake people up." >> the investigation took eight months. they were convicted of conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction.
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curtis allen, gavin wright, and patrick smith would face life in prison. more than 1,000 firefighters are battling a growing wildfire in nevada. it's the little valley fire. that's what it's being called. it's near lake tahoe. so far it's destroyed 22 homes. now, firefighters say strong winds are making it really difficult to contain the fire. right now we're told it's roughly 20% contained. at least four people were treated for smoke inhalation and the governor has declared a state of emergency for that area. if you're going to go swimming with sharks -- >> let's stop there. >> more power to you. >> why are we going swimming with sharks? >> we're not. let's make that very clear. at least you'd think you could be safe if you're inside one of the cages, right? the steel cage. maybe not. look at this. can we drop the banner there? you saw the size of that great white shark there when it surfaced. according to the man who posted this video, what it's doing, look at this. it's going after a rope with tuna on it. but apparently when sharks lunge
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at food they are temporarily blinded. so the shark isn't attacking the cage. they say he's struggling against. and sharks, oh, my gosh, they can't swim backwards. so that's what happens. the good news is the dive instructor in the cage swam back up and climbed out of it unharmed. >> so now you're in a cage with a shark. >> no. no. i'm not. >> no, i'm not. >> all right. yeah. don't do that. donald trump, hillary clinton preparing for their third debate. but just so we don't forget the second one, "snl," they weighed in on some of the highlights. we'll have a bit of that next. well, car accidents. did you know this? are the leading cause of death among teens in the united states. more than cancer, more than homicide combined. this week's cnn hero is battling that shocking statistic. he's teaching kids how to properly handle themselves on the road in everyday and emergency situations. meet jeff payne.
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>> a lot of parents would never toss their kid a loaded gun and tell them to have fun, but many of them just don't think twice about throwing them the car keys. we just throw the kids out there on the road and expect them to be prepared to handle every situation. and that's just not the case. we're just doing our job so we can make a difference out there and make the road safer for all of us.
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hello and welcome to the second and worst ever
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presidential debate. i'm martha raddatz. >> and i'm anderson cooper. and before we begin, we just need to do one last thing. [ laughter ] >> much better. now let's get this nightmare started. >> sometimes it feels like you need just a nice warm shot to get things going. for the, as they called it, the worst ever presidential debate. "saturday night live" not holding back when it comes to the state of this election. >> yeah. last night they took on not only the debate, which should point out, but some recent accusations and some missteps on both candidates' part. cnn's senior media correspondent brian stelter breaking it all down. this is where you have fun with your job, brian. >> oh, for sure. and we need it this week. we've got to dig deep this week to find some laughs after all the things we've heard during this season of this election. but "snl" last night did try to recreate the debate. oftentimes just using the candidates' own words.
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here was the portion of alec baldwin and kate mckinnon recreating the moment when trump brought up several of bill clinton's accusers who were in the audience. >> mr. trump, we received a lot of questions online about the audiotape that was released last week of you bragging about sexually assaulting women. >> listen, what i said is nothing compared to what bill clinton has done. okay? he has abused women. and martha, anderson, hold on to your nips and your nuts. because four of those women are here tonight. four of them. >> wait. i'm sorry. who's here? >> mistresses? bill, how could you? how will i go on with the debate? i'll never be able to remember my facts and figures now. oh, donald, no! get real. i'm made of steel. this is nothing. hi, girls. >> maybe that's what people
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imagined would happen. i was talking to a group of comedians the other day who said they actually have a very hard time making fun of this election because so much of it is inherently either depressing or already funny. but "snl," they're trying to exaggerate the debate pretty effectively. >> and there were several awkward moments, some uncomfortable moments. and "snl," they certainly captured them. >> yeah, trump has denied encroaching on clinton's space during the debate. there was one of those moments where he seemed to be right behind her in one of the camera angles. so "snl" also parodied that. take a look. >> can't deny you coverage because of a pre-existing conditi condition. ♪ [ "jaws" music ] and number three -- sorry. i thought i -- number three. women can't be charged more than -- i thought i -- women
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can't be charged more than men for health insurance. okay in and number 4 -- ♪ >> i think i've seen that movie before. i don't know about you guys. i think anderson and martha were the real winners of the debate and definitely the winners of that sketch last night. >> absolutely. and "snl," they bring it every week. looking forward to next week. >> no doubt about it. it just amazes me the talent on that show. not only to come up with the sketches -- >> and to do it so quickly. >> but the imitations. >> yeah. >> fabulous. brian stelter, always good to have you here. thank you, sir. >> thanks. >> and you know, you can get more brian stelter. his show "reliable sources" this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. and guess what is this it's almost 7:00 already. >> yeah, it is. you get more of us too. next hour of your new day starts right after a quick break. ple tn the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter.
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the election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing completely false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect her president. >> house speaker paul ryan is rejecting that assertion that the race is fixed. >> there's no evidence that the electoral process is rigged against anybody. >> i think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. because i don't know what's going on with her. this just in. wikileaks releasing what it says are more hacked e-mails from the clinton campaign. >> now, the clinton camp is not saying whether or not the e-mails released by wikileaks are authentic. >> these drops of these e-mails frankly almost every day in these final weeks of the election.


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