tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 26, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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right now? >> why don't you -- >> i went to harvard law school and i mean in numbers and facts. >> when you look at, i have a law degree from harvard. >> did you study there for years? >> no. >> for gallup, the media has the lowest approval rating in recorded history. >> are not you doing what donald trump says it does? that you can things and you went to a fancy school that i didn't? that's what donald trump's campaign has become its own worst enemy. accusing the democrats all the time they say that hillary clinton was an enabler. >> i want you to know, we were working on republican campaigns way before you were. for you to sit there and say we're not representative of republican swem a miss take. we need learn to live with our differences. we need on learn to embrace
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diversity of thoughts. i need learn to live with your thoughts and try on focus whatever the hell we might have in common. i'm sure there is something. >> do not question -- >> do not say we are not representative. 78% of republicans are supporting trump. 90% of democrats supporting clinton. you want to talk facts? that's a fact. >> i want to apologize to you for being millennial. i know millennials are not allowed to have an opinion. >> oh! >> let me play my old ancient stradivarius for you. >> i think the. this panel has the come down to very vitriolic attacks when the numbers are brought up, when you don't have facts on retort to my facts. >> 90% of democrats are supporting hillary clinton. >> playing the violin.
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>> it's -- >> it's not a fact when i poke holes. >> we're going to take a break. we're just, we're not, actually. why would we? >> we just passed the top of the hour. i welcome you if you're just joining us. i hope you're having something to eat and drink. some wine. i would like some wean right now. orange kool-aid could apply. >> we've got donald trump's kids telling about the dad they know including the take most controversial statements. >> he is who he is. he is going to say exactly what he's thinking. he doesn't need to hear what the question is or the story is in advance. >> we'll have more on that in a moment. we'll begin new national polling. it fanarrows the polls. hillary clinton still leading but by less than a couple days
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ago. donald trump just wrapping up an event who has been discounting the polls for weeks saying it's rigged. he takes a knock or two from one of his surrogates. more on that from jason carroll. >> i'm tired of the excuses from our politicians. i'm tired of being told what cannot be done. >> taking a brief break from the campaign trail on promote his new hotel in washington, d.c. and striking an optimistic tone. >> there is nothing we cannot accomplish. the united states is great. it's great. its people are great. >> trump says action men is what the country needs. this is what i want to do for our country and this is what we're working so hard to do. right now. just about everything our
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government touches is broken or breaking. it is always over budget, behind schedule, and simply nothing works. >> and trump took an opportunity to again take aim at the media. >> by the way, congratulations, newt on, last night. that was an amazing interview. we don't play games, right? we don't play games. >> the gop nominee referring to megyn kelly's interview with newt gingrich. losing cool. >> you are fascinated with sex and you don't care about public policy. >> me in. >> that's what i get out of watching you tonight. >> you know what, mr. speaker? i'm not fascinated by sex but i am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the oval office. and i think the american voters would like to know. >> sending blend back to east
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wing. you are worried about sexual predators. >> he's not on the ticket. and the polls show the public is less interested in the deeds of hillary clinton's husband than they are in the deeds of the man who asks to us make him president, donald trump. we're going to have to leave it at that and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, mr. speaker. >> and you too. >> and trump taking offense when dana bash asked him today, during the ribbon cutting, if it was worth it. >> so some people say you're taking time out of swing states to do this. >> you have been covering me for the last long time. i did yesterday eight stops and three major speeches and i've been doing this for weeks straight. i left there for an hour and a half. i'm going to north carolina now. then to florida, then to new hampshire. for to you ask me that question actually very insulting because hillary clinton does one stop and then she goes home and sleeps.
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and yet you'll ask me that question. i think it is a very rude question, to be honest with you. >> jason carroll joins us. the trump campaign saying all these polls that show him behind, that they are all, they're almost all inaccurate. that he's actually winning, right? >> right. he mentioned these polls tonight. the polls showing him behind in some of the battle ground states. he says they're phony polls put out there by the rigged media. he doesn't think all the polls are bad. he mentioned a new poll out of state of north which shows him up by 2 points. that poll he agrees. with he said that many of those folks showing up in the state of north for early voting, he believes that many of those folks are trump supporters. so once again, he did mention the phony polls but those are just the polls show him behind. the poll that shows him up. that poll he likes. >> hillary clinton marked her birthday today.
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she didn't, however, get a birthday present. which may be why she is campaigning hard. more on her day. >> florida can make the difference. >> with new polling which could suggest a tightening race in florida, hillary clinton is taking nothing for granted. >> i am going to work as hard as i can over these next 13 days, weeching out to as many as possible. >> spending her second straight day in a sfat could all but guarantee white house. warning against complacency. >> we can't take our foot off the gas. even for a short time. >> throwing more jabs, donald trump's way. >> listening to donald trump's campaign, i truly doubt that he has ever read the constitution. if he did, back in school, he
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certainly doesn't remember it and he doesn't understand. it is the most important founding document for the longest lasting, greatest democracy in the history of the world. >> her attacks, including a dig. trump was at a ribbon cutting ceremony in washington, d.c. >> while the hotel may be new, it is the same old story. he relied on undocumented workers to make his project cheaper. and most of the products in the rooms were made overseas. and he even sued to get his taxes lowered. >> clinton punctuating her two events in the state with two new ads. the latest date showing more than 7 million votes have been cast. including more than 4.6 million in battleground states. numbers that underscore the
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importance of the moment. she maintains a comfortable national lead according to the poll of polls. this all coming on cleanse's 69th birthday. the moment celebrated by a cake. now a new headache for the clinton campaign in the latest wikileaks released hacked e-mails. now just a master server creator saying there is no good answer. it is an acknowledgement that adds to the continued fallout created by a separate e-mail. this from one of clinton's most loyal advisers, saying when it came to the e-mail server, the clintons wanted to get away with it. >> that new poll showing trump leading over clinton about 2 points. seems to fly in the face of what
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we've heard. >> that is rice. they're getting a lot more comfortable where they stood in the state of california. what this poll underscores, right or wrong, is where donald trump's support really is. it is in north florida, in the panhandle. if he can turn out those voters, this will be a very close race. 29 electoral votes in this state. you talk on any clinton adviser. if they win florida, the ball game is over. they win the campaign. that's why this is so important. that's why she is in florida. one thing to keep in meenld. this is the one full weekend. they've already closed the gap so that's an area democrats feel very good about. all eyes on florida. this is a make or break state.
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>> back now with the panel this hour. >> does the clinton campaign have a contingency plan for a tightening of these polls? >> i think they still believe they're ahead. they are certainly concerned from the democrats i talked on about apathy. about people thinking, it's over so we don't need to turn out. because it is an unpredictable election cycle previously leading up to this, they want to make sure they're doing everything they can to turn out the base. i'm not sure what we are hearing now in material of wikileaks or everything coming out is sinking in with the public. >> you don't think it is. >> i haven't seen polling whether it is or it isn't. i think there's so much noise that everything against the democrats.
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you have these women who say he has sexually assaulted them. i think the clinton team and the dnc have, and we discussed this in a previous block, have field operations. that's what they're leaning on and i expect they will continue to. >> do you think the drip, drip, the wikileaks. there hand been one major e-mail that has leaked out that is going to change everybody's mind. but there's been days and days and weeks of this stuff. to you believe that's taking a toll? plus with obamacare premiums going up. >> the question is is hillary clinton trust worthy? only 30% think she is and that's probably wheeks. we saw her own staff calling they are e-mailer in chief. saying she thought she could get away with this private server. >> the poll that john king showed, in addition to jobs and the economy, also on trust worthy. i think he was plus 6. >> before obamacare, there was
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hillary care. what we know in the state of florida. if you have the humana plan in the obamacare, your premium will go up in 2017 by 35%. that's a real number. that's squarely on hillary. she cannot walk away from barack obama and the disaster this has become. she is tied to it very closely. >> the problem with wikileaks here, in my view. it is complicated. it is confusing to people. compared to trump being a sexual predator. if you compare to the things that have come out in parallel over the last two or three weeks. the average voter, particularly women. wikileaks is a morass. being a sexual predator -- >> he's been accused. not a convicted sexual predator. >> thank you. >> the language that donald trump uses toward women is to be a sexual predator. >> i believe did he and i
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believe all the women who came out and testified to that are a good judgment of that. what my point was, if you compare the two, wikileaks. the issue to try to feert through. >> much more power to the average voter. >> part of the problem is is that there's a tendency to seize on whatever the headline of the day is. this hand been a consistent message. it is not a surprise that premiums are going up in october. we've known this was coming for a while. the scope may not have been known. he could have tied that to a broader economic message and a disciplined economic message over many, many months. and that might have had as much impact. >> do you want in this crucial days. i think the sports term is unforced errors. >> very good. >> jonathan has been teaching me
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about the world series. to stay on message. >> and to be perfectly candid, donald trump himself, he was on a rush limbaugh show. he said i do this and a lot of people say don't this but i believe it is important to answer issues, et cetera. i am one of those people that would suggest, stay on message and drive that message home. sum up the argument and do it over and over again. if he come back to any of the swing states. zero in on that. >> don't underestimate the power of obamacare. you saw a lot of the democrats crossing. they were upset that they were seeing their premiums go up. this is a very bipartisan issue. people see it. that's where the power is coming in. he is an undisciplined candidate. that's the problem.
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>> 80% of the people voting have already made their decision, right? and early voting is starting. >> i think the bright light for democrats is that women, the women early voting is really high in record number. and young voters as well. >> republicans find themselves in hillary clinton's corner. randi kaye talks to them. >> if you're asking, do i think that he knows that he is a polarizing guy? yes. i think the answer is 100%. do i think he cares? no. ♪ sing girl, come on. ♪[ singing ]♪ sorry, ariana you gotta go. seriously? verizon limits me and i gotta get home. you're gonna choose navigation over me?
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oh, what a relief it is! they offer a claim-freerance a smdiscount.. because safe drivers cost less to insure, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. [aand i've never seen a rocketge ship take off like this. [owner] i'm lindsey. i'm the founder of ezpz. my accountant... ...he's almost like my dad in this weird way. yeah, i'm proud of you. you actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day (laughs). [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] i've been able to say, okay...'s the challenges you're going to have. and we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. and what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at we've got never before heard insight into who trump is.
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while treching book the truces about trump two years ago. he gave us the recordings. last night it was trump himself and his ex-wife ivana. it was fascinating. tonight we hear from trump's they have oldest children. >> do you want your father to go into politics? >> as an american, i do. as a businessman, probably not. >> record thing from 2014, the year before donald trump sr. announced his candidacy. >> i am officially running for president of the united states. >> two years before he gave up questioning the president's birth place. >> president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> trump would go on to falsely claim that he ended the birther controversy by forcing president obama by releasing his long form birth certificate in 2011. >> yes, in fact i was born in
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hawaii. >> but in 2014 his son saw the questioning as admirable. >> i appreciate it, who has the moral conviction to stand by. what's wrong with questioning something these days? and you see it. where it be mit spectrum, across racial divide. i am the white privileged son of a rich guy. this is a point where i am not even allowed to have this conversation in america today. there could be potential ramifications for taking these stances. and he has the conviction to say that's fine. i don't care. this is what i believe in. to me as an american, that is a very powerful thing. and that is a very, it is a very
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admirable quality. >> ironically, one argument donald jr. makes against president obama is the same used to question his father's fitness for the oval office. >> community organizing is a phenomenal position. you're giving that guy the nuclear football? well, i don't know. >> it provided an early window into donald trump. an unpredictable candidate like no other. >> does he understand that there is, i don't know, half the people out there who sort of have this weird opinion of him. they think he is sort of a buffoon. does he recognize that? i get the sense sometimes he thinks, everybody kind of, there are people who hate him. if you're asking, do i think he knows he is a polarizing guy? yes. the answer is 100%. do i think he cares? no. >> on the tape, his children can find little fault with their father.
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>> there are very few times in life when you come across a person who has never failed at anything. >> he is who he is. he is going to say exactly what he is thinking. >> from the tapes, it seems even a year before trump declared his candidacy, he and his efamily hd their eyes on going all the way to election day. >> you can't run a primary and be incredibly right or left. and then for the general, well, we've changed our views miraculously in the last 72 hours cynic we became the front-runner. now we have to have a view that appeases more of the centrist. it doesn't work. so he is not willing to do that for the bottom line to appease a majority of the population. it is so interesting. the loimt. the public loyalty that all the
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kids have. clearly they had difference when's they were younger. the kids seem to be cut from the same cloth. >> from the same piece of rose colored marble at trump tower. it is an us against the world kind of thing and it includes their business. they're all in the family business. two or three trump kids went to penn so they have the same ivy league affiliation. they seem to have the same political beliefs. although i think there is a generational divide that hasn't been voiced by the younger generation. i think their attitudes are quite different. >> it was also interesting to hear donald trump junior defending his dad years after
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president obama putting out his birth certificate. >> even in 2014, they were pretty sure they were going to run. donal said to me based on twitter, he was making the decision to run. nobody is ridiculous enough to base a decision on run for president on twitter. but the whole family was behind this. and i think they imagined much of what has happened today. >> all the thing like winning. the values that donald trump puts everything into. i'm not sure values is the right word. winning. it seems like they're all about that. ivanka trump has her own brand. she is marketing things, even the clothes she is wearing at public events. she tweets that that. >> there is a family perspective on life and on business. i thought it was, if don jr. warned that the business problem
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that's could arise as president and they are seeing it now. the younger generation talked about taking brand in a different direction once their father is gone. now they want to make it a third of the country. and i think that's been lost. >> the other question is how does it affect ivanka trump who has been developing her own brand. how this has affected in the short material and long term? >> she is in a terrible spot. if you think about the civil rights era and there were children of parents who expressed bigoted ideas. and the children woke up against it and found themselves wanting better. we're now in an era when bigotry based on gender or sexual orientation or all kinds of things is off the table. nobody does that. but they have a father who is
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expressing these very old-fashioned ideas. he is surrounded by other men, 70 plus, who are expressing similar ideas. it is not modern. >> is this anything that surprised you about them? about their relationship? >> well, the level of worship. they occupy offices one floor below his. when they talk about him, they say he. and it is like they're praying to the heaven. and i think they really do look to him for almost everything. and it makes some sense. they were a very embattled family when they were young. the kids banded together when they were young and i think they're together now. they're very supportive. >> they have fallen by the way
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side and they have been very successful in however you define success. >> they're steady. their family lives are exemplary. especially when compared with donald. so they are a new generation of trumps. it is just, how will they fare if this doesn't work out well? >> it's fascinating. thank you so much. just ahead, we'll hear from some of hillary clinton's most committed supporters. lifelong republicans who have banded together on make sure donald trump doesn't win their crucial state. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. try this. but just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve.
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more breaking news. a new bloomberg poll shows donald trump leading 2 points in florida. in a four-way race, florida crucial for trump. he himself has called it a must-win state. without his 29 electoral votes, he has no path to 270. if he does win florida, it will be without the support of the reddest republicans. at least until now. >> how many of are you lifelong registered republicaned? and how many of you are voting for hillary clinton?
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>> in sumpter county, florida, these five republicans are not voting that way come november 8. >> a year ago, if you had told me i was voting for hillary clinton, i would have said absolutely not. there is no way that will ever happen. >> but that's exactly what is happening. religion a fogg is so turned off by donald trump, she started a group called republicans for hillary. dozens of neighbors have joined her. her husband don fogg had a disabled niece and wrote trump off after trump mocked a disabled reporter. but he thinks trump is weak on immigration. >> it is impossible, it feeds on a fear that people have that immigration is bad for the country and is taking my job away, which is not accurate. >> ed mercer has voted republican since 1972. but just this week voted democrat oik his entire ballot. >> i am not some gigantic
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hillary clinton fan. i am not a socialist. i am not a big democratic fan. >> where do you think donald trump is weak? >> my fear of donald trump with his anti-trade rhetoric and his tax cut proposals. he is going to take little foundation we have globally and just crumble it. and i don't know what that recovery will look like. >> this retired economist looked at both tax and spend policies and decided to vote clinton. >> i realize that what hillary clinton was putting forth in her platform was more doable. >> this group calls trump's idea of a wall at the southern border impractical and none of them thinks trump is cut out to handle isis either. >> him saying i know more than the generals do. that's another blow hard tactic. he throws out these generalizations. when you dig into them, this is
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nothing. >> and with this group bits how trump treats others. especially women. whom they believe he doesn't respect. they drit "access hollywood" tape. >> i was offended by the language. i raised three sons, and to the best of my knowledge, they would never talk about women in that way. otherwise, they would have no answer to. >> and the growing number of women who come forward accusing trump of touching him inappropriately. >> he told us who he was. many times by his comments. and now women come forward to verify, yes, that's who he is. and we're shocked? >> i noticed there were two women in the group you spoke with. are they voting clinton because they want to see a woman who is president? >> actually, they don't really care about that. they don't gary seeing the first woman president. they would prefer to have a
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republican in the president even if it is a male president. they just want to make sure if it was a man, that he is qualified. they're okay with hillary clinton. thets she has become more moderate and they consider themselves moderate republicans so they're okay with that. did i ask linda fogg, the head of the group, why not vote for gary johnson or another party. she said this is a swing state, north. every vote counts shelf wants to make sure that hillary clinton gets enough votes to deny trump the presidency. >> thank you very much. a lot to discuss now. let's focus on florida. in general, what are you fwhaching florida over the next two weeks? >> i'm looking for the percentage of republicans who are going to be voting for donald trump. i just got off the phone with a lifelong republican. very involved in republican state politics who decided to hold his nose and vote for
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hillary clinton. we were talking about mitt romney. in 2012 he lost by a little under 1% of the vote. a battle ground state. romney ropp had over 90% of republicans with him. 92, 93%. right now if you look at the polling. donald trump has about 85% of republicans with him. he needs to get a larger group of republicans to go with him and say, okay, i might not love you but i'm going to vote for you. in that sense, marco rubio might help him. maybe they will decide to vote for donald trump. that's what i'm going to be looking for. >> very much everything she said. it is key to watch. there is a democratic strategist who we talk to who say watch hillsborough county. it voted for obama twice.
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it voted for president bush twice. these are not huge margins but given that voting has begun already. people are watching what is happening every day in the race. if those numbers don't start creeping up for republicans, that's problematic. >> and trump in florida, is his easiest path to victory a depressed vote for secretary clinton? that people don't turn out? >> well, he can hope for that. but the get out the vote effort is supposed to be pretty good. i think he has to convince those vote here's might stay at home because they don't like either choice, to come with him. this republican i was talking on, it was interesting on the subl, he said, look, i'm voting against donald trump the way i feel like i can atone for my sin is also to vote for marco rubio.
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so he believes that in a sense, some of these anti-trump republicans could actually help marco rubio. >> gloria borger, thank you. just ahead, for at least the 30th time. trump's campaign trail merges with him promoting his businesses. he's also talked about the trump line to what he said were trump steaks. they were steaks being sold in mar-a-lago. what about the brand? isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic
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they are glad to meet the guests and that opportunity that airbnb has given me is such a priceless gift. i was able to take three months off to take car of my family during a family tragedy. the extra income that i get from airbnb has been a huge impact in my life. donald trump had an event today. he had an event not focused on the battleground states but on opening his new hotel in washington. dana bash asked him about it. >> the people who say you're taking time out of swing states to go do this, you say -- >> i stay following. you have been covering me for the last, a long time. i did yesterday eight stops and three major speeches and i've been doing this for weeks straight. i left there for an hour and a
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half. i'm going to north carolina now. i'm going on florida and then to new hampshire. for you to ask me that question is actually very insulting because hillary clinton does one stop and then sleeps. and yet you'll ask me question. i think it is a very rude question, to be honest with you. i want to back my children. they worked very hard, ivanka in particular. and at the opening of the hotel, i want to back my children. so we had a ribbon cutting. and i stopped in d.c. but the real key to this, i want the american people to understand, this is under budget, ahead of schedule. and we need -- >> just so you know, i've been reporting on the fact that you're going to north carolina for a couple stops. my next question is there is a new poll in florida that haus up a couple of points. other swing states have you really in the hunt. given that, are you prepared to write a check to help yourself get over the finish line? if so, how big?
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i'm talking about advertising. >> let me tell you that we have over $100 million in the campaign. hillary clinton has nothing in the campaign. she is all special interests and donors. and she will do whatever they tell her to do. but i will have over $100 million in the campaign and i'm prepared to go much more than that. now, your question, the new polls are coming out. we're leading florida. we're doing great in north carolina, great in pennsylvania, great all over. really well in new hampshire, ohio, as you know, and iowa. doing fantastically well. i'm telling you, cnn doesn't say it but i think we'll win. >> to do that, you have a pretty big bank account. and time is running out. the clock is ticking. >> i've already done it. >> specifically to get up on the air to combat the ads that you say hillary clinton is running against you. >> in florida, she is 50-1 against me. >> but you have the means to combat that in.
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>> 50-1 and i'm leading. in the old days you would get credit. if you would spend less money and have victories. today they want to you spend money. i'll have over $100 million. i'm willing to spent more than that if we need to. you see it, the lines going into voting booths are unbelievable. we passed four of them. those are not her voters can you be specifically? how much are you willing to put down in order to -- >> i will have over $100 million in. i'm willing to invest more than that. >> like how much? >> let's go to the next question, dana. >> that was dana bash at his hotel opening. this is at least the 30th time the trump campaign has done double duty as advertising for his businesses. >> from the beginning, trump's
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brand has been all over his presidential bid. references to his tv show, properties, helicopters and hotels. it all started when he announced his candidacy with an escalator ride at his corporate headquarters and a shout out to himself. >> great to be at trump tower. great to be in a wonderful city, new york. >> and it has never stopped. >> trump racked up a slew of wins. he prided hess private club in florida. >> so great to be in florida. so great to be at mar-a-lago with the press and the media. >> that's where he accepted the endorsement of his rival too. he trotted out products his company made or once made. including steaks, bottled water, an airline, a magazine. >> here, take one.
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>> and he was off to open his new resort in scotland where he had a little to say about the brexit vote which had just occurred. >> i wish everybody a lot of luck. >> but much more to say about his golf course. >> we have then number 11 which is a spectacular hole. >> time after time, trump has used politics to push his brand and his brand to push his politics. >> i have a tremendous income. a very, very great balance sheet. and if we could run our country the way i run my company, we would have a company that you would be so proud of. >> linking it all together is risky. his tweet pushing for latino voters while promoting trump taco bowls blew up into an internet joke and some have backed away from trading with trump. it is too soon to know if it will last but --
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>> it is a different brand. no question about it. >> daniel advises companies on reputation. >> the assumption from many people, he will lose. >> trump has always said his name alone is worth a fortune. you can take that as it will. last month the trump hotels said they will not bear the candidate's name but instead. >> thanks very much. >> a major announcement about the debt. they offer a claim-freerance a smdiscount.. because safe drivers cost less to insure, which saves money. and when they save, you save.
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[aand i've never seen a rocketge ship take off like this. [owner] i'm lindsey. i'm the founder of ezpz. my accountant... ...he's almost like my dad in this weird way. yeah, i'm proud of you. you actually did some of the things i asked you to do the other day (laughs). [owner] ha, ha, ha. [accountant] i've been able to say, okay...'s the challenges you're going to have. and we can get it confirmed through our quickbooks. and what steps are we going to use to beat these obstacles before they really become a problem. [announcer] get 30 days free at only new alka-seltzer plus justfree of artificial dyes and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you don't.
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store manager: clean up, aisle 4. alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. . an update on a story that sparked a lot of out range. drew griffin reported monday thousands of california guard members were ordered to pay for bonuses for enlisting, blaming it on improper bonuses. today, ashton carter suspended all efforts to reclaim the bonuses until the review is completed. presidential election, dominating the news spotlight. we want to focus on another important vote. it's time to choose the cnn voting hero of the year. the top cnn heroes for 2016 were
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chosen from thousands of nominations from viewers like you-all around the world. you can vote for your favorite hero at, through facebook messenger and on twitter, and up to ten times a day per method. voting ends at 6:00 p.m. pacific at midnight for the top ten finalists. in columbia, jason aristibal hasn't let cerebral palsy stop him from giving young ones a bright future. and a life changing kayaker, brad lunder, helps young adults with chancer. sherry franklin rescued nearly 4,000 senior dogs and found them furever homes. and omar traveling by boat, land, and air, bringing care to
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those near the sammalali border. and through education, and soccer, helping those in the united states. in chicago, sheldon smith is breaking the cycle of absentee fathers by helping young dads become positive role models. rebecca stephens has dedicated her life to helping women escape prosecution, and addiction. and georgie smith takes make-shift spaces into dream homes for those who have aged out of the foster care system. at 86 years old, harry swimmer using his horse farm to give special needs kids a leg up. and in richmond, virginia, craig dodson mentors the most out-risk youth in richmond public housing. start voting now. don't forget to share your votes on facebook and twitter.
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we'll announce the cnn hero of the year, december 11th, 8:00 p.m. pacific. i'll be co-hosting cnn heroes with the great kelly rip a. i'm very excited about that. be right back. oh no, that looks gross whoa, twhat is that? try it. you gotta try it, it's terrible. i don't wanna try it if it's terrible. it's like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. it's what you do. i can't get the taste out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. shhh! dog, dog, dog.
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and that does it for us. what a night. "cnn tonight" with don lemon starts now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. breaking news, you know the old saying, it ain't over until it's over. new polls show this race may be closer than anybody thought. this is "cnn tonight," i'm don lemon. hillary clinton's lead sclinhrig down to six points over donald trump, and the whole thing could come down to the sunshine state, florida where the new bloomberg poll has trump in the lead. just barely, but remember, this is a state that barack obama won twice. clinton today, taking nothing for granted. >> we can't take our foot off the gas even for a short
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