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tv   New Day  CNN  October 28, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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but we're fine. we're back on the campaign trail today. >> we want a president who takes this job seriously. >> is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? >> only two names on that ballot that have a chance to be president. >> we've got to tear ourselves away from this idea that it has to be the republicans or the democrats. >> we should just cancel the election, and just give it to trump, right? >> no, we demand the right to vote! >> this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning, welcome to your "new day." we begin with breaking news. the ntsb investigating a near disaster in new york. at laguardia airport. a charter plane, carrying governor mike pence, donald trump's running mate, skidded off the runway during a rainstorm there last night. the plane coming to a stop just yards from a busy highway. >> we are happy to report that governor mike pence and 47 other people on board were not hurt. we spoke to the governor moments ago. he says he is grateful for all
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of the outpouring of concern. cnn's deb feyerick sliv at new york's laguardia airport with all of the latest details. what happened? >> there were a lot of very scary moments. all we got word of last night was the plane had overshot the runway. it was a rainy night. there had been a ground stop at laguardia. now ntsb investigators are going to look to see what exactly caused that pilot to overshoot the runway. >> we have an emergency in the airport. >> a frightening experience for donald trump's running mate, mike pennsylvania. >> which we landed it was obvious the pilots were braking very aggressively on the runway. we could feel that. and then we began to feel the plane fish tail a little bit. >> dplieing in from iowa, the charter plane carrying the indiana governor skidding off the runway upon landing at new york's laguardia airport. >> we were moving down the
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runway much more quickly than a plane should be going if it's landing. >> reporter: investigators will be looking at a variety of factors, including weather. one law enforcement source telling cnn it appears pence's plane came into fast and landed too late on a rain-soaked runway. the plane was slowed thanks to slept blocks installed at the end of the runway preventing the plane from careening onto a major highway. >> the plane ended up in the arrester bed at the end of the runway, destroyed about 80 arrester bed blocks. >> the plane coming to a stop dangerously close to traffic. a safety layer on the runway torn up, avoiding a catastrophe. >> stop, stop. go around. go around. >> audio from the air traffic control tower capturing the tense moments with crews arriving on scene within one minute. >> we're getting help for you. >> officials say pence was reassured by flashing lights upon exiting the plane.
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later tweeting, so thankful everyone on our plane is safe. trump, reacting to the scare at a rally. >> i just spoke to mike pence, and he's fine. >> and alisyn, you can probably hear some of the planes taking off behind me. the runway now is open. the plane was removed at about 4:00 this morning. but, again, many of the people who were on board that plane, 37 aides, secret service, and the press corps, didn't even realize that the plane had skidded off the runway until they got out of the plane. there wasn't any chaos. there was no injuries. there were no injuries. so it was just one of those surprising things that people knew something was wrong, they just didn't quite know what until after that plane came to a stop. alisyn? >> that's right, deb. i mean we did have one of the our journalists from cnn on there who just talked about that it was a scary 30 seconds. and that you could feel it fishtailing it, and it was -- it did rattle everybody, except governor pence who described it
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as ten seconds, and said that you know, he was just happy that he could walk off the plane that meant it was a good landing. >> as much as you tried to project onto him your fear of flying, he never took the bait. >> i know. >> i've never seen him take bait less. >> i know. but i don't like that a plane can't land in a driving rainstorm. >> a plane can. although there is a legitimate question that miles o'brien brought up in the ntsb i promise will wind up giving us information on this. it is unusual to land late, with a tail wind, at that short runway, at laguardia. so why did the pilots make that decision? we'll see. another thing we've lernd that emas, that engineered material arresting system, these cement boxes that break to stop you on a short runway that don't go too far made the difference. >> that is a good invention. all right, now to the race for the white house. only eleven days left. donald trump is suggesting that we cancel the election today and declare him the winner. meanwhile, hillary clinton hitting the trail with first lady michelle obama, cnn's lacen
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jarrell joiason carroll joins u with more. is hillary clinton cool with canceling it today? >> i think a lot of people wish this whole thing would be canceled. trump has said repeatedly at his rallies that he will spend $100 million of his own money and that if he does not win the entire effort would be a waste. but if he's going to get to the $100 million mark he's going to have to spend a lot more and time is running out. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right? >> reporter: donald trump re-igniting his ununstan shated claims of a rigged election. >> you look at texas, a lot of calls were made from texas. an incredible place. i love texas. the lines are massive and they were talking about flipping, you know, where they press a button and they press it for me and another name comes up. named crooked hillary clinton. >> do we have any facts on that? >> no, they just call in. >> reporter: texas officials
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deny any voter fraud issues as trump who has repeatedly publicly called on african-americans to support him, now his campaign accused of trying to suppress their turnout through negative advertising. though the campaign denies those allegations. as new campaign finance reports show trump drastically slowing the flow of his own money to his campaign. after vowing to pump millions more into it. >> i will have over $100 million in the campaign. >> reporter: filings show the billionaire only put in $30,000 this month after consistently investing $2 million in previous months. hillary clinton, nearly doubling trump's found raising haul in october. on the stump in ohio, trump slamming the clintons after hacked e-mails reveal how much bill clinton made off lucrative speeches, and ties to his foundation's fund raisers. >> if the clintons were willing to play this fast and lose with their enterprise when they weren't in the white house, just imagine what they'll do given
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the chance to, once again, control the oval office. >> reporter: the clinton campaign saying in a statement that she never made decisions because of donations to the clinton foundation. none of the relationships being reported today are new. meanwhile, trump suggesting he might sue nbc over the release of that 2005 "access hollywood" video of him making lewd remarks about women. >> i think it was very negative. it was locker room talk. the microphone was not supposed to be on. not that i make that an excuse for myself, but, certainly, it was an illegal act. that was -- >> are you going to take any action after the election against nbc? >> you'll see. you'll see. >> reporter: a sharp contrast to clinton and the first lady joining forces in the battleground state of north carolina. >> hillary doesn't play. >> seriously, is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? >> reporter: the duo casting trump's campaign as a war on women. >> dignity and respect for women and girls.
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is also on the ballot in this election. >> reporter: and condemning trump's claim of a rigged election. >> they are trying to get you to stay home. they are trying to convince you that your vote doesn't matter. they are trying to take away your hope. >> reporter: and now that we're in the final stretch, i know you guys are happy about that, trump will be making three stops today in new hampshire, maine, and iowa. clinton, for her part, she has two stops today in iowa. the president will also be helping her out today. eel be campaigning for her in orlando, florida. >> okay, jason, thanks so much. >> let us discuss the latest claims from trumpland with wisconsin congressman shawn duffy. he supports donald trump. good to be with you this morning, duffy. >> hey, good morning, chris. thanks for having me on. >> so, out of texas, we hear from donald trump the calls are coming in, the calls are coming in are duffy, they're saying
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that the machines are not doing what they're supposed to do. here's the problem with that, it's not true. there are no calls coming in to him. there might have been a facebook post from one woman who he doesn't even talk about or hasn't been vetted but we do know is that your party is in charge of the elections down there and that your secretary of state from texas from the gop comes out and says this is untrue that the people running the elections in those two precincts that were mentioned say this is untrue. is there any line that is not okay for donald trump to step over? >> well, listen, in every election, chris, you know that we have a conversation about elections being rigged and republicans say it and democrats say it. but i'm going to say it from a guy from central wisconsin, i don't think this election is going to be rigged. are there always shenanigans that are played where dead people vote or people vote more than once? there's always allegations about these machines, and we've heard those before, and it's not necessarily who is running the machines in texas, but who
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manufactured the machines and the programs that run the machines. those allegations get made. but, i think we have a pretty good system. >> sean, i agree with you -- >> the vote in the -- >> sean this isn't a guy -- this isn't a guy grabbing you by the elbow in the bar and saying congressman you know what i heard? this is the guy you backed as president of the united states. to be the best version of ourselves, to be our face to the world. it doesn't trouble you that he just jumps on this bald speculation that the whole thing is rigged and be careful about what happens on november 8th because i may not accept it. that's okay? >> no, chris. no, listen, there are things that both candidates say and do that i don't approve of. i don't adopt everything that donald trump says or does. but i'm confronted with a choice between donald trump and hillary clinton. and i look at some of the scandals, the corruption, the dishonesty that comes from mrs. clinton's campaign, and i'll take a guy like donald trump, who even talks about a rigged election. i don't know if he got phone calls from people in texas about those machines that -- i'm not
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those phone calls or in the campaign, you know, control center. but, americans are confronted with who is a better choice? and i think through this election, i don't think people are really inspired by either choice but they have to analyze who is the best candidate who is going to grow our economy. give us rising wages. crush and defeat isis, secure our board he, all issues that we care about in wisconsin. and that's really what this comes down to. so you see things happening from both sides of the campaigns that we might not approve of as americans but the bottom line is, who is the best one to lead the country forward? >> paul ryan who is a friend of yours and you know him fellow wisconsinerness, speaker of the house, won't campaign for trump there he's doing the down ballot races making sure the party stays in control of the house hopefully the senate as well i'm sure he is doing that. why? because he says in so many words that he's going to have to live with this decision afterwards. how are you with that, congressman? are you confident that donald trump will not say or do
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something if president of the united states that will make you regret what you're doing right now to put him in that position? >> i'll come back to paul ryan in a second. but i can't say that i could vote for hillary clinton and she won't say and do things that lead me to believe that she uses the power of the presidency to personally benefit her own family. or that she's going to keep our top secret information safe. those are the questions that we're confronted with. but back to paul ryan, i mean paul is confronted not just running for congress in southeast wisconsin, paul is responsible as the speaker of the house of driving a message about, you know, what ideas are we bringing to the american people that can fix the big issues that confront our country today? you know this and you reported it, we've had a lot more races that have come in to play in this october, in the house. and it's paul's responsibility to go out there and raise money and make sure he brings back a team that is going to fight for commonsense principles to reduce regulation, fix our tax code, and -- and so i think it's
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smart, hey i'm going to pivot away from mr. trump and focus on my job as a speaker and as a republican member of congress to raise money and fight for my members, to make sure they go -- >> you know it's more than that. you know better than i do. you know him well. you know that this is about conscience versus convenience. yes, you should back your nominee. that's easier. it's going to be easier within the party especially for young stars like you. you know who doesn't want you know who who's there's no reason for you want to make trouble for yourself that you don't create yourself. but he's making a different decision. he's saying no i don't buy it. i don't want to own it. i don't want to say that i'm about the same things that donald trump is. i'm going to be for my party and those ideas. you're not doing that. >> hold on. no, no, no. so paul ryan hasn't withdrawn his support or endorsement -- >> no but he won't campaign for him. i mean when does that happen >> hold on. in wisconsin we have a great republican party from the scott walker -- >> true -- >> -- best party in the state. in the country. and paul ryan has driven a
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million dollars into our get out the vote operation that helped senator ron johnson but also helped donald trump. paul is doing things that truly help get out our vote that help donald trump. now he might not be hitting the campaign trail with him, but the things that he does, is helping our ticket up and down from the top to the senate, to house races. and again, it's easy to come at mae and say, hey, duffy why are you supporting trump look at all these bad things that he says and does. we also have to be confronted with look at all the bad things that hillary clinton does. yet, donald trump has things that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. but hillary clinton is corrupt, using american power for her own personal gain. that's an affront to the american system. you might disagree with people on policy, and decisions that they make, but you would -- but that you would bring wealth to your family from a position that the american people gave you, i think, americans completely reject and i think democrats should be confronted with, you know, those questions.
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i would love people to ask more how could you -- how could you support a candidate like hillary clinton? who would destroy 33,000 e-mails, one e-mails that are the american people's e-mails, but after you got a preservation order from the congress to keep them and turn them over, she destroyed them with a bleach bin -- she destroyed her cell phone. so we couldn't recover that information. this goes to the heart of who she is as a person -- >> congressman, you do know that the fbi -- you do know that the fbi found hillary clinton had nothing to do with stroig the e-mails that was done by an independent contractor who was told to preserve them who was told to destroy them earlier -- >> oh, come on, chris. >> hey they did the investigation. i'm not loving a political argument. i love to see prosecutions, i'm a lawyer. i'm saying they found it. they gave the guy an immunity deal hoping he would say what you just said and he didn't. that's why they couldn't bring a case. i'm just pointing out fact. >> chris, who -- whose e-mails are they and whose cell phone was it? >> hearse. >> how did this person get her personal cell phone. >> hearse. >> that they were able to
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destroy. and it was multiple cell phones. and if you want to go to that extent even with the fbi she came to congress, and she told us that she didn't have any secure private information on her server. right? no american secrets. well, comey came in and said no, no, she did have confidential information on her server. >> right. >> so she lied to the congress. that's a crime. i'm not saying she should be prosecuted. but i'm saying, listen, we have real issues here. and whether -- whether we want to look at what kind of investigation was done by the fbi, or what the doj chose to do in regard to prosecution, that's a different fact and we know i was a prosecutor. we make decisions all the time -- >> i hear you. >> -- or not. not whether you can win or lose but what is the right thing to do. >> i hear you. >> that's beside the point of did she do these things that i think are relevant to the american voter and the american people as they go to the ballot box on november 8th. and i think we're considering all these factors. >> congressman -- >> the good and the bad and the ugly of donald trump and the good, the bad and the ugly of hillary clinton. and that's why i think getting
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this information out, all of it, so we can make an informed decision is a really good thing for the american voter. >> congressman duffy, well argued. good to have you on "new day" as always. thank you, sir. >> hey, thanks, chris. >> all right. alisyn. >> independent presidential candidate evan mcmullen has a chance to do something extraordinary. to win a state and its electoral votes. could he play a pivotal role in keeping donald trump out of the white house? he joins us with this thoughts next. truck. awesome. wooooow!! let's see how the aluminum bed of this truck held up. wow holy moly. that's a good size puncture. you hear aluminum now you're gonna to go ew. let's check out the silverado steel bed. you have a couple of dents. i'd expect more dents it's truck month! make a strong decision. find your tag and get over eleven thousand total value on this silverado all star. chevy clearly held up better than the ford.
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the state of utah has gone red in the last 12 presidential elections. but cnn's neutral map puts the state now as a toss-up. donald trump is facing a challenge not only from hillary clinton, but also a conservative running as an independent. that's the man, evan mcmullen, who joins us now. good morning, mr. mcmullen. >> good morning, great to be with you alisyn. >> let's look at the latest polls. because they're fascinating. this is the y-2 analytic utah presidential poll. it shows hillary clinton and donald trump neck and neck at 26%, and you nipping at their heels at 22%. and then gary johnson all the way down at 14%, jill stein at 1%. beyond being a native son of utah, as you are, what do you think is resonating about you with voters? >> well, we're the only conservative ticket in this race, alisyn. and utah before it's a red state, before it's a republican state, it's a principled conservative state. people here care about the
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constitution. they care about the fundamental truths and principles that have made our country the most powerful and prosperous on earth. namely that all men and women are created equal and that we all have inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and they don't see that or common decency being reflected by the republican nominee, donald trump, and so, as the conservative presidential candidate in this race, i think our message is resonating here. >> but, boy, have you -- the bear of some conservative media voices. let me play for you. here's sean hannity on fox expricing his ire towards you. >> who's this idiot that's running third party that's killing trump out in utah? who put him up? what was it? the -- the -- bush people, the romney people? seriously? really you going to elect hillary because we lose utah? >> i have more.
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here's lou dobbs of fox business network who tweeted this, look deeper at him. he's nothing but a globalist. romney and norman mafia tool. what do you say to that? >> well, it's all -- it's all interesting. but it's interesting that these people who consider themselves so-called conservatives, especially sean hannity, would so attack us. you know have to ask yourself at this point, what do these men really stand for? do they stand for conservatism? do they stand for the timeless truths on which this country was founded? why would they stand with donald trump if they're true, as he attacks people based on their faith, their race, their gender. you have to wonder, are they really conservative, and in fact i think we have to ask ourselves what does the republican party stand for anymore? right now we have most elected officials with the party standing with donald trump, even as he brags about the sexual
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assault of women. even as he aligns himself with bashar al assad, and putin. this is a guy who i think is really demonstrating that the republican party has lost its way and abandoned its core principles. >> but speaking of faith, i mean what does mormon mafia tool even mean? >> well, i've asked that same question, alisyn. i'd really love if lou dobbs would have me on, and i would love to ask him that very question. i'd love to hear him describe exactly what is the mormon mafia. i think it would be pretty interesting to hear. i don't know what it means. but i will tell you that it isn't surprising that a supporter of donald trump, not that they're all this way i want to make that clear, but the hallmark of donald trump's campaign has been to attack people based on their race and religion and all of this. and so it's not a surprise to me at all. we're kind of having fun with it. but the truth is that this country is for everyone. this country is for people of all races and religions, and
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certainly both genders are equal and should be treated as such. that's something that if you don't understand that you have no business leading this country, and i actually have the same criticism of those who are standing with donald trump from the republican party now. it's truly unfortunate if they're not going to stand up for americans who are being attacked on these grounds, their religion, their gender, their race, what good are they for leadership of our country? >> well, but, i mean i think the sean hannity's point is that you're actually siphoning votes away from donald trump, and thereby helping to elect hillary clinton. are you comfortable with that being the possible outcome? >> well, i absolutely reject that idea so fundamentally. look, we have a privilege and a right in this country to run for office. i'm availing myself of that right with my running mate. and that's what we're doing. and we're standing up for conservative principles. now, we've got to get away from this idea that we have to vote for either one or two -- or one
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of the two major party candidates. this year they've given us hillary clinton and donald trump. two people who i think are deeply corrupt, and unfit, and self-serving. these are not the kind of leaders we need in this country. this is the greatest country on earth and i believe we have a bright future. but we need leaders who are honest and wise, who will uphold our constitution, and respect the equality and liberty of all. >> i only have a few seconds left. what if you win utah but lose the presidency? then what? >> we're building a new conservative movement and we're excited about that. regardless of what happens on november 8th. obviously we want to do as well as possible. but it's time for a new conservative movement in this country that will be open to people of all races and religions and both genders will welcome millennials into the fold. this is the future. we're winning the millennials here in utah by a large margin even over hillary clinton so that's the future. that's what we're building. and i believe that's the kind of leadership this country needs. >> evan mcmullin great to get
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your perspective on these positions. thanks so much for talking to us. >> let's get to chris. >> all right, so trump keeps saying the election is rigged. but clinton warns it's an effort to keep her supporters home on election day. is that true? there is a basis. we'll discuss it next with senator claire mccaskill. ♪
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let's get comfortable with our food again. time now for the five things to know for your new day. number one the ntsb is investigating why a charter plane carrying republican vp nominee mike pence and 47 other people skidded off the runway at laguardia airport last night. luckily no one was hurt. >> donald trump telling his supporters the election should be canceled. he should be declared the winner. meantime, hillary clinton campaigned for the first time with michelle obama. a university of wisconsin student charged with sexually assaulting five women. authorities say 20-year-old alex cook kept notebooks documenting what he was doing to the women he was stalking. a jury awarding a california woman more than $70 million in her lawsuit against johnson &
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johnson. she says the company's use of talc in its baby powder caused her to contract ovarian cancer. the philippines new president rodrigo duterte says he's promised god that he will stop swearing. the bombastic leader said the lord spoke to him on his return trip to japan threatening to bring the plane down if he did not stop using foul language. duterte raised eyebrows for using vulgar language towards world leaders including president obama. >> thoughts? >> god cannot be happy with your language, either. for more on the five things to know go to for the latest. >> i was going a different direction with that. i was going to say talking to god, good thing. god talking back to you -- >> i don't know about that. a lot of people talk to god on plaens. >> do they answer? >> i don't know. perhaps. >> we're counting down to election day but donald trump this we should just end the drama now. listen. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to
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trump, right? what are we having? her policies are so bad. >> it's all part of his overall case that the election is rigged. especially if he loses. he said that's the case. there are some revelations though from wikileaks that are also stirring the pot here. voters may be starting to take trump's claims seriously. joining us now is democratic senator claire mccaskill from missouri. she's a clinton supporter, make the case that donald trump is trying to rig/suppress your vote for clinton. how? >> well, as usual, donald trump is fact free. the notion that the most resilient and admired democracy in the world is now subject to election rigging is preposterous. people need to understand that our election process is decentralized. it's controlled by local republican and democratic elected officials all over this country. individually in counties and states.
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frankly, it would be impossible to rig an election in the united states of america. so donald trump is doing what he does best. he is whining, he is making excuses, he is frankly running down the united states of america in a way that hurts our democracy and is very unpatriotic. >> but he is giving voice to something that, one, a lot of people would like to believe, whether or not it's true. and, two, plays to your candidate's disadvantage. and that is, the system. it's all interconnected and intertwined whether it's what's going on with washington insiders, like you mccaskill, or the media, like alisyn camerota, or other people who are conspiring to take away their power. people believe it, donald trump gives voice to it. and hillary clinton is an example of that system and the status quo. effective politics makes it okay? no i don't think so. i get it that people want change. but let's be realistic about what change can happen with a
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guy like donald trump. i mean this is somebody who doesn't talk to anybody but himself. he doesn't listen to others. he's not thoughtful. he's not even interested in understanding the complex public policy and the problems that confront our country. on the other hand, hillary clinton has a record of working across the aisle. . of actually getting things done. of not getting up. of continuing to fight for the things that americans really care about. so i, i, i really think that donald trump is so disappointing because we've never had a candidate for president in my lifetime that has failed to inspire, and that has instead spent most of his campaign making things up, not telling the truth, and frankly running our country down and our military down. >> but you have two candidates in this race who are wildly unpopular, especially where integrity is involved. how do you make the case to people who come up to you and say, look, i don't like what trump says but i don't like what clinton does. look at these wikileaks, whether
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it's the e-mail servers, or these memos that show that when it comes to the foundation, the government role, and their pocket, there's too much threading across all of these that there's stink there. what do you say? >> well, i -- i get perception. but i think it's important to stay focused on reality. the reality is that the clinton foundation has done incredible work around the globe and gets very high scores from independent watchdogs on charitable organizations. on the other hand, the trump foundation has paid off his legal bills, has engaged in illegal payments to candidates, and frankly, all you need to know is they bought a six foot portrait of donald trump. i think those two comparisons turn out pretty well for the clinton foundation, and on top of that, chris, the state department has said over and over again that hillary clinton never took into account any activities of the clinton foundation when she was acting on behalf of the united states -- >> it looks bad.
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she recognized that during the confirmation process for secretary of state. she said that she would do something to make sure that there was not a semblance of impropriety. didn't seem to have worked. why don't they just get out of that foundation business, leave it to the red cross and catholic charities and everybody else who does that work and keep this idea of conflict clean, especially if she is to win this election and become president? >> well, certainly the transparency is there. they list all their donors, unlike many other foundations. obviously their finances have been an open book for decades. both with their personal financial disclosures and their tax returns. and also they're taking additional steps. but at the end of the day, they're doing incredible work. they're helping people, countries cure malaria. they're helping women across the world in terms of starting businesses. they are doing great work and i think it's hard for them to give up the charitable work that is what the foundation is really all about. >> senator claire mccaskill,
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thank you very much for making the case for clinton here on "new day." have a good weekend >> thank you. you too. >> okay so is there a real effort on either side to suppress the vote and could that even work? we're going to get the bottom line on that next. >> and programming note, this sunday on parts unknown with anthony bourdain he's going to take a drive through houston. you're going to get a firsthand look at the must-have food scene parts unknown houston. sunday night at 9:00 eastern. want a taste? >> yes. >> here it is. ♪ i wake up in the morning ain't got no time to chill i got to get my cash right ♪ >> l.a. may have low riders but houston has slab. its own car culture with his own accompanying sound, its own chopped and screwed hip-hop style. ♪
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you look 59 texas, a lot of calls were made from texas, an incredible place. the lines were massive and they were talking about flipping. you know where they press a button and they press it for me and another name comes up name hillary clinton. >> do we have any data on that? do we have any facts on that? >> no, they just call in --
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>> that was donald trump stoking fierce of voter fraud. but texas top election official who is a republican refutes that claim 100%. let's get to the bottom line with cnn's political commentator and former obama senior adviser david axelrod. good morning, david. >> good morning, you guys. >> what are we to make of where we are with people believing donald trump in terms of a rigged election because you know, what he does, if he's citing this one isolated incident -- >> he's not just citing that incident -- >> he's jumping off this incident where a woman on facebook talked about how she marked down the republican ticket straight down the ticket and it flipped to hillary clinton. she put it out on facebook. it was shared 10,000 times and he seized on it. >> yeah, well it, it, it, it, it supports his story line, and his story line is that the election is rigged that somehow it's going to be taken from him. even though, as is the case in texas, most of the secretaries
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of state who are republicans vehemently deny that. i think the bigger concern he should have about texas are polls that suggest that he only has a three point lead there. which is kind of stunning given the history of the state. so you know i think the greater concern is that donald trump is stoking among his supporters a sense of illegitimacy about this process. so once the process is over, you're going to have a group that is not going to accept the result of the election. it's dangerous for democracy, honestly. >> you hear mike pence, allison and i have been going back and forth if he had said there was this woman on facebook and here's what she said at least he's basing it on something. he said calls are coming in -- he's already -- >> he's exaggerating it. >> he never vetted it. it was vetted by republican officials and found to not be a problem. you hear that in make pence's now grudging nod towards what
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trump is saying while then trying to balance back to some form of reality. listen to this. well, we hope it's isolated. but look our elections are administered on the state level by our state governments. we want a victory on election day but we also want a victory for american democracy. and, when we're all involved, republican, democrats, independents to ensure the integrity of the vote that's good for america. >> do you trust the voting process? >> i think i do very broadly in america. what do you think about the difference in that message from what his running mate is saying? >> poor mike pence has been in this position throughout. i call him trump's rationality translator. he -- he takes these things and he tries to -- and tries to justify them without bending too far and going too far in the direction that he clearly doesn't believe. he knows that elections are not rigged in this country.
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and he knows that it's dangerous to suggest otherwise. but, donald trump throughout this campaign has used this technique well, i'm not saying this but many people have said -- >> right. >> -- and then he office whatever it is that he wants to say. you know, many people haven't said it. okay. one woman on facebook isn't many people. it isn't calls coming in. but it creates its own momentum. these kinds of stories when they're repeated in this way. >> and, there were calls that came in to different precincts, and they were investigated, and the machines were dealt with or not dealt with, substantiated or not and the gop secretary of state said everything's fine. so, on money i want to get your head on this. i don't want people to get lost in the numbers. you can put them up if you like seeing big numbers, there's a specific question. trump says he's going to put $100 million in. that was a big sell for a lot of gopers also that this guy can help us make up the cash gap. he has only put in $30,000 this
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month. he sent me an e-mail as a potential donor saying i will triple your giving this month. a lot of people got it. he was actually like at a fifth of what they raised this month. you ran campaigns. you know how cash is an exage genesee especially at the end of the race. what do you think of this situation not putting in his own money as he promised. >> well if you sent your contribution in, chris, maybe he would have put in a little more. >> i didn't say i did, didn't i. didn't say if i did or i didn't, did i? >> but the -- the -- look, the bigger -- the reality is he's not raising the money. he has never put in quite as much as he said that he would. there's always been this question about how liquid he is and how much money he could put in to the race, and he's also -- he's paid himself quite a bit of money, the one line in his report speaks of all the money that his properties he receives and rents from his campaign, his
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plane has leased the campaign and so on. but the bigger story is the lack of contributions from traditional republican donors that are flowing heavily to down ballot races. there's been a decision on the part of the republican donors or many of the major republican donors that trump probably won't win this election but they have to try and save the united states senate, they have to try and save the house, or at least maintain, a large gap in the house between republicans and democrats. that's where all the money is going. so you have yes on the one story trump hasn't put in what he said he would but the bigger story is that the republicans giving community is not going to -- they're putting their bets on congress, not on trump. >> david axelrod. thank you very much for the bottom line. >> good luck to your cubs. cnn is proud to announce the top ten cnn heroes of 2016. each honoree receives a cash prize and a shot at the top honor cnn hero of the year.
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5:53 am
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this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. late night hosts already looking forward to election night. here are your late night laughs.
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>> hillary's campaign just sent out save the date invitations for her election night celebration here in new york city. i think when bill asked if he could bring a plus one. >> just when you think he can't top himself he's now targeting indian american voters. this is a real campaign ad. we didn't do anything to it. this is how it's edited. this is exactly what they put out. >> i look forward to working with prime minister modi. trump sarcar. we love the hindus. we love india. i'm donald trump, and i approve this message. >> you do? because it's hard to imagine any part of that being approved. but, mike pence saw that his plane skidded right off the runway today. >> michelle obama joined hillary clinton on the campaign trail today, said michelle fine i'll go but i'm not wearing the necklace. >> that's awesome.
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>> who won? >> my daughters have those. >> was that a real ad? >> it was real we're told. >> well then you can't win. because then that's not fair you can just play the real ad. >> so who won? >> okay. jimmy kimmel. >> he's the one who did the ad. >> who was the last one -- >> "newsroom" with carol costello begins right after this short break. >> have a nice weekend, everybody. prepare for challenges specific to your business by working with trusted advisors who help turn obstacles into opportunities. experience the power of being understood. rsm. audit, tax and consulting for the middle market.
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5:59 am
this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever.
6:00 am
let's get comfortable with our food again. and good morning, i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. new drama both on and off the campaign trail as we now stand just eleven days away from electing the next president of the united states. both trump and clinton are in iowa where the latest polls show the race too close to call. but clinton appears confident of a win, intimating that joe biden could be her secretary of state. in the meantime, cleaning crews are wrapping up at laguardia airport after mike pence's plane makes a rough landing and skids off the runway. no one hurt. pence this morning downplaying the scare. >> it happened so fast, alisyn, that it was almost over before it began.


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